#way before the episode aired
mwagneto · 4 months
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yaz queen of evasive action
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textsfromthetva · 8 months
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Incorrect Loki Quotes [177/?]      
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bird-inacage · 2 years
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Episode 11 | “What should I do when you’ve made me like this?”
GOOD. GOD. These kisses were smoking. Now I’m the one whose going to be needing Jesus and 10 consecutive cold showers. Christ alive.
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
It's actually kinda sexy of Caleb & Evelyn to haunt the narrative so thoroughly while never having any speaking lines or even appearing on screen outside of 400yr old repressed memories, delusions, and/or hyped up folklore
We don't even know for sure if Evelyn was a Clawthorne, or what she looked like, or how the fight between Caleb and Philip went down, or Caleb's reasons for leaving without Philip, or what their half witch half human baby looked like, or how long after Caleb left before Philip found him again, or what Evelyn did when she discovered her dead lover's grave was robbed, or how quickly after killing Caleb did Philip decide "I can make a new Caleb that's Better™"
We have scraps to give us pretty good ideas for most of these, but nope they really just haunt with no reward. Like yeah babes give us nothing!
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pawphin · 1 month
I read TPN after season 1 and it quickly became one of my favorite mangas and I was so read to defend post-S1 content from anime onlies bc I really do think it had interesting things to say even with the tone shift post-escape and then season 2 did THAT and I just. I can't believe it crashed and burned. It deserved so much better. Goldy Pond should've been adapted properly. We deserve better 😭😭😭
PERCY WE SO DESERVED BETTER IT HAUNTS ME EVERY DAY. as much as i DO have problems with post escape arc content in the manga i dont think they couldve done s2 worse. its like they literally looked at everything, all the fan reception, all the plot points that didnt make much sense and could easily be rearranged, and thought hmm how can we condense this in the most horrific and asinine way because we dont believe in a s3. how do we kill this ip as quickly as possible
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dullahandyke · 1 month
didnt even touch on the sandra lynn stuff int he tags of the last post bcos if i talk about her im liable to explode. get behind me, middle-aged divorced woman proficient in archery
#wasnt around for sy as it aired but ive seen the remnants of the liveblogging and its so foul#the genuine misogyny....#saw someone claim gilear was a better parent than her and i had to turn off my computer#i know we all love gilear and hes been tbh redeemed by comedy where sandra lynn doesnt get that#but like. be serious.#that tonal shift in difference of how gilear and sandra lynn are received is wicked interesting to me#and like pre-emptive disclaimer this isnt Gilear Problematic I Want Discourse. im just thinkin thoughts here#the way fy episode 1 gilear actively left his wife n daughter and calls her a demon even if he doesnt mean it that way#but then fig/emily takes an interest in him and from there hes a radically different character whos just kind of. pathetic.#im hesitant to call it flanderization because initial gilear only got like 10 minutes of screentime before wet cat gilear took the stage#but like. in ep1 both faeth parents are shown as equally flawed and on an even narrative playing field#which is then upset as fig latches onto gilear as a comedic force and hes not as much 'dad with tense relationship to daughter he disowned'#as 'guy the pcs do bits with'. esp in fy he doesnt do much but let fig live in his apartment sometimes#(and if u rlly wanna analyse u could say something abt her basically taking care of him instead of the other way around)#this then rlly impacts sandra lynn! bcos now fig has One tense parental relationship to rest all her angst on#and where gilear gets bits. sandra lynn really doesnt get much spotlight until the prison sequence#and the lack of focus on sandra lynn Is lampshaded in-universe and i like the resolution#and then u get to sy where sandra lynn gets as much spotlight as gilear but she doesnt have his comedic shield#so instead she has the dramatic spotlight and both the story and the characters are weirdly obsessed w her sex life#and yeah i know im an aro autist maybe i take cheating a bit lightly. but its in the same category as the 'zelda is mad at gorgug' shit#shes made a spectacle but because shes not gilear and society has notions about sex she gets judged for it#like something abt gilear disowning fig getting dropped while sandra lynn is scrutinised so much rlly rubs me the wrong way#she is FLAWED that is what THE JAIL EP WAS ABOUT!!!#she is TRYING arguably more than GILEAR but she doesnt have the absolution of rule of funny to fall back on#i go insane. i go insane#post not mentioning jy bcos i havent seen it. once again middle-aged divorced women proficient in archery get behind me ill protect u
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A crossover you never knew that you needed...
(Please don’t re-post/share this video edit anywhere else. I worked hard on this sorry ass edit, so please just only reblog this video edit on Tumblr. Thank you!)
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zo1nkss · 9 months
I finished the episodes at a snail pace because I can't do anything at normal human speed and here are my brief thoughts post-binge:
ep1 > Honestly terrified me. I love seeing Ed in his evil era but I hated watching all my beloved crew suffer for it.
Will say I'm so fucking excited about Archie. Not sure I feed into the "TealOranges breakup" it honestly feels more like an open type thing. Like there aren't a lot of expectations idk. That's just my interpenetration of what we've got so far tho!
ep2 > Truly so much happened this episode that it's hard to condense my feelings into something digestible. Like I do feel bad for Izzy, but he's right in ep3 when he says he and Stede caused this and I think that's about where I stand on things. I do think he fucked around too close to the sun and now he's finding out how hot it can burn, but it still sucked to see Ed acting that way no matter who was getting the short end of the stick. I don't want to preemptively invent discourse that doesn't exist but I'm nervous about how yt ppl will react. Going to enjoy Ed getting to be a villain for five minutes tho because he rlly got his moment to be an absolute royal fucking bitch about a breakup. He got the rampage montage and that's awesome rock on man.
ep3 > what can I say? HANDS. MERMAID STEDE. Stede literally called Ed back from death. He literally led him back and Ed chose life because Stede was waiting for him. Stede wanted him around. I'm so not okay rn.
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mariocki · 1 year
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Anneke Wills as Fran Roeding, concerned daughter of a missing scientist, in The Saint: The Helpful Pirate (5.5, ITC, 1966)
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lamphous · 5 months
guys I've had the twelfth doctor for under 50 minutes and I've already loudly proclaimed "I NEED HIM" about as many times
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panncakes · 5 months
ohh the khun yai drunk on jom's lap reciting poetry scene is making me lose my mind actually
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I will never stop being fascinated with the continuous stream of fandom. Despite the changes over the past 20, 30, 40, 50 years, fandom continues to exist as it always has, only expanding as outlets of expression grow. The final page on the South Park section of Fanfiction.net has fics all the way from 1999! There's lyric fics, fairy tale aus, OC-inserts, fix-it-fics and so many other common explorations that still exist in fanfiction today. Even the South Park fandom's commonalities were used all the way back then! People were writing slash fics for Stan and Kyle, Pip and Damien. People were projecting and exploring the identity of their favorite characters. I found a fanfiction uploaded in 2002 that the author said they wrote in 1999! And who's to say that there aren't South Park fanfictions written in 1997 when the show premiered? This is only what's documented online, but there's so much early fandom history we don't know.
And I can't help but let my mind wander to those who wrote these fics. Where are they now? Do they remember writing these fics? Are they still part of the fandom? Do they still keep up with the show? And really, in terms of fandom history, it's not just made up of what came first - it's constantly happening. I'll look at old blogs on here that stopped posting in 2014 and find fanart and posts passed around from deactivated fandom members. They are a part of fandom history. Even back then, you have to wonder if they were also looking back at the fandom in 1999 and thinking how fascinating it is! In ten years, are people going to look back at the posts and fanworks shared in 2022 and reflect on that?
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mastersoftheair · 7 months
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some now-deleted comments from a reddit thread about the MotA intro credits/music. get excited, musicheads!!
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theyellowhue · 2 years
instead of watching ep 13, i am stalling and reading Love Sky
To cope with the impending ending of my favorite weather forecast show, i resumed reading Love Sky and lemme just tell you how faithfully the series was adapted to the screen. Its lovely really. 
If you think that Prapai was whipped for Sky, novel Prapai cannot continue a thought without Sky in it. Prapai has fallen as hard as the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. HE MIGHT BE EVEN WORST THAN RAIN WHEN HE TALKS ABOUT PHAYU!!! 
also, the show didnt hide the fact that Prapai is proudly Bi but novel Prapai is very blatant and unapologetic about his bisexuality, its amazing really
“Have you dated girls before, Sky?”
“I’m not like you P’Pai, I dont sleep around with both genders”
“Well, I’m too handsome to keep for just one gender”
GODS, can you tell how smitten i am??? can you see my heart eyes for them???!!!
i already miss my weather boys. whatever shall i do with my life now. i guess rewatching Love in the Air is always an option.
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fiendtheanonymous · 7 months
It will never not disappoint me that the one PPG/RRB scene in "The City of Clipsville" isn't talked about as often as a fascinating piece of media satirizing early internet fandom much in the same vein of episodes like "The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochy Show" from season 8 of The Simpson. It's such a smart and funny critique of the shipping culture at the time (which was and still is mostly led by preteens and teens, in comparison to the adult audience of the Simpsons fandom at the time).
I don't know, I think both the animation community and fandom historians really overlook this as a fascinating piece of animation and early online fandom history, and it's always disappointed me. The City of Clipsville is going to be 20 this month, I think it's about time somebody really went in depth and dissected it for a wider audience.
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thekamzoils · 24 days
star trek discovery 1x05 would be like episode of all time if only harry mudd wasn't there.
you've got: klingons confirmed to have two dicks, star trek's first (??) "fuck," first real actual gay couple confirmation in a lovely reveal where they had spent the whole episode bickering so you thought they hated each other but actually they're just a sweet domestic gay couple. and then b plot there's harry mudd
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