#we had gym every year you COULD NOT opt out
a-salty-alto · 4 months
Reblog with where you're from (USAmericans if you're willing to specify state too that would be great)
I need to know if my suffering is just because my school district hates students or if it's a common thing
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wosoluver · 5 months
Not good at saying goodbyes.
Part 3/4 - previous - next
Lena x childhood bestfriend!reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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Today you got ready like any other day. Had breakfast, got into the car and drove to work.
What you weren't expecting, walking
in was to see Lena's mother there.
When she saw you, her eyes were full of sparkles.
"Y/N! I can't believe this! You're all grown up!" quickly giving you a tight hug you had missed very much. "You're so beautiful. You look just like your mom. How is she? How are you?"
"I'm good, she's doing well, she's planning on retiring and moving back here."
"It's so good to see you. Can't believe Lena didn't tell me you were here."
"I can."
And she quickly looked for her daughter, who had opted for walking away, minutes prior.
"You meant no harm. I know it, sweetheart. And now that you're here, she'll come to terms eventually.
She still celebrated your birthday every year. And hung up your Christmas stocking, oh and she still hasn't watched that movie you had made plans to see together."
"I kept a full diary of the first two years after I moved, so she could catch up, when we were reunited. And watched as many of her games as I could fit in my schedule. Also, I kept the big bear she won me, at the fair we would aways go to."
"Everything is going to end up in the right place. I'm leaving, but just in case, let me give you my number."
"Thanks, it's so good seeing you again."
"You too honey, you have no idea. Have a good day at training, and if you see my daughter, let her know I went home and that I don't appreciate her walking away."
"Of course."
She was just like you remembered. And for a second it made you feel like you went back in time, when you'd aways pass on her messages to Lena when she tried running away from trouble.
You made your way to the locker room but most girls were already at the gym.
"Obi, your-"
"Lena." she harshly said.
"Everyone around here calls you Obi, I'm the one who came up with it!"
"Well you lost the right to it, when you betrayed me!"
"I didn't betray you! I was a kid! Who didn't know what she was doing!"
"You hurt me!"
"I was hurting too! And I thought the best way to protect you, was not saying goodbye."
"Now it doesn't matter why you did it! I can't go back in time, and tell the younger version of myself that! I can't tell her that everything was just a misunderstanding. I can't unbreak her heart!"
"If I could go back in time and change everything, I would. I swear. And I'm sorry that's all I can give you."
What was that even supposed to mean? 'Yeah'?
In truth Lena didn't know either. She didn't know what say. She only knew how she felt and that was, confused.
"As I was going to say in the first place, your mom went home and you are in trouble."
"For what?"
"Leaving while we were talking."
"She can't be serious! You did it first! And I'm the one in the wrong?"
You only gave her a sad look as she walked out of the room. It was like you were eight again, and getting in trouble for doing whatever the other was doing.
You tried your best giving her some space after that. After all you had nothing else to say to each other. She had bursted out her feelings and you had apologized. And you had been trying to accept the reality. You were far from doing good, but you decided to put her feelings first. Being respectful, to her wish to not be in touch with you.
"Hey Y/N! We're going out tonight, please come with us." Said Georgia.
"Sorry, I can't. I have some plans I can't bail on."
"No you don't!" said Giulia. "Stop saying that, just so we leave you off the hook, for not showing up at our get togethers."
At this point Stanway had went her own way.
"You can't keep doing this. You're isolating yourself from the team. This has got to be affecting your mental health, the girls are worried."
"No they are not. They think I'm busy because of a relationship."
"Only Syd thinks that. And I know the truth. Please reconsider it?"
"Okay, I'll text you if I change my mind."
You didn't. Of course you didn't. And that had been the last drop, for her and some of your teammates. After a long talk through the weekend, they had decided on keeping to themselves. To not make things worse.
But Giulia could not hold back when you walked into training, Monday morning, with deeper under-eye bags, and a emotionless look in your face.
You were tired. Tired of crying. Tired of isolating, and only talking to your parents, through a phone. Tired of blaming yourself constantly.
As you left to the field, they all shared a look. Even Lena. You seemed to be doing okay... until stoped pretending you were.
"Don't act surprised! Your the one doing this to her!"
She said looking Obi dead in the eye, and going after you.
"Y/N! Wait up. We can warm up together."
"Is that an excuse for another lecture?"
"No. But you can vent out if you want to."
"There's nothing much to say... Except that leaving Barça was probably a mistake."
"I'm sorry you feel that way."
"Thank you, for trying to include me the best you can, and for taking care of me. You and the girls are great."
"I wish you gave yourself a chance, to be happy here."
"Give her a chance!" said Lea trying to get it through her friends mind. They had stayed back inside.
"She did worse to me!"
"You're taking this to far! She made a mistake and apologized. And I think not having her best friend for the last 15 years, was punishment enough."
"No buts. What she did was wrong. But she was a kid and she thought she was doing the right thing.
You're an adult, and you know you are doing the wrong thing! It's not the same."
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Do you think your younger self would approve of this? Of anyone treating her this way? Because the Lena I know, would never treat someone like this. Especially someone she loves."
"You still care a lot about her huh?"
"I love her and I don't think anything can change that. I promised myself to never leave her again."
"Just don't break your own heart, to keep that promise."
"I don't think a heart can be broken twice. But I'll try my best not to push everyone away."
"That's a good start. You need to feel better for the match this week. Frankfurt is a little harder to beat."
It felt good having someone to talk to again. And you knew you could only blame yourself for the loneliness you had been in. And she was right, you had to give yourself a chance, with or without Lena. Although that isn't how you ever planned your life to go.
Next part out either today or tomorrow 🩷
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Unpredictable, Part 4-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: I thought this one was going to be a little shorter but I was wrong. Hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, sensuality, and Rufus appears in this part.
Word Count: 6.6k
Series Masterlist
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Being perpetually early was a good habit until it left me bored and looking up from my phone every few seconds. Of course, it was always a stranger, and we would exchange quick smiles when we made eye contact. However, my nervousness increased each time it wasn’t Jordan.
As I replied to a voice note from Sydney, I wondered why Jordan asked to train with me today. Last year, they basically forced me to train with them all the time after our first match.
“You can’t be one of Brink’s new favorites and be this bad at basic combat,” they’d insisted.
Every match was horrible, and I thought I was going to die each time. Though Jordan never hit me hard, they were still intense, and my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest at the end. When I passed my Intro to Combat class, Jordan agreed that we didn’t have to train together as much but they still expected me to practice.
I gulped at the thought and sent off the comment.
At least I was in shape.
“Lookin’ good, Y/N,” a deep voice called.
When I glanced up, Chad Mitchell and Thad Browne, the Alpha Tau vice president and treasurer, were walking up the gym steps. A pair of skinny blondes in Lululemon leggings exiting the gym gasped at the two of them. Chad grinned widely, revealing his movie-star smile, and Thad winked at them as they passed. No one could blame any girl for staring at two tall broad-shouldered guys in Gymshark t-shirts, Gymshark shorts, white Nike ankle socks, and Nike sneakers.
Chad pushed his dark blonde hair away from his face while he towered over me.
I straightened up a little. “Oh, thanks, Chad.”
“I never thanked you for warning me about trying to do a backflip during the Get Lei’d party,” Chad said.
“It’s no problem; I’m glad I had a vision about it in time.”
“But it would’ve been awesome if you landed a backflip from the house roof!” Thad interrupted.
Chad glanced at him. “The broken nose and knee would not have been worth it.” He turned back to me, eyes roaming the black Alo Yoga set I wore before making it back to my eyes. “So, was rush a success for Si Chi?”
I swallowed and folded my arms over my chest. “I would say so; Bid Day will be interesting. How about Alpha Tau?”
“We always get the best,” Thad interjected, chuckling.
“Yeah, ours aren’t looking bad. You know, after Bid Day’s over, Alpha Tau and Si Chi should have a mixer; make sure all our recruits get to know each other,” Chad proposed.
He placed his hand on the wall beside me, right next to my head, and leaned closer. The scent of musk was nauseating, and I turned away from him to cover my nose with my jacket.  
“You should reach out to Alina about that; she’s in charge of social events,” I rushed.
Chad nodded but I wasn’t sure he listened. “Yeah, Thad, do that.”
“Cool,” Thad agreed.
“You seem a little jumpy, Y/N. Are you waiting for your boyfriend or something?” Chad asked.
 Last year, Thad and Chad ignored me, opting to hover around Alina and Sasha. I guess my warning impressed Chad at the end of the year Get Lei’d party. Plus, it wasn’t like either of them were bad prospects but each time Chad looked at me, it was like ants were crawling over my skin.
“Sort of.”
“Doesn’t sound like you’re too sure. Why don’t you warm up with Thad and me? I’m sure he won’t mind.”
That would be the worst idea since acid-washed jeans. However, Si Chi and Alpha Tau were close houses and one had to maintain the balance between them. Sydney and Lydia always made it look so easy.
“I can’t leave you alone for five minutes?” Jordan’s voice cut through the air as she strolled up the steps, irritation clear on her feminine features.
Suddenly, Chad was about a foot away from me, both hands in front of him for a second before he finally put them back at his sides. Thad looked as though he saw a ghost as he moved to stand next to Chad.
“My bad, Jordan, I didn’t know she was with you,” Chad rambled.
“Yeah, man, we had no idea,” Thad added.
Jordan glared at both as she moved to stand next to me. “You can go away now.”
I never saw them move so quickly and when they were gone, I stared at Jordan. “What was that?”
She shrugged. “They know their place. Were you waiting long?”
“No, they just happened to beat you here. Thanks, by the way.”
“Don’t worry about it. Do you have to see them a lot?”
“Kind of and this is the first time either has been that close to me.”
“I thought frat guys were every sorority girl’s type.”
I scrunched my nose. “Not the stereotypical ones.”
“Oh, I forgot, you’re the pickiest girl I know.”
I huffed and gently pushed her shoulder, but she didn’t miss a step as we walked towards the gym entrance. “Don’t judge me for having standards.”
“It’s not my fault that you’re easy to tease.”
Since Jordan rented out the training space, it was quiet outside of the few grunts and weights clanging in the neighboring weight room. The entire space was reinforced for any power mishaps and the focal point was the blue mat in the middle of the space with a large black ring lining its perimeter. I groaned as Jordan pushed on my back, forcing me closer to the mat and making my inner thighs burn in the splits.
“I thought yoga was supposed to make you flexible,” she quipped.
“I am, but I think you like seeing me in pain,” I replied.
“Never,” she teased. “So…did you get anything else on Emma?”
Her words made me stiffen and I sat up on my forearms and shook my head. “Something’s blocking me. Usually, even when I can’t see clear images, I get blurry images but it’s like something has shut off that part of my brain.”
It was the same issue last night when Jordan, Marie, Andre, Cate, and I went looking for Emma. All I could see was her with that guy I never met. Even though everyone said it was okay, their sulking shoulders and lack of eye contact spoke louder; especially Marie’s.
When I got back to the house last night, I gave myself a migraine trying to find Emma and it took me forever to stop hyperventilating. I could have killed Andre for coming up with the dumbest plan on planet earth.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jordan said, cutting through my thoughts.
She let me sit up and I turned to her.
“I just feel useless. Finding things out is the one thing I’m good at and I can’t even do that?”
“Hey, it’s not the one thing you’re good at. You’re good at dancing, studying, fashion, and helping other people.”
Jordan’s tone was earnest and matter-of-fact; no one could have argued with her and I suddenly felt all fuzzy.
I smiled. “I am the best-dressed on campus.”
“Relax, we’ll find Emma, just focus on what you can do. Like, trying not to get knocked out of bounds four times in a row.”
I scoffed at Jordan but she grinned at me. “Maybe you should take your own advice.”
“Oh, she has an attitude now?”
“Maybe you just bring it out of me.” I pushed myself up to stand. “Usual rules?”
“I won’t use any powers outside of shifting, you can use yours as much as you want, no cheap shots, and the one knocked out of bounds the most loses.”
“I can’t wait to try the new sushi place at the union; Shelby said it’s amazing.”
“You’ll be trying it on your own dime.”
Jordan always got cocky when sparring. Now that Luke was gone, Jordan was the best fighter on campus. Whenever we trained, I tried to use wiping that big smirk off their face as motivation and it never worked. The best I ever managed to do was not break anything.
Jordan’s smirk never left her face as we squared off from each other. I took the deepest breath I could and tried to quiet my mind. Seconds later, my mind filled with the image of Jordan going for a right hook. I blocked her and went for a jab of my own, skimming her left cheek.
“Not bad,” she huffed as she dodged it. “You need to hold your upper body better; anyone could knock you off balance right now.”
Based on a brief flash, I knew that she was either going to sweep me or push me to prove her point. So, when she went to push me, I slipped away from her, maintaining my guard. She blew a piece of hair out of her face.
“What was that about my balance?” I panted.
“Don’t get cocky, freshie, I won’t go so easy on you,” She taunted.
My heart might have skipped a beat as I took a risk based on a vision and rushed her. When I saw she was going to shift, I stopped just short of Jordan’s reach, slipped down, and swept her feet. Just when I was going to make contact, she backflipped, shifted in the middle of the back flip, and landed in a crouch.
His elated expression made the hairs on the back of my neck stand as he stalked towards me. Our sparring match continued with me utilizing my ability as well as I could to get in the best hits. My heart hammered in my chest as I kept up with their ever-changing forms and fighting styles. In between jabs, Jordan continued giving me tips.
“Use your full body weight with each punch.”
“Your right roundhouse has gotten stronger, that’s good.”
“You’re dropping your left elbow too much when you weave.”
I did my best to incorporate all their tips into the sparring match and even got a couple of hits on them. At one point, Jordan and I exchange a flurry of punches and blocks and for the first time, I almost laughed while fighting them.
It was…fun.
I was able to get some distance between us before attempting another roundhouse kick that was guaranteed to make contact with the side of his head. Just as I was about to kick out my left leg, Jordan shifted to their female form and tackled me. Her grip was harsh around my shoulders while mine struggled to hold onto hers because of the sweat. I paused and noticed she was practically drenched and panting over me. A few strands of black hair fell out of her ponytail and stuck to her forehead, and she was still so pretty.
She seemed to pause as well and raised her eyebrows at me. “Focus on the fight.”
Her words stirred something in me, and I focused on what could be my best move.
The image was only a few seconds long but it almost left me catatonic went it ended. If this didn’t work, I had no idea how I would live it down.
Quickly, I leaned up and closed the distance between us.  Jordan’s lips were so soft against mine and I yelped a little when her body pressed more into mine. Her soft breaths felt like whispers over my face as she kissed me back and I squirmed underneath her.
Focus, Y/N, focus! My mind screamed.
As casually as I could, I pushed my wrists against Jordan’s hands, and a second later, she loosened her grip. Her fingers trailed down my arms as my legs wrapped around her waist, pulling her even closer to me. When I felt her smile against my lips, my stomach sunk.
The leverage I had around her waist was useful as my hands grabbed her shoulders and swung her down onto the mat. Jordan gasped as we pulled away and my hands captured her wrists. “What the---”
“I win!” I cheered.
“No, you just pinned me,” Jordan rasped.
I shook my head and gestured to her right hand, which was just over the out-of-bounds line. In the dozens of fights we had, this was the first time that I won. If I could fly, I would have probably been floating. When I looked back at Jordan’s face, I came back to earth.
“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, releasing her wrists and pushing myself to stand. “And I’m sorry about kissing you without warning.”
When I extended my hand, she looked at it as though it was a cobra ready to strike. After a few seconds, Jordan took the risk and let me help her up. Then, she walked back over to her bag, grabbed her water bottle, and chugged.
“It’s okay, uh, just don’t make out with everyone you fight with; that’s how you catch mono,” Jordan rambled.
I wrinkled my nose. “Ew, I wouldn’t even think about it. With us, I knew it would be my best way to beat you.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself.”
Then, I took a second to look at Jordan. Something was off, she seemed tenser than she usually did after we sparred. Also, she stopped looking at me and started playing with the rings on her fingers. It had to be because of the stress of Emma missing and how there was more lurking on campus than anyone thought. That on top of Brink and Luke’s deaths would make anyone nervous.
Yes, that had to be it because those were the reasons my lips buzzed the entirety of the next training round.
The two extra rounds gave Jordan their bragging rights and no one could wipe the giant smile off her face as we wandered around campus. At the very least, the blazing sun provided some comfort from the cool breeze that blew past us. Since there were several classes in session, only a handful of people were hanging out, panic-studying, and Tik-Toking.
“You should have seen your face when you landed, it was gold!” she laughed.
“I’m glad it was entertaining,” I replied.
Jordan glanced at me, fished a protein bar out of her gym bag, and handed it to me. “Here.”
I shook my head. “I’m fine.”
Jordan paused in her walk to side eye me and I stopped as well. “Don’t give me that shit. I didn’t say anything earlier but, you look awful.”
“Thanks,” I muttered.
Jordan sighed. “That came out wrong; I mean, you look like you haven’t been taking care of yourself.”
The situation was almost laughably ironic since just a couple of days ago, I was sleeping like a baby. However, the Emma-shaped hole was enough to spike my anxiety and the final touches on Bid Day were not helpful either. If Alina tried to deny my top pick at this last meeting…
Oh no, I had totally forgotten to take my meds.
“It’s okay, you actually have perfect timing,” I replied, accepting the protein bar.
It wasn’t super chalky and even if it was, I didn’t care as I popped two of the pills from Shetty and chased it with water.
“You pop pills in public now, freshie?” Jordan joked.
I shook my head and nibbled on the protein bar. “They’re prescribed by Shetty. That explains why I was freaking out earlier.”
“With Dumb and Dumber?”
“Chad and Thad, and yes.” Jordan nodded. “So, they work?”
“Yeah. I probably would have been able to save you the trouble if I’d remembered.���
I put the pill bottle back in my bag as we continued walking. The medicine would take a while to kick in but it was better late than never.
“It wasn’t trouble,” Jordan said.
I didn’t know how to respond so all I could do was nod. In all honesty, I was still processing that kiss. Jordan must have reacted the way she did because she was so caught off guard. If Emma were here, she would help me process, that is if she was willing to speak to me.
“So, do you want me to buy you lunch today or tomorrow?” I asked.
Jordan shook her head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Hey, I’m a good sport and I always hold up my end,” I tried to joke.
“Yeah, so it makes sense that I would do the mature thing and treat you to that sushi place you were talking about. You beat me for the first time and that shows how much you improved; I remember when you used to drop your guard every time you got scared.”
“It’s not my fault that my first instinct is to run!”
“You won’t always have the chance to run when you’re a supe. Now, I feel better about you being out there on your own.”
Her words made me swell with pride and I thanked her.
“Plus, there’s no one out there as good as me.” I playfully rolled my eyes. “Of course, it all goes back to you.”
“I’m being honest. Seriously, wherever you get a contract, you’ll kick ass especially if you practice more.”
“Fine, Mx. Li.”
At that moment, I couldn’t wait to go back to the house and shower. Class wasn’t for another hour and a half which gave me enough time to try and process everything.
“Is that Marie?” Jordan asked.
I paused and looked in the direction she nodded to. Across the way, Marie slowly approached the bleach-blonde weasel that was Rufus, who was smugly perched on an overpriced bench. He was (fake) reading a book and looking semi-thoughtful.
The protein bar suddenly felt like a rock in my throat.
“What’s she doing with Rufus?” I muttered.
Jordan didn’t reply and we both watched as the two started speaking. Then, Rufus set his book aside and reached his hands out to Marie.
“Shit!” Jordan exclaimed.
“Marie!” I called at the same time.
It was too late, as soon as her hands grazed his, they disappeared. Panic started rising up from the back of my neck and everything was suddenly quiet.
When I blinked, Jordan’s hands cupped my face, and our faces were nearly touching.
“Focus, where did Rufus take Marie?”
After taking a couple of seconds to focus on it, I answered Jordan, and she nearly yanked my arm out of its socket as she raced towards the location. A minute later, we were pushing past people in the dorm until we reached Rufus’ room. My stomach lurched at the muffled sounds of “True”.
“So, what’s the plan?” I asked.
Jordan didn’t respond. Instead, she took one step before kicking Rufus’ door down. The sound of the door hitting the ground should have made me jump but I was too busy staring at Marie’s blood-splattered face as she stared down at Rufus’ keeled over body on the floor. When he rolled onto his back, I saw all the blood covering his groin and the agony on his face.
Somehow, it was both disgusting and exhilarating to watch, kind of like those ridiculous mukbang videos.
I didn’t realize I was staring until Jordan tugged me by the arm down the hallway, Marie in tow. When we got a few hundred feet away, Jordan released us and glared daggers at Marie.
“What the hell was that?” Jordan demanded.
“I don’t know…I just exploded his dick,” Marie uttered, astonished.
“That was…wow,” I breathed.
Marie smiled, accepted the towel Jordan handed her, and wiped her face. “Thanks, I didn’t know I could do that.”
“Why were you talking to Rufus anyway? He’s a creep,” Jordan scolded.
Marie narrowed her eyes at Jordan. “We didn’t have any leads on Emma, and I heard he was a psychic.”
I winced at the jab.
Jordan rolled her eyes. “Rufus is not a psychic; he’s a perverted loser who takes advantage of anything with tits.”
“Gee, thanks,” Marie hissed. “I can take care of myself.”
She shoved the towel in Jordan’s chest and started storming down the hall. Immediately, we started following her and my irritation grew with each step.
“Fine, then I won’t rescue you next time,” Jordan called.
That made her stop and whirl around. “What?”
“I saved you back there, well, Y/N and I both did since she knew where Rufus would take you,” Jordan insisted.
Marie took a step towards us. “I exploded his dick; I didn’t need your help.”
“But I provided a distraction; tag-team cocksplosion here,” Jordan said, gesturing between the two.
“I’m okay being cut from this team,” I commented.
“Oh no, you’re in it too,” Jordan said.
Marie shook her head. “Weirdo.”
Jordan shrugged. “More importantly, Tek Knight is on campus and he’s doing a story on Luke’s death.”
Marie’s eyes widened and I had to stop my mouth from falling open. Tek Knight was the slimiest, most prolific true crime “journalist” on Vought TV. He covered only the buzziest stories, and it made sense he would be on campus. I thought I heard some guys talking about it during a lecture yesterday, but I was so preoccupied that I didn’t focus.
“He’s guest lecturing Shetty’s class today and he’s going to want to talk to you,” Jordan stated.
“Shit,” Marie cursed.
I ran my hands through the ends of my braids. “And if he even gets a hint of what might be going on, we could all be screwed.”
“So, what do we do?” Marie asked.
“If you decide to keep up the lie, don’t let him see you waver, he loves going after that shit,” Jordan grumbled.
Marie rolled her eyes. “Are we on this again?”
“Yeah, you lied!” Jordan snapped.
Quickly, I stepped between them. “Okay, this won’t get us anywhere. Just breathe for a second.”
They both did, eyes still shooting lasers.
“We need to think about this. Since you two are in Shetty’s class, you two will have to figure something out.”
“Are you taking her side?” Jordan accused.
“Are you taking theirs?” Marie asked.
“I’m not taking anyone’s,” I insisted. “If you two keep fighting, no one wins. Just go your separate ways for now and regroup before class?”
It was not my best work but they both seemed to agree as Jordan went one way and Marie started to head down the other. I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and jogged to catch up to Marie.
She slowed down a little but didn’t face me. “I’m not sorry for trying to find Emma.”
“And that’s great but you should talk to the rest of us before getting mixed up with someone like him.” I shivered at the thought.
Then, she turned to me. “Like I said, we had no leads.”
“I know that, and I am working on it, trust me, I am but I can’t believe you went with Rufus the Rapist instead of giving me time.”
“We don’t have any, Y/N!” Marie snapped. “She could be hanging on by a thread somewhere or dead but we don’t know anything and now I have this Tek Knight shit to worry about.”
I flinched. “I told you, she’s alive and I know you’re scared but I’m scared too. Emma is my best friend and not being able to figure out where she is has been driving me crazy.” Tears began burning in my eyes.
Marie hesitated and looked down for a moment. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, it just sucks that the last time we talked, we fought. I didn’t even get to talk to her at the gala,” I admitted.
“Yeah,” Marie looked back up at me, “I saw you were talking to a lot of people.”
“I kind of had to.”
“With Jordan?”
I cocked my head at her and she stared at me. “Wait, what?”
She sort of pouted. “I saw you were spending a lot of time with them.”
“We were schmoozing for their ranking,” I explained.
I didn’t need a vision to tell me that she wanted to say more. What was going on with everyone today?
“Next time, I could help you do it, I mean, I don’t think you’ll need my help with Vought liking you,” I thought out loud.
“Don’t remind me.” Marie leaned against the wall. “I don’t know what to do! I’m so deep in this shit that there’s no crawling out.”
She slowly slid down until she sat on the ground, and I sat across from her.
“It might seem like that but, there is a way out, you probably just won’t like it.”
Marie’s eyes flickered up at me. “Are you siding with Jordan?”
“No! What is it with you two? It’s like a live X beef and I’m somehow in the middle!” I exclaimed. “No, I’m not on anyone’s side, I can see both your sides clearly: you want to get ahead and this a great chance to do it and Jordan feels like they saved you only to have you trample all over them.”
Marie frowned at my words. “They would have done the same thing!”
“I don’t know…” I don’t know anything anymore.
I pushed myself to stand. “It’s your choice, Marie.”
“What would you do?” she whispered.
“Honestly, I have no clue but I would probably talk to Cate about it.” I pulled her to her feet. “By the way, that cocksplosion was so awesome.”
Marie smiled. “Like I said, it just happened out of nowhere.”
“I knew he had some bad karma coming his way, but I didn’t think you’d deliver it.”
Then, she hugged me and I felt stunned. She smelled like cinnamon and something earthy that I couldn’t put my finger on. I had no idea that she had such a strong grip, it was kind of comforting. I slowly hugged her back and when she pulled away, she gasped.
“I got blood on you, I’m so sorry,” Marie apologized.
“It’s okay, no one should be able to tell unless they have a luminol ability,” I pointed out.
She nodded and as I made way out of the dorm, my curiosity got the better of me, and I focused on how the lecture would go. Unfortunately, all I saw was a brief scene of Jordan and Marie speaking in Marie’s dorm. They weren’t fighting so that must be positive.
Two hours later, I was sitting in one of the beach chairs out by the Si Chi pool, fuming. Sasha thought she was so slick, trying to persuade Sydney to let Justine in despite all the issues. She could have at least come up with a decent argument; the fact that she hadn’t even tried was almost the most insulting part.
I just happened to catch the two of them speaking on the staircase when I returned from my advanced modern dance class. Sydney politely nodded as Sasha spoke.
“…and she’s the best in her class!” Sasha finished.
“That’s great, but I don’t want anyone who uses someone else’s triggers for their own gain representing this house,” Sydney replied firmly.
“Sydney, how’s the selection process going?” I called.
They both turned to me and Sasha lost some color in her face.
“Good, we’ve narrowed it down and we’ll finalize it tonight,” Sydney said.
That should have been satisfying but it wasn’t. Who did Sasha think she was? She could be antagonistic but she never outright bullied anyone. Does she want Justine to be a protégé?
“Y/N,” someone whispered.
I jumped in my seat and glanced around the pruned backyard. No one else was out with the other girls either heading to another class or studying. It must have been my imagination.
That time it was louder, and I slowly stood. “This isn’t funny, whoever’s out there!”
This day really was turning into too much. First, I kissed Jordan----which I still hadn’t unpacked----, second, Rufus got castrated in the most violent way possible, and third, I was hearing voices or being stalked.
Slowly, I started creeping back towards the house. Maybe it was time for a nap since sleep deprivation could drive anyone crazy. Maybe that would help me find Emma.
“Y/N, it’s me!”
And now the voices sounded like her.
“Over here!”
Something told me that I wouldn’t end up like every non-final white girl in a horror movie. So, I started walking in the direction of the voice, which just happened to be in the thick wall of shrubs that lined the perimeter.
“Where is here?” I whispered.
Then, a hand reached out from some shrubs on the right side. Carefully, I approached it and knelt down, still keeping my distance. Then, a head of curly blonde hair poked its way out of the shrubs, pieces of greenery attached to its scalp.
“Emma!” I rasped.
“Hey, do you mind being surprised after you help me out of here?” she asked.
As soon as I got her out, I hugged her. I was right, she was alive this whole time. I almost cried tears of joy as I slowly pulled away from her.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so happy to see you!”
“I’m happy to see you two but we’re both in trouble if someone catches us like this,” Emma said.
As quickly as I could, I snuck her up into my room and she collapsed on the bed as soon as I closed the door. With the better look at her, I noticed she was in a random black movie theater t-shirt, shorts, and she only had one shoe. She wasn’t too dirty but I tried not to think about having to wash my comforter once she left.
“Emma, where have you been? What’s going on?”I asked.
“Well, Andre sent me on a mission to find Luke’s brother,” Emma started.
“I know that much; is that the guy you were with?”
Emma shot up to a sitting position. “You saw us?”
“Sort of. I had no idea where you were going, why?”
“No reason, I don’t know why I was surprised, you see everything.”
Even though I didn’t, I let Emma continue. As she spoke, my eyes got wider and wider. There was so much to unpack: there was a research lab under the school called The Woods where they tested supes, the researchers faked Sam’s, Luke’s brother, death but kept him in The Woods, and they are working on something big.
“What is it?” I asked.
Emma shrugged. “Sam has no idea but he knows that the doctors have been working on it for a while and they’re almost done.”
I nodded. “Okay, where is he now?”
“In an abandoned theater. It sounds creepy but the stale snacks and ambiance make it kind of cute,” she chirped.
I shook my head. “You like him.”
Emma gasped, “What? I do not!”
“He’s your type: cute and a little messed up.” “I don’t have a type and even if I did, you might’ve been close to it,” she muttered.
I smiled and hugged her again. “It’s so good to see you again. I don’t know what I would have done if…”
“Hey, like someone could kill me.” Emma tried to keep her tone lighter, but I could tell she was scared.
When I pulled away, I apologized for everything that happened before the gala. I wasn’t that good of a friend and Emma did everything she could for me, even when she didn’t have to.
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have projected and called you perfect; I know that everything with your parents has been rough for you and you’re managing it as well as you can. Plus, I hid the whole how I get small thing from you,” Emma rambled.
“Why’d you hide it from me? You can tell me anything, that’s what best friends do,” I whispered.
Emma looked down at her hands. “Because I knew it would make us both feel like shit. You had other stuff going on and I didn’t want to be a burden. I’m the one who cheers you up and I was ashamed.”
“You’re allowed to feel bad sometimes, Emma, but it really hurt knowing you felt like you couldn’t reach out to me for help,” I managed, feeling myself starting to choke up.
“Don’t cry because if you cry, then I’ll cry.” She hugged me again and we both sniffled. “Okay, from now on, we tell each other everything.”
When Emma pulled away, she had the most mischievous grin on her face paired with a fake nonchalant look in her eye. I immediately eyed her as she crossed her legs and started glancing around the room.
“So, to go off that, what’s going on with you and Jordan?” she asked.
“Are you kidding me? You come back from disappearing and that’s the first thing you want to know?”
“I could have died, Y/N.”
“Do not try to guilt me!”
I took a deep breath and mulled it over for a moment. A couple of hours ago, I would have killed for this chance to talk to Emma and now that it was here, I was stopping myself. There shouldn’t be anything stopping me, especially since we just promised each other that we wouldn’t keep anymore secrets. With that thought, I told her everything, from the night at the club, to when we kind of rescued Marie.
When I looked at her, Emma was stunned.
“What?” was all she could muster.
I nodded. “Yeah, it’s a lot.”
“You went from almost kissing Jordan to full-on kissing Jordan. I could tell you liked them by the way you talked about them last year but this is progress,” Emma remarked.
“I didn’t like them like that last year, I don’t now. Anyway, I only did it after I saw the vision and it was to win the fight, so does that really count?” I asked.
Emma raised her eyebrows. “Did you feel anything on the other side of that kiss?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, did you feel them kissing you back? Were they breathing all heavy? Were their hands moving all over your body?”
All those things happened but, Jordan must have been caught up in the moment.
“If Jordan was caught up, they would have snapped out of it but they didn’t until you pulled away,” Emma pointed out.
“I did it as a distraction tactic!”
“Doesn’t matter since they liked it,” Emma said with a shrug. “And you must have enjoyed it.”
“How would you know?”
“Because the tip of your nose is turning red.”
I yelped and covered my nose. “It’s because this conversation is embarrassing. Besides, I don’t have time for a relationship; I have to finish out rush week and then there’s initiation and not to mention classes---” Emma placed her hands on my shoulders and forced me to look at her. “Y/N, ‘having time’ has nothing to do with liking someone. You’ve had googly eyes for Jordan for a year now, it’s okay to admit it!”
“I have not! They bullied me for half of last year.”
“Really? Did they ever say anything super mean to you or try to hurt you?”
As I took a second to think about my dynamic with Jordan, I realized that they only delivered playful jabs that I returned when I got comfortable around them. So, I shook my head.
“And aren’t they always trying to keep you out of trouble?”
“Not always,” I muttered.
Emma groaned. “Why did I think it would be easy to get you to admit that you like someone? You’re so oblivious.”
“I am not!”
“Really? So, how would you describe your relationship with Marie?”
“Really? Because when you were doing her makeup that night, I thought you got lost in her eyes. Those big, beautiful, puppy dog eyes.”
I playfully pushed her but she maintained her pose and I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped me. Even though her words were lighthearted, I had paused a few times that night to admire Marie but she was pretty, everyone admired pretty.
“I was trying to do a good job with her eyeshadow. Besides, I thought you were still insisting I like Jordan,” I responded.
Emma relaxed and stared at me like I grew a second head. “You are way deeper in denial than I thought you were.” “What are you talking about?”
“I know that sexuality is a spectrum and a journey and everything but, Y/N, you clearly like two people.”
Her words hung in the air as I returned her stare. Emma had lost it, officially.
There was no way I liked both Marie and Jordan. Marie relaxed me as soon as I saw her and friends are supposed to be relaxed with friends. I felt like I could tell her anything and any friend would feel bad about accidentally ditching their friend on a night out. Also, any friend would feel like crying if their friend told them that they accidentally killed their parents. Any friend would want to try to make them feel better since they couldn’t take away the pain.
And as far as Jordan went, I was well aware of how attractive they were in both forms and occasionally felt warm inside when they smiled at me, but those were just hormones. Plus, Jordan was a protective person so it made sense that they would jump in when necessary. The shivers I’d attempted to hide when they pulled me onto their lap were normal.
“No, that doesn’t make any sense,” I muttered.
“I can only help you so much. It’s clear to me and maybe even to Jordan and Marie.”
I shook my head. “We don’t have time for this. We should find Marie and let her know that you’re alive and everything you told me.” “Okay, and if she just happens to give you a thank-you kiss, I’ll try not to gloat.”
“Emma,” I warned.
“Okay, can I borrow some shoes before we leave?”
Emma practically bounced with each step on the way to her dorm. Even though I convinced her to wear one of my hoodies just in case, she seemed happy to be back on campus. Hopefully, we could get everyone together and get this all figured out. Once this was over, then I would be able to focus on Bid Day and maybe what Emma had been saying.
It was going to be so awkward talking to Marie after that conversation. I felt so many things that I didn’t know what to settle on: confusion, frustration, anxiety, and all the others I couldn’t name.
The meds must have kicked in as Emma began trying to unlock her door. I was settled and comfortable. Everything was going to be fine.
Finally, Emma threw open her door. “Holy shit, so much is happening!” she announced as she stormed into her room.
I trailed after her and felt my anxiety break free from its cage. Jordan had Marie pinned against the wall, kissing her like it was his last chance. Marie seemed equally as passionate as she tugged on his shirt. At Emma’s words, they jumped away from each other, both frazzled and disheveled, eyes wide.
Then a flood of more emotions I couldn’t name washed over me.
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Love me or hate me, both are in my favor (Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader [HS Academic rivals AU])
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Hiii! I can’t believe I haven’t updated this series since last year! ( I hate myself too don’t worry) hope you all have a good 2024! Hope you enjoy the new chapter! Not proofread.
(Y/N)- Your name.
Cursing, villains villaining, reader almost dying (she doesn’t tho don’t worry)
Word count: 1.8k
Series Masterlist Series Playlist
Chapter 7: this world is only gonna break your heart
If Miguel had a nickel for everytime you had been attacked by a monster-like man creature, and had to be rescued by him, he’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.
The police had made quick work for once and had evacuated the area, making sure to keep up when the scene moved from the aquarium back over to Coney Island. News choppers keeping a distance from where they flew in the air, capturing live footage of your capturer dodging police, using you as a human shield in an attempt to keep bullets from being fired in his direction. You would have squirmed against the blue tentacles that wrapped around your body, if it weren’t for him holding you hostage on top of the wonder wheel, one wrong move and you could slip off, or worse, he could drop you off it like you were nothing more than a piece of trash.
Your pleas fell on deaf ears as you begged to be let go, to be placed back on ground level, but he wouldn’t even glance in your direction, instead opting to look out into the crowd, watching, waiting. He seemed to be getting impatient, you could tell by the irritated huff he let out, before you felt his limb tighten slightly before your feet began to be lifted off the narrow steel beams underneath themselves. Your hands instinctively go to grip the blue ampendage, you let out a screech, your throat raw as you begged for him to not let go, your tears cascading down your face as he waits. If you were thinking clearly, it would have clicked in your mind. You were acting as bait.
The wind was knocked out of your lungs as you were suddenly webbed against the bright orange Farris wheel, a sob escapes your lips as you quickly evert your eyes from the floor that was at least 50 yards beneath you, praying to whatever gods would listen to make sure the neon red silk wouldn’t decide to snap underneath you, while you felt the octopus-man’s tentacle pull away from you.
“Spider-Man! I see my favorite insect finally decided to join us.”
“Doc ock.” Spider-Man grumbled as he began to scale the amusement park ride. “What do I owe the displeasure to this time.” Finally, he decided to move from his spot at the top of the Farris wheel, both men leaving you basically forgotten. Doc ock didn’t justify the remark with an answer, rather begins to weave himself between the teal metal beams, as Spider-Man went after him, attempting to trap him in webs as he followed. Like a game of cat and mouse. “Let’s get this over with doc, we both know how this is gonna end.”
You had no idea what was happening behind you, but you did know that every time they gripped onto the metal of the wheel as they used it like a jungle gym the whole thing would shake, it was utterly terrifying. You were never partially scared of heights before, but now you definitely were. The adrenaline rush was making your blood pump and your heart beat to ring in your ears, trying to take deep breaths as you bit your lip to keep your whimpers and sobs low. Why couldn’t one of those damn news hoppers grab you?
You have no idea how long you’ve been stuck against the Farris wheel, but it feels like an eternity.
Finally, you let out a gasp as you heard one of the webs begin to rip from beneath you, feeling the thin silk brush lightly against your ankle as it slowly begins to unwind. Instinctively you grabbed onto one of the webs that was a bit higher on your body, one that seemed thicker, more sturdy, just in time for the unwinding of the web on your lower half to pick up speed. You let out another yelp as you finally felt the webbing snap and fall down, letting out a sob as it flowed away in the wind, as you tried to hoist yourself up higher on the neon red webs.
“Help! Spider-Man help!” Your pleas reached Miguel’s ears faster than anyone else’s would have, he quickly glanced up and saw you were quite literally hanging from a thread. If he wasn’t quick enough, you’d surely plummet and be severely injured, or worse… “I’m gonna fall! Please!” You interrupted yourself with another scream as you watched in horror as the sting of web you were depending on to keep yourself up, starts to slowly rip away due to gravity. Miguel let out a frustrated huff, as he stopped for a second to catch his breath, he could throw that nasty octopus in the slammer another time, he couldn’t let you get injured again. He wouldn’t.
“I’m coming!” Doc ock was quickly dropped from Miguel’s mind as fast as the octopus fled the scene. Miguel begins to quickly climb back up to your level, unfortunately, his strength and speed shook the metal structure as he climbed back up, leaving small claw marks as he re-ascended the Farris wheel. The shaking only sped up the deteriorating of the web you were holding onto, until-
You were screaming but you couldn’t hear anything but a ringing in your ears that was getting more intense every inch you got closer to the floor. The watching crowd could only let out a collective gasp as they watched your descent, mothers covering their children’s ears and eyes, teenagers recording on their phones, your teachers that were supervising watching in horror knowing that this was going to be a PR nightmare for the boarding school despite if you somehow managed to get out unscathed.
You were so petrified and out of it that you didn’t even realized that Spider-Man had jumped off after you until you felt his arm cling around your waist, pulling back out of your deer-in-headlights-like state, causing your arms to instinctively around his neck before using his free hand to shoot a web onto the wonder wheel, stop you both only 20 feet or so before you would have hit the floor. Your hearing slowly started to come back to, hearing the sounds of the crowd of onlookers clapping and cheering on the masked vigilante.
“Hey.” Your head snapped over to him once he finally spoke, both of your chest heaving rapidly.
“Hey.” You smiled.
“We need to stop meeting like this.” He joked, and you didn’t have to see his face under his mask to know his smile widened when you let out a shaky laugh at the quip.
“Can you put me down now Mr.Spider-Man?” You asked with a small giggle, readjusting your arms around his neck, now he was the one who let out a shaky chuckle.
“Right , right…” he mumbled before he started to lower you both down, gently helping you to your feet, expecting him to do the same, but instead he just flipped himself upside down as he hung from the red web in front of you.
And you weren’t sure if it was the post-almost dying adrenaline rushing through your bloodstream, or if it was your mind being clouded by the utter most gratefulness at the fact that he had saved you from death’s clutches more then once, but you did something you’d never do if you were thinking 100% correctly, knowing you’ll probably be embarrassed by the actions when your replaying the memories late at night in bed, but right now, that wasn’t gonna stop you. The crowd or the news choppers watching you wasn’t gonna stop you either.
So, taking in a deep breath for courage, you go to bring your hand up to his face and dip your finger under his mask and lifting it just above his nose. You had paused for a second once your hands traveled to rest on either side of his still covered temples, just to give him the ability to recover the lower half of his face and pushed you away if he wanted, and you were really expecting him too. But instead, you watched as his plump lips pulled up (down?) into a small smirk, taking this as your greenlight, you leaned forward, letting your lips meet.
You finally understood what authors meant when they would write about feeling fireworks. You finally understood why rom-com movies would play grand music during the main characters sharing a kiss. Your heart swells as your eyes closed, you felt like you could kiss Spider-Man forever. You really want to.
“Get it spidey!”
“That’s (Y/N), isn’t it?”
“Oh my god it is!”
The comments from the still watching crowd brought you down from high, cheeks redding as you heard a random stand-byer let out a whistle. Suddenly reminding you of your shameless act as you pulled away from the upside down spider, who only let out an amused chuckle as he pulled down his mask again, it coming out a bit breathless due to him still recovering from the kiss/fight.
You go to whip your mouth as you finally turn away from him, and you immediately spot Mj and Pete at the front of the metal fence that the police had placed to keep the crowd away from the whole ordeal. Your embarrassed smile only widens when you say his hand resting on her waist.
Miguel’s smile had never been wider when he walked back into his shared room, his brother already sprawled on his own bed as he fumbled and fidgeted with a rubix cube. Glancing at his brother when he heard the door click close.
“Wonder what’s got you all smiles? Would it happen to be a certain kiss from a certain girl?” Gabriel teased, his smirk causing Miguel to roll his eyes.
“I don’t know what you're talking about.” Miguel quipped, pulling his windbreaker off and tossing it in the hamper.
“Don’t play dumb Mig, it’s all over the news and the internet.” Gabriel scoffed as he placed the incomplete cube on his chest, before propping himself up on his elbows. “What happened to hating her?”
Now it’s the elder of the two to scoff. “I still do.”
“Then why didn’t you stop her?”
“Well- I didn’t want to embarrass her! There was a crowd and news crews-“
Gabriel fully sits up on his bed. “Just admit it Miguel! You don’t hate her! Hell, you're probably in love with her!”
“I’m not taking this crap. I’m going out for a walk.” Miguel grumbled before getting up from his seat on his own bed, his brother only rolling his eyes at his dramatics. It wasn’t until he closed the door after stepping out of his dorm that it hit him like a freight train.
Gabriel was right. He didn’t hate you as much as he liked to lead on…
Taglist: @famouscattale @oharasfilipinawife @mxltifxnd0m @loser-alert @homewreckingwreck @dumb-gemini @cowboylikeevie @thedevax @codenameredkrystalmatrix
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lying-on-floors · 6 days
"There's only one bed..."
Jean Kirstein x Marco Bodt
Jean and Marco walk through the antique smelling hallway of the sketchy motel they decided to rest at for the night. The two were on a post graduation road trip with their friends and Jean is quickly regretting that decision. Connie was constantly yelling bad jokes, Sasha was getting crumbs all over the place, and Mikasa and Armin were trying to calm Eren's annoyance.
Jean's only saving grace was Marco in the passenger seat. He was able to get them some quiet every now and then, perks of having a lot of siblings. Now, the group had to split into 3 rooms. Mikasa, Eren, Armin were in the room nearest to the elevator, Connie and Sasha were next to them and Jean and Marco were across from Connie and Sasha.
When the two men got into their room for the night, Jean immediately collapsed onto the bed. He groaned as he wiped his hands across his face,
"Dude, I'm so tired, oh my god."
Marco chuckled and Jean's stomach flipped,
"Makes sense, we were on the road for about seven hours, and you were behind the wheel for most of that."
Jean smiled and lifted his head a little to look at Marco,
"I'm so glad you offered to drive. Well, actually I don't think you gave me much of a choice."
Marco laughed,
"Yeah, you would've crashed if you had to drive any longer."
Jean threw one of the pillows on the bed at Marco's head. The pillow hit Marco in his chest and he snickered, which made Jean's cheeks feel hot.
"I'm gonna change and get ready for bed, you can use the bathroom when I get out. Go ahead and change of you want."
Jean nodded but he wasn't listening as Marco has stripped off his jacket and shirt, leaving his torso bare, God, he needed to get himself in check. They've been best friends for years and he can't ruin that over some stupid attraction, not with Marco.
The bathroom door shutting startled Jean out of his thoughts and he decided now was the best time to change out of his jeans. He typically sleeps in whatever shirt he wore that day and his underwear but he didn't want to make Marco feel uncomfortable, which he knows it wouldn't, rationally, they've seen each other in their underwear before, they are gym buddies. Jean's face felt hot when it truly hit him that he and Marco were going to have to share a bed. It's not weird, they've done it many times at sleepovers, especially as kids but now they were both adults and Jean had a crippling crush on the guy. Oh well, he was a grown man, he'd get over it and sleep in the same bed as Marco for the night.
Pretty soon, Marco came out of the bathroom with a snug gray tank top and some athletic shorts. Jean decided that the universe was playing a sick joke on him. How can one man look that good. But he guesses its not that hard when the man was already blessed with the face of a textbook angle and the body of young God.
"Left or right?"
Jean looked to Marco, unsure of what he meant.
Marco smiled, amused,
"Do you want the left or the right side?"
Jean thought for a moment, the left side was closest to the door and he knew Marco could take care of himself but the thought of someone breaking in and killing Marco made Jean's stomach twist with worry,
"Uh, left."
Marco nodded and crawled across the bed, settling into the covers. Jean grabbed his hygeine bag from his duffle and went to the batbroom to do his nightly routine, or at least a toned down version of it, he didn't know if he could stay standing for much longer.
As Jean opened the door, Marco seemed to be fast asleep. He tip toed as quietly as he could to the empty side of the bed and breathed out to try and regain his composure. He grabbed the corner of the comforter and settled next to Marco, a little to stiff to be comfortable. Jean was unable to sleep and opted to watch Marco instead. He watched the way his breathing went from slightly fast and even to slow and rhythmic. Jean thought what it would be like to rest his head on his chest and listen to the change of his heartbeat, maybe it would lull him to sleep like a comforting white noise, he reached out and tenderly moved a stray strand of hair off of Marco's forehead.
Jean's heart sank to his toes, he had been caught.
"Marco, sorry, I-it's not-I wasn't--"
He was cutoff by the man sitting up and taking his hand into his own.
"Can I kiss you?"
Jean's eyes widened at Marco's question, shock, anxiety and excitement took over his system, Marco must have got shy because he ducked his head and loosened his grip on Jean's hands.
"Yes. Yes, you can."
And with that, Marco gently moved his hand to Jean's face and kissed him, softly and chaste, like they had all the time in the world, and in a way, they did. Jean kissed back after a second of hesitancy. They kissed for what felt like forever to Jean and when Marco pulled back, he had a hint of a smile and blush on his face and Jean imagined he looked the same.
"I love you."
"I love you."
They said simultaneously and laughed at the suddenness of their twin confessions. Jean spoke first,
"Uhm, how long?"
Marco laughed, a bit bashful,
"Five years."
Jean laughed, loudly and exclaimed,
"Me too!"
Marco quickly shushed him, worried that he'll wake someone. Jean continued, quitter,
"I didn't even notice."
Marco snickered,
"Connie and Sasha made a bet on who would make the first move."
Jean was visibly offended,
Marco let out an exasperated laugh,
Jean wondered who won but at the same time, he didn't really care for that right now.
"Jean, we should talk more about this, about us."
Marco was a little apprehensive, worried that he would ruin the moment but as far as Jean's concerned, they have officially committed themselves to each other and nothing Marco could say or do that would make Jean let go of him, not now that he got him.
Jean reached across Marco's body and laid both of them down onto the bed.
Jean whispered as he curled into Marco's side, resting his head on his chest, finally listening to his heartbeat and smiling at the abprupt inhale that moved his head upwards.
Marco wrapped his arms around Jean and practically pulled him on top of himself,
"Okay. Goodnight, Jean."
Jean let himself melt into the embrace,
"Goodnight, Marco."
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misslavenderlady · 8 months
Lost Boys - TransFem Au
Part 2: Growing up in Phoenix
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Ladies and gentlemen, her 💕
Mikayla Emerson
Here's a bit of backstory for our lovely lady~
part 1 HERE , part 3 HERE
Back in Phoenix:
Growing up, Mikayla always felt awkward being around the boys in her class. They were so rude and gross in her eyes, and found herself glancing over to the girls groups. She worked up some courage to join them, enjoying their company far more. It just felt right, and it was the starting point of her journey.
As a child, she loved to watch her mom do her hair and makeup every morning. It was a great bonding time, as Lucy provided life advice and stories for her. Mikayla truly looked up to her mom and wanted to be like her one day.
When Sam came into the picture, Mikayla used him as a stand-in for her desires to be "pretty". She would put clips in his hair, dress him up in costume jewelry and use some tools from Lucy's makeup bag. She was too nervous about trying it all for herself, but cute little baby Sam would go along with it.
Now, her father was not having this. He was a workaholic who expected his wife to set his sons straight and stop all the "girlie shit" when he wasn't there. Lucy would not do such a thing, opting to help her children be happy. Whenever Lance was home he would say very hurtful and homophobic things to Mikayla. Tell her she better start acting like a "man" or he'd make her sorry. It scared her beyond belief.
We all know Lucy, aka best mom ever, was apart of the hippie movement back in the day. When her eldest child confided in her one day about being a girl, Lucy had all the love and support in the world. She never wanted her daughter to feel like she had to be anyone other than herself.
Mikayla's transition began in middle school. She begged her mother to help her be who she wanted to be. It wasn't easy, especially given the decade. Back in that day, Mikayla's identity was referred to as "transsexual". Lucy went searching through dozens of doctors office, trying to find one that would be willing to help. When she did, both of them were incredibly relieved.
Lucy enrolled Mikayla into a new school, doing all she could to help her daughter get the fresh start she wanted. Mikayla was so grateful to have girl friends and be herself. She still had to be careful, opting to go into the bathrooms to change for gym class and taking self-defense classes after school in case any bullies tried to hurt her (Lucy lied to Lance and said it was boxing).
When Mikayla got to high school, she joined the cheerleading team. She was incredibly athletic, and enjoyed having such sweet teammates to call her friends. Though the other cheerleaders were all bubbly and outgoing, Mikayla was still a little shy and reserved. She didn't like drawing too much attention to herself.
This went on for a few years until all hell broke loose at home. Lance had been in another fight with Lucy over Mikayla's identity, and had announced he was going to send her to military school to "force the sissy out". Lucy had finally had enough. She filed for divorce, packed up everything, and moved her children all the way to California. Before she left, she told Lance "I hope every day you're away from your little girl you feel every single bit of shame you deserve." That was the last time Mikayla and Sam saw their father. He wouldn't be missed.
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If you're still doing requests for your followers event, can we see Brandy meeting some top rangers?
Like any good citizen of Fortree city, Brandy would tell you that it was an afront to their culture to build anything directly on the ground. When the gym and pokemon centre had gone in years earlier she had mocked and bemoaned it with everyone else, despite being a mere 5 years old with barely any idea what exactly it was she was supposed to dislike. She had also echoed the adults when the ranger union moved in and built their base in the treetops along with everyone else – clearly these people actually understood Fortree. 5-year-old Brandy didn’t really understand Fortree, of course. She mostly just echoed what the adults around her said.
She did understand the issue now though – more even than a matter of culture, it simply wasn’t practical to have buildings set directly into the soft ground around Fortree. Especially when monsoon season hit. She had been working out of the Fortree city ranger base for a couple of years now, and was grateful every day that she was able to spend her days in the treetops. She found that gratitude dampened, however, when she heard her base leader calling for her from a lower level.
“Oi, Grovehurst! C’mere, your new mission partner just arrived.”
Brandy rolled her eyes. She hadn’t been looking forward to this. Her latest mission involved a particularly hardy ring of poachers that clearly had some Team Rocket connections, if their advanced gear and seemingly endless numbers were any indication. She had tried a few times to oust them, using more and more aggressive tactics each time until the Union finally decided to lend her a little help. Everything she’d heard about the Top Ranger they were sending, however, made her think he’d be anything but helpful.
“Yeah, coming.” She began descending down towards the lower level, opting to jump from branch to branch rather than using the stairs. Michael, her partner poochyena, happily bounded after her.
The man that greeted her at the bottom of the stairs was tan, annoyingly buff, grossly tall, and handsome. Which Brandy also found annoying. He was also wearing a nearly all white uniform and a cowboy hat? Brandy could not hide the look of slight disgust as she glanced him over. Not that she would have tried, even if she could.
“Well, howdy there little lady.” The man was either ignoring or hadn’t noticed her negative reaction. He tipped his hat in greeting. “Name’s Sven. This here luxray is my partner. We’re both lookin’ forward to working with such a pretty li’l ranger.” Sven finished off his greeting with a wink.
Brandy crinkled their nose and recoiled at Sven’s comment, looking to her base leader in disbelief, who stubbornly avoided making eye contact. Now even more annoyed, they turned their attention back to Sven. “Brandy,” they said, pointing at themselves and then Michael. “Michael. You’ve made a shit first impression, by the way.”
Sven cracked up at this, clapping his hands together in mirth. “Well I’ll be! You’re just as ornery as they said you’d be. Ain’t that cute. Well, I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you and me take care of this li’l poacher problem y’all are having, and I’ll be out of hair lickety split. Sound good?”
“Sounds grand.”
The following evening found Brandy, Michael, and the assortment of about 8 or so wild mightyena and poochyena that typically accompanied Brandy on these missions camped out just outside the poachers’ camp. Sven and his pokemon were also there, but Brandy was trying to ignore that part.
“Hey girlie, quick question before we kick things off. How’s your styler handling so many captured pokemon?” Sven whispered, making it very difficult for Brandy to pretend he wasn’t there.
“They aren’t captured. Just local friends. We go way back. Are you ready or what?”
Sven glanced curiously at the pack, but thankfully didn’t make any further comment. He just nodded.
The plan was decently simple. Sven would go in and launch a heavy hitting attack against the biggest, meanest looking poachers he could find while Brandy ran around dismantling their camp and scooping up as many stragglers as she could. Typically, operations with Team Rocket involvement were best solved by making them lose as much money as possible, as quickly as one could. The organization was powerful, but notably against burning money on causes that weren’t profitable.
And it went decently well. Sven and his luxray were able to take down 3 intimidating looking poachers, and Brandy rushed around freeing pokemon from cages with impressive speed. The pack chewed open anything they could, and howled and yipped excitedly when they found particularly large cages that required Brandy’s help to open.
When ruckus settled down and the camp was left empty Sven stood proudly in front of three tied up poachers (tied with rope – Brandy was decently sure that violated protocol). He looked around in slight confusion. The din of the pack chasing the fleeing poachers away could be heard slowly fading into the distance.
“Where are yours?” Sven asked, clearly confused.
“My what?” Brandy was only half paying attention. They seemed more focused on dismantling and double checking the rest of the camp.
“Your…guys.” Sven motioned vaguely at the three people he had apprehended. “Were you not able to pin any of them?”
“I wasn’t trying to pin any of them? I was making sure the pokemon they had gathered were released, or captured if they were invasive.” She gestured at the assortment of exotic pokemon vaguely following her around. “Wouldn’t have caught all the stragglers if I tried to focus on the humans.”
There was a beat of silence as Brandy continued dismantling the camp. It was an awkward silence, but thankfully only Sven and the poachers he had rounded up seemed to notice. Brandy was blissfully unaware until Sven finally spoke up. “Brandy, when I said you’d gather up the stragglers I meant the human stragglers.” He finally clarified.
“Oh.” Brandy blinked, pausing briefly in her dismantling efforts to take in this new information. Then she shrugged and resumed what she was doing. “Well, that’s stupid. I wouldn’t have been able to catch all of them, even with the pack’s help. And they would have made off with some of the pokemon.”
“...Well, I don’t know what headquarters is gonna think of that, but I guess it’s a little late for arguing. Why don’t I get these three processed and carted off. I hear you ain’t one for paperwork, so I’ll go ahead and submit the final report too. And sweetheart, can I give you a little piece of advice?”
Brandy had their back to Sven now, busying herself with stacking up all the spare party from the camp into a pile so she could come back for it the next day. “No.” She gave a quick wave, not turning away from her job to look at him. “Bye.”
Sven shrugged, heading back towards the base with the three poachers in tow. “Suit yourself.”
Dear Brandy,
First of all, congratulations on clearing that last mission! Smugglers with organized crime connections are often difficult to defend against, and we are impressed that you were able to assist one of our top rangers in defending Fortree Town’s community against them. We wanted to quickly touch base with you following the final report for that mission submitted by Sven. While we commend you on your commitment to ensuring that every pokemon was freed from the camp, we understand that your priority for that mission was to apprehend suspects.
We understand how difficult it is to face human criminals, but as a field ranger the expectation is that you will be able to focus on the long term good done by apprehending these poachers rather than the short-sighted goal of simply releasing their pokemon. We strongly encourage you to consider how your actions will reflect upon the ranger union as a whole on future missions.
We also understand that you ignored a direct order from your supervising ranger in focusing on the pokemon and not the poachers. We are sure you are aware, but please note that if this happens again we will be forced to consider disciplinary action.
Lastly, as a side note please remember that pokemon which are not registered to your capture styler or trained and approved partner pokemon are not to be used to assist you on your missions. Wild or untrained pokemon are unpredictable, and the Ranger Union would be held liable should one of these pokemon injure or disturb a citizen. Please refrain from accepting the help of “the pack” unless they are properly captured and registered to the styler in the future.
Warm Regards,
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My school gym system was fucked and ableist as hell. Gym was required for all years of school from kindergarten to graduation in high school. No opting out, no alternatives, and everyone had to do the same activities chosen by the teachers. Starting at the beginning of kindergarten, gym class is daily half the year, and every other day for the remainder. And if you couldn't keep up with the activity, you failed. Outright. Teachers were HARD on gym grades. And if you failed you could not graduate at all.
I only just learned recently that in other schools, students were exempt from gym most often, because they did sports after school, or they just didn't have to take the class if they chose not to.
In my school, sports practiced every single day rain or shine the entire half of the year for 3-5 hours after school each day and even weekends. They still had the students doing gym class on top of that all for 1.5 hours each class.
And if you know what the fitness grand pacer test is, my school made everyone do that every other week all four years of high school, requiring we get to 30 laps minimum, no less, and you had to increase your numbers each test or else you'd fail.
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underscorecc · 7 months
every time i dump a bunch of shit thats been on my chest it usually starts with all the problems in my life. maybe its because im just shooting from the hip but i find myself stuck in the should-have-beens and the varying levels of "not good enough" but i think ive had enough and for once im putting the shit that runs on the hamster wheel in my head out there where maybe someone can connect and understand and realize they are like me or visa-versa. unfortunately youll have to forgive the lack of proper grammatic structuring and the vagueness, but i dont really care enough beyond stringing my thoughts together in a way that someone can comprehend them, and my lack of specificity is partly to isolate this page from my life, and partly so that those who can possibly connect with some of these topics are able to just a little more.
heres where im at: i've just been through a breakup about a week ago, and even though it was on really good terms, ive opted to keep her out of my life for the time being. im sick of being obsessed and letting someone hold so much power over me (not that she was particularly dysfunctional). we even alluded to getting back together in some undecided amount of time, a time when she can be single for a bit and i can fix the major parts of my dysfunctional life. i dont really care about the breakup. she meant a lot to me but im just sick of her right now and of the apathy. i texted her that i wanted her out of my life so that i can get her out of my head (we originally opted to stay best friends despite the breakup) but that didnt really work.
off the top of my head i can categorize "dysfunctional" in the context of what im dealing with rn goes like this:
1 - I'm sick of being a beta of sorts. I used to carry myself with a lot of alpha energy that just went out with a bang at the beginning of the last 6 months, which currently, have been the worst 6 months of my life. you might automatically direct your thoughts to me being some andrew-tate-manosphere-15-year-old-incel-cuck at the mention of alpha, but no. It's more in the sense that I had self respect, was much more consistent in the gym and with music, I was way more confident, and all in all I just felt like there was a future on that path that I was taking.
2 - I'm sick of having such a weak internal locus of control. In another perspective one could say I have made leaps and bounds in terms of my level of control and discipline, and they wouldn't be wrong. from where my standards are set, it's nowhere near enough. maybe my goals are "unrealistic" or "too tall" but when you shoot for the moon, even if you miss, youll land amongst the stars. for now, my withered coomer-brain needs a reset, which probably involves some sort of dopamine desensitization, so when i start doing that i'll update on this blog.
3 - I'm sick of my selective pseudo social anxiety. when it comes to social dynamics, once im situated, i find myself more than competent in being engaging, and more often than not im the center of attention, but even so i find there's this level of desperation in the way that i entertain. not to say that im bad at it, no im the fucking best; no one does it like me. at the same time, i find myself feeling that when im joking with a group of friends or just making small talk theres this underlying begging of "please pay attention to me and validate me and dont leave me" that i pick up on, and if i pick up on it others may very well too.
all of these issues tie into eachother in more ways than i can imagine, and for the most part i can trace these issues to their source, the rejection, the shit talking, the anxiety, the deflated sense of self-value/importance/respect, the lack of self control, etc. so right now i guess i need to focus on just fucking doing it or something i dont know.
one of the things i find people (including myself) struggle to do the most is to come to terms with the fact that making significant change involves doing hard shit. for example, if you want to have a nice body and be strong just lift a lot of heavy shit and dont eat like a fatass. It really is that simple (not to imply that simplicity = ease) but so often i find people snorting lines of copium by doing some crazy intricate crash diet or giving in to defeat by saying "oh my basal metabolic rate is too low to lose weight" or "my bicep insertions look weird thats why i dont have good arms" (stay with me here i promise it'll come back to the main topic soon) and you could say that those are good excuses to give up, but you arent going to be any more satisfied with yourself by logically worming yourself out of putting in effort, because it takes effort.
I only said all that because i feel like thats what i do all the fucking time and its probably the crux of all my issues and it makes me fucking crazy. being decently smart doesnt help at all either, because i can logic my way out of fucking everything now, which has probably been the primary contributor to landing me where i am now. It reminds me of the most stand out part of fight club to me, "How's that working out for you?...Being Clever". If i were asked that by a one tyler durden i would say "its the fucking worst".
im all over the place now because my comprehension of this intangible dissatisfaction with myself, which i simultaneously can put into words succinctly, yet also could not describe with all the words of all the languages. i dont want to end abruptly here because it feels like theres more i could go off of, but i cant. tldr; its not over but like shit stinks bad rn :)
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shopmyshop1 · 10 months
Step Up Your Style: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Shoes for Every Occasion
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Regarding fashion and style, one of the most crucial elements to consider is the choice of shoes. The right pair of shoes can elevate your outfit and make a statement, but choosing the wrong ones can easily ruin your look. To help you navigate the world of footwear, we will explore how to select the perfect shoes for various occasions. Whether dressing up for a formal event or going casual for a day out, this guide will give you the expertise, authority, trustworthiness, and experience (E-A-T-E) you need to make the right decisions.
Understanding the Importance of Occasion-appropriate Footwear
The choice of footwear should always be influenced by the event or occasion you're attending. Here's a breakdown of some common scenarios and the types of shoes that work best:
Formal Events
Opting for elegant and sophisticated footwear is essential for formal occasions such as weddings, galas, or business meetings. Men should consider classic black or brown leather Oxford shoes, while women can choose from pumps, stilettos, or elegant flats. These choices convey professionalism and a polished appearance.
Casual Outings
Comfort is critical When heading out for a casual day with friends or family. Sneakers, loafers, or sandals are excellent choices. Sneakers, in particular, have evolved into versatile options that can be stylish and comfortable simultaneously.
Outdoor Adventures
If you plan an outdoor adventure like hiking, camping, or a nature walk, your shoes should prioritize durability and support. Hiking boots or trail shoes are perfect for these activities, providing traction and protection for rugged terrains.
Athletic Pursuits
For sports or gym activities, investing in proper athletic shoes is crucial. The right sports shoes provide support, cushioning, and stability, reducing the risk of injury. Be sure to choose shoes designed for your specific sport or activity.
Beach or Pool Days
On days when you're soaking up the sun by the beach or pool, opt for comfortable and water-resistant footwear. Flip-flops or waterproof sandals are ideal for these settings, as they're easy to slip on and off and won't be ruined by water exposure.
Personal Experience and Insights
Having been a fashion enthusiast for years, I've learned the importance of selecting the right shoes for various occasions through personal experiences. For instance, I once attended a wedding wearing casual sneakers, which felt out of place and attracted unwanted attention. It was a valuable lesson in the significance of occasion-appropriate footwear.
In contrast, I've also had the pleasure of wearing comfortable sneakers while exploring a new city, ensuring I could walk for hours without discomfort. This experience underscored the importance of comfort for casual outings.
Expert Tips
To further enhance your understanding of choosing the right shoes for different occasions, consider these expert tips:
Consider the Dress Code: Always check the dress code for the event or location you're visiting. This can significantly influence your choice of footwear.
Prioritize Comfort: Regardless of the occasion, never compromise on comfort. Uncomfortable shoes can lead to blisters and foot pain, making any event or outing unpleasant.
Quality Matters: Investing in high-quality footwear pays off in the long run. Quality shoes are not only more durable but also more comfortable.
Versatile Choices: If you're on a budget, opt for versatile shoes that work for multiple occasions. For example, a classic pair of black leather shoes suits formal events and business casual outings.
Proper Fit: Ensure your shoes fit correctly. Ill-fitting shoes can cause various foot problems, from blisters to bunions.
Credible Sources and Additional Information
While personal experiences and insights are valuable, consulting credible sources and experts for further guidance on selecting the right shoes is essential. You can explore reputable fashion magazines, consult with fashion stylists, or visit online resources like shop shop for the latest trends and recommendations.
In conclusion, choosing the right shoes for different occasions is a skill that combines fashion expertise with practicality. By considering the event, prioritizing comfort, and investing in quality footwear, you can always show style and confidence. So, the next time you open your closet, remember that the right pair of shoes can make all the difference in the world.
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rustedhearts · 11 months
on the mat (boxer!steve harrington x fem!librarian reader)
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summary: steve tries to teach you a few boxing lessons in the ring, but ends up (re)learning a thing or two about you instead.
uses she/her pronouns and female anatomy.
✶ the king of the ring (1993) ✶ main masterlist
tags: the return of casually dominant!steve; play fighting? i guess?; smut (fingering); slight humiliation kink?; finger sucking.
october 24th, 1993
The gym sat in a stiff, sticky heat. A palpable humidity settled in your body, bloating with exertion and frustration and just a little too much humiliation for your liking. Beneath a pair of padded, pink leather boxing gloves, your fingers were sore and tired, slick with sweat from hours confined. They sat now balled up on your hips, chest rising and falling in heavy huffs beneath a soaked-thin sports bra.
And there Steve stood across the ring, shiny and pink-less, grinning like he'd been given a lollypop. Your eyes narrowed into slits, lips drying with thirst. A burn gathered in your chest a few minutes ago, and now every inhale felt like sucking on fire.
"Ah, come on, angel," he cooed, shaking his hand out of one glove to free his fingers and push back his drenched hair. "You're doin' so good."
Somehow, a few hours ago, Steve roped you into training with him. He'd been begging to teach you how to properly box since you started dating, and somehow, he finally convinced you. It was just as exhausting and demanding as you thought it would be, and now you were dripping buckets and making a fool of yourself in front of the man you loved. It was tiresome and humiliating, and you wanted it to be over the minute it started.
"Then I say we call it a day," you huffed.
Wiggling his swollen hand back into the weathered gloves, Steve shook his head and cocked a sideways grin. "I don't think so, sweetheart—"
"Steve," you whined, foot stomping. "Come onnnn."
His shoulders quaked with laughter, and the pinched glare you had on your face morphed into a weepy pout. Steve pulled at the laces of his glove with his teeth until they were well enough taut to stay put, sneakers scuffing over the mat as he headed your way.
The gym was closed on Sundays, so you had the place entirely to yourself—it was easy for Steve to pull strings and get his way. With the amount of championships he'd won over the past few years, Steve could get away with just about anything these days. Endorsements and companies hoping for brand deals kissed his ass just for a chance at conversation. So, if Steve Harrington wanted a private gym for a training session with his girlfriend, he'd get it.
But that left you entirely at his mercy.
Steve brought his puffy, gloved fists to your arms, tugging you close. Lip jutted and eyes down-pointed, you opted to huff and puff at the ground instead of meeting his eye like you knew he wanted. He brought a fist to your chin, kicking it up gently.
"Sweetheart," he chuckled. "C'mon, don't be a baby."
"M' not bein' a baby," you grumbled, jerking your chin away.
Another smile toyed on his lips. "No?"
Steve replaced his touch under your chin, urging your head back where he wanted. His touch smelled like leather and the salty musk of sweat, and every spent and frazzled nerve in your body sparked with arousal like severed wires in an electric rainstorm. You inhaled sharply, following his guiding touch until you caught sight of his strong chin.
"Gimme a kiss, angel."
The roll of your eyes was entirely theatrical, because the gruff sound of his voice rumbling through you had you squirming. But it was so easy to give into Steve—sometimes, you liked to make him wait a little. Sometimes, you wanted his voice to drop from that soft, fluffy coo and dip into something dark and firm.
Steve bent his neck, leaning toward your mouth. You turned your head. In your periphery, the delicacy of his features congealed like spoiled milk—narrowed brows and hard eyes. The yellow spotlights above the ring blazed down like sunlight, singing your skin with unforgivable heat.
"Hey." Steve flicked your head back with his glove against your cheek. "Give me. A kiss."
You fell into his touch, but when you inched forward on the tops of your new Reeboks, your mouth merely grazed. Brushed against his lips in a soft, chaste kiss. When you sank back to your height, Steve's chuckle was sharp and huffed through his nose. He dropped his hand from your face and stepped back.
"Back in position."
Groaning, you let your arms drop limply at your sides. "Steve—"
"Now," he barked, voice clanging off the walls like metal.
You jolted, trudging toward the center of the ring with a grumpy, nonsensical grumble of disagreement. Steve shook his head as he headed toward the corner, pulling at the laces of his gloves with his teeth until they smacked against the mat. He fumbled in his gym bag, pulling out the flat pads meant for throwing jabs. When they were snug around his hands, he stood to his full height and sauntered toward you.
Wordlessly, Steve assumed a firm stance and held out the pads out in front of him, biceps veined and bulging. His eyes bored into you over the top of the black leather, void and heavily-lidded. You sighed, arms limp and buzzing.
You lifted your right fist and let it tap the left pad weakly. It barely made a sound. Steve shook his head again, slow and steady, but still he didn't admonish you. You tried again with the left fist, tapping just a little harder on the right pad.
Your eyes snapped over, breath hitching. "What?"
Steve hadn't moved an inch, breath sure and steady. "I said, pathetic."
Your stomach grappled, a new wave of heat singing your cheeks. “I-I’m not—“
“So hit me like you fucking mean it.”
Though foggy with exhaustion and void of any semblance of desire to put any sort of effort into this, the way Steve’s voice sliced around his command made your insides surge. Pathetic.
You’d show him pathetic.
It shot out before you could truly control it: your first careening into the pad, striking Steve’s hand with vigor. The smack was sharp and acute, and delight burst his pupil to dilation.
Your fist buzzed in the glove, slick with sweat and swollen from work, but it felt…good. It felt good to hit, and it felt good to watch pride swell in Steve’s gaze because of something you’d done.
His lips parted to speak, breath short and clipped with intention to speak, but you beat him to it. Another hit to the glove—a swift jab, knocking him off kilter. He wavered a moment, then steadied. His eyes bored into you like he’d just seen you for the first time. And maybe he had.
You tore at the velcro of your gloves with your teeth, shaking the leather off. Every part of your body felt like it was convulsing. You could barely see straight, and everything came with a haloed glow. You shuffled back toward the edge of the ring.
“Where y’ goin’, angel?” Steve asked, inching forward.
Huffing, you tossed your gloves on the mat and glared at him. “To change. I want to go home.”
Steve took another step forward, following every move backward like the pair of you were tethered together. “We’re not done here.”
Hands on your hips, you sliced him with a look meant to kill. “Yes, we are.”
You turned then, eyes set on the locker room door across the gym. You barely got a toe toward the edge of the ring before Steve had you by the arm. Somehow, the pads were on the floor again, and Steve’s most lethal weapons were out to play.
“Hey! Steve, don’t—“
You pushed him. He tugged you closer. You gaped at him, at his display of audacity. You pushed again, a firm palm to a firmer chest. He let go. You turned again, but this time, he had you by the waist. Anchoring you, pulling you back. You planted your heels and resisted with all your might, grunting and mewling for release. But Steve’s hold was inescapable.
It tugged you to the mat, weighing you down until the pair of you slipped and ended flat in the ring. A pair of limbs scrambling and tangling, knotting together between huffs and groans. He flipped you over onto your back, and you kicked at his hips with the heels of your feet until it gave you an inch up. Twisting and churning, clawing with your hands. What the hell were you doing? You had no idea, but your body was on fire and you couldn’t breathe—and it all felt so good.
With all the writhing and tumbling, you found your way toward the edge of the ring. You wrapped your fingers around the lowest rope, teeth gritted with exertion as you pulled. But Steve was down on you, heavy and full of cords of taut muscle that you were no match for. And even without the weight of him, he still had his hands.
“Nah, nah,” he huffed, a chuckle airing through his nose as he watched your fingers tremble around the rope. “You’re not goin’ anywhere.”
Your hand slammed against the mat, caged in his own crushing your fingers in his palm. It was then that you decided to give up on your fight. Pinned by his body, inhaling his exhales, licking beads of sweat as they dripped into your mouth. His hair coiled over his brow, tickling his lashes. His upper lip snarled into a smile, and with his big, hulking form between your legs, you suddenly forgot all about how tired you were and just why you ever wanted to get away.
Like Steve said, you weren’t going anywhere.
Keeping you stationary with his hand around your wrist, kept above your head and off the side, Steve made quick work of the ties on your shorts. Pulling their knot loose, yanking the band down your hips. He pressed the pad of two fingers into your damp, sticky panties over your crotch, and when you shuddered in a gasp, he chuckled again.
“God, you still like it so tough, huh?” He pressed a little harder, rubbed small circles into your clothed nub.
His breath tickled your face with every word spat out. “Pretend you’re so sweet and shy. But you, honey…you like to be fucked. Mean.”
The rubbing burned against the friction of your damp panty fabric and Steve’s fingers. His touch stung, like it always did. And the light in his eyes was one of fiery delight and wonderment. Absolute desire, lapping its forked, devil tongue between the pair of you. You released a sweeping breath, face creased with anguishing pleasure.
Steve rummaged the surface of your face, glowing like a jewel with salty dampness. You rose and fell with such shallow, struggled breaths that he was certain you’d run out of air.
He fell down on his arm a little, nose brushing your nose. “Tell me,” he whispered, voice an echo in your fuzzy, sloshing thoughts. “Tell me you like me mean.”
You choked, air catching in your throat. Right in the middle, where your heart sat waiting, and pulsing. “I-I…I…”
His lip curled again, nose scrunching to follow the crude expression of a growl. “I think you love it, don’t you? C’mon, tell me you love it.”
Oh, the sound of his voice, sweetened with mockery and seasoned with humiliation. He rubbed a little faster, enjoying the tremble of your thighs. Your body was rippling.
“I-I,” you gasped, fingers curling into a fist above your head. “I…Oh, Steve—p-please!”
“Tell me you love it,” he bit, teeth snapping at your mouth.
“Oh,” you howled, bucking into his touch. He pushed the cotton aside and let his fingers breach the bare warmth, and now you were certainly a puddly mess. He prodded at your hole with a spongy touch.
“You love it,” he coaxed, the sound of his voice nearly hypnotic now.
Convincing you, telling you, promising you. You loved it.
“I love it!”
With your confession, he plunged in. His fingers buried themselves inside you until he caught resistance, watching you jerk upward and hold tight, breath bubbled in your throat and swollen in your chest. The veins in your neck scraped their way toward your jaw, protruding without air. He curled his fingers just a little, watched you twist a little to the left. Like some sort of woman possessed.
He gently rocked his fingers in and out, each time nudging that little spot inside you that grew sore and hungry. You caught your breath when he kissed your mouth, releasing it between his lips sealed over yours.
“I love it,” you murmured again, vision spotted and streaked. “I do, I do, I do.”
He clamped your babbles with more wet kisses. Silent reassurances. Gentle and full-mouthed, absent of tongue and just breath, transferred between one pair of lips to the other. Your chin tipped upward to follow them, chasing after more pecks. Steve pulled away just far enough to find amusement in your suffering.
"You'll get a kiss," he murmured, too soft for his cruelty. "When you gimme what I want."
And when you cinched your brows together with feigned confusion, Steve tipped his head a little toward the light haloing behind him, beaconing from the gunmetal roof. The slightest arch of a brow, the knowing narrow of a pair of whiskey-colored eyes flecked with sage.
"You know what I want," he rasped.
Heart hammering hard against your ribs, flesh singing with stimulation, bones droning with desire—all you could manage was a nod.
He wanted what he always wanted—all of you.
One more gentle prod, fingers goading against the swollen, fleshy tissue pulsing deep inside you. One more kiss to the underside of your jaw, lips cradling the pulse point below your right ear. One more squeeze of your wrist in his big hand, thumb into a mass of uneasy muscle fluttering with life punctured by the teeth of his love.
Orgasmic euphoria erupted into bursts of color. Crimson red like the blood Steve shed. Cognac brown like the bits of his eyes illuminated only in direct light. Black as the color of his love, bruised without mercy.
Tiny, pitiful whimpers pipped out of you in short successions. Steve quieted them with more kisses, just as promised. He slipped his fingers from your quivering cunt with caution, parted lips gliding wetly across your cheek from their place on your mouth, smearing hot breaths and spit.
"Open," he whispered, though when his fingers came to your lips, they were already ajar and releasing pants.
You sucked them clean, blinking blearily as he fell into your neck, equally as spent by his exertions. His fingers coasted down your arm as they left your wrist, releasing your binds. You shivered absently when they slid against your ribs, pressing into the curve of your waist.
"I still wanna fuck," Steve huffed, nosing at your neck where the perfume you applied hours ago faded with sweat. "But gotta lie down first."
Giggling, you kissed the wetness of his hairline etched above his temple lazily. "Me too."
"Well yeah, I rocked your world."
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Are young love-birds in their 20s and 30s the first thing you think of when someone utters the words ‘wedding‘, ‘bride’, or ‘groom’? What about the middle aged couples who get hitched? Are the rules any different if you’re a little older by the time you get married?
The short answer is no. Even if this is your second or third wedding, or you have just taken your time to find the love of your life, your age really is just a number at the end of the day and shouldn’t have any bearing over what your wedding day should look like.
If you love large gatherings that are truly opulent and OTT, or if intimacy and elopement are more your thing, don’t feel like your wedding has to be any different simply because of your age.
Real wedding inspiration:
“Love is beautiful at every age.”
Real Bride Karen Fernance met her beau Allen Jenkins later in life. But her quote above proves you are never too old to get married. The pair, aged 50 and 57 respectively, met at the gym where Karen was working  – and Allen was working out. “Allen was a widower with no children, and I was a divorcee with four,” explains the bride. “We always said we both had baggage, just different suitcases.”
Styling experts worldwide unanimously agree that a mature bride can look age-appropriate without having to sacrifice her sense of style. If you love mermaid-style gowns or prefer a more demure high-neck or sleeved dress, you can rock any look you choose.
If you fall in love with a strapless gown, but prefer a little more coverage, you can engage the services of a seamstress who can create a gorgeous bolero or long-sleeved jacket that will complement and even enhance your dress. You can definitely opt for white or ivory if you like, as the rules for who can and cannot wear white were ditched long ago.
However, at the end of the day, it’s all about being comfortable and feeling beautiful in your own skin.
Bridal party
With more years behind you and potentially a lot more genuine friendships than a 20-something might have, it may be harder to choose your bridal party (if you decide to have one).
Traditionally, the bridal party is made up of friends or siblings, but you might also like to include you or your partner’s children to make it more of a family affair.
On the other hand, you could choose not to have one at all, and instead place the focus firmly on you and your partner.
Gift registry
You might already feel like you and your fiancé have everything you need in life and if that’s the case, you might choose to do away with gifts altogether. (If you do, make sure you indicate this on your wedding invitation or incorporate a cute poem with words to that effect on a separate card that you send out with the invitation!)
Another alternative is to opt for a wishing well if you are saving up for something big like a house deposit, a home renovation, or just a nice holiday together. This will allow guests to give what they can to make your dream a reality.
You will have a lot more life experience behind you now and will really know what you value about your soon-to-be spouse. How about giving writing your own vows a try to make them truly special?
If one or both of you already have children, you can include special vows for them to make them feel more accepted into this new family unit.
Size doesn’t matter
While first weddings are often extravagant, you can tone it down for your second wedding. Or, if you are a more mature couple and the idea of partying all night long doesn’t sit well with you, then don’t! It’s as simple as that — none of the significance of your day will be lost if you decide on a smaller wedding. It is your day, after all.
In fact, intimate weddings can have a more genuine atmosphere as you are celebrating with only your nearest and dearest.
At the end of the day, this is the moment where you will share the love you have for your partner with the people you care about the most, so you should do what makes you and your partner happy.
#middleagedwedding #marriageat50 #marriageat40 #midlifemarriage #pittsburghweddingdj 
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hawks-supremacy · 3 years
Golden Swirls
summary: when Sakusa's sister told him how people found their soulmates, he was disgusted. or at least until he found his.
pairing: sakusa x reader
genre: fluff and angst
word count: 3.2k
a/n: i finished this a week ago but didn't like it so i completely redid it. i also tried to write in 3rd pov which i don't think i'll do again, i'll probably just stick to 2nd pov but i wanted to try something new! anyway i hope you enjoy!
Sakusa Kiyoomi didn’t consider himself a germaphobe. Even though his cousin, Komori Motoya, liked to say he was, he still wouldn’t consider himself one. Although he said it in a joking manner it still made him think, do other people see him like that? He didn’t mind sitting or laying on the floor to do his stretches before practice, and dirt outside didn’t bother him much either. It was just other people and their germs that he didn’t care for. He doesn’t know where people have been or who could potentially be in the beginning stages of a cold and not know it. He was cautious around people, and bigger crowds made him nervous.
So when Sakusa learned about soulmates and how people found theirs at the age of 8 he was a little grossed out. What he remembers from the story his older sister told him was that everyone in the world has a soulmate, and the way you find yours was that when you made contact with your soulmate, the area you touched each other would light up in a sort of golden color. She told stories about how people would go around and try to touch everyone they thought could be their soulmate.
That’s what Sakusa thought was gross, trying to touch every single person on the off chance that they're your soulmate. Maybe it’s because he was always sick as a kid and that’s why he didn’t like the idea of other people’s germs. So as he grew up and saw people leaving gentle touches on the arms of everyone they met he couldn’t help but curl his lip in disgust. It wasn’t like Sakusa never wanted to find his soulmate, but he didn’t like the idea of people invading his personal space to find out.
High School for Sakusa was difficult, even though Motoya constantly told him he was a bit brash and abrasive that didn’t stop people from wanting to see if they were his soulmate. He managed to dodge nearly everyone who tried but occasionally there’d be a few who snuck in there with disappointed stares as their touch didn’t cause the warm golden glow signalling that they were soulmates.
Now Sakusa was a professional volleyball player for the MSBY Black Jackals and dodging the fleeting touches of fans only seemed to get harder the longer he was in the spotlight. He watched from a distance as his teammates shook hands and hugged every fan that approached them, watched as the shoulders of fans slumped at the lack of gold in their touch. Watched as fans jealously stared when his captain Meian Shugo found his soulmate in the crowded court after a game.
He had just left the locker rooms and glanced in the gym to see another crowd of fans desperately trying to see if they were one of the team member’s soulmates, another crowd of fans disappointed when the outcome they were hoping for didn’t happen. “You’re not soulmate searching in the crowd of fans?” He glanced over, startled at the sudden voice next to him. He wasn’t used to the new presence quite yet.
L/n Y/n was the new manager of the Black Jackals, having started less than a month ago. They had already begun to learn everyone’s mannerisms and habits, knowing that Sakusa was one to avoid the crowds and interviews after games, opting to keep to himself. They knew that everyone else on the team had no issues meeting the fans and finding out if their soulmates were in the crowd much like Meian’s was.
Sakusa didn’t know a lot about Y/n, but they knew quite a bit about him just from observing their practices and games. Sakusa wasn’t sure if their views on soulmates matched his, if they also thought that the act of having to touch every person in hopes of finding “the one” was odd and not appealing. He wasn’t sure if they had simply just found their soulmate already and didn’t need to bother with everyone else. What he did know was that they kept their distance at practices.
Y/n always greeted everyone from a distance when they entered the gym for practices or before their games had started. When they brought their water bottles they set them on the bench rather than handing them to everyone on the team. When the team was gathering to talk about play strategies they would be sat at the bench, close enough to listen, always jotting things down on their clipboard. To Sakusa Kiyoomi, L/n Y/n was an enigma.
They were someone who kept to themselves, never getting too close to anyone else. On the occasion that they went out for dinner after games that the team had won and felt proud of, they always sat at the end of the table, never saying many words. They were quiet and soft spoken when they did speak. Giving gentle reminders or suggestions to the team. Even though they were quiet and kept to themself they still managed to become friends with almost everyone on the team.
They exchanged excited words with Bokuto as they exchanged stories from when they were in their high school years. They gave friendly but stern scoldings to Atsumu as he did something he knew he shouldn’t have, like swinging from the bars in the gym just because Hinata made a bet that he couldn’t. They gave silent smiles as they listened to Hinata enthusiastically shout sound effects as he described his favorite volleyball plays. They gave Sakusa words of encouragement while still keeping their distance because they knew that people he didn’t really know made him uncomfortable. But Sakusa didn’t know much about Y/n.
So as he looked down at them sitting on the floor across from the back entrance to the gym, waiting for him to answer their question, he wasn’t sure how to approach the conversation. “Or have you already found your soulmate?” They asked after Sakusa still hadn’t responded to their first question. “Uh no I haven’t found mine, have you?” He finally responded as he lowered himself to the ground, still a good distance away from them. They shook their head as they kept their eyes closed and their head leaning against the cold tile wall of the hallway. “Why are you sitting on the floor?” Sakusa asked after a few seconds of silence from both parties.
“I have a headache but Bokuto is my ride home, so I have to wait for him to finish greeting every fan and then he showers. So I’d say I still have a good hour to wait.” They replied, opening their eyes and tilting their head to look at Sakusa, “Why are you sitting on the floor?” He wasn’t sure how to respond, he didn’t have a reason for why he sat on the floor, he just sat there because they were also sitting on the floor.
“I can give you a ride home if you want Y/n.” He offered, changing the topic at hand. He wasn’t quite sure what compelled him to offer them a ride home, he just felt like it was right. “You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. I’m perfectly content sitting here and waiting for Bokuto.” They said, closing their eyes again and turning their head towards the ceiling. “You have a headache Y/n, let me give you a ride home so you aren’t sitting here for an hour.” Sakusa said as he got up and looked at them expectantly. As they opened their eyes they sighed and got up, “Let me text Bokuto to let him know that I don’t need a ride and then we can leave.” They reluctantly agreed as they pulled out their phone to send Bokuto a text. He wouldn’t get it until he got to the locker room but at least then he would know. “Okay let’s go.” Y/n said as they started walking towards the exit with Sakusa still standing in the hallway, only beginning to follow them after they were halfway towards the exit.
As they drove home Sakusa learned a little bit more about Y/n. He learned that they had met Bokuto through Akaashi who was a distant cousin of theirs, so they were closer to Bokuto out of everyone on the team. He also learned that they lived in the same apartment building as Bokuto so they carpooled every morning, which is why they always showed up at the same time. He didn’t learn much about before they joined the team as the manager any time he asked they waved it off or changed the subject.
As Sakusa entered his home, a familiar ringtone started to chime from his coat pocket. Taking his phone out of his pocket he pressed the answer button seeing it was Motoya calling. “Hey Motoya, what’s up?” He held the phone between his shoulder and ear as he slipped off his shoes before correcting his grip on the small device. “Was just calling to let you know we have a game against each other coming up next month. Did you just get home from your game? I thought I heard the door close.”
“Yeah I got home late because I drove the new manager home. They were waiting for Bokuto, but they had a headache and he was going to be a while.” Sakusa explained as he walked over to his kitchen to find something to eat. “Oh you guys got a new manager? Who is it?” Motoya asked curiously. “Their name is L/n Y/n. They just started a few weeks ago, so I don’t really know much about them.” He said as he got out ingredients from the fridge and went to wash his hands.
“You mean L/n Y/n from Itachiyama?” As Motoya asked what he thought was an innocent question, Sakusa felt himself freeze, “Who was that again?” He asked hesitantly. “You don’t remember Y/n? You hated them, or at least it sure seemed like you did.I mean you were cold and distant to everyone but it seemed like it was worse with them.” As Motoya continued to explain to Sakusa who Y/n was he suddenly felt very terrible. From what he remembers Y/n wasn’t always shy and soft spoken. They used to be bubbly and friendly, always trying to include everyone, including him.
It wasn’t that he was mean to them by any means. He didn’t go out of his way to bully them, but one day he had enough of their bubbly and outgoing personality and just snapped. He wasn’t having the best day and hearing them just kind of set him off, and now he felt terrible, because Sakusa knew that sometimes all it took was one person to yell at someone who was outgoing and suddenly they weren’t as outgoing anymore as before. He doesn’t quite remember what he said but he remembers that after he yelled at Y/n, they were more quiet.
“Motoya, I didn’t even recognize them. They’re so different from when we were in high school, they’re so quiet now.” Sakusa said as he leaned on the counter with his head resting in the hand that wasn’t holding the phone. “Yeah they started being quiet after you yelled at them. Didn’t talk as much.” Motoya’s voice got softer the more he talked about it. “I don’t even remember what I said, Motoya.” Sakusa sighed. “Well first of all you told them that no one cared what they had to say, and then you said something along the lines of how you feel bad for whoever their soulmate is if they're going to be that loud all the time. It was pretty bad, Kiyoomi.” Motoya changed the subject and they talked about something else for a bit before Sakusa had to eat something and then shower if he wanted to go to bed at a decent time.
It was the next morning and Sakusa was heading over to Y/n’s house to try and apologize. He wouldn’t see them today since they usually have the day after a game off so that the team can rest. He was suddenly very nervous as he knocked on the door to their apartment. “Bokuto, you have to learn how to cook something at some point, I can’t feed you all the time!” He heard their voice get closer to the door as they walked towards it, and soon the door was pulled open, “Oh you’re not Bokuto. Sorry, he usually comes over around this time every day on our days off. Uh come in?”
As they moved out of the way and opened the door more Sakusa noticed that they wore an Itachiyama sweater and suddenly felt stupid that he didn’t realize sooner. As he stepped in and slipped off his shoes he took note that the apartment was pretty clean other than a few things here and there. “Sorry it’s a mess, I was going to clean today and then well you showed up.” Y/n said as they went through and picked up a few things, “Are you hungry? It’s about noon, have you eaten? I was in the middle of making lunch, but I made enough for like four people because I don’t understand that I can cut the recipe down.” He watched as they rambled and walked around the kitchen to finish cooking the lunch they had started before he arrived.
“Yeah I’ll eat if you don’t mind. I didn’t eat anything before I came over.” He said sitting down on one of the stools by the counter. Even as he was around them for just a few minutes he couldn’t comprehend why he would yell at them like he did. Their presence was so warm and inviting, they were so caring and observant of everyone around them. Now he felt like even more of an ass before he came over to their apartment.
“Not that I don’t want to hang out with you or anything, but why exactly did you come over to my apartment today?” They asked setting down two plates of food on the counter and taking a seat across from Sakusa. Sakusa moved the food around his plate for a bit while he nervously thought about how to start the conversation. “I’m sorry.” He said and looked up, “About what happened when we were at Itachiyama.” Y/n paused, their food halfway to their mouth, and set down their utensils. “Oh, so you do remember that.” They said fidgeting with their hands, “I had honestly thought you forgot. It’s okay though Sakusa, it’s been what? Five years since that’s happened? I’ve moved past it, we’re different people than we were back then. I kinda get it though, I was a little much huh?” They asked, beginning to eat again.
“It wasn’t okay though, I shouldn’t have talked to you like that just because I was having a bad day Y/n. People care about you and what you have to say, and I guarantee your soulmate will love how bubbly and excited you always are.” Sakusa apologized again, he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to apologize enough to them. “Honestly Sakusa it’s fine, I’ve gotten over it, besides I might never find my soulmate anyway.” Y/n said as they finished their food and put their plate in the sink. “I know you got more quiet because of what I said. You’re not as outgoing or bubbly anymore, you’re more shy and reserved than before and I feel awful for that. I didn’t realize that what I said could have that big of an impact on you-”
“Well it did.” Y/n interrupted him, “It impacted me so much Sakusa. I was just trying to include you so you didn’t feel left out during group projects or activities. I was just trying to be nice to you Sakusa, you know it’s really stupid I even had a little crush on you. I know that’s dumb because the chances of us being soulmates is basically zero, but you were nice to me. You talked to me, helped me on the homework, and somewhere along the way I developed a crush. Then you yelled at me.” Y/n took a deep breath and laughed pathetically, “You yelled at me, which is really stupid, because people told me all the time that I was “too much” and needed to calm down. But it was different coming from you, coming from someone who I had thought had become a friend of mine.”
“Y/n I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” Sakusa said as he made his way toward them. “I know you didn’t, Sakusa. I told you I’m over it. I guess I just wanted to yell back at you for it, even if it is five years later. Honestly I forgave you two years after it happened. I’m still bubbly and outgoing, it’s just that I wasn’t sure if you would’ve hated that at practice so I toned it down. Ask Bokuto, he’ll tell you.” Sakusa had felt a little better after hearing that from Y/n. He wasn’t sure he’d ever forgive himself if they had never gone back to their excitable personality.
“Here let me help with the dishes.” Sakusa said as he reached for the plate in their hand. They were about to protest when they felt a warm go on the tip of their index finger where his hand brushed theirs. Sakusa watched in awe as golden swirls danced around both of your finger tips, somehow in sync like a dance that wasn’t quite complete without its partner to help hold the rhythm of the number. The warmth of his hand was nothing like his sister had described to him. It felt like the first rays of sun in the morning on a warm autumn day with more of a comforting warmth than a hot one.
Neither of the two said anything as they watched the golden swirls fade away, but still felt the warmth of them underneath the skin still. “I know I said I had a crush on you earlier and I should be ecstatic that this is happening but a part of me can’t help but find this really ironic.” Y/n said laughing, still staring at their hands. “What do you mean?” Sakusa asked with a confused stare as he looked at Y/n. “You don’t think this is ironic? You literally told me my soulmate would find me annoying and now you’re my soulmate. It’s kind of funny.” Y/n explained, finally looking up at Sakusa.
Sakusa thought for a minute with furrowed eyebrows before realizing what they meant. “Would you be quiet about that?” He asked now laughing at the situation as well, “We just found out we’re soulmates and you’re making jokes? I’m glad you’re back to your old self but come on Y/n.” He gave a gentle shove to their shoulder as they laughed more at the situation and Y/n continued to make jokes and lightly shoved him back.
Outside the apartment Bokuto lowered his ready to knock fist with a smile, deciding to come back at a later time as he heard laughing coming from the inside of the usually quiet apartment.
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soul-controller · 3 years
Pretty Fades, Vanity Pays
This story was from a writing exercise that I did with @mrcavanaughtf​ last week. We were talking about how the model Levi Conely had a cocky face deserving of some sort of punishment, so we decided to have a little fun with the concept and give each other prompts to write for the other.
On Monday, August 1st, Henry will be releasing his response to my prompt on his Patreon, so if you’re not signed up, you should do that ASAP. I’ve gotten to read it and it’s QUITE enjoyable!
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For Levi Conely, it was safe to say that he awoke every day feeling like the hottest man on Earth. But could you blame him though? With an impressive build, a jawline befitting of a Grecian statue, and an impressive cock, he had the makings of every single woman and gay man’s wet dream. Of course, with this boosted ego due to having realized this fact for years now, Levi was quite selective when it came to a sexual partner. If he was a famous model who got tons of thirsty messages on social media, he believed that it made no sense for him to “slum it” for someone that wasn’t a perfect 10 like him. As a result, the majority of his time on Grindr was spent just sending rejection messages and taunting them for even thinking they had a chance.
While most men would try to handle the rejection with pride and move along, there was always a select few that didn’t take the news well. One example of this was a profile with the username Sunrayz54, who had a photo of just a plain pale torso that seemed to lack a lot of muscle definition and any of the sun rays mentioned in his user. Despite Levi’s attempts to just move on about his day and find someone worthy of his affection, he remained engaged in the conversation with the headless torso just for his own personal amusement. 
With each passing exchange of messages, the two men began to hurl insults at one another in hopes of teaching the other a lesson. While the other account opted to attack Levi’s close-mindedness and vapid behavior, Levi was quick to plunge the knife into the other’s torso for the final blow. “It’s just funny that you ever thought you had a shot with me. With that disgusting mayo complexion of yours and lack of any sort of muscle definition, I wouldn’t be caught DEAD around you, much less fuck you. How about you run along and hit up a gym… Maybe after a few months of intense training and a tan, you MIGHT get a chance to get with me.” Levi said, himself grinning in a cocky demeanor as he assumed that his statement would completely wreck the mystery man.
However, to Levi’s surprise, the man sent no insult in a response, instead opting for some sort of warning. “Enjoy your vanity while you still have it. I have a feeling that your time is quickly running out asshole…” the message said, which left Levi stunned. He had no idea what that message even meant, but it was definitely not the message he was anticipating… “What the fuck does he mean?” Levi said out loud, his voice gaining an angrier tone as he contemplated the ominous message. 
After receiving the ominous message from that Grindr user, Levi spent several minutes flooding the man’s inbox with messages. He demanded an explanation for the message, stating that if it was a threat of violence he wouldn’t hesitate to send his model agency’s lawyers after him to teach him a lesson. But as the messages continued to fire away and more and more time was wasted, it soon became clear to Levi that the prick had ghosted him. “He must be sitting here laughing at me…” Levi thought to himself, which only irritated him further.
With rage and embarrassment flooding his thoughts, the hunk soon became eager for some sort of release for those negative emotions. He didn’t want to remain in such a negative state, especially if it ran the risk of him gaining frown marks or wrinkles any faster. So, to try and destress, he quickly drove off in his sports car to the gym, hoping that it might help take his mind off of things. 
As he entered the gym with intensity, he wasted no time entering the locker room and beginning to change his clothes. Pulling off his shorts and t-shirt, he soon replaced them, pulling on a nondescript white tanktop and a blue patterned pair of athletic shorts that really helped display his muscular legs. Luckily for Levi, the exclusive gym that he was a member of had an oceanside view with some outdoor workout equipment. Watching the waves crash onto the shore, he could just feel a sense of calmness begin to rush over him. But of course, this calmness was quickly thrown out the window as he looked down at some hunky guys working out outside. Eager to try and capture their attention, he pulled off his shirt and smirked at the sight of him nearly exposed sans the blue workout shorts he was wearing.
But of course, the men weren’t able to focus their attention on the narcissist jock in the window, much rather spending their time focusing on their own intense workouts. “Bro, what the fuck…” he said, his expression going from cockiness to annoyance. He was a fucking beast of solid muscle and chiseled good looks, so he was annoyed as to why he wasn’t able to get their attention.
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In a sad attempt to try and get them to look at him, he soon began to flex through the windows. Various poses were struck with an increased rabidness as he was desperate to get them to pay attention to him. It was no secret that Levi had a desire of being viewed as an Adonis, this was displayed especially clear when most of his Grindr hookups involved having tons of guys admire his body as he made snide remarks about how they’d never be as hot as him. So, the fact that he wasn’t being worshipped by these men was a huge hit to the jock’s inflated ego. But still, he continued to flex for a few more minutes just on the off chance that their eyes soon met his godly physique. 
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As his mind finally realized and attempted to come to terms with the concept of being ignored and rejected, Levi soon began to scream out loud like a petulant little child. “Fuck you too then, you fucking faggots! You’re just jealous that I’ve got a body that you could only dream of!” he cried out, his eyes starting to well up with tears to further showcase his childish mindset.
Turning his back from the window, the man growled in anger, quickly rushing out of the locker room and into the busy gym floor. With no other options, Levi just hoped to use his hurt ego to fuel a good workout. The other gym-goers near him were completely ignored by the jock as Levi just jumped on the first machine he could find to start working out. But, before he could even finish a single set on a pec deck, Levi’s body was wracked with an intense pang of pain radiating from his stomach. Still shirtless, he looked down in confusion, his hand gingerly touching his hairy cobblestone abs to see if he had some sort of outer injury that he didn’t notice prior. 
However, upon a thorough inspection, there was no source for the pain beyond a seemingly upset stomach. But before he could breathe a sigh of relief and continue his workout, Levi grit his teeth and groaned as another sharp pain rocked his stomach. In response, he bent his body back, groaning as he attempted to clutch onto the pain-inducing stomach. However, as he pulled his body back to a straight upright position, his hands seemed to be holding something strange.
Looking down, Levi gasped in shock as he found his hands cradling a slight gut. In disbelief, he poked the abnormal fleshy stomach, watching as a wave rippled through the expanding gut. “What the fuck is happening to me!?” Levi cried out, watching as his hands began to cradle more and more fat that continued to push forth from his stomach. Upon his loud declaration, Levi soon began to realize that several of the gym-goers were now staring in disbelief at what was happening to him. Within 30 seconds, his body was now in possession of a thick ball of fat resting around his lower torso. Running around in a panic, he groaned as he felt the flabby flesh bounce with each rushed step. The cause for this was completely unknown to Levi and it only made him more scared and embarrassed about how he was changing and for what reason. 
His eyes wandered across his body, realizing that his body was changing beyond the growth in his now incredibly wide gut. His hands moved to his chest and watched the doughy set of moobs that were still growing by the second. He grabbed onto it, noting the wider nipples he now had and the fact that he had completely lost all of his firm and tight muscle definition. “Please, someone help me!” Levi cried out, his voice wavering and cracking due to the hysterical state he found himself in. 
But these gym-goers had no real desire to help out Levi, in fact they were making fun of him! While several girls were looking in disgust, many of the buff men were laughing hysterically as they began to document Levi’s growth. Based on his previous cocky behavior, it was clear that Levi didn’t have very many friends at the gym. So, as a result, the various men and women couldn’t be bothered to help a narcissistic asshole like him. Somewhere, karma had finally caught up to Levi and the crowd couldn’t be happier about it.
With nowhere else to turn since he clearly wasn’t getting any help from his gym buddies, Levi rushed off, his body struggling to sprint as he tried to adapt to such a growing and heavy physique. Rushing into the locker room, Levi slammed the door shut and locked it behind him before rushing into the large wall mirror above the bathroom sinks. Looking into the mirror, he was absolutely disgusted by the sight before him. While he was used to seeing defined pectorals, thick biceps, and a taut stomach, there was absolutely no remnant of that on Levi’s body now. 
His pecs had become more cone-like as they were contorted into a hefty set of man tits. Touching them gingerly, he watched as the roll of fat continued all the way around his back, almost giving the impression of him wearing a bra (except it was just made of a thick roll of fat). Those thick biceps had been absolutely decimated by the growth as well, now becoming thicker but not with muscle. Now, his arms were incredibly flabby, wrapped in a thick casing of fat that jiggled every time he attempted to lift his arms. Finally, that taut stomach was now replaced with a thick gut that bulged out incredibly far. On top of that, it also had a slight overhang, which allowed it to consume a good chunk of his tight blue shorts. 
Attempting to navigate around the thick gut, Levi grunted and groaned, himself struggling to get his hands under his gut and pull down the now dangerously tight shorts that were wrapped around his legs like sausage casings. “Oh fuck… I can’t even see my dick now!” Levi groaned, his hands fishing around in his pants to try and find his impressive member. However, while everything else on Levi had grown, it seemed like his dick had the inverse effect. After searching for several seconds, he finally was able to latch onto something, a dick that now would struggle to reach 3” hard instead of the 8” he once had.
His attention moved to his rear end, deciding to turn around and look back to see the damage. Upon doing this, he was absolutely distraught by what he saw. His back was incredibly wide, which would make it completely impossible to wear any of the size medium shirts he once wore. With a build like this, he was sure that he was going to have to shop at a big and tall store to get something to conceal his disgusting body properly. Touching his rear, he groaned as his former firm and perky ass was now a wide caboose that had brought along the dimples of cellulite. 
Nearly every inch of his body had now become encased in doughy fat, making sure that he wouldn’t be gym ready for years (if ever). Upon this revelation, Levi began to lose it and just desperately sob, the emotions of losing all of the prospects of his vanity feeling as if he had just witnessed a murder. His hands cupped his face, now doing it with ease with the wider, thicker, and flabbier hands he now possessed. Pulling his hands away, he looked up in the mirror and attempted to get ahold of himself and try to think of how this could happen. 
But, as Levi looked up in the mirror, he gasped at what was currently underway. For the most part, Levi’s face had been left unharmed by the transformation, but that seemed to be changing currently. He could only watch in sorrow as his face began to lose its angular qualities and more resemble just an average looking guy. His chin rounded out along with his cheeks, bringing along a double chin and flabby cheeks that destroyed his chiseled jawline and cheekbones. He groaned in pain as the changes progressed up his face, this time centralizing on his nose. He watched as his nose began to distort and grow wider. A well-sculpted nose just looked abnormal on this new body, so Levi could only watch in a devastated state as his nose grew distorted and pudgy-looking. 
With the main components of his face completely transformed, he watched as some secondary features began to evolve onto his new face. Firstly, he watched as his stubble began to grow thicker and longer until he was left with a goatee that had a thick mustache draped over his mouth and a thick section of facial hair wrapped around his mouth and traveling down to his double chin. All of this seemed normal to become a gross man of a similar age, but as he watched his hairline begin to recede and lose his thick brown hair, Levi began to get worried that his transformation wasn’t entirely over yet.
Upon his hair receding back a few inches, Levi stared in horror as a grey color began to invade his scalp. Within seconds, his brown hair had been completely overtaken by a flurry of grey that indicated that he was becoming a man of a certain age. In a rapid pace, this change quickly began to run down his body, starting with his beard that gained a slight salt and pepper quality to it. With this change, he watched as his face started to sag and gain an unsightly set of wrinkles. His chest hair grew slightly longer and brought along this desaturation that soon travelled all the way down his massive gut and beneath his shorts. His moobs grew a bit larger, slightly sagging now as they laid on top of his massive gut. His gut also began to sag a little bit more, now completely concealing Levi’s now-miniscule dick with wiry grey pubes from him. These changes soon finish up upon traveling down his flabby thighs, thick calves, and wide feet to complete his new look.
With these changes, it now seemed as though Levi’s transformation had been completed. Somehow, he had gone from the model heartthrob to the appearance of an obese old man. Every inch of his vanity had been sapped away, just like what that sunrayz54 had told him… Struggling to pull his phone from his skin-tight shorts that were torn partially at the seams, he cried out in annoyance as his Face ID now refused to make it any easier for the now-obese man. After quickly entering his passcode, he pulled open Grindr to find a message from sunrays54. “So, how’s riding on your vanity working for you now?” the first message said, which had Levi shaking with anger. “When I fucking find you, it’s over you fucker…” Levi fired back, which was responded to with a few laughing emojis. “Dude, how are you going to beat me up? You don’t have a single muscle in your body beyond that endless void of a stomach you now have. How about you just shut up and come on over. I’ll give you a chance to admire the physique of a real man.” the message sent, soon accompanied with a photo of the man’s torso. Despite being rather average with only a few slight hints of some muscle, Levi couldn’t deny that it was much better than the physique he now had. Hoping that possibly playing along could help him gain his body back, Levi quickly inquired for the address from the man. Upon sunrayz54 sending the exact address, Levi wandered around the locker room to try and find some sort of clothing he could wear. Remembering one of the fatter guys that worked out there, Levi quickly made his way to his locker and pulled the door open. After searching through the man’s clothes, he was able to find a pair of shorts and t-shirt that would be more fitting on his new form. However, as he pulled on the shirt, he groaned at the realization that he was now even bigger than the big guy that Levi had spent so much time previously making fun of. The shirt was able to fit him, but it was quite tight and thus exposed his thick curves in every regard. On top of that, Levi’s increased height didn’t work in his favor as the shirt now rode up slightly and revealed the bottom few inches of his gut. The shorts were a better fit, but there was still a slight snugness as it struggled to contain the thick ass he now possessed. 
After throwing on a hat to hide his grey hair and receding hairline, Levi unlocked the door and began to make his way out of the gym. Once a few of the people began to recognize the newly-fattened man, they soon began to make a break for him to ask what happened to him and ridicule him. But as soon as he made eye contact with the first hunky man, he himself began to rush out of the gym. With each sprinting step, he felt every inch of his body now jiggle and bounce. He couldn’t help but feel disgusted, but that all went out of the window in his desperate plea to escape the mocking gym-goers. Quickly unlocking his sports car, he pulled open the door and hopped into it, cursing immediately as his body was tightly crammed into the seat. As he adjusted the seat, he groaned as he realized that the seat didn’t go back far enough to compensate for his thick gut. Now, it was practically resting on the steering wheel and there was nothing he could do about it. However, soon the crowd began to swarm him and hurl insults about his weight at him, so Levi quickly turned the car on and sped out of the parking lot and towards the address sunrayz54 sent him. While driving, his breathing was strained as he struggled to catch his breath due to his older age and poor physical health. To his surprise, he could feel his tiny dick hard and pressing against the bottom of his gut. He couldn’t understand why he would be hard at a time like this...
It had been a few months since Levi had been cursed with an obese older body, but Levi had tried to make the best of his situation. Still wanting to be close to his old profession as a model, Levi had sucked up his pride and gotten a job at his modeling agency - as a janitor. Despite having to deal with stuck-up asshole models like he used to be, Levi was still happy to be somewhat adjacently connected to his old life. Given that he physically lost all resemblance to that old life, this job was all that he could really do. Sure, he had to deal with his former model friends treating him like shit, but he tried to persevere through the trials and tribulations of being a conventionally unattractive man.
After getting off of work and heading home, Levi lumbered into his dingy apartment and groaned as he struggled to still adapt with the daily back pain he had for carrying such a heavy physique. On top of this, he had grown into an incredibly sweaty guy having to drag all of that weight down, so once he dropped his lunchbox off on the counter, he quickly peeled off his shirt and pants to cool himself off. Waddling over to his chair, Levi slumped into it and breathed a sigh of relief. 
Grabbing onto his laptop on the desk next to him, Levi mournfully opened it and pulled up his old Instagram account. Despite knowing there was no way that he could go back to his old life, he refused to accept his new life and loved to remind himself about how on top of the world he once was. He looked at his last post, a workout video of him flexing in the gym that he had avoided like the plague ever since that day. It was just a day before the incident, which made it a sad reminder of what had happened to him. He scrolled through the sea of comments, many discussing his disappearance and the “impossible” rumor that Levi transformed into an old man out of nowhere. There were photos mentioned, but Levi couldn’t help but sigh in sadness as several of his followers just stated that those photos were heavily edited and the hunky Levi would be back any day to share more steamy photos.
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Closing the laptop to not make himself completely distraught again, he pulled open Grindr to see if he had gotten any responses from the many men he messaged. Of course, as he scrolled through the messages from hunky studs like he used to be, he wasn’t surprised to find all of the responses to be severe rejections. Many of these rejections included the studs taunting Levi and stating that it’s hilarious that he would think that studs like them would ever interact at with, let alone fuck a “fat fuck” like him. 
Leaning back in his chair, Levi pulled down his underwear and began to jerk himself off. After meeting up with sunrayz54, Levi soon discovered that the only way he could get his tiny pecker to rise up and harden was through the cruel humiliation from several men. The man described it as an unintended side effect, but Levi wasn’t too sure that was the truth. Something about the devilish smirk on his face when he first called him an ugly fat-ass had indicated to Levi that he knew about this new turn-on.
Despite hating the man for transforming him somehow, Levi remained in near-constant communication with the mysterious man. The man would occasionally check in to make sure that Levi was doing ok and invite him to come over for another humiliation session, which Levi almost always agreed to. In fact, the man soon began to grow trusting of Levi, often divulging details about some sort of spell he learned to teach asshole men like him a lesson.
As Levi sat back in his chair and began to stroke himself off still from the humiliation, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander. Levi thought about the spell, beginning to wonder if Sunbeams would ever divulge the spell to him. Thinking about the model friends that constantly ridicule him and the Grindr assholes who constantly taunt him, it might be nice to teach some of them a lesson about vanity and the dangers of being an asshole to the wrong person...
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alwaysbegrowing · 2 years
Let Your Hare Down
“I’m not doing it again. You couldn’t pay me to do it. No way, nuh-uh. No. Nein.”
“But Baaaaabs!”
Barbara hated the nickname ‘Babs’, but not as much as she couldn’t stand jokes about eggs, bunnies, and Easter. However, Lola loved eggs and bunnies and happily celebrated Easter each and every year. She would hide eggs around their two bedroom house because they lacked a yard, she would prepare egg-themed meals and snacks and always bought presents—for both herself and Babs—featuring bunny designs. She had a pet bunny, too, which she’d named Bunny because “It’s a great name, why change it?”
“Easter is just another holiday that was co-opted—” Babs started.
“We have this talk every year, and you always act like this at breakfast,” Lola interjected, “but, for some reason,” she bit her lip seductively, “you’re all outta complaints for dessert.”
Both Lola and Babs were tall women; Lola was six feet even, whereas Babs stood at six foot one. Babs was a redhead while Lola was blonde, both of fair complexion, and both of them were relatively athletic. When they played on their university’s volleyball team, which is where they’d first met, they were notorious for bickering up until they set foot on the court.
“You’re lucky I love you so much,” Babs sighed.
Lola was sitting on the bed next to where Babs had sat up, still partially covered by their comforter. She giggled and leaned over to plant a kiss on Babs’ cheek.
“Yay! Okay, I’m gonna finish hiding the eggs!” Lola cheered. She leapt from the bed and exited the room, having woken up and gotten dressed long before Babs. Lola grabbed a basket she’d filled with painted eggs and set about hiding them throughout the house. With each passing Easter, her hiding spots became craftier. She was in the middle of hiding an egg underneath the couch when she found them: a pair of thin cardboard boxes.
Lola pulled both boxes out and opened them, revealing the pair of bunny ears headbands contained within each one. She picked one up, her heart fluttering with anticipation. Lola was supposed to wait until the scavenger hunt was done; then again, it was her rule. She was still grappling with her ethical conundrum while her hands, seemingly of their own volition, slipped on the headband. The bunny ears twitched as the headband vanished into her scalp, slowly turning from white to her hair’s same shade of blonde.
That day, Lola had worn a pair of gym shorts and a tank top. Tall as she was, finding clothing her size was no small feat, nor was it inexpensive. The result of her pragmatic frugality meant that her outfit was rather tight, though she didn’t mind. Lola had worked hard for her fit and toned physique; she was particularly proud of her pert, firm butt. The same butt that was slowly becoming rounder, further pushing into her already snug shorts.
Lola’s long ears flopped against her head as she was overtaken by a pleasant feeling of vertigo. She shut her eyes and, placing her hands on her backside, drank in the feeling of her cheeks pushing and fattening against her fingers. She only opened her eyes when the dizzying sensation returned, and just so she could watch the world around her become larger. Lola sat down on the floor, leaning her back against the couch and spreading her legs out in front of her. She rested her hands on her thighs, which greeted her touch by gaining a full inch in circumference all at once.
Lola watched, sighing softly, as her legs shrunk an inch, then another, and then another. All the while, her thighs, hips and buttocks were soaking up every little bit that her legs had lost. She felt her back slide down against the couch, but her top began to pull tighter, too. Still reveling in the feeling of her legs gently brushing against the carpet, she pressed her hands into her chest. Having started at B-cups hardly large enough to necessitate a bra, she easily noticed the feeling of her tits becoming heavier on her chest.
Lola continued to diminish, having shrunk to five foot five by the time her pear-shaped bottom half turned her gym shorts into booty shorts. Her breasts began pushing into the fabric of her tank top, rubbing against her nipples with more force as ounce after ounce of flesh poured into her swelling tits. Lola felt a call from her nethers and gave into it immediately; a hand reached down and she began massaging herself through the fabric of her tightening shorts.
While Lola’s body continued to shrink, rapidly approaching the five foot mark, her thighs had thickened substantially. Whereas before she had enough to grab with a couple fingers, she had grown so substantially that an adult could comfortably rest their head on Lola’s pillowy expanses. Her breasts, too, were swelling up and up, creating quite the indent in her shirt as she closed in on D-cups the size of melons.
Lola’s generous posterior was pushing her higher even as she continued to shrink. Just one of her soft, wobbly cheeks was as big as her head. The sound of straining fabric turned to tearing as her hips continued to widen, and soon, her shorts were in tatters. With nothing holding her back, Lola began feverishly fingering herself with one hand and grasping her swelling tits with the other. She squeezed one of her ripening jugs just as it pulsed bigger against her hand, and inadvertently let out an orgasmic yelp.
From out of the bedroom, Babs emerged, still wearing her pajamas. She was concerned at first, but upon setting eyes on Lola her concern turned to disappointment. Babs approached Lola and knelt down next to her, playfully tugging on one of her fluffy blonde ears, causing Lola to moan ecstatically.
“You just couldn’t resist, could you?” Babs teased. Lola pulled her hands free and placed them at her sides, just barely able to reach her diminished limbs far enough to reach the carpet.
“I tried,” Lola giggled, “but can you blame me?”
Then, in one motion, Lola lifted the second headband she’d grabbed from the carpet and slipped it onto Babs’ head. By the time Babs thought to react, it was too late; she pulled against the ears, which had turned red, and found they were already part of her. She could feel her body receding against her pajamas, her hips pressing against her bottoms while her boobs swelled into her top.
“Lola! Why did you do that!?” Babs shrieked. She pressed her hands against her hips as if to stop them from growing, only for her boobs to swell up, instead. Her sleeves started bunching up around her arms right as she hugged her swelling chest. The redhead’s body lost three inches in a single, shuddering pulse, bringing her to five foot nine.
Lola responded by hugging herself against Babs’ body, nestling her head against her girlfriend’s bust. She felt her body receding still, while her tits swelled larger and larger. Lola’s boobs were pushing past the size of volleyballs, straining her top to the point of breaking. Despite her dwindling stature, she could feel her body becoming heavier as her assets growth began to speed up.
Lola’s nethers felt like they were on fire, made worse by the feeling of Babs’ tits straining as they grew against her head. A warm, fuzzy feeling began to overtake her arms and legs just then, which caused her to peel herself off of Babs. She caressed her tits as a layer of smooth, blonde fur spread from her fingers to just below her elbow. At the same time, her tits surged, pumping larger and larger with each passing moment. Cleavage bubbled out of her strained tank top’s neckline, her nipples poking through and rubbing against the fabric.
Babs whimpered and whined, trying to resist the arousing feeling of her curves swelling without end. She could feel her legs receding further into her pajama bottoms, while her ass swelled larger, and larger, and larger. The silk fabric gave no resistance to her inflating body, allowing her growing hips to push up and out of the waistband. Her tits were breaching the size of cantaloupes, pulling apart the buttons on her top to reveal a small hint of cleavage, and pressing harder against her arms.
Babs could feel her stiff nipples pressing into her arms, growing larger and more pronounced as her tits did the same. In defiance of her grasp, her boobs puffed up, as if greedily soaking up the majority of the mass she was otherwise losing. Like soft, wobbling balloons, her breasts pushed her arms further out, now soccerball-sized F-cups. The pressure she was putting on her nipples alone was driving her wild; she bit her lower lip and stifled a moan.
Lola leaned back, sinking her furry fingers into the soft expanses of her hips which in their swelling journey were exceeding the width of her shoulders. Her posterior plumped, and plumped, each of her cheeks the size of a pillow. Tears began forming in her shirt as her tits, which surged and swelled, became too much for the fabric to handle. Her body receded once more, her tits billowed out, and the tank top burst from her chest.
Pieces of shredded fabric were sent flying as Lola’s tits bounced and jostled against her chest. They came to a rest just above her navel, wider than her torso and twice the size of her head. Now fully nude, and no taller than four foot four, Lola felt a tickle in her feet. Blonde fur spread from her toes to just beneath her knees, even as she continued to shrink. She squeezed both breasts, brushing and tweaking her puffy nipples and moaning.
Babs was hardly a foot taller than Lola, still trying to hold her mounting arousal back. She gazed at her dwindling girlfriend fondling and exploring her body, her mind all the while awash with the feeling of her body becoming thicker and curvier. Her skin had become incredibly sensitive to even the slightest touch, and she was only becoming moreso over time. Babs’ incredible booty had nearly swelled all the way out of her bottoms, which had become far too long for her stubby, shrinking legs.
Babs felt her tits redouble their efforts at pushing her arms away, rubbing more fervently against her top as they continued to swell. Keeping her arms locked in place only caused her tits’ magnificent swells to push into her face, bursting out of her neckline and bulging through each hole created by her pajama top’s buttons. She was keenly aware that she was rubbing against her sensitive peaks, and thought to withdraw her arms.
Babs let go of her tits, but underestimated just how large they had become. Her heavy, quaking breasts seemed to leap forwards once set free. In fact, they surged two full cup sizes as they fell, pushing past the size of watermelons and causing three buttons to burst off of her top. A chasm of cleavage poured out of the expanded neckline, greatly straining the remaining buttons. Another button popped, and her tits surged a little larger. Another button, another spurt; again, and again, and again, until her tits had reached the size of prize-winning pumpkins.
Lola watched Babs’ incredibly-swelling bust unfold before her eyes, somehow becoming even more deliciously gigantic with each passing second. She could no longer stand to keep to herself, and dove onto her dwindling girlfriend. Their bodies intertwined, both shrinking and swelling as they feverishly kissed, and fondled, and grasped one another. In their desperation to please each other’s bodies, both women would stroke the other’s ears on occasion.
When Babs had breached four foot ten, a smooth patch of red fur grew to cover her legs and arms in the same fashion that Lola’s had. Their voices moaned in tandem; they could scarcely keep to just one part of each other’s bodies. Fingers would grasp and paw against breasts that swelled to the size of couch cushions, hands would reach down and fondle thickening thighs and swell buttocks.
Breast swelled into breast, their bodies becoming heavier on one another as they continued to shrink. They remained an equal distance apart: Lola would breach two feet tall just as Babs sunk below three. Lola took great advantage of the size difference, often nuzzling her head between Babs’ immense mammaries while vigorously massaging them with either hand. Their bodies were rocked by climax after climax, becoming softer and curvier between each erotic burst.
They settled upon reaching two feet tall, both bodies largely dominated by the immensity of tits that, relatively, were the size of overinflated beach balls. Thighs as thick as body pillows, attached to hips inches larger than their shoulders, wrapped around to jaw-dropping moneymakers larger than yoga balls. At even the slightest motion, their curves would jiggle and jostle for several seconds afterward.
Slick with sweat after what felt like an eternity of shrinking against and swelling into one another, both women lay huddled together in their living room. Babs nuzzled her chin on Lola’s shoulder, a hand still playfully squeezing one of the blonde’s immense tits.
“Okay,” Babs relented, “you’re right. Maybe Easter isn’t so bad.”
“Yes!” Lola cheered. She leaned over and kissed Babs deeply.
“But,” Babs continued, “I get to plan Halloween this year.”
“Shhh,” Lola put a finger to Babs’ lips, “it’s still Easter for twelve more hours.”
“Oh? What did you have in mind?” Babs asked. Lola sat up, a mischievous grin planted on her face.
“The scavenger hunt, silly!” Lola giggled.
Babs sat up, too, but placed a hand on Lola’s shoulder and gently pushed her to the ground.
“I have a better idea,” Babs said seductively. She rubbed Babs’ voluptuous legs, slowly pulling back and lowering her head toward Lola’s nethers.
“Dessert,” Babs purred, “doesn’t have to wait.”
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espressokiri · 3 years
Hi there. Another Muslimah here.
Hope you don't mind me sending you an ask. I read your fic about the BNHA boys with a muslim s/o. It was really good. I loved it so much. (There aren't many fics like this, which is a shame cause we like fanfics too. So this was very refreshing. Thank you.💚😉)
Could you do one for the Haikyuu boys, specifically Tsukishima, Kuroo, Sugawara, and Bokuto. But only if you want to, of course.
Hope you have a great and productive day.
Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsurou, Sugawara Koushi, and Bokuto Koutarou x Hijabi!reader
In which reader is a hijabi Muslim.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: You're welcome to send asks anytime <3 I may be slow at getting through them but I will make sure to get them out! Thank you for being so sweet anon <3 I hope you enjoy this one! ^^ I’m sorry if it seems bland as I was slowly losing ideas.
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Tsukishima Kei
His eyes would constantly drift to you during class hours, lips twitching into a smile as he would watch you struggle with the assignment sheet given during history class.
Would take that as a leeway to make conversation and help you out.
"Tsk, can't even do a simple history assignment?"
Just sits down next to you and points out what you did wrong while helping you out.
Flinches his hand away and mutters a sorry if your hands accidentally graze each others.
He knows how strict the dating rules were and he admired it, thinking it was a safe way to keep them away from harm and heartbreak.
Becomes your unofficial tutor just to spend more time with you.
Has the urge to flick your forehead most times when you purposely tease him.
Is worried when he sees you zoning out in the middle of class during Ramadan, you have to convince him you're fine and that you're getting your studying done despite the odd sleep schedule you've created.
He'll give you a small box of his favourite treat, strawberry short cake, randomly throughout Ramadan because he knows you crave more sweets during the days you fast than regular days.
He calls you a masochist when he finds you watching cooking/baking videos while fasting.
Will stop by your house to drop off pastries during Eid for you and your family because he wants to peak at you all dressed up as he's only seen you in your school uniform or in casual but modest fashion.
He feels a sense of security, enjoying the aspect of getting to know someone with no sense of rush.
Kuroo Tetsurou
He's such an awkward nerd please.
Wants to approach you but fears he might accidentally offend you due to his provocative nature, hence resorts to staring at you from across the room.
Would research more about your religion and would use that as a way to start small talk;
“Hey, uh, I was wondering how do you manage to pray Zuhr when you’re in school? Isn’t it bad that you have to miss it?”
“Oh uh, I usually run home as soon as I can or pray in my club room if there are meetings, my club members are very understanding.”
“Oh... I see.”
“That’s pretty cool of you to be concerned, Kuroo-san.”
Cue him asking you random but wholesome questions with genuine curiosity.
“Did you know men who oppress women are considered to not follow Islam? I find that really nice that women are equal to men in your religion!”
You smile at him and his interest in your religion.
Study sessions in the library because you both wanted to spend time with each other but he knows it is wrong for a male to be alone in the same room as the opposite gender so you both opted for the library where there are lots of people.
Gasps and immediately looks away when you unravel the scarf around your head to fix;
“Y/n! You can’t do that!!”
“I’m wearing an underscarf calm down.”
You rolled your eyes at the dramatic male but smiled at his respectful nature.
Ramadan? Catch him ruining his sleep schedule just to have movie nights with you through the phone and Netflix Party.
Kenma teases him about it because Kuroo used to yell at him about his own staying up late gaming obsession.
Likes it when you wear a cap on top of your hijab, he thinks it looks cool on you.
He’ll convince you to skip school during Eid if it falls on a school day, telling you that it’s important that you spend at least the first day of it with your family. 
Overall, he’s the type to keep up with the Islamic calendar and learn new facts daily as he asks you to explain each and everything about your religion and lifestyle.
Sugawara Koushi
See’s you for the first time with Kiyoko when he went to excuse her from class for managerial duties.
Smitten from first sight.
Begs Kiyoko to let you be her assistant manager.
He keeps a distance from you during your first introduction and conversation because he didn’t know what you were comfortable with.
He was in awe to find out there were sports hijab when he saw you sporting one to play a short game with an over-enthusiastic Hinata.
“Here, stay hydrated.”
Hands you a bottle of water along with a towel, a newfound respect for playing in hot weather conditions fully covered. 
Due to the chaotic nature of the first and second years, Sugawara would run to cover your eyes with his jacket or hover his hands in front of your face whenever Tanaka would rip off his shirt to swing around whenever he spiked.
Sugawara had to stop himself multiple times from clapping his hand onto your shoulder, resulting in him just smacking either Asahi or Daichi when they mention him almost touching you.
Outings between you two is always monitored by the third years, Asahi smiling proudly at his friend Suga while Daichi and Kiyoko would sneakily take candid pictures of you both.
“What’s one verse you hold dear to your heart?”
You look at him from the warm mug of drink you are holding, tilting your head as you look at him in confusion. Sugawara felt the tips of his ears go red at the cute expression you held, and explains his question.
“Ah,” you thought long and hard before giving him an answer, “ ‘Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear...’ I find that part of the verse very reassuring in times when I feel like I’m overwhelmed.”
Sugawara held onto every word, finding the beauty behind those words, he felt at peace. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He smiles.
It felt like he was more excited than you for Ramadan.
He would read out loud the Japanese translation of the Quran after you read out the Arabic words in a beautiful and soothing voice. He wanted to understand and learn.
He was hooked onto the peaceful energy the month brought despite life going on normally.
This man would wear a formal Kimono when your family invites his over for Eid, he wanted to make the best impression despite already meeting them in passing.
Suga had a sense of security and comfort around him and you felt lucky to have met someone such as him.
Bokuto Koutarou 
Oh God.
Akaashi had a field day trying to stop him from initiating any and every kind of physical affection when he first introduced you to him.
Bokuto is a man who expresses himself with affection, so he was lucky for Akaashi to explain to him why he shouldn’t initiate any physical affection without asking for what you considered crossing a boundary.
He knows he can’t drag you to the gym to watch him play volleyball by hand, so he asks you to hold onto the end of a pen, which you took, confused as to what the male exactly wants before realizing he was holding the other end and using that to drag you to where the gym was.
It was oddly endearing.
“Did you see my spike, Y/n?! Didya see?!”
“Yes, Bokuto. It was really cool!”
Cue a chest puffed up Bokuto who grinned with pride.
Invites you to eat lunch with him and Akaashi on the roof.
Having to refuse his food because you weren’t sure if there was pork in it or not.
This made Bokuto stop bringing in food that contained pork, not knowing even aside from that, he had to have the halal form of chicken or beef.
Akaashi had to explain everything to him when he asked him once.
Tried to go vegetarian one day, failed the minute he took a bite out of his food.
Feels bad when he eats on days you are fasting, so he tries finishing the meal before you come up to their usual meeting spot, resulting in him giving himself a stomach ache.
Brings you tuna filled onigiri to take home so you can eat it as a snack during the night after breaking your fast.
Sends you spam messages minutes before having to break your fast;
‘Are you excited to eat?!?!?!’
‘What are you having today?!?’
‘If you want to get any snacks later let me know! :D’
He’s so wholesome please.
Wants to skip school with you for Eid, but pouts when you tell him you’ll be spending it with family.
Asks you to send an OOTD pic so he could be your hype-man.
Bokuto is always willing to understand more about you and your religion, making sure to note things in his head for future references.
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