#wayhaught 4x02
forbescaroline · 8 months
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 80. waverly earp and nicole haught - wynonna earp
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girl4music · 12 days
It’s true that they didn’t hide Kat’s pregnancy very well. At the same time - I actually love the fact they didn’t. I love the fact that she just looked like she put on a lot of weight and no one even made an issue out of it. Think about what would have happened if the creator and showrunner for WEARP wasn’t a woman.
More specifically - wasn’t Emily Andras. How do you think they would have addressed that “problem”? Because it would very much be a problem to them.
I can tell you how immediately: “You can’t do the job.”
Kat is pregnant, not incapacitated. But I guarantee you if it was anyone else that did this special that they would have behaved as if pregnancy was incapacity.
Emily did the opposite and said: “Your character ate too many lemon scones and that is completely fine.”
Because fat characters are fine.
And pregnant actors are fine.
It’s not a problem. It’s not incapacity. It’s human nature. And the fact they didn’t bother to hide it well…
Kat got a fucking job and Nicole got to be a Fat Amy.
And I think that’s fucking awesome! Good on Andras!
AND… I also very much guarantee you that that off-screen WayHaught sex scene wouldn’t have been off-screen if Kat hadn’t been pregnant during the filming. So what’s even more amazing is that Emily sacrificed what would have been “necessary representation” to the fans so Kat wouldn’t have to take off her clothes.
WEARP is a gay IP targeted primarily to gay people. They would have absolutely tried to one-up 4x02. So the only conceivable reason why they didn’t was that. Putting the priority on the safety and comfortability of Kat over “WLW representation” points with the fans is an honourable, respectful and admirable thing to do.
So instead we got a pretty passionate intimacy scene between WayHaught that we were cut away from in exactly the same way as we were with the WynDoc intimacy scene. But I absolutely can guarantee you that were Kat not pregnant when filming the special - it would have been more than that because… in that case… Emily would have prioritised the fandom needs. That most definitely tells me straight away that what was most important to Emily Andras (and Tubi as well) throughout this venture with ‘Vengeance’ was how safe and secure the cast was in coming back to do it.
And I don’t know about you guys but I absolutely think that’s much more worth having than a sex scene. So if there’s any fans that are disappointed about that…
There’s your answer. Take it or leave it.
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darksidehasoreos · 4 years
Me: I bought a 24 inch computer monitor. It's soo BIG compared to my 14 inch laptop screen
Friend: So, what is the first thing you want to do/watch on that BIG monitor?
Me: Googles "Wayhaught 4x02"
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gbloommx · 4 years
wynonna earp 4x02 español
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earpwaverly · 4 years
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g4l-p4ls · 4 years
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wynonna earp 4x02 without context
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How did I miss this?!
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wlwshipper · 4 years
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Filming 3x05 // 4x02
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Oh that's the staircase scene everyone was talking about.
Sweet Jesus...
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girl4music · 2 months
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What do you reckon guys? Just a makeout scene or a full-on sex scene? It’s a streaming service remember. There’s nowhere near the restrictions of the TV show.
I think they went for a full-on sex scene but obviously you won’t see anything like in 4x02 not just because they don’t want to play to the male gaze but obviously, Kat was pregnant and slightly showing. So I think it will be a full-on sex scene but either under a bed sheet or they’ll likely have Waverly on top for the whole thing to cover Kat up. That’s what they did in 4x02 - which absolutely floored me because that really is so clever. I mean I don’t know if you’ve read all my meta about the 4x02 on-screen sex scene but I affectionately gushed about the beauty and cleverness of it a lot.
And I reckon they’ll do something like that again but obviously - they’ll be very careful not to expose any intimate body parts just as they were in 4x02. 😆
I’m very excited to see this scene. Whatever it is. Because even if it’s just a makeout scene, I think it’s going to be a lot more visually graphic than anything we saw in the TV show. Meaning there may be tongue.
But I’m just very interested and excited to see how DomKat being both settled into their queerness affects how they go about portraying their physical intimacy and how that’s going to translate as WayHaught being settled into their queerness too and obviously the safety and comfort of their marriage.
How the context of all of that is going to provide incredibly solid foundation for how well it is done because the one thing that separates WayHaught’s physical chemistry and physical intimacy from many other WLW ships I can mention is how much they have a set up and build up for how much you see them engage in physical intimacy. Always a reason for it. It always make sense and doesn’t feel like ticking boxes because that’s what’s really annoying about so many other WLW ships in TV art/entertainment. Because they’re not treated like main or significant characters all the “representation” just comes out of nowhere. It doesn’t feel earned. It doesn’t feel real and authentic.
So with 4x02 the whole sex scene happens because of the emotional journey for the characters and the fact that one of those characters experiences a separation from the other character for a really long ass time. And like - you just don’t get that foundation for other WLW ships because - as I said - they’re not significant enough as characters to even have that foundation or maybe it’s that they do have it but you never see it so you don’t feel yourself the context or consequences. And the way WayHaught is written and portrayed is completely the opposite end of the spectrum of that. I mean - especially in Season 4 - they ARE the narrative so they don’t have to be written into or around it. ITS written into and around them. Which is how you do it!
Like I say this all the time with any TV art/entertainment storytelling. You never make the mistake of wrapping the characters around the narrative. Wrap the narrative around the characters. Then - for example - sex scenes or any kind of physical or emotional intimacy scenes don’t look so forced and contrived. Why? Because the narrative wraps around the characters instead of the other way around. It really does make a massive difference. Especially in character-driven and character-focussed TV shows.
So with ‘Wynonna Earp’, WayHaught are main characters. Both of them. Therefore the storytelling follows them and wraps around them naturally. So you don’t ever need to justify why you’re even seeing them be intimate as much as they are. It’s just the way it is because the foundation is already there for all of that. And it really does make a huge difference to my engagement and enjoyment out of seeing a WLW ship.
So yes, I’m very excited. Not just for this scene - whatever it may be - but just WayHaught everything because they always have priority as queer characters. They’re not a side story or a representation quota to fill in. At least they don’t feel that way to me personally. They might feel that way to others but I wouldn’t agree. I think they’re a really well done ship and I think the care and conscientiousness Andras and Co shows them makes all the damn difference for me.
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jackklyne · 4 years
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stemgaysupreme · 4 years
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yourmajorkey · 4 years
I need someone to scream into the void with me over how momentous that Wayhaught scene was (and I thought the Carmilla Movie was BOLD)
Ms.Emily Andras came for my throat and d i d n o t m i s s
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nopenopenopenope86 · 3 years
“Are you real?”
"Waverly. "
Nicole can't believe her own eyes, wondering if this is just another dream. It's hard to say these days what is real and what is just a figment of her imagination.
But in the next second, she can feel Waverly 's body against her own. They are hugging. It feels real. It IS real.
"Are you real?"
"Are you?"
"Come here and check."
And then she kisses her slowly, with caution, still not believing her own senses. But kiss feels like home, like a reality. Like a reality they started to build together before Waverly’s ascendance to The Garden.
Nicole is overwhelmed again so she just holds her in tight hug, not planning to let her go anytime soon.
Until she feels Waverly trembling in her arms. 
“She is cold. Of course she is.”
"Let's get you inside, okay?"
Waverly just nods quietly.
They walk through the back door, hand in hand, finally feeling the warmth inside the house. They are staring at each other wordlessly and neither one of them knows what to say. They should probably talk about all of this but both of them seem to have lost an ability to speak. The air around them thickens.
Nicole feels uneasiness creeping up to her so she does the next best thing. She kisses Waverly. Hard. Deepening the kiss immediately, Nicole moves her hands to Waverly's waist pulling her closer. Waverly eagerly accepts, running her hands through Nicole’s hair and settling on the base of her nape.  Nicole starts moving them backwards until she has Waverly pressed against the wall, devouring every inch of her skin.
She stops for a second, makes an eye contact with a love of her life and finally words come out of her mouth.
"Hey, are you...?"
Waverly groans breathlessly against her lips.
"Don't stop."
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