#we in general need more examples of humans and cybertronians telling each other that their species are amazing
This comes from my usual rescue bots plotline but I feel like we need more examples of humans openly simping for cybertronians and admitting they're very attractive to them.
We got June, yes, but we need more.
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olivia200312 · 4 years
(Series) Clingy~ TFP! Orion Pax x Human! Reader
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Plot: Since Optimus Prime is Orion Pax to have a break from being a leader, Y/N is surprised by how Orion is more clingy than Optimus.
Get ready for the cuteness! Also, the series is meant that I will make different fun one-shots of Optimus Prime, who is on the break. I have some ideas that will belong to the series. It's like from the one-shot series, Mini-Prime. If you see (Series), then it belongs that you're reading Orion Pax, who is on the break from being Optimus Prime. Stay tuned for more cute (Series) Orion Pax!
Head area:
Brain: Processor / Brain Module
Head: Helm
Face: Face plate
Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials
Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor
Eye brow: Optical Ridge
Eyes: Optics
Mouth: Intake
Lips: Dermas
Teeth: Denta/Dentas
Tongue: Glossa
Chest area:
Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity
Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula
Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour:
Chest plate
Back plate
Mid-section plating
Neck guard
Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus
Forearms: Bitarlueus
Hands: Servos
Fingers: Digits
Arm armour:
Shoulder pads
Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis
Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate
Thighs: Tibulen
Calves: Cadulen
Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour:
Skirt plates
Aft plate / Skid plate
Thigh guard
Ankle guard
General/Internal components:
Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question.
Veins: Fual lines
Stomach: Tanks
Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating.
Heart: Spark
Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark
T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Note: the art goes to the artist!
Everyone decided, including the kids, that Optimus Prime needs a break from being a leader. Ultra Magnus decided to take Optimus' place over until his break is over. He is the commander after all of the Autobots. Wheeljack doesn't like the idea at all. He isn't fond of Ultra Magnus. He's just way too much strict and demands to be called 'Sir' as well. Jeez, take a chill pill, Magnus.
Y/N and Optimus are a couple for almost a year now so they're glued to each other. Wherever you are, they're there together, either hugging, kissing, holding hands, cuddling, and even making-out. Ratchet even caught them once and this is what he said: "Get a fragging room! I'm not prepared to be a grandsire or uncle yet!"
That embarrassed Optimus and Y/N a lot. Sure, they do want a family one day, but only when the war is over one day. Ratchet is old after all so that's why he said 'grandsire'. It literally means grandpa in human language. The grumpy medic can also play a role as an uncle since he's Optimus' best friend. An old best friend since Cybertron. Miko sometimes teases Y/N.
Ratchet build a special machine gun, a safe one. He'll use it to transform Optimus back to Orion Pax. He can use it of course to bring Optimus Prime back but only when he and others feel like the break is over.
Y/N honestly got excited at the thought that she'll spend with Orion Pax instead of Optimus Prime. He did tell her stories about who he was back then before being a Prime, where he worked, and other fun stuff. She's excited to see Orion. She heard stories that he was a cute, shy, and quiet data clerk at the time. He worked once at the Hall of Records.
Everyone gathered around, including Agent Fowler and June Darby. Optimus left a small kiss on Y/N's forehead, causing her to smile shyly.
"Let's begin. Optimus, please stand in the middle," Ratchet instructed as he held the gun machine.
Optimus did as told while Ratchet explained to him what will happen. It will luckily not hurt but it will tickle. Also, the Matrix of Leadership will be activated offline while it will stay inside of him. It's in fact guarding his spark.
"Understood, old friend. Let's start."
Ratchet then aimed at him and shot. Greenlight surrounded Optimus and it did tickle. He felt then transformed. It took 10 seconds and then it is done. Everyone uncovered their eyes and optics since it is bright light after all, very disturbing for the eyes. Wear sunglasses next time.
Y/N gasped when she saw Orion Pax instead of Optimus Prime. He looks so cute! Instead of having a very well build strong frame, he looks adorable! Look at his shoulderplates for example!
The humans, including Y/N, stared with amazement while the Bots smiled. Ratchet chuckled. "Humans, meet Orion Pax. He's Optimus Prime."
Everyone is busy with their jobs and they let Orion and Y/N be. Orion is so much different than Optimus! Both of them look so innocent, yes, but Orion looks more innocent! The clerk gave non-stop kisses and cuddles. When he found out that he has a bipedal holofom, this is what he did:
"Yes, Ori?"
"Can we please cuddle and kiss?"
Y/N giggled at how precious Orion is, causing his cheekplate to flush blue. She wrapped her arms around his neck cables. "Yes, Orion. We can cuddle and kiss whenever you want."
Orion couldn't help but smile like a doofus and picked her up bridal style, causing her to yelp playfully. When they were in bed, Orion cuddled her for HOURS! He even stole a lof kisses and asked questions. He even once asked about were human babies come from. That flustered Y/N a lot.
"Why are you so cute, Y/N?"
Y/N blushed. "I... I don't know."
"How did I get so lucky to have you?"
Y/N couldn't help but giggle, causing the clerk to smile. "You're so adorable." He then left soft kisses and rubs her back. Y/N couldn't help but sigh in a bliss. She rubs his help, causing him to purr.
Later that day, Orion got called to help something quick with Ratchet and Y/N went to walk around in the base garage. Ever since the first base got destroyed by the Decepticons, Agent Fowler luckily found a new one to use. Optimus got seriously injured and he kinda died but Smokescreen brought him back by Ultra Magnus' hammer. Optimus Prime transformed into 2.0. How cool is that?
Y/N just entered the main room until she felt someone cling into her, causing the human girl to stop in her tracks. She looks over her shoulder and saw Orion clinging to her from behind. He also nuzzled non-stop into her.
Y/N giggled while blushing. "What are you doing?"
"I will not let you go. I want to be with you forever," Orion said in a cute tone while blushing a lot.
Everyone smiled and laughed, even Ratchet and Ultra Magnus. They just found it funny how Orion is clinging to Y/N for dear life!
"Can we please cuddle, Y/N?" Orion asked.
"Oh, boy... Sure, Orion!"
Y/N walked back to their berthroom, with Orion not letting her go at all.
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81scorp · 4 years
Constructive criticism: Transformers 2
(Originally posted as an editorial on Deviantart Apr 24, 2015. It has not been changed from how I originally wrote it.)
Before I go into Transformers 2 I want to talk about the X-Men and Spider-man movie that came out in the early 2000`s.
Spider-man and X-Men are in my opinion a good start. Not just to the whole "let`s try to make a serious comicbook superhero movie and not turn it into a big, campy, live-action saturday morning cartoon joke" genre, but to their own, respective movie franchises as well.
"What about The Crow and Blade?"
Yes, those were good, serious comicbook movies but they didnt start a big, new wave of good comicbook superhero movies, they were more of a prologue.As I was saying: X-men and Spider-man were a good start for their movie franchises. They weren`t perfect. The filmmakers were a little new to the universe and how to translate it into something more cinematic, but it worked well enough. In the sequels things worked a little better. The directors, writers and actors had gotten more familiar with the characters, the world they lived in and things seemed to work smoother. Not just in how close it was to the material they were adapting but in general. Then they screwed it up in the third movie.This is kinda how I feel about the first Transformers movie. The first one was a good start. It made sense how we in the beginning spent more time with the humans and didn`t get to the Autobots until a little later, and I liked most of the humor.
Though I think it would have been better without the scene where Bumblebee urinates on Agent Simmons. Just saying.
And in hindsight they could have dialed down the male gazing too. But unlike Spider-man and X-men, Transformers decided not to take what it had learned from it`s first experience and see if it could do better. No, instead Michael Bay and friends said: "Why wait for the third movie? Let`s screw it up now!" And so they did, and people still paid money to see it, myself included. Yes, I am ashamed. And yes, I know, the script was written during the writer`s strike and it`s possible that Michael Bay was involved in writing it but, come on! Even if you haven`t read books on script writing you can still see that the dumb decisions that they made were really dumb decisions!
Though in defense of Michael Bay, from what I`ve heard, he wanted to do a personal pet project after Tranformers, but was contractually obligated to do a sequel if it did well enough at the box office. Maybe he knew it was bad and screwed it up on purpose so he wouldn`t have to do more Transformers? That`s just wild speculations from me though. Let us, in my very subjective editorial, see where it went wrong and how it could have been fixed.
SPOILERS in disguise The Male gazing
They could have dialed it down or removed it completely.
I get why he was mute and talked through soundclips in the first movie, because his voice thingy was damaged  and also so he could be a sympathetic character for the audience. But why didn`t he talk in this movie? His voice came back in the end of the first one. Heaven forbid he actually has any character developement. He could have talked, he just doesn`t have to talk that much. And he could still use soundclips sometimes when he feels it suits the situation. Like: when they`re about to enter a dangerous place he could use the "I´ve got a bad feeling about this" line from Starwars. And then there`s the scene where he cries like a sprinkler when Sam tells him he can`t follow him to college. Yes, I get it, they wanted to have some comedy, but they could have done that better. They could have done it like this: When Sam says to Bumblebee that he can`t come, his reaction could be "Oh... OK, I... I understand." But by the tone of his voice and body language we can tell that this saddens him. And when Sam goes away Bumblebee could play "All by myself" on his radio.
Giving Bumblebee such exaggerated, emotional reactions just makes me feel that Bay only thinks of the Transformers as silly, one dimensional, cartoon characters. Disney characters (in good Disney movies at least), The Transformers in the cartoon and the ponies in My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic have a little bit more depth than Bay`s Transformers.
Covering up the events that happened in the first movie
I can believe that such a thing could happen in the Men In Black universe where they can erase memories and stuff, but in this movie? Instead: the army`s official story to the public could be: "Yes, this battle did happen but now all the giant robots (both the good and the evil ones) have disappeared. We don`t know where yet, but we`re working on it."
Mikaela detailing the motorcycle
Yes, Megan Fox is a physically attractive woman, but that is pretty much it, and this scene is, besides pandering to horny teenage boys, also a big research failure from the filmmakers. That`s not how you detail a motorcycle, it is usually done with more protective clothing. So either:
A: have her detail a motorcycle the correct way, or
B: have her change the oil or look at the engine of a car.
Skids and Mudflap
Sigh... these guys. One stupid, racist caricature wasn`t enough, there had to be TWO. They already had Bumblebee with them on their journey so they only needed one of these guys, it would be less work for the animators and should also make it cheaper. Instead of being a stupid idiot he (since there is only one of them now in this hypothetical example) could be a competent warrior and the comedy could come from that he has gotten a few expressions and a few facts about earth wrong. For instance: when they get to the pyramids he could say: "So this is where Lenin is buried" (Lenin was mummified after his death after all). And here`s a funny exchange of words they could have in one scene:
Skids/Mudflap: Let`s kick some Donkey!
Sam or Mikaela: I think you mean "Ass".
Skids/Mudflap: Meh, Tomayto, Potahto. And instead of being illiterate: he couldn`t read the text because it was ancient cybertronian.
There are female autobots in this movie. Not many though and they don`t have much screen time (About 39 seconds, less than a minute, out of the movie`s 2½ hours runningtime. And that includes scenes where they are in their motorbike forms doing nothing.) and one dies near the end. (If I`m not mistaken there were more than one in the beginning of the movie, but I don`t remember seeing the other female autobots in the rest of the movie and I don`t remember if
anything was mentioned about what happened to them.) Arcee appeared in eight episodes in the cartoon  BTW.Arcee should have had more screentime, and she didn`t have to die in the end. Personally I wouldn`t mind if it was she that joined Sam, Mikaela, Bumblebee and Leo on their journey to the pyramids instead of Skids/Mudflap.
Inconsistent laws of physics
A while ago I watched a video where some guy listed things he hated about this movie. One of them was a scene where a helicopter carries Optimus Prime`s lifeless body and drops it on the ground like a giant pile of scrapmetal. He felt that this was Bay being completely disrespectful to the character. Personally I thought Bay just wanted to bring in in a little realism. Prime was heavy and those wires couldn`t keep him up forever. However, earlier in the movie Sam is being thrown around by Decepticons and falls from heights that would have killed an ordinary human. If you`re gonna have realistic (or at least believable) laws of physics in your movie, keep them consistent.
The Big giant fight near the end between the humans and the Decepticons
It went on a bit too long. It could have been shorter and some of that time could have been given to Prime`s battle with the fallen, which was a little too short.
The immature humor
There are a bunch of things that I`d like to collect in one common category.
Sam`s mom running around high on campus: While I`m OK with the scene where she mentions that someone offered her brownies, the scene that comes after where she attacks/tries to get a piggyback ride from someone on the school`s lawn just felt like an unnecessary stretch of that gag. Lose it.
The dogs humping each other: Was not necessary in a 2½ hours long film that cost 200 million $ to make. Lose it.
Wheelie humping Mikaela`s leg: Instead he could have rubbed his head against her leg like a cat, and her reaction could have been flattered, yet weirded out. Or: she could be just weirded out. Or: just lose this joke completely.
Leo running out from the bathroom with his pants down: Instead he could run out (with his pants on) and shout:"I need your help! My friend just fainted in the bathroom!" (Yes, I know, the museum was closed so he`d very likely still get arrested, but still.)
Jetfire: I`m OK with him being old, but does he have to be a caricature? And I`d lose the parachute fart joke.
Devastator`s "balls": Lose it!
Robot heaven
The Autobots are not biological beings but they are sentient so I could buy this, but it was introduced very late in the movie. Instead: Sam doesn`t have a near death experience and the matrix doesn`t have to crumble to dust in his hands earlier in the movie. (Thus shortening the long running time by at least a few minutes.)
-Transformers Dark of the Moon-
My brother rented it on DVD and I gave it a watch. Slightly better than Revenge of the fallen but still not that good. Giant robots was not enough to distract me from the movie`s Bay-isms. Can`t really come up with ideas of how I would have changed it except two things:
Bumblebee`s voice
Like I said, his voice was fixed so why keep the soundclip thing? In the scene where he says Goodbye to Sam he could have done it in his original voice since it was an important moment for at least one of them.
Sam clearly acting suspicious when the watch-decepticon takes over his body
Like when he summersaults over a table for comedic effect. Was that really necessary? He could have acted normally and, at most, only have a few facial tics.
And that`s my list.
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Covid~ TFP! Optimus x Sick! Human! Reader *Request*
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Requested by the lovely @StardustUltima
Plot: Hi, there! Idk if you're still taking requests, but could you do a TFP Optimus x Sick! Reader where the reader gets Covid and is sick? I just got Covid and am a little bummed out cuz I had to leave the camp I was at. It's totally alright if you don't want to write this. I won't judge! Thank you!
Sorry that you have Covid, requester. It must suck. But I hope that you're feeling better. Many people survived.
Note: the art goes to the owner!
Head area: Brain: Processor / Brain Module Head: Helm Face: Face plate Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor Eye brow: Optical Ridge Eyes: Optics Mouth: Intake Lips: Dermas Teeth: Denta/Dentas Tongue: Glossa
Chest area: Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour: Chest plate Back plate Mid-section plating Neck guard Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus Forearms: Bitarlueus Hands: Servos Fingers: Digits
Arm armour: Gantlets Shoulder pads Arm guard
Lower area: Pelvis: Pelvis Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate Thighs: Tibulen Calves: Cadulen Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour: Skirt plates Aft plate / Skid plate Thigh guard Ankle guard
General/Internal components: Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question. Veins: Fual lines Stomach: Tanks Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating. Heart: Spark Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Y/N let out a sneeze again and covered her mouth with her elbow because she coughed. She's been feeling ill for the past few days, almost a week! One day, she suddenly started to cough and the next thing she knew, she sneezed! It got worse that she started to feel ill and hot!
A year ago, a new virus broke out. It broke out in China but no one knew what that new virus was. When someone died, it was so unexpected and unknown what the cause was until the scientists found out that it's a new virus that caused it. They named it Covid-19 or just coronavirus. It belongs to the family of other coronaviruses. There are some other coronaviruses and some of them are dangerous but the new Covid-19... it's getting serious. More deaths came in, people stayed home, kids can't go to school.
In other countries, they started a search on how to protect yourself from the new virus if it arrives in their country. They found good tips like washing your hands, stay home if you feel sick, stay away from the crowds, wear a mask, and stay like 1.5 meters away so respect the distance. Soon, the virus arrived in other countries. In the beginning, China and Italy are the most damaged countries because of how many deaths are reported. Some countries had the virus under control but they lost control and it got worse.
It got so worse that schools closed down, many adults lost their jobs, ... Worse, kids are starting to get infected and they had to stay home. Doctors are doing their best to save people but the people who have illnesses, they're higher victims to die, including kids. It's honestly so depressing. The virus spread in Jasper Nevada and some people got infected. Jack, Miko, and Raf wore masks when they were outside or in school. Y/N followed the rules as well! But, the bad luck arrived and... she got infected. She was now at her house, feeling hot and weak. She can't go to school or else she'll infect others. Jack, Miko, and Raf had to get tested since they had close contact with her. None of them got the virus. Lucky them. June Darby, Jack's mother, is a nurse, and let's just say that ever since the virus arrived in Jasper, she had to work for HOURS! Many doctors and nurses fainted from exhaustion.
Y/N tried her best to take care of herself, to get herself strong again since her body is fighting against the virus. If the scientists found a vaccine already, then they will inject many people. Yes, even if it doesn't protect yourself 100%, your body will recognize very fast when there's a virus inside. If the body starts to fight soon as possible, you have a higher chance of getting healed.
Oh, yeah. Ever since Y/N got the virus, Jack, Miko, and Raf got worried sick about their friend. Y/N couldn't even go to the base! She refused since she doesn't want to get others infected. The Autobots did notice that people wore masks whenever they are in public and they heard about the virus but they got worried when Y/N didn't show up for a week. They got the answer why.
Jack, Miko, and Raf were at the base. When they arrived, they took their masks off. Thye breathed in relief since the masks are so irritated to wear!
"Finally off with the masks!" Miko shouted.
Ratchet, the medic of the Autobots, got annoyed and a bit mad when he heard Miko's loud annoying voice again. He looks over his shoulderplate. "Will you quiet down?! I'm trying to work!"
"Jeez, sorry, doc," Miko grumbled.
Ratchet let out an annoyed sigh and continued to work  He seriously likes to be called by his name, not anything else!
That's when the others came, including Optimus, fragging handsome leader. The Prime then noticed that Y/N was not around again, which got him immediately worried. "Where's Y/N?"
Jack, Miko, and Raf looked sad. They knew the truth, of course since they're humans... Humans can get infected with the new coronavirus. All bots saw their sad expressions. It gave them a sign that something horrible happened.
"Y/N is at her home. You all heard about the new virus, right?"
Everyone at the base nodded.
"Y/N is... infected with the virus. She has a high temperature and is not allowed to leave home."
Optimus couldn't believe what he heard in his audio receptors. His human got infected? Yes, he calls Y/N his human. They're not together, but they both are crushing on each other. He couldn't help but be worried sick about her. You know what? He didn't care anymore what others will say. He ran through the exit and transformed into his semi-truck form. That's when he drove off.
"Wait, where's Optimus going?! Miko asked in shock.
Ratchet showed a little smile while his back is turned. He's proud of his old friend because he's going to help her. He also knows that he's going to transfer her here to the base so that Ratchet can keep an optic on her health. He may not found the cure like how the human scientists are doing now, but he knows how to take of the patients, to make sure that they're strong. In secret, he cares a lot about his loved ones, even his human friends. Nice thing from him, right? "He's going to help her."
At Y/N~
Y/N sneezed again and coughed. She grabbed a tissue from the box and blew. Once she's done, she threw it right in the trashcan. Goal. She really wants to feel better again. It sucks! She let out a weak sigh and that's when her door to the garden opened. That perked her up in alarm. She quickly grabbed a wooden chair and slowly crept to the kitchen, scared and weak. She raised the chair and that's when she was about to swing but a certain familiar servo caught it in time.
"You should be in berth, Y/N."
"O-Optimus?! Oh, gosh... I'm so s-sorry! I thought you were a burglar!" She quickly dropped the chair.
Optimus let out a chuckle and smiled softly. He was in his bipedal holoform and he hid his truck nearby. He doesn't want to attract any Decepticons. His optics filled with sadness, worry, and sympathy when he saw her condition. He looks very weak. She seriously needs help. That's when he picked her up, causing her to yelp and clutch into the Prime for dear life. But when she felt how cold he is, she pressed herself against him.
"I'm bringing you to the base to the base, Y/N. I worry about your condition."
Y/N couldn't help but squeal inside by how cute Optimus is when he worries. She wanted nothing but to kiss him and tell him that she'll be ok. But she nodded her head weakly against his cold metal chassis. That's when she felt sot dermas press against her forehead. Aaaw, Optimus kissed her forehead! But can Cybertronians get infected with human, viruses? Now that worries her the most. "O-Optimus, please let me go!"
Optimus looks worried. "May I ask why?"
"Y-You'll... get infected with my virus!" That's when she burst into tears and cried. She looks away while crying, causing Optimus's spark to shatter. She was scared that he'll get infected with human sicknesses? He couldn't help but looks so lovingly that he made her turn her head gently and that's when he kissed her warm cheek. "We Cybertronians do not get infected with humans sicknesses."
"Yes, Y/N. But I'm very worried about your health. Ratchet will help you."
Y/N nodded weakly and snuggled close against his cold metal. Optimus frowned since he's worried and walked out through the backdoor towards his truck that was hiding. He'll get her stuff later or send one of his teammates to get it. He gently laid Y/N down on the seats and then went in as well.
At the base~
Optimus parked and transformed, causing Y/N to be on his servo. He looks so soft at her weak body. He then walked to Ratchet. "Old friend."
Ratchet turned around and when he saw Y/N, his optics widen. "By the AllSpark, lay her down on the medical berth."
Optimus did as told and Ratchet started doing different tests. At least it was not painful, but it's some of them were unpleasant like, for example, a long then stick where it enters your nose and is like touching your brain! When the tests are finally over, Ratchet held a datapad and looked serious. "Her body is very weak and needs a lot of vitamins in order to make the chance of defeating the virus higher. She needs to drink a lot of water and eat 3 fruits per day."
Optimus nodded. "Thank you, Ratchet."
"Make sure that she has plenty of rest. I'll make sure that the children stay away for their safety. I'll come to check on her health every 3 megacycles (hours)."
Optimus nodded again, gently picked the weak human up, and walked towards his berthroom. The Bots are lucky that they can visit Y/N without a single problem but Jack, Miko, and Raf have to stay away. Optimus entered his room and closed the door behind him. He then laid Y/N down on his berth. He watched her breath for a moment, then he transformed small. He laid down next to Y/N and pressed against her body. Y/N snuggled against him and opened her eyes tiredly. Optimus gave her a soft and soothing smile as he pressed his dermas against her soft lips. Y/N responded by kissing him back happily.
When the kiss was over, Optimus spooned her. "I'll make sure that you're strong again, Y/N."
Y/N smiled while enjoying her sweet cuddles with her new boyfriend. Optimus continued to spoon her and leaving soft kisses on her.
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