#we called her 'fumes' back when the design was first revealed
kandyrezi · 2 years
So is it fem Fumus putting out cigarettes on her darlings tongue, or is it the way she says darling in a way that makes the stomach turn, in such a way you can't tell if it's fear or delight (or both)? Or is it the way you can feel her eyes on you even when she doesn't say anything, hearing her slowly sucking on that cigarette, unsure if it's going to be pleasurable pain, or painful pleasure tonight?
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( o...... o my.......may i......... present a little excerpt from something that i never finished, here it is: the incomplete fem!fumus x reader drabble (lightly edited to fit the ask) <3 )
(warnings: mild smut & degradation)
. . .
there is adoration in your eyes and it momentarily stuns her power fantasy out of place – not recalling a time when her creations (or anyone else whom she held any interest in - with the exception of her sister, maybe) didn’t look up or down at her in fright, even if they made an attempt at a steel facade.
but you are not hers to own, she was not your maker but that hardly meant anything. she took what she wanted and did what she wanted. there is nothing but contempt in hers, a hatred that breeds from your naive, foolish nature. downsides of being a weaker, lesser creature.
“do you think you deserve it?”
you cling to her leg, almost grinding against it like a mutt in heat. her heel pressed down on the vulnerable area between parted legs. no doubt wet and leaking.
"then you'll take what i give you..."
the previous burns on your arm and shoulders ache and throb, leaving vivid red marks in their place. she presses the pad of gloved thumb and index finger against your cheeks, pushing down with force. it's painful. she takes the cigarette from between teeth, lips colored in ebony.
“and you will thank me for it.”
the lit end of the stick is shoved in, on your tongue. the pain is like molten, unbearable, scorching hot and blazing. you squirm and whine audibly, tears prickling from corners of eyes. she sneers in revulsion at the sight of something so pitiful.
"shut up, you're grating my ears."
she presses her heels in even harder.
yeah. definitely wet and leaking.
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jlalafics · 3 years
"Photograph"-a Royal!Everlark story
This was inspired by this prompt from @writing-prompt-s:
When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at the park. You never saw your childhood “spouse” again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country… where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid.
This is totally unedited. Thank you to @sparklingdust4612 for bringing this prompt to my attention. Looking forward to everyone else's interpretations along with this one and the story by @jhsgf82!
I actually have more of this but I thought I'd show y'all a little bit of my interpretation of the above prompt.
We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen, still…
-Ed Sheeran
Katniss Everdeen loved building castles.
In the massive sandbox, she packed another bunch of sand into her bucket before placing it upside down to set. While waiting, Katniss imagined how she would decorate the inside of her palace, a delighted smile growing on her face as she thought of the possibilities.
First, the walls would all be yellow. Not the ugly yellow that looked like snot—but yellow like Prim’s, her baby sister, golden locks.
Yellow meant hope: that’s what Daddy always said.
Knocking on the sides of the bucket to loosen the sand like Mommy showed her, Katniss slowly lifted it revealing a perfect tower for her castle.
“Yes!” she hollered, jumping up in excitement.
Her eyes went to Mommy who was sitting on the bench across the way. She was talking to a pretty, yellow-haired woman with a big tummy. Prim was asleep in her stroller, her binky hanging from her mouth.
“Mommy!” Katniss rushed over, stopping just a scant from toppling over on the concrete. “Look! I’ve made the perfect tower!”
Her mother smiled proudly.
“That’s wonderful, Katniss.” She turned to the woman next to her. “My Katniss is always building and dreaming on how to make her perfect home. Her teachers tell me that she has such a creative mind for a seven-year-old.”
“How absolutely charming,” the woman responded kindly, a smile on her pink lips.
Katniss tilted her head at the sound of her voice. There was something different about the way the lady talked—the dips of it sounded strange—but still nice.
“Why do you sound like that?” she asked bluntly.
Her Mommy frowned. “Katniss Everdeen! Please apologize!” She looked to the woman once more. “I’m so sorry—”
“That’s perfectly alright,” the lady assured her. The pretty woman turned to Katniss. “I have a little bit of an accent because of where I’m from, that’s why my voice sounds different.”
Katniss nodded. “Okay, but it does sound nice…like a song!” She smiled. “What’s your name?”
The woman glowed like an angel. “My name is Marguerite.”
“Hello Miss Marguerite.” Katniss looked to where her sandcastle waited. “I better go before someone takes my stuff! Bye!”
Throwing a wave at the woman, she plopped back down onto her space in the sandbox ready to add some detailing to her newest tower—
The foot crushing her tower landed straight in the middle of it creating a space between each side.
Katniss fumed and her eyes went up to the blond-haired boy with the snooty face.
She stood, her hand slamming into his chest. “Hey! You destroyed my castle!”
The boy stared at her in shock. “No one ever touches me!”
“Until now—”
Katniss was suddenly blocked by another boy, tall and dark-skinned.
“No one touches his royal highness,” he declared, and the blond boy stuck his tongue at her.
Another boy, this one dark-haired and sharp-eyed, approached.
“Prince Peeta has decided that you will be his bride,” he stated with a scowl.
Katniss made a face, crossing her arms to show them how disgusting that sounded. “Gross.”
The so-called Prince Peeta walked over to her.
“As my bride, you can make as many sandcastles as you want,” he explained. “I’ll build a bigger sandbox than this for you!”
Something inside zinged at the thought. “Really?”
The boy shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”
Katniss eyed him suspiciously. “Why would you want to marry me anyway?”
Peeta shifted in his stance, the confidence in his blue eyes suddenly wavering. “I like your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
A rise of pink colored his cheeks. “They’re soft…and pretty.”
That had been it for her.
On that warm afternoon, by the swings of District 12’s only playground, Katniss Everdeen married the so-called Prince Peeta.
“You may now kiss the bride,” Gale, the dark-haired boy, said. He looked at Peeta, a teasing smile on his face. “Go on—kiss her!”
“Close your eyes,” Peeta told her.
Katniss, wearing her paper towel veil courtesy of the park’s public bathroom, did what he said and closed her eyes.
She barely registered being shoved down into the muddy puddle.
Katniss looked up at the sneering boy, feeling the rise of anger in her body.
“That’s what you get for pushing me.”
Twenty years later…
“Katniss.” She looked up from laptop to find Prim at her open doorway. Her sister held out a Fed-Ex envelope. “This just came for you.”
Without even glancing at it, Katniss tossed the envelope on her bed, going back to the open page on her screen.
“Don’t you want to open it?” Prim stepped into the room and plopped onto the bed, picking the post up to examine it. “It looks important.”
“Probably one of those things saying that I’m eligible for another credit card.” Katniss frowned, sitting back, and staring at the blinking cursor. “I’m so stuck on this blog post!”
“Is this the one about kitchen flowers?” her sister asked, and she nodded. “You got some great pictures from Madge’s shop.”
“I know but my writing inspiration is zilch,” Katniss explained. “I need to get this done if I want to post by Mother’s Day.”
“Speaking of Mother’s Day, mom is wondering if you’re bringing anyone to Sunday dinner,” Prim informed her.
“I love our mother but lately every conversation we’ve had is either about my lack of a dating life or my withering eggs,” Katniss said. “Right now, I need to focus on getting more attention on the blog. It’s just gaining momentum!” She rested back and turned to her sister. “This is important to me.”
“I know,” Prim replied. “And you are good at it. I mean, look at what you’ve done to our apartment! To this room!”
Her sister’s bright blue eyes looked around the buttercream room, beautifully decorated with white-washed furniture. The console that her television sat atop was bought at a nearby thrift shop and refurbished by her. Katniss had sanded it down before putting a whitewash over it and adding lacquer to give it a more modern look.
In fact, most of the furniture in her and Prim’s apartment was completely refurbished by her. She had always had an eye for decorating and instead of going to a four-year college, Katniss had opted to go to design school.
Creating something new from what people considered junk gave her a special kind of thrill—almost akin to being in love.
At least that’s what she thought it might feel like.
Katniss whipped over to her sister—who was holding an unfolded paper in her hands.
She stood from her seat and went to Prim. “What?”
Wordlessly, Prim handed the piece to her—it was a letter.
The letter was on marbled paper, an elegant insignia atop it, and she could see that the elegant calligraphy was done by hand:
Dear Miss Everdeen,
You are hereby summoned to the kingdom of Panem to present yourself to His Royal Highness, King Peeta.
Photo documentation has validified that you are the Queen Consort to His Royal Highness.
Attached is my business card, please contact me to arrange your travel to Panem.
The Rt. Hon. Effie Trinket
Private Secretary to His Royal Highness
“This is a joke!” Katniss tossed the letter onto her desk and laughed. “Photo documentation? There is no such thing—”
The laugh fell from her lips as Prim turned the FedEx envelope upside down and a single photo fell onto her bedspread.
“There’s a business card in here, too,” Prim told her carefully.
Walking over, Katniss could see that the photo was facedown.
Trembling, she picked the print up and read the elegant cursive atop it:
‘Peeta and his new bride, Katniss Everdeen!’
Next to the caption was a happy face; it was obvious that this statement was made in jest.
Turning the photograph, a wave of nausea hit seeing the image of her seven-year-old self, a paper towel veil atop her head, joining hands with a blond boy—
Prince Peeta.
Or to be more precise, His Royal Highness King Peeta of Panem.
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Hopes and Dreams IV
Thanks for your continious support! I will try to update at least once a day every day, and in case I won’T be able to write much I already prepared some more chapters. After this chapter, I will try and reveal more of readers backround, bit by bit. Heisenberg and the other Lords will have a bigger role in the long run too. But I don’t want to spoil anything just yet :) Constructive criticism is always welcome, by the way. Only then I can learn to get better at writing! ***
You woke up to a knock on your door and groaned. It was way to early to be awake, if your sluggish mind was anything to go by, but you still managed to mumble an “Enter” to the person standing in front of your door. A part of you was rather disappointed when it wasn’t the lady of the castle, but the daughter you recognized as Bela.
“Mother awaits you for breakfast in 10 minutes. I have brought you a change of clothing too, but you better hurry. The way to the dining room is rather long, and mother doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
“Thank you. I won’t be long.” You smiled and grabbed the clothes Bela handed to you. You were glad that she handed you a simple tunic and simple pants since you wouldn’t be comfortable to fight in a dress. Or wear a dress altogether. Even though you still felt kind of weird about your dream, you also felt kind of giddy at the prospect to fight the lady’s daughters.
“I’m ready!” you said smiling when you left your chambers. Bela gave you a small smile in return and motioned for you to follow her. You easily fell into step beside her and looked at your surroundings. The whole design of the castle practically screamed Lady Dimitrescu and you honestly liked how the place was designed. It was fitting.
“My sisters and I will show you around soon. Cassandra is needed elsewhere today, and Daniela is stronger than me, so it was decided that you would go one on one for now.” She said by way of explanation and you nodded. You were pretty sure that Daniela wanted to fight you by herself because she felt humiliated from yesterday. Anyway, you still had the chance to impress the lady of the castle and that was more important.
“I am very impressed if I am honest. Not only did you sense Daniela as soon as she decided to attack, but you managed to pin her down as if it was nothing. She was practically fuming when she announced your presence yesterday.”
“She isn’t the first vampire that I have fought. Which doesn’t mean that I will underestimate her. The element of surprise was certainly on my side yesterday.” You said, deep in thought. You were confident that you could overpower her, but the fact that she could turn into a swarm of insects certainly gave her an advantage.
“Mother told us as much yesterday. I would really like to hear more about your travels when the opportunity arises. Life in the castle is good, but sometimes I find that I miss the outside world, at least a little bit.” Bela said and opened the door to the dining room. Your eyes found those of the lady immediately, and you smiled at her. The dream came back to the forefront of your mind, but you decided to postpone your musing in favor of greeting her with a little bow.
“My, my, aren’t we charming today.” She purred and you felt the temperature in your face rise a bit. That voice was sinful, and you briefly wondered what it would sound like moaning your name. ‘Woah there,’ you thought and shook your head. Where did that thought come from?
“I have a little gift for you, my dear. Come closer, will you?” she said and pulled something from under the table. She gently placed the item in your hands and said, “It’s a pendant with the Dimitrescu crest. You are required to always wear it, since it offers certain protection in these parts. Pesky Lycans won’t bother you anymore too.”
“At least invite me to dinner first,” you winked which made Bela laugh and Lady Dimitrescu sigh exasperatedly.
“I appreciate the gesture, my lady. Thank you,” you said and bowed again, which made Bela laugh even more. You shot her a wink too before you sat down on the chair to the lady’s left. Just as you wanted to say something, the doors flew open and Daniela entered the room, glaring at you. You gave her the sweetest smile you were able to give and wished her a good morning. To your amusement you noticed Lady Dimitrescu hiding a chuckle between her hand which made you puff out your chest a little bit.
“Good morning, mother, Bela. And good morning too you to, little guard dog.” Daniela said, giving you a nasty smile but you just started laughing.
“Daniela, what did I tell you about manners in front of our guests?” Lady Dimitrescu hissed, ignoring your laughter in favor of glaring at her troublemaker of a child.
“Sorry mother…” Daniela mumbled and turned towards you, “Sorry for calling you a guard dog.”
“It’s okay. A little teasing before sparring is nice, and I don’t really mind the nickname.” You said and gave her a genuine smile. Daniela just nodded and took a seat so that you could start on breakfast.
“Don’t go easy on me, alright?” you smile while stretching a bit to get your muscles working. Daniela growled something undoubtedly rude, but you let it slide. What made you gulp though was when Daniela charged at you with inhuman speed, stopping right by your ear.
“Tell you what. If you win, I’ll show you a little secret the next time Mother is away.”
“And what if you win?”
“Suggest something.”
“I can bake mad cookies, tailored to the palate of vampiric creatures.” You said, intending it to be a joke. But Daniela’s eyes glittered at the word cookie and you huffed out a laugh.
“Deal!” she said, shaking your hand and taking a stance a few feet away from you.
“Whenever you’re ready bugaboo!” You said with a wink which made Daniela bristle and Bela and Lady Dimitrescu laugh. Bela handed each of you a wooden weapon, a knife for you and a sickle for Daniela and you took the same stance as Daniela.
Both of you circled each other warily, but soon enough Daniela made her first move, which you easily deflected. You silently analyzed each other, always circling, until you decided it was high time you made your first move. Daniela was confident in the way she held herself and her weapon of choice. She was an experienced fighter, but she was also impatient, so you should have an opening soon. You ducked under a swing and tried to ram the hilt of your knife in her shoulder, but she turned into that damn swarm of bugs, evading your attack.
“Is that all that you can do?” she asked, rematerializing a few feet away. You just smiled at her and resumed your attempts to get to her. You started analyzing her movements and the bugs behavior when you got a sudden idea. What if they had a hivemind? That would mean that there was a queen bug somewhere in there. You continuously attacked her, looking for strange behavior and soon enough you found what you were looking for. There was indeed one bug that was bigger and always surrounded by a swarm of other bugs.
When Daniela saw your triumphant grin, it was already too late. As gently as you could you grabbed the bug queen and Daniela was on the floor, not able to move. You gently released the bug and Daniela gasped for air. Kneeling in front of her you offered her your hand and to the surprise of everyone in attendance she took it, giving you the first genuine smile.
“Sorry if I hurt you, bugaboo. I’ll still make you those cookies if you want to.”
“It’s okay. I’m honestly impressed that you got it so fast, and by the looks mother is giving you, she is too.”
Almost against your will you turned towards Lady Dimitrescu and sure enough, she was smiling at you. The two of you made your way to where she was sitting, Daniela shoving you playfully and saying, “Next time I will get you though, little guard dog.”
“Hah, I’d like to see you try. I can sense your intentions a mile away!”
“It is good to see that you get along so well, seeing as you two have the same chaotic energy.” Lady Dimitrescu smiled gently.
“I like her!” you both said in unison and started laughing. It honestly made you fell all warm and giddy inside. That weird feeling of being right where you were supposed to be only grew with that interaction and you decided to embrace it, for however long it took. When you looked at Lady Dimitrescu you could see a gentle affection in her eyes, and it made you feel all sorts of good things.
“Let us go inside for some tea. I feel quite thirsty,” Lady Dimitrescu said and stood, but before you could follow her you got stopped by Bela’s hand on your arm.
“Everything alright?” you ask cautiously but Bela just smiled and said, “Thank you.”
“What for?”
“It has been a long time since I have seen Mama smile so much. Please try not to get yourself killed, okay?” Bela said. That last part seemed a bit odd and with a thoughtful frown you followed her inside. You felt like you were missing something from the bigger picture here. First, the weird familiarity you felt towards Lady Dimitrescu, then the weird dream with the girl who looked so much like you and now that statement from Bela, that somehow left a weird feeling behind.  Something was going on and you really hated not knowing what exactly. Without realizing you gently grabbed the pendant around your neck and started to caress it gently.
Taglist: @imdreamingblo @x-x-trixxster-k-m-w-x-x @gayllamafromspace @catswag22 @imnatynat 
Let me know if you want to get tagged for future chapters!
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lemons3ason · 4 years
SK8 THE INFINITY (Late Valentines Special Headcannon
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Langa Hasegawa
-Sweet clueless child is a complete idiot when it comes to love and to make it worse you’re dense to his advances.
-Met you at school with Reki and would try to be as close to you as possible, letting you borrow his board so he could enjoy your smile as you skated.
-Due to personal reasons you were extremely touch starved and Langa was more then willing to hug you all day long but he’d find himself staring at your lips in want.
-Once Valentines came around he felt like finally confessing to you despite the holiday being a total cliche.
-Decided to make you chocolates, unfortunately he kept burning the batches so he had to ask his mom for help which resulted in her finding out about you.
-Wrote a message on the chocolates himself despite his terrible penmanship and hoped you would appreciate it and accept him.
-Almost forgets the chocolates the next day since he overslept and was late for school, wishes you a good morning over texts and asks you to meet him at the front gates to talk to you.
-Was bombarded by fan girls at school that wanted to give him gifts and found himself bumping into someone, just so happened to be you, but he realizes that he knocked something out of your hands and it got crushed under another girls foot.
-For the first time ever he actually saw your face pale and tears prick the corner of your (e/c) hues, he growled under his breathe shouting at everyone to leave as he wrapped his arms around you.
-You didn’t hug him back, you just silently cried somehow not making a sound and he sighed seeing you upset.
-“I’m sorry they crushed your gift, were you giving it to someone?”, he tried to hide the jealousy in his voice as he wiped away your tears.
-You nodded your head before explaining that they were meant for him. He blushed of course but a goofy grin plastered itself on his face as he cupped your cheeks and slammed a kiss against your sweet warm lips.
-He pulled away leaving you a stuttering mess as he presented you his little pink gift box. You took it and opened it giggling at what he had wrote, “We’re already friends Langa.”, you giggled showing him his incorrect kanji.
-“N-no I-I meant boyfriend, can I be your boyfriend pretty please?”, he begged as if he still had no chance with you.
-You giggled and smiled again before cupping his cheeks and returning his sweet kiss from before. Successful Valentines Confession.
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Reki Kyan
-Y’all already been dating but this was your first Valentines together so he wanted to make it special.
-“Gotta head to work bye Reki.���, you hummed kissing his lips sweetly before you skated away on your board.
-He smiled watching you disappear into the sunset but once you were out of sight he bolted the rest of the way home.
-He’s not your ordinary guy and he loves skateboarding so he wanted to protray his feelings for skateboarding and you into his next project.
-Stayed up day and night in order to finish it and rushed to your house Valentines morning to spend the day with you before he presented your gift to you.
-Treated you to your favorite ice cream shop and a shopping spree at the plush store where you excitedly bought all the cute anime and animal plushes you had been dying for.
-You presented his gift to him around noon by taking him to a very special skateboard shop that your dad owned, he got first dibs at all the latest equipment and parts he needed for future projects and you couldn’t help smiling as he gasped at your father for letting him keep everything he had picked out and wanted.
-Your dad dropped you both off at Reki’s house in a pick up truck since Reki and gotten so much and helped unload it while you went in to greet his mother and sisters.
-He ran to his garage to get your gift but started getting nervous thinking that you wouldn’t like it.
-“S-she’ll like it I know she will. (Y/n)’s always spoiling me so this will pay her back for being so wonderful to me.”, he thought hugging the board tight to his chest as he ran back in to see you.
-“H-hey (Y/n), can you come here for a sec?”
-He could hear you running towards him and smiled nervously as he hid the board behind his back.
-Has you close your eyes and places the board deck side down in your arms so you can see the custom design he made for you on the back.
-You absolutely screech in joy seeing the new board in your arms, you couldn’t believe it was actually yours. Reki has to grab you by the cheeks hold you in place and tell you it was yours like five times just for you to believe him.
-You can’t help but throw yourself against him to hug him and kiss his pudgy face all over while chanting ‘I love you’ over and over again.
-He’s so happy you like your new board, he’s so overwhelmed by your affection but he absolutely adores you and kisses you one more time before dragging you off to his room for a movie and cuddles.
-A dorky sweetheart you can’t tell me otherwise.
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Miya Chinen
-Met during an online gaming tournament, you actually beat him, you became rivals for each other.
-When you both met in real life he absolutely adored you, sweet, kind, outgoing, and obviously taller than him, he couldn’t help the blush that rose to his face upon meeting you.
-You two were a match made in heaven but he couldn’t bring himself to confess to you no matter how hard he tried and then he found out you had a crush on a boy from your school.
-Helps you shop for the perfect gift for your crush despite it breaking his heart and finds himself still buying you something in hopes of confessing to you first.
-Has a little Bunny plush holding a single sunflower in its arms in his room since he couldn’t bring himself to confess to you the day of Valentines.
-Doesn’t hear from you about your confession until the day after when your both playing online against each other.
-“Come on (Y/n), you could’ve easily deflected that! Don’t become a slime on me now player two.”, Miya yells into his mic regretting it immediately when he hears you sigh.
-“Sorry Miya I’m just not feeling it tonight, I’m gonna go to bed see ya later.”
-Your sad he can tell instantly from the sound of your voice, calls you on the phone to demand an explanation on why your sad and you burst into tears on the other side.
-“S-sorry...hkk...i-it’s just that I let myself get played. I got heartbroken yesterday by the guy I liked and I realized that I’m pretty much a weirdo that no one wants to be with. He laughed at me and tossed my gift out the third story window of the school and walked away with a prettier girl in his arms.”
-You don’t hear anything from Miya and sigh hearing the call end unbeknownst to you Miya was skating his way to your house as fast as he could to comfort you, his Valentines gift in his arms.
-You jump when you hearing tapping on your window and watch as Miya sneaks in with a little rabbit in his arms.
-“Then be my weirdo! Stay by my side and we can be weirdos together, you don’t need that slime ball when I wanna be the grand knight that protects my princess!”, Miya screamed extending the gift to you in hopes that you would accept his feelings.
-He feels the rabbit leave his hands and opens his eyes to see you smiling through your tears, he kinda panics and wipes away your tears with his sleeves and just holds you.
-He presses his for head against yours and sighs, “You don’t have to answer right now it’s just that...I-I umm...I want to be the Link to your Zelda i-if you know what I mean.”
-You giggle and hug him thanking him for his kind words and softly whisper, “I love you, Miya, and thank you.”, into his ear making him smile against your shoulder.
-Sweet baby boy!
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Kaoru Sakurashiki
-This dipshit works Valentine’s Day and forgets about it due to all the orders for custom calligraphy messages for couples.
-Annoyed by all the sappy messages and honestly putting half his effort in any of them.
-Forgets he has an interview that day until he hears a knock at his office door and you nervously enter.
-His heart races seeing you for the first time, you look so adorable in your business casual outfit, and your nervous smile has him falling over himself.
-“H-hello my name is (L/n) (F/n), I-it’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sakurashiki.”
-“She’s beautiful like a cherry blossom.”, he thought to himself.
-Overall the interview goes great, you’re just a year younger then him looking for a new job to pay for your new home.
-Loves you a lot and asks you to start immediately as his new secretary, you accept and start getting right to work. Eventually he notices you running around in your socks since your feet were hurting from the heels.
-Treats you to dinner once the shop is closed to welcome you to the team and falls in love with you more as you talk more about yourself.
-You are playful but still you have a calm and collected mind something he admires greatly.
-Waits till next Valentines to properly confess to you since he found it extremely hard to put his feelings into words.
-You surprisingly accept and he treats you to a rooftop diner where you both share a sweet dance under the moonlight.
-Dubs you his Blossom and spoils you with sweet gestures and shy kisses until he’s confident enough to kiss you properly.
-Laughs when he finds out you are jealous of Carla (his skateboard), you fume and decide to race him at S which shocks him because he didn’t know you could even skate.
-Absolutely loses it seeing you in your S wardrobe, a rather revealing kunoichi styled outfit that showed all the right parts leaving him wanting more.
-“Well Cherry Blossom let’s see what you can do.”, you smirked behind your fox mask.
-You end up slaughtering him in the race just from pure skill alone, Karla couldn’t keep up with your calculations and you won by a landslide.
-Gets jealous of the fan boys that suddenly accumulate over you once the race is finish, takes off both of your masks so he can kiss you silly.
“I won jealous cherry.”
“Shut up and kiss me little blossom.”
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Kojiro Nanjo
-This large himbo had a whole plan to make you extremely jealous by flirting with other women until you were furious with him before surprising you with a special hotel room that he rented out for just the two of you for Valentines.
-Unfortunately he was unaware of some bullying and self esteem issues you were having because of work so you patience with him dried out fast.
-“Huh baby cakes what’s the mat-“
-“If they’re so pretty why don’t you just stay with them instead of someone useless and ugly like me!”
-Regrets everything he said as soon as he sees you running away in tears, ditches the fans immediately and skates off to find you but you’re already long gone.
-Calls Cherry who has you weeping in his arms and groans as his old friend starts scolding him for being a ‘Heartless Dumbass Gorilla’.
-Hugs you as soon as he sees you practically tackling you and Cherry in the process and begs for your forgiveness.
-You pout and refuse to forgive him which in turn makes him sigh, he scoops you up in his arms and tosses you over his shoulder to carry you away despite your protest and skates off to the hotel.
-“I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you, I wanted to make you jealous and then spoil you rotten. This wasn’t how I wanted today but if you’ll let me I’d still like to spoil you and make it up to you.”, Joe admits in a soft voice.
-You agree hesitantly and he puts you down, cups your face, and presses a tender kiss against your plump lips. Smiles against your lips when he feels your cheeks heat up.
-Takes you to the hotel, chuckles at your shocked expression to the huge lavish room and invites you for champagne in the jacuzzi.
-Leans you against his chest and wraps an arm around your waist, whispers sweet compliments and praises into your ear until a goofy smile is plastered over your face.
-Smothers you in kisses and cuddles even if you playfully try to escape his strong arms.
-Watches sappy movies with you and holds you tightly until your glowing with joy. Kisses you good night as he snuggles his head into your adorable chest and happily nods off to sleep as you play with his curly green hair.
“Happy Valentine’s Day love, I’m sorry and thank you for today beautiful.”, Joe hums kissing your cleavage sweetly.
“I’m sorry I ruined your surprise, thank you handsome.”
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Hiromi Higa
-Meets you the 13th when you come in to buy flowers, there’s such a sad aura about you that he can’t help but gift you a fresh pink rose that brings a sweet smile to your face.
-Instantly falls for you as you ask for an arrangement to take to a funeral of a dear friend.
-Makes you a beautiful arrangement himself and let’s you take it free of charge despite your argument to pay.
-“Just try to be happy for me and that’s enough, you look beautiful when you smile.”, he simply says making a blush roll across your face.
-As nightfall hits the city he dawns his Shadow look for S and starts heading over but he stops after hearing a scream and finds you being attacked by a small group of idiots.
-Instantly picks a fight with them in order to defend you and wins just from knocking one out with a single punch and scaring the others away with a glare.
-Sees you trembling on the floor with a hand covering your left arm and sighs seeing the blood, you had been slashed by one of their blades so he carefully wraps it with an extra cloth that he had and picks you up carrying you to the train station.
-“Stay safe little flower, I won’t always be able to save you.”, he grins at you making you blush for some strange reason.
-“T-thank you for saving me.”
-He smiles at you and leans forward leaving a purple lipstick mark on your cheek as he disappears from sight.
-He skates his best that night at S while thinking of you.
-You appear again in the flower shop the next day, a bandage wrapped around your arm and a shy smile on your face as you walk up to him.
-He’s surprised to see you again so soon and prays that you didn’t recognize him from last night.
-You smile and press a kiss to his cheek, leaving a red stain on his cheek that has his face flaming up in embarrassment.
-You hand him back his cloth and a note and rush out of the store while shouting, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“H-huh well seems she did notice m-ehh... i-is this her phone number?”
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sturchling · 4 years
If your taking prompts can I get a Tim or Jason with Marinette where lila lies about dating Damon whom is 10or 11 to Lilas 17 to 18 and Marinette is grossed or and worried by her lies. she has seen how Lila treats Adrein and the only thing she knows about Damon Wayne besides his age is he was raised by his mother and grandfather whom did not allow him out much. So she thinks he might be a little like Adrein and not world wise on how people will use you. And doesnt want anything bad to happen
Here you go, hope you like it. Thank you for waiting and being patient with me. Sorry it took so long.
Marinette had met the Waynes a long time ago. Gina had been friends with Alfred for a really long time. So, Gina was at the manor fairly often. After her little fairy, Marinette was born, Gina would bring her to the manor as well to play with Bruce’s boys. Dick and Jason were like big brothers to Marinette. Tim and Marinette were the same age and were very close.
Eventually, the two started dating. The relationship became long-distance when Marinette was able to visit less and less. Tim also became quite busy over the years and wasn’t able to fly to Paris as often as he would have liked. But the young couple always made sure to talk and FaceTime as often as they could.
The whole family was fond of the Parisian girl and would often join Tim on FaceTime to speak with her. They always kept her up to date on the new family drama. Marinette also kept them informed in her life. But they didn’t tell her much about Damian when he joined the family. All she knew about him was that he was ten and had been raised by his mother and had only just met Bruce and the boys. According to the boys, Damian had been extremely sheltered for his entire life.
So, when Marinette heard Lila’s newest story the next day, she became incredibly concerned. The news had already caught wind of Bruce Wayne having a new son and was reporting on Damian Wayne all morning. But there were no details about him at all. The only thing the media knew was his name. Lila thought it would be a great story to tell the class that she had known Damian for a long time and she was dating him. She had no idea that Damian was only ten.
When Marinette heard this story, she obviously knew it was a lie but she was disgusted and worried. She knew that Lila wasn’t actually dating Damian, but that didn’t mean that Lila couldn’t cause a problem for Damian. Lila could say whatever she wanted about Damian and get away with it since there was no other information about him. She could ruin his reputation before he even gets a chance.
That night, Marinette called Tim to tell him about what Lila had said. It required some explaining, since she had kept Lila a secret from the Waynes. She wanted to fight this battle on her own. She knew the boys would have wanted to charge in and help with the Lila problem if she had told them. Now she was telling them everything. Dick, Jason, and Tim all sat quietly as Marinette told them everything and what Lila had said this morning. “I wanted to let you guys know what she said. I have a friend that was sheltered most of his life and he got into a messy situation because of how he handled this girl. I know you said Damian was sheltered too so I thought I should warn you so maybe Damian would know and would stand up to a liar instead of let her be.”
The boys just stare for a second before they all burst into laughter. Dick is the first to recover, “Marinette, Damian would never tolerate a liar. We said he was isolated, not sheltered.” Marinette paused for a moment, “What?” Jason, still wheezing, says, “That demon brat may have been isolated, but he was definitely not sheltered. I’m more concerned of what he would do if he found out about this liar, than what this liar could do to him.” Dick looks thoughtful for a moment, “Still, we should probably tell Bruce about this. Just so he knows.” The other boys nod and Dick gets up to go get Bruce.
It isn’t long before they both return and Bruce is filled in on the Lila situation. To say he is displeased would be an understatement. “Thank you for telling us Marinette. Do me a favor, if she says anything else about Damian or any of us, please let us know.” Marinette agrees and Bruce leaves so Marinette and Tim could continue their conversation.
For the next several weeks, Marinette kept note of everything Lila said about the Wayne family. After the popularity of her first lie about Damian, Lila just kept coming up with more lies about the Wayne family. She has now said that she is very close to the family. That she grew up with the boys and is like a daughter to Bruce. She even said that she has helped run Wayne Enterprises and clean up Gotham.
Marinette tells Bruce and the boys everything that Lila has been saying. When she asks what they’re going to do, they tell her not to worry about it and that she will see. Another week passes before Marinette finally sees what they mean.
Marinette arrives at school and her class is buzzing with excitement. She asks Adrien what is happening, and he tells her “The class was told that we are having a very special guest today. They won’t tell us who, but everyone thinks it is someone Lila knows and is excited to meet someone so important.” Marinette glances at the liar and sees everyone surrounding her and asking questions. Lila has a strained look on her face, as she evades the questions and tries not to reveal anything.
The class continues to whisper throughout the day about who it could be, until lunch. Mrs. Bustier leaves the room for a moment and then comes back with a smile on her face. “Class, our guests have arrived. Please welcome Bruce Wayne and his sons, Richard, Jason, Tim, and Damian.” Lila grows pale when she hears those names. She doesn’t have time to try and cover her tracks with the class before the door opens and the group walks in.
Bruce goes to stand front and center, with his sons surrounding him. Alya is looking at all of the sons, trying to figure out which is Damian. There are two boys that look older than them, and a young kid. Then there is a boy that looks about their age, so she figures that he must be Damian. She instantly calls out, while staring directly at Tim, “Damian! Nice to finally meet you! Lila has told us so much about you and how sweet a boyfriend you are.” Tim just stares back at Alya. Tim eventually breaks the silence saying, “I’m Tim, not Damian. He is Damian” Alya is shocked to see him pointing at the young kid. He couldn’t be older than ten, so why would Lila be dating him.
Before Alya could continue, Bruce spoke up. “Miss, I don’t know what you are talking about. Damian is only ten, and isn’t dating anyone. Who is this Lila?” Alya stands up, ready to defend her friend. “What do you mean who is Lila? She is close with all of you! You think of her like part of the family. She even helped with Wayne Enterprises! How could you not know her?!” Alya points at Lila through out the tirade, as Lila tries to hide. Bruce gets a look on his face. “Young lady, that is all a bunch of lies. I have never met this Lila person. But thank you for pointing her out. Now I know who to give this to.” Bruce walked to Lila’s desk and hands her a bunch of papers. “That is a cease and desist order. I am not suing you yet, but if you do not stop lying about my family this instant then I will have no choice.”
The class jumps to defend their friend, with Alya being the loudest. “How could you say that? Lila isn’t a liar!” This is when Damian spoke up, with venom in his voice “She is obviously lying you imbecile. I would never court a harlot like her.” Bruce turned to look at him, silencing him with a look. Bruce turns back to face the class. “The only person in this room that is dating one of my sons and is like part of the family is Marinette.”
The class is shocked and turns to face the young fashion designer. Lila is fuming. Of course, that brat knows the Waynes. Bruce turned to face Mrs. Bustier again, “Now, I am taking Marinette with me for the rest of the day to go have lunch with us. I suggest you contact Ms. Rossi’s mother and let her know about the cease and desist order and what her daughter has been doing. Have a good day.” With that, Bruce ushers everyone, including Marinette, out of the classroom.
After they leave, the class erupts into chaos. Everyone turns to Lila, demanding answers. Lila tries to cover it up, and come up with a lie to fix everything. But it doesn’t work. Hard to explain how she isn’t actually dating Damian Wayne and how she didn’t know he was only ten. The class started looking into Lila’s stories. Not just her stories about the Waynes, but everything else. They quickly realize that Lila had been lying this whole time. Soon, Mrs. Rossi arrived and dragged her daughter to Mr. Damocles office. Lila never came back to the class; she was expelled once everything was revealed. The class apologized to Marinette for not believing her and she forgave them. Things settled down in Mrs. Bustier’s class after that and Marinette was happy. Lila was gone, she had her friends back, and Tim and her were as strong as ever. Marinette was the happiest she had been in a while, and felt ready for the next chapter of her life and whatever it may bring.
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blushnote · 5 years
rich girl | m.
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⟡ word count: 6,708. ⟡ genre: smut, a bit of angst if you squint. ⟡ contains: a blowjob, facefucking, overstimulation, squirting, dirty talk, shower sex, copious use of petnames, just a whole lot of sin.
summary: wonwoo likes to call you a rich girl, and you hate it because it’s true. in fact, you hate a lot of things: your friends, your parent’s attitude, the way your life is supposed to be perfect even though you’re miserable. not much makes you happy, except for a punk boy who you can’t even be with.
a/n: this is a reupload because for some reason tumblr wasn’t showing me my own posts? anyways, sorry for the wait!! enjoy hehe. 
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your parents don’t like wonwoo.
even better – they don’t like the fact that you like him.
wonwoo isn’t supposed to be someone you like. he’s kind of foul-mouthed, awfully conceited, and he probably makes deals with the devil in his spare time. he likes to hang around those dimly lit corners at night, just outside the local shops, puffing from a cigarette beneath the dusty street light and chuckling amongst his friends. they all hang out together. they’re very tightknit in the way that they only meet on the corner to smoke and laugh and then head their separate ways when it gets late enough.
honestly, you didn’t think you were going to like wonwoo either. most friday nights you go out for drinks with the daughters of your mom’s friends. she’s a business lady, very professional, makes good money, and has the politeness and etiquette of a true monarch. her friends mirror her every quality, and so do their daughters. you like them, even when they snap at you to sit straighter or give you unnecessarily stern glances while you swallow your alcohol in inhumane gulps. they’re great, but they give you a headache.
also, they’re the only friends you have, even if they’re not very good ones. they once left you to get home by yourself when you got too “drunk” for their liking. not wanting to soil their sophisticated reputations, they literally abandoned you after your wobbly trip to the bathroom to fix your makeup. you came back to an empty table. when you left the bar, this unknown man tried to take you by the arm, promising that there was a telephone just around the corner for you to make a call. your cellphone was dead anyways.
“what the fuck are you doing?”
there was a deep, displeased voice that echoed from the street corner as the mystery man tugged you away. you couldn’t help but stumble in your saint laurent heels. they didn’t add much height, yet you felt as though you were walking on stilts. quickly, you made eye contact with wonwoo. he stepped away from the pole and removed the cigarette from between his bubblegum lips, just before he adjusted the glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. the air was cold, so he wore a beanie that pulled his hair back.
the man stuttered in response. he attempted to configure a convincing statement, but wonwoo cut him off.
“do you know him?” wonwoo asked you directly. his friends were silent as they crowded the corner, but they looked ready to pounce.
“n-not re-really, no.” you fought to respond sluggishly.
wonwoo then narrowed his eyes at the man who was digging his nails into your skin.
“do you know her?” the man countered. he sounded almost petulant.
“no,” wonwoo admitted impassively, “but i’m not an idiot, and i’ve hung around here long enough to see my fair share of fucking weirdos. go slink back to the other side of the street before i shove my cigarette past your eye socket and into your cranium.”
honestly, wonwoo’s words almost turned you completely sober. the man looked like he wanted to argue, but his pathetic type doesn’t usually put up a fight when their plans are directly thwarted. he released you, and melted away into the night like a sad, shrinking shadow.
“do you need to use my phone?” wonwoo was already revealing it from his pocket.
you nodded. you knew your mother would explode into fumes if you called her at this hour, so you dialled the local taxi service and decided to wait right outside the bar. you wanted to thank wonwoo for intervening when he did. he didn’t necessarily look like a bad person, but his tainted mouth and snarky expressions didn’t exactly shift him into the light.
“thanks,” you told him as you handed over his phone, “i-i appreciate what you dd-did.”
wonwoo made the effort to blow the smoke from his cigarette away from your face.
“it’s fine,” he shrugged, “happens all the time. figured i’d just stand here and be useful i guess.”
so there is a reason you’re always at this corner.
that’s what you wanted to say, but you were too shy, too foggy, to articulate any other acknowledgement apart from a tight-lipped smile. since then, you knew wonwoo would be someone you liked.
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wonwoo liked to call you a rich girl. it bothered you, mostly because it’s true. you wore diamonds in your ears, pricey jewels on your fingers, dressed in luxury outfits and designer products. you lived a lavish life because your parents were well off, but it’s not like you tried to rub it in everyone’s face. in fact, you were quite modest, and you only wore the jewelry because your mother never stopped draping you in it. after your first encounter with wonwoo outside the bar, you greeted him again on the street upon exiting the floral shop.
he was alone, not even smoking a cigarette, instead sucking on a vibrant, cherry red lollipop. you could smell its sugary coating the second you stood in front of him.
“hey, rich girl.” he nodded. “how’s life treating you?”
the only reason you approached him was out of gratitude. you had already thanked him for his intervention that one night, but you wanted to thank him again now that you weren’t intoxicated and cloudy in the head. notably, your expression soured at his words.
“rich girl? that’s not my name.”
wonwoo looked you up and down skeptically. his eyes were a strong, earthly shade of brown behind his glasses, but in that afternoon sunlight, they flared up slightly, and the colour was more molasses-like. thick and sweet.
“are you joking?” he seemed like he wanted to laugh, and swirled the lollipop to the opposite corner of his mouth. “babygirl, those heels you’re wearing are more than my rent.”
you didn’t know why, but you were transiently overwhelmed with the urge to drop to your knees and let him fuck your mouth right there on the corner. was that too soon? oh well. you already thought it. remembering you were supposed to feel disrespected at his comment, you crossed your arms, though it only accented the jaded bracelet your friend bought you as a birthday gift.
“i’m going to pretend i didn’t hear anything you just said. i wanted to thank you for getting me out of that situation last week. i thought i should tell you again, now that i’m… well… sober, i guess i could say.”
you then swallowed tightly. “do you really stand there to stop creeps from taking advantage of people?”
wonwoo shrugged. he then tousled his hair, which had been flopping in multiple directions. it was on the longer side, and seemed to be the same colour as dark, silvery ashes, though the roots were pretty much black. his hair looked so soft and springy. you almost wanted to comb it down for him.
“i’m just at the right place at the right time.” he said.
what did that even mean? you simply accepted his response and pressed on.
“well, i wouldn’t mind repaying the favour one day. do you want a coffee or something?”
“no.” wonwoo replied sharply. “you could do me one better and slip me a couple hundred from your pretty bank account. i’m trying to get the local black tar heroin dealer off my back.”
you nearly choked.
“wha-what? are you… serious?”
wonwoo maintained his staid, emotionless expression, and you were really starting to believe that there was a black tar heroin dealer running rampant in the streets that might pop wonwoo if he didn’t pay him off. but then a gradual smile pulled up his lips, and you wanted to retract your entire offer.
“yes, it’s a joke. you’re too easy. the only drugs you’d find in this part of town is the ibuprofen for your grandma’s arthritis. you don’t get out much, do you, rich girl?”
you gaped widely at him.
“careful, baby,” he smirked, and he suddenly brought his hand out, raising your chin with his cold fingertips to close your mouth. “don’t breathe too much of this cheap air. it’s not filtered.”
in a bubbling, festering haze of anger, you snapped his hand away.
“for your information i—,”
abruptly, you heard your name echo from down the street. turning around, you watched your mother exit the floral shop, carrying a pale green wrapping of scarlet poinsettias. they were so huge that the petals almost covered her entire face. it wasn’t her fault, but she couldn’t have picked a worse time to come looking for you, especially when she was cloaked in the thick warmth of her sable fur coat. you sighed deeply and faced wonwoo again. he’d lost his lollipop, attempting to spark up a cigarette instead.
“aren’t these just gorgeous?” your mother swooned, running her fingers over the butter-soft petals. “they certainly cost a pretty penny to get such an exquisite arrangement, but i couldn’t help myself!”
you wanted to sink straight into the earth. wonwoo was looking between you in pure amusement as he crammed his lighter inside a pocket on his jeans. your mother didn’t even seem to notice him until he took his first puff, the distinct potency of the smoke making her nose scrunch.
“a-and who’s this, dear?” she couldn’t even mask her discomfort as she inquired you about wonwoo. at that point, you hadn’t even known his name yet.
“wonwoo,” he introduced himself, “a new friend of your daughter.”
“oh, how lovely,” she nodded at him while forcing a crooked grin. “honey,” she then placed her hand on your shoulder and spoke closely into your ear, “your father is parked down the street. we need to leave soon and get these out of the cold, so please finish your conversation quickly.”
as soon as she slipped past you and began striding swiftly toward the car, you could already taste the muddled defeat on your tongue. if you weren’t protruding the mirage of a spoilt rich girl then, you certainly were now. at least he didn’t blow any smoke into her face, though that didn’t diminish the fact you were going to receive a lengthy lecture in the car.
“why would you say we’re friends?” you scolded wonwoo.
“because you don’t have any.” he responded matter-of-factly while tapping some ash off his cigarette.
“that’s not true! what do you even know about me anyways, apart from that i’m rich.” you made sure to incorporate in-air quotations.
wonwoo pushed back the silver tresses dancing in front of his glasses, embracing the cool, afternoon current against his face.
“not a lot,” he admitted, “you come for drinks every few fridays. sit at the table looking like you hate your life and all the people in it. then you leave with your phony little rich clique.”
“not to be rude, wonwoo—” you almost wanted to laugh; you came here to thank him. now that ship had completely sailed— “but you’re kind of a dick.”
he then had the nerve to roll his eyes. “you’d drop to your knees and suck mine in a second, babygirl. now didn’t your mother say you should hurry up and get in the car? the princess can’t be out of the palace i’m guessing, especially not to talk to assholes on street corners.”
what else could you do apart from swallow your own frustration, bite your lip, and brush past him? there was nothing. it was too bitter to stand outside anyways. a strengthening winter wind was beginning to pick up from the north, the sting making your eyes water. at the same time, your cheeks were hot metal. if no one were on that street, you certainly would have taken him right into your mouth and sucked him dry. he was ridiculous and cruel, but you loved the unhinged nature he unearthed in you. it was liberating in a sense.
you wondered what would become of your relationship.
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“where did you say you were going again?”
you looked up from the porcelain dinner plate, in which you’d been picking at the last few crumbs of your wine reduction pineapple cake. it wasn’t your favourite dessert, though you always finished every meal out of respect for the family’s personal chef. you saw your father reach for his water glass. he took a long sip and eyed you over the candlelight and scarlet poinsettias. it was in a way that was completely and unabashedly suspicious.
“ester and i are going to the jewellers to get a custom necklace as aria’s christmas gift. i told you like five times already.”
of course, that was a gigantic lie. you and ester had already gotten the precious necklace last week, you just needed a reasonable excuse.
“and you’re coming straight home, correct?” his voice was stern and unnegotiable.
“i always do.”
“not always.” your mother chipped in as she cut a piece of the glazed cake with her fork. “you’re not going to see that one character, are you?” she always called people with less fortune characters, like they weren’t even considered to be real.
“who?” you acted clueless, and poured yourself more of the sugary, pink lemonade.
“you know who,” there was already a note of displeasure in her voice, “that boy from the corner. the one who smokes. i wasn’t very impressed by his actions.”
you started to squeeze the white cloth across your lap. “he’s trying to quit. i’ve persuaded him.”
“he won’t do it,” your father shook his head, “and he’s not right for you. i don’t want you near him.”
“and that’s why you’re coming straight home after the jewellers.” your mother continued, not allowing you the breadth to speak.
this family couldn’t get any more ridiculous, you were tempted to scream. instead, you pushed out your chair and collected the utensils sitting on your placemat. a maid passing by had scrambled to assist you, though you told her thoughtfully that you could take care of yourself. in actuality, it was the perfect time to get going, just as you could feel the anger warm your own blood to a boiling crimson. you threw on a long peacoat, a spritz belonging to a vanilla perfume, and your saint laurent opyum heels.
“i’ll be home soon!” you shouted down the marbled corridor, but it was only your own voice that echoed back to you.
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your knees were beginning to lose feeling from being pressed against the sponge-like carpet of wonwoo’s bedroom, and they would probably ache like hell whenever you came to your feet again, but for the time being, you really didn’t care. your hands were braced against wonwoo’s knees as his hand tangled possessively through your hair, each of his tugs causing your scalp to burn and tingle. you were crying. you loved to be used by him, and he loved using you. especially the warm inside of your slick mouth.
“ff-fuck, that’s it, babygirl, j-just let me fuck your pr-pretty fuckin’ face.” quickly heeding his words, wonwoo bucked his hips up in a sudden snap, the head of his cock nuzzled deep against your throat.
consequently, you gagged, and there were glossy trails of your own saliva uncomfortably pooling down your chin. he bucked up again, his fingers clasping your hair even tighter. you were struggling to breath around him, white, cottony spots blurring your vision while he forced you to take him even further. you were clutching onto his knees with enough strength to bruise his pale skin. but hearing his voice, lined with lust, heavy and laboured, how it hitched when everything felt too good; you were addicted to it.
“you’re so good at this—,” wonwoo grunted through his teeth upon jamming your head down again, “m’gonna cum down your f-fuckin’ throat, baby. be a good girl n’ m-make sure you swallow a-all of me, huh?”
you learned that wonwoo was really filthy. he didn’t have a preference for where he came, though you had to regulate his carelessness. if any of your clothes even got one rip, one pulled up thread, or god forbid a stupid ejaculation stain, your mother would put your head on a mahogany plaque. wonwoo always made fun of you for belonging to a rich family, having to act like the town’s local sweetheart because one wise crack might cost your parents a lost business partner. but you knew he loved it.
the elegant daughter of a rich heir running around with the outlandish punk? he adored it.
eventually, you had to come up for breath or else you would’ve fainted between his thighs. the air gushed into your lungs and coldly filled your chest. a string of your spit was connected from wonwoo’s flushed, hard cock to your wet lips. you could hardly discern anything that surrounded you. the oxygen had yet to thoroughly circulate and the tears were creating a thick blur. wonwoo started to stroke himself while you prepared to take him once more. the empty void in your mouth was a horrible feeling.
“you look like a fucking mess.” wonwoo grinned as he noted that your body was shaking. “am i being too rough with you, babygirl? should i just jack myself off and cum all over your face instead?”
“n-no,” you suckled in a half-hearted breath, “i-i can do it.”
wonwoo smirked. “you still want it down your throat?”
you could see him clearly now. his cheeks were tinted pink, and his eyes were impossibly dark, glittering in anticipation. without thinking, you nodded eagerly, knowing this was what you wanted. he then tapped his cock against your swollen lips, to which you opened up again and calmly took him as deep as you could. he watched your eyes glister with more tears before he started thrusting up into your mouth. his fingers were gentle. they brushed the stray spindles from your face, now destroyed by tears and drool.
“i’m surprised your tears aren’t pure gold,” he laughed, “i guess you aren’t so special.” your spine tingled as his hand crept back through your hair. “m’gonna make you cry even harder, baby.”
his grip had turned to solid iron against your scalp. you got less than a sliver to brace yourself for his unrelenting treatment, in which he pushed you straight down on his cock and kept your face right where he wanted it. with his hand against the back of your head, wonwoo snapped his hips upward, feeling you immediately gag in response. then, he unleashed on you, using your mouth as a mere fucktoy, getting all his pleasure’s worth from you in each of his hard thrusts. everything was so overwhelming and rapid.
wonwoo couldn’t help the mantra of guttural, taunt curses. he started to moan even, his deep voice cracking the second he felt his sticky cum start to abundantly spurt. without a warning, you struggled slightly to accept and swallow it, though wonwoo was intent on keeping you flush to his pelvis until every drop was polished off. he was still thrusting shallowly into your mouth, and you could feel his length gradually begin to soften. his release was warm, and it was similar to cream sliding down your throat.
after he removed himself from your mouth, he titled up your head by the chin.
“did you swallow it all yet?”
you shook your head. quickly, the side of your hot cheek was met with wonwoo’s hand. he’d given you a timid slap, one that wasn’t meant to hurt, but stung gingerly.
“i wanna see you swallow, babygirl.” he purred. “be good, won’t you?”
your tears were dribbling uncontrollably as you fully swallowed his seed. god, your throat felt like it was on fire. each muscle in your jaw was burning up ardently. your knees were so numb you didn’t even think you could stand. there wasn’t enough time for wonwoo to return the favour. you were sure he could smell the thick scent of your arousal, especially as it ruined your underwear and shone on your inner thighs.
but you didn’t care. having him use you for the night was enough.
“are you alright?” wonwoo asked, getting himself back in his pants.
you didn’t respond, just gripped onto his knee tightly and attempted to stand. your opyum heels were still on, and you nearly broke an ankle as the blood rushed into your legs. wonwoo stood also. he stabilized you by holding your shoulders, at least for a good minute. pulling back your sleeve, you rid the tears that stained your face with a quick wipe from your hand. you were going to have to be very speedy getting back to the house, unless you wanted your father to send the swat team after you.
“god,” you sighed with a raspy, dying voice, “i hate my life.”
wonwoo scoffed at you lightly.
“what lie did you tell them this time?”
you muttered, “i was going to the jewellers.”
“that’s a long time to be at the jewellers.”
“i know that,” you snapped quickly in response.
more tears pushed at your ducts. you couldn’t believe how unhappy you were, even despite having every material thing you could ever want. sometimes that particular thought would just pummel you out of nowhere and you’d fight back the urge to cry.
wonwoo’s hand cupped the side of your face. his thumb stroked gently beneath your eye and he leaned in to kiss your mouth softly. his tongue tasted like a cherry lollipop. he really was trying to quit smoking.
“what are you gonna do, babygirl?” wonwoo hummed, pressing his forehead against yours as he continued to brush your cheek.
you held his waist. “i dunno,” you croaked, “my parents don’t like you. my dad doesn’t want me near you.”
“then don’t tell him i fucked your face, princess. it’s easy.”
there was a puff of meek laughter in your chest. for a few more minutes, you let wonwoo hold you. it was the most comfortable and happy you’d felt all day. you were running short on time. the first thing you’d do when you get home would be to run a hot shower and most likely finger yourself while you thought about wonwoo’s cock lodged deep down your throat. maybe one day you’d really snap and stuff all your belongings in a suitcase and come live with him in the shitty scope of town.
but for now, that seemed unattainable.
you’d have to come up with another lie as to why you just spent two hours at the jewellers.
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“the earrings were the most magnificent things i’d ever seen! i’m going to wear them for my modelling gig next month, in paris of course. i’ll even text you guys some photos of them when i get home. they have these little opal centres that absolutely sparkle.”
just one more word. if you had to listen to aria babble one more word about her modelling gig or her stupid opal earrings or her all-expense paid trip to paris then you might have to throw your glass of chardonnay in her face. those were the only three things she talked about. then the month would change and she’d have another three things to drive into the mud, yet everyone at the table ate up her words like they were a slice of chocolate cake. you were starting to develop a headache.
“that’s wonderful, aria!” ester was gleaming as she readjusted the strap on her pearl-white dress. you could just tell she was dying to incorporate tales of her own wealth into the conversation. “i can’t wait to see your modelling pictures. that reminds me, i still have some old videos from when i went parasailing in bali. do you guys wanna see them?”
everyone started crowding around ester’s side of the table, attempting to view the footage she was pulling up on her phone screen. however, you didn’t budge, and continued to stare with a dull look in your eyes out the bar’s front window. through the glass, you could see wonwoo standing at the street lamp with his friends, swirling around another lollipop from cheek to cheek. you wondered if it was cherry. his last flavour had been green apple. you tasted it on his tongue when he’d fucked you in the backseat of his car.
but that was a week ago.
“don’t you want to see?” ester was smiling at you.
winding your fingers around your thin wine glass, you shrugged. “i’ll pass.”
“suit yourself.” ester replied, and started to play her first video.
you hated everything about this situation.
wonwoo was right. you really didn’t have any friends, and that became especially clear as you observed everyone at the opposite end of the table, adoring ester’s cute, ditsy little parasailing videos that her boyfriend took. you wished you liked the same things these girls did. your life would be one-hundred times more enjoyable if you just embraced your sumptuous blessings and shed a couple brain cells to be on the same level as them.
then again, you didn’t want to be exactly like them.
they left you to get home by yourself just because you drank too much. at a bar.
pressing the wine glass against your lips, you tilted your head back and easily gulped down the remaining chardonnay. it was a pleasant coolness that streamed down your throat, and you slammed the glass onto the table once it was emptied; even slouched back in your seat and didn’t bother patting your lipstick dry with a tissue. aria raised an eyebrow at you. she looked like she was itching to say something. you were in the mood for a challenge. if she was going to make a passive aggressive comment, it better be soon.
“i hope you have a designated driver.” she finally decided to chuckle.
you rolled your eyes. “shut up, aria.”
ester and her friends immediately looked up from the phone.
“excuse me?” aria replied while tucking a strand of her behind her ear. she seemed a bit baffled by your sudden disdain. “i don’t believe i’ve ever heard you speak like that.”
you were beyond a point of caring. “what are you gonna do then? tattletale on me? you’re such a fake.”
“that’s way out of line.” ester intervened, staring you down intensely. “why are you acting like this?”
“whatever.” you stood up from the chair and reached for your coin purse, revealing a wadded clump of cash that you slapped on the lacquered table. admittedly, the alcohol concocted with your frustration (not to mention being around wonwoo’s snide personality) had quite the effect on your behaviour. if you never had to see these girls again, it would be too soon. you couldn’t believe that you’d even went through the effort of buying aria a christmas present. the only thing she gifted you was a card with her signature on it.
like that was fucking useful.
“i think you need to leave.” ester announced like you weren’t already gathering your things.
“exactly.” you falsely commended her.
she probably had a pea-sized diamond in her skull instead of an actual brain. “i’m leaving now before you guys get the chance to ditch me. don’t worry about it though. i can actually walk myself out this time.”
if only you had a camera ready to capture their gobsmacked expressions. it would have been embarrassingly laughable. you flicked past them toward the door and pushed into the nighttime air, which was crisp and wonderfully cold to your warmed flesh. you felt powerful for summoning the courage to break ties with them, and yet, at the same time, you found that you were on the verge of tears. they deserved to have their toxic behaviour thrown back in their face. it was just that you felt a bit broken.
now you truthfully were alone. well – apart from wonwoo.
you approached him as he stood at the corner, still suckling on his lollipop. him and his friends were in the midst of a humorous conversation when you tapped on wonwoo’s hard shoulder. you always wondered what they spoke about. it always seemed more interesting than the lifeless talk you once endured inside the bar. he didn’t seem all that surprised to see you, though he did look with concern at the watery film across your eyes. you could smell the sweetness of his lollipop; it had to be strawberry.
“are you okay?” wonwoo asked, his breath forming wispy cotton against the dark sky.
you ignored his question. “i want to go back to your place.” you told him.
“now?” he raised his eyebrow.
“yes. now would be good. i’ve just been thinking, and i really want you to eat me out.”
you didn’t care if his friends overheard. apparently, wonwoo didn’t care either. he smirked at you and licked his lips, though there remained a bit of uncertainty in his eyes. you had yet to answer his initial question. from inside the bar, you knew those girls were staring at you, watching you talk to wonwoo.
they were definitely going to tattle to your parents.
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your fingers clawed mercilessly over the bed, practically uprooting the linens tucked beneath the mattress as wonwoo kept your thighs tightly locked apart. everything felt so dense, so hot, like the universe was pushing down on your chest and igniting flame inside of your body. you lifted your head off his pillow, only capturing a mere glimpse of his pink tongue gliding past your slit, the muscle coated purely in your arousal. he started to fuck you with his tongue, digging it as deep as he could within your heat.
unabashedly, you moaned, extremely loud and most likely disturbing everyone in his apartment complex. everything about the technicality and purpose of his movements was pushing you toward a climax that would be unlike any other. he was so impatient to get a taste of you that he hadn’t even taken your skirt off, instead bunching the pleated material up against your stomach while your underwear were thrown to the floor. suddenly, you were gasping, and your head collapsed back to the pillow.
wonwoo had managed to wriggle his hand between your thighs. as he ran his tongue in hot, fervent licks against your needy clit, he pushed two fingers inside of you, scissoring you open.
“ffuh-fuck, wonwoo!” you wailed, your hand grasping at his soft hair to keep his tongue against you. “it fe-feels s-so … s-so fucking go-good!”
he’d been taking his sweet time in building up your climax. you allowed him to have his way with you, since he knew how to work your body as though he were magic. his fingers started to curl. it didn’t take him long before they were hitching up into that one golden spot, the one that caused the entire room to whirl. you could tell that he was smiling. he began to messily circle his tongue around your clit. the sensation of the warm, wet muscle pleasuring your most sensitive region was leaving you breathless.
“c’mon, babygirl,” wonwoo mumbled against your core, his fingers thrusting up heavily and abusing that spot inside of you, “you gonna let go and let me taste your cum? you’re fucking dripping all over the bed.”
there was a glimmer of drool leaking from the edge of your mouth. you were so blissed out and crammed with euphoria that you could hardly articulate a response. wonwoo wasn’t giving you much of a chance either. he started a brisk pace rubbing his tongue against your clit, and then he closed his plump lips around you to better flick it with the pink muscle. his bicep was probably burning as he slammed his fingers deep into your heat, making you squelch. your slick had thoroughly soaked the sheets beneath you.
“fuck, fuck, fuck,” you panted, arching your chest into the air, “i-it’s s-so much, w-wonwoo—m’gonna—nngh—m’gonna cc-cum!”
wonwoo kept your hips pressed firmly to the mattress with one arm as your pleasure exploded. the tears easily streamed down your flustered, glossy face as this extreme contraction passed through you. it was incredibly wet, too wet, and you knew exactly what had happened as wonwoo pulled out his glistening fingers and completely buried his face between your thighs. god, it was fucking embarrassing. you would have curled away from him if wonwoo wasn’t so persistent. he kept licking at you, hard and fast.
at that point, your tears were no longer tiny beads. the sensitivity had left your nerves completely raw, and you sobbed helplessly as wonwoo continued to eat you out. his tongue felt like it was lapping everywhere, impatient and hungry. you tried to pull him away by dishevelled hair, but he swatted your hand back and bit down softly on your swollen clit. before you even knew what was happening, wonwoo had somehow forced your body into another orgasm. his tongue was inside of you as the second wave hit.
“pl-please,” you whimpered in utter fragility, the mixture of pleasure and pain becoming too overwhelming as wonwoo attempted to lick you clean, “pl-please, wonwoo… i-it huh-hurts..”
he chuckled against your sore flesh warmly. “are you sure you’re done, baby? bet i could make you squirt again if i was real gentle.”
“i-i don’t want to talk about it…” you said shakily. honestly, you didn’t even know your body was capable of feeling that much stimulation and pleasure. it was cosmic.
“awe, don’t be embarrassed,” wonwoo hummed, “you have no idea how fucking hot that was.”
“i don’t want to know.” you sighed.
wonwoo scoffed innocuously. he pecked the inside of your thigh, then each hip bone, before he crawled overtop of you and let you taste your own sweetness off his tongue. you spent a few minutes idly making out, smearing saliva over each other’s flushed lips, running your hands up and down his broad, hard chest, leaving scarlet rivulets along his biceps. wonwoo began teasing his fingers against your slit again, and you gasped into the kiss as his finger sunk into you, slowly, deeply.
“what’s wrong?” wonwoo asked while pumping the digit at a gentle pace.
“what do you mean?” you squeaked, staring into his brown eyes tinged with his earlier concern.
“you know what i mean,” wonwoo hummed, “why were you about to cry outside the bar? what happened?”
“are you sure we should discuss this while you’re fingering me?”
“baby, just tell me.” wonwoo urged with a comforting tone in his voice. he started to massage his thumb over your clit, and your entire body jolted.
you sniffled. “i-i just, i— i kind of cut ties with my friends. a-and i’m glad i did it but now i’m just gonna be even more a-alone.”
“of course not,” wonwoo shook his head, “you have me.”
“are you sure?”
slight amusement and shock coloured wonwoo’s face. he pulled his hand away from your core and looked like he wanted to laugh. you couldn’t blame him, but you also couldn’t help your insecurity.
“i’m sure, baby.” he told you firmly. “i’ll always be here for you. i promise.”
you smiled up at him, feeling your heart start to soften.
“can we take a shower?” you then proposed. “i want to get these tears off my face before they dry.”
while wonwoo was busy getting the water running inside the bathroom, you noticed your phone start to glow and vibrate on his nightstand. it was your mother’s number on the screen. taking a long, slow breath, you flipped your phone upside down and ignored the call. it was a risky move, but it felt almost healing in a sense to turn away from the stress in your life. instead, you focused on what mattered in the moment.
wonwoo joined you in the shower, the water gliding in silk-like pathways around his lean muscle and smooth skin. he pushed back his wet hair, sparkling droplets sticking heavy to his eyelashes. he pressed you against the tiles, and their icy touch sent a shiver up your spine. in the midst of the steam and heat, he was kissing you again, suckling softly on your tongue and squeezing your breasts in his hands. his aching length, hard and heavy, brushed between your thighs, to which your palm started to glide up his shaft.
he smiled against your mouth, “you want my cock inside you, babygirl?”
the fire slowly rebuilt itself from the embers in your stomach.
“yes please.” you lilted innocently.
wonwoo decided to press your front against the glass wall instead of the tile. his lips were leaving drifting pecks up your shoulder blade, and he didn’t seem to be in a hurry. a rough, deep groan filled your ear as wonwoo rubbed his cock between your folds, allowing your arousal to coat him generously. however, you were yearning to feel how he filled you entirely, until you could feel him nestled right to the brink. wriggling your hips against him, it was your non-verbal cue for him to start sliding in.
he cupped your breasts in his hands, whispering into your ear, “how should i fuck you, baby? do you want it hard?”
as impatient as you were, there was something about the atmosphere that told you to prolong your intimacy.  “n-no,” you mumbled as the fog swathed around you, “s-slow, i want to feel you.”
your moan was almost louder than the water spraying against the tiles when wonwoo started to push inside of you. once he was buried as far as could fit, he started to grind into you, extending his pace so that you could truly feel his every inch and vein. his fingers were massaging your chest, the round flesh almost like velvet to his touch. everything about your body was endearingly soft and warm. he loved it.
“does it feel good, babygirl?” wonwoo purred. he was situated at such a pleasurable depth inside you that you felt like complete gelatine. he thrust into you a little harder, but it was enough to make you cry.
“s-so good,” you stuttered, licking the water off your lips. “do i feel good t-too?”
wonwoo smirked. he moved his hips at a shallow pace. “mmhm. you’re so tight and warm around me, baby. feels so perfect. how pretty do you think your pussy would look with my cum dripping out of it? should we try it?”
you pushed yourself back against his pelvis, “fill me up, wonwoo, please.”
“of course,” he grinned, and slowly dipped a hand down your stomach until you felt him begin to rub soft circles into your clit.
“let’s see how much you can take, babygirl.”
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you were exhausted. you were sore. but you felt safe. you made an audacious decision and decided to spend the night at wonwoo’s rather than going home, where you knew you’d be greeted by an equally displeased mother and father that aria had snitched to. it was the first time you’d gone to bed without wearing pyjamas that weren’t expensive, pink satin. you were clad in nothing but one of wonwoo’s old t-shirts. he tried to give you one that didn’t still carry the scent of stale cigarette smoke.
his arm was around your waist, your spine resting comfortably against his chest while you lay together beneath the bedsheets. the sheet that was stained in your arousal had been tossed in the laundry hamper. you knew wonwoo would never stop teasing you about it. anyways, life felt different at his apartment; in fact, it felt better, especially when wonwoo kissed your temple before shutting off the light. your wealth had never been a defining factor in your personality, but it did make you consistently miserable.
that night, it was just you and a boy, a boy who you were quite positively in love with. maybe he loved you too. you weren’t completely certain yet, and you didn’t want to rush anything; however, you felt fairly confident his heart was likewise when he buried his face into your neck and wished you goodnight in his low, sleepy voice.
whatever your parents had to say, you’d find out tomorrow morning.
right now, you weren’t the rich girl, but a happy girl, and that mattered more to you than anything else.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 17
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
“Push me off the roof you coward!”
First< Previous > Next
“So do you want to be Batman or should I?” Marion brings out the two outfits identical in every way except size.
“It’s not actually dressing up,” Marinette scolds fixing her hair.
“Well then you single handedly ruined halloween,” Marion grins coming up behind her, “Everyone wears them for it,”
“Don’t exaggerate,” Marinette watches him warily in the mirror, prepared to defend if-when he makes a move to mess up her hair.
“So Batman or Robin?” Marion holds the outfits up, dangerous close to her head.
“I don’t care,” Marinette stands up, spinning around, using the chair as a shield.
“Coin flip then,” Marion drapes them over the chair, “Oooh foreshadowing!”
“Please tell me you're going to take this marginally seriously?” Marinette leans back on the dresser as he fishes for a coin.
“You’re starting to sound like our manager,” Marion flips the coin with extra flare, “Heads,”
“You should thank Kate for setting this up,” Marinette catches the coin before he can, “Tails,”
She takes the Robin outfit from the chair, ducking Marion as she passes.
“You know I don’t think Kate wants to see me,” Marion takes his outfit behind the opposite curtain, “She's pretty stressed something will go wrong,”
“In Gotham?” Marinette pokes her head out the curtain on the other side of the room.
“I know, crazy right,” Marion also peaks through the curtain, “Where would she get that idea?”
“Who knows?” Marinette cheekily grins before ducking back behind the curtain.
“If we get attacked again I think we might give aunt- I mean,” Marion pauses pulling on his grey turtleneck, “ugh, this is hard,”
“Mari, the outfits are designed for easy use,” Marinette teases, tone sounding half hearted even from this distance.
“What are you calling her in your head?” Marion pulls the turtle neck down all the way.
“Selina,” Marinette answers, as he shrugs on his hooded crop top over the turtleneck, split into two colours to make a vague bat-shape. “Although I just avoid saying it out loud,”
“Great minds think alike,” Marion pulls on his grey leggings, that Marinette had thankfully made into thermals.
“I’m the only great mind here,” Marinette teases, Marion lets out fake gasp as he pulls a pair of shorts over his leggings, “You just like to copy,”
“How dare you!” Marion pulls the curtains aside dramatically, Marinette doesn't even look up from where she's putting on bracelets, “Dishonour! Dishonour on you, Dishonour on your kwami! Dis-”
“Hey!” Tikki flies out of the backpack.
“Sorry Tikki,” Marion looks away from the fuming Kwami, trying to avoid her by pulling on his black and blue boots.
“It’s ok Tikki,” Marinette finishes putting green and gold bracelets up to her elbows, “He’s just trying to be funny,”
“And succeeding!” Marion corrects, smoothing a mask over his eyes.
“Ah-ha,” Marinette stands, black and yellow scarf flaring out at the back.
“You know I don’t think she agrees,” Marion stage whispers to Plagg from his bag.
“Ah-ha,” Plagg says in the same tone, as Marion is pulling on his black gloves.
“Traitors, all of you,”
“Hey look,” Marinette bumps his shoulder, nodding towards someone.
“It’s Jason,” Marion whispers back excitedly, moving to wave.
“MCD doesn't know him,” Marinette grabs his arm, “Let’s hope this isn’t as awkward as it was with Chloe,”
“I thought that was fun,”
“Of course you did,”
"Hi," Jason approaches nervously, completely different to how Marion's met him before, it's cute.
"Oh hello, stranger," Marion grins, ignoring the kick from Marinette, he'll be careful, it's fine he's got this, "Whats your name?"
"Jason," Oh my God he's blushing!
"Jasin," Marion repeats pretending to write on what he was handed.
"Um…." Jason looks like he's about to correct Marion, this will be perfect- "yep,"
Fuck fuck fuck i though he would correct me fuck, Marinette help!  Marinette rolls her eyes at his pleading look.
"Jason, CD," Pointing to the page without writing, "son,"
"Ohhhh Jason,” Marion says, as if he had come to some amazing realisation, Marinette looks like she wants to slap him, “haha, sorry, of course, I just didn’t hear you right, because I don’t know your name, why would I know your name? It's-"
Marinette rightfully cuts off his rambling with a swift kick, that both knew would never actually hurt him. At least Jason looks just as embarrassed as him, neither quite knowing how to start the conversation back up,"
"How about we take a picture?" Marinette says, their saving grace.
"Yeah, that would be great," Jason fumbles for his phone, Marion hopes his mask will cover his blush, as he remembers what Jason had said about him at dinner, the only reason he was blushing.
They take a nice picture together. Then one where Marion throws bunny ears behind MDC. She swats his hand away and he pushes her out of frame. The next picture is one of him and Jason with Marinette rising up, like a threatening blur in the background.
"Aw thats a nice picture" Marion looks over Jason shoulder, they were meant to be with the next person already but they were a design hopeful, babbling to MDC about her designs, "You should send it to me,"
"Of course," Jason seems flustered with his proximity, enough so that he didn't see Marion's trap.
"Great heres my number," Marion quickly writes it down on blank piece of paper, a picture seeming a bit too narcissistic at that point.
"Well you have to send it to me someway," Marion shrugs, conveniently ignori-forgetting that pictures were sent through his social media all the time.
"Right... right," Jason seems to be in a bit of a daze when Marion sends him off, standing next to Marinette as the fan leaves.
They watch Jason leave. Marinette starts giggling when he almost runs into a wall.
“Are you ok?" Marion asks, partly for the security guard who was waiting for their ok to send the next person up.
“You are such a dork,” She breaths through her upcoming laughter, “I think I need a minute,”
“Fine but if I get a hopeful fashion designer I’m telling them your new direction is crocs,” Marion huffs, not really insulted, but if he didn't act it she would only up the anti.
“Do it and your casket will be made out of crocs,” Marinette threatens ineffectively, walking to the backstage door.
“I kinda want to see that,”
“You’d be dead,” Marinette calls from the door.
“Minor issue,”
Marinette waves him off, which could have been an aborted swat. He watches as the crowd nearby begin whispering, some offering others to go first to stall for time. Marion plans to shove this in her face next time Marinette claims she isn’t popular. He’s about to take a camera out for evidence when one of the groups, fast tracked but the crowd, approaches.
Marion goes to do his more basic greetings when a gun is shoved in his face. The group made up of armed men surrounding him, one holding a camera.
“Smile for the camera,” The figure pulls his coat back, revealing the frankly disturbing face of the Joker.
“Oh it’s you,” Marion keeps a blank face, evidently confusing him, “Any chance two-face will show up?”
“.... No?” Marion fights to keep his composure as the crowd are threatened by the remaining thugs, pushing them to the ground.
“Pity, what a waste of good foreshadowing,” Marion shrugs casually, that camera is probably filming.
“What,” Marion supposes its a rare thing to see the Joker taken aback, but watching a group of armed men storm backstage distracts him from the sight.
“Nothing, I just made a brilliant joke earlier and you're sort of ruining it,” Marion makes exaggerated gestures, testing his limits, the guns follow him but don’t shoot. “Anyway are you here for an autograph or what?”
“I’m not-” He watches the Joker's face twist in gruesome realisation, “you’re trying to stall me,”
“Stall you from what?” Marion tries not to make his scan of the crowd obvious, “Please go in depth,”
“How about on the way up to the roof?” Chilling smile, but Marion is too used to fear to let it get to him.
“Oh goodie, I hear it has wonderful views,” Marion claps his hands, probably getting weird looks from the goons hiding behind masks, but who are they to judge?
He’s guided to the elevator. The Joker making the mistake of not tying his hands, or gagging him. He feels Kaalki and Plagg tense in his pocket.
“Huh, no elevator music,” Marion observes as the elevator starts to rise, “I just kind of expected it at this point,”
“You are strange,” Marion makes the mistake of glancing over, the Joker does not seem perturbed by that fact.
“You’re telling me that?” Marion tilts his head, “Actually that's quite the achievement,”
The Joker starts to go on about his plan, something about throwing MCD off the roof in front of the crowd for whatever reason, he’s not really listening. No, instead he’s made his own plan. There's no way Marinette was caught, not when she has no one to look after. She must be somewhere in the building, probably as Sparrow. It’s best if Sparrow and Songbird are seen near their other identities as little as possible, so he had to deal with the camera. If she saw the footage, which was probably being broadcast (a brilliant idea, really, no problems with that) she would intercept them. The best position would be on the elevator, but he had to buy time.
The cameras closest so he strikes, hitting it out of the goons hand, mid sentence. In the split second confusion he hits the number panel, lighting up all but a few.
“Huh, that was easy,” Marion says with genuine surprise.
“And here I thought you were being a good hostage,” Marion feels several guns press against him, but it’s only the pistol with the Joker at the end that worries him.
“Sorry to disappoint,” Marion smirks cockily, the threats turning more violent.
No, not threats, promises. Marion debates calling on Kaalki, while he’s still able too. It wouldn’t be great for a miraculous to be seen in a different country, but better than the one that can teleport than Ladybug. If Marinette couldn’t stop them in time she would surely turn to Ladybug and pick him up as he falls, right in front of the crowd and cameras. Not great.
There were other heroes in Gotham, they both knew. And if it was just him at stake he would put faith in them. But it’s not. He’s Chat Noir and there's not enough time to train a new Black Cat, not anymore.
The elevator finally reaches the top. Marion braces to help Marinette fight on the other side of the door. It opens. There’s no one. Great, great, great .
“Well, well, well why don’t we see what's behind that mask and carve up your pretty face, hm?” Joker leads him close enough to the edge of the building that anyone else should be scared.
“That sounds counter productive,” Might as well try plan b, he should have come up with one, but as is he’ll have to wing it, “Weren’t you going to throw me off the roof?”
“Eager aren't you?” Not really  “After, promise,”
That grin paired with the knife inching closer should scare him, but honestly the only thing that truly scares him anymore is someone going for his ring, or Ladybug’s.
“What's the point? I’d be dead soon anyway, sounds like a waste of time,” Marion debates adding a yawn to match the tone, but it seems like overkill.
“A few screams are never a waste of time,” Marion is backed up further to the edge of the roof, able to see the fretting crowd below.
“Sounds to me like you just don’t have any confidence,” Marion says with all the sass he can muster, which is a lot.
“Oh, do explain,” The knife inching closer to the edge of his mask encourages the opposite, but he was never much good with warnings.
“If you really believe your plan will work and I wouldn’t be saved by I-don’t-know, Batman?” Yep that strikes a cord, probably not the best cord to strike with a knife in your face, oh well his wounds will heal soon anyway, “Then you’d throw me over the roof, a few cuts doesn't matter much when your dead,”
He can see the gears turning, debating if there's merit to his bullshit or if it’s just that. Honestly Marion doesn't know either.
“Revealing my identity and stuff is just a way for you to feel like you’ve won when Batman beats you,” He carefully doesn't emphasise the ‘when’, making it sound casual, like a given fact, “Cutting my face is just admitting you think the heroes will win,”
Just a little bit more. He’s almost pulled off plan ‘b’ for bat-shit crazy. He has the horse miraculous in his grip, Kaalki won’t like it but it's hard to put glasses on in mid air.
“Besides, won’t the mask leave a bit more impact?”
Hook. Line. Sinker.
“You really think the Bats going to save you huh?” The grin is unnerving, so Marion matches it with one of his own.
“I do,” He challenges, chin tilted up, “do you,”
He hears a cackle that would have surely appeared in his fear toxin dream if he heard it before. He’s pushed, vest twisted in the jokers grip, trying to stay balanced on the very edge.
“I like you kid,” And yeah, by that smile it’s not a good thing.
“Goodie,” Marion says sardonically, ignoring the shouting below, probably because his torso is all the way off the edge.
“Make sure to scream,” He feels the grip loosen, not having the natural response to grab onto something.
“I won’t,” he sends one last smirk as he’s dropped, weight sending him off balance and off the edge.
He’s in free fall and knows the screaming is not his own. He’s too busy debating the right time to transform. The street is getting closer and closer, no staff or grappling hook to save him.
The air gets knocked out of him at the sudden change in directions. He can feel the arm and hears the glass shattering. For all the speed of a few seconds ago he is not expecting the quiet that follows. He’s leaning forward against someone's chest, both crouched down inside the building he just fell from. He recognises the shade of red first, Marinette had spent weeks with it pinned up all over their room and Marion has been wearing it ever since. He relaxes.
“Are you ok?” He gets pulled back from the chest, his complaints are cut off, a gloved hand tracing over his cheek, he feels the sting so it must be cut.
“Yeah I’m fine,” Probably not convincing, since his crush is the closest he’s ever been and Marion is almost the same shade of red.
“You’re fine?” The disbelief is clear and it takes Marion a second to realise why.
“I mean… Oh no! Trauma!” Marion tries to fall dramatically but the arm still on his back catches him.
“Good thing you’re a popstar not an actor,” Marion feels relief at the stiff atmosphere relaxing.
“Excuse you,” He snaps back up, poking Red Hood’s chest, smirking, “I’d make a wonderful actor,”
“Yeah, yeah,” Red Hood looks away, as far as Marion can tell with the helmet, “You sure you’re ok?”
“Yes, are you?” Marion stresses, remembering that he broke through the glass.
“... what?” Red Hood's full attention comes back to him.
“Are you ok?” Marion tries not to get annoyed at the answer, humour then, “After all breaking through a window isn’t much fun,”
You idiot you can't use his line on him ! Not in different identities! What if he figures it out?!
“Yeah.. yeah," He looks away again, "I’m… great,”
Marion smiles, guess things did turn out great in the end.
“CD!” Marion jumps out his skin, both suddenly realising how they looked and stand, Marinette runs right up to him, “Are you ok!?”
“Yep I’m… great,” Marion exchanges a private glance with Red Hood as Marinette frets over him.
“Thank goodness,” She sighs, shoulders sagging, then coming back up to hit him over the head, “Then why are you such an idiot!”
“Natural talent?” Marion rubs the spot, she put some Ladybug strength in that one.
“At least you’re good at something,” She sighs, brushing her hand over the spot.
“Rude,” Marion pouts, even as his head feels better, and his cut is startling to close up.
“If every things ok then,” Red Hood says awkwardly, “I’ve got a clown to go beat up,”
I Forgot!! How do you forget that! Marion yells at himself When your crush saves you from falling to your death…. Less romantic than it seemed in the moment.
“Have fun….” Marion waves, increasing the awkwardness ten fold, “dear god, I am an idiot!”
He groans into Marinette's shoulder after Red Hood left.
“Yes, but blush later, we need to be ready to provide backup,” Marinette pulls him out of the room stepping over broken glass.
“Uh- yeah! Right! lets go,” Marion snaps out of it, running after her.
“You are such a mess,” She insults as they jog, or with their speed, sprint up the stairs.
“Of all people you don’t get to call me that,” Marion needn't remind her of how she spilt orange juice all over herself at breakfast.
“... You just fell off a building, I was talking about your clothes,” Marinette has on her, ‘you’re an idiot’ face, well practiced that one.
“But yeah you are a walking disaster,” She speeds up.
“Hey!” Marion sprints after her.
They reach the roof, not as out of breath as they should be.
“I thought I told you to stay put?” Red Hood snaps, alone on the roof.
“You didn’t,” They chorus coincidentally.
“I thought you had common sense,”
“We don’t,” They chorus on purpose.
Red Hood just shakes his head, probably smiling under the helmet.
“So the Joker escaped?” Marinette is the first to wipe the grin off her face.
“He was gone when I got up here,” Red Hood shrugs, “Waiting on intel,”
Probably from oracle.
“I didn’t say thank you!” Marion realises, not used to being the one saved.
“You don’t have to,” He looks away again, “Just doing my job,”
“But I want to,” Marion walks into his line of sight “So thank you,”
“Yeah well… thanks too I guess,” He looks away again and it's starting to get annoying.
“For what,” Marion leans over enough that he should be in sight, but he can't see his eye to confirm.
“I like the outfit you designed off me,” Marion freezes, almost stumbling over, “The interview was… entertaining,”
With that killing blow, a grappling hook is sent out and Red Hook is whisked away.
“.... Hey, can I borrow your miraculous?” Marion says blankly when Marinette comes to stand by him, “I need to wish myself out of existence real quick,”
@technicallyburninggarden @fusser90  @misslenamooney @superbwhispersconnoisseur @biodad-bruce-month @nalu-ismyjam
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ejzah · 4 years
I made this comment last night after the episode aired: Who wants to bet that the outfits Deeks was modeling involved increasingly less material as the night progressed? Much to Deeks’ chagrin and Kensi and Kirkin’s delight.
A/N: I definitely ran with this idea, @chicgeekgirl89. I hope you enjoy.
Quid Pro Quo
“This is completely ridiculous,” Deeks muttered for the hundredth time. He glanced over at Kensi who was happily sipping at her champagne-completely tipsy at this point and apparently past the point of caring what Anatoli Kirkin did with him-and what looked like a thin cookie of some kind.
“Oh come now, Marty,” Kirkin said in a cajoling voice, popping up from behind the camera. “You know I love it when you pout and act all grumpy, but this is not what envisioned for this photo shoot.”
“Yeah, Marty, don’t be all pouty,” Kensi chimed in, snorting to herself. Glancing over his shoulder, he glared at her and she made a concerted, but in the end futile, effort not to laugh.
Honestly, he would probably be laughing too if one of the other guys were forced to wear something that resembled the imaginings of someone on LSD. Of course, no one else on the team had a crazy Russian ex-criminal who was obsessed with them and likely to make strange requests as a form of payment. He was just that lucky.
His current outfit was black with orange stripes, making him resemble something like a strange wasp. At least there weren’t any animals attached to it this time.
“Chin up.” Kirkin directed him with a little waving gesture which Deeks followed with a reluctant sigh. “Perfect! Time for the next outfit.”
That left four more by Deeks’ count. Without a word, he accepted the latest garment bag from Kirkin and headed for the changing rooms. He supposed he was lucky Kirkin had allowed him that small privacy.
He came back out a couple minutes later, in black pants and a light blue dress shirt paired with a black tie and shoes that probably cost more than Deeks’ whole wardrobe put together. It was the least offensive thing he’d worn all night.
“Not bad,” Kensi commented when he walked back into the photography room and took up the pose Kirkin kept asking for. “Not bad at all.” Her eyes slid down to butt and he frowned at her.
“I agree, but there’s just a little something missing,” Kirkin said with a little sigh. He looked Deeks up and down too and then clapped his hands together. He started to reach towards Deeks and then glanced in Kensi’s direction and drew back. “Martin, could you roll your sleeves up? Just above the elbows.”
Shaking his head, Deeks rolled each sleeve up a few times while Kirkin watched eagerly.
“It’s almost the same as the first case when we met.” Lowering his voice, Kirkin added, “You remember, when we were both naked in the Russian baths.” This time he did touch Deeks; it was little more than a brush of his knuckles against Deeks’ forearm, but it was enough to make him shudder uncomfortably.
“Hey, keep your hands to yourself,” Kensi ordered, a note of warning in her voice. She suddenly sounded competent sober and dangerous. Kirkin obviously heard it too because he immediately dropped his hand, and moved behind the safety of the camera again.
“I apologize. I was...overcome,” he said, his expression a little guilty.
The next half hour passed in a blur. Kirkin brought in several more props for Deeks to pose with. Then two more costume changes. Deeks noticed that the clothes were getting increasingly smaller and tighter.
Currently, he was wearing a pair of exceedingly white pants and a shiny blue shirt that was straight out of “Saturday Night Fever”. The shirt gaped open, revealing the majority of his chest and stomach.
“The 70’s had its perks,” Kensi commented, moving her chair to get a better view.
“No more champagne for you,” Deeks told her firmly.
“You look absolutely wonderful! Those pants fit you like a glove and your chest...” Kirkin made a wistful sound. “You have never looked better.”
“Can we get on with this?”
“Of course. Now for this one, I’d like you to put your left arm in the air and the other on your hip.”
“I’m not doing disco poses, Kirkin.” Crossing his arms over his chest, Deeks tried to look as serious as he could while wearing pants that left very little to the imagination. They felt tighter than anything he’d worn in his exotic dancing days.
“Maaarty, you promised...” Kirkin gave him a pointed look while throwing adopting the post he apparently wanted Deeks to mimic.
“I promised to do a photo shoot, not a feature for Play Girl magazine,” Deeks said,
“I’d buy that issue.” Off to the side, Kensi regraded him with a lascivious look in her eye.
“Me too,” Kirkin added, so quietly Deeks wasn’t sure he’d heard him.
“Oh my god! Fine, I’ll do it.” He tossed his head back with a groan and planted a hand on one hip. “Anything to get this over with. But-“ he pointed between Kensi and Kirkin, two people he never thought would be joining ranks against him- “no one else will ever hear about this or see these photos.”
“Of course.” Kensi nodded along with Kirkin, pressing her lips together either in apparent delight or to hold back laughter again. Kirkin snapped a few more pictures, moving more quickly than he had before. Maybe he realized that Deeks was reaching the end of his patience.
“And now for the last outfit,” Kirkin announced, letting out a sad little sigh. “I have enjoyed this evening together.”
“Yeah it’s been great,” Deeks drawled sarcastically.
“I’ll be back in just a few moments.” He touched Deeks arm as he left the room, but this time Kensi didn’t seem to notice.
“This is so much worse than I imagined.” He plopped down in a chair beside Kensi, pushing on the bridge of his nose to alleviate the inevitable head ache he felt coming.
“I don’t think it’s that bad,” Kensi said, tilting her head as she eyed him again. She reached over and trailed her fingers down his chest, pausing on his abs.
“Unbelievable,” he muttered, shaking his head at her. “I brought you along to protect me.”
“I am still perfectly capable of protecting you.” She gave him a lazy smile and winked. “And enjoying the view.”
Before Deeks could comment on that, Kirkin returned with a surprisingly small bag this time.
“I was saving this for a very special occasion,” he said with a smile that made Deeks highly suspicious. Kensi leaned forward to get a better look as Kirkin reached in and removed the item of clothing.
It was small and checkered. God, what was with the guy and checkers?”
“Are those...?”
“Hot pants!” Kensi finished, laughing on clear delight. “Oh my god, they’re checkered hot pants.”
“I designed them myself.”
Deeks just stared for a minute, completely horrified. Apparently Kirkin thought it was admiration. His obsession with checkers was disturbing, but at least there weren’t any stuffed animals involved. Probably because there wasn’t room.
“You are delusional if you think I’m putting those on, Kirkin,” Deeks said, laughing at he absurdity of it. “I will wear your ludicrous idea of a coat, I’ll even hold your creepy stuffed animals, but I will not wear hot pants for you.”
“What about our deal?” Kirkin asked, giving the shorts a little shake. “You didn’t make any stipulations.”
“And that was a grave error on my part. I blame it on the overwhelming fumes of hairspray clouding my head.”
“Your hard work deserves to be recognized.” He turned to Kensi when Deeks remained stone-faced. “Kensi, tell him those muscles, deserve to be on display.”
“Yeah, I’m not quite that drunk.”
“Imagine how these-” he gave the pants another shake- “will emphasize those beautiful muscles, tan, and his tight bottom.”
“Alright, we’re out of here,” Deeks decided, grabbing Kensi’s hand and tugging her along after him.
“Marty, please don’t go,” Kirkin called frantically. “The pictures don’t even need to be published. They’ll go straight to my private collection! Martin?!”
“I am so glad I came along,” Kensi said, giggling to herself. “This goes in my top 10 favorite days.”
“You are a terrible body guard.” He tried to maintain a serious expression, but he couldn’t in the face of Kensi’s amusement.
“Oh please, Kirkin would never do anything to hurt you.” She patted his arm and added, “He adores you too much.”
“Fantastic,” he muttered.
“You know,” Kensi said a few minutes later as they drove home. “We totally should have snagged those shorts.”
“You really want to see me in checkered hot pants?”
“I’m curious.” She shrugged. “And as Kirkin said, you have a very nice butt.”
A/N: The reference to drawnings/paintings comes from some of my other stories where I’ve had Kirkin give Deeks a series of highly inappropriate gifts.
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imaginesandinserts · 4 years
Irreverent Pt. 10 - Father Dearest
Title: Irreverent Pt. 10 - Father Dearest Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader Rating: R  Words: 2841
Content Warnings: Mentions of suicide
Irreverent Series Masterlist
"That's your dad?"
You were still reeling in shock as you watched Strauss and your father climb up the stairs towards the offices. Spencer, Emily, and Derek were all watching you. You think the question had come from Spencer but with the ringing in your ears, you couldn't be positive.
What was he doing here? Why was he with Strauss? This was supposed to be your place. Away from them. Away from him. So how on earth was he there, chatting with Strauss as if they were old friends. You must not have schooled your face too well, because Emily was asking you if you were okay. Her voice was lost in the din as you watched Strauss knock on Hotch's door and then draw both him and Rossi into the room with your father.
"Hey, hey, Y/N, look at me!" It was Emily again, trying to get your attention. You blinked and tried to focus on her - her voice - hoping it would ground you. She was holding you by your shoulders and she looked really worried. Both Derek and Spencer were right beside her looking equally bewildered by your reaction.
You had to get in there. You had to know why he was here. If he was here it was for nothing good, of that you were absolutely certain. You tried to give Emily a reassuring smile but it might've just been a grimace at best, because she didn't look reassured in the least. It's okay. You'd explain later. Right now you had to get to Hotch's office before he…before he did or said something that was...something. You weren't sure what. But you knew you had to stop him.
Before you knew it, your legs had carried you up the stairs, leaving your team to look at you worriedly. They'd had no choice but to let you go or risk causing a scene.
You knocked quickly but didn't wait for an answer as you normally would, but simply entered Hotch's office. You were being rude. You'd apologize later for your behavior. But not now. Show no weakness. This was your home, your office, your team.
"Agent L/N, may we help you?" Strauss asked, looking annoyed by your sudden interruption. It was against protocol and in her eyes it was insubordination - the worst of the deadly sins as far as she was concerned. Hotch and Rossi both looked at you curiously. It seemed you'd interrupted them in the middle of introductions though of course Rossi recognized your father. Maybe Hotch did too, who knew.
"I'm sorry, Chief Strauss. Please excuse me, I know I've overstepped. Why are you here?" The last part was directed at your father whose schooled poker face revealed nothing. No surprise at your intrusion. He looked at you with the same look he used to give you when you'd asked a particularly stupid question at the dinner table. The look designed to make you feel small and guilty.
"Agent L/N." It was Strauss again. Your father had chosen to ignore your question it seemed. "This is highly irregular, for you to interrupt a closed door meeting that you were not invited to."
"it's alright Erin. My daughter and I haven't seen one another in some time. Curiosity was a skill I ingrained in all my children. She took to it a little too well it seems," he laughed a bit disingenuously, gesturing to the surroundings. He was trying to defuse the situation but you couldn't be sure why yet.
"Actually Erin," he continued, "since you've assured me that this team is the right team for the job, maybe it would be alright if Y/N joined us?" He was asking, but he wasn't really. He had a way of doing that. "Please everyone, sit. Let's not all be so stiff. Darling, come sit by Papa." He motioned you over to him as he made himself comfortable on Hotch's couch. For some reason unknown to you, you followed and sat down on the cushion next to his, leaning just slightly away from him. You tried to revert your face back to neutral but there was no way Hotch and Rossi couldn't sense your complete unease.
Hotch's guard had already been up when Strauss had strolled into his office with the man, whom he now knew to be your father. Now, watching how you held yourself around him and seemed so electrifyingly confrontational, had every single one of his senses on red alert. He met Rossi's eye and knew that the older agent had caught on to the same - not that it was too hard to do, as you had barged in and demanded to know what the man was doing, daring to step foot in Quantico.
"As we were about to say," Strauss continued, looking thoroughly perturbed by your interruption. "Mr. L/N was contacted recently in his capacity as liaison between us and the Eastern Europeans, with some very disturbing news which he felt it imperative to share with us. The Director has already spoken with me about this, but Mr. L/N was contacted by a concerned citizen who has identified the presence of a serial killer who seems to be hunting American citizens up and down the East Coast for the past several decades."
"What about his role makes him the best contact regarding a tip about serial killers." You could've kissed Hotch for seeing through the bullshit. That's what it was. Complete and utter bullshit. Bureaucratic bullshit that you had been trained to see your entire life. Your father leaned closer and put his arm nearest you at the back of the couch, and then moved it down to be around your shoulders. You just wanted to fling yourself across the room and stand next to Hotch. Behind Hotch. Anywhere but seated near this man.
"I am a trusted figure in these communities. Often these people do not trust law enforcement to be on their side." He was trying to explain his job, his duty as he called it. The entire thing was revolting.
"So what do you have for us, then?" It was Rossi who asked this time, fixing your father with a firm look.
"Oh David, it has been such a long time since we last saw one another. Your directness. Always something I've admired." Ugh. He was trying to be charming. Rossi had to see through it.
Strauss chose to be the one to take Rossi's question. "Mr. L/N has compiled a lot of information on this case. I have already passed it along to both Agents Garcia and Jareau and the BAU will be prioritizing this over any other case." Her tone left little room for argument and you knew you were already on thin ice due to your earlier interruption.
Hotch was fuming on the inside. Strauss was dictating which cases his team did for some political agenda. And your father was at the middle of it for some bizarre reason. You seemed frightened. That was a sobering thought for him. He made sure his face revealed nothing as he simply nodded, knowing he would rant to Rossi about this as soon as Strauss was out of earshot.
The wheels in your head were spinning trying to make sense of it. Strauss wanted the team to take a case to hunt down a serial killer that your father had identified. Why? Who was this man? Why was your father trying to get him caught?
"Darling, why don't we let Agents Hotchner and David here get started and you can join me for dinner?" He was asking you to share a meal with him. Un-fucking-believable.
"Oh Papa, you know I would love to. But as you and Chief Strauss have emphasized, this case is of the utmost importance. I'm sure the whole team will be brought in and we will probably have to fly out tonight." You looked to Hotch for confirmation and he nodded.
"Yes, sir. Agent L/N is correct. We'll be bringing in the whole team and starting right away." Oh that perfect, smart, beautiful man. He was about to get free babysitting for Jack for life.
"Well, in that case, I suppose I'll leave you to it. Chief Strauss, thank you. Agents. Y/N, escort your Papa back to the elevators at the very least and perhaps the two of us can plan something for when you've wrapped up this little nuisance." You wanted to refuse but of course you couldn't. You faked a smile, and as he shook everyone's hands and exited the room, he pulled you in closer, tucking your hand into the crook of his elbow as you walked out together, with Strauss at your heels.
"So, that was Y/N's dad," Hotch found himself feeling a mixture of revulsion and pity as he watched the man force you to walk him to the elevators. Your posture was stiff the entire way.
"Yes, however I've never seen him with Y/N before," Rossi confided as the two of them started to dig into the files that Strauss had left on Hotch's desk.
"Did she seem-"
Hotch nodded grimly.
As the elevator doors closed, hiding his face from view, you knew you had to face the team again. They were bound to have questions. You just weren't sure how honest you were prepared to be with them quite yet.
As you turned to walk back, you saw Rossi summoning everyone to the conference room. He was waiting for you outside, after having ushered everyone else in.
"You okay kiddo?" Rossi actually looked really worried, and you reminded yourself that this was a man who might actually have some idea of who your father truly was.
"Not even in the slightest." You let out a breath that you had likely been holding since you'd heard his voice again.
"Alright, come on in then. We might as well all talk it out," he said, urging you in to join the rest of the team. They all look so worried. Emily made eye contact and you could physically feel her suppressing a what-the-fuck-was-that-y/n? You couldn't look at her too long - any of them. You turned to look at Hotch standing at the head of the table. He still looked calm. A little worried, but he was maintaining the calm overlay and that helped. Hotch was here. Hotch could handle anything.
You knew they were all waiting for you to go first. It seemed Garcia and JJ had filled everyone else in while you'd been in Hotch's office, as they all had a copy of the case file in front of them. You took a deep breath, bracing yourself, not quite knowing what was about to come out of your mouth.
"So…that was my father." You looked around, trying in vain to maybe just laugh it off, but they all looked so concerned still. This was mortifying.
Steeling yourself, you decided to just go for it. "Look, Hotch, whatever he says, whatever he does, don't trust him. This case, there's no way he just came across someone who handed him a file on a serial killer we knew nothing about. Isn't that suspicious to anyone? How did he possibly convince Strauss and the Director!" You had blurted out more than you'd actually meant to. You must look crazy.
They were all suspiciously quiet. It appeared they were deferring to Hotch and Rossi.
"Y/N," Hotch's voice was soft and cajoling, your name always sounded so nice in his mouth. "Why are you afraid of your father?"
Of course he'd pick up on that. You released another deep breath. You could hear the wall clock ticking as they all looked at you still. "My father is not a good man," you began, stifling the part of you screaming at you to trust no one. "Rossi, you know him. You know his reputation. He's not like your mom, Em. He's not an ambassador like her. He makes shady backroom deals and he's a liaison which is really just code for government-approved mob bosses. If he wants something from us, it's part of a larger plan and we won't know what it is until we're in too deep."
You hadn't realized you were shaking as badly as you were, but JJ had come around the table to sit next to you and her warm hand was truly the only thing keeping you mentally in the room instead of in a dark room inside your mind, screaming your head off.
"Okay, but Y/N, that doesn't answer my question. Why are you afraid of him?"
You had to just get it out. They would believe you, even if no one else would.
"I don't know if you guys know this, but I have two older brothers," you started to disclose.
"Yes, older one is Dominic - he works under your father. Your younger brother, the middle child, Julian, is deceased - mugging victim." Reid's recall from your background file sure came in handy.
"Yeah," you gave Spencer a shaky smile for filling in some of the details. You weren't sure how you were going to get this out entirely. JJ's hand was still clasped in yours and Hotch's brow was furrowed in worry, his lips a thin line. "I can't prove this," you said, shaking your head a bit, "but I'm confident that my father had Julian killed."
Penelope gasped, barely audibly.
"Y/N, sweetheart," JJ's voice broke out into the silence. "Why would you think that?"
"Julian was - he was not who my father expected a son of his to be. My father is a traditional man, and he cannot stand anyone contradicting him. Going against what he's ordered them to do. In my last year at Harvard, Julian was seeing someone. He had told me around the holidays and was going to introduce us at graduation. He died the month before. At graduation, a close friend - someone who has been around for me and my family since before I was born - confided in me that he suspected that Julian's death was not a suicide. You see, my father had a business deal he wanted to seal and he was pressuring Julian to date this girl while Julian was in his other relationship."
"Your brother was gay," Rossi asked but it wasn't a question. They all knew by the way you'd described your father.
"Yes. But I didn't know. Like I said, old school, traditional family with a reputation to hold. I only found out afterwards because my friend had Julian's journal from his final days. In it he was going to go public with his relationship and wrote about an argument he had had with my father when he refused to date that girl to seal the deal. My father knew then that Julian was gay."
"But, you really think he would kill his own son?" Derek was standing now, the incredulity evident on his face.
"I know he did. In his final days Julian was scared. My father has a lot of contacts that are seedy at best. Hiring a hit to avoid the embarrassment to the family of having a gay son - that is something that he would do. I grew up with the man, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that he's capable of it."
"Y/N," Emily had finally spoken. She looked at you and you knew that she wanted to believe you but her inner investigator needed more. "Is it possible that Julian committed suicide?"
"Yeah, it is," you admitted. "In which case my father drove him to it and then made it seem like a mugging to avoid the embarrassment of a gay son who committed suicide."
JJ's touch was reminding you too much of how good of a person she was and the crap family that you were associated with. You withdrew your hand from hers and stood to go lean against the wall as they all processed everything you'd revealed. Penelope brought over a glass of water for you and made sure you drank it, petting your hair to help calm you down. You hadn't realized you were still trembling.
After a few minutes, it appeared Rossi and Hotch had come to some sort of nonverbal decision, because Hotch had walked over to stand in front of you. You looked up to meet his eyes - his warm brown eyes which seemed lit with fire - rage and anger on your behalf. "Okay, then we'll work the case. But there's two cases. One is the case we've been handed. The other is figuring out why."
His declaration was directed just at you but it was obviously meant for the whole team. As you looked around the room, you could tell there were people in here who believed you with no proof at all. They'd simply accepted that he was evil and there was a larger plot afoot, just because you'd said so. All they'd needed was your word.
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
Stitches (Soulmate AU - Midoriya x Reader)
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Soulmate AU: Wherein whenever your other half gets injured or is in pain, you feel the same pain in that specific part in your body and it lasts on you depending with the severity of their injury.
Summary: The thought that you have a clumsy person for a soulmate sounded cute. Not until you're currently studying as a hero and you don't really need to feel their pain all the time.
That's a Soulmate AU prompt I came up with. Idk if somebody else has already done this so I won't be claiming this prompt as mine.
Also, made a Soulmate AU for Oikawa (here) and Kageyama (here)
Plus, this is Stitches because the song (Shawn Mendez's) reminds me of Midoriya (my fave title so far).
"So you're Y/N?" The lady hero asked.
"Yes," you smiled confidently, eager to look as if you're someone dependable.
"Hmmm..." She hummed as she looks at your data while swaying her swivel chair, "Nice quirk..." She complimented, "And you specialize in natural disasters situations?"
"Yes," you nodded, "But I am confident that I can fight for crimes as well."
She smiled at you, "Terrific! We like a hero who is versatile," she said with a satisfied eyes, "A question though...is that your hero costume?"
You glanced at your hero costume you personally designed, "Yes."
"And... those white patches in your arms and neck? Part of the costume as well?"
You glance at your arms and neck this time, "These are salonpas," you explained.
"Uh, why?" She said, confused.
You gave her a smile. A smile that appears to be fine at first but the moment you stare too long, it'd show your real pain.
"Because I am in pain." Invisible tear rolling down your eyes.
Growing up, you get yourself stung from time to time because of a person you're still about to meet. In this world where your other half shares the same pain to you, it's natural for everybody to suddenly feel pain out of the blue.
So back when you were younger, you'd chuckle with how you'd get stung a lot in a day.
"They're probably clumsy," you giggled one time when you felt yourself slightly ache at your arms, stomach, and chin.
It was cute, to be honest. You didn't mind a clumsy soulmate. You'd be willing to be their pillar, to be someone they can rely to so in that way, you both wouldn't be in pain anymore!
You didn't expect you'd eventually grow tired of it though...
First year... your first year as a high school student was hell. The pain you've been feeling from time to time during middle school is incomparable with the pain your soulmate has started to inflict on you.
The first severe one was when you felt your right hand in pain. It was so painful to the point you couldn't use it and you had to be excused for weeks. For someone who is aiming to be a hero, weeks without training and studying is a torture.
You thought this was acceptable and you could let it slide. But months later, during your physical examination to see how far your quirks have improved, your soulmate suddenly stung you in you right arm AND INCLUDING THE FINGERS THIS TIME.
You flunked the test and almost got dropped out of class.
"I don't want to meet them. I will never meet them." An oath you promised to yourself when you got your arms and legs immobilized for weeks.
Snapping from your straying thoughts, the lady hero has guided you towards this room. She twisted the door open, allowing you both access.
The first thing you immediately noticed was a short guy with a very noticeable costume. It's literally puking green! Beside him is probably his friend whose hair is divided into two colors.
"These are interns from UA. They started their internship earlier than you. They've been here for a week now," the woman explained as you both walk towards them, which made them look at you.
You glanced at the green boy once again. The way his eyes beamed at you and how his grin is so wide made your stomach churn. And when he offered you his hand? You couldn't help but be annoyed.
"This guy is definitely a klutz," you commented at the back of your mind.
"Hi! I'm Midoriya Izuku! You can call me Deku," he said and the way his voice is so energetic made you want to just...ran away from his sight.
"This guy here is Shoto Todoroki..." He introduced his friend.
Without breaking your frown, you took his hand, "Midoriya, Shoto," you said, now plastering a fake smile. God, can you just stay away from this clumsy-looking guy? "I’m Y/N. Nice meeting you..." You replied but...
"Uh..." Your eyes wandered all around his body, "May I ask...what happened to you and you have a cast in your arm?"
"Oh, this?" He recklessly waved his casted arm, making you frown in pain just by looking at it, "We were chasing a robber last week so..." He responded with an awkward chuckle.
That was the cue. The emergency system inside you immediately screamed at you:
Which is easy, honestly. Especially when your field of expertise vastly differ? You're mostly on patrols for crowd control. While Midoriya and his friend, on the hand, are assigned to serious business (like tailing criminals and such).
But I guess you're unconsciously drawn to klutzy people as you ended up worrying for Deku every time they went back to the agency after a shift, with a brand new scratch or bruise.
"Where did you get this?" Probably your most overrated line every time you see him, "How come you're wounded and Todoroki is not?"
With a sheepish smile, he'd scratched his freckled cheeks, "I kind of jumped off this tall building and stuff."
"You what?" The most overrated line you use whenever he explains where he got his wounds.
You'd end up sighing as you reached for the back pocket of your costume, revealing a sheet of Salonpas.
"These help me when I receive...wounds from someone," you mumbled, cheeks slightly fuming as you placed the Salonpas on his palms, "Use these after your first aid..."
You probably hated him because he reminded you of your soulmate. Every time he returns from a shift, you can't help but feel the secondhand pain from his wounds. As someone who is accustomed of getting the feeling of being injured from time to time, you surprisingly relate to him.
Today, you woke up feeling tired. Like, really really tired. Your legs are heavy and your arms felt numb. You barely felt how hot your mug is against your fingers when you drank your coffee this morning. You feel stinging sensation at your cheeks. Probably scratches, you thought to yourself as you deducted what happened to your soulmate.
An accident? A brawl? You frowned. Could it be your soulmate is a gangster all along? And he wasn't clumsy? He was just fighting?
These thoughts circulated your mind. You didn't even notice how you've reached the headquarters of the hero agency you're interning for, surprised that you've arrived earlier than Deku and Todoroki.
"Oh, they've arrived," a hero read your mind as you greeted them a good morning, "Actually no. They didn't go home. They're at the clinic."
You frowned, dropping the duffle bag containing your costume, "Why?"
"Oh, they had it rough last night. Caught a criminal. You can check them if you want."
You didn't really need your superior to tell you that, though, as you found your feet directing you towards the clinic. Your hand moving on its own, twisting the knob to the right.
And there you see Deku, sprawled on the bed. Beside him a sleeping Todoroki. Deku immediately sensed you as he looked towards your direction. His eyes brighter than they could be as he gives you a toothy grin.
"Y/N!" He beamed, "And wow, what happened to you? What's with all the Salonpas?"
"I should be asking that to you," you retorted with anger, nose fuming as you crossed your arms tightly, "What happened to you?"
Midoriya gives you a smile, an apologetic smile that you consider as his trump card. Somehow, you couldn't help but let him pass whenever he flashed that grin and that fact irritates you more.
"We were chasing this criminal and I kind of overused my quirk," he said, scratching the Salonpas in his cheek, "I'm actually feeling good! Though my arms are numb. I couldn't feel them. And my legs are so tired I can't move them at all. And-"
"Your nape feels heavy? Along with your temples? Painful stomach and the scratches at your cheeks stings?" You cut him off.
Midoriya's jaw drops, wide eyes widening more, "Y/N, wow. How did you know?"
You pressed your lips tight, closing your eyes as your brows furrowed more. You clammed your palms on your arms hard, inhaling as much air as you can to gather the courage you need to reveal the conclusion you've ended with after all your observation.
"You're... you're my soulmate, idiot," you exhaled, now opening your eyes to see Midoriya's baffled expression.
"Y/YN..." He stammered, "Uh...I didn't know...I mean...I thought that's not real..." He added, "Wait, so that is real?!"
Now his cheeks are as red as Todoroki's hair, his jaw totally dropped as his eyes dilated.
"Wait, so you're feeling pain right now?!" He exclaimed again.
"Wanna bet?" You asked in a playful grin, trying to hide your irritation. You raised your hand on the air and Midoriya immediately got what you're aiming for.
"Y-Y/N, don't-"
You slapped yourself. Hard.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
How It Should Have Happened - Outing Lila
Here’s an idea for a particularly lovely Lila reveal:
After the events of Silencer, Kitty Section gets a lot of publicity. Everyone is talking about how Both Roth and XY tried to steal from them, the akuma that resulted, and how they were outed on TV for doing so.
So of course Lila has to join in on the craze and makes up lies to keep the attention on herself.
There are just two things.
First off, that when Kitty Section made their as of yet only public appearance, it was while wearing their masks.
Secondly, that nobody as of yet had told Lila just WHO they were.
So Lila is spinning a new story about how SHE got her “best friend Ladybug” to out Bob Roth and was the main reason he was revealed for the cheat he was. How SHE knew the designer behind the costumes personally and even gave him the ideas for their creation. And how SHE knows the band, how SHE inspired their songs, and even that the lead guitarist even had a crush on HER.
Everything goes dead quiet.
The members of Kitty Section are confused. Ivan is about to speak up when someone else steps forward.
It’s Marinette, and she’s smiling in a way that anyone who knows her would be terrified by—which at this point is only Nino, who promptly backs away and pulls a confused Adrien with him.
“You mean the same one who made Jagged Stone’s glasses and album cover? Wow Lila! Tell us more.” Marinette encouraged.
Confused but jumping on the opportunity, Lila nods. “Oh, he’s gotten pretty popular. I’m so glad, since I helped to get his name out there. I introduced him to Jagged Stone when he made those glasses. Jagged was so impressed that he asked him to make the album cover as well. I just knew it’d be a hit!”
Everyone is staring. Marinette is still smiling. It’s questionable whether it’s the blatant lies from Lila or Marinette’s unnerving attitude that had them more concerned.
And Lila, in her foolishness, only tried to amp it up more.
“You know, I could get you a meeting with him for some tips and collaboration.” Lila said with false sweetness. Of course she had no intention of doing so, but it’d make her look better in front of the class to seem like she’s trying to be friendly with Marinette. “We’re such close friends, after all. I’m sure he’d love to meet you!”
And just like that, the trap was closed.
Marinette’s grin turned downright feral.
“That’d be a little difficult, seeing as how you’d be trying to schedule me with myself.”
Lila froze.
“MDC. Marinette Dupain Cheng.” Her eyes narrowed. “That would be me.”
“You don’t have to make things up, Marinette.” Lila said with a glower. “I’ve met MDC."
“So has everyone else in class. But if you’re so certain, let’s ask Kitty Section since you were apparently so involved. Ivan? Rose? Juleka? What are your thoughts?”
Lila paled and spun to face the band members.
The three frowned at Lila in anger and hurt.
“I didn’t call Lila on anything. Did you guys?” Marinette continued, looking to the band members.
“None of us did because of everything that had happened. There was no time.” Ivan explained, looking more angry.
“Then…why would you lie?” Rose asked, looking about ready to cry. “Marinette…everyone had worked so hard!”
“Did you really just try to take credit from us?” Ivan demanded. “We just got done with dealing with that from Bob Roth, we don’t need it from you, too!”
If looks could kill, Lila would have had a heart attack from Juleka’s downright sinister glare. “Not cool. My brother doesn’t even know you. And he likes…” She faltered for a second. “…someone else.”
Lila shrunk at the outrage, glancing around quickly to try to find an out. Her gaze fell on Marinette and she saw a hint of spite before Lila started putting on the waterworks.
“How could you do this, Marinette? I was only trying to protect your identity and you would try to turn it on me? After I helped you with your designs.” She fake sobbed into her hands.
Marinette was not impressed.
Neither was anyone else.
“It was never a secret.” Max stated, looking annoyed.
“Yeah! Everyone knows Marinette made Jagged’s glasses and album cover!” Kim exclaimed.
“And won Gabriel Agreste’s hat contest!” Alix added, crossing her arms.
“We were with Marinette for the entire time we were all working on the video.” Rose explained, shaking her head. “She was drawing out the designs right there with us the whole time! We would have known if you were involved.”
“And she was right there with us when we tried to confront Bob Roth. You weren’t.” Ivan stated with a fierce glare.
“She-she texted me!” Lila insisted. “That’s how I knew!”
“Marinette doesn’t like you. She wouldn’t text or call you about anything if she could help it.” Alya cut in, almost in a rage. “And after that stunt, I can see why.”
Lila at least stopped trying to pretend she was crying as she attempted to defend her claims. “Well, she did! And that’s why I got in touch with Ladybug—”
“Are you even friends with her? Or was that a lie?” Alya demanded.
“It’s not! You can’t prove that!” Lila insisted.
Juleka looked up from her phone. “Even if we can’t prove one way or the other on Ladybug, I just texted Luka and he confirmed that he doesn’t even know a Lila. And I know you weren’t there when we were coming up with any of the songs. So that’s two lies for sure.”
“And your helping Marinette’s another one. As was your claim on introducing her to herself.”
Lila looked away, nervous now as her lies started to crumble around her. “I was only—”
“You were only lying. Again.” Alya seethed. “And if you were lying about that, I have to wonder what else you’ve been lying to us about.”
Everyone outright glared at Lila with only two exceptions.
One being Adrien, who only shook his head in disappointment at her. His words came back that her lies would only turn everyone against her and now she was starting to see that.
The other was Marinette Dupain-Cheng herself. Who didn’t look angry. Only vindicated, as she smiled at Lila in the most saccharine way.
“Thanks for the opportunity!”
Lila fumed, knowing just what “opportunity” Marinette meant.
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coffeebeannate · 4 years
The Old Guard: Vol 2-Force Multiplied (Summary &Overview)
I’d been meaning to make this post for a while, and kept forgetting. Because I know there are those who are curious about the comics and not sure about reading them, or can’t read them, would rather opt out etc. So I’ve put together a basic summary and breakdown of what happens within the issue. I’ll include some information about the characters, some timelines (as I can, we know what Greg thinks of timelines) and mostly keep it uncommented until my own general thoughts at the end.
The movie mostly follows the first comic almost completely, and bits of the second, so I’ve not created a summary of the first volume.
Under a cut, includes images and information. If you want a TL’DR, skip to ‘Final Thoughts’ at the end. Long post.
Content/Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Human Trafficking, Slavery, Torture (This one I need some clarification on, gonna use the word just in case but..basically that’s what it is)
Credits: The Old Guard Vol 2 Force Multiplied is created by writer Greg Rucka and aritst Leandro Fernandez. Colouring by Daniele Miwa. Letters by Jodi Wynne. Publication Design by Eric Trautmann. Edited by Alejandro Arbonna.  Published by Image Comics. Graphic Novel Published 2020. USA. 
Characters and Settings
Characters are the same from volume one. So we still have Andy, Joe, Nicky, Booker, and Nile. As well as more about Lykon and Noriko (she’s not Quynh in the comics, she’s Noriko). There’s more Copley too.
Additional/new characters are FBI  Agent Mustafa King  (also called Moose) and people who work for Noriko *none are named*.
Setting is California, USA and historical settings for the flashbacks we have for Andy. Summary and Overview (Basically the story overall, broken down, with my own commentary)
We open here, with a flashback of Andy’s earliest life. It’s a tiny bit vague, but provides the general idea.
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I believe Andy is mortal here, but I’m not 100% sure. I believe she’s providing the narration to her first death. Which comes as the result of being betrayed in battle.
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(Much of the stories focus is on Andy. I’ve noted it before, but Andy is our narrator, and a lot of the story is told via her flashbacks, over narration and POV. The comics really are Andy’s story, with the cast supporting around her.
We cut to modern day, of Andy, Nile. Nicky and Joe doing a job in California, USA. I believe the whole job revolves around taking down human traffickers, and in a couple parts. The job at the beginning has a shoot-out during the day, a car chase and then a stealth take down on a dock and shipping warehouse at night.
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I just thought Andy looked cool here. Moving on.
Nile and Andy have a cool sportscar. Joe and Nicky have this very stylish *coughs* but exceptionally practical large van.
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After the four of them take care of their day business, we cut to Booker being confronted in Paris by Noriko. Now the scene presented in the comics here is close to what we see at the end of the movie. Except this time it’s at night, and Noriko essentially kidnaps Booker. Since she wants to know where the others are, and Booker won’t tell her.
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I’ll cut right to the chase. She uh. She tends to torture him. She’s got him on a heavy chain with a metal collar, and at one point drowns him over and over again to get him to talk. He never does, but she keeps him around anyway. 
Around this time Agent King (Moose) appears, and then manages to come across Nile. Which leads to the infamous ‘stew of romance’ scene. 
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However. while Nicky and Joe are amused (and making bets on him asking her out).. (I love them)
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Andy is not amused at all and loses her goddamned mind over it. To which she threatens to..spank Nile (????????) and Nicky and Joe basically tell her to calm down. (Andy’s worried that Nile befriending a mortal is going to end badly, and Nicky and Joe remind her that even if it does, they can’t just stop her. And that some things, Nile has to learn and adjust to herself. Nile is smart, and she’ll come to her own conclusions in time. Interfering isn’t right.
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(They all look so sad in the bottom there, help me)
After this is the night mission at the warehouse docks.
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Another shot I just thought was cool. Nicky’s sniping shots are done really well.
After they finish, Noriko comes out of the actual blue to get them. Or well..attack them. Joe’s the first one to greet her, and all she does is comment about how he (Yusuf) hasn’t changed and shoots him. She shoots Nile and Andy as well. After both of them recover, Andy and Noriko start fighting, and Nicky puts a stop to it by shooting them both.
(It’s after Andy see’s Noriko that we get the first flashback from Andy to the ships, the same storm that ended up throwing Noriko overboard all those centuries ago and causing her time at sea).
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After Noriko and Andy revive from Nicky’s snipe shot, they split, leading us into the next day where Copley and Agent King (Moose, our new character) are surveying the damage at the warehouse and trying to decide what went down.
Copley already knows it’s the Guard, and is trying to explain this to Moose. I do kind of like this moment, where Copley comments to himself about Nicky being a good shot.
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Hey-credit where credit is due and all.
Shortly after this, Copley falls on Nicky and Joe’s radar. And they quickly accost him at night. Which is far more satisfying than I thought it would be. A lot of the outcome with Copley and them does feel pretty good. 
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(Nicky’s scary face aside, I kind of love this shot, and this moment)
They don’t beat around the bush nor give him much leeway. They let him know-without preamble, that they’re pissed and his continued existence is on their good graces unless he explains himself.
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I have actually discussed this before (here-also has extra screencaps) so I won’t go too hard in detail on it.  But I do love these scenes a lot. I like that they’re allowed to be as fuming angry as they have every right to be, and that they present Copley with no bullshit. Nicky and Joe are completely on the same page. And Copley is made aware of where he stands very quickly. This is where Copley presents them with the information he’d collected in his little self driven conspiracy adventure about them, and then drops the bomb that he knows Noriko has Booker.
Around this time, Andy has more flashbacks of Lykon and her old life..including participating in slave trading of humans. (Which comes back near the end) she also meets up with Norkio. Noriko’s main belief system at present is that, they are above humans *mortals* and there is no reason to behave otherwise. They have no need to stay on the same level as mortals when they’re not.
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Also around this time Nile hooks up with Agent King.
Copley gives the information about how to track Booker and Noriko to a boat that Noriko is keeping him on and Andy and Nile join them up in the nick of time. This is also where Copley informs them about how Noriko has gotten her money-organized crime..and basically whatever she can get her hands on. Which is also how Noriko has her own personal army.
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‘Fancy’ Joe please.
And for whatever reason, Copley seems to think ‘undercover/distracting’ means..being as stereotypically British as possible?
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Though I’ll be honest, I mostly post this cap for how badass Nicky looks.
So! Everything culminates in the boat battle, and at the end, they get Booker back, and handle Noriko. Everyone goes back to a hotel to celebrate, and things are fine until Nile asks Andy about something Noriko had told her. She’d at one point accosted Nile, and told her to ask Andy about “Law 282″ which Andy reveals is the Code of Hammurabi. Which is how they all find out about Andy’s participation in slave trades. slavery etc. Back in her more..ancient warrior days. Nile, and the others are pretty appalled and Andy has a bit of a mental breakdown and explains that she can’t carry on anymore. She won’t. She can’t keep fighting, she can’t keep doing this. Which is when Nile tells them that they have to go. 
They don’t really want to leave her, and ask her repeatedly to come with them-but she won’t. So they leave, even though Andy says she doesn’t want to be alone, they leave. (This is where I say, unless they physically forced Andy to come I don’t personally see what else they could have done without Andy fighting them, and probably figure that she’ll come around).
Next morning:
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I’m not sure what ‘others’ Noriko is referring to here, but I personally think she set a lot of this up. She gave Nile that law to give back on purpose. I do wonder if it was part of a larger scheme on her end to alienate Andy from her team and swoop in, but I have no true proof of this beyond theory.
So that’s the basic summary of what happens. 
Other Points:
Noriko vs Quynh
Noriko is very very much NOT Quynh, and I don’t believe the movie is going to act as such either. I’ve seen some *legitimate* concerns with having Quynh portrayed within the movie as she is in the comics, but given the complete difference between the tone of the movies, and the comics, I think that they’ve already set it up to be different. Personally, I’m not too concerned. I have a lot of faith in Gina Prince-Bythewood, and I can already sense where they’re probably going to make alterations.
Andy/Being Abandoned
Andy’s story has some issues. It’s not..great. It is legitimately hard to reconcile the Andy we know with her past, but I don’t see the ending as the team ‘abandoning’ her to the degree it’s presented. I think they FULLY intended to give her some time to cool off and get their bearings themselves, then come back for her. She keeps telling them she won’t come, but they absolutely do try. And everyone knows that nobody forces Andy to do anything Andy doesn’t want to do.
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I mean, Idk, but these just..don’t look to be the faces of people who willingly want to leave her behind.
Just Because: 
Nicky and Joe looking over Copley’s work. It’s sweet. Feat WWII Joe.
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Final Thoughts
There are-without a single doubt, issues with the comics. I will never deny that. I do enjoy reading them, and I enjoy the dialogue a lot. (And Miwa’s absolutely incredible colouring). I think that there’s a definite difference in tone to them and that there are places where things could be expanded upon overall.
The comics are, as I’ve said before-Andy’s story. The other characters very much exist in support of her, and do not do a lot separately themselves. The movie is definitely more..family with them? Everyone’s personality in the comics is harsher overall. A little bit more dry and dangerous. There’s definitely less comradery with the team too and way less of a family vibe.
As characters, Nicky and Joe are very very similar to their movie counterparts, and I think they are written quite well. They seem to make decisions about what to do together, always appear on the same page *when we see them* and follow the same wavelength We get the sense that they’re completely in-sync. I also do like *though I did say it before* that they’re allowed to have the appropriate reactions and some resolution of what happened to them in Vol 1.
Nile still doesn’t feel as fleshed-out as she could be, so I’m really glad the movie put way more emphasis on her.
There’s some truly strong points in the dialogue-and I personally think dialogue and writing is one of Rucka’s strong points as a writer. Even if I still want to beg him to hire any type of historian whatsoever..and someone who can do math.
I sympathize with the math bit, this is why a helper would be good.
I’m going to wrap it up here, because holy moley this got LONG. If you’ve made it to the end, hi! Feel free to message me with any questions.
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maybedancanwrite · 3 years
Here’s my first fic for the Harry Potter fandom. Hinny Fic.
A one-shot behind my art. For more, visit my Instagram art page: @dan.artchive
Read here: FFnet or AO3
It was a warm and sunny Friday that shone through the streets of Diagon Alley. Two Aurors wearing their dark red Auror robes were casually walking through the crowd of shoppers. The first Auror appeared to be average in height that had brown hair, tanned skin, and bright grey eyes. The second one was a tall, stocky, strawberry blonde bloke with pale skin and piercing blue eyes. One would think that the pair were normal wizards walking through the famous Wizarding shop in London but the two of them were under a charm to look different. If Alastor “Mad-eye” Moody was alive, he would have seen right through the charm with his eerie magical eye, hence, the moniker, “Mad-eye”.
 Apparently, the second Auror was on the verge of nervousness the entire day playing out the worst scenarios possible in his head that could happen on what he was about to do that afternoon. The first Auror found it amusing that the man, who saved the Wizarding World, was worrying over a huge question that could be answered by a yes or no. They strode to the lone jewelry shop in magical London to obtain the thing.
 “Okay, here we go,” huffed Harry Potter, the second Auror in disguise. He opened the door and the bell above it rang, signaling the store keeper that someone has arrived.
 “Relax, mate, I’m sure she would say yes. You’ve been dating for almost four years now,” said Ron Weasley, the first Auror in disguise for the nth time, assuring him again and again that nothing would go wrong. They had this conversation over a month ago when Harry asked for Ginny’s hand from all the Weasley family members, in secret, of course. If Ginny knew, she would have thrown a fit stating that no one gets to decide to who she marries. 
Harry only nodded to the words of comfort coming from Ron. He greeted the store keeper a good day and asked for the ring that he requested to be made a week ago. The store keeper, named Jane, asked for his magical signature (a receipt in the Muggle world) for security and clarity purposes. Upon seeing the signature, Jane’s eye widened in shock and confusion. Who wouldn’t be confused if the magical signature (designed to be forge-proof) of Harry Potter were to appear but the man before her was completely different from the famous Harry Potter? Nevertheless, she kept her confused thoughts to herself and headed to the back of the shop to obtain said requested ring.
It took about two to three minutes before Jane arrived bringing the velvet box. Harry gingerly grabbed and opened it to see a beautiful engagement ring perfect for his beloved girlfriend. The ring was a beautiful silver band encrusted with diamonds around it with the peridot gemstone, her birthstone, on top of it all. It was perfect. Perfect ring for his perfect love of his life. Harry thanked her and requested to keep it a secret for now, because Harry realized that sooner or later, the press will know and would have published it in numerous papers with exaggerated headlines.
It was now four in the afternoon when Harry realized that Ginny will be off from practice in an hour. Somehow excited yet nervous, Harry fumbled the velvet box silently praying to the heavens that she would say yes. Harry, who took half a day off with Ron, was lounging in the drawing room of 12 Grimmauld Place after they went to retrieve the ring from the shop. Ron, who stayed with Harry after, was still snoring on the couch sometimes murmuring Hermione’s name.
 Harry aroused Ron from his sleep telling him that they need to go to Holyhead in ten minutes to finally ask the question. Ron, internalizing Harry’s word, was now fully awake and as excited as Harry. The pair then groomed themselves decently, especially Harry.
Ten minutes and a crack of noise later, the pair of Aurors, now not disguised, were sauntering along the grounds of the Holyhead Harpies’ stadium after some security checks and asking their purpose of visit. Harry told Ron to wear his invisibility cloak only to remove it until after the proposal, after she says yes, that is if she says yes, and snap a surprise photo.
The pair strode down to the stadium’s Quidditch pitch stands just in time to see the Harpies in the middle of their cool down routines. Harry roamed his eyes to a sea of women in green robes to locate where his girlfriend was. After a moment or so, he located her. There she was, looking so hot and sexy even in her current state; hair a mess, flushed cheeks and sweaty. 
 Thirty minutes later, the captain-slash-coach, Gwenog Jones, was now giving post-practice announcement, one of them was a two-day break much to the delight of the Harpies. Afterwards, the Harpies, who were now heading to their locker rooms, saw Harry approaching the team fumbling something under his robes. The ladies greeted Harry with a wave of hand, some nods, some saying “Wotcher, Potter”, and some pointing to their lead chaser, Ginny Weasley. 
 Harry returned their greetings and then walked to the center of the pitch with Ron behind, still under the invisibility cloak. He saw Ginny starting to remove her protective gears on her legs. He walked to her and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek only to be swatted by her small adorable hands pointing out that she was sweaty as hell. The two of them giggling while a hidden Ron was fake gagging. She was about to remove her protective arm gears when Harry took hand and donned his serious, loving and passionate face.
 “Gin, I-I don’t know how to start this but…,” started Harry, rubbing his thumb along her hand. Ginny, who knows her boyfriend really well, noticed how rubbing his thumb along any surface, this time her hand, is a sign of him being nervous of some sort.
 Ginny was about to speak out her thoughts when Harry gently asked her to let him finish.
 “Gin, the past years has been my absolute happiest moments. Living like a normal person, no mad dark wizard after me every year, no life threatening activities ever since – well, except for the raids and field missions,” he said, chuckling at the last part.
 “What I’m trying to say is…,” continued Harry, hoping the next words that will come out of his mouth would be not be too much for her. “I don’t want you to be my girlfriend anymore.”
 Ginny’s jaw drop every slightly with tears now starting to roll down her flushed cheeks. She was too frozen to remove her hand from his. The thing she was scared the most was now slowly happening. The thought of Harry leaving her for someone better than her was always at the back of her mind. 
 Unbeknownst to Ginny and Harry, Ron was fuming. This was not what Harry told him. This was not the scene he pictured out when Harry told Ron that he was asking his only sister to be his wife. Ron was about to pull the invisibility cloak when Harry went down on one knee, his other hand trembling as he held the velvet box. The box opened itself knowing that Harry had probably cast a non-verbal spell. The box, to Ron and Ginny’s surprise, was not the ring but a golden snitch.
 “Ginevra Molly Weasley, my love, my dear Gin, I’m sorry for shocking you like that. I love you and I don’t think that I can go on in this life without you in it. I may be a prat, a git, or whatever do you call me sometimes when you’re annoyed, but this prat loves you with all my heart,” he said, professing his love for her. Tears were still rolling down her cheeks, all flustered. “Would you let me be the happiest man and be my wife? Will you marry me?” asked Harry, gently taking the snitch from the box and caressing it softly along her hand revealing the peridot ring. 
 “Y-yes! Of course I will marry you, you prat,” said Ginny, hitting Harry square in the chest. “That’s for scaring me like that, Potter.”
 Harry slid the ring to her ring finger and kissed her. “I love you so much, soon-to-be Mrs Potter,” confessed Harry, hugging her so tightly.
“I love you, too,” replied Ginny, inhaling his fiancé’s lovely scent that she loves so much. When the couple pulled apart, Ginny asked about the snitch in question.          
 “The snitch…It’s the snitch I caught from my fifth year, isn’t it?” 
 Harry nods. “I got it from Madam Hooch. It seems that she has been keeping all snitches that won every House finals. Took me a lot of time convincing her but at the end she caved in,” he chuckled.  
Suddenly, a bright flash interrupted the couple’s sweet moment. Ron had finally removed the cloak and took a photo of the newly engaged couple, much to Ginny’s chagrin. Ginny was supposed to be mad at him for interrupting their moment but she noticed that his eyes were slightly puffed so instead of being mad at him, she hugged her brother. 
 “Alright, you,” said Ron, slowly pulling himself from his sister, trying to discreetly sniff and not to sound hoarse. “Go to your future husband and I’ll snap a photo of you.”
Ginny obliged and went to Harry for their first proper photo of their engagement. Harry, in his Auror robes, held her by her waist while pressing a kiss on her head and inhaling her flowery smell despite the sweat. Ginny leaned against Harry, her puffed eyes showing nothing but love and happiness with her bright and wide smile. She showed her ring to the camera while pointing at it. The snitch hovering close by. 
Harry was over the moon, the girl he pined for most of his sixth year, who then became his girlfriend for almost four years, was now about to become his wife. At the prime age of twenty two, he was at his happiest.
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thefinalyeehaw · 3 years
(Obey Me Fic) Deathly Hearts {Ch. 2 - The Great Mammon and the Third-born Brother}
The House of Lamentation was more refined from the usual image of an academy's dorm house. The entrance hall was a grand room; vaulted ceilings emphasized its vastness. The walls were luxuriously decorated with oil paintings and golden light fixtures. Two stone statues of dragons sat hunched over at the curve of the dual staircases as if to attack any unwelcome guest. The floor shined with a fresh layer of wax on the wood surface, a long, intricate runner stretched across the length of the shiny floor ending in another room beyond the grand hall. The rug looked to be recently laundered, definitely by the command of Lucifer.
"This is the House of Lamentation. It's one of the dorms here at R.A.D. Well, it's not JUST one of the dorms. It's the dorm reserved for student council members." Mammon's voice echoed as he strolled into the center of the hall. He gestured lazily around like a bored tour guide.
His fluffy white hair contrasted the dark colors of the entrance hall. Killian noticed a trend with the demonic brothers; all were extremely attractive. Mammon was a handsome demon with a slender yet athletic physique, his tan skin reminiscent of warm chocolate. His golden-blue eyes reminded her of gold and sapphire; a few necklaces she owned came to mind.
Before meeting Mammon, Mattie and Killian were introduced to three other brothers. First, there was Asmodeus, the fifth-born brother, beautiful with wavy champagne hair. The demon's orange eyes held a yellow gradient, reminiscent of a human world sunset. The fifth-born spoke with saccharine words and coquettish mannerism. However, the reaper wasn't blind to the way his gaze slid down her physique before shooting her an impish smile. Killian scoffed in response, quickly neutralizing her face when Diavolo looked at her quizzically. She knew Diavolo would ask her later about it. Fucking Great.
Next, the fourth-born Satan, devilishly handsome as Lucifer. Golden blond locks, reminding Killian of a particular bothersome angel, and smoldering green eyes, blurring into yellow, heavily contrasted the hall's gothic style. Killian grew unnerved as Satan spoke, sensing the unbridled rage concealed by the poise of a gentleman's demeanor. Unlike Asmodeus's seduction failures on Killian and Mattie, Satan's wrath was concerned, to say the less, for many reasons. Many included the safety of her and the human as she doubted the Avatar of Wrath was exceptionally patient with others. Since he greeted the reaper with the warmth of an iceberg.
Last was Beelzebub, the sixth-born brother. Standing the tallest of the other demons, except for Diavolo. A disinterested frown etched on the towering man's handsome face, violet eyes stared blankly at Mattie and Killian. Clear hints of muscles barely hidden underneath his rumpled uniform as Beelzebub shifted slightly. He spoke bluntly to them before complaining about his hunger to Lucifer, prompting a glare from the firstborn.
Although Killian would admit rooming with attractive demons for a year is a plus, to an extent. Honestly, she might have flirted a bit with Mammon or Satan if one wasn't so full of himself and the other being a ticking bomb of rage. The arrogance practically bleeds from Mammon's attitude from the moment he barged into the assembly hall, spewing useless threats and shooting glares at her and Mattie. But, of course, he is a totally insufferable bastard. Even better than Lucifer appointed him as the unofficial babysitter of her and Mattie as luck loved to fuck Killian over sometimes.
Mattie strolled further into the room, eyes twinkling at a stone dragon statue. They hovered a hand over the stone, fingers mimicking the curved designs on the dragon's chest. "So, I guess we are members of the student council, then." They awed. Killian smiled at the child-like curiosity on the human's face. "It seems like it. Although, oddly, mostly all of the council are brothers."
Mammon's face soured at the reaper's words, the second-born began to rant, "Lucifer, Asmo, and the others take every chance they can get to insult me. Callin' me scum, sayin' that I'm a money-grubber and stuff...but I'm an officer on the student council, same as them. The elite of the elite, the top of the R.A.D. social pyramid." Mattie and Killian exchanged looks as they watched as Mammon grew more riled, thriving the captive attention of two new members.
Mammon's gesticulation grew more dramatic as he became more impassioned with the speech of his sheer greatness, "In other words, I'm a big shot. A REAL big shot. Like, even regular big shots are impressed by what a big shot I am. So don't you go thinking that I'm just some ordinary demon. I'm nothing like those other peons walking the halls here!"
Killian grinned, "I doubt any of those 'peons' would dare to compare themselves to the great Mammon." Mattie hid a laugh behind their hand as Mammon puffed out his chest proudly. Apparently missing the sarcasm oozing from Killian's words as she studied a painting of an unsmiling couple dressed in Victorian attire.
"Exactly!" Mammon exclaimed, believing Killian's words as the human let out a snort behind him. The second-born cleared his throat "...Anyways, the long and short of it is that us seven brothers all live here together." He quickly summarized, his golden-blue eyes never leaving the emotionless porcelain mask as Killian turned around. "It's time I show you to your rooms. Follow me, and ya betta not get lost!" Swiftly pivoting on his feet, Mammon ascended up the left staircase. His stomps clicked against the marble steps.
Mattie hurriedly followed the demon up the stairs as Killian lagged behind; a bulletin board pinned to the wall against the second landing caught her attention. Although she was a princess, Killian enjoyed working. As a young reapling, Killian helped her nanny with simple tasks such as cooking and cleaning. As an adult, she performed countless jobs in the human realm, accumulating vast life experiences and skills. Maybe she'll ask Diavolo about part-time jobs in the Devildom when their first meeting is scheduled.
Unlike Mattie's tasks as a R.A.D. student, Killian's tasks included monthly meetings with Diavolo, a check-in on her progress in the Devildom. The prince's eyes shone as he cheerfully commented on how he looked forward to their sessions. It seemed he was suggesting the meetings were like a hang-out between old friends and not a conversation between a student and the headmaster of R.A.D. Not wanting to curb the prince's enthusiasm, Killian expressed how she also looked forward to it as Lucifer stared her down like a hawk.
"Hey, don't just stand there with your jaw open. Hurry up, or I'm gonna leave ya behind." Killian's eyes moved towards Mammon standing at the top of the staircase, arms crossed impatiently. "If there's something you wanna ask me, you'd best do it now," Killian snorted at the demon's growl.
Mammon acts like a snarling dog, but he becomes a meek puppy whenever someone bares their teeth at him. On the phone, the demon behaved imperious, dismissing any time she or Mattie brought up what Lucifer had told them as if he was an important king wasting precious time on peasants. After Mammon's audacity to shout through the phone, Killian's patience wore thin. She quickly figured out the Avatar of Greed had a cowardly side. He yelped when the reaper subtly threatened to rip his tongue from his body if he ever interrupted her again.
The slip of cowardice vanished quickly as Mammon regained his crass persona. Although she unintentionally wounded his ego, the drop gave insight into how Killian could handle Mammon if his overconfidence got out of hand again. "Nothing in particular. I just got lost in my head a bit, sorry," Killian flashed an apologetic smile, quickening her climb up the stairs.
Mammon eyed her, determining whether to question the reaper further. "Hmph...fine then." He grunted, not caring enough to pry. "Now, I'm gonna give you a piece of advice, so listen up. If you wanna survive even a day here in the Devildom, you'd better listen REAL close to what I'm about to say." Mammon stopped to turn towards the two exchange students.
Golden-blue eyes observed them, shifting between the two curious students. He leaned close if he was about to reveal a big secret. "If it ever looks like a demon is about to attack you…" Mammon's voice dropped low. Killian ignored the shiver down her spine at the huskiness.
"...run away. Either that or die," Mammon stated, drawing back to gauge the reactions. Mattie blinked, their eyebrows furrowed in sheer confusion, their mind progressing Mammon's advice.
"Huh?" They muttered under their breath as Killian raised an eyebrow.
"How about this? I vote for YOU to die, Mammon." A venomous voice hissed. The three turned as another demon stormed down the hallway towards them, orange-blue eyes glared daggers into the second-born.
"D'ah…! Levi…" Mammon paled, eyes widened in surprise like a child caught with a hand in the cookie jar. The second-born stiffly gestured to the fuming demon, failing to school his features. "Uh, l-listen up, human! This here is Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy. He's the oldest of us brothers." His voice slightly trembled.
Mammon coughed as a fake smile appeared on his face. "Since his name's sorta hard to say, you can just call him Levi!" He began to usher Mattie and Killian further down the corridor, trying to flee the anger of the third-born.
Levi's glare intensified. "Mammon, give me back my money. Then go crawl in a hole and die." He demanded, stomping closer to the white-haired demon. Unsurprisingly, Levi was just as attractive as his brothers, with fair skin that lacked any blemishes or scars. His indigo hair was styled nicely with sweeping bangs, framing his orange-purple eyes that glowered at Mammon.
Mammon winced under his brother's angry stare, "Come on, I told you I'd get it to you! I just need a little more time. … And you still want me to die even after I give it back? That's real harsh, Levi!" Need more time? Sounds like famous last words. Killian wasn't too surprised the Avatar of Greed was indebted to others.
The frown on Levi's face deepened, "You need a little more time? How much more?"
"A little more, okay?! A little more means a little more!" The second-born tried to reason, but to no avail.
"You've been telling me that for the last 200 years, Mammon." Levi shot back. Mattie made a choking sound while Killian let out a low whistle; that is a long time to wait for the money.
"Hey, no! It hasn't been 200 years! It's been 260! Get it right, Levi!" A pause of silence stretched as the three stared at Mammon in disbelief.
Killian let out a baffled sound, "Why would you correct him on that?" She couldn't believe Mammon actually corrected how many years he owned Levi's money. She must have offended Diavolo in the past, and now he was punishing her by making this idiot her guardian as revenge. Killian made a note to be more cordial to the prince during her stay. Maybe she and Mattie could upgrade to a more competent guide as a result.
Levi sighed at his brother's dumb remark, obviously used to Mammon's lack of filter. "Unbelievable. Seriously Mammon, you're-"
"I'm what? Scum? Is that what you're gonna say?" An unreadable emotion flashed in Mammon's eyes, frowning at Levi.
"-you're a lowlife and a waste of space." Levi continued to spew insults.
Mammon let an offended gasp, "Hey! Come on, that's even worse!"
"Whatever." Levi rolled his eyes, crossing his arms impatiently. "Just give me back my money. I need it to buy the Blu-ray box set of Journey to the Devildom: The Tale of a Little She-Devil and Her Reluctant Companion." His angry face slightly brightened at the mention of the show, "The initial round of copies includes promotional tickets to a live event as a special bonus."
Mammon huffed, growing frustrated with the conversation. "I've got no idea what you're even talking about, but it doesn't matter! Because I don't even have any money to give you. How am I supposed to give back money I don't have, huh?!"
"So then. You're telling me you refuse to pay me back?" The air in the room grew thicker as the tension built.
"...What? You looking for a fight, is that it?" The smirk on Mammon's face fueled the boiling tension as the air pulsed with solid auras. The situation was becoming increasingly dangerous. Demon fights were notoriously nasty to witness. Killian feared Mattie and her were about to get stuck in the crossfire of one.
"Mattie," Killian spoke low, catching the human's attention as they watched the brothers' bickering. "Stay behind me no matter what happens." She felt almost bad as Mattie flinched at her words. Their eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. With the potential of the bickering becoming a brawl, Killian knows she can easily defend herself if someone happens. Still, Mattie doesn't have the power to protect themself from something as brutal as a demon fight. Mattie said nothing as they quickly followed Killian's order, stepping behind the tall woman, partially hidden behind her slender frame.
Killian raised her right hand slightly, her thumb stroking the obsidian ring on her ring finger. She felt the familiar tingle of energy warming her arm as it swiftly spread through her body, ready to activate her scythe at a moment's notice.
As if sensing the mounting stress of the room, Mammon turned his attention to the two exchange students. Killian remained rigid, her arm raised to her chest with feet firmly planted to the carpeted floor. The porcelain mask was void of all expressions. Two piercing blue eyes glowed in the shadows of the eye slits, trained on the scene as if waiting for an opening to defend. Mattie stood semi-hidden behind the alert reaper, watching the scene, fear etched on their face as their frame slightly trembled.
"Listen, you two. You remember my advice from before about what to do when demons attack? Well. You're about to witness that for real. So…" Mammon inched backward, walking a bit further in the hallway. Killian's eyes widened at Mammon's flighty action, wasn't he about to—.
"Hold on. I thought your advice was to either run away or—damnit, Mammon! That ass...he ran off…!" Levi screeched furiously as Mammon sprinted down the empty corridor, vanishing past a sharp turn.
Mattie stumbled out from behind Killian, taking in a shaky breath as their eyes stared down the hallway where Mammon had once been. "What just happened?" Shock trembled in their voice, gawking at the fact the second-born had just ditched Killian and them at the first sign of trouble.
Killian heavily sighed as she relaxed her stand, rolling the tension out of her neck and shoulders. It wasn't indeed a surprise Mammon escaped at the first mention of conflict. She figured that the second-born brother was a coward. Rarely do cowards actually fight, usually fleeing as Mammon had done. "Do you realize what just happened? Mammon used you as a distraction to get away from me!" The third-born retorted as Levi glanced over to Killian and Mattie, irritated by his older brother's escape. "Or maybe I should say he used both of you as sacrifices."
"I think it is a little bit of both," Killian commented. However, she didn't appreciate the slight blame behind Levi's words as if they were naïve toddlers swindled for their candy.
Levi ignored the two as he rambled, "I'll admit that Mammon is one of the scummiest scumbags you'll ever meet...a total lowlife. But still, that was pretty dumb of both of you letting him use you like that."
"Excuse me?" Killian placed her hands on her hips, angrily gritting her teeth.
Levi was too ensnared to notice the increasing amount of magic slipping from the frustrated reaper as he chose to continue his rant. "This is EXACTLY why reapers and humans are—Wait a second. Humans....yes, that's it...Suddenly, I've got an idea." Levi turned towards Mattie; his face grew a focused expression as he studied the human.
"You know what? Never mind." Mattie yelped in surprise as Levi's hand reached out and grasped their wrist, tugging them deeper into the house's unknown bowels. "Either way, you're coming with me."
Levi let out a squawk, jumping as a warm hand gripped his wrist. "No. We're coming with you." Killian stated, smirking at the glare Levi shot in her direction. "We're both exchange students, guests in your house. It is rude to ignore a guest, right?" Slipping on a polite smile as she not-so-gently tugged Mattie from the third-born's grip.
Where the human goes, I go, remained unsaid, but the warning was apparent in the reaper's tone. Killian wasn't dumb enough to let Levi drag Mattie away, to allow a demon to carry a human away in unknown territory. If Mammon was any instance, it showed that the brothers weren't as reliable as Killian initially thought. It was already apparent the disinterest of some brothers towards both Mattie and Killian. She already wanted to punch Lucifer, and she hadn't even known him for a day!
"Well, yes...but no! I don't want to bring a bunch of normies to my room!"
She ignored whatever the fuck a 'normie' was supposed to as she shot back, "Then, tell us right there and right now. If it is revenge on Mammon, you can tell us. I doubt he will be for a long while." The straightening of Levi's back revealed his idea did involve revenge. Taken back, Levi muttered about 'stupid normies' as he tried to make a decision, fidgeting.
Mattie shot a concerned look to the reaper, who gently patted their shoulder in reassurance. Killian predicted it was up to her and Mattie to properly survive this year. Telling Diavolo would only make matters worse and just piss Lucifer off more if he had the demon prince breathing down his breath. Not to mention how complaining to Diavolo would only hurt her reputation further. She couldn't afford that, especially this early in the program.
Fuck, she wanted a cigarette.
Killian felt a buzzing in her pocket. She reached into her jean pocket to retrieve the vibrating D.D.D. There were four unread messages from Mammon.
Mammon: Heya, I suddenly remembered I have some business I gotta take of. So, if ya need something, just ask Levi.
Killian scoffed at the winking demon emoji Mammon had sent. It was a blatant attempt to placate her after his vanishing act.
Mammon: Oh, and just to make sure... Don't go around tellin' stuff to Lucifer, ya got that?
He sent a glaring demon emoji, which Killian promptly sent back to Mammon. But, of course, she wasn't planning to tell Lucifer to begin with. She might be a royal, but Mammon being a cowardly bastard wasn't worth the energy for a conversation.
She smirked as Mammon quickly sent a nervously grimacing emoji back. Oh, she had an excellent idea as she tapped the keyboard.
Killian: Okay, I won't tell Lucifer.
Killian: But Mammon, the next time you put on that stunt, you won't have the chance to run.
Killian slipped the phone back into her pocket, ignoring the buzzing on her thigh. Glancing back up at Levi, she grinned. "So, what is your good idea?"
I finally had the time and energy to edit this!!!
I hope you enjoy this chapter, please reblog and heart it if you want (constructive criticism is also appreciated!)
Stay in-tuned for the next chapter: How to train your Avatar of Greed (with blackmail).
Thank you!
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sturchling · 4 years
After the lasso of truth incident the class is facing their usual salt punishment. Lila expelled sent 2 reform school. Alya confronts Mari mocking her happiness and blaming her 4 karma. Mari calls her out saying she's no different than Lila they were basically twins even after Lila left she still lashes at Mari out of jealousy, resentment and 4 supposedly ruining her life when she brought it on herself. Alya stands angry tears fuming based of mean girls scene
Here you go! Hope you like it! Also used something @wannajointhecrabcult commented on the first part for a bit of dialogue. It made me laugh so much when I read it, I had to share it.
 It had been a week since the lasso incident. Lila had already been sent back to Italy and was now being closely monitored by her grandparents, so she could not cause any more damage. The Akuma class was dealing with their punishments well, for the most part. Nino and Rose had finished their in-school suspension and had apologized profusely to Marinette. Both in the required letters, and in person several times. Marinette had accepted their apologies, but had told them it would be a while before she trusted them again. Adrien had finished the assigned extra courses, and realized that the way to deal with tabloids and paparazzi, is not a good way to handle bullies and liars. He also apologized to Marinette, explaining why he had thought the ‘high road’ was a good way to deal with Lila. While Marinette was still hurt that Adrien hadn’t helped her, Marinette did understand why he hadn’t. Ivan, Mylene, and Max were still suspended for three more days, but they had already written their apologies to Marinette and had already paid her for the damages that they had caused. 
Overall, most of the class had realized that they were wrong and felt bad for what they had done. There was one person, however, who had yet to realize that they were in the wrong. Alya still had two more weeks of suspension, and even when she got back to school, she would be in detention after school for a whole month! Not only that, but Alya had to use all her money to pay Marinette back for everything that she had destroyed. To top it off, her parents had made her delete her blog! That was the pinnacle of her journalistic career so far! All because Alya had posted stories exposing Marinette. Sure, Lila may have been lying, but it had inadvertently revealed Marinette’s true self to Alya. It was all Marinette’s fault that they class was being punished. If Marinette was truly kind, she would have stepped in on their behalf and talked Damocles out of these ridiculous punishments. Alya could have understood a few detentions, but all of this was just ridiculous. Alya was going to make sure Marinette knew how Alya felt about her. Alya got out of the house by telling her parents that she was going to go give the reparation money to Marinette’s parents. But, Alya had other plans. Then, Alya set out in search of Marinette.
Marinette was just sitting in the park near her home. She had wanted some inspiration for a new design and thought this park would be a great place to go. Little did she know, that Alya was about to appear and shatter the quiet afternoon. Marinette was much happier now, after the whole Damian bringing the lasso of truth to her school thing. She had asked him after how he had gotten a hold of the lasso of truth. He had responded, “My father may or may not know Batman who may or may not know Wonder Woman who I may or may not have asked to borrow her lasso of truth” Marinette just stared at him for a moment, which made Damian worry that Marinette had realized his secret, but she just responded, “Oh. Seems legit.” After what had happened, a lot of Marinette’s class had genuinely apologized to her. Of course, apologies wouldn’t just magically fix the damage done to their friendships, but Marinette and the class were at least being civil to one another again. Marinette was happier than she had been in a long time. But there was one person that Marinette hadn’t heard from since the incident. Alya. But Marinette was fine with that. She wasn’t going to push Alya for an apology. Marinette looked up from her sketchbook when a shadow fell across it, and saw Alya. And somehow, Marinette knew that Alya wasn’t there to apologize. 
Alya saw Marinette sitting in a small park, just sketching. Alya marched over and stood in front of Marinette. Marinette looked up at her apprehensively. Alya snidely said, “Don’t you look happy? Your little friend got almost the whole class in trouble. This is all your fault. You whined to your friend and caused all this mess. You got Lila sent back to Italy. You got the rest of us suspended. A real friend would have stepped in and stopped Mr. Damocles from punishing all of us. It was your fault we went after you anyway. You just kept flaunting your success. You ruined everything! You got my blog taken away! You ruined my life! This is all your fault!”
Marinette stood up, slamming her sketchbook closed. She was fed up with everything that had been happening, and Alya’s little rant just now was the last straw. “It is not my fault that you guys decided to bully me. That is on you. The rest of the class has already apologized. They realized what they did was wrong. You are the only one who hasn’t figured it out. Some small part of me thought it was just Lila that made you act like that, but it wasn’t. You and Lila are one and the same. Both of you are just consumed with jealousy, and can’t get passed it. You take out your anger and jealousy on innocent people. You and Lila could be twins, you behave so similarly. You said that I ruined everything and that it is all my fault, but you brought it on yourself. You didn’t have to do the things you did; you could have talked to me if you were feeling jealous or insecure. Instead, you lashed out and threw a tantrum. I didn’t get your blog taken; you were the one who was posting false stories about me online. I didn’t ruin your life, you messed it up yourself. See you around Alya.” With her piece said, Marinette gathered her things and left Alya standing there in shock. Marinette was almost out of the park when Alya snapped out of it. She whipped around to glare at the young designer as she left, with angry tears filling her eyes, still refusing to admit that the young designer was right about everything.
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kh’s story snippet celebration sendoff, entry #3
Oh, I had so much fun with this twisted plunnie! And even though only the opening scene is complete, I did finish a first draft for the entire fic (which I’ve included). It’s rough and vague, but the whole plot concept is there!
Inspired by the story, The Ones that Walk Away from Omelas, by Ursula K Le Guin.
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Kakashi Hatake/Sakura Haruno Word Count: 2217 Genre: canon-divergence!AU, drama, angst Rating: M Warnings: brief profanity, abduction, manipulation, brainwashing, dark fic
... [ kingdom come ]
"Where's Sakura?"
"Gone, obviously." Sasuke laughs, bloody spittle coating his lips. He groans as he pulls his body off the ground. Swelling from a large contusion over his left eye mars his fair face; there is a matching one at the base of his skull. His right arm, severed and cauterized, lies in the dust a few feet away. "If he didn't kill her, Tobi probably took her. He likes shiny new toys."
Kakashi bristles and widens his stance as Sasuke walks towards him. "I want to know what happened. Now."
"Relax, old man, I'm not looking for a fight." Sasuke picks up his arm and throws it over his shoulder. "Sakura told me to get my head out of my ass and go home. That's what I intend to do."
Kakashi eyes Sasuke with suspicion, searching his demeanor for tells of dishonesty. "After all these years, you’ll forgive me if I doubt your word. It's all a little too easy, don't you think?"
"Easy?" Sasuke scoffs and levels Kakashi with a hard stare. "I knew she only wanted to join me so she could capture or kill me. I decided to kill her first – chidori through the heart." A smirk twists Sasuke's mouth, sharp and cruel, as he watches Kakashi flinch. "One stab and I'd permanently slice through those bonds Naruto rants about. Only it didn't work. Her chakra neutralized my chidori when she grabbed my arm." Sasuke shakes his head, and his smirk softens. "What the hell have you guys been feeding her, anyway? She's as strong as a fucking ox."
Kakashi shrugs. "Ask Lady Tsunade."
"Figures. Sakura managed this," Sasuke gestures to his missing arm, "with nothing but a chakra scalpel. Pulled the rest of it through her body like she was unsheathing a sword. Then she beat me unconscious with my own severed appendage. Last thing I saw was the hole in her chest close up like it'd never been there."
 "You were a fool to underestimate her."
"So were you."
[ .oOo. ]
Shikamaru gives Kakashi his weekly “state of the village” report.
Kakashi asks about Sakura sightings; there’s been none.
Shikamaru turns to leave, but stops. Tells Kakashi he thinks it’s time to give up the hunt.
After Shikamaru leaves, Kakashi stares out the office window and wonders aloud why he’s still there when everyone important to him is gone.
[ .oOo. ]
Sakura comes to him in a dream. She’s older - ethereal yet weary-looking. She reminds him why he needs to stay, about the good he brings to the village, to the world. When she goes to leave, he chases her, promises to find her. She looks puzzled.
“Why, sensei? I was never lost in the first place.”
Kakashi wakes up in tears.
[ .oOo. ]
When Kakashi makes his weekly trip to the memorial, Karin is there. He’s tired and his memory is fuzzy; he doesn’t remember her at first. When he does, he’s surprised. He didn’t think she’d stay in the village without Sasuke.
“Visiting Konoha, huh?”
“Hardly.” She huffs. “I never left.”
“Strange. I never see you around.”
“I keep a low profile. The village isn’t especially kind to Orochimaru’s castoffs.”
“Why do you stay, then?”
Karin pauses, her fingers hovering over Sasuke’s name. When she speaks, it’s slow, deliberate.
“Because that’s what he would’ve wanted. For me to carry on in his stead.”
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi dreams of Sakura again. She seems disconcerted that he acknowledges her - you weren’t supposed to know that I’m here, sensei - but speaks with him anyway. It’s a soft, gentle conversation, and it lulls him into a deeper, dreamless sleep.
He wakes up more rested than he has in a long time, but his mind anxious.
Sakura seemed too sentient for a figment of his subconscious.
[ .oOo. ]
Shizune comes to see him, asks how life as Hokage is going.
Kakashi admits it’s boring - too much paperwork, too little action. Village life has become too idyllic since the end of the war, to the point that it feels unnatural.
Shizune says she feels it too.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi starts dreaming of Sakura every night. 
He tells her silly stories about the new batch of genin trying to unmask him. She shares some of Tsunade’s most “creative” teaching techniques.
She asks him how the village is doing. He tries to explain how it’s so perfect it feels wrong, but can’t quite find the words. Her coy smile suggests she understands anyway.
He asks her to stop calling him “sensei.” She laughs and calls him “Lord Hokage.”
He thanks her for keeping his nightmares at bay. She asks him what his nightmares are, but he doesn’t answer.
After a few nights where he dreams they walk through the forest without talking, he finally opens up.
Before her, he dreamed about lightning and blood: his chidori through Rin’s chest; Obito crushed and plucking out his own eye in offering; Naruto and Sasuke’s lifeless bodies on the battlefield still holding hands; searching for Sakura in an endless maw of darkness.
Sakura holds his hand and cries. Her hand feels so real, so warm and solid, that it wakes him up.
In his next dream, he confronts her. Begs her to tell him where she went, what happened to her. Sakura goes pale. When she tries to speak, she writhes in pain as if the words she meant to say were choking her. She falls to her knees and looks up at him, still no words falling from her open mouth. But he sees it - the Root seal on her tongue. 
He wakes up angry.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi calls Sai to his office and asks questions about Root. Even though it’s been years since Danzo’s execution, Sai can’t answer and it leaves Kakashi frustrated as well as angry.
That night, Kakashi doesn’t dream of Sakura. He dreams of the absence of her.
He dreams about capturing Sasuke and bringing him back. Of entrusting Sakura's rescue to Naruto and Sai. Of their return, empty-handed.
He dreams of Naruto’s grief and anger and disbelief - that Root (Danzo) captured Karin, but found no trace of Sakura. Of Sai's silent lips and clenched fists.
The memories fall away and Kakashi calls for Sakura in the dark void of his dream until his throat is raw. 
She doesn’t come.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi sees Karin at the memorial again.
She seems agitated, on edge, but she extends a gruff invite to her place for tea.
He declines.
She tells him she lives in a small house painted yellow at the foot of Hokage Mountain, if he changes his mind. 
That night he dreams of Obito, of the Tobi mask falling away revealing his old teammate. Of cruel taunts - so, poor, tragic, Kakashi lost another kunoichi - and cryptic denials - come on, Kakashi, I’d need more than one Sharingan to capture that sweet little cherry - and unfounded accusations - sounds like an inside job, if you ask me. 
Kakashi wakes in a cold sweat.
Then he goes in search of Karin’s house.
[ .oOo. ]
Karin seems almost relieved to see him. She opens the door and he steps inside. Immediately, he can feel it; Sakura’s chakra signature rolls over him like a wave.
Karin leads him to the basement.
Sakura sits in a dingy, old recliner in nothing but a bra and training shorts. A crown of wires connects her to a wall of softly whirring machinery. She opens her brilliant green eyes and smiles.
He turns to Karin. “Unhook her. Now.”
“It’s not as simple as that. If we--”
“If you don’t do it, I will.”
“No, you can’t!” Sakura screams. “If you do, the village will be destroyed!”
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi sits silently fuming in a meeting with the village council and the daimyo. They throw a lot of facts around: higher birth rates, reduced healing times for injuries, near elimination of sickness, increased shinobi numbers and quality, improved financial stability, etc. It doesn’t take long for him to realize.
“You authorized this project of Danzo’s.”
“Of course. How else do you think he got the technology to accomplish such a feat?”
“I suppose it’s pointless to petition for this project’s end.”
“We truly are sorry, Kakashi. We didn’t know your kunoichi was the one chosen for the experiment. But it has turned out so well for the village. I hope you understand.”
“I do,” Kakashi says. 
He walks out.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi visits Karin and Sakura again, asks them to tell him everything they know about Sakura’s situation: unhooking Sakura will reverse all the good her chakra network has accomplished.
Absolute, utter destruction, they say.
Kakashi seethes. “Danzo was a fucking liar.”
“Maybe.” Sakura shakes her head. “But I can’t take that chance.”
Kakashi storms off.
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi summons Shikamaru.
“The safety of our civilians has been weighing on me.”
“You know something I don’t?”
“Just… been thinking. How many times has a significant threat infiltrated our security in your lifetime, Shikamaru?”
“Point taken. What do you want to do?”
“I want you to develop a village-wide evacuation plan. Be sure to include provisions for temporary shelter and two week’s worth of rations for every family. I expect a working model ready for drills by the end of the month.”
“Yes, Lord Hokage.”
[ .oOo. ]
Kakashi arrives at Karin’s house with Sai. He tells her to leave, to follow the rest of her neighbors to their designated rendezvous point.
“She’s gonna hate you.”
“I know.”
When Kakashi enters the basement, Sakura is waiting for him, ready to strike. 
“Don’t make me fight you.”
“It’s time to let go, Sakura.”
“I can’t. The village will collapse and people will die. I can’t have that on my conscience. I can’t be why Konoha disappears!”
“Konoha isn’t a place. It’s the people who live with the will of fire in their hearts. And those people have been evacuated. They are safe. Konoha will survive.”
Sakura squares her shoulders and chin, digging in her heels. “I’m a kunoichi. My purpose is to be of use to my village, no matter the sacrifice.”
“You are of more use to your village free than you will ever be wasting away in this damned basement!”
“But the village--”
“Fuck the village. It can burn to the ground as long as I know you’re safe. You’re it, Sakura. You’re all I have left.” Kakashi's voice cracks. “I can’t lose you to this.”
Sakura lowers her fists. “I’m scared.”
“I know. But it will be okay, I promise.” Kakashi presses the button on his earpiece. “Shikamaru, are we good to go?” After the affirmative answer crackles in his ear, Kakashi turns back to Sakura. “Do you trust me?”
Sakura nods.
“Sai is waiting for us upstairs. He’s ready to fly us out of here if needed.” Kakashi takes her hand. “Tell me what to do.”
“You’re sure everyone is safe?”
“I’m sure.”
“Flip that lever.”
The rumbling begins almost immediately. Kakashi scoops her up, pulling the crown from her head and smashing it to the ground. Sai spies them from his perch on his ink bird and if he’s surprised by Sakura’s presence, he doesn’t show it. They fly away, watching as a crater of rubble forms where Konoha once stood.
Sakura weeps as Kakashi holds her to his chest.
[ .oOo. ]
There are a lot of questions. He answers them as honestly and as vaguely as he can, leaving Sakura out of the story altogether. Some people are scared. Some are angry. Most are just thankful for their tents, their food, and their lives. This isn’t the first time they’ve had to rebuild.
After the village settles down for the night, Kakashi patrols the perimeter of the wreckage. The only thing left intact is the memorial stone. He stands there for a long time reading the names carved on its surface. The moon rises and the first chill of autumn settles in his bones.
Someone takes his hand… Sakura.
“Do you regret it?” she asks.
“No,” he answers. She shivers, so he pulls her into his arms. “Do you?”
The word leaves her on an exhale, as quiet and forceful as the wind. A tear escapes her, splatters against the chilled skin of his forearm.
"It's gut-wrenching, knowing what my freedom cost. I think a part of me will always feel that way." She runs her fingers over their teammates' names, slow and reverent. "But one day, maybe..."
"Then I'll hold onto it for you."
She glances at him over her shoulder, confused. "Hold onto what?"
He breathes in deep, squeezing her tight. With a kiss to her temple, he answers, "The hope for that one day."
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