#argonaut info
stripedsunhat · 4 months
Watching Jason and the Argonauts. It lives in such a weird space in my brain.
I like old movies
I like Greek mythology
I like the myth of Jason
I like old sword and sandal movies (I to prefer the cheaper, cornier ones on the whole, but I like the quality ones too)
I will watch it pretty much every time I see it's on
I do not care about anything that's going on in it except for the scenes with claymation
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amiti-art · 11 months
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Admetus and Alcestis my beloveds!!!! I love them so much, their myth is so underratted.
Some info for those who never heard of them:
Admetus was a king of Pherae, he was one of the argonauts and took part in the hunt for Calydonian boar. After Apollo killed the Cyclopes (to avenge Asclepius' death) he was banished from Olympus by Zeus and ordered to serve Admetus. And the fell in love because of course they did.
Alcestis was a princess of Iolus. She had many suitors so her father said that she will only marry a man who will came to her riding a chariot drawn by a boar and a lion. Apollo helped Admetus with this task and Admetus and Alcestis got married.
Admetus however was supposed to die a few years later and when Apollo found out about it he tricked the Fates (by some accounts he made them drunk lmao) and they agreed to let Admetus live but only if he finds someone to die in his place. Admetus was known for his hospitality, justice and kindness but despite that nobody wanted to take his place, not even his old parents. In the end Alcestis volunteered. In Euripides' "Alcestis" Apollo tried to convince Thanatos to not take Alcestis but left after he prophesied that Heracles will save her. (it's also implied that Apollo was ready to fight Thanatos for her, because he came with a weapon and when Thanatos asked him why does he have a bow on him, Apollo only says that he always carry it. 🙃)
Admetus couldn't imagine living without his wife so he wanted to die with her but she told him that he has to stay alive and care for their children and Admetus swore that he will never remarry. Apollo's prophecy came true and on the day Thanatos came for Alcestis, Heracles visited Admetus and when he found out about Alcestis' death he went to her tomb and wrestled Thanatos until he gave Alcestis' soul back. A happy ending for once 💕
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the-mortuary-witch · 2 months
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Hermes is a Greek god who is known as the messenger of the gods, the god of travelers, and the god of commerce. In Greek mythology, Hermes is a son of Zeus and the nymph Maia, and he is often depicted as a swift and clever god who is able to move quickly and silently. As the messenger of the gods, Hermes is responsible for transporting messages and news between the gods and mortals, and he is also known as the god of thieves and cunning. Hermes is often portrayed as a young and athletic figure, with curly hair and a mischievous or sly expression.
Appearance: Hermes is often depicted as a graceful and athletic figure. He is typically portrayed as young and handsome, with curly hair and a mischievous or sly expression. He is often shown wearing a traveller's hat or cap and winged sandals, which enable him to move quickly and silently. He also often carries a caduceus, a staff entwined with two snakes, which is a symbol of his role as a messenger of the gods.
Personality: he is known for his quick wit, cleverness, and mischievous nature. He is often portrayed as a god of communication, travel, and commerce, and he is known for being able to move quickly and silently. Hermes is also known for his love of pranks and tricks, and he is often depicted as a god of thieves and cunning. Despite his playful side, Hermes is also considered to be a wise and understanding god, and he is often depicted as a god of wisdom and knowledge.
Symbols: caduceus, shepherds pipes, travellers hat, lyre, rooster, talaria, winged helmet, tortoise, and satchel or pouch Talaria, and petasos
God of: messenger of the Gods, heraldry, omens, poetry and fables, trade, travel, boundaries, thieves, education, psychopomp, wealth, luck, roadways, animal husbandry, sleep, language, and known as the divine trickster
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: palm tree, crocus flower, Greek strawberry trees, hydrangeas, chrysanthemum, almond tree, iris, and marjoram
Crystals: alexandrit, amethyst, smoky quartz, hematite, agate, orange quartz, amber, citrine, peridot, quartz, malachite, ruby, bloodstone, and orange topaz
Animals: hummingbirds, tortoise, hare, cattle, hawk, goat, fish, ram, snake, and rooster
Incense: frankincense, myrrh, saffron, and dragon’s blood
Colours: gold, red, silver, copper, yellow, orange, grey, light blue, and green
Number: 4
Zodiac: Gemini
Tarot: Judgment, The Magician, The Fool, The Hierophant, The Hermit, The Star, and Suit of Swords
Planet: Mercury
Days: Wednesday, April Fools Day, 4th of every month, Hermea, Noumenia, Pompaia, Heliogenna, Anthesteria (maybe), Asklepia (maybe), Olympeia (maybe), Bendideia (maybe), Panathenaia (maybe), Eleusinia (maybe), Zeus Epoptes (maybe), Genesios (maybe), and Theseia (maybe)
Parents: Zeus and Maia
Siblings: N/A
Partners: Aphrodite, Brimo, Daeira, Peitho, Persephone, Penelopeia, and Palaestra
Children: Evander, Pan, Hermaphroditus, Abderus or Abderos, Autolycus, Eudoros, Angelia, Myrtilus, Palaestra, Aethalides (Argonaut), Arabius, Bounos or Bunus, Cephalus, Cydon, Pharis, Polybus, Prylis, and Saon or Samon
• Winged sandals: according to Greek mythology, Hermes had a pair of winged sandals that he used to fly around the world.
• Caduceus: the caduceus is a staff with two snakes wrapped around it, and it is a symbol of Hermes and his role as a messenger.
• Thieves and tricksters: Hermes was often associated with thieves and tricksters, reflecting his role as a god of cunning and wit.
• Commerce and trade: he was also associated with commerce and trade, and was often invoked for success in business or financial endeavors.
• Messages and communication: Hermes was the god of messages and communication, and he was often invoked for help in sending or receiving important information.
• Travel and transportation: as a messenger and a god of travel, Hermes was often associated with the sea, rivers, and roads, and was invoked for protection and safe passage.
• Poetry and arts: Hermes was also associated with the arts, particularly music and writing, and was said to have created the first lyre, which he gave to Apollo.
• Magic and witchcraft: he was often associated with magic and witchcraft, and was believed to possess some magical powers himself.
• One of the more popular myths of Hermes is the myth of him stealing Apollo’s cattle as a baby. Hermes was freshly born, escaped his crib and stole his half-brother’s herd of cattle. In order to avoid getting caught, Hermes plays some devious and clever tricks, though the tricks he plays depends on the myth-teller. At some point on his journey with the cattle he finds a tortoise whose shell he turns into the very first lyre. Inevitably he gets caught by Apollo but the sun god is so charmed by the lyre that he allows Hermes to keep the cattle or at least forgives him.
• Not only this myth, but others depict him as a trickster who enjoys a good prank.
• Hermes was known to be the patron god of Arcadia as he was born in Mount Cyllene in Arcadia according to Homer.
• Hermes is also a psychopomp, a traveler between the realms of the living and dead who aides souls headed to the Underworld.
• He was notably charming, even as a baby, considered a darling of the gods where many of the deities in the pantheon would teach or entertain young Hermes.
• Hermes was said to have invented wrestling and racing.
• He is often depicted as both young and old, as a mediator between god and man, and as a dream bringer. It’s possible that this ties into his involvement as an initiator for young adulthood.
• The Hermea were festivals held in honor of Hermes.
• Hermes’ staff or wand, the caduceus (staff with two snakes wound around it), is often mistaken for the Rod of Asclepius (staff with one snake wound around it).
• Inventor of fire: Hermes is credited with inventing fire, which he used to cook the stolen cattle.
• Protector of flocks: Hermes is also known to protect shepherds and their flocks, ensuring their safety and fertility.
• He likes rock music because of its high energy, energy drinks (especially red bull and original monster), elephants, yellow things, bergamot, dogwood, and vanilla.
Create a dedicated space on your altar or in your home for Hermes, with objects associated with him, such as the caduceus, winged sandals, or a statue of the god. Make offerings to Hermes, such as incense, food, or small trinkets. Set aside time each day to connect with Hermes through meditation, prayer, or journaling, and ask for his guidance or assistance. Take up activities that are associated with Hermes, such as writing, traveling, or communicating.
"Great and wise Hermes, messenger of the gods, I call upon you to be with me now. Guide me on my journey, and fill me with your wisdom and wit. Help me to communicate clearly and effectively, and to approach each new challenge with confidence and ease.”

“Hail Lord Hermes, swift as the wind, cunning as a fox, and wise as the stars.
I open myself to your presence and await your guidance. So mote it be."
• A strong desire to learn, especially in the areas of communication, travel, or creative expression.
• Increased synchronicities or occurrences of things that are related to Hermes, such as twinning (seeing identical numbers), winged sandals, the caduceus, or the symbol for Mercury.
• A feeling of being inspired or compelled to take action, particularly in a situation that requires quick thinking or communication.
• Recurrent dreams or visions involving Hermes or objects associated with him, such as winged sandals or the caduceus.
• Sudden onset of good luck or fortunate opportunities, especially in areas related to communication or travel.
• An increased sense of curiosity or playful energy, such as a desire to explore new places or learn new skills.
• A feeling of being guided or protected, as if a benevolent presence is watching over you.
• An increased sense of intuition or insight, as if Hermes is guiding your thinking or decision-making.
• Rocks, specifically stacked rocks from the roadside.
• Koumara.
• Petasos (winged helmet).
• Talaria (winged sandals).
• Naturally shed feathers.
• Animal skins.
• Silver or golden objects.
• Food and drinks: white or red wine, olive oil, water, citrus fruit, honey, strawberries, milk, chocolate, wheat, lemons, almonds, cinnamon, coffee/energy drinks (especially red bull and original monster), candy, ramune, foreign foods, candies, or drinks, cheeses, shepherds pie, mutton, pork, beef, eggs, cookie dough ice-cream, blackberries, apricots, chamomile tea, beer, pineapple, bread, and milk mixed with honey.
• Statues/depictions of him.
• Herbs: cinnamon, feverfew, mint, dill, mustard, parsley, angelica, poppy seed, and coriander.
• Souvenirs/objects from trips.
• Incense: frankincense, myrrh, saffron, and dragon’s blood.
• Zodiac or astrology related items.
• Souvenirs from your trips.
• Coins and money (unique or foreign).
• Silver/yellow/orange/red candles.
• Stamps.
• Turtle shaped objects.
• Sunglasses.
• Depictions/imagery of cattle’s, turtles, rams, hawks, hares, rooster, guard dogs, and snakes.
• Dice.
• Maps.
• Flowers: crocus flower, hydrangeas, and chrysanthemum.
• Wands.
• Musical instruments.
• Rock or indie music.
• Foreign items.
• Write poetry.
• Play pranks, I won’t advocate for harsh pranks, personally, but he is known as a trickster so do with that what you will.
• Travel, he is the patron god of travellers.
• Watch a funny show or movie.
• Watch travel videos.
• Play or watch sports, he is known as a god of athletics and during his festival days people would play sports.
• Pray to him.
• Go to the gym or otherwise exercise, he has been cited as the patron deity of gyms.
• Learn astrology.
• Learn about agriculture and animal husbandry.
• Practice public speaking.
• Write His stories, poems, or jokes.
• Donate to homeless shelters.
• Honour the dead.
• Honour his children and his companions.
• Build a cairn, DO NOT STACK ROCKS IN NATURE as it disrupts the natural environment! However, feel free to build one on your porch or in your house with rocks you may already have.
• Watch a comedy special.
• Write letters and send them.
• Learning how to make drinks (wine, alcoholic mixed drinks, juices, etc).
• Traveling.
• Celebrate Hermea, I was unable to find a set date-range for these festivals. Some suggested around the beginning of August, possibly due to his conflation with the Irish god Lugh’s holiday Lughnasadh; others suggested May 15 due to the Roman god Mercury’s holiday Mercuralia. That said, he was known to be worshipped during other holidays in Greek tradition alongside other deities.
• Write stories.
• Exploring areas.
• Working.
• Making a money bowl.
• If able, learn a new language, if unable to do that listen to music in a foreign language or watch a movie or show in a foreign language.
• Learn about the Underworld and His role as a psychopomp.
• The story of Him stealing Apollon’s cattle always makes me laugh, so if you’re feeling down maybe read about that or watch a video about it.
• Eat food from a foreign country or watch cooking videos with recipes from foreign countries.
• Make a bucket list of places you’d like to travel (doesn’t necessarily have to be other countries. It can be within your own country or in your own state, or maybe there’s places in your own town/city you haven’t checked out yet that you’d like to go see).
• Learn some geography.
• Listen to or make a devotional playlist for Him.
• Play some board games or card games or dice games
• Learning how to send letters and packages.
• Stand up comedy and memes.
• Roller skating.
In some spiritual and religious traditions, it's considered appropriate to consume an offering that has been given to a deity or other spiritual entity. Some cultures believe that consuming an offering is a way to honor and show commitment to the deity, as well as to express gratitude for the deity's presence and blessings. In the case of consuming an offering to Hermes, some might believe that this is a way to deepen one's connection with the deity and to show respect and devotion. However, it's important to note that not all spiritual and religious traditions view the consumption of offerings in the same way.
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sixteenseveredhands · 7 months
Figurine from Georgia (South Caucasus), c.300-200 BCE: this figurine was found buried in a pit beneath the ruins of an ancient temple; it was decorated with gold jewelry, wrapped in a burial shroud, and then placed in its own special "grave"
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This is one of seven figurines that have been unearthed from similar burial pits throughout the city of Vani, which once served as the cultural, religious, and administrative center for the Kingdom of Colchis. Each figurine was crafted from bronze or iron, decorated with pieces of gold jewelry, wrapped in a special shroud, and then buried in a small "grave" that had been dug beneath (or near) one of the many temples that once stood throughout the city.
From The Golden Graves of Ancient Vani:
... other discoveries at Vani have shed light on Colchian culture. Most compelling are seven metal figurines, dating to 300–200 B.C., that have been discovered both in and near sacred structures at Vani. Adorned with gold jewelry and apparently wrapped in decorated garments, the figures were carefully buried in a way that seems to mimic the human burials at the site. Their precise function remains unclear, but they probably related to local religious and funerary customs.
And the Fitzwilliam Museum (which exhibited some of the artifacts from Vani back in 2008) adds:
Distinct local ritual practices are suggested during [the 3rd century BCE] as can bee seen from the four bronze and iron figurines displayed in the exhibition. These were discovered on the city’s upper terrace and were all buried in or near a sanctuary; this placement may well indicate a religious or funerary function for the figurines. The example illustrated here was placed between two terracotta tiles that were buried in a pit cut into the bedrock, thus mimicking contemporary human burials.
The figurine has a head with disproportionately large features, a low sloping brow, and an elongated torso with bowed arms and stiffly rendered legs. Most striking is its lavish gold jewellery, some of which reflects types worn by those buried at Vani. In addition to gold earrings, a torque (neck ring), and bracelets, five gold rosettes appear to have been strung around the figurine’s head and several pendants were found in its chest area.
The form and detail of their jewellery date the four figurines to the 3rd century BC. Their precise function, surely of local religious nature, still remains a subject of discussion. However, it is worth noting that the intriguing practice of burying such figurines in a ritualistic manner appears to be specific to Vani during its phase as a sanctuary city.
During antiquity, the Kingdom of Colchis covered the Western half of what is now the nation of Georgia, located in the South Caucasus. Colchis was famous for its talented goldsmiths, and it ultimately came to be known as the homeland of the fabled Golden Fleece -- the destination of Jason and the Argonauts, according to the Greek Argonautica.
Sources & More Info:
J. Paul Getty Museum: The Golden Graves of Ancient Vani
Fitzwilliam Museum: Ritual
Fitzwilliam Museum: From the Land of the Golden Fleece
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World: Wine, Worship, and Sacrifice
Journal of Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies: Vani: An Ancient City of Colchis (PDF download)
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cr-noble-writes · 1 year
Mass Effect Master Post
A collection of all my Mass Effect fanfic, meta, and character posts.
Alex Shepard
Alex Shepard Character Info
Alex Shepard Asks Answered:
Greek Mythology from @heroofshield
Edgy/misc OC ask from @rotschopf-thedrow
OC ask from @briarch
OC asks from @crescentbunny
OC asks from @shadoedseptmbr
Shepard asks from @kalliesa
Shepard asks from @parker-of-loxley
Shepard asks from @theoriginalladya
Shepard asks from @rotschopf-thedrow
Shepard asks from @iheartgarrus
The Pigeon Parallel
How Gender is He?
Why Didn't He Join the Commandos?
Teenaged Boy Needs
Percy Jackson
Alex's biotics
OC Headcanon ask from @otemporanerys
Six Song Soundtrack
The last several asks were from @butter-and-too-much-bread
Jackson Shepard
Shepard asks from @gardensystemtv
Shepard asks from @foofyschmoofer
Shepard asks from @ad-astra13
Shepard asks from @spacebunshep
Shepard asks from @pastelroyce
Shepard asks from @dandenbo
OC ask from @briarch
OC ask from @pastelroyce
OC ask from @mtreebeardiles
OC ask from @rotschopf-thedrow
Six Song Soundtrack
Combo posts!
The idealization of parents- ask from @swaps55
Other Mass Effect OCs
OC asks for Nyala Atruzea from @nickelkeep
OC asks for Taedra Atruzea from @swaps55
Sorry for all the tags, but y'all have all legitimately helped me build these characters by asking these questions, and you all deserve credit for that <3
Odyssey- Alex Shepard's canon series, mShep/Reyes, mShenko
New Stars Growing Pains The Upside of Down By The Stars Family Day A New Hope Argonauts
Virtue and Volatility- Jackson Shepard's canon series, mshep/Coats, Willenko
Verisimilitude Vicissitude Viaticum Venatic Vexillum
Can't Live Without You- John Shepard, mShenko
Night Terrors Don't Die, Kaidan Meanwhile, In Starboard Observation All's Fair in Love And Sparring
Canon Compliant
Baby, It's Cold Outside- Alex Shepard, mShenko The Man I Thought You Were- Scott Ryder, mReyder Couldn't Utter My Love- Jackson Shepard/Alex (Shepard) Atruzea, mercenary AU Let Me- Alex Shepard, mShenko Learning- Alex Shepard, mShenko
Alternate Universe
Kiss Me, Not Him- Alex Shepard, mShenko, roommates AU The Ties That Bind- Alex Shepard, mShenko, vampire/fey AU I Shouldn't Hope To Know- Alex Shepard, mShenko, magical Regency AU
Exchange Fics
Some Things Never Change- Shenko Summer 2023, mShenko Gun Mods and Handjobs- Fornax 2023, Venko (Kaidan/Vega) From The Bedside- Spectre Requisitions 2023, fShalibrations (femshep/Tali/Garrus) First, Last, Only- Holiday Hangover 2024, Alenkoats (Kaidan/Coats) Like Real People Do- Big Place 2024, Venko (Kaidan/Coats)
Unattached Fics
ME Drabbles- A collection of drabbles from prompts from the MEFFW discord server Penny For Your Thoughts- mShenko Primitive Pleasures- mShenko Disappointment- Jackson Shepard, pre-Canon Come and Save Me From It- Destiel, Supernatural crossover
Biotic Flora and Fauna of Thessia The Alliance Intelligence Organization Criminal Justice in Asari Space
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ninebaalart · 9 months
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Croc vs Yoshi
this is a lot of rumor-milling, at least the backstory to this, so i probably don't have all the correct info but the story is that argonaut pitched a 3d platformer starring yoshi using the superfx chip they co-developed with nintendo. apparently nintendo shot it down but mysteriously miyamato came up with an idea that became mario 64 and argonaut was busy working on a reworked version of the yoshi pitch that became croc: legend of the gobbos
the timeline on this is a little fuzzy. but brrng hah.
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burningexeter · 5 months
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Here's some more info or trivia on the writer and director of the animated cult film 9, Shane Acker and thankfully unlike last time, there's only five here which is perfect for me:
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• The movie that inspired him to become a filmmaker or even an animator is Jason and the Argonauts which he described as "the film that lit the fire in me and I didn't even know it was there to begin with".
• He's also an avid comic book fan, citing the works of Neil Gaiman and Robert Kirkman as some of his favorites and calling Frank Miller's Ronin as "one of my favorite pieces of literature and it's the ones you'd least expect".
• Has gone back and forth on whether or not he should have a Twitter account: "It could actually be fun and open a lot of new possibilities for a lot of people who are fans of the movie and fans of Crusoe but at the same time even I think there are a lot of dumb motherfuckers online that are easily triggered by anything and aren't remotely worth fucking dealing with".
• On his twisted and darkly comedic short film The Hangnail, here's what he had to say on it: "That just came from me wanting to do something that was insanely dark and comedic. I got tired of doing lighter stuff so I took a crack at this horrifying idea that I made funny in how twisted as hell it was".
• On whether or not his cancelled animated film Deep will ever get resurrected: "I doubt it completely 100%. I gave it the best shot and it fell through, again it happens. Some things just aren't meant to be. But I am also somewhat interested in doing live action which obviously would not at all be a big movie but instead a small-scale and atmospheric movie set underwater. I could take some influence from Deep if I want to with that. The ocean's already a fucking scary as shit place I would never go near so why not?".
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mask131 · 2 years
Roman sources 1 : Roman myths
I was asked by @subjects-of-the-king if I knew of some actual ancient Roman sources about the Roman gods in their specificity. Note that I am NOT an expert on Roman religion, and that I mostly rely on books written by experts and people that studied the Roman religion and culture - but I do know of a few “direct” sources, and I will split them down briefly in two.
The first part here being entirely focused around myths. All the texts below are about Roman authors writing the myths and legends of their mythology - and... if you are interested in the pre-Hellenized Roman gods, it won’t be of any real big use, because as I said, almost all of Roman mythology is just a copy-paste or remake of the Greek one. BUT these texts are without a doubt much needed to understand how the Romans received the Greek legends and how they re-adapted them to their own religion and culture (plus if you want to compare the Greek and Roman versions of the legend, you’ll need them) 
The same way the Greeks myth have two huge literary monuments at their base (Homer and Hesiod’s works), the Roman mythology relies on two big authors that made a bridge between Roman and Greek culture by importing the Greek legends into the Roman world, or creating the first literary Roman legends. These authors are Ovid and Virgil.
Ovid is of course most famed for his “Metamorphoses”, (Transformations), a collection of tales of transformation from the Greek legends, re-adapted for the Roman religion (plus with some purely unique Roman legends). “Metamorphoses” is especially famous due to the reverse-influence it had on the reception of the Greek myths - as I said before, Ovid invented a LOT of rapes of “Classical mythology”, and turned a lot of consensual or un-ambiguous Greek mythological relationships into rapes and sexual abuses. Ovid however wrote many other works that are of relevance to the Roman mythology - two I can quote of the top of my head at “Fasti” (The Festivals) which details the Roman calendar, its various festivals and celebrations and the legends tied to them (so we do have here some additional info about Roman religion itself), and the Heroides (Heroines), which is basically a set of invented letters presenting mythological heroines in a confessional mode. 
The other big behemoth of Roman mythology is without a doubt Virgil, thanks to his most famous work: Aeneid. THE Roman epic poem, conceived as a direct sequel to Homer’s “Iliad”, and inventing a cultural/legendary/historical link tying the Greek mythology to the Roman one, with the founding hero of the Roman civilization, Aeneas. Just like with Ovid, while the Aeneid is his most famous works, Virgil wrote many other pieces very informative about the Roman gods - such as the Georgics, which is... a poem about agriculture basically. But when you remember that originally the pre-Hellenized Roman gods were agricultural and nature gods, centered around a farmer-religion, it makes sense a poem about agricultural chores turns out to contain a lot of info about myths, legends, rites and gods. 
Beyond those two main guys, there are several other authors that made their mark and influence over Roman myths.
# Statius, who wrote two Roman epics; the Thebaid and the Achilleid (two Roman rewrites of Greek myths, respectively the fight of Eteocles and Polynices for the throne of Thebes, and the life of Achilles). Another big Roman epic we know about (but unfinished) is the Argonautica, by Valerius Flaccus - which as the title says is a Roman retelling of the myth of Jason and the Argonauts. 
# Seneca, who was one of the most famous play-writers of Ancient Rome, and left us numerous famous Roman theater plays presenting Roman versions of Greek myths: Medea, Phaedra, Thyestes, Troades, a Roman Oedipus, etc...
# Another BIG author when it comes to Roman myths is without a doubt Hyginus, who produced two works entirely about collecting myths. The first is “Fabulae”, which is one of the biggest myth compilations ever produced by a Roman authors, around three hundred different stories compiled together - though, due to the huge number of stories, Hyginus sacrificed the poetic complexity of Ovid and Virgil, and so he often tells the myths in very short, simplified forms so he could cram as much as he could. His second work is basically the same thing - but this time with a theme, “De Astronomica”, a compilation of myths entirely centered around astronomy and the constellations. 
# Not a Roman author, but a Greek one tackling the Roman stories: I will briefly mention here Plutach’s famous “Parallel Lives”, of their full title “Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans”. As the name says, Plutarch decided to present biographies of famous, noble and legendary Greek and Roman figures, placed together in parallels - and I include the text here because it covers the mythical first rulers of Rome, such as Romulus and Numa Pompilius. 
# I will finish this first list with a very... unusual work. Apuleius “The Golden Ass”, also known as The Metamorphoses of Apuleius. It is a late Roman novel (written somewhere on the second century) and... it is a very strange, unusual weird story. It is an humoristic, bawdy, almost erotic story of a man ending up turned into a donkey by mistake and following the adventures of various people, but it also sometimes turns into grotesque and nightmarish horror (mostly thanks to the constant involvment of terrifying witches), and it ends up as a mystical quest under the Roman cult of the goddess Isis (it shows here the “late” part of the “late Roman era”, since Apuleius’ text depicts a Roman religion stuffed with “foreign gods”). And it contains numerous very influential tales of Greco-Roman legends - most notably, it is in this story that you will find THE most famous and complete version of the myth of Psyche and Cupid, so famous that during European Renaissance it was THIS version of the myth that was known, and no other. 
(A second part of this post will arrive one of these days, centered about texts talking of religion and rites, rather than myths)
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ofglories · 11 months
tagged by: @caemthe thank youuu tagging: @toadmiretoweepover , @grandordergirl , @heroicmenagerie , @voidfragments
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Name: Orpheus Name meaning: "Darkness of Night" Alias: God of Music, Son of Apollo Ethnicity: Greek
He never particularly cared for Dionysus as his divine patron, finding him to be more of a hassle than it was worth. Honestly had it been up to Orpheus he would have dedicated himself to Hestia or even Demeter. But sadly Dionysus called dibs the first time Orpheus made a public appearance with his music, much to Apollo's fury later though it did little in the eyes of Zeus who approved it.
Music is not the only divine gift Orpheus inherited from his father though it is the single-most powerful ability he has. Though he didn't inherit any talents in medicine or archery, he did unfortunately have a minor gift in prophecy. Much to his immense distress as a young child when dreams of the future would strike him and leave him sobbing in fear and confusion in his mother and father's arms.
Apollo did indeed help raise Orpheus personally, even bringing him to the Muses once his talent in music began to make itself known so they could help him refine it. However, Orpheus holds no illusions as to his father's true nature, no matter how much he may love him. And so he'll embrace his role as the favorite and youngest child to call Apollo out on his shenanigans whenever it's necessary.
Flower arranging, a habit picked up from his mother.
Writing poems and songs.
Surprisingly, he enjoys throwing the discus.
His mother, the daughter of the king of Thrace/Macedonia. (nameless because thanks greek mythology)
Asclepius (half-brother, the only one he knew)
Apollo (father)
Eurydice (best friend since childhood)
The rest of the Argonauts except Herakles
Failing to save Eurydice from the Underworld. She didn't deserve to die so young, she deserved so much better. And he blamed himself for her death because she was gathering flowers for him to give to his ailing mother. A gift she intended to make him smile again like how he hadn't since his return from the quest for the golden fleece. Discovering she'd been attacked, that she'd been murdered, was the straw that broke the camel's back when it came to Orpheus' grief and terror of losing his loved ones. That's why he went to Hades...but in the end Orpheus was too human despite being more divine than mortal. His heart was too full of love... and so he doubted and looked back and failed. And he's never forgiven himself for it.
How he froze in fear when the Boreads enraged Herakles by suggesting the Argo sail away and leave him to his fruitless search if he wouldn't stop. Orpheus knows that if he had reacted in time he could have diffused the situation since his music can manipulate emotions in all beings. But he was just a youth barely more than sixteen at the time of the quest, and so he froze because of his sheltered life in the palace.
Claustrophobia. There's no real reason for it, he's never been locked up that he can remember. But the idea of it terrifies him endlessly both in life and as a Servant. It doesn't help that his prophetic dreams made him feel trapped, unable to move or even scream when they would fall upon him in his sleep.
Thanatophobia, the fear of death. Specifically in Orpheus' case the death of those he loves. An unfortunate fear to have considering he watched so many people he cared for die either from illness, old age, or at the hands of others. When his own death came...he was only afraid of the madwomen who were tearing him apart. Death didn't frighten him, it was the events that led to his death that did.
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spectreunreflected · 11 months
Info/Tagging System
hi y'all! since this is going to be my little art chamber for the foreseeable future, i figured i should have a pinned post for basic info and navigating how i'm going to tag things for organizational purposes
the basics:
i'm a self-taught artist and college student, i use he/she pronouns, and you can call me rose! i mostly draw my d&d characters and other ocs, but you might see a bit of various fanart here over time. i use autodesk sketchbook for the large majority of my art, but if i ever post any animatics here, they'll be through toon boom storyboard pro. my url comes from “cold” by the oh hellos. asks are always welcome if you have any questions about my characters, dnd, worldbuilding lore, or my process :)
tagging system/explanations:
#rose's art : for all of my original art
#rose's rambles : talking about my characters and other original, non-art posts
#rose answers : responses to asks
#isolation: raising hell : one of my two d&d campaigns, the basis for most of my art atm. we're running around the world on magical errands for a shit boss to prevent the apocalypse and having the worst double date ever
#viel vesper : my character in raising hell, a changeling twilight cleric with a passion for fashion, terrible taste in men, mysterious connections to both the lady of the lake and the queen of winter, and a rapidly climbing kill count
#age of heroes : my other current d&d campaign, loosely based off of the argonauts and the iliad. the party is getting up to island-hopping hijinks with the hopes of eventually journeying across the polynomous sea and rescuing a kidnapped prince
#ilya of anthemoessa : my character in age of heroes, an ex-siren fathomless warlock/spirits bard who fell in love with the aforementioned prince and is using the power of sister issues and immeasurable amounts of fish monster rizz to go get their man
i'll update this list as time goes on and i post more!
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
Aphrodite; Goddess of Love and Beauty
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The Birth of Aphrodite
There’s a few theories as to Aphrodite’s arrival. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Uranus was castrated and when his severed genitals (the left in particular) hit the sea, Aphrodite stepped from the sea foam at Paphos. It is debated about this version of the story as it says she was attended by Eros and Himeros, who in most mythology are her sons.
Other legends, particularly Homer’s Illiad, claim she’s the daughter of Zeus and Dione.(But the debate on this one is that Dione simply means “Goddess” and that even Aphrodite herself has been called Dione.)
And then other legends claim that she is the child of Thalassa and Zeus.
Regardless of her heritage, Aphrodite features in many Greek myths and stories.
Aphrodite the Woman, the Myth the Legend
As the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite loves fiercely and scorns fiercer. Many women (and men) had their lives upset or avenged by Aphrodite’s hand.
All’s (Un)fair in Love and War
Most notably famous of these stories is the Apple of Discord and the start of the Trojan War. When an apple was sent into a party labeled “For the Fairest” 3 goddesses (Athena, Aphrodite and Hera) fought for the title. When the human Paris chose Aphrodite in exchange for the love of Helen of Troy the most beautiful woman in the world, the other 2 were enraged. With the abduction of Helen, started the Trojan war which went on to last 10 years!
Not the Apple of my Eye
Aphrodite also had a hand in the race for Melanion’s hand in marriage. She gave Melanion the golden apples to slow down her suitors.(Check out this and other apple myths and magics on my post about Apple Magic)
Adoring Adonis
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Unboxing Pandora
Pandora was created by Zeus’ request, Aphrodite served as the model.( Theogeny)( Greeka has a lot of good info on Pandora.)
The Love of Narcissus
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The Many Lovers of Aphrodite
Being the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite had plenty of love to share. Although married the Hephaestus, God of Fire, Aphrodite shared many lovers, mortal and god alike.
Most notable of her Lovers and the father of many of her children is the God Ares. Together Aphrodite and Ares have 7 children.
Other Lovers of Aphrodite include; Poseidon, Hermes, Dionysis, Adonis and Ankhises.
Overall Aphrodite has somewhere between 12 and 18 children depending on the mythology you encounter.
Eros-god of love and desire
Harmonia-goddess of harmony and discord
Phobos-god of pain and fear
Deimos-god of dread and horror
Pothos-god of of longing and yearning
Anteros-god of requited love
Himeros-god of sexual desire
Rhodos-Sea Nymph, goddess of the island of Rhodes
Eryx-King of Eryx,Sicily(its debated on if his father was Poseidon or Butes the Argonaut)
Herophilos-Sea Nymph,Sybil priestess.
Peitho-goddess of persuasion and seduction
Priapos-god of garden fertility(animals, livestock,plants)
Hermaphrodites-god of hermaphrodites and effeminates
Beroe-goddess of familial love
Aeneas-prince of Dardania
Lyros-prince of Dardania
So know that you know a little bit about Aphrodite, how can you incorporate her into your daily life and witchcraft?
Channeling Aphrodite
As the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite’s main talent and magic can be used for self love and glamour(beauty) magics.
Creating rituals of self care,pampering and caring for yourself are all wonderful ways to bring Aphrodite’s energy(and confidence) into your life.
Infuse your favorite outfit, perfume or makeup with Aphrodite’s energy.
Buy yourself flowers and set them up where you can see them often.
Start your day with positive motivations and mantras.
Reading and journaling about your(or your partner’s) love languages.
Surround yourself with pinks and reds to inspire passion and romance.
Aphrodite is also known as Venus(Roman). In the Zodiacs, Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus. Most Tauruses are very gorgeous and passionate people, and love indulging in life’s pleasures.(Raising a Taurus Toddler definitely shows this, gods help me when she becomes a teenager) This could also by why Taurus and Aries signs get along together, as Aphrodite and Ares were lovers and very passionate about each other.
Aphrodite’s Correspondences
Rose Quartz
Sea foam Green
Create Love and Desire
Bestow Beauty and Confidence
Self Love
Embracing Femininity
Glamour Magic
Healthy Romantic and Sexual Relationships
Sexual Prowess
Power in the Feminine
Bath Salts
Rose Incense
Rose Quartz
Baked Goods
Sea Water
Make your own Aphrodite Bath Salts
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Ingredients: 2 cups Epsom Salts 1 cup fine Himalayan Pink Sea Salt 1/2 cup Powdered Milk 1/2 cup French Pink Clay 20 drops Rose Essential Oil 10 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 10 drops Jasmine Essential Oil 1/2 cup Dried Rose or Flower Petals
To a mixing bowl, add Epsom salts, sea salt and clay.
Using a wooden spoon, stir ingredients to combine.
Add drops of essential oils {use your clean fingers to mix the oils into the dry mixture until it blends in}.
Transfer bath soak to air tight container or jar, layering the crushed or whole rose – flower petals if using.
To take an aromatherapy bath, add 1/3-1/2 cup of mixture to bath water. Soak for 20 minutes.
During the spring and summer months, add your favorite fresh flowers!
NOTE: Pink Clay may stain fabric or clothing. Any residual color left in the tub will wash off with regular cleaning.
How will you channel Aphrodite?
So there you have it! I hope that this post gives you a good start on learning about Aphrodite and gives you ideas on how to use the power of Aphrodite in your magic more. Don’t forget to save, share and comment on your thoughts! What’s your favorite thing about Aphrodite?
If you want to learn about more goddesses,check out our posts on Demeter, Aine, and the Muses.
If you are new here make sure to check out all of our other blog posts over on the Blog Page. Find all of our handmade goat’s milk soaps, soy candles and other witchy infused products in the Store. And don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram for farm photos, trivia, shop updates and more!
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rununcal · 2 years
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I was just gonna let this itch to draw this comment slide, but then I watched the vid again and I couldn’t stop thinking about her so here she is!
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She also has an Artfight page for a bit more info
(Image ID: To the upper left it says, “The Portal Warden” in big Georgia font over red
On the long rectangle on the bottom left, it reads as follows:
“Contrary to its title, The Portal Warden is a friendly entity that greets all argonauts lost inside its realm with a educational but peppy persona.
It guides them throughout the world’s portals until it finds a substantial enough exit, and then bids farewell to its guests.
The Portal Warden gets its title from the fact that it’s the only creature in its world, and possibly controls it. In reality, it has not just one, but every name. Its nametag displays endless symbols and words, and argonauts that ask its name multiple times can get infinite answers.”
To the bottom right, The Warden takes a nervous astronaut’s hand, saying, “Watch your step, you are fragile!”
To the very top right, a small box reads, “A wand that showcases what different portals do, for clarity.” Under it is The Warden’s hand pointing with the wand to a circle with a weirdly warped cube inside it. End ID)
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qnewsau · 5 months
Poof Doof hosts official Big Gay Day after party in Brisbane
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/poof-doof-hosts-official-big-gay-day-after-party-in-brisbane/
Poof Doof hosts official Big Gay Day after party in Brisbane
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The Wickham and queer party pros Poof Doof have again joined forces to host the official Big Gay after party at the pub.
Big Gay Day is one of Brisbane’s biggest and best street parties. On Sunday, May 5, 2024, the pride celebration will again take over The Wickham and shut down an inner-city street to drop in a big main stage boasting an all-day lineup of musical acts, DJs, drag extravaganzas and more.
Legendary US drag queen Lady Bunny and Spice Girl Melanie C (returning to the Big Gay Day stage for a DJ set) are headlining on the Big Gay Day main stage. They’re joined by Aussie dance music group Sneaky Sound System and British DJ Tall Paul.
This year’s very camp Big Gay Day theme is The Wickham of Oz.
After the entertainment on Big Gay Day’s main stage wraps up, Poof Doof want all punters to follow the rainbow brick road upstairs at the official after party at The Wickham.
All Big Gay Day ticket holders get free entry to the after party from 9pm that night.
On the DJ decks upstairs will be Jimi The Kween, Argonaut, Richie LeStrange (all pictured above, left to right), Jesse Boyd and Galleon.
Freestyle performers Gogo Bumhole, Pisces, Asphyxia, Charlie, Zelphia Mann and Bizzi Body will also serve up roving go-go shows at the party.
Since it began in 2000, Big Gay Day has become one of Brisbane’s biggest street parties, all to raise money for local LGBTQIA+ charities.
More info and final release Big Gay Day tickets at biggayday.com.au.
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Big Gay Day (@biggaydayofficial)
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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sixteenseveredhands · 7 months
Gold Headdress Ornament from Ancient Colchis (Georgia/South Caucasus) c. 350-300 BCE: this is a stunning example of Colchian goldsmithing, and it reflects a blend of cultural influences from both Europe and Asia
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Ancient Colchis was located in what is now the nation of Georgia, nestled in the South Caucasus (modern-day Georgia can be seen on this map). It stood right on the boundary between the Eastern and Western worlds, with Europe on one side and Asia on the other; as a result, there are many Colchian (and Georgian) artifacts that combine the different styles and techniques of cultures from throughout Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and Central Eurasia.
From the Wine, Worship, and Sacrifice exhibition at NYU:
In technique and form, the piece is firmly rooted in local Colchian production. What makes the piece so fascinating, however, is its wide array of cultural influences.
Framed on three sides by rounded studs, the central area features a stylized stag and three smaller deer set around it––a motif also present in the gold work of the nomadic Scythians in the northwest. The piece’s openwork design recalls objects produced in Luristan in the southeast. Along the folded upper edge is a pair of outward-facing lions that, in composition, seem loosely related to Assyrian door guardians. Between them are three birds, a motif that occurs throughout ancient cultures, but which is particularly present in the goldwork at Vani.
The Colchians were also renowned for their talent as goldsmiths, and Colchis itself was famous as the place where Jason and the Argonauts were said to have acquired the Golden Fleece (according to the Greek Argonautica).
There are many incredible pieces of goldwork that have been unearthed from Colchian sites, but this has always been one of my favorites.
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Sources & More Info:
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World: Wine, Worship, and Sacrifice
J. Paul Getty Museum: Golden Graves of Ancient Vani
J. Paul Getty Museum: About Colchis and Vani
World History: Portion of a Colchian Headdress
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thegeekx · 2 years
How to Live Stream "CFL Grey Cup 2022" Online and on TV – Film Daily
How to Live Stream “CFL Grey Cup 2022” Online and on TV – Film Daily
How to watch the 2022 CFL Grey Cup live streaming online? With the CFL division finals wrapping up this past weekend, there is just one event left on the CFL calendar: the 109th Grey Cup. Here you will know the Grey Cup 2022 live stream, date, time, TV channel, and other info. How to Watch Event: 109th Grey Cup Game: Toronto Argonauts vs. Winnipeg Blue Bombers Date: Sunday, November 20,…
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zealousnightsublime · 2 years
10 measures to get your ideal task in Film specific impact
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Acquiring a break in movie effects that are special hard, but not because difficult as you may realise. The following ten items will go a long solution to allow you to reach your dream task. 1) Comprehend The Markets Should you want to operate in unique impact, it is vital not simply to understand the difference between a Stag (stagehand) and a movie director, but understand how unique results is actually separated right up. Long gone are the period whenever Ray Harryhausen (Jason plus the Argonauts) would lock themselves in a shed with a team that is small of and manage all the unique consequence himself. Now, things are distributed across various teams and departments. Thus, you want to work as a film sculptor; if you'd prefer smaller more technical projects you’d be better off choosing the model unit if you’re interested in sculpting sets and large monsters. 2) Become a Realist Involved in the innovative field and particularly the movie marketplace is hard. You’ll often be up against tough projects and requiring work deadlines and there’ll feel dozens of different someone wishing for you yourself to finish so they can conduct their own opportunities. You’ll bring to strike an equilibrium between your times let and top quality of that which you produce; you can’t get as well priceless regarding the jobs. Not just that, you have have got to promote yourself – all effects that include special are free-lance and you’ve have got to search for the jobs nowadays. 3) Learn Artwork Whether you’re self-taught or decided to go to Art College, it is essential you have a interest that is keen Art to get results in special results. If someone else requires you to definitely sculpt a life-size Roman-style Statute or an sarcophagus that is egyptian’s invaluable to own a point of reference in your head. But more critical than this, it’ll make working tasks more fun. You might be moving through a skill guide across the sunday, and on Monday day you’re asked to replicate one of several pieces you’ve already been admiring. 4) Drawing For the movie sector all technical sketches are done by draughtsmen into the Art office. Very is this only cushioning to attain the miracle '10' measures? No. If you'd like to produce any 3D item, particularly the real human type, it is important to learn to draw and keep doing. Sculptors regularly liken sculpting to drawing their issues in clay from different sides. The answer to sculpture that is good like drawing, try defining the traces and tincture. 5) Practice It is obvious but it is also vitally important. You will improve if you practice creating and sculpting things in your spare time. Furthermore really useful to replicate a movie experience that is working thus maximum yourself to reference photos (in the place of a life design) and present yourself a difficult deadline for the task. More difficult, but just as valuable, is to decide to try mediums that are different. You are an expert in metal construction and welding, but unless you get in on the manufacturing area of special issues or metal operate group, these abilities include pointless. The materials of choice when you look at the films are low-grade clay that is potter’s polystyrene. 6) Approachable Almost everyone when you look at the film marketplace is freelance and so they discover the way that is only become efforts are to market your self. This does not suggest you really need to go around to a potential employer’s quarters or develop crazy self-marketing strategies; it indicates people in the business become approachable. In the event that you cold call a relevant mind of section (HOD) and reveal willpower and want to learn they’ll frequently consented to satisfy you for 5-10 minutes to appear over your portfolio. 7) Persistence Whenever you manage ultimately meet with the guy or woman you’re aspiring to be your future boss, don’t stop there. They’ll bring your info nonetheless it might be 1 . 5 years you a call before they have a suitable project and give. You need to make certain you meet as many future employers as feasible, and prevent and have now a chat along with other folks in the office in the event that you feel courageous adequate. Try to leave a card or on top of that, duplicates of your own favorite 1 or 2 bits of deal with their contact information on (and preferably their portfolio that is online address you have got one). Subsequently, let them have a fast catch-up call every 6 months roughly – also you a job, it’s amazing how much information you’ll get about different opportunities if they can’t offer. 8) Portfolio Beneficial. In a word. One of the keys principles to a portfolio that is good simple: Diversity – showcase different kinds of services you could have finished – you may well be happy with the group of 18 statutes you’ve accomplished, but don’t show all of them. Also, you might not think that 30ft polystyrene accumulated snow drift shows finesse that is you’re a sculptor, nonetheless it shows your own versatility so place it in.Honesty it doesn’t– it should go without saying but. Only one thing will get a HOD's back-up a lot more than witnessing a big piece of work|piece that is large of} with people saying to own produced it single-handedly, and that’s seeing an item of their services getting stated by somebody else. Let's face it, it can happen. Very, tell the truth. Then say so and don’t be ambiguous about it if you did the left foot of a giant.Concise – make use of chance carefully. 10-12 photo are definitely enough to showcase a range of your projects and skills.Best Foot Forward – most people is going to make a determination regarding the efforts within 2-3 examples so set their greatest operate at the very forward.Presentation – do not have scraps of report tumbling out of your moth-eaten collection. Spend money on a simple to hold A4 portfolio and rehearse binders that are plastic. When you have any Photoshop expertise to enhance the speech of the services then make use of them. Don’t feel the need to take in an example of your sculpture – you will end up showing your projects to experts who are familiar with determining work through photographs.Information – you may have developed a full-scale imitation of Michelangelo’s David, however, if they grabbed your 3 years it's no good on the movie field. Make sure you note down the size of each and every illustration of your work, just what material you used and just how extended they grabbed. These easy pieces of facts are essential for HODs and will be appreciated.Online Portfolio – when you can, become an online collection developed and make sure any contact information retain the target. Ideally, attempt to obtain the HOD’s current email address them the link so you can send. If you modify the contents of the portfolio, it is a good excuse to get in touch with the HOD with another link to your work. 9) Networking Networking can seem to be a bit embarrassing and uncomfortable oftentimes, however it is vital that you get to know just what tasks are available to choose from. You give them a ring after you’ve worked on a job or two you’ll get the phone numbers of a few fellow workers – make sure. But end up being informed, if you’re 1st to listen to in regards to the brand-new James connect film and then determine everybody, you’ll end up signing up for the queue showing your own portfolio. This does not indicate do not discuss suggestions you might have over up coming work, this means you need to be aware that everyone is hoping to get jobs. Additionally it is a good concept to keep an eye on flick reports web sites. 10) Viewing Movies An excellent perk for all instances when you’re maybe not in perform it’s research– you can watch films and claim. Clearly, it’s a great feeling to see your very own run the top display screen, nonetheless it’s furthermore exhilarating observe the work and brands men and women you are sure that. After their job that is first or you’ll very easily start to feel part of the business and commence recognising brands and faces. Also, pertaining to anyone tasks you skipped out on, it is possible to get and possess a good grumble about the method that you might have complete it much better! Employed in the movie marketplace is not for everybody; but then you’re likely to get an opportunity to show what you can do if you’re keen and develop you’re skills and knowledge. Best of luck! Read the full article
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