#we dont work together i know wed get bored and wouldnt get along but
ribcagewolf · 1 year
buckley was right
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magnum-schlong · 3 years
AAAAAA OK SO. First thing to say is that in universe they are all probably boring motherfuckers. just guys being dudes. second theyve only been a thing since Last january so theyre not that old!!
It started with Brad (blue) and Chad (red) who literslly just started as a joke about how Jocks and "the boys" can be so homophobic and gay at the same time? the kind of, "no homo, its ok bro you have socks on" kimda thing? and then we got attatched so now theyre OCs lmao
Then during online school I made a collection of "as vines", but very quickly realised that it wouldnt be very interesting with only the two of them. so we popped in a third wheel: Jake (Yellow)!!! his original idea was just to be the only one with a brain and to have mental crashes every few weeks but he quickly gave up on being the voice of reason? now he mostly just goes along with it while making 7 sex jokes/minute. hes hypersexual what can i say he also probably has a piss kink but what do i know
None of them have any sort of a good relationship with their parents: Chads were masculinity Junkies; Brads were helicopter parents and Jakes were Very religious and pushy
this kinda made Chad angry at everything (mostly jake) all the time, Brad quiet (and also probably the one with the least discernable personality), and jake a whore (affectionate)
The general idea of this was that Brad and Chad scraped together some money for an apartment where Jake just kind of walked in and claimed the couch as his. so they live together now, early twenties. I like to think Jake works at a subway but we have not confirmed this. He kind of slips in and out of polyamory with them, at some point B & C have a small little wedding and Jake is not that commital. sometimes hes the secret third member sometimes hes their boy best friend
And thennnn we were like "lmao what if we made a medieval fantasy AU" so we did, and also introduced the girls (TM). Mori (orange) and Vivere (green) who are also together bc it is out universe and we do what we want. Moris a 6'4, colourblind, partially deaf pirate whos super cool and I love her. she definitely became the voice of reason but isnt very good at it usually. Vivere could very easily be the voice of reason but decides not to; she watches (and encourages) Jake's chaos while eating popcorn and waiting. we also threw in a wyvern. his name is Egg.
this AU was later basically made into an In universe DnD game because theyre all just like that.
Brad and Chad way later in the future adopt twin girls and get a house, and Jake comes with them, but thats yesrs ahead so no need to worry about that.
Jake also has an anxiety service dog (that we definitely need to do research for but havent yet, oops) called Fella bc he thinks its funny.
annnd i think thats all you need to know to understand the memes??? i might rb this later and Raya can add if she wants. ill make a key lmao
6'0, probably a sagittarius, the biggest simp ever, kicking his legs in the air while twirling the telephone cord simp, almost always wearing a blue jumper in the redraws, emotional mess but he has man boobies
5'4 (we think its funny), unchecked anger issues, dyslexic, either wearing a large jumper or red t shirt, curtains :/, possibly the only normal human when in public, pretends he hates jake but eh
Jake (theres no yellow :[)
5'9, Undiagnosed ADHD, always wearing a wife beater, ass shorts, and snapback, would tell you to do heinous things but cry when you say "i dont hate you", he reminds me a lot of bo burnham. take that as you will
6'4, shes wearing a pirste hat you cant miss her, this makes her hard to draw but its ok, shes very pretty and i like her a lot, ginger :/
5'7, Long hair and usually wearing a dress, chaotic neutral, pisces
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Loki and the Witchling
TITLE: Loki and the Witchling 
AUTHOR: nekoamamori
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you’re a healer working with the Avengers when Loki comes to join the team
RATING: T (so far) 
NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 click here
    Loki went to Frigga and kissed her cheek. “Mother, I fear we cannot stay. Duty calls. If you have need of anything, send word,” he told her warmly.
    “I will keep watch. Your Father will wake again. Don’t fear, my son,” she told him kindly and reached up to touch his cheek.
    You stepped over to join them. “I’m sure he will wake soon, Queen Mother,” you told her kindly. She gave you a warm smile and nodded in agreement.
    Loki kissed your cheek. “Come along, darling. We have work to do,” he told you warmly and offered you his arm. You placed your hand lightly on his arm and noted that he carried the staff in his other hand.
    “So, what’s first?” you asked when you were safely out of the healing room.
    He sighed. “First, we must tell the people what has happened,” he told you, and you caught the edge of nerves in his tone. You squeezed his arm.
    “You’ll be fine, Loki. You’ve trained for this your entire life,” you reminded him.
    “Darling, I don’t think think you quite appreciate just how poorly it went the last time I was on the throne,” he told you dryly. Really, it had gone terribly.
    You rolled your eyes. “I’ve heard the story, Lo. From you and Thor both. Things have changed. You’ve changed since then. And I’ll be by your side. We’ll do this together,”
    He relaxed and kissed the top of your head. “I love you, my darling,” he told you warmly.
    You stood up on your toes to kiss him. “And I love you, my king. Now let’s go tell the people what’s going on.” You used magic and donned court clothes, including your tiara. Loki did the same, donning his ceremonial clothes and helmet. The guards opened the double-doors to the throne room and you and Loki stepped through. Your hand remained on his arm as you walked together past the gathered. You felt the shock of the crowd as you walked up the steps toward the throne. Loki turned to you, kissed your cheek, and took the last steps up to the throne alone. You took your spot standing in Frigga’s usual place, just below the throne. Stupid patriarchal society didn’t have two thrones, or equality, but that was a problem for another day.
    You saw Sif and the Warriors Three at the foot of the stairs to the throne itself, staring in shock and hoped that Thor’s stupid warrior friends wouldn’t do anything dumb today.
    Loki stood in front of the throne and turned to the assembled court. He banged the staff once against the floor, the noise making a loud echoing noise through the giant chamber. “Father has fallen into the Odinsleep. We do not know when he will wake.” He announced to the crowd. You knew that his use of the word ‘father’ here wasn’t sentiment, but calculated to remind the court that his claim to the throne was legitimate. “In Thor’s absence, the responsibility for Asgard and her people falls to me,”
    The crowd was shocked and confused. So you helped them stop being stupid. You turned to Loki and dipped a low curtsy. Sif and the Warriors Three followed your lead, dropping to one knee and bowing, their right fists over their hearts. You could have sighed in relief that they were being reasonable and doing the right thing. Even if they didn’t trust Loki entirely, they trusted the crown as a whole and knew that Frigga and Thor wouldn’t have agreed to this if it weren’t the best course of action. The court feather-heads finally remembered what they were supposed to do at such announcements. They all bowed and curtsied and a chorus of ‘my king’ rang through the hall. You looked up and saw Loki’s quick glance of gratitude.
    Loki banged the staff again and the court rose and the long boring task of listening to petitions began. It was really long and really boring and you could see the dull questions grating on his temper. Around lunch, you had your chance and moved from your place and up to the throne and your Loki. He looked up at you with an indulgent smile as you leaned down to kiss his cheek. “Yes, my darling?” he asked you warmly.
    “My King, I know duty to our people calls, but you mustn’t forget to eat, and surely the court should not skip lunch either,” you reminded him warmly, giving him as escape.
    He gave you a warm smile and stood to kiss you in front of the entire court. “My Lady Healer is correct,” he reminded the court that healers were over-protective about the well-being of their charges. You were giving him a great excuse to get out of here and he appreciated it. “Petitions to the throne will continue tomorrow,” he announced to the court and with that, you could escape the throne room.
    Loki sagged the second you were safely away from the court. You wrapped your arms around him. “Thanks for saving me, Sig,” he told you with a warm smile and kissed the top of your head.
    “You did great, Loki, and I told you, we’re in this together,” you reminded him. “Now, let’s go find something to eat,”
    The next morning, you took over Frigga’s duties at head healer in the healing wing. You were nervous doing it, but they needed a leader and with Frigga busy, you were the strongest healer in the palace. You were also technically a member of the royal family, though you weren’t married to Loki yet. “You’ll do fine, Sig,” Loki told you warmly as you ate breakfast with the court that morning.
    “I don’t know how to lead anyone,” you whined, realizing that it wasn’t that long ago that you were a shy ghost of a foster-kid. There was no way you were supposed to lead anyone.
    Loki chuckled and kissed your cheek. “You’re a natural, love. The healers already respect you for your skills. You’re the strongest healer in the palace, a princess of Asgard, and my queen. You’ll be fine, my Sigyn,” he told you more firmly and kissed you again.
    You left breakfast together and kissed goodbye when you had to separate to your tasks for the day. You kissed Loki deeply, him wearing his golden horned helmet and you in your tiara. It would have made a lovely picture.
    “Be brave, my darling. You can handle this,” Loki told you warmly.
    “You as well, my king,” you teased. He huffed and rolled his eyes at you. With that and you both relaxed and set off to your respective tasks.
    You steeled your spine and stepped into the healing wing, trying to look more confident than you felt. The healers all looked up at you as you entered the healing wing. “The Allmother is currently unable to attend her duties as head healer,” they all looked concerned at your words, looked between each other to try to figure out what to do. “I will be taking over that responsibility in her stead,”
    You sent illusions to check on Loki throughout the day, knowing he was still nervous, and caught him doing the same. It was adorable of him to worry over you. “I’m fine, Lo,” you told him when you caught him at it. The illusion smirked and vanished. He grinned over at one of your illusions when he caught you at sending them to check on him.
    /I appreciate the concern, Sig/
    /Love you too/ you replied. You were getting better at telepathy with practice, but only practiced with him. Telepathy was one of those powers that could go terribly wrong.
    On top of your duties in the healing wing and helping Loki keep his temper dealing with feather-brained petitioners you had to start working on wedding preparations. It was awful and you hated every moment of it.
    You teleported into the throne room one morning while Loki was between petitioners. “Pardon the interruption,” you told the court who offered you the proper bows and curtsies due your station. “Loki~ can you sign this for me?” you asked and handed him a piece of parchment and a feather quill.
    He raised an eyebrow. “What are you up to, Sig?” he asked and scanned the page, while the court, used to the antics of the two of you by now, was watching on amused by Loki indulging his tiny adorable healer of a lady. They had come to respect Loki’s work. He had a mind for politics and negotiations and when he was focused on helping the people instead of destroying Jotunheim, he was a good king. So they indulged his adorable side when it came to you.
    “Darling, you’re the mischievous one, not me,” you reminded him when he scanned the document too long.
    “That doesn’t mean I’m signing a strange proclamation without reading it, my love,” he reminded you with a warm smile.
    “I wrote up a declaration so our friends on Midgard will be allowed to attend our wedding, even after your Father wakes from the Odinsleep,” you explained. You’d been pouring over law books in your free time to make sure that any declarations that Loki signed while he was temporarily king would still be binding when Odin woke and reclaimed his throne, and had written your declaration carefully so it would be.
    Loki smiled up at you, impressed with your work before he signed the declaration with a flourish. He handed the parchment back to you. “Well written, darling,” he praised. You leaned down and kissed his cheek.
    “Thank you, love,” you told him warmly.
    “Anything for you, my darling,” he kissed you again in front of the court. You apologized again to the court and vanished back to your own duties, glad your friends would be able to attend your wedding.
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 23
2101. Are you an optimist? i like to think so 2102. If you were in the Breakfast Club, which character would you be? judd nelson 2103. Who do you have no respect for? arrogant or rude people 2104. Is the plural form of cactus cactuses or cactii? cactii Is the plural form of penis penises or penii? penises. 2105. What does your favorite coffee mug look like? it has a chick on it and says biker above it (biker chic)
2106. Have you ever gotten hurt at a concert? some guy elbowed me in the face but it wasn’t that bad
2107. What age do you think it is most difficult to be? early adulthood since youre just figuring everything out and you probably dont have a good job and can hardly pay for bills and all these new responsibilities
2108. Do you like to be considered weird or different? i don’t really care either way 2109. Do you think you could handle a day in jail? nope 2110. Is your body an amusement park? what? 2111. Are dj’s obsolete? not necessarily 2112. What is the best liquid in existence? water. 2113. What is turning out better than expected? life??? lol 2114. Who is the most overbearing person you know? my boyfriend’s mother honestly lol 2115. Who does it surprise you that you are close to? idk 2116. Apparently Eminem got booed at the MTV music video awards because he was making fun of Moby onstage. What do you think of this? doesn’t affect me 2117. Close your eyes. What do you see? nothing? lol 2118. What’s the best Van Halen song? idk any off the top of my head 2119. What do you picture when you hear the word “Puritans?” i honestly don’t picture anything 2120. Have you ever been on a trampoline? yes, but it’s been a while. 2121. What do you use batteries for the most often? camera 2122. What do you find thrilling? when i’m on the motorcycle with jack and he goes really, really fast 2123. Porch swing. Sunrise. What else could you ask for? a drink. 2124. Do you like William Shatner’s cover of Mr Tambourine Man? never heard it. 2125. Where’s the sexiest place to have a piercing? i always thought lip piercings were sexy but now i’m really into nose piercings but only on women tbh 2126. Do you get panic attacks? yes 2127. How long does getting dressed to go to a club take you? the same amount of time it takes me to get dressed in the morning for work lol no more than 10 mins. 2128. What is Adam Ant’s best song? idk 2129. Does your body need improvement or is it just fine? it needs improvement but i’m not unhappy with it 2130. Does watching MTV or reading beauty magazines make you feel bad about yourself? i don’t do those things but nah i don’t think they would 2132. What is the most romantic movie ever? i used to think the notebook, but i don’t know lol 2133. Do you think that woman are treated as second class citizens of this world? yes. 2134. What would you do if you were at a dance club with your significant other and he or she got into a fistfight with someone? first of all, jack wouldn’t do that (i hope) second, i would intervene and not let him make a fool of himself 2135. Has anyplace ever asked you to leave? no. 2136. Have you ever been openly kicked out? no. 2137. Are you permanently banned from anywhere? no. 2138. Who is your favorite movie director? i don’t care about that kind of stuff 2139. What topic do you hate to talk about? politics. 2140. Are you looking forward to the remake of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory or do you think it could never be as good as the original? it’s been done & i didn’t like it that much at all 2141. Do you enjoy the band Ministry? idk who that is 2142. What is your coziest article of clothing? this humane society sweater i have, i love it sm 2143. What is your favorite word to say? shit 2144. Does your name and your signifigant other’s name feel like one word to you? nah 2145. Do you like the band the Buzzcocks? idk them. 2146. Can you tell when other people are lying? sometimes 2147. Do you like to wear glitter? i would on my eyelids if i had some but that’s about it. 2148. Would you prefer to wrap your own presents or have them all giftwrapped? i am awful at wrapping presents so i wouldnt mind getting them giftwrapped 2149. Where do you go when you want to meet new people? i don’t meet new people on purpose lol 2150. What is the best first sentence to a book, in your opinion? one of the john green books ad a really good beginning but i cant remember which one it was 2151. Should fun or safety come first? safety. 2152. Does mind over matter work for you? sometimes. 2153. What’s the most weight you ever lost in one year? i don’t even want to think about it 2154. What are your feelings about punk and goth? i think they’re cool 2155. Did you ever write something when you were high and then looked at it sober and realized that it was nonsense? probably 2156. How often do you shave: (guys) your face? (girls) your legs? in the winter, almost never.  but in the summer maybe once a week (girls) under your arms? every week. 2157. What word do you often hear people misuse? idk. 2158. Have you ever used somebody? not that i remember 2159. Are you paranoid? sometimes 2160. What is the best music video of all time? i like some shinedown videos and five finger death punch videos 2161. How many Shakespeare plays have you read all the way through? hamlet, romeo and juliet 2162. What was the deepest religious or spiritual experience you’ve ever had? i thought i saw a ghost once at church if that counts 2163. What is it like to be you today? not that exciting 2164. Do you like to play games? i love to 2165. Have you made any good friends on this diary site? no. 2166. Have you met anyone from open diary? no. 2167. What have you done lately that gave everyone something to talk about? getting drunk and crying over a video game 2168. Do you get along with people who annoy you, disagree with you, dislike you, and hate you? no, why would i? 2169. When you ask for something do you make a request or a demand? request, unless it’s of utmost importance 2170. Who are you a bad influence on? i don’t think anyone 2171. Who are you a good influence on? hopefully my friends. 2172. Who is on your Christmas list this year? just my boyfriend, my family and i adopt a family now so we don’t buy each other presents just presents for people who cannot afford a christmas 2173. How many other people do you know of that are doing this survey? no one that i know 2174. Have you ever intentionally had a one night stand? never had one period. 2175. Do you tend to get car sick? nope 2176. What is the legnth of your hair? very short, buzzed on one side 2177. Do you like to listen to techno music? i don’t mind it 2178. Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color? red, purple, blue 2179. What do you think of these diary names? Oculto: suffer victim: With A Purpose: Almost_Famous: In.The.Name.Of.Lust: The Phallic Stapler: <*>SeXyCandace<*>: dont care. 2180. What do you think of these entry titles? Lesbians … as far as the eye can see: Why Avril Lavigne sucks: Call On Jesus: Buddha-licious: WeLCome To The JungLe!: Geektastic: Should i get an abortion?: 2181. What do you find beautiful in an atypical way? idk. 2182. What would you PHYSICALLY fight someone over? i don’t know 2183. What was the last thing you were invited to? a wedding 2184. What do you like lots of things 2185. Have you ever drank: chartruese? no. absinth? no. but i want to 2186. Do you plan your outfits ahead of time, pick them out the morning of, wear whatever was on the floor, or wear what you slept in? i usually plan them ahead of time but when i get lazy i just put them together when i wake up in the morning 2187. How long have you ever gone without changing your sheets: a really long time honestly lol clothes: no more than a day. underwear: 2 days max toothbrush: usually monthly but it’s been a couple months and i need a new one 2189. What item should not be shared? condoms? lol 2190. How do you keep control of your temper? breathing deeply before i start talking to someone 2191. If you could gain all of your dreams by giving a family member (little brother) to the goblin king who would turn him into a goblin, would you? yes, my brother lol 2192. Do you like to listen to Duran Duran? i don’t mind it 2193. Do you ever feel the need for MORE than life has to offer? ehh sometimes 2194. What is your favorite children’s story? love you forever 2195. Do you think that adult books should have more pictures? nah 2196. What was your all time low? in high school 2197. Do you make up songs and sing them to yourself when you’re alone? when i’m bored or when i’m cleaning 2198. Do you like to listen to the Smashing Pumpkins? they’re good 2199. Do you see the expression of emotion as weakness? not at all. 2200. Are you prepared in case of chemical, biological and nuclear attacks? not even close lol
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