#waveclan lore
clangenthriftclan · 7 months
A little bit of a Thriftclan lore summary
It's actually pretty long, and since I've only dropped bits and pieces of information in different places I figured I'd consolidate it. Under the read only link will be mentions of death (even kit death)/violence/possible spoilers. Sorry its a little weird ! The whole thing is imporv using the prompts I get from Clangen, and I typically play only 10 moons in advance. It might have been more put together if I played the whole run and plotted after, but its kind of a writing experiment for me! Also if you have questions you can ask living Thriftclan characters things directly! My ask box is open!
Cherryclaw and Wishstripe, the founders of Thriftclan, were from a previous clan known as Waveclan. Cherryclaw served as the deputy while Wishstripe, Wishkit at the time, was the leader's grandkit. 
Cherryclaw was especially close with Wishkit's mother Pinksea, even though Pinksea was actually involved with the medicine cat Littlewhisker. Beyond her lovesick catgay pining on Pinksea things were going alright. As alright as clanlife typically is at least. This is until Littlewhisker gets an ominous omen from starclan, which foretold the destruction of most of Waveclan, with the promise it will grow back stronger.
Cherryclaw is wary of this omen at first, but her faith in starclan starts to falter, and she seeks ways to prevent the omen from ever happening. This is seen as disobeying the will of starclan in Redstar's eyes. This faith is tested as more and more cats suffer, and Pinksea loses most of her kits. Cherryclaw tries to convince Pinksea to run away with her and she refuses, and her questioning of faith is noticed by her other clanmates and more importantly her leader.
As things get worse and worse, Cherryclaw believes her only action she can take to save the last kit in the clan is to take Wishkit herself and find somewhere safe to raise her. Wishkit is too young to remember her origins, but she knows even from an early age that Cherryclaw isn't her real mother, influenced by a shadowy figure that has haunted her and Thriftclan since the beginning. Despite its ominous presence, it seems to want to guide Wishstripe throughout life, and even try to open her eyes to the truth. Though originally it seems benevolent, its presence in the clans has taken an almost overbearing turn at times.
Cherryclaw's guilt of what she's done weighs heavily on her, and though she believes she did what was right to ensure the young cat's safety, she no longer sees herself fit to be a deputy. Despite being respected as a founder and senior warrior in the new clan she refuses to take up deputyship again.
Thriftclan has been subject to hostilities from cats they don't know. (And a dogs, which are unaligned its just a dog) Despite assuming that these have been rogues, most of the cats they've run into have been harmless and even friendly. The new cats presence has been more and more noticeable until they have admitted they have settled into territory surrounding Thriftclan's.
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In the newest moon, its officially revealed that Waveclan is back. And, because of Cherryclaw's betrayal, and technical kidnapping of the leader's granddaughter, they're not particularly happy with this new arrangement, declaring war on the new clan by attacking the leader and deputy. Cherryclaw is the only one capable of recognizing the hint Shrewkick managed to snag before he was killed. Sharpstar survived with her other lives either by Cherryclaw being mistaken for the leader, or by their attacker not believing that she'd be granted actual lives from starclan by questioning the legitamency of this clan.
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Other things in the comic/clangen run that might be lore relevent are: -Starclan travels with its clans. Before starclan was formed for Thriftclan, there was only the shadowy figure looking after Wishstripe. When Cloudjump passed away, he was the first resident of this starclan. In its brand new state its almost like a void, and it will be built up by the residents over time. They established a connection point with the living through an eternal flame ignighted by lightning.
-Shrewkick's history involves a flood, just to maybe get you thinking
-Pinkpaw was named after Pinksea. Also she is a dream walker, and has been present in dreams and starclan sequences.
Some refs of Waveclan cats you've seen so far:
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lostcoastclans · 2 years
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Here it is, the WaveClan piercing guide! We hope this is helpful for anyone who intends to draw a reference for their WaveClan characters, and gives folks more insight into WaveClan’s culture!
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under-the-stars-rp · 5 years
June 2019 UTS kit applications!
With the recent birth of two litters of kits uts is opening back up for a limited time! But do not fret if you are unable to nab a kit this time around, we still have many warriors open for rpers!
Now, onto the kits!
First litter of open kits are a BreezeClan bunch! All girls these triplets are born to a crossclan couple; Mousepelt, the PineClan flower speaker and Baybreeze, a BreezeClan warrior. How this will affect their life isn’t certain yet, for BreezeClan currently doesn’t know their heritage
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Squirrelkit | Softkit | Eaglekit
The next batch of kits belongs to a happy couple, Faststream and Tidecall! Born between the WaveClan deputy and a WaveClan warrior the future looks bright for this litter of kits, but who knows what the future has in store for them!
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Pebblekit | Rockkit | Fernkit (blind)
While these kits have assigned sexes, we do not mind if their genders are changed! UTS is 100% lgbt friendly and any homophobic/transphobic/lgbtphobic behaviour is banned and results in an instant ban. So if you wish to make your character trans/non-binary go ahead!
Before we wrap this up we do wish to remind you to read over our rules before joining! And maybe read over the lore respective to the clan you’re joining if you’d like to know a little more about how the clan works!
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fan-clan-fun · 5 years
I have zero chill
I have like four separate WIPs for this blog and here I am seriously considering the possibility of starting a discord rp group? Maybe? Anyway, interest check on that, would anybody be interested in a discord server based on my three North Carolina Coastal clans? That would be Waveclan (the ocean/swamp/field clan), Rootclan (foresty clan) and Ferryclan (the urban clan). I already have most of the lore, since I once had a forum rp with them, so all I would have to do is transfer it/tweak it a bit. It would be 16+ since their religion has some pretty hardcore death rituals, and as I mentioned before as a 24 year old it would be not great to be a mod for anyone younger, but if I did decide to make this, would anyone be interested?
That said I am still working on the few requests I have had, and actually have one or two queued, and the WIPs, but Im.... considering the possibility of starting a discord server in a few weeks. Let me know what you all think!
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lostcoastclans · 2 years
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WaveClan Unique Rank | Multiple | art by @rainstride
A select group within WaveClan, warriors vastly outnumber the argonauts in the Clan at any given time, and this has been the trend throughout the rank’s history – both because an argonaut’s duties can be rather risky, and because some are more inclined to be homebodies than the adventurous spirit being an argonaut typically demands.
Argonauts are tasked with the restoration and maintenance of historically or culturally significant sites, and with the exploration of the territory’s furthest reaches to contribute to the archivist’s records. Argonauts are often the first to investigate any changes that may befall the territory following things like storms, and may act similarly to a lifeguard or first responder if a Clanmate is injured or trapped in dangerous terrain. They work to avert the deterioration of historical sites; they will often dive to remove debris like rocks or sea life from the surface of underwater landmarks, and do much the same at low tide when they are more easily accessible. Investigating new or lesser-explored areas of the territory, such as the caves, tidal islands, sandbars, atolls, etc., for resources and relics is equally important. While the majority of the exploration part of an argonaut’s duties is spent planning expeditions, with expeditions only happening once every half or full moon, exploration can uncover new places to hunt or collect herbs that are useful to the Clan, and argonauts may be tasked with recovering the remains of cats who may have perished in hard-to-access locations. Additionally, though it is not a prescribed duty, argonauts are often the most knowledgeable about both land and sea wildlife, and similarly are the most likely group to interact with fauna that can verbally communicate. Cats must be trained into this role, and can only be selected for it by the Clan leader and other argonauts after a cat has received their warrior name.
Argonauts may perform warrior duties like hunting and patrolling, but their focus is on expeditions and maintenance tasks.
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lostcoastclans · 2 years
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WaveClan Unique Rank | Singular | art by @rainstride
Archivists are the Clan’s recordkeepers, keeping track of the Clan’s history in the form of both stories and lessons, and shanties, hymns, and other songs. These cats are both knowledgeable and artistic, not only memorizing the oral history of WaveClan’s past, but also chronicling major events occurring in the Clan throughout their own lifetimes. An archivist is not chosen from birth or apprenticeship, but rather it is a position given specifically to a senior member of the Clan, when an older archivist feels it’s time to choose a senior warrior to train as a successor.
Archivists keep track of events within the Clan such as births, deaths, rank changes, and more. They are generally very eager to share their knowledge and to collect more tidbits of history. Though archivists are largely uninvolved in the political aspect of leadership, they are viewed as community organizers, and may conduct certain ceremonies – such as weddings, funerals, and the promotion of new argonauts – and lead celebrations or festivals within the Clan. Archivists can also be an invaluable resource in assessing situations dealing with natural processes or events, such as tides, weather, flooding, rockslides, and more. If something has occurred before in the Clan’s history, then it may not be cause for concern, or if it is, there may well be a protocol for dealing with it. Archivists also work very closely with the Clan’s argonauts, often the first that the argonauts report to after an expedition, and typically the keeper of any artifacts recovered on those expeditions that the argonauts do not use for piercings.
An archivist’s job, while not always physically demanding, is one that requires thoroughness and dedication, and archivists typically take to their work with pride. Whether they are advising the leader and deputy in crisis management, noting reports and recovered artifacts from argonauts’ expeditions, or working with the monarchs to begin educating kits on the Clan’s history, there is joy to be found in performing and sharing their duties. What’s better than whistling while you work being your work?
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lostcoastclans · 2 years
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In WaveClan, the afterlife is twofold: the stars hold the spirit, and the ocean holds the body. The ocean is considered the pathway to the afterlife, but, as it is transient, no physical aspect of the ocean is directly tied to spirits. While the stars and the ocean may not be seen as literal representations of the Clan’s ancestors, both are seen as vital to the Clan’s connection to StarClan. Trained healers may read signs from StarClan in both the waves and the night sky, and many in WaveClan feel close to their ancestors with both so close to them.
StarClan does not necessarily factor into day-to-day life for all WaveClanners; cats are encouraged to operate within the Clan and protect one another of their own accord rather than wait for signs from StarClan to tell them what to do, even in dire situations. However, signs from StarClan interpreted by the Clan’s healers are taken very seriously, and there are few recorded accounts of WaveClan healers missing half-moon trips to the Tidefall. It is customary for apprentices to be required to accompany the healers to the Tidefall at least once during their training before they earn their warrior names, and healers are treated with great respect for their abilities to act as guides or advisors for their Clanmates in addition to healing them. Healers are also the undertakers of the Clan, and help to manage burial rites for the deceased.
[ art by @mudpool-art ]
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lostcoastclans · 2 years
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[ art by @rainstride ]
Official map of the coastal territories! The left map features more color and detail in the lands of the Clans, and right map features territory divisions! (Hatched areas of the right map indicate land that is in conflict / has recently changed ownership, and the gray areas indicate neutral or truce territory.)
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lostcoastclans · 2 years
Welcome to the Lost Coast!
Lost Coast Clans is a Warrior Cats roleplaying group set in Northern California, in a fictionalized version of a relatively remote region known as the Lost Coast, though the setting takes inspiration from various landscapes and features of California. The story is inspired by fantasy and gothic literature! The server will feature an emphasis on players’ in-character choices and efforts to solve problems or mysteries, interactions with Clanmates and rival Clans, and individualized, unique cultures specific to each Clan. The overarching story we will be telling relies in player participation, and will include fantasy, supernatural, horror, and mystery elements!
Players will have the choice of joining one of three Clans – MeadowClan, inhabitants of the windswept coastal prairies, keepers of diverse knowledge and unravellers of mysteries; WaveClan, inhabitants of the beaches and coastal cliffs, eager singers and explorers of many storied histories and artifacts; or MarshClan, inhabitants of the tidal salt marshes, swashbuckling seekers of joyous challenges and beautiful individuality.
The RP begins at the end of a harsh storm season. MarshClan’s territory suffered severe flooding, the rain and tides having harsh effects on the Clan’s herb supplies and food – enough to prompt them to take a portion of what was once WaveClan’s territory along the beach. Flooding affected WaveClan as well, exceptionally high tides and frequently rain-slicked cliffs made traversing their own territory dangerous, and the death of WaveClan’s healer apprentice has prompted dissent on whether to offer aid to the other Clans at all. MeadowClan, while the the least directly adversely affected by the storm season, struggled to recover after an off-season fire prior the storm season damaged their herb supplies, leading some warriors to wander over borders in search of ways to provide for the Clan.
After a Gathering gone unattended by all Clans due to extremely harsh storms, all three Clans now welcome the arrival of the dry season. Grieving the losses of the storm season and preparing to deal with the consequences of desperate actions, the Clans now also must face an increase in the presence of larger wildlife and predators in their lands – some of whom seem to be acting… strangely.
Further information about each of the Clans, setting, and plot can be found in the side tabs / mobile links. Stay tuned for additional lore soon to be posted to the blog!
We intend to open high rank applications on August 12th, and general applications on August 19th.
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