hate5sixofficial · 1 year
Waydown 2023-09-08 The Birdhouse Lakewood, OH
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psyce · 1 year
im drunk i was about to start lyricposting my boyfriends brothers bands song from ten years ago
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thunderzerogames · 2 years
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milkystyx · 1 year
ah, I do suggest watching a live footage of the musical, there's tons of little interactions that are missed in the recordings.
for example, in "Come home with me" when Eurydice asks "What else you got?" she appears skeptical and challenging, cynical. But as soon as Orpheus is out of sight she gushes about the paper flower with another girl
Also in "Waydown Hadestown" after Eurydice sings "Kind of makes you wonder how it feels" and looks at Hades, Orpheus jumps protectively in front of her and hugs her from behind later.
sharing bcs Hadestown Sonadow is fire
IVE SEEN IT BEFORE BUT YOURE SO RIGHT I need to watch it again. If not for sonadow for Eva I love girliepop.
I’ve thought a lot about a Flowers animatic I’ve always wanted to do one but I think that with Shadow amnesia arc and Maria it just makes me want to,, aaaahhghhghhhh this is going to turn into something that just never leaves me head but manifesting I do something with it !!
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asleepxdead · 2 years
mikeywaysparklebass -> waydown-waydown
cemetery drive my beloved
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phdmama · 2 years
the hard roads are the ones worth choosing
This one is for @julcheninred. Jules, my friend, my found family, my fellow lover of shiny rocks. I was just thinking about you, and I was writing this scene in my head and it just somehow all fit together in my mind. I’m not quite sure I did it justice, but here it is.
~600 words, G/T, Drarry, I don’t think any cw apply. Except probably for FEELINGS. (Pretty much SOOC, will be archived on AO3 at some point. Gentle reminder that I would prefer people not extend or finish my vignettes without talking to me first!)
His bag has been packed for days.
Draco stashed it in his old nursery, the one at the very back of the west wing, where no one ever goes anymore. The one with the window that opens up over the roof of the kitchen garden shed.
He waits until the house, always quiet these days, settles into deep silence. The wee hours of the morning, his mother used to say. It’s always darkest before the dawn, she’d said as well. Draco had never understood what that meant. Now he gets it.
So he waits, listens, and waits some more. Then he gets up, throws on the clothes he’s hidden from his mother — the Muggle jeans and t-shirt. A worn hoodie in muted grey. Trainers, still new, that he carefully laces up and double knots. He tiptoes to the nursery, slings his bag across his chest.
Then he leaves.
He slowly opens the window, even though he knows his mother won’t hear him, all the way on the other side of the Manor. He slips out onto the shed roof, and makes his way quietly across the tiles, to where he can climb down the small cherry tree that blooms every spring. He doesn’t run, it’s too dark and he doesn’t want to fall, but he moves quickly through the gardens that he knows like the back of his hand and out to the orchard.
Fire blight had taken fully half of the trees, three falls ago, and there’d been nothing to be done except destroy them, all the waydown to the roots. Draco’s mother had insisted on doing it herself, and as Draco moves through the trees that still stand, he can almost see her, back ramrod-straight with tears streaming down her face as she casts.
Potter is waiting for him, his motorbike parked in one of the clearings. He’s standing, leaning nonchalantly against it, and when Draco approaches, he doesn’t say anything at first, just gives that maddening grin and quirk of his eyebrow as his gaze sweeps over Draco, lighting him up from the crown of his head to the tip of his toes.
Finally, Potter speaks.
“You ready?”
Draco gets closer, close enough to touch, and Potter reaches out, hooks a finger through Draco’s belt loop and yanks him all the way in, winding his arms around Draco.
“Not really,” Draco admits, voice muffled from where he’s buried his face in Potter’s neck, breathing in the scent of soap and Weasley’s washing powder and home.
They stand, still, and Potter simply holds Draco until he’s ready to let go. Finally, Draco takes a deep breath, pulls back and scrubs a hand over his face.
He turns his back to Potter, looks around one last time. The ghost of his mother, destroying the trees, still lingers in the distance. His own childhood phantom runs laughing amongst the memory of trees. No matter how far he goes, Draco thinks, a part of him will always live here.
Behind him, he hears Potter settling onto the bike, and when Draco turns back around, Potter’s still smiling, something soft and affectionate, and holds out his hand. Asks again.
“You ready?”
Draco nods, swallows and takes his hand. Slides onto the bike behind Potter.
“Yes,” he says and now it’s his turn to wrap his arms around Potter’s lean body.
Potter flicks his wand and the bike roars to life. 
“Hold on tight,” he advises, and Draco moves even closer. Holds on even tighter.
“I’m ready,” he says, although most likely Potter can’t even hear him over the sound of the motor. “I’m ready now. Let’s go.”
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waydowninwastetown · 9 days
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oh man another Clangen oh God oh God
Hey! My name is Syd. This is my Clangen Sideblog!
Welcome to Droughtclan.
A series of bad decisions made by would-be leader, Dustyshiver, have lead this small, struggling family into a new, unfamiliar land.
Waydown in Wastetown is a collaborative setting. Droughtclan is entirely my own.
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Asks for characters are welcome, as are all other asks.
I work everyday, pretty much! I update on Wednesdays.
I have key events and the basic story, least up until That One Thing, already in mind! The rest is in the hands of Clangen God
I have taken some very very free and flowing liberties with the concept of Warrior Cats for Droughtclan culture. Please enjoy the sloppy sloppy symbolism souffle I have given you
Yes we start at moon 140 FUCK you
Common tags:
#drymoon - moon updates
#ceremony - ceremonies
#asks - asks
#ooc - out of character or non clan related, life updates
#lore - lore
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grand-funk-monorail · 2 months
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ilquadernodelgiallo · 6 months
BIG SCENIC NOWHERE - The Waydown (Full Album 2024)
(non esattamente quello che cerco, ma non male)
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mawr-gorshin · 6 months
Imaginea booton theface ofa Gazanforever, stomping,bruising,beating itnon-stop,until it’s squished,crushed, &flattened,shoved all the waydown ’tilthe boot touchesthe dirt of Rafah.
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patrick-jennings · 8 months
Evolution's Percolator
Evolution's Percolator, Mutton Bay, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada ~ A photograph of this scene which inspired the poem about the pivotal role tidal zones played in evolution culminating in... me.
Where the wide of the sea Finds the flat of the landThere the tide flows I pick my wayDown mobile shoreWhere life is lived in many worlds In the shallows and the depthsAnd too this realm of barely land Where creatures slither and scatterBetween the pools and rivulets So I wonder At all the possibilities life created here Including me Continue reading Untitled
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metalindex-hu · 9 months
Waydown – Tracks end here (2023)
Waydown – Tracks end here (2023) - https://metalindex.hu/2023/12/26/waydown-tracks-end-here-2023/ -
A Viczena József – ének, Bánhegyi Tamás – gitár, Szamosközi Zoltán – basszusgitár, Müller Máté – dob felállású bandát a hozzánk beküldött első daluk (a lemezt nyitó Needle in the eye) óta figyelem és reménységként tartom számon. Aztán a másodikként érkezett Going down is tetszetős lett. Szóval vártam a lemezt, na!Most sok hallgatáson túl be kell valljam, kicsit felelmás érzéseim vannak. Tetszik az album, vannak kiugró témák, dalok (Open your eyes, Here comes the unknown), de összességében valamit hiányolok.
Ami számomra nagyon tetszik, hogy sikerült a bő fél órába úgy belesűríteni a mondanivalót, hogy egyrészt végig fenn tudja tartani a figyelmet, másrészt kellően definiálja azt az irányt, amit szerintem a csapat magáénak szeretne tudni. És ezek nagyon nagy pozitívumok. Az említett nyitó tétel remek választás volt a bemutatkozásra, de nekem mondjuk a másodikként érkező Burn in hell még erősebbnek tűnik és egy hangyányival jobban is tetszik. Valahogy emlékezetesebb és jobban eltalálták benne a stoneres témák, a groove-os riffelés és az elszállós, grunge-os ének arányait.
A próbatermi klippel megtámogatott Silence waltzer nekem olyan, mintha a Soundgarden és az Alice In Chains összeállt volna metalt játszani. Ez persze nem nagy megállapítás – hiszen a Seattle grunge4 két legmetalosabb képviselőjéről van szó -, mégis itt a hagyományos metal riffelés kap egy különleges ízt, ami a két csapatot jutattja eszembe.
Úgy érzem az énekdallamok itt-ott lehetnének némileg változatosabbak, illetve nekem az igazán fogós és fülbe ragadó refrének vagy énektémák hiányoznak kicsit. Ezért is tartom kiemelkedőnek a Ways c. dalt, mert ott sikerült kicsit emlékezetesebb irányba elvinni a tempóváltásokkal és mintha az énekdallamokkal is bátrabban bántak volna. Ezt a jövőben is ajánlom, mert amúgy az egész lemeznél azt érzem, hogy ott van benne a lehetőség, csak nem sikerül előcsalni. A lemezt amúgy egyfajta befelé forduló, önvizsgálódó, elszállós hangulat jellemzi, ami talán a Here comes the unknown-t hallgatva válik a legnyilvánvalóbbá. 
A záró szintén klipes Going down azért is kiemelkedő, mert a refrénben tök jól esik a vokál. Sokat fogom még hallgatni, mert amúgy ez a fajta grunge metal (ahogy magukat definiálják) kedvemre való. Egészséges arányban van benne az AIC (hangulat, énektémák, elszállás), meg a Down/Pantera/stb jellegű riffelés. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy élőben a súly és a lendület még jobban elviszi és talán egy olyan hangulatot is tud közvetíteni, ami a lemezen kevésbé jön át. Ha sikerül a jövőben a bika riffek mellett a fogósságra is rámenni, a következő anyag nagyot szólhat. Addig is itthon bátran ajánlom a Tracks end here-t az említett bandákat kedvelők figyelmébe, valamint a Lazarvs rajongóinak is kellemes meglepetést okozhatnak.
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jcinktinder · 1 year
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In Eden, every step holds a whisper of intrigue, inviting visitors to embrace the darkness and unlock the secrets that lie within this enigmatic city.
Can you uncover the mysteries within this otherworldly haven?
Way Down, a mature, supernatural creatures rp, invites you to uncover the secrets of Eden. Join our discord for the buzz period beginning now: https://discord.gg/T8fDQF5NGC
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allthingsroleplay · 1 year
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In Eden, every step holds a whisper of intrigue, inviting visitors to embrace the darkness and unlock the secrets that lie within this enigmatic city.
Can you uncover the mysteries within this otherworldly haven?
Way Down, a mature, supernatural creatures rp, invites you to uncover the secrets of Eden. Join our discord for the buzz period beginning now: https://discord.gg/T8fDQF5NGC
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asleepxdead · 1 year
url change
waydown-waydown -> asleepxdead
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