#we had one stats class ok :(
bytebun · 2 years
i also don’t remember anything about analyzing statistical significance so god help me i am hitting the google
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queenlua · 2 months
ok, this Kevin Woo guy is the most fantastic chad i've heard of in a while:
The journalist who exposed Lambda School wasn't a journalist by trade. Vincent Woo was a successful entrepreneur best known for CoderPad, a collaborative coding website used extensively in programming job interviews. After he sold CoderPad for millions of dollars, he focused on the public interest, such as housing activism.
Woo's work on CoderPad gave him expert insight into the programming job market, and in 2019, Austen's outrageous hiring numbers set off red flags. Whenever pressed for more details on his outrageous claims, Austen said a full report was coming soon, but six months would pass without any updates.
Woo obtained an investment memo Lambda School sent out to Y Combinator titled, "Human Capital: The Last Unoptimized Asset Class." In it, they disclose, “We’re at roughly 50% placement for cohorts that are 6 months graduated,” contradicting the very front page of their website.
Where did the 86% on their homepage come from? In 2018, Lambda School submitted a single report about 72 graduates to CIRR. CIRR is an organization formed by the boot camp industry following the boot camp crackdown of the 2010s, to cleanup their image. Bootcamps are supposed to submit their hiring stats every six months, in one standard format, to prevent underhanded boot camps from fudging the numbers. In two years, Lambda School had produced nothing beyond that single, small report.
Woo reached out to Sabrina Baez, Lambda School's former Director of Career Readiness. Baez oversaw job placement in those early days, and Austen had reprimanded her for low hiring rates. She told Woo that probably only 50% to 60% of graduates found jobs.
Finally, Woo obtained private communications with investors revealing the quiet deals with hedge funds. This flew in the face of their marketing's, "We don’t get paid until you do," and Austen's now-deleted tweet, “We never, ever get paid upfront for ISAs.”
With all the damning evidence, the story was ready. Most reporters would now email their subjects for comment, but Woo elevated the story to performance art. He asked Austen for a recorded interview, without revealing its nature. Austen, lulled into a false sense of security by tech press puff pieces, agreed. What followed was the most riveting hour of tech journalism I've ever heard.
Austen: "Our goal right now, is that if a student is endorsed, call it graduation, that we place 80% within 120 days."
Woo: "Why did you tell investors 50?"
Austen: "What… I don't know… what communication you're referring to."
The interview went downhill from there, as Austen scrambled to invent excuses.
bonus: check out this dude's hilariously understated linkedin:
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(also, the whole article's worth a read. i'd been following the Lambda School saga for a while but there's a bunch of new fuckery here that even i didn't know about. smh)
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shattersstar · 1 year
ok but we need to hear more about college dick now👀👀
hehe ask and u shall receive because ohhh myyy dick in college is such a messsssssss but like so pretty it’s almost unfair
i love the idea of dick and a bunch of his friends getting a house together with the intent of being Normal for the first time in a while, which means being absolute menaces as most 20 smth yr old guys are
very much known for being a party house bordering a frat but all the guys r so nice that it’s rlly hard to think of them like that. it’s a space where he can let go, feel like himself and with the encouragement of his friends, dick puts the brakes on like relationship hunting and just has fun..
he’s been in pretty committed relationships since he was old enough to be and has always struggled with casual dating let alone sleeping with people he barely know. but when dick learns there r ppl out there looking for the same thing and not everyone wants to b the next future ex mr/mrs. grayson it makes it a lil easier to be his charming self with no bounds <33
and then he mets you and it’s the usual routine, flirting you to his bedroom which is in the basement—of course—well alllllmost doing so until you vanish out of his grasp for reasons dick cannot discern (you weren’t here for him silly)
and while he’s not like one of those oh i wanted to hit and couldn’t so im gonna chase you types, dick does have to reconcile with the fact your friends with roy and spend a lot of time at the house now
which also means he learns how cool you r and how goofy he feels for just tryna sleep with you
and despite his friends vouching for him you really only see (and have heard the numerous rumours) dick as a rich playboy and that’s not for you. plus he’s def a business or poli sci major……….but with a psych minor bc it feels the most practical despite how boring dick finds most of his classes
though when he realizes your both in a psych elective together he’s all toothy grins and obnoxious air which isn’t helping his case but of course he’s a decent student and when you mentioned hating statistics—you were stuck with the worse prof outta the two—dick jumped at the chance to help
you were sooooooo skeptical and even though agreed you kept brushing him off until dick just started helping you when you were over to hang out. he drops a textbook in your lap while sitting in roy’s bed or starts reviewing your notes and adding examples while your hanging out on the living room floor building lego sets with everyone else.
and dick did that a lot—sure it was his house and roy was his best friend along with all of his other housemates but dick never hesitated to insert himself into whatever you were doing when you came over. and it shouldn’t surprised you but everyone being so..unbothered by it had you confused. like maybe that’s how dick is but it spoke bounds to their closeness and was the First time you actually saw a little more to dick than just some campus hottie douchebag who threw parties to get laid
and while you weren’t about to tell dick that, you did start coming over with the intent of working on stats together. it usually meant dick having to re-lecture whatever your prof barely managed to explain and helping you with the page long equations needed for assignments
and dick keeps it as platonic as possible, on a mission to prove he’s not the person you think he is and not only because he wanted to be with you—well yeah he does—but because dick cares what you think about him. he knows his friends care about you and value what you have to say and he wants you to know it’s the same for him
and maaaybe you see that too but dick needs to suffer a little more
bonus: you talk to dick abt ppl you’re interested in at some point (either genuinely or to mess with him) when he insists on always hanging out with you and roy. and while he gives advice with a smile, still trying to prove his capacity for mature, platonic relationships, dick screams into his pillow later that night when he goes over the convo again and again and agai—
bonus bonus: he’s probably on the school’s gymnastics team <3
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chrisbitchtree · 7 months
Money Can't Buy Me Love
For @harringrovelovefest Day 6!
Prompt: Can't Buy Me Love
T - 1k
Nothing made Robin madder than knowing she was right, yet no one listening to her, which was why she was so frustrated that Billy and Steve hadn’t gotten together yet, despite her superior matchmaking skills.
She’d been friends with Steve for a few years now, ever since they’d been paired together for training shifts as newly hired employees of Scoops Ahoy ice cream shop back in their hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. It had first been a friendship of circumstance, but then they’d realized how much they had in common, and their friendship had intensified until they were inseparable.
She’d only met Billy the previous spring semester when they’d started studying together for their shared Stats class, but she could tell right away that he and Steve were perfect for each other. Where Steve was sweet and soft, a total romantic, Billy was gruff and brash, full of snark. They bickered over anything and everything any time they were together, but they had the whole opposites attract thing going on. Plus, Robin saw how they looked at each other when Steve would join them for a study session, or they’d all meet up to go to dinner or a movie. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife any time they were in the same room.
Robin wasn’t sneaky about her intent to pair them up, constantly telling them that they try going out on a date sometime, or at least bone each other, even if just to see if they were compatible with each other. She even tried to rope her girlfriend, Heather, into trying to persuade them, but she said she was staying out of it.
But try as hard as she might, Billy and Steve kept refusing, saying that neither of them were looking for a relationship right now, and were perfectly happy as friends. That seemed to be true, both of them members of the same rec basketball team, they worked out together, partied together, constantly featuring on each other’s Instagram stories, and if Steve wasn’t texting Robin, he was texting Billy. She just couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t want to take it to the next level and become the sickeningly hot power couple that they were destined to be.
After months of begging, she’d gotten desperate just before Valentine’s Day. She approached Billy and Steve where they sat across from each other in the cafeteria, sharing a massive plate of fries. “Ok, idiots,” she said by way of greeting. “What’s it going to take to get the two of you to take a chance on each other and prove me right?”
They both paused shovelling fries in their mouth to look at each other before turning their attention to Robin. “$20,” Billy replied, dragging a fry through the big blob of ketchup on the side of the plate. “Each.”
“Ugh, fine,” Robin sighed, pulling out her wallet and extracting two twenty dollar bills. She wasn’t exactly in a financial position to be handing out cash, but it would be worth it when these two boneheads fell head over heels in love with each other.
She handed them each a bill. “You can thank me later, you dumbasses.”
Robin knew their date would go well, but she wasn’t quite prepared for just how well it would go. Three days later, on the morning of Valentine’s Day, she left her bedroom and went downstairs, entering her and Steve’s living room to find him on the couch, in Billy’s lap, making out super aggressively. Billy’s hands were down the back of Steve’s jeans, and Billy’s shirt was half off, Steve tweaking one of his nipples, and it appeared that they weren’t kissing so much as trying to swallow each other’s faces.
Robin cleared her throat and they both turned. She smirked at them, her hands on her hips. “So, it looks like I was right. You two are perfect for each other.”
Billy grinned at her. “We have to admit, we were both skeptical, but you were right. We’re made for each other. Look, we got matching tattoos.”
They both pushed up their shirt sleeve to show off what was indeed matching tattoos of a date. Upon further inspection, she noticed that the date was the date before. Holy shit, they were moving faster than she could have anticipated. “Ummmmm, what’s the significance of the date?”
“Our wedding day,” Steve replied. He held out his left hand for her to inspect the silver band encircling his ring finger. “We got married yesterday.”
Billy pulled Steve close and nuzzled his cheek. “We just felt like there was no point in waiting once we got together. It just felt so right to be with Steve, I wanted to lock him in fast. And we only have you to thank.”
“No, no, no, there’s no way. I take it back. You don’t need to be together. You’re too young to be married. There’s so much fun to have out there. You don’t need to settle down. Tell me this is some sick joke.”
Steve broke first, a grin spreading over his face. He started laughing, and it didn’t take long for Billy to join in. He licked a finger, swiping it down Steve’s tattoo, which thankfully started to smear.
“Oh, fuck you,” Robin shouted, walking out of the room to the kitchen. “Why the hell would you do that?”
Billy laughed. “Because it was funny. We’ve been together for weeks, Buckley. We just didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of being right. When you offered us money, it was too good to turn down.”
“Ugh, you guys suck. But I’m happy for you both. And pleased to hear that I’m right. Like I always am.”
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toonycatuwu · 1 year
uh hELP.
i don't know whether to feel embarrassed, happy, angry, or even concerned.
1. The fandom I've discovered is literally based on one of the mandatory books I have to read right now in my 9th grade English class. THIS WAS FROM SCHOOL, Y'ALL, SCHOO-
2. Before 9th grade, I always knew such a book existed but wasn't really interested it for some reason (idk man i had zero idea how good it was). It's WILD how school can change your mind about books so FAST fr like literally from the first chapter as a blind reaction I was ALREADY hooked (maybe it's cuz i got background knowledge from my teacher right before reading it so idk)
3. my irl homies and i are GENUINELY shipping characters (ok y'all but hear me out. ✨ralph x jack✨) from once again a mandatory book to read for school 💀
as i was reading this book. i was like "first chapter? hmm... okay... aight hey this is actually kinda fun tho... chapter two? ayo AYO why are they blushing at each other when trying to start the fire" and omg just in general it wss a rollercoaster of emotions for me
if anyone wants to drag me down deeper into this fandom, go right ahead, because ive already seen fanart, memes, and animatics about the story and the characters, and they are genuinely just so... AJDHXHZHCHAJDJ 😭😭😭✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Y'ALL ARE DRAGGING ME DEEPER INTO THIS FANDOM I SWEARRRR
However, I don't know the life stats of this fandom like its population, toxicity, etc. so if this fandom is currently dying... i'd be happy to bring it back by a little bit even if I'm just a singular person on the internet ^_^
also can we get a #justiceforsimon and a #justiceforpiggy in the reblogs and replies? thankssss ✨
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blububblgum · 7 months
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Ok first of all. Its my dnd au and i make the rules and i think it would be cool if rhaenyra is a trans woman. Obviously this does not work at all with the actual world asoiaf/f&b, but i do what i want. This would create different issues of inheritance (i think??) but ultimately she would be the heir, and she and alicent could get married <3 . Now her actual dnd lore; i think that she would be far more of a warrior if given the opportunity (i also think this about the canon world, but idk if that's due to hotd or what), so i decided on drakewarden ranger.
I definitely knew i wanted to do something with dragons for rhaenyra, (moreso than i have for other targs) so i spent a while thinking about which classes are closest to dragons in the f&b sense. Draconic ancestry sorcerer was a possibility, but i've already done sorcerer for dany, and i want variety. Fizban's treasury of dragons is really cool, and i considered making rhae a dragonborn (since i feel like i've been playing it really safe in terms of the fantasy races i've used so far) but i think that the dragon differences between dnd and asoiaf make it weird to have someone in your family who fucked their dragon. Also drakewarden is cool. Ranger is a fun class if its played right, and its combined options for ranged/martial/ and a little spellcasting makes it great for the role that the heir to the throne would play on the battlefield. I  think her favoured enemy is also dragons, since both her enemies and allies having dragons means that she would have had to learn about them. Since i am designing her at about 10th level, she gets another faovured enemy, which could be either beasts (if we lean more into asoiaf's low fantasy worldbuilding) or aberrations (lets get weird). Im leaning toward aberrations due to how i am as a person
For her race i did do half-elf (boring i know, bite me) but with the gift of the chromatic dragon feat, she would be able to take give herself resistance to elemental damage, and drakewarden gives her the ability to do a breath weapon attack (like how dragons breathe fire or acid or whatever). I thought about elemental adept as her other feat, but i also gave that to dany, and im avoiding repetition. The aberrant dragonmark feat gives access to a sorcerer cantrip and 1-level spell, i chose booming blade and chaos bolt, as well as a flaw associated with the dragon mark, i think she gets horrific nightmares after using the mark.
Now for the usual last details, i think her stats go (highest to lowest) dexterity > charisma > strength > intelligence > constitution > wisdom. A healthy balance between mental and physical stats i think! Though i may have nerfed her spellcasting by putting wisdom as low as i did. Oops. For her fighting style, dueling makes sense for how an heir would be taught to fight.
Ok as per usual , if u read all this im in love with you and you can summon me in one (1) online argument to back you up.
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latibulater · 3 months
Venture Bros Rewatch notes: Home Insecurity
Fucking hilarious that Underland is designed like a disney princess villain lair but actually with all the executions.
tiger balm....tiger....bomb.....makes me laugh EVERY time honestly all i can think of when i hear tiger balm
Knowing that there are many kids with amputations in Underland from the child mines, like that is crazy the child amputee rate must be one of the highest in the world. i get that its played for jokes and it was funny, but if we are gonna be serious about all of it this counts and is like. mind boggling
whoo! use of the r slur! the way ive had to fucking campaign in my family to get them to stop using it and then i turn on this show and theyre saying it like every other episode makes me want to hunt down hammer and publick
okay but thats a waste of tiger.....
ik we dont learn this till later but i have questions about underland apparently being located right next to michigan.....PLEASSSSE LET ME SEE THE WORLD MAP IK ITS SO FUCKED UP
Brock's blue shirt is so beautiful on him...wish I could unbutton it off him. Dean and his hover boots, honestly those boots should make a come back
Stupid ass racist costume!
I literally choked on my spit and coughed at the same time Doc coughed at Brock's fumes
Okay I think Rusty is just doing a bit with the whole "big man think you can take me on? i knew this day would come" like seriously, the twins are so fucking silly but rusty is so beyond sarcastic he really is just projecting his own issues onto his kids all the time.
HELPER!!!!!!!!! Him going to take care of Rusty and so comically seeing NEW ROBOT blueprints and packing up a knapsack including a pic of child Rusty and Helper, oh my god it is just the sweetest robot and makes me wonder if there is a similar situation like with the red Helper happening with the whole....human brain.
the henchmen fighting and getting distracted till doc wakes up an slides into the panic room LOL
also i do love the underland footmen look as someone who loved tmnt it looks very foot clan
hank and dean may be a little over the top but they did take care of the scorpion and tarantula pretty handily.
Dean and Hank in the panic room and not even knowing when it was built....like seriously how many memories are they missing, consider they repeated being 15/16 over 10 times
Hank choking out Rusty is SO FUNNY Hank is just trying to help!!!!!!! just send them both to a first aid class you will be better for it doc
Rusty lactating!!!!! Milky king!!!!!
The animation and storyboard in this episode flips between dynamic and very getty stock images which is pretty funny
Dr. Girlfriend getting insulted and telling the monarch to use the phone himself...him trying to get an outside line....god i feel so old.
bigfoot baby!
"GUARDO" you fucking idiot Rusty. "I fell asleep" Okay but have we considered the fact  that you just don't have a head for mechanics and need to switch science majors
THE SNACKS FOR COMPANY. And Monarch apparently seeing the Baron for the first time since college and them trying to kill each other at first in a big dick measuring contest.
"how do you even mix it up! augh its like having my dad do the shopping!" ok i need more orphan jokes from the monarch stat seasons 1 he kills with this
its funny to see bigfoot and brock and steve summers meeting is so funny...considering that they all fuck when brock stays with them after he leaves the osi
"do you know how long 6 million bucks takes to pay back on a government salary!" fucking screammmmmmmmmmm
"lab partnership is a sacred trust" SSTILLLLLLLL want to know about how this happened
The Monarch fucking around struggling with his old ass computer makes me SOOOO nostalgic i remember we had a similar computer in the kitchen growing up.
Dean reading Helper perfectly and Doc going through a slumdog millionaire flashback before emotionally manipulating his mommy robot
One henchman became a hench after the plant closed and he only had a GED. one had a crack addiction and got off it. one (gary) got kidnapped) underland minions are drafted and then executed at 38.
"SASBURGER"!!! GOD "Sasquatch gave me a new life" Brock trying not be grossed out but like trying not to let it show (but only because he thinks Sasquatch is a woman at that point and he's bigoted but pro-str8 people always.
"Go team Helper!"
Jesus I really SSOOOOOOOOOOO would fucking fucking fucking kill for an expose episode on how henching works in the world as a job
all the army men are idiots very appropriate. brock getting SOOO weirded out. It is homophobic but also I choose to believe Brock has never seen a cock bigger than his own and got so horny and emasculated he got wigged out.
First mention of the Guild in this episode about filing paperwork on collaboration which i think is funny
Helper not letting Rusty out is SO funny me and my siblings would do that all the time. Truly, there is a lot to be said about Rusty and Helper's relationship. No other relationship has been as long for Rusty as Helper, who has been there sinvce he was a young boy and has always looked out for him.
Overall this episode is really fun and enjoyable, it does very well with having very silly concepts being treated seriously and then serious situations being treated clownishly. always love steve and sasquatch, altho the vbros design is so............he has a face only steve summers loves apparently. and the conversation on paying back the osi for the bionics was good worldbuilding/commentary on real world disability issues of how disability devices are often very expensive and only work at the behest of whoever made the device. my own cousin had a cochlear implant that worked very well but then he was told it was being recalled and he could get new one and now its works awfully for him
would rate this one like a 7/10. very solid but nothing too rib crackling funny or show pausing overly interesting
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mail-posting · 4 months
magic and monsters... my many hours poring over my 10 dnd 5e sourcebooks are coming for me. gonna just touch on ale for right now i think because otherwise i will yap for. an eternity. (the racial thoughts are supplementary for most bc i'm not fully sure, except in andrew's case where i have reasons for my thoughts.) andrew: dark elves (drow in 5e) are sunlight sensitive and also there's a whole stigma due to the predisposition they have in lore to be evil-aligned (yes i know they're dedicated to lolth and exceptions are rare but. it fits andrew ok. he can't see shit in the light, people see him and think he's a certain way... ough.) as for his class, i could see him as trying to be life domain cleric (life domain is all about healing and caring for those in need), but he instead is given the grave domain (focused on keeping the cycle of life, keeping the dead dead) or light domain (light is focused on rebirth and truth- though a lot of spells involve flashbanging the opposition and andrew could see that as his penance for asking the deity's aid). if he were a paladin, i'd see him as an oath of devotion one, its tenets line up with how he thinks i feel! also when he fails to save someone or when something happens that is out of his control he'd blame himself long before anyone else would, thinking he broke his oath when he never did... and we have bright light emittance as a capstone ability which. not good for him!! he can't see!! he has str/con from his work, and i think he'd be better at wis than cha (points for cleric - paladins cast with charisma and clerics with wisdom), int is around the middle and his dex is not good. luca: get that boy into the artificer class! i feel like he'd absolutely have an engineering focus, as an artillerist perhaps (sometimes he needs to build a cannon, ok? it's enrichment), or maybe battle smith (a sort of defensive class, which could make sense. he doesn't remember what he originally worked on, but he can work with these tools still, he can make sure he doesn't hurt anyone this time. he can protect them. right?) as for race if we go on dnd standards, i'd place him as a... maybe a half elf, elf on herman's side? maybe a gnome too. that impulsive nature is extremely gnome of him, and i believe he had a good amount of that before he uh. yeah. high int and cha, low str and con, dex and wis in the middle. emil: this man can zoom! give him a high dex stat and a scout rogue build (able to nyoom out of the way of opponents and excels at moving fast: knowing his grappling hook, we could apply that logic), with some barbarian or fighter multiclass to represent his fighting he had to do if we want the pain. i think barbarian due to the focus on channeling rage, though the heavy focus on certain spiritualities and the 'primal path' wording is difficult since i don't think he grew up with connections to living in the area the flavor text associates with barbarians, he just had to survive. beast path where he's been treated like a dog so long he becomes one in battle... berserker path where the memory is just as fuzzy as always, but now with a new goal in mind... sorry. im ill. i could see him as like. a dwarf perhaps? maybe whoever he is he's out of place where he lives currently until he meets andrew and luca and finds a family within them... looking alike never meant belonging. and these two really make him feel like he belongs.
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deathsdue · 20 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together. template credit: thanks neffi!!
Name: Lailah
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Birthday (no year): 9/12
Where are you from? What is your time zone? West Coast, USA
How long is your roleplay experience? Almost 20 years
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? My first RP experience was in high school where we had a binder we passed around in the hallway between class lol I went on to forums, docs, email, mmos, and at some point tumblr and discord.
How were you introduced to TOA? I'd been missing the Tumblr RP experience and decided to search for an FE group and bam
Do you have any pets? I do! My black kitty, my baby boy who drools and meows a lot, Binx
What is your favorite time of year and why? Autumn when it's cooler but not too freezing and the leaves are pretty
What is your IRL occupation? QA tester for a video game company
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Besides writing, playing games, reading, occasionally drawing, music, comics, collecting figures and such
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Tales of, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Zelda, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Persona, Harvest Moon, farm sims in general, Metal Gear Solid, the list honestly just goes on and on and on
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon? ahahaha ok the list doesn't actually go that far. I didn't get that into pokemon. I do think they're cute but I just didn't get into the franchise. That said, I have plushies of chimchar, vulpix, and eevee so that probably says something
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! - When I worked at a dental office, I almost set the place on fire. The dentist was really nice about it tho and eventually he even wanted me to stay and get trained as a dental assistant - I have a low spicy tolerance but I'm really good with cajun spices (likely from growing up in Texas) - I'm in the credits of games that you've heard about (I won't say what) - I have a horrible sense of smell
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My friend was actually really into PoR but I didn't get into it until Awakening came out.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? (Note: I have not beaten all of these) Genealogy, Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates, Three Houses, Engage, TMS, Heroes
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games? Awakening & Sacred Stones
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Frederick, Eirika, Ephraim, Gerome, Seteth
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Frederick lol I'm such a Frederick simp. I love how caring and protective he is, that he knits, isn't afraid of showing affection, just generally wholesome imo
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Frederick 😳
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Frederick (are you noticing a trend) and still Frederick - Fates: Yukimura, but probably Shura if I did it again - Three Houses: Hanneman haha I'd try a different one if I went back but Hanneman is my favorite - Engage: Mauvier, and still him
Favorite Fire Emblem class? rogues!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Some kind of archer probably
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer all the way!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent?
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? Firene probably
How do you pronounce TOA? To-ah
Current TOA muses? Gerome & Mikoto!
Past TOA muses? none right now
Who was your first TOA muse? Best boy Gerome
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? It seems like…tsundere types tend to get me, or the ones that have lived a long time and have complicated pasts. but I have others that don't fit those trends too
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? tbh my indie has a wide range of character types and I try to not write characters that are too similar. However, I guess I tend to not write types that are Too extroverted
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I enjoy all types but I suppose very emotional scenes are fun for me, whether it's angst or positive emotions
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? for Mikoto, I just want to write her with her children and also, tbh, finding a new love haha I'm in no rush for it but it'd fun if it happened. I'd also love to see her on the battlefield protecting others
Favorite TOA-related memories? Happyland was a blast to write with everyone and I adore the connections it brought so much. I can't wait to throw Mikoto into an event, she deserves it
Present or past tense? I think my habit is past but I try to match others so I go for present. if you see my flipping tenses I'm so sorry haha
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I default to small text but I'll match my writing partner, or use regular in case I'm concerned about readability for others
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉  ahahaha uhmmmmm if I can, Eirika, but if not then probably Peony or maybe even Rhys or Mozu. I write so many FE characters that I will never run out of ones to pick lol I've also written all of these characters at some point so I love to see how others write them too
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
miss me? | s.holtz | blurb
note: I am in no way trying to downplay the severity of steve’s health scare or disrespecting his family and their feelings during this time. he is ok now.
this is fully inspired by that tk and carlos scene in 911 lone star
You were coming out of your engineering class when you saw the team coming out of a shared class across the hallway.
There were mumblings between them.
“We need to say something!”
“What if it’s nothing?”
“It’s not nothing Mack, he’s in the fucking hospital!”
“Nolan said he’d call when coach got word!”
“Someone needs to tell y/n… she deserves to know!”
“Why? They broke up-“
Ethan nudged everyone when he saw you across the hallway.
“Hey guys, what’s up?”
You registered the awkward glances between the group.
You raised your brow in a silent way of saying ‘spit it out then’
Luke, ever the responsible one spoke up “Holtzy’s in the hospital y/n”
Your eyes drifted up from the floor, widening “W-what happened? Did he get hurt?”
He shook his head “No, No he’s uh- he’s sick”
You urged them for more information. They gave you everything they knew and you bid them goodbye.
After you made your way to your apartment to shower and change you left for the hospital. The woman at the front desk was kind, giving you an sympathetic smile while she told you what room to head to.
“He’s up in room 275, sweetheart. If you need anything you can head back down here, I’ll be on desk until the morning or the nurses station on Mr… Holtz’s end of the corridor is Nurse Jane!”
You smiled, softly “Thanks M’am I appreciate it” 
She waved you off
You took the stairs one by one, staring down at your converse as you ascended them.
You spent the time climbing the stairs going through the million and one questions running through your head.
would you get kicked out?
should you be there?
you broke up, that means he didn’t want you around. right?
You didn’t have much time to mentally answer your own questions before you had reached the door.
Room 275.
You looked through the open door to his bed, a breathing tube shoved down his throat, every cable ever sticking out of him.
“You can go in, darling” You jumped, the voice behind you startling you.
You turned to see a nurse giving you a soft smile ushering you in and to the chair next to his bed. Rubbing your shoulder soothingly before she moved to check all of his stats.
“He’s had a visit or two from a few friends but I’m sure he’ll be more happy to see his girlfriend when the time comes-“
“Oh I’m not- we broke up I just, he doesn’t have anyone here” you stuttered, she nodded knowingly.
“Well” She paused, looking between you both “You love him nevertheless and for that, he’s so blessed”
You lost count of the hours you were sat in that chair, just staring at him.
The machine made a consistent rythme in line with his heart beat and you timed exactly when the nurses would come in.
Nolan visited on day two.
He brought you chipotle after hearing you hadn’t left the hospital. You smiled gratefully and sat with him in the cafeteria, allowing that as your only 20 minute break away from Steve’s room.
He brought you things from your apartment; a blanket, change of clothes.
Later, after Nurses rounds you were sat in the chair with your hand clasped around his.
“You’re so dramatic, Holtz. You know that?” You croaked, not having spoken much in days.
“First you, you break my heart and now your on deaths door and I’m- I’m scared because I haven’t lived life without you in three years and I don’t plan on getting used to that anytime soon so you’ve got to wake up”
You felt a hand clasp over your shoulder as they began to shake and a familiar voice say,
“He never wanted to break your heart, darling. That boy loves you so much” your right hand reached up to hold onto Sylvia’s and leaning your head towards her hand too.
“He’s gotta be okay” you only mumbled and she hummed in agreement.
His mom sat with you a while, chatting and catching up mostly.
Mid sentence you stopped when you saw tears in Sylvia’s eyes “What, what’s wrong?”
She shook her head with a smile “We just miss having you around sweetheart”
You nodded “I miss you guys too, it’s been weird not jumping in on your FaceTimes”
Sighing, she replied “He really didn’t mean to hurt you sweetheart. He’s just a little bit silly, you know he’s young and working through life. He’s just made a bad choice but I know he will straighten his head out soon enough”
You didn’t know what to say, so you just smiled.
Sylvia left shortly after leaving you alone with him once again.
You were curled up on the chair, hoodie pulled up over your eyes and blanket draped over your legs. The clock hadn’t long passed three in the morning when you were woken by noises.
One eye cracked open and you looked around for the source. You landed on his body.
Steve was shaking, his head throwing itself from side to side and he was coughing.
You shot up out to the seat, hovering above his body. His eyes shot open and he tried grabbing the tube and pulling it out. You grabbed his hands and pinned them down to his sides.
“Nurse! I need a nurse!” You called, head on a swivel.
When the nurses rushed in they began pulling you away despite your fighting.
It was a whole twenty minutes until someone came out and got you. The nurse called your name and you shot your from the seat, hands shaking with anxiety.
“He’s ready to see you” she smiled, gesturing towards his room.
Your feet moved a little faster, standing in the doorway you watched the nurse walk away from him but not before saying “Your roommate is back”
He looked at the door, a hazy smile played on his lips.
You walked in, straight towards him.
“Oh my god, Steven” you breathed
He was still smiling, half a smile while he still looked high from the drugs being pumped into him “hey, baby, hey”
You shook your head, tears spilling down your cheeks while you let out a shaky laugh and kissed his face.
“Don’t you ever do that to me again, I thought I was about to lose you” your lips still ghosted over his forehead and you held him tight.
His hand, shaking reaching up and held your forearm “I can’t believe you’re here”
“I haven’t left, Steve I hadn’t left. Oh my god I can’t believe you’re okay - oh my god we need to call your mom, the team!”
“No, no just give me a sec please. Please just, just sit with me for a second. Give me a minute with my girl”
Sniffing and wiping away your tears furiously you nodded and sat back down, holding his hand still
“Yeah, Yeah baby I’m here we can sit as long as you need”
Taking a moment to just stare at him, thankful for the fact he was here infront of you.
He ruined the moment by saying “So, did you miss me?”
You knew it was a joke but you looked at him, honestly
“Yeah, god I missed you so much”
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prince-of-the-comet · 4 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Builds: Deadeye
You don't need complicated multiclasses, respecs, and rare hand crossbows to make a good archer in Baldur's Gate 3. For a simple, solid, versatile, damage dealer for all occasions, look no further than the trusty Dexterity-based fighter.
(Confused by the terminology? Start here!)
Suggested Race: Any Medium. Sorry halfling and gnome-lovers: Small characters have disadvantage on attacks with heavy weapons in 5th edition, including both longbows and heavy crossbows.
Starting Class: Fighter
Final Level Distribution: Fighter 12 (Battlemaster or Champion)
Minimum Level Distribution: Fighter 5.
Recommended Statistics:
Strength: Low or higher. You're a fighter. You're going to want to wear exotic medium armor, so you're going to need to be at least strong enough to carry it. Other than that, there's enough finesse weapons around that you don't actually need to worry about it. 10 is fine, more is ok.
Dexterity: Dependent. You're an archer. Dexterity makes your build go.
Constitution: Medium or higher. No one can actually dump Constitution, but ideally you've got someone else on the frontline.
Intelligence: Dump. You're not an eldritch knight.
Wisdom: Low or higher. Your abilities don't run off of it, but it only takes one nasty dominate person to make you really wish fighters were better at Wisdom saves.
Charisma: Dump. You're not a paladin either.
Example starting stats:
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Recommended Level Progression:
1-12: Fighter.
It's simple, it's solid, it's three attacks per round, four feats, and the fighting style you need. You don't need to mess with it.
Ranger 12 (Gloom Stalker). Ranger's really the only other class that works for this, with the Archery fighting style and Ensnaring Strike for plentiful advantage. Take Bounty Hunter early and stay a Gloomstalker for all 12 levels to get Stalker's Flurry.
A free do-over if you miss isn't quite as good as a full third attack, but it's the next best thing.
Detailed Level Progression:
1: Fighter 1. Grab the archery fighting style. You're an archer, may as well commit to the bit. Grab a light crossbow on the nautiloid - it will hold you over until you get something better. We'll go over what something better is in the next section.
4: Fighter 4. You're still a fighter. Take Sharpshooter. This is the linchpin of every archery build. Sharpshooter gives you the option to take a -5 penalty to attack and in exchange gain +10 to damage with ranged weapons. You're going to want to use this - but not all the time. Why?
Statistics Interlude (or, 10d6 isn't 60 damage)
How much damage can a level 12 rogue expect to do with Sneak Attack? Well, they've got 6d6 sneak attack. So it looks like 36 damage (6x6=36). But unless you're extraordinarily lucky, you're not going to roll all 6s. Given that you have equal probability of rolling every value on a d6, the expected result is actually (1+2+3+4+5+6)/6 = 3.5 damage. Or, more simply:
The expected roll on a die is equal to (1+die sides)/2
This also means every flat +1 to damage is equivalent to increasing your die by one size (1d6 >> 1d8, 1d8 >> 1d10, etc.)
Sharpshooter, adding a flat 10 damage, is close to 3d6. You've almost snuck 5 levels of rogue into 4 levels of fighter, a pretty impressive magic trick with just a minor snag:
A -5 penalty to attack is approximately equivalent to disadvantage.
As an example, let's take a flat DC10 roll with no bonuses. You've got a 50% chance of succeeding. (10/20)
However, if you need to roll twice and both of those rolls need to come up 10 or better, suddenly you've got just a 25% chance of succeeding (10/20 * 10/20 = 100/400 = 1/4). Just as if the check had suddenly become DC15. It's a little different at high or low values (Disadvantage on a DC5 check ends up more like DC11 than DC10), but it's close enough for a rule of thumb.
And the problem is, if we miss, we deal no damage at all.
So to calculate expected damage per attack for a weapon, we need to multiply our expected damage by the odds we hit at all (subtract -25% from those odds, if you've flipped Sharpshooter on.) If you're dealing enough damage with each hit, or if your chance to hit is bad enough, at some point, you lose more expected damage to missing than you gain by adding not-quite-3d6.
And if you're really insane, you can make it into a chart:
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This is modeled on a fairly mild mid-level longbow build with some kind of damage rider (ex: Malefic Band) The more damage per attack, the higher the crossover point (where Sharpshooter starts to become worth it) actually is. Note that the Sharpshooter crossover point is higher with advantage - that -5 penalty is a much sharper opportunity cost when it applies to both rolls!
In general:
If you've got at least a 60% chance to hit with a normal attack, use Sharpshooter.
If you've got advantage, turn Sharpshooter off unless you've got at least a 75% chance to hit! Any dice-based riders you can put on will be better. Battlemasters should use maneuvers, for instance.
To offset Sharpshooter penalties, we want flat bonuses. Every +1 and +2 you can scrape up is worth it.
Ok! Statistics over. Back to leveling.
Fighter 6, 8, and 11: Things to pick up at these levels: Dexterity (consider the Athlete feat if you're at an odd Dex), Dexterity, and Extra Attack (2nd edition).
Fighter 12: You've finally got a spare feat! Good stuff includes Crossbow Master (if you're committed to that lifestyle), Alert (to decrease Time To Arrows), and Magic Initiate: Ranger or Warlock.
Items of interest:
We're only really interested in two things for this build:
Increasing our flat to-hit. Every point we can get to offset the Sharpshooter penalty helps.
Big heavy ranged weapons. The bigger, the better.
Hitting Better:
The Sparkle Hands - Forest. Pairs with the Joltshooter for situational advantage against anything wearing metal armor, which is quite a few enemies. This is a rare case where advantage is worth pursuing just because it's available so early and without any action cost.
Marksmanship Hat - Moonrise Towers. Flat +1 to hit, and look dapper doing it.
Horns of the Berserker - Wyrm's Crossing. A situational +2 to hit, if you're confident in your ability to hit. Turn off Sharpshooter just long enough to draw blood, then turn it on and hit even harder.
Legacy of the Masters - Lower City. The only thing better than a flat +1 to hit is a flat +2 to hit.
Circlet of Hunting. Specific to rangers and characters with Magic Initiate, but the +1d4 is just a touch better than Horns of the Berserker, and doesn't hurt you if you roll badly.
Big Heavy Ranged Weapons:
The Joltshooter - Waukeen's Rest. This is a solid longbow for most of the game, accessible as early as level 2-3. Pairs well with the Sparkle Hands. Unless you've also got at least 14 Strength, the bursting electricity damage will be more effective than the Titanstring Bow.
Harold - Zhentarim Hideout. For a more support-oriented character, a Harold-wielding archer is the perfect counterpart to a save-or-suck caster.
The Dead Shot - Lower City. Sharpshooter's perfect match, this bow doubles your proficiency bonus, effectively granting a +4 to hit so long as you avoid having true disadvantage. This is my favorite bow to use with this build, just be prepared to drop a lot of coin to get it.
Hellfire Engine Crossbow - Steel Watch Foundry. Though once again, support-oriented or hybrid characters might prefer a big crossbow. Being able to reposition allies and enemies alike is a useful skill, particularly since creatures moved by another force don't provoke attacks of opportunity.
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aptericia · 8 months
For the character ask game: Ena
First impression:
I actually knew a fair bit about her right off the bat, since my sister had been researching Tellius to see if we should play it and she gave me all the details haha. I always thought Ena was interesting, even though I didn’t know much about her personality.
Impression now:
She’s so cool… Possibly my favorite thing about her is how although she’s a woman whose only goals are to help her love interest and family, she’s never sidelined or denyed any agency. She has a “save-your-doomed-lover” storyline in PoR, in RD she mostly just supports Kurthnaga, and through both games she’s carrying the royal family’s child, but she’s also her own person. One thing I love about Tellius is that it really respects women with traditionally feminine roles and skills. Ena is a fiancée and a caretaker and a mother, and that doesn’t make her “lesser” than anyone else, it just means she has to fight and scheme and struggle for those specfic goals. Ok this got kinda long but anyway. I love and respect her so much <3
Favorite moment:
The scene before her boss fight at Daein Keep in PoR. She’s so badass that she figures out Ashnard’s true intentions, convinces the troops to obey her through pure logic alone, and then goes out to fight for a country of humans that hate her when she’s not even a soldier.
Idea for a story:
AU where Soren grows up as the prince of Daein and Ena convinces him to join her and help save Rajaion…….
Unpopular opinion:
I genuinely don’t think I’ve never heard anyone in fandom talk about her, so idk.
Favorite relationship:
I like her relationship with Ike actually! I think they don’t really understand each other that well, but nonetheless they have immense trust and respect for one another whenever they work together.
Favorite headcanon:
I don’t think her parentage is really elaborated on, but I see her as being 3/4 a Red Dragon and only 1/4 White Dragon. I imagine mixed laguz can probably choose whichever class fits them best, so she went with Red Dragon as that aligned more closely with her stats.
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skippyv20 · 9 months
Letter to Sandiedog3
Hi Skippy-Since I can’t write to Sandiedog3 personally, I am submitting this to you. If you think it is OK to run with on your site, I greatly appreciate it. PS-Art class starts soon. :-) Pilgrim
Your letter today, Jan 3rd, was spot on. First, enjoy the little ones and then take a long, guilt-free rest! As for the news which is totally upside down and very depressing, I have reached the same unsettled plateau as you. Now that the IGLBW is not posting untold puff pieces each day on how beautiful, rich, royal, pregnant and smart she is, it seems our job shining daylight on that “vampire” is done, as the word is out. When she first hit the headlines, I could not believe what she was up to and had to join the fight against her non-stop lies. That led me into the royal world which I had not studied in depth…just the People Magazine covers of Princess Di, her wedding, marriage, funeral, Fergie’s messes…the usual.
Here with Skippy and all of you educating me about the Commonwealth, I grew to admire and then love Her Majesty ERII. How she made it look so normal is the sign of a consummate pro. Her brilliant halo of modest honesty is sorely missed. Being the same age as Charles, (yep), watching his moves since those articles in our Junior Scholastic Magazines, I have finally taken off the tired, rose-tinted glasses like the boy in the tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” There for all to see is the same pampered, sly, single-minded, oligarch he has always been. Raised on the teat of power, protected by great wealth, “they” are not like us. They don’t really like us, even if they do attend our public events, seemingly engaged. They will keep $iphoning off the backs of their people because that is their mission in life and they can.
Here, we had a tea party and somehow managed to win the Revolution…those 20% who make things happen are truly astounding. Unfortunately, right now, the US is flunking managing a Democratic Republic and is filled with our own super rich oligarchs grabbing control. We are slipping each day and most of us see it happening while they build huge yachts or bunkers on islands while flying in private jets to go shopping, or a party and of course another vacation. So superior and above the fray…literally.
Crime and illegal immigrant stats here are off the charts! A new historic high of 2.5 million illegal migrants at the southern border in 2023 is recorded. “A total of 341,392 illegal aliens crossed in Sept 2023-an increase of nearly 40,000 over August.” Unvetted, they are secretly bussed or flown to major cities where they demand free housing, free education, free healthcare, jobs and a driver’s license which means they can vote!!!?? They are not even US citizens and can’t speak or read English! Here on the Cape many are infected with tuberculosis. It seems we don’t even have our one sacred vote because the system is compromised. Millions of us are quietly furious at the wide-spread corruption which just keeps getting worse as police are leaving their jobs in droves. Individual states are standing by their own governing laws to do the job the Federal gov refuses to do.
KCIII can use organic farming, infrastructure and fear mongering climate change for his reign. In reality, people don’t change and actions speak louder than words like his royal refusal to “read the room.” Exhibit 1-His coronation. Camilla made queen. Harry in attendance! Ahhh well, it is only a wink in time as far as the earth is concerned and we have Atlas to thank for holding up the sky.
Thank you Pilgrim, I will pass this on @sandiedog3❤️
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creativewhizkid · 2 months
twisty pokérot hours here are some of my fav pokémon from each region BECAUSE no one asked :3 /pos
whoopsie a WHOLE BUNCH of rambling under cut !!
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wartortle!!! my boy!!! his design slaps SO HARD and is honestly one of the best middle stage starters. everyday i weep for the scrapped og blastoise design that looked a lot more like him :(
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i honestly cannot pick between typhlosion, scizor and ampharos… typhlosion is one of my favorite starters ever, i don’t really care about how he and the other gen 2 starters are under designed. i love my angry honey badger echidna freak <3
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scizor is just like. peak character design to me. shes like scyther walked into hot topic and came out a girlboss. i love the underrated bug type and bugs in general and scizor really held the candle for the best bug type for a long time (for me atleast)
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ampharos omgggg ampharos… honestly the entire mareep line is so cute to me!! i love how it goes from an unsheared sheep, to half sheared, and then to fully sheared. also ampharos has the “bean bag body type” pokemon design trope that i love, all pokemon with this body type (ex: goodra, dragonite, flygon ) are all so huggable and cute to me!! i NEED an ampharos irl NOW!!! 🤬🤬🤬 /pos
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maybe a basic answer but THE ENTIRE MUDKIP LINE!!! YES I DO LIKE MUDKIPS /ref
yes this includes marshtomp ily marshtomp and most of all SWAMPERT!!
mudkip is one of the cutest starters EVER and choosing one in a gen 3 game is THE CORRECT CHOICE. i chose mudkip and i named her skipp and we quite literally single-handedly obliterated every single trainer battle, gym leader and the elite four + steven stone together. swampert has one of the best typings in the games ( water + ground ) so she only had ONE weakness and was IMMUNE to electricity 😭 poor wattson
she REALLY cemented my love for the entire mudkip line oaosufjfoighhh i love my mudfish salamander axolotl so much!
i will admit it took me like. a few days of playing ruby and looking at fanart to get used to marshtomp’s design but i can say with certainty that i love marshtomp as much as mudkip and swampert <3
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i love bats so much and gliscor is not an exception. one of the best new evolutions design wise, and i just love the cheeky personality it radiates. i caught one in platinum and named it uzi after uzi from murder drones <3
it was the evolution gligar NEEDED and thank lord it got it because gliscor is amazing and i want one irl. also kinda unrelated but i was baffled when i learned that this mf is 6’07’’?? hello???
honourable mentions also go to gastrodon <3 (specifically east sea form)
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man i feel so bad for the gen 5 games plus it’s pokémon cuz the anime gave it such a bad rep 😭 yeah i agree the anime was kinda eh BUT THE GAMES AND GEN 5 POKÉMON ARE GREAT OK?? i have a lot of favs but im gonna have to go with reuniclus !!
when it comes to my taste in pokémon i don’t really care about their stats or competitive stuff, i mainly judge them based off of their design. so you can imagine when i saw reuniclus plus it’s pre-evolutions i instantly fell in love. he’s??? so silly??? HELLO??? who knew a pokémon based off of my average biology class lecture would make me go HDJDHEJWHWHEHEHEHEEHIEAWWWWW 🥹🥹 so much
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i was watching the xy anime... i was watching the ash vs clemont battle... i saw ash's goodra do it's silly little splashes while using its rain dance in the gif above... i don't think i've ever " AWWWWW'D " louder in my life???
i cannot put into words HOW MUCH I LOVE GOODRA!! it's FAT it's a DRAGON it's a SLUG it loves HUGS it's TALL it's FRIENDLY and it's ALSO CUTE?? AND A PSEUDO-LEGENDARY??? PEAK POKÉMON!! i just look at goodra fanart daily just to make my heart melt CUZ I LOVE THIS FAT SLIME DRAGON SO MUCHAWGFWJFWAHB
BEST dragon type CUTEST dragon type BEST pseudo-legend BEST POKÉMON EVER I'M RIGHT YOURE WRONG !!! /HJ /LH
i have two favs... the rowlet line (mainly decidueye) and lurantis!! i'll talk about decidueye first
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pokémon sun was actually the first pokémon game i've ever played!! i really wish i played the earlier games sooner but i was more of a pokémon anime kid growing up... sigh... atleast now i've been playing more games <3
anyways decidueye!! rowlet was actually my first ever starter! i loved the beach ball owl so much! i don't remember much about my first couple of playthroughs of sun (i dont think i ever got to evolve my starter beyond a dartrix) but ever since i got into pokémon again and absorbed so much info into my brain i've concluded that decidueye is actually amazing
i LOVE archers. i LOVE owls. i LOVE characters with hoods/cloaks/capes. i HAD to love decidueye. plus it's typing ( grass / ghost ) is actually so cool?? it's just such a well designed and well thought-out pokémon
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lurantis omg lurantis... they could never make me hate you lurantis...
it's. literally. SO CUTE!! if a pokémon is cute enough to me i am GOING to like it automatically. additionally i love how it's based off of the real life orchid mantis!! irl orchid mantis' are basically pink mantis' that look like flowers, particularly orchids to hide themselves in plain view to ambush their prey. cool, right?
well, with lurantis, it's a pure grass type, not a bug type. the reason that is is because lurantis is actually a flower, particularly an orchid, that looks like a mantis, to fit in with other bug types since grass types are weak to bugs. i really love that!! i also just love lurantis' design in general🥺
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even though gen 8 is my least favourite generation (i don't hate it, it's just that i love the others more) i do have a fav! while i do like pokémon such as dragapult, corviknight, frosmoth, grapploct, etc, centiskorch is 100% my favourite!! i love bugs in general and a fire centipede is honestly just super cool. it's design is awesome as heck and it's gigantamax form is one of my favourites, even though it just gets super long :3 also the name centiskorch is so cool
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surprise surprise my fav hisui mon is hisuian typhlosion!! legends arceus really took one of my fav pokémon and made him stoned and girlypop huh /pop
again. with. the. amazing! fire/ghost! typing! it works SO well with typhlosion somehow. hisuian typhlosion's design didn't change much from johtonian typhlosion's but it still slaps SO HARD. the darker purple works so well with the fire collar pattern it has arounds its neck and i love how they gave him eyeshadow!! just an amazing mon all around <3
it's a tie between ceruledge and tatsugiri!! i'll talk about ceruledge first <3
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look at my baby coughing like a smoker <3
i've said this a lot already in regards to the others on this list but one of the biggest reasons i fell in love with ceruledge when i saw it for the first time is because of its design!! ghost/fire is such a cool typing (that skeledirge also has <3) and despite ceruledge and it's counterpart armarouge being more on the humanoid side, unlike other pokémon who are also in the same boat they don't look uncanny to me at all!! ceruledge is just so cool with its colour palette and the BLUE/PURPLE FLAME SWORDS?!!!??? HELLO!?? that it's difficult NOT to like it!! ily ceruledge
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the contrast between tatsugiri and ceruledge is kinda funny
anyways i bloody adore this ONE FOOT TALL sushi fish so much. i love how in its stretchy form its glaring at me like it knows what i have done /hj
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i dont know?? why i?? love him so much??? he's literally just a grumpy sushi fish who changes colours... he's my favourite boyfailure!! he's so cute and tiny!!!
anyways this has been twisty pokérot hours goodnight tristate area <3
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sentofight · 3 months
plots please / between Machipyon and Miss Militesi Lady Princess-ish
dear lord, help us.
what if agito cycle thread? machipyon is somewhat cheerful than game machymachy sobs. if so, he will definitely visit her more often and will get into trouble no problem if it means he can befriend this lonely girl. he does not care who she is or why she is here, you can't just lock up a pretty girl and expect no one will complain smh. looks at kurpapa, how dare you? crime against beauty. you deprive the cadets from this beauty for you---gasps! for yourself!? TAI-....TAI...TAICHOU.... and this when machina gets eternally frozen and hanged over the suzaku statue in the plaza for every cadet to see. the end. jk.
ok but idle chat is like too good between the two over a tea cup? he probably asks a lot of questions without telling her about himself and she like no, no, this is not how twenty question is. eventually he fuss up and tells her about his problem with izana sobs. please. someone talk to this lad about his brother. i was going to suggest what if they actually meet before, but i cant think of a way for machina still not a cadet to meet someone like bomber gi--rude, like Crosseyra; the enemy nation's princess. unless he meet her during his training before they assigned him to a class? maybe she saw him and the other cadets donning the grey mantles and the second time she sees him, he is wearing the dark blue one, and when he actually saw her himself he was wearing the crimson one. cross making a joke about that and he's ??? i dont get it ???? he does not know she saw him before kfjsdlfkjsdlf
LISTEN. WHAT IS HER FATE WHEN KURAPAPA PERISHED HEROICLY IN BATTLE? i need to know. because ... what....ahem. what if machina / l'ciel came and just whisked her back to milites on the crystal order ? ? ? man got access to the academy, walks in, changes to his l'ciel form, burst into her room 'let's go. the crystal's order'.
cross: wait a minute? chocobo nerd? chocobo nerd right? the same guy who yappers about chocobos 24/7?
incognitus: w-waht? no? shut up. let's go. zip it or i will make you.
cross: lmao i'd like you to try, smart pants.
incognitus: . . . fuck. just let's go.
also i offer chocobo ride. limited time only. this will expire once machypyon realizes this. what if she was to be relocated somewhere else? using the airships would be eye emoji for milities so traveling on foot. or on chocobos. maybe for a while until she can return to the academy. like, she is hiding because of the whole thing with Cid, no? what if he send spies or actual 'investigation' team asking to search for the princess' whereabout and not to cause Khalia and the academy trouble, she was relocated somewhere safer for the time being? cough cough elite guard ofc machypopopopo (and other zeroes lmao for favorism eight and king lmao)
we can try other verses, too? i don't mind writing for genpact but it has been ages since i played the game but i always welcome the opportunity to research and find ideas and things that work. that being said since genpact is cross main ver as i see on her blog hmhmhmh i need to think about machy's verse *rubs chin* going by machy's stats in type zero ... he is second in hp, 4th in mp, 3rd attack, 3rd defense, 2nd fire magic, 4th ice magic, 3rd lightning magic, 7th defensive magic so hmhmh. i was debating to go with ether pyro or electro but to go with the suzaku theme and that he was 'revived' for the phoenix motif and all so pyro it is. i still don't know which nation fits him but could figure that out as we go on (because of his features and surname we can assume he is of asian descent maybe Liyue? ;;;). i will rack my brain over this and come back to you if you are interested in writing in this verse :3c
as for their relationship all game man. cross can be his big sister he never had because as ass he is, he pushed away the good big bro he had. sobs. rivals? because let's face it, he will be anyone's rival if he sensed they are better than him. he gotta fight back. listen, the chaotic dynamic between them is chef kiss. their bickering is funny and i live for it. i dont mind if this does not turn to otome route and they just remained platonic friends like i die for you bitch its ok. the social link go meme "Machina now will die for you" lmao. cross can be his mentor too sobs. "control your emotions, cadet" kind of haha. she had suffered far more than he would imagine and yet she is so regal and graceful in face of everything hes just 'what dis power?'
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send plot and imma ramble rose some ideas | accepting | @vygiler
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astraeus-moon · 3 months
now is your turn to rant about Jacob :))
How I feel about this character: JACOBBBBBBBBB JAKE JAKE JAKE OK I'm normal now lying. But kike seriously Jacob is a hugely impactful character for me. Idk why but I've pack bonded with him. He's so sad and kind. Like the insistence that he's a bad person when he's been so warped by circumstances he couldn't begin to control. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dev/Jacob is intresting to me as foils as like both of them have these similar parental issues but entirely based upon the class and how they were raised. I think Jacob would benefit from someone who doesn't push him or expect him to be something he's not.
I'm also, unfortunately, a filthy oc/Canon shipper, so obligatory Faer/Jacob mention, but I'm not gonna get into that.
Non romantic otp:
Anna and Jacob! She's so fun bc she's so bold from the start she's like clearly not put off by him at first or the eye and enjoys teasing him! With the whole Annie & Jakey exchange. Jacob would be hopes godfather ik he loves kids so much. Their friendship is very fun to me bc it's so clearly platonic and built of of mutual respect. Don't mess with the lady who fixes your guns!
My unpopular opinion I have about this character: Again, there are too few of us to like have unpopular opinions bc redfall as a whole is an unpopular opinion lmfao. So I offer a few hcs instead
- I hc him to be mid thirties about 36ish.
- he's a critter lover was the kid to sit in the woods looking for snakes and frogs.
- still has an absurd amount of knowledge about animals.
- can't cook for shit. Dude literally thinks salt & pepper are seasoning. Its functional but bland.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened:
- was always kind of a loner in the military & Bellwether until Henry. People can pick up on when someone's weird and zero in
- Autistic
- Gay! And Demisexual
- Trans Jacob.... if I think about that + his relationship to religon and his sexuality ill go insane.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
Where is my Jacob trying to come to terms with what happened to him. I need these for the whole crew, but like what happens after redfall?? Do they split up where do they go. Like fod Jacob, especially, he has nothing. He has literally nothing but the clothes on his back. Plus, the eye! what happens with that! I wish we got more Bellwether backstory. Did his squad like him? Was it obligation did he have friends. I need a 20 chapter 60k Jacob backstory fic stat.
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