#we just got a bill for over 700€ for electricity. it's got two months of charge that it shouldn't
deplcythebattery · 2 months
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phroyd · 3 years
Charlie Watts, whose strong but unflashy drumming powered the Rolling Stones for over 50 years, died on Tuesday in London. He was 80.
His death, in a hospital, was announced by his publicist, Bernard Doherty. No other details were immediately provided.
The Rolling Stones announced earlier this month that Mr. Watts would not be a part of the band’s forthcoming “No Filter” tour of the United States after he had undergone an unspecified emergency medical procedure, which the band’s representatives said had been successful.
Reserved, dignified and dapper, Mr. Watts was never as flamboyant, either onstage or off, as most of his rock-star peers, let alone the Stones’ lead singer, Mick Jagger; he was content to be one of the finest rock drummers of his generation, playing with a jazz-inflected swing that made the band’s titanic success possible. As the Stones guitarist Keith Richards said in his 2010 autobiography, “Life,” “Charlie Watts has always been the bed that I lie on musically.”
While some rock drummers chased after volume and bombast, Mr. Watts defined his playing with subtlety, swing and a solid groove.“As much as Mick’s voice and Keith’s guitar, Charlie Watts’s snare sound is the Rolling Stones,” Bruce Springsteen wrote in an introduction to the 1991 edition of the drummer Max Weinberg’s book “The Big Beat.” “When Mick sings, ‘It’s only rock ’n’ roll but I like it,’ Charlie’s in back showing you why!”Charles Robert Watts was born in London on June 2, 1941. His mother, the former Lillian Charlotte Eaves, was a homemaker; his father, Charles Richard Watts, was in the Royal Air Force and, after World War II, became a truck driver for British Railways.Charlie’s first instrument was a banjo, but, baffled by the fingerings required to play it, he removed the neck and converted its body into a snare drum. He discovered jazz when he was 12 and soon became a fan of Miles Davis, Duke Ellington and Charles Mingus.By 1960, Mr. Watts had graduated from the Harrow School of Art and found work as a graphic artist for a London advertising agency. He wrote and illustrated “Ode to a Highflying Bird,” a children’s book about the jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker (although it was not published until 1965). In the evenings, he played drums with a variety of groups.
Most of them were jazz combos, but he was also invited to join Alexis Korner’s raucous rhythm-and-blues collective, Blues Incorporated. Mr. Watts declined the invitation because he was leaving England to work as a graphic designer in Scandinavia, but he joined the group when he returned a few months later.
The newly formed Rolling Stones (then called the Rollin’ Stones) knew they needed a good drummer but could not afford Mr. Watts, who was already drawing a regular salary from his various gigs. “We starved ourselves to pay for him!” Mr. Richards wrote. “Literally. We went shoplifting to get Charlie Watts.”In early 1963, when they could finally guarantee five pounds a week, Mr. Watts joined the band, completing the canonical lineup of Mr. Richards, Mr. Jagger, the guitarist Brian Jones, the bassist Bill Wyman and the pianist Ian Stewart. He moved in with his bandmates and immersed himself in Chicago blues records.In the wake of the Beatles’ success, the Rolling Stones quickly climbed from being an electric-blues specialty act to one of the biggest bands in the British Invasion of the 1960s. While Mr. Richards’s guitar riff defined the band’s most famous single, the 1965 chart-topper “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction,” Mr. Watts’s drum pattern was just as essential. He was relentless on “Paint It Black” (No. 1 in 1966), supple on “Ruby Tuesday” (No. 1 in 1967) and the master of a funky cowbell groove on “Honky Tonk Women” (No. 1 in 1969).
Mr. Watts was ambivalent about the fame that he achieved as a member of the group that has often been called “the world’s greatest rock ’n’ roll band.” As he said in the 2003 book “According to the Rolling Stones”: “I loved playing with Keith and the band — I still do — but I wasn’t interested in being a pop idol sitting there with girls screaming. It’s not the world I come from. It’s not what I wanted to be, and I still think it’s silly.”
As the Stones rolled through the years, Mr. Watts drew on his graphic-arts background to contribute to the design of the band’s stage sets, merchandise and album covers — he even contributed a comic strip to the back cover of their 1967 album “Between the Buttons.” While the Stones cultivated bad-boy images and indulged a collective appetite for debauchery, Mr. Watts mostly eschewed the sex and drugs. He clandestinely married Shirley Anne Shepherd, an art-school student and sculptor, in 1964.
On tour, he would go back to his hotel room alone; every night, he sketched his lodgings. “I’ve drawn every bed I’ve slept in on tour since 1967,” he told Rolling Stone magazine in 1996. “It’s a fantastic nonbook.”Similarly, while other members of the Stones battled for control of the band, Mr. Watts largely stayed out of the internal politics. As he told The Weekend Australian in 2014, “I’m usually mumbling in the background.”Mr. Jones, who considered himself the leader, was fired from the Stones in 1969 (and found dead in his swimming pool soon after). Mr. Jagger and Mr. Richards spent decades at loggerheads, sometimes making albums without being in the studio at the same time. Mr. Watts was happy to work with either, or both.
“Never call me your drummer again,” he told Mr. Jagger, before grabbing him by the lapel and delivering a right hook. Mr. Richards said he narrowly saved Mr. Jagger from falling out a window into an Amsterdam canal.“It’s not something I’m proud of doing, and if I hadn’t been drinking I would never have done it,” Mr. Watts said in 2003. “The bottom line is, don’t annoy me.”At the time, Mr. Watts was in the early stages of a midlife crisis that manifested itself as a two-year bender. Just as the other Stones were settling into moderation in their 40s, he got hooked on amphetamines and heroin, nearly destroying his marriage. After passing out in a recording studio and breaking his ankle when he fell down a staircase, he quit, cold turkey.Mr. Watts and his wife had a daughter, Seraphina, in 1968 and, after spending some time in France as tax exiles, relocated to a farm in southwestern England. There they bred prizewinning Arabian horses, gradually expanding their stud farm to over 250 horses on 700 acres of land. Information on his survivors was not immediately available. Mr. Doherty, the publicist, said Mr. Watts had “passed away peacefully” in the hospital “surrounded by his family.”
Eventually the Stones settled into a cycle of releasing an album every four years, followed by an extremely lucrative world tour. (They grossed over a half-billion dollars between 2005 and 2007 on their “Bigger Bang” tour.)But Mr. Watts’s true love remained jazz, and he would fill the time between those tours with jazz groups of various sizes — the Charlie Watts Quintet, the Charlie Watts Tentet, the Charlie Watts Orchestra. Soon enough, though, he would be back on the road with the Stones, playing in sold-out arenas and sketching beds in empty hotel rooms.He was not slowed down by old age, or by a bout with throat cancer in 2004. In 2016, the drummer Lars Ulrich of Metallica told Billboard that since he wanted to keep playing into his 70s, he looked to Mr. Watts as his role model. “The only road map is Charlie Watts,” he said.Through it all, Mr. Watts kept on keeping time on a simple four-piece drum kit, anchoring the spectacle of the Rolling Stones.“I’ve always wanted to be a drummer,” he told Rolling Stone in 1996, adding that during arena rock shows, he imagined a more intimate setting. “I’ve always had this illusion of being in the Blue Note or Birdland with Charlie Parker in front of me. It didn’t sound like that, but that was the illusion I had.”
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maryellencarter · 3 years
Okay kids, buckle up. I need money again (for the last time, pray god), but at least this time I have a fucking story to go with it.
Short version: My landlord is illegally trying to evict me and I just had to drop $60 on court costs to fight it. That's $60 that was going to pay for either my meds or the electric bill, take your pick. So I really need donations to get by for the next two weeks, after which I should be settling in at a much more mentally healthy job and in good shape. My Paypal is [email protected] and my Ko-fi is here. Thank you so much for anything you can contribute!
Long version:
So the last three months I've been off work due to a mental health breakdown. July and August, I haven't been able to pay my rent. I applied for rent assistance right away in late June, and emailed my landlord's office all the paperwork for both the rent assistance and the CDC Declaration of eligibility for the Eviction Moratorium -- the thing where if you're poor enough you can't get evicted during the pandemic because you would have to go to a shelter or a crowded living situation and be at risk for the Covid.
Middle of July, I received a *backdated* notice that if I didn't provide proof of rent assistance application, I was going to be filed against for eviction. Okay, there's a new property manager, maybe the filing got mixed up, so I go down and re-email all the paperwork and make sure the property manager sees it arrive in the email.
Beginning of August, I get a notice from the rent assistance people that the CDC has extended the moratorium for places in a high surge status, which I am in one, so I fill out and forward the newest eviction protection form which should cover me till October 3, and go down to speak to the property manager about it, when again I am assured that everything is on file.
Middle of August, two months after filing my request for rent assistance, I finally hear from a caseworker who says "send me your paperwork". I jubilantly send all the paperwork, go down to give my property manager the good news, and also -- see, I don't have a lease for September yet. I was offered one back in July, but I didn't want to sign anything until I knew what my situation was going to be with regard to rent assistance and paydays. So I brought down the paper that said "yes I am signing here to officially agree to the new lease you offered, please print the new lease so I can sign it officially", and handed it to the property manager as well.
Now, I have about $700 of late fees for July and August. This is legal under the eviction moratorium and I have understood from the beginning that I would have to pay them. My first paycheck back to work comes in this Friday, and when I went to request the new lease I had planned to discuss a payment arrangement as well, figuring I could pay about $600 on Friday and the rest in two weeks, based on my projected paycheck.
("Taught myself payroll tax law in order to predict my paychecks" should definitely be on my resume somewhere. I just haven't figured out where.)
But, dear readers, when I went down to drop off the form, there was some other client or resident in the office, so I didn't get to discuss a payment arrangement. No big deal, I figured. I'd discuss it when I heard that my lease was ready to sign.
Instead, last Tuesday, I was woken up at nine sharp by a process server with an eviction summons for me. Thank fuck, I've spent the last two weeks having a technical issue at work that's kept me getting paid but off the phones, because I was in no state to talk to people that day. Eventually I pulled myself together, broke out the legalese close-reading skills, and discovered that the summons includes one particular line item which (I hope and pray) indicates They Done Fucked Up.
This summons, ladies and gentlethem, includes the line item "The Plaintiff has not received an executed copy of the Declaration form as of the date of this filing pursuant to the CDC Order dated September 1, 2020."
Well, gentle readers, I was and am *pissed off*. I keep providing documentation to these fuckers and they keep misplacing it, and now they're getting me involved with The Legal System. I *hate* being anywhere near the legal system. I have massive PTSD triggers from being raised by an evil ADA. But by god, I speak legalese as my first language, and I am not going down without a fight.
So, not being able to get in touch with anyone to provide legal aid or assistance, I spent last Thursday trundling around downtown in decaying shoes and 105° heat, getting court paperwork printed and duplicated and filed and mailed. I dropped about $60 I hadn't planned to spend on court filing fees and certified mail costs and the actual baseline printing costs of all the documentation I needed to provide.
I did get two pieces of good luck that day. One, I finally heard back from my case manager saying that the rent assistance money for my landlord only has to go through one more person who will double-check the numbers. It's supposed to get final approval sometime early this week.
Two, I got a job promotion I've been working toward for years. Well, side-motion, it doesn't come with a raise, but I already make $16+ an hour, over twice our federal minimum wage. What it does come with is, except in rare cases I never talk to callers, I just answer them in written messages. This should hopefully be a perfect job for me, and allow me to work a solid 40 hours a week and earn plenty of money.
The catch is... it's work-at-home only. If I get evicted and can't make it to training on Monday week, I'm fucked.
So. My eviction hearing is tomorrow. If and when the judge is like "okay if we let you sign a new 12-month lease and stay in your apartment, what is your repayment plan on your late fees", I plan to be like "Your Honor, I have a payday on Friday and I am prepared to provide the court a money order for the full $700 of late fees on that date which will bring me fully up to date".
I'll do it, too. The catch is, that'll leave me with something like $200 in the bank for the next two weeks, and I calculate I need about $100 for groceries, $80 for meds, $50 for electric, and $80 for the cell phone bill over that time period. These numbers don't add up. :P
Soooo, yeah. I'm having to spend about $160 I can't afford because my damn property manager is an idiot and can't fucking print and file my fucking legal declaration. I really hope the court throws the book at the corporation and nails them with those "up to $200,000 fines" for breaking the CDC moratorium, although I am dubious because courts like corporations much more than they like stout genderqueer individuals without legal representation, however white and erudite.
But mostly, I really hope I can stay in my apartment and also afford my meds for the next two weeks. My Paypal is [email protected] and my Ko-fi is here. If you can spare *anything*, even a dollar or three, it would help so much.
God, I'm so sick of having to beg for help every few weeks. I just really hope nothing else blows up in my face... :-(
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The biggest post yet: Analyzing a multipage story
Before I begin, I like to thank every follower so far and the ones who helped me over the course of the last weeks to build this tumblr up. This is for you and in a way the first test run for future, hopefully more elaborate reviews of Dobson’s comics. Hope you enjoy it and learn something.
Without further ado, ladys, gentlemen and the colorful rianbow inbetween, I present the unpublished “So you are a cartoonist?” story about the King of Queens trying to become a comic artist
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Okay, this is not quite right. What is going to happen is as followed:
A few years ago Dobson released via his patreon the unpublished sketches of a multipage comic story about the struggles of a webcomic artist by the name of Kevin James, with no relation to the famous comedian who as of recently is also playing a neo nazi in a supposedly pretty damn good home invasion movie.
What I want to do is now go through this comic and point out some of the flaws in the writing/progression, okay? Cause honestly, this is not going to be the worst thing Dobson ever published. But it unfortunately has more than a few little hiccups that show Dobson’s flaws when it comes to creating a story.
So off to the next pages
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Now as you can see, it is pretty obvious that the story is heading into a direction where Kevin seems to be a down on his luck creator. Having to work at the blandest named Burger Joint since Good Burger, with discount Doctor Wily as his manager and getting pretty little money into his account. Seriously, only 206 $ plus? I don’t know much about minimum wage in the states, but are you really getting that little even after taxes have been accounted for? Or is it likely Kevin is pretty deep into the reds and his deposit was even putting it into the plus again. If so… yaiks.
And now we are getting into the pages where a few slight problems may show up, depending on your own interpretation of things.
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 See, in my opinion it is obvious that we are meant to feel sorry for Kevin, cause he lost his minimum wage job now for simply being late. Something that can happen to all of us. And yeah, losing your job when you have not really much in the bank, that sucks. So I would wish for the character to get at least a new job soon. However, we also need to acknowledge that the manager is not in the wrong here. After all, Kevin supposedly has shown up late for work for some time and his excuse that he was late because he had to work on his comic is not reasonable. For a lack of a better word, making this comic is just his hobby, not his job. His job is to make burgers and sell them, because the manager of the burger joint is paying him for that. So excuse me if my sympathy is not that much with him
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Not really much to say here. I just want to point out two things: One, the countdown that showed up also in previous pages and goes further down the longer we get into the story, two that it actually may be a good thing that Dobson has not drawn the copy shop employee in more detail. Cause one thing I came to realize over time with Dobson is, that often times his sketches have more of a softness to them than the final product, where e.g. faces are more harsher and frankly, uglier than they need to be, in addition to being a bit oversaturated thanks to the colors. And with Dobson’s tendency to make also angry faces genuinely spiteful, I wonder if the copy shop owner would have come off in the final product as more “strawman mean” than necessary. Cause it is very obvious that “poor Kevin” seems to suffer from the indifferences of his environment.
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 One month since he was fired and one more month till we are in the present and he loses his electricity cause he has not paid his bills. And this is where I slightly start to lose my sympathy with the character. Again, it is obvious that the story wants us to feel bad for Kevin because he is down on his luck although all he wants to do is just create his comic.
But at the same time, only halfway through the comic I have to ask, how much of his shitty situation is not just him doing nothing against it?
I mean, he has obvious money issues, he can’t pay the electricity bill and he has been fired a month ago. Shouldn’t he at this point not have attempted yet to get a replacement job? Or ask for unemployment support? Do commission work for fans in exchange for money?
I am just saying, his woes become a bit less relatable if he does not really attempt to at least try and fix the situation.
And unfortunately, this development continues still
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 Gesh, this comic is really old when Kevin still owns a flip phone…
Also, I need to give his mom credit. 500$ send to her son so that he can pay his debts off and live well enough for a few days. Sorry, but 500$ is actually enough for me to live for a month and pay my groceries and major bills if I am careful enough. Lets hope Kevin is the same and that he looks out for a job
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 … nope, he does not look for a job. Two weeks after he got the money he still does not have a job to support himself and assure he has a roof over his head. In fact, he likely loses more money than he necessarily needs to by going to a diner.
Look, unlike other characters created by Dobson, I really do not hate Kevin. Primarily because he does not show any of the despicable or idiotic traits other characters by him do. But Kevin is not doing anything to improve his situation, period. And that is not really how you should write “down on their luck” characters, cause that doesn’t really make them sympathetic. The sympathy a reader gives those characters stems primarily from the fact, that though they really try their best, fate is not working into their favor for different reasons beyond their control. But here the problem is, that Kevin has to a certain degree control over his situation. He can decide what he wants to do with the money, he can decide to either do or not do anything to improve his situation at least slightly. And he doesn’t do anything.  
Dear lord, Kevin is essentially Dobson when it comes to the laters overall situation and how he does little to improve anything when he is stuck.
Then there is also the entire thing about the waitress calling Kevin’s work amazing. For starters, I kinda doubt that that in our modern day society and work environment her acting like that in front of a customer, even if the customer does not mind, would fly with her employer. After all, professionalism and all that. Next, her praise feels shallow. The typical cardboard speech praise checkmark lines you can give to any piece of work, that don’t really mean anything if you do not elaborate on what it really is you find amazing about the characters in terms of personality or what it is about the story that hits home (e.g. can you realte to the characters, are you genuinely thinking the story is funny etc)
In fact, what even is Kevin’s comic?
 I get that his work is not the center stage of this story, but think about it: we are supposed to think that Kevin is talented and that he needs his lucky break. But would his work even justify success and admiration? All we know is that the comic features a character called Kat (not really an original name) who for a lack of a better word and based on the sketch outline may just be the bastard offspring of Bubsy and Talus from Alex ze Pirate. And that is it. For all I know, and taking for shit and giggles a made up meta narrative into account, his work may actually be on the same level as Alex ze Pirate itself. And if that is the case, let me just fill out an application as janitor for Kevin right now. If he is lucky he can make around 1000 dollars a month soon.
 This right here is actually a prime example of a common problem in Dobson’s longer story: Him breaking the old rule of “show, don’t tell”. The narrative tells us e.g. via the words of the waitress and the fact he has fans, that Kevin is a good cartoonist. But we do not see it for ourselves. And I am not suggesting here Dobson should draw 20 additional pages of Kevin’s creations and comics, because that would be freaking overkill. But imagine if this comic started off with the first page being part of a a very fantastic fight scene or story. Something rich in color and characters. Only for it to be revealed in the next page to be actually NOT the story we are supposed to read, but something Kevin creates right now. By doing so Dobson could not only show for the actual main story that Kevin is justified in having success, Dobson could have also shown for himself how he can be imaginative. How he can toy with tropes and expectations, while also creating something “new” out of nowhere just for fun. But that is not what we got. And all we have now are four more pages.
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 Again, ONE MORE WEEK passed and he still did not get a job. And in fact, he is also overdue on his rent and wants to ask his mother AGAIN for money.
Dude… I am all out of sympathy. Sell your freaking kidney for all I care, offer your landlord oral sex or that you are going to do work around the house for him, just try to do something except beg mother to help you out again. Especially as she has already send you 500 dollar. What have you done with that money anyway? Did most of it get spend on your electric bill? If so, how huge was it? And did you fail to pay rent for a couple of months now that even your landlord is having enough? I ask the later in part because I genuinely do not know how fast a landlord can vacate you in the US. See, where I live you can get vacated too when you don’t pay up, but most landlords are by law forced to at least let you stay for a few more weeks till you either find a way to pay up or another place to live. Forceful removal of a tenant can mostly only happen if the person causes severe damage to the apartment or is facing criminal charges.
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 So NOW you are looking for a job. Good luck getting 700 dollars in three days though. I can’t imagine that even if you get hired, that anyone will pay up that amount of money upfront to help you. Again, do you have no other options, Kevin? Also, for how long was that sign up there? How often have you gone by that diner? Also dear lord, the waitress really is not the smartest if she thinks being a webcomic artist pays all the bills
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 So if the manager has already found someone, even if it was “just” now, why was the “now hiring” sign even still in the window? And he assumes there are even more bills? Kevin… do you have a genuine problem when it comes to handling finances? Would you do better, if you only get an allowance? Just one more page. And with it my biggest complains
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And so our comic ends with all the build up of how down on his luck Kevin is, being essentially pointless, because at the end of the day he is still lucky and all his problems get resolved not by his own doing but by deus ex machina.
Okay, this is not entirely accurate.
After all, Kevin DID create this comic. He wrote it, he drew it, he send the script to multiple publishers, he got rejected multiple times and now he is also going to finally get recognition for it all. You can say he worked to get his foot into the industry. The problem is, that none of that work is really shown in the story presented to us. We do not see him work on the script, potentially rewrite or fix up mistakes, get the impression that even with the bad situation he is in, he still wants at the very least this passion project to succeed. All we know is he worked on something and now because it is convenient for the story, his misfortune is going to end and he gets a happy end that is way too convenient for my taste.
Look, I know nothing about how publishers work. If someone reads this and has genuine experience in how publishers approach you if they are interested in your work and how much money you can really make through it, you are free to tell me what you know or have experienced directly or indirectly. Cause frankly, I find it hard to believe that any publisher would immediately do the thing Kevin now experiences here. First off, why would they not attempt to call him or get into a more convenient contact with him than the mail? Second, advanced payment? Shouldn’t you at least try to handle out basic deals before you send him a paycheck over?
I get it is supposed to be a happy end for Kevin here, but honestly, with the way how even if people are getting published, success may not be immediate or not to a degree Dobson actually hopes for. Sorry, but I am also just jaded enough as a person to know that even otherwise acclaimed work does take time to really hit a certain level of popularity. Luke Pearson e.g., wrote and drew the first volume of the comic series Hilda in 2010, just a few months after he finished college. The comic was a success and resulted in him publishing up to four more books till 2016. But only with his comic being adapted into a Netflix series in 2018 did he also get recognition outside of Great Britain, from which he is likely going to make enough money to have a comfortable life for the next couple of years. Mind you, I said comfortable, not “luxurious”. Cause this is actually one thing I fear with Dobson to a degree: That he thinks that being a successful comic creator equals also becoming stinking rich. Cause as far as I know, this is not really the case for many comic creators around the world. But I digress.
This post is not about the potential delusions of Dobson when it comes to how much of a fortune he could make through a successful publication, this post is about judging a SYAC story that got never published.
And frankly, the story of Kevin James… I don’t hate it. Honestly, I think there is potential for a decent, even longer story about a webcomic artist trying to get his big break. The problem is, this is not a story about the challenges Kevin faces in creating his comic. This is not the story about someone being determined to get his work out, even if he struggles in real life. This is not the story of someone facing and dealing with his real life struggles in a mature way, making the happy end all the more feel rightfully earned. This is a story where honestly there would be no drama at all (or at least less drama), if Kevin even attempted to do something halfway logical most other people in real life would do, if they found themselves in his situation (like looking for a job, trying to work commissions etc.) . And a drama where the dramatic event would not happen if some basic logic even a kid can think off would be applied, is at least for me not really a drama.
So yeah, it is not the worst thing by Dobson, but it is very flawed to say the least.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Numbers, Numbers Everywhere
How old are you? I turned 22 last April.
What day of the month is your birthday? It’s on the 21st. It’s exactly a week after my brother’s birthday and six days before my parents’ anniversary, so April tends to be a hectic month for us. What's the last digit of your phone number? It ends in 5.
What's your favorite number? I don’t pick a favorite number because the idea just doesn’t make sense to me. If someone asked me to pick a number though I always go with 4 just because it reminds me of Beyoncé lol How many bedrooms does your home have? It used to have three but my parents had the balcony renovated and transformed into another bedroom after they realized my siblings and I were all getting older, and that it would be the most appropriate decision to let us have our own rooms.
How many people do you live with? Four people and two dogs. How many exes do you have? I’ve only had one, but we got back together. How long is the song you're listening to? (If you have music going.) Not listening to any music right now but the last song I played a few hours ago was Thick and Thin by LANY, which is 3 minutes and 32 seconds long. What time did you wake up, today? I woke up at 8 AM. I surprised myself today because it meant I had slept for 11 hours, something I don’t remember ever being able to do lol. I was asleep by 9 PM last night because overthinking all day tired me out and also because I didn’t have my afternoon coffee. How many siblings do you have? I have two. I don’t speak to one of them. How many gaming consoles are in your home? We have three consoles that we currently use – PS4, Switch, and my siblings also recently re-unboxed our PS3 to play older games on it. We also have other consoles that we haven’t used in a while but just never thrown out – Wii, DSi, PS2, and two PSPs. How many pets do you have? I have two dogs :) Kimi’s a 12 year old half-aspin half-we never actually figured out what his other breed is, we’re thinking shih tzu? and Cooper is a three month old beagle. How many schools have you attended? Just two. I attended the same school from kindergarten to high school then I went to a different one for college. How old were you when you had your first kiss? (If you've had it.) I was 16, but was turning 17 that year. How many movies have you seen at the cinema this year? Zero. This would be a lot sadder to answer if I loved going to the cinemas, but tbh I only watch movies in the theatres like twice a year so I’m not too bothered. Still, I miss having that option. How many windows does your bedroom have? It has two big windows but each of them have six panes that I can open. How many TVs are in your home? Four. There’s one in the dining room, living room, parents’ room, and brother’s room. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I don’t feel like getting up just to count them. I wanna say around 15-20 pairs. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Already mentioned this, but 11 hours. That’s a feat for me, considering I’ve only been getting 4-5 hours a night lately. I even wanted to sleep more, but Cooper wanted a playmate and I felt bad. How many inches long is your hair (at it's longest point)? Idk 8, 9 inches? Not good with exact measurements, but the longest it’s been was right above my waist. How many chairs are in your living room? We have an L-shaped couch that can seat five people, which is how big my family is so it’s just the right size for us. We don’t have chairs per se, though we used to a few years ago.   How many pairs of sunglasses do you own? Zero. Not a fan of them. How many cell phones have you owned/had? My current one is my 8th. I’ve switched phones so much because I lost them a lot (as a kid) or I broke them a lot (as a teenager). Was never good at taking care of my valuables so my parents made sure that with my iPhone 8, it had the toughest phone case and the thickest tempered glass we could find. I still ended up ruining them both loooool but the phone is still staying strong with me, so at least that’s something. How many apps are on your cell phone? 99. How the fuck do I have that many??? I always just thought I had around 25. I need to clean up my phone, damn. How tall are you? 5′1″. How long have you lived in your current home? 12 years. What percentage is your phone's battery at right now? It’s at 33% right now. I’ve been horrible at charging it lately because I keep unplugging when it hits around 45% so I can use it wirelessly, whoops. How much your home's rent (or mortgage) each month? I’m not sure about the amount; my parents pay for the house. How many surgeries have you had? Zero. How many doors does your home have? 13. How many times did you drink (alcohol) last month? I’m not sure...maybe once or twice? I try to save up my alcohol because I only have five bottles of soju and I don’t think I’ll be getting another set soon. How many pillows are on your bed? Two. How many letters are in your first name? R-o-b-y-n, five. How many times have you been in love? Once. How many pieces of jewelry are you currently wearing? None right now and none for a while. I haven’t had a reason to wear jewelry at home. What is the age difference between you and your significant other? One month and around two weeks. We’re the same age - we went to school together and were part of the same batch. How much cash do you currently have? I have a little over ₱700. It’s the last of my school allowance, aw :( How many contacts are in your phone? A lot. I don’t think my phone has an option to view the total number. How many best friends do you have? Two. How old is your mom? 48, though she’s turning 49 in September. How old is your dad? 49. How many keys do you have (on your keyring/chain or whatever)? Just two – house and car keys. I’d put trinkets on it but I’ve lost the ones I’ve tried hooking onto my keychain.
How many keychains are attached to your keys? ^ How many video games do you own? My best guess would be 50-60. I’d say we have around 15 per console. How many monthly bills do you pay/have? We have the internet, phone, electricity, and water bills, but it’s my parents who pay for them. They also pay for the house and the cars. Until recently we also got monthly bills for our cable subscription, but my dad canceled it after he realized no one in the house watched TV anymore because we’re all on either YouTube or Netflix now. If you get an allowance, how much do you get weekly? My parents gave me ₱2000 a week in college, which would be enough to gas up my car for the next five days, feed myself in school, and have one or two nights out with friends. It used to be ₱1000 but that was super little and I used to starve myself in school, and for the longest time I had just been too shy to tell my parents to increase my allowance. If you have a job, how much do you earn (hourly)? No job yet. What is your town/city's population? (You might need to look that one up.) A little less than 780,000.
How long have you lived in the town you currently live in? More or less 20 years. We only lived in Manila until I was 1. How long have you lived in the state/province you currently live in? Again, 20 years. Manila is in a different region from where I currently reside. How long have you been with your significant other? (if taken) A little over four years. How long were you with your most recent ex? (if you have one) My only ex is also my SO, and during our first relationship we were together for eight months. How many blind dates have you been on? Zero. Not for me. How many email addresses do you have (that you use)? Three. I have two Gmails and one Outlook, but the last one I barely use anymore. How many times have you traveled outside of your home country? Three. The first was a joint vacation to Singapore and Malaysia; the second was a trip to Indonesia; the third was a cruise that involved three countries, but we flied to China because that’s where the ship was stationed. How many times do you usually sneeze in a row? Four or five at most. But that doesn’t happen a lot. Usually I’d only sneeze once. What time is it right now? 5:22 PM.
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coltknight63-blog · 4 years
Can Blind Individuals Cry Tears?
Exactly How To Update Curtains Or Drapes
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
Blinds Direct.
Best Home Window Blinds Of 2020
A Few Of Our Fave Colors.
Personal Privacy At House With Smart Tone.
The Aukey Right Angled Lightning Cord Is The Billing Wire You Didn'T Know You Required
Bay Windows, Corner Windows, As Well As All Other Windows At An Angle
Get Specialist Style Recommendations Today.
Any kind of quantity over $2500 is the single duty of the sweepstakes winner. The item price will be based upon the full retail worth of the picked home window treatments. Sales promotions, trade discount rates, or present cards can not be applied to this order. Shipping will be typical ground shipping and for free. Dimension and setup services might be given by a worker of The Color Shop or by an independent third party subcontractor/installer that is part of our regional installer network.
Blinds Direct.
What are the most popular window blinds?
In order for blinds to avoid getting 'lost' in the interior of a room, they should be lighter or darker than the walls.
This sort of blind is built from slim textile in wide areas that hang up and down. Unlike vertical blinds, these blinds generally only have 4 larger sections rather than several thin slats. Venetian blinds are commonly one of the most typical option in a lot of houses and also they can be used in any space of your home. They are often likewise one of the most aggravating to readjust due to the fact that you have to draw the string to the delegated open the slats prior to lowering or elevating them.
What type of blinds are cheapest?
4. just got a quote from them and it seems high. is this a company one can / should haggle with ? Yes do it.
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Ideal Home Window Blinds Of 2020
. What the majority of us stop working to think about is the danger of blinds with cords. While messing around a youngster can quickly entangle themselves with the cord and also it can be dangerous. According to the US consumer item security payment, one youngster under the age of 10 years old passes away every month in the United States because of window cable strangulation.
These are also a far better choice because they enable you to see what is going on around you without obstructing the sight while protecting you from the hot sunlight rays. The use of exterior blinds can be an excellent means to maintain a patio location or covered bar-b-que space from splashing from the rain. These blinds are made from heavier as well as extra resilient materials, like woodgrain or reed, as well as can handle various weather conditions. These tones come in various shades, also black, and also will still allow for a clear view via them.
Instead of retreating inside your home, consider setting up a retracting awning to keep your patio area cool and shaded. Although there is not a typical collection of functions for clever blinds, these are a few of the usual features that you will certainly locate in some or every one of them.
A Couple Of Of Our Favorite Color Styles.
They are also very easy to install and also won't take up electrical outlet space.
Batteries are an especially convenient alternative for windows that are in hard-to-reach or far areas that aren't near an electrical outlet or where a cable would not be advisable.
So, also factoring in power savings, our motorized shades in fact spent for themselves in under 2 years.
In some applications, a single motor can run a big group of tones, better reducing the expense.
At the Mills offices, we have 2 big banks of home windows.
If you're concerned about the appearance of your motorized blinds, batteries are the most sophisticated option, as their positioning makes them undetectable.
Sign in to commentBe considerate, keep it civil as well as stay on subject. We remove remarks that breach our policy, which we encourage you to read. Conversation threads can be closed at any time at our discretion. The victor should place his/her order by November 11, 2020, or this offer will expire.
Personal Privacy At Residence With Smart Tone.
What is the most relaxing bedroom color?
A person with total blindness won't be able to see anything. But a person with low vision may be able to see not only light, but colors and shapes too. However, rolgordijnen may have trouble reading street signs, recognizing faces, or matching colors to each other. If you have low vision, your vision may be unclear or hazy.
Offers insulation for your residence by trapping air in the cells of the color. Light filtering will certainly permit some all-natural light to travel through the color.
The Aukey Right Angled Lightning Cable Is The Charging Cable You Didn'T Know You Required
Are blinds still in style?
We often get asked the question 'do curtains and blinds work together? ' The answer is, for the most part, 'yes' – when paired, the two can bring out a flexible décor and ensure adequate blocking of light and privacy control. However, there are some style guidelines to follow to get the look just right.
The MySmartBlinds set was originally moneyed on Kickstarter in 2014 and also is currently offered on Amazon.com. In December of 2017 they returned to Kickstarter to increase money for a MySmartBlinds Hub that enables you to connect your callous a smart house device like Amazon.com Mirror or Google Residence. " The main advantage of a retracting awning is the flexibility to readjust the quantity of sunlight exposure any time," Hotchkiss claims. Mechanized variations with push-button controls may raise the expense by around $800 to $1,000.
Bay Windows, Edge Windows, And Also All Various Other Windows At An Angle
This is practical for hill homes where you might have close-by walkers commonly, however still wish to see the landscape around you. These textiles are transparent yet don't enable those who are outside to have a clear view of the interior of your residence. This is best for exclusive areas with a view that you wish to enjoy at any moment.
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Just one order might be put by the winner as a part of the $2,500 reward. Any kind of quantity over $2500 should be paid by the champion at the time the order is put. The victor is likewise responsible for any taxes due at the time of purchase. The Color Shop will hide to $2500 in items as well as optional expert installment charges.
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vegaszgreat · 5 years
Yang 2020 and the rambling of a wacko
Just so we are clear I'M the wacko. Not Yang. Mr Yang if you ever read this just know I'm writing this at 1:23am and can't sleep. I'm using my cellphone cuz I didn't want to get out of bed... Yes I am lazy if I'm not being paid to do shit.
I do love my job but I don't LoVe LOVE IT.
So I come from a large family. We all live near each other but I'm the only one who's 27 and still at my parents ( my little sister if 21 doesn't count cuz she's still getting her life together now that she's a mom). I've had a stable job for the past 2 years and 10 months and 22 days ( yes I have counted every day but mostly cuz we have no windows and I find it helps to keep track of the time) and I try not to take any days off ( even paid leave) just in case something happens or I've finally hit my end. And the other day when I was watching another interview with Yang he asked what we would spend the $1000 a month on.
I never thought about it but last night my brain wouldn't let me sleep cuz of that. In my house I've been in charge of the bills ( my mom n dad lost their job for a bit and they could only pay the rent and I was already in charge of some of the bills and after I took over I never gave them back the control of the bills). And thanks to Yang I stayed up all night redoing last year's bills since I took over around the beginning of that year. 😩I went a bit overboard.
Any who~
The bills in total in the whole house where about $7641 the whole year - which includes water, gas, electric, cellphone for the house hold, and the internet ( not included were Netflix, medical bills and Adobe account subscription)
Cell= $1568
Gas=$ 1079
So if I start to pay off my cell for the year and including my normal payments of the other bills, by 2nd month I should have it payed for that month and the rest of the year. And I'll just put the left over money into paying the bill for gas of that month n the year.
By the third month I should have the gas paid off for the year and that month. But now I have paid off my cell already so Eve. If the payment plan is about $110 for three phones I'll just start to pay $200 to give me more credit for the next year.
It's the third month and I still have about $93 left From the $1000 I used to catch up on the gas - so I use that to pay into the water along with what the actual total is , giving me a heads start to the water bill. Which I won't have payed off for till the 5th month.
5th month
I've been paying off the water bill and have it evened out for the year with the left over of $330. Which I use to get a head start on the real villain the electric bill. But remember I've been paying extra on my bills that I have already paid off on so right now it's like this
Cre means credit
mp means monthly payment
P means payment
Month 5 bills
Cre$180 - mp$110 +$200p= Cre$270
Cre$75 - mp $125 +$200p= Cre$150
Paid this month and the rest with the $1000 leaving me with $330 left over to start on electric. I pay the normal for internet.
I won't have the electric bill payed off till the 9th month and then I will have paid the year and that months. I'll have $570 left over which I use to take out the small fry called internet.
By the 10th month I'd have all the bills paid for the year and month. And the internet Bill will have been paid off leaving me with an extra $870 to put into wherever I want. I choose electric and internet so I can catch them up a bit with the others.
By the 11th month I'll be caught up with all and have to divided the $1000 between them all.
Water, gas, and cell get $200, electric gets $300, and internet gets$100. I'll pay the exact amount for the monthly payment.
By the 12th month (let's say it's December) I won't uses the $1000 for anything but presents for my family cuz it'll be Christmas and for once I could probably get them all anything they want. But I'll still do my monthly payments for all my bills which will leave me with some credit to start the year strong 💪💪💪💪.
Cell = credit $1020
Gas = credit $875
Water = credit $700
Electric = credit $975
Internet = credit $635
Which would mean I'd be $548 away from paying my cellphone bill away for the next of next year, $204 for gas, $813 for water, and $1906 for electric! Plus my internet bill would already be paid off in full with a credit of $35.
I could have all those paid off by the 4th month of the next year if I continue the monthly payment and the $1000 divided between all those. And on the 4th month I'd have an extra $529 to do away with.
Truth is by the fourth month of the next year I'd have it all paid off with Hu? I wouldn't have to worry about bills if I didn't use the $1000 for bills and just stuck with my monthly payment plan since it's estimated to always give credit back. And if I got fired or quit I'd still have a year to figure things out. Even without the $1000 a month.
I could continue to pay my bills with my monthly payment plan and then divided the $1000 the same way giving me more credit for the rest of the year or I could just save it all up for a place of my own and by then the bills will lower cuz there would only be me living there, no 6 plp home.
Or I could continue my monthly plan and use the $1000 like I did the first round so I didn't have to worry about the current year and the next. Which would be evened out by the 10th year of the next year. After that I could just do my normal payment plan for the bills and use the $1000 of the 11th and 12th month for Christmas ( I really like getting plp presents) .
Then at the start of the 3rd year I could save the fist few months $1000 to get my own place.
By now I'm probably 30 and should have my own place and yeah that's sad. 🏠. And we're I live you can get a decent home for like 50k ( might be a fixer but it won't be too bad) or a small plot of land ($12k -$25) then build a shipping container home there. Some aren't so expensive. I could easily pay it off in the two years I don't have to pay bills. Then I could place solar panels to reduce the electric bill.
And the year after that I could just redo my whole bills and $1000 thing so I'm always a. Year ahead of the game. So by the time I'm 33 or 35 I'll have a whole house paid off, my bills are always ahead and I have an extra $1000 I could save for retirement or whatever I want to do at 34. Maybe put some into my niece and nephew's quinceanera and quinceanero? That'd be fun. Then save up for the other two younger ones.
I don't have kids so they are my life.
I'd probably go to anime cons and so on.
Finally take a month vacation or save up to build a second home. Anything would be possible by then. I know nothing about business and I don't like to mingle with normal plp much but I could put some money away to start a small online business with my sister. Or focus on my real dream of making my own comic, manga, or book. Which ever comes first I guess.
I've noticed I've ramble on about this for a long a$$ time.
This is later. I woke up to find this when I opened my phone. I thought I dreamed this is lol. I feel asleep after that last part. I'm still going to post this since I thought it was funny 😂
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artskoolie · 5 years
The Idea, The How, and The Road Trip
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Hello! Welcome to The Art Skoolie!
This post is going to be an introduction to the journey my partner and I have had so far in taking steps to convert a school bus into a tiny house. Our goal with this blog is to give interested folks a chance to see the steps, the logistics, the materials, and the methods we are using for our construction process. I will include separate posts that only have links to the appliances, materials, and businesses we are utilizing for our build. I will also mention that this post is not about convincing people to build or otherwise get into tiny houses. We are assuming that you are already excited about the idea, and want to know more. Bear in mind, also, that we are sharing what has worked for us, and we encourage you to use materials or methods that work better for you.
Alright. Anyway, my name is Hannah. My partner’s name is James. We live in Denver, Colorado in a 700 feet squared apartment with our black cat, Grace. We both had accepted a long time ago that we would probably just be paying rent for the rest of our lives; either as rent-rent, or as a mortgage. It is a lifestyle that most Americans have, and it is growing more difficult by the day for the vast majority of us to secure that kind of lifestyle. Owning a condo or a house was the best we thought we would ever be able to do.
I had been struggling to find work for a few months, and we were trying to think of ways that we could consume less. Our electricity bill is calculated by averaging the electricity use of every other tenant in our building. We have so much stuff just lying around, taking up space, that we are really only keeping around in case we might need it sometime in the future if we ever decide we felt like doing it. And, even if we do, we spend forever and a day organizing stuff (again!) so we could just figure out where the one thing is. Our bathroom has a ton of counter space and floor space for the size of apartment that we have, and neither of us spends a ton of time in there. Not to mention the donated goods, garbage, and recycling we generate by making purchases thoughtlessly, and either it rotting or us deciding that we never wanted to do the thing to begin with. Purchasing food more intentionally, cooking more, and not making as many trips to the kitchen equipment section at the thrift store were a start, but still didn’t make the difference we were looking for.
But then, I remembered tiny houses.
I’d heard about tiny houses for years, over the various forms of social media, and thought it was the craziest thing I’d ever heard of. “That sounds like living in a shack!” I thought. “Why would anyone do that?” Strangely, in the last couple of months, YouTube’s algorithms had spat out tiny house videos into my feed, so I checked them out. They highlighted all of the benefits of having fewer, better quality possessions that you use regularly, and not even having room to accumulate crap you’ll never use. At that point, I thought it looked doable, even appealing. “Sure, but only rich people can do that. Look at how much those things cost!” That obstacle was discounted when I saw people building dwellings for $5000 or less. I started thinking about the idea more seriously. I had all sorts of questions that each got answered with relative ease, significantly pruning my initial wariness. (e.g. where will we shower? where will we store everything? how will the bed not be right next to the toilet? where will we wash our clothes? etc.) (Answers: In the shower we install on board; In cleverly placed drawers, cabinets, and on shelves and hanging storage; It doesn’t necessarily have to be; See answer #2)
I was initially scared to bring the idea up to James, because he is such a pragmatist, but the more videos and blogs I saw, the more I realized that people were doing this successfully. Almost all of them had some kind of help in creating their homes, but who in the world never needs help?
Then I saw a video about a couple in/from Australia (I think?) who had bought the man’s childhood school bus and used all salvaged materials to create a little home that suited all of their needs. The two pieces that caught my attention the most were that everything on the bus had been salvaged or built with salvaged materials; and that they had lived on the bus full time and traveled in it for seven years. That was what made my mind up.
When I first floated the idea of living in a tiny house with James, he was skeptical, as I had suspected he might be. However, I showed him some of the content I had seen online from people who had built tiny houses, and answered all the same questions from him that I had had, and he was on board.
Before I go any further, I think this is a good time to acknowledge that building a tiny house is not financially feasible for many people. Most of the stories we have seen involve people who have a large property, or have friends or relatives with a large property, and friends with construction experience or have it themselves. The materials, knowledge, and time required are not something everyone has, and is not the answer for everyone. We both come from relatively privileged backgrounds. Both of us have/had parents with steady jobs that allowed us to grow up in middle-class, relatively safe communities, and we are both white. Not to mention, James’s mother had a job as a younger woman which accrued retirement money; and when she passed away, she left James $30,000. So, what I’m trying to say is, as a result of our socioeconomic backgrounds, we found ourselves in a better position to undertake the cost of building a home. As you will find out, or may already suspect, it is not cheap. It’s much cheaper than buying a house outright in Denver, but it is definitely not cheap.
When we were initially thinking about it, we researched vacant lot prices for building, or parking, a tiny house on. We quickly realized that would be out of the question in Denver if we wanted to have a house on whatever lot we chose. We were stumped.
But then, I remembered the video about the Australian couple who had made a tiny house on a school bus. They had raised the roof, created two sleeping lofts for themselves and their two children, and they even had a kitchen and a place to lounge. It didn’t look cramped at all. In fact, it looked like as reasonable a size as the trailer bed tiny houses we’d been looking at more seriously. James told me about how his parents had had a Volkswagon Vanigan when he was a child, and he used to play around in it and pretend it was his house; so a bus seemed even more appealing.
We thought, “If we can salvage the materials, and spend any money we have on new appliances and lumber for the structural stuff, we could build a house inside an existing bus, which can move around independently while we save money on daily living costs and build up enough money to buy the land we want to build another tiny house.” It was perfect. We were going to convert a school bus.
We started heavily researching construction methods, the process others were using to convert their buses, seeing what people did for water, heat, electricity, choosing a bus that was the right size. We didn’t want one that was too small, as we didn’t want to feel too cramped; but we also didn’t want one that was too long, because it would be more difficult to maneuver, and there would be fewer places to park. We estimated that we would probably find the best size-to-functionality ratio in a school bus twenty-four to thirty-two feet long. We wanted to have the build completed by winter 2019, so we wanted to get started as soon as possible. We were going to be flying to New York to visit my mother in the first week of January, and we figured we could work on finding a bus after we got back from the trip.
We checked out Craigslist for buses in our area, but all of the listings we found had buses that either needed serious mechanical work done or didn’t move at all. Trying not to get discouraged, I checked eBay, figuring there might be some viable listings. Almost immediately, I found one for a 2003 International thirty-foot school bus (DT466 EE engine), with its mechanical work all up to date, being sold from an hour south of where my mother lives. The seller had one hundred percent positive feedback. Growing up with my mother selling her art on eBay for a living, I knew how difficult and important it was to have one hundred percent positive feedback. We contacted the seller and found out that no one had made an offer yet on the bus. Feeling like we’d lost our minds, we made arrangements to meet up with him the following Friday, when we would be in New York. Our plan after we picked up the bus was to drive it home to Denver at the end of our visit. So far, this seemed like the beginning of a long joke.
We flew to New York, touched base with our seller, bought insurance for the bus, and had a whole ordeal with the New York DMV that I will get into in another post. After finding out firsthand how underfunded the New York Department of Transportation is, we drove to our seller’s house, picked up our bus, and drove it to my mom’s, where her landlord was kind enough to let us store it until we left.
On the trip back, both of us quickly got comfortable with driving the bus. The main thing to keep in mind is that, since it is such a large vehicle, it would take more force and more time to maneuver and stop; meaning, keep a safe distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you, check mirrors religiously, and start breaking pretty far away.
About three hours east of Denver, we broke down. The worst thing about this situation was the fact that a nasty snow storm started blowing in a few minutes before, and we were miles from the nearest town. However, we started learning a lot of things about the bus’s engine really quickly, Googling like crazy to figure out what the problem could be. We contacted our seller and told him what happened, and he said that in engines of the type we have, if the oil level got low enough, it would automatically shut off. We were able to get roadside assistance through our insurance after a while (the snow was bad enough that they were delayed in getting to us), and the mechanic who helped us (who is amazing, and I will link his shop at the end) spent an hour hooking our bus up to his tow truck, put oil in the engine, tried and failed to get it to start, and towed us an hour west to Limon. He replaced our fuel filter the next day, it still wouldn’t start, and then towed us to a diesel mechanic ten minutes south of where we live in Denver. (Joe, you are a diamond)
One thing we did not take as seriously as we should have was that our fuel gauge was broken. It was stuck on “Full”. Even though we kept track of the mileage and fueled every three hundred fifty miles or so, we apparently did not fuel often enough. The diesel mechanic, after confirming that the fuel line was functioning properly, was able to determine that we had run out of fuel. Now, I am the first to admit that this situation was completely avoidable and kind of hilarious; but I am also incredibly grateful that we had the help that we did, and that something worse was not wrong.
Anyway, we have a bus now. I will provide more details in the next post about our plans and materials in the future.
Thanks for reading! Please share if you found this post enjoyable or helpful. Feel free to send a message or leave a comment if you have any questions.
My Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MustBeSilly?ref=search_shop_redirect
The bus that clinched it: https://youtu.be/aq7DmqXDXUY
The angel mechanic from Limon, Colorado:
George’s Repair Shop
199 Main Street
Limon, CO 80828
Ask for Joe! Tell him James and Hannah from Denver sent you.
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capricorngal97-blog · 6 years
At Home Stress
18? Done with living at home? Want your own space? 
Hello Friends, welcome back after a short break. I’ve been busy with some other projects but I have decided that its time to get back to at least refresh this blog with a new post. 
So let’s get into it. I wanted to discuss this topic for a while and I sort of touched on it back during the “Financial Stress 101″ post, but I am going to go more into it today. One of the primary reasons I want to talk about moving out and how I did it successfully at a young age is some questions I get frequently through friends and people I’m just getting to know. 
I feel like a lot of people have also been able to move out at a young age and do it successfully without too much financial stress on their shoulders, but just in case I want to share this information with you because it can be a source of stress to want independence or need to fly from the nest but not being able to. 
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So, one of the first things we think about as we near our independent age of 18 is moving out. How do I do that? It can be scary when you work a minimum wage job and have never been responsible for bills and money before. And what the H-E double hockey sticks are bills for anyway? 
Take a breath. Let’s start out with income and age first. 
Perhaps you’re 16 and you have a job at (IDK random store) Bath and Bodyworks working around 20-25 hours a week, taking in $850 a month before tax. You’re not ready to move out for two reasons. First, you’re not old enough to stress about bills so relax and sit down for another two to three years. Sorry if that’s rough but it is the cold hard truth. Second, there’s no way to survive on $850 a month (and keywords in that sentence was “before tax”).
Now let’s talk realistically, you’re 18 you’ve held a stable job for a couple months or a year and you’re ready to take on the responsibilities that are required for you to earn your freedom. 
The first thing you gotta look at is a roommate. Friends are okay but make sure you can live with them through good and bad times. You also want to make sure that they are responsible to turn their bill payments in on time, otherwise, they’re not the roommates you want. Find someone dependable and clean. 
After you found a roommate, its best to look at apartments together so you don’t have problems later on. Find a location that works out for the both of you and space that is needed to live together. If you're in a relationship one bed one bath can work out well if you’re friends or just roommates look for two bed (preferably) two bath, but some can make do with one bath. It depends on your needs and wants. Also, keep in mind that the more space you have the more electricity you’re using. What do I mean? Well to put it in perspective take a 400 sq ft studio; that’s going to be about 50-70 bucks depending on your usage. Comparing this to a higher 100 dollar bill to a 700 sq ft apartment. 
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Take into consideration the apartments that include utilities like water. 
Okay so you found a roommate, you found a place to live, and you have a stable job. What now? Act on it! 
Plan it out with your roommate. Decide on what bills are going to be paid by whom and what you’re splitting. Don’t forget the money you saved to pay for fees and beginning contracts with TECO and your internet/cable service. Also, what about the furniture? Got that yet? Fees for the apartment contracts are due as well. Plus first months (and sometimes) last months rent. 
This is the last step, but hardest of all steps to consider for moving out. There are calls you have to make and contracts you have to sit through and go over before signing away. Leasing is no joke and takes patience to get through. If you have dreamt of this day for so long don’t be discouraged by the high payments. You can do it through saving. Put your money where you can’t look/touch/think/smell (don’t do that) it. Saving is the biggest part of your adulthood journey because as soon as you move out and pay for your own place you are an adult and you have many responsibilities to take care of every month. An easy way to keep track of your bills is automatic bill pay or writing it done on the calendar. It makes it easy to see how much you need to save before the next due date. 
Thanks again for reading loves! Hope to get some good feedback and let me know what you think about me uploading videos of me talking about this stuff too! If you’re reading this from a link off my Facebook page reply there. The more support I get the more I know what you guys like and what you don’t. It helps to make the blog better. Alrighty, that’s all for now! BYE!!!
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daniel7690lew-blog · 4 years
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The kitchen is one of the principal zones that individuals will in general refresh or redesign when they are renovating any bit of their home. The cooler is a significant apparatus in the kitchen that comes in numerous styles and plans. You can look over top-cooler, base cooler, implicit, one next to the other, french entryway, counter profundity, undercounter, and that's just the beginning. More than 11 million fridges were sold in the United States only a couple of years back so deals are moving upwards as new coolers are hitting the market. The top producers for coolers are Whirlpool,
 Kenmore, Amana, GE, LG, Hotpoint, Maytag, Frigidaire, KitchenAid, Viking, Samsung, Jenn-Air, Bosch, Sub-Zero, Thermador, and Fisher and Paykel. Down underneath we will go into wanted highlights on a wide range of fridges followed by surveys of the top models per Consumer Reports.When searching for another cooler there are a few components you have to consider - size, effectiveness, unwavering quality, water channels, materials, and capacity limit. The primary thing you need to do is measure your space in your kitchen to decide exactly how large the fridge can be to fit in your ideal territory. 
Specialists state the width is the key part since things like counters and cupboards will restrict your choices. Something else to remember is that any entryways driving into your kitchen should give abundant moving space to the cooler to get moved in. With regards to extra room, not all makers claims are solid as far as genuine usable space. 
Gadgets, equipment and different articles disrupt everything and ordinarily bring down the "genuine" limit recorded. Vitality proficiency is something that all Americans ought to be aware of when buying another cooler since an ice chest is the greatest client of vitality in your kitchen. Search for fridges that depend on less power to run and will at last get a good deal on your electric bill every month. Vitality Star models are unmistakably set apart in stores and you can regularly get considerably greater refunds and limits from your electric organization for purchasing certain models. 
Fridge fixes are the exact opposite thing you need and a few brands are more fix proned than others. Maytag and Sub-Zero have not exactly heavenly fix narratives in their one next to the other models while Whirlpool scores the best for unwavering quality. Whirlpool comes out as the best brand for top and base coolers with and without ice-creators too. Water channels are basic spot on present day coolers and most brands work superbly of sifting through awful tastes with Kenmore and Whirlpool standing out. 
Ice confirmation stockpiling, customizable racking, and coolers that don't leave "cooler consume" on your put away food are additionally significant highlights to investigate. Which fridge models rate the best? Which perform best at the cost? We investigated the latest audits done by Consumer Reports to give you a thought of which brands rate the most elevated and least in specific territories. Buyer Reports tried more than 70 models from 20 brands for temperature control execution, vitality proficiency, clamor, limit/stockpiling, and appraised them for highlights like water allocators and treated steel wraps up. See all the discoveries beneath with the top models and brands in each categorySide by side fridges are still genuinely regular in numerous kitchens since they offer outside ice and water allocators. 
These coolers work best in regions where wide-swinging entryways just would not fit. They by and large range from 32 to 36 crawls in width and are evaluated from $800 to $2000. The downsides to one next to the other fridges are that they are not truly adept at exploiting space and limit. Racking will in general be thin which restricts a few things and these models are as yet thought to be "expensive" contrasted with top-cooler and base cooler models. Likewise, the fix history of next to each other refrigerators is more terrible than the other sort of models recorded underneath. 
With respect to the best next to each other fridges as appraised by Consumer Reports, they state the Amana ASD2627KE ($1350) and the GE GSH25JFT ($1100) are "best purchases". The Amana one next to the other rates "great" for temperature control and vitality productivity while the GE gets top scores for temperature execution (both are 36 inch models). Kenmore and Whirlpool have two or three 33 inche models that positioned genuinely high too. Frigidaire was appraised about mid-level regarding all highlights and their history on fixes isn't so incredible, however I have claimed one for more than 7 years now with zero fixes and fantastic unwavering quality which makes me thing I got lucky.For the most jazzy and smooth looking fridges, go with the underlying plan. Inherent coolers make a consistent vibe in your kitchen so the ice chest will be flush with your cabinetry. 
Fabricated ins are regularly so very much taken cover behind cupboard veneers it's difficult to tell where they are in a kitchen. They come in one next to the other models or base cooler plans and are the most costly style accessible with costs going from $4000 to $7000. A portion of the bureau profundity models of constructed ins are less expensive at $1500 to $3200. You will discover constructed ins at 36 inches wide or bigger and some even come in the more current french entryway styles. The greatest downside to worked in coolers are that they are exceptionally expensive and simultaneously inclined to fixes. The top of the line constructed ins per Consumer Reports are the Sub-Zero 650F ($6500), the GE Monogram ZICS36ONR ($6400) and the KitchenAid KBFC42F ($6800). 
The Sub-Zero implicit is the least expensive of the 3, yet additionally gets horrendous fix evaluations. At 37 inches wide the Sub-Zero gives a lot of extra room and rates high for temperature execution. A few proprietors have said the icemaker is tricky and that the drawers don't come out far enough. With respect to the GE, it's calm and works superbly on temperature control and has an excellent hardened steel finish. The KitchenAid is the most costly of the gathering however is 43 inches wide giving you a lot of extra room. It likewise includes the french entryway style entryways are turning out to be increasingly more well known in business coolers found in homes.If you need bunches of capacity in your ice chest and most of your food things at eye level, go with a base cooler model. 
Base cooler refrigerators are normally 30 to 36 inches wide and a portion of the more current ones offer french entryway styling. They are valued from $700 to $1500 while the french entryway models are pricier at $1600 to $1800. Base cooler fridges tend not to accompany water allocators or ice creators on the entryway. Additionally, you will end up getting down quite low to get things out of the cooler base. Concerning the first class models per Consumer Reports, they state the Amana ABB1912DE ($850), the Amana AFD2535DE ($1700), and the Kenmore 7500-Sears ($870) are "best purchases". 
The Amana for $850 is somewhat littler at just 30 crawls in width, yet it rates the most noteworthy for by and large score and has a brilliant history for unwavering quality. The Kenmore is just 30 inches wide too, however rates high in numerous classes including temperature control. There are a few models that are valued above $2000 for base cooler fridges, however they don't rate any better per CR.The least expensive coolers are the top-cooler models and they are the more conventional look that the vast majority of us grew up with. They are best for limited spaces yet give a lot of capacity limit given their littler size (normally 30 to 33 inches wide). The greatest inconvenience to top-cooler plans is that you will twist to arrive at your most generally utilized food things in your ice chest. Likewise, disregard getting water and ice gadgets in the entryway. 
Costs go from $400 to $1200. Finally, you will require a lot of leeway for the entryways that are exceptionally wide when swung open. CR says the Hotpoint HTS22GBP ($700) is a "best purchase" since Hotpoint has a magnificent unwavering quality history with the least fixes required of any model cooler. The Hotpoint is 33 inches wide and rates well for temperature control.
 Different models that appraised the most noteworthy are the Whirlpool ET1FHTXM ($750) which is Energy Star evaluated with spill control racking and an interior ice creator and water distributor, and the Kenmore 7425-Sears ($850). Top-cooler ice chests are a nitty gritty sort of fridge that will take care of business at putting away the entirety of your nourishment for the least expensive price.People are beginning to purchase increasingly more french entryway style fridges for their down to earth plan and new look. 
French entryway coolers have two next to each other entryways that sit over a draw out cooler cabinet. The greatest preferred position to the french entryway style is that you will have inside racking that is the full width of the cooler, in contrast to customary next to each other models. The Amana AFD2535DE ($1700) is probably the best worth you will discover for the french entryway coolers available. 
Accompanies pull out canisters and racks, has an inside ice producer and sifted water allocator, Energy Star appraised, and includes a temperature controlled meat/shop container for the freshest stockpiling of all your food things. It's 36 inches wide and arrives in a tempered steel finish to include the advanced style that all kitchens request nowadays. Need a bureau profundity fridge that looks like an inherent? 
The Whirlpool Gold GC3SHEXN ($2300) is 36 inches wide and will sit practically flush with your counters and cupboards, similar to an underlying. The Whirlpool accompanies an ice and water gadget and it's Energy Star productive. Whirlpool gets the absolute best dependability scores in the business, so we feel that for somewhat over $2000 you get what others are paying $6000+ for in fabricated ins.
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
Elon Musk is a securities fraud-committing pathological liar: Shortseller
Excerpted from Stanphyl Capital’s October letter to traders on the part specializing in the hedge fund’s Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) brief.
See extra unique hedge fund shorts (and longs) right here.
And now for the first reason for this month’s terrible efficiency, Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)…
Tesla reported Q3 earnings in October and—precisely as we anticipated—income for this alleged “growth company” was a whole bunch of tens of millions of dollars decrease than the year-ago quarter (U.S. income was down 39%!) additionally down vs. the earlier quarter, but sequential profitability unexpectedly flipped from a $408 million GAAP loss in Q2 2019 to a $153 million Q3 revenue (vs. our expectation of a $300 million loss).
Automobile producers don’t do that and not using a large variety of one-time gadgets/tips and this isn’t indicative of sustainable efficiency. Bear in mind: between Q3 and This autumn of final yr Tesla averaged even increased profitability, then slid again into large losses. (And even when this have been indicative of future profitability, automotive producers promote for round 8x earnings; annualizing this .80/share to $Three.20 would make Tesla [now just another slow/no-growth automaker] price simply $25.60/share even earlier than contemplating its terrible steadiness sheet.)
As to the particular monetary video games performed in Q3, of the $143 million “profit,” $80 million got here from overseas trade good points, roughly $55 million from decreased guarantee provisioning/accruals, $100 million reportedly from one-time rebates from suppliers promised future quantity for Mannequin Three components used on the
Stanphyl Capital Administration LLC
Stanphyl Capital GP, LLC
Stanphyl Capital Companions LP
Mannequin Y, and $51 million from “burning the furniture to heat the house” by way of an enormous discount in SG&A regardless of having 97,000 extra vehicles on the street, thereby leading to interminable, reputation-destroying customer support wait instances. , $134 million of the “profit” got here from regulatory credit score gross sales that can disappear roughly two years from now once they’re not wanted by different auto producers; i.e., they don’t advantage an earnings a number of. Accounting for these non-repeatable (or unsustainable) gadgets, Tesla’s alleged revenue flips to a big loss, and these are solely the one-time gadgets of which we’re conscious.
Tesla additionally claimed $371 million in Q3 free money circulate, however internet payables minus receivables have been up $365 million (in 1 / 4 wherein Tesla claimed bills DECLINED throughout the board!) vs. a listing acquire of simply $199 million, and capex was underspent by $225 million vs. the midpoint of steering. Adjusted for this stuff free money circulate too was damaging, and going ahead capex should soar for Tesla to satisfy its obligations in China (the place it should spend an extra $1.5 billion throughout the subsequent 20 months) and to buy Mannequin Y tooling.
In reality we might even see an identical low degree of short-term Tesla profitability in This autumn (the one we’re in now) or
Q1 of 2020, when in a single or (divided between) each of these quarters Tesla acknowledges roughly $500 million of non-cash (it’s already on the steadiness sheet) deferred income from its fraudulently named “Full Self-Driving” (the capabilities of which supply nothing of the type). By rolling out numerous ineffective and harmful options of this homicidal software program suite, might declare that prior consumers of this nonsense acquired what they paid for, and can thus run these non-cash earnings by way of its monetary assertion, thereby once more maybe offering this money-losing firm with a fleeting second of minor profitability. As with Q3, these will probably be non-repeatable one-time good points (or, if you happen to desire, “games”), and later in 2020 the losses will resume.
We thus stay brief inventory and name choices in Tesla, which I nonetheless think about to be the largest single inventory bubble on this complete bubble market. The core factors of our Tesla brief thesis are:
Tesla has no “moat” of any sort; i.e., nothing meaningfully proprietary when it comes to electrical automotive know-how, whereas present automakers—in contrast to Tesla—have a decades-long “experience moat” of understanding the best way to mass-produce, distribute and repair high-quality vehicles constantly and profitably, in addition to the flexibility to subsidize losses on electrical vehicles with earnings from their standard vehicles.
By mid-to-late 2020 Tesla (which has an terrible steadiness sheet) will return to dropping cash.
Tesla is now a “busted growth story”; unit demand for its vehicles is barely being maintained by way of continuous value reductions and expiring tax incentives.
Elon Musk is a securities fraud-committing pathological liar.
As famous earlier, Q3 2019 U.S. Tesla income was down 39% (!) vs. Q3 2018 and the corporate is barely exhibiting unit supply progress (with declining income) by slashing costs and fulfilling Mannequin Three backlog in nations the place deliveries simply started (most notably the UK in Q3 and South Korea in This autumn), and the place EV
incentives are about to run out (the Netherlands till year-end). In different phrases, the Tesla “hypergrowth” story is over.
For these of you in search of a resumption of progress from Tesla’s upcoming Mannequin Y, when it’s out there in Q2 2020 it would each massively cannibalize gross sales of the Mannequin Three sedan and (by late 2020) face superior competitors from the a lot nicer electrical Audi This autumn e-tron, BMW iX3, Mercedes EQB, Volvo XC40 and Volkswagen ID Crozz, cheaper and out there now are the superb new all-electric Hyundai Kona and Kia Niro, extraordinarily nicely reviewed small crossovers with an EPA vary of 258 miles for the Hyundai and 238 miles for the Kia, at costs of underneath $30,000 inclusive of the $7500 U.S. tax credit score.
In the meantime, the Mannequin Three sedan may have terrific direct “sedan competition” in 2020 from Volvo’s lovely new Polestar 2, BMW i4 and the premium model of Volkswagen’s ID.Three.
And if you happen to assume China is the key to the resumption of Tesla’s progress, let’s put that market in perspective: Tesla presently sells round 30,000 Mannequin 3s a yr there and “the story” is that avoiding the 15% tariff and 10% VAT will permit it to promote much more. Nevertheless, the rule of thumb for the elasticity of auto pricing is that each 1% value minimize ends in a gross sales improve of 1% to 2.four%. If we assume a 2.4x “elasticity multiplier,” domestically produced Mannequin 3s which might be 25% cheaper would end in annual gross sales of 48,000 Mannequin 3s (25% x 2.four = 60% greater than the present 30,000), that means Tesla’s new Chinese language manufacturing unit can be a large money-loser as it could be operating at lower than 1/Three of its preliminary 150,000-unit annual capability. Maybe realizing this, Tesla is initially mandating the acquisition of Autopilot, and thus Chinese language-made Mannequin Three will solely be barely cheaper than earlier variations. Though that can considerably enhance per-car profitability and maybe make the manufacturing unit marginally worthwhile, it would assure vastly missed progress targets and it’s “growth” (or extra precisely, the fantasy of progress) that drives Tesla’s inventory value. And good luck with rising at any worthwhile value— right here’s an awesome overview of what a dogfight the Chinese language EV market has turn into.
In the meantime, gross sales of Tesla’s highest-margin vehicles (the Fashions S&X) are down by over 30% worldwide this yr, due to cannibalization from the Mannequin Three and the just lately launched Audi e-tron and Jaguar I- Tempo, this gross sales drop is earlier than this winter’s arrival of the Mercedes EQC and completely spectacular Porsche Taycan, a number of extra electrical Audis, Mercedes and Porsches to comply with, many at beginning costs significantly beneath these of the high-end Teslas. (See the hyperlinks beneath for extra particulars.)
In the meantime, Tesla has essentially the most government departures I’ve ever seen from any firm; right here’s the astounding full record of escapees. These individuals aren’t leaving as a result of issues are going nice (and even passably) at Tesla; slightly, they’re doubtless leaving as a result of Musk is both an outright criminal or the world’s largest jerk to work for (or each). May the enterprise (if not the inventory value) be saved in its current kind if he left? Nope, it’s too late. Even when Musk steps down in favor of somebody who is aware of what he’s doing, rising aggressive components (outlined in nice element beneath) and Tesla’s steadiness sheet and large extra liabilities make the corporate too late to “fix” with out main monetary and operational restructuring.
In Might Shopper Reviews utterly eviscerated the security of Tesla’s so-called “Autopilot” system; the truth is, Teslas have way more professional rata (i.e., relative to the quantity offered) lethal incidents than different comparable new luxurious vehicles; right here’s a hyperlink to these which were made public. In the meantime Shopper Report’s annual auto reliability survey ranks Tesla 27th out of 28 manufacturers and the variety of lawsuits of every type towards the corporate continues to escalate– there are actually over 700 together with one proving blatant fraud by Musk within the SolarCity buyout (if you wish to be actually entertained, learn his deposition!), an actual magnificence from Wal-Mart which was a sufferer of a secret Tesla cover-up of photo voltaic roof fires, an allegation that unsafe door handles prompted a Tesla driver to burn to loss of life in his automotive and proof that the corporate secretly rolled again battery efficiency with out compensating house owners.
So right here is Tesla’s competitors in vehicles (be aware: these hyperlinks are often up to date)…
Porsche Taycan
Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo
Porsche Macan EV to get Taycan platform and tech Audi e-tron: Electrical Has Gone Audi
Audi e-tron Sportback comes early 2020
AUDI E-TRON GT FIRST DRIVE: LOOK OUT, TESLA (out there 2020) Audi’s This autumn e-tron previews entry-level EV for 2021
Audi e-tron compact hatch to steer model’s electrification plans
Audi TT set to morph into all-electric crossover
THE AWARD-WINNING ALL-ELECTRIC JAGUAR I-PACE Jaguar Land Rover readies electrical XJ and Vary Rover Mercedes EQC Electrical SUV Accessible Late 2019
Mercedes EQV Electrical Minivan Revealed – Accessible Early 2020 Mercedes EQB Small SUV to spice up model’s electrical line-up
Mercedes EQS will probably be constructed along with the S-Class on a brand new devoted electrical platform Mercedes to launch greater than 10 all-electric fashions by 2022
Volvo Polestar 2 Arrives early 2020
Volvo XC40 Recharge, a 408-HP Electrical SUV is available in 2020 Volvo XC-90 EV coming in 2022
Volkswagen unveils the ID.Three, its first ‘electric car for the masses’
VW’s EV crossover for U.S. will probably be known as ID4
VW Group to launch 70 pure electrical vehicles over the following decade 258-Mile Hyundai Kona electrical is out there now for underneath $40,000 239-Mile Kia Niro EV is Accessible Now For Beneath $40,000
Kia Soul (out there mid-2019) EV’s Vary Jumps to 243 Miles
Kia Europe to have six pure electrical fashions by 2022 Chevrolet Bolt Now Affords 259 Miles of Vary
GM is remodeling Cadillac into an electrical model Ford, GM rev up electrical pickup vehicles to go off Tesla
Ford efficiency EV crossover comes 2020, electrical F-150 2021, 2 midsize EV crossovers 2022 Ford to construct two European EVs primarily based on VW’s MEB platform
Nissan LEAF e+ with 226-mile vary is out there now
Nissan Ariya Electrical SUV Idea Is Destined for Manufacturing
BMW 1 Sequence Electrical Coming As Early As 2021 BMW iX3 electrical crossover goes on sale in 2020
New BMW i4: contemporary photographs reveal electrical saloon’s design
BMW’s 2021 iNEXT Returns In New Teasers Displaying Prototypes Manufacturing Rivian electrical pickup truck- funded by Amazon, Ford, Cox & others- is on the way in which Renault upgrades Zoe electrical automotive as competitors intensifies
Peugeot 208 to impress Europe’s small-car market Peugeot to supply EV model of recent 2008 small crossover Electrical Mini Arrives 2020
Toyota and Subaru Conform to Collectively Develop BEV-dedicated Platform and BEV SUV Mazda extends MX identify to new MX-30 electrical crossover
SEAT will launch 6 electrical and hybrid fashions and develop a brand new platform for electrical autos Opel sees electrical Corsa as key EV entry
Opel/Vauxhall will launch electrical SUV and van in 2020 Skoda accepting deposits for electrical vehicles
New Citroen C4 Cactus to be first electrified Citroen in 2020 FCA to speculate $788M to construct new 500 EV in Italy
Maserati to launch electrical sports activities automotive
Bentley Will Supply Hybrid Variations of Each Automobile It Makes and Add an EV by 2025 Lucid Motors closes $1 billion cope with Saudi Arabia to fund electrical automotive manufacturing Meet the Canoo, a Subscription-Solely EV Pod Coming in 2021
Two new electrical vehicles from Mahindra in India by 2019; International Tesla rival e-car quickly Former Saab manufacturing unit will get new life constructing solar-powered Sono Sion electrical vehicles
And in China…
VW ramps up China electrical automotive factories, taking purpose at Tesla SAIC Volkswagen to roll out Three MEB-based EV fashions in 2020/2021
JAC-Volkswagen Launch SOL E20X, The first EV from the Joint Enterprise Audi Q2L e-tron debuts at Auto Shanghai
Audi will construct This autumn e-tron in China
FAW-Volkswagen’s Foshan plant stated to provide e-tron Sportback FAW Hongqi begins promoting electrical SUV with 400km vary for $32,000 FAW (Hongqi) to roll out 15 electrical fashions by 2025
China’s BYD launches six new electrified autos
Daimler & BYD launch new DENZA electrical car for the Chinese language market Denza Idea X Debuts; On Sale Early 2020
BAIC Goes Electrical, & Establishes Itself as a Drive in China’s New Vitality Car Future BAIC BJEV, Magna able to pour RMB2 bln in all-electric PV manufacturing JV
Daimler to Begin EQC Electrical SUV Manufacturing in China in 2019 Daimler and BMW to cooperate on reasonably priced electrical automotive in China Toyota, BYD will collectively develop electrical autos for China
GAC Toyota to make all-electric C-HR GAC Aion
GAC unveils new NEV offshoot dubbed HYCAN
Chevrolet’s new China-only EV known as the Menlo and it seems to be good
Buick Rolls Out First Electrical Automobile for China
GM China raises new-energy car goal to 20 fashions by way of 2023 Nissan & Dongfeng to speculate $9.5 billion in China to spice up electrical autos Hyundai Motor Reworking Chongqing Manufacturing unit into Electrical Car Plant Nio
Jaguar Land Rover’s Chinese language arm invests £800m in EV manufacturing Renault reveals collection city e-SUV Ok-ZE for China
Renault & Brilliance element electrical van lineup for China Renault varieties China electrical car enterprise with JMCG
Honda Debuts New Everus VE-1 All-Electrical SUV, However Solely For China Honda to roll out over 20 electrical fashions in China by 2025
Geely launches new electrical automotive model ‘Geometry’ – will launch 10 EVs by 2025 Mazda to roll out China-only electrical autos by 2020
Xpeng Motors sells a number of EV fashions Changan New Vitality
WM Motors/Weltmeister Chery
China’s cute Ora R1 electrical hatch provides an enormous vary for lower than US$9,000 Singulato
JAC Motors releases new product planning, together with many NEVs Seat to make purely electrical vehicles with JAC VW in China
Iconiq Motors Hozon
EV maker Bordrin skips flash, retains real-car focus Aiways
NEVS launches electric-car output with Saab 9-Three platform in China Youxia
CHJ Automotive begins to just accept orders of Main Preferrred ONE Infiniti to launch Chinese language-built EV in 2022
Zotye Auto to roll out 10 plus NEV fashions by 2020 Thunder Energy
Continental, Didi signal deal on growing EVs for China Mine Mobility (Thailand)
Right here’s Tesla’s competitors in autonomous driving…
Shopper Reviews finds Tesla’s Navigate on Autopilot is way much less competent than a human driver Navigant Ranks Tesla Final Amongst Automakers & Suppliers for Automated Driving
Tesla has a self-driving technique different firms deserted years in the past Waymo and Lyft accomplice to scale self-driving robotaxi service in Phoenix Jaguar and Waymo announce an electrical, totally autonomous automotive Renault, Nissan accomplice with Waymo for self-driving autos
Fiat Chrysler companions with Aurora to develop self-driving industrial vans Hyundai and Kia Spend money on Aurora
Aptiv and Hyundai Motor Group Kind Autonomous Driving Joint Enterprise
Cadillac Tremendous Cruise
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Units the Normal for Fingers-Free Freeway Driving Honda Joins with Cruise and Common Motors to Construct New Autonomous Car SoftBank Imaginative and prescient Fund to Make investments $2.25 Billion in GM Cruise
Ford-VW alliance with Argo might redraw self-driving sector
VW faucets Baidu’s Apollo platform to develop self-driving vehicles in China Audi to hitch Daimler, BMW self-driving tech alliance
Daimler’s heavy vehicles begin self-driving a number of the approach
SoftBank, Toyota’s self-driving automotive enterprise provides Mazda, Suzuki, Subaru Corp, Isuzu Daihatsu Volvo, Nvidia increase autonomous driving collaboration
Continental & NVIDIA Associate to Allow Manufacturing of Synthetic Intelligence Self-Driving Vehicles Intel’s Mobileye has 2 million vehicles (VW, BMW & Nissan) on roads constructing HD maps
Nissan provides Japan model of Infiniti Q50 hands-free freeway driving
Nissan and Mobileye to generate, share, and make the most of imaginative and prescient information for crowdsourced mapping Magna joins the BMW Group, Intel and Mobileye platform as an Integrator for AVs Hyundai to start out autonomous ride-sharing service in Calif.
Uber unveils next-generation Volvo self-driving automotive
Baidu kicks off trial operation of Apollo robotaxi in Changsha Toyota to hitch Baidu’s open-source self-driving platform
Baidu, WM Motor announce strategic partnership for L3, L4 autonomous driving options Baidu plans to mass produce Stage four self-driving vehicles with BAIC by 2021
Volvo, Baidu to co-develop EVs with Stage four autonomy for China
Geely selects Volvo, Veoneer three way partnership as autonomous tech provider BMW and Tencent to develop self-driving automotive know-how collectively
BMW, NavInfo bolster partnership in HD map service for autonomous vehicles in China FAW Hongqi readies electrical SUV providing Stage four autonomous driving
Tencent, Changan Auto Announce Autonomous-Car Joint Enterprise Huawei seems to be to self-driving vehicles in bid to broaden AI focus
BYD companions with Huawei for autonomous driving
Pony.ai, GAC Group launches Aion LX’s degree four self-driving model
Lyft, Magna in Deal to Develop Hardware, Software program for Self-Driving Vehicles Deutsche Publish to Deploy Check Fleet Of Totally Autonomous Supply Vehicles ZF autonomous EV enterprise names first buyer
Magna’s new MAX4 self-driving platform provides autonomy as much as Stage four Groupe PSA’s secure and intuitive autonomous automotive examined by most of the people
Mitsubishi Electrical to Exhibit Autonomous-driving Applied sciences in New xAUTO Check Car Apple acquires self-driving startup Drive.ai
Momenta – Constructing Autonomous Driving Brains JD.com Delivers on Self-Driving Electrical Vehicles NAVYA Unveils First Totally Autonomous Taxi
Fujitsu and HERE to accomplice on superior mobility companies and autonomous driving Lucid Chooses Mobileye as Associate for Autonomous Car Know-how
First Look Inside Zoox’s Autonomous Taxi
Nuro’s Robotic Supply Vans Are Arriving Earlier than Self-Driving Vehicles
Right here’s the place Tesla’s competitors will get its battery cells…
Panasonic (making offers with a number of automakers) LG
SK Innovation Toshiba CATL
Northvolt (backed by VW & BMW) Farasis
Cenat Wanxiang Svolt
Romeo Energy
Toyota accelerates goal for EV with solid-state battery to 2020
ProLogium Know-how Will Produce First Subsequent Technology Lithium Ceramic Battery For EVs BMW invests in Strong Energy solid-state batteries
Ford invests in Strong Energy solid-state batteries Hyundai Motor growing solid-state EV batteries
Most automotive makers will use these battery cells to fabricate their very own packs. Listed below are some examples:
Daimler begins constructing electrical automotive batteries in Tuscaloosa – one in every of eight battery factories GM inaugurates battery meeting plant in Shanghai
PSA to assemble batteries for hybrid, electrical vehicles in Slovakia Honda Companions on Common Motors’ Subsequent Gen Battery Improvement
France’s Saft plans manufacturing of next-gen lithium ion batteries from 2020
Sokon goals to be world supplier of battery, electrical motor, electrical management methods BMW Group invests 200 million euros in Battery Cell Competence Centre
BMW Brilliance Automotive opens battery manufacturing unit in Shenyang
Rimac goes to mass produce batteries and electrical motors for OEMs
Right here’s Tesla’s competitors in charging networks…
Electrify America is spending $2 billion constructing a high-speed U.S. charging community EVgo is constructing a U.S. charging community
191 U.S. Porsche sellers are putting in 350kw chargers ChargePoint to equip Daimler sellers with electrical automotive chargers
GM and Bechtel plan to construct hundreds of electrical automotive charging stations throughout the US Ford introduces 12,000 station charging community, groups with Amazon on residence set up Volta is rolling out a free charging community
Ionity has over 150 European 350kw charging stations
E.ON and Virta launch one of many largest clever EV charging networks in Europe Volkswagen plans 36,000 charging factors for electrical vehicles all through Europe Smatric has over 400 charging factors in Austria
Allego has a whole bunch of chargers in Europe PodPoint UK charging stations
BP Chargemaster/Polar is constructing stations throughout the UK Instavolt is rolling out a UK charging community
Fastned constructing 150kw-350kw chargers in Europe
Deutsche Telekom launches set up of charging community for e-cars Shell begins rollout of ultrafast electrical automotive chargers in Europe
Whole to construct 1,000 high-powered charging factors at 300 European service-stations Volkswagen, FAW Group, JAC Motors, Star Cost formally announce new EV charging JV BP, Didi Soar on Electrical-Car Charging Bandwagon
Evie rolls out ultrafast charging community in Australia
Evie Networks To Set up 42 Extremely-Quick Charging Websites In Australia
And right here’s Tesla’s competitors in storage batteries…
AES + Siemens (Fluence)
Mitsubishi Hitachi
Johnson Contols
Schneider Electrical
Lockheed Martin
EOS Vitality Storage
electrIQ Energy Belectric Stem
Renault Primus Energy
Simpliphi Energy redT Vitality Storage Murata Bluestorage
Adara Blue Planet
Tabuchi Electrical Aggreko Orison
Moixa Powin Vitality Nidec Powervault Schmid
24M Ecoult Innolith
Natron Vitality
Vitality Vault Ambri
But regardless of all that deep-pocketed competitors, maybe you need to purchase shares of Tesla since you imagine in its administration workforce. Actually???
Elon Musk knew SolarCity confronted a ‘liquidity crisis’ at time of 2016 deal, authorized paperwork present Musk’s empire was in peril in 2016, and new paperwork reveal the determined plan to reserve it
Elon Musk knew SolarCity was going broke earlier than merger with Tesla Elon Musk Settles SEC Fraud Prices
Elon Musk, June 2009: “Tesla will cross over into profitability next month”
Extra Damaged Guarantees From Tesla
Tesla SEC Correspondence Reveals A Sample Of Inaccurate, Incomplete & Deceptive Disclosures Tesla: Test Your Full Self-Driving Snake Oil Expiration Date
As Musk Hyped and Joyful-Talked Traders, Tesla Stored Quiet A few 12 months-Lengthy SEC Probe The Fact Is Catching Up With Tesla
With Deceptive Messages And Buyer NDAs, Tesla Performs Stealth Recall Who You Gonna Consider? Elon Musk’s Phrases Or Your Personal Mendacity Eyes?
How Tesla and Elon Musk Exaggerated Security Claims About Autopilot and Vehicles When Is Sufficient Sufficient With Elon Musk?
Musk Talked Merger With SolarCity CEO Earlier than Tesla Inventory Sale Tesla Continues To Mislead Customers
Tesla Misses The Level With Fortune Autopilot Story
Tesla Timeline Reveals Musk’s Morality Is Extremely Handy
Tesla Scares Clients With Nugatory NDAs, The Each day Kanban Talks To Legal professionals Tesla: O, What A Tangled Net We Weave When First We Apply To Deceive Tesla’s Monetary Shenanigans
Tesla: A Failure To Talk Can You Actually Belief Tesla?
Elon Musk Seems To Have Misled Traders On Tesla’s Most Latest Convention Name
Understanding Tesla’s Potemkin Swap Station
So in abstract, Tesla is about to face an enormous onslaught of competitors with a market cap bigger than
Ford’s and GM’s regardless of promoting fewer than 400,000 vehicles a yr whereas Ford and GM make billions of dollars promoting 6 million and over eight million autos respectively. Thus this cash-burning Musk vainness undertaking is price vastly lower than its over $50 billion enterprise worth and—due to over $30 billion in debt, buy and lease obligations—might ultimately be price “zero.”
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/elon-musk-is-a-securities-fraud-committing-pathological-liar-shortseller/
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12 Reasons To Have A Young Living Business
12 Reasons To Have A YOung Living Business Video
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No matter what stage you are at using your essential oils, whether you have yet to use one, or you consider yourself an advanced user, you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised by a few of these reasons.  Young Living is a product driven company. Where approximately 92% only buy the product and CHOOSE NOT to take advantage of the business side. That’s an amazing model. It shows people love the product, and keep coming back for more. But with only a $165 investment, you can have an legit business while enjoying your products too.  No need to spend thousands or tens of thousands to set up a business, which have a significantly higher percentage of failure.   Young Living is very family friendly and product focus - it’s not all about getting rich and driving fancy cars. We can have balance as we focus on the products supporting our own wellness as well as the business side too. Let’s face it, when it comes down to it, money can have an impact on families in a huge way. The feeling of not having to worry about how you’re going to pay your electricity bill or having enough to get that something special you’ve been dreaming about for a really long time.  Young Living is all about Wellness, Purpose and Abundance. It all connects. Most people do this to have all their oils and NingXia Red paid for. So, why not increase your pay check so you can buy more items to transform your health.  Some people don’t even realize they can make money while using the products they love!  But you can base it on what you are passionate about, as well as help others - it doesn’t have to be all about the self, as I will now show you as we now explore the 12 reasons about this opportunity…. Recognized Industry Leader With 25 Year History & Proven Growth Record. Young Living has been a leader in essential oils with 25 years under their belt. Their growth has exploded, especially since 2013. Very few understand the detail behind unlocking the power of plants, and that is where Young Living are experts! Knowing how the company started, what it’s been through and its heart is eye opening. 
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Their Seed To Seal commitment is unmatched. No one else has the farms they do. The investment the have made in their own farms for the best unadulterated essential oils is worth every penny. You get what you pay for. They are invested in the whole process to ensure YOU get therapeutic products of all kinds. Personal care, baby line, a line for animals, non-toxic cleaning items, non-toxic makeup…the list goes on.  Their essential oils are NOT made in a lab. They are NOT fragrances. Others are cheap imitations to desperately get a cut of this industry that is still growing like CRAZY! So, don’t save money in the short term to spend more in the long term thanks to what others pass off and put in their bottles. Young Living is the industry leader due to the unsurpassed quality they produce, which also makes a biggest positive difference for our bodies. Remember, your essential oils should smell like the actual plant - that’s when you get the most benefits.  Of course, to get the best, there’s a whole science that goes behind the farming and harvesting of the plants, but we’ll save all those details for another time. The point is, many don’t have a clue about what goes behind growing, making and even blending an essential oil for our benefit.  Five New International Markets Over The Next 5 Years. Young Living’s 5 by 5 pledge. 
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The company has been global for SO long, but they stepping it up and becoming even more global.  So, the plan is to open 25 new markets in the next 5 years with an additional 5 million members. Recently opened new markets that are already exploding include the Philippines and Mexico. We locations such as South Africa and Brazil opening later this year.  This means less shipping and custom fees for people living in these countries and so these products will be more accessible to them.  This means the growth potential for your business is off the charts.  And to help, we have international Facebook pages and guides in your virtual office to help you with each of these markets. At convention this year I even went into the  International lounge and spoke to several employees at difference offices including Australia and Malaysia. I learned so much and would feel fully confident in the support team members would have in these and other growing markets.  Young Living has well over 600 Consumable Wellness Products For All Ages, Men, Women, Children & Pets I’m not going to sit down and count them all, but I’m positive we have over 700 different products now. 
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It truly is a product driven company, which is family friendly. This is very apparent with its non-toxic and practical products that have a focus on health and wellness. I love the difference I’ve seen in my children and husband since they started using the products. Every household has a product or two that they use daily and just can’t live without. Well, that’s definitely the case in this household. This translates to consumable products.  Consumable means repeat customers, which are essential to ANY business. Your bread and butter for you, AND the health and wellness for THEM.  Customer retention is extremely high, which also shows the products work. It’s not a business that’s trying to sell something that really has no use, or something you can’t even see.   Charitable Foundation Impacting Over 250,000 Lives & 170 Projects
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Young Living’s D. Gary Young Foundation gives you a glimpse of their heart. And we all can get to be involved too, whether you want to sponsor a child, go and volunteer on a specific project or simply donate to the foundation from the comfort of your own home.  This Foundation, which gives 100% of all proceeds direct to the projects, is also different in other ways compared to other charities. For one, it focuses on empowerment, which is key to long term change. Charities tend to only provide, but instead this foundation provides while also empowering the locals to build for themselves. It’s important to teach, so when outside help isn’t there, they still have the tools and resources to thrive in life. The results are transformative.  Zero Waste Status In Global Operations In The Next 5 Years. This is an official classification for companies, which Young Living is striving towards. It’s not easy! They’ve actually got an award already for their efforts so far. This philosophy means that NOTHING from the first stages of product (so at the farm) all the way to end product and shipping goes to a land fill. So any solid materials that are produced need to be suitable so they can recycled or reused.  It’s about being Earth friendly. 
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I’ve mentioned it so many times before, but as Young Living essential oils are all natural and do NOT contain any synthetics, if they are flushed away for some reason they don’t do any harm to the system. I often put Lemon or Purification essential oil in our garage disposal. Isn’t it great knowing you’re not hurting the environment.   The hydro water, which is left over from the distillation process always contains some remaining essential oil, but they use it back on the farm. But if it were to go back down the pipes, it wouldn’t do any harm. It’s so good it’s used as a natural insecticide - one reason why nasty chemicals are not required at their farms.  Even left over plant materials are reused as mulch.  But can you imagine the effort required to make the zero waste status around the world! That’s a company I can get behind.  Generous Reward Trips At Six Rank Levels.
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Travel. What a privilege it is still to get to travel!  This is another great reason to build this business. When you reach Silver rank and each rank above for 3 months, you get invited to an all expenses paid retreat.  Experience, farms, partner farms, distilleries. Get pampered on. Meet and mingle with others in the same situation as you, as well as corporate employees. These are personally transformative, and game changers. And you don’t have to pay a penny as you have fun, learn and get inspired. Generous Bonuses & Compensation Plan. Many shy away from the opportunity for residue income, but that’s normally because they don’t really understand its meaning. But all you have to do is ask me, and I can take you through that in as much detail as you want. 
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The industry average is to pay out around 38%-42% in commissions, but Young living pays out 50%. That’s a great payout.  Mary Young wrote the compensation plan several years back. Back in the day she used to be in a network marketing company, so understands what it’s like to be in our shoes. She had the plan reviewed and was told that it’s one of the best and most generous plans that was actually sustainable. So, the company won’t go broke on it.  The foundation of any company is essential! I’ve even been in other companies where their business model wasn’t sustainable, both in direct sales, and in the corporate world. Jumping on the newest trend, for the majority of the time,  isn’t a good thing.   If you’ve seen the compensation plan, including all the bonuses and you feel totally lost. Don’t worry. There are videos and books I can direct you to that lay it out in simple chunks. Bottom line….there is huge potential and you can easily make it all the way to the top long before I do! And I’ll even introduce you to the current leaders to teach you how. Ongoing Support And Training Young Living is constantly improving their resources to help us. They have a frequently updated blog called: The Lavender Life. It has a variety of useful topics, and I highly recommend it.  There are numerous Facebook groups, which are focused around either business (for all rank levels) or products, for you to learn from daily. I will tell you about these when you tell me you’re ready for them. 
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And of course there is your own Virtual Office, which you get the second you get your own Young Living Membership. It’s full of education and news. If there’s something specific you’re after and can’t find. Ask me, or another member of the team.   Willable Residual Income. This is HUGE! Anyone over 18 can take over an account if someone dies. You can protect you own account for your children, or someone else, so you don’t have to worry about their future financially. You can even now inherit an account AND have your own account too. Residue income that keeps coming. What company does that? 
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If you understand residue income, then you know this itself is a fabulous perk that truly changes lives!  No Inventory To Keep Or Deliver. You do NOT need to store, or stock pile product. There’s no requirement to have an empty garage to store all your product.  Of course, as you use the product you’ll fall in love and want to keep extra favorites for yourself. But that’s a person issue.  
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Basically, you only need $165 for a legit business. There are other even cheaper options, but this is the most popular one.  Any of the team can take you through what’s best for you personally! Ready To Share Resources. When you’re ready to share, there are multiple resources for you, no matter your style, or the way you want to build your own business. 
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First up check out the YL Share App. It’s free and a great way to share information - all you need is your own Young Living account.  There are too many websites out there selling handouts and brochures, which is great so you don’t have to create your own. However, if you need help sifting through all the options, I have no problem helping you with that.  Over the years I’ve collected so many different options, and I’ll love to show you what I prefer.  One thing I’ve learned. Make it simple for yourself. Use what’s already out for us.  For example, a cross line member, which is a Young Living member in a different team, created these graphics for us to use tonight. Team Young Living rocks!.  Set Your Own Hours & Work From Anywhere.
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This ONE is extremely important to me. I can work at my own pace and location as everything is on my phone. This means I can put my family first. I spend more time with family and friends than I would in ANY corporate job, and this is key as I homeschool my three little girls and my husband is far from working the typical 9-5 schedule.  I also get to be in a community full of passionate entrepreneurs. And we all get to do this business in a way that suits us personally.  It’s family friendly. You can make an income with balance and integrity. My family always come first, and I don’t stop earning because I’m on vacation. Many people, when they actually start this business, do it on a part time basis. Here’s A quick overview of what we covered,
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But for me personally, I would also add several more, which we could go into more detail in a moment during question time if you would like: You get to be your own boss.You get to help and love on others.You develop deep friendships.There’s no commute. Your journey is fully of personal development. As mentioned, there’s an extremely low cost of investment.No required monthly minimums (only 100pv if you’re building, but that’s easily paid back in commissions, as you can see from the public income disclosure statement).You get to wear what you want every day. You can be stay at home parent, or do this while working a full time job. There are NO minimum sales. No pressure. You get to work with the people you want to. You can even take your kids with you if you go to an event. There are so many online events and support, you don’t need a local team. You can be located anywhere!If you’re a health & wellness professional, it’s a great way to increase your customer base. And of course, tax write offs.   What I also love: One size does NOT fit all. Do this business in a way that feels good to you. It can  even be different from your direct upline. But be committed to finding YOUR way. You may not have all the answers up front. But you can figure it out. Step outside comfort zone - it’s worth it. And you’re NOT alone! By marrying fabulous products with the business side keeps you in balance. And you get to have an impact on your community and beyond.  It truly is more than just the paycheck… it’s about the people. 
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Read the full article
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xsarasmilex · 4 years
so luckily I got my two week of unemployment, from the federal goverment so my weekly was 225 even though it should have been 250 I got 600 the 1st week, then 1200 the second week and I get another 600 this week, we had to buy a new car battery cause our was shot, and his dad is bitching again about rent, like he thinks we are going to pay him 600$ a month not until we have two bedrooms one for us and one for the babies, everyone pays 450, ya we never pay on the 1st because we dont have it, but we always pay throughout the month and his mom just started paying her back rent, and apparently gave his dad 700 she is leaving for new york on wednesday, which Im glad about but I have no babysitter for 10 days, while she is gone, and I think I have a couple of doctors appointment I have to go to without maddie so idk how that is going to happen, maybe she will even stay in new york, she literally just started paying her bills and paying me and nick back all the money for all the electric bills that she hadent paid in over 5 mon, and his brother isjust sitting on almsot 5000 and here i am just gotten my 600 and my account ended up overdrafted becuase of all the bills we had to pay, and now my 1200 is already down to like 500-600 because I had to pay for our new car battery and all the stuff that goes into the engine, and poor nick paycheck are only 550 and most of the time he is overdrafter 125 so his paycheck is only about 400 so Im making more money then he is through unemployment, but with that means I gotta pay more bills because hes already overdrafter and doesent have any extra money for anything, and I really want to get another car because the one we have isant big enough for two babies I really want a kia soul and he hates those cars, but they are really big inside, and really nice and good reliable cars, and big enough for two babies, or at least trade our car in for something bigger like a jeep or something, oh and our friend matt came over and dropped off so much baby boy clothes and stuff for little nicky, so we dont need any more clothes deff not, and we got a pack n play for him that we didnt have to buy, now all we need is a double seated stroller and we will be good, thats about it for now just had to vent a little cause im sick and tired, of everyone giving his dad all this money and we are still short on rent because he tries to flip whatever we give him which isant fair to anyone else getting that money like if we give you money give it to the damn landlord that not fucking hard at all
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