#we all know youtube values profit over ethics
siren-crown · 11 months
SSSniperwolf really doxxed Jacksfilms because he kept parodying her react content to prove how it is theft/ notify the creators they were stolen from/ shame her out of it.
And then she says she wants a restraining order.
If YouTube doesn't reprimand her in a serious way then they are showing how much they value profit over ethics.
I wonder if Jack will pursue legal action since doxxing is a crime...
Updates below the cut.
Update 1:
YouTube hasn't done or said anything about the situation.
Jack addressed this in a recent video and called for YouTube to deplatform her.
SSSniperwolf mocks the doxxing on her Instagram.
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Update 2:
G Fuel stopped the page where you could buy their SSSniperwolf inspired product but no official statement on it.
Videos are resurfacing of SSSniperwolf's past like transphobia and racism. The main one getting attention is where she asked kids to twerk for her.
Update 3:
Instead of punishing SSSniperWolf YouTube seems to be changing their policies to accommodate her doxxing. They will not be punishing creators for off-platform actions.
Sully G showed this in this tweet and his video
Update 4:
After a week, YouTube has finally issued a response. SSSniperwolf will be receiving a temporary monetization suspension. No mention of how long this suspension will last.
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SSSniperwolf also issued an apology.
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Pretty suspicious how both came out out around the time.
Both of these are pretty shitty and the YouTube community as a whole does not seem to be accepting her apology and disapprove of YouTubes punishment as it is too light.
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psdontgetdegrees · 1 year
I’m Getting The Hang Of This! | Week 6: Digital Citizenship Case Study: Social Media Influencers And The Slow Fashion Movement
This week is the big presentation week! I’m excited to show the class what I know about my research topic. I think I've done a great job with the PowerPoint also. It's been tricked up with all these animations that are really fun! I hope the teacher likes it too!!!
This week’s reading is on Digital Citizenship Case Study: Social Media Influencers And The Slow Fashion Movement
What is slow fashion? And how do Digital communities affect it?
Slow fashion encourages consumers to adopt more responsible and intentional buying habits. This means choosing high-quality clothes that can be worn for years, repairing and repurposing clothing instead of throwing it away, and buying from small businesses and ethical brands. An example in the reading explains that “trend cycles” (Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022) have increased from “two collections [produced] a year”(Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022) to an astonishing “50” to “100 minicycles”(Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022) produced in one year, with trends changing every “Fifteen Days” (Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022).
In terms of the assigned reading, The reading "Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review" summarizes existing research on the behavior of consumers in the context of the slow fashion movement. The important takeaways from the authors explore various factors that influence consumers to adopt slow fashion practices, such as environmental concerns, ethical considerations, and personal values. The article explains that “Nowadays, consumers are increasingly looking for unique products and designs’ which has given rise to what we call “fast fashion”(Domingos, Vale & Faria,2022). Fast fashion is a business model of producing and selling trendy clothing quickly and cheaply, where “millions of people buy clothes [without] a thought about the consequences”(Dana Thomas, 2019). It prioritizes speed and profit over quality and sustainability, resulting in environmental damage, unethical labor practices, and a culture of disposable clothing. “As a whole, the world’s citizens acquire some 80 billion apparel items annually” (Dana Thomas, 2019).
The additional readings included a review of Shein, a well-known online retailer of quick fashion, by YouTube Channel “DW Planet A”, Where the presenter talks about her conflicted thoughts regarding the brand in the video. Shein offers reasonably priced, stylish clothes that appeal to many young shoppers, but she also expresses worries about the fast fashion industry's ethical and environmental effects. Shein has been seen over the last couple of years as more of a threat to the fashion industry and therefore the world than any other clothing brand ever. Shein has also been under fire for a number of unethical decisions, such as unfavorable working conditions in their factories, harm to the environment caused by their fast fashion business model, and ethical issues with their supplier chain. There have been allegations of underpaying, overworking, and hazardous working conditions for Shein's factory employees. (DW Planet A, 2022)
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A really interesting read I found was on how destructive Shein is t the overall fashion industry, and how it effects us environmentally https://www.elle.com.au/fashion/why-is-shein-so-bad-27846
The slow fashion movement aims to transform the fashion industry into one that is more ethical, sustainable, and prioritizes community and the environment before profit and mass production. The slow fashion movement promotes a change towards more sustainable and thoughtful practices in opposition to the fast fashion industry, which produces cheap and stylish clothing that is soon discarded. This means utilizing environmentally friendly materials, creating durable clothing, and appreciating the abilities and labor of those who engage in the fashion industry.
Thomas, D, 2019, The Wall Street Journal.The High Price OF Fast Fashion. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-high-price-of-fast-fashion-11567096637. [Accessed 1 April 2023].
Domingos, M, Vale, VT & Faria, S 2022, ‘Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review’, Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 14, no. 5, MDPI AG, Basel, 
DW Planet A, 2022, If you think fast fashion is bad, check out SHEIN - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4km0Cslcpg. [Accessed 1 April 2023]
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janiahspeaks · 3 years
Who’s to Blame for the Ongoing Unethical Practices of Fast Fashion? Consumers or the Brand? (Discourse Surrounding the Popularity of Shein)
There has been growing concern on the unethical practices related to fast-fashion and the negative impact they have on the environment. The fashion industry is the second largest polluter, and fast fashion brands like Zara, H&M, Asos, Boohoo, and Forever21 have been dragged in the spotlight for their disastrous roles in terms of the planet. These brands put out thousands of new clothing each day, contributing to the growing problem of textile and water waste. Fast- fashion brands have also gone under fire for their labor practices as many aren’t transparent enough or have been exposed for child labor and paying low wages. Recent discourse has been surrounding the brand Shein. As a result of the pandemic, Shein, previously Sheinside, has become a top fast fashion brand specifically for Gen Z. During the 2020 pandemic, Shein gained a profit close to $10 billion. Their Instagram alone has 21.6 million followers. A huge influx of Shein hauls, costing hundreds of dollars, have been posted on Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok by influencers and common people alike. As a result, their followers run to the brand to buy cheap, low-quality clothing to follow continuously changing trends. There has been an immense amount of discourse over the ethics of supporting Shien and whether the blame is on the consumer, or the brand itself. Many buyers of Shein defend their buying habits on still wanting to enjoy fashion while being from a lower-class background. While many plus sized women are defending their purchases by claiming Shein is one of the few fast-fashion brands that cater to plus sized women at an affordable price. On the other hand, the opposite opinion believes the unethical and unsustainable practices of Shein are evidence enough to not support the brand. Shein too has been under fire and exposed for their lack of transparency when it comes to their labor force and privacy policies. Shein has lied about their labor practices and wages and has yet to disclose information about its working conditions and supply chain that are required by law in the UK. While TikTok has been a strong platform for Shein to grow their audience, it has also been a place that many users have of exposed Shein for their unethical practices. For example, recently Tiktokers were warning people about Shein’s constant data breaches involving users’ personal information. Critics of those who buy Shein usually suggest buying from thrift stores, secondhand shops, or ethical brands. However, many say they can’t afford ethical brands or have thrift stores they can go to that align with their fashion style, which is understandable. Critics of Shein also point out the many times Shein has sold severely offensive products on their website with some being a necklace with a Buddhist swastika pendant, a phone case with an image of a handcuffed Black person outlined in chalk, and a Muslim prayer mat as a decorative rug. Although Shein has publicly apologized for these instances, it goes to show how immoral fast fashion can be as this is a result of producing anything and everything to encourage overconsumption. Another criticism of Shein is their blatant stealing of clothing ideas from small fashion designers. Although many designers raise awareness about their designs being stolen on social media, it’s unfortunate that many people will never know or support the actual brains behind the design. This shows how much of a giant Shein is as they can find designs to copy and have them on the site in less than a week. I too was a buyer of Shein, before the brand’s rise in popularity, dating all the way back to around 2018. Being a young college freshman, I was determined to look my best with the little money I got with my part-time job, and Shein was the company I looked to. As of today, I have none of the clothes I purchased from them. I either sold them on secondhand apps or had to throw them away because they were no good. Ultimately, the clothing is cheap and not meant to last long. Coming from a lower-class background myself I understand the struggle of being a young woman who loves fashion but has a tight budget. You want to keep up with trends, and these fast fashion brands strive on microtrends and overconsumption/consumerism. However, I believe us as consumers do have a slight responsibility to limit our consumption if we want to protect the planet. I completely understand the struggle plus-size women go through when it comes to fashion as well. If you must buy from fast fashion companies at least lower the amount you’re buying. You don’t need 100 new clothes every month. I know not everyone has good thrift store but if you live in the U.S., which is the majority of Shein’s market, there are plenty of Goodwills, Value Villages, Park Ave Thrifts, and more that are scattered around the country. I love thrifting because you can find unique pieces for super cheap its just a scavenger hunt
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cannabisrefugee-esq · 5 years
(via Antiauthoritarianism: Illustration via Juxtaposition.)
If the above vid is not the perfect illustration of concept I don’t know what is. This is the most recent YouTube upload by Royalty Soaps, what used to be a one-woman soapmaking business that has grown over several years into something else. The backstory here seems to be that at some point, the eldest yet still teenaged daughter in some freakishly large Quiverfull-type family consisting of a mother, a father and a dozen(ish) Irish twins* started making soap and with the help and support of that family has become very successful and has now delegated some of her substantial duties to others.
As described in this vid, this woman’s business recently experienced an unexpected and frightening setback and she relied heavily on her family to correct the situation and save the day, which they did in spades.  They also had the time, energy, material resources and desire to throw her an Insta-worthy backyard 25th birthday party in the midst of this family project.  The party was beautiful and the familial love and care given and received there, as documented in this vid…well watch it for yourself and see what you think.  For me, the experience of watching this was somewhat complicated.  I enjoyed it, was moved by it but it made me deeply uncomfortable and thinky…and hungry for salad, cake and sun tea.
What was so deeply disturbing to me about this footage was the backdrop against which it was shot and I’m not referring to her (albeit somewhat disturbing) home state of Texas, or a photo prop.  The backdrop here, as it is most everywhere, is the social context of capitalism and patriarchy and what that means is that, in order for this situation and this footage to exist, this woman has had to comply, comply, comply in order to reap what must be conditional rewards of love; affection; physical presence and caretaking; emotional care and concern; and finally, material things that, under the current system, really only money can buy.  Doesn’t it?  In her case, she has had to buy into the religious, political and social traditions of her family including the patriarchal authority of her parents, the heterosexual and mommy mandates and more in order to have what she has.  Of course, the traditions of her family mirror the traditions of her culture more or less exactly.
Luckily for her there does not seem to be any obvious conflict between her own values, conscience etc. and that of her family (or culture) but what if there was?  What would happen to her if she woke up one day with, say, environmental concerns implicating overpopulation and natalism, or economic concerns implicating capitalism and the money system and the ethics of making and selling soap (or doing anything) for profit?  What if, God forbid, this Quiverfull (or whatever) daughter woke up one day with feminist concerns which implicate all of that plus the destablization of the patriarchal authority of her father/parents, her husband, her church and the State?
Let’s talk about anitauthoritarianism for a bit.  Antiauthoritarians, as far as I understand, do not normally stand around trying to sip lemonade through twigs, pissing in the wind or paddling swamped canoes sideways upstream; antiauthoritarians accept some authority in other words, like natural authority/natural law including the laws of physics.  As described in this article from the Mad In America blog, antiauthoritarians just flatly reject illegitimate authority, or authority that appears to be illegitimate to them:
Anti-authoritarians question whether an authority is a legitimate one before taking that authority seriously. Evaluating the legitimacy of authorities includes assessing whether or not authorities actually know what they are talking about, are honest, and care about those people who are respecting their authority. And when anti-authoritarians assess an authority to be illegitimate, they challenge and resist that authority—sometimes aggressively and sometimes passive-aggressively, sometimes wisely and sometimes not.
People who do not or cannot accept what they see as illegitimate authority commonly become socially and financially disenfranchised leading to isolation and chronic poverty, homelessness and physical injury and disease.  Contributing to their disenfranchisement, they are also often diagnosed, by capitalistic patriarchal medical authority no less, as being mentally ill.  Which is exactly what authoritarian medical providers would tend to think of — and do to — anti-authoritarians innit.
In the case of the founder of Royalty Soaps, she seems to be doing quite well for herself, as far as we know is happy, healthy, and (therefore implicitly) socially, mentally, emotionally, intellectually and materially well-supported.  But what did it take for her to get there?  Under the current system of capitalism and patriarchy, since she is not particularly disenfranchised I think we can infer at least that either she is an authoritarian or that she is an antiauthoritarian who has decided that capitalistic and patriarchal authority is legitimate.   Can’t we?  I suspect that she is an authoritarian but even if she isn’t, in either case, she has been willing and able to take direction and correction from (for example) a serial impregnator (her father), a domesticated/patriarchal woman (her mother), an entitled male child (her young husband) and others with such dubious credentials and she seems to be fine with this.  To be fair, her parents and family do seem to be nice people.
Funnily enough, in this vid we also see her taking direction and correction directly from the capitalistic patriarchal State by way of the town’s Fire Marshall who evicted her noncompliant workspace from her property, but if she ever wakes up with antiauthoritarian tendencies and an anticapitalist or pro-feminist bent the Fire Marshall — or even the State — will be the least of her problems.
The concept of antiauthoritarianism under conditions of capitalism and patriarchy has given me much food for thought and insights into my own life and struggles as a feminist woman in a capitalist patriarchy: I am pretty obviously an antiauthoritarian myself and have been unable to consistently take direction and correction from patriarchal authority which I have deemed illegitimate on its face.  Of course, under a more or less global social system founded on patriarchy ALL social authority is rather inherently patriarchal isn’t it.  That explains a lot.
I simply cannot take impregnators and oppressors of women or their authority seriously, I cannot take patriarchal handmaidens and/or domesticated women and their authority seriously.  If some fucking porn addicted greasy manager/patriarchal enforcer/capitalist/prick says or implies that I have to do thus and so or else I will become homeless and raped (disenfranchised in other words) I have always had a serious problem with that.**  I don’t know why more people don’t, except that they are either authoritarians, or antiauthoritarians who think the authority of porn addicted greasy pricks is rooted in something legitimate.  Some people probably do think that, yes.  But I don’t.  And “authoritarian” is not that great of a thing to be.
au·thor·i·tar·i·an adjective favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.
“the transition from an authoritarian to a democratic regime”
synonyms:  autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian, despotic, tyrannical, autarchic, draconian, absolute, arbitrary, oppressive, repressive, illiberal, undemocratic, antidemocratic
noun an authoritarian person. synonyms:  autocrat, despot, dictator, tyrant, absolutist.
*The youngest sibling, a toddler girl, was born with Down’s Syndrome and has leukemia for which the parents are subjecting her to chemo and radiation treatment. On that basis alone some people would start to seriously question the values and customs of this family and this culture but this woman doesn’t.  Not yet anyway.
**I don’t have any problem avoiding homelessness by, say, not playing with fire, not living on a flood plain if I can help it (learned that one the hard way) or not disassembling my home with a screwdriver and selling the pieces for scrap.  That means something.  And the sicker I get, not-doing things — as opposed to doing things — is about the best I can do anyway.
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The Complete Copywriting Course : Write To Sell in 2019
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WANT TO BE A BETTER COPYWRITER?Are you struggling to make sense of all the information out there?  Are you stuck for words? Or just plain don't know where to start?LEMME KNOW IF THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR:You sit down to write but the words don't come. When they do, they sound floppy, lifeless, flat on the page. Worse, you feel kinda greasy, gloopy -- a little bit 'scuzzy'.And even though you've studied blog post after blog post....Read a few copywriting books....Fallen down endless YouTube rabbit holes....Maybe taken other copywriting courses - eek!!There's still one issue.You're writing isn't working. It's not generating the clicks, shares, downloads and SALES you know you deserve.If that sounds about right, then keep reading...Do you want expert tips to give you a competitive advantage?Do you want access to repeatable formulas and processes? Would you like scientifically-proven techniques to boost your confidence?How about fun, interactive copy missions... to help you lock down the info?And brilliantly handy templates you can overwrite... time and time again?If you want to learn how to write really great copy -- quickly and efficiently -- sign up to The Complete Copywriting Course, today.  With 7000+ students, a consistent rating of 4.6 out of 5 and over 1000 glowing 5-star reviews... you'll be good hands.★★★★★ "As an absolute beginner, I found it to be incredibly useful in understanding the fundamentals of an essential part of online business. Thank you for offering such a comprehensive course." Ross Cessna★★★★★ "Short, straight to the point and an excellent course for anyone who is new to copywriting. Tons of useful tips and tools that I know will make a huge difference in my writing from now on. I'm over the moon excited about putting everything I've learned into practice:-)" Marita Marcolongo★★★★★ "This course the best I have taken so far. You get valuable information that makes your copy way better. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!" Mouhamadou Diouf★★★★★ "Absolutely brilliant! Easy to follow, incredibly educational and packed with resources. Thanks Tam - what a wonderful human you are." Nerissa George★★★★★ "This course is a perfect match for me. I like the way the content is presented. Very useful and straight to the point." Sonja Aleksic★★★★★ "Great course! Time and money well spent. Practical and inspiring. I'm really excited to start my career in copywriting." John Selvey★★★★★ "This course actually makes me excited to start marketing using copy and to be more persuasive." Kasey D★★★★★ "I always thought copywriting was complicated until I took this course. I really see myself doing this for a living. I can't wait to complete the next course on portfolio creation. Thanks for the examples and resources that really add credibility to what you teach." Keenya Tynes★★★★★ "I've been down the Youtube rabbit hole trying to learn anything I could about copywriting, and I've already learned more in this class in LESS time. Tamsin is engaging and breaks down copywriting into actionable, replicable steps. My brain is literally buzzing. I feel like I finally GET it. I also love how many opportunities there are to practice what I'm learning, so I know it's going to stick. The confidence this class has given me is priceless. P.S. This is the first training I've taken on copywriting that hasn't bored me to tears. You can tell so much thought, heart, and soul went into making this training. THANK YOU! :)" LindseyNo other course on Udemy gives you all the fundamental tactics you need -- in just three hours.  No faff, no nonsense. Just binge-worthy video tutorials, packed with fun, easy-to-remember missions, tools and techniques.Let me emphasise that again....EASY-T0-REMEMBER... That's the key to your success, right?If you’ve taken other copywriting courses and found them to be too long, too drawn out, too theoretical... and you're STILL not seeing results?  It's probably because it's impossible to absorb all the information. Which is such a shame. Because learning how to write persuasive copy has the potential to change everything for you.  Check out some reviews from my lovely students below. See for yourself how people are already seeing wonderful results after taking The Complete Copywring Course.★★★★★ "I'm only about 35% through the course and have already had so many "WOW" moments! I actually said "Wow" out loud each time Tamsin made an especially eye-opening point. I am amazed at her gift for words and how she can spin such tempting copy! I never knew how powerful and valuable the skill of copywriting could be, and now I'm really excited to know even more about it and to get better at it.Update: I've completed the course and have learned so much from Tamsin. She's been so generous in sharing her tips and expertise. Her warm and engaging manner makes me want to continue watching her videos. Though I'm not so confident in my abilities, I'm excited to put what I've learnt into building a part-time gig in copywriting." Brenda Chung.★★★★★ "Just the fundamentals section covered more than most copy writing books I've read. I'm moving on to the advanced techniques, and I can't wait. Gonna be learning till late tonight. Better than Netflix." A. Jackson★★★★★ "Best copywriting course on Udemy! Practical and easy-to-follow." Carys. S.★★★★★ "Amazing course! I learned so much. The lessons were light and beautifully explained,the visuals also helped a lot. The information is relevant and applicable, I started taking action immediately. I loved Tamsin's personality and her voice was easy to listen to. I liked that certain things were repeated in various sections, it solidified the information in my head. I will certainly be going over the lessons. This course gave FAR more value than it costs. I would highly recommend it and will be on hunt for any other content this instructor has out there. Thank you Tamsin!"  Christina F-ThomasWELCOME and great to see you here!My name’s Tam and I’m the copywriter behind some of Udemy’s best-selling courses. My marketing career spans 18 years. For six of those, I've been running a successful copywriting business. The flexibility and freedom to work from anywhere, at any time, is what gets me bouncing out of bed every morning. On top of that, doing something creative that feeds my inner science geek AND pays the bills? Couldn't ask for anything better. I believe copywriting is THE most useful (yet underated) skill ANYONE can have.  And I genuinely can’t wait to share what I've learned with you.It doesn't matter what you do, or what your goal is... it's your words that win hearts, minds and pockets.  You could be an app developer, a solopreneur, a digital marketer, a VA, a freelance fashion designer, a florist, an IT engineer, a business coach, a high-flying CEO, an artisan baker, an inventor, a tech startup founder, a branding agency, an Instagram wannabe, a fitness instructor, or a kickarse web designer. If you want to achieve your goals, it all comes down to your WORDS. The words on your website, in your emails, newsletters, pitches, proposals and brochures.  Yup, your COPY.And when you can write to persuade? Endless possibilities in your life and business open up to you.So whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to refresh your skills, this course is for you. And I'm going to walk you through the exact steps I take to remember complex topics -- and how I implement them to run a profitable copywriting business. And how YOU can too. :)★★★★★ "This course was so informative and has empowered me to get started with my freelance copywriting business right away. The content flowed well and I feel prepared to go it on my own!"  J. Smith★★★★★ "SO HELPFUL!!!" Ryan★★★★★ "It’s so obvious now why our copy wasn’t working before. We were making every classic mistake. The tips and tricks I’ve learned on this course have completely changed the way I’m writing. The how to guide make it easy to follow. Now all I need is practice! Add to this the lectures are engaging and get to the point quickly. Thanks Tamsin." Suean Pascoe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IMPORTANT NOTE: I DO NOT use fake reviews. EVER. All my reviews are 100% genuine. Sadly and unfortunately, there are less ethical instructors using underhand strategies to boost their ratings (and diminish the ratings of honest instructors, like me.)  Udemy is working hard to combat this, but some continue slip through.So when you choose a course, please, PLEASE, watch some of the videos, and decide for yourself based on quality. And be EXTREMELY wary of courses promising to make you rich without doing any work, or through automation! You cannot automate copywriting! Thank you! Read the full article
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fimflamfilosophy · 6 years
Yo Gorilla Greg, I just wanna let you know that I appreciate what you're trying to do with your video content. Not that what other Youtubers do doesn't count or is somehow lesser but youre trying to do something different than what the Youtube Meta supports. If your sole-goal was to get big on Youtube, maybe youd be able to do that, maybe you wouldnt but you want to get big just to make more stuff, not to get big just to be big. Its frustrating that its not working out, but big isnt the end goal
The issue with the way Youtube works now is really interesting in a lot of ways, and it speaks to the broader subject of the profit motive. When I say “most top Youtubers these days are total losers”, I’m being as blunt as possible, and it doesn’t mean I feel that way about all Youtubers. That’s also not to say I lack sympathy or respect..But imagine you work at a fast food restaurant as a cashier, and then one day McDonald’s says to you, “Hey, we’re starting a revenue share program, and from now on we’ll pay you a percent of McDonald’s profits to run the register.” Now, you’re not really doing anything significant, and your work doesn’t demonstrate any high skill or real value. You could be replaced tomorrow, but for some reason the company is paying you these massive dividends and they’re acting like you’re very important. You still don’t get to make any decisions, and really you’re just an incidental part of the system, but regardless, you’re making a fortune..So, this can’t last forever. It makes no sense. If Youtube were to get truly ruthless, they’d hire people at a minimum wage salary to do Youtube vlogs that Youtube controls, and then they’d promote their wage slaves to the top of the site. The way they’re set up they really don’t need to be fair with these people, and it really feels like it would just be a matter of diverting traffic. I mean what would they lose? “Man Who Shrieks at Video Games”? “Woman Who Uses Camera”? In reality, most of their top ad revenue is being generated by major brands like VEVO, and there’s a definite feeling that Youtube is drifting further and further away from the “user-made” side of content..But if you’re making just tons of money as a cashier at McDonald’s, even if it’s inexplicable and you know it can’t last, is it better to ride it out while that deal is there? I actually met one of the guys behind a huge reaction channel way back when he first got started. He was introduced to me by the network I was with - he might have been a fan because one of his first reactions was a MLP video. A collab was proposed, but I wasn’t sure what we could do together because we were really approaching the site at different angles. He was a nice guy, but he was making a LOT of content, and I wasn’t sure how I’d fit into his schedule, and other than VA work I wasn’t sure what I could with him..At the time, I remember commenting that the type of “reactions” he was doing were illegal, and that it wouldn’t last because sooner or later someone was going to get on his case. Fast forward maybe half a decade, and that guy is still going. Not only that, but he’s made an absolute fortune on Youtube. He was getting over half a million views per video, and he was posting multiple videos a day. My network managers let it slip during a talk that the guy was making an obscenity in ad revenue. Granted, by now that viewership has declined to about 20k views a day..But here’s the catch: suppose that guy invested the money he earned the years he was being paid six figures to steal copyrighted content for Youtube. He could open a restaurant, invest into stocks - whatever. Once you’re rolling in money, there are a lot of options to make more money, and Youtube’s survival, the health of his channel, it’s all completely irrelevant by now. Same goes for Pewdiepie and all the other top Youtubers. So they don’t have acting or production skills? So what! They’re already set for life, they can use their post success to invest in real estate!.So in the end, was he wrong? A lot of people would argue no. His channel content wasn’t ethical. It wasn’t healthy for the website. He and users like him stole promotion away from the artists who actually made the content he was “reacting” to so he may have been actively harming those artists. But there was never a comeuppance. The grasshopper bought a Ferrari and moved to the southern coast while the ant died in the winter! That’s not good, but if you wanted to run a business on Youtube, obviously that was the type of business they were growing and supporting. Wouldn’t you rather be the grasshopper?.And it’s not only that, but when big Youtubers demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow, Youtube demonstrated the futility of doing so. Take Markiplier, for instance - a guy who I think is way too smart to be this big on Youtube. I’ve seen him talk about taking improv classes and trying to develop professional skills that a person might need in the craft of entertainment. He sometimes hires artists to improve his videos. He’s done animations with Cranbersher, a really great stop-motion guy who’s done freelance across the site. It strikes me that Markiplier wants to value himself, and to say he has abilities that people outside of Youtube would respect. Not intangible abilities like “charisma” or “diction”, or whatever many Youtubers use to explain their success, but practiced abilities..But when he does pay for those animations, or when he does go above and beyond, there’s no difference to his viewership. The bots that promote his videos are not capable of making qualitative judgement. The bots see that his videos have high audience retention and good watch minutes, just like every video, so those videos where he over-achieves receive the same promotion. Even when a Youtuber shows a readiness and desire to improve and make better content, whether you’re on the top or bottom, there’s no reward for it..The reason I feel like a lot of top Youtubers are losers is because a lot of them don’t know why they’re successful, but they’re desperate for the success anyway. They got big because they wanted attention at any cost. It’s the same content every day, at the same level, and they never get tired of it because it’s not about the content for them. It’s about being paid attention. More than anything, all they want is the personal validation of a crowd. And in my opinion, those guys are a bit sad. They’re sad people, pathetic people - and when they hit that existential snag, when they see their viewership stutter and they suddenly have to wonder about the system and why they’re big - those guys often implode. They stack their entire self worth on their quantity of viewers and a lot of them aren’t willing to face a reality where that entire self-worth is cheap and artificial..So at the end of the day, that leads to the question. If there’s no reward for working hard and seriously creating, why do it? The reason is because I believe that if people don’t create, and people don’t do things honestly, then everything will collapse. If nobody made the works that “reaction” channels leech from, there’d be no content to react to. There’d be no Youtube. How are you going to “review” movies if nobody makes movies? What will people vlog about if there’s no pop sensations to prop the vlogs up? Real creations and real work may not be the fastest nor easiest way to succeed, but they are the spine that holds the system up..This holds true not just for art, but also business, politics, school, and everything. Without those people working hard in sincerity, everything fails. There is no innate value in a quick buck. The value of a dollar is maintained and produced entirely by actual workers. Real work is hard. Real work can fail. Real work is a process and a risk. Even trying to do it, you may not always do it well, you may not always do it right, but for the benefit of everyone, it needs to be at least attempted..I cannot guarantee or promise that I’ll make it. I may not do my work well enough. But if all goes how I like, I will not merely be a vlogger. I will be the guy being vlogged about. I will be the person whose work is stolen to prop up a reaction channel. I will be an element of the spine. Or at the least I’ll be one of those weird, useless, vestigial bones that’s really trying its best. I’ll be some kind of bone, dammit.
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babymilkaction · 4 years
Is Danone a good model to follow? IBFAN questions Dr Mark Carney
The 2020 Reith Lectures, aired on BBC Radio 4 in December, were inspiring and enlightening on many levels. However we were surprised to hear Dr Carney, UN Special Envoy for Climate Change and Finance, praising Danone as an example of an ethical company that “‘has totally re-oriented itself and shifted along that continuum towards re-balancing purpose and profit.”
We felt the praise was unjustified and that we should write to him to let him know why.
IBFAN letter to Dr Carney 
Dr Mark Carney
United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance
The UK Prime Minister’s Finance Advisor for COP26
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
1 Victoria Street, Westminster, London SW1H 0ET
20th January 2021
  Reith Lecture 2020 ‘How We Get What We Value.’   Is Danone really a good model to follow?
  Dear Dr Carney
We are writing on behalf of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN), the 40-year old global network of 270 citizens’ groups who work in over 160 countries to protect breastfeeding and young child health through the ending of harmful marketing.[i]
  We listened to your 2020 Reith Lectures and found them inspiring and enlightening. Thank you so much for focusing your talents and energies on Climate Change. However, in the discussion after Lecture 1 we were surprised to hear you cite Danone as an example of an ethical company that “‘has totally re-oriented itself and shifted along that continuum towards rebalancing purpose and profit.”
  We believe this praise to be unjustified and would like to explain why.
  IBFAN has monitored company activity and assisted governments in bringing in regulations before and since the 1981 World Health Assembly adopted the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. 19 WHA Resolutions have been adopted that clarify and strengthen ambiguous points and address emerging health problems. These resolutions are integral to the Code, have the same legal standing and should be read with it.[ii]  ‘The Code’ is a minimum standard for all countries and is a regulation in a class of its own under human rights law.  States have an obligation to implement it and companies have obligations to comply with it.[iii]
Legal status aside, leading mother and child health experts are agreed that the Code is a critically important safeguard for infant and young child health and survival. It does not prohibit the availability or use of breastmilk substitutes, but protects the rights of all parents and carers to make fully informed decisions, free from commercial influences.
Despite being a late entrant to the baby food market, Danone is now the world’s second largest manufacturer, a status it has achieved through persistent flouting of the Code. Danone leads the baby food industry in its misinterpretation of the Code that ignores most of the WHA Resolutions and its undermining of governments attempts to regulate in the public interest. To date IBFAN’s independent monitoring has been unable to find any sign that Danone is changing its marketing strategy for its ‘Early Life Nutrition’ range (which forms 23% of its business).[iv] Its policy continues to be substantially weaker than the Code in terms of scope, reach, conflicts of interest, promotional claims, donations, gifts and sponsorship. Each weakness undermining sound infant feeding practices and support and risking child health and survival.[v]
Danone’s undermining of breastfeeding, in itself an ecological act, has a negative impact on Green House Gases (GHG), water conservation; bio-diversity, deforestation, waste and pollution.
Below we cite just four concrete examples:
Danone has exploited the Covid-19 pandemic, including the publication of a misleading YouTube ‘advice’ Channel for Indian mothers. This ‘advice channel’ violates the Indian law as well as WHO and UNICEF’s advice on COVID-19 and Conflicts of Interest.[vi],[vii]  Danone also sponsors conferences and seminars for health workers in India, violating labelling norms and giving incentives to increase sales.
Danone uses social media in In South-East Asia to promote products to mothers and then exploits them to create online marketing material.[viii]
Danone attempts to weaken CodexGlobal Trading Standards Danone knows that Codex standards have a long lasting influence on national legislation and public health, yet it ignores the concerns of WHO, UNICEF, many governments and IBFAN about the health implications of its globally traded sweetened and ultra-processed foods (UPFs) for older babies. These unnecessary products are not covered by Danone’s policy and are deceptively branded to resemble infant formula for newborns (products needed for babies who are not breastfed).[ix],[x]  UPFs also harm the environment as the links below show. As Dr Julie Smith, of the Australian National University, found: “The most alarming finding in our latest research is a very large proportion of greenhouse gas emission impact is associated with the so-called growing up milks or toddler formula … In China, nearly half of the sales of milk formula is toddler formula.” [xi]
Danone bases its claims to be Code-compliant on compromised assessments such as BCorporation Certification, including its bottled water and Early Life Nutrition businesses in China, Italy and other countries.[xii] Danone uses BCorps and the Access to Nutrition Index, Danone presents itself as a trustworthy partner in nutrition – a tactic commonly used by many corporations.[xiii]
We would be happy to discuss with you or provide further information if you believe we are mistaken in our assessment. Our concern is only to ensure that information on these matters is fair and correct.
With many thanks for taking the trouble to read this letter and hoping you will take our concerns into account in your important task ahead.
Patti Rundall and Dr JP Dadhich on behalf of IBFAN’s Global Council
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, WHO,
Henrietta Fore, Executive Director, UNICEF
General Qu Dongyu, Director General, FAO
  [i] 2020 WHO/UNICEF/IBFAN report on the Code implementation. To date 70% of countries have some legislation based on the Code
[ii]  19 WHA Resolutions have been adopted since 1981. Eight resolutions have called for conflicts of interest safeguards..
[iii] UN CRC General Comment no. 15 and 16 (2013) and UN ECOSOC General Comment no. 24 (2017) in combination with International Court of Justice Judgement of 30 November 2010 concerning Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of Congo). Also see Extraterritorial Obligations and the Code_Feb 2018 Discussion paper, February 2018. The Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. Independent Review Panel of the UN
Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030) recommends developing a global human rights framework to address harmful marketing of foods for and to children
Shubber, S.: The WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes: History and Analysis. Pinter & Martin Ltd. 2011.
[iv] Danone Home Page Danone’s Commitments (accessed January 2021) show the limited nature of its policy.”
[v] Breaking the Rules Stretching the Rules (BTR) IBFAN/ICDC 2017 see Danone  Profile pages 24-29 BTR 2017
[vi] Marketing of breastmilk substitutes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Lancet, 8.10.20 India’s efforts to promote breastfeeding are threatened by covid-19, as misguided fears of infection see newborns separated from mothers and formula milk promoted” BMJ 2020;370:m3316 
[vii] How companies are exploiting COVID19. Some visual examples
[viii] The baby brands turning Indonesian Instagram into free formula ads, R.Furneaux, Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 30.7.20.
[ix] Exporting countries put trade before the health of the planet and children, IBFAN Press Release, 4.12.2019, Trade body tackles misleading labelling of look-alike milks. IBFAN Press Release Dec, 2018,  French and US Trade delegations put child health at risk, Dec 2017
[x] Articles and reports relating to Ultra-processed foods   Marketing and Conflicts of Interest in Science of UPFs   Policy responses to ultra-processed foods in global context UPFs, Background, concepts,and scientific evidence How to identify and reduce consumption of UPFs
 [xi] Articles and reports relating to environmental impact of milk formulas:
Calls to curb infant formula’s carbon footprint, December 4, 2019,   Carbon Footprint Due to Milk Formula. A study from selected countries of the Asia Pacific Region  IBFAN BPNI  Greenfeeding Report cards on 10 Asian countries. A commentary on the carbon footprint of milk formula: harms to planetary health and policy implications, Smith, J.P. Int Breastfeed J 14, 49 (2019).
[xii] BCorps assessment of Danone Early Life Nutrition in China..”The Chinese infant nutrition market holds great growth potential for Danone”. The Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI) claims to be ‘independent from the companies it assesses.’  However ATNI closely collaborates with these companies on the methodology and presentation of its results. Such collaboration is in direct conflict with WHA Resolution 49.15 that calls for monitoring to be “…carried out in a transparent, independent manner, free from commercial influence.” ATNI criteria is also weak in key areas, especially on conflicts of interest. Danone -highlighting its top BMS company status  Danone’s use of ATNI   Danone UK engaging HSG to launch a consumer care line  
[xiii] Interference in public health policy: examples of how the baby food industry uses tobacco industry tactics. World Nutrition 2017
Is Danone a good model to follow? IBFAN questions Dr Mark Carney was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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5 Professional Tips When Using B2B Influencers to Increase Sales & Bookings
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When it comes to influencer marketing, most people think that this strategy applies solely to B2C brands. However, influencer marketing is far more important for B2B than it is for B2C brands.
After all, the average purchase size in B2B typically dwarfs that in B2C, and the impact of referrals and word of mouth is more critical to the B2B communities success.
B2B influencers are just as effective if not more than B2C influencers. The type of content they provide is professionally creditable as their audience is made up of working professionals who follow suit to the tools and techniques they promote as thought leaders in their industry.
Maybe you have a campaign you want to promote or a product you'd like to introduce to the market. Why not use a B2B influencer to give your marketing a jumpstart. Today, I'll show you five professional tips when using B2B influencers to increase sales and bookings.
1. Use Influencers for Affiliate Programs
If your company has an affiliate program, then invite B2B influencers to join and promote it. When you have influencers in your affiliate program, they can do the heavy lifting for you.
We know that there are tons of affiliate programs out there. However, so many people are apprehensive about joining affiliate programs because they might not earn them enough, have too many stipulations to earn, or might not be legal or creditable.
B2B influencers come with years of credibility, which instantly helps you to convince your target audience that your affiliate program is credible, profitable, and accountable.
For example, Youtube influencers like Aurelius Tjin are apart of Canva's Affiliate program. Having certified creatives in the B2B industry, teaching them how to effectively use Canva to grow their business and share their affiliate group's benefits expands Canva's affiliate program's reach.
2. Use B2B Influencers to Promote Your Product Launches
This tip comes as a no brainer but giving influencers exclusive access to your newly launched product boosts sales and product awareness.
Around 63% of survey respondents said they trust influencers more than what a brand says about itself. Using a B2B influencer helps your target audience trust the features and uses of your new product far more than you can advertise or say yourself.
Around 82% of U.S. consumers believe that influencers should disclose their history of personal use of a product or service.
If you have a new product coming out, use influencers to put out teasers as they get VIP access to your tool. Or you can use influencers to share the social media post of your product launch to help encourage others to do the same.
?Since it's Friday, I want to tell you a story that has nothing to do with COVID or lockdowns or any of that. A story of human ingenuity that boggles the mind. It begins with this, @apple's latest product launch this week https://t.co/fBDE7MaWuy pic.twitter.com/0d717HXCU4
— Ed Conway (@EdConwaySky) September 18, 2020
3. Use B2B Influencers to Host a Webinar
73% of B2B marketers say a webinar is the best way to generate high-quality leads.
Add that to the promising ROI that influencer marketing delivers, you're sure to see a surge of sign-ups and attendees. For example, take a look at VaynerMedia partnering with B2B influencer Brad Anderson for promoting the #MarketingForTheNow summit.
4. Use B2B Influencers for Social Media Takeovers
A social media takeover is when brand partners with an individual to take over their social media for a specific time or day. They'll share live updates via video or images. Instagram and Twitter takeovers are the most popular amongst brands, but mainly Instagram.
Social B found that B2B companies also realize the value of collaborating with influential experts on Instagram.
When it comes to B2B influencer marketing stats, it's probably not a surprise that 93% of overall influencer marketing is happening on Instagram. Hootsuite does an IGTv takeover series called "Ask the Expert" where they invite influencers to answer questions that Hootsuite followers have about
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5. Use B2B Influencers to Brainstorm and Create Content for You
Don't just limit your interactions with an influencer to selling a product. They can offer far more insight than your use to seeing from the safety of your work desk.
Your influencer can take a look at what's missing from your content marketing resources and connect you with other influencers or train staff if you need help executing the plan at hand.
They can even provide you with the content you might not have known your audience may have always needed. Inc regularly partners with influencers for content ideas and execution to help keep their marketing up to date, educational and entertaining.
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P.S: You don't have to put your B2B influencer front and center; sometimes, you can partner with B2B influencers to create new and exciting content your target audience will love.
5 Quick Tips When Working with a B2B Influencer
Now that we have an idea of what type of content your B2B influencer can provide to add credibility and attention to your product, here are some helpful tips you should consider before selecting your influencer
1. Start with B2B Influencer Outreach
B2B Influencer Strategyrelies on good networking and partnerships. Finding the right influencer can be hard. Media Mix found that 61% of marketers agree that it's challenging to find the right influencers for a campaign.
So ensure that the influencer you're researching has the following:
Shares your brand values and mission
Connects well with your current target audience
Has a history of a strong influence on their followers
Has a professional demeanor and work ethic
Once you found the influencer that fits the bill, it's time to do outreach. Since you're dealing with someone who works in the B2B industry, they won't expect to see a brand message them in their busy dm like a fan.
Instead, find their website or official email so you can email your offer to show your influencer that you mean business. Here's a detailed guide on How to Write the Perfect Influencer Outreach Email Template
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2. Set Clear Goals and Objections
If you don't set clear expectations when you're communicating with your B2B influencer, you leave room for miscommunication, mistakes, and unwanted outcomes. To clearly state what your objectives and goals for this partnership are and project.
Try to be as concise as impossible. Merely saying that you want to increase sales is a bit too vague. Instead, add a number or percentage you want to see, whether in followers, views, sales, or an open email rate.
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3. What Type of Content Will Be Created or Promoted
Don't take it for granted that your B2B influencer will know what type of content you'd like them to produce. So create content guidelines ahead of time to help your influencer do their best work.
For example, if you need a video from your B2B influencer, let them know what exactly should (not) be in your video, including branding and which products to promote. You want your partnership to be as seamless as possible without any hiccups.
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4. Create a Verbal or Legal Contract
Over the years, both influencers and brands need to take legal measures to protect themselves from both parties if fraud and unmet obligations become present.
It's important that you protect your data and intellectual rights before moving any further with your influencer partnership. Simply sending an email might not be enough to cover you from legal repercussions that can come by using the wrong influencer or if your influencer decides not to follow through on your project.
Based on your project or requirements, you can decide what kind of contract(s) you should present to your influencer before beginning work. One of the most common contracts is an NDA contract.
The NDAs creates a safe space for allowing the exchange of that information by preventing the recipient of that information from exploiting it to the detriment of the disclosing party by placing restrictions on how that information may or may not be used.
NDAs are also used in the partnership agreement pre-outreach phase to prevent the influencer from releasing any potential unauthorized leaks to the public (and possibly competitors).
Feel free to check out Convince and Convert's guide on the 9 Best Practices for Influencer Marketing Agreements.
5. Nurture Your B2B Influencer Partnership
After the project has been completed, you must thank and follow up with your B2B influencer. Influencers are bombarded with brands every day. Once you've gotten as far as completing a project or sale with them, it's essential that you keep the relationship going for the future.
A good practice is to create a project that your influencer can be invited to every quarter. If you wait to reach out to your influencer over a long or extended time, they might be incited to work with another brand or competitor.
Keep in mind that as you work with influencers, it's the quality of the content or results matter far more than the influencer's followers on their profile. Over time as you start working with more and more B2B influencers, you'll be able to get better results as you cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship for you both.
Use Influencers for Affiliate Programs
Use B2B Influencers to Promote Your Product Launches
Use B2B Influencers to Host a Webinar
Use B2B Influencers for Social Media Takeovers
Use B2B Influencers to Brainstorm and Create Content for You
For more help on mastering influencer marketing, check out our top guides below:
9 Surprising Ways You Can Use YouTube for Influencer Marketing
5 Instagram Influencer Marketing Trends You Need To Track
How to Write the Perfect Influencer Outreach Email Template
15 Awesome Examples of Instagram Posts that Drive Sales
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Knack: Customer Support Specialist
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Headquarters: Remote URL: https://www.knack.com/about
Hi, thanks for reading about our Customer Support Specialist opportunity! We're glad you're here. We're Knack, a code-free platform used by thousands of customers — from non-profits to the world’s biggest companies — to easily build custom apps, workflows, and databases. Our Customer Success team is about much more than just responding to customer issues. As a Customer Support Specialist, you are in the best position to understand how our customers find value, how they use our product, and where they struggle. A big part of this role is to make that knowledge count by helping us figure out how we can make our product and their experience with Knack — amazing. We’re looking for an empathetic and patient person that enjoys solving tricky customer problems while looking for ways to improve customer experience in the long-run. Knack is a 100% remote company, with a flat, consensus-driven culture. That means a huge amount of autonomy and ownership to define your work and impact, and the opportunity to have a major impact here is a huge one. We also emphasize the journey over the destination. We're looking for applicants that are opinionated about what matters to them, and want to join a fun, passionate, close-knit team of high-quality human beings that above all enjoy working together. Hopefully, that's you! Role & Responsibilities Here’s what you’ll be doing as a Customer Support Specialist:
You’ll guide customers through learning to use Knack and help them to troubleshoot issues through email and our in-app messenger.
You’ll improve our product by gathering customer feedback and, over time, recognizing patterns and areas where customers are struggling that we need to address.
You’ll advocate for our customers and work with our product team to help them understand what changes should be prioritized.
You’ll help improve our knowledge base and other support materials by writing, creating, and updating content, and by making suggestions for new support content.
You’ll help improve our internal support team resources, including writing canned responses, adding to our internal knowledge base, and making suggestions for improving processes.
You’ll be the face of the company. Our customers interact with our Success team more than any other team in our company. When our customers think of Knack, they will think of the experiences they have with you.
About You Here are some of the "must haves" to be successful in this role:
You’re patient, empathetic, and enjoy working with customers. You don’t just want to resolve an issue. You get a kick out of making a customer’s day better and putting them at ease.
You have at least one year of experience in a customer support role. You’ve been in the trenches and understand both the incredible value that customer support provides and the work that it takes to give customers a great experience.
You enjoy solving new problems every day and won't give up if you don't find the answer right away.
You’re always on the lookout for ways to make things better for customers and you’re willing to advocate for those changes.
You have excellent written communication skills. You can break down complex topics into easy-to-follow guidance while being friendly and professional.
You have experience with writing or creating help content (i.e. articles, videos, etc.) and understand best practices for doing so.
Here are a few other hints that you might be the person we’re looking for (you match up with a number of these):
You have a sense of humor, a sense of humility, and take your work much more seriously than you take yourself.
You have experience supporting a highly technical, SaaS product or experience with technical troubleshooting related to APIs, HTML/CSS, or Javascript.
You are excited about exploring growth and career opportunities in customer success.
You are comfortable advocating for what you need to do your best work.
You are excited to work in an environment that emphasizes both autonomy and accountability.
You are totally okay with big swings, wild experiments, and learning through failure.
About Knack Knack launched in 2012 with one simple goal: to enable everyone to do amazing things with their data. Knack makes it easy for anyone to build applications and workflows to make their data useful. Our customers use Knack to run their processes, departments, or even their entire companies. We've been growing steadily since as we've built our team, perfected our product, and nailed our product-market fit. So how are we different?
We're bootstrapped: we've had to build something our customers actually pay for. This changes how you do things.
We're 100% remote: and have been from the beginning. Every decision we've made has been based around optimizing our remote operations.
We're all a little weird: and we like it that way. We're more than just chat avatars; we've all gotten to know each other, have grown together, and love working with each other.
We enjoy the journey: we're in this for the long haul. We're not chasing an exit or the next round of funding. We're building something we're proud of and want to keep improving on.
You can read more about Knack and the team here. Benefits & Perks The biggest benefit is our awesome team of Knacksters. We're a funny, humble, talented team of delightful human beings that above all enjoy working with each other, growing with each other, and supporting each other. These benefits aren't that bad either:
Define your work: find the location, environment, and schedule that is best for your life and work. It's not about separation, it's about optimization. Our only rule is an overlap zone of 11am to 4pm EST.
Unlimited Paid Vacation: take the time you need to stay motivated, charged, and balanced. You'll get required days off for birthdays and knackiversaries.
Paid Corporate Retreats: we get together twice a year at amazing locations to do normal human being things in person. We pay for your flight, lodging, and meals.
HealthCare: we offer health, vision, and dental, covering 75% of the premium for you and your dependents (spouse + children).
Equal opportunity: we push everyone to maximize their impact on our product and company--we strongly value all of our people, regardless of title or seniority.
Family support: we offer a generous paid family leave to welcome any new additions to your family.
Tech: we provide a top-of-the-line PC or MacBook
We are also passionate about learning and professional development. We provide multiple learning opportunities and encourage each other to continuously learn and grow:
Long-term growth and learning plans, with regular check-ins to help you level up on what's important to you.
Have executive-level visibility into how the company is run and performing, including revenue.
Use an annual allowance to stay on top of your game with training, classes, conferences, and workshops.
Get dedicated support from a success mentor who'll fast-track your on-boarding and give you the tools you need to be successful.
Diversity We believe that different perspectives and backgrounds are what makes a company flourish. Knack welcomes all applicants regardless of race, gender, orientation, sexual identity, economic class, ability, disability, age, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, or status. We're proud to be an inclusive company with values grounded in equality and ethics, where we embrace diversity.
To apply: https://www.knack.com/careers/customer-support
from We Work Remotely: Remote jobs in design, programming, marketing and more https://ift.tt/2Wh0mXI from Work From Home YouTuber Job Board Blog https://ift.tt/2Ub2huv
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efosa123 · 5 years
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Octane Review Plus Free Profit Method🛑And Custom Bonuses what's up internet marketers is it-- pause and this is my octane review slash tutorial where i'm gonna show you how to profit online with Creative Commons videos that's what this software is based on so you have the option to make make it easy on yourself and get the software or do it yourself and you're gonna see why it's a very tedious process but it is a viable way to profit online people are doing it using podcasts ok not they're not even creating their own podcast there they're using Creative Commons videos which might be about a certain podcast people are using this for for background music with nature videos cashing in with Adsense cashing in with launch jacking cash cashing in by bringing traffic into their funnels and all different types of niches people are profiting on online right now ok by not even not even showing themselves on camera ok they're using other people's videos ok and all they gotta do is edit it put it together and match it up with a nice keyword low competition high high traffic keyword and you know reap the benefits or you can use octane I want to explain everything within this video you're gonna want to watch this to its entirety because I'm gonna go over of course this this free tutorial explaining exactly how to do it why you might want to use octane and I'm gonna go over sales page of custom bonuses on providing ok you also want to check out my page here down below where I have not only my octane review but I also have my complete tutorial ok step-by-step tutorial on how this works and how if you'd like to do you can try it out yourself ok ok so before I get into the into the tutorial I want to talk about this software I want to talk about the the videos within the within the guide ok so let's get down to actually let's get down to the sales page first because I think it's important that we and the sales page to see if it's to see if it's realistic or not okay a lot of times something some marketers might exaggerate even though the products good they might exaggerate what you can expect some realistic expectations are not met sometimes they say all kinds of wild stuff let's see this is a case here octane so powerful should be illegal okay ethically steel content from the internet and turn it into passive income in three clicks okay now yeah you are ethically but you're not stealing because these videos are what are what are called Creative Commons videos they this is a type of public domain license which enables you anyone to take these videos from whatever from wherever they are if they're Creative Commons and edit them to whatever any way you want and repurpose them for whatever you'd like okay so these videos are like ingredients to your own video you think of it that way okay so you're not actually stealing and it is it is ethical so this is correct and yes in three different clicks you can actually that's I think you're referring to this area here the video editor within octane but I want to get to that later so I think they're talking about that so yeah this is definitely true and they're not exaggerating with that okay now people this is a proven model you can go right now on YouTube and for example if you familiar with the Joe Rogan experience a lot of a lot of the videos there are a Creative Commons so people will actually take these videos put an intro an outro or something like that and match them up with it with a low competition keyword and get that traffic and either profit with Adsense profit with like I said affiliate offers or put that traffic into the funnel and you know send off for as little by little okay but I'm getting ahead of myself let's go over these bullet points okay and remember I'm what I'm gonna give you a free tutorial towards the end of this video so you gonna wanna watch this video I don't care how long it takes you're gonna learn a lot in here okay now first bullet point Harper sent newbie friendly yes that's that's the crux of octane or that that's the main benefit is to be friendly right because I'm gonna show you what it takes to make this profitable if you don't use octane okay so if you want to go that route that's that's up to you but you're gonna want to stick around and learn about not only my method but my custom bonus is here the upgrades and all the reasons why octane is really cool okay let's get back so it's a 100 unethical to use yes it is you can like I said use any video under the Creative Commons public domain license and use it any way you want free traffic built-in I don't know I don't understand what they mean by free traffic built in I imagine they're talking about the video will get you traffic right because you put it up there and you match up with a keyword again low competition high volume low competition high traffic high search volume keyword and you should get traffic that word that's the point of this okay so I think that's what they mean when they say free traffic built in these videos again are getting traffic free really important stuff no techy stuff that's really cool and yes yes you're gonna see in a little bit on how this software works instant content this is also true 5 30 minutes per system or poor video I think they're talking about the videos ok so I like the sales page it's not overly high P it's it's grounded in what what what octane actually does good stuff so octane is basically two components not only is it the software but it's also the tutorial guide okay and it's it's you know it's very straightforward you have an overview of how octane works works basically what I mentioned okay I'm gonna give you again don't forget to stay for the video because I'm gonna give you a step-by-step tutorial guy okay if you if you think Octane's not right for you or if you're thinking about it and you want to know what it takes that to actually make this function without octane you don't want to stick around the overview on how we're basically what I talked about how to use octane it's a video showing you how to use octane very simple to use that's the idea it's newbie friendly right then you have the profit training you have three different ways of Prophet with octane the first one here is I believe Jonah talks about using Amazon Associates Program and Clickbank okay the second one here anytime it comes up here the second one here if I can remember one second okay the the first one is Amazon and click back the the third one here is funnels funnels using using a funnel getting getting the traffic into a elite Magnus or into a squeeze page providing a lead magnet and they actually give you 35 proven lead magnet or you can use for yourself and converting that traffic through your funnel okay but the second profit method I'm not mistaken you only need to call is with oh yeah okay yes now remember the second profit method is launched acting right so basically finding a product that's coming this coming real soon and getting getting a Creative Commons piece of video and repurposing it for that for that launch so you can get that traffic arm coming down to your affiliate offer right that's that's what are these three profit methods are then repeat that again just in case you didn't get that the first profit method is using affiliate offers off of Amazon Associates that that can be done in any niche and click back again can be done in any niche now Amazon Associates again it's physical products where Clickbank is digital products profit method number two is how to use octane for launch jacking I forgot I'm sorry and profit method number three is how to use launch Jack gasser how to use octane these repurposed common Creative Commons videos to get traffic in your funnel now out of the three I recommend the third one the advanced one right you want to get traffic you want to control that traffic you want to build a relationship with that traffic but I'm getting ahead of myself that's that's for another time in another time video and then the last video is more features about octane okay the tutorial is very straightforward very easy there's also three bonuses here the first bonus is Joe know John was one of the one of the one of the people behind octane it's his YouTube ranking system okay and the third the second one here is let me see if mom is taking the fuego multiplier it's it's a past course that they created on using retargeted traffic and the third bonus here is launch jacking okay how he does how Jonna does launch jacking you know without other people's videos just like just like if you if you're watching this video now I might be getting traffic from the octane launch as this products being launched you know I'm gathering that traffic here I'm explaining of course you have to provide value have to explain and that's why I'm gonna explain to you why or sorry how this octane system works if you want to try it out for yourself without the software okay so let me get into my custom bonuses first okay so these are my custom bonuses and you could only get these bonuses if you visit this page below okay really important stuff here let's go over my custom boards number one free software that finds low competition keywords tags specifically for YouTube now as you can imagine octane maybe you could say that you're creating content for YouTube now there there are keyword free tools that I'll be talking about soon but I got one that's free okay and it's specifically for YouTube and how to use it you don't want you're gonna want to check that out next one youtube channel art that will increase your subscriber count I have a I got some I got two templates in particular that you're gonna add on to your channel to help you increase your subscribers okay the more subscribers you have the more people get notified about new videos you create the more traffic you get again sorry the more targeted traffic you get and the more potential turn that traffic into leads and sales important stuff next one again again back to subscribers my secure method to get more subscribers to your channel okay there is a kind of a sneaky way I can use to get subscribers you're gonna like that that's custom bonus number three number custom bonus number four the two most important methods to get your videos to rank for longtail keywords this is a case study and profit proof okay so I'm gonna give you both I'm gonna explain well you need to be doing a video that's different from a a blog post that's different from a Pinterest image what you need to be doing a video to get higher rankings okay I'm gonna give you a case study and profit proof with that and bonus number five my custom mother's number five how to get a thousand real subscribers who want your content okay fast I forgot to mention fast but yeah I mean faster than usual I should say so you're gonna want to get this because your first thousand is really important because because then it you have like something of a snowball effect you get more and more and more which is really cool okay plus all the bonuses that come with octane and there are others that I'm not mentioning here that that other marketers are gonna talk about you're gonna get those as well so don't worry okay so you're gonna get my custom bonuses the bonus as I mentioned within octane and the bonuses that send me exclusive bonuses okay so let's get into octane software okay octane software is this right here this is uh this is a dashboard I'm sorry this is what you want to go to first you click that you click for the YouTube videos here and you can search by URL search by key where you want to search by keyword okay let's put in for example keto diet okay okay I'll diet now this is gonna go through all of the Creative Commons videos within okay and you can choose between from all of these different videos okay Creative Commons let's say we choose this one here and then we're gonna edit the video you what you want to do is edit the video really important stuff okay it's gonna take some time well let's go back let's search that again let's see if we can let's see we can get here this time let's choose this one okay now it's working finally good want to pause that okay now it's important it's really important you don't want to get duplicate content on to YouTube it's very very important so you can use these Creative Commons videos but you need to edit them so that you have something unique okay so what this is what octane does for newbies this is really important for movies you can do it easily easily with an octane you don't have to download anything you can trim the video you can add a different title like you know stuff like that so let's put in let's let's trim it down to three seconds just for example sake hello test and trim video so the process may take a few minutes during this time I wanna I want to go and I want to show you what this method is all about step by step tutorial guide ok I'll correct x timing in seconds that's five zero okay I want to make sure this works before I move on to my tutorial for you because I'm gonna give you a step by step guide how to find keywords how to make sure that you have there's a little competition how to find low competition keywords how to match it up with the videos that you're looking for so that you can you can actually get some videos what these correctly please enter the correct times 1.30 I got a select okay I didn't select forgive me so anyways let's go to my tutorial now okay so before I get into the upgrades my tutorial guide here okay the five-step profit method using other people's content first step before you even go looking for videos you need to do some basic keyword research I recommend you use uber suggests for this okay uber suggests go to go to over suggest and use their tool okay really important stuff uber suggests you're gonna what you're going to do is put in a niche okay I'm Nisha's is a subjective them of a market so weight-loss keto diet okay you're gonna put a mission this is a free tool Carol died what you want to do is find a keyword that adds over 500 a longtail keyword keyword that has more than three keywords in it more than 500 searches a month and and a competition score of under 20 okay and you're gonna see this with an uber suggest in any second any day now okay one second you know what I think my streaming might be interfering because kettle because this uber suggestions not working to to the way I wanted to it and neither is octane maybe one second might take a little bit this is the is what you get when you do live streaming things don't work as as its plant well you worked earlier hmm okay okay well both octane an uber suggester are stalling I'm thinking because it's my streaming I'm streaming right now and it's slowing up everything so what I'm going to do is I'm going to explain the method okay because I've done it already I've created it all for it's all down below and you can use it for yourself and check out how it works is octane does work just it's not working now and neither is ubersuggest I'm gonna give up give up on that but again who suggest is a free tool I recommend you try it out for yourself the really good tool anyways I recommend you go to over suggest the free tool like I said type in the niche with a profitable market to find a longtail keyword which has a high search volume okay so in this example I put in kettle diet and I found keto diet grocery list which has a competition score green bar of 15% and a total monthly search volume of 1200 okay so that's easy if you find the green bar with in uber suggests I mean it's easy to rank for second step type in your long tail keyword into YouTube and click the search button let's do that you want to go to youtube type in your keyword yeah this is acting slow too but you don't want to check out the information below it's a really good tutorial let's let's put in keto wow this is acting slow terrible data have a slow computer here and that's the guy that's Joyner that's one of the creators of the octan okay so you can't use this list as is you want to click filter and you you want to click filter and you want to go to creative commons okay now it's gonna filter out all the videos you can't use and give you the ones that you can use the creative common ones okay you're gonna want to match up the videos select the videos that you know deal with your keyword your keto diet grocery list okay so kettle first kettle grocery shopping that's definitely one what's another one my five-day cheap title diet okay so basically five dollars refers to things that he or she is buying so definitely you can match them up and put those together okay so there are the two videos you're gonna be choosing based on our research so far okay after after you choose those keywords as you can see my tutorial down below you can you get that information down below okay after your creative commons IRA's videos are selected you're going to need to edit them so that they're unique important you can put in an outro you need to put some of these features in an outro and intro text background music voiceovers images these are some of the elements you should put in so that you can make it unique you don't want to upload like I said duplicate content on to YouTube they're gonna be angry at you you don't want to do that really important stuff so I use as my video editor I use AVS it's a paid one there's an image of it this is me at a at a dim sum restaurant here in Japan anyways editing if you're not used to it it's gonna take a little bit of time that's why this is another reason why I opted ain't such a beautiful thing like I said forgive me for the technical difficulties neither neither octane or Ruby this is working right now who would suggest you to try it for yourself it's a free tool and octane it does work you have used it before but it's not working right now I think it's because of my streaming my live streaming right now anyways let me turn it off so as for free video editors I think long shot is enough a free video editor free video editor the it's I think I think definitely you can go to google and search for some thing one called long shot is a reputable free video editor but I can't speak on that I use AVS okay so that's a paid one okay so that's part of the toriel after you get the videos you want to edit them to make it unique to you upload them and this is important the fifth step you want to optimize the videos with your long tail keyword make sure to add the long tail keyword to your title description and tags don't forget to - don't forget to even to add even more related keywords to your tags section for more possible views remember your new video is comprised of proven videos that are that already do well within YouTube that's the thing with octane or sorry or creative common videos these videos have already succeeded if you if you found them via search that means they're doing well already so they're like I said here they're comprised of proven videos you wanna you want to work and use those creative common videos and you know attach your new keyword your low comp keyword to it okay and there are many ways a Proctor with this again a funnel with related offers you can send that traffic to a landing page with a related offer you can you can wait a while and get approved for Adsense now again this is where these are where my my custom bonuses come in you have the way I I recommend getting a thousand real subscribers this will lead to this will lead you to get admitted to Adsense much faster adsense is again if you don't know YouTube's and Google's ad platform so that's how you can generate you can monetize videos without doing anything is with ads right and you want to get approved to that as fast as possible then you want to build up that subscriber base quickly okay yeah so that's how you want to do it on your own you know all these steps or what I recommend is you use octane now again it sucks it's not working right now but yeah the streaming that I'm doing right now again is not is not it's not doing anything good for me when it comes to this so you know you have your video editor here you have the videos you've already edited using these these Creative Commons and you have the training that I just showed you okay this is octane in a nutshell again sorry for the technical difficulties if you have any questions let me know down below you can let me know within the youtube comment section or on my on my blog post here at the very bottom there is a section where you can ask whatever questions like okay I'm here to help take care of subscribe and I'll talk to you again bye bye where is this button okay talk to you later bye bye
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Ethics of Multi-Level-Market Companies
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Over the course of 5 or 6 years, I've come into contact with a few different companies with this model. At first, it seemed really exciting. Like everyone else, it’s extremely enticing to retire at 30 years old, and have distributors underneath you who do nothing but grow your assets while you simply vacation. It’s a valid desire to want to provide for your family, and these companies promise that you can do it soon, as long as you work hard.
As soon as I decided to dig deeper, I noticed that arguments became closer to ad hominem than to counter-points. I was met with “How is that different from X company??” and the like. I asked my brother, a graduate of economics, what he thought about MLMs, and he had a passionate response against them. He didn’t specify why they were bad, other than that anyone who was employed by one was annoying to the point of him not wanting to associate with them anymore. This was enough for me to look elsewhere for my life plan, but not everyone is motivated by fear of being annoying, like me.
I’ve had more than a few friends tell me about their experiences with these companies, and some have been nothing but good, while others were nothing good at all. One friend lost $2000 upon leaving the company because he didn’t reach his sales quota. Others I know have been living less-than-mediocre lives, moving from one MLM to the next, until they couldn’t afford it anymore. I’ve read about garages full of products that people couldn’t sell, but had to buy on their own dime just to keep their status in the company, so they could have a higher income.
The companies themselves love to show off the people who have been successful in their company. It doesn’t matter which one you meet with, there will be miracle stories and success stories galore. Sometimes it gets annoying how much they focus on how rich you’ll be.
But what is the reality of these companies? Is it possible to reach a point where you can retire at 30 years old? Maybe, but I’m not sure you’d want to even if you had the opportunity.
Critics of MLMs point out regularly that you can’t sustain the business model, and they explain it using simple mathematics. I’ll use this, but go deeper, using the business model of one of the largest MLMs.
There are around 7,506,600,000 on the planet as of writing this.
According to Amway’s documentation, you need 6 people working for you (sometimes referred to as “down-lines”) to qualify for the “Eagle” level. Let’s just say everyone has 6 distributors, all the way to the top of your “up-line”, and back down each branch. That means 1 + 6 + 36 + 216 + ... + 6^n people. That means that after 13 levels, you’d have 15,672,832,819. Twice the population of the world.
What does this have to do with anything? Let’s back up.
If there are 7,506,600,000 people in the world, that means that there won’t be enough people in the world for level 12 IBOs (”Independent Business Owners”, or “Distributors”) to become eagles. There would be 2,176,782,336 of those people, and only 5,329,817,664 people left in the world to recruit, which is 2.4 people per level 12 distributor. Do you see the problem yet? Let’s bring in Amway’s rewards system.
If you are a level 11 distributor in this hypothetical, you’d have 6 distributors under you, and each one, if we stick close to the average, would only have 2 or 3 distributors each. Let’s say half have 2 and half have 3 (above average down-lines for this circumstance) After doing the calculations, and assuming each one could do $300 of sales each month of products that end up being 100 points total, you’d be making something like $11,000 per year, after accounting for some (but not all) of the rallies and events they suggest you go to (sometimes $250 per person), and basic monthly fees they make you pay for just to have the “privilege” of using their distribution chain.
How many people are on this level again? 362,797,056. And everyone below them would be making less.
If you’re on level 10 you could be making around $105,000 per year, a difference of almost $90,000. However, there are only 60.5k of these people, out of the 7 billion on the planet. That means that less than 1% of the world would be making a living wage.
Now this is not realistic, because the whole world would never join the company. But, the principle of the business model is built on the fact that a HUGE majority of people in the company will lose money every year. It’s impossible to sustain, and it’s unethical to participate in a company that is built on this principle, in my opinion.
If you’d like a more scientific explanation of the unsustainability of this type of company, this former distributor did the math based on his experience, with specific examples of extra costs. Though, I have no idea when it was written, and prices and policies may have changed since.
I realize that using idealistic arguments isn’t realistic, and doesn’t represent the real world, so I would like to re-iterate why I used this example. It highlights that the principle this business model is that there must always be more people to recruit, or you will not make money. In the event that there is nobody left to recruit, the model collapses, and there is no more money. And unfortunately, as I’ve illustrated, it’s the 99% that suffer for it. If you bring someone into this company to work under you, you are creating a dependence for them which they must fill in order to succeed. That chain is never broken. It is a dependency that by definition insatiable, and therefore is not sustainable. And those living off the profits are living off of those who can’t grow their down-lines no matter how hard they work, and end up making a measly wage not fit for a person.
So next time you think you’d like to retire early, idk, start a YouTube channel, if you think you’re lucky. Otherwise, do the smart thing. Make solid investments with what you have. Increase your capital by learning as much as you can, until you become an asset to someone, and can create value for them. Or, become your own asset, and run your own business, and I don’t mean with an MLM where your business is a subsidiary of someone else’s, and a chunk of your profits go to them. Reap everything you sow, and whatever you do, be the best at it.
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Online Learning Vs. Traditional College Education - 2017
New Post has been published on http://jobsinthefuture.com/index.php/2017/11/13/online-learning-vs-traditional-classroom-education/
Online Learning Vs. Traditional College Education - 2017
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I have seven years of traditional college education, over two years of online education, and I am passionate on writing about the subject of education and job opportunities in the present and future.
I want to take a moment to help you define the benefits of each and what will be best for you. You are going to be entering college/online education for the first time or you are looking for a career change, which educational resource is right for you?
When I entered college it was the obvious choice. You graduate high school enrolled at a community college or private university and after you graduated, BAM, you received a job.
But that was when I entered college. By the time I walked across the stage four years later I was overwhelmed by the shift in the job market, and the exponential rate of online connectivity. What I mean by online connectivity was the ability for people all over the world to compete for the jobs I wanted. When I entered college I never imagined fighting for a Job in Orlando, FL. with someone who lived in Ontario Canada, but this was the reality I faced.
I lost… what happened?
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That guy had more talent! Oh and the kicker, I found out he never went to college!
So what did I do? I went back to college, ironic right? Well, honestly I had no options. I couldn’t find a job, because of my lack of skills (due to my lack of motivation). I knew I needed to get better and work harder.
When I first entered college at 16 years old I viewed it as a season of exploration where I could find myself, experience a variety of subjects, and develop graphic design skills along the way.
When going to college my priority was not actually the degree listed on my transcript, but a myriad of other sub-reasons. Many Americans have this view on a four year college education. Honestly it is one of the main reasons my parents sent me. They wanted me to lean how to network, communicate with people, and build relationships.
If I would earn a four year degree that was considered icing on the cake. To clarify, my education did not cost $30-$50k per year. I received an affordable education for $45k for all four years. During my college experience I developed a deep enjoyment of graphic design, went on to get my Master of Fine Arts degree and now work in the industry as Director Graphic Design at a non-profit agency.
My four year degree + three masters degree worked out very well for me, and I am grateful to have received the knowledge I now have through my education.
But, looking back…Would I have done it differently? Yes! Hines site is always 20/20.
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College gave me an incredible work ethic. I went in with very little discipline. I was a classic case of ADHD. Always on the move, tons of friends, extended dinners (avoiding my class work), and I have a passion for cycling. I would often escape my required assignments to take multiple hour cycling trips into our downtown. I enjoyed riding, but what I did not realize at the time is this was taking away from my main reason of attending college, develop my skills as a graphic design.
By the 3rd year of my education I started to settle down and dig deep in my learning. This is something I wish I would have done from the beginning. I gained a lot of skills in my final two years, but upon graduation it was still not enough to have prepared me for a professional career. This is why I stayed on for my masters degree (my own lack of preparation extended my college days).
I tell you this, because I would like to help define the best avenue for you to choose.
Traditional Education Vs. Online Education
Traditional College taught me how to work hard and turn in my projects on time. I also didn’t realize the practice of deliberate practice, a concept I picked up while reading So Good They Can’t Ignore You, by Cal Newport. I needed college to teach me self discipline in the area of study and focus in the academic and artistic realm.
From age 9 – 15 I trained and became a professional athlete. I was a professional athlete for three years before deciding to move onto advance my knowledge in the field of graphic design.
I had no issue disciplining myself in physical situations, but I lacked key mental abilities.
Traditional College Taught me:
Critical Thinking
Self Discipline
Turn work in on time
how to interact in a classroom environment
Graphic Design Software and It’s Proper Use
But this can be learned online today.
Traditional College would be an excellent fit for you if, like me, you lack self discipline, focus, and need to be guided and pushed to finish you work.
Traditional college would fit you well if you need deadlines, milestones, and penalties for not finishing your work on time. If you need to be motivated by an external force (teacher) to complete your work and develop your skills.
Traditional college was a platform for me to strengthen my communication skills. I had numerous classes in my roster requiring me to give presentations for my design campaigns. This helped me develop the ability to explain my ideas. Knowing why you made critical design decisions is important. I was able to take what I learned by simply talking through the design process and apply those insights into my proceeding projects.
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Online College/Courses: I am quite busy, as I am sure you are as well. I wanted to learn new skills and grow as a designer, but time is short. WordPress web design, app development, HTML5, CSS3, and design trends of the future are all topics I wanted to become in expert on. For a while I picked up some books, I asked some design friends if I could sit with them while they worked, I even watched a load of youtube videos.
BUT, I found that this strategy was far to disheveled. I needed a process in order to hone each of these skills in a professional manner so that when the challenges of design were placed before me I would have the professional knowledge and ability to scale the mountain, design the product, build the app, launch the website.
The Benefits of Online College/Courses
Learn at an my own pace. (fast and efficient)
Taught by experts in the field.
people who are using these skills to make some of the best designs in the world.
The cost of online education is incredibly affordable (even compare to a community college)
I am able to immediately apply what I learn at my workplace.
I have been able to take on a more diverse set of clients.
I have increased my value and therefore increased my monthly income!
Certifications to place on your resume for job opportunities.
To me there is nothing more fulfilling than putting my skills to the test. I have been able to get client work that I never thought possible before starting my online education.
  I thoroughly enjoyed my brick and mortar college education, but I have learned more skills in the past 2 years that have given me the ability to increase my monthly income and produce more valuable work. 
The goal of learning new skills is to bring value to the market place. When you increase the value you bring, you become indispensable to your clients. Education is not about a piece of paper or a title. Education is about developing skills that will set you apart and give you the ability to rise above the competitive market.
The Conclusion of Online Vs Traditional
Before I reveal my conclusion on the matter I want you to consider why you are wanting to go to college whether online or in-person (and when I say “go to college” I mean develop skills). 
  Do you believe that you need to be college certified to get a good job, obtain job security, a solid retirement, and happily ever after….  unfortunately this is not the case anymore. There is no perfect solid job. The job market is in constant flux. Companies are constantly searching for new talent to embody the ever changing needs arising in the world. Only 10 years ago (2007) we were still going to the yellow pages to find the best local deli, or listening to the radio to hear our favorite music. 
You have to be constantly developing your skills and honing your craft in order to bring value to market. 
Online education is the best way to develop your skills. Ultimately I want to receive the best and most current information to develop my skills. I don’t want to be learning last years SEO tactics, or archaic chemo therapy treatments. I want to be on the cutting edge of my craft. Learning from experts in the field and getting their insights on the dos and donts of the market. Online education is the perfect blend of foundational skill development and real world application.
My goal here at Jobs in the Future is to help you on the path to successful skill development that will get you the job you are striving after!
You will find a great deal of resources to select the online educational tools.
Find our Resources Page Here
Perhaps you know that you need to step out into a new career. You know that the future of work is uncertain. You want to develop skills that will make you valuable and desired as an individual in the workforce both now and in the future. Well we have you covered.
Download a copy of The Ultimate Guide to Future Proof Your Career. An Invaluable resource to ensure that you are able to secure Job now and in the Future!
You will receive resources and guidance on the industries that are waiting for people with skills to make an entry into the industry, educational resources to develop skills, and projections about the future potential of the industry.
Click Here to Download the Ultimate Guide Now!
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thedanny522 · 4 years
Originally wrote this for my blog, thought I'd repost it here (minus the links etc). Just my frustration with the make money online niche (and breaking into it... ethically). TLDR: I explain how to make money selling courses in an ironic, satirical way.I’m a struggling, bitter, internet marketing amateur and I’ve just about had it with all this guru malarkey. If you don’t want to read a rant then feel free to do a 360 and walk away.Someone recommended I check out a certain YouTuber who has videos titled with things like, “How I make $250,000 in passive income every month!” and “Learning THIS secret made me a millionaire!”I hate the Make Money Online niche so much.I hate it because I feel like I know all the tricks and yet they keep working on me.I know how to create funnels, do copywriting, create content and blah blah blah and yet I still watch this retarded value-less clickbait garbage.But after watching a portion of this last video I finally realized what these internet marketers do.Step 1: Make money selling a course about literally anythingThis is the first step in becoming an internet marketing guru.I would even argue that this is the hardest part and where most people get stuck because it essentially the would-be guru to figure out all the steps on their own.The steps are:Make a course about something you know aboutCreate a funnelDrive traffic with paid adsProfitCompleting these steps will give the guru credibility that they know what they’re talking about.Not only do they know how to do each step, but they’ll have actual PROOF that they know what they’re talking about when it comes time for the next step.Step 2: Sell ANOTHER course that teaches people how to sell coursesThe next step is for the marketer to take what they’ve learned, package it into 6 modules of 10-15 videos each, and sell it as a course.They then repeat the entire process above, but this time they use the proof of their sales, marketing material, and appropriate screenshots in their funnel.Make a course about how to make money selling coursesCreate a funnelDrive traffic with paid adsProfitIt’s at this point that the marketer has the ability to create additional social media web properties to market their products.They can start a blog, Facebook group, YouTube channel or whatever to give out little clickbait tidbits that teach people how to make money selling courses.Theoretically, they could do these things for step 1 as well. And frequently they do, offered as bonuses for signing up.Step 3: Sell ANOTHER course that teaches people how to make money selling courses on how to make moneyThis is perhaps the most “meta” of all the steps.Once the marketer has successfully completed steps 1 and 2, they then have the credibility to complete the third step.Only someone who has completed the first two steps can proceed to the third step.The third step is the most interesting and an excellent way to tell the true gurus apart from the posers.While it’s common at all three levels to see upsells and downsells, it’s at this level that we most frequently see the big money maker of them all: private consulting and/or mentoring groups.All the rage these days, mentoring is an excellent niche in and of itself. Instead of simply selling a course, you’re also selling your time as an expert to future would-be gurus.For the low low price of $997, aspiring gurus can get you on the phone for an hour a week where you will:teach them how to drive MASSIVE traffic to their funnel FOR FREE!give them the #1 SECRET of TRIPLING your revenue in under 30 days!show them an elite HACK for convincing influencers to partner with you!teach them how to get your clients to become RABID FANS!give them access to THE EXACT SAME ad copy used by top marketers!take them BY THE HAND and work together until they are READY TO DRIVE TRAFFIC!And don’t even get me started on the bonuses..Step 4: Create endless amounts of vague content that rehashes the same basic information over and over againWhat kills me about this formula is that I see it so MANY TIMES across SO MANY DIFFERENT MARKETERS that it makes me want to vomit.Not because it’s transparent, manipulative, and bordering on unethical.But because I want SO DESPERATELY to be able to do it and make a killing like they are.I watch these gurus’ videos, read their “articles,” skim their “value adding” Facebook drivel in hopes that I’ll get some sort of actionable tip instead of different versions of the same old garbage.You know what I’m talking about. Classics such as:Guys it’s all about one thing: ADDING VALUE.Figure out what problem your customer needs to solve, then offer a solution.Show your customers how their lives will be better after purchasing your product.Underpromise and overdeliver!This kind of thing makes me want to kick my dog.Does this ACTUALLY work on people?Sadly, it does. The amount of comments I see on this kind of garbage that are like,“Wow, you’re such an inspiration! So happy you finally made a million dollars, you deserve it!”“This was a great story. I especially like the part where you talked about how successful you were.”“Hope you’re taking notes guys, so much value here.”Please kill me.The worst part is that I hate myself for falling for it over and over again.I mean, to be fair I’m not really “falling for it.”These strategies all work. They’re all effective. And if you, me, or anyone else actually puts them into practice then they’ll probably get the same result.If you ask me, all the hate these gurus get is – get ready for it – UNFOUNDED.That may seem contradictory based my apparently unbridled rage against unethical internet marketers. But I don’t think my reasons for anger are much different than anyone else’s:We simply haven’t been able to sell the dream as successfully as the gurus have.(And yes, we’ve tried.)Step 5: Add complexity to cause insecurity (conveniently solved by purchasing another course)We bought the $7 ebook, the $47 course, the $67 upsell.We read your sales letters, watched your YouTube videos, signed up for your mailing lists. We devoured your lead magnets.And not just once – multiple times.Not only that, we might have even learned the requisite skills necessary to tie it all together.We learned copywriting so we could create sales letters of our own.We taught ourselves Photoshop (I personally prefer GIMP) so we could make our 3D book covers.We paid for MONTHS upon MONTHS of ClickFunnels – maybe even spent hundreds more on their never-ending list of info products.Maybe we even did the One Funnel Away Challenge… more than once.We created lead magnets, landing pages, full blown courses – all of it, everything.And yet, despite all this, we STILL haven’t been able to tie it together into anything profitable.The YouTube channel, the blog, Instagram account.. it’s all over the place. No semblance of order.What’s the famous quote?“Speak to everyone and nobody will listen.”To be fair, at this point I think it’s safe to admit that I’m just talking about myself here. I know it.How do I know? Because most people who fail DON’T fail because they did a lot of work and it just HAPPENED to be the wrong type of work.Most people fail because they don’t do anything at all.They sit on their butts, research all day, and then at the end of the day tell themselves that they’ll start FIRST THING TOMORROW.Yeah right.Me? I have the opposite problem.I’d rather write a 3000 word blog post and cry about my problems than think about how best to tie together the massive amount of content I’ve created in the past year.I want to make a full time living from this. I want to live the dream, you know?I want to be Tai Lopez. I want to be Tony Robbins. I want people to call ME a douchebag phony guru after seeing me talk about how I bought my new Lamborghini with knawledge.I want it. Fame, fortune, glory, money, women, power.. all of it.Anyone who says they don’t want those things really just gave up on acquiring them and is denying their desire. Classic sour grapes.They’ve decided they couldn’t have it, or that it would take too much work, and now they’ve convinced themselves that they never wanted those things anyway.That’s where we’re different. I still believe that it’s possible.And more importantly, I feel like I’m close.I have all the skills.I know how to write sales letters.I can use ClickFunnels.I can write a 100 email drip sequence that will make your pee pee hard every time.I can grow social media accounts.I can get clients with Paigham Bot.I can sell over the phone, face to face, even through email.I can do it all baby.I just.. I don’t know.. what is my problem?Maybe I don’t have one. Maybe it’s all in my head.Step 6: Tell people the reason they’re failing is because they’re not taking actionDidn’t we already go over the strategy in the beginning? Why wouldn’t it be the same for you?Make a courseCreate a funnelDrive traffic with paid adsProfitIt’s the same for everyone. For every niche on the planet.You’re only limited by your creativity.(…and the amount you can spend on paid ads before you turn a profit. But we’ll get to that in a second.)Not only that, but I actually know HOW to do everything I need to do to make it happen in ALL of those steps.“Creating a funnel” isn’t a singular activity – it involves like 100 different skills that I learned on my own because I didn’t have a dollar to pay overpriced freelancers.So what’s the missing piece? I’ll tell you: paid ads.When you’re at Step 1, there is no substitute for paid ads.You don’t just need people to sell to, you need the RIGHT people. The right age, gender, geographical location, income level, interests — they all need to be targeted.Everything I’ve seen points to using Facebook ads as the primary method new internet marketers get their first batch of traffic.Sure, once you get an audience and a little clout, you’ll get some organic traffic (and maybe even some customers) from there. But even then, there’s no guarantee that those people will buy from you. It’s not necessarily “buyer traffic.”You need to find people that are ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR what you’re selling.Your Facebook friends probably don’t care about your offer, even if it is in an evergreen niche like making money online or getting ripped.The secret to making money with ANY of this stuff is nailing down a reliable source of targeted traffic, showing them ads and funnels that convert, and cranking the dial until you get sick of watching your bank account go up.There does seem to be one alternative. In his book Traffic Secrets, Russel Brunson calls this “Finding your Dream 100.”The idea here is that you make a list of the 100 most influential people in your industry and contact them with a gimmick like a physical card with a video screen as a way to stand out from the crowd.It’s clever, gotta give him that.But does it work?Probably.Have I tried it?No.Step 7: Talk about how easy the process is and how anyone who still hasn’t figured it out is an idiotAnd THAT’S what kills me – I know it probably works, I just haven’t tried it because I don’t have the $500 for actual cards to send out.Also probably some impostor syndrome in there – after all, why would famous influencers want to collaborate with lil old me?Sure, I’m awesome, talented, hard working, handsome, charming, modest, and an authority on fitness.But.. but…But what?But nothing. I just haven’t tried it. I need to try it. I need to get the friggin $500 together, make the list and just send out the info.Everything else is ready, or COULD BE ready in a couple of weeks if I put my mind to it.But because I think to myself, Oh well I can’t afford the physical gimmick cards to send out, that means the whole process is worthless and a waste of time. I should just wait until I have the money to spend on it, THEN I can do it. But even then it probably won’t work.Replace “physical gimmick cards” with “Facebook ads” or “ClickFunnels account” or “autoresponder” or “contact form submitter” and it’s clear what’s happening:I’m letting a lack of funds prevent me from accessing the resourcefulness required to achieve success.Put more esoterically, I’m letting an attitude of scarcity preserve my fear of success.Anyway, who cares about all those dumb avocado toast excuses? The bottom line is that if MONEY is the problem, then all I need is to get some money together and pay for all the stuff I can’t pay for currently.You know what they say: if your problem can be solved with money, then you don’t have a problem.I heard that years ago. Even then, broke as I was, I knew it was true.I started out writing this article ready to crucify these internet marketing gurus, how they’re awful people who deserve awful things. But after typing this all out I realized that it was really my fault all along.I know what I need to do.Make a course. Create a funnel. Drive traffic with paid ads.Profit.The path is clear.I have all the skills. I have the sizzle AND the steak. All I need is money to make it happen.So now the question becomes… how do I make some money? via /r/Affiliatemarketing
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johnchiarello · 4 years
Socrates [Text]
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 Some of my studies-
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  NOTE- Every so often some of my sites think I am Spam- or a Bot- I am not. My name is John Chiarello and I post original content [all videos and text are by me]. I do share my past posts from my other sites- but it is not spam. I post 8 videos a night to many of my sites, and text posts 3 times a week. I realize that is a lot for some sites, yet this is the system I felt the Lord led me into. I NEVER take money- or ask for money- ever. Everything is free- to some sites this makes a difference- so I wanted to say that here.  Thank You- John.
 Socrates was born around 469-470 BCE.
He is famous for introducing a way of learning that engaged the students in a dialogue- the question would be put on the table- and thru rigorous debate- you would come to an understanding thru the process of questioning.
 This is referred to as the Socratic Method.
Socrates came on the scene during the famous Spartan wars.
 The other day I watched the movie 300- which depicts the battle between the city state of Athens against the city/state of Sparta.
As you know- the Athenians suffered a great defeat at the hands of the Spartans.
The Spartans were outmanned by the Athenians- but their motto was ‘come back with your shields- or on them’.
 They were a true warrior nation- trained to fight from their youth- and this defeat sent the people of Athens into a time of disillusionment.
 They questioned the power of their gods- and a sort of malaise fell over Athens after the defeat.
 This was when Socrates entered the fray- when the people had many questions about life.
 He was called the Gadfly of Athens- a title that would also be given to the 19th century Danish father of existentialism- Soren Kierkegaard.
 They were called Gadfly’s- because they were like flies that would pester you- and elicit a response.
 The leadership of Athens saw Socrates as one that was stirring up the youth of his day- and creating discontent among the populace.
 He rejected the many god’s of the day- but did have a belief in a single deity- he- like the Christians 4 centuries later- would be accused of atheism- because of his rejection of multiple god’s.
 He was sentenced to death in 399 BCE- and his form of execution was drinking Hemlock.
 His most famous student- Plato- spoke with him before his death.
 Many were surprised at how willingly Socrates faced his demise- and this willingness had a great impact on those who witnessed it.
 Socrates never wrote anything- but most of what we do know about him comes from the writing of others- most notably from Plato’s Dialogues.
Plato wrote down what Socrates taught- In his writings we see Socrates engaging in this method with various people- thus the name of Plato’s works- Dialogues.
 There is a debate about how much of what was written about him was actually true- Plato did add his own ideas into these debates- and the controversy about this is so strong that we actually have a name for it- the ‘Socratic Problem’.
During the time of the disillusionment of the Athenians- there were a group of philosophers known as the Sophists.
 The word comes from Sophia- meaning wisdom.
 Philosophy itself means The Love of Wisdom.
In our day the words Sophomore- Sophistry and Sophisticated are derived from this root word.
 The Sophists were the original Pragmatists.
 Pragmatism is a form of belief that says ‘do what works- regardless of the ethical implications’.
We will get to Pragmatism at the end of this whole series on Philosophy.
 But for now- we see the division between what Socrates taught- and the Sophists.
 Socrates did indeed teach a form of Ethics- which contrasted with the Sophists.
He said that the pursuit of virtue was better than the pursuit of wealth- much like the words of Jesus ‘what does it profit a man if he gain the world- and lose his soul’.
 His most famous saying is ‘The unexamined life is not worth living’.
 He emphasized the importance of mind over body- which inspired Plato’s philosophy of dividing reality into 2 separate realms- the world of senses and the world of ideas.
 Socrates actually challenged the Democratic process- he believed it better for the wise men- the Philosopher Kings- to run the show.
Athens did have a form of Democracy at the time- and because of the rise of the Sophists- and the itinerant teachers- you had sort of an election process- much like in our day- where those who would attain office were those who spoke the best- and made the best public argument.
 We elect judges and stuff in our day- and even presidents- not because they are the most capable- but because they ran the best campaign.
 So- in a way I agree with Socrates- at times I think we need a better process of electing those to higher office- then the one we have now.
 It’s important to note that even though we started this study with Thales- and in the study of Western philosophy it’s commonly understood to have started with Thales.
 Yet- Socrates seems to be the Father of philosophy in many ways.
He probably has had the most influence in the field philosophy- and the 2 great philosophers that we’ll get to next come right out from the heels of Socrates [Plato and Aristotle].
 Why is this important to note?
As we progress in this study- and get closer to the 19th/20th century philosophers- we will see a trend- away from the idea that there are actually any ethical values- moral virtues- or ‘right or wrong’.
 These philosophers dabbled with the idea that values themselves are the cause of man’s problems [Freud].
 So- keep in mind- one of the main streams of thought in the early stages of philosophy was that values were indeed the main thing- Socrates challenged the Sophists of his day- he said that moral virtue was very important- that to live life with the values of courage- honesty- self-denial- these were the things that made men good- noble.
 The bible says ‘the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’ ‘those that seek the Lord understand all things’.
 Christian tradition would agree with Socrates in many ways- Jesus showed us that the virtue of service to others- to love your fellow man- to honor God- that these were indeed the heart of the matter.
 Socrates feared the loss of virtue in society- that if we simply lived for the present time- with no higher values [a form of hedonism] then the foundations of society will erode.
He also believed that it was good to question things- not to simply believe a thing for the sake of believing.
 Over time- thru debate and the discourse of other people- he believed you would get to the truth.
 The bible says ‘in the multitude of counselors there is safety’.
 Yeah- as people have a conversation- as they dialogue- often times they themselves come up with the answer to the question.
 The apostle Paul penned the letter to young Timothy- he said ‘preach the word- in doing this you will save yourself- and those that hear you’.
 Yeah- when you engage- and even try and teach others- this will have an effect on you too- the actual act of engaging- of teaching- often brings more insight to the one doing the communicating- then the ones who hear.
 Yeah- I like Socrates- he believed in what he taught- he drank the Hemlock- knowing full well that his life would pass- but he had belief- faith- that after death man would pass over into another realm- a much better one.
 No- he was not ‘Christian’ in the traditional sense of the word- but he was about as close as you could get- for his time.
  MY SITES [Please Like, Share, Connect, Follow and Subscribe to the sites below- Thanks]
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 Video sites- [Can view and download my videos free of charge]
Streaming sites-
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 Inactive- work in progress-
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 These are some of the first posts ever made, I hope to share some of them over time in between my regular studies. Of course they are ‘dated’- and it would be too difficult to edit each post. Some have old news comments in them, but if I also taught on the posts, I’ll post them ‘as is’. Hopefully they will be a benefit in some way- John.
All past posts can be found here- https://corpuschristioutreachministries.blogspot.com/p/links-to-past-posts-up-to-12-2017.html
 Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on-  Copy text- download video links- make complete copies of my books/studies and posts- everything is copyrighted by me- I give permission for all to copy and share as much as you like- I just ask that nothing be sold. We live in an online world- yet- there is only one internet- meaning if it ever goes down- the only access to the teachings are what others have copied or downloaded- so feel free to copy and download as much as you want- it’s all free-
 Note- I have many web sites- at times some question whether I’m a ‘bot’ because I do post a lot.
I am not a ‘bot’- I’m John- so please- if you are on the verge of deleting something- my contact email is [email protected] - contact me first- thank you- John
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5 Professional Tips When Using B2B Influencers to Increase Sales & Bookings
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When it comes to influencer marketing, most people think that this strategy applies solely to B2C brands. However, influencer marketing is far more important for B2B than it is for B2C brands.
After all, the average purchase size in B2B typically dwarfs that in B2C, and the impact of referrals and word of mouth is more critical to the B2B communities success.
B2B influencers are just as effective if not more than B2C influencers. The type of content they provide is professionally creditable as their audience is made up of working professionals who follow suit to the tools and techniques they promote as thought leaders in their industry.
Maybe you have a campaign you want to promote or a product you'd like to introduce to the market. Why not use a B2B influencer to give your marketing a jumpstart. Today, I'll show you five professional tips when using B2B influencers to increase sales and bookings.
1. Use Influencers for Affiliate Programs
If your company has an affiliate program, then invite B2B influencers to join and promote it. When you have influencers in your affiliate program, they can do the heavy lifting for you.
We know that there are tons of affiliate programs out there. However, so many people are apprehensive about joining affiliate programs because they might not earn them enough, have too many stipulations to earn, or might not be legal or creditable.
B2B influencers come with years of credibility, which instantly helps you to convince your target audience that your affiliate program is credible, profitable, and accountable.
For example, Youtube influencers like Aurelius Tjin are apart of Canva's Affiliate program. Having certified creatives in the B2B industry, teaching them how to effectively use Canva to grow their business and share their affiliate group's benefits expands Canva's affiliate program's reach.
2. Use B2B Influencers to Promote Your Product Launches
This tip comes as a no brainer but giving influencers exclusive access to your newly launched product boosts sales and product awareness.
Around 63% of survey respondents said they trust influencers more than what a brand says about itself. Using a B2B influencer helps your target audience trust the features and uses of your new product far more than you can advertise or say yourself.
Around 82% of U.S. consumers believe that influencers should disclose their history of personal use of a product or service.
If you have a new product coming out, use influencers to put out teasers as they get VIP access to your tool. Or you can use influencers to share the social media post of your product launch to help encourage others to do the same.
?Since it's Friday, I want to tell you a story that has nothing to do with COVID or lockdowns or any of that. A story of human ingenuity that boggles the mind. It begins with this, @apple's latest product launch this week https://t.co/fBDE7MaWuy pic.twitter.com/0d717HXCU4
— Ed Conway (@EdConwaySky) September 18, 2020
3. Use B2B Influencers to Host a Webinar
73% of B2B marketers say a webinar is the best way to generate high-quality leads.
Add that to the promising ROI that influencer marketing delivers, you're sure to see a surge of sign-ups and attendees. For example, take a look at VaynerMedia partnering with B2B influencer Brad Anderson for promoting the #MarketingForTheNow summit.
4. Use B2B Influencers for Social Media Takeovers
A social media takeover is when brand partners with an individual to take over their social media for a specific time or day. They'll share live updates via video or images. Instagram and Twitter takeovers are the most popular amongst brands, but mainly Instagram.
Social B found that B2B companies also realize the value of collaborating with influential experts on Instagram.
When it comes to B2B influencer marketing stats, it's probably not a surprise that 93% of overall influencer marketing is happening on Instagram. Hootsuite does an IGTv takeover series called "Ask the Expert" where they invite influencers to answer questions that Hootsuite followers have about
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5. Use B2B Influencers to Brainstorm and Create Content for You
Don't just limit your interactions with an influencer to selling a product. They can offer far more insight than your use to seeing from the safety of your work desk.
Your influencer can take a look at what's missing from your content marketing resources and connect you with other influencers or train staff if you need help executing the plan at hand.
They can even provide you with the content you might not have known your audience may have always needed. Inc regularly partners with influencers for content ideas and execution to help keep their marketing up to date, educational and entertaining.
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P.S: You don't have to put your B2B influencer front and center; sometimes, you can partner with B2B influencers to create new and exciting content your target audience will love.
5 Quick Tips When Working with a B2B Influencer
Now that we have an idea of what type of content your B2B influencer can provide to add credibility and attention to your product, here are some helpful tips you should consider before selecting your influencer
1. Start with B2B Influencer Outreach
B2B Influencer Strategyrelies on good networking and partnerships. Finding the right influencer can be hard. Media Mix found that 61% of marketers agree that it's challenging to find the right influencers for a campaign.
So ensure that the influencer you're researching has the following:
Shares your brand values and mission
Connects well with your current target audience
Has a history of a strong influence on their followers
Has a professional demeanor and work ethic
Once you found the influencer that fits the bill, it's time to do outreach. Since you're dealing with someone who works in the B2B industry, they won't expect to see a brand message them in their busy dm like a fan.
Instead, find their website or official email so you can email your offer to show your influencer that you mean business. Here's a detailed guide on How to Write the Perfect Influencer Outreach Email Template
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2. Set Clear Goals and Objections
If you don't set clear expectations when you're communicating with your B2B influencer, you leave room for miscommunication, mistakes, and unwanted outcomes. To clearly state what your objectives and goals for this partnership are and project.
Try to be as concise as impossible. Merely saying that you want to increase sales is a bit too vague. Instead, add a number or percentage you want to see, whether in followers, views, sales, or an open email rate.
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3. What Type of Content Will Be Created or Promoted
Don't take it for granted that your B2B influencer will know what type of content you'd like them to produce. So create content guidelines ahead of time to help your influencer do their best work.
For example, if you need a video from your B2B influencer, let them know what exactly should (not) be in your video, including branding and which products to promote. You want your partnership to be as seamless as possible without any hiccups.
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4. Create a Verbal or Legal Contract
Over the years, both influencers and brands need to take legal measures to protect themselves from both parties if fraud and unmet obligations become present.
It's important that you protect your data and intellectual rights before moving any further with your influencer partnership. Simply sending an email might not be enough to cover you from legal repercussions that can come by using the wrong influencer or if your influencer decides not to follow through on your project.
Based on your project or requirements, you can decide what kind of contract(s) you should present to your influencer before beginning work. One of the most common contracts is an NDA contract.
The NDAs creates a safe space for allowing the exchange of that information by preventing the recipient of that information from exploiting it to the detriment of the disclosing party by placing restrictions on how that information may or may not be used.
NDAs are also used in the partnership agreement pre-outreach phase to prevent the influencer from releasing any potential unauthorized leaks to the public (and possibly competitors).
Feel free to check out Convince and Convert's guide on the 9 Best Practices for Influencer Marketing Agreements.
5. Nurture Your B2B Influencer Partnership
After the project has been completed, you must thank and follow up with your B2B influencer. Influencers are bombarded with brands every day. Once you've gotten as far as completing a project or sale with them, it's essential that you keep the relationship going for the future.
A good practice is to create a project that your influencer can be invited to every quarter. If you wait to reach out to your influencer over a long or extended time, they might be incited to work with another brand or competitor.
Keep in mind that as you work with influencers, it's the quality of the content or results matter far more than the influencer's followers on their profile. Over time as you start working with more and more B2B influencers, you'll be able to get better results as you cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship for you both.
Use Influencers for Affiliate Programs
Use B2B Influencers to Promote Your Product Launches
Use B2B Influencers to Host a Webinar
Use B2B Influencers for Social Media Takeovers
Use B2B Influencers to Brainstorm and Create Content for You
For more help on mastering influencer marketing, check out our top guides below:
9 Surprising Ways You Can Use YouTube for Influencer Marketing
5 Instagram Influencer Marketing Trends You Need To Track
How to Write the Perfect Influencer Outreach Email Template
15 Awesome Examples of Instagram Posts that Drive Sales
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scottmapess · 4 years
The ocean, the largest economic playground for would-be moon boys out here in the cold, cruel depths of the sea. Many, sadly, get completely wrecked. However, quietly lurking below the surface. A remarkable turn of events. It’s whale breeding season unperturbed by Coronavirus and its uncertainty for the global economy. The world population has been spotted to be increasing rapidly. This, as they say, is definitely good for Bitcoin. I think David Attenborough has done a great job moving on with the Times and staying relevant with his commentary. If more nature documentaries were like this, then I’d probably watch some. What he’s referring to, of course, is market research conducted by glass notes showcasing entities holding a thousand Bitcoin or more, a.k.a. Bitcoin. Whales are increasing as visualized by this spiking blue line. Two very interesting takeaways from this chart for myself. Our number one, the rates of increasing whales only briefly halted despite a 45 percent crash in Bitcoin’s price earlier in March. And number two, practically this entire year. Whales have been breeding, growing. This analysis is further corroborated by studying what’s going on with the Bitcoin balance on exchanges, which has currently faced its sharpest decline in all of Bitcoin history. More people are withdrawing from exchanges to store their Bitcoin themselves as they should. Promoting, holding. And as Mr Asim Breath tests, definitely good for Bitcoin. That’s just the greatest audio snippet of all time. I want a button that I compress that just plays it when I hit it. Bitcoin is possibly the scarcest asset known to humanity. But let’s put that all aside for a moment. Yes, I know it’s mildly interesting information, perhaps even comforting for those who are maybe buying Bitcoin regularly or have been long term holders of the coin. But what we really want to see is crypto daily trade. You talk the talk, but now let’s see you walk the walk. Well, to be fair, I have been holding you talk about trading, so let’s see you trade, bruh. Okay. Sheesh. I have never had so many Dems about anything I’ve ever talked about, even as I did when I first mentioned that I wanted to do something like this late last year. Sorry to have kept you waiting. It’s finally time now to be fair. I was busy in the interim cofounding exchange, one that does not trade against its customers. But with this whole coronavirus going on, fundraising was postponed indefinitely, shall we say. So now I’ve got the time to focus on trading. Silver lining. The rules are very simple. I take one bitcoin and I try and trade it into two or see if I can hold on to the one. The USD value will, of course, be important. However, that will be secondary to the primary goal of stacking Satz because I have a long term belief in bitcoin and just want to accumulate as much as I can. The second rule, every win or loss will be a matter of public record, as I think some cryptocurrency activity should be. Yes, I believe in privacy, but I also believe in no openness and verifiable openness where appropriate. So I will be opening a fund on literally the most ethical exchange I could find in the industry, prime expertise, funding it with one Bitcoin, calling it crypto daily and have my activity visible by anyone anytime. The third rule will be no exit scene of my position. I don’t want to be trading into USD or in my case, TBP and exiting my positions. I will be staying in Bitcoin leveraged trading. So that’s longs and shorts for those that don’t know. But I will probably never go beyond five X leverage. Yeah, I know it’s kind of boring, but I also think it’s not really appropriate to ever really go beyond that Mark. Now, I hear some of your concerns, but Krypto daily, you’re an idiot and you’re not a pro trader. And to that, I say I’m well aware of these concerns. To compensate, late last year, I completed reading a bunch of highly recommended books on trading. I’ll show you them now. So we’ve got how to take profits, cut losses and benefit from price declines. Pretty relevant with Bitcoin over the last two years. Trends following how to make a fortune in bull-bear and black swan markets may be also very relevant right now. Paul Hollywoods 100 Great Breads Always relevant. Well, I actually recommend that book, by the way. Not very good. I also have done pretty well for myself trading historically. I swing trade where I take large positions two or three times a year. Basically only when I think it’s very overbought or very oversold. As an example, I can proudly say I bought to the absolute bitcoin bottom in twenty eighteen, which I did make videos about at the time. But I must admit, this trading challenge is definitely the scariest thing I’ve ever done with my bitcoin, probably even my channel where you get to laugh at me if I lose it all and I get to claim your praise. If I actually win, there is definitely going to be some added pressure on myself to perform because no one likes to look silly. But one of the things that these books tend to reference is the need, the importance of a training mentor. One, you can discuss your trades with bounce ideas off of. To that end, I have sought out a pro trader friend of mine who has actually been living off of his trading ability, a rarity in crypto, I’ll tell you that. It’s on Twitter app block, chain blitz. Give him a follow. Also, just as an aside, if you’re not following me, why I put out highlights from videos in case you missed him. I also recently shared the greatest moment to have ever happened in my life. There is an Easter egg somewhere in the photo. You’ll have to find it. But looking at the charts again for a moment, I could definitely talk about the holiest of Bitcoin indicators, the gold and cross. This is where the 50 days in the 200 days moving average cross and it heralds in a bull market. The last one occurred in mid-February to not much fanfare, almost an immediate dump, and then eventually followed by a death cross. But this time. Things are very, very different because can you believe this, guys? I would be literally shaking if I was cold. So I think this is another reason I need to do the trading challenge because I just think it a little bit disingenuous to talk about trading like primarily orce or a lot and not actually do any kind of. See, the problem with that and I’m not taking shots at influences here. If you’re offended, I don’t really care. It’s not aimed at anyone specifically. There are some interesting tidbits of information to be gleaned from a chart and make a video on like I do that as well. But I just think you as the viewers deserve better, honestly. I. I’m only burning my half. All you care about is money. This town deserves a better class. I’m going to give it up. So if you want to see me burn all my money away or potentially turn it into more. Make sure to subscribe with notifications. I never asked for that before. I feel dirty. Now, interestingly, you can join my fund by going into prime SBT, hitting co vesting, looking for Krypto daily and hitting invest once you put like ten bucks there. There are fees applied when you withdraw. But these fees are only applied on top of profits if any. Don’t make any guarantees. I’d get a portion of those fees. The platform gets a portion. Majority of it comes back to you. Again, only if we’re in profit. I don’t make any money from training fees. I don’t make any money from liquidations, literally. Only if I first make you more money, which I think is a great situation. It’s a situation I’d like to see more influencers in, but it is what it is. So hopefully this is the start of something amazing. I am somewhat terrified, but I’m also very excited if I am able to help you make money and get paid for doing it. That’s the best job in the world. That’s literally one of the main reasons I started YouTube. So maybe you wait first. See how I do. I’ll even link Downbelow if you do want to support the idea of throw five or ten bucks into it. No guarantees though. I will never, ever make any guarantees. But let’s find out. Wish me luck. Blinded by the touch./otw_shortcode_content_toggle] source https://www.cryptosharks.net/im-doing-this-with-my-bitcoin/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/i-cant-believe-im-doing-this-with-my.html
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