#we have a huge family of like 5-6 that regularly walk within 5 feet of the house
thunderheadfred · 6 months
looking at woodland themed baby stuff (mostly for ideas, to know what to look for second hand, lol) and many of the shopping webbed sites declare "forest for boys"
I was forced to behold a vinyl wall decal that was like "little man cave" and I just.
look. capitalism. I just want a blanket with a deer on it because there are deer in the woods outside my house and I want to sit and nurse my baby and look at the deer and when they walk by I can point to the blanket and say "I LOVE YOU OMGGGGGG" at which they will turn slightly and look at me like, "u okay"
this is not a baby-need-gender-role thing this is a "I cry when I see a deer" thing why don't they understand
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greensydney · 4 years
Wellness Segments from The Friend Zone Podcast
This is where I’ll be listing Fran’s Wellness Segments. It will be updated regularly. Any specific products/stores mentioned will be linked :)
Ep. 1: It’s Ok to Log Off  
Being the first episode, Fran starts us off easy with a loving suggestion to take a social media break. At the time of this recording, “Twitterless Assante” was reaping the benefits of taking mindless twitter scrolling out of his life for some time.
Ep. 2: Family Matters  
This is where we start digging in and doing the work. Here, Fran asks us to look within to resolve family disputes that have gone unchecked. Have the talks that you have been avoiding, even if it feels uncomfortable. Remember to come from a place of compassion when approaching loved ones, and to not take anything personally. Which is a theme throughout many of the early episodes, as it’s the 2nd agreement in The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, one of the many books Fran has suggested.
Ep. 3: Take 5  
Work on building and maintaining a healthy morning routine. This helps set the tone of the day. By leaving our phone out of this part of the day, we can avoid things like waking up to a long, angry text or some other drama  and letting that guide how the rest of day goes. Basically, set the tone of your day before taking in information from anyone else. 
Ep. 4: Surrender 
Meditate, meditate, meditate. 
Osho books are great for learning more about quieting the mind, as recommended by Fran. Sadhguru is another great teacher who I look to for insight on meditation, mindfulness, parenting, and just life in general. He has a channel on YouTube with tons of videos. Fran also recommends trying Mala beads to assist with meditation, or maybe journaling afterwards. She really just stresses the importance of beginning a meditation practice, without fear of doing it “right” or “wrong”.
Ep. 5: Even Martha Went to Jail  
No clear-cut Wellness Segment for this week, but the main gist of things was: create what you want, what feels good for you. Critics will appear for everyone, no matter how great they are, so do you. Don’t keep yourself from creating things because of fear of how others will receive it.
Ep. 6: Tacos & Quickweave 
In your journal, dissect the relationship you are in. Asking questions like, “Why are you with this person? Who are you *really* doing this relationship for?”   For singles, ask questions like, “What am I *really* looking for, in a person? How do I want to feel when I’m with them? How do I want to show up in their lives? How do I want them to show up in my life?” For those resistant to relationships, ask yourself why and really work through it to get those answers that you seek. ~meditate, meditate, meditate ~
Ep. 7: The Choir & The Competition Are Out 
Parents: Sit with our children and start asking them questions about their interests. Fran shares how she was impacted by her mom not being more encouraging about her becoming a singer, so she wants us to know how important it is to truly listen when our kids ask to pursue new things, even if it isn’t exactly what we pictured for them. 
For everyone, even those who don’t have children or maybe they aren’t quite at the age to start discussing these things: we were all a child at some point. Many people can benefit from asking ourselves if the profession we are in is for you, or if you were just trying to please our own parents. It’s never too late to begin learning more about anything that excites you.
Ep. 8: Fitness Regine Hunter  
(I’m pretty sure they purposely didn’t spell it “regime” because of the difficulty for many in pronouncing the word. lmao)
In this episode, Fran speaks on the importance of holistic health and wellbeing, sharing how much it has shaped who she is and improved her life. She wants us to really sit with ourselves and think about the things we want to work on. Ask, “What can I do to ensure that I’m being the most beautiful *me* possible?” From skin and hair care, to diet, to fitness, to the way we talk to ourselves or others. All the little things that make up holistic living. No quick fixes! We’re here to werrrrrrk, hunty. 
“Forget the internet for a second. Forget what the Instagram models look like, we’re talking about YOU...” - Fran the MF Goat.  
Implement a fitness regime that works for you. Maybe it’s part of your morning routine, maybe it’s an after dinner thing; everyone gets to choose what is best for them and that’s part of the beauty of this life. :) Try a few things and see what works. There is an emphasis on the importance of starting slow, allowing your mind and body to get used to new activity. Fran started off with walking, increasing her distance over time, and then turned that into jogging when it felt right for her. Blogilates and Yoga With Adriene are YouTube channels she mentions here. I have been hooked to yoga ever since trying a few videos from  Adriene. Yoga by Biola is another great channel to check out. Biola has this video, “Restorative Yoga for Collective Trauma”, which I love. I learned of her from The Friend Zone earlier in 2020. 
Skin and Hair: Check out Frans YouTube channel to see all the informative videos she has on all-natural beauty and health tips. Personally, I really like Naptural85 for hair videos as my curl pattern is very similar to hers. Click around on suggested videos to find the ones that speak to you. 
Ep. 9: Don’t Forget the Feet  
OIL UP! From head-to-toe. Get that moisture. Especially in these colder months. Hands, feet, nails, toenails...literally everywhere. Dustin cannot get over the importance of the feet. Fran says this aztec healing clay is great for dry, cracked feet, and she hinted at its ability to fix some facial skin woes as well. Extra Fran tip: put a small amount of oil on your nail beds before painting them. This protects the skin and promotes nail growth. I tried this myself and it’s a game changer in my nail health! They used to get cracks in them once they start getting to a certain length, but if i keep them oiled up, they are smooth as precious little stones. :) 
Ep. 10: A$AP Shirley Caesar  
This episode reminds us that finances, too, can impact our total feeling of well-being. The Friends all want us to get our finances in order, taking the tiniest of baby steps, if needed. Fran’s 3 things to cut back on: 
Eating Out
Online Shopping
Places like Target, where you go for 1 thing and leave with a full cart.
Making these sacrifices adds up. The goal is that eventually, any big things that are weighing on our mental due to finances can more easily be dealt with.
Ep. 11: And I’m Telling You, I’m NOT Going!
It’s all about skin-care in this wellness segment! Starting with what goes into your body, and ending with what goes on your body. First off: DRINK LOTS OF WATER! This not only promotes healthy skin but as we all know, it’s just good for the body in general. The body runs nice and smoothly when it’s hydrated from the inside-out. 
If you need to cut down on your caffeine intake (I’m right there with ya), Fran suggested Yerba Mate. It’s a natural source of caffeine and much cleaner than what comes in other energy drinks. I must say, I feel like the naturally occurring caffeine just hits different. I was hyyype the first few times I got a Yerba Mate instead of my usual orange Red Bull! Energy drink isn’t the only form to get your Yerba fix, thankfully. It’s sold as a loose leaf tea, or in bagged tea as well. I LOVE coffee though, and I am not giving that up so easy. I find that bringing mindfulness to my habits with it, helps me to not consume too much.
Now, for the outside of the body: washing and moisturizing daily is imperative. This may be obvious to some, but it can also feel difficult for those with a really busy schedule. I know for me, as a mom, there has been many times when I only had one chance to take a shower on a given day, and if I didn’t take it, I was always sorry. Or I would take a rushed, half-effort shower and get dressed immediately after without oil, lotion, anything. Having a routine in place for daily washing and moisturizing (that works with my sporadic life) helps me make sure it won’t get missed. Again, as with episode 9, OIL UP! Coconut oil is a great choice, but my skin just drinks it up like water. Sesame oil is a nice alternative because it’s a bit thicker. It was hard for me to get used to smelling like a huge sesame seed though, not gonna lie. But there are so many different oils and butters out there to love our bodies with, just use some trial and error to find which one(s) work best for you.
Last thing: Bedding. Change it at least once a week. Get on the silk pillowcase train! Or if you real fancy, like Fran, get you a full-on silk sheet set. Cotton sheets soak up all the moisture from our skin that we work so hard and lovingly on.
Ep. 12: The Shut Down Mixtape
House cleaning time! Clean your fridge, clean your closets, clean your desk drawers. Clean everything! Trying to especially bring focus to areas that are often overlooked in your regular daily cleaning. By doing this, we clear out old energy, removing heaviness from our homes that we may not even realize is there. I personally can vouch that this helps with anxiety and even lifts my depression symptoms as well. It feels good when the space I live in looks and smells nice, so taking the effort is more than worthwhile.
Ep. 13: Oh God…
Get in touch with what religion/spirituality mean to YOU. This one was hard for me because I wasn’t raised with much knowledge of (or respect for, sadly) religion. As I grew, I became super interested in the various religions and how they affect the lives of others - good or bad. I’ve now learned to adapt my own spiritual practices that support me and help me get by. And this is life changing.
Ep. 14: Say It Like You Mean It
Here, we are instructed to find out what our individual love language is. This comes from the book The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. The 5 Love Languages are: 
Quality Time
Acts of Service
Receiving Gifts
Words of Affirmation
Physical Touch
You may already have an idea of what your primary love language is, but you can get some more information on that by reading the book or by taking quizzes on the book’s website. Knowing your love language, as a single, can help you define what you need from a partner. As someone in a relationship, it can help both partners learn how to best make sure everyone knows they are loved and valued. 
Ep. 15: Yo Mama
Scalp Care for Winter Weather!
½ Cup Olive Oil ~ Seals in moisture
2 Tbsp. Honey (Fran uses Raw honey) ~ Creates pretty shine
½ Cup Coconut Milk ~ Adds protein
½ an Avocado ~ Healthy fat
½ a Banana ~ Softens hair
Blend all ingredients into a creamy conditioner, which should come out a nice light greenish color. 
I keep forgetting coconut milk at the store or else I’d have been tried this one, smh *face palm* But I will edit to add my review after I finally do this. :) 
Ep. 16: Non Profit & Chill
This episode had no segments, but we can still gain a wellness tip from it. Recorded right after Fran returned from a trip to Africa, she had a ton of insight to share on why it’s so important to be an ethical consumer. This episode was a great one to re-listen to as it reminded me that I am reading labels and the “about” pages on brand’s websites for a valid reason that is important to me, not just following trends. Dang imposter syndrome, always trying to step in and ruin everything (shoutout to the Friend Zone for teaching me about that as well, in a later episode.)
Fair Trade Errything !!!
Ep. 17: There’s A Song For That
No wellness segment this week, per say, but again I’ll summarize the episode to make it wellness for us all. The friends basically dode over their favorite break-up songs, from the deepest of soul, to the pettiest of rap songs. Many genres listed, and many bangers. This episode is a great listen for those going through a breakup, or even if you’re a big fan of the episodes where the Friends just let loose and have fun.
Ep. 18: Don’t You Go To Work?
Inspired by Assante and his newly purchased stones, which he is carrying safely in his pocket, Fran suggested that us listeners get in on the magic as well by getting our own stones. Starting with Citrine. This stone is a light orange color, and can be found online or in local crystal stores in most cities. Often referred to as “the merchants stone”, Citrine is believed to attract success. Fran offered the idea of laying it on some money, because she did it and got a random check in the mail soon after...And I kid you not - I did it, and the saaame thing happened to me. I was shook and beyond grateful!
Other stones mentioned here are Lapis Lazuli and Black Tourmaline. Lapis is a pretty, royal blue shade, usually with gold flakes in it. Lapis is known as the “communication stone”. Black Tourmaline is, you guessed it, black, and often found in shiny pieces. Fran says she keeps one of these by her bedside to absorb negative thoughts; letting it cleanse her energy before bed.
Stores mentioned on this episode: Rock Star, and Namaste shop. Both New York based but have online shopping available. Personally, and this is gonna sound real woo-woo, but I prefer picking out stones in person because then I can actually feed off of their energy to pick the right one for me. Those living in a small town, there is probably a crystal shop not too far away.
Ep. 19: The Friend Zone & The Read Mash Up Pt. 1
Wellness this week: be messy and silly with your friends. For me, I don’t currently have any real life friends to hang out with, plus COVID, so my family gets to enjoy all my silly mess. Life just cannot be lived being serious 100% of the time!
Ep. 20: 2015, I’ma Let You Finish, But 2016…
I loved this episode because it brings us back to our journals. Fran asks the guys and us listeners to reflect on two simple, but powerful questions to answer at the end of each year:
What are 3 things you discovered about yourself this year that you love? Things that you feel will propel you into the next year, as a person, career-wise, and as a whole. Write freely about how you plan on maintaining and evolving.
What are 3 things you discovered about yourself this year that you did not like? Maybe some of these things are hard to face. Reflect on how you’ve allowed them to hold you back and what you are doing to adjust them.
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atamascolily · 5 years
One of the exercises in Julia Cameron’s The Vein of Gold is to compile a list of favorite movies--or ones with images that resonate with you--and note any patterns that arise. Here are some of mine, with observations below.
(For the purposes of this exercise, I’m sticking with live-action films, but there’s no reason why there couldn’t be animated films.)
1. Star Wars Original Trilogy (Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi)
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(Yes, I know this is technically three films, with three different directors and independent histories, but I didn’t feel like listing them all separately.)
2. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
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Ironically, I love the first Peter Jackson movie, but not any of the subsequent ones. Which is not to say they’re necessarily bad movies, but they’re not the ones I’d want on endless loop. (Part of this is because The Two Towers and The Return of the King are essentially war movies, and also because I have to watch Faramir act OOC, which hurts my soul.)
3. The Secret Garden
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4. The Matrix
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I actually don’t have strong feelings about Reloaded and Revolutions--like, the actual plot is weird, but I am so not watching these films for plot.
5. Return to Oz
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6. Inception
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7. Labyrinth
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8. The Terminator
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Don’t get me wrong, Terminator 2 has a lot going for it, but it’s not the one that I can’t stop thinking about (except for that one deleted scene with Michael Biehn, which is a totally different story).
Thoughts and Themes:
So at first glance, it seems like I have two separate categories: ‘80s and ‘90s-’00s films. Or maybe it’s sci-fi and fantasy? The Secret Garden is the only one that even approaches some kind of realism, and even that is a pastoral kind of world that would not be out of place in the more peaceful parts of, say, Middle-Earth (especially Fourth Age). How about high-tech vs. low-tech, or cyberpunk vs. fairy tale? Or, even better, what about reality vs. illusion (or story vs. truth if you prefer)--which is also a major tension within every film on this list?
I’ll also note that most of these films have an epic color palette, with memorable landscapes that either serve as characters in and of themselves, or symbolize the mental states of various characters. These films are beautiful works of art, reveling in The Aesthetic, whether that’s the idyllic peacefulness of the Shire or the grimy back alleys of 1980s Los Angeles.
The thing that really got me when I laid it out like this--the thing I hadn’t noticed before--was that all of these involve a (sometimes literal) rebirth, transition, or journey from darkness to light (or light to darkness to light again, depending on the work). You could also substitute life and death here, and not change much.
This is, again, often quite literal: Sarah moves underground in Labyrinth, the Fellowship descends into the Mines of Moria, the secret garden comes to life with the spring, Dorothy confronts the Nome King in his underground lair. Neo wakes up to find himself naked and soaked to the skin, and flushed down the tubes like garbage, in a literal hellscape where the machines destroyed the sun (a motif that also appears in Terminator’s dystopian future), then literally dies and is resurrected at the end of the film. Luke goes underground to confront his own double--another recurring theme!--on Dagobah.
Duality and the exploration of one’s soul through another world is HUGE  big theme--or, to put it another way, The internal mirrors the external. This is a huge motif of Inception, which is a literal inward journey into a character’s psyche; and you could also make the argument that both Return to Oz and Labyrinth cover similar territory. Is Oz real, or is it in Dorothy’s head? Is Ozma a part of her, or is Ozma a separate entity? Is Jareth a real foe or is he the embodiment of Sarah’s fears and desires, a fantasy she concocts based on a story in a book?  And Frodo realizes he’s not so different from Gollum, that the sad shriveled creature is what he could become if he fails at his task--and, ironically, his kindness to Gollum is what allows the quest to succeed when Frodo finally succumbs to temptation.
Frodo in the The Fellowship of the Ring sees the world differently when he wears the One Ring, and it’s terrifying. Sarah Connor realizes that she’s left her ordinary world behind and crossed into Kyle and the Terminator’s reality in a moving speech, and The Matrix doesn’t even try to be subtle. Even The Secret Garden uses the eponymous garden as a metaphor for the blossoming of Mary’s own soul, and the souls of those around her (especially her uncle and cousin, but also Ben Weatherstaff).
These stories are also concerned with ecology, though it’s usually a background motif, since the main focus is on saving the world (or what’s left of it, i.e, humans). The Shire is paradise; Mordor is a desolate hellscape, dominated by a giant volcano. Kyle Reese breaks down over the beauty of the world, and Mary Lennox seeks to bring the lost garden back to life. Dorothy retreats elsewhere after the grey grimness of Kansas/the mental hospital.
There’s also a real tension concerning humans’ relationship to technology in these films. The Matrix is an illusion, and machines control the earth. Or the machines don’t even bother farming humans and aim to kill ‘em all. Saruman literally transforms Isengard from a tree-lined field to an industrial hellscape. The mental institution uses that freaky electrical machine on Dorothy. Star Wars is more accepting of droids and technology, but even there, there’s tension: Obi-wan calls Darth Vader “more machine than man,” and it’s not a compliment; the Death Star is built to obliterate entire planets and must be stopped twice.
I’d argue this theme goes deeper than human/tech--it’s really human/other, with technology providing one kind of other. There’s human-alien interactions in Star Wars and Labyrinth, not to mention Mary’s relationship with the robin in The Secret Garden, Dorothy’s friendship with Jack Pumpkinhead and the Gump. On a less friendly note, Frodo’s relationship with Gollum is the emotional crux of the Lord of the Rings.
These films also feature the classic hero’s journey, but often through a female lens. The protagonist usually has no special skills other than their strong moral character and determination--or even if they do have skills (like Ariadne*), they still serve as an audience surrogate or substitute, a stranger to the new worlds they visit. The protagonist has at least one faithful friend/companion/love interest to help them (sometimes even a team/found family), and often a mentor as well (who may or may not be a crusty eccentric). In the end, the characters must take control of their own destiny--Frodo chooses to leave the Fellowship, Luke throws away his lightsaber rather than kill his father, Sarah declares to Jareth “You have no power over me”. Sarah Connor yells, “On your feet, soldier!” and keeps going to the bitter end, and Mary Lennox is unafraid of her bratty cousin’s wrath and puts a stop to it when everyone else enables him.
*(As an aside, I know Ariadne’s not the main character in Inception, but I find the actual main character way less interesting, so she’s the one I focus on, just like I find Trinity far more compelling than Neo.)
Characters often have Meaningful Names: Morpheus, Trinity, Neo; Ariadne; Luke Skywalker, Han Solo. These films also feature a question of fate and inevitability - Luke has precognitive visions, Neo consults the Oracle, Sarah is told “there is no fate but what we make for ourselves,” with Kyle serving as an oracle of sorts with messages from the future to come. The Mirror of Galadriel shows possible futures for the Shire, too.
Another theme is that the protagonist must suffer and/or work hard for their transformation. Mary has to do the actual work of gardening; Luke has to sweat and do handstands (beautifully, I might add); Frodo has to walk to Mount Doom; Sarah has to walk the labyrinth, and Sarah Connor has to survive a fucking nightmare. Dorothy has to rescue the royal family of Ev and free Ozma; Ariadne has to design a dream-puzzle for the heist to work. Even Neo has to train with Morpheus--though he’s able to use cheat codes to download martial arts directly into his brain without having to sweat for it; his real journey is in self-confidence. 
In keeping with the stunning visuals, impossible feats are regularly featured, and excellent, cutting-edge-for-their-time special effects are prominent. Many also feature stunning fight scenes--the classic Luke vs. Vader duel on Cloud City; the “I know Kung fu” sequence in The Matrix; the clashes in The Fellowship of the Ring. Jareth has some excellent moves in Labyrinth, too, although he’s more inclined to dance than traditional battles.
I couldn’t resist contrasting my favorite moment in Return to Oz--rescuing Ozma from the mirror prison--with Ariadne shattering her own reflection in Inception, because that is such a moment for me, encapsulating all of the reality/illusion, internal/external, self/other dichotomies I mentioned above. (See also the Mirror of Galadriel above.) Inception and Labyrinth also share the motif of impossible Escher staircases, which I freakin’ adore.
It will probably come as no surprise to note that I also enjoyed films like The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story,  and What Dreams May Come, which tap into similar themes and imagery. You’ll probably be able to guess that The Sword in the Stone is my favorite animated Disney film, too.
I also love a number of Asian films like Hero, House of Flying Daggers, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, all of which feature beautiful landscapes and color palettes, stunning fight scenes and special effects, along with a healthy dose of the fantastic, and a focus on story vs. reality (often with a plot twist or surprise reveal at the end). This is unsurprising when you consider the strong debt both Star Wars and The Matrix owe to Asian cinema in terms of style, plot, and aesthetic. In those films, the tension is more society vs. self, but duality is still very strongly present.
If you notice any other patterns or recurring themes, let me know; I’d love to hear them! Also, if you can think of any other movies I might enjoy based on this, let me know.
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lucalicatteart · 6 years
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Species overview: some nameless ancient pond forest soul feeding scaley people
Quick outline sketches of a possible species??? I wanted to make a group with  eyebrow whiskers since I’ve been using them in makeups .. som little... tall scaley ancient forest dwelling magical pond protectors sustaining themselves on stolen soul candles and riding around on large cats , berhaps... i have no name for them yet however and may still change some things around lol   :V
Details about where they live, how they’re born, species origins, etc. under the read more if interested 
I don’t have much worked out about them yet so I’m just going to do random paragraphs as I think of them, so sorry for it not being too organized 
~~~~~~ GENERAL INFO ~~~~~~~~~~
 –--  They’re usually about 10 - 12 feet tall. Skin is usually grayish, with sometimes light swirl or rounded patterns on it, and little ridges of semi hardened flesh sort of like scales, that have brighter color at the tips. Mostly only come in warm colors like red , orange, or yellow tints, sometimes reddish purple. Blues and greens are really uncommon for both base skin and scale tips color, as well as uncommon for hair and eyes. Have legs that curve outward, and they exclusively walk on their tip toes, even though it is possible for them to stand flat footed. Despite their size they seem fairly light, being able to sprint quickly on the tips of their feet and seem to just float everywhere (possibly have different anatomy, like bones made out of a lighter than usual material or etc,, or maybe just have  very strong muscles and good muscle control, or perhaps use magic, etc. Either way, somehow they're incredibly light and springy for 11 foot creatures that should move slowly and be heavy). 
Medium length curved horns sprout from the forehead with ‘scales’ at the base, and parted pointed long ears with curled whiskers at each tip. As well as a little bunch of whiskers above the eyebrow. Pupils are kind of like a curved plus sign or sparkle shape. Fingertips are claw-like rows of scales layered on top of each other.  Usually have long wavy hair since their hair grows pretty fast , but they can cut it constantly every time it grows back, or style it if they like. 
 –--  There are about 145 of them currently in existence. Lifespan is unknown, though it is thought that they can die, nobody is sure if it happens naturally or if it’s something they choose to do (similarly to how Avirre’thel (vampires) are immortal essentially forever, but many of them choose to end their lives after most of their goals have been fulfilled and they then go to a special council to enact their very specific death ritual, etc.). It’s hard to get answers out of them, but many of them are thought to be up to 30,000 years old, making them some of the oldest creatures in Nanyevimi, second to certain species of Jhevona and right above some of the oldest vampires. Their death rituals are also currently unknown, but knowing their general nature/what they place cultural significance on, it can be assumed they return their bodies to the bottom of their sacred pond upon death, or something like that. 
–--  They use giant cats native to the forest in order to get around, keep them as pets and really value them a lot and have special bonds with them (they usually each have a cat to their name, or at least a ‘’family cat’’ that all members care for and share) so it’s not like they’re just solely transport animals. They’re used for fun as pets and also as self defense, especially as guard animals. Particularly for ‘’new births’’ (though the species kind of come out of the lake mostly mature I guess ''new birth'' is still an okay term to describe newly created species members... like maybe the equivalent to if humans were born by just coming up out of a body of water as fully grown 14 year olds?) that haven’t learned to use their magic well yet.  The cats are also used often as transportation animals, especially when they have to leave the forest or travel further into it (very rare, but has happened occasionally during the like 60,000+ years of unknown time this mysterious species has been there) since it’s such a huge forest and they'd be traveling large distance. 
–--  The most precious building in the center of their settlement is a huge stone room with trees intertwined around some of the outside walls and a pond in the middle, surrounded by trees and lit by sun through a hole in the ceiling right above the pond. The pond is seemingly magical and is said to be a source of power for them. They bathe and play in it regularly, though they have to clean themselves before entering and it’s considered very sacred.
 (Side note: The history of this pond and the area around it is a complete mystery (like you never find anything about it in  books, it hasn't been on maps until very recently, etc.), and this sort of thing is extremely extremely rare. Even though Nanyevimi is a place where people are capable of magic, it’s hardly EVER in the form of stuff like natural resources. You don’t find magical stones or lakes or etc., unless they’ve been deliberately created, and even then it’s usually on a small scale (like just a few stones, not a full stone deposit),  and if it is deliberately created, it's usually also documented somewhere,, so the fact that this is both a large magical natural resource and untraceable in origin, is.. immensely odd in terms of the established norms of the world of Nanyevimi and what we know about it's history)
The rest of the building is walls of candles, which are permanently burning, and are actually holding souls. They store souls as the literal flame of these candles, consuming the fire when they need more power. Nobody is sure exactly where they got these souls, how they came to have so many of them, or precisely what sort of magic they use in order to manifest the souls as a flame lighting an ever burning candle (Kind of like the pond, this is a really weird manifestation of magic usage not commonly seen (multiple high level soul magics users have tried to replicate this method of soul storage in the past and they can never quite get it), at least not during any recorded history of the realm. Some think it may be a lost form of magic, a remnant from an older civilization or etc.  ).  
–--  They would be technically extinct, considering that they no longer naturally reproduce as a species and have no means of doing so (they lost all genitals and sex characteristics who knows how long ago), but they feed on souls (in the form of the candles) and the magical powers of the pond, and use these to fill the bodies of new members, which they create  with magic when they feel like they need to (kind of similar to the ythrili in that they only mate to create new members when the population is low or just when they all mutually agree they could use a few more) 
–--  Creating “new births” or new members of the species, is done through a ceremony where they take multiple candles (usually five of them) and combine the flames, then pluck the larger flame off of the candle tip.  Within the flame, they place the blood of at least 5 living species members and scale clippings of five members (which kind of just mushes into the flame and then hovers in place, kind of like if you were inserting an object into a blob of jello or something). They then submerge the swirling flame blob into the water (which still burns under the water somehow), letting it sink to the bottom of the pond (which is oddly deep for how small it is, like 110 feet or so). 
 These materials will merge into a large scaled looking growth and attach to rocks at the bottom of the pond, and being to grow to sprout the new body, who will rise from the bottom of the pond in usually a 3 - 6 days time. Though only a few people wait by the pond to watch for the new birth and greet them with food and clothes to give them when they arrive, after they’re actually “born”, usually the entire group will meet them and have a little ceremony about it, welcoming and teaching them and  giving them gifts and etc. Like mentioned, the new births are pretty developed (in terms of being tall, and already having good muscle control, cognitive abilities, etc.) upon coming up from the pond bottom, like the equivalent of a teenager, but still don’t know how to use magic well yet, and are totally new in the sense of not yet knowing any culture or language or etc. 
~~~~~~~ THE FOREST ~~~~~~~~~~~
–--  They live deep deep in the center of a forest usually referred to as the  “desert woods”,  which is like a wooded area that’s so vast and somewhat bare that  people compare it to being out on the sea or in a desert. There are  actually a pretty plentiful amount of tress and grass and flowers,  but there is little diversity between them, and in pretty much all directions it tends to look the same so it can be extremely disorienting as you walk like, you have no idea how long you’ve been walking or in what direction , there are hardly any landmarks or ways to actually know where you’re going (there are occasionally small pockets where there will be a tiny puddle, or a flower bush of a different color, a fungus that is unique, etc. but overall it’s literally as if someone just uniformly copy and pasted the same few plants in the same exact positions everywhere for miles), thus everything starts to look repetitive and endless. It evokes that type of "as far as i can see everything looks the same and it’s very easy to get lost" sort of never-ending environment feeling. Especially due to the size , which if it were a perfect circle would be something around 320 miles in diameter around, from any angle it will take you close to 160 miles to get to the center. It also seems to grow thicker, taller, and significantly foggier the further in to the center you are, so it’s kind of like you’re increasingly loosing your ability to see into the distance, getting gradually more obscured. 
People get lost and die there all the time, presumably, though bodies are hardly ever found. Some people think their soul and body are merely absorbed into the ‘magic of the forest’ before they can even decompose, others claim the lack of bodies is only an illusion since likely there are bodies but they’re just incredibly hard to find due to how difficult the area is to navigate, and some think that lost travelers are taken by the scaly species of the forest to be harvested, soul captured in a candle and body thrown to the bottom of their pond. 
 ---  An interesting myth is that the ‘pond’ is thought to have used to be a massive lake, which has now essentially become the desert wood, drying up or having the landscape change for whatever reason long ago.  Some people think if you dig far enough in any spot in the woodland, you’ll hit springs of water connected to an underground source, the same one that fills the pond, and that over time it just dried up (at least on the surface) or whatever until the pond in the center was the only part of the water left. The desert wood is pretty damp in general, with soft sometimes muddy mossy ground (though footprints disappear unnaturally fast somehow), and the occasional puddle, so it's not too far fetched to suggest it may still have some sort of water source still affecting it. 
Especially because of the species’ affinity for swimming and the fact that they seem to have remnants of scales and stuff, it’s thought that perhaps they used to be aquatic humanoid creatures living in this giant lake with magical properties that was a source of magic strength, then through whatever the hell happened that isn’t recorded in history, the lake dried up and slowly just became this huge expanse of forest ,  gradually forcing them to move inward and adapt more to being on the land, then eventually getting  to where they are today, how they live in a very tiny area almost directly in the center of the desert wood, with their sacred tiny pond and etc., now more evolved for land dwelling but still swimming in it all the time. Especially since the forest seems to be somewhat magical in nature and unnatural with how repetitive and ''off'' it is, especially the closer you get to the pond in the center, which would suggest some sort of connection with the magic of the water, as if it flows through (or, once flowed through) the entire area. Even just stepping foot into the forest immediately feels completely different than the land outside, a sudden implacable shift in tone that only grows the deeper in you are. 
Various scholars in the past have tried expeditions into the woods, to dig for water, or unearth ruins of past civilizations that used to live there when it was a large body of water before the landscape changed.  They also often attempt  to search for remnants of forest life, since the lack of diversity in plant life and animals and etc. in the woods seems unsettlingly unnatural, and they think perhaps back before the area was as it is today, there were more creatures and plants and possibly even more native humanoid species around)...  But,  pretty much all the explorers just end up getting lost and ‘dying’ (or at least disappearing), like most other visitors do. 
  ~~~~~   CULTURE ~~~~~~~~~
— If you do happen to reach the center of the forest without much harm, when you come across their settlement, you have to give them gifts of some kind or else they will turn you away. It’s a custom they have for whatever reason. What they’ll accept as gifts seems to be fairly random.  Sometimes if you simply give them a small cake you happened to have on hand, they’d be satisfied. Other times, they may want more extensive gifts, like a majority of your traveling supplies or an animal you have with you.  Sometimes you may be able to just bend down and pluck some flowers from the forest floor right in front of them and hand it to them and they’ll accept you, etc.  Giving them sparkling jewelry or anything that reminds them of water is usually a safe bet, so is offering a small bit of your soul or some of your blood. 
It’s thought that perhaps they use different standards for different people, as even on the most guarded of minds they can at the very least read a person’s vague intentions, So they may already know whether someone means good or bad when they approach the settlement, and adjust their standards accordingly (requiring people who are rude or intending to cause harm to give them more extensive gifts that require more labor, allowing well intentioned or potentially useful people to pass into their living space for a much lesser price, etc.)
— They have special lanterns on every edge of their area, which they use as eyes, and can see through them in order to watch the forest.  They look like innocent lights, but are actually enchanted and allow the forest watchers to have eyes in many places at once (kind of like their mind merges with all of the lanterns simultaneously, as if you were seeing from the perspective of 80 people at once or something and processing it all equally. Which seems sort of incomprehensible, but they are like... mysterious ancient beings so, I wouldn't put it past them to be able to segment their minds into multiple parts at will, connected like a system with all individual fragments communicating together or something, especially if magic is involved. This seems hard to keep up in a long term, but it's thought that they take turns in the role of the 'watcher', tuning into the system of lanterns and etc. for a little while and then passing the task onto the next person while the previous one rests, etc.).  
 There are at least one or two individuals keeping lantern watch at all times, despite the nature of the forest and the relative obscurity of their species, meaning they hardly ever get visitors anyway.  It is thought they have similar mechanisms set up all throughout the forest, though less obviously (wouldn’t want any lanterns laying around, they could be used as a land mark and make the forest less of a complete indistinguishable hell to navigate lol), perhaps having enchanted certain trees or stones to keep an eye on visitors even before they’ve approached anywhere near the center settlement. It’s unknown how far the species’ reach extends in terms of watching and controlling the forest land around them. 
—  They mostly eat root vegetables, mixed dishes with like “raw meat cubes, slivered nuts, flower petals,, tossed together like a salad”, and often large tree leaves with paste spread on them kind of like butter on toast, etc. They make a lot of pastes which are kind of like the texture of hummus but are usually fermented , maybe kind of tasting something more sour like miso paste and stuff, they have a lot of different varieties and really enjoy their pastes, they’ll just dip things in them, spread them on stuff, water them down a bit into soups, eat them totally plain with nuts or chopped leaves on top, etc. Half of the misc objects you’ll see laying around their area are probably just clay jars full of various pastes they’ve made lol.  
There are also a lot of interesting bugs in the forest, which they both eat and also keep as pets or use for other purposes, like glowing moths that they eat the wings and bodies of, but also keep in jars for light, but also smash to create glowing dyes, etc. etc. It’s not rare to see them just pick a bug out of the air and eat it, though usually they prepare their food a bit more. They have some fruit and fungi and moss, but most things that grow in the forest in general tend to be mildly or majorly poisonous, even to them, so they usually stick to the group of things that they grow in controlled environments and gardens on their own lands, and rarely like, go out into the forest to forage for things, since they never know for certain if that stuff will be good or not, even after living in the area for thousands of years. 
 (side note: due to stuff like this, it's usually thought that while they seem to keep watch of the forest and protect it in a way, they seemingly don't create it or control it. Unless it's just a guise to fake people out, but you would think that if you were in charge of a forest, you would have some influence over the things growing there and wouldn't even have anything there that's poisonous or dangerous to you. There are certain things the species members have said and done in the past, and certain aspects of their daily life (like eating habits, etc.) that seem to indicate that parts of the forest are very dangerous or unknown, even to them, and that they're probably not as fully in charge of the land as some theories of their species would suggest)
— They live in small houses slightly sunken into the forest floors, with walls made out of a clay-like material, and roofs usually having a wooden base with dirt and grass and regular forest growing on top of it. Some homes are dug into the roots of trees, or merely have trees growing through them in certain spots. Floors are usually just soft vaguely moist packed down dirt, usually with layers of moss on the top that they use to sit on. It’s also common to grow vines and flowers and bushes directly on your walls or around them, so like a person will usually have their favorite foods growing right on their walls inside or outside of their house for convenience, they don’t have to travel far to search for a snack, since that fruit they really like is already hanging above their bed area, etc. 
They don’t have much furniture usually, though it depends on the person, but many homes are really just an enclosed space of moss with the individual’s favorite plants strewn around about the walls, maybe some lanterns inside for lighting and decorative fabrics hung on the walls or on the floor to sleep on, maybe a large cushion for sitting and a chest or shelf to keep their usually small amount of belongings in, and that’s it. Much of their food is not prepared ahead of time beyond maybe peeling or cutting it up, since they eat pretty much everything raw right there on the spot as they need it, so they don’t really need a kitchen to cook or store food in, and they have no waste system (similar to other magical species that no longer poop or pee, it’s thought they just absorb the food into magical energy or something. Though every magical species is different in the way they function with this in particular, many have a similar system of absorption that makes using the bathroom wholly unnecessary, or at least optional),  and there's plenty of water to bathe and rest in all around them publicly, so they usually don’t need any parts of a bathroom either (though sometimes they have bowls of water in their house as decorations, just because they really.. really.. really love water.. lol. Like not to use it for anything but just.. to look at or look into, to maybe swish their hands around in for fun, etc.).  Homes are really just a place to store your things and to sleep and nest in.  
 — Due to their habit of collecting gifts and taking a vague interest (though quite a shallow one, similarly to how someone would be interested in observing a new pet or wild animal) in outside visitors, they do tend to have a lot of interesting things laying around, all of the gifts they’ve received over the past 40,000+ years. Obviously their area is still predominantly decorated with their own hand crafted items and stuff, since they don’t get visitors often enough to fully stock their lives with outside materials, but most members of the species do have some degree of a personal collection. It’s not uncommon for someone of their species to own a mix of things (all stored in their tiny home) like rugs, jars, jewelry, pots, books, clothing, blankets, bags, pillows, bottles, etc. that come from a wide variety of outside sources, all brought by visitors in the past. You may also see them with plants, animals, and food items as well, but since these have a shorter lifespan there’s a lot less of them lying around, a visitor would have had to have come pretty recently for the food they brought to still be sitting on shelves in someone’s house and still be fresh. Sometimes outside animals and plants are able to actually thrive there and be kept for a while, but most of the time they die out (not that the forest is like poisonous to them and they die prematurely, but just like,, it would be hard to breed an entire population of new animals in the area or introduce a new plant species, they usually just keep the original gifted plant/animal and let it run it’s life course, and don’t try to like breed the animal or replicate the outside plant to keep it around, etc.). 
Sometimes one of the reasons scholars want to show up there in the first place is to look at all the gifts they’ve collected over the years, as the species could very well be unknowingly holding on to some pretty rare ancient artifacts, they probably have plenty of gifts given to them in the past by civilizations that have long since died out, books gifted to them 20,000 years ago in languages that are no longer spoken anywhere in the world, things which would be considered significant cultural artifacts, etc. etc. Of course they’d never give these things away though lol, but people still occasionally come to try and investigate about it.  
  — They seemingly live a pretty relaxed life of luxury, not in the sense of living in mindless excess but, more just that most all labor and etc. it’s easily taken care of by magical means, and they don’t really communicate with the outside world or have any enemies or anything, so it seems like they really do just kind of … lay around on the forest floor napping in the sunlight on a pile of moss, bathing in their pond or some other bodies of water (there are some areas where water streams down kind of like a waterfall from the tops of trees (this is magically manufactured by them and not naturally occurring, it also is not the same water as their pond water, it’s just plain clear non-magical water, which they still love), puddles they’ve created around the place, there are many bathtub-like structures scattered around the settlement so they can sit in water any time they’d like, etc.), reclining on a fabric pile and telling stories in a group while they eat meat cubes  from a tray of leaves, etc. etc. Though there is a small library of texts they've collected, and they do seem to have some existence of arts and crafting and things like making music and putting on plays, and some of them have defined hobbies and things they do like collecting and preparing food or crafting new fabrics or etc., Many of them do just seem to largely spend most of their years napping in puddles or braiding each others hair while sitting in the top of a tree eating fruit. 
— In general they give off a very stereotypical like, ‘ancient secretive isolated species that doesn’t have much else to do with the world and doesn’t care’ sort of vibe, they come off as peaceful and distant, with no intention of harm but also kind of inept and culturally obscure..  Like you could explain to them that there’s a war going on and you urgently need their help and they may just kind of stare at you for a few second and not and nod and then offer you some more food. They’re just not really bothered by outside affairs (for better or worse), and generally give off the unaffected air of living in an entirely different realm or a different timescale than everyone else. 
They rarely welcome outsiders anyway, as they can tell if you’re there for a good or a bad reason just by seeing you (which may be because of a truth seeing enchantment around the outside barrier of the forest or something, or maybe just a mastery of soul magic on their part to be able to peek inside your mind and see your true intentions), and most people show up for bad reasons (to steal artifacts, to dig around their forest, to try to take energy from the pond for themselves, etc.).  They let every visitor in of course, it’s just the assholes they likely end up killing and stealing their souls to put in their candle room lmao (nobody has ever SEEN them kill and it's not outright confirmed, but some travelers have reported that members of the species heavily implied the killing of outsiders on occasion)... But even people who come in good faith and are treated with respect and utmost hospitality still just feel like it’s just impossible to connect with them, the species being too aloof and otherworldly to really understand them.  
There’s never a communication barrier since they can communicate telepathically automatically with visitors, but even with that level of intimate expression (literally communicating through knowing someone’s thoughts) they still just seem disconnected, lost in their own ethereal daydreams and crafts and soul collecting and daytime moss patch naps and magic experiments and etc.,  totally isolated culturally as a community for thousands and thousands of years in a forest that hardly anyone can even find them in, they just come off as deeply preoccupied in their own shit and nothing else. So people who come looking for help or to study them or something often just end up politely taking leave after being treated as an honored guest for a few days, vaguely frustrated over how unhelpful they’ve been or feeling they were never really able to communicate well or make the beings grasp the gravity of what they approached them for or etc. 
A common thing is people approaching to ask to borrow soul candles, or bottles of water from the species’ pond, both things that exist entirely uniquely to this one area and aren’t found  anywhere else.. Though obviously hardly anyone actually gets what they came there for,  since after pleading their case about why they should be lent some of the water and what they’ll trade in return and etc. the beings are usually just like:
 “Aha… hmm… interesting… anyway, how much do you love flowers? *delicately picks a blossom from the tree forming the roof above them* Have you seen ones like this? they’re unique to the forest.. amazing… we love them.. *slowly pulls a single petal off and extends it uncomfortably close to the traveler’s lips*  they taste,, great… we use them in many dishes.. before you leave you should absolutely try one, don’t you think?”
 and the traveler is just like "??? uh??? weren’t we like.. talking about???? the bottles of magic pond water I wanted????".. , to which the being usually ignores them and starts asking the traveler what their opinions on the stars are or if they'd like to taste some fresh berries lol
But the guest usually ends up going along with whatever weird whimsical off topic bullshit the beings invite them to do, since they think “Oh maybe if i cooperate with them, they’ll eventually give me what I want.. Maybe they’re just testing me..” , until like days and days go by and they realize like “damn… these whimsical tangent sons of bitches really just don’t give a fuck do they.. this is the 40th time i’ve had someone offer me some weird food or ask me to swim with them or some shit… they just keep entirely refusing to address my offers… i’m going to leave" .
 It’s hard to know if the beings are genuinely this way, or if they're just being weird to mess with the visitors (knowing they’d never give away their precious resources for the silly affairs of outsiders anyway, they might as well lead them on and have some fun with them while they’re there, since they don’t get visitors often, like a game of "Let's see how many times i can get this fool to eat some tree bark before they get fed up and leave", perhaps the visitors are nothing more than just a form of entertainment for the beings, they like having someone to show around and confuse and attempt to feed leaves to).  Though there is definitely a chance that they are sincerely just Like That (they are a 50,000+ year old culture entirely detached from the world, maybe that tends to make you a bit odd), most scholars are like, 65% sure that the creatures are indeed just messing with outsiders for fun lol. 
–-  Nobody is sure if they actually have a language or if they merely speak telepathically.  In all known accounts of visits to this group, they communicate with the visitor purely telepathically,, but that may be exclusively due to language barrier  (when communicating that way basically your expressions just take on whatever mode makes sense to the brain of the person interpreting them. For example, if they’re an english speaker who can talk, they may hear the thoughts you give to them as spoken aloud (inside their head) and in english, but then their thoughts would also present themselves differently to you in a personalized way that you would best comprehend, etc.  Just like when magically communicating this way with animals, you don’t have to know how to ‘’speak animal’’ to do it, you merely send out your intentions and the conceptual idea you want to express  is interpreted by their mind in whatever means that make sense to them, be it in a different language, simplified, etc. ). 
 Perhaps they do speak among themselves, but even people who have stayed there as guests for a long time have never heard them verbally communicate, even with others of their own kind.  It’s thought that they may be entirely mute (either having lost the ability to speak or just not using it), and possibly only ever communicate telepathically. As seemingly very intelligent creatures, they’re obviously capable of speech in terms of cognitive ability, and could probably learn outside languages and learn to speak if taught (if they are even able to make noises), but perhaps simply don’t since they’re so used to speaking through minds. 
Nobody is sure though if their seeming silence and reliance on only telepathic communication is out of choice or out of necessity (or maybe is just another thing they do around visitors to make themselves seem weird and unrelatable, like maybe they chat up a storm when nobody’s around but all agree not to even so much as let out a cough if an outsider is around, muting themselves with magic to seem more mysterious lmao.. Their silence seems sincere, but they do also have a known habit of messing with those who visit them, so this conclusion is also possible lol.) 
This could also contribute to their seemingly relaxed and peaceful nature, since when speaking telepathically (at least if you’re actually good at it), you’re pretty much reading concepts in the persons mind in real time, so there’s little ability to lie or hide one’s own intentions, possibly leading to less conflict or ability to do harm. Like you already know if someone’s lying to you,  and exactly what they mean when they say something (in normal speech you can misinterpret what someone means if they word something the wrong way, but when speaking entirely through minds,  you really only can receive the true intended meaning, no interpretation necessary. If a person truly doesn't intend any harm, then you won't perceive any, etc.). Maybe this is how they’re able to seemingly get along so well within the group. Though they must have some conflicts of their own on occasion, it seems incredibly rare and you could visit their settlement for 4 months and not even once see a fight or disagreement between any of them.  Discussions perhaps, like people deciding what to eat for the day and all giving their input (they’re not a hivemind, they do all have unique opinions and distinct personalities), but things hardly ever seem the slightest bit hostile (though they are ancient extremely powerful otherworldly beings, maybe they’re just good at hiding their personal beef and don’t like to gossip with strangers lol). 
~~~~~~~~~~ BACKGROUND ~~~~~~~~~~
 – -- They’re thought to be an older species, due to a few things, but especially their scales. It’s likely that at one point they perhaps had the same sort of scales all over their body and over time have lost them. In Nanyevimi, with humanoid creatures at least, it’s common to simplify as you evolve, so most species today that have weird shit like incredibly impractically large horns or scales or fur in weird places and etc. are thought to be older species, or at least closely related remnants of older species.
This is also tied in with the fact that species usually get less magical (on a species basis, not a generational basis. It’s usually on such a long time scale it’s not like if you have a child, your children will automatically be significantly less magical than you,, but more just generally that as a species evolves into new branches it’s thought to get weaker, almost as if magic were just one giant piece of paper and every time you split that pool into more and more fragments of course each fragment is weaker… Like you can take your piece of paper ( a species with magic) and tear it into two pieces (two new evolution of the species), but now each piece is gradually smaller and smaller and smaller (of course scholars aren’t sure where inherently non magical species fit into this, maybe they were just never a part of the paper to begin with, or maybe this understanding is incorrect in the first place, many things regarding the nature of magic are merely theories lol)..
But anyway, it is thought that overtime there is, in most cases, a tendency to become less magical. And this is part of why they also simplify, since like for example if you can magically create all of your food or etc. then it’s fine for you to have unnecessary ornamentation or something, but if you have to be out working in fields and stuff, then outrageously long horns or random flowers growing out of your skin or something are going to become inconvenient (unless you’re adapted to a very particular niche where that works for you, but again this is the rule for MOST species, not ALL).  The less a species can rely on magic to take care of all of it’s basic needs, usually the more their evolution favors “””simpler”” designs (also why most inherently non-magical species tend to have the most ‘basic’ looking forms), so the more ornamented and odd a species looks (even if those traits initially evolved for a practical purpose millions of years ago), the more magical they would typically be, and the more magical you are, the older you usually tend to be. If all of that makes sense despite me not being able to organize my explanation properly lol. 
So anyway, since they do have somewhat impractical ornamentations (again, even if they originally served a purpose, only older more magical species have the luxury of retaining useless traits that inconvenience them, since with less magical species usually if something isn’t important any more, and is also causing them problems, it will favor simplifying away from that,, at least on Nanyevimi, idk how it works on earth because I am not a science boy and magic doesn’t exist on earth lol), and are also ridiculously magical, (and also have evidence of having been in the area for as long as history has been recorded, which on Nanyevimi is  over a million years, with a few gaps or periods of time that no writing can be found from or etc. in between them), it can be assumed they’re very very old, or are at least the descendants of very ancient inhabitants of the same area.  
I guess that’s about it for now!!! It’s kind of incomplete and I still don’t have a name for them or other stuff and many cultural themes worked out beyond this vague summary but.... I was in a rush to... incorporate eyebrow whiskers somehow lol... 
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Want to add incredible activities to your next trip? It can be hard to know where to begin, but we promise you, the effort is all worth it in the end. Get started by grabbing our 17 tips below for adding more outdoor s into your s — and your life.
This post was created in collaboration with 57Hours. All great tips are our own!
What’s in our guide to activities?
1. 3. Instagram feed is packed with epic pictures of them bagging mountain peaks, leaping into waterfalls, or kayaking pristine glass lakes?
It’s annoying, right?
But what if I told you that you can be one of those annoying people?
Or, as we prefer to think of it…
You could be one of those adventurous people!
You too can be someone who:
Thrives in the great outdoors.
Visits the most incredible places on the planet.
Experiences the best Mother Nature has to offer.
You can be one of those people who comes home from vacation with a magical glow, like the sun is shining from inside your heart!
Adventure is not just for special people. It’s within reach for almost anyone and it’s not hard to get started. All it takes is a little preparation and a little practice.
The first step is to read on for our…
17 Tips for Adding Adventure Activities into Your Next Trip
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20 unique experiences that you can do too → The best men’s pants for your → All the benefits of eco →
If you’re looking for extreme s, a guide can take care of the planning and make sure you have a great time. Photo by 57Hours.
1. Book an Adventure Tour
You might think that tours are less adventurous than going places on your own. But honestly, we love taking tours with local guides.
A guide can help you find the secret spots that only locals know about. If you’re craving extreme s, a knowledgable guide will lead you through safely and make sure you have the best possible experience.
Plus, a guide can provide any technical equipment you need and tell you exactly what you should bring to stay warm, dry, and comfortable for the whole trip. If you’re on a family , hiring a guide will help you make sure your plans are suitable for kids (and any reticent adults in your party).
We prefer to deal with a small personable company like 57Hours, who help you access the best human-powered outdoor s around the globe.
They personally review each experience they offer to make sure it’s fun and safe — but also environmentally responsible and sustainable. All you need to do is to choose your tour and show up on time!
2. Ask Locals Before You Go
The internet has transformed the way we . No longer do we have to rely on out-of-date guide books that send everyone to the exact same handful of sights, restaurants, and hotels.
Instead, you can get personal recommendations about what to do and see from the experts — people who live there.
To find the rs at your destination, hop onto Facebook and search for local groups dedicated to hiking, climbing, mountain biking, or whatever kind of you want to have.
Once you find them, pop in and start asking questions. People love the chance to show off their home towns, so don’t be shy! If you’re lucky, someone will invite you along their next outdoor .
You can also use Instagram hashtags to accomplish the same thing. Just search a hashtag and when you find a photo you like, message the person who posted it asking how you can go there too.
Of course, you’ll want to stay away from the most popular Instagram spots, where everyone is there just to get the shot and get out!
3. Plan Ahead with Pinterest
This Pinterest search for Vancouver Hikes led me to lots of great insider articles.
People often think that can only arise spontaneously — and sometimes that’s true. But more often, the best is the result of lots of research and careful planning.
If you have a vacation destination in mind, start by researching the outdoor s available in the region. Or, if you have a particular activity in mind, research the best places to do that activity.
If you don’t plan ahead, you might get lucky and end up having a great . Then again, you might just miss out on some of the best experiences!
We like using Pinterest for planning. It is a visual search engine — and no, it’s not just a place to find recipes and crafting projects.
Top bloggers (like us!) share their best posts there, and you’ll find articles about secret places and amazing destinations you might never find on Google or in a guide book. Start by searching for “ holidays” or “ trips” to get inspired.
4. Get the Right Apps
From trail-finding, to mapping, to star-gazing, the right apps can make outdoor a little safer and a lot more fun.
We like Alltrails and Viewranger for help finding (and not losing) hiking trails. To find great guides in your area, try out the 57Hours app, where you can find rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, backcountry skiing tours and more.
Maps.me is our favourite offline map which can help you find your way even if you lose cell service. Peakvisor and Spyglass help you know exactly what mountains and stars you’re gazing at, while First Aid by the American Red Cross can be a literal life saver!
(Related: If you’re going to be hiking, discover the best hiking apps in this post by Atlas and Boots) →
Adventures like this don’t happen spontaneously. You need to plan — but the results are worth the effort! Photo by 57Hours.
5. Less Travel Means More Adventure
When you book a trip, it’s tempting to constantly move around from place to place — one night here, the next night somewhere else, and so on. This is the absolute best way to kill any chance of . You’ll spend most of your time in the most boring places on the planet — like hotels, train stations, and airports. Ugh.
Instead of moving all over the place, slow down!
Adventure tourism does not have to be a frenetic experience.
Instead, base yourself in a single place for a week or two. That’ll give you lots of time to explore, discover, and actually enjoy yourself. Plus, slow is much better for the environment… so we all win!
6. Be Open to Last-Minute Opportunities
I know I said earlier that you should plan your trip carefully before you go but a key part of planning vacations is to plan lots of free time. I like to schedule must-do activities early on in my itinerary and then leave later days open for unexpected opportunities.
If you pack your itinerary full from the minute you leave home until the minute you get back, you’ll shut down any chance of spontaneous . It’s amazing how many times locals recommend things that sound just incredible and it’s a huge bummer when we have to say “no” because we just don’t have time.
Plus, if nothing comes up, you’ll get to relax — which is part of the point of , no?
You can often find out about great hikes and other fun activities by just asking locals where they would go.
7. Save on Accommodation, Spend on Fun
Here’s a secret that the luxury industry doesn’t want you to know.
You don’t need to spend a huge amount of money on hotels in order to have a great time. Instead of opting for five-star hotels (where goes to die) or chain hotels (the McDonalds of accommodation), stay in a small family run B&B, a hostel (yes, even adults are welcome), or try camping.
By avoiding corporate accommodation, you’ll get to meet local people and your dollars will go straight into their pockets. Plus, you’ll save stacks of cash that you can spend on outdoor activities!
8. Get in Shape Before You Go
This one is not a deal breaker but it can really help you have more fun on active vacations. Even if you don’t plan on climbing a mountain or going sea kayaking, getting used to using your body will greatly increase your enjoyment of almost any .
If you’re desk-bound by day, try to get out every day during lunch or after work for a brisk walk. On weekends, get outside or to the gym to get your body working. You can even book a weekend to prep for a longer while on vacation.
We also highly recommend learning a few yoga postures which, if practiced regularly, can help reduce muscle soreness, shorten recovery time, and prevent injuries.
Check out our guide to Yoga for Hikers to get started.
9. Pack the Essentials
A great rain jacket can make the difference between a miserable time and an exhilarating !
Once you have an idea of what activities you want to do, it’s time to pack the right gear. Now, don’t get me wrong. I do not advise loading up your suitcase with all the things.
But there are a few basics that no r should not leave home without:
Comfortable hiking shoes. Shoes are the foundation of any . If your foundation falls apart, your whole trip will crumble; if you get blisters or don’t have enough support in your shoes, the rest of your body will quickly start complaining, too.
If you’re going to spend a lot of time on your feet, get your hiking shoes early and wear them a lot before you leave home. That way, there are no surprises when you finally hit the trail.
A great rain jacket. Rain can really put a damper on things (ha ha!). But, as people from my extremely wet hometown of Vancouver will tell you, if you have the right rain jacket, a downpour can be downright fun.
I have hiked and biked through some of the craziest storms you can imagine. The amount I enjoyed these experiences directly correlated to how waterproof my jacket was that day.
You will never regret investing in a great breathable rain jacket.
Women’s intimate gear. Ladies, let’s get real here for a minute. Women have a harder time in the outdoors because of our sometimes inconvenient biology. There are two pieces of equipment that have revolutionized my enjoyment of wilderness s.
The first is a menstrual cup which allows so much more freedom (and is way better for the environment) than traditional period solutions. I like the Lunette Cup but there are tons out there to choose from.
The second is the female urination device — sounds sciencey but it’s really just a funnel that helps ladies pee standing up! No more baring your butt to bears and bugs while in the great outdoors.
A few more essentials. Add a versatile pair of pants, some extra cushiony socks, and a sun hat or warm hat for extra comfort.
10. Rent Gear for Short Trips
Most people know that you can rent sports gear, like bikes and skis, all around the world. But did you know you can often rent camping equipment, hiking gear, bike touring bags, and climbing gear too?
If you just want to spend a couple of active days as part of a longer trip, plan on renting instead of packing gear from home. That way you can still pack light and enjoy one or more different s while you’re away.
Of course, booking a tour will accomplish the same thing with less hassle — your guide should provide all the technical equipment you need.
11. Always Be Eco-Friendly
The great thing about outdoor s is that many of them are naturally eco-friendly. Spending a few days hiking, biking, or kayaking is far better for the environment than a speedboat tour or sipping cocktails at a luxury resort.
However, before you book any activity, make sure to check the eco-credibility of the tour company. Are they aware of the impacts of tourism? Do they have an eco-protection policy or contribute to any local environmental organizations? If they don’t have it on their website, make sure you ask before you book.
(Don’t miss: Our post on how to be a green tourist has lots of tips to help you be eco-aware as you ) →
A knowledgable guide is a great resource when it comes to staying safe on your outdoor s. Photo by 57Hours.
12. Invest in Protection
If you ignore everything else on this list, at least do these two things before you leave home:
Get vaccinated. Research vaccines for your destination and, if they are needed, head to a clinic early! Some vaccines need multiple courses to take effect, so you need to plan ahead. We’ve had enough tropical diseases (say “hello” to our good friends malaria and dengue) to know that you can’t mess around when it comes to vaccines.
Find the right insurance. Not all insurance covers sports, so when you’re buying, make sure you’re covered for whatever adventurous activities you’re planning. If you need to be airlifted off a mountain somewhere, you don’t want to be worrying about how much it’ll cost!
World Nomads provides reliable insurance that covers lots of sports. SafetyWing offers simple month-to-month coverage, and also covers plenty of s.
Some tours include insurance, so make sure to ask what is covered before you book.
13. Make Like a Boy Scout and Be Prepared
At My Five Acres, we pack as light as possible. But one thing we never leave behind is our mini first aid kit. It has all the necessary items we need for small accidents, blisters, slivers, and the like.
However, if you’re going on a bigger , a bigger, more comprehensive first aid kit might be in order. At the very least, make sure that one person in your party is carrying a kit with all the bells and whistles — and that at least two people know how to use it.
When our friend spilled a pot of boiling water on her foot in Canada’s Broken Islands, more than an hour’s kayak from the nearest road, we were sure glad that my brother knew exactly what to do, and had all the equipment to do it! Not only did it save our friend from huge amounts of pain and a long recovery time, but it saved our entire trip!
It’s OK to push yourself to new heights, but being aware of your limitations is an important skill for outdoor rs.
14. Be Realistic About Your Limitations
It can be tempting to book the most awesome, epic, hard-core possible but, unless you are an expert, just… don’t do it.
Instead, be realistic. If you spend all week at a desk and all weekend doing chores around the house, chances are your body won’t perform as well as you might like.
You can still have an amazing time doing a moderate, or even easy, activity! Plus, you won’t spend the rest of your trip moaning about your sore knees or the massive blisters you got.
At the same time, make sure you’re not wimping out just because you’re afraid to push yourself. It’s a fine balance between edging out of your comfort zone and jumping off a cliff.
15. Stay Hydrated
Many an adventurous day has been ruined by lack of hydration. Every outdoor activity, whether it’s in the snow or the blazing sun, requires that you drink plenty of water.
We always bring our own refillable water bottles and drink tap water (unless it is non-potable, of course). If we’re taking an tour, we check that our guide can provide us water refills that don’t come from small plastic water bottles.
The last thing we want to do is add more single-use plastic to an already overloaded world.
16. Respect the Wildlife
Remember that wild animals are wild animals. They are not cute little kitties or puppies, waiting to be patted, photographed, and admired by humans.
Anything from tiny mosquitos to big ol’ grizzly bears can ruin your and — let’s be honest — outright kill you. Before you head outside, do a little research about your destination.
What are the potential hazards from wildlife and how should you avoid them?
It might be as simple as packing a powerful insect repellent, or you might need to bring the right equipment to avoid attracting hungry animals to your campsite.
Do your research and be prepared so you know what to do when confronted by wild animals.
Respecting the power of nature will help you to stay safe in the great outdoors.
17. Solo Travellers Should Have a Home Buddy
I do a lot of day hikes alone when Stephen is off teaching yoga. Before I leave, I always text my hiking plan to him and tell him what time I should be back. If he hasn’t heard from me by then, he knows it’s time to take action. So far, he’s never had to send out a rescue party but he would if the need ever arose.
If you’re going solo, always have a buddy who will remember to worry about you and take action if you don’t check in.
And please, if you’re not experienced in the outdoors and you want to have a big , hire a guide! They will make sure you have the most amazing time while also staying safe.
The world is big, wild, and wonderful — but it can also be deadly if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Getting out into the great outdoors is the perfect way to turn an ordinary vacation into a transformational trip. Challenging your mind and body can teach you more about yourself and just how much you are really capable of doing. So before you head out on your next trip, use our tips to make sure you have an amazing, safe, and adventurous time.
We hope our tips for adding more activities into your s has been helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to email us.
♥  Happy mindful s, Jane & Stephen
We’re not going to lie, it takes a LOT of work to create guides like this. But it’s easy to help us out! If you book or buy something using one of our personal links in this post, we’ll earn a small fee at no extra cost to you. Of course, we would never recommend anything we didn’t 100% believe in! Huge thanks in advance! –S&J
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sassmill · 7 years
answer ALL those questions BIH 1-97 or however many there are
Great panini Michelle... every damn time...1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?Uhhhhhhhh yeah2. You talked to an ex today, correct?Idk I guess technically?3. Have you taken someones virginity?Lmao nope4. Is trust a big issue for you?YEAH WHOO BOY YEAH I have a lot of issues and trust is a huge one5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?Yes yup I definitely did. She told me I looked pretty and it was the first time I've ever been sure she was flirting with me. 6. What are you excited for?Going back to school holy shit. I've had a countdown going. I move back in at the end of the month. I can't fuckening wait. 7. What happened tonight?I told myself I was going to shower and clean my room but instead I'm sat here watching dan and Phil games videos?8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?I don't think it's disgusting I just worry for their safety. I'm the mom friend that takes care of the lightweights. 9. Is confidence cute?Hell yeah10. What is the last beverage you had?Brisk iced tea with lemon 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?I wanna say like three. I don't have an exact count because I've managed to direct my daily life to have very few males and I can only think of three men I regularly interact with. 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?Yeah and my fuckin thighs are wearing a HOLE IN THEM which means I need to order a new pair but they're EXPENSIVE and I hate CAPITALISM 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?That's a good fucking question. I have nothing planned, nothing to do within walking distance, and no license. Probably masturbate in all honesty. 14. What are you going to spend money on next?Well I just spent like $150 on an old navy order today so probably not clothes Oh you know what I need a new bookbag so probably that. IKEA has some good ones. 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?The only person I've kissed was for a scene in acting class so no. I had a really elaborate dream the other night where I was kissing my crush but alas also no. 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?Oh for sure. 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?Honestly???? Reese. 18. The last time you felt broken?This is more or less a weekly to daily occurrence but the most intense instance I can recall was Saturday night at my cousin's wedding! Being most likely the only gay person out of a group of 300 people made up of mostly married couples with children was absolutely horrific because as soon as one cousin gets married the aunts start placing bets on who's next and each time I'm closer to the top of the list. Combine that with varied intrusive thoughts and you've got a lovely shitstorm of self loathing!!!19. Have you had sex today?Not ever m'dude20. Are you starting to realize anything?That if I want to be less anxious when shopping for clothing, I need to only shop at places that actually cater to my body type aka I've just accepted that I have a mom body and will always look better in well made and sort of pricey old navy clothes over cheap shitty forever 21 clothes. 21. Are you in a good mood?I'm kind of eh. All I've done today is watch the MSNBC news cycle for hours on end and that was really depressing and anxiety inducing but I've isolated myself in my room for a bit since then and had a nice salami sandwich so I've mellowed. 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?Hell yeah. Sharks are nowhere as violent as media portrays them and need to be protected like any other species. Also I went to the aquarium yesterday. 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?Yes between my parents I got pretty much all of my father's genetics and it's really funny. 24. What do you want right this second?Someone to cuddle with because I realized when I was staying at a hotel that I literally can't sleep unless I'm holding something and every single night my body pillow is a little bit more pathetic. 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?Fuckin jokes on you she's married 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?Technically no. I mean I am a natural blonde but currently I am several shades blonder because my natural shade is on the darker end of the blonde spectrum and I'm so pale that I need to lighten and warm it up from time to time so I don't look like a less stylish Addams child. 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?That's a hard fuckin pass m828. What was the last thing that made you laugh?I answered this before but I've laughed again since then soS A N D R A29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?Yes. 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?Yes, as long as they are actually willing to modify their behavior/habits/what have you. Life is a learning curve. I believe in third chances too, under the same conditions. At some point, however, you have to acknowledge that some people just will not change and it isn't worth the energy you're investing to try and force it. Then it's time to cut bitches off lmao. 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?My brother is walking a fine line right now. He's a shit head but I don't hate him. 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?I think so. 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?Cherry Pepsi flows through my veins. 34. Listening to?I've honestly been listening to the original London cast recording of The Witches of Eastwick the musical on repeat for like a week? That and the original cast recording of Sunset Boulevard. Which reminds me, I downloaded Dangerous Liaisons...35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?Yeah... do people like... stop writing in pencil at some point? Y'all hate erasers????36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?Probably somewhere in Pennsylvania where I left her. 37. Do you believe in love at first sight?Maybe chemistry at first sight? I think you have to know a person before you can love them. Chemistry doesn't have to be romantic either, I think it's just a significant reaction. I'm a fan of hate to lover arcs in fiction. Cough cough swan queen. 38. Who did you last call?Probably my brother to tell him to preheat the oven. 39. Who was the last person you danced with?My aunt when she was trying to convince me not to leave the wedding reception even though I was dead on my feet and dissociating so hard I felt like I wasn't in my body40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?Because that's how Phyllis Nagy wrote the script. 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?The wedding reception. It didn't have frosting because my brother brought me a fucking cupcake without frosting. 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?No43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?Countless times! I'm strong but clumsy so when she asks me to move things for her it's like a 50/50 chance I'll drop it. She never makes fun of me though. 44. Do you tan in the nude?I don't tan period because I am pasty and extremely at risk for skin cancer *finger guns*45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?If by take back you mean literally take it back by purchasing the full play to read it 46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?I usually do47. Who was the last person to call you?Idk probably my dad to tell me to preheat the oven. 48. Do you sing in the shower?Am I even showering if I'm not singing49. Do you dance in the car?I'm generally pretty cramped in most cars so no50. Ever used a bow and arrow?Yes! I'm a pretty decent archer. 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?Probably my headshots that I got when I was doing my dance photo shoot senior year. 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?I'm a theatre major what fucking kind of question is this. In this house we respect triple threats. And have a healthy fear of the wrath of patti lupone 53. Is Christmas stressful?Half my family is EXTREMELY Roman Catholic and a quarter is Jewish so if it's not stressful it's definitely complicated 54. Ever eat a pierogi?Fuck yes holy shit we had a cooking unit at camp and they'd make staff lunch and they made pierogies from scratch like dough potatoes and all and I swear I nutted. 55. Favorite type of fruit pie?Lemon meringue. Oh fuck elies mom made such good pie last year. 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Forensic examiner! I wanted to do autopsies! Like deadass I wanted to be Doctor Jan Garavaglia from the discovery channel. Also retrospectively definitely had a crush on her. That was when I was in like elementary school though. In middle school I wanted nothing more than to be an Imagineer and design attractions for Disney. 57. Do you believe in ghosts?I'm from New England. Next question. 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?Yeah holy shit I see stuff from my dreams a lot. 59. Take a vitamin daily?These strawberry flavored fuckers for hair skin and nails they're so good!60. Wear slippers?Not so much at home but at school I practically live in them because our dorm is always disgusting 61. Wear a bath robe?Yes I have a super fluffy long one62. What do you wear to bed?Ideally nothing but I have to wear clothes because my room gets too hot to sleep with the door shut so normally a t shirt and underwear and then I keep shorts or sweatpants by my bed so I can put them on quickly if I have to leave my room. Plus I have a roommate at school so no naked napping there either. 63. First concert?Probably one of the free concerts Eight to the Bar used to do in my mom's hometown64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?Target I'm a loyal Pinterest mom65. Nike or Adidas?Neither. Whatever is on clearance at Kohls. 66. Cheetos Or Fritos?Cheetos. I'm not a fucking heathen. 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?No. Cashews. 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?LOVE STORY (The og country version) IS THE REALEST BOP IVE EVER HEARD69. Ever take dance lessons?Hahaha only 16 years of them70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?Something creative. Strongly probably theatre related. 71. Can you curl your tongue?Yeah72. Ever won a spelling bee?No but I performed a song from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?Short answer yes. Long answer: please see my post on Tired Thesbian about Indecent directed by Rebecca Taichman and written by Paula Vogel 74. What is your favorite book?To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf75. Do you study better with or without music?With, but it has to be instrumental. I really like film scores; Cracks, The Hours, and the Mildred Pierce miniseries are my favorites. Honorable mention for Carol. 76. Regularly burn incense?Not allowed to. 77. Ever been in love?Yes. 78. Who would you like to see in concert?Fleetwood Mac/Stevie, Celtic Woman, Dolly Parton, Florence + The Machine. That's the non showtune half of my music taste. Isn't it an unsettling combination. 79. What was the last concert you saw?I don't really go to music concerts but I went to the so you think you can dance tour a couple years ago. 80. Hot tea or cold tea?Porque no los dos 81. Tea or coffee?Porque no los dos 82. Favorite type of cookie?I'm a slut for shortbread but that's more of a biscuit soooooo Oreos. 83. Can you swim well?I've never drowned 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?People can't do that?85. Are you patient?I guess so86. DJ or band, at a wedding?Dj BRUH 87. Ever won a contest?I won a writing contest in eighth grade!88. Ever have plastic surgery?No but I'd love to get some for various reasons. And when it comes down to it, we really shouldn't judge others cosmetic choices be they hair color or plastic surgery. Insert Dolly Parton. 89. Which are better black or green olives?Olives are evil and I was once locked out of my dorm room over this argument90. Opinions on sex before marriage?Holy fuck heterosexual culture is wild isn't it91. Best room for a fireplace?Already answered 92. Do you want to get married?Maybe not married but certainly in a committed long term relationship. To quote Lily Tomlin, I'm not particularly keen on imitating heterosexuals. Holy fuvk that took like a full hour
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Why do we love Italia so much?  In all honesty, do you really need to ask?  Simply take a look at the photos in any of our Italy posts and it will become transparent as to why we are drawn to this wondrous land.  With rugged mountain ranges, picture postcard landscapes, historical landmarks, and let’s not forget the delectable cuisine, favourable wine and friendly locals; it’s very difficult not to fall in love with all things Italian.  Italians have certainly mastered the way of living life and Italy almost feels like our home-from-home when we visit.  In 2018 we had a glimpse of Winter life in Val di Fiemme when we visited Cavalese and stayed at the Aparthotel Des Alpes.  For our return in Summer 2019; we thought it only right to stay at the sister hotel, Aparthotel Majestic in Predazzo, in the Province of Trento.
Take a beautiful location and frame it.
Located in the beautiful Val di Fiemme region of the Italian Dolomites, Aparthotel Majestic is just one of the many properties owned by Trentino Residences.  Set in a valley with spectacular mountain views, this Tyrolean style chalet-apartment hotel is a short 5-10 minute walk from the main center of Predazzo, and less than 2 miles from Ski Center Latemar, just one of the fine ski resorts that the Trentino South Tyrol region has to offer. 
FACT: Antonio Stradivari regularly visited Predazzo Forest, choosing only the very best quality fir trees to produce his musical instruments.
Aparthotel Majestic is perfectly situated for exploring the outstanding natural environment of Obereggen, Pampeago and Predazzo.  Travelling by car will take you no more than 10 minutes and then a short journey up the mountain by cable car will bring you spectacular views of the UNESCO World Heritage Dolomites.  A great place to begin your Summer adventure and take a closer look at the flora and fauna, as well as admire the magnificent views.  The Dolomites is the perfect playground for walkers, hikers and those with a bit more energy to burn, cyclists.
Ski Center Latemar in Predazzo
Geological Museum of the Dolomites in Predazzo offers visitors a great opportunity to learn about the rock formations, mineralogical and geological properties of this mountainous alpine region.  The short walk from Aparthotel Majestic to the main street in Predazzo is easy to navigate.  Simply exit the hotel, turn left, keep walking and before you know it, you’re in the thriving hub of Predazzo.  Right in the heart of the town centre, Chiesa arcipretale dei Santi Filippo e Giacomo, otherwise known as Church of Predazzo; draws your eyes to the characteristic 19th century architecture as the bells ring aloud!  The church has been welcoming parishioners since 1872 when building work was completed.  There are lots of quaint little shops, restaurants, bars and gelateria’s in Predazzo, and amiamo Italian gelato!  So creamy, so yummy, so moreish!
The Church of Predazzo
Opulent decor inside the Church of Predazzo
The walk to the centre of Predazzo
Having stayed at Aparthotel Des Alpes in Cavalese, we had a fair idea of what to expect from the Aparthotel Majestic self-catering apartments.  Aparthotel Majestic ticked many of the boxes of what we like from our accommodation.  Close to the main town of Predazzo for evening walks, a great location for exploring the region, a large indoor swimming pool for relaxing in after a day filled with adventure, and a spacious apartment with traditional Tyrolean styling and stunning views of the UNESCO World Heritage Dolomites.  Aparthotel Majestic has 90 apartments including Studios (2 and 4 occupancy) and 1 bedroom apartments (4, 5 and 6 occupancy).  Although, the rooms are classed as 1 bedroom, our room had a lounge-come-master bedroom, plus a separate room with bunk beds, and additional bunk beds in the entrance hall of the apartment.  A great family size apartment.
Balcony views of the UNESCO Dolomites from Aparthotel Majestic
Check in at Aparthotel Majestic is available from 16:00 to 20:00, and check out is at 09:00.  All was peaceful and quiet upon our arrival, not surprising really as we didn’t arrive until well after midnight.  A phone call to reception earlier in the day explained we’d be late and the room was unlocked pending our arrival.  Knowing that we’d be arriving late, we chose to dress the girls in their pyjamas at Malpensa Airport.  Both Lily-Belle and Matilda were sound asleep upon our arrival to Aparthotel Majestic, so all we could do was carry them to the room and tuck them in.  Mummy and Daddy unpacked the car, emptied the Leanpac luggage and then fell into bed…exhausted!
Main lobby at Aparthotel Predazzo
Aparthotel Majestic reception area
The apartment room plan at Aparthotel Majestic is very similar in layout to their sister hotel Aparthotel Des Alpes.  The only difference for this apartment was that it had two additional bunk beds in a separate room, and the decor is more traditional to the region.  Lots of large wooden beams.  The apartment was very clean, extremely spacious and could easily accommodate six people.
Our spacious apartment was split into 6 areas;
bedroom one (hallway) with bunk beds and a wardrobe,
spacious bathroom with sink, vanity unit (with mirror), toilet, bidet, and enclosed shower,
main lounge area/2nd bedroom (pull down bed, large wardrobes either side) with a dining table (bench seating and chairs), seating area with a sofa and TV,
small well-equipped kitchenette,
small separate bedroom with bunk beds and a wardrobe,
large balcony with patio table and chairs for al fresco breakfasts whilst watching the sunrise.
Regarding rooms and beds, Matilda normally fights with Lily-Belle to get the top bunk, but not on this occasion, two lots of bunk beds meant no squabbles…or did it?  Safety conscious Daddy that I am, neither L-B or Mat-Moo were allowed to sleep on the top bunks and of course, this made me the worse Daddy in the world!  I’ll get over it, as will the girls!
Open the apartment door, and you walk immediately into the hall where there are bunk beds.  Directly opposite the bunk beds is the bathroom; within is a toilet, bidet, wash basin with under-storage, vanity unit with lights and mirror, but as expected, no bath.  Ok, a shower does the job and gets you clean but a bath is the one thing I really miss when travelling, I love a good soak (if the girls leave me in peace to enjoy it) with bubbles…lots of bubbles!  Just to say, our girls still find bidet’s strangely amusing!  Will they ever grow out of it…probably not!
Bunk beds in the halway
Shower enclosure
As can be expected with an apartment style room, there is a small kitchenette complete with a hob (no oven or grill), microwave, kettle, cutlery, plates, cups and other useful kitchen utensils.  The main lounge area, which also serves as the master bedroom; has a huge pull down bed.  As a family we love snuggles at bed time and the master bed easily accommodated all four of us on more than one occasion.  Wardrobe space either side of the bed is more than plentiful.  The lounge also had a dining table with a fixed bench seat and chairs.  A two-seater sofa should you wish to take the weight off your feet and relax whilst watching the TV.  The apartment summed up in a few words…a spacious and perfectly adequate home-from-home!
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Open from 15:00 to 20:00 daily. The heated pool was large with a shallow end for children and a deeper end for adults.  Around the edge of the pool there are loungers for when you’ve had enough fun splashing around.  A swim hat must be worn (unless your head is bald or shaved like mine) as is the standard in most European swimming pools, whether public or private.  The pool is an ample size for a few lengths to grab a little aerobic exercise, but, it’s also fun to just splash about with the girls.  There was also a small area of the pool which formed the jacuzzi.
Lots of bubbles in the jacuzzi
Relax or take a dip
Wet and welcoming
Open from 15:00 to 20:00 daily, age 16+ only. Beside the pool is the Wellness Centre.  This excellent facility is very Romanesque in style with lots of mosaic tiles and intricate paint designs all with a calming influence.  There is a Finnish sauna and a Turkish sauna (sorry, don’t know what the difference is), a whirlpool and little foot spas for easing the pain of troubled feet.  The spa area is very spacious and a great place to relax and allow your mind to float away to distant lands filled with unicorns and fluffy clouds.  Sadly, having two under 16’s in tow meant we didn’t get to try out the Wellness Centre facilities.
Wellness Spa
Come in, sit down, relax and converse
Kneipp, perfect for soothing tired feet
There is a spacious Play Room at Aparthotel Majestic.  The room is inviting with brightly coloured alpine murals painted on the walls and lots of play toys for imaginative toddlers.  Matilda particularly loved the toy kitchen.  The Play Room is primarily for younger children, toddlers and babies (supervised).
For tots and toddlers
There is a large Games Room at Aparthotel Majestic.  The room has arcade games, a pool table, a table tennis table and table football, the latter two are firm favourites with The Callaghan Posse and we are very, very competitive!  The Games Room is primarily suitable for older children and teenagers.
A chill out room for the teens
To the rear of Aparthotel Majestic there is a garden with an enclosed children’s play area.  There’s the usual swings, slides, a seesaw, climbing frame and a roundabout.  There’s also plenty of grass to run around on.  In the far corner is a pizza oven should you wish to bake your own pizza’s and dine al-fresco as the children play.
On a slippery slope to Slippyville
What goes up, must come down
I believe I can fly
Beside the Play Room and Games Room is a decent sized auditorium where the Kids Club hold their evening sessions.  Lots of dancing, role play and plenty of encouragement for children and parents to interact.  This is where we struggled a little, the Animation Team spoke Italian (we were in Italy) and we basically guessed what was going on.  Thankfully, an English speaking Italian tourist stepped in and translated for us, we were extremely grateful.  The translation really helped us enjoy the Animation Team entertainment much more.  Lots of fun and Matilda bopped and danced the night away.  Lily-Belle (age10, moody, stroppy etc) was a bit more reluctant and chose to watch the show from a distance!  Our Summer Activity programme was hectic for the whole week, so sadly, we only managed to visit the Kids Club twice.
Colourful Kids Club
Wi-Fi is always very important to us when selecting our holiday accommodation.  We like to capture moments and take lots of photos and videos, even though we probably only use less than 5% of them.  To try and keep our phones relatively clutter free, we tend to upload pics and vids to the fluffy cloud at the end of each day.  Wi-Fi is free in the main reception area, and it is also free in your room if you book your stay at Aparthotel Majestic direct with Trentino Residences.  For all others, the weekly cost for Wi-Fi is cheap at just €15.00 and a password is available to purchase at the reception.  When we travel we like to chill every now and then and watch a movie, the Wi-Fi connected quickly and we never experienced any dropouts even in the apartment.
Reliable Wi-Fi in the reception area
Aparthotel Majestic restaurant and bar is a decent size and can easily accommodate large numbers.  The decor is bright and, as expected with Tyrolean restaurants; has lots of wood.  The food range is extensive and of exceptional quality.  Presentation was impeccable and always the freshest of ingredients used!  We ate in the restaurant on more than one occasion, and always had a wonderful meal, not to mention a glass (or two, or three) of Aperol Spritz, honestly; it would be rude not too!  On the nights a sit-in meal didn’t appeal to the girls, we used the available take-away service on offer at the restaurant and retired to our apartment to watch a movie.
Freshly made bruschetta
Mouth watering risotto
Tasty pizza
Luscious panna cotta
Delicious penne pasta
Staying at Aparthotel Majestic will give you access to a Trentino Guest Card.  Here are a few benefits of applying for this card:
Free travel on public transport within Trentino (trains, ferries and some cableways),
Free entry to over 60 museums, 40 attractions and 20 castles in Trentino,
A range of events to taste local produce in the company of the producers themselves. (discounts apply on purchases and free guided tours),
A range of ‘unusual’ experiences and booking services with the dedicated App.
A Trentino Guest Card is a convenient way to enjoy everything that Trentino has to offer!  As well as travel, the Guest Card gives you free entry to all of the main museums, natural parks and castles.  The Guest Card also allows you to travel for free on public transport.  Definitely worth picking one up, and the added bonus…they are completely free! (free for anyone under 18, free is you book a stay of 2 nights or more at an affiliated hotel in Trentino – otherwise cost is €40 per adult per week). For further info, visit Trentino Guest Card
The FiemmE-Motion offers holders once a day lift access in Val di Fiemme (Alpe Cermis, Pampeago, Latemar 2200 Predazzo, Bellamonte – Castelir).  As well as admission into many attraction, the card offers holders up to 30% discounts on a host of activities such as: river rafting, biking and e-biking, trekking with lamas; plus a host of benefits and discounts in local restaurants and at local producers.  The FiemmE-Motion Card is within your tourist tax that you pay to your hotel accommodation.  Tourist Tax is compulsory therefore you may as well take advantage of and use the FiemmE-Motion Card. For further info, visit FiemmE-Motion Card
We would like to take this opportunity to give a very special thank you to Chiara, owner of Trentino Residences.  Chiara was excellent in recommending places to visit and also put us in touch with Cristiana, at the Val di Fiemme Tourist Board; who organised our Summer activities programme.  Our stay was thoroughly enjoyable at Aparthotel Majestic and we really enjoyed all of the summer activities on offer in Val di Fiemme.  We look forward to returning in the not-so-distant future.
A definite yes and without hesitation we would have no qualm in recommending Aparthotel Majestic to tourists visiting Val di Fiemme.  Predazzo is the perfect base camp in Summer for hikers, walkers, cyclists and horse riders wishing to explore the flora and spectacular scenery of the Dolomites.  And in Winter for skiers, boarders and thrill seekers in search of the ‘white stuff’.  Predazzo is just a short walk from Aparthotel Majestic and worth an evening or two of your time.  When Dorothy Gale clicked the heels of her ruby slippers and uttered the words ‘there’s no place like home’, we are fairly certain that she was talking about Italy.  If you ask us, there is no place like Italy and just like a magnet, Italy draws us back time and time again.  Cannot wait to return, until then…addio per ora!
LILY-BELLE (age 10) SAYS I really liked the pool, the water was warm and really clear so I could see under the water.  The apartment was quite big and the beds were very comfy.  I don’t understand why they give you two single duvets to fit a double bed?  It was nice to sit and eat breakfast out on the balcony.
MATILDA (age 4) SAYS Daddy is a grumpy troll, he wouldn’t let me sleep on the top bunk!  I liked going into the swimming pool and playing with the toy kitchen, oh and I liked the playground outside.
Aparthotel Majestic (itinerary)
Date(s) of stay:  3rd July 2019 until 10th July 2019 Cost:  Aparthotel Majestic – gifted (see disclaimer below)
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                Information, currency and prices are correct at the time of publishing. Views, opinions and experiences are that of The Callaghan Posse and are correct at the time of publication. Photos, unless credited, are taken by The Callaghan Posse for use and distribution by Around The World In 18 Years. Images and content may not be used or copied (individual or commercial) without obtaining prior permission.
[disclaimer:  Our stay at Aparthotel Majestic was gifted by Trentino Residences.  Gifted item(s) were provided in return for social media and blog coverage]
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APARTHOTEL MAJESTIC, PREDAZZO, ITALY – REVIEW Why do we love Italia so much?  In all honesty, do you really need to ask?  Simply take a look at the photos in any of our Italy posts and it will become transparent as to why we are drawn to this wondrous land. 
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alexrascanu · 7 years
How to Reach Your Potential: An Interview with Sarah Chaudhery
Sarah Chaudhery is taking part in the "How to Reach Your Potential" initiative, a series of 100 interviews with leaders who inspire Alex Rascanu and whose insights can help you reach your potential.
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About Sarah
As a 6-year veteran of the Canadian National Rowing Team, Sarah Chaudhery’s (nee Bonikowsky) athletic career includes silver and bronze World Cup medals, two National Championship titles, a fourth place finish at the 2008 Olympic Games and a bronze medal at the 2011 Pan Am Games. Now practicing as a paediatric occupational therapist, Sarah is passionate about encouraging all people, regardless of age or ability to pursue their dreams both inside and outside of sport. Sarah recently published a book about her Olympic experience titled, “The Justified Jock: Faith and the Olympic Journey.”
Check out Sarah’s website and book at www.thejustifiedjock.com, and connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.
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Alex: What is your life’s purpose?
Sarah: Above all else, I believe that every person was created for a purpose. The goal of my life is to find the ways I should be putting my beliefs and my faith into action. If I haven’t made a difference, lived in truth, loved others, and answered my callings, then I haven’t really lived.
Alex: What are the three things you’re most passionate about?
Sarah: At the core of my being, faith is what gives me my purpose in life. If we don’t have hope, we don’t have anything. Often people asked me how I got through Olympic training, competition, huge highs, and even greater lows. All I can say, is that training at that extreme level, broke me down to the point that I literally had to rely on God to get me through each day. It’s what brought me back to my faith.
Secondly, my family! Both my husband and daughter reinforce that purpose and drive. I feel so blessed right now!
Thirdly, I have always had this deep-seated burning desire for real justice and opportunity for people with different abilities. I grew up with a close family friend who has autism, and one of my first jobs as a teenager was working with a boy with Down Syndrome. Those two people changed my life forever!
Alex: How do you stay healthy? What’s your main health-related goal?
Sarah: Oh man… this is hard for me to answer right now as I re-develop this whole side of my life. Exercise used to be such an extreme for me. It bothered me that Olympians were praised for their dedication and commitment, but at the same time the level of activity is at such an unhealthy extreme. Exercise became something that was always quantified, judged, and measured (literally) to the minute. I had to record how many minutes each day I spent in different heart rate zones, and had to make sure I spent 18 hours a week at my base cardio level. That didn’t include sprinting workouts, weight training or pilates. When I retired from rowing, I struggled with really bad migraines. If I didn’t work out fairly regularly and intensely for the first 3 years, I would get these crazy migraines and not even be able to go to work (once for 3 days straight!)
Staying healthy for me has been finding the balance of new motivators; new sports (I have always been crazy about cycling… even before rowing!) and setting new goals that are healthy and appropriate. Then I had a baby and had to change all of that again. Now I’ve gone back to work and had to change it yet again… I’m still learning what healthy looks like with a little person and a job in the mix! I can’t just workout when I want to anymore. Everything has to be planned for! It took me a long time to accept exercise in little pieces. For a long time, if I couldn’t workout for at least an hour, it didn’t ‘count’ for me. And because it didn’t ‘count’, I couldn’t even get started. Now my mindset is like, “Okay. If we go to the park after work, I can put my daughter Zoë in the stroller and I can run there. Maybe today we’ll go to the further park.” I also use an activity monitor to track steps and stairs, something, which I used to think, was ridiculous. But I find it helps me make small choices about taking the longer route, or taking the extra stairs, or parking further away, and hopefully that counts for something, right?
Alex: How do you build wealth? What’s your main financial goal?
Sarah: I think the smartest thing I did was setting up an RESP for Zoë right away and shifting almost all of her baby bonus money into it each month. A little bit goes into our TFSA (we figured that buying a house was worth it for Zoë too!) It took me a long time to start my own RRSP, (I wasn’t eligible as an amateur athlete) but now that’s an automatic withdrawal too. I think if you can make it automatic, then you don’t ‘miss’ the money as much. We also believe strongly in giving at least 10% of our income back to church, and support other charities and causes that are important to us throughout the year. I worked for 3 years in a totally charitable organization, and I raised a lot of my own salary through donations. It taught me that there are different types of investment. At the end of your life, you want to know that you invested in other people. It’s really the best way to maximize your impact. We can’t all be the hands-on well builder in Africa, but think about the change you can affect in a whole community through those that are the hands and feet on the ground! So I guess what I’m coming around to again, is that sense of purpose. If I feel that I have been able to achieve my purpose, to take care of my family and to take care of others, than that’s money well invested!
Alex: How do you balance work and family life?
Sarah: Well… I’m sacrificing a bit of sanity right now, that’s for sure. I have a flexible work schedule, but my husband works the longer hours in the job with the steadier income and benefits. I really admire his ability to just do his job! He’s been at his company for 20 years now! I usually work from about 9:30 – 3:30 (I work in a lot of different schools) and then try to get Zoë early from daycare so we can have some quality time at home together. After she goes to bed, I do my paperwork each night from 9pm – midnight. Sometimes I feel like I’m burning the candle at both ends, but at the same time, I’m also the most productive and creative at night. I kind of enjoy the quiet of the house when everyone’s in bed.
Alex: How do you enjoy spending time with family and friends?
Sarah: My favourite day of all is Saturday morning! My husband Joe makes us breakfast, and we do the crossword together like a bunch of nerds, and Zoë sits on his lap and colours. Oh, and there’s lots of coffee. That’s heaven to me! Also, I grew up in the Mono Cliffs Provincial Park. My family does a lot of hiking together. The Cliffs are very central to us!
Alex: What has been the most fulfilling role you’ve ever had, or the most fulfilling project you’ve been involved with so far?
Sarah: Oh man… that’s a hard one to answer for me. The Olympics defined and changed my life forever in ways I could never have imagined. But at the same time, the experience and the end results were tough. We were fourth in 2008 by 0.72 of a second. Any one thing could have changed that day and we would be medalists.
Next I moved into a role that was definitely a calling and a passion project. I was the Director of Operations for More Than Gold, and facilitated involvement of hundreds of volunteers, churches and organizations in the 2015 Pan Am Games. That was fulfilling and immensely challenging. I learned so much that I will take with me forever. A Director of Operations has to know so many things! I felt vastly underprepared, but the outcomes were so amazing to see.
But now, I feel like I am really living out my dream. I’m finally satisfying that inward, burning desire to work with kids with different abilities that has always been inside of me. All of my kids are so unique and funny and different. Because I work in paediatrics, I see a lot of kids that are still undiagnosed. We are all trying to figure out how to help them be their best, and we aren’t limited by a whole lot of extra info or opinions. It’s a privilege to walk this part of a kids’ life with them.
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Alex: What’s one career planning lesson that has made a significant difference in your life?
Sarah: When I retired from sport, all of my coaches were telling me how well set up I would be to find a job. Everyone was telling us that Olympians had all of these great qualities that would make them amazing candidates for any job. All of this is true, however it didn’t play out like that, and doesn’t for most athletes. We sacrifice a lot of real-world experience for sport, and many athletes have put off education as well. I was trying to move into the healthcare field, but I had spent two more years after I graduated, trying out for the 2012 Olympics, and had this gap of practical experience. No one cared about the Olympics… just that I didn’t have 3 – 5 years of direct experience. I put out 50 resumes and didn’t even get one interview.
I learned that careers are just like sports too. You have to build up from the bottom. It’s hard. Experience matters, and you have to earn it. There are no shortcuts. Within my career now, I am very excited about all of the professional development opportunities that are coming up. There’s so much room to grow, and I’m so passionate now about becoming a really good, confident and effective therapist. But they are all skills that need to be practiced!! It was really, really hard to come to terms with being at the very top of one part of my life, and then the very bottom of the next. But if you aren’t willing to acknowledge that, then you might not even get the opportunity to take that first step where you need to start.
Alex: What would you like your legacy to be?
Sarah: I hope the people that I’ve interacted with, and kids that I’ve worked with, will come away with a feeling of hope. I want people to think, “Wow, she really got me. She really listened.” I hope I can continue to start fresh with each person, and never be the person who limits their abilities, but instead lifts them up. I want them to have the same sense of hope and purpose that I’ve found!
Alex: Thank you, Sarah, for taking part in the interview! Thank you for your openness and insights!
Did you find one or more of Sarah's insights helpful? Are there any ideas or resources that came to mind as you read the interview? Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below, and consider sharing the interview with a friend via social media or email.
Also, consider checking out the How to Reach Your Potential interviews with Trina Boos, Hamza Khan, James Tjan, Vlad Rascanu, Drew Dudley, Alexandru Holicov, Andrew Mizzoni, Christa Dickenson and Louise Adongo. Thank you.
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liberallifeblog · 8 years
Diabazole Review – Does it Really Work? Is it Safe? Read Here
The kind of life we are living today is full of mad deadlines, rapid rush, hard work and competition. All this leaves us no time to check our health hence making our lifestyle become very lame. This eventually leads to diseases like Hypertension and Diabetes, etc. Unfortunately, we have no time to heal this disease normally hence using pills remains as the only option. There is good news that you can face Hypertension and Diabetes with a simple supplement known as Diabazole. In case you have faced Hypertension and Diabetes without any positive results, then you should try this supplement. This is a unique product that works naturally to increase hormone sensitivity and proves to be a wonderful support issue of healthy cholesterol levels.
My personal experience with Diabazole:
Being a patient of I am a patient diabetes type II, I had used all types of diabetes medicines, but I still didn’t get better. I felt pain at my feet, and also my feet was swelling. I also rapidly increased in weight, and nothing would put help me reduce weight or get out of the situation. I got worried and hopeless day by day. I didn’t get rid of diabetes though I was using the medicines. My physician advised to use more insulin, but I didn’t follow advice. I got the hope when I heard about Diabazole from a friend. This supplement is best because of its ability to control blood sugar. I am now happy since I have known the health way of controlling my blood sugar. I am grateful to the company for developing such a valuable supplement for the diabetic patients. In case you are also having this kind of disease or your loved has symptoms of diabetes, then you should use or it to others respectively. Trust me; you will feel better because Diabazole will make you physically active and fit.
What is Diabazole?
Diabazole is a scientifically designed formula that ensures that you are ever health especially when you are on the go. It contains natural ingredients which are handpicked to offer the best results.This product reverses the sign of diabetes by counteracting the failure of pancreas.It regulates the follow of blood and also improves the functioning of the whole body and defense mechanism. When adopted with regular exercise, the product is crafted to add strength to your cardiovascular system. Diabazole is one of the best nutrition your body needs.
How it works:
Diabazole controls the blood sugar levels and maintains it stable. It gives you a better life free of a higher pulse, elevated cholesterol, and diabetes. It monitors the unsafe glucose levels and adjusts them. Diabazole helps in avoiding the damage caused by diabetes by keeping up the levels of Glucose, cholesterol and Circulatory stable.
Diabazole Formula Ingredients:
*Berberine – It lowers the blood steroid alcohol.
*Piperine – Pipe is an extract from black pepper. It offers the advantage of being absorbed by the body instantly.
*Turmeric – The plant is mainly used in treating Inflammation and stooping blood clots from forming in the body. It also helps in reducing the blood sugar levels. It also helps to lose weight.
*Juniper Berry-It acts as an anti-oxidant and helps in absorption and digestion of nutrients in the body. Being a natural insulin it controls the sugar levels in the body.
*Biotin – Biotin enhances glucose control.
*Alpha Liopic Acid- Being an antioxidant, it helps the body in fighting with free radicals. It helps reduce the insulin effectiveness and gives body the strength to stay fine and fit.
*Bitter Melon – It contains three components that are known to cure three types of Diabetics. The three elements are Vicine, Charantin, and Polypeptide.
*Licorice Extract.
*Gymnema Sylvester Powder.
*Vanadyl Sulfate.
The above natural ingredients have been known to provide natural immunity in our bodies. Diabazole detoxifies the liver, improves the functioning of the body cells better and lowers the Cholesterol level. The product laden and rich with clinically tested and natural ingredients that have been picked to enhance the body health. When you use the product regularly, and with proper diet, your blood sugar levels will largely reduce within a  few weeks.
Diabazole Supplement Benefits.
1- Diabazole improves the blood sugars levels.
2-It has a 100 percent Guarantee.
3-Helps in maintaining the extent of pressure.
4-It is manufactured from only natural Elements.
5- It has minimal side effects.
6- Recommended by all specialists.
7-Helps in maintaining the sugar levels.
8-Improves metabolism.
9-It has enduring and immediate results.
10- It reduces stress and anxiety sickness.
11- It has formula supports balanced and healthy sugar absorption.
12- Daily dose will certainly enhance customers overall wellness, health and healthier energy levels.
Things to remember when taking Diabazole:
1- Ensure you do your daily morning walk and exercise.
2-Eat plenty of healthy foods.
3-Avoid is taking too much sugar.
4- Quit smoking and drinking.
5- You should not take this medication in case you have an alternative option.
Side Effects of Diabazole.
1. Most of the people can use Diabazole, however, excessive doses of turmeric may cause diarrhea, dizziness, upset stomach, and nausea.
2. Berberine is not safe especially for people under other medications that control blood sugar levels. This is because it may cause an immediate decrease in blood sugar levels.
3. For any average individual, there should have no any serious side effects when under Diabazole dosage. You may consult your physician or doctor when you are not sure whether or not Diabazole is right for you.
Where can you buy Diabazole Supplement?
When you are interested in buying this supplement, you can buy it at the following offers and price:
1. One bottle @ $ 49.95.
2. Two bottles @ $119.90.
3. Four Bottles @ 199.80.
When you visit their official website, you can get a free trial pack. You will be required to pay $4.95 for shipping cost, and it will be delivered at your doorstep within 30-days. Once your trial has expired, you will then be charged $89.36 for the total value of the goods. Henceforth, you will continue to get a regular supply of Diabazole once a month, and you will be charged $89.36 each time.
Daibazole has a 90-day money back guarantee. However, you will not receive a refund handling and for shipping fees. You will also be required to l pay a 10% restocking fee. Outside of the trial, we do not believe you can receive a refund.
There are usually 60 pills for each month, and you should take 2 pills each day. You should take one in the morning with your breakfast and the other one during the night with your dinner. Ensure that you are not overdosing the supplement. When you have any question related to the supplement, contact your physician.
Does this Diabazole Work?
The Diabazole reviews show that the supplement has worked for some people. There are no reported side effects as such, and it has benefitted diabetics to a great extent. However, this should not be treated as a replacement to exercise and a healthy diet. An everyday lifestyle is a must along with any supplement that you take for health benefits.
The reason you should hurry to buy Diabazole.
The effects of diabetes if prolonged, causes damage which may interest me permanent in future. Diabetes also may be accompanied by other potential diseases which may leave you physical and mentally crippled. Many pharmaceutical companies hide this truth from diabetes patients so that they can make huge profits. You should not fall for the hidden motive for these companies because your body will slowly be weak. It’s your responsibility to act timely and appropriately. Diabetes kills and has the potential to kill a lot of people if not well treated. It’s one of the leading killing diseases in various countries. So hurry up, because you now know the facts. You have now both the options of prolonging the disease or treating it. You should make your choice before it’s too late.
Consumer’s views about Diabazole.
Diabazole testimonials:
The 1st user said:
I had an extremely severe level of diabetes, and at that time, all the doctors and hospitals rejected me because they thought it would be impossible to manage diabetes. I wanted to live because no one wants to die. Hence I did not lose my hope. I searched for a solution, and I found Diabazole on the internet. With a lot of hope and faith, I began using it immediately, and I am grateful that it has slowly made me a healthy man. I am continuously using it, and now, my blood sugar level remains normal. It is such an amazing product for the patients of diabetes that I would recommend it to all the patients.
2nd user said:
The imbalanced blood sugar level is a common issue among our family members because it is a hereditary disease. Having fought the disease for a long time, with different kinds of products, I was still not satisfied. When I heard about Diabazole and read about all its benefits, I hoped for the best, and I bought it. Being a natural product for controlling sugar in the blood and all the claims made by the company, I have proven them to be true. The product is trustworthy, and that’s why I have suggested other family members also to use it.
3rd user said:
When it comes to treatment of blood sugar level, Diabazole is one of my favorite products. As a result of my excess weight, my blood sugar rose because and I used many weight loss products, but I did not get any improvement. Rather than focusing on the weight loss, treating the blood sugar level had become more important for me. I am now spending a happy life through Diabazole. I have also started to lose weight and also reduce my cholesterol level as well.
The 4th user said:
By having a high level of blood sugar or cholesterol looks a common problem but it is the source of many problems. I relied on Diabazole to lower down the blood sugar level in my body, and I have been using it for more than a month. There has been a considerable improvement because my blood sugar level remains normal. I am jubilant that I have succeeded to control it even in the initial stage. I have seen many patients who are in the critical stage as well, and I always have pity on them. For all those people, Diabazole might work.
5th user said:
I was spending a tasteless life. Neither was I happy nor was able to keep others happy because health is wealth. The main cause of my poor health was my diabetes or increased blood sugar level. I used to get treatment from one of the best hospitals in my area, but still, those medicines were not controlling the blood sugar. When I used Diabazole, I found great results, and it is unique because it treats this issue for the long term.
My thoughts on Diabazole
I was upset with the symptoms of diabetes, which had made my life miserable. I tried very hard to improve the situation really, and many well-known doctors consulted, but all my efforts went in vain. But I was blessed to know that Diabazole made the treatment process easier for me. Once I started using Diabazole, I felt enthusiastic, amazing, and full of life.
Diabazole does give me not only hope but also gives me the best results. The formula behind my expectations lowered blood sugar levels and increased the body’s capability to use insulin. The solution was undoubtedly a positive impact on the real body and my results; I certainly cherish for a long time.
There is no doubt that I love the supplement that helped me achieve the best. I recommend it highly for people who want to get the best results. Try it once, and judge for yourself.
Diabazole is 100% safe and recommended. A lot of people are using this supplement without any side effects. According to many Doctors, Diabazole is the best solution for people suffering from sugar levels and diabetes. It’s a perfect solution especially for the people who want to get rid of this diabetes and sugar level problem. I recommend you this amazing supplement. This is the most leading and successful and leading supplement for recovering diabetes problems.
Originally posted at: Diabazole Review – The Best Way To Control Your Blood Sugar
Diabazole Review – Does it Really Work? Is it Safe? Read Here posted first on http://ift.tt/2kDxLY4
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
COVID-19: Take time to disengage
Take a break, get perspective, and find your Zen. (For Spectrum Health Beat)
More than a few times this past week, you’ve probably had to step back and size up the Everest of information you’ve been trying to scale.
Social media. News. More social media.
It’s truly impossible to escape the topic of COVID-19.
On the one hand, it’s something of a blessing to have instant access to information.
You can stay well-informed about best practices and learn precisely what actions to take to help slow the spread of the virus in your community: Wash your hands frequently, at least 20 seconds each time. Wear a mask. If you must go out, stay at least 6 feet from others.
On the other hand, you’re deluged with information—some useful, some sketchy, some outright inaccurate.
Everyone, in the age of social media, becomes a news junkie.
At some point, you’ve got to ask yourself if your information consumption habits and your worrying is helpful or harmful.
“It’s important to stay informed, obviously,” said Leisha Cuddihy, PhD, a clinical psychologist with Spectrum Health. “If you notice you’re getting anxiety symptoms—you can’t stop thinking about something, or even physical symptoms like chest tightness—it’s then time to cut down on it.”
Feeling overwhelmed, agitated or anxious?
Here are some helpful reminders to help you through.
1. Prioritize and gain perspective
Lack of control can lead to uncertainty, which can lead to anxiety.
“Our first instinct is to turn back to the news,” said Brittany Barber Garcia, PhD, a pediatric psychologist with Spectrum Health Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. “Try to avoid this, though. It may reassure you in the moment, but it will likely make anxiety worse in the long run—because you’re still focusing on all of the things outside of your control.”
Ask yourself what is within your control and focus on what is most important.
“It’s important to focus on things you can do,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “A lot of times we worry about stuff we have no control over.”
So even as the world works to confront COVID-19, you already know what you can do.
Stay as isolated as possible in your given situation. Practice good hand-washing. Cough into your sleeve. Stay away from sick people. Mask up.
“I think focusing on those is better, rather than worrying about what everyone else is doing,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
2. Create boundaries and structure
If you’re among those who continue to work from home—often while also wrangling kids—take some time to assess your routines and workspace.
“Finding a space, a physical space, to be able to do (your work) is helpful,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “So you can separate from the rest of what is going on in the house.”
This is important because if you’re trying to work in the same space where you’re carrying out other daily tasks, it can feel like you never stop doing either. This can quickly become overwhelming and frustrating.
So find the things that work for you.
“It’s hard, I think, for a lot of people to stay more focused at home than when they’re at an office,” she said.
How much work can you realistically handle at home? Are you expected to log on at certain times? Be available for a certain timeframe? Make sure to get clear definitions of your role.
“That’s important,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “You might have one idea about what’s expected of you. Your boss may have another idea.”   
3. Manage your media
Adults and children should stick to reliable media sources, Barber Garcia said.
“There’s a lot of good information out there,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Be smart about what you click on and only click on sources you trust.”
Spectrum Health has an area online devoted exclusively to COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health departments are also reliable sources. Beyond that, be careful of scams and fake fundraising schemes from unknown sources.
This information management can help with anxiety.
“What are the facts? What’s true? How can we use that to stay calm?” Dr. Barber Garcia said.
“Anxious thoughts are often rooted in exaggerations of the truth and ‘what if’ scenarios,” she said. “Our thoughts can easily run away from us, especially when we are faced with the uncertainty of what could happen.
“Instead of focusing on the worst-case scenario, focus on the facts right now and use that information to help you remain calm,” she said. “None of us can predict the future. And although sometimes that can be scary, it can also be calming if we remind ourselves that good outcomes are possible, too, especially if we do our part.”
4. Disengage regularly
Set time limits on your screentime.
This way, you keep yourself from jumping into bottomless rabbit holes in pursuit of dicey information from weird sources.
“Set daily allotments for yourself and follow them,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Maybe resolve to check twice a day on .gov websites for updates. Try to spend less than 30 minutes per day looking at the news.”
That means disengage.
“Stop the clicking,” she said. “Because it’s just too easy to get immersed in all the data and literature that’s coming out, not to mention all the emails.”
It can become all-consuming.
“You have to give yourself (time) and say, ‘I’m just going to breathe,’” she said.
Dr. Cuddihy also stressed this point.
“It’s important to take a break,” she said. “Designate a time each day to turn it all off and go for a walk, focus on something else. Laundry, clean, read. Something. Be deliberate about it.
“During your breaks and your downtime, eat, sit, take a specific break,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “If you don’t plan it in, it’s hard to feel like you’re taking a break.”
5. Be creative about re-energizing
Take a candid look at your self-care. Find ways to replenish yourself.
Reach out to others for help if you need it. Exercise. Color. Knit. Read.
Remember, this is not forever—it’s temporary. Find ways to better yourself.
“There are lots of apps for mindfulness and meditation,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
“(Take) time for yourself to do something you like to do,” she said. “It’s important to do something positive in your day, at least once a day.”
Connect with people, safely. Text message, Skype and FaceTime with friends or family or meet outside for a socially distanced and masked reunion.
“Social connection is huge,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
“It’s definitely not the same,” she said. “But you can be safe and still connect with other people.”
Dr. Barber Garcia echoed: “And it’s necessary, because social isolation can lead to loneliness, and this can lead to deeper feelings of sadness and depression.”
Finally, don’t underestimate the need for silence.
“Stillness every day,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Whatever that looks like.”
That could be something as simple as focusing not on tomorrow, or even next week, but on a not-too-distant future where COVID-19 is in the rearview.
Maybe borrow a vibe from perpetual optimist Matthew McConaughey: “Every red light eventually turns green.”
COVID-19: Take time to disengage published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
0 notes
michellelinkous · 4 years
COVID-19: Take time to disengage
Take a break, get perspective, and find your Zen. (For Spectrum Health Beat)
More than a few times this past week, you’ve probably had to step back and size up the Everest of information you’ve been trying to scale.
Social media. News. More social media.
It’s truly impossible to escape the topic of COVID-19.
On the one hand, it’s something of a blessing to have instant access to information.
You can stay well-informed about best practices and learn precisely what actions to take to help slow the spread of the virus in your community: Wash your hands frequently, at least 20 seconds each time. Wear a mask. If you must go out, stay at least 6 feet from others.
On the other hand, you’re deluged with information—some useful, some sketchy, some outright inaccurate.
Everyone, in the age of social media, becomes a news junkie.
At some point, you’ve got to ask yourself if your information consumption habits and your worrying is helpful or harmful.
“It’s important to stay informed, obviously,” said Leisha Cuddihy, PhD, a clinical psychologist with Spectrum Health. “If you notice you’re getting anxiety symptoms—you can’t stop thinking about something, or even physical symptoms like chest tightness—it’s then time to cut down on it.”
Feeling overwhelmed, agitated or anxious?
Here are some helpful reminders to help you through.
1. Prioritize and gain perspective
Lack of control can lead to uncertainty, which can lead to anxiety.
“Our first instinct is to turn back to the news,” said Brittany Barber Garcia, PhD, a pediatric psychologist with Spectrum Health Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. “Try to avoid this, though. It may reassure you in the moment, but it will likely make anxiety worse in the long run—because you’re still focusing on all of the things outside of your control.”
Ask yourself what is within your control and focus on what is most important.
“It’s important to focus on things you can do,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “A lot of times we worry about stuff we have no control over.”
So even as the world works to confront COVID-19, you already know what you can do.
Stay as isolated as possible in your given situation. Practice good hand-washing. Cough into your sleeve. Stay away from sick people. Mask up.
“I think focusing on those is better, rather than worrying about what everyone else is doing,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
2. Create boundaries and structure
If you’re among those who continue to work from home—often while also wrangling kids—take some time to assess your routines and workspace.
“Finding a space, a physical space, to be able to do (your work) is helpful,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “So you can separate from the rest of what is going on in the house.”
This is important because if you’re trying to work in the same space where you’re carrying out other daily tasks, it can feel like you never stop doing either. This can quickly become overwhelming and frustrating.
So find the things that work for you.
“It’s hard, I think, for a lot of people to stay more focused at home than when they’re at an office,” she said.
How much work can you realistically handle at home? Are you expected to log on at certain times? Be available for a certain timeframe? Make sure to get clear definitions of your role.
“That’s important,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “You might have one idea about what’s expected of you. Your boss may have another idea.”   
3. Manage your media
Adults and children should stick to reliable media sources, Barber Garcia said.
“There’s a lot of good information out there,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Be smart about what you click on and only click on sources you trust.”
Spectrum Health has an area online devoted exclusively to COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health departments are also reliable sources. Beyond that, be careful of scams and fake fundraising schemes from unknown sources.
This information management can help with anxiety.
“What are the facts? What’s true? How can we use that to stay calm?” Dr. Barber Garcia said.
“Anxious thoughts are often rooted in exaggerations of the truth and ‘what if’ scenarios,” she said. “Our thoughts can easily run away from us, especially when we are faced with the uncertainty of what could happen.
“Instead of focusing on the worst-case scenario, focus on the facts right now and use that information to help you remain calm,” she said. “None of us can predict the future. And although sometimes that can be scary, it can also be calming if we remind ourselves that good outcomes are possible, too, especially if we do our part.”
4. Disengage regularly
Set time limits on your screentime.
This way, you keep yourself from jumping into bottomless rabbit holes in pursuit of dicey information from weird sources.
“Set daily allotments for yourself and follow them,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Maybe resolve to check twice a day on .gov websites for updates. Try to spend less than 30 minutes per day looking at the news.”
That means disengage.
“Stop the clicking,” she said. “Because it’s just too easy to get immersed in all the data and literature that’s coming out, not to mention all the emails.”
It can become all-consuming.
“You have to give yourself (time) and say, ‘I’m just going to breathe,’” she said.
Dr. Cuddihy also stressed this point.
“It’s important to take a break,” she said. “Designate a time each day to turn it all off and go for a walk, focus on something else. Laundry, clean, read. Something. Be deliberate about it.
“During your breaks and your downtime, eat, sit, take a specific break,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “If you don’t plan it in, it’s hard to feel like you’re taking a break.”
5. Be creative about re-energizing
Take a candid look at your self-care. Find ways to replenish yourself.
Reach out to others for help if you need it. Exercise. Color. Knit. Read.
Remember, this is not forever—it’s temporary. Find ways to better yourself.
“There are lots of apps for mindfulness and meditation,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
“(Take) time for yourself to do something you like to do,” she said. “It’s important to do something positive in your day, at least once a day.”
Connect with people, safely. Text message, Skype and FaceTime with friends or family or meet outside for a socially distanced and masked reunion.
“Social connection is huge,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
“It’s definitely not the same,” she said. “But you can be safe and still connect with other people.”
Dr. Barber Garcia echoed: “And it’s necessary, because social isolation can lead to loneliness, and this can lead to deeper feelings of sadness and depression.”
Finally, don’t underestimate the need for silence.
“Stillness every day,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Whatever that looks like.”
That could be something as simple as focusing not on tomorrow, or even next week, but on a not-too-distant future where COVID-19 is in the rearview.
Maybe borrow a vibe from perpetual optimist Matthew McConaughey: “Every red light eventually turns green.”
COVID-19: Take time to disengage published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.tumblr.com/
0 notes
gordonwilliamsweb · 5 years
COVID-19: Take time to disengage
Take a break, get perspective, and find your Zen. (For Spectrum Health Beat)
More than a few times this past week, you’ve probably had to step back and size up the Everest of information you’ve been trying to scale.
Social media. News. Television. More social media.
It’s truly impossible to escape the topic of COVID-19.
On the one hand, it’s something of a blessing to have instant access to information.
You can stay well-informed about best practices and learn precisely what actions to take to help slow the spread of the virus in your community: Wash your hands frequently, at least 20 seconds each time. Stay at home. If you must go out, stay at least 6 feet from others.
On the other hand, you’re deluged with information—some useful, some sketchy, some outright inaccurate.
Everyone, in the age of social media, becomes a news junkie.
At some point, you’ve got to ask yourself if your information consumption habits and your worrying is helpful or harmful.
“It’s important to stay informed, obviously,” said Leisha Cuddihy, PhD, a clinical psychologist with Spectrum Health. “If you notice you’re getting anxiety symptoms—you can’t stop thinking about something, or even physical symptoms like chest tightness—it’s then time to cut down on it.”
Feeling overwhelmed or anxious?
Here are some helpful reminders to help you through.
1. Prioritize and gain perspective
Lack of control can lead to uncertainty, which can lead to anxiety.
“Our first instinct is to turn back to the news,” said Brittany Barber Garcia, PhD, a pediatric psychologist with Spectrum Health Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. “Try to avoid this, though. It may reassure you in the moment, but it will likely make anxiety worse in the long run—because you’re still focusing on all of the things outside of your control.”
Ask yourself what is within your control and focus on what is most important.
“It’s important to focus on things you can do,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “A lot of times we worry about stuff we have no control over.”
So even as the world works to confront COVID-19, you already know what you can do.
Stay as isolated as possible in your given situation. Practice good hand-washing. Cough into your sleeve. Stay away from sick people.
“I think focusing on those is better, rather than worrying about what everyone else is doing,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
2. Create boundaries and structure
If you’re among those who have suddenly found themselves working from home—and home-schooling kids—take some time to assess your routines and workspace.
“Finding a space, a physical space, to be able to do (your work) is helpful,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “So you can separate from the rest of what is going on in the house.”
This is important because if you’re trying to work in the same space where you’re carrying out other daily tasks, it can feel like you never stop doing either. This can quickly become overwhelming and frustrating.
So find the things that work for you.
“It’s hard, I think, for a lot of people to stay more focused at home than when they’re at an office,” she said.
How much work can you realistically handle at home? Are you expected to log on at certain times? Be available for a certain timeframe? Make sure to get clear definitions of your role.
“That’s important,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “You might have one idea about what’s expected of you. Your boss may have another idea.”   
3. Manage your media
Adults and children should stick to reliable media sources, Barber Garcia said.
“There’s a lot of good information out there,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Be smart about what you click on and only click on sources you trust.”
Spectrum Health has an area online devoted exclusively to COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health departments are also reliable sources. Beyond that, be careful of scams and fake fundraising schemes from unknown sources.
This information management can help with anxiety.
“What are the facts? What’s true? How can we use that to stay calm?” Dr. Barber Garcia said.
“Anxious thoughts are often rooted in exaggerations of the truth and ‘what if’ scenarios,” she said. “Our thoughts can easily run away from us, especially when we are faced with the uncertainty of what could happen.
“Instead of focusing on the worst-case scenario, focus on the facts right now and use that information to help you remain calm,” she said. “None of us can predict the future. And although sometimes that can be scary, it can also be calming if we remind ourselves that good outcomes are possible, too, especially if we do our part.”
4. Disengage regularly
Set time limits on your screentime.
This way, you keep yourself from jumping into bottomless rabbit holes in pursuit of dicey information from weird sources.
“Set daily allotments for yourself and follow them,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Maybe resolve to check twice a day on .gov websites for updates. Try to spend less than 30 minutes per day looking at the news.”
That means disengage.
“Stop the clicking,” she said. “Because it’s just too easy to get immersed in all the data and literature that’s coming out, not to mention all the emails.”
It can become all-consuming.
“You have to give yourself (time) and say, ‘I’m just going to breathe,’” she said.
Dr. Cuddihy also stressed this point.
“It’s important to take a break,” she said. “Designate a time each day to turn it all off and go for a walk, focus on something else. Laundry, clean, read. Something. Be deliberate about it.
“During your breaks and your downtime, eat, sit, take a specific break,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “If you don’t plan it in, it’s hard to feel like you’re taking a break.”
5. Be creative about re-energizing
Take a candid look at your self-care. Find ways to replenish yourself.
Reach out to others for help if you need it. Exercise. Color. Knit. Read.
This is the first time in generations that Americans have had to step away from workplaces, en masse, for an extended period. It’s not forever—it’s temporary. Find ways to better yourself.
“There are lots of apps for mindfulness and meditation,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
“(Take) time for yourself to do something you like to do,” she said. “It’s important to do something positive in your day, at least once a day.”
Connect with people. Text message, Skype or FaceTime with friends or family.
“Social connection is huge,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
“It’s definitely not the same as human contact,” she said. “But you can be safe and still connect with other people—virtually.”
Dr. Barber Garcia echoed: “And it’s necessary, because social isolation can lead to loneliness, and this can lead to deeper feelings of sadness and depression.”
Finally, don’t underestimate the need for silence.
“Stillness every day,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Whatever that looks like.”
That could be something as simple as focusing not on tomorrow, or even next week, but on a not-too-distant future where COVID-19 is in the rearview.
Maybe borrow a vibe from perpetual optimist Matthew McConaughey: “Every red light eventually turns green.”
COVID-19: Take time to disengage published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
0 notes
michellelinkous · 5 years
COVID-19: Take time to disengage
More than a few times this past week, you’ve probably had to step back and size up the Everest of information you’ve been trying to scale.
Social media. News. Television. More social media.
It’s truly impossible to escape the topic of COVID-19.
On the one hand, it’s something of a blessing to have instant access to information.
You can stay well-informed about best practices and learn precisely what actions to take to help slow the spread of the virus in your community: Wash your hands frequently, at least 20 seconds each time. Stay at home. If you must go out, stay at least 6 feet from others.
On the other hand, you’re deluged with information—some useful, some sketchy, some outright inaccurate.
Everyone, in the age of social media, becomes a news junkie.
At some point, you’ve got to ask yourself if your information consumption habits and your worrying is helpful or harmful.
“It’s important to stay informed, obviously,” said Leisha Cuddihy, PhD, a clinical psychologist with Spectrum Health. “If you notice you’re getting anxiety symptoms—you can’t stop thinking about something, or even physical symptoms like chest tightness—it’s then time to cut down on it.”
Feeling overwhelmed or anxious?
Here are some helpful reminders to help you through.
1. Prioritize and gain perspective
Lack of control can lead to uncertainty, which can lead to anxiety.
“Our first instinct is to turn back to the news,” said Brittany Barber Garcia, PhD, a pediatric psychologist with Spectrum Health Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. “Try to avoid this, though. It may reassure you in the moment, but it will likely make anxiety worse in the long run—because you’re still focusing on all of the things outside of your control.”
Ask yourself what is within your control and focus on what is most important.
“It’s important to focus on things you can do,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “A lot of times we worry about stuff we have no control over.”
So even as the world works to confront COVID-19, you already know what you can do.
Stay as isolated as possible in your given situation. Practice good hand-washing. Cough into your sleeve. Stay away from sick people.
“I think focusing on those is better, rather than worrying about what everyone else is doing,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
2. Create boundaries and structure
If you’re among those who have suddenly found themselves working from home—and home-schooling kids—take some time to assess your routines and workspace.
“Finding a space, a physical space, to be able to do (your work) is helpful,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “So you can separate from the rest of what is going on in the house.”
This is important because if you’re trying to work in the same space where you’re carrying out other daily tasks, it can feel like you never stop doing either. This can quickly become overwhelming and frustrating.
So find the things that work for you.
“It’s hard, I think, for a lot of people to stay more focused at home than when they’re at an office,” she said.
How much work can you realistically handle at home? Are you expected to log on at certain times? Be available for a certain timeframe? Make sure to get clear definitions of your role.
“That’s important,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “You might have one idea about what’s expected of you. Your boss may have another idea.”   
3. Manage your media
Adults and children should stick to reliable media sources, Barber Garcia said.
“There’s a lot of good information out there,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Be smart about what you click on and only click on sources you trust.”
Spectrum Health has an area online devoted exclusively to COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health departments are also reliable sources. Beyond that, be careful of scams and fake fundraising schemes from unknown sources.
This information management can help with anxiety.
“What are the facts? What’s true? How can we use that to stay calm?” Dr. Barber Garcia said.
“Anxious thoughts are often rooted in exaggerations of the truth and ‘what if’ scenarios,” she said. “Our thoughts can easily run away from us, especially when we are faced with the uncertainty of what could happen.
“Instead of focusing on the worst-case scenario, focus on the facts right now and use that information to help you remain calm,” she said. “None of us can predict the future. And although sometimes that can be scary, it can also be calming if we remind ourselves that good outcomes are possible, too, especially if we do our part.”
4. Disengage regularly
Set time limits on your screentime.
This way, you keep yourself from jumping into bottomless rabbit holes in pursuit of dicey information from weird sources.
“Set daily allotments for yourself and follow them,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Maybe resolve to check twice a day on .gov websites for updates. Try to spend less than 30 minutes per day looking at the news.”
That means disengage.
“Stop the clicking,” she said. “Because it’s just too easy to get immersed in all the data and literature that’s coming out, not to mention all the emails.”
It can become all-consuming.
“You have to give yourself (time) and say, ‘I’m just going to breathe,’” she said.
Dr. Cuddihy also stressed this point.
“It’s important to take a break,” she said. “Designate a time each day to turn it all off and go for a walk, focus on something else. Laundry, clean, read. Something. Be deliberate about it.
“During your breaks and your downtime, eat, sit, take a specific break,” Dr. Cuddihy said. “If you don’t plan it in, it’s hard to feel like you’re taking a break.”
5. Be creative about re-energizing
Take a candid look at your self-care. Find ways to replenish yourself.
Reach out to others for help if you need it. Exercise. Color. Knit. Read.
This is the first time in generations that Americans have had to step away from workplaces, en masse, for an extended period. It’s not forever—it’s temporary. Find ways to better yourself.
“There are lots of apps for mindfulness and meditation,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
“(Take) time for yourself to do something you like to do,” she said. “It’s important to do something positive in your day, at least once a day.”
Connect with people. Text message, Skype or FaceTime with friends or family.
“Social connection is huge,” Dr. Cuddihy said.
“It’s definitely not the same as human contact,” she said. “But you can be safe and still connect with other people—virtually.”
Dr. Barber Garcia echoed: “And it’s necessary, because social isolation can lead to loneliness, and this can lead to deeper feelings of sadness and depression.”
Finally, don’t underestimate the need for silence.
“Stillness every day,” Dr. Barber Garcia said. “Whatever that looks like.”
That could be something as simple as focusing not on tomorrow, or even next week, but on a not-too-distant future where COVID-19 is in the rearview.
Maybe borrow a vibe from perpetual optimist Matthew McConaughey: “Every red light eventually turns green.”
COVID-19: Take time to disengage published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.tumblr.com/
0 notes