#we accidentally got sucked in and played for nearly 8 straight hours
hookeorcrook · 1 year
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A Much Needed Rest -- Session Diary
(long) session recap under the cut :)
BBEG crony curb stomps us into next week. The party is able to run through the tunnel in the middle into a boiler room. We piton the door closed. We go into the next room and a partition cuts the party in two. Andy Sterling and J’hola on one side, Eckid and Dax on the other. The room is flooding. Puzzle room solved. We exit and piton the next door closed into a bare-bones empty room. Artificially lit with ambient lighting, we try to break through it to no avail. Crony breaks thru and strikes at Dax. Sterling shifts and intercepts, protecting Dax, before he shoots flames out at everyone. Sterling and Dax engage while the rest of the party tries to break through the walls. Andy kicks open the ceiling and uncovers that its got a square ceiling over their circular room. A voice over the PA greets us and identifies itself as the Prince of the Doves. He beckons us out and into a lounge to cut us a deal. Regulus, the prince, confesses someone hired them and shows us his face. Takes us to Sun on a stone slab in a dungeon where hes dying. Dax cures his poisoning. Regulus takes sacrifices from everyone. Andy’s right arm, Sterling’s right leg, Eckid’s gold, 2yrs of Dax’s life, J’hola’s voice and Sun’s dancing. Regulus leads us out after taking our payments and leads us to a trap door leading to just outside Moanin’ Maud’s in the rain. (Benoit) ushers us in and lets the 6 of us rest in his upstairs rooms. We are all fucked up. He tells us Lady Lillia was here asking him questions about us. Told her he hadn’t seen us, & had to close the bar. He feeds us and tends to us and we go to sleep. In the night, at 2 am, someone opens Eckid’s door with Knock and wakes everyone up. Someone in boots stays waiting in front of the room the rest of us are in, we don’t open it for a while. When we do, there’s a note in ink scrawled on the wall: “I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE”. No one in the tavern, entrance wet from someone walking in from the rain. We organize to leave Maud’s and tell Benoit to get outta there, and for Pareidolia to contact Yasmir. We take Sun with us and head to his caravan for him to pack, then Richter’s wizard hut. On the way out of town we get attacked by a hooded figure on horseback. He tells us to leave Viquar’s Gate and for the King to stay away. He does not respond to our questions. We go to the caravan (Sun and Dax share their first kiss(im dying)) then go to Richter’s. The party warms up by the fire and relays what happened. They all eat and bathe and have a PJ party and collapse all over Victor Richter’s house.
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seawolvesanddragons · 5 years
--HOLY SHIT what a movie
--if you don’t want spoilers, stop reading
--this is gonna be a mess and out of order probably, not sorry.
--I got one hour of sleep but by god it was worth it
--ok I kind of wished they had kept the Stan Lee Marvel intro for this, that would have been really sweet
--I am SO glad I went to a midnight premiere with at least one other big fan (henceforth referred to as “K.” I didn’t get to go to a midnight or even opening weekend showing of IW and that sucked; the audience type really does make a difference.)
--K and I were so excited and nervous that we started grabbing each other’s hands during the freaking IMAX countdown. The movie hadn’t even started yet.
--Also, IMAX was cool in someways (it really did feel like I was in the spaceship at times) but it also weirdly disproportioned everyone’s bodies, a lot of the time it was like looking at a bunch of Luther’s from UA.
--Ok, Hawkeye losing his whole family? So damn sad. Also kind of took me out of the tragedy just a bit -  the whole “fifty percent” but Hawkeye is the only one of his family to not get dusted?
--Tony and Steve’s reunion was handled so well, like at first they are like “lets just get through this” (and the line “I lost the kid”; my heart cracked) but then they get to the real issue: Tony warned them of this, He and Steve split. And Steve wasn’t there when Tony needed him most. Both are responsible for their actions in CW, and neither are really to blame here, but they realize they could have done better.
--When they full on killed Thanos I was like wait. what. what is the plot then. Its been five minutes. What.
--”FIVE” K and Me: No..... “YEARS” K and Me: No no no....
“LATER” K and Me: Oh shit
--Thor was a god damm treasure in this movie and anyone who says elsewise can fight me
--So that whole “One in 14 billion chance we win” all depended on...a rat accidentally letting Scott out? Damn. Stephen really was taking a gamble.
--Ok I’m sorry but wasn’t Cassy like 7, maybe 8 in Wasp? It’s been five years why does she look like she’s 16 or 17 if not older? I legit thought it was her mother at first.
--Nat is doing so great trying to keep everything going. I love it, I love how she and Steve support each other, everything about this is good.
--Rhodey and Nebula were the surprise Brotp of this movie and I approve
--Ok let’s be real we all thought that was a doghouse and Tony and Pepper got a dog at first right?
--Oh shit we really are doing time travel aren’t we
--K and I nearly jumped out of our seats in excitement when we revisited that first Avengers 360 pan
--LOKI. (For a moment I really did think that him disappearing with the stone meant that he was going to be able to show up in future movies, but I was reminded later that the timestreams were fixed by Steve.)
--I really thought they stunt doubled Natalie Portman until we got up close, like damn they did a good job keeping that under wraps
--I spent this whole movie waiting for Harley to show up; I want you to know that
--Revisiting these points in the past was so nostalgic, K and I kept being like “ohhhhhh yesssss”
--watching Starlord’s dance from the outside was hilarious “so basically he’s an idiot” Rhodey is so done with everyone except Nat, Nebula and Tony
--OK the 2012 flashback was cool but it also just made me want an entire season of Avengers:Covert Ops because it was so fucking smooth
--For a moment, I got my details mixed up and thought that the date and place Tony mentioned to get the tesseract and Pym’s forumla was when Bucky killed his parents and guys I was terrified and ready at the same time.
--K and I could not stop moving around out of antsy anxiety the whole damn movie; good thing we were in the front
--We literally clutched each other’s arms when Thanos was beating the shit outta Steve because we really thought this was gonna be it for him and we were NOT READY
--Legit the moment Thor dropped his hammer I started muttering “Cap pick it up pick it up Cap Cap Cap pick it up” like a manic religious fanatic. K wasn’t bothered, but I felt bad for the guy on my left - until he started checking his phone every 5 minutes. Its 3 am dude, who the fuck is texting you
--I SCREAMED when Sam called. Thankfully, so did the rest of the theater
--K and I did not stop clapping for about ten minutes straight and my hands still hurt when I got home an hour later
--Steve: Avengers...
The whole damn theater: ASSEMBLE
--that scene though. We didn’t get the full 360 redo like I hoped for, but that aieral scan of EVERYONE was just. So amazing. Beautiful cinema. Those colors oh my god
--Look I clapped, exclaimed/shouted, and had my heart swell pretty much every single time the characters returned, it was an emotional mess. K cried. If my tear ducts weren’t removed by the Empire, I would have too
--I’m vaguely aware of yelling “YES QUEEN” when Scarlet Witch showed up and kicked Thanos to Knowhere and back. It was either me or K. Or maybe both.  
--We went in a group of mostly women (in a theater of mostly guys) and we screamed SO LOUDLY at that badass woman warriors scene
--doesn’t make up for how angry I was that after killing Gamora, the Gaurdians’ one female (Mantis doesn’t really count for me yet, she just joined them in my head) they went and killed one of the few female superheroes, the sole female original avenger, and one of two females in this mission. I ranted about that under my breath for a long, long while
--I am going to need to rewatch that fight scene a good thousand more times because I just could NOT keep up with everything
--K yelled “ITS OVER ITS FUCKING OVER” when Captain Marvel showed up
--I AM IRON MAN *SNAP* look our theater rioted ok.
--look there really was a moment there where I whispered “wait...are they giving us a happy ending” and K was like “no way” and then they did the face close up and GOD DAMMIT
--Ok look I REALLY thought Tony was going to be safe! I was CONVINCED he would be safe! I was like “Ok, Steve is 100 percent going to die fighting” but I was SO SURE they wouldn’t kill off Tony. Maybe he would get really injured. He absolutely would retire afterwards, for good. But they wouldn’t kill him off. Not after they intwined him into the Spiderman movies, and as many other movies as they could. They built this franchise off of him. He was, if not everyone’s favorite, a top tier player. I was convinced Marvel wanted to keep him alive so that, if they were ever worried about a movie turn out, they could throw Tony in there for a few scenes. They wouldn’t kill him. Absolutely not. Steve was gonna die fighting. OH DAMN WAS I WRONG
--look my optimism played me and after being a GOT fan for so many years I really should have known better
--oh hell they did NOT make such a big deal about Harvey coming back just to throw him in at the funeral screw y’all
--Thor joining the Guardians was an unexpected gift god bless Hemsworth
--Steve’s ending was so sweet but I do kind of wonder what Bucky is gonna do now. Stay in Wakanda? Partner with Sam? Oh damn I want a Bucky, Sam, and Tchalla team up movie, with Wanda popping in occasionally to be like “you idiots need a hand?”
--I’m devastated about Tony and Natasha, and I feel for Wanda, but honestly good call not bringing Vision back outta all the options; I truly even forgot about him till Wanda started going after Thanos.
--look we clapped so much for the original six but everyone stood up and cheered for RDJ (which, yes SJ/Natasha also deserved but the dude STARTED this franchise)
--This movie emotionally ruined me and I want to watch it six more times today.
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