#waylan park
layce2015 · 6 months
The Boys (Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader)
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Chapter 4: Glorious Five Year Plan
Chapter 1 / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Present Day
*(y/n)’s POV*
"It's Solid Gold, starring Marilyn McCoo. With Solid Gold recording stars Kim Carnes, the Oak Ridge Boys, Waylan Flowers and Madame, the Solid Gold Dancers, and our first very special guest of the night, Soldier Boy!" The announcer from the show said as I sit there in my living room, watching, Bethany sitting next to me.
The camera pans down on the stage to show Ben, wearing his superhero suit including that helmet, standing on the stage as he begins to sing.
Fab Five Freddy told me everybody's fly
DJ spinning, I said, "My, my"
Flash is fast, Flash is cool
François c'est pas, Flash ain't no dude
And you don't stop, sure shot
Go out to the parking lot
And you get in your car and you drive real far
And you drive all night and then you see a light
It comes right down and lands on the ground
And out comes a man from Mars
And you try to run, but he's got a gun
And he shoots you dead, and he eats your head
And then you're in the man from Mars
You go out at night, eating cars
You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns, too...
As he sings, he did dance a bit then walked across the stage as the female back-up dancers surround him, all of them placing their hands on any part of him they could touch. And even watching this old rerun now, I still felt a bit jealous of seeing this just as I was when I was there on that show. I remember being a bit annoyed while I was standing backstage watching this from a TV screen.
"Weren't you on this episode as well?" Bethany asked me. "Yeah, I was." I muttered.
Sure enough, when Ben's song ended the camera switches to show the disco ball hanging from the ceiling as the announcer said. "And now for our second special guest, Mystic Shade!"
And the camera pans down to show me, in my superhero suit, on the stage, leaning against a tall white platform and I hold the microphone up to my lips. "Oh, there you are!" Bethany said, in a teasing manner, and I rolled my eyes.
Girls! Girls!
Watch out! Watch out!
I turn my head to look out at the crowd and I stand up, straighter.
There's a two legged animal running about
If it smokes a great big cigar
And it hangs around at a bar
If it tells the biggest lies, wears the loudest ties
It's a man
If it acts just like a crossed patch
Has a face with whiskers that scratch
If it's stubborn as can be, mean and ornery
It's a man
I watched myself saunter across the stage as I sang this old song, I raised a finger as if pointing out to the crowd before I lowered my arm, continuing to sing. "Wow, look at you go." Bethany teased and I scoff out a laugh.
It if walks, if it talks
If its habits are a little bit peculiar
If it brags and tries to make you think it's wonderful
Be on the lookout, don't let it fool ya
But if it makes the moon up on high,
More than just a light in the sky
If it kisses you and you find you like it too
It's a man
At the point I sang GRAB IT I raised my right hand up and clenched it into a fist then unclenched it and placed it on my hips as I do a bit of a dance with a smile, continuing to sing the song.
"Good God, I look so ridiculous." I muttered. "No, you don't. You're now sounding like an old woman." Bethany said, a bit of sarcasm, and I look over at her, she of course had aged a bit, wrinkles had appeared on her face and her hair was turning gray but I could still see that young girl I met back in the 70's underneath all those wrinkles.
"Well, you do realize I'm a little over a hundred years old. I think I deserve to sound like one." I said, smiling. "And yet you still look like you're in your early 30's." Bethany said and I chuckle. "Yes, bathing in virgin's blood does have its perks." I joked and we laugh.
"What? That's the secret? Why didn't you tell me?!" Bethany asked me, in a fake offended voice. "It's a curse I must bare." I said, dramatically, and we laugh and go back to watching the show as I continue to sing the song.
It if walks, if it talks
If its habits are a little bit peculiar
If it brags and tries to make you think it's wonderful
Be on the lookout, don't let it fool ya
And then one of the male backup dancers, dressed in a suit, comes up next to me and gets down on one knee.
But if it's kneelin' down on one knee
Sayin' darling please marry me
Then don't hesitate, better name the date and then
I had walked over to the man and caressed his cheek for a moment then lowered my hand to his tie as I sang the next few lines.
I grabbed the man's tie, yanked on it to make him stand up and pull him close to me. The guy looked surprised but also seemed to like it as I give him a flirty smile.
For It's a man
I belted out that last line then I pulled the man down towards me and I kissed him. I face-palmed at this while Bethany said. "Ooooohhh."
The music stops and the guy and I break the kiss and we share a smile before the camera switches to a different guest. "I'm gonna guess Ben wasn't happy about that kiss, was he?" Bethany asked me and I shake my head. "No, he wasn't." I said. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" Bethany asked me, concerned, and I shake my head as the memory of what happened after I left the stage came to mind, a smile slowly forming on my face.
"No, he didn't. He, uh...he did something else." I said and Bethany looks at me then noticed my smile. "Oh, I know that smile. Give me details!" She demanded and I shake my head. "A lady never kiss and tells." I said and we share a laugh again. We look back at the TV and my mind began to wander back to that night of the filming of this episode.
I walked backstage after the performance and a few people smiled and congratulated me as I walk past them. Then I look over at Ben, who did not look happy. “What the fuck was that?” He asked me, angrily. “What was what?” I asked, feigning ignorance. I start to walk past him but he grabs my arm and I turn to face him.
”You know damn well what I mean.” He growls and I smirk at him. “Ease up, Soldier Boy. Jealousy is not a good look on you. Besides, it was all an act.” I said. “You sure? Because it didn’t look like an act.” He said and my smile grew. Honestly, I was having fun messing with him. “So what if it was?” I asked him then I lean into him. “What are you gonna do about it?” I asked and I see his eyes darken as he glares at me.
Most people would’ve backed down from this glare but I didn’t. Because I could see the lust and desire in his eyes, which told me I was in for it.
I let out a moan that really sounded like it could've come out of a porno as Ben shoved me up against the wall of his dressing room, thrusting roughly into me, my legs wrapped around his waist.
"Fuck, Ben!" I exclaimed. "That's right, you better say my name! Not that asshole you kissed! You are mine!" Ben growls as his thrusts become harder. I let out a strangled moan as I started to feel drunk with how good Ben was making me feel until I felt his thumb rubbing my most sensitive spot.
I cried out again as Ben said, with a low growl. "This is mine! No one else's! Say it. Say that this pussy is mine!" Then his thumb works faster and my walls clench around him even harder. "Y-Y-Yours...always....I'm..yours..." I was able to say in between gasps and moans I was letting out.
"You damn right you are!" Ben growls in my ear as he pounds into me and rubs that sensitive spot even faster and harder.
And at that moment, I shut my eyes and felt them roll back as a very powerful orgasm washes over me. "BEN!" I screamed out in ecstasy and then he growls out my name in my ear as I feel him release himself inside of me.
The both of us stilled and catch our breath until we hear a knock at the door. Both of us look towards the door, lazily, when the voice of the producer of the show calls out. "Soldier Boy, you and Mystic Shade are up in ten minutes."
"Okay, thanks. We'll be out there." Ben said and we hear the guy leave. Ben turns to look at me then gives me a soft kiss on the lips. "Looks like round two is gonna have to wait." He said as he pulls out of me. I hiss at this and set my wobbling legs on the floor before he walks over to his table that was next to us.l
"There's more?" I asked, breathlessly, as he goes to grab a towel and wipes himself clean, puts his pants back on then zips it up. "Yeah...gotta make my girl know who she belongs to." He said as he comes up to me and cleans me up as well.
"Well, in that case...I should be punishing you in round two." I said, smirking, and zipping up my pants once he finished. "How so? I didn't go kissing anybody." Ben said, tossing the towel aside. "Oh, but you did let all those girls touch you, let them run their hands all over you." I said as I sauntered over to him, my legs still feeling a bit like jelly.
I get up close to him and I grab his crotch, he tensed up at this and he let's out a small sigh through his nose. "If my pussy is yours then this dick is mine. And no one else can have it, no other woman should be touching you, understand?" I asked him and I could hear a low growl coming from him as I tightened my grip on it.
"Yes, ma'am." He said, lowly, and I give a seductive smile. "Good boy." I cooed and I kiss his cheek then let him go and go towards the door. "Where you going?" He asked me and I turn to face him. "Gotta go clean up my face and hair. Probably look like a used whore." I said and Ben looks me up and down. "More like properly fucked, in my opinion." He said, with that cheeky grin, and I rolled my eyes.
"I'll see you out there, Soldier Boy." I said, in a sultry voice. "See you later, Mystic Shade." Ben said and I walk out of the dressing room.
Present Day
I sighed a bit as Bethany pats my arm and points to the TV. "I forgot you two did a duet!" She exclaims and I look at the screen as it showed me and Ben back on stage, I must've being off on la la land in my head for awhile cause I remember our duet was at the ending of the episode.
The music intro to Endless Love began to play as Ben starts to sing first, both of us facing each other.
My love
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's right
I smiled at him as I bring my microphone up to my lips.
My first love
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make
Then we sang together.
And I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do
And your eyes (Your eyes, your eyes)
They tell me how much you care
Oh, yes, you will always be
My endless love
"You know, even though you told me about the crap you two went through, I still think you two made a good-looking couple. Better than him and that, what was her name? Crimson Countess?" Bethany said, thinking. "Yeah..." I muttered as I look down for a moment then back to the TV.
Two hearts
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love
I'll be a fool for you, I'm sure
You know I don't mind
'Cause you, you mean the world to me, oh
I know
I've found in you my endless love
I felt this great wave of sadness overcome me and I get up and head to the kitchen. "(Y/n)?" Bethany called out to me as I head to the fridge. "You okay?" She asked as she follows me while I grab a beer bottle.
"Yeah, I just..." I stopped then opened the bottle and started to chug down the beer. "Hey..." Bethany said as she comes up to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "I know I should be over it but....fuck, Bethany, it's hard." I said and Bethany nods. 
"I know, I mean, I wouldn't know how I'd feel or do if Steven died. Let alone forty years after the time." Bethany said. "I know he was an asshole and a bastard but he was the only one that knew what I was going through, what I had been through. He was mostly good to me; couple of things he did, did annoy me. But I still love him." I said then she hugs me.
*3rd Person POV*
Maeve was swinging her sword around, like she was getting ready for battle. She jumps, rolls and swings the sword around until she hears a knock at the door. She opens it and sees it was Starlight. “Hi. Can we talk?” she asked. “No.” Maeve said, flatly, and she goes to shut the door but Starlight stops her. “Maeve, please.” Starlight pleads and Maeve sighs then lets her in and Starlight closes the door.
”I heard that you stopped training.” Starlight said as she noticed that Maeve had moved her furniture around where there was a large space in the middle of the room. “Yeah? You also hear that I wake up six days a week hungover, tits-deep in some random fսck pile? People think what I want them to.” Maeve said as she walks over to the kitchen island. “Okay, listen. Have you ever heard of something called B.C.L. RED?” Starlight asked her as Maeve gets a drink.
”You mean a weapon that can kill Homelander, if Butcher can find it?” Maeve asked her, knowingly. “You know?” Starlight asked, surprised, and Maeve smiles. “Who do you think sent them down the rabbit hole? Actually, I should say I had help with that but still…I brought it up to them. It's why I'm training. Or haven't had a drink in four awful, shit-eating months. Maybe I can buy Butcher a second or two to get a good shot. At the very least, I'll get a couple of licks in.” Maeve said. “Wait, so who gave you the information about this weapon?” Starlight asked and Maeve glares at her.
”Why should I tell you that?” Maeve asked her. “Well, whoever this person is, could join us. I mean, this person obviously wants to help.” Starlight said. “She only wanted to give out the information about the weapon and that’s it.” Maeve said and Starlight furrows her brow. “She?” She said but Maeve doesn’t reply.
“Okay. Okay, okay. So there's you, me and your mystery friend. Maybe we can find some others.” Starlight said. “Right. Yeah. I'm sure you and Duluth's Most Mighty would really get the job done. And I told you, my mystery friend doesn’t want any part of this. This is my problem. I'm the one who was with the asshоlе.” Maeve said.
“Maeve...you cannot do this alone. He'll kill you.” Starlight pleads and Maeve rolls her eyes. “You really care that little about yourself?” Starlight asked her. “I got it coming.” Maeve said before she walks over to her sword and starts to swish it around again.
*(y/n)’s POV*
“Okay, here is one scotch for the pretty lady.” Steven said to me as he hands me a glass of the drink. “Thanks, Steven. I said as I accepted it. I had gone over to Bethany’s and Steven’s house for the night to just have something to keep my mind occupied. Steven is Bethany’s husband for almost forty years and he always had this cheery carefree attitude, even at the age he is now.
“And, of course, for the lovely lady…bourbon!” Steven said to Bethany as she takes it. “A man after my heart.” Bethany said. “I should be the only man!” Steven chuckles and Bethany pretends to think. “Hmm, I don’t know..there is that cute young man at the coffee shop…” she said. “Well, then I better go pay him a visit, show him what happens when you try to get my girl.” He said and the two laugh and I smile and shake my head as I take a drink.
”Oh, and how are you gonna do that? Hit him with your cane?” Bethany asked him, teasingly, as she gestures to the black cane leaning against their couch. “Nah…I’ll just send (y/n) after him.” He said. “And what makes you think I’ll agree to that?” I asked him. “I’ll let you keep beating me at poker!” He said and my jaw drops.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked him. “Well, not to brag but…my superpower is that I am really good at poker. I just didn’t want to show off and let you win so you wouldn’t feel bad.” Steven said and I scoff out a laugh. “Oh, really? Well, c’mon, sonny, put your money where your mouth is!” I said and Steven claps. “Alright, grandma!” Steven teased as he goes to grab his deck of cards but then Bethany looks over at the TV.
”Whoa, whoa, wait a minute! Look!” She said and Steven and I look at the screen to see that there was a news broadcast. It said Neuman Holds FBSA Press Conference on the news banner and Neuman gets up to the podium. “Good afternoon. Thank you all for being here. I'm Congresswoman Victoria Neuman, the director of the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs. For the last year, the Bureau has been working with Vought International under one guiding principle. The most powerful among us are not above the law, including the most powerful man at the company.” Neuman said then she pauses, looks to the side and takes a breath.
”Homelander...has bravely come forward as a whistleblower and provided evidence of crimes committed within Vought by CEO Stan Edgar.” Neuman said and the crowd gasps while mine, Steven’s and Bethany’s jaw drops at this. “And in the coming days, the FBSA will be investigating charges of blackmail, perjury and obstruction of justice against Mr. Edgar. Vought International must be held to the highest ethical and legal standards. The people are entitled to the truth about their heroes...” She said while Bethany and Steven share a look.
”What the hell?” Steven mutters and I furrowed my brow. “I don’t like this. Especially if Homelander is the one that gave that information to her….” I said. “Why do you hate Homelander so much?” Steven asked me. “I don’t know…there’s something…off about him. And I know how things went there at Vought…” I replied. “Plus, Homelander dated a Nazi, isn’t that bad enough?” Bethany asked.
“But he didn’t know…I mean, didn’t you know her as Liberty, (y/n)?” Steven asked me. “Not really well, course I thought something was off about her too back then.” I said and he sighs. “Look, I’m not defending him, I mean, I’m not a huge fan of the guy either but…some men make mistakes when they love a woman. I mean, it came out earlier he and Starlight are a thing now.” He said. 
Bethany hums at this while I stay quiet about this. I don’t know but I think that whole Starlight and Homelander paring is a load of crap and trying to deflect his whole thing with Stormfront.
*3rd Person POV*
Meanwhile, in Russia, Butcher, Frenchie, Kimiko, Hughie and M.M. went to infiltrate a military compound to find the weapon, thanks to Nina. Nina was Frenchie’s old associate and he got tangled back up with her was because his old girlfriend, Cherie, begged him for help to get her out.
So, for that, the boys had to a job for her then she would have her people help them get to the compound. They were able to cut the power out at the compound to make the Russian soldiers leave and they make their way inside.
“Any idea what this Supe gun is supposed to look like?” M.M. asked Butcher. “Ain't the joy in the discovery, eh?” Butcher said and they look around until they see a large metal tube. What is it?” Hughie asked as they look at it then Butcher looks over some papers nearby while Frenchie looks at this large glass case.
“Hey, there's something here. Look.” Frenchie said as he shines his light into the case where he sees a small hamster inside. “Look, look. Oh.” Frenchie said and M.M. comes up next to him to see the hamster. “Hey. What does it say?” Frenchie asked as he shines his light at the label that was written in Russian. “Says his name is Jamie.” M.M. said before he chuckles. “Jamie. Hi. Are you okay, Jamie?” Frenchie asked the hamster as he taps the glass. “No, no, no, don't fսck with it. Just leave him alone.” M.M. tells him and Frenchie chuckles.
”Aw. Jamie. Who's a handsome, petite, little gerbil?” Frenchie said as the hamster scurried around in the cage and Kimiko comes up and smiles. “It's a hamster. My daughter went through three of them.” M.M. clarifies then suddenly Jamie rapidly pounds around in the case, scaring the others. “Oh, shit! Motherfucking V'd-up hamster.” M.M. said, surprised.
At that moment, alarms start blaring. “told you not to fսck with him. Damn it.” M.M. growls at Frenchie and Butcher turns to them. “Look lively!” He shouts and every pulls out their guns and get ready for a fight.
Immediately, the Russian soldiers come in and start firing at the team and the boys all take cover and fire back at them. One soldier was able to corner Frenchie but Jamie, who had gotten out, flies up and burrows into the soldier’s eye, making him scream out in pain before falling over dead.
“Merci, Jamie.” Frenchie said as he nods to the hamster.
“I'm out!” M.M. shouts and Butcher fires his gun but he stops and looks at the others as they try to take cover. Butcher looks over at Hughie, who was hiding, then smiles at him then walks out. “Oi! Evening, cսոts.” He shouts at the soldiers and he walks out. The soldier firing at him but no damage was done to him, thanks to the Temp V.
The others watch this in shock and disbelief as Butcher uses laser eyes to take out the Russians, then he grabbed the nearest one and breaks his neck. Hughie then noticed a soldier coming up behind M.M. “M.M.!” Hughie shouts and he starts to run then teleports to the soldier and punches through the soldier.
”Oh! Oh! Oh, shit. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Uh...” Hughie grunts and pants then pulls his arm out of the soldiers body, revealing him to be completely naked. Butcher glares at Hughie, realizing that he had taken some Temp V without him knowing, and everyone stared in shock. Kimiko covers her eyes as Hughie chuckles softly. “Your dіck's out.” M.M. said, plainly, and Hughie looks down at himself then goes to grab his clothes and puts them on.
”Butcher?” M.M. asked, angrily. “All right, all right, look, hang about.” Butcher tries to defuse. “You and Hughie both took Compound V? What are you two, fսcking Supes now?” M.M. asked. “Temporary V.” Butcher said then Kimiko signs at him while Hughie picks up the busted cast he was wearing, smiling.
”Oh, she say, Why do you do this to yourself on purpose?" Frenchie translates. “Only lasts 24 hours, all right? Break glass in case of emergencies, you know, like this one.” Butcher said. “And you give this to-to Hughie?” Frenchie asked. “I didn't give it to him. The thieving git must have broken into the case and nicked it.” Butcher said as he glares over at Hughie, who looks at him then stammers.
”Let's just find this thing and get the fսck out of here, all right?” Butcher said and M.M. turns to Hughie. “You're better than this, kid.” He said and Hughie scoffs. “Butcher, I'm...Look...I'm s...I'm sorry, okay? It's just, I...” Hughie said then he laughs softly and everyone walks away from him.
Butcher walks up to the large container and he grabs at the edges of the panel and pulls it open. Smoke billows out of it and everyone steps closer to it to see there was a person inside of it. The smoke starts to clear up and they see it is a man with long hair and a beard, a breathing mask was over his mouth and nose and he was restrained inside. The man lets out a breath which is filtered through the mask and he opens his eyes to look at them, Butcher recognized the man.
“Soldier Boy.” Butcher whispered, shocked. Soldier Boy moved his arms to break the restraints off of his arms then takes off the wires then the mask and starts to walk out of the tube, naked as the day he was born. He looks around at everyone then turns as Frenchie stands in front of him. “Ah... It's okay.” He tries to assure. 
Suddenly, a bright orange glow appears in his chest then bursts out of him, Soldier Boy yells as Kimiko runs to Frenchie and pushes him out of the way as she gets hit with the blast and crashes through the wall. The glow dissipates and Soldier Boy grunts then he stumbles through the hole in the wall and walks away.
“Kimiko. It's okay. Huh? It's okay.” Frenchie said as he goes to Kimiko, but she had a barbed wire through her abdomen and she wasn’t healing like she normally does. “She's not healing. Why she's not healing? Kimiko. Why does she not heal? Kimiko. She's not healing!” Frenchie panicked and the boys gather her up and carry her to their van.
@winchestergirl1720 @deans-spinster-witch @mimaria420 @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @kitsun369 @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @deangirl96 @demodemo909 @cassiecasluciluce
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realityparty · 2 years
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Hello! This is my first submission for #EddieMunsonWeek hosted by @stevelives​ and @natashxromanovf​ Eddie Munson Week: Day One, Rockstar AU
Title: I Love Playing with Fire eddie munson x ofc
Summary: Corroded Coffin finally managed to break out of Hawkins. They may not be on the charts, but their crowds are more than the five drunks at the local pub, and they are actually getting paid. However, they get a rude awakening of life on the road.  
Word Count: 3k Trigger Warning: 18+, Drug Use, Mentions of Racism, Smut. Apologies for any grammar/spelling errors Additional Comments: The movie “The Runaways” inspired some of this. I have fallen down the Eddie Munson rabbit hole. For all stories/blurbs for this submission, they are going to be Eddie x OC centric, with an OC named Jensen. I just became obsessed with this character I created because I do plan to eventually write an S4 AU (I have two different versions I have thought of for the far off future). So I hope you enjoy these small pieces, as writing has been a struggle for me lately and hopefully I can get some more creative juices flowing. 
Writing Links: Stranger Things Masterlist 
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"This is such fucking bullshit!"
Eddie looks up as the front door to his motel room slams shut. Jensen, also known as Cherry Cola, to the general public, stomps in the room. 
Eddie stops plucking at his guitar as he looks at his bandmate and the lead singer of Corroded Coffin. Corroded Coffin had finally moved beyond the five drunks at the Hideout in Hawkins, Indiana. 
After an impulsive move to the City of Angels, Eddie swore it was sheer dumb luck that got him, Jeff, and Garreth to where they were now.
Jeff and Garreth had been ready to give up. Moving from such a small bible-thumping town to the kaleidoscope mixture of cultures Los Angeles brought was a tough transition. They were small fries and just another tale of failed aspirations, hoping to make it big. 
After all, they had always played for fun and they never seriously took their band as a means of livelihood. Hawkins didn't promote such things if it didn't involve the ideals of a nuclear family. 
Yet, he refused to go back to Hawkins with his tail tucked between his legs. He was going to show the entire population of Hawkins that he was someone. He was " The Freak" that was going to make something of himself.  
One day he was going to be on a stage and he was going to yell "Fuck Hawkins!" into the microphone. 
So Eddie knew when it came down to it, it was all about networking. And what better way was there to network than to go back to his profession of dealing? Reefer Rick had a contact, Argyle, that helped set him up and it was all charm and charisma. After all, he was one to receive and give flattery. 
He had somehow found his way at the Rainbow Bar & Grille speaking with Ezra Waylan, a music producer and manager. A demo was passed and Eddie had prayed to a God he felt abandoned by that this would be it. 
It was three weeks later when their money was about to dry up and the inevitable return to Hawkins was on the horizon when Ezra called their motel room to schedule a meeting. 
He remembers the day clearly as they arrived at an abandoned trailer park. He had been about to turn around when the door to the trailer burst open, revealing Ezra. The man had told them quickly that they were shit, but he was feeling charitable. 
He ushered them inside the cramped trailer, and that's when they met her. Jensen wore faded ripped jeans at the knees with a cropped Deep Purple shirt. She had a pair of yellow sunglasses acting as a headband as she sucked on a Dum-Dum.
She was going to be their lead singer. Corroded Coffin was going to be a female-fronted band. 
His life changed that day. 
"What's wrong?" He asks. 
Jensen throws her room key on the desk. "I went to check the schedule and to make sure the time was still the same for the sound check when I was informed that the opening act doesn't get that privilege."
Now, they were here on the road trying to get their name out as they supported their EP and using that buzz to land an actual record deal to record an album. Getting radio support wasn’t easy. So Ezra had told them word of mouth was the way to go. It meant performing non-stop as they worked on making fans and connections. 
It was certainly an adjustment period for all. 
One, they all were thrust together to form a band. He, Jeff, and Garreth at least knew each other. They were familiar with each other. They had that bond. Jensen was a stranger. They put her in a group of three men. It was expected of her to just trust them, not only with her dreams, but her general well-being. 
Somehow, it worked. Maybe it was fate that they all got along and could find their groove as a band. 
Either way, he knows they are going to be something, as Jensen has an amazing voice. Despite the guitars and drums, her vocals have a sultry feel that he believed would give them an edge over their peers. 
Eddie is excited about the future for once. But the real challenge came when they got on the road. 
Misogyny and racism filled the music world - especially the rock world. Eddie isn’t stupid despite the repeating of senior year a few times. He is fully aware of the privilege he has as a white man. Even with Jeff being another guitarist and just as a friend, he had witnessed how the world treated his friend in Hawkins. Now, in the rock world, they had a black guitarist and lead singer. 
The shit he heard and had to witness was disgusting. He hated the fact both Jensen and Jeff would tell him to ignore it. 
And now on tour as word-of-mouth spread and more people were talking about them than the main act, the childish and ignorant antics were increasing. 
So it does not surprise Eddie with them saying they don’t have the privilege of sound check. Eddie hates to say it, but the treatment of the lovely residents of Hawkins at least gave him some thick skin with this type of behavior. 
“They are just jealous, Jen,” he replies softly. 
Jensen grunts as she lays down next to him on the bed. She grabs a pillow and cradles it as she rests her head on it. 
Eddie bites his lip to hide the smile that threatens to overtake his lips. This was also a change he needed to come to terms with. He wants to blame it on the close quarters and the fact she is the only constant woman they are around. 
Besides, the fact they can jam out to Deep Purple, Metallica, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, and Dio without shame. He was in Heaven. She enjoyed the same things he did, from magazines to movies, and even food. Hell, with each stop on tour, they were steadily adding to his tatty collection with a few matching ones. 
And, it didn’t help that she was hot as fuck. Most would notice her sun-kissed, curly brown hair. It was her most distinctive feature. 
Yet, as he eyes her in a pair of jean shorts that were dangerously close to revealing the curve of her ass cheeks with a cropped plain white tee, it was always her thighs and ass that drew his attention. As much as they listened to heavy metal and rock, Jensen kept a stack of mixtapes of R&B. They listened to those to ‘cool down’ as she would say. 
It was forever seared in his brain, the way her hips moved as she danced along to Teddy Pendergrass crooning for them to turn off the lights. She had been wearing a tight emerald green velvet cocktail dress, as she called it, as she teased the fabric on her skin. Her fingers itched the hem of her dress higher up her thighs and it exposed him to the bat tattoo she copied from him. 
Yet, he told himself that he wouldn’t cross that line. They were work partners - friends. He knew it would be a bad feeling to begin any type of romantic entanglement. It would be messy and most likely ruin the band. They would not be a Fleetwood Mac 2.0. 
“You tell Garreth and Jeff?”
“Yeah, but they don’t get it.”
Eddie frowns as he understood the frustration. He knows when talking to Garreth and Jeff they had a blase attitude about all this. It was fun and exciting, but Eddie knows to make it requires discipline. He doesn’t think it settled in for them yet. 
The two of them were reading music and business magazines to understand contracts. It was making sure if they got a record deal that had the rights to their publishing and masters. It was them planning for their future. 
Eddie reaches out and his thumb brushes between her brows. “You’re going to get wrinkles.”
Jensen snorts. “I wouldn’t be if Ezra did his damn job.”
Eddie laughs. Ezra was cool to a point, but they both knew that Ezra was only thinking about how many zeros they could produce than the longevity they needed. “Well, that’s the music business, baby. We do all the hard work for someone else to get paid.”
Jensen buries her face into her pillow, and her words are muffled. “It sucks!”
Eddie brings his hand out and rubs her shoulders. “Was that all that happened?”
She stiffens as she keeps her head on the pillow. 
She turns on her side. She doesn’t look at him as she plays with the strap of his guitar. “Eddie…”
Eddie gets up from the bed and paces. “I can’t handle this shit, Jen. It’s one thing for people to talk shit about our music and hell, maybe a performance. It’s different when it’s about you and fucking Jeff.”
Jensen moves to her back and sighs. “Eddie, you’re going to have to get used to this. People are just shitty.”
“This is shit,” Eddie replies. 
Jensen huffs, and she practically bounces off the bed. Her hands come out and grip the edge of his shirt and tug. “Just think, one day they will try to open for us.”
Eddie closes his mouth and takes a deep breath. His brown eyes peer into hers. He brings her into a hug and he ignores his heart, beating faster as she lays her head against his chest. “Well, I got a riff to a new song. You can tell me if you like it.”
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Eddie has his guitar slung over his shoulder and Jensen has her yellow and orange microphone in her hands. After becoming victims to cut cords and strings, they never leave their equipment out. 
A cigarette is burning between his lips as they walk down to the dim hallway and past the room where the headliners have their own dressing room before Jensen comes to a full stop. Eddie stops as well. “What’s wrong?”
“I have an idea,” she states proudly. 
Her brown eyes gleam, and he watches as she approaches the door to the dressing room. She presses her ear to the door. She seems satisfied and her hands clutch the doorknob. 
“Keep watch,” she tells him as she cracks open the door. 
His cigarette falls out of his mouth. “Keep watch? What the hell are you doing?”
A giggle escapes her lips as she scurries into the room. Eddie’s sneaker squeak against the floor as he rushes after her. His hand prevents the door from closing. Jensen is already by the band’s display of guitars. 
“Jensen, what the hell are you doing?” He whispers harshly. 
His eyes widen as she stands in front of the black and white Fender Stratocaster. The lead singer's guitar. He watches as she undoes the button of her black and white jeans. He whips around as he catches a flash of red lace. “Jensen?”
“Just keep watch alright,” she replies. 
He hears the splash first before the sigh escapes her lips. She’s pissing on their guitar. Eddie shakes his head, as he cannot believe the situation he is in. 
“Shit, do you think me pissing on their shit is going to give them more talent?” Jensen comments. 
“Oh hell, Jen,” Eddie replies and he can’t help the laugh that builds in his belly and escapes from his throat. Her giggle soon joins his, as she latches onto his forearm and drags them out of the room. Their laughs bounce off the walls as they rush to get ready for their set. 
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Their set goes off without a hitch. They sold some CDs, cassettes, and homemade shirts after the show. They don’t bother watching the show. He isn’t too sure where Garreth and Jeff fucked off to after the show. Eddie and Jensen made camp in their room. They ordered a pizza. He had brought out some weed, and her cool-down mixtape was playing. 
She is in an oversized t-shirt as she dances on the bed. They had pushed the two twin beds together, and he watched, amused, as she nearly fell into the crack many times. 
Eddie watches with hazy eyes as the smoke caresses her. She smiles as “Between the Sheets” comes on. He takes a puff from his joint. As he exhales, he holds the joint out for her to take. 
Instead, she climbs into his lap and takes the joint. He doesn’t allow himself to linger on her thighs as the shirt rides up. She makes a noise of content as she inhales. She exhales the smoke into the air and watches it disappear into nothing.
She scoots closer to him and their chests are touching. He gets the overwhelming scent of tea tree oil and weed as they breathe each other’s air. She takes another hit.
Her small hands reach out and cup his chin. She brings her lips close to his. Eddie is at first hesitant, as he knows they shouldn’t cross this line. She parts her lips but doesn’t kiss him. He takes a second to realize what’s she doing. He inhales deeply as she releases the smoke in his mouth. 
She pulls back and grins. Her dimples prominent. He didn’t even realize his hands had moved to her thighs as he squeezes them. 
There are only two ways this could go. 
“We shouldn’t do this,” he tells her. This is playing with fire. If one misstep happens between them, everything they are working hard to build can come crashing down. 
“We shouldn’t do a lot of things,” she counters.
Eddie goes to remove his rings when her voice stops him. “Don’t take them off.”
Eddie quirks an eyebrow but says nothing. Eddie’s hand slips into her underwear. Her legs widen for him. She moans as his fingertips touch her clit. Jensen takes another hit and places the joint in the ashtray. She brings her mouth to his as he greedily accepts the smoke in his mouth. 
He quickly slides off her underwear and slides between her thighs. She bites her lip as she looks at him nervously. “We don’t have to do this,” he tells her. They could go back to acting like nothing happened. 
“I want to. I just want it to be good,” she tells him. “I’m not…I only done this a couple times. And it’s you.” She tells him with warm cheeks. 
“Me too,” he reassures her. Because of his status of being a freak in Hawkins, it wasn’t as if girls were lining up outside of his trailer. He may have gotten a few blowies and a hand job, but he didn’t have sex until a college girl was visiting her family and saw his show at the Hideout when he was 18. That was a couple of years ago. 
He uses his middle and index finger to spread her folds apart. Coating his fingers in her wetness, he gets a better look at her. He travels down her body and leaves a trail of kisses before he flicks his tongue inside her. 
She moans loudly, breathless. And damn, Eddie thinks he could hear that noise every day of his life. He pushes two fingers knuckle deep inside f her. Her walls clench around them and he can feel the ache that goes straight to his dick. 
He glances up at her as his tongue flicks her clit quickly. He doesn’t have much experience, but at least he is doing something right. 
She pulls her oversized shirt off her body and it rewarded him with the sight of her perky breast bouncing from the movement. One of her hands tangles into his hair and the other tweaks at her nipple. 
“Eddie…” Her breath hitched as he sucks on her clit and her legs try to wrap around his head. His hands stop her as he pushes her legs flat. He can feel her trying to move against his face as he fucks her with his tongue. 
He hears her release a growl of frustration. “Eddie…please!.”
Eddie takes mercy on her as releases his grip on her legs and pushes his fingers back in her, making his cool rings hit her chubby nub as he gives her a harsh suck on her clit. 
Her back arches and he can feel her pulsating around his tongue. Her thighs have him in a tight grip as she trembles and he has to move her legs back down. He is gentle as he pulls his fingers out as he places a kiss on her pussy. The curly-haired guitarist admires the wetness that coats her puffy lips, her thighs, and the sheets. 
He can’t help himself as he places another kiss on her thighs. But then he indulges himself by giving her a sharp bite, which makes her jump and hiss. He soothes the sting with his tongue before he makes work on giving her a hickey. 
He pulls back to admire the shiny bruise. A part of him is proud that when she wears her shorts, the bruise will be exposed. 
He looks at Jensen, her pupils blown. Nipples hard they look painful. He moves up and brings her in a deep kiss. He feels her hands move to his boxers. 
“Eddie, please, fuck me.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. He quickly removes his boxers and shirt. She whines as he has to pull back from her. He bends down and grabs his jeans for his wallet where he keeps a condom. 
He slips a teasing hand around his cock a few times before he slides on the condom. He thinks he could get off of Jensen just watching in pleasure. 
“Please, Eddie,” she begs as she fists the bedsheets. 
She spreads her legs and arches her back to prepare for the impact. He gradually pushes his cock into her and she gasps as it stretches her. Her hands come up and he can feel her fingers dig into his shoulders. He fills her to the hilt, and he gives her a moment to adjust to him. To him, it's the most wonderful feeling in the world and he tries to think of any disgusting thought to make this last longer. 
Jensen squeezes his sides with her thighs in acknowledgment that he can move. 
He rolls his hips tauntingly slow. He uses one hand to hold himself up as he thrusts into her. With his free hand, he cups her right breast and uses his thumb to flicker against the hard nipple. Her lips part with a moan and her fingers trail down from his shoulders to his spine until they fall to his ass. She squeezes delicately as her hips meet his thrusts. 
He buries his face into her neck as he moans loudly. The sound of skin slapping fills the room. Both of their bodies became slick with sweat and from her juices. He nips at her shoulder and leaves another a hickey. She cries out at a hard thrust and her legs tighten. 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he cries out as he slams into her harder. 
Her body tenses and he moves his head from her neck. He replaces his hand on her breasts with his lips. He encloses around the hard bud and gives a small nip, and her back stiffens and arches. Her hands fly to his hair and she releases a single breathless gasp. Her walls tighten around him. 
She cries out his name, and it's the one thing he needs to bring him over the edge. He gives three final sloppy thrusts before he is cumming hard. He thinks he sees goddamn stars. 
“Wow,” she breathes in a whisper. Eddie looks deep into Jensen’s red-rimmed eyes. Her eyes were the color of cinnamon. Not chocolate, honey, or coffee, but cinnamon with a sparkle to them. 
He leans down and meets her lips. She eagerly kisses him back. Her arms wrap around his neck, holding him close as tongue and teeth clash sloppily. He keeps kissing her until he softens fully and pulls out of her heat. 
Her pussy clenches at the emptiness and for a minute, he wonders what it would be like to see his seed dripping out of her. He pulls off his condom and throws it away. He doesn’t want to leave the bed, but he knows they need to clean up a bit. 
“See sometimes it’s nice playing with fire,” she tells him sleepily. 
He laughs as he places a kiss on her nose. “I’ll be sure to remember that in fear you’ll piss on my guitar.”
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salios · 10 years
Is it bad that I want to write an au where Eddie knew Waylan before Outlast and when they meet up in the asylum Waylan realises that Eddie did all his murdering and "waifu" insanity because he missed Waylan? Because, you know, I do.
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moidarling · 10 years
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