#we need more scara in our lives
megistusdiary · 2 years
We know Scara is rough but-
What if its readers first time? Would he be gentle?
(I actuallt requeated this before but i tought you might have overlooked it because it has been a while i requested. If u saw it and deleted it please ignore this 😊)
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hey! i think i remember seeing it but my inbox is so full- i think i have about 65 ish requests rn ;w; they built up over time and i do not think i will ever get through all of them ☹️
however, lately i have been in a scara mood so i will be writing this one 🤞 it is really long because i have been in the mood to write more dialogue and plot lately :)
i know you are all probably tired of the really long stories with minimal smut but i guess it's a side effect of me being mushy in the brain.
i firmly believe scaramouche is an asshat, but i think if you were really vulnerable he would take pity mostly because it reminds him of his past and feeling vulnerable 👎👎
also, i think if he was to take a partner, it would need to be someone strong asf who can stand up and challenge him. he would honestly be smug if he thought he could teach you something.
warnings: dom!scaramouche and sub!fem anatomy/gender neutral pronouns reader
sweet and sour scaramouche, degradation/praise, he calls you 'human,' fingering/penetration (sub!receiving),
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scaramouche stared at the pot of stew boiling over the fire. he occasionally reached over to add spices and stir the liquid with the wooden spoon, flames reflecting off of his deep blue irises.
he watched the soup with blank, dead eyes, brain long gone and focused on other matters. particularly what had occurred earlier that afternoon.
the two of you had your usual sparring match, you fought for a bit, he pushed, you pushed back, and it all ended with him on top, of course. naturally, even the strongest of fighters didn't stand a chance against a being made to exist as a puppet for the raiden shogun.
however, this time, something was different. there was a certain tension between the two of you.
now, scaramouche was not ignorant on the pleasures and desires of flesh. though he had not felt anything similar to this in many years. he had experience, though he knew he was out of practice in some ways.
so it surprised him when you landed on top of him, chests pressed together, your noses touching. he could feel your heart beating rapidly against his chest, and the ghost of a heartbeat in his own-
he immediately had shoved you off of him, hearing you gasp when you rolled over. "go shower and get changed, i'm going to cook dinner."
that was another thing he had never done before...cook for anyone.
perhaps it was a shock to find out that scaramouche knew how to cook in the first place. he claimed to have learned by himself, but you both knew that he must have picked recipes up from his time as a traveling puppet.
but none of this mattered to scaramouche, only your peculiar reaction to being on his chest. he could see the way your eyes went comically wide. he was sure if he hadn't pushed you off first, you would've scrambled to get up yourself.
but why? was he that undesirable?
scaramouche suddenly jumped when he realized his hand was resting on the burning pot, cursing the archons themselves when he cradled his hand to his chest.
damn you for distracting him. he knew it would be best to dispose of you, but he couldn't bring himself to no matter how many times he walked this path.
when it finally came time to serve the stew, you were already there, taking the ladle and filling up your bowls to the top, carefully walking them to the dinner table. he never thought he would live any type of domestic life, and it perplexed him how he ended up in this situation in the first place.
dinner was quiet, as per usual, though him clearing his throat put you on edge.
"about our sparring match today," he began, making you tense up as you avoided his gaze. "you were slacking off, like always. i can tell." he scoffed, sipping the stew.
"do you want me to learn to hurt you?" there was a slightly teasing lilt to your voice that made scaramouche grunt.
"you could at least give me a challenge." he leaned back in the chair, stirring his bowl. "though, i must say you did catch me by surprise at the end."
he watched you duck your head, face heating up as you cleared your throat. "i...apologize for that. i didn't mean to end up, uh, on top of you."
scaramouche narrowed his eyes at you. "why do you look so shameful?"
you looked up at him this time, lips pressed together tightly as you dropped your soup spoon into your bowl. "because i didn't mean to offend you. if i have, please, don't beat around the bush. tell me so i-"
"i am only asking because you act like you've never touched a man before."
you coughed, immediately reaching for your water before scaramouche snatched it away from you.
"no more distractions. tell me why that is. does my touch or form displease you, human?"
your brows furrowed. what was he on??
"what are you talking about?"
"answer me." he barked, clearly upset.
you couldn't tell him the truth, you just couldn't. it was difficult enough to live with him knowing he hated you. this would surely make him get rid of you.
"i- i can't." you told him, dropping your head once more as you forced yourself to stay neutral.
"and why is that?"
"because you would hate me-" scaramouche opened his mouth, though you paid no mind, "more than you already do."
scaramouche pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "i never said i hated you. humans get on my nerves, i don't typically like your kind." he leaned his head back, staring up at the ceiling. "but i suppose i make an exception for you."
you stared up at him, wide eyed, lips parted as you struggled to collect yourself. "you- well, i-" you couldn't seem to find the right words, brain failing to communicate with scaramouche. "so you're not mad at me?"
"no." he confirmed curtly as you nodded. "but i would still like to know, indulge me, what was with that terrified little human act?"
"i did not want to offend you by being so close. i know you despise physical touch."
scaramouche sighed. "you know, it would be so much easier if you didn't lie to me. i can hear your leg bouncing beneath the table."
you immediately froze at his comment, willing your body to sit still. you felt yourself tremble under his gaze.
and so, you were finally caught.
how long had he known? how did he feel about it? what if he-
"tell me the truth."
you suddenly stood up, slamming your hands on the table. you were running on pure adrenaline, ignoring the shocked look he gave you. "if you want to hear it so bad, then fine. i like you, and when i fell on you i was nervous that you would reject me like you did. there, are you happy now? kick me out, get rid of me, do what you wish. i can't live lying to myself anymore."
your energy fizzled out towards the end as you stood rigid, fists clenched. scaramouche slowly rose from the table, stalking towards you and gripping your chin. "how endearing." he cooed, pulling you towards him. he swiped a thumb over your bottom lip, shaking his head and muttering to himself.
he watched you rub your thighs together shyly, staring up at him surprised as he scoffed. "oh, please, if you want something from me, you'll have to ask me the correct way."
he was expecting something from you. but you struggled to produce as you suddenly grew meek. "scaramouche, i don't- i mean, i just..." you grew quiet, wishing desperately to bury your head in the sand as he frowned.
then it hit him.
"you've never done this before, have you?" he asked as you shook your head just twice, not wanting to stare up at him any longer. he sighed deeply, carefully taking one of your hands. "if i am to be the one to deflower you, i won't be cruel." he watched your anxiety slowly dissipate. "but that does not mean i will treat you like glass." he warned.
"i want you, scaramouche. can you please teach me?"
scaramouche seemed to be pleased by your soft voice, obliging and tugging you behind him towards his private quarters. his grip was tight, though not as much as what you assumed some of his subordinates felt when they disobeyed.
once he closed the door behind you, he tugged you towards the bed, urging you to sit down. "you do know how to please yourself, yes? i hear you every night. the walls are thin." your neck felt like it was on fire as you covered your cheeks.
"yes, i know how-"
"then we will start there. disrobe."
you followed his orders, carefully removing your clothing until you were left in the thin tank top and shorts beneath your robes. scaramouche narrowed his eyes.
"i said disrobe, not leave everything on."
"but..." you curled up on the bed as he sighed, standing up and removing his own clothes. "wait-" you squeaked, embarrassed as he went as far as his undergarments.
"my form has purpose, i am not ashamed of it. never show shame for your body, be grateful you have one." he huffed, adjusting his hair.
once you finally undressed, he adjusted you in his lap, spreading your legs and staring down at your most sensitive areas. he held up two fingers in front of your mouth expectantly, feeling you slowly part your lips as he shoved the digits past them.
he rubbed his fingers over your tongue, coating them in saliva until he deemed it fit, pulling them away and swiping them across your slit. you squirmed a bit, feeling him hold you steady as he worked you up.
you leaned against his shoulders as he tried to remember exactly how to pleasure a human being. it had been quite some time since he found himself in this predicament.
he opted to focus on stretching you out, collecting your slick and easing a finger into your hole. you gripped his wrist reflexively, eyes widening at the intrusion. "it feels weird."
he rolled his eyes. "it will be fine. just relax, don't tighten up so much. breathe." he warned you, feeling you try to lean back against him, keeping your legs spread as he allowed you to adjust to the digit inside of you before attempting to add another.
the second he started spreading his fingers out, you jumped, not used to the sensation. "stay still." he snapped, holding you down more firmly as he fucked his fingers into you.
he heard your whines increase in volume as he crooked his fingers, slightly changing the angle that they slid into you at. he could feel you trembling against his form, taking shaky breaths as he slid his thumb up to brush over your clit.
unintelligible mumbles fell from your lips as you plead for him to keep going, begging for more until he suddenly pulled away. your eyes filled with tears of frustration until he quieted you. "stop whining. this is supposed to be a humanly act of love, no? not just an outlet for release." he chastised as you pouted in his lap.
he rearranged your body, moving you to face him on his lap. he carefully removed his final piece of clothing, revealing himself to you and allowing his cock to bob up against his stomach. he stroked himself a few times using your residual wetness as a type of lubricant.
he picked you up with inhuman strength, hovering you over his dick as you shivered, feeling the head rub over your hole.
you bit your lip, nervous as he looked up at your glassy-eyed expression. "i won't lie to you, it will be uncomfortable. but as i said earlier, i am not cruel, nor am i ignorant. this is supposed to be done for human connection and pleasure."
and with that, he eased himself into you, groaning deeply as you gasped, fingers seeking purchase on his shoulders as you shivered. he filled you up perfectly, stretching you out and making you feel a fullness you never had before.
though you couldn't deny it was still painful, and it felt like you were ripping apart at the seams internally. you wanted equally to escape and chase the feeling, stuck in his iron grip.
as soon as he was seated entirely inside of you, he let you lean on his chest, smoothing his hand down your back. he shushed you, allowing you to adjust and relax. you were squeezing him so tightly, seemingly confused by the sensations as he sighed, pulling your chin up.
"i am sorry it hurts like this. i do not wish to taint your idea of sexual pleasure." scaramouche explained, gently placing his lips to your forehead, feeling you lean into him.
though he had seen you cry, experience defeat, be cut, bruised, scraped, sick to your stomach, and soaked in rain, he hadn't seen you this vulnerable before.
it almost reminded him of a certain someone many, many years ago.
"let me take care of you, just breathe."
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primojade · 2 years
“ your arms are the safest haven in this chaotic world we live in. ”
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | Different scenarios where he questions, and discovers what love truly was, at long last.
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | gn!reader x wanderer and albedo (separate); fluff, hurt to reverse comfort; cursing; self-hatred for the boys 😭; scara threatens to end ei in his mind 💦 let me know if I missed anything!
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | this is a very self indulgent fic I thought of when watching the 3.3 live stream yesterday 😭 I just added albedo because i'm a simp, okay xD otherwise this is supposed to be scara-centric 👀
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The Wanderer always knew that his mother viewed him as a failed creation, knew that she never loved him the way she adored her sister. 
He even knew that the Raiden Shogun never loved him. 
His whole life, the puppet never saw true love, never knew what true love looked like, was afraid of the aspects and emotions that caused love. 
What he thought was love was so sick and twisted. What he thought was love was drowned in emotional abuse and abandonment. What he thought was love all ended up so wrong, so absolutely fucked up. How could he possibly let himself trust again?  
The thing meant to do good for the people, only caused more harm in the end. He put his trust in three people once, and nothing good came out of it. 
The Wanderer would—could—never trust again. 
(But he did trust again.)
Despite this, a closed off boy, a nearly broken puppet beyond repair, fell in love deeply. Simply craving the affection his mother never gave him. Craving physical touches and gentle words from the strange person he recently met.
No wonder the puppet feared what he never had, never dreamed of having. Feeling anything beyond pain and suffering and loss was foreign and unnatural. Allowing such feelings when hating his mother and everyone in the world by the second felt selfish and he hated himself, hated himself, absolutely despised himself over it.  
The Wanderer seemed to change by the days that passed, sometimes it felt more like merely an hour, or minutes that passed by. A boy in absolute terror who cried out for his mother in the past, wanting to hug her, to choke her by the neck, to hear her called him her son, wanted her dead, wanted her suffering in the same way he does.
He had suffered since his creation. A case of Nature vs Nurture; where nurture is superior, and the puppet is left completely alone. 
The wandering eccentric persona, his persona as Kunikuzushi, the cruel Balladeer of the Fatui, the persona he showed to the Tsaritsa and her Harbingers, the persona he showed to the Dendro Archon, the persona he showed the rest of the world…the persona he showed to you.
Among them, which one was the real him? 
Scientific theories stated that people have multiple facets, slightly different personalities that are all ours. Personalities that rebounded social cues curated by the situations and people we are around. Our need to fit in, our need for self fulfilling is what makes us have these multiplying and seemingly infinite forms. 
So, why did it feel so wrong?
On the days when missions and commissions cut a bit too close, he wasn’t afraid to die. Nahida would give him another long lecture about not being invincible, and somewhere along, you would reprimand him for being so careless with himself. He hated how much you and the Dendro Archon could see through his tough farce. 
"...Why do you even give a shit about me?"
"I give a shit about you not dying, idiot, about not having the godsdamn Fatui on our asses because you wanted to plot revenge."
"Shut up, [Name]."
Even the Wanderer knew it was a lie. You cared, Nahida cared. Even the Traveller and their annoying talking companion cared too in their own ways.
But could they really blame him? It's inevitable and hard to change, no matter how hard he tried. Worthless, incompetent beings like him were only doomed to suffer should they allow themselves to feel.
It's what he was, all he was, all he should ever be allowed to be. 
"...Wanderer, I love you."
"...A horrible decision. You could have so much better. Why put yourself in so much danger? You should be with someone safe and reliable. I am a cruel man, [Name], you know that. I could kill you if I—"
"...I know you spent your entire life listening to empty promises and hurtful words. I know it’s hard for you to believe me, but it doesn’t make me love you anything less, you know. And I certainly would never leave you for it. Wanderer, I want to be with you. And I’ll show you by staying by your side, by cheering on you, by taking care of you until the end of time.
"...Why I choose you? Because you’re clever, and extremely intelligent. You’re intuitive, you know when something’s wrong with me. When you told me the truth about yourself, I never felt afraid, it made me want to stay by you, stay with you, be with you more. You love so hard, Wanderer, that you don’t realise how much you care and how much you're hurting yourself in return. You pretend to hide it away because you’ve only been hurt time and time again. But I could see it. I see beyond that ruthless persona you painted yourself into was the real you. I see the Wanderer that Nahida sees as a son. I see the Wanderer that the Traveller puts their trust into no matter how many times he had tried to hurt them.
'"...I see the Wanderer that would put his life on the line for someone he loves, who holds me close to him while we sleep at night. The one that nuzzles his head into my neck before waking up to make the best breakfast I’ve ever had. The one who wants to sit and stargaze and take care of flowers and feel the wind, though begrudgingly.
"The one who wants a normal life, a happy and safe life. Who wants a family and warmth and love and protection. I know, I love you because I know. I love you because perhaps some higher power beyond made us destined to be together despite all the hurt and betrayal. But my free will, my own heart won’t let you slip away—even you yourself say otherwise. I love you so much."
"...I…" I love you so much, too. "...A truly horrible decision, really. You will regret sticking your nose with my business, idiot."
"...Call me whatever you like. But I know I will have no regrets being with you. So, come here. Don’t hold back those tears either, I’m here no matter what."
There was so much that the once broken puppet wished he could say, but he held back for the sake of preserving whatever dignity he had left. But he was completely floored once again by you. Left speechless, and teary eyed, crying inwardly into your shoulder as you whispered comforts and soothing affirmations. Holding him close, rubbing his back in a way that made the anxieties slip away.
This wasn’t the end. He was aware that the insecurities and anger and doubts would bubble up again soon. However, you would be there even then, providing the same stability and affection he needed, he wanted. Time will just keeps on going and turning, but surely the pain, little by little, like grains of sand in a hourglass, will fade away.
Whether this unexplainable feeling was happiness, content, love, or entirely something else…perhaps it should not matter anymore.
Because not all that wanders were lost—at least not anymore. And despite lacking a physical heart, the Wanderer felt it, at long last.
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Multiple theories stated that a person is either left brained or right brainedーeither drowned in the world of alchemical codes and mathematical and logical equations, or simply buried knee deep in the latest light novels and in their wildest imaginations. Those with a left brain are logical and cynical. Right brains being artistic and emotional. 
Then, why was it that despite the hours spent fretting over alchemical codes, studying numerical equations, drowning x, y and z; Albedo developed a knack for the arts? 
Sure enough, he was good at alchemy, so much that he could be called a genius of the century, they say. He was intellectually capable of impossible memorisation and observation. So, if learning were as easy as a-b-c…
Why was there the want, the need, to indulge himself in loving you? 
The engagement to have the creative liberty and freedom to live his life with you—that wasn’t what he was known for, was it, now? That was not what he was created for. 
Alchemy and calculations tossed to the side in order to succumb to a foreign feeling like a hopeless romantic, yet Albedo should not feel. He had no right to feel. Artificial humansーa homunculusーlike himself were not meant to feel. 
But, what if he fell in love? 
So, what if suddenly he wanted to draw romantic starry sketches about someone he pine for?
Someone that, despite his numerous attempts to gently push away, only pulled him closer? 
If he were to suddenly be inspired by contemporary romance, that was no one’s concern, but his own. 
Does it feel wrong, however.
Enjoying life created deep depths of bitterness and abandonment. All the sketches, his greatest achievements, and glaringly successful alchemy experiments in the world, felt absolutely meaningless when Albedo thought about his place—where he ought to stand in this world. 
Perhaps that in itself became the reason for his artistic endeavors—emotions bottled up for so long they had been forgotten. It was common, he supposed. Forgetting memories was a consequence of heartless indifference after all, whether they are artificial or natural beings.
Albedo was not quite certain what to feel. Was it anger? Disappointment? Maybe self-hatred for his own existence? Did he feel love? Or was it merely compensation for the years upon years of loneliness and abandonment? 
If Albedo developed feelings for you, the strange person who showed him romantic affection, was it really, truly, love? Was that what it really meant to feel this so-called…true love?
He wasn't certain, that one was for sure. The alchemist could solve an array of problems that would give the seven mysteries of Teyvat a run for its money, could pinpoint the exact ingredients for his never ending experiments, but love…
Love remained the greatest unsolved mystery for him. 
Was it fair to you? 
Didn’t it make him feel like a hypocrite to proclaim his love to you when he didn’t even know what love truly was? 
The psychological repercussions of overthinking and intelligence becomes, if it comes to this endevours, a daily nightmare for him indeed.
As much as Albedo tried to be loving, it scared him—terrified him that you would one day wake up and leave him. That this whole thing was a mere fickle dream or a heartless trick of his mind to ease his burdens, and then he’d be alone again, abandoned and lost. Left alone in his strange fascination for alchemy and mysteries, pretending like nothing really mattered, an indifferent alchemist. 
It's what he was, all he was, all he should ever be allowed to be.  
"—Hey. Hey! Albedo? Hehe, you finally looked at me! Could you tell me what’s on your mind?"
"...I really should not. It would merely burden you and—"
"...Nope. Don’t start with that, silly. How many times do I have to tell you that bottling up your emotions will do more harm than good? Plus, I’m always here willing to listen to you."
That’s what he loved about you. Always caring for him. Always firm and assertive when you knew you were in the right. You never backed down, especially if the enemies came from his foreign emotions. 
"...I...I'm terrified,"
"...on the inside?"
"Yes. I just—I was wondering…how do I know if I’m...truly in love with you?"
"Hmm. When I do this, what do you feel?"
"Um…well—heh—my heart starts beating faster."
"...Your cheeks are red, too."
"...And I want to kiss you, truly."
"Why is that?"
"I'm not certain. There’s this fascinating magnetic pull inside me that makes me want to hold you close to me, kiss you senseless, and never let you stray away. I want to tease you nearly to tears, then be the person you could rely on. There's this peculiar feeling that cannot wait to give you everything you ever wanted in the world. Its strange, truly strange, but even more strange enough, I felt...very content."
"Do I make you happy, then?"
"Very, very much. You have no idea."
"...Bedo, I think you just figured out what love is on your own."
My. So, he did love you.
He loved Klee, too. Albeit not the same way as you, but the way a big brother loves his little sister should have, the way family was supposed to be. He loved his Master as well in a maternal sense, and all of his friends and comrades. The want to keep them safe, the teasing, the inexplicable happiness he felt around them, it was all love, all along. 
Albedo would say he had you to thank for helping him realise. But he knew you well enough that you would say that maybe you did help, but for you, it was all himself. You just patiently hinted it out to him to figure out on his own.
Albedo loved you rather intensely, he discovered. And being with you is love in and of itself, at long last.
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TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be added in my future works!): @samarill , @maehemthemisfit , @chocogi
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razorblade180 · 1 year
Mind at work
Aether:*stares at Abyss Domain list*…
Kokomi:Trying to figure out a strategy? We did manage to reach the bottom, though I’ll admit are performance was somewhat lacking.
Aether:It’s no one’s fault. You did exactly what you were supposed to. It’s just weird. Our group is pretty big and aren’t exactly slackers. I feel like I’m overlooking something.
Kokomi:For the most part, foes want to get personal so grouping isn’t a problem. I do feel as if something is amiss. *stares at second half* Is there really no team naturally fitted for this.
Aether and Kokomi:Hmmm….!?
Aether:Yeah I see it.
Bennett:It’s been awhile since the for of us hung out. I missed you guys!
Xingqui:The feeling is mutual. Though I wish it was for calmer circumstances.
Xiangling:I’m just glad it’s finally over. Never thought I’d be this rusty. *slouches* how many did we get?
Chongyun:*sitting on boss* if I counted correctly, thirty two. That’s progress.
Bennett:Free cheers for a good run. Hip hip-
Aether:I can live in peace now.
Kokomi:I can’t. We’re one star short of another bonus.
Aether:Let it go~ *lays down* this is already better than I hoped.
Kokomi:*looking at list* Technically speaking…do we really need to send a crowd controller when the majority of the foes want to run at people? What if for the first half we asked someone who’s just really strong and willing to face immense danger the majority of the run.
Aether:(I should really help Itto’s development more often. Only other person who might fit that description is-) *sits up* I can call some people. It won’t matter though if second half is too slow. Too bad electro teams aren’t that good on that half.
Kokomi:*scratches head* What a weird group of enemies. Me helping Miko would’ve been perfect along side Nahida and Dehya. We could ask Yoimiya again?
Aether:Do you think she’ll survive?
Kokomi:*sighs* I’m good but I’m not good. The group falls apart with consistent power, but lots of our heavy hitters bruise easily or aren’t suited well enough for a full manageable run. We need balance.
Aether:Who doesn’t care at all about the Thunder Manifestation besides Yoi-….*zips down the hall*
Kokomi:I guess he found the answer.
Aether:*opens door* Hey, wanna go to floor 12?
Yanfei:Where’s Yoimiya!?
Aether:You have a shield and are all pyro attacks.
Yanfei:…Is Kokomi coming?
Kokomi:*yells* Yes!
Yanfei:I’ll do my best.
Consecrated beasts: *unconscious*
Scara:*sitting on one*….
Zhongli:What’s he doing?
Diona:Judging if this went well or not. It’s kinda his way criticizing.
Faruzan:Hmph, the lad is just incapable of actually giving a decent compliment; even after doing so much for him! At best he’ll say “well it looks like you actually can do something.” Ugh, it drives me mad.
Scara:*turns around* ….. *thumbs up*
Zhongli:Looks like he’s satisfied.
FD: (Genuine praise!? What’s gotten into him!?)
Scara, secretly stressed: (That’s it, just play it cool and act like I didn’t almost get mauled to death.)
Meanwhile on the other half…
Baptist: *full nelson* LET ME GO!
Dehya:Don’t feel like. Yanfei!
Yanfei:You sure? *holds fireball*
Kokomi:It’ll be fine. *makes fish*
Nahida:She can take it. *closes one eye* Ready…aim….
34 stars
Everyone:We can’t!
Kokomi:Alright, hit the showers.
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 9 months
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- Albedo
Underneath the Stars- "I heard you talking in your sleep."-\
Brainrot- Fluff
im scum, im waste, im what you want- 'I thought I told you not to smile at other men.'
Part 2
Part 3
What am I gonna do- "Why are you asking me such stupid questions?"
Hold me closer and I'll hold back- "Same old heart with the same old tricks, hold me closer and I’ll hold back"
He says everything I need to hear- And its like i couldn't ask for anything better
If im dead to you why are at the wake?- Cursing my name, wishing I'd stayed
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be- 'Was our relationship just a joke to you...?'
All the stars aligned- "And what name should I put?"
When I'm not with you think of me always- "Everything is alright just hold on tight, that's because I'm a god old fashioned lover boy"
In front of all your stupid friends- "If you kissed me would it be just like i dreamed?"
When I'd fight you used to tell me I was brave- “Cause I loved you, I swear I love you… Till my dying day…”
One last time- 'Can you just kiss me? One last time? That's all I ask...'
I'll do anything you ask of me- My fingers pressed until their sore
Wandering in the woods- "It's alright Collei, they should be okay. You did good."
Falling asleep on him- 'He was rarely shown affection and was very unsure what do to when he received it.'
Drunk under a street light- "But I knew you, dancing in your Levis drunk under a street light"-
You said you love me exactly the way I am- "Guess I must be satisfactory you said you love me exactly the way I am"
Show me how you care- Show me how you smile
Meet me at our spot- Baby, are you coming for the ride?
In your arms tonight-. 'You hadn't been hugged by anyone like this in years, so of course some tears were shed.'
Hey I miss your stupid face- Get back to my place, I need you. It hurts so much to wait
I never meant to hurt you though- I pushed a lot back but I can't forget it
But I didn't need to be stronger I needed to be saved- You wanted nothing more than to hold him
And that's why I love fall- I love you y/n don't you forget that
With eyes as dead as mine- "Oh, what a blessing to meet someone like you."
Could you ever imagine where our lives could be- Luckily you saw something in me, something I couldn’t see
But now he's playing with your head- "God will you stop being so clingy!"
They never know what you know- "It's not that simple but they won't seem to notice"
All the leaves are brown- And the sky is grey
All this over a kiss- "You're Y/N, my Fiance!"
Clung on tightly, like parentheses- "And every sentence that a spoke began and ended with ellipsis"
I wanna be your favourite boy- "I wanna be the one who makes your day, the one you think about as you lie awake"
Why don't you love me anymore?- But you say I don't know how to love
I don't know what to do without you- "Please, I'm still the same lyney you fell in love with"
Please hold me close to you- Baby flatline still time to do it too
And i thought you might be mine- In a small world, on an exceptionally rainy Tuesday night
Feeling sick of myself- Guess I'll try to be someone else (trans masc reader)
The breathing exercises hurt- They don't do fuck all
Yeah, you made it all alright- Those words were for you and for you alone
Why do I myself dream like this?- "But perhaps its just my stupid hea in the end
We fell in love in October- That's why I love fall
They say it's such a shame, I turned out this way- "The red means I love you."
We listen to a lot of true crime- But it's alright, she'll be fine
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Breaking my back just know your name- Well, some body told me, that you have a boyfriend.
Make sure nobody sees you leave- Tell your friends you're out for a run
I can't stop you putting roots in my dream land- Despite being a detective many things about you were still a mystery that he could never figure out.
Sweet tea in the summer- "Sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won't tell no other"
You know i wanna be your light- In darkness, How you find me just in time to tell me what I needed to hear.
I don't deserve you, you deserve the world- Every time that i miss you I feel the way you hurt
Oh what a blessing to meet someone like you- "With eyes as dead as mine"
Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away- When you get out of bed don't end up stranded
It's always been just him and me together- So I'll bet all I have on that
Coming out as Non-binary
If you're lost you can look and find me- Time after Time
Date rambles-
My kinda girl- Im down on my hands and knees begging you please baby
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saturnxgojo · 2 years
College Adventures w Scaramouche and Kazuha, episode 3 (fluff) (college AU)
✦ Pairing: Scaramouche x afab!reader x Kazuha (she/her pronouns use)
✦ Summary: party time where scara meets an old friend and the night ends differently than planned...
✦ Warnings: mentions of alcohol, drunk people, idk, scaramouche hot, kazu scara n reader are not yet in a relationship (keyword: not yet)
✦ A/n: im alive n in my exams so
✦ Wordcount: 1100
✦ ATTENTION!!! do not copy. translate, remake my work, i do not give you permission to so dont do it. also GIF not mine, credits to the creator.
previous part next part
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“I have an idea.” Aether said before taking a bite of his breakfast. The next morning had come by and you and the boys were still recovering from the small yet lag. “How about, hear me out, we throw a party. Like we used to back in the day. Invite everybody from highschool, it’ll be a blast."
Aether didn’t have to say more before you had already jumped up from your stool and up the stairs. Running down not twenty seconds later with your phone in hand. Already typing away on it.
“I like the way you think.” you said, stopping to look up at Aether.
‘Why hello there, old friends. How are you guys holding up? Back in town already for Xmas with the fam? Aether and I definitely are. But of course, drumroll… our parents aren’t home.  So; what do we say? Xmas party at ours tonight at 9? Just to relive the old days.
Kind regards; Aether and Y/n 
Ps. do bring some friends, everyone is welcome ;) Pps. we still got the best alcohol dw
“You still got that message list?” Aether laughed. At some time in high school when your parties were almost happening every weekend you created a message list. Write a message, press the button and boom your whole school got the message with information about the party.
“For special occasions.”
You laid your phone down on the counter as you took away the boys' empty plates. Not even ten seconds later the replies started arriving.
“Holy shit, that’s a lot of messages.”
Kazuha and Scaramouche were still pretty shocked to see this side of you. Not that they didn’t like it, no no they loved it. You walked around like you owned the place–which you probably almost did–and they found it amazing. You switched from being a sweet innocent girl to bossy business woman. 
“Call Crepus, tell him we need our regular, but double. Seeing we can actually get him to bring us alcohol because we're not underage anymore.” you smiled as you thought back to all the generous tips you gave the man to keep quiet about the alcohol deals. 
And so later that night the doorbell rang for the first time that night. You and Aether ran to the door (literally), to greet the first guests. Opening the door you looked up to an unknown face.
“Hi?” Aether said.
The tall guy was pushed out of the way and a blonde boy appeared from behind him. 
“Thoma!” you  threw your arms around said males neck, it had been years (literally) since you saw him. He had moved out of town in the middle of senior year and so you had not seen him since. 
“Hello, my lady.” 
After about an hour the party was fully going on, people had listened when she said ‘do bring some friends’. Scaramouche and Kazuha both walked around a bit, sticking close to either Aether or y/n. It seemed Kazuha and Thoma (+his friends) had both known each other by name due to attending the same school for a while, so they had some fun catching up. 
Scaramouche his little grin was nowhere to be found when he locked eyes with a certain ginger. Said ginger walked up to him and swung an arm around his shoulders. How he ended up here Archons know why, but Scaramouche wasn’t happy about it. 
“Got lost, old friend? How did you end up at this party? Any party, really.” Childe laughed. The two had met in high school before Scaramouche transferred to Sumeru. Childe had made it his little hobby to annoy the living shit out of Scaramouche in the three years they shared the same school. 
A hand quickly gave his a squeeze before you appeared in his vision, a small smile on your face–though your pupils were big and your words slurred a little. “He’s not lost, he’s my guest here for Christmas break.”
“Ah so you're forced to attend- wait what? Guest? Y'all actually know one another?” 
“Roommates, actually.” Kazuha appeared on your side, arm around your waist.
Childe’s mouth fell open, he had vaguely known Kazuha’s name here and there around his school. Always hearing good things about him, how smart he was, handsome, charming.
“Damn, lil man, you got it good.” And with that Childe disappeared, leaving the three of them alone.
Scaramouche sighed, looking at the two in front of him. Both their eyes are a little bloodshot, big pupils, hair not quite normal and rather messy. How you leaned your head on Kazuha’s shoulder as you smiled at him with that smile that made butterflies erupt in his stomach and a small grin forming on his face. He couldn’t get enough of it. It made him feel like he was drunk, though he hadn’t had a single drop of alcohol all night.
Kazuha winked at him and left them alone after a soft kiss to your forehead; you who had now lost your balance due to Kazuha leaving your side, sat down on the couch. Scaramouche soon sitting down next to you.
“He’s a dick, stay away from him.” Scaramouche said, “How do you know him anyway?”
He looked at your concentrated face, “Aether played a football match against his school. Aether and I threw a party and invited his team; the losing team. Seemed like an okay dude so we kept inviting him to our parties, much to the dismay of some. How do you know him?”
“Hmm, went to the same school as him for a few years. Made it his hobby to annoy me. I got in a physical fight with him once.” your giggles threw him off guard, “What?”
“Who won?”
“Me of course, tssk, that you’d even consider that he’d win against me.”
“If you say so,” you gave him a kiss on his cheek before standing up from the couch, but you didn’t get far before you were pulled back on the- no that wasn’t a couch, you were now sitting in Scaramouche’s lap. But before you could protest a pair of lips pressed against your own, but as soon as they came they disappeared again, leaving you staring into those purple eyes as a few cheers went up among the crowd.
“She’s not bitchless!” “Whoo!!!!!” “She’s not single!”
“Well then, shoo shoo. You were gonna go somewhere right? 
Perhaps it was the alcohol or maybe it were the events that had just taken place but your face grew even redder as you stood up and made your way into the crowd. Completely forgetting where you wanted to go in the first place.
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r0ttenhearts · 11 months
HI AGAINNN MY FAV ANGST WRITER.... i have a new request for u again!!! <3
we're been Dating scara for years and staying By his side forever we already Know him And his goal until traveler defeated him and Deleted himself from everyone's memory But we still remember him and became lovers again until it got ruined because he fall in love with the Traveler. he then started Saying Hurtful words on us saying "we need to break up. your just a distraction for us And your gonna ruin me and traveler's relationship." He then started making our lives worst like hell he started bullying us until we stopped Going outside and just stay on our home. After years went by. We finally Go outside (we need to touch grass ofc) because of boredom And Saw him while looking for foods "Ah... (Name)? Is that you???.. Look l'm sorry. Traveler left me Because they finally found their twin and.... I wanted to Fix our relationship again. Please forgive me" he said But we're not interested with him anymore So we just ignored him and slapped him for what he did to us
This req is prob more longer than the other req I did Also Please take your time :> and take care of yourself i love ur Scara Angst Fics everytime u posted them btw!! excuse me and sorry If u understand my req wrong :))
i love this rq! it was easier to write based off of the details you gave me ^^. thank you for the request! read it here
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genshin-scenarios · 1 year
hello!!!! i was the prev anon that asked you about Kuni meeting reader after the memory block thingy a while back, and I've been thinking about what adopt a wanderer!Kuni would think about scaramouche? Kuni in that au ends up so gentle and loving i imagine he'd have a hard time wrapping his head around how cruel he becomes if he stayed in Teyvat (Also i imagine he'd have a harder time with the fact he becomes a murderer since in our world executions aren't normalized like in Teyvat). tysm!!
SPOILERS for sumeru archon quest/scaramouche lore below!!
my first thought is that!! while Kuni is gentle and loving here, he is still quite intuitive, and like the Wanderer before he regained his memories, might seek to understand the history of Scaramouche and everything that happens to him?
Kuni would likely distance himself from this knowledge at first, but once he maybe hears from you about the situation (how you've known for a while), he'd probably have the courage to take a deep dive into the story - reading about it, brow furrowed as the words on the screen make sense yet not---that his other self would meet so many people, and a harbinger in particular that skews his view of the world---he feels a little bad for Scaramouche, but he also appreciates the journey his other incarnation has went through. the thought that he still doesn't get closure with his mother/creator if he stayed still stings a little though
but unlike the whole 'retrieving his memories' thing in the archon quest, I don't think this would change Kuni's character too much since he only reads/hears about what happened at this point! if we were to go down a more angsty route he might start having dreams of his time back in inazuma before being isekaied though, not exactly about Scara's memories, but just the feeling of isolation that he's now not as used to anymore with your company around. at some point he tries to search for you in those dreams, only to come to the cold realisation that you weren't from teyvat.
the next morning you find him playing with the cat that's come to visit at your balcony - it always seems to know when he needs the comfort, and while Kuni doesn't speak of his worries aloud, you do pay attention to when he's more lost in his thoughts, brewing a pot of tea to set on the table to greet him when he returns to the living room
the stars are quite significant in teyvat. perhaps it's the cowardly side of him talking, but Kuni's sometimes a little glad that living in the city hides the both of you from the sight of the stars. it's a tiny, tiny comfort to know that the powers that might've brought him to your world cannot see you for now, allowing him to continue living here for as much time as he can grasp
time has never been a worry to him, who doesn't age like mortals do. but since meeting you, Kuni's grown to realize just how terrifying it is that hours, days, and weeks can slip through his fingers so easily. almost as hard as catching stardust, to try and muster the strength of sending one's wish into the sky.
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zee-the-zebra · 1 year
Hey look at that! A third one! You can check the other two if you want.
[1] [2]
But now, it's KazuScara time. I want to give a bit of Watsonian context to the name I chose for the Wanderer. Because I can.
The two met far before the Traveler knew either of them. It was just on the road one day in Inazuma.
Scaramouche knew who Kazuha was. He was strikingly similar to someone he cared about after all. When they first met, Scara could've threatened him. He could've struck fear into Kazuha, giving him either the name of a Fatui Harbinger, or the name of the person who ruined his family. But he, for reasons even he didn't know at the time, lied. He greeted Kazuha with a friendly smile and a fake name instead.
"You can call me...Suzu."
Kazuha knew Scara was lying. He knew from the start that he was someone dangerous. If he thought hard enough he could apply a name to Scara's face. And yet, he gave no indication that he even wanted to let go of the lie. He seemed to relax every time he was called by that name. He'd take joy in the small things he'd occasionally do with Kazuha, if he decided not be a pompous dick about it. He seemed to enjoying pissing him off, watching over his shoulder, or just spending time with him. Kazuha knew he should've questioned it, but he also knew that he probably wanted to leave something behind.
And to Scara, or Suzu, as he was being called, it felt right. He'd always feel a strange joy whenever Kazuha would call him that name. Whether he was annoyed with him, glad to see him, it didn't matter. He liked that name. And he liked the time he spent with Kazuha. At least until he finally figured out the reason he cherished that small bit of time. The reason, as he realized, and despised was because it brought him back to a time where he actually was content with a simple life. Before he was betrayed, abandoned for a second time. Like how he knew Kazuha would do when he decided to finally drop a charade and admit he knew he was Kunikuzushi.
Better to end on a good note before things go sour. For once, it was his turn to leave instead. He convinced himself that finally getting what he deserved was better than holding onto something that would eventually crumble in his hands. The day after he received the gnosis from Miko, he went to Kazuha one last time with a simple request.
"I've gotten what I need from staying here. Do not look for me. If you do, you will die."
"Then, I guess this is goodbye. Perhaps we can hope for something better, in our next lives, Suzu."
Yet Kazuha couldn't have been more right. Because in his next life, the Wanderer met Kazuha again, and introduced himself the same way. With a friendly smile and now...a name he considered his real one.
"You can call me...Suzu."
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Thinking about how boundaries and comfort are important parts of my self-ship with Scara/Wanderer. Both of us have issues getting close to other people, but together we can work through them.
Obviously Scara is scared that people will abandon him again. That’s why when we first had an argument he was genuinely surprised I didn’t walk out right then and there. Even before dating, there are definitely moments where he let out his frustrations on me, believing it would make me leave and prevent him from getting attached. With time though (and some very serious conversations), we both came to understand each other. While he still has outbursts, he became a lot better at communicating his feelings without lashing out. He still hasn’t changed when interacting with most people. But with me (and the traveller and Nahida to some extent) he’s more respectful.
Similarly, Scara needs a lot of reassurance. Even though I tell him countless of times that I will not leave, the thought can’t help but cross his mind. Of course I don’t mind comforting him, I’ll tell him I’m here for him as many times as he needs to hear it. I’ll also let him set the pace when it comes to the relationship, especially when it comes to physical contact. Even though we’re both touched starved, I don’t want to make him uncomfortable or overwhelmed. Despite having lived for so long, this is new to him and he needs to take it slow. At first it was hard for him to hold my hand, and now we’ve come to a point where we cuddle every night before we fall asleep (only if no one else is around though, PDA is a big no no).
On my end things are rough too sometimes. I tend to downplay my feelings and isolate myself when I don’t feel the best, and this annoyed Scara a lot, especially at the beginning of our relationship. If he has to tell me when things are bad, why shouldn’t I have to do the same thing? So after some serious conversations (and time), I also had to realize that I needed to communicate and be more open with him as well. Same goes with physical contact. I also need a lot of reassurance, because despite the progress I have made in the last year, I still have issues with my body and my appearance. Though Scara will often try to sooth my insecurities by saying things like “you think I’m not strong enough to handle you? I’d like to remind you that I almost became a god,” or simply “you’re stupid,” the way he holds me tells me tighter every time I voice any ounce of self-doubt is enough to convince me that he does, in fact, want to be close to me.
Overall, I think we’ve both come a long way in our relationship when it comes to boundaries and comfort. We both had work to do to make this work and we were both willing to put in the efforts. Now I think we’re a good support system for each other and even though we still have our ups and down, we love each other very very much and we would never dream of leaving each other.
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well, since you granted it by calling me "mom", i shall act accordingly from now on ( ^∀^) /lh jk
man, same here, and i should also learn to try and eat more veggies and fruits... BUT THAT'S A FUTURE ❄️ PROBLEM ISN'T IT (o´・∀・)o but i'm glad to hear you're clean from any of those problems, and i wanna use this to say to whoever is reading: hey, it's hard to overcome, but as long as you try then know i'm extremely proud of you and of your goals, no matter how big or small they are <3
thanks for the good wishes holly, means a lot :')
i do hope he comes home fast now that he has no excuses and i'm almost half way to max pity, but he's probably scared of facing me still with a period, emotionally messy and so fucking angy at him not arriving earlier, so i hope for him that he will have some food with him or i'll kick him in his metaphorical nuts (talking of canon scara, because we all know modern au scara will feel it :))
on furina and shenhe... MAN ME TOO ㅠㅠ
(don't worry about it lmao, my daydreaming business is always running rampant, tho if you'd ever publish such work expect max a couple of hours before i come crashing here crying about my adorable indigo haired menace being so thoughtful and whatnot :'> i don't use water bottles as i take a pill and it all goes and basically almost every flavor makes disgusts me when on period but i know he wouldn't mind, less he wants me to throw pillows in his face)
— ❄️
fortunately i like pretty much most of the fruits you come by around here (except for pears, those are on very thin ice) and i probably like just as many veggies as i dislike (all hail our lord and saviour broccoli), so i have a roster of veggies i can toss in pretty much any dish
though i’ve been way worse in the past when it comes to food, i don’t think i’ve ever been at the point of an ed, which i’m very glad for; most of the time i don’t eat, it’s because i forget that the human prison trapping me in the mortal realm requires physical sustenance and cannot live off mental nourishment alone… aka i’m doing sth for 5 hours straight and nothing else exists in that time frame
but, i agree, you can be proud of any amount of progress you make, even if it’s just the resolve to improve; i know that, if you are working towards a goal, any setback can send you spiralling back down, but no amount of effort is ever wasted and you’re doing great <3
i’m keeping my fingers crossed for furina in the next patch (insane amounts of copium on my part) and i’ve kinda given up on the idea that hoyo will remember shenhe is actually an option for upcoming banners (though i would pull her before furina if that was an option ㅠㅠ)
(i normally get the urge to write comfort the second i wake up from cramps but i don’t always have the time to actually follow through on it… though i guess a genshin version is always a possibility… even if it’s disgusting, you still need the power and scara knows that, so he’s still working hard!!)
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seelestia · 1 year
hahaha i’m glad i’m bad at being an anon BUT YOU GIVE ME SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT SO !!!
yeah school sucks i agree, chemistry is making me tear up. what's your favorite subject? and tbh I haven't written in a while i have no ideas what to write :( any suggestions?
uh oh i love chocolate milk but three glasses feels like it'll shoot my stomach. i am pretty good at self control, or at least id like to think so. and HAHAHA this is really funny bc i am in fact an intp and OBSESSED w mbti. what's yours?
you did do it justice!! i love the idea that sometimes no matter how much you love someone there's always going to be a small part of them that loves someone more than you and living with it can be difficult. you did it GREAT. and ZHONGLI AHHH. hes wonderful to write as i love his personality. i love how u analyzed him and i completely agree shxij. i love writing characters I can chew up n analyze (tehe) bc i like challenges, so scara, childe, kazuha, and diluc are some of my favs. wbu?
dw about it, quill! i love giving people things to talk abt because my brain is a jumbled mess of topics and listening to other people's opinions / how uniquely they view the world compared to me are absolutely >>>
CHEMISTRY IS A DEMON CHILD FR. i still need to shove chemical equations because figuring out how to balance them sucks the life out of me 😭 but my fav subject is deffo biology! i like how i always go "ooh, so that's what happened" because my child self used to have sm questions abt how the heck our body works. what's your fav subject?? >:)
i'm not good with suggestions, but let's see! is there any particular trope you'd like to try writing?? or like a trope that just screams a chara's name to you?? this sort of thing makes me feel inspired, but i'm sorry if this doesn't help much, quill <//3 i hope you'll be able to find inspo soon tho! it sucks not knowing what to do :(
see, you're a better person than me when it comes to this. (/lh) now that i look back on it, what was i thinking downing three glasses of choco milk 😭 ANYWHO, ME TOO?? a fellow mbti-obsessed brethren?? i'm an infj and i'm glad i guessed you right, ehe. let me tell you, i love typology sm like i have a habit of assigning an mbti or enneagram type to someone i've talked to for a bit or even the mc's i write in my fics (like the mc in 'do you love me?' for example! i can say that they'd be an xNFx / intuitive feeler).
THANK YOU SM <3 me too like the idea of that is so painful but also somewhat realistic at the same time?? like emotions are unique in the way that they don't have reins for us to maneuver the way we want to and following that idea, it somewhat explains how we can be prone to leaning towards one side more than the other (consciously or not). it may be an easy fact to acknowledge; it may not be an easy one to confront, however. — i think that was like the baseline i was trying to portray in the story?? i'm glad you loved it tho! writing that fic makes me adore dylm!zhongli and dylm!mc sm ☹️ (they're my skrunklies that are subjected to angst torture /lh)
CHEW AND DISSECT THEIR BRAIN! (in a safe and non-dottore way /j) i like how scara and diluc are the ones that put a lid over their feelings whilst kazuha and childe are the honest, open with what's on their mind type 🤭 for me, some of my favs to write are: ayato (are we surprised /j), scara, alhaitham, and dainsleif (so underrated, i need to write for this depressed beautiful man asap)! as you can see, i have a thing for writing logical people and i fear it's an obsession. (/lh)
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rayofsunas · 3 years
I just got to inazuma and now that I’ve explored yashiori….how on earth did reader survive there I felt like I was gonna get struck by lightning every two seconds 😭
Also I remember you mentioned there possibly being another guy in reader’s life but like what if it was tohma 😳 I feel like he’d really piss off scaramouche because of how similar he is to childe djdnks and idk how in character this would be but maybe tohma being around reader would make scaramouche kind of insecure? Because tohma is literally! Malewife!!He’s everything scaramouche ISNT frankly. Tohma would also be able to provide normalcy, something scaramouche couldn’t do considering he’s a harbinger. Then again scaramouche also may not care abt all of that he may just hate him because he “has the nerve to be around reader smh 🙄” Even if tohma isn’t interested in reader or anything I can totally see him and reader interacting in the story since reader already interacts with Ayaka! In conclusion, I may just be simping for tohma but then again who isn’t 😌
noooo seriously. also, I’m not sure if you’ve “cleansed” the island, but overtime as you do quests, the island brightens up! and it’s not raining/lightning 24/7. so I imagine reader is just in this type of environment, not the one where it’s raining/lightning 24/7 :) and yes! a lot of ppl asked for reader to possibly find someone else, and now that you’ve brought it up again, I’m thinking about it. I think thoma matches quite well, since you’ve pointed out that he’s similar to childe, which I agree! he really is. I only see readers possible relationship with thoma lasting only so long, ya know? because one, the pairing is scaramouche and reader, and two, reader still loves scaramouche (she simps lmao) and although he’s been a jackass to her, all she really wants is for him to apologize, be a better person and prove to her that he’s willing to fix up that artifice/be a better father to mei, and she wants to be a happy little family together. if I ever decide to put reader with thoma momentarily, it wouldn’t be long lasting; she’s probably just testing the waters and has a bit of a small crush on him. kinda cliche, but that’s how I see it going!! I also agree with everything you’ve said! scaramouche would feel a bit of both too; he’s bothered to see someone with reader, but depending on where he stands with the raiden shogun, it could go either way; him hating thoma more for wanting to go against her (if scara sides with her somehow), or not really caring (if he doesn’t).
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versadies · 2 years
rushing through my veins (w/ gn!reader)
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SALUTATIONS. rushing through my veins
ADDRESSED. scaramouche (w/ gn!reader)
CONTENT. angst/fluff, injured trope, bleeding, ooc (?), spoilers to scaramouche’s backstory and inazuma archon quest act 3, not proof read
STAMP. in which scaramouche finds an injury that you’ve been hiding him from.
PENPALS. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @coleluuviida @034ven @dear-dairiess @luv3rxcha @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @nejibot @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat
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For as long as Scaramouche has lived, he was used to the sight of blood that’s from someone else’s. 
Whether it’d be from his subordinates after a long fight, from his victims after torturing them for information, from dead bodies of both his subordinates and targets, none of them had never brought him any reaction.
So why did the mere sight of you bleeding made his mind go blank and feel so suffocated?
“Who did this to you?” He asks in a dark tone, watching you look away from his gaze in guilt that you got caught. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“I don’t want you to concern yourself over it.” You explained nonchalantly, letting out a wince when you felt a wave of pain. “We had a mission to complete, I didn’t want the chance to slip from our hands again like last time–”
“That still doesn’t mean you should let yourself bleed to death–!” 
“I’m not dying, Scara.” 
He stops himself from speaking after hearing those words that slipped out from your mouth, as if he just realized something. Why is he even concerned over someone like you, a harbinger who’s only doing their job for the sake of the Tsaritsa? It’s not like you’ll die, he knows you can handle your injuries by yourself, yet he couldn’t help but feel like he wants to drop everything and…
Who is he kidding?
This is the main reason why the Raiden Shogun no longer see him as useful. Pathetic emotions.
You then lift your hand away from your wound, showing Scaramouche the wound on you that isn’t too severe. “See? My wound isn’t a big deal, so you don’t have to worry about me so much. You should just leave me he–”
“Like hell I should leave my partner in this cold place. “ You yelped lightly when Scaramouche suddenly lifted you up from your seat and placed your arm around his shoulder for him to be your support. “Tell any of our nosy subordinates about this then I won’t hesitate to kill you and make you feel worse than now.” 
You tried to protest for a moment, wiggling out from his grasp in hopes of going back to your spot and let him go away to deal with your last fight, only for the man to pull you closer to him even more as he lets out an annoyed huff. 
“....Where are we going?” You asked, confused with what Scaramouche is about to do.
“Screw this stupid mission, we need to get you treated right now before you get infected by your injury.” He comments, your eyes went wide in response. 
You look at him to read his facial expressions to find your answer. “Why are you helping me? Didn’t you say you hated me?” You demanded an answer. 
He stays silent for a few moments, focusing on the direction ahead of him as he continues to help you come towards the infirmary camp that your subordinates set up in case of emergencies such as this. 
He doesn’t know his reason for doing this either, but he now knows that despite the fact that his emotions brought his creator to abandon him, his emotions had also brought himself to feel human. Just like you.
You then feel his hand squeezing your hand a bit tightly, causing you to feel your cheeks warming when you realize that he’s holding your hand.
“Isn’t it obvious, dummy?” Scaramouche lets out a tsk’d. “I care about you.” 
Your breath hitches. 
“We may have different morals and goals to one another, but I’m not going to abandon you for you to die all alone and get another annoying harbinger like the newest one.” Had he said this in another situation where you’re in a healthy state, you would’ve laughed at his insult towards Childe
You continued to stare at his face, to which he didn’t bother to make you stop. Strange.. Has your heartbeat always been this loud?
You smiled lightly, feeling a little bit better now that the pain has started to go away slowly. “...Thank you, Scaramouche.” You mumbled, and when you turned to face the direction the both of you are heading to, you could see a glimpse of the Fatui campsite.
Maybe the balladeer isn’t as mean as you thought he would be.
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scara-meow-che · 3 years
Scaramouche camboy 🤤
i've been waiting for this one, oh god, anon thank you so much for requesting scara 🙇
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scaramouche is pretty, he knows that all too well. he uses that to his advantage because it'd be such a damn waste to hide all this beauty. and as a camboy, he's pretty successful and it's all thank to his confidence.
he loves being in control, to dominate the ranks, to receive tons of gifts, to gather all the riches, to determine whether one viewer is worthy of his attentionㅡhe knows all too well how to toy with all these people's feelings.
"is this all you're going to give to me?" he taunted, quite demanding yet in the end, he gets what he wants.
"you all are such horny fucks, wanting to see me cum with the toys you gave me." he mocked at all the comments telling him to fuck himself with the fleshlight in hand.
he's just giving them the fantasy they so desired so why not influence it in a way that he knows would mark them gold in their horny minds?
it was perfect, everything is too perfect for scaramouche because that's what he deserves. he's the camboy who is mean, beautiful, often in charge of these people's feelings. after all, it's all business for him but there is one thing that concerns him.
and it's you.
his sweet and kind girlfriend, so loving and caring, doting on everything he wants, blessing him with such an innocent smile that lifts his sour mood immediately. you were his sole weakness, the only person that can have him fall in the pedestal he put himself unto.
you were perfect, so perfect for him that he can't help but keep his time as a camboy his dirty little secret. he is both hated and adored in the world he reigns in but he doesn't have the guts to get you involved in it.
but he isn't aware of the freak hiding beneath the angel's skin.
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"i didn't know you were this kinky." your voice had pulled him out of his focus, his dark eyes searching for you.
and there he finds you standing at the side of his 'office'. your expression contrasts what you usually sport for days.
the innocence from your eye smile and lips beaming him such an angelic grin fades away from his mind and all he can see in you is this devilish glint in your e/c orbs and teasing smirk. you slowly made your way towards him, taking advantage of how surprised he was from your unexpected entrance during the first hour of streaming.
"you should've invited me and messed around together," you teased and finally scaramouche comes back to his senses and frowned at you.
"get out, you shouldn't even be herㅡ," you cut him off with a glare, placing all your fingers to press down on his cheeks.
"i'm hurt that you have to hide this from me. i guess you broke our promise, huh." your voice was dull, cold, eyes boring holes on his dark ones. without hesitating, you let go and stared at the toys beside him.
"you're fucking yourself with these fake ass plastic? do they satisfy you that much?" you asked, face still devoid of emotions but trudges on the ends of sadism when you saw the man shiver at your tone.
"stand up and bend over the chair." it was a simple command, something so easy to understand yet scaramouche doesn't get why you were telling him off like that. and he gasped when he sees you picking up the strap on laid idle together with the other toys in possession.
"it seems like you haven't used this yet. why won't we try it?" you smiled while removing your clothes, exposing yourself to the eyes of his viewers and scaramouche was shocked at the responses he's getting.
fuck him beautiful
fuck, i wanna be in his place.
you two look so sexy together
make him cry, be his mistress
make him your little slut. degrade him.
tons and tons of comments had your eyes sparkling in delight, humming as you tighten the straps around your hips and thigh, hands rubbing on the smooth silicon rod that's about to disappear inside his greedy hole.
"if you're not going to bend over for me then kneel. make this wet." scaramouche could almost laugh, condescendinly like how you eyed him but there was something about you that pushes him to the edge. "not going to say anything?"
"why? i can—."
"sshhh, good boys doesn't need to talk back unless they're told to. now, can you make this wet for me?" no, scaramouche wouldn't allow himself to do that.
but he did.
focusing on your eyes, reeling in the warmth from your hand that caresses his cheeks, softening like how you'd normally make him. he kneels in front of you, hands resting on your thighs, leaving kisses on your skin before his lips closes in the tip.
before he could even take half of your cock, you locked your fingers in his hair and slowly pushes his head to swallowing inch by inch of the silicon toy. he gagged, eyes beaming in tears and you laughed.
"you thought i wouldn't hear you belittling all these horny sluts you made for yourself?" you growled, glaring at him and it caused him to whimper out for you, nails digging at your thighs as he did his best meeting your rough juts of your hips on his face.
"when you, yourself is a slut like them. look at you, being so good in sucking me whole. shouldn't you be ashamed of yourself?" he shakes his head,, denying your claims when he knows that it's true.
and you stopped, pulling out of him, giving time for his throat to relax because you felt how tight it was around your cock. but you didn't give him any sort of leverage, tugging at his dark blue locks and have him facing the camera.
teary eyed, saliva dripping from his mouth, lips shaking and chest shakily taking in air—"isn't he pretty?"
he is.
you two are pretty.
just fuck him already.
god, you two would be the end of me.
"god? no, god can't save everyone in this damn live." and you looked at scaramouche with the same innocent smile that had him weak, bending down to give him a slippy kiss. "and don't you all dare tell me what to do, give more than what you ought for, i am demanding but this is for all of you to atone for your fucking sins."
with one last look at the screen, you saw how many had donated and spammed orders one after another. scaramouche waits for your move as well. it's honestly pitiable, how thirsty they are but—
"perfect, that's more like it."
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makelemonade · 3 years
hiii can i please request for scaramouche fluff? where the reader meets him in a video game! then they realize they go to the same school, then after a while they fall in love blah blah and the rest is up to you author :>> make sure to take breaks and drink water!! (omg im very excited for scaramouche in 2.1!!)
scara goes into ur game- i literally dont have a title for this I AM SORRY
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Scaramouche x GN!Reader
A/N: god the moment i saw 'scaramouche fluff' i ran to docs to start writing this
Warnings: Swearing (is that even a warning at this point) and kinda OOC Scaramouche. Alternate Universe.
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(This is gonna start as small hcs/drabbles then turns into the real thing)
-ok so
-I’ve seen so many fics where we meet scara in a video game
-I’m switching it up a little
-he meets US in OUR video game
-insert scara randomly teleporting to our game and having to get used to living in it
-let’s say the game is a love story- it’s a modern love story game
-yes ik that’s boring but we got Scaramouche
-now it's time for the real thing 😉
Scaramouche groaned as he hit the ground, his head aching and eyesight blurry. “Where am I?”
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?”
His eyes widened. Why does he know that voice....
He turned around to see someone running up to him and if possible, his eyes widened even more. “What the fuck am I doing in (Insert Game Name that I couldn’t think of)
“What did you say?” You asked as you stopped running, standing in front of him.
“Uh....nothing. Sorry what did you say before?”
“I asked if you were alright!” You said, eyes full of concern. “Didn’t you just fall out of that tree?”
“Tree, what tree?” He asked.
You blinked. “Do you have a concussion? The tree you just fell from, right behind you!”
He turned around to see a pretty tall tree and understood immediately.
Right, this is how the game starts. He thought.
“Do you go to (Name of High School)? Maybe the nurse can check up on you?”
He smiled. If he remembered correctly, In the game, he did go to your high school. He just had to stick along to the story!
He almost snorted- yea hell no would he completely stick along to the story. He will make sure he makes it as chaotic as possible!
“Yea, I do. But really, I don’t need a nurse. I’ll be fine!”
You scoffed, “yea right. You have a big bump on your head, your coming with me...uh, what’s your name?”
“You sure you go to my high school? I’ve never heard that name before.”
He chuckled, “I’m not well known. No friends, you know?”
You smiled. “Well, allow me to introduce myself! I’m Y/N L/N, and I am now your friend!”
“This is so childish.” He murmured.
“Deal with it. Now, fandango man, lets go see the nurse!” You grabbed his hand and started walking to the school.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Scara-darling it is!”
“Don’t call me that either.”
“Your no fun!”
-back to hcs cuz I suck at writing full stories
-he doesn’t stick to the story line at all, and instead does a bunch of new things
-In the game, he was supposed to fall for all your pranks, and you always shamelessly flirted with him, but not today! He already knew all of the pranks so now he could dodge them!
-and the shameless flirting? Well, let’s say he meets the captain of the volleyball team: Childe, who is your best friend.
-Childe annoys the shit out of him, but he gets advice from him and a volleyball player named Kaeya about flirting.
-next day, he’s a pro flirter.
-he even tries out for the volleyball team! And despite being short, he makes it! (hAikyuu-)
-but he then realized it meant he couldn’t spend as much time with you.
-volleyball practice was during your break, so he couldn’t eat with you anymore.
-so he skips some practices to go see you!
-Childe doesn’t really care, he approves of what’s going on between you and Scara despite you not even knowing about it yet.
-sometimes when walking in the halls, he’ll hold your hand and rub circles in your palm
-but your so dense you still think your just friends
-now, in the game, it’s you who first confesses your feelings at the end
-he’s scared because he didn’t stick to the plot- what if it changed and you don’t like him and your not gonna confess?
-so, he went to the only person he could think of: Rosalyne (Signora)
-she told him everything you liked, and what days your busy and where he should confess
-Monday, under the tree where he first met you and the one he ‘fell from’
-he was nervous, REALLY nervous, and also embarrassed because Childe and Signora were hiding behind said tree so they could hear everything and comfort Scaramouche if anything goes wrong
Scaramouche felt his heart beat a lot faster when he saw you walking towards him. “They're coming.” He whispered.
“You can do it!” Childe whispered from behind the tree.
“Yea, or we gave you all that advice for nothing!”
His eyes widened at the new voice, “Kaeya what are you doing here?”
“You really think I would miss out on this? Hell no!”
Signora scoffed. “Be quiet their here!”
They went silent and you stood just a few feet away from him. “Hey Scara! What’s up?”
“Y/N...” He walked closer to you, taking ahold of your hands and not letting go of them.
“Hey what’s wrong? Your shaking..” you said, noticing how shaky his hands were while holding yours.
He smiled, “It’s because I’m nervous. Y/N, these past few months have been amazing and...and...fuck I swear I had a whole speech ready.”
He could practically hear Childe facepalming behind the tree and Signora smacking him.
“Listen Y/N, I like you, like a lot, like a lot a lot a lot. Your just so fucking funny and nice and- remember the day you met me, right under this tree? You were so sweet! How could I not like you?”
Your eyes were wide, “You like me?”
“Yes you dumbass! Are you dense or something? I said it like four ti-“ He was cut off when YOU FUCKING KISSED HIM
The three behind the tree look to see what was happening, and they all screamed when they saw you and Scara kissing that you both jumped when you heard.
“Seriously?!” Scaramouche scoffed, “We were having a fucking moment!”
-god Childe and Kaeya will never let this go
-they probably recorded the whole thing
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redorich · 2 years
Second, have any of the hermits thought to check to see if Wels woke up?
Cub flies across his massive desert, appreciating the wind under his elytra wings as always. In the distance, the magic crystals he bought and buried in the sand months ago have sprouted like Scara’s glassy, tentacular cousin. The colors shift in the living spires like LSD all wrapped up in a pretty rock.
“I should probably do something about that,” he says as he flies right past it and proceeds to do nothing about it, just like he has since he buried the damn crystals.
The crystals’ heat waves call out to him, though, and obligingly Cub turns around midair, landing on the gigantic crystals which seem to pulse with magic. He sits down to watch the beautiful sunset, pulling out a magic crystal bong handmade by Scar. It's much nicer than the one he was using previously, having jury-rigged it out of a beaker, PVC, and duct tape.
“This is the life,” Cub sighs.
Cub wakes up face down on the ground in some random Demise bolthole, with no idea how he got there. It's a tiny hole five blocks under the ground; when he climbs out of it he is somehow at Mumbo's season 6 witch farm. His communicator buzzes.
<Welsknight> Cub, where are you?
<Cub> im trippin man lmfao
<Welsknight> Where is everyone? Are you okay?
<Welsknight> Why did you leave me?
Cub winces, because Wels sent that message hours ago, apparently.
<Cub> I'm feeling better. Meet at nether hub?
<Welsknight> On my way.
“Are you sure you're okay with going back to the mansion?”
Ghostbur nods yet again, wishing Wels would just go already. Wels is-- he's too nice to ever intentionally drop one friend for another, but Ghostbur has been constantly relegated to the sidelines until someone needs him, ever since he died. He doesn't want to be there when Wels gets so excited to see his friends again that he forgets about Ghostbur.
“And you'll be fine meeting Cub on your own?”
Wels sighs, heavy and distressed. “I don't know why the other hermits left me, and I'm going to find out. You might not want to be there for it, depending on how it goes.”
“I'll pack up our campsite, then; you should go ahead and meet your friend.” Ghostbur kicks some rocks onto the burnt patch of ground where yesterday their fire was. Wels gives him a grateful glance and takes off into the sky. Ghostbur watches him go, slowly rolling up their sleeping bags and stuffing them in his inventory. When Wels is far away, disappeared into the sky, Ghostbur slumps.
“Good luck…” he says, and wishes he meant it.
Wels must have been far closer to the hub than Cub, because when Cub arrives Wels is already there, red-faced and more upset than Cub has ever seen him.
“Where were you?” Wels demands with no prelude.
Cub feels sweat run down his temple that isn't entirely from the Nether’s oppressive aridity. If Wels has abandoned manners, he must be truly pissed. “Uh, season seven..?”
“Without me.”
“...Yes, without you.”
“Why?” Wels says. His voice breaks.
Shit. Shit. Cub does not want to be the one having this conversation, and he is going to murder Xisuma.
“You were asleep,” Cub says uncomfortably. “We tried to wait for you; people even started calling the season Sixfinity. We had to move on eventually.”
Wels looks crushed. “You couldn't have taken me with you?”
Cub looks away, shamefaced. “We couldn't bring you through since you weren't awake to consent. The server physically wouldn't allow it. I promise we tried. Xisuma took it really hard when he had to leave you behind.”
“Did you come back to check on me?”
“We'd meant to,” Cub says. “We had a schedule all planned out, but you know how the start of a season is. We all just got so busy, and we, uh, forgot after a while.”
“Did you come at all?” the knight says quietly.
“Yes! Yes, we did at first. We didn't leave you alone alone, but, well, everybody got so busy, you know.” Cub wipes sweat from his brow.
Wels sits down on the glassy map, burying his head in his knees and just trying to process everything. The large area echoes with the sound of his breathing, deep and slow, and the mourning of distant ghasts. It is a long, tense moment before he speaks.
“...How long was I asleep?”
“What?” The question catches Cub off guard. His heart beats faster without his permission.
“It's been a month and a half since I woke up. Six weeks, Cub.” Wels doesn't look up, keeping his head down to his knees and his arms wrapped around his legs. “How long was I asleep?”
“...Nine months.”
Wels's shoulders flinch. “Okay.”
Cub eyes Wels like a ticking time bomb. “Okay?”
“Okay,” Wels repeats, “I don't know what to say.”
“How are you feeling?” Cub worries.
“I'm not.”
“Do you want to say goodbye to season six?”
“I found the Infinity Portal,” Wels says flatly. I'll meet you there tomorrow.”
Wels doesn't say what time he'll be there, but Cub feels way too awkward to ask. He figures he'll just hang out around the portal all day-- good enough.
“See you then,” Cub says weakly, but Wels is already walking away.
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