#we know MC's evol is special but not why or in what way
zeynatura · 8 months
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yuzuocha · 7 months
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@anxiousgoddest just know that this is all your fault
warnings ‣ ooc characterization, spoilers (obviously), and crack. lots of it
prologue | chapter ɪ | chapter ɪɪ | chapter ɪɪɪ | chapter ɪᴠ | chapter ᴠ | chapter ᴠɪ | chapter ᴠɪɪ | chapter ᴠɪɪɪ
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・ listen to some linkon radi– ROLL CREDITS HE SAID THE THING
・ here is mc and mc is you but prettier
・ you but prettier was talking in class and the teacher called her up bc of it oooohhhhhhh she in troubleeeee
"you're a hunter now"
・ nevermind
"heres all the things you need to know about hunters"
"hunters are the ones who exclusively fight wanderers (except for when they don't)"
"hunters are strictly managed and checked (except for when they don't)"
"and hunters are incredibly capable and essentially are heroes (except for when they don't)"
・ nevermind the nevermind
"also your evol can't be measured, quirky"
"what's an evol again"
"game forgor to explain but remember everything this game tells you about evol and hunters and shit because NOTHING IS GOING TO MAKE SENSE UNTIL YOU READ THROUGH EVERYTHING"
・ neverminding the nevermind the nevermind as you put in information for some reason
"why do i need to put my personal information in front of everyone when you're a government run association"
"here's your badge" *throws*
"how reliable"
・ you but prettier wields a gun as their neutral special
・ also man nothing like new players heading straight into a dangerous area which is actually the hongdae station turned into— oh shit sorry wrong story i was reading orv while you but prettier and quirky girl friend were yapping
"ngl waking me up to a gun threat aint poggers yk"
"ykw whatever im xavier and very unsuspicious"
"wait we gotta fight"
・ you but prettier used the glock and sword boy used the sword like a sword boy should sword do sword sword do sw—
"anyway back to our very interesting yapping"
"you were taking a nap right smack where the new hunters were hunting and pulled me somewhere without my consent and you're eventually gonna get my phone number despite me never taking out my phone and you are unsuspicious"
"roll for innocence"
"ah fuck whatever"
・ enemy waited for them to finish their long ass conversation smh my head
"ok now that we got that out of the way fill me with your essence while on your knees"
・ one essence filling on the knees later
"ok because you filled me with so much of your essence everyone exploded and is now gone"
"your essence filled me up a little too well, nothing's left"
・ very unsuspicious goes poof
"yo mc what happened"
"a guy asked me to fill him up with my essence and nothing will make sense until you read everything"
・ nevermind
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taglist! | @kttriangle | @sncrly0urs
lmk if you want chapter 1 soon
yuzuocha © 2024 - all rights KINDA reserved.
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hakutaichou · 3 years
[JP] Love and Producer: Pronouns + Speech Style Analysis
This post is about what pronouns and speech style the bois used in JP version. Unlike Chinese/Mandarin and English, in Japanese, there’re many honorifics used by different people's personalities with many formal and informal social situations.
Japanese grammar, as a whole, tends to function on hierarchy; honorific stems are appended to verbs and many nouns, primarily names, and in many cases one word may be exchanged for another word entirely with the same verb or noun meaning, but with different honorific connotations. (Wikipedia)
Prepare your snack and drink, this is gonna be a very long post.
P.S I’m using Gavin vs Shaw battle in episode 6 because they cursing each other using their “speech style”.
First of all, let’s arrange some of JP word speech based on the bois...
“CEO Victor”
俺 (Ore) = I
私 (Watashi) = I [Formal]
おまえ (Omae) = You
きみ (Kimi) / あなた (Anata) = You [Formal]
バカ (Baka) = Dummy
来い (Koi) = Come here
“Prof. Lucien”
僕 (Boku) [Lucien] / 私 (Watashi) [Ares] = I
きみ (Kimi) [Lucien] / おまえ (Omae) [Ares] = You
馬鹿 / ばか (Baka) = Silly
おいで (Oide) = Come here
“Captain Gavin”
俺 (Ore) = I
自分 (Jibun) / 僕 (Boku) = I [Formal]
おまえ (Omae) = You
馬鹿 (Baka) = Silly
来い (Koi) = Come here
“Idol-Hacker Kiro”
オレ (Ore) [Kiro] / 俺 (Ore) [Helios] = I
キミ (Kimi) [Kiro] / おまえ (Omae) [Helios] = You
ばか (Baka) = Silly
こっちに来て (Kochi ni kite) = Come here
“College Student Shaw”
俺 (Ore) = I
アンタ (Anta) = You
バカ (Baka) = Silly
来いよ (Koi yo) = Come here
Can you see it, the different words with same meaning that used by each of the bois?
[Character Personality Description from Evol x Love JP Official Website]
CEO Victor is Huarui (LFG) Group’s CEO. He started Huarui in college, and climbed to the top of financial world in eight years. He’s also the investor of MC’s Company and the one who holds its fate. His personality is decisive and strict. He thinks rules is above all else than emotion, and he acts only for the benefit of the company. He hates spending time and money meaninglessly. He looks cold at first glance, but he also has a gentle side, such as approaching the weak things.
Since he is Tsundere, the most perfect pronouns for him is “Ore and Omae”
Hakutaichou: “I’ll explain his speech analysis with Gavin...”
Captain Gavin is a EVOL special officer. He ostensibly works at Loveland City Police Station as an ordinary police officer. He is a lone wolf and brave man. He has absolute trust in the person he admits. He has his own policy, and doesn’t mind being misunderstood by others. He has his own right and wrong views, sometimes he acts out of the rules of the world.
Same as Victor, Gavin’s pronouns is “Ore and Omae” which usually used by cold-ruthless-hold power character in otome world. but what makes their personality different is on their “Silly/Idiot” word.
Victor’s バカ (Baka) in “Katakana”, and Gavin’s 馬鹿 (Baka) in “Kanji”
Where’s the difference? its from their speech style, Victor said “Baka” with decisive personality, meanwhile Gavin said it with polite personality.
if you can't tell the difference, you can hear some dialog from both of them in Chapter 26-27 (Gavin talking to guard in facility vs Victor met Leto in cargo ship)
Professor Lucien is an authoritative scientist in neuroscientist community. He is a Elite who has returned from studying aboard. He’s known to the public as a guest professor at Loveland University. He has an amazing memory, that he will never forget what he saw once, and his IQ and EQ are high. He treats everyone politely, which in turn makes people feel that there is a sense of distance. No one knows his true nature and purpose.
Lucien is a “yasashii” gentle person with mysterious aura, he always make a smiling face to everyone, but at the same times he’s emotionless boi and had a dark personality he hides from them. His pronouns is “Boku and Kimi”, which sometimes used by intelligent/educated-gentle character in otome world.
As if a kind man with a many hidden motive (from bad thing to possessive thing) who wanted his loved one to come closer to him, “Oide” is the most “Come Here” word that used by a same character type as Lucien.
When he acted as Ares, his pronouns changed to “Watashi/Boku and Omae” or “Watashi and Anata [Anime only]” because his personality also changed to ruthless-polite person, but sometimes turned back to his “Boku and Kimi” when talking to MC only.
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Lucien/Ares to MC: You (Kimi), can’t hurt yourself.
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Ares to BS Member: What do you (Omae) know?
If you need more references, there’re some of gentle mysterious characters who voiced by Lucien’s JP VA, Hirakawa-san which using “Boku and Kimi” or “Watashi and Anata” for their pronouns, like Saint-Germain from Code: Realize.
Idol-Hacker Kiro is a super popular idol who has been active since childhood. He wasn’t easy on his way, but he got over it with an optimistic personality. He is as bright as the sun, attractive and straightforward personality. He is mischievous, childish, and smart. He likes a mediocre life, sometimes disguises himself to go to convenience stores, and walk around the city. In addition to his occupation as a idol, he also has multiple identities and his true purpose.
That’s why, Kiro’s “Come here” is “Kochi ni kite”, that words same as persuade people, even kids to come closer, not like “Oide” or “Koi”, you can feel the owner’s very warm tone from that words.
Plus because Kiro once lived in America, his pronouns (Ore and Kimi) using “Katakana” not “Kanji/Hiragana” like others.
*Katakana: one of japanese writing system, usually used to write words that come from foreign languages that have been absorbed into Japanese
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Kiro: Always stay by my (Ore [Katakana]) side.
But when Kiro become Helios, besides swapped personality from warm innocent to cold ruthless mode, his pronouns also changed to Victor and Gavin’s pronouns (Ore and Omae).
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Helios: Leave the rest to me (Ore [Kanji])
Shaw [Error 404: Not found]
Since Shaw’s encounter with MC are still few...I’ll analyzed him from main chapter side and some of Date only.
Because Shaw is a arrogant gangster with polite attitude person, his pronouns is “Ore and Anta”
俺 (Ore) is from his arrogant personality, meanwhile アンタ (Anta) is informal pronoun of あなた (Anata) from his polite one.
“She/Her and He/Him”
There’s no specific “She/Her” and “He/Him” pronouns in Japanese. All of japanese people calling each other using their name (except: their mom, auntie, grandma, etc). What if we didn’t remember their name? you can use “You” for calling them. And if you want to talking about someone, you can use “Ano hito”, “Ano ko”, “Ano yarou” which have one main meaning is, “That person”.
Back to the main topic. In Main Chapters, MC like to call every love interests with their name, not “You” in dialog script.
MC: Haku, Zen, Kira, Helios, Simon, Ares, Shou.
And MC sometimes using “Kare” instead the boys’ name in description, or her inner mind.
彼 / カレ (Kare) means He/Him, sometimes used for close relationship like “Boyfriend”.
Besides using MC’s name, Victor, Lucien, Kiro, and Gavin also using “Kanojo” to calling MC, meanwhile Shaw in early chapter called MC as “Ano ko” (That Girl) before changed to “Kanojo” in Chapter 19+
彼女 (Kanojo) means She/Her, usually used for close relationship such as...“Girlfriend”.
That’s why...In episode 6 (Chapter 11)
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JP Shaw: Maa demo...honki de “Ano ko” wo mamoritai nara, anna tokoro totto yameru nda na.
[Real ENG] JP Shaw: Well... if you really want to protect “That girl”, you’d better leave that place (STF) immediately.
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JP Gavin: “Kanojo” wo te o dasu na!
[Real ENG] JP Gavin: Don’t you dare to touch MY GIRL!
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] S2 Gavin and MC in Chapter 11 (Part Two)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers from Season 2 🍒
Part one: here
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On this cold and damp night, the roads of Loveland City are desolate.
Only one lane of bars in the city centre continues to have a hubbub of voices, and young people sway and shuttle back and forth the street.
Standing at the entrance of a luxury private club, I take a deep breath. According to the information I have, there’s an eye-witness to one of the assassinations here.
Based on the leads, the other party is highly likely to appear at this luxury private club, and could perhaps be an important witness to clear my name as a suspect.
I’ve discussed a few contracts here in the capacity of Nox. As such, the staff nod at me politely, and bring me into the room.
Taking a deep breath, I knock on the door politely.
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The moment I open the door, the conversations within the room quieten down in succession.
Eyes sweeping the surroundings, I’m slightly startled. The ceiling light sways and illuminates everything clearly.
This place is even larger than I imagined. The interior decor is extremely luxurious, and even comes off overly spacious.
People of various styles are gathered in different places of the room, which is brimming with an atmosphere of pleasure and merriment. There’s self-absorbed singing, the scent of alcohol and smoke suffusing wantonly in the air. 
Someone sees me entering. Lifting his head, he whistles at me. The man sitting beside him sways his beer lazily.
??: Be careful, that’s Nox from Black Swan. Not everyone dares to toy with her.
While speaking, his eyes flit towards the deepest part of the room, and he arches his brows bemusedly.
??: Officer Gavin, does this count as the police catching an unlucky criminal?
Before I can react to what he means, the other person laughs aloud, holding up the microphone and carrying on the conversation.
??: In that case, Officer Gavin will be wiping us all out tonight~
With this, wanton chortles ring out in the room.
Despite what was said, everyone continues lazing around in their original positions. There is absolutely no fear in their eyes - there’s even a hint of arrogance hidden in them.
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Following their gazes, I stare at the end of the room - Gavin’s here too.
Gavin’s wearing a simple black jacket, and is casually leaning against a sofa.
He holds a bottle of wine indifferently, crossing a leg over the other in the shadows, neon lights making his sharp features clear.
Those around him maintain a certain distance, as though showing him a degree of trust, yet unconsciously staying away.
As though not expecting that I’d appear here, he lifts his head to look at me, his gaze bringing with it an icy alienation and lack of familiarity. 
I put on a shocked expression, giving him a nod. Then, I take a deep breath quietly.
Most of the people here are difficult to read, and I can’t give the game away.
Composing myself, I sit on a sofa not far from Gavin.
Seeing me seated, he turns his wrist slightly. The beer bottle shakes, akin to a greeting.
??: Officer Gavin has a wide circle. He even knows someone from Black Swan.
Gavin doesn’t even look at him, bringing the beer to his lips indolently.
Gavin: Do I need to give you a report on who I know?
The man isn’t annoyed at all, and laughs along with others.
??: You should have told us that someone from Black Swan was coming. We bros could have made some preparations.
Gavin: Prepare what? To give her a salute? Anyway, I’m unfamiliar with Nox from Black Swan. The reason for her appearance here has nothing to do with me.
Gavin sways the bottle of beer in his hand, his guarded expression sweeping across my face, faint mockery laced in his tone.
Gavin: I’m not interested in what you’re doing here. You can get out now.
Hearing Gavin’s words, I feign experience as I pick up the bottle of beer in front of me, taking a shallow sip.
MC: I’m looking for someone, and won’t take much of everyone’s time.
I stare directly at the blonde man at a corner of the room.
MC: Old Pi, right? I have some things to ask you.
The man whose name was called doesn’t show any acknowledgement. Gavin snorts.
I turn towards the sound. Gavin isn’t looking at me. His gaze is fixed to the front, light from the screen illuminating the coldness in his eyes.
Gavin: Looking for someone isn’t a problem. But it’s my gathering today. Miss Nox isn’t showing due respect by dampening one’s spirits the moment she enters.
MC: Since it’s Officer Gavin’s gathering, it’s naturally not good to cause too much trouble. Old Pi just needs to answer my questions, and I'd leave immediately.
Gavin: I've never met someone who bosses people around like you.
MC: You have now.
Gavin doesn’t respond, but simply laughs softly. However, the room has quietened down at this point, and everyone seems to be watching the scene before them with rapt attention.
One man sees that things are taking a bad turn, and smiles as he mediates the situation.
Man: Why don’t the two of you have a private chat? After all, the aura of two tycoons is too powerful, and we normal people can’t really handle it.
The others immediately make sounds of agreement.
I nod, shooting Gavin a smile.
MC: Sure, I’m very wiling to speak to Officer Gavin in private.
Gavin looks at me thoughtfully. After a long time, he finally stands up.
Gavin: Everyone, continue.
I follow behind Gavin, leaving the room and entering another. When passing by the window, I take special notice of the building opposite the club--
Within the dark blue glass building, I know that a pair of eyes hidden in the darkness are observing us silently.
Staff: The two of you can talk over here. No one will bother you.
I grin as I watch the staff leave. Once he closes the door, I slump onto the sofa like a deflated rubber ball.
MC: Gavin, how was my performance just now?
I lift my head to look at Gavin. That aura of “strangers beware” has already been kept away. Hearing my question, he smiles.
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Gavin: You did very well.
MC: Gavin, how did you confirm that Old Pi was the eye-witness for the third assassination incident?
Gavin: I have my ways. This person is enough to clear you from suspicion.
MC: Did you put in a lot of effort for this?
Gavin: It’s a trivial matter, don’t worry. Now that you’ve cast off suspicion, what follows will be the main task.
On the day I gave my report to STF, Gavin asked for assistance. We decided on a series of connected plans, and today’s performance is just one of them.
As for the others... as I recall them, Gavin stands up.
Gavin: It’s almost time to head back.
I nod, preparing to follow him. However, Gavin suddenly turns his head.
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Gavin: Don’t drink anymore.
Gavin and I head back to the original room. The moment he steps out of the door, he reverts to his earlier state.
Gavin: Since you’re looking for him, ask him yourself. Whether he’s willing to depends on him.
After saying this, he glances at Old Pi, then sits down indolently, not looking at him again.
Old Pi walks to a bar counter in a quieter area, waving his hand and signalling that I should go over.
Old Pi: Since Officer Gavin has shown you respect, how could I not know what to do?
I walk over to him and sit down, and he starts chattering away endlessly.
Old Pi: I heard that Nox from Black Swan is pretty incredible. I didn’t think she’d be so incredible that even Officer Gavin would be persuaded. Go on, what can I do for you?
MC: Someone said that you witnessed the third Evol assassination incident. I want to ask you about the situation back then.
Old Pi says that he can’t really remember what happened, so MC uses her Evol to read his memories
During the third assassination incident, he was hiding in a corner and witnessed what happened. MC guesses that he didn’t want any trouble, which is why he didn’t bring it up
MC offers him money to be a witness. While Old Pi initially worries about his safety, MC reassures him that Black Swan can protect him. Old Pi writes his desired sum in her hand, and she agrees
Before MC leaves:
I stand up, looking at Gavin who is not far off.
MC: Many thanks to Officer Gavin.
Gavin: A piece of advice for you. Don’t investigate unnecessary matters.
MC: That will depend on the boundaries of “unnecessary”.
Without waiting for his response, I leave the club without even turning my head.
After MC leaves, there’s a small discussion in the club where it’s hinted that Gavin has been looking for an old criminal police officer, whether dead or alive
I spend the next few days organising the evidence and actively curating the testimony Old Pi has given to me.
On the day I receive Gavin’s phone call, I'm still combing through the testimony, hoping for it to be absolutely foolproof.
Gavin has arranged to meet me at an unfinished building. Setting down the things on hand, I arrive punctually.
Everything’s proceeding according to our plan.
The unfinished building is empty, and a piercingly cold breeze scatters recklessly. I shiver, and spot Gavin on the roof.
I move closer towards him playfully.
MC: Even if Captain Gavin wanted to protect a spy, he didn’t have to invite her to such a place to talk, right?
But Gavin turns around, staring at me coldly.
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Gavin: What did you see in that person’s memories?
His expression is hidden in the afterglow of the setting sun. Together, the abrupt alienation and the cold wind bring me a stinging pain.
MC: Gavin, did something happen?
He doesn’t respond. His gaze seems to tell me that before I give him a reply, he won’t give me any.
MC: ...I saw what happened during an assassination. Old Pi’s an eye-witness of the third assassination incident. I have sufficient proof to show that I wasn’t there at the time. In other words, I have more concrete evidence to prove that I'm not involved in the Evol assassinations.
Gavin frowns, and it seems he hasn’t heard the answer he wanted to hear.
Gavin: That’s all?
MC: Is there anything else?
Gavin doesn’t respond to my question, and grows contemplative.
I can’t help but take a step closer to him. However, he once again puts distance between us without batting an eyelid.
MC: Gavin. Are you hiding another investigation from me, or is there something concealed behind the Evol assassinations? I could help you if you need it.
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Gavin: It’s the complete opposite. 
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Gavin: The reason why I called you here is to make it clear. Since you’ve cleared your name as a suspect, stay away from this matter. From today onwards, the assassination incidents have nothing to do you with you. Next time, you don’t need to do anything else.
His expression is resolute, as though he wants to push me far away.
MC: No matter what it is, I can help. I don't want you to get involved in danger alone.
Gavin: There’s nothing you can help with.
MC: Why... do you not trust me?
My mouth is agape, and I’m not sure what to say. All I can feel is my eyes stinging from the wind.
When he sees me like this, he sighs. But what he says is still incredibly saddening.
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Gavin: I really want to trust you. But I can’t. I promise that everything will be resolved. Sometimes, it’s safest not to know anything.
It’s as though my heart has been wound tight, making it a little difficult for me to breathe.
MC: Are you going to shoulder everything on your own again? I can help you! Why don’t you believe that I can help you!
Gavin turns and walks to the side of the roof, staring into the distance at the dusk of Loveland City.
I follow him, walking to his side, and looking afar off. The dusk of Loveland City is bustling and harmonious. The dirty undercurrents simply surge in places that can’t be seen.
MC: At your side, I won’t face any danger, right?
Gavin turns his head, giving me a prolonged gaze, and is silent for a very long time.
He takes a step backwards quietly, and I turn around to face him incomprehensibly. 
Gavin’s expression is cool. The light casts a distorted shadow on his face.
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He reaches out, giving me a light push.
I stop breathing. It’s as though the world has suddenly turned upside down, and the sound of wind at my ear grows even louder.
Gavin: I’m the greatest danger.
The passing wind brings Gavin’s voice to my ear. The loneliness in his voice brings a wave of anguish to my heart.
He stuffs his hand into his pocket in a suppressed and restrained manner, akin to the final gust of cold wind in spring. 
The blood-like dusk is behind Gavin, and it looks as though its drowning him.
I reach out to him. Everything in my view overlaps with the hand which he has hidden in his pocket.
If I were to be just a little closer, I could hold his hand.
Just a little.
Gavin: This is just a warning. Stop investigating.
I struggle to look at Gavin for the last time. But before I have the time to see anything, weightlessness takes over.
All that’s left in the world is the sound of wind.
Many images of Gavin’s face flash across my mind--
When he’s smiling. When he’s calm. When he’s quiet. When he’s tired. When he’s asleep.
One after another, Gavin’s face appears before my eyes, vivid and real.
He’s a normal person too. He experiences pain, gets tired, feels sad, and feels anger.
There’s clearly an easier path right in front of him. There’s light, fresh flowers, and applause.
But he chose a different path. He chose to act cautiously at every step, chose to carefully guard against every dash from the darkness.
He chose to carry the death of the director, the death of Yang Ping, and all the innocent and silent deaths of those in the assassination incident, and perhaps many more people’s silences, by himself.
As compared to light, darkness is always one step ahead. It hibernates, waiting for light to arrive.
He’s determined to find the truth for this group of people. Even if this path is deep and lonely, he’ll continue walking without wavering.
The weightlessness of the descent encases my entire body, and the coldness of the wind stings my skin.
I struggle to keep my eyes open, but can only see the ginkgo pendant fluttering in the wind on the wrist of my outstretched hand.
I suddenly recall that autumn day from a very, very long time ago, when I first saw ginkgo leaves dancing, the entire sky of yellow flying freely in the clear air.
But today, the blood-coloured dusk has entrapped that youth.
He’s all alone, walking towards his conviction, proud and forthright.
I don’t want, neither will I allow, such a Gavin to be alone, fighting this war alone.
The scenery speeds past, and I can’t see the surroundings clearly.
Clenching my fists tightly, I continue looking in Gavin’s direction stubbornly.
But at the last second of my fall, a layer of wind gradually spreads around me, quietly catching me.
This gust of wind gathers at my back, bringing me to the ground gently.
I’m lying in the wind, falling slowly to the ground.
Yes. This is just a warning.
I lift my head towards the roof of the building, and can vaguely see a figure there.
That figure seems to be looking at me too, woeful yet resolute, for a very, very long time.
I close my eyes, standing up quietly.
I walk to a small alley at the side, pretending to be fatigued as I lean against the wall and recall everything that just happened, afraid that I had left something out.
The city lights are unable to reach the depths of this alley. Lifting my head, I seem to see the stars which are covered by the neon lights.
I hope that my performance today was sufficiently realistic, and can allow the plan Gavin had talked to me about that day in STF to proceed.
After all, this is most important, second phase of our plan.
Here, there’s a flashback to the meeting Gavin and MC had in STF, where he explains that he’s been investing a “New Year’s Eve Change Incident” that occurred four years ago
That incident involved a majority of Evolvers who staged a riot, and had to be suppressed
Gavin suspects that there’s more to the “New Year’s Eve Change Incident”, because it’s incredibly difficult to find the people related to the incident
During the hospital hostage situation, there was finally a substantial development, but the person is still deciding if Gavin is worth trusting
That person is an old criminal police officer who participated in the “New Year’s Eve Change Incident”, and many people are hunting him down - either to find out the truth, or to silence him
He guesses that this incident is actually a scandal involving STF and those who are on an even higher level
Gavin has been investigating privately, but acknowledges that it’s only a matter of time before someone notices
And here’s a big reveal that I hope I can explain clearly enough: Gavin has already met the old police officer. It happened in the scene from Part One when the random guy in the alley spoke to him. And the reason why the officer even decided to meet Gavin was probably because of what he saw during the hospital hostage situation (he was the guy who offered the crying girl a tissue)
What Gavin plans to do is to investigate this matter more openly to pique the attention of the people behind the incident, and get them to think that he’s still looking for the old police officer
And Gavin needs MC to be the blind spot
Gavin plans to step down from his duties for three months. All the attention will be focused on him, and MC will be able to act without worry
Gavin’s task for MC is to cooperate with him. When the people behind the incident no longer has their eyes on MC, she has to leave a USB flash drive at the location that he tells her to, because he won’t meet the old police officer again to ensure his safety
Understanding his logic, I can’t help but applaud.
MC: That’s incredible. It’s just like a scene from a detective novel! Everyone thought that the time of death was in the morning, but the murder actually took place in the afternoon. So the murderer had a perfect alibi.
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Gavin: Even though we’re the detectives, this analogy isn’t bad.
I stretch out my hand solemnly. Gavin pauses for a moment. With a turn of his wrist, he grips the USB drive back into his hand.
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Gavin: Have you given it proper thought? After this, it means you’ll be roped into this matter with me.
MC: It’s a little late for Captain Gavin to say this now.
I put on a relaxed smile, wanting to reach out to take the USB drive in his hand.
When I touch his palm, I realise that Gavin, whose hands have always been steady, are actually trembling slightly.
When my hand draws closer, he holds it gently.
Gavin: But I’ll worry about you.
MC: But if I let you face everything on your own, I’d be even more worried. No matter how dangerous or difficult it is, I’ll face it all with you.
Gavin simply looks at me fixedly. I understand what he’s thinking, and return his stare seriously.
MC: As compared to keeping me out of the matter, knowing my movements at all times makes you feel more at ease, right?
Gavin: You’re right. After all, Nox from Black Swan knows how to keep herself busy.
He finally releases a sigh, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He releases my hand, and turns his gaze elsewhere.
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Gavin: [sighs] Also, with you around, the performance for the other party will have the most persuasive effect.
MC: Why? Is it because our positions will be opposite when investigating this matter?
MC: ...or is it because it’s most unlikely for the STF to work with Black Swan?
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Gavin: Neither. It’s because the other party definitely knows me inside out.
He looks at me again, his gaze shining.
MC: ...huh?
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A little confused, I stare at him. Under my gaze, the tips of Gavin’s ears redden slightly, and his eyes avert to the side subconsciously.
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Seeing such a Gavin, I’m even more confused. I can’t help but stand up from the office chair, walking to him and meeting his gaze.
He looks at me, the red hue spreading from the tips of his ears to the corners of his eyes.
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Gavin: Cough. Under these circumstances, the person I’d want to involve least in this matter...
Gavin: Without a doubt, that person would definitely be you.
When he finishes speaking, he gives me a gentle pull, leaning his forehead against the roof of my head.
The tips of our fingers are incredibly close. Gavin’s hands are at his side. He simply stands in front of me, but doesn’t let me see his face at this present moment.
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Gavin: After this, we won’t meet for a very long time. So, give me a little more courage.
[ back to the present ]
Gavin’s worried expression seems to linger in front of my eyes. I understand that this decision is incredibly difficult for him.
I can’t let him and his trust down. No matter what, I have to cooperate with Gavin and complete this sham performance.
Returning to my senses, I adjust my breathing in the alley, settling my heart rate, and once again step into the unfinished building.
Gavin has already left.
From the perspective of the person keeping watch on Gavin, Gavin’s private meeting with me today was to protect me in the form of a warning.
Because the other party has a sufficient understanding of Gavin, he would guess that Gavin’s cold attitude was meant to frighten me and push me away.
But he wouldn’t have guessed that this was all a performance that Gavin and I had arranged in advance.
They’ve underestimated the mutual trust between Gavin and I.
After the curtains have fallen on this performance, the other party will have a mistaken judgement--
That I’ve been removed from Gavin’s plan, and that he’s continuing the investigations on his own.
This way, I can convey information to Gavin in secret.
But today, I decide to add a solo to this performance.
After running back to the unfinished building, only the evening breeze flutters on the empty platform.
I pretend to be searching for Gavin, glancing at the residential building opposite.
I release a dejected sigh, so that the hidden person watching me in the darkness can see how upset I am.
...I just hope that my acting isn’t too exaggerated.
At the end, my shoulders are slumped as I leave the roof.
My phone rings in the empty building. I answer the call, and Zehn’s anixious voice drifts from the receiver.
Zehn: Boss, the eye-witness we saw at the club two days ago has been taken away by Gavin.
MC: Got it. Find a way to get him back. I want know what exactly Gavin’s up to.
Zehn: Understood.
I end the call, letting out a sigh.
Since I don’t know if my phone calls are being eavesdropped, I didn’t tell anyone about this matter.
Over the next duration, I’ll have to play the part of someone trying her best to chase after Gavin’s footsteps.
As a bait in this act, I’ll lead the other party to a completely different path from the goal.
I also have to continue playing the role of a suspect involved in the assassination incident, and a boss managing the various tasks of a media company--
There are many other things waiting for me to get done.
I have to find an opportune time to send Gavin’s USB drive.
At the same time, I have to continue investigating the information left behind by the deceased director - to see if Evol can lead to pathological changes in Evolvers. In other words, whether there’s a relationship between Evol and pathological changes.
And whether the mess of information is merely a gap or critical details related to the Hunter Game.
There are many things to do, but my heart is surprisingly very calm, and filled with motivation.
Gavin is walking down his path, and I naturally want to become the person who can stand beside him.
My footsteps become more determined, and my heart continually silently thinks about, and hopes--
That Gavin may be safe.
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Gavin’s Post: While doing a thorough cleanup at home, I found a CD I used to hear frequently in middle school. 
MC: Did you also like this singer last time?
Gavin: Not really. I just heard it being broadcasted in school often.
Gavin’s Post: While doing a thorough cleanup at home, I found a CD I used to hear frequently in middle school. 
MC: Is today’s playlist a nostalgic style?
Gavin: Mm, I recalled some things from the past.
Gavin’s Post: While doing a thorough cleanup at home, I found a CD I used to hear frequently in middle school. 
MC: Keep it properly as a memento!
Gavin: Things that are truly worth remembering will never be forgotten, and won’t require these things.
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Cheri’s Thoughts: There are so many issues with this chapter that I don’t know where to begin... T^T 
Papergames wrote S2 Gavin to be so mentally fragile that his conviction was wavered just because of two bullets (which he, the Special Operations Team, or the STF could have stopped...). 
Back in S1, his conviction wavered because he was indirectly contributing to the deaths of Evolvers, his Evol was going berserk, he could no longer protect the girl he loved, and even injured her accidentally.
I expected that one reason for his conviction to waver in S2 would be because his feelings for MC conflicted with his sense of justice. But clearly, this isn’t the case (unless Papergames is setting us up for another twist) because Gavin is more than willing to work with MC.
Also, what happened to never putting her in danger LOL 
S1 Gavin would never rope MC into a dangerous mission possibly involving the “other side” that has no qualms about resorting to violence to achieve their ends???
I’m happy that Gavin trusts her, but it just progressed too quickly that I don’t know how to feel about it...
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【恋与制作人】 MLQC: Chapter 35 “The Final Answer” Summary
Translation Masterlist
Summarized Chapters: [to be updated]
Spoiler alert: Please note that all content in this post is content that has not yet been released in the global server.
Rainstorm, lightning, hurricanes, earthquakes…
An increase in extreme weather and natural disasters resulted in a prophecy that started circulating in the dark –
“Two daughters of the world
One will lead towards the light, one will be corrupted from the dark.
The left hand of the angel wields a sword to puncture through all deception and lies.”
Right now, everyone desires to return to a peaceful life, but the footsteps that have stopped still must go forth, until…
The moment “that” draws near.
There’s been an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters for the past month, such that it’s been a long time since the sun has been seen
MC thinks about how Victor has been out of contact for a month
As MC and Kiki wait for Minor to drive up, they witness a tree topple, then a young man uses his Evol to stop it before it hits a kid. The parents of the kid run over to grab their child and look at the Evolver in disgust. Other passersby also say some mean things. 
Apparently, similar things (where people disdain of Evolvers) have been frequent
MC sees that the young man is No.93; he expresses surprise that she’s still alive
Minor drives up, so MC offers to send 93 off, but he says he has elsewhere to be and rushes off. MC notices that he’s desperately clutching onto a black card
On the car’s TV, the news host says that the increase in abnormal phenomena is proportionate to the increase in Evolvers
MC wonders about Black Queen’s words, “Soon, you will understand that I am the person who will save this world” and what it means
Minor steps on the brakes, seeing someone suddenly appear in front of the car –
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MC thought Shaw was unconscious, but he is able to speak weakly and gives something to MC before passing out again
They take him to the hospital
STF and LFG delegations are meeting up, including Gavin and Goldman (who is representing Victor)
Lucien walks in with key researchers from Ultima Bioresearch
Helios appears on the room screen, with several people behind him
MC waits outside the emergency room, confirming what Shaw gave her was the original copy of her dad’s notebook
Suddenly, a young man hands a black card to MC, saying that the address on it will get rid of their Evols and that the card is an indication that they were selected. MC remembers that 93 also had that card
There’s the letter “A” on the card, and MC realizes it’s her other self/Black Queen
The emergency door room opens, and the doctor says that the wounds are dealt with and him falling unconscious is due to Evol overuse
MC asks what happened to him; Shaw says it’s not important, and he got the notebook back because he caused her to lose it
Shaw then says there’s no particular secret to the notebook, and in MC’s hands, it’s just a normal notebook
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Shaw notices the black card, says it was made by “her”, and it has an attached Evol that affects those who touch it – this makes people believe that Evolvers are responsible for all disasters and they need to get rid of Evols to end the disasters
Shaw’s Evol has been heavily damaged by her, so can’t touch the card
MC guesses that Black Queen’s Evol is de-evolution of Evols, as Shaw confirms – the more de-evolutions she does, the more power she gets, so MC should stop her ASAP
MC asks about what side he’s on –
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Shaw: I study archaeology. Aren’t you curious about why? Those who walk through history have no position. Because those who walk will not stop, we will not stand on any side. The only thing I want to do is discover truth, and then push forward the discovery of truth. The moment that walking stops, this means that this world is headed to the end. Though I’ve always had my doubts, now I can somewhat believe that you just might be able to protect this world.
MC: I definitely will!
After the hospital, they head to an emergency relief centre for Evolvers with no homes, to drop off supplies 
(After Leto’s disappearance, rather than getting better, things got worse between Evolvers and normal people)
The person in charge thanks MC for her efforts in providing supplies and with Miracle Finder, then asks if she knows what the black card that Evolvers have been getting is, and notes that people who got it have been weird
MC advises the person in charge to have them thrown away if anyone gets another one
MC and Minor head to the sanatorium noted on the card; the two are planning to sneak in while disguised
A man dressed in grey suddenly walks out from behind a column, startling both, then takes them inside when MC displays the black card. He says that “she” is here today, so they’re pretty lucky, and that “she” is the world’s savior
MC and Minor’s act involves pretending that Minor is a normal guy whose little sister, MC, suddenly got an Evol
The man takes them to the room with lots of people seeking de-evolution, though MC does not find 93 among them
Suddenly, someone addresses MC and Minor
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The person is Gavin, disguised in casualwear and looking dangerously angry
MC says they’re here for de-evolution; Gavin says that he’s doing the same. MC realizes they have the same target after seeing the black card in Gavin’s hand
Someone comes to take MC and Minor, as it’s they’re turn; Gavin says to let him go first, the person suggests for them to come together. 
MC says to let Minor stay out (since he’s not an Evolver), hinting at him to escape when possible
They’re taken to a dark path where “she” is at the end
When MC asks the person why “she” is helping them, he says that “evolution” is just a complete lie and than everyone will soon know that de-evolution is the only way to get the single opportunity to live. MC feels that he’s already lost all reason
MC and Gavin walk hand-in-hand down the dark path, realizing that this path is much too long for the size of the sanatorium
They finally arrive at a wall, carved with some symbols
With the sound of an explosion, a heatwave surges over, lighting up the whole path; Gavin tackles MC down as the corridor collapses
After the collapsing, the two confirm if either have injuries
They’re completely blocked off on both ends on the path
MC thinks that it’s because her disguising wasn’t complete enough, attracting their suspicions; Gavin says it’s fine, as he came to confirm something and they’re giving him this chance
Using his phone, Gavin realizes that there’s no signal here and… time has stopped
The two search for any places with special characteristics; MC finds a little path with the sound of water
Down the path, they’re blocked again, and Gavin uses his Evol to break it down – behind this wall is a scene of clear skies and a waterfall, which MC recognizes as the waterfall in the north. Gavin confirms that they’ve been taken into this space, though this time there’s no need to leave it around
MC: Can this place be destroyed?
Gavin: Yes. The STF already has a preliminary grasp on the whereabouts of the person behind this, so this place is already useless. Before we make our moves this time, I will not leave them a single path to back out with.
Using his Evol, Gavin destroys that space and they jump down from there to the waterfall scene, the wind carrying them to the ground
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They meet up with an STF squad with Eli there, who says their guess was right, which Gavin proceeds to explain
Gavin: Actually, in the past month, more than one “de-evolution points” have appeared in Loveland. These “de-evolution points” have no connection between them and they’re very far apart. The person behind has appeared simultaneously at multiple places. So we theorized that these “de-evolution points” will use some method to lead these people to one location. And the place that’s most likely to be used for this is this place.
MC wonders, if Evols are bringing disaster and since everyone will die at the end, why does she need to bother with Evol de-evolution?
They suddenly get a citywide warning for everyone to be on high alert; soon after, MC feels an earthquake coming on 
Leaving behind an STF squad, they rush to the city, hearing that there was an earthquake in the neighbouring city and the shockwaves reached Loveland, causing panic and damaged buildings
MC wonders if all this really is due to Evolvers
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Gavin: MC, don’t waver in your judgement. Everyone has the right to live. If they feel fear due to the unknown, you can get rid of the unknown. You’ve always helped more people understand Evolvers, starting from the first episode of Miracle Finder… I don’t know what to do, but if there really is doomsday… I will face it with you.
On the road they’re on, the cars suddenly stop and Gavin heads off to check it, as a throng of people attempt to surround the STF
MC starts recording this, and notices that these people are holding the black cards
STF members can only defend from the crowd, as they can’t actively harm them; Gavin ends up forming a wind barrier to barricade off the throng of people
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Using his wind, Gavin pulls the black cards away from the people into the air and cuts them into pieces, making the people regain their senses
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Gavin: Evolvers will always exist beside everyone. They have had nothing to do with the disasters in the past, and they will have nothing to do with them from now on. No one has the right to deprive others of fair existence, and attacking Evolvers is as despicable as it gets! The disasters are the enemy that everyone should be confronting, not Evolvers.
Gavin gives the command to STF to prepare to set off, then goes to MC and gives her permission to use her footage
Gavin heads off after MC convinces him that there’s no need to send her back, as both realize that they need to deal with Black Queen ASAP to handle the disasters
MC and her staff are working on reporting how the disasters affected Evolvers at a plaza where citizens were evacuated to
MC is also getting a ton of notifications from the video she took earlier, with comments in approval of Gavin’s words; the clouds have also dispersed, revealing the moon and stars
Lucien calls; when MC asks about if he knows about what happened with Black Queen, he says that he got a few of the cards, did some analysis on them, and got some clues
Lucien has MC look at the brightest star in the sky, then close her eyes and walk according to his directions
She arrives at a place where there’s a deep crevice between tall buildings. Behind her is Lucien
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Lucien: Were you afraid that I was tricking you again?
MC: I don’t think you were tricking me. Plus, even if you tricked me over here, I haven’t suffered any damages.
Lucien: You’re right. Do you trust me this much?
MC: Yes. This is the last time I will answer this question. This time, are you going to tell me to not trust you that much?
Lucien: This time, I won’t. In the future, you must continue to trust me.
Lucien then says that he created this crevice, then pushes MC into it; MC seems to see him mouth “Don’t be scared”
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After a fall, MC finds herself in Lucien’s arms, finding themselves in an “unfamiliar yet familiar wilderness”
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Following Lucien’s gaze, MC then sees Black Queen sitting in a large room within a crevice at their feet, wearing half a mask
MC wants to escape, but Lucien hints to her that he will explain to her soon
In the room, 93 appears, taking out a black card and looking somewhat vacantly, asking for de-evolution, and Black Queen obliges
Lucien: Do you want to stop this?
MC nods
Lucien: What if he truly does want to de-evolve?
MC: He can make his decision when under no external influences, rather than now.
Lucien: MC, right now I need you to cooperate in verifying something.
Lucien suddenly gets very close to MC, making her heart skip a beat
A white light comes from MC, and a black whirlpool from Black Queen
MC sees that Black Queen is telling 93 that she’s tired, and he can come tomorrow, and he leaves
Black Queen says that she’s been noticed, and if so, she can’t leave her (presumably MC) for too long, then seems to look at MC in declaration of war
Lucien says that this place is an independent existence, and Black Queen can’t see them
Lucien takes them out of the place, his eyes covering MC’s eyes, and MC is able to see through between his fingers that he pressed his lips to the back of his hand
They return to under the clear starry skies, the crevice gone
Lucien makes a call, saying that “The first test can end now”. When MC asks about this “test” –
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Lucien: Do you still remember the space-folding experiment?
MC: But don’t you not have an Evol now?
Lucien: Technology is the best copying power itself. This experiment has been in progress for a long time, and just hasn’t been used before.
MC then expresses concerns about whether Lucien has rested, but Lucien suggests stargazing instead
MC asks if de-evolution is a scam of hers
Lucien: If it’s just de-evolution, then it’s not a scam. But her plan comes entirely from a lie. It’s not to save the world, nor is it to save Evolvers. Because she is your shadow to begin with. The stronger your power, the stronger hers is. Your Evol is “evolution”, while hers is “de-evolution”. After you awakened, changes happened with the relation between you two. 
Lucien: So just now, I did a test to prove that this conclusion is correct. Just now, when your Evol was pushed to the peak by emotion, she momentarily lost the power of de-evolution. [This means] Your power can light up this darkness – more accurately, only you can do this. On one worldline, only one of the same person can exist.
MC realizes that the existence of Black Queen comes from all the worldlines being combined into one, except for a single omitted line
Lucien confirms this, but reminds that it is just his guess, that Black Queen aims to get power to destroy MC and join the two worlds together
MC: How will that affect the world right now?
Lucien: Perhaps it will accelerate the collapse of this world, or perhaps it won’t.
MC decides that she will find Black Queen and end everything
Just when Lucien offers to send MC home, they suddenly hear a clamor far away on the plaza and head over to see
Two groups are fighting with a group of children between; one group is complaining that the kids are Evolvers that will bring trouble; the others, Evolvers themselves, say that there’s no reason for Evolvers to not be there and everyone is trying to avoid the disasters
MC and Lucien realize that it’s the orphanage kids and director
MC sees a vacant-eyed man with a black card coming at her when she tries to use a loudspeaker, and decides to use her light attack to disperse the crowd
Lucien blocks her from the man, and notes that it’s about to rain
The crowd continues fighting as Lucien raises his hand
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A light gathers at Lucien’s fingertips, dispersing towards the sky
People gradually regain reason under the rain that’s become light droplets, shaking hands and making peace
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Lucien: If this were my true Evol, would you like it? This way, you should be able to have a good dream.
MC: Why do you…
Lucien: Because I felt that you needed it.
Lucien: That was a lie. MC, hold out your hand. I just remembered that I have something to give to you.
Lucien hands a little light ball to MC
Lucien: Now, do you hear what I haven’t said aloud?
> I felt it – a strong colour, sweet and warm, with a faint bitterness. Like an autumn cornfield, like a single rose on barren soil, like a rainbow that occupied the entire sky. Unrestrained, unconcealed, and in my hand right now.
The camp on the plaza has calmed down
MC flips through her dad’s notebook, remembering what Lucien said before leaving 
Lucien: Since she knows that her weakness has been exposed, she will begin the next step in her actions very soon. But we don’t need to be anxious… The biggest connection between you and her is your pasts. Perhaps someone has told you the answer early on.
MC picks up a call from Shaw
Shaw: Just now, her plan changed. Tomorrow, she’s preparing to become this world’s Queen for real. If only one of you can exist in this world, she’s determined to win.
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At BS’s old site, Black Queen strokes a grey throne, saying that “It’s time”, looking at a row of 10 people below
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Helios: We have already prepared for the coronation of the Black Swan Queen.
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bittersweetmelxdy · 4 years
Hey! If requests are open may I request a scenario where the guys realise they’re in love with MC? I just want some cute fluff bc life is salting me 😔 thank you!
*knock knock* I have a delivery of some cute fluff for a very special someone ;). Hope you like it, I tried a new format x
Now I’ve used this in a title for a scenario before but when Victor realised he had fallen for you it was like the sun came out, when dawn breaks through the darkness of night and the world is washed in colour. Not quite a shock, but more like suddenly where you were stumbling in darkness, you now could see everything clearly before you. Victor actually had been repressing any kind of feelings he had for you for a while, not wanting to enter the murky waters of a more personal relationship with someone who technically worked for him. However, like how you know that the morning will always come after the night and nothing will stop it, you had wormed your way into being a permanent fixture in his life. Victor was actually abroad, and it was the last day of his trip when he realised that he hadn’t bought you something, he rushed out of the hotel heading to the local market, staring at the various handmade trinkets adorning the market stalls around him, and it was only when one of the stall owners asked if the gift was for ‘someone special’ he opened his mouth to clarify and it hit him. A quiet ‘oh’ passed his lips, and like I said everything just clicked in his mind, all the things he did for you, how he thought ABOUT you, just became so clear to him, he loved you. As he walked back to his hotel room to grab his luggage from the front desk where he left it and head to the airport, he thumbed caressed the cute trinket in his hand, and he huffed a laugh, thinking maybe he had spent so much time with you that you slowness had rubbed off on him, but now he knew, he wasn’t going to let anything blindside he from you ever again. And he always keeps his word.
Lucien falls for you like when a caterpillar grows into a butterfly, just like how no-one sees the humble caterpillar emerging from its egg, Lucien’s love for you began without him even realising it. It could have started years ago when he read to that wide-eyed girl under the Camphor tree when he was a child, or it may have even started unknowingly when he received you as a target for Black Swan, the point was there the start of your love was quiet and went unnoticed to him. The more he interacted with you, the more his love grew in the shadows, like the caterpillar growing and then becoming a chrysalis, each interaction food for his love-starved soul. He had invited you out to the park, ironically to seeing the migration of the butterflies, and he didn’t quite fully understand why seeing you run up to him at the meeting spot, full of excitement made his heart flutter, the chrysalis was beginning to break. You and he spoke as you walked through the park, smelling the flowers as you walked, and Lucien told you about their proper names to your rapt attention. But suddenly when the butterflies took off surrounding the two of you as you giggled, smile brighter than the sun, Lucien felt his own butterfly take flight. He felt love was a beautiful and as delicate as a butterfly's wings, something you could admire from afar, but a heavy hand could cause irreversible damage, but he knew he would protect it as long as you would continue to fly for him.
Kiro is a person who I believe has struggled with the idea of self-worth all his life, he knew that he could influence people’s dependency upon him due to his Evol. So, he was always wary in giving his love and opening his heart before knowing whether the feelings he’s being shown are genuine or the product of his Evol. You and he clicked from the moment you met, and from that very moment that you were going to impact his life in a major way. His moment wasn’t big, loud or over the top, full of the glitz and glamour of the showbusiness he was familiar with, in fact one might say it was the antithesis of all this. Kiro fell in love like drinking your favourite warm drink on a cold day, from the first sip it’s warmth and sweetness blossomed within you, soothing you from the inside out, until that comfortable cosy feeling settles withing you protecting you from the harsh surroundings. It was late at night, he was strumming along on his guitar, trying to write his new songs, playing with different riffs and melodies. When he opened his mouth to put some placeholder lyrics to the song, and all his words embodied you. Whether it was the feelings you evoked in him, or imagery that reminded him of you, as Kiro became conscious of this he didn’t stop, didn’t trail off, but his voice became stronger, his smile growing softer and wider as the song rose and fell, and strumming the final chord, Kiro leaned back collapsing on his back on his bed. A happy giggle phased past his lips into the empty room, and Kiro felt his eyes become warm and soft as he saw you in his mind’s eye. Knowing that what he felt for you was love was like an adrenaline rush to his system, his heart beating like a drum and it didn’t scare him or shock him, but settled him, ready to love you with everything he has, in hope that he can make you feel each a piece of how he feels.
We all know the story how Gavin has loved you since high school and you made him into the man he is today. But the time he realising he loved you of the present instead of the you of the past, was a journey. He had just come back from a mission and he was making his way back to your apartment. He had tried to hide his fatigue and his pain, but you had opened the door, taken one look at him and then pulled him firmly and gently over to your living room couch. You grabbed the first aid kit, and as you gently cleaned and wrapped his wounds in bandages, pressing a light kiss to each bandaged portion of his body, it hit Gavin. Not in way that shocked him, but more like when you’re looking at the night sky, and suddenly the clouds clear and you can see the galaxy stretching out before you. Gavin knew he wouldn’t want to be anywhere but right here with you, he always felt before that he had to hide his pain from you, to be someone who was strong enough for you to rely on, and any pain shown was weakness. But you had taught he that sharing your pain with the people you love is not weakness, along with how to love himself better. But one thing you never had to teach him, but took him a while to recognise, was that home was not his clean apartment with plaster and brick walls but in your loving smile and nestled in your arms. He finally felt like he had a place to belong, a person to love and be loved by, and everytime Gavin saw you looking at him like he held the galaxy in his hands, he vowed to show you that if the galaxy was in his hands, you would always be his North Star, guiding safely home.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Gavin's 'Falling Slowly' and Film 'Once'- Analysis
Since the beginning, I’ve wanted to do an analysis on the song Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová, but since it was only mentioned twice (in Mark Date and Gavin’s Music and the Past Call), I thought it was going to be left at that. But because of the mention again in @cheri-translates' post, perhaps... there could be more to it. Because this song was made for the film Once, I had actually watched it earlier this year. I wasn’t going to post this analysis originally, but the trailer literally made me cry. After watching it with the knowledge from my first viewing, the trailer had a bigger impact on me that I didn’t expect. This allowed me to push on. Rewatching the film for this helped me realise some parallels between the film and Gavin’s history with MC, along with its song Falling Slowly. For me, the film was so heartfelt, vulnerable, honest and real. Just like the side that Gavin shows MC. It also had super hilarious moments that made me laugh so much while crying over the sad bits. Highly recommend this movie (if you don’t mind some occasional cursing!) Now I can say I’ve watched Once twice.
Below contains spoilers for Gavin's CN content (referring to Cheri's translations) and on the film.
“Your performance… was a miracle to me.” -Gavin
Once is a 2007 Irish romantic drama about two struggling artists in Dublin, Ireland. The film was turned into a musical and won various awards, with Falling Slowly winning at the Critics’ Choice Awards and the 2008 Academy Award for Best Original Song. This was on top of receiving a Grammy nomination. Once only had a budget of only $150,000 USD.
In an Interview with Glen Hansard (male lead), he stated that during the scene of Falling Slowly in the music store, director John Carney wanted this shot to be the centrepiece- just two musicians connecting through music. This scene where the actors first got together to perform and sing in harmony allowed the crew to maintain the perseverance needed to finish the film despite various major setbacks. (People kept buying the same piano in the music store featured because of this film LOL)
“The closest a non-musician will ever get to feeling what it feels like to write the song… or to discover… it was the most moving scenes of the film.” -The Interviewer
The first impression some viewers may have upon watching would be criticising the shakiness of the handheld cameras. However, the actual intention (from the ex-film student perspective that I had) was to give it a sense of realism. This film aims to depict more of real-life from the perspective of the main characters. Even the characters' names weren't disclosed as they were literally 'unknown artists' in everyday life. It was ultimately based on Carney’s own personal experience, while Hansard, wrote the music for the film.
“The movie is sad, funny, real, everything that life is and it gives you hope. It's about a moment that happens in life that may not come by again or may not last forever, but it just might have the greatest impact on you. I know I'll be watching "Once" again.” -A fellow Once viewer.
We are introduced to the male lead (Guy), playing the guitar and wanting to make it big with his music, who also fixes vacuums with his father for a living. He meets the female lead (Girl) and she bugs him into fixing her vacuum. In the beginning, he’s cold and doesn’t want to associate with her (especially after when she gives him 10 cents for his busking).
Look how grateful he looks-
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Even when Gavin and MC met again after their separation, Gavin puts up a fragile guard in front of MC while protecting her from a distance, like in high school. And just like how Joe Zieja stated in his MLQC interview-
“Gavin is a really interesting character, especially when we first started out before he and the producer really had a relationship… Gavin’s very cold. He’s very business-like, he just wants to get stuff done. But it’s really neat to see Gavin’s shell melt over time as he develops a relationship with the producer.”
In the film, Guy finds out that Girl can play the piano, who learned it from her father before he passed. Turns out, Guy is heartbroken from his ex (who’s currently in London) who cheated on him. Girl tries to convince him to get her back with his songs.
Similarly, Gavin discovers MC’s music during his fall shown Campus Date, in the moments where he received his Evol. Gavin devotes his life to protect her.
(I also did a timeline of MC and Gavin’s high school history together here that also references these parts.)
*Casually dragging vacuum*
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Together, they go to a music store and she plays Mendelssohn for him. Then finally, at 15:42 of the film, they start to play Falling Slowly.
(So good! So good!! When they start harmonising!!! No fancy editing or cuts- it’s just two artists and pure music.)
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Through music, they connect with each other’s souls. Just like how MC saves Gavin with her music that fateful day. And soon enough, Gavin comes across MC playing another song in the music room.
That song was Falling Slowly. He doesn’t know the name of the song though, only remembering the melody. Later, he learns how to play the guitar because he liked it and thought that perhaps he could perform it to his special someone one day. Such moments had inspired Gavin to write and make his own songs then record them onto his CDs so that maybe one day she could listen to them.
A thought I had was that did Gavin hear the piano and decide to make a guitar version, only to figure out that he was the missing piece?
Even the music store owner was very impressed-
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Just like how Gavin slowly begins to soften up to MC, in the film, the instrumental of Falling Slowly plays when Guy and Girl start to bond. Guy tries to talk to her more but she states that she “has responsibilities”. It’s revealed that she has a daughter at home and a husband still in the Czech Republic. Even so, together, they write and record songs for his journey to London- back to his ex and to pursue his dreams as a musician.
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Later, they go out for a spin on his father’s motorbike- he even prepared another helmet for her (SPARKY 2.0??). He asks her to teach him how to say “how much do you love him?” in Czech when they talk about her husband upon finding out that she’s married. She replies with, “it is you I love” in Czech. But he has no idea what she said. (*Grips heart*)
He wants her to go to London with him, start a band, and sell out shows. But she can’t. The song they recorded together “When your mind’s made up” (I have this song on repeat) plays in the car as they drive to the beach before he leaves for London the next morning.
So, if you want something And you call, call Then I'll come running To fight and I'll be at your door When there's nothing worth running for
The music producer is clearly so impressed-
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Together, they schedule a time to meet up just before he leaves for the airport. Guy waited all night till morning for her.
But she still doesn’t come. And that was the last time he ever saw her. Just like how MC wasn't able to see Gavin who waited the whole day before he left. This was shown in Old Days Date that I did a heart-gripping analysis on here.
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Guy’s father had said, “make your Ma proud.” (*Cries upon remembering Gavin’s loving mother*)
In the end, still unable to reach her, Guy gifts Girl a piano. In the beginning, they had a conversation where they spoke about pianos being too expensive, hence why she kept going to the music store in order to be able to play. Even though they are both short on money, he still manages to buy her a piano- the same one they played Falling Slowly together.
And while the film comes to an end, Falling Slowly plays in the background while Guy is off to the airport.
*Dramatic power-walking*
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This was a heartbreaking ending for the viewers because not only that they didn’t end up together, they weren’t able to see each other before he left. And it wasn’t disclosed why she couldn’t make it.
Nothing too fancy happens because again, this was to show a slice of real life, and this proves it to be more tragic and beautiful. It can’t really be described unless it’s experienced. And I had the chance of viewing it not once, but twice.
This film (and song) is important for Gavin and MC because, despite their complicated history of misunderstandings, he always wants to put their relationship first and make the most out of what they have now together. Girl had helped Guy achieve his record deal and pursue his dreams. She had done her part on his journey to becoming an artist and both had to part ways. Without her, he wouldn’t have been able to record his songs and leave. Likewise, without MC, Gavin wouldn’t be the man he is today (hence, Winter World). Gavin is very vocal about this as well.
Gavin lowers his head, and the light follows his movement, descending onto the scrapbook, illuminating every word he writes- “I’m very happy to have met you in the past.” -CN Mark Date
“It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. What matters is every moment I spend with you now.” -Sugar Figurine Phone Call
“Seeing you again is the best present I could hope for.” -The Best Gift Phone Call
"Even though I'm curious about the future as well... I care more about the present. For me, it's good enough to seize the day. As long as you're here. The next second will be everything I need. Protecting what I have now, is the best plan for the future." -School Legend ASMR
With Falling Slowly, it’s quite a straightforward, romantic song. Originally in the film, Guy wrote it about his ex-girlfriend so it does has some sad lyrics. MC didn't know how Gavin knew about it.
Teacher Zheng: Just now, MC mentioned that you play the guitar and bass incredibly. Could you let me hear it? It’d be best if the two of you could play together. I haven’t heard my Orchestra Leader play the piano in a very long time.
To be honest, this is not a “request” at all. If Teacher Zheng wants to hear it, I’ll definitely be willing to play for her. But Gavin…
I cast Gavin a probing glance, wondering if there’s a need to persuade him. To my surprise, he nods.
Gavin: I could, but I’m really not as skilled as she says.
Teacher Zheng: Haha that’s all right. I just want you to use your heart when performing. What’s important isn’t how good it sounds, but the heart.
Gavin: Could I borrow the guitar over there?
Teacher Zheng: Of course.
Basically shown in Mark Date, Gavin’s been preparing for this moment all this time. He already knows what song to play. And what’s so amazing is that the first instrument we hear is the guitar which leads the piano. Therefore, once Gavin plays his piece, MC would know what song it is and then join in with her piano. AND THEY WOULD SING TOGETHER.
Maybe it’s just my misperception, or the sunlight just happened to fall onto his eyes, but I keep feeling as though his eyes are even brighter than usual. It’s as though they are flashing with light.
This is a slightly melancholic song, but the moving light and wind seem to make it refreshing and clear.
🎶 Lyrics 🎶
It's a slower song to help listeners slowly take in the emotions, lyrics and main dueting instruments of piano and guitar with the occasional violin in the back. It's so simple, and yet so powerful.
The guitar has its solos and the piano appears more prominent in the chorus. In the beginning, it's just the guitar, with the piano joining in after.
[GUY & GIRL] I don't know you but I want you All the more for that Words fall through me and always fool me And I can't react And games that never amount To more than they're meant Will play themselves out
Gavin never got the chance to be close to MC in high school, so he showed his affection through other methods. He walked 10 metres behind her after school and was her silent guardian against those who had negative intentions towards her. In the library, he had tried to introduce himself to her, but she had already dashed off.
Before waiting for him to say the introduction he had rehearsed countless times in his heart, the girl had already uttered a “thank you” and hurriedly fled. -CN Tilted Time Rumours and Secrets
Gavin couldn't help but develop this softer side for her and didn’t know how to control it or express it other than doing things such as leaving strawberry milk on the piano and learning guitar in hopes of playing it for her one day.
Those "games" he's referring to were those things they did, such as MC smiling at him when crossing each others' paths in the hallways, and Gavin buying her hot drinks and only looking at her among the snowball fight chaos at school in the Winter. Gavin has no power over how everything will turn out, nor does he try to have complete control over it either.
"... I believe that some things are destined. Like..." -Gacha and Destiny Phone Call
[GUY & GIRL] Take this sinking boat and point it home We've still got time
This "sinking boat" of the relationship is what they're both trying to save. For Gavin, this could be suggested to be about himself.
In a split second, the noise ceases abruptly. After a moment of silence, whispers surface in the crowd. Vaguely, I can catch a few phrases.
“Bad.” “Fighting.” “Misfit.” -CN Mark Date
Gavin had a tough time in high school being the outcast, but MC kept him going, fighting in the name of justice. And had quite literally saved his life. She was his lighthouse when he was battling the rough waters back home. And MC- she was also his home.
“As he clenched his fists, a power deep down within awakened. It was a rapture of rebirth. A declaration of the end of darkness and the advent of the light.” -Campus Date
[GUY & GIRL] Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice You've made it now
Gavin wants her to realise his feelings, be around and talk to him more- and say "yes". But even so, he still gives her a choice not to, and would have to live with that. Gavin thought she already had when he departed and spent years thinking that her absence showed all of what had to be said.
[GUY & GIRL] Falling slowly, eyes that know me And I can't go back
Gavin's falling slowly for MC (compared to when he fell really fast before MC saved him LOL). Once he starts, he can and would never go back. He hopes that MC would see him the way he truly is.
MC: “I have one more thing to tell you. MC is a bit slow. She is not as good as you think, and will also be blinded by rumours…”
Gavin: “She’s a very nice person. What she thinks of me has nothing to do with anyone else." -Old Days Date
[GUY & GIRL] Moods that take me and erase me And I'm painted black
Gavin can't handle his feelings. (*Cries*)
After being in a daze in the piano room, he’d be in a daze in the library, continuously staring at the empty seat where MC used to sit, and I have no idea what he’s thinking about.
But I really didn't expect a person who sleeps in class to be in a daze in the library for an entire afternoon... Did Bro Gavin and MC have a fight recently? -CN Minor's Memos
[GUY] You have suffered enough And warred with yourself It's time that you won
He states that he understands that the girl had it rough, but if she was to be with him, she wouldn't get hurt. Gavin wants to be the one for her.
"MC, I want to make you happy forever. If... I hope that person is me." -First Year In-Game Birthday Visit
[GUY & GIRL] Take this sinking boat and point it home We've still got time Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice You've made it now
[GUY & GIRL] Falling slowly, sing your melody I'll sing it loud
Gavin recognises MC's "melody", and urges her to sing (her presence) and Gavin will listen and follow, singing his one, too. Together they will harmonise.
[GUY] Take it all Oh, I played the cards too late Now it's gone
The song finally ends with both the guitar and piano, whereas at the beginning it was just the guitar.
This part is the most powerful and heartbreaking. Gavin regretted not giving the farewell letter to MC directly- from "playing the cards too late", then suffers the loss of her, her presence, and her melody.
But fortunately, in the end, Gavin successfully returned home- to MC.
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"Want to play for a while tonight? I haven’t heard you playing the piano in a long time too.
If possible, I’d like to make a song request.
How about “Falling Slowly”?
We could sit by the window and play it together again." -CN Gavin’s Weekly Text - Piano Concert
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Somewhere, Gavin is happily playing Falling Slowly with MC.
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ginkgowritings · 4 years
May I ask for a HC for all Boys, how they plan their own wedding with their MC? Like, would they like a big or small wedding, would they let MC make most of the decisions?
Thank you for the request! This is such a cute request to do as my first request here. Headcanons under the cut.
Gavin doesn’t care much about what the ceremony is like, he mainly just cares about the marriage itself and wants to be married as soon as possible.
However, he’d still want to have some sort of ceremony as it’s the only time in his life he ever plans to get married and he wants to see you walk down the aisle.
Would leave most of the planning to you, mainly only offering his opinion if you ask him for it.
The only thing he’s dead set on is wanting to make your rings. He designed and made your ginkgo bracelet, and he would’ve made your engagement ring as well.
He wants to make the wedding rings perfect so he’ll get the help of a professional jeweller if he needs it. He sees the rings as one of the most important parts of the wedding since you’ll still wear them after the ceremony and he wants to be the one to create them.
He also would want to get an amazing photographer to perfectly document the wedding, he wants to be able to look back on it forever. You’ll end up with a huge wedding album and beautifully shot videos of the ceremony.
You go to several wedding venues together to decide which one you want to book. Internally, he gets super excited at every venue as he’s imagines getting married to you there.
After going to several venues you go to a beautiful outdoor venue together. As you talk with the venue manager you notice the wind picking up unusually and look at Gavin only to see him staring off into the distance with a contented look on his face.
He imagines getting married to you there and gets a bit too excited, unknowingly letting his wind evol rustle through the trees as the site manager stares on in confusion. It’s the biggest reaction you’ve gotten out of Gavin so far so you immediately decide to book that venue. 
He would prefer a small to medium ceremony as he thinks it’s more intimate but would let you have a large ceremony if you wanted to.
Knowing what he wants will be hard sometimes as he is happy with everything you choose.
Ask him about something and he’ll usually reply with some variation of “If that’s what you want” while smiling softly at you.
“Gavin, if I asked to decorate with corpse flowers would you let me?”      “... Would that make you happy?”
You start asking him to choose between multiple things as it’s the best way to actually get his opinion.
As you focus on planning the wedding he will plan the perfect honeymoon. He knows wedding planning is stressful, so he wants to plan a honeymoon where you can both relax and get some much-needed rest.
He just wants everything to be perfect for you.
Kiro will want to plan everything together! However, his schedule makes it hard to come with you sometimes.
If he is unable to make it he’ll ask you to send him pictures of everything and he’ll give you his opinion as soon as he can.
Savin gets annoyed because Kiro is constantly on his phone responding to your wedding planning texts and it’s even harder than usual to get Kiro to listen.
He may miss when you go to pick out some decorations but he’ll make sure he can come to the cake tasting! He can’t experience those delicious cakes through texts and pictures after all.
Both of you feel a bit sick after the cake tasting because you ate way more than one bite of each one.
You end up doing more than one cake tasting because it’s so hard to decide, they all taste amazing.
Both of you continue to make the mistake of eating way too much at the cake tasting. It’s the perfect excuse for Kiro to eat cake without Savin being able to stop him.
He loves his fans but he’s worried about the few jealous misbehaving ones and journalists interfering with the wedding. Due to this, he makes sure to hire the best security, he can’t have anyone ruining the wedding.
Might suggest a destination wedding to make it harder for fans and media to find it, but he wouldn’t push the idea if you were against it.
You both get overly excited and order way more food, decorations, etc. than what’s needed. Your guests will need to eat a lot to get through all the food.
Neither of you could decide between all the amazing options so your wedding lowkey ends up becoming a mini food festival, there’s plenty of variety!
Your wedding won’t be huge but it won’t be small either, he wants everyone important in your lives to be there to witness your marriage.
He wants to sing to you at your wedding, but he wants it to be a surprise so he plans it in secret.
Writes a song just for your wedding day and it encapsulates all his feelings perfectly.
He’s way more nervous about performing at his wedding than any concert he’s done. Having a song displaying his feelings for you so openly in front of everyone important in your lives makes him feel vulnerable, but he’s determined to still do it and do it perfectly.
You’ll end up with a wedding perfect for the both of you.
Lets you take the lead when planning the wedding, but is still involved and overviews everything.
Regularly improves your ideas. When you choose your main flowers he’ll know the perfect way a accentuate them, knows the best place to put the lighting to make everything look beautiful, know the perfect venue, etc.
Writes amazing wedding vows. He’ll write several different versions before settling on one and all of them will be ridiculously poetic.
Small ceremony with only a few guests.
Helps you organise everything so planning will go as smoothly as possible and you don’t stress out too much.
Sometimes subtly hints at things until you suggest them. You’ll think it’s your own idea, but he planted the idea in your mind.
Listens to all your ideas carefully and tries to bring all of them to fruition.
Smooth talks vendors into giving you discounted prices.
Lots of planning together in the evening after you’ve both returned from work. You’ll sit on the couch together with your laptop or tablet as you scroll through countless websites to get inspiration and find everything you need.
You probably have a shared Pinterest account with countless wedding boards. You’re the one who pins things most of the time, but Lucien is the one to carefully organise it so everything is easy to find when needed.
He notices you staring at a particular dress picture even longer than usual and immediately finds a store nearby with a similar one ridiculously fast.
He just finds everything you need with scary precision, you have no idea how he does it.
He can do it because he secretly researched heaps in advance and has basically memorised everything wedding related in the area before he even proposed.
Due to his research and organisation planning goes incredibly smoothly.
Though it isn't big everything will be more than perfect, creating a wedding straight out of a fairytale.
Originally says he’ll let you plan everything but then proceeds to constantly be involved “Just to make sure everything goes smoothly” 
He really just wants to be involved.
He’s way more excited than he lets on, even just watching you pick out decorations makes him excited.
The wedding will be big as he has a lot of people to invite, he’ll handle the seating arrangements to make sure the people who are important to both of you are the most involved though.
He will oversee everything to make sure it’s perfect, no matter how much it adds to his schedule.
“Instead of a cake can we have a giant pudding?” “Don’t you want something special? I always make you pudding” “The giant part makes it special, and your pudding is the best”
Acts like he’s exasperated but is actually super happy you like his pudding so much.
Proceeds to design the entire menu instead of hiring outside chefs to do it. He’ll still other people to cook the food on the day so he can focus on the ceremony, but all the recipes will be his.
Though he’s getting other people to cook the food he insists on making the giant pudding himself. He works hard to make it perfect and has to try a few times before he gets it right.
You get to try all his attempts so you’re definitely not complaining. Everything you both can’t finish yourselves goes to your employees so you’ll have a very happy office.
While Victor lets you make most of the general decisions he can be a bit picky as he only wants the best, so he ends up making the final decision on most of the specifics.
Like you choose what flowers to decorate with and he will choose how they’re arranged, you can choose what type of much you want to be played and he chooses the perfect band for it, etc.
Gets a first dance choreographed and takes dancing lessons with you so you can both learn it perfectly. These lessons end up being one of his favourite parts of the planning process, it’s such a fun activity to do with you.
One of your dress requirements becomes something you can easily dance in. He doesn’t want to risk you tripping over or being too constricted.
He also just wants you to be comfortable and not wear something that will take your focus away from your happiness because you’re too worried about falling over.
Of course, he won’t sacrifice beauty for comfort though and makes sure to help you find a dress that is just as beautiful as it is comfortable
Gets a suit that compliments your dress perfectly.
Together you’ll create the perfect movie-like wedding.
Honestly doesn’t care much about the ceremony. He just wants to be married to you and would be perfectly happy to just go to the courthouse and sign the papers.
But since you want a wedding he starts caring about it to make you happy. He’s certain you’ll only be married once, so he isn’t going to take the chance of a wedding ceremony you want away from you.
Thinks weddings are too expensive and he doesn’t understand why. He’ll regularly think something is extremely overpriced and have to stop himself from being overly snarky with the vendor/manager/etc.
Due to this, you will end up doing most of the planning, and when he is involved in the planning you’re still usually the one to talk to anyone else involved.
Small ceremony with only the most important people in your lives attending. 
You’ll set a budget together and then split it with half of it going to the ceremony while the other half goes to the honeymoon.
You know Shaw cares more about spending time with you than the wedding ceremony, so you let him plan the honeymoon while you plan the wedding.
Just hope he doesn’t plan anything too crazy.
You’ll make sure to stay within budget, but you also won’t tell him what most things costs unless he asks. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Though he isn’t that interested in the ceremony itself he loves watching you get excited while planning everything and finds himself starting to look forward to it.
His favourite part of the planning process was watching you try on dresses. You looked so happy and beautiful doing it.
Tries to get you to buy a dress that shows a lot of skin. 
“When there’s less material the dress is cheaper, plus you look hot” 
It being cheaper is only an excuse it’s really just because you look hot.
Planning a wedding with Shaw will be a bit chaotic, but it'll still be a beautiful wedding.
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holeinotomemind · 4 years
MLQC Fanfic: Hearts of Storm - Ch 9 - Loneliness
WARNING: NSFW/18+ fic. Angst! No smut this chapter. Prev chapter dub/non-con, eventual 3P, spoilers, long dragged out fic and angst. Not morally correct. Turn away if this is not your thing. Pairing: Shaw x MC, Gavin x MC, Shaw x MC x Gavin AO3 Link: [here]
Notes: [See full notes on AO3] Big thanks to Lutz and sushikitty (aka Aelyxandra) for betaing this chapter again! We are picking back up some of the canon storylines in this chapter, but please note that things have been rearranged a little to fit the story. In canon, MC met Gavin again for the second time in the bridge explosion incident and saw Lucien at the Ultima Bioresearch Lab before she was kidnapped and subsequently saved by Helios. Here, I’m moving the storyline with Helios to occur before the bridge explosion and bioresearch lab incident.Also, in canon, MC loses her ginkgo bracelet after the bridge explosion incident. In this story, she doesn’t.
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Yui hugged her knees against her chest, but nothing seemed to be able to chase away the chill she felt in her body. The chill sat heavy in her chest, like a block of ice that would never thaw. Even the hot tea she had moments ago couldn’t touch it. Neither did wrapping herself in blankets or turning up the heater. Sitting on the bench seat at the workshop, she rested her head against the window, gazing outside in silence. The street light flickered as large snowflakes fell from the sky, landing upon the empty alleyway, covering it in pure white. Staring at the bare branches of the ginkgo trees lining the main streets not too far away, hung low with the weight of the snow, Yui wondered if Spring would ever come again. She wondered if the flowers from these trees would ever bloom again, if the vivid green leaves would ever grow into lush foliage again and if the leaves would ever turn into the vibrant yellows that danced so gracefully in the wind.
Like she often did since she came to this dimension, she unconsciously stroked the small ginkgo leaf on the bracelet. She would have never imagined that this tiny gift from Gavin would one day become the only evidence of their love for each other.
Parting her lips, she blew a breath on the cold glass forming a small cloud of fog. Raising her hand, she wrote Gavin’s name on her window. She stared at it in a daze until it slowly faded.
She sighed. Who was she kidding? Even if she marked it as his special “door” like they did for each other that time that they made Pearly’s new whistle, it wouldn’t bring her Gavin home.
No, her Gavin didn’t exist in this dimension. The dull throb on her sprained ankle served as a reminder of what happened today. She shivered.
After all that had happened since she came to this dimension, some shameless part of her still yearned to meet him again. Even though she knew she didn’t have the right to, she yearned to have his gaze on her, to have him talk to her, to feel his warmth beside her. She knew he wasn’t her Gavin, but even if he didn’t remember her, she thought his simple presence would still be of some comfort.
But ever since the night she was drunk on the roof, she had stopped her obsessive tracking of him. She was too ashamed of herself to do so, too afraid to face Gavin after what she had done.
So when Gavin rescued her today, even though she should have known that he would be one of the first responders to arrive on the scene, she was surprised to see him. And for a minute, their moment together was everything she wanted.
He held her in his embrace as he saved her from the dangers of when she was shoved into oncoming traffic while running from the explosion at the bridge and the attack from the unknown enemy. He protected her just like he always did.
She clung closely to him, afraid that he would disappear, greedy for the momentary warmth, enveloped by his familiar, clean scent.
But the familiar comfort lasted only briefly before she realized how wrong she was. How presumptuous she was.
It was true that he protected her from harm, but it was simply out of a sense of duty. This Gavin held none of the tenderness she had grown so familiar with since their first reunion as adults.
The memories of the cold distant look and detached emotionless tones he gave her today sent chills down her spine. She hugged her knees even tighter against her chest, but her body didn’t seem to want to retain any warmth.
Yui stared at her own reflection in the window. It was a pathetic sight, her eyes hollow, her lips pale and quivering.
She knew it was for the better that they did not meet. She knew that this Gavin, who did not know her, would treat her as nothing but a stranger. And yet, she dared to dream that an encounter with him would give her comfort.
For the brief moment that it did, however, it was heaven. When she fell into his hard embrace, she was overwhelmed by happiness. It was as if she finally woke up in Gavin’s arms and the last ten months were nothing but a terrible nightmare. It was as if things went back to the way they were. The way they should have been.
But her momentary happiness served only as a gateway for her to fall deeper in the never-ending depths of hell when he mercilessly dodged her unconsciously reaching hands.
Her Gavin had never refused her touch; he always welcomed her with open arms.
The rejection felt like an invisible hand, shoved into her chest, ripping out her beating, bleeding heart from her rib cage. She felt as if her blood wouldn’t stop dripping out from her hollowed chest, taking all the warmth from her body with it drop by drop.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she leaned her head against the window again.
No, the person who saved her today was not her Gavin.
The murderous look he gave her, with storms in his eyes, did not belong to her Gavin, nor did the painful, hateful, bitter expression he shot her when she accidentally used her evol on him.
Her Gavin simply did not exist in this dimension. Their meeting today was just a cruel reminder for her that she had no one to lean on in this world.
She was all alone.
Yui trembled even harder at the thought as her chest tightened and her heart throbbed in a never-ending pain.
She thought she had a handle on the loneliness and emptiness that had been growing inside her ever since she came to this dimension. She thought she had it under control, imagining that nothing had changed, and that Gavin was simply out on a mission and that he would come back to her soon.
But seeing Gavin again today had been a cruel awakening. His mocking tones and murderous looks dragged her back to reality and since then, her loneliness and emptiness had grown exponentially, threatening to swallow her whole.
She felt like a person who was drowning in the middle of an ocean with nobody around to hear her screams.
And she was so tired from the screaming and the struggling she had to do just to stay afloat, only to be engulfed by waves and dragged underwater over and over again.
Was she ready to give up? Yui asked herself.
No, she was too stubborn to do that. Even just to keep her promises to herself and Gavin, she would fight until her last breath for what was right and for justice. She was still determined to stop tragedies like the attack in her neighborhood several months ago and the explosion at the bridge today from happening again.
But how could she go on when even the simple action of breathing felt so exhausting?
She desperately needed a shelter, a refuge where she could rest and take a breath before continuing this difficult journey. But no matter how hard she reached out, all that was waiting for her was the cold nothingness.
Shivering uncontrollably, she clutched the blanket even tighter around herself. She closed her eyes as more tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Why didn’t you turn the lights on?”
Yui jumped at the sudden voice in the room as the light came on. Turning her head away from the person who appeared without warning, she quickly wiped her tears away with the back of her hand.
Ever since Gavin’s birthday, Shaw had been dropping by the workshop even more often than before. She had almost expected his sudden presence.
“What the hell? It’s like a sauna in here,” he complained, as he kicked off his boots, strolling over to the thermostat and turning it down to a more acceptable level.
Normally, she would have objected to him doing whatever he wanted without asking her first, but today, she didn’t have the energy.
“I bought fried chicken,” he said as he placed a few plastic bags of takeouts on the coffee table and plopped down on the sofa. “You want some?”
“No,” she quietly cleared her throat.
“What? Too tired from running away from your kidnappers today?” His tone mocked. “Told you not to head southeast.”
She didn’t reply. She didn’t have the strength to deal with him.
“It’s from the store you like.” Opening the bags, he laid out the boxes of food, one after another. He paused for a second before adding, “I was passing by.”
One would think that after an experience of running from her kidnappers only to arrive at the scene of an explosion, then pushed into oncoming traffic and attacked by unknowns that she would be starving by now, especially when she hadn’t had anything since breakfast. But she wasn’t.
She didn’t feel hunger. In fact, she couldn’t feel anything at all other than the freezing cold.
“I’m not hungry,” she refused again as she continued to gaze outside the window. The heavy snow continued to fall, the streets now entirely covered in a thick blanket of white.
The rustling of plastic bags stopped abruptly followed by a small click of the tongue and the sound of soft footsteps.
A paper cup was suddenly shoved into her hands. She whipped her head around to face the man who was now standing right beside her.
“Hot milk tea,” he jerked his chin towards the drink in her hands. “More milk, less sugar.”
He knew her usual order by heart?
Bemused, Yui stared at him as the warmth from the hot tea slowly spread to her fingers and palm.
“What? You don’t know what to do with milk tea now?” Shaw gave out a small huff after a long moment of silence between them. “Drink it.”
Of course, she knew she was supposed to drink the tea he placed in her hands, but for some reason, she couldn’t look away from this person standing in front of her. Unconsciously, she clutched the paper cup in her hands.
How could it be that he always showed up when she was at her worst?
She felt her eyes sting and before she knew it, her vision blurred and tears rolled down her cheeks anew.
Shaw froze in surprise.
Yui had never cried in front of him, in front of “Shaw”, the man she had been trying so hard to hide her vulnerabilities from. The only times he had seen her tears were when she thought she was alone or that time when she had mistaken him for Gavin.
She had always put up a strong front of him no matter how much she was hurting inside. He knew she saw Gavin after the kidnapping today, but he was still stunned that it had rendered her so defenseless even in front of him.
Embarrassed, she began to turn away in an attempt to hide her tears, when she felt Shaw’s knuckles on her cheek. His warm and unexpectedly gentle fingers softly caressed her, wiping away her spilling tears. His familiar mockeries she’d grown to expect never came. Instead, warmth lingered on the skin he touched, slowly spreading within her.
She wanted to ask him how. How was it possible that his simple touch could make her stop shivering when nothing else did? But she was too afraid to speak, too afraid that if she even moved a fraction, this momentary warmth would be gone and she would descend back to the cold empty place that was tearing her apart from the inside.
He moved his hand to her chin, tilting her head up with a curled finger. Gazing at the molten gold of his eyes, Yui saw him bend towards her.
Slowly, he closed the distance between them, until she could feel his body heat and his hot breath upon her lips.
He paused for a moment, and when she didn’t pull away, he tilted his head, leaning in again, he captured her lips.
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hiiraism4 · 4 years
MLQC SongFic #1 :  Gavin’s Daybreak
Guide : Listen to the song while reading it
Dreamcatcher - Daybreak
Pairing : Gavin/MC Gavin/reader
Tag : Fluff
Words : 1,728
“I will call you once i finish with the mission, okay?” was what Gavin told you 4 days ago.
You stop working on your laptop, trying to reach your phone. Aside from chats from your colleagues about the project you’ve been working on, you don’t see the name you’ve always hope to pop on your screen. Gavin’s name. You threw your phone across the room and it landed on your bed, so you won’t get distracted and wanting to grab the phone for who knows how much since Gavin went for his mission. 
Surely you realize his working can be demanding. Being a captain for Special Task Force who work in the shadow to make sure all people of Loveland can sleep the night and live with peace from EVOL’s terrorists, also a police officer, a captain of SWAT team at that, it surely took most of his time to work. You understand that. Besides, you’re also busy with working projects that seemed like...endless from your superior, Victor. So also being busy keeps your mind off from being lonely. But alas, even if you’re so proud of Gavin, you can’t help but worrying about his safety. But Gavin always come back alive, even if with more wounds and scars, he’s alive.
You yawned, closing the laptop’s screen decide to call it a day and go to sleep. It’s almost 1AM in the morning and you have a board meeting tomorrow with Victor. You can’t be late, of course. Switching the light off, you placed your phone beside you on bed after setting the several alarms to wake you up tomorrow. You got comfortable in bed, covering your whole body with the blanket, inhaling Gavin’s smell from the blanket. Ever since the two of you decided to live together and purchasing a bigger bed, the bed feels so much bigger without Gavin on your side. You frown but quickly shove the thoughts of being lonely away from your mind. You need to sleep.
As I sleep, some time
I feel your voice putting me to sleep
And your hair tickling me
You open your eyes slowly as you can feel someone’s hand on your waist. You see Gavin’s face right across from yours. You blinked several times, not believing that it really is Gavin who is laying beside you right now, still awake. He’s surprised to see you wake up but then smile, caressing your head.
“Did i wake you up? I’m sorry.” Gavin murmurs.
You shake your head. “When did you come home?” you ask, with a hoarse voice from sleep.
It’s 3:45AM.
“Not too long ago. I was about to call you but you must be sleeping and i don’t wanna wake you up.” Gavin says, apologetically.
You smile, snuggling to him burying your head to his chest. “Welcome home.” You practically hugging him by putting your hand on his back. “Did you get hurt?” you ask again.
“I’m home. And no, i’m okay.” Gavin replies, kissing the crown of your head.
Your heart swells with happiness as you inhale Gavin’s scent. You can smell his soap, signing that he took a shower before joining you in bed. Gavin smells like home to you. Refreshing with a light musk, reminding you of summer.
“You should go back to sleep. Don’t you have work later?” Gavin reminds you.
“I do have a meeting this morning.” you groan.
“You’ll do fine. Victor has no way to refuse the project you’ve been working on for weeks.” Gavin rests his palm on the back of your head, rubbing it slowly. Just the right amount to make you yawn again. You nod in his arm, trying to make yourself comfortable as you close your eyes.
“Now go back to sleep, there’s still time until 7AM. I’ll take you to work later.” Gavin says.
How could I be asleep
How could I be asleep
In your embrace, inside it, snugly
I put my hands together and rest
You are the largest star I have
So good night,  A bright light and I
If the daybreak finds me
I’ll be submerged in countless thoughts
You feel Gavin’s even steady breathing as he’s sleeping. You raised your head to see his peaceful face, almost like a child even. His soft vulnerable expression makes your heart swell again, adoring your boyfriend’s sleeping face. He has dark circle on his eyes, he must be tired and haven’t had any sleep while he’s away on his mission. Despite that he has long eyelashes, making you jealous by how long and thick it is. You raise your hand to touch his cheek, afraid that you might wake him up, but Gavin is still sleeping, he must be exhausted from the mission and you take the opportunity to traced your index finger on his smooth skin, along his jaw. Gavin is known as the handsome and a bit lonewolf officer, who is always serious in his work. But this side of Gavin, is only for you to see.
You snuggled closer to him and hold his hand. 
And in the sleepless night
I’ll be in your embrace endlessly
To you at daybreak
More passionately than during the day
You wonder how many nights you spend sleeping next to Gavin like this. If he’s not out on his missions you would lay next to him like this, listening to his heartbeat and his even breathing--sometimes he’d snore but you don’t mind. Gavin’s usually a light sleeper due to him being an officer--being alert at all times and there are times where he would be called for mission right when both of you were sleeping. For him being in a deep sleep like this, it’s kind of rare. But you appreciate all of it. Sleeping in Gavin’s embrace always feel safe and you grow addicted of having arms around your waist, as if keeping you safe, even in sleep.
Between curtains, faintly illuminating me
A white moonlight and yeah
Filling the room, even the cold air
Feels beautiful because of the light that is you
Full moon’s light up the room slightly, it shines right through Gavin’s face. Gavin always tell you that you’re beautiful, even if your mouth was full of chocolate cakes he bought for you, even if you just woke up from your sleep with a trace of drool on your chin, even if you’re crying because of the drama you watched.
“Don’t you know that you’re also beautiful?” you murmur softly, feeling Gavin’s chest rise and fall in sync with you.
You were scared of him back in high school, despite that he was always look out for you from a far. Even if Gavin was really scary at that time, him back then still had the same kindness he had today. The way he carried you when you were passed out in PE class, the way his eyes met yours when you were in library, or the times you found him climbing the old ginkgo tree outside of practice room.
The rough senior has grown into a sweet man he is today. Or maybe, he’s always this handsome from your high school years, if he’s not always covered in bandages and bruises.
I see a shifting image
We have a common dream
Even if it’s imaginary
I pretend to be okay
You probably are the same
But at the end of the day
We are together
Gavin’s line of work always makes you worry. He rarely has days off, even if he does he almost never spend it on rest, he will always spend it with you. There was time when you asked Gavin to go the shooting location at the nearby lake, knowing he was just came back from mission you told him to not come but he did come anyway.
He was visibly tired. But he came anyway.
You remembered your heart swelled when you found Gavin sleeping under the tree after the shooting’s over, waiting for you to finish. You remember you were crying when you saw a bandage peeking through his shirt. He was hurt. But still he came. You remember he woke up, panic was evident in his face as he cupped your face, apologized if he make you angry. And he was confused as you told him “Gavin, you dummy.”
The Gavin said “I come here because i miss you so much. I wanna meet you as soon as possible. Is that...is that wrong?” made you moved in to his apartment.
It’s fine if the same day repeats
Even the reversed day and night
My mind was filled waiting for you
And I’m happier for it now
Like a habit
Hug me tight
And don’t let me go, more
Take me to the dream
“...why don’t you sleep?” Gavin’s sudden question made you flinched. But Gavin held your hand in his tightly. His eyes fluttered open.
You can’t help but peck his lips.
“I don’t know, you’re too handsome when you’re sleeping..maybe?” you tease. Gavin chuckles, pinching your waist playfully. 
“But i prefer you to sleep with me.” Gavin says, kissing your eye. You nods and once again, scoot closer to him.
“I..i hope we can stay like this forever.” you say, listening to Gavin’s heartbeart.
Gavin hummed. “As much as i want that to happen, both of us are working. You have a meeting this morning too.” Gavin states the fact, making you pout.
“Gavin, you’re not fun.” you sigh, poking his chest. Gavin’s light chuckle warm your heart.
“You know, Gavin, i don’t mind waiting for you to come back home.” you say, out of the blue. Gavin hummed, waiting for you to finish. “If i can sleep in your arms again, i don’t mind waiting for you when you’re out for your missions. I do hope you won’t get hurt out there, though. My mind’s filled by waiting for you and it’s okay. I always happy when you come home.” you rambles, sleepiness is beginning to take on you.
Gavin hummed again as he traced circle on your back, as if lulling you to sleep.
“Hug me, don’t let me go.” you mumbles as you fall asleep.
Gavin kissed your forehead. “How could i? When the girl i’ve been crushing with finally with me?” he closes his eyes and drift back to sleep.
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monasatlantis · 5 years
My review for Mr.Love Queens Choice chapter 19 – 21
Warning: Obviously, this contains spoiler for the current chapters of MLQC!
 So here is what I think as short as possible:
 - I think overall it felt to short. The two days delay was far too big for what was coming after that. You could totally feel that chapter 19 was technically speaking smaller and there was also one full chapter missing, that would usually be there.
- Victors Version of chapter 19 was so nice that it didn’t prepare me one bit for the depressing undertone and heartbreak of Kiros/Helios chapter
- Actually… I am even more confused now than I was before. There already were a lot of questions I had when chapter 18 ended and after chapter 21 I have even more and got no answer to the ones I had before
- I mean, did anyone get why MC is still alive? Is the world she is currently in still a dream or is it the real world just affected by the Evol-powers behind that dream? Since Anna said she took over for MC (just not recognizing it is her) did Victor, Kiro and Co. still meet her in the past and just don’t remember everything after their childhood?
- I love how Victor seems to be the one who is the most drawn to MC, while it is really likely that actually he is the most dangerous of them all after Lucien, seeing how he goes to black Swan and looking at his picture for the next chapters…
- Tho I have to admit he totally confused me the whole time and I hope we get at least an answer to why it felt like he knew who she was deep in his heart… and still went to Black Swan, despite her warning.
- Helios is totally the kind of guy who first presses a knife to your throat and just a day later gets panicked because you’ve been almost stabbed with another mans knife by someone else
- Was I the only one hoping he would recognize that damn knife he once gave her and wonder how she got it?
- Kiro turned back into Helios in the original timeline to protect/save/help MC and that is also very likely the reason he asked Gavin for help… but if MC never came back into Kiros life (and seeing the perfume-add from Kiro he has been Kiro at some point), why did he turn into Helios and started working with Gavin?
- Gavin is probably portraying the best way how technically speaking, not meeting/loving MC did change him and yet he couldn’t help helping her
- While Lucien was the perfect example for showing how dangerous this man actually really is and how soft he actually was on MC while some of us (me included) were thinking he was an a*shole then already
- MC was probably never as stupid as she was this time. On one hand she was as brave as one can be in this situation but on the other hand she did constantly run stupidly into danger without even so much as preparing for a worst-case-scenario
- At some point I was wondering if MC existed in this world and just everyone forgot how she looked and how her voice sounded and stuff. That at least would explain Victors reaction upon their “first meeting” and the fact that Gavin and Helios couldn’t help but protect her and that Lucien was seeing colors again for a moment when his eyes were following her… but that would be simply too easy I guess
- Overall I was a bit… bored, to be honest. It was not like the plot was boring… its just… we didn’t get anywhere with it, if you know what I mean.
- Chapter 19 was supposed to be a happy dreamworld that MC made up, but while it worked like that for Victor (I can’t shake the feeling that this man always gets the special treatment – no complaining tho, I love him) it was a total failure when it came to Kiro who ended up doing what he also did in the real world, leaving MC behind and then acting like a jerk towards her as Helios (BTW… did you notice his magic still works on her? When she tried to ask him if he was Kiro she couldn’t even get the words out) which certainly wasn’t what she would have wished for. So what was chapter 19 even for?
- Chapter 20 established that MC has been forgotten by anyone but the guy she once met in a bus. A guy who, at the moment, raises more questions instead of answering some. We’ve seen Helios, Gavin and Lucien at their worst and Victor… being so much like Victor that it is a mix of comforting and confusing. (And also screaming “Danger” because it gives you a fals sense of security when it comes to him.)
- Chapter 21 gives us the boys coming to MCs aid despite not remembering her, while we figure out that Evolvers are now hated and that there are people who want to see them dead at all costs. And while Lucien was the only on in this chapter who did not try to save Mc, as he almost kill her instead of helping her, he at least did show us that apparently, Black Swan currently kills the Anti-Evolver-Guys… which… if you think about it, is not so bad. Anyway, the chapter ends with giving us some false sense of security by MC gaining some confidence and Victor calling her “Dummy” like in the god old days… before all hell breaks lose.
- So… what did we gain from the chapters? Did we get any answers? Any conclusions? Honestly… I am really unhappy knowing that we are very likely stuck in this setting until at least the end of chapter 24, because as far a I am concerned right now, those chapters were the least interesting ones for me so far.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
Heyyyy girl could i please get the other boys reactions to finding out mc accadently got married to gavin. I'd imagine they be really shocked/upset that she said she was pleased with the arrangement
Hello! I was gonna write something else, but I couldn't resist your prompt. This was a little difficult to write. Here is my attempt at their responses, and I hope you like it. 🙈
Title: Regrets
Pairing: Gavin x MC
Prompt: What is the reaction of the other guys to MC marrying Gavin?
Word count: 2,000+
7:30 am
You rolled on your back, your heart still racing from your passionate lovemaking. Beside you, Gavin did the same and the fine sheen of sweat that covered his body reminded you of how sexy he looked when he held your gaze as he thrust his engorged cock deep inside you until you rode out one orgasm after another. 
"You've got a funny smile on your face, " he teased. "Don't tell me you're ready for round two."
"Am not, " you replied, bringing the covers up to your neck. 
"Oh, come on. Can't you let your husband show you how much he loves you?" 
You were so caught up on playing hard-to-get, you almost failed to hear the creaking of your front door as it opened. You froze and looked at your husband, who had already wrapped a towel around his waist and tossed his shirt at you. 
As you slipped into his white undershirt, you heard the sound of the voice you've been dreading to hear. 
"Honey, I've brought you breakfast. You can't still be mad at me for - oh."
It was Lucien - top-notch neuroscientist, next-door-neighbor, and until yesterday, your lover. He held a bag of hot buns in one hand, and his gaze shifted from the half-naked police officer to you a few times. 
You sighed. He rarely used the spare key you gave him in the past, but you were so upset yesterday, he must've felt he needed to do something special. "Lucien, " you called,  your voice snapping him out of his reverie. "I'd like you to meet Gavin..."
The scientist looked at you like you had lost your mind. Really, he must've thought, why would you be standing in front of him introducing the guy you had just slept with, whose shirt you had on? 
"... My husband."
Your last line struck him like a punch in the gut. His eyes drifted to the ring you now sported, and his heart sank. So surprised by your unexpected announcement, the usually calm and collected Loveland University Professor dropped the bag he was holding, the buns rolling out of the bag. 
Thinking fast, Gavin bent over to pick up the buns and place them back in the brown paper bag his wife's former flame had just dropped. "Here you go."
"Uh, thank you, " the scientist replied in his usual monotone, before shaking his head. "Oh, where are my manners? Congratulations to you both. I'm sorry for intruding your privacy. I should go."
You watched in silence as he fished the spare key of your apartment from his pocket, and placed it on the table before walking out the door. You felt the weight of your guilt vanish as he took one step after another away from you, and when he finally closed the door behind him, you knew for certain you weren't going to see him again. 
One down, two to go. 
10:30 am
LFG was bustling with activity as the employees went about their daily grind. On the top floor, the CEO paced back and forth in his office. He had been feeling restless since last night, but he had no idea why. Throughout the sleepless night, he typed messages to you several times but never sent them. He smiled wryly at the thought that you might be getting the wrong impression once again. 
But you had an appointment with him at ten in the morning, and you were never late for your meetings. Until today. 
His head snapped when he heard the light rap at his door. Soon after, you poked your head in to check if he was busy or not. 
"You're late, " he said, not sparing you a glance. 
"Yes, and I'm sorry, " you replied silently, as you entered the room.
He looked up from his paperwork and sat back. "Not offering an excuse for me this time?"
"I have none, " you said. "But I have an explanation."
"Do you know? Let's hear it, " he gestured with his hand, encouraging you to speak up. 
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself. Though he never admitted it, you always felt that he treated you differently - like you actually mattered to him - and what you were about to say to him would probably break his heart. 
"I… I… well, I…"
He frowned as you stammered, and he watched you twist your fingers together. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, " you nodded. "The truth is, I was gonna send Anna to take my place today, but I thought that would be improper."
He narrowed his eyes as you spoke, silently assessing what could be wrong. And then he saw it - a faint glimmer as the light hit your wedding band. "I see, " he said. "I have to change my evaluation of you. Up to now, I thought you were the worst idiot to walk this earth. Apparently, there's someone even stupider than you…"
"Hey -"
"Who's the unlucky man?"
"His name is Gavin, he's a police officer, and he makes me happy, " you replied, stressing on every word to get the message through. 
The twenty-eight-year-old executive was silent for a while. He knew the guy - he was rough around the edges, but he was an extremely talented Evol Agent, probably the best in the force. He sighed in resignation. 
"Well, I suppose I owe you a present for your wedding, " he finally said as he took out an envelope from his drawer and tossed it across his desk to you. 
Curiously, you opened it and saw two tickets to a Carribean cruise. He watched as your eyes widened and your lips stretched to a smile - the widest and most beautiful you've given by far. As you held the tickets in your hand, he felt his heart sink. He did intend to give those to you today, but he had hoped it was him you'd be taking with you on your well-deserved vacation, but fate wasn't so kind. 
"Now get out of my office and tell Anna to come. You need to go on a proper honeymoon as commoners do."
"You know you could be less of a jerk about it, " you said, faking a frown. In reality, you felt relief wash over you as the regular rhythm of your banter returned. "Thank you for these, Victor!"
He waved you off and waited until you closed the door before he picked up his phone. 
"Goldman, I'll be taking the rest of the day off today. Cancel my appointments. I won't be reachable for the next twenty-four hours."
One more to go…
2:30 pm
On your way to pick up Gavin, you made one last detour to B.S. Entertainment. Kiro was guesting in your new talk show tonight, but you wouldn't be around to watch it so you thought of cheering him on early. 
As you made your way up the elevator, you silently wished he wasn't shooting anywhere today. 
"I didn't expect to see you this early. Have you come to pick up Kiro?"
You smiled as his agent greeted you quite warmly. Normally, he'd be too swamped with phone calls to even nod at your direction. 
"Quiet day today?"
"It's quiet now. It was crazy this morning, " he replied, scratching his head. "If you want to see him, he's in the studio rehearsing for tonight."
An enchanting melody filled the air as you walked to the recording studio. You recognize the sound - Canon in D - your favorite, being played beautifully on a solo violin. You snuck inside the closed room and were immediately entranced by the vision before you - Kiro with his eyes closed, playing so exquisitely, you couldn't help but applaud when he finished. 
"Hey! When did you get here, Miss Chips?"
You laughed at his term of endearment, which he never seemed to get rid of, after all this time. 
"That was so amazing, Kiro!"
He blushed slightly and then regained his composure. "Of course, it is. I'm rehearsing because I'm playing your favorite tune tonight," he said, as he bounded over to you. "So what brings you here this early?"
The earnest look in his eyes made you want to cry. You haven't been anything more than friends, yet it felt like you were going to do something horrible and your heart couldn't take that. 
"Hey…, " the superstar said, taking your hand in his. 
You notice his eyes widen as the cool metal of your band touched his palm, and he suddenly brought your left hand up to inspect closely. 
"New ring, Miss Chips? It's cute… and it almost looks like a wedding ring…"
You cleared your throat. "That's because it is."
As his gaze drifted from the hand he was holding to meet yours, you could have sworn you saw a tinge of hurt in those blue eyes for a split second, and he forced a bright smile on his face to cover it up. 
"Really? That's amazing!"
"Yeah, it is. He's a great guy. I wish you could meet him, " you trailed off, as you let his hand go. "But anyway, I'm here now because I won't be able to come to the show later. We're going on a trip for a few days, so I thought I'd come to cheer for you before I go."
"Aww… You didn't have to do that, " he joked, messing up your hair. "But thank you for dropping by. I- 'll dedicate the song I play later to you."
"That's so sweet of you, " you beamed. "Thank you, Kiro!"
"No problem, " he said, his smile plastered upon his handsome face. "So, I guess I won't be seeing you for a while."
"Yes, but I'll bring you back a souvenir from our trip!"
"I'm sure you'll have lots of fun, " he mused happily. 
"I sure will, " you seconded. "But right now, I gotta go. Gavin should have been done filing his leaves by now."
"Yeah. Well, take care and don't overeat!"
"I'm not you, Kiro, " you called out as you waved and turned to exit the room, your head on the clouds as you thought of your trip with Gavin. So caught up in your daydream, you failed to notice the smile disappear from the pop star's face, as he brought his hand up to brush away his tears. 
7:30 pm
Willow texted that Kiro was up next, so you turned on the television to listen to him play.
"I'm still surprised we got a present from one of your business partners on such short notice, " Gavin said, as helped you pack. "Pretty lucky, huh?"
"I'm pretty lucky, " you replied, hugging him from behind. "Because I'm married to the best guy ever!"
He chuckled. "Is that so?"
"Of course. Where can you find a guy who would shop with you without a complaint, carry all the bags, and then help me pack for our honeymoon?"
"Mmh… either he's great or he's just crazy for you, " he said, turning around slightly to plant a kiss on your forehead. 
"And speaking of great, he's pretty great in bed, too." 
He smiled at your sly comment and straightened up. "Is he now?"
"And do you care to give him another chance to show how great he is in bed right now?"
Throwing your arms around his neck, you stand on the tips of your toes until your lips hovered just below his. "I thought you'd never ask, Babe."
In the background, you could hear that the host had just turned the floor over to Kiro and that he was going to perform anytime now. But all that was forgotten as your lips hungrily sought Gavin's, and he matched your passion with his. He made quick work of your clothes until you were stripped down to your panties. He lowered you in bed and kissed every single part of you, as Kiro played for the audience, a song he dedicated to you. 
A few doors down, Lucien lay on his bed, attempting to read while the TV was on. The apartment felt unusually cold and empty tonight and the Finale of Tchaikovsky’s 6th symphony that Kiro played beautifully on the violin did nothing to lighten the mood. He sighed and dropped his book, defeated. While it pained him to admit, he had everything and let it go - and now he had nothing. Nothing without you. 
Down the road, Victor took another shot of whiskey and asked his personal bartender to refill his glass once more. He lost count of how many glasses he's had as he played billiards by himself. The bartender turned up the volume to listen to Kiro's performance, and he paused briefly to listen. He'd never felt regret until now - for treating her the way he did, for not being honest about his feelings… for not having the power to turn back time and change things - for if he did, then he would've been the man she was making love to at this moment. 
And as Kiro played the last chords of the symphony, he finally allowed his tears to fall. 
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imagine-otome-games · 5 years
Not His Type [Kiro MLQC]
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Pairing: Kiro x Female!Reader
Warnings: Cursing ofc, angst stuff, reader is portrayed as big and somewhat brooding, she is teasing and a little rude <3
A/N: This is for all my girls that aren’t really like the MC in this game. Not smol, no tiny fists or weak punches. Maybe not that sweet or bubbly or outgoing. This is for my big brooding bitches. The ones that don’t fit like they should and hide their sweet little hearts because the world isn’t too nice if you aren’t properly portioned with your fat or bigness. I see you.((Also I’m aware Kiros fanbase as I’ve read so far is portrayed nicely, but knowing how pretty boy fanbases tend to be at times, I’m being realistic with this one))
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Kiro is probably the sweetest guy you’ve ever known- a literal angel if you will. He’s kind and pretty much always around when you need a pick-me-up. Which was insane, considering his busy schedule and how him going anywhere can be difficult. His fans for the most part are alright, but there’s so many, they swarm instantaneously. It happens so quick you wonder how he hasn’t suffered some sort of whiplash. 
However, nice as they are, some aren’t so nice. Kiro’s evol really only cures this in person. Online, not really. Some people have some set vision for Kiro. Who he could be seen with- who he could ever like.It’s a little crazy, how he’s put with people he’s never really met or how they rage at him liking a certain post or picture. Sure, it’s a small percentage, but it’s enough to have him be a little careful.
It kinda sucked, having to hide when hanging out, but it made sense. You could just imagine the fits people would have if someone like you was seen with him. You’re no model. You don’t have designer clothes or your own fanbase. You just run a company, kind of. On top of that? You’re not really his type- or at least you think so. You don’t quite shine like he does. You’re not small or quaint like some of the fans he meets. You’re a little taller than him, your frames a little bigger- you’re sure you’d look awkward with him.
You hated to have that mindset but.. this was your reality. You knew it. You just hated how it didn’t help you try to fight what you were feeling. The last thing you needed in your life was to fall for a pop star. It wouldn’t end well for you- especially knowing what it sounds like to hear him say ‘Do you love me like I love you?” with such emotion. He’d said those three special words so sweetly, it about ruined you, but it wasn’t real. It wasn’t for you, and he’d even made a little joke about it. You know he meant no harm, yet it still hurt.
You kinda hated it. This ‘not his type’ stuff was high school nonsense and you swore you left that all behind. You hated how it somehow came back to haunt you. Giving you flashbacks to memories you tried to bury deep.
“Sorry, Miss Chips, I gotta go back out there again, see you in a bit!”, Kiro said, his happy tone breaking you from your tiny spiral of sad thoughts.
He’d wanted to hang out, but he had some sort of rehearsal,and so the hang out led you to being backstage with him somewhere. All you’d really done was listen to him recite some lines to study, but it was enough. You almost hated that- how just being near him was enough, yet also not even close to enough. It was bittersweet.
You watched him hurry back out to where he was needed, his golden locks bouncing with his stride.
Since you came here, you’d heard murmurs among his crew, mainly the women in it. Hushed questions were asked as eyes lingered on you when you weren’t looking. You almost wished you could say what you wanted, but all of it would be lies. Kiro was not and never would be yours. You weren't sure if he’d ever be anyones. His fanbase just wouldn’t allow it. 
“I’m not his girlfriend.”, you say, tone irritated for all sorts of reasons, “I’m not his type, didn’t you know? So can you please be quiet? I have a headache.”
You hadn’t intended to be so sharp or bitter, but saying the truth can do that to a person. No one wants to say that their not the right type for the person they’ve grown to yearn for. It’s painful to think on, and it almost kills you to say it.
Kiro is a sweet-heart, a loving ball of sunshine and he deserves the best. He doesn’t fit with the angry bitch some of his crew-women are whispering angrily about. 
‘Do you love me like I love you?’
No, because you don’t love me..
Something deep inside hurt. It ached and it burned- it made you ask yourself why you were like this. A biting type personality, soft little heart breaking, buried under all the angry and sad. Why this body- why this person? Why couldn’t you be bright and bubbly?
Why couldn’t you be his type?
But oh darling, you are. He is the sun and you are his moon- this big beautiful moon that makes him laugh till his stomach hurts. You make him smile until he can’t feel his cheeks and just the mere thought of you makes him feel so warm inside. He loves how you’re tough- how you become even tougher when you see those you care for being bothered or upset. How you handle your own and even give him a taste of his own teasing medicine. Your smile is rare, and so he feels so special when seeing it. Your laugh rings like the best music he’s ever heard, the volume of it just means he must be damn funny.
He adores all of who you are. He’d proudly hold your hand and damn all who dare to say you don’t fit with him. He’s grown to love you so blindly and so plainly- but you can’t see it.
You’ve blinded yourself, gouged your own eyes out with your bare hands. You’ve hurt yourself, but you’ve also hurt him.
“I’m not his type, didn’t you know?”
He keeps his back to the wall, eyes cast down.
“I’m not his girlfriend.”
You said it so surely- so bitterly. It made him wonder if maybe he was reading things wrong. Maybe the idea of being his girlfriend bothered you because he wasn’t your type. The thought ate at him in a way he didn’t like. It burned within his chest, making him put a hand against it, as if he could stop the ache and the burning. Maybe he was right all along, and he wasn’t for you.He’d read everything all wrong- and oh it hurt.
It hurt so bad, he had this.. power to charm. He could make anyone love him if he was shallow- and the one person he really, truly wanted to just.. adore him, didn’t.
He’d do anything for your love. He was so certain it must be so amazing, you had so much to give, so much to offer.
He just wished he was the one you’d give to. He gave to you every single day.
“Kiro! Pay attention, we have to get this right!”
He shot up instantly, happy mask going on within seconds, “Sorry, sorry! Just practicing a little more!”, he said, making his smile big and bright.
Only to have it fall when he found you gone. You never left without saying goodbye to him. It stung even more when he remembered that, but he’s not sure if you leaving would hurt less if you had said bye. His emotions were all over after hearing you say all that- what even caused you to?
What was said to you? Who were you talking to?
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Miss Chips is typing..
Miss Chips: Sorry Kiro, my head hurts and I don’t really wanna bother you when you’re working. See you later?
Kiro is typing..
Kiro: Sorry Miss Chips :{ I hope your headache gets better, I promise next time it’ll be just us!
Miss Chips is typing..
Miss Chips: Dw about it. I’m gonna sleep it off, text you later!
Kiro stared at his phone, questioning whether or not he should bring up what he heard. He didn’t want to upset you, and who knows if you’d answer him. You had a knack for avoiding conversations and questions you didn’t want to deal with. It was the one part of you he kind of didn’t like. When you closed-up, you closed tightly. Nothing would make you open, and no one could ever tell when you’d open again.
It would be months before he got to see you in person again. He got this creeping feeling of you distancing yourself from him. He hated to think on it, but surely it was happening. You didn’t laugh like you used to- didn’t smile with your eyes like you often did. They looked dull.
It killed him to see.
“Don’t you know, I’m no good for you..”
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] S2 Gavin - The Broadcast Countdown Project
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a company project which has not been released in EN!🍒
This post features S2 Gavin, but contains no spoilers regarding S2!
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[ This was released on 13 May 2021 ]
[ Chapter One ]
Things happened so suddenly. Even till now, I’m in a confused trance.
The ratings of “Inquiries”, a news documentary program I produced in collaboration with Loveland TV, has been rising continuously. Whenever an episode is broadcasted, I’d make a trip to the TV station.
Just like always, I head out of the company and take a taxi, telling the driver the address of the TV station.
But now, I’m sitting in the meeting room of the TV station, and can only remember that I had stepped out of the door. Whatever happened after I boarded the car is a total blank.
The surveillance footage at the entrance of the TV station clearly records how I got off the taxi, how I had taken an envelope from a stranger, and how I walked into the building.
Security Guard: But you don’t remember this happening?
MC: ...I have no impression of this at all. When I came to my senses, I was at the 18th floor. It’s strange because I didn’t know why I went to the 18th floor in the first place.
The broadcasting studio is on the second floor, and I’d normally take the stairs.
Security Guard: That’s so strange. You lost your memory for five minutes for no apparent reason?
I think to myself: It isn’t that strange. I might have bumped into an Evolver who can alter someone’s consciousness or memories.
MC: What’s in the envelope?
Program Director: Yes yes, let’s open the envelope and take a look first!
There’s a USB flash drive and a slip of paper inside the envelope.
Out of curiosity, I stick the USB flash drive into my laptop. There’s a video clip in it.
Clicking the video clip, both the the security guard and program director exclaim loudly in shock - 
Two people are tied to chairs, and their eyes have been pixelated. There’s a banner strung on the wall behind them: A debt of blood must be paid in blood.
The slip of paper states that Loveland TV has to broadcast this video clip during “Inquiries” this evening. Otherwise, it will face the consequences.
Program Director: What in the world is this - a kidnapping?
MC: ...yes, and the suspect is very likely an Evolver.
At this moment, I feel incredibly tense - I actually received something from a kidnapper but didn’t notice any details.
How frustrating - I lost the lead of a crucial moment!
MC: This isn’t something we can handle. We need to get the STF involved.
The program director looks at me, makes a prompt decision, and nods.
Less than half an hour later, Gavin brings his men over. After understanding the situation, he first gives me a sweeping glance, then suggests that he takes the video clip.
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Gavin: Please give me the video clip. We’ll compare it against the database.
I quickly hand the USB flash drive to him, along with the envelope and slip of paper.
While the STF members are gathering evidence, I walk up to Gavin.
MC: Gavin... does the STF have any special methods of enabling someone to recall erased memories? Any method is fine.
Faced with my sudden determination, Gavin expresses an unexpected calmness and composure.
Gavin: No.
MC: But I’m the only person who saw the suspect... As long as I can recall some details, even a little, it’d be a huge breakthrough for the case.
Based on my understanding of such Evol, the probability of recollection isn’t high. But if it’s the STF...
Gavin pats the shoulder of his teammate, indicating that he should continue. Then, he turns around and walks towards the corridor. 
Gavin: Come with me.
[ Chapter Two ]
Gavin brings me to an empty meeting room.
My mind is muddled, and I stare at him for a long time without saying anything. He isn’t anxious, and simply waits for me.
Getting impatient from the wait, I pace around the meeting room.
MC: But my memories are really important.
All that flashes across my mind are the two people whose hands and feet were bound in the video clip.
MC: If...
Gavin raises his volume, interrupting me.
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Gavin: You don’t have to shoulder any burdens.
After a short silence, his expression turns slightly warmer.
Gavin: You're just an ordinary citizen who was roped into the case by force. You’ve already provided all the information related to the case. Leave the rest of the work to us. Your memories are very important, but STF has its own way of handling things.
He pauses, softening his tone, as though wanting to comfort me.
Gavin: Cases involving Evolvers are always more problematic than ordinary crimes. I run into such situations often, so you don’t need to worry...
He seems to deliberate considerably before continuing.
Gavin: At the very least, I’m confident in this case.
Seeing that I’ve lifted my head to look at him, he walks over to me.
Gavin: I’ve watched two episodes of your program. The subject is very new and original.
Gavin: The online reviews said that this world doesn’t always exist in black-or-white. There’s also a middle ground worth reflecting on.
Gavin: Generally speaking, this program is about making progress, which is why I’ve been thinking since earlier that the suspect specially chose to send you the letter. 
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Gavin: If it were me, I’d definitely ensure that such an important letter was handed to someone in the program team. That way, it’d be played easily. 
Gavin: You came to the TV station at 4pm, long after usual reporting hours. You weren’t wearing a name tag, so it’d have been difficult to tell if you were a staff member from the TV station.
Gavin: ...so how would he have known that he found the right person?
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Gavin: Also, he mentioned in the note that it was to be played during your show. This wouldn’t have been a coincidence.
Gavin: He was probably here for quite some time, waiting for you to appear.
MC: Waiting for me to appear?
Gavin nods, speaking softly.
Gavin: He might be a viewer of your program.
Startled, I give this some thought. It’s indeed a possibility.
“Inquiries” is a very complex documentary.
What it depicts are stories of “criminals” who “had no choice” but to commit crimes.
The so-called “inquiries” are questions targeted to the law, morality, and the public, on whether they are guilty.
If the suspect was deliberately waiting for me, he might have had something to say.
While I’m pondering over this, Gavin’s communication device sounds.
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Gavin: They’re done with the investigation. There’s a discovery.
After saying this, he pushes the door open and steps out. I follow after him immediately, returning to the middle of the STF members.
Lu Yi: Captain Gavin, the pixelations can’t be reverted to their original state. We’ve done a comparison against the database, and have located 3287 people. This number is too large.
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Gavin: Under immense psychological stress, these two people remained tightly pressed together... they could be husband and wife.
Lu Yi: In the category of married people, there are... 289 people.
Gavin stares at the video clip for a few seconds, enlarging one of their hands. Frowning, he turns to ask me a question.
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Gavin: What kind of a ring is this?
MC: It isn’t a ring. it’s a thimble. People in the needlework business wear this.
Lu Yi: Okay, I’ll narrow the search to those in the needlework or clothing business.
I recall what Gavin said to me in the meeting room, and have an inexplicable gut feeling.
MC: You could also search for individuals who are either directly or indirectly related to someone who committed a crime, or involved in a criminal suit.
Gavin nods at the STF member.
Names continuously roll on the monitor, finally pausing at two names.
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Gavin: Found them.
[ Chapter Three ]
The investigation continues. After identifying the two people, Lu Yi finds substantial information related to this husband and wife duo through their network.
Lu Yi: Their neighbours mentioned that they haven’t seen the husband and wife for several days, and thought they had gone on a vacation.
Gavin: When was the last time they were seen?
Lu Yi: Saturday, five days ago. The boss of the neighbourhood supermarket said that on Saturday evening, the husband and wife visited his shop and bought quite a number of items.
Gavin ponders on this, then continues to probe in a methodical manner.
Gavin: What case was their relative involved in?
Another team member who has been searching for information in front of the laptop walks over, handing the tablet laptop to Gavin.
Team member: Captain Gavin, here’s information on the case. It’s just an ordinary traffic incident, not an Evolver crime.
Slightly curious, I can’t help but lean over a little. Gavin doesn’t have any intention of concealing anything, and he leaves me an opening.
MC: A traffic light accident... I know this case. It caused a huge uproar back then, and news related to this kept appearing on TV.
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Gavin: I have an impression of it too.
This was a case which faced endless controversy. A traffic light at an intersection had a malfunction. The yellow light didn’t flash, and turned red immediately.
A car which wanted to speed past the yellow light crashed into a pedestrian who had just stepped onto the road, resulting in the victim’s death.
Gavin: The person who caused this traffic incident was the son of this couple.
Team member: The controversy on how the sentence should be determined for this case dragged on for a very long time.
MC: I remember how the driver’s lawyer asked quite a number of journalists to report on this matter. They asserted that the main responsibility lay with the malfunctioning traffic light. They said that if the traffic light had turned yellow, the additional three seconds would have prevented the incident from occurring.
Gavin continues to browse through the case. 
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Gavin: The case concluded with the driver’s sentence reduced to one year, and the transport department was responsible for half of the monetary compensation.
MC: One year?
Even though I know that the judgement of every case is underpinned firmly by law, based on my subjective point of view...
When measuring a sentence of one year against a human life, it does seem pretty light.
MC: The person who kidnapped the husband and wife should be someone who bears grudges because of this incident. Back then, it’s precisely because of the media’s involvement that the sentence became lighter... Aside from taking revenge on the driver, he wants to use the broadcast to take revenge on the government of Loveland City.
With a slight lift of Gavin’s head, the STF member catches his drift, walking up to the tablet laptop and tapping it a few times.
Lu Yi: This is information pertaining to the victim from the traffic incident.
Gavin: Xu Wen. Female, 26 years old, unmarried, and a nurse. Her parents are retired teachers. After the incident, they moved to the countryside to live out their life in retirement.
Team mate: I just spoke to the countryside committee of the elderly couple. They rarely host relatives and friends. They haven’t met anyone recently, nor did they leave their house.
Gavin: Did the victim have a boyfriend? 
Gavin’s inquiry tugs at my memories. I vaguely recall that when I read the reports from back then, one of the featured articles was about a ring which rolled onto the zebra crossing...
Afterwards, the news headlines showcased the image from this featured article, which drew more grief from people.
MC: She seemed to be wearing a ring when the incident happened. She might have been engaged or had a fiancé, just that it wasn’t registered?
Gavin returns the tablet laptop to his team member.
Gavin: Investigate her fiancé. 
[ Chapter Four ]
Although the seconds and minute trickle past, there isn’t a shred of anxiety on Gavin’s face.
The director pulls me to a corner subtly, showing me a message that the higher ups from the TV station just sent him. On it, there’s a phone record approximating half an hour.
Program Director: The STF definitely can’t save them before the broadcast. We have to play the video clip... When lives are involved, we definitely can’t infuriate the kidnapper!
Seeing that he’s stammering from worry, I hurriedly pat him on the shoulder, comforting him with a softened voice.
MC: No matter how frantic we are, we can’t be of help. Leave it to the STF.
The director hastily stretches out his arm, showing me his watch.
Program Director: There’s only an hour left! The host is already in the make-up room, and I have to tell her about this later.
While speaking, he grabs at his hair, sighing as he glances at the STF members.
Program Director: I never faced such an incident when I was a reporter. Those people have to be rescued...
He mumbles, then continues to harp on the matter.
Program Director: I wonder what exactly the kidnapper wants.
The entire broadcasting studio is extremely quiet, a change from the typical lively atmosphere. 
Thinking about how the broadcast is approaching soon, I start to get a little impatient.
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I glance at Gavin from my peripheral vision a few times, wanting to read something from his calm expression...
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Gavin clearly notices my overly frequent line of sight. He straightens up, then gives me a wave. I hurriedly walk over.
Gavin: There’s only an hour left to the broadcast. I’ll leave you with a professional negotiator. Get ready.
MC: What? 
Gavin: My goal is to resolve this matter before the broadcast. But I still need a Plan B. The kidnapper will definitely watch the program. Also, he knows that you’re the producer of this program, which is why he handed the envelope to you. Your presence will make it easier to persuade him.
Gavin calls out to one of his team members, and the latter comes over.
Gavin: Xiao He, draft a script meant for communicating with the kidnapper, then give it to this producer.
The professional negotiator responds immediately, returning to his position and throwing himself into the work.
MC: ...but I might not be able to do it.
Gavin: You can definitely do it.
While speaking, his eyes remain fixed on the laptop which is currently searching for data. Not long after, he suddenly lifts his head and gives me a slight smile.
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Gavin: Don’t underestimate yourself. Also, this is just my Plan B. There’s still an hour, and there’s sufficient time.
This is the first time I’m seeing him smile since he walked through the door. My instincts tell me that he doesn’t need a Plan B.
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Gavin: We’ve found the fiancé of the victim from the traffic accident.
I stand in front of the laptop, staring at the photograph on the monitor.
It’s an ID photo. He has a crew cut and is wearing a white shirt along with a black suit. It seems to be a job ID photo for a bank.
I’m suddenly in a monetary trance, and hazy images flash across my mind. But that’s it, and there’s no concrete information.
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Gavin: What’s wrong?
When Gavin sees my tightly knit brows, he places a hand on my back.
MC: ...it might be him. Even though I can’t recall anything, my memory remembers him.
[ Chapter Five ]
Simply locating the suspect isn't enough. We need to find where he’s keeping the husband and wife.
But Gavin remains confident. He pulls a chair over for me sit, indicating that there’s nothing I should be worried about.
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Gavin: Check if there’s property under his name.
Team member: Two residences. One is used as a shop for commercial purposes.
Gavin: Take another look at the video clip.
The STF member does as instructed, and two monitors display the suspect’s information and the video clip in the USB flash drive respectively.
Gavin: Floor plans.
Without the need for further elaboration, three floor plans are displayed on the laptop, corresponding with the three properties belonging to the suspect.
Team member: Captain Gavin, the attributes of the video clip show that it was taken at 4pm on the 23rd.
Gavin: How was the weather on the 23rd?
Team member: A clear day. You even told me to run 3000 metres as punishment. I ran while braving the sun.
After saying this, the surrounding STF members can’t help but laugh. The atmosphere suddenly relaxes - they’re very close to reaching the breakthrough.
Gavin: A clear day, 4pm...
The STF team member adjusts the brightness level of the video clip, locating the direction of the light source.
Gavin stares at the floor plans and light source in the video clip, then points at the first floor plan.
Gavin: Where’s this house?
Team member: Pavilion Village on Ancient Street in the old city district. Captain Gavin, if we look at this video clip, the shop happens to have a partitioned-off area, and the window matches this...
He gestures on the floor plan with a pen. Based on Gavin’s expression, what he’s saying is correct.
I ponder on this seriously, tapping open the map in my phone.
MC: Gavin, this Pavilion Village...
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Gavin: I remember. We were there once when we sent a lost elderly man home.
The STF team members, who were searching for maps, glance up at each other in tacit understanding, remaining silent.
MC: This neighbourhood is very close to Line 2.
[Note] “Line 2″ is an east-west line of the Shanghai Metro network
Gavin taps on the desk with the knuckle of his index finger.
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Gavin: Extract the audio.
The STF member amplifies the audio in the video clip, and everyone listens patiently for a few seconds.
“Whoosh” - the anticipated sound appears.
Gavin: Eight seconds.
Team member: Each carriage of Line 2 spans 20 metres. There are a total of 6 carriages, so it measures 120 metres in total. The train travels at an approximate speed of 54km/h in this area.
No longer hesitant, Gavin pushes the keyboard away.
Gavin: Let’s go.
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As they prepare the equipment, I quickly run over to Gavin. Without saying anything, he has already refused.
Gavin: You have to stay here. I can’t guarantee if the suspect moved the hostages to a different location after filming the clip. You’re Plan B, and have to be prepared at any moment.
His simple words persuade me completely. Time is tight and I have no time to hesitate. I instantly pull on him again.
MC: Could you bring a cameraman along?
MC: You know him - he’s the one who came along during past missions. He’s really experienced and won’t disturb you guys.
MC: ...what you said is correct, but this person sent the video clip to me, so there must be something he wanted to express.
MC: No matter what it is, it’d be good to have it recorded on camera.
Gavin is silent for a moment, then nods.
[ Chapter Six ]
The cameraman has followed the STF during past projects. When he arrives at the TV station, he already has a camera on his shoulder.
Not wanting the others in the broadcasting studio to feel anxious, I put on my earpieces in an isolated corner, listening to the live feed.
Gavin: Everyone, take note. The suspect this time might have an Evol related to hallucinations or memory distortion. At this point, we can’t verify if he can manipulate a person’s mind. Under the effects of such Evol, there’s a high possibility that you might point the weapons in your hands to your own team mates. So right now, remove your guns and ammunition. Don’t carry any equipment which may be dangerous in a situation where you lose your senses.
Hearing Gavin’s calm and resolute voice drifting through the earpieces, I stare at the script in my hands, no longer letting my imagination run wild. I focus on memorising it quietly.
Soon, it’s almost time for the broadcast to begin.
I glance at my phone - it’s 6.34pm. Through the earpieces, I can tell that Gavin has brought his team to Block 7 of the Pavilion Village.
With a clack, the gate is pushed open, and the sound is so jarring that one can almost see the red rust on the iron gate.
I hear the sound of incredibly soft footsteps heading up step after step. They pause at every six steps before ascending to the next floor.
I count in my heart: two, three, four... five. They’ve arrived.
Not long after, the sound of a door being forced open suddenly drifts into the earpieces. The clamour of footsteps and the wooden door being pushed open overlap.
I can’t help but unlock my phone, watching the images being recorded by the camera at this moment.
Gavin is taking the lead, stepping into a bedroom. Just as the camera is about to follow, he suddenly turns around, reaching out to cover the lens.
MC: ?
At the same time, Gavin gives me a call.
Gavin: The hostages have been rescued. The show can be broadcasted normally.
Overjoyed at this unexpected good news, I hurriedly wave at the director, conveying this news to them loudly.
Cheers erupt in the broadcasting studio. The host hurriedly walks to her position, taking the script with a smile, facing the camera and tidying her appearance.
Soon after, I hear Gavin’s voice through the phone again.
Gavin: The suspect is already dead - it’s fundamentally concluded that it was a suicide.
[ Chapter Seven ]
An Evolver in Gavin’s team can sense the number of life forms across a wall. Before entering the room, his Evol had detected two people. 
This differed from the display on the thermal image.
That’s why Gavin called - to verify the suspect’s condition when he met me.
As the witness of this case, I received a notification from Gavin to make a statement in STF once the operation was over.
After going through the entire process, it’s already 10pm. I’m sitting on a bench the STF’s hall, waiting for Gavin.
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Not long after, a tall figure blocks the incandescent light in front of me.
MC: Sorry.
Gavin: Who are you apologising to?
MC: I don’t know. I just feel that... I couldn’t even do anything.
He kneels down, his right knee on the ground. He looks directly at me.
Gavin: Don’t have such thoughts. His death is unrelated to anyone. 
He reaches out, brushing aside my sweat-drenched fringe. He speaks softly.
Gavin: It will take some time to digest this conclusion. There’s a professional psychologist responsible for such matters in the STF. I’ll bring you over tomorrow. As for now -
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Gavin doesn’t give me more time to feel remorseful. He grabs my hand, pulling me towards the entrance. 
Gavin: Let’s go. They’re waiting for you.
MC: Waiting for me?
Gavin: To eat.
With a confused expression, I’m pulled to a restaurant near the entrance of STF. The door opens - everyone’s there. I’ve never seen everyone gathered together like this.
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Eli: Finally here? I already said the Administration Department’s always dallying. Even signing documents takes so long. The dishes are getting cold.
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Tang Chao: Sister MC has worked hard today. I heard about everything. Well... don’t take it to heart. We actually run into such matters on missions often...
I pause, turning to one of the team members I saw at the TV station today.
MC: I still want to know... what happened at the scene today? 
The team member glances at Gavin. When he sees Gavin’s nod, he speaks hesitantly.
Team member: He left a note. It stated that he knew that it was just an accident, but it was a pit he couldn’t cross. It’s Wen Wen’s birthday today, and he wanted to accompany her. The character “喜” was pasted in the bedroom.
[Trivia] The word 喜 (“xI”) means “happy event”, and it’s often found on decor for traditional Chinese weddings
I recall what the cameraman said to me after he returned today -
The reason why Captain Gavin covered the camera lens was because he knew you were watching. But afterwards, he continued to let the camera roll, because you definitely wouldn’t be wiling to give up on this material.
While I’m spacing out, Gavin presses me down onto a chair.
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Gavin: Don’t think about anything else. Eat first. I once had the same feelings as you do right now. But when a case is over, it’s over.
Sensing that Gavin is worried about me, I nod subconsciously.
MC: I know. But I’ll still include this case into the show... I’ll try presenting the truth in a more objective manner. From an outsider’s perspective, I’ll see what kind of story I can convey. 
But all of this will be left for later. I hold up a cup, pouring myself a drink.
MC: Time to eat, time to eat. Let’s toast-
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Gavin chuckles. He holds up his cup, bumping it against the rim of mine.
Gavin: Everyone, help yourselves to the food. It's my treat tonight.
- End -
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“Inquries” continues to be broadcasted. The workload and resistance to producing this program are both substantial. However, the production team believes that when faced with interrogations from the audience and speculations from society, it is only when such things continue that the media can carry out justice.
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More from Season 2: here
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sharinluna · 5 years
MLQC Chapter 15 translation
Translation of excerpts from chapter 15 to improve my language skills.
This is not a full translation, only some parts. It’s more like a abbreviation/summary/paraphrasing of some parts of the story. Do not ask me to translate more or reveal more plots in the story. 
I actively excluded all plot related scenes concerning evol and story development. I focused more on the relationship between MC and the LI.
The translation is based on KR version text. I’m not a professional translator and get things wrong. So do not regard this as the actual canon story.
I used Yōurán as the name of MC because that is the unofficial default MC’s name in CN version.
DO NOT COPY, QUOTE, REPOST OR REBLOG THIS ANYWHERE. Links are okay but I don’t want this post to spread too much in other communities or websites.
There were many passers-by in the busy streets between buildings but no one paid attention to the man standing in the midst of all.
He stood there devastated.
He looked at the large clock on the giant shopping mall. Soon it will become year 2028. Right now it’s 2028… the future. There’s so much to figure out.
A black car sped past him. His eyes briefly landed on the man inside the car.
That is Victor. That is him ten years later.
I tried to tell myself that everything was over. That things turned back to normal. We can go back to living peacefully like we did before… or so I’m trying to persuade myself. But is it really?
What happened at the TV tower was not a dream. Separation from Lucien, not being able to find Victor, the painful farewell from Kiro, they are all real.
And… Gavin, protecting me, keeping me safe in his arms while bleeding himself is also not a dream.
After I gained consciousness I returned home after few days of recuperating. Gavin came by my house frequently to see me, but didn’t say anything about that day.
Time passed, and even the media lost interest. Everything was concluded as a freak accident in a TV station.
But I have never been able to be at ease since then.
(Knocking sound)
When I opened the door, there stood Gavin.
Gavin: How are things today?
He looked at me sadly.
Gavin: Did you have nightmares again?
I shook my head, but couldn’t hide the tears that were welling in my eyes.
Yōurán: I’m fine.
I forced myself to smile.
Yōurán: How are your wounds, are they all healed?
Gavin: The external injuries are almost healed. After a few days I’ll be able to go back doing missions.
Yōurán: That soon?
Gavin: To me, it’s not soon enough.
Yōurán: Gavin…
Gavin: I’m worried about you.
I shook my head.
Yōurán: I’m still healing… Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.
Gavin stood up and grabbed both my shoulders.
Gavin: You don’t have to try so hard. You can tell me what’s bothering you…
He hesitated, then kept speaking.
Gavin: …whenever you’re ready. I’ll always be beside you.
After experiencing such a huge incidence, I had trouble handling my roller coaster emotions. I started crying without warning.
He stilled for a moment, then quickly dried my tears.
Gavin: It’s okay to cry.
I caressed my bracelet, smiling softly.
Yōurán: Thanks to you, Gavin can always find me...
Gavin: No.
I looked up and Gavin was standing there with moonlight shining down on him.
Gavin: With or without the bracelet, I can always find you.
It was strange. There was no wind, but I could feel a gentle breeze soothing my heart.
Gavin: There’s some place I want to take you.
Many stars were shimmering down in his eyes looking at me. Without hesitation I placed my hand on his.
A gust of wind swept past us, and it seemed that I could touch the moon if I just reached out my hand...
Yōurán: Where are we going?
Gavin: You’ll see. Hold on to me tighter.
We landed in front of a giant ferris wheel that was recently constructed.
Yōurán: I think it’s closed...
Gavin: Just tell me this. Do you want to give it a ride?
I nodded yes. Gavin told me to wait and went to the operating room. Moments later the lights went on and the wheel started to move.
With excitement I followed Gavin into one of the capsules. I looked out the window as the city grew smaller and smaller under me. Everything looked peaceful and quiet.
Yōurán: Gavin... why did you bring me here?
Gavin pointed to a big building on the distance.
Gavin: You see this? That’s your office building. Next to it is the new Science Museum. On the right is the gym.
Gavin went on to explain what each buildings were. But I didn’t know why he was telling me all this.
Gavin: This is what I see every day as I do patrol. I see a city that you successfully saved from danger. I felt that I had to show you this.
Was he trying to say that the city was well-functioning thanks to me?
Gavin: Without you, the construction of this ferris wheel wouldn’t have been finished. Without you, the people down below wouldn’t have been able to go on with their lives. You saved them....
Then he took hold of my hands.
Gavin: ...like you saved me. When I was falling down in to the deepest pit of my life, you caught me and kept me from falling.
Gavin’s eyes were as bright as the stars and the moon as he said this. It was too dazzling to see.
Tears streamed down my face like torrents.
Yōurán: Gavin... thank you. For telling me all this. But you should know, you also caught me when I was falling down. Every time there was a danger, you...
With sobs I poured out my everything to him.
Yōurán: When I woke up, I felt that everything was not real. Like I wasn’t supposed to be here and the city would be in danger again... I felt anxiety all the time, but I didn’t want to be a burden so I kept everything to myself...
Gavin stopped me from saying more by pulling me into his embrace.
Gavin: You are not a burden. You’ll never be.
Yōurán: I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll do my best to get out of this despair...
All sorrows and doubts, loss and confusion, everything insecure washed away in tears and warm embrace.
As soon as we got back home, a piercing alarm was heard. At the same time, busy footsteps sounded in the hallway. It was a safety alarm sounding from the management office in the building. They have hardly ever raised the alarm before. What was going on…?
Announcement: A family living in this building has been infected by a highly contagious disease. They have been moved to a hospital. This building will undergo thorough disinfection while being in temporary quarantine. Residents are not to leave the building unless it’s an emergency.
Complaints started to be heard behind the doors.
Yōurán: Well thankfully tomorrow is Saturday, I don’t want to miss work…
I realized something as I said out loud. Temporary quarantine… does that mean Gavin has to stay at my house?
Gavin: That day when you were falling, for the first time I doubted that I could protect you.
His eyes dimmed for a moment.
Gavin: I promised myself that I would always protect you no matter what, but I couldn’t even control my evol fluctuation, nor bring you to safety.
Yōurán: It’s all right… You don’t have to talk about it.
I hugged him tight, wishing I could soothe his worries.
Gavin: Even without my evol, I can protect you. Please believe me.
I nodded my head firmly.
As soon as I grabbed his hand, a terrifying vision appeared before my eyes. Gavin was breathing painfully clutching at his chest. His face was pale and contorted. Winds rushed past him uncontrollably clawing at his clothes and flesh. What was happening?
The vision was gone as fast as they came.
Gavin: Are you alright? Is everything okay?
Yōurán: Ye, yes. I’m okay…
My brain was in turmoil, but an answer popped into my head. I could… predict what’s going to happen to people by just being in contact with them? I can… see other people’s future?
Then… what about that awful vision?
Gavin: Yōurán, look at me. It’s okay. There’s no need to be afraid.
Gavin forced me to look at him, his eyes filled with concern, but my head kept replaying that vision. Then all the pieces were put together to reveal the whole picture.
Yōurán: Gavin, are your powers… gone?
I could read complicated emotions in his eyes, although he hid it very fast.
Gavin: They’re not gone. Just… on a break for a while. It’ll get better.
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Many guns were pointing at us. An entire rank was surrounding us. The smell of danger in the air was suffocating. They all had marks of the Special Task Force.
To me, they all looked like monsters. I wanted to ask them why they would do this. Why they were here, why they would shoot at a little child. I couldn’t understand why they were trying to harm us when they were supposed to be protecting us.
Gavin: Who did the shooting?
Gavin asked coldly while shielding me with his body.
Leto: It was on my order.
The Commander Leto made his appearance among the guns.
Gavin: But why…
Leto: They were just following the orders. If the target is potentially dangerous, it should be killed on the spot.
Gavin: You have no right to do that!
Gavin clenched his fists hard. His voice barely containing his anger but sounding deadly calm.
Leto: We have our ways. As your commander, I don’t have any obligations to explain my every action to you.
Gavin: But you have an obligation to explain the first rule of the STF. All bullets must only be fired for justice.
Leto: One day you will understand my way of justice, when you reach my position.
Gavin: I will have none of it! If such a thing is called justice, I defy it!
Gavin: From now on, there is no Agent B-7
Even when being pointed by the gun, the Commander remained unfazed.
Leto: Agent B-7 has betrayed the STF and obstructed our way of justice. I order his immediate arrest.
He disappeared and the agents closed in on us. Wind began to circle around us.
Yōurán: Gavin, don’t use your powers! You’ll hurt yourself!
Gusts of wind continued. Gavin keeled over, mustering all his strength painfully.
The motorbike carrying us sped across the highway. The STF agents were chasing us behind. I held on to Gavin more tightly, feeling his breathing and warm temperature. I could faintly smell blood.
Yōurán: How could they do such a thing?
I asked, trying to calm my trembling voice. Gavin stayed silent for a long time.
Gavin: Maybe the danger doesn’t necessarily come from the darkness. Perhaps the world that we thought we knew was dangerous all along.
What if the Special Task Force was the danger, I never even considered that. What would this mean to Gavin… His lifelong belief in justice have fallen apart in one instant.
Gavin: I’m going to bring you to safety and solve this once and for all.
I could sense his resolve in his words.
Gavin: Whether it be the Special Task Force, or Black Swan, I have to deal with all of them to ensure that you’re safe.”
His voice showed his determination, but I couldn’t stop thinking that things were going wrong. He must have sensed my anxiety, since he squeezed my hand wrapped around his waist.
Gavin: Trust me.
I nodded and leaned on his back, but then I saw Gavin alone, then he disappeared in front of my eyes, like I would never see him again. The vision shook me, and I couldn’t help asking out loud.
Yōurán: Will you leave without even saying goodbye?
Please don’t leave me.
Gavin: No, I promised.
Before I could reply, he interrupted me.
Gavin: Hang on, they caught up on us.
He sped up the motorbike.
A silver object flew through the air, right towards Gavin!
Before I could even form thoughts my body moved to shield Gavin.
Yōurán: !!!
Something sharp pierced my back. A cry of pain escaped from my lips. The ginkgo bracelet unclasped from my wrist from the impact. I held onto it tightly before it slipped from my fingers.
I clenched my teeth and tried to stop myself from making any sound. I could taste blood in my mouth.
Gavin: Yōurán!
He held on to me tight, but more and more people were chasing us. We were going to get caught. How would we get out of this?
We turned a curve and things became even worse. The road was broken halfway, leading to a precipice. There was nothing below but deep black sea.
Yōurán: Gavin…
I couldn’t breathe. I was losing my strength fast. I felt unbearable heat coursing through my blood.
Yōurán: Don’t… leave… me…
A bullet landed on the tire of the bike. We tumbled to the ground, but Gavin had me in his arms to shield me from the fall.
I used my fleeting strength to hold on to Gavin, clutching my ginkgo bracelet painfully tight.
Gavin silently retreated step by step while holding me, careful to avoid the bloodied wound on my back.
Suddenly, a row of military men appeared before us. Who were they?
I could feel Gavin stiffen.
???: So now I get to see you.
A very cold, machine-like voice devoid of emotion. Gavin’s fingers clutched me tighter.
Then he gently laid me down below a tree, then he took off his jacket and covered me with it.
Gavin: I’ll be back soon.
Just then, I was reminded of my vision of Gavin leaving me and disappearing. Tears were already flowing uncontrollably.
Yōurán: No… don’t…
Fear grabbed at my chest though I couldn’t explain why. I held on to Gavin’s hand. Please don’t leave me. Don’t go to that man. Please don’t be like my vision, all alone… don’t leave even without turning back, like I saw…
Gavin hugged me, shouldering all burdens of hurt and decision.
Gavin: I won��t leave you, ever.
He wiped my tears gently and smiled.
Gavin: Your bracelet is broken. I’ll mend it for you when I get back.
Yōurán: That’s a promise. Don’t break it…
Gavin: Yes, I always keep my promise to you.
His fingers slipped from my wrist. He wrapped his coat around me once more and stood up. I could only watch him going far away from me.
Gavin stood in front of the man, who resembled him but had an expression that brought chills to my bone.
???: Gavin, being weak is a crime. Even if you get out of here alive with her… she won’t live very long. But I can save her.
Gavin: What’s your condition?
???: Come with me and accept the NW plan.
Gavin: You still haven’t… given up on that plan… This is ridiculous!
Suddenly, a bullet was heard in the distance.
Yōurán: Gavin…
I couldn’t move a muscle. I had to struggle just to remain conscious to hear the conversation.
???: I’ll dispatch my men to guard her. Once you get your powers back, you can have her back.
Gavin: Is this what you wanted all along?
???: Yes. This is what you should have gone through since you were born. Your brother is no exception as well. Gavin, you have no choice here.
It felt like waves of heat was boiling inside my body. I strained my ear to hear Gavin’s answer, but couldn’t hear anything. It seemed like everything had stopped.
I could feel Gavin’s pain by the way he held himself.
Gavin: …Can you… do all your best to protect her?
Even being semi-conscious, his words were clear in my ear, and it hurt so much. I never knew it was this hurtful to see someone break his belief.
Yōurán: No… don’t compromise because of me…
I spoke out as loud as I could, but it was even less than a whisper.
???: Did you reach your decision?
Gavin didn’t answer. Silence ensued. I wanted to open my eyes to see his face but it was in vain. I was slowly losing consciousness. With the last of my strength, I clutched my ginkgo bracelet that connected us both.
Yōurán: Gavin… don’t…
Her breathing finally went back to normal. The fever was down, the wound was taken care of, but she kept frowning. Maybe because she sensed something.
Gavin gently stroked her face, following the trails of dried tears, and his fingers lightly touched the fixed ginkgo bracelet on her wrist.
Gavin: This is not a goodbye, so…
He knew she couldn’t hear him, but still he went close to her ear.
Gavin: please wait for me.
Soft wind caressed the leaves outside the window. She was alone in her room.
   Someone was saying something in my ear, but I couldn’t hear anything.
I opened my eyes and found myself lying in my bedroom.
Yōurán: Gavin--!
Only an empty echo returned to me. I looked down and saw Gavin’s coat covering me. The coat had tiny bloodmarks, but the owner wasn’t here.
The fever and the pain was gone, the wound was almost healed. But everything that happened was not a dream nor an illusion.
The coat had long lost the warmth of the wearer.
Gavin didn’t come to me to explain that this was all a nightmare.
He didn’t even come to say he would be with me.
I looked at the sparkling bracelet. It had no trace of ever being broken. It’s as if it was telling me that everything was just my imagining. I stroked the bracelet, hoping I could feel his familiar presence.
Did Gavin fix it for me? Did he keep my promise?
A single tear dropped on the ginkgo leaf.
Where did he go?
Why did he disappear, leaving only the bracelet behind?
Why couldn’t I find him?
I searched the house, every nook and cranny. If only he would appear outside my window with the wind. If only he would smile at me again with his amber eyes, saying “I’m back.”
I searched everywhere but couldn’t find him.
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In a secluded laboratory. Many people wearing white uniforms were doing last preparations in an orderly manner.
A young man stood amongst many lines and data. His face was impossibly pale underneath the cold light. But his eyes were calm, observing everything around him.
???: Are you ready?
The youth replied coldly.
Gavin: Yes.
Gavin could see her spouting blood in front of his eyes along with many other memories.
Gavin: Wait for me, Yōurán
A sharp ray of light landed slowly, aiming for his heart. The readings from the electrocardiogram began to fluctuate violently… then it became a straight line.
If you think chapters 11~14 is angst overload, you are sadly mistaken. It seems the writers are determined to make us miserable in chapters 15~18.
We were led to think that the story would become Special Task Force vs Black Swan as good vs evil. But it’s revealed that STF is not that good either. Through investigating a certain case Gavin and MC learns that STF will go through any means to ensure what they call “order”. They use even a small child and is not hesitant to sacrifice that said child because he has “potential for danger.”
Gavin is a man of justice. He dedicated his life to work for justice for MC, to protect her and make the world she live a good place. But now he learns that the organization he belongs in is involved with unethical law enforcement. If justice can only be maintained by sacrificing individual rights and lives, it is not justice at all.
So the STF, which was supposed to be the good guys helping MC and Gavin fight the bad guys, are now dangerous just like Black Swan.
The ??? is actually Gavin’s father. God, I hate that man. Gavin is forced to join his father in the military to save MC. And this is a thing that is so so against Gavin’s belief of justice and morality.
But he goes through with it anyway, for MC. In chapter 15 it is revealed that his evol fluctuation being out of control is not quite solved yet. He is hesitant to use his powers and loses his confidence that he can protect MC. His doubt of his ability to protect her (and a few other things) led him to be overprotective and hide information again. Gavin and MC clash over this but this all looks like a cute lover’s quarrel when the chapter ends. When the STF try to kill Gavin and MC, he uses his powers to protect her, despite knowing it will harm him. His powers being volatile is also the reason he agreed with his father. And he undergoes some kind of dangerous experiment to empower his evol.
(By the way what kind of experiment are they doing to him. From description it seems like some sort of razor shot Gavin and his heart rate stopped...??)
MC’s powers of precognition is getting stronger. Now she can read people’s future by being in physical contact with them, enabling to use her powers on a somewhat conscious level. 
Ever since she saw the vision of Gavin leaving her, there are many sentences describing MC refusing to let him go. Holding him tight while riding the motorcycle to escape. Grabbing on to Gavin’s sleeves. Loosing blood and being delirious with fever but still begging Gavin to not leave. Clutching the bracelet tight to keep it from slipping from her fingers.
And now only the bracelet remains with echoes of promises.
Oh, and it’s confirmed in this chapter that the ginkgo bracelet that Gavin gave to her doesn’t have any tracker whatsoever. Many people was put off by this but rest assured now! Gavin says with his own words “With or without the bracelet, I can feel you in the wind and find you.”
I remember reading in an event story somewhere that when Gavin was making the bracelet as a gift to MC, his friend (I don’t remember if it was Eli or Minor) teased him being all “You gonna give that to your girlfriend? How romantic! I always knew you were a softie!” And Gavin, not exactly a people person, and who was still hesitant with MC in that time, somehow thought that giving the tracker excuse would be less embarrassing.
I’m gonna stop here until my ramblings actually get longer than the story.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] S2 Gavin and MC in Chapter 11 (Part One)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers from Season 2 🍒
I’m focusing on the interactions between Gavin and MC, not the plot (because the latter requires extensive time and effort that I can’t spare). So the less essential parts are in bullet-point form :>
Phone calls: First l Second
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To investigate an issue related to pathological changes in Evolvers, MC heads to a hospital to talk to the director (who is a genuinely kind man)
While they’re discussing the issue, the alarm suddenly goes off, and two Evolvers barge into the office and bring them to the main lobby
Cutting the drama short: Five Evolvers have taken everyone in the hospital hostage. They don’t have weapons, and are subduing everyone with their Evol. The person leading them is a 43-year-old man called Yang Ping, who has a compression Evol. This means he can exert pressure on surrounding objects at will, and can even destroy a person’s organs
Yang Ping releases the Evolvers, but MC decides to stay because she wants to figure out his plan
MC notices a little girl crying, so she controls her own trembling and comforts the girl:
Girl: T-they suddenly barged in! And they said all of us would become hostages... and that they wanted to negotiate with the STF!
A man without a left hand offers the girl a tissue (this fact sounds really random but it’d make sense later!)
MC tells the girl not to worry because her boyfriend the STF will never lose to someone who isn’t on the side of justice:
MC: As long as that person is around, STF will never cower, and will definitely protect everyone’s safety.
The STF arrives at the scene, and Yang Ping uses a row of doctors as a meat shield while he negotiates with the STF
Gavin is in complete Commander Mode™:
Gavin: Your actions have amounted to “endangering public safety”. Release the hostages right now, and the STF will take this into consideration for leniency in punishment.
The moment I hear Gavin’s voice, I finally heave a sigh of relief.
He seems to be standing among a small formation towards the front. Even though I can’t see his face clearly, I know he’s there.
At this moment, it’s as though all the fear is gently pried open by a gust of formless wind, and the leaves outside sway slightly.
As though it’s saying - Don’t be afraid. 
Yang Ping states that the recent series of Evolver assassinations and Evolvers going missing shows how they aren’t being protected sufficiently. He demands for the STF to promise to change the way Evolvers are managed, and to give them better privileges and protection. If the STF refuses, they’d start dealing with the hostages one by one
MC spots Gavin with his team, and thinks he can’t see her from where he is
The little girl starts crying again, and it annoys one of the kidnappers. MC is worried he’d harm the girl, so MC speaks up, admitting that she’s an Evolver and that she fully agrees with what Yang Ping said. She tries to reason that hurting a civilian would be ruining the entire plan because they’re the bargaining chips to negotiating with the STF. If any of the civilians were to be harmed, STF would never listen to their requests
The kidnapper recognises MC as a suspect of the assassination incidents, which makes MC think that there’s more to this kidnapping situation than merely waiting privileges and protection
After all, aside from a few people in STF, no one should know that she’s a suspect i.e. there might be a spy in STF PLEASE DON’T BE TANG CHAO LOL
Now, we switch to Gavin’s perspective of the same events
He has received surveillance footage of what's going on in the hospital, and is discussing the issue with Tang Chao and Eli while figuring out how best to get the hostages out...
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All of a sudden, Gavin’s pupils widen slightly, eyes focused on one spot, and he freezes.
In the footage, after a stream of Evolvers have left, a girl remains at the same spot. She glances around her surroundings, then smiles as she says something to a little girl, and appears to be consoling the other party quietly.
At this moment, he feels as though his heart has stopped.
What’s she doing here?!
Gavin realises that his right hand is trembling. He clenches it into a tight fist, fingertips buried in his palm, silently turning white.
His mind is a complete blank. All he wants to do is rush in and bring the girl out safely.
Gavin closes his eyes, taking a few deep breaths. When he opens his eyes again, they are filled with an even colder aura.
The sound of his beating heart in his chest gets louder with each beat, as though questioning his forced facade of calmness.
He watches as MC talks to the kidnapper, and realises that MC is using this method to show that she has faith in him
At this point, a call from the “other side” tells him to give up on negotiations and rescue the hostages using force
But Gavin refuses because there’s still time to negotiate, the hostages would be put at great risk, and STF will only use force when truly necessary
The “other side” says it’s an order. So Gavin says that the STF will handle problems using its own ways and hangs up LOL
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Tang Chao: Captain Gavin, no matter what you say, the Special Operations Team will only listen to your orders.
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Eli: Same for the STF.
A chilly wind brushes the faces of everyone on the scene, but the trust and determination in their eyes remain resolute.
Eli: Also, we aren’t the only ones in this battle.
Gavin smiles, returning his gaze to the small figures in the footage. The girl is standing before the man firmly, reminiscent of a flower that can never be destroyed. 
Gavin: She’s always been very brave.
The smile on his lips is abruptly tucked away. Gavin leans in closer to the screen, and sees that the girl is being brought closer to the entrance by one of the kidnappers.
--Every nerve in his body tenses up once again.
And we return to MC’s perspective
As the negotiations progress, Yang Ping tells the kidnappers to bring all the doctors back inside, except one
MC figures out that all this time, the real objective of the kidnappers is to test the STF
Gavin steps forward:
Ever since Gavin and I parted ways at the STF the last time, I haven’t seen him again.
Even though I’ve been asked to report my activities to STF at regular timings, Gavin has been very busy during this period of time, and I haven’t seen him much.
Looking at Gavin in front of me, it seems as though everything else in the world are kept outside a screen, and I can only see his eyes.
His hair is a little fuzzy, but he still looks unstoppable. It’s just that while his eyes have always been determined, they now carry an almost imperceptible worry.
I smile, wanting to tell him that I'm fine. Gavin’s gaze lingers on my face of a few seconds. When he sees my smile, he blinks, then shifts his eyes to the man.
The man and Gavin exchange glances for a few seconds. The corners of his lips simply tug upwards, pushing me around five metres away from Gavin.
Even though it looks like I’m a supporter whom he has incited, I know that I’m just another hostage.
Yang Ping gives Gavin a choice - If Gavin pushes that one doctor out of the window, the kidnappers will release everyone in the hospital and will turn themselves in. But if he chooses to save the doctor, he’d blow up the entire hospital
Basically, the kidnappers are trying to stir hate towards STF because no matter which option he picks, it’s going to cause public uproar
Gavin is quick to point out that the kidnappers haven’t directly hurt any of the civilians. Because they are representing Evolvers, they can’t hurt anyone or it’d give all Evolvers a bad name
Gavin, who represents the STF, has to find a perfect way to resolve this matter - no one can die, even the kidnappers
What he says are actually hints on what MC should do
MC gets it  - she pretends to fall to the ground, and cuts her own arm with a dagger she’s hidden
The reason for this is because Yang Ping’s plan rests entirely on his status as “helping Evolvers”. If MC manages to show that Yang Ping would hurt Evolvers too, his plan would fail
While Yang Ping is shocked, Gavin rushes forward and flips Yang Ping onto the ground. The Special Operations Team rush out and arrest them using Evol-neutralising handcuffs
Gavin arrests Yang Ping:
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Gavin: Evolvers and humans - neither will be sacrificed, including you. If you think there’s only a superficial peace and balance now, and that you can’t see normal civilians and Evolvers walking down a common path, just open your eyes and look. I’ll walk down that path.
It dawns on MC that she barely made it out of this situation alive, and she shivers. Then, she’s drawn into someone’s arms:
Lifting my head, I see that Gavin’s handsome eyebrows are scrunched up. His hand is holding bandages he took from the medics.
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Gavin: You were supposed to pretend. Why did you actually cut yourself?
MC: Doesn't this have a greater impact? It’s more realistic.
He sighs slightly, holding my wounded arm gently and bandaging it meticulously.
Watching as Gavin leans over as he helps me with the bandage, the fear I had suppressed earlier suddenly pour out from my heart like a tidal wave.
MC: I won’t be this rash next time.
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Gavin: There won’t be a next time.
When our eyes meet, I see the worry and earnestness in Gavin’s eyes. 
MC: Okay, there won’t be a next time.
Thinking that the matter has been settled, MC waves at the hospital’s director from afar, and he smiles at her
A red dot suddenly appears on his forehead, and Gavin tries to rush to the director... but he’s too late, and the director is shot by a sniper... T^T
MC is dumbfounded as she takes in everything that’s happening - shrill cries from the crowd, the STF members who are once again on guard, and the director on the ground
Gavin kneels behind the director. Perhaps if he made it a second earlier, he could have prevented this tragedy.
The STF uniform, which has always been white, is now dyed completely red. There are specks of blood on his face, and droplets of blood roll down the sides of his face slowly.
He kneels in place, and doesn’t turn back for a very long time. The hands at his side tremble slightly, and he quickly balls them into fists. 
After a long while, Gavin turns his head expressionlessly, looking at a shocked Yang Ping.
Yang Ping shakes his head repeatedly, muttering softly as he backs away.
Yang Ping: No... this isn’t right...
He stops backing away, as though something dawned on him. Then, he suddenly bursts out laughing.
Yang Ping: ...looks like the people from GRAY RHINO are even better.
In the next second, the sound of a gunshot once again fills the air.
Yang Ping is standing in position, and I watch as blood spatters from his temple.
His eyes are wide open, is in a daze for a moment before toppling to the ground.
Another patch of crimson spreads on the ground. Yang Ping’s twitches slightly, as though saying something, yet no sound comes out.
His eyes remain open till the end, staring at Gavin.
I’m in a state of shock as I take everything in, and feel unsteady on my feet.
An incredibly icy aura exudes from Gavin’s body. He stands up slowly, like a silent volcano.
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Gavin: Who was it... who fired the gun?!!
I seem to hear something which had been crumbling finally caving in.
MC gets home somehow and falls asleep LOL same
At the STF office, the Special Operations Team are gathered and there’s a really heavy atmosphere in the air
Tang Chao verifies that the bullet that shot Yang Ping wasn’t from the STF’s sniping team. Another member pipes up and adds that even so, it belongs to STF
Gavin asks for further details, but another officer reports that there are no leads. There’s a possibility that an Evolver did it
Gavin orders them to investigate properly
And sounds really fierce (つω`。)
Afterwards, Gavin walks along the street and some random man without a left hand steps out of an alley and greets him with: “Captain Gavin, this is the first time we’re meeting.”
By the time I’m roused awake from the heavy downpour, it’s already late at night.
With a sigh, I get up from the sofa and decide to draw the curtains. 
Large droplets of rain continuously pelt onto the ground. I stare outside the window in a daze. When my eyes focus, I see a familiar figure downstairs.
MC: ...Gavin?
Taking an umbrella, I rush downstairs. Gavin’s profile enters my vision -- and my heart is tugged.
I have no idea how long he’s been standing in the rain, and his entire self seems to be soaked in it.
The rain has soaked his entire body. Drenched hair sticks to the sides of his face, water droplets continuously sliding off his chin.
The STF uniform is in a mess, sticking to his body. The organisation’s emblem on his chest has been washed till it has lost its metal shine. 
I step out of the apartment building slowly, rain pouring down.
I suddenly recall the night he spent accompanying me in the rain a very long time ago.
--it’s as though he’s lost his drive, removed all his defences, and it gives one heartache and sadness.
I have no idea why Gavin is standing here right now, but across the curtain of rain, I seem to once again see that careful heart.
Gavin seems a little surprised by my appearance. His unfocused pupils constrict slightly, and his shoulders tremble imperceptibly.
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Gavin: ...why aren’t you asleep?
MC: ...if I were asleep, were you planning to stand in the rain for an entire night?
I walk over slowly, lifting the transparent umbrella over our heads. Rainwater patters against the surface of the umbrella, becoming the only sound in this silence. 
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Gavin doesn’t speak. His eyes, which have always been shining with light, seem to be layered with the colour of the gray clouds overhead, and an unspeakable dullness. 
There’s neither grief nor anger in them. All that’s left is helplessness.
Very slowly, his lips finally twitch slightly, breaking the silence.
Gavin: Aren’t you going to ask?
MC: Nope. If you want to talk, I’ll listen and resolve the problem with you. If you don’t want to talk, I’ll keep you company as we stand here, then...
Gavin: Then?
MC: Trust you.
I smile as I reach out, brushing the drenched fringe in front of his forehead, revealing his beautiful amber eyes.
MC: No matter what happens, I’ll always trust you.
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Gavin’s eyes widen slightly. The hands beside him are clenched into fists, trembling slightly.
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Gavin: ...you once said that every single one of my bullets are for justice. If you were to find out that perhaps I can’t really do that... 
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Gavin: ...what would you think?
I’m stunned.
Gavin’s voice is faint, a solid darkness hidden in his words.
His entire self seems to be encumbered by a layer of thick sheet of iron. His back is straight, as though waiting for a final judgment.
MC: I’d look for the truth behind it.
Gavin purses his lips and doesn’t say a word. But I know that he’s waiting for my answer solemnly.
MC: Even if there was really such a bullet, I’d want to further verify why that bullet strayed from its course. And whether, at that point of time when the situation happened, there was really a violation of justice?
Gavin watches me quietly, and I smile as I look at him.
MC: No matter what reason you had for standing there, and for shooting that bullet, you would have done so based on what you saw, heard, and the result of thinking. And I believe in it, and I believe in your judgment at that point of time. That bullet definitely has its meaning.
I say these things instinctively, hoping to give him even the slightest bit of support and courage.
The dim streetlights meld into the water droplets, reflecting into Gavin’s eyes.
The rain gradually lightens. The air Gavin breathes out turns into a white patch of mist in the air. 
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Gavin: I’ll find the truth behind this matter. I can’t use “I don’t know the true state of affairs” as an excuse. If it’s something I’ve done, I should take responsibility.
Gavin takes the umbrella in my hand, his eyes carrying with them resoluteness and certainty.
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Gavin: I don’t want to fail to live up to your trust, but I... have to face up to the truth. To give you, and to give those who no longer have a voice, a genuine explanation.
Two days pass after that rainy evening
Even though MC doesn’t know what Gavin is up to, she can tell that it’s something important and dangerous
She’s at STF to give her regular report, and Gavin walks into the room. His eyes are bloodshot, and he looks thinner and more pallid, and she knows that he’s been working very hard to live up to that promise
I think of comforting him, wanting to tell him not to overdo it, and to take care of his health.
However, the moment I open my mouth, all my emotions morph into a dry greeting.
MC: Gavin, have you been really busy lately?
Gavin doesn’t respond. He simply places his palms on the table between us, his expression solemn as he comes closer to me.
Gavin: Are you investigating the Evol assassinations?
MC: Of course. I’m still a suspect, so I need to think of ways to clear myself of suspicion.
Gavin: This matter could be even more serious than you imagine.
Looking at Gavin’s somewhat resigned expression, I smile.
MC: Things have already reached this stage. What could be even more serious than this? Don’t worry, I know what I'm doing. But are you going to do something dangerous again? You’ve got to take care of yourself. If you need my help, just say it. After all, I’m Nox from Black Swan!
I deliberately use a light-hearted tone, and the corners of Gavin’s lips tug upwards as well.
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Gavin: Proudly saying that you’re from Black Swan in the STF - you don’t want to leave, do you?
MC: ...
I freeze. Only when I see the teasing glint in Gavin’s eyes do I realise that he’s toying with me. 
At the same time, I release a sigh of relief. At least Gavin is still in the mood for jokes.
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Gavin: To be honest, what I need to do is indeed very dangerous, and I need more people whom I can trust completely. With your help, my investigation will definitely progress much more smoothly.
He lifts his head to look into my eyes directly. The light in his amber eyes reveal trust and sincerity.
I’m left astounded. Receiving such an invitation from Gavin for the first time makes my mind lag a little.
MC: Gavin, what you're saying is... that you’re letting me help you?
Gavin: You didn’t mishear.
The faint scent on his body fills my surroundings. In my trance, I even think that a gentle breeze brushed my cheek. 
Gavin: ...of course, from my personal perspective, I wouldn’t want you to be involved in such matters. So, you’re free to reject.
MC: Why would I reject! I’m really happy to be of help.
Gavin stares deeply at my smiling face. After a long time, he reveals a somewhat relieved and resigned smile. 
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Gavin: Thank you, MC.
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Part two: here
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