#we as a fandom are lacking in red string of fate aus
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“The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.” - Chinese Mythology
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
I absolutely LOVE your Dread String of Fate AU. It perfectly describes why the concept of "soulmates" is so toxic. Considering how the Red String AU is very famous in the Love Square fandom, the way you deconstruct it reminds me of the trope Strangled by the Red String (a.k.a. the trope LS is based on). And the Lukanette in the AU is just *chef's kiss*.
omg thank you!! Yeah, I definitely enjoy my twist AUs and this one is especially fun since I got to tamper with the miraculouses and such.
Add to that how much I’ve grown to detest the concept of “soulmates” thanks to the love square and then my confusion over Season 4 and its lack of continuity, and we get this AU.
Anonymous asked:
I absolutely loved the newest part of the dread string au! Thank you for writing and I'm glad your power is back and your side effects from the vaccination aren't too bad!
I wish I could love and reblog things an endless amount of times (though my followers may prefer some time between the exact same post haha) <3
Aw, you read the tags! Thank you!
jbdfjgkdgdfg and thanks again for the support! It’s all lovely and I appreciate it regardless of whether you support as much as you wish you could or not~
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rnmsmalltownlegends · 5 years
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Fic: We both carry a switchblade in our sleeves Author: @soberqueerinthewild​ Characters/Pairings: Isobel Evans & Alex Manes  Recommended by: acomebackstory Review: I believe this was the first Isobel & Alex fic I ever read and it remains one of my favourites (and I swear I’m not just saying that because the author said it was partially inspired by my venting about the lack of Isobel content in the fandom). I’m always a sucker for an Isobel POV, and I love using something as physical and aggressive as self-defence to work through her trauma, anger and sleeping problems post-S1. The author does a stellar job slowly building the trust between these two very closed-off characters in a way that feels natural to their canonical characterization. An absolute must-read for anyone holding out hope for this onscreen friendship!
Fic: Do You Know Who I Think I Am? Author: @piccolina-mina​ Characters/Pairings: Rosa Ortecho & Alex Manes Recommended by: acomebackstory Review: I imagine there could be a really special connection between Rosa and Alex, and this short but sweet fic brings that to life perfectly. The dialogue between them as they take a drive to the desert is as sharp and teasing as you would expect between these two and it touches on tough topics like the afterlife, addiction, and Alex’s lingering war wounds. The camaraderie feels easy and lived in, despite the decade lost, and I feel like so much of their dynamic could easily slot into canon. Exploring Rosa’s perspective on life after resurrection and what became of her loved o nes while she was locked away in that pod is one of my favourite fic topics, and I love the way it is explored here.
Fic: the moon climbs high over the dead oak tree [tumblr] Author: @michaels-blackhat​ Characters/Pairings: Maria DeLuca & Michael Guerin Recommended by: spaceskam Review: I say this is a Maria & Michael gen fic, but it could very easily be a Maria & Everyone fic or just a Maria fic--it sorta depends on how you look at it. Which is basically how Maria feels in this fic. It’s a horror-ish story of Maria constantly being drawn to an allegedly haunted house. She keeps going back because her mind keeps telling her to even though she knows better and she’s told to stay away. Christi just went and knocked it out of the park with this one and every time I am flabbergasted at how few notes it has. I couldn’t recommend this more.
Fic:  whom the fates have mark’d Author: @islndgurl777​ Characters/Pairings: Human Squad & Pod Squad Recommended by:  lire-casander Review: This is a two-fic arc revolving around the Japanese concept of red strings attaching two people destined to be together, but with a wonderful twist! There is a string for friendship, a string for love, and special strings for those who are different. This storyline, written from Maria’s POV, gives us a perfect insight on how her psychic side shaped her into who she is in canon, and brings us on a journey to discover much more about the rest of the characters than what the reader could have expected. Even if it veers on AU territory, it’s still an amazing way to dive into well-built characters that ring true to canon!
Fic: Spice Up Your Life Author: @piccolina-mina​ Characters/Pairings: Maria DeLuca & Rosa Ortecho & Liz Ortecho Recommended by: lire-casander Review: There are really very few stories picturing teenage!Maria, teenage!Liz and teenage!Rosa being just girls, showing their friendship and their banter. This is one of them: a short but powerful ficlet about three girls before the world got to them. It has everything in less than a thousand words: Liz being the baby girl, Rosa being the snarkiest of them all, and Maria being the activist - strong, stubborn but sweet and supportive. I could picture them all in my head, I could hear their voices and see them interacting while getting dressed up for Halloween. A must read!
Fic: Any other Rose Author: @haloud​ Characters/Pairings: Alex Manes & Manes brothers Recommended by: i-never-look-away Review: I still think about this fic months after it was written, for me that's always a great sign of the impact of a story. This fic is a must read for anyone who loves Alex and wishes and hopes that at least one of his family members manages to not be the worst. Alex and an estranged brother have a long overdue talk that is just very cathartic to read. There's also a couple of stab me in the heart with these feelings moments that I believe anyone who's an Alex fan will love and appreciate.
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
Prompt/Genre/Au List: Send in an idea~
New and updated list.
Due to.. some things that have been happening, I need to take my mind off things for a while.
Send in an ask or message if you would like a dabble or possible one-shot.
Miraculous Ladybug
Fairy Tail
Harry Potter/Hogwarts Mystery
Dragon Age Inquistion
My Candy Love/University
The highest the story will be T to M. Mainly due to blood, death and possible murder.
Hardcore NSFW
Certain Kinks.
Genre: Group A
Fairy Tale
Historical Fiction
Magical Realism
Tall Tale
Drabble List: Group B
“Just…. Stay there.”
“Please, I’ll do anything.”
“It doesn’t feel like home anymore.”
“They’re walking all over you.”
“Give me a chance.”
“Not you again.”
“Why do you hate me?”
“I thought you loved me?”
“I wish I’d never met you.”
“I fucked up.”
“I came to say goodbye.”
“About the baby… it’s yours.”
“I did it.”
“Stop ignoring me.”
“Well, fine: just this once.”
“She’s locked herself in her room.”
“My heart hurts.”
“What do you need”
“Please stop crying, please.”
“Anyway, all joking aside…”
“I’d like it if you told me the truth.”
“Define normal”
“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.”
“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage. ”
“If I survive, can I go home?”
“Insanity runs in my family.”
“Excuse me, I have to go make a scene”
“She’s hot, but she’s evil.”
“You’re kinda anti-social, you know that?”
“And hello to you too… little homewrecker”
“You’re Satan”
“No. Regrets.”
“I swear, I’m not crazy”
“How drunk was I?”
“You’re not interested, are you?”
“Tell me you need me”
“Oh honey, I’d never been jealous of you.”
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it”
“Walkout that door and we’re through”
“Well. Yell, scream, say something. Anything.”
“Just talk to me”
“What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids”
“Please don’t shut me out”
“Love interest finds an open diary”
“Please don’t say goodbye”
“You’re holding me back”
“I’m willing to wait for it.”
Roommates heroes whom everyone thinks are together but are just living together. They do love each other but they set boundaries that prevent a relationship to happen. It all goes out the window as a villain points it out.
“I’ll kiss that guy over there if you keep ignoring me..”
“You still love me, right?”
“I’m only here because there’s food”
“Life isn’t a fairy tale.”
“What are we fighting for?”
“There was never an us.”
“Just because I don’t show or say that it hurt, doesn’t mean I don’t have any feelings.”
“I said you can’t fall in love with me, but I didn’t say I can’t fall in love with you.”
“You’ve always abandoned her/him/them easily, and fetching her/him/them again when you finally remember.”
AU: Group C
Aging Up
All Human
Theme/Setting/Style: Group D
A/B/O Society
Historical: Modern/Future/Past
Noir Detective
Spy/Secret Agent/Assassin/Hit-man
 Holiday Fic
Isolated or trapped
Time Travel
Individual Elements: Group E
Character Death
Presumed dead
Pretend Couple
Based on Canon: Group F
Missing Scene
Futurefic/Next Generation
Tropes: Group G
Abandoned Hospital
Abandoned Playground
Aborted Declaration of Love
Accidental pregnancy
Achilles' Heel
Adrenaline Makeover
Agents Dating
Almost Kiss
Alone amount the Couples
Amicable Exes
Anchored Exes
Ancient Evil
Back From the Dead
Back to School
Badass driver
Best friend’s sibling
Blind Date
Childhood Friend Romance
Class Warfare (One comes from money, the other lacks it.)
Close Shave
Common Law Marriage
Cruel and Unusal Death
Enemies to Lovers
Everybody Lives
Eye for an Eye
Fake Relationship
Fake-Out Make-out
False Friend
False Soulmate
Forbidden Love
Friends to Lovers
Hallway Fight
Happily Married
Haunted House
Hidden Villian
Hunger Games
I don’t want to ruin our friendship
If I can’t have you...
Ignorance is bliss
It’s not you, it’s me
It’s not you, it’s my enemies
Jilted Bride/Groom
Justified Criminal
Lady and Knight
Let’s just be friends
Literally loving Thy Neighbor
Long Distance Relationship
Longing look
Love at first Note
Love at first punch
Love at first sight
Love Confession
Love Hurts
Love Potion
Love Transcends Space time
Loved I not Honor More
Loves Me not
Loving a Shadow
Loving Bully 
Make Up or Break Up
Marriage of Convenience
Married to the Job
Marry for Love
Maybe Ever after?
Meet the In-Laws
Mistaken for Cheating
Mistaken Identity
Morning After
Muggle-Mage Romance
My girl back home
New Old Flame
No Romantic Resolution
Nobody thinks it will work
Office Romance
Offscreen Breakup
Offscreen Romance
On the Rocks
On the run
One that got away
Opposites Attract
Outlaw Couple
Please Dump Me
Prank Date
Red String of Fate
Relationship Reveal
Relationship Revolving Door
Relationship Sabotage
Relationship-Salvaging Disaster
Removed from the picture
Removing the rival
Return to Hometown
Romantic Wingman
Runaway bride/groom
Runaway Fiance
Second Chance
Secret Baby
Secret/Lost Heir
Shotgun wedding
Sudden Baby
Time Travel
Ugly Duckling
Undercover as Lovers
Unrequited Love
Van Helsing
World Tour
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littlev1234 · 5 years
You, Me, Selfishly
Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates
Characters: Leo, Niles (not written as romantic, but you’re free to read it that way)
Warnings: brief talk of assisted suicide, plans for suicide, violence
Words: 2,201
AO3 Version: You, Me, Selfishly 
Note:  So uhhhh this is just self-indulgent AU angst I wrote during breaks at work. Because of that it's pretty messy, but I figured hey, might as well post it in case anyone else is in the mood for feels with King Leo and Niles.
Niles straightened from where he’d been hunched over King Leo’s desk. All documents, some half-finished or marred with ink blots, lay on one side. Wood oil, Niles’ bow, and a worn quiver covered the rest.
Rising from his seat, he turned to the fever-glazed eyes watching him. A sheen of drying sweat coated Leo’s too pale skin, and his cheekbones stood out in sharp relief without any fat left to round his face. But his focus didn’t waver as Niles walked to his bedside; the other’s mind was having a rare break in the fog of illness.
“Drink some water, milord.” He helped the younger man slowly sit up before grabbing the untouched glass on the nightstand.
Leo’s mouth tilted downward in a grimace—he must be feeling nauseous again—but he allowed him to put the cup to his lips. After two minuscule sips he shakily waved it away.
“How close are the Hoshidans?”
“They’re traveling quickly. I hear they will reach the castle by tomorrow.”
Leo pinched the bridge of his nose, as if the action could alleviate what was surely a pounding headache. “…I see.”
“All of our available troops will defend the castle. I have a small force inside as well.” The remnants of the Nohrian army still loyal to the king were under-equipped and malnourished, but he didn’t have to mention that. The blond already knew the horrendous odds better than anyone. Niles had tried to rally anyone he could while the other was bedridden. He’d even scoured the underground for criminals he could bend to his will.
“I want to move you to one of the hidden rooms before I set the traps,” Niles added.
Leo nodded, yet his fingers weakly twisted in the blankets. The retainer couldn’t blame him. Leo was a king with a dying kingdom, a sick patient worsening by the day, and a boy who missed his family. His desperate grasp on his suffocated pride had to slip even further to agree to hiding.
“You must swear to me,” Leo suddenly said.
“Swear what?”
He attempted to take a deep breath, which ended in a wet cough instead. “…you will not let them capture me.”
“Of course—”
“I would rather die by your hand than face their wrath alone.” His gaze shifted away, and his strained voice further quieted. “Regardless of how much I deserve it.”
Eye wide, Niles opened his mouth to protest. His liege’s death could not be decided so easily. Leo was young and smart and powerful, still was, he just needed time to recover—
“I refuse to be the last one. Please. Let me keep being selfish.” Leo slumped against the pillows, and he’d grown paler with the effort of speaking so long.
A harsh breeze blew outside and caused the old window sill to creak. After it stopped, the king’s labored breathing was the only noise to keep silence at bay. Beyond the bedroom door nothing could be heard—no siblings walking the halls, nor servants fulfilling duties.
Calloused fingers picked up a thin hand. Niles dropped to one knee.
“I won’t leave you on your own.” He gently pressed Leo’s knuckles to his own chest, over his heart. “You have my word.”
There was a tickle in the back of Niles’ throat.
He swallowed hard against it and set the last trap.
He then glanced back at Leo, who slept through his latest fever spike. A damp rag lay on his forehead, and his breaths sounded shallow and fitful. However, the fact that he was breathing at all was enough to fuel Niles’ determination.
As the archer stretched his limbs, he ignored the heaviness draped over his body like a blanket. He should have guessed all the stress, lack of sleep and food, and being around Leo nearly 24/7 would slam his immune system. With the Hoshidans arriving any minute, at least he wouldn’t have to worry about the illness hitting him full force yet.
Muffled through the thick stone walls, the sounds of blades clashing and shouts of challenge arose.
Leo didn’t stir. Hopefully he would stay unconscious through whatever happened next. Niles pulled the curtain around the bed closed.
All too soon, the floor shook as what must be an army burst through the massive grand entrance doors. Niles readied his bow.
Crashes in the bedrooms. Brief quiet, like they were confused to find their target wasn’t there. Then spread out footsteps and rattles of armor as they started to search.
Then, what he’d been waiting for: cords snapping as traps launched arrows, knives, and mini bombs.
Niles knocked an arrow.
He released it the moment the door swung open. It embedded into someone’s shoulder, and in one smooth motion he loosed another one.
The glint of shruiken made him pause long enough to doge the projectile flying at him. That was all it took for a female ninja to be upon him and force him on the defense. He blocked one, two, three blows—
She jumped away, and he was greeted by a fireball. With Hoshidans crowding the front of the room and his unwillingness to draw attacks too close to Leo, he couldn’t effectively avoid it. Flames struck his left arm, burned through clothing, and seared skin. The damage extended from shoulder to elbow, and he knew trying to fire arrows with this injury would take too long. Grunting at the pain, he dropped his bow and pulled a dagger from his belt.
“Halt,” a commanding, deep voice called out.
Niles paused, if only for the sake of putting off his and Leo’s inevitable fate. A large man in red armor stepped forward.
“I am Ryoma, King of Hoshido,” he introduced. “There is no need to keep fighting. You’ve already lost. Surrender and we will be merciful to you both.”
Between panting breaths, Niles gave a wild grin. “Yeah, I know the outcome. But I can still take you down with us.” Suddenly he had taken exactly three steps back to loop his finger around a previously hidden string behind Leo’s desk. It was connected to a volley of makeshift bombs, far more than he’d put in the halls, and it would easily destroy anything in the room.
Ryoma stiffened, and the soldiers around him snapped into fighting stances. Several showed wariness and sported gashes or burns from previous traps.
The sound of a curtain’s swish had Niles throwing his dagger without a single thought. It lodged into the wall and left a deep slice in Kagero’s shoulder. She released the curtain to press a hand to the injury, what was done had been done. Leo had been revealed.
A gust of surprise flew through the thick, tense atmosphere in the room. All eyes witnessed the King of Nohr’s gaunt face and raspy breathing.
A soft gasp came from a redheaded healer—the youngest princess, Sakura, if Niles remembered right. Hands covering her mouth, she had leaned around Ryoma to see better, and palpable pity shone on her face.
“When did he become this ill…?” Ryoma muttered.
Niles clicked his tongue. The noise startled the enemies out of their surprise, and attention returned to him.
It was inevitable they’d discover Leo’s condition. However, it still felt like Niles had lost any pretense of advantage he’d clung to.
“Ask an artist to take a picture. It’ll last longer.” His icy tone belied his words. Blood pounded in his ears. “But I’d much rather you keep those intense looks on me.”
Composure returned, Ryoma spoke once more. “Your king is in no condition for this to be dragged out. The sooner you surrender, the sooner we can take him to our doctors.”
An empty chuckle erupted from the retainer’s throat. It started low, grew into a disbelieving cackle, and then dissolved into damning coughs.
“…you think I’ll believe it’s that easy? That if I give up, you won’t kill me and show off my liege like a trophy?”
“There has been enough bloodshed,” the Hoshidan king insisted. If Niles didn’t know any better, he would have thought the wrinkles on the other’s face deepened with a war-weariness. “We won’t kill you if you come peacefully—”
“Torture, then.” His single eye met the other’s gaze. “I must warn you, I am a tough one to break.”
Several of his opponents looked startled by the accusation, and Ryoma quickly shook his head. “No. We do not torture our prisoners. Your safety, as well as King Leo’s, is assured.”
Niles scoffed.
The little princess, shoulders hunched but determination steadying her legs, took a small step forward. “P-Please. He’s not going to last much longer. Wh-What use would making us k-kill you be?”
“I won’t let it be by your hands,” he murmured.
Her mouth gaped, and, damn, he hadn’t meant to let that slip. Too late now.
Ryoma made to speak again, but Sakura abruptly continued. “I understand! W-Well, not exactly, but I know you care so much about him. Like how Hana and Tsubaki would do anything for me, y-you’re trying to fulfill the king’s wishes as much as possible.” She straightened and, despite the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks, her chin was raised high. “I beg you. Neither of you will be harmed, and we will do everything we can to save him. You may stay by his side no matter where he goes and have the right to choose who interacts with him until he is well. I give you my word as princess of Hoshido.”
The people around her appeared stunned. Niles hardly noticed; his mind was too busy twisting around the idea.
She seemed honest, but that meant nothing. Or Ryoma could override her decision. It was highly likely that such a deal would last only until Niles had no more strength to resist. Naturally it was also possible that this was all a ruse to lower his guard.
…but there was that tiny, tiny chance surrendering could save Leo’s life.
If Leo were awake, he knew the blond would refuse. The potential humiliation of being a war prisoner and prize may be more than the younger’s battered psyche could bear. There was also his request, which rang incessantly in his ears. It could be impossible to avoid separation since they’d be at the mercy of the enemy’s whims.
That left Niles with a dilemma: should his loyalty go toward Leo’s survival, or Leo’s will?
His fingers released the string.
I’m sorry, milord. I’m a selfish man too.
She sighed in relief, and Ryoma nodded in acknowledgement of his decision.
“We appreciate your choice.” The corner of Ryoma’s mouth tugged upward in a tired almost-smile. “We can finally end this war.”
“I stopped caring about the war a long time ago.” Half-turning away, Niles walked to the bedside. His muscles stayed bunched, waiting for a sword between his shoulder blades that never came.
“I have to move you,” he apologetically murmured. He slid one hand under his knees and the other under his back. Pain flared along the charred part of his arm, and it took every ounce of willpower not to flinch back.
A footsteps. “One of us can—”
Niles didn’t turn around. “Touch him and you will know the wrath of a hundred hells.”
That warning, oozing dark promise, was enough to stop whoever it was. He didn’t care to know who.
He lifted Leo up. His arm screamed as the weight pulled at raw skin, but he kept his hold steady. Nothing less than amputation would make him put Leo down right now. Other than a particularly harsh shuddering breath, the Nohrian king didn’t stir.
The retainer turned and started toward the waiting soldiers. Each footstep felt heavy, and he suspected it wasn’t just from physical exertion. When he neared the doorway, several Hoshidans moved to surround him. The damp rag upon Leo’s forehead slipped and landed on the floor. Not that it mattered; it had long since lost its coolness. However, he noticed Sakura start to reach for it, and something not completely unpleasant twisted in his chest.
“He needs a new one anyway,” he said, and she straightened with a jerky nod.
They broke away to allow him through the narrow doorway, and once through they circled him again. His instincts despised being trapped regardless of the foot-wide berth they left him. Ryoma was talking, as well as a couple others. He ignored the conversation in favor of swallowing down oncoming coughs.
Everything moved quickly after that. Soon they were outside, Ryoma announced Hoshido’s victory, and jubilant shouts roared. The few remaining Nohrians either fled or found themselves captured. Niles peered through the slivers where the people of his entourage weren’t quite shoulder-to-shoulder. They were preventing others from receiving a full view of himself and Leo, for now. It must be obvious to everyone who was being hidden, though.
Niles raised his gaze to gray clouds. The familiar sight offered him an anchor amid the overwhelming bustle around him. Cold winds snuck through his entourage to chill his face and hands.
“Maybe a little sunlight will do us both good, eh, milord?” he whispered to the too-warm boy in his arms.
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evieoh · 8 years
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yet another ridiculously long list of fic recs from me, mostly so I can keep all my favorites organized. There are so many amazing and heartbreaking and hot and funny and awesome fics in this fandom though.
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smoke signals by duchamp  (Teen, one-shot)
This isn’t some film reel. There’s no soundtrack or script to dictate blocking. No action or cut. This is real life and Seth’s flesh and blood and bone and the closest thing she has to a friend. She doesn’t want to ruin that. Not that she could.
Rules of the Mexican Honeymoon by TashanaAmbrosia  (Mature/Explicit, multi-chapter)
There are two phrases that seem to chase their conversations like a snake swallowing its own tail: Please and This is as far as we go.
Seth and Kate deal with the aftermath of Season 1 and the loss of their families.
Tequila Sunrises by oxymoronassoc  (Mature, one-shot)
They stop at a motel. They get one room. For some reason, she thinks this means they'll have two beds. But this isn't your mom's grocery store romance novel. There is one bed with an oily cover that he flings back with disdain before throwing himself down on the sheets, his suit still on. She falls asleep clutching the edge of the bed. She's not sure why, but she does.
The next night, she barely holds the edge of the mattress. He still wears the suit.
Boy, I'm a hurricane headed for you by ronsparkyspeirs  (Mature, multichapter)
Kate is a sinner but Seth is a bad man.
he told me i was holy by liketogetlost (Mature, one-shot)
Seth is almost like a wild animal himself when he fights. When it’s all over he’s panting, sweaty and covered in the vibrant red blood that seems to follow them wherever they go.
But when Kate looks at him she still sees a wounded bird, wings broken and left on the side of the road.
a fresh poison each week by devil divine (jaegerjagues)  (Teen, one-shot)
Seth has visions, but they're nothing like Richie's.
Burn My Bridges by openhearts (Teen/Mature, series)
Kate thinks about asking “then what?” and she opens her mouth around the words before closing it again. She leans her head back against the headrest and lets her eyes slip closed. Seth is quiet now, for once, and she isn’t sure whether she’s glad of it or not. Isn’t sure she really wants to feel alone in her head.
Come From Way Above by liketogetlost  (Explicit, series)
Kate feels like she’s tapped into his center, like she knows how to pull and tug at his strings. It feels wrong, like no one should have that much power over another person but Kate wants it, wants to be selfish and just fucking pull until he unravels.
there in the dark with our two hands by artemidos  (teen, one-shot)
they share things that they can't talk about when it's light out. it's not easy to bare themselves, but sometimes just before sleep, it happens.
flintlocked by waterfront  (teen, one-shot)
‘au where seth doesn’t leave her and instead they both go to uncle eddie’s for help and end up having a sit down dinner with richie and kisa.’ (season 2)
Eddie was family and family was the only thing that could set them on the right course.
affection. by djcotrona  (Mature, one-shot)
Two months after they left the Twister, they found themselves holed up in a motel, this one was a little nicer than the others. There was promise of a pool, but when they arrived they found it lacked water. The weather was hot, had been all day, and the air conditioner was broken.
and I am telling you / I'm not going by ameliajessica  (Teen, one-shot)
"Be my guest," he spat at her, reaching across to push the door open.
or: an alternate take on the few days after Seth and Kate were meant to go their separate ways in season 2.
somewhere i have never travelled by quiet_rebel  (Explicit, one-shot)
This isn't a love story. | Set after the events of season 1.
come on mess me up by artemidos  (Teen, One-shot)
“When was your rebellious phase, exactly?”
“You could say it was already in full swing when I met you.” And then she laughed and all that Seth could do was look at her.
from our own separate sides by kendrasaunders/Overdressedtokill (SkyeStan)  (Mature, one-shot)
there is only one bed in the motel room. this is nothing new.
down the road a ways by jdphoenix  (Teen, one-shot)
She’s got one of those faces, you know? Could be sixteen, could be twenty-one, could be anywhere in between. So he’s not really sure just how screwed he is.
opia by liketogetlost  (Mature, one-shot)
Opia - n. the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
the good left undone by imaginedfables  (Mature, multi-chapter)
There's a story where she stays.
Carry The Ghost by imaginedfables  (Mature, multi-chapter)
This is what her beautiful life had come to. Dirty bathrooms in broken backroads and trembling hands with dried blood caked underneath her fingernails. A bag full of stolen money that she’d trade without missing a beat if she could only have at least one member of her family there with her for her to take comfort in. A baby growing inside of her from a man she didn’t know where to find and wasn’t sure she really wanted to, anyways. She is three weeks shy of turning eighteen, her whole family is dead or out causing death, and the father of her child is a heroin-addicted criminal: a wanted fugitive. Her mother was probably rolling over in her grave.
Valley of Decision by Pervymonk  (Teen, multichapter)
So things went fubar at Matanzas, and a mysterious woman sends Seth Gecko back to keep Kate from becoming possessed by Amaru. But can they stay together, or are they destined to be driven apart?
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the pale morning sings by seren_ccd  (Teen, multichapter)
Santanico Pandemonium breathes in the smell of a thousand souls worth of blood, but it’s Kisa that breathes out, gives the site one last look, and starts to turn the bike around. It’s the flutter of a white sheet trapped on the branches of a bush that has her pause before she turns back to look more closely. Kate Fuller stares back at her.
aka 'Kisa and Kate go on a road trip.'
blood money, blood money by kendrasaunders/Overdressedtokill (SkyeStan)  (Teen, one-shot)
seth and kate have a confrontation of sorts. how much does "i love you" cost?
until we hit the ground by Noducksinpond  (Mature, multichapter)
She remembered the blood flowing through her, the overwhelming need for revenge. Seth, Richie, Scott, you loved them so much and they used you until there was nothing left! Make them pay! Make them pay!
Worship like a Dog by xXBeckyFoo  (Teen, one-shot)
The four times Seth hears Kate after she's gone.
Transformation by OnlyInAutumn  (Mature, two-shot)
Richie turned Kate into a culebra at the blood well, and as a result of a guilty conscience, Seth offers himself up to her as Kate's personal blood source. As it turns out, Seth doesn't mind so much. Sexual tension and pining ensues.
Find the Girl by quiet_rebel  (Explicit, multichapter)
Set after the events of the season 2 finale | It's a new empire, but who will rise up and who will fall?
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Timeline by xXBeckyFoo  (Teen, one-shot (long))
That look was in Seth's eyes again, the one that made Kate feel like everything in life had led them to this moment. To each other.
you can dance to lady gaga by waterfront  (Gen, oneshot)
it's Kate's 21st and the whole gang comes out to celebrate. but there's one thing Seth can't quite get over: Kate Fuller kinda said she loved him. Did she mean it? If he asks her to dance, could everything literally implode? (plus sequel where do we stand/here or on that sink?)
only proof (that i need) by caramelle  (Teen, one-shot)
The thing is, as long as they're working a job, he has to spend a good three-quarters of his day calling Kate Fuller his wife.
… Not that it's a chore, or anything.
But, ultimately, it's fucking terrible, because he's officially stopped thinking twice before opening his mouth to say the damned words.
dead ringers by duchamp  (Mature, one-shot)
Preacher’s daughter, he thinks. Thinks of songs about a girl that can’t be reached, some angelic idol not to be sullied; where in others she crashes down to earth, is revealed to be a reviled mortal like all other common folk.
make you feel like you've been blessed by arsonistlullaby  (Explicit, one-shot)
There is still a lot of shit they have to deal with, even after they’ve stopped the apocalypse. Or maybe because they stopped it, depending on which way you decide to look at it.
Home by xXBeckyFoo  (Teen, one-shot)
They say it takes seven years to grow a new body, so Kate counts the days until she doesn't feel like ripping off her own skin.
Pop Goes the Question by madjm  (Teen, one-shot)
Five times Seth asks Kate to marry him, and one time he doesn't.
we are fated to grow old by waterfront  (Teen, one-shot)
Scott is angry with the world until the day he isn't.
Seth and Kate's relationship through the eyes of her younger, vengeful brother. Based on a prompt: Scott's journey to realizing and accepting that Seth and Kate are in love
Wake Your Ghost by quiet_rebel  (Gen, Drabble)
If Seth could do things differently, would he? | spoilers for 3x07
journeys end in lovers meeting by notahotlibrarian  (Teen, multichapter)
It's been a long road from Bethel to wherever Kate Fuller is now, but her journey is not yet over.
After Matanzas, Kate decides to take a road trip to figure some things out. But no matter what turns she makes, all roads lead back to the Geckos. But is it destiny or is it her choice?
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Good Grief by waterfront  (Teen, multichapter)
“But okay, fine, let’s say the answer to your problem isn’t with the girl you abandoned five years ago. The woman, or whatever, who can fix your brother lives in Bear Claw, Alaska.” Richie’s been bitten by something even culebras dare not mention. He’s dying. Unless Seth can repair his relationship with Kate, Richie’s a goner. Seems like enough motivation to seek out the girl you left naked in a motel room five years ago. But he left with questions unanswered, and with a new life built around her, Kate has secrets of her own. Seth should have remembered something he learned years ago: never underestimate Kate Fuller.
Catch Me Again by quiet_rebel  (Gen, multichapter, AU from early season 2)
“You caught me once; Maybe on the flipside, you could catch me again.”
bartered with bone by alamorn  (Teen, series of one-shots)
There's a thousand different ways Kate could have met the Geckos. They all start the same: preacher's daughter, criminal brothers. They all end the same: together and bloody.
When destiny catches up with Kate, she sees them all
let me go by writerlily  (Gen, one-shot)
Kate didn't think she would simply "hang around" after her death. She believed in Heaven and Hell and those were the only two choices for her.
She was wrong.
Born To Die by ArkStationsLibrary  (Explicit, one-shot)
Seth Gecko is an immortal who decides to make Kate Fuller part of his world whether she likes it or not.
Further Away by omqueenkay  (Mature, one-shot)
The one where Seth keeps calling Sonja by Kate's name.
The Road of Excess by KaelsMiscellany  (Teen, two part series)  (Richie/Kate /Seth)
In 1815 a stranger came to Bethel, Texas; and a few months later married the preacher’s daughter.
In 1816 he faced the firing squad for killing a murderer; and in that long winter his brother comes to town.
like clockwork by writerlily  (Gen, multi-chapter)
she was not expecting something like this.
(soulmate tattoo AU)
These Eyes are Natural Disasters by kategecko  (Mature, multichapter)
She wasn't sure what they had done to her when they let the serpent bite her as she laid strapped to yet another altar but she could feel the snake’s poison flowing through her veins like molten lava.
profane words scrawled black across the sun by artemidos  (Explicit, series of one-shots)  (Seth/Kate/Richie)
live life for the moment by Roksed  (Mature, one-shot series)
No matter the distance, Kate and Seth always find each other again and again.
Alternate retellings of the TV series.
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alone / with you by artemidos  (Mature, multichapter)
suddenly there's someone in her room and a new voice in her head. she never wanted this. he never wanted it either. they're both screwed.
the heartland by silenceisnotmyfriend  (Teen, one-shot)
If her momma could see her now, she would say "God is many things." (Soulmate AU)
Cigarette Daydreams by imaginedfables  (Mature, multichapter)
They’ve been showing up at the bar on random nights for the past three weeks.
It’s pretty hard to miss them, and even if she wanted to turn a blind eye to the American brothers, their loud mouths (Seth) and the fist fights they (again, Seth) tend to start would give their presence away in a heartbeat.
(And, no, Richie, she doesn’t have any horchata.)
put me through hell again by liketogetlost  (Explicit, one-shot)  (Seth/Kate/Richie)
Two boys in black came to her town, wearing the skin of Preachers, like her daddy. They got real close to her father and the people of her church, conning their way into their hearts and wallets.
(Kate runs away with conmen Gecko Preachers.)
he said to 'be cool', but i don't know how yet by artemidos  (Explicit, one-shot)
Bare feet glued to the tiled floors that led into the room, she’d stood and stared for a good minute. His arms bulged with muscle and he wasn’t wearing a shirt. In fact she couldn’t see beyond the table to know if he was wearing anything at all. Was this the type of guy her mother always brought home? Men with tattoos curling up their arms who sat in her kitchen wearing next to nothing?
girl, i'm just trying to kiss your neck without a word by longhairandbarefeet  (Explicit, Two-shot)
Kate always thought it was boring, going to races and sitting in the box with her dad while he blabbered on and on about the business, but her interest soon began to peak at the sight of Seth Gecko on their team. a.k.a. au where Seth is a race car driver.
daisies and diamonds by theredhoodie  (Teen, one-shot)
The year is 1946. The war has just finished, crime in Southern U.S. is on the rise, and a young woman named Kate Fuller is stuck in a life of repetitive boring days. That is, until the night when she happens to meet a real-life bank robber.
To the Store, To the Store by caramelle  (Teen, one-shot)
the one where Kate somehow always manages to find herself at the same grocery checkout line as a handsome, surly stranger in black.
delusional by artemidos  (Teen, one-shot)
kate and seth work at the dew drop resort. although 'work' is a little generous a word to use for what seth does. kate accidentally becomes the only way to get him to come do his damn job.
This Could Be Easy by caramelle  (Teen, one-shot)
It's not that Kate was trying to get partnered up with Seth Gecko. Honestly, she wasn't.
She just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and sorely under-informed on extenuating circumstances.
Or, the one where Kate is a newly minted detective, and Seth is the grouchy old-timer she gets stuck with.
String of Blinking Lights by madjm  (Teen, one-shot)
"I knew when I married you I was getting Richie, too, but I didn’t know I was getting my beautiful home turned into ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.’”
Don't Need Saving by the_stargazing_dreamer  (Mature, one-shot)
Strait-laced businessman Seth is spending the week in Houston and meets free spirited call girl Kate when Richie leaves him at a club. He doesn't need or want anyone in his life but his damn knight in shining armor complex is getting in the way of things. Kate is only in it for the money and definitely doesn't need or want some Prince Charming to come sweep her off her feet.
Sin by shadowglove  (Teen, multichapter)
When Kate meets her new neighbors, Seth and Vanessa Gecko, she immediately develops a crush on the handsome man. She does her best to fight her growing crush, but as she and Seth become friends, and she realizes that there is a LOT of trouble in Seth and Vanessa's marriage, Kate begins to fear that she will stop caring that her feelings for him are pure sin.
make you better by longhairandbarefeet  (Mature, one-shot)
“You heard me.” She replies leaning into him, close enough so he could smell the liquor on her breath, the same that lingers on his own. She swipes her tongue across her bottom lip, and loops her arms around his neck to pull him in to press an urgent kiss to his mouth. He doesn’t respond immediately, shocked at the simple and soft feel of her. His head is swimming, and he doesn’t know if it’s her mouth, hot against his own or the copious amounts of alcohol they’ve shared over the last few hours. It could be a little bit of both. a.k.a. the five times seth and kate have sex, and the one time they don't
gun it coming off the line by artemidos  (Teen, multichapter)
seth and richie work for carlos finding and bringing in the people who owe him. they don't care about why and they never fail to bring someone in.
until kate, of course.
You Wanna Go To Heaven (but you're human tonight) by only_halfway_there  (Teen, multichapter)
If Persephone was a good little preacher's daughter, Hades was a Gecko, and the Underworld was somewhere in Texas, it might look a little something like this ...
From Hell With Love by corinnemaree  (Mature, multichapter)
She's an angel. He's a demon. She's supposed to save the world from the likes of him. Now she's on the run with him? Kate doesn't know how she ended up with Seth Gecko, but there are times where she doesn't complain about it.
this war of hearts by jynscassian  (Teen, multichapter)
Fate had a funny way of showing itself. Just when Kate decides that soulmates and destiny doesn’t matter to her, she happens to meet the very man whose initials are tattooed on her wrist.
blue and silver: the detective and her criminal by sarahandrelouise & waterfront  (Teen, multichapter)
It's an early morning line up and everybody is a little sleepy. Coffee is required. Flirting with criminals is optional.
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. by hasitsclaws  (Explicit, multichapter)
Seth Gecko is doing your usual, run-of-the-mill drug smuggling gig when he finds out he's going to be deported. His brother's solution to the problem? Get married, of course. All Seth has to do is find a nice woman willing to be his "wife" until he gets his green card, and Richie has an idea as to who's the perfect girl for the job.
Only problem is, Kate Fuller is a lot more than either of the Gecko brothers bargained for.
(Fake!Married AU)
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