#we have lore in minecraft?
So, im genuinely curious all of a sudden. Whats Gordon's relationship like with Scot? Does he still get picked on by his little brother whenever he visits? And how often has Henry had to break up a would-be brotherly brawl? XD
Gordon: ". . ."
Henry: "Oh no..."
Gordon: "Scott is my older brother. And Scott and I have *no relationship*. I want nothing to do with him. He's nothing but a lying, heartless attention whore who cares about nothing except money and fame and being in *his* back pocket. I haven't seen him in a while, not since the Railway Show, and for good fuckin' reason. I don't want Thomas to end up like him. I don't want Thomas anywhere near him. He'll just get hurt. That's all Scott's really good at anyway..."
Henry: "G.. Gordon, wait!"
Gordon: "Not now, Henry! I need my bourbon.."
Henry: *sigh* "I have had to break up a couple fights between them, but I know they've been in more. Edward usually handles it, but I try to calm Gordon down. I don't know what's happened between them.. Or why Gordon has such a grudge against his brother. But I know it's a very heavy subject for him. He's almost broke down crying because of it... I don't want to stir up bad memories, or stress him out.. I don't want him to be in pain. I don't know that much about his past life, other than he's lost many siblings and has a horrid father and equally horrid mothers. Poor Thomas... Neglected since he was a newborn... I don't pry into it, I know how much it hurts him. Please... Give him some time before asking more questions like that..."
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enden-agolor · 3 months
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ok so like
what if i told you my bf and i made another admin au about jesse being an admin and being cast out of society and he becomes this sad, lonely, brutish, and mute forest deity and also what if i told you lukas shows up in the forest one day and they meet each other and lukas basically changes jesse’s life
what i’m saying is they catch feelings for each other
better explanation:
im just gonna use my discord screenshots from me explaining to others the beginning
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poisonouspastels · 4 months
I haven't really gotten to talk about the Ender Dragon yet in the Minecraft AU, and you guys really liked the worldbuilding of oreposting for whatever reason, so we're talking about her now.
To clarify first and foremost: Jean (the dragon) is an intelligent and fully sentient creature. She knows and can speak every spoken language of this world, knows your name, knows every little thing about you, being seemingly omniscient despite having never met prior. That being said, she is not an unfair fighter and is not malicious in nature.
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Dragons existed in much greater numbers long ago, though now the only ones you can find are in Ender. The Endermen are direct evolutionary descendants of these other dragons spread through the infinite realm - but not of Jean specifically. Despite this, historical writings would often (inaccurately) refer to her as "The mother of a thousand children." She is not capable of reproduction and is a fully sexless being.
Her relations to the Endermen are begrudging, serving only to have a brutal mutualistic relationship. The Ender dragons (not just Jean) allow them to eat from the chorus fruit trees within their territory so they may not starve, as well as spawn their own young, and the Ender dragons gets their fair share of food in return... by eating some of the Endermen. The Endermen are rather intelligent creatures in their own way, and they often escape to other dimensions to attempt to live a different life that isn't under the "rule" of the dragons, but quite a few are set in their ways because it's what they know. It's the circle of life they've become familiar with as they subject themselves to it for the sake of survival. Jean is unique in that she is "manufactured" in a way. Not to say that she is artificial, far from it, but that she's not a naturally made dragon. She's to the Universe what Cerberus is to the gates of hell, only existing and serving to guard and provide a challenge if necessary. She knows the rules and is respectful of them, and will never be afraid to die again. Much like a phoenix, with each death she is reborn. Upon being slain, she retreats back to the egg from whence she came many times before, only to re-emerge 10,000 years later.
When Jean finds her way back into the world, the knowledge of the return manages to find its way into the minds of everyone as a call to action. Though slaying the beast right away is not necessary per say, its better not to delay, as the longer one waits, often the more the idea will eat away at them.
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Much like how the Wither represents the concept of inevitability, Jean represents the repeating cycle of the world - whether it be the persistence in humanity to come back time and time again, the cycle of her own return and inevitable death, or the tendency this world has to repeat itself over and over.
The Universe works in mysterious ways, and she is no exception to its design.
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bleue-flora · 3 months
So ummmmm… Here’s something I’ve been wondering for awhile: Who was the lava room in the finale actually for?
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storgicdealer · 1 month
given my theory of rocketcorp being responsible for providing technology, virtual reality experience to the outernet (more about it in my previous ramble post) and ruling over it in general. . .
i thought about the possibility of rocketcorp being responsible for the gold incident
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thebreadwing · 3 months
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aroaceceliaripley · 2 months
hello tumblr. me and my friends are going to make a minecraft smp do any of you want to join
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wren-kitchens · 11 months
hey so I heard we were posting cracker lore?
(cw for violence and body horror? ish)
wren drops to their knees, clawing at the wretched thing attached to their fur, breathing laboured as the spores drift through the enclosed room. they don’t understand, how could it have gotten so bad? they- they were so careful. ragged sobs shatter the silence, and it takes wren longer than it should to realise the sound is coming from them. the sculk is growing, ever so slowly, every so subtly, it’s growing. and wren can’t stop it. it doesn’t make sense; they knew this was a risk and they did everything they could to avoid it. they did everything they should have, they did everything stiff said, they- they believed stiff. when he’d told them what to do. when she’d showed them the safest routes. no- no, stiff wouldn’t- they couldn’t- “they did.” wren whispers, broken. “ah, there we go.” wren whips around, too weak to stand, baring their teeth at the voice- at stiff. at the enemy. “you were always too suspicious.” stiff says, almost bored. “you, with your books, and your enchanting table, and your cafe.” “why.” wren rasps. “why me. why us.” stiff grins, and wren almost flinches. because it’s not twisted, or unnatural, or wrong; it’s stiff’s voice, it’s stiff’s mannerisms, it’s stiff’s smile. it’s all, irrefutably, undeniably, unequivocally stiff. and that is possibly the worst thing it could be. “because it was funny!” she says cheerfully. “you guys- you’re so gullible! y’know, I love that about this group—you’re all so trusting.” “you did this to me- what, for a laugh?” wren spits. “yeah, pretty much.” stiff shrugs. “it was worth it though. oh, look at your face!” “i’ll tell them.” wren says. “you know that.” stiff waves their hand. “well… you would! if you could, that is.” wren stares at him. “what do you mean.” “who do you think spread the spores in here?” stiff moves towards wren, slowly, as if they have all the time in the world. “you can’t stand, wren, and you really haven’t been here for that long.”
wren’s breath sticks in their throat, and they almost choke. “oh, and see- there’s one thing about sculk,” stiff crouches in front of wren. “and it’s that—you really do not want it in your blood.” before wren has any chance to react, stiff grabs them by the neck and yanks them bodily forward. he slides out a knife from a pocket on their shirt, and wren tries to pull away, but stiff’s grip is vicelike. “don’t worry,” stiff smiles, holding it against their fur. “this will only hurt a lot.” wren screams as stiff slices through their skin. before the blood even has time to seep out, a cold pierces the wound, and wren stares at the ever-smiling stiff. “why.” they manage, voice barely a whisper as the sculk invades their cardiovascular system—an ice cold blade deactivating any defence their body might have. “do I need a reason?” stiff shrugs, dropping their neck and leaving them in a pile on the floor. “is ‘for fun’ not good enough?” “you.. were my- my friend.” wren hisses, half blinded by the pain. stiff laughs, something wren used to associate with sunlight and blossoms and wheat. “no, I wasn’t.”
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xzazu2002 · 2 years
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adventure break <3
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crimsonsunrise · 2 months
preemptive souma love posting bc technically it’s already his birthday and i love him so much
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fraosinfandoms · 3 months
Sometimes I wish that the smp I'm on with my friend(s) was really popular and that people drew fanart of it and wrote fanfiction of it. i'd be so delighted to read fanfiction abt my own characters from strangers on the internet
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pegasister60 · 1 year
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It me!!! :D
If Pom Pom could be half as epic as Arrow Guy that’d make her day. What she lacks in the obsessive placement she makes up for in well-drawn signs and efficiency.
She also has a running tally of how many times she puts up a sign and almost immediately sees the Project Armstrong Ambassdor rush past, completely ignoring it. She’s watched him run off ledges like a cartoon character at least twelve times now and it’s stopped being alarming and circled back around to being funny.
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eyelessfog · 1 year
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My brother got me sick
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htodinth · 1 year
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Drew some barely-disguised fursona OCs (starring the bf @shanghai-ohmy) for valentines... Nothing tragic ever happens to them!☺️❤️
To Orion From Alder
Dear, our love is so star-crossed.
I haven't checked the dictionary, but Romeo & Juliet was about the power of love & being destined to be together, right?
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autizta · 1 year
I am looking into the eyes of my beloved followers and mutuals and friends we are making eye contact now and deep into my eyes you can see my soul is full of hopes and dreams, carried through me for the generations that have been and are to come.
And all I have to say is one question, one question I ask and I need you all to answer.
Do you guys wanna join me and my throuple's discord server where we have a little minecraft smp thing we are doing and roleplay and stuff?
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ssoliv · 7 months
"the warden is a trans masc he/him butch lesbian and i want him carnally" is something i never thought would come out of my mouth, however, playing the craft of the mines with my best friend makes for iconic quotes
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