#we saw the jass only once
fluffy-alpacaness · 2 years
But...where is the jackles sex scene in the boys that we were promised?
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
The Traitor Card (Ace of Spades Bonus Scene)- ML Requests and One shots 7
So in the original story, Alix showed anger towards Lila. Well, here's why. For the record, the Jass card is a real card. It's usually used in a game of trump and is considered the highest trump card. It is usually a jack card and is worth 20 points in the game, which is the highest value. Anyway, I thought it would be the perfect title for the traitor card. Hope you guys enjoy this is little snippet from my Ace of Spades AU. This is explains how he got all those cards :D
In a game of cards, a player always has a trump card up their sleeves. Luka had his royal flush but he also had a hidden card. One he only ever brought out when a true enemy needed to be taken down. Known to the members of the Royal Flush as the Traitor card, the role of the Jass is a special player he brings into the game as his high trump card. Given to a person who loyalties are switched, the Jass acts as the Ace's spy and is key to his enemy's defeat.
"Alix..." Nathaniel's voice made the skater turn around and face him. He looked fuming and she knew why. She helped destroy Marinette's sketchpad. Marinette had grabbed it and run, tears rolling down her face as she did. Alix felt bad but Alya insisted that she needed to be taught a lesson. Kim and Ivan had held back Nathaniel and Adrien who tried to stop it and everyone else ignored their pleas, including her. She hadn't done as much damage as Alya did. She only splattered paint on some of the papers but Alya and Lila completely blacked them out. Lila wrote horrible words and Alya poured an acid she stole from the Science Lab on the cover. They had laughed at Marinette's tears but that had passed and now it was just her and Nathaniel, who looked so disappointed and angry at her. "How could you?"
 "Marinette was bullying Lila," She stated but to her surprise, it felt wrong. 
 "Lila is a liar," He stated, shaking his head. "She lied about Marinette and she stole Marc's work. She threatened him into staying quiet,"
 "Then how do you know?" Alix retorted.
 "Because I found him crying over his destroyed notepad," He stated. "I pressed him until he relented and told me what happened. Alix... I can't be friends with you..."
 "What?!" She gasped, shocked. It had been her and Nathaniel against the world for ages. "But... you're my best friend..."
 "Not after what you helped do," He stated, shaking his head. "You need to realize what you and the rest of the class did was wrong and make it up to Marinette-"
 "But she's a bully!"
 "Even if she is, harassing her isn't going to help!" He shouted back, pinching his nose. "And it makes you a bully too! I'm sorry, Alix but we are not friends,"
 She went to argue but he turned on his heel and left the classroom, making her frown. She shook her head and continued with her art piece. If Nathaniel didn't want to be her friend and wanted to take a side of a bully then that was fine by her. She didn't need him anyway. She had more friends then she ever had before.
 "Have you heard?" Alix frowned as a girl leaned over to her friend and whispered as they walked past her in the corridor. She was on her way to lunch but she stopped to listen into this conversation.
 "Heard what?" Her friend replied.
 "The Ace is back," The original girl replied, making Alix's eyes widen.
 "The Ace? I thought he retired,"
 "He did but somehow he's back," She hissed back. "Apparently, he named Adrien Agreste as his king. Naturally, Lie-La is claiming that he's her boyfriend,"
 "Well, we all know that's a lie," The second girl laughed. "The Ace wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole,"
 "Yeah, he actually has standards," They both laughed as Alix frowned before she walked off and headed into the locker room. Nino was getting his bag and Ivan was talking to Mylene. Naturally, Kim was goofing around with Max. She walked over to them, causing them to look at her.
 "Alix?" Max asked, making her sigh.
 "Have you heard the new rumor going around the school?" She asked, making him frown and shake his head. Kim stopped goofing and the others looked at her as well. "The Ace... apparently, he's back,"
"I calculate the chance of that been true at roughly 20%,"
 "Yeah but if it is true, why would he make a return?" Mylene asked, getting a nod of Ivan.
 "Who cares why?" Kim grinned. "I wanna know who's gonna be in the royal flush this year. Hey, Alix think you'll get the jack's chair back?"
 "Maybe," She smiled but she had a terrible feeling that this had something to do with Marinette and how they had been treating her. If her feeling was right then nothing good could come from this. She followed the rest of the class into the canteen, feeling bile rise from her throat as she noticed the royal table. Sabrina was stood there, glaring at Alya and Lila as Luka sat at the front. On his left was Marinette, Marc and Nathaniel and on his right was Adrien, Chloe and Kagami. He looked up with a bored expression as they took their seats and said something to Lila and Alya before Sabrina cleared her throat.
 "Can I have everyone's attention please?" She stated, getting the entire place to look at her. Kim grinned excitedly as he looked towards the Royal table. "A new royal flush has been formed,"
 People whispered and muttered as Sabrina paused. Max pushed his glasses up as Alix frowned. If she had the Jack's chair again, she would already be up there with her card. She knew how Luka worked. He had given her the Jack of Diamonds when he last ruled but it seems he had a different line up this year.
 "This year, we have the Ace of spades, the King of Diamonds, the Queen of Spades, the Jack of Hearts, the Ten of clubs and two Jokers," Sabrina stated, reading from a scroll. "The royal flush member are as follows. Ace's chair: Luka Couffaine, King's chair: Adrien Agreste, Queen's chair: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Jack's chair: Chloe Bourgeois, Ten's Chair: Marc Anciel, Joker's chair Alpha: Kagami Tsurugi and Joker's chair Beta: Nathaniel Kurtzberg. This is the royal flush. Anyone who goes against them will be considered traitors. You all have your cards as well. If you have a card that is a 6 or higher then you may talk to the Ace and his subjects but if you have a card with a value of 5 or less then you are peasants and are not worth of talking to any of the royal flush! His highness has some words to say,"
 At that point, Luka stood up and looked around as the students gasped and whispered. He narrowed his eyes, causing everyone to go quiet. They lingered on Alix for a few seconds and she looked down as she saw betrayal in them but it disappeared as quickly as it came.
 "Firstly, I want to say why I decided to retire and why I have come back," He stated, placing his hand on the tables. "I wanted to experience life the way other people did so I stepped down from my throne and joined the common rubble. I got to experience life as a normal student or as normal as I could. As you recall, I asked everyone to treat me normally. Not to show fear or to ask permission to speak to me. While this was enjoyable, I officially retract that statement. As of now, I am no longer part of the common rabble. I take my throne back and you will treat me as royalty as well as my royal flush. Anyone who does not do that will be punished. Now for the reason, I have come back. It has been brought to my attention that there is a liar among my people, who has corrupted a number of students and have been tormenting my loved ones. I will not stand for it so I will say this once. This Liar and their followers have one week to retract all of their lies, remedy their wrong doings and apologize to their victims. If they do this by the end of the week, all will be forgiven but if they don't, I will unleash a fury like nothing they had ever seen on them and anyone who allies with them,"
 All of the students gulped and whispered as Luka glared at all of them but her class felt especially scared. Alix knew it had to do with Marinette and her sketchpad.
 "Now as I have taken rule again, I will reinstate the rules I expect you to follow," He stated. "Respect each other and no bullying are the most important but I expect you to follow the others too. If you don't know what those rules are, ask Sabrina or Aurora, who I name as the royal advisers. If you want to arrange anything, talk to them and they will arrange a meeting with myself and the royal flush and finally to the liar, I'd appreciate if you didn't spread rumors about me or my friends. I am not dating anyone right now and I have no intention of 'bringing you under my wing'. That's all,"
 Alix instantly got up and left as she felt sick. She quickly went to the bathroom and gasped. She should have known better. She should have just been a neutral party. In the back of her mind, she knew hurting Marinette was bad but she never expected Luka to come out of retirement but it made sense. Everyone knew that Luka and Marinette had been friends forever and they knew he would do anything to help or protect her. Marinette could take a lot but destroying her sketchpad must have been the final straw. She must of have gone to Luka and told him everything. Alix felt sick again. Hell hath no fury like a Couffaine. He had told her that way back and now he was going to destroy them. Taking a deep breathe, she made her way back to the locker room and opened her locker. She took out the card tucked into her locker and looked at it. A frown crawled onto her face. Two of Diamond. A mockery of the card she once held. She pocketed it and walked to class. Marinette was sat next to Adrien and Chloe but she wasn't looking for them. She walked over to Sabrina and cleared her throat.
 "Yes?" She asked, making Alix a little nervous.
 "I need to speak with the Ace,"
 "Two of Diamonds," She sighed, making Sabrina look at her with a look of disbelief. "But I invoke the right of Honor as a previous member of the royal flush,"
 "You understand that Honor only grants you audience with his highness once?" Sabrina asked, getting a nod of Alix. "Very well, I shall ask him if he will honor it,"
 "Thank you," She mumbled, sitting back down as Sabrina took out her phone and began to text Luka as Lila and Alya came in. Lila tried to point out to Miss Bustier that Sabrina shouldn't be on her phone but Miss Bustier completely ignored her and continued with the lesson. Her fear of Luka's wrath was much greater then anything Lila could provide. Kim leaned over to Alix as she took notes.
 "Do you think he'll agree to see you?" He whispered, making her frown but nod. Luka was many things but he placed honor above all else. The least he would do is see her even if it was only for a few minutes. However, she couldn't be certain that he would see her today. In fact, she suspected that he would be busy for the rest of the day, given that today was his official return. She remembered how busy it was when she was by his side. Everyone constantly going to him for approval. Students, the class representatives, the art group, the science club, the teachers and even the principle. As the Ace, Luka controlled the whole school so it made sense that he would be busy.
 ~Three Days Later~
 Alix frowned as she sat in the classroom, next to Kim and Max. Alya was chatting with Nino while Juleka and Rose were acting all loved up. Marinette had her phone out and was texting someone as Adrien smiled and laughed with Chloe. Alix had noticed that he seemed happier, despite been away from Lila. Chloe, Sabrina and Marinette had took it upon themselves to keep him away from her. Earlier, Alya had tried to confront Marinette about been a bully, only to be brutally shot down in true royal style. The real shocker was the words that came from Adrien. He had questioned if been friends with Marinette and Chloe made him a bully too. When Alya tried to argue, he shot her down and told her that it didn't matter what she thought. Alix couldn't help but feel a little proud of him as he stood up to Alya. He had even quit been a model as well. That had an annoying effect as Lila cried all lunch, claiming that Marinette had stolen Adrien away from her but if Adrien was with Lila, why did he look so much happier been away from her? Alix frowned but before she could come to any conclusion, the door to the classroom slammed open and Lila stormed in. She took her seat next to Alya and sniffed to herself, making Alya gravitate towards her.
 "Hey, girl... are you ok?" She asked, gently placing her arm around her shoulders for comfort. Lila sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes. 
 "Oh, Alya... it's awful..." She sniffed dramatically as Nino handed her a tissue. "I just tried to talk to Luka about Marinette's true nature-"
 "Ahem," Sabrina cleared her throat, making everyone look at her before she slammed down a detention slip, causing Lila and Alya to gasp as she walked away.
 "What the hell, Sabrina?" Alya gasped, making the red haired girl look back at her.
 "Miss Rossi had an unauthorized meeting with the Ace. She singled him out to have a 'chat' with him. This chat took up his time and the time of other students, therefore Miss Rossi is to be punished as it states clearly in the rules that you need a card with a value of six or above to gain his audience and as par his instructions, Miss Rossi did not receive a card as and I quote he 'does not care to entertain an audience with a liar'... his words, not mine," Sabrina stated before looking directly at Miss Rossi. "The detention is with Mrs Mendeleiev so I highly suggest you do not skip. She has already been informed that you are to attend and to ignore any argument or suggestion you might try,"
 "B-But I'm not a liar," Lila gasped, tears in her eyes. Alix frowned as Sabrina looked over at her coldly.
 "Maybe you are, maybe you aren't," She stated in a professional manner. "That doesn't change the fact that you met with the Ace without a card and his permission. Now if you excuse me, I have notes to take,"
 She sat down and began talking to the other royals, who looked over at Lila and smirked at her. Marinette in particular was smirking more then the rest, causing Lila to want to strangle her until she noticed the phone in her hand. Lila went to open her mouth but decided to close it as Kim shook his head and mouthed 'leave it'. Alix frowned as Alya moved closer to Lila.
 "So what did you tell him?" Alya asked, wanting to get the scope. 
 "I tried to warn him that Marinette was only using him to get his power," Lila gasped, sniffing again. Alix frowned even more as she listened. "But he didn't believe me. In fact, he threatened me to stay quiet but I just-"
 "My brother would never do that," Juleka suddenly stated, making everyone look at her as Rose nodded in agreement, causing Lila to frown but to Alix's surprise, it wasn't one of fear but one of annoyance, like she wasn't expecting anyone to question her.
 "Yeah, Luka is kind and fair. He may rule the school but he is a kind ruler," Rose piped in but Lila sniffed.
 "But he threatened me..." She gasped. "He's a bully... just like Marinette,"
 "It's one thing saying Marinette is a bully but Luka isn't," Juleka added before lowering her voice. "But even if they are, they're royalty and you can't do anything about it,"
 "What do you mean she can't do anything about it?" Alya gasped, outraged. "We can take this to Mr Damocles and the school board. Once they hear-"
 "They'll do nothing, Alya. Luka practically knows everyone in Paris because of his job. He works part time as a delivery boy for the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, which has some of the most famous clients. He also works with Jagged Stone and the Kids+ studio. You guys have heard of Bob Roth right?" Ivan stated, making everyone look at him.
 "Yeah, wasn't he a music producer who got sued and charged with Thief and Copyright infringement?" Alya asked, frowning. Alix frowned too as she remembered that. "Last I heard his record company went bankrupted as he couldn't get anyone to work with him,"
 "Yeah, that was because he stole one of our songs. Luka sued him for the thief but he dug up every bit of dirt he could on him and used it to destroy him. Bob Roth is currently serving a sentence for Fraud and was sued by six other artists. Seven if you include Luka," Juleka gulped as Lila listened. How the hell did he have the very connections she lied about?! "Luka is a kind soul until you hurt him or someone he loves then he'll destroy you, regardless of who you are,"
 "Surely, he can't be that powerful," Lila stated, making everyone look at her as they frown at her. "And it doesn't change that he threatened me,"
 "But there is nothing you can do about it," Ivan stated, making Lila frown but again, it didn't look like sorrow. It looked like she was annoyed. Alix frowned even more but again before she could think about it, someone knocked on the door.
 "Come in," Miss Bustier called out, causing the door to open. Aurora walked in and smiled brightly at her.
 "Can I borrow Miss Kubdel please? The Ace wishes to see her," She stated, making everyone but the royal flush whisper. Miss Bustier nodded, allowing Alix to get up from her seat and grab her bag. The lesson was nearly over anyway. She walked over to Aurora and followed her out but she didn't miss the glare from Lila as she did. Aurora didn't speak to her as she walked over to the art room and stopped outside of the door. "The Ace is in there. Please be respectful while talking to him,"
 "Of course," Alix replied before opening the door and walking inside. To her surprise, Luka wasn't alone. She had noticed that Nathaniel hadn't been in class earlier but she didn't expect to find him in the art room with Luka, who was playing a song on his guitar as Nathaniel was drawing and Marc was reading out a new script for the latest comic. The three of them stopped when Alix closed the door and cleared her throat. To her surprise, Nathaniel and Marc were glaring daggers at her but Luka put down his guitar and walked over to her. "Ace,"
 "Miss Kubdel," He stated before pulling a chair out and sitting down. She played with her hands as she wasn't sure where to begin. "Miss Kubdel, you were the one who invoked the right of Honor and yet you don't say a thing. You, of all people, should know not to waste my time,"
 "R-right..." She mumbled before looking at him. "I think you should reconsider your royal flush, especially the knave,"
 "Really?" He asked, amused by her boldness. "And why would I do that? And more importantly, who would I replace with whom?"
 "Well... most of your royal flush can't be trusted... obviously, Adrien and Nathaniel are trustworthy but the rest aren't..." She mumbled, feeling small as he continued to walk her. She noticed Marc crushing his pen. "I would suggest replacing Chloe with myself as I have served as your knave before. Marc could be replaced by Nino or Max and Marinette... I would suggest your sister or even Lila... she has a lot of connections and Kagami isn't a good wild card.... Alya would be a good replacement,"
 "You're boldness amuses me," He stated as she licks her lip. "But allow me to explain why those who you have suggested are far from worthy to be by my side. Let's start with Ten... you suggested Nino or Max as a replacement for Marc. Now I chose Marc for his gift and his kind heart. He is a wonderful writer and very talented with words,"
 Marc's face flushed with red at the compliments.
 "And he is extremely compassionate. Nino, on the other hand, is a weak, spineless fool who can't even stand up for him to his control freak of a girlfriend. As for Max, he has no common sense nor real compassion for people. Sure, he has talents but he is not suited to be given a card higher then a four. Anyone who believes a napkin is a threat to their eyes, especially when they wear glasses can only be described as a fool," Luka stated, making Alix frown. "Let's move onto Kagami. Kagami has a strong sense of justice and is skilled with combat. She also had access to resources and certain celebrities. Why would I replace her with Alya, who is nothing more then tabloid trash and a gullible idiot,"
 "Alya has a strong sense of justice and is tr-"
 "No, Alya's sense of justice is warped. She believes that 'revenge' and justice are the same things when they are not. She is pushy and obsessive to the point where she puts herself and in turn, others, in order to get the 'scope'.  She posted Lila's interview, despite the fact that it could have put a target on Lila and her family's back but Alya doesn't care about that. She only cares about the views. She has obsessively bothered Ladybug about her identity, despite Ladybug stating that she can't tell her and she puts targets on people's back. She never fact checks and she is arrogant, refusing to admit when she is wrong. After all, in the name of 'justice', she became the very thing she was trying to fight against. She became a bully," He pointed out, making Alix frown. "Regarding my choice for Jack, I chose Chloe because she's actually trying to be a better person, unlike you. You once held my confidence but that changed the moment you turned on Marinette. You know Marinette would never hurt or threat anyone but you didn't listen to her. The role of the Knave is to protect but you lost that role the moment you began to bully Marinette,"
 "But Marinette was bullying Lila?!"
 "So that makes it ok to become a bully as well?!" He shouted, making her step back in fear. "No, it doesn't and where was your proof? Did you see Marinette steal her designs or push her down the stairs?! Where were her injuries huh? You should have known that no one could fall down the stairs without been hurt and why would Marinette even have her number? Did you even try to compare it to the one in your phone?"
 "N-No..." She mumbled, looking down.
 "You knew Marinette for so much longer then Lila. She is the kindest, most selfless person and you tormented her, along with most of your class because some new girl told you that the girl who you had known for years and who wouldn't even retaliate to the likes of Chloe was a bully. I saw the texts and the bruises. I saw her shatter into pieces and I was the one who picked them up, Alix. That's why I chose her to be my queen. This way I can protect her and let her know she is important. She was always going to be my queen if I decided to return. As for your 'choices', Juleka has become someone I barely recognize. My sister is caring and gentle, not someone who joins in with bullying and as for Rossi, I have no time for a liar,"
 "Lila isn't a liar," Alix argued but Luka didn't try to argue back. Instead, he took out his phone and pressed play.
 "You can't prove it," Lila's voice stated in a manner that made Alix's blood run cold. "People just love hearing what they want to hear. It's not my fault they're too dumb to question my stories. Anyway, it's not like anyone will believe you if you claim that I'm lying. I have everyone wrapped around my little finger and there is nothing you or your stupid royal flush can do about it. This school is mine! Now I was hoping you could come willingly with me. Clearly you're not as smart as you think but since you're not as dumb as the rest of this useless school so I'll give you one more chance. You're either with me or you're against me but mark my words, Ace, if you're against me, I will destroy you. A few well placed bruises, a few tears and some ripped clothes and everyone will think you're the bad guy and I'm the poor innocent victim. So you better what do what I say,"
 Luka stopped the recording and looked up at Alix, who looked like her whole entire world was crushed.
 "Lila tried to confront me, Alix and I knew she would try and spin it to make me the bad guy so I recorded the talk," He stated, making her look at him. "Marinette isn't the bully. She is the victim, along with Adrien and Marc. She's been sexually harassing Adrien for months,"
 "B-But she said he was dating her," She gasped.
 "And how many times did he tell her to stop and she didn't? How many times did he look uncomfortable or told you guys that he wasn't dating her?" Luka asked, making her mind flash back. She saw him push her away from him. She had commented how how cute they were together and he told her they weren't dating but Lila said he couldn't tell anyone. She saw Lila grabbing him arm and him flinching. She covered her mouth as she realized. Luka didn't look at her with sympathy though. His eyes were cold and his expression was harsh. "And how many times did you brush off his concerns or ignore his discomfort?"
 "I didn't know..."
 "No, you didn't want to know. You saw it and you chose to ignore it," He stated, making her frown. "And Marc... you've been friends with him for two years yet you believed Lila over him, despite the fact that he had the original manuscript. You even read it before Lila even mentioned it but No, instead of believing your friend, you helped burn it because Lila cried wolf and claimed he was stealing from her,"
 "Marc stealing someone else's work is ridiculous and you know it," Nathaniel piped in. Tears rolled down her face as she felt to her knees, the truth finally getting through to her. She had betrayed her friends for nothing more then a liar, who had shiny but empty promises. Luka walked in front of her and looked down at her as she sobbed.
 "W-What can I do to make this right?" She gasped, looking up at him. To her surprise, he took out a card and handed it to her. She took it and looked at it. "J-Jack of Diamonds... but you already have a Knave?"
 "You're not the Knave, Alix," He stated, making her frown. "I'm giving you the role of Jass,"
 "T-The Traitor Card?" She gasped, looking at the card before looking up at Luka. "As you wish, my lord,"
 "Good," He stated. "Your instructions are as follow. Act like you still believe Rossi and continue with the act but when you get a chance, sown seeds of doubt about her. You will also report anything she said about me or the others to Sabrina. I will contact you when I need you. I believe it goes unsaid that what you learnt here today stays between us or you will pay a penalty. Understood?"
 "Yes, your highness,"
 ~The Night Before Lila's take down~
 Alix's phone vibrated, making her frown as she picked it up. She saw it was a message from Luka. She had wondered when he would get in contact with her but she had played her part perfectly. She pretended to believe Lila but whispered seeds of doubt in the others' ears. She also reported the rumors and claims she made against Luka and the royal flush. She provided them with a link to Alya's interview as soon as it was released. She unlocked her phone and checked the message.
 From Unknown Number:
The time has come.
Go to the school asap.
I've arranged for it to be unlocked.
You will find your instructions there.
Follow them exactly.
 Alix got up and climbed out of her window before making her way to the school. It didn't take her long to get there. She tried the door and found it unlocked. She slid inside and walked over to the courtyard. To her surprise, Sabrina and Chloe were there with a box. She had been expecting Luka to be there himself but it seemed he chose not to come. She couldn't help but wonder why. Chloe had her arms folded and looked bored while Sabrina was tapping her foot. Alix walked up to them.
 "Jass, excellent timing," Chloe smirked. "Sabrina, bring the little traitor up to date,"
 "Yes, your highness," She smiled before turning to Alix. "The Ace has a plan that he intended to put into action tomorrow but for it to be successful, he requires the help of the Jass. As you know, he has a flare for the dramatic so he has provided you with two spray paints. One red and one black,"
 Alix nodded as she took them from her before checking them. They were good quality spray paints.
 "He wants you to use those on Alya's and Lila's lockers," Sabrina explained before gesturing to the box. Alix looked over and saw it was filled to the brim with the same card. The Ace of Spades. It was different designs as well. Some look handmade and others looked like they were from a normal pack. "The Royal flush have provided you with these. You are to put these in their lockers,"
 She handed her a handful of Ace cards and a list.
 "These are the Aces for the rest of your class. You will place them in the lockers of Nino, Kim, Mylene, Ivan, Max and of course your own locker. Not only will that keep your role as our Jass uncovered but you still must pay the penalty for betraying your friends. Understood?"
 "Yes, Miss Sabrina but what do you want me to spray onto Lila's and Alya's lockers?" She asked. "And what about Rose's and Juleka's?"
 "We've taken a much more personal take for those two," Chloe replied, looking at her nails as Sabrina took out a piece of paper. Alix took it and looked at it. It had a riddle on it, completely with a message and a diagram of the two lockers that explained what he wanted her to do. On the inside of both Lockers, she was to spray paint an ace of spade and write the message. On the outside, she was to spray paint a huge spade across both lockers before writing 'tabloid trash' in red on Alya's locker and 'liar' on Lila's. She put the picture in her rucksack and put it back on her back before taking the box with the cards. She headed into the locker and found the lockers she needed. She opened Lila's first and began to work on that then moved onto Alya's. While she let them dry, she placed the other aces in the rest of the lockers before returning to Alya's locker. She filled it with half of the cards and slammed it close before repeating her action with Lila's. Finally, she completed the task by adding the spade and the writing. She took a step back and nodded before packing the paints away and grabbing the box. She walked outside back to Chloe and Sabrina. 
 "All done," She stated as Sabrina took back the paints. "Gotta ask though. How did you get some many cards?"
 "Nathaniel and Marinette made some, Marc ordered a couple of packs, along with Luka and me, Adrien and Kagami provided the rest," Chloe stated. "Now your job is done. Head home and get some rest. Tomorrow, you have one last role to play. Lila will more then likely try and make out that she's a victim in this. Your job is to make everyone question it. Got it?"
 "Yes, your highness," She bowed, making Chloe smile.
 "Excellent," She smirked. "The Ace will be happy,"
 ~The Next Day~
 Alix had to hide her smirk as she walked into the locker room along with everyone else. Lila was near the door and was pretending to sob. She had been trying to spread a rumor that Luka had threatened her again but hardly anyone believed her. In fact, Alix was certain that only Alya did. Kim and Max had been questioning it, along with Nino and Ivan. Not that they showed it though. Alya rushed over to her, along with the rest of the class but no one else made a move. Alix could feel the rest of the room glaring at all of them. 
 "Hey, are you ok?" Alya asked, gently placing her hand on her shoulder. Lila did a dramatic flinch.
 "Oh, I'm still frightened," She gasped, wiping her eyes. "I'm scare he'll come and threaten me again,"
 "Don't worry. I'll protect you. Come on, let's head to our lockers," Alya smiled, getting a smile of Lila but as soon as they walked over two girls stopped and stared at their lockers in surprise as did everyone else. Everyone instantly began to whisper as both girls stared at their lockers. Alix clenched her fist. It took a lot of willpower not to smirk at her handiwork. Someone had sprayed painted an spade sign across both of them. The words 'tabloid trash' was sprayed in red across Alya's locker, making her growl and the word 'Liar' was sprayed across Lila's in the same paint. Of course, that someone had been herself. She was proud of her work but knowing she still had a role to play, she tried not to let it show. Her heart came to a stop as she saw Lila looking at her but thankfully, she didn't question her. Instead, she began to sob a little as Alya frowned at the vandalism before glaring at Marinette and Chloe. Alix had noticed them and wanted to say hi but again, she couldn't reveal herself. Not yet. Both girls were grabbing their stuff, along with Nathaniel.
 "Should we ask them if they did it?" Mylene suggested but Alya shook her head.
 "No, we'll confront them about it in front of Miss Bustier. That way they'll be forced to tell the truth," She declared as she unlocked her locker but stepped back as a number of cards poured out of them. "What the hell?!"
 She frowned and leaned down as she picked up one of the cards. She turned it over and frowned as she saw it was the ace of spades. She picked another card and turned it over. The Ace of Spades again. Frowning to herself, she turned over several, revealing them to be all the Ace of Spades. Once again, Alix had to resist smirking.
 "A-Alya..." Nino whispered, looking at her with horror before he backed away from her and Lila's lockers as he pointed at them. The two girls looked at where he was pointing and gasped. An ace of spades had been sprayed painted on the insides of their locker doors, along with a riddle. Alya frowned as she looked at it.
 "Kings and Queens can cling to their powers and the Jokers have their call but as you will soon discover, the common one outranks them all. I hope you enjoyed the peace I gave you. It's over now and I'm coming for you both... sighed Ace..." She read out loud as everyone backed away from her and Lila. "What the hell does that mean?"
 "He's given you the ace of spades..." Nino whispered as if someone had died. Alya and Lila looked at him confused as Ivan opened his own locker. He jumped back as a card fell out of his. The class looked at him as he picked it up. Alix moved across to hers. She would have to act surprised to get one as well.
 "Ivan?" Mylene asked as he shook. He looked at them and showed them as Alix unlocked hers and took out the card. "Oh no..."
 "It's just the ace of clubs!" Alya gasped, confused as Lila frowned but the others checked their lockers. Mylene let out a sob as she held another ace of clubs in her hand, Alix shook as she also held an ace of clubs, along with Max, who also got the ace of clubs. Nino and Kim didn't receive the Ace of clubs but instead got the ace of hearts and the ace of diamonds. "What the hell does all this mean? And why did we get the Ace of Spades?!"
 "It means he's coming for us...." Mylene muttered as tears rolled down her face as Ivan held her. Nino clearly his throat.
 "The Ace of clubs means you broke someone's trust, the ace of diamonds means you broke a promise and the ace of hearts means you broke a heart... if anyone gets any of these three aces, it is a warning to change your ways or he will come to punish you..." Nino muttered, making everyone frown deeply. Of course, Alya had no idea what they meant. She wasn't here when he ruled.
 "And the Ace of Spades?" Alya asked. "What does that mean?"
 "It means you've done all three of those things or worst and unlike the others, it is not a warning. It is a promise," Nino frowned, deeply as Alya gave him a confused look. "It's basically a death sentence... but why would he give it to you two?"
 "Because he hates us," Lila gasped, tears rolling down her cheeks. Alix bit her tongue but she knew it was her time to shine so to speak. Chloe's instruction was make them question her claims of been a victim. She knew exactly how to do that. "This is because I rejected him and tried to stand up to Marinette..."
 "Then why hasn't she got an ace?" Alix asked, making everyone look at her. Everyone here, apart from Alya and Lila, knew how Luka worked so she could easily make them question Lila. "Everyone knows he only ever gives the ace of spades to bullies,"
 Lila frowned deeply as people were muttered and beginning to question why she got it. Alix held back a smirk at the look of panic on her face but before either could do any more, Juleka entered the room, looking extremely pissed off and followed by an equally pissed Rose. Her eyes moved across the room looking for something. Lila gulped in fear as Juleka looked fierce. Alix couldn't help but think to herself what Luka had told her before. Hell hath no fury like A Couffaine.  As soon as Juleka's eyes landed on Lila, she stormed over to the girl and slapped her across the face.
 "What the hell, Juleka?!" Alya shouted as everyone else, including Alix was too shocked. Juleka never got violent with anyone.
 "Stay the hell away from my brother!" She screamed, shocking everyone. Alix felt her blood boil. What had Lila done to get such a reaction from Juleka? Is that why Luka had sent Chloe in his place?
 "W-What?" She gasped, fake tears in her eyes but she did seem genuinely surprised by Juleka's reaction. "W-what did I do?"
 "You fucking assaulted him, you bitch!!" Juleka screamed as Rose held her hand. Alix gripped her hand into a fist.
 "How could you?!" Rose gasped, looking betrayed. Alix noticed Lila looking around, panic clear in her eyes. She was obviously trying to think how to get around this, especially since Alya was actually glaring at her. "Because of you and your lies, both me and Juleka were given an ace card each!! I broke my promise because of you and Juleka, she became the very thing she hated and it broke Luka's heart!! How... how could you lie?!"
 "L-Lie?" Lila gasped, panic settling in. "I didn't lie!! H-he... he's the one who lying! He assaulted me and is trying to make me look like the bad guy when I'm the victim!!"
 "Liar!!" Juleka growled, shoving Lila who looked surprised by the sudden attack. "He was absolutely terrified when he came home yesterday!! He told me about how you assaulted and threatened him twice!! Fucking twice, Lila!! He didn't want to tell me about the first time as he was too afraid to do so!! It was only because Mum pushed him to tell us if it had happened before!!"
 "N-no, you've got it all wrong!!" She gasped, tears in her eyes as Rose glared at her. Alix wondered what had occurred. Was Lila really stupid enough to assault Luka? "H-he assaulted me, Juleka. I swear!! I didn't want to say anything because I was scared"
 "Really?!" Juleka growled, not buying a single word. "Then explain to me why the fuck there were fucking claws marks on his arms and on his face as well as bruises marks on his stomach and his shirt was torn?!"
 "It was self defense I swear!" She gasped. "H-he tried to assault me and I hit him in self defense!"
 Juleka and Rose weren't buying it and Alix couldn't blame them. Luka was many things but he would never hurt a woman, even in self defense but it seemed Alya and the others were looking doubtful. Lila smirked when she thought no one was looking but Alix saw it. However, she knew Luka wasn't stupid and she was certain now that Lila had confronted him. However, last time he had recorded her and he was definitely not going to talk to her without a back up plan. Chances are he did the same thing with this 'talk'.
 "He showed us the fucking recording of you threatening to scream rape if he didn't do what you wanted!!" Juleka screamed, making go Lila go pale. Alix wanted to laugh as Juleka confirmed her theory. Of course, he had fucking record it, the smart bastard. Alix smirked a little before morphing her face into a look of horror as Lila quickly looked around. Everyone else looked at her with horror. Almost instantly, she began to cry.
 "H-he faked it to make me look like a bad guy," She cried but Juleka was having none of it. She punched her again. "I swear, Juleka, I didn't assault him!!"
 "You fucking liar!!" She screamed, tears roll down her face. "I can't believe that I actually believed you!!"
 "I'm t-telling the truth!!"
 "Then where's your injuries!?!" Juleka screamed again. "If he assaulted you, why aren't you hurt?!"
 Lila couldn't answer that. Alix knew it and so did Juleka. She gulped as Alix glared at her, along with the others.
 "It... it was Alya's idea!" She gasped, tears in her eyes. Alix almost broke character. Lila had literally just dug her own grave.
 "What?!" Alya screamed. "I didn't tell you to do that!!"
 "Y-you told me to try and prove that Luka wasn't who he claimed to be..." She sniffed.
 "So you tried to accuse him of sexual assault?!" Alya screamed. "And then try to blame me when you get uncovered!!"
 "Not cool, dudette!!" Nino gasped.
 "Nino, Alya is the one in the wrong here!!" Mylene scolded but frowned when Alix snorted.
 "Alya would never do that!! This is Lila's fault!!" Rose gasped, tears in her eyes.
 "No way, Lila was just following her terrible advice!!" Ivan gasped, clearly still believing Lila.
 "I never gave her that advice!! She's lying!!" Alya growled, clearly pissed off.
 "I'm not lying about that, I swear!!" Lila sobbed.
 "You also swore my brother assaulted you!!" Juleka growled, making everyone look at her. Alix saw the perfect chance to make them fully doubt her.
 "Guys!!" She shouted, getting everyone's attention. They all looked at her. "If Lila lied about Luka and Alya's advice, what else did she lie about?!"
 ~After the Take Down~
 "S-She lied about everything..." Mylene gasped as tears rolled down her face. Despite knowing that she had been lying, Alix was shocked at how bad it really had been. What kind of psycho tried to get Ladybug killed or drove people to have mental breakdowns. She felt guilty as they had put Marinette through that but now most of the class was trying to apology to her. Alix was leaning against the wall as Kim gasped for forgiveness while he was on his knees. Nino had taken off his hat and bowed his head low. Rose and Mylene were crying and Ivan was looking guilty. Marinette had her arms crossed but said nothing until Luka walked over. He gently placed his arm around her and led her towards Chloe before the two girls left. He turned to the rest of the class and narrowed his eyes. They all went silence as they waited for him to speak. He looked at Rose, Mylene, Ivan, Kim, Nino and Alix.
 "You all have one more chance. If you step even a toe out of line, I will personally destroy you," He stated, making them gulp. "You will be suspended for three weeks and I expect you to treat Marinette and the rest of my royal flush with the fear and respect they deserve. If I think you have earnt your right, I will grant you a new card. It will not be a court card but it will be a value higher then 6. I also expect you to pay back Marinette every single penny you owe her. Anything she made you, anything food brought from the bakery, anytime you convinced her to be babysit for free. Is that understood?"
 "Y-Yes, your highness," The students whispered, shaking with fear. He dismissed them, expect for Juleka, who was playing with her hands and Alix. Alix felt bad for her. She gulped as he looked at her.
 "Alix, you will face the same penalty as the rest of the class but I want to thank you for your help. However, I revoke the role of Jass for you as it is no longer needed. Like the rest of your class, you will gain a new card but given your current action, you will probably be the first to get yours. Now, you're dismissed. I need to talk to my sister," He stated, turning to Juleka. Alix nodded and left but decided to wait for Juleka. She hid beneath a pillar and looked over. Luka had his arms crossed but he didn't look angry. He looked hurt and disappointed. Juleka looked up at him.
 "Lu, I'm sorry... I-" She started but he held up his hand.
 "I'm not going to lie to you, Jules. I'm extremely disappointed in you," He sighed, making her frown. "You have known Marinette as long as I have. You have seen what she is like with people and how she is. Hell, we both have met Ladybug and we personally know Jagged. And you know how I feel about bullies. You know what it is like to be bullied. Remember Xavier?"
 She flinched at the name.
 "So I'm going to ask you one time and I expect you to answer me honestly. Why did you believe Lila when literally everything you know could tell you she was a liar?"
 "S-She... I...." She gasped, looking down. For a minute, she was silence. She felt tears form in her eyes because when she really thought about it, nothing Lila said made sense. Marinette was like her. She knew what it was like to be bullied. She had put up with Chloe for years and other bullies. Luka had done his best to protect her from the mayor's daughter but she was clever and never went as far as Lila did. Juleka hung her head in shame. "I don't know..."
 "Allow me to enlightened you then," He stated, making her frown. "You believed her because she promised you the world. I know how she offered to get you to meet Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois. I know that she promised to get Kitty Section a record deal and tried to pass the songs you gave her as her own work. What I don't know is why you didn't question her and you followed her like a blind idiot. You became a bully because of her!"
 "I didn't mean to..." She gasped, looking down. "I thought she was telling the truth,"
 "Have I taught you nothing, Juleka? If it sounds too good to be true or it sounds out of character for someone then it probably is,"
 "But... she was so nice..."
 "And so was Dad!" He snapped, making her flinch before he pinched his nose. "You will have the same punishment as the rest of your class. You're also grounded until Mum says otherwise and Kitty Section is disbanded until I say so. I expect you to learn from this, Juleka. I know that you're better then this but you're gonna have to prove it,"
 "I will, Luka..." Juleka muttered. "I promise,"
 "Good," Luka muttered as Juleka walked away. However, he sighed and leaned against the wall, finally dropping his guard. Alix frowned as she had never seen him look the way he did. He looked hurt and that's when she realized a damage that no one saw and the final straw that caused Luka to destroy Lila the way he did. Sure, Luka had a flare for the dramatic but looking at him now, she realized this had hurt him. Lila hadn't just isolated his best friend and almost destroyed her. She had poisoned the mind of his sister and tore apart his life. In one simple move against Marinette, she had awoke a monster that he had been fighting all his life. Alix stepped out from her hiding, making him look at her with a harsh look. "You better have a damn good reason to be spying on me!"
 "I... I wanted to say I'm sorry..." She muttered, making him frown.
 "You should give your apologies to Marinette,"
 "I know but I also think you deserve one," She stated, making him narrow his eyes. "Lila may have been trying to hurt Marinette but she ended up causing you pain and I never realized it. Your sister became the very thing you hate and your best friend could have been pushed over the edge. God knows what it must of been like for you seeing her broken or watching your sister turning into a monster. I can't even imagine it so I'm sorry. You're right. If it's too good to be true then it probably is... but I've got to ask... what if Lila comes back or gets away with this?"
 "Alix, I promise Lila will never be coming back," He stated before turning on his heel and walking off. She stood there for a second before she smiled and went back to her class. She knew now that Lila would never be back in their lives. After all, the Ace always kept his promises. 
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snezfics-n-shit · 4 years
Whumptober Day 22: Exhaustion
Fandom: Ace Attorney 
Characters: Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright
Notes: Some post-SoJ married!Wrightworth for your troubles. Miles is working late while under the weather, so his loving husband Phoenix is dropping by to take him home. In this house we love draping coats over sleeping, sick workaholics. 
      Miles told him he was fine. Why would Phoenix question that? Earlier in his legal career, sure, the chief prosecutor’s picture could be found next to both ‘workaholic’ and ‘overexertion’ in the dictionary. In his thirties, however? Both Miles and his husband liked to think of themselves to have learned their limits. They had even demonstrated that fact just last week by calling in for a particularly bad hangover after attending Larry’s bachelor party (for his real wedding this time). So why did Phoenix feel a pit in his stomach when he heard Miles coughing while leaving for work early in the morning?
“I’m sure he’s fine.” Phoenix told himself as he fidgeted with a pen cap. He could easily just leave the office right now if he wanted to. The Wright Anything Agency was hardly overflowing with potential clients, unlike how he imagined Apollo’s newly established firm in Khura’in was right now. Even Athena, who had been itching for a case she could take on herself, took no issue in abandoning her post to take Trucy to another college fair. Phoenix wanted to be the one taking her, but after his tearful display of emotion at the last one he attended with her, Trucy thought it would be best to take someone not nearly as attached. 
He considered calling Maya to distract himself and possibly inviting her to grab something to eat. He even thought about calling one of his old clients to catch up. What was Ron DeLite up to these days? The last thing he posted on social media was a picture from his second child’s birthday party last month, which was naturally as abundant with expensive gifts as one would expect. Well, it was more so the last post of Ron’s that Miles had shown him, since Phoenix knew less about social media than even the judge at this point. Was that something to be ashamed of?
Speaking of the judge, Phoenix still wanted to scrub his mind of the image of the court projector accidentally displaying some… less than clothed photos of the judge and his wife in the middle of a trial. Great, now he had two things he needed to take his mind off of. He settled on zoning out in front of the office TV, mindlessly channel-surfing until something interesting came along.
Another Samurai reboot? No thanks. Real Swamp Wives? Intriguing, but not today. City Career Woman Finds Christmas Magic 3? Pass.
His thumb got tired after reaching the channel that seemed to only play reruns of The C-Team, which must have been fate because by the third episode in, Phoenix found himself hooked. If his first introduction to the show wasn’t from a clown’s terribly tedious testimony, he might have found its charm sooner. He was disappointed when, after the sun had set, the channel’s programming block switched to a very long commercial for an air purifier he already owned. This brought his attention back to Miles. He checked his brick of a phone, saddened to see he had missed a text from an hour ago.
“I’ll be home late. Please give Pess her evening treat and tell her what a good girl she is. With love, Miles Edgeworth. <3”
Phoenix cracked a smile at his husband’s inability to leave professionalism at the door when it came to written messages. Of course, he was getting better about it and signed more personal texts with something more affectionate, but the habit was clearly set in stone. He did this even on post-it notes about being out of milk or a reminder to hire someone to mow the lawn.
Phoenix shut off the TV and stood up, ready to combat the weight of worry he had been feeling since this morning by hopping on his bike to reach the prosecutor’s office building. He had his own visitor’s pass and key, just for the chief prosecutor’s office. At first it felt special to have such permissions, but as time went on, it was just a part of his life like grocery shopping or duct taping something until just giving in and having it professionally repaired.
What a sight the office was this evening, too, something Phoenix hoped he would see less of.  Miles was asleep with his head down on his desk, cluttered with crumpled up tissues that never quite made their trip to the nearly full trash bin. He was always a snorer, but his congestion was definitely more apparent here. Dark circles made their home around his eyes, making Phoenix wonder just how much sleep Miles had actually gotten last night. It wasn’t like Phoenix got much sleep either that night, being frequently interrupted by Miles’s sniffling or coughing, despite his husband’s attempts to not be heard.
Phoenix shushed himself as he unbuttoned his coat to use as a makeshift blanket over his sleeping husband. Miles really should have been in bed, but this was about the best Phoenix could realistically get. He could’ve sworn he just saw Miles’s eyes open, so he froze in place hoping Miles would return to his moderately peaceful sleep. 
“Hh’hsshhuh!” Miles sneezed softly enough not to alarm Phoenix, but strongly enough to wake himself up. “Mr. Gavin, I told you I’m quite alright.” He said groggily, still too out of it to notice who was actually in the room with him.
“Guess again.” Phoenix leaned with his palm on the desk, pushing some papers out of the way with his fingers. “You have two more tries.”
“Very funny, love.” Second time’s the charm. Miles sat upright, unwittingly letting the coat fall onto the floor. “Why aren’t you at home?”
“I should be the one asking you that.” Phoenix bent over to pick his coat back up before putting it on, anticipating that he would soon be taking his husband home. “There’s a cozy bed with your name on it.” He felt Miles’s forehead from behind him. “Looks like there’s a two-day minimum, too.”
“I would agree,” Miles muffled a small fit of coughing in his elbow, “but today’s circumstances prevent me from taking your offer, as tempting as it may be.”
“What could possibly be more important than letting yourself rest? We’re not as young and spry as we used to be.” Phoenix said, forgetting he and Miles were only in their 30’s and had a way to go before reminiscing how ‘spry’ they once were.
“Someone who has the office database password thought it would be funny to meddle with important files.” Miles moved his computer mouse to click on one of the files for an example. At a glance, the text looked normal until Phoenix’s eyes reached the middle portion. Unless it was of utmost importance to describe a defendant as someone who is ‘never going to give you up,’ the document was definitely vandalized. “Since the name listed on the edit history is listed as Hugh Jass, and no one is coming forward about it, I need to stay late to clean this up.” His annoyance was apparent as he tugged another tissue from the box beside him. At least after blowing his nose, he seemed to be a little more calm.
“Wait-” Phoenix stifled a laugh, “Hugh Jass?” He snorted before letting the urge to laugh overtake him. Miles, however, was either very clearly unamused or just exhausted; probably both. “I’m so sorry.” Phoenix needed to catch his breath, coughing a few times before he could collect himself.
“I hope you’re not catching this cold as well.” Miles refused to acknowledge the humor found in the name. He closed out the window before shutting down his desk computer, figuring if he kept staring at these vandalized documents, he would be worse off than he already was. 
“No, I just laughed too hard, I swear.” Phoenix pulled Miles’s chair out for him, gesturing for him to stand up. “Ready to go home?”
“Why not?” Miles tilted his head back and raised his hand near his face. “Hu’hrrSSHOOH! HH’SSHHCHOOUH!!” He grabbed a handful of tissues for the road, immediately making use of one. “I’m going to pretend this was all just an awful fever dream.”
“Then let’s get you home to bed and when you’re feeling better, I’m sure the documents will have recovered as well.” Phoenix led his husband by the hand out of the building. Just as they stepped out of the chief prosecutor’s office, he could’ve sworn he heard Miles mumble something, accompanied by something that sounded like a brief chuckle.
“Heh. Hugh Jass.” 
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theinsanecrayonbox · 4 years
Digging your tabletop pride icons! I like the filter effect they have! :-) Do you by any chance have a textpost of the characters and their sexual orientations/gender identities? I recognise some of your characters, but not all of them, and there are pride flags I've never seen before, so I'd like to learn more. :-)
well thank you. it was just a bit of photoshop work.
i do not have a list of that made up yet...so lets do that now lol
let me preface this though with two points.; 1) i am 1 of 2 females who play regularly in my dnd group of 6 (sometimes 7) people, the other is Dixon. so i am usually the only female in the party itself. i have only ever played 2 (and a half) male characters in the 6/7 years i’ve been playing; every other male character i do in my tabletop group arts are story characters, not player characters. i am also 1 of 2 (sometimes 3) people in the group under 40. romance isn’t really a big part of our storytelling...no matter how hard i try to put it back in there ^^; 2) i identify as quoisexual myself, so all my characters have that to some degree in them just because i’m the player and you bleed into your characters that way. i also use goggle as a helpful tool to learn about all the different identities, so my knowledge and interpretation is fallible.
ok so list now;
Paige-Cupioromantic, meaning does not feel attraction, but desires that type of relationship i went with this, because Paige....well...is Paige lol. as one player once said “it feels wrong trying to date her, because she acts so young and innocent” and to be fair, she isn’t really out here looking at people as romantic partners. she wants friends, she loves her friends. also you know, mortal embodiment of an eldritch horror terror, so...
Cizma-Fraysexual, meaning has strong attraction until a relationship is formed and then the attraction fades she’s the opposite of Paige, and this is mostly based on her “relationship” with InkShade honestly; she believes she’s madly in love with him, but he refuses her, so she pursues him more. i think if he gave into hr advances and reciprocated, she’d realized her feelings weren’t what she thought they were. i admit, this one’s new to me so my interpretation could be very wrong, but that’s how i feel it fits Cizma.
Ada-Quoisexual, meaning has trouble distinguishing between romantic and sexual attraction as i said above, my default is this, so if i don’t know a character’s leanings it’s their too (yes jelena is my icon and is this too fyi). BUT in fairness, it suits Ada because of how she was raised; she has very little idea how to properly people here. and she is developing some sort of a relationship with Til. also, her first dice bag was my pride bag with this flag.
Gauzra-Lithoromantic, meaning has desires of attraction, but does not want them reciprocated again, kind of supposed to be in opposite to Ada, and seeing as i still don’t know Gauzra’s personality this could change...but from my interpretation of her right now, this feels right. plus the flag goes with her color scheme.
Rosalba-Demisexual, meaning does not feel attraction until a strong bond is formed at the time i was playing Ro, this was how i identified primarily, but it still suits her i think. if you met Rico after meeting her, you would never know WHY they were a couple, but those two kinda fought against two life times to be together (three if you count the accent into godhood). Ro’s also never been good at getting close to people, but once she did, you’re stuck with her.
K’nessan-Nonbinary, meaning does not identify with a binary gender scale; Marsic, meaning is attracted to masculine qualities ok, ok, *technically* since Ness is a hermaphrodite they should be inter-sexed BUT they do prefer the gender neutral pronouns (followed by the masc; never use “it/that’ or you will die)...and their color scheme matches the flag, so... ^^; i also included in the list the Marsic because Ness does have a preference for male partners
Nemo-Asexual, meaning has no desires for attraction Nemo is nothing but a hero, so that pretty much screamed ace to me...plus it matched her color scheme
Mekala-Aromantic, meaning has no desire for attraction i wasn’t really sure about her, since you know 2 failed campaigns in a row didn’t give her much room to grow, but i could see this working. she’s not really looking for anything, more searching her past. 
Jass-Bisexual, meaning attracted to both males and females Jass is my sabretooth, so my sabretooth headcanons are canon for her lol. we only saw her have a relationship with fantasy!Deadpool in the game she was played, but hey
Tesla-Electio Aroace, meaning has no desire for attraction, whether sexual, romantic, or tertiary  i admit, this one is completely new to me, so my interpretation could be very wrong, but the idea that this is one that is uninterested in any form of attraction suits my viral android very well. again, she has gone on record saying that “the biological imperative for emotions is distractive” (more or less) which is especially funny since she was played in a valentines game where the goal was to let Cupid infect a town with horniness to make babies; Tesla was the only one unaffected and actively trying to stop that. so yeah.
Theo-Pansexual, meaning is attracted to any gender yeah, Theo’s just out there doing and being anything
Sean-Bisexual, meaning attracted to both males and females; he however has a stronger male preference i admit, one reason why Sean is bi and not just gay is for the “half and half” joke...but yeah, he started the game with a boyfriend, he would kill everyone for his boyfriend, he woudl die for his boyfriend.
Vitanya-Gynosexual, meaning attracted to feminine qualities still learning new things as we do this, but since Vita has had little development (but will be getting more) i’m kinda aiming to have her be a bit more into girls...we’ll see how that pans out
Lokaj-Androsexual, meaning attracted to masculine qualities originally i had him as something else, but when i saw that description i liked it better, since he ended up with Arkos and all
Arkos-Transgender, meaning identifies with a different physical gender than the one assigned at birth; Gay, meaning attracted to men going more off the latest version here than my previous one for this. but yeah, he’s just straight up trans here, not intersexed, and his tribe is cool with it. plus being a tribe means not enough money to get magic to physically change anything...but he’s ok with that. in his tribe it’s less what you have and more how to act.
Rikkar-Bisexual, meaning attracted to both males and females mainly because he did have a fiance...even though they weren’t super into the idea, they weren’t against it either...but he’s far more into Ark
Tarn-Lesbian, meaning attracted to women she has been a loud raging lesbian since day one, and nothing will ever change that. not even one continuity having her in a forced, bested in trial by combat, marriage to Starlord basically. she will only go for a dude if he’s a dragon...and he’s gotta be a hot dragon...and even then it win’t lasting dude.
Reyzah-Abrosexual, meaning one’s attraction is constantly changing or fluid Reyzah started as a knock-off tarn honestly and never got to thrive too much. but compared to her siblings, she was always the one learning and trying to figure herself out, so this fits well.
Margus-gay, meaning attracted to men Margus, similarly to his sister, started off as quiet nervous gay, and by the end of the adventure he had himself a doppleganger husband and confidence to boot, so yeah, my baby boy grew up good. admittedly a lot of his self-confidence issues were more from his half-orc heritage, BUT that fed into the “no one would wanna date me cause i suck” mentality. so yeah.
Nikkos-Asexual, meaning feels no desire for attraction he’s Margus’ twins, and was always intended to be some sort of ace. the joke being the Ironbrood kids are a full set; likes girls, likes guys, figuring things out, likes doughnuts. i waffled over making him a more defined type though...but since i’ve only played him for like one session as a background character, i’m not sure where he’s at. so general ace is fine. he loves and supports his siblings, and is best uncle to Margus’ kids anyways, so s’all good.
Jelena-Quoisexual, meaning has trouble distinguishing between romantic and sexual attraction i know i said up in Ada’s that Jelena was this too, but here i am saying it again since she’s my actual icon and not in the reffed to image set. i haven’t played her, so this could change...but i’m very self projecting on her during quarantine to begin with, so yeah she’s quoi until proven otherwise ^^;
so hope you found this informative...and that my information isn’t too terribly off ^^;;;
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dramaqueeenamby · 6 years
Queen {Part 2}
Sooooooo everyone really liked the first part (thank you so much for that!), so here’s a part two. At this point, I don’t know how long this will be. lmaooo
Words: 1.6k
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Taglist: @beautifulbashfulblackqueen @lavitabella87 @idilly  @ashanti-notthesinger @palmsofgranate@maliadestiny @blackpantherimagines @texasbama @profilia @90sinspiredgirl @msincognito67@onyour-right  @janellemonaenae @ilcb7 @SUNFLOWER-HOE @chaneajoyyy @amethyst09 @sarcastic-sunshines @melanisticroyalty @forbeautyandlife @fentybabyy @theresnomoregoodones@missumuch1918  @simplyjaydaa @-harmonytbh @simplyyamberr @sisterwifeudaku @purple-apricots @heyauntieeee @youcantkillamutant @tadjoa @mejustme06 @bugngiz @aieyr @bamakakechick@blackbypurpose @yourwonderbelle @multipersonalitygirl @chefjessypooh @hamato-rue159@blublubleu @elaindeereads @girlie94 @nubian-queen18 @autumn242 @romanticcandle @nubian-queen18 @girl-with-the-pen @headhunchess @afraiddreamingandloving @thatbish27 @almostpurelysmut@blkintrovert @xxthotii @muhhhkrysta @dreamlloudly @k-o-jass @yoyolovesbucky @kileynoelle852@mademoiselleoya  @silentlikethe-g-inlasagna  @bossyboyd03 @royallyprincesslilly @kumkaniudaku@brianabreeze  @bigdaddyashhh @pocoberry @madamslayyy @nyxy97 @imuhhhkrysta@kaykay4454fan @phambili-myking@esther-adri  @bluesaladexpertpsychic @vibranium-soul@yoyolovesbucky @syreanne
Queen (2)
“This is something new- the Casper Slide: part 2.”
You laughed loudly at how those iconic words ignited a damn near stampede as individuals of all ages ambled onto the dance floor.
“What ya’ll sitting down for?” One of your husband’s cousins asked as she noticed you hadn’t made any attempt to move off his lap. Chadwick’s arm around your waist seemed quite comfortable. “You better get on up here and dance.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Unless Chadwick over there done got all hollywood on us.”
Chad smiled and laughed. “Come on, Karen, you know it’s not like that.”
You looked over your shoulder. “Then come on, Mr. Boseman.” He arched a sly brow. “Mrs. Boseman wants to dance.” You pried his protective arm from around you and pulled up the pants of your outfit. As you went to look at your husband, you saw that he was now standing, his hand moving to your hip as the two of your maneuvered your way on the dance floor.
“Over here, Queen.” Kevin waved you over and you laughed at the scowl on Chadwick’s face. Even though he gave his brother his blessing to call you that, it never failed to irritate him to hear someone other than himself using his special nickname for you.
“I’ll get behind you,” Chadwick said with a small smile as he patted your butt. You rolled your eyes. You knew exactly why he wanted to get behind you.
“Alright, we gonna do the basic steps.” DJ Casper prefaced before sending out the instructions that had the whole lot of ya’ll moving to the left, right, and hopping. You and Kevin would giggle amongst yourselves as he maintained this dangerously fierce expression while getting down just as good as everyone else.
You’d give your husband the side eye whenever it came time to “cha cha” because somehow you always ended up backing up into him, his hands briefly gripping your hips and pulling your ass into him before you lightly pushed him away to finish dancing.
He was honestly too much at times.
One dance turned into several as the DJ played all of the classics: Cha Cha Slide, The Electric Slide, The Macarena,  The Wobble, The Bikers Shuffle, and even the newer hits like Juju On That Beat, The Nae Nae, and the Do It Like Me Challenge which you and Chadwick’s nieces slayed.
Of course, when newer songs that didn’t necessarily have a set dance came on, the older individuals started to wane out as the younger generation dominated the floor.
You danced over to your husband, shaking your hips to “In My Feelings” by Drake. “CB, do you love me? Are you riding? Say you’ll never ever leave from beside me, cause I want you, and I’m down for you.” Chad shook his head while neglecting to respond but happily turning you around to allow you to playfully twerk on him.
You really were having a good time, your mind completely off the tense subject brought about by Chadwick’s aunt just yesterday. Then again, you wondered if it was also due to the absolute havoc that your man released upon your body once you two got back to the hotel. Honestly, you sometimes wondered just how you hadn’t ended up pregnant already, your husband always wanting and willing to bend you over.
You and Chadwick were just sitting at a table (well, he was sitting in a chair but you were rightly positioned on his lap) as a group of teenagers attempted to show a couple of the older individuals how to milly rock.
“I’m glad that we came,” you announced, enjoying being so close to him, physically and emotionally. “I’ve missed this. Being around family.”
Sometimes it was tough being so far from home, you and Chadwick living in Los Angeles while the majority of his family was on the east coast and yours down south.
You smiled as he placed a gentle kiss against the back of your neck. “We needed this.”
You smiled wryly. “You needed this, my king.” You giggled, practically visualizing the eye roll and shady look that he was sending your way, but it was true. Your poor husband had been working nonstop ever since you two met three years ago, having been paired up by Vogue for their new Authors on Actors segment.
“A king,” you moaned as he put on the accent, something he rarely did in interviews but always did for you whenever you wanted to hear it. The man really couldn’t say no to you for a lot of things. “-only needs his queen.”
“Babyyyyy, Lebron is already married so that won’t work.”
“You know what,” all traces of the accent disappeared as you laughed after peaking over your shoulder to see him with the biggest scowl.
You could tell that it was nearing time for you two to depart as his hands couldn’t stop exploring your body, his mouth constantly nipping at the side of your neck. Ready to finally give in and say your goodbyes, you rolled your eyes and felt irritation take over at who you saw approaching.
“Hey, Chadwick, baby.” Aunt Celia greeted with her usual fake smile. You started to get up so that he could hug the elder woman but decided against it, pushing your back further into his chest to ensure that he got the hint you weren’t moving.
You could tell that he sensed the shift in your mood. “Hey, Auntie.”  
“You see how that turned out for him,” You muttered as you took a sip of your Arizona Strawberry Lemonade.
Chadwick lightly tapped you, but you offered no visible response.
“Now, did your wife tell you what we were discussing yesterday?” The church usher questioned, taking one of the empty seats on the opposite side of the table.
“It wasn’t a really a discussion,” you quickly interjected. “It was more so you talking at me.”
“Child, don’t be silly.” She waved off your correction which only further aggravated you. “I was simply trying to talk some sense into you.”
“I think I have a full tank, Aunt Celie.”
“Okay,” Chadwick interjected, sensing that you were getting ready to snap. “Someone wanna tell me what’s going on?”
“Well, I was just telling your flippant little wife-”
“-That she needs to stop worrying about writing all these books of hers and start working on giving you some children-” Celie sassed before swinging her neck and starting to fan herself. “Unless what folks are saying is true-”
“And just what are they saying?” Chadwick interrupted, his tone challenging as he tightened his grip around you.
“That she can’t even have kids.” You knew it. You fucking knew it. “Why else would she be so lackadaisical and tight-lipped towards the subject’?”
“Why is this all on me? Maybe it’s Chadwick who’s been the holdup. Maybe we’ve been trying, and it just hasn’t happened yet. Hell, maybe we don’t even want children.” You threw your hands up, completely unwilling to hold your tongue any longer. “The point is is that you’re being very invasive, disrespectful, and hurtful by continuing to badger me over supposedly not being a “good wife.” What goes on between me and my husband is between us. So I’d appreciate it if you and anyone else who has strong opinions about what I’m doing with my uterus would promptly and politely shut the entire fuck up.”
You pushed Chadwick’s arms from around you, stood, and marched off through the crowd of people whilst praying that no one interfered as you desperately tried to find a place of solitude.
“Queen!” Damnit. It was Chadwick. “Baby, wait.”
“I’m fine, Chad.” You lied, wiping at your eyes as you continued to walk. Eventually, quickly too, he caught up with you, his hands resting on your shoulders. “I said that-”
“No, you’re not.” He easily dismissed, never taking his eyes off of you. “Queen, don’t listen to Celie. She’s old, nosy, and thrives off getting under people’s skin.”
“But what if she’s right?” You found yourself whispering as he cupped your neck. “What if I can’t have kids?”
He looked hurt that you could even allow such a question to leave your mouth. “What?”
“Chadwick, with how sexually active we are, how careless we are, don’t you think I should have gotten pregnant by now? I’m not even on birth control.”
You hated that Celia’s words and sentiments were starting to get to you, but you also couldn’t deny the possible validity of her statements.
Not being on birth control while being as sexually active as you and your husband were….it seemed out of the norm, and it was a daunting possibility that you had to consider.
Your husband shook his head. “It just hasn’t happened for us yet.” His fingers rubbed soft motions against your neck as he moved closer to you. “And if for some reason, it doesn’t happen, then that’s okay too.”
“No, it’s not okay.” You boldly disagreed. “I-I want children. We want children.” A beat. “R-right?” You stomach absolutely dropped as your husband darted his eyes, avoiding your burning gaze of approval. Your knees felt weak. “You don’t want children?”
“I didn’t say that,” he quietly defended.
“It’s what you didn’t say,” you pulled away from him after pushing his hands off you. You honestly felt like you were about to have a panic attack at any second. “When the hell did you come to this decision? Because it’s not what we discussed before and shortly after we got married.”
He shut his eyes and looked around as a few people started to enter into the hallway. “Baby, can we talk about this later?”
“What is there to talk about?” You weakly shrugged your shoulders, your tears creating a fog over your eyes. “It seems as though your mind is already made up.”
You wanted to acknowledge the absolutely devastated expression on his face at your words as you yanked your arm away when he went to grab for you. But you couldn’t bother to care too much, your heart aching from this bombshell of a revelation. You didn’t know what, when, or why your husband had apparently changed his mind concerning such an important and monumental matter.
Like you’d said before, you’d both agreed that you wanted children, at least two, no more than four, and you were always looking forward to the day that you could make that happen.
Now, it seemed like such a distant memory and a daunting realization.
This change of heart could be detrimental to your marriage.
This could be the end of your marriage.
Me: Let me write this cute little Chadwick fluff. I need a break from the angst.
*after it’s finished*
Me: .......You dumb bitch.
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International Day of Women and Girls in Science
By: Kelsie Tetreau 
February 11 marks the International Day for Women and Girls in Science, a day that recognizes the critical role women and girls play in science and technology communities. The Royal Alberta Museum is fortunate to have some incredible female scientists on staff. For example, the Earth Sciences team of ten staff includes eight amazing female scientists!
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RAM Earth Sciences Team pointing at all the glass ceilings they’re breaking: Back (L-R) - Matthew Bolton, Chris Jass. Middle (L-R) – Alwynne Beaudoin, Diana Tirlea, Christina Barron-Oritz. Front (L-R)- Amandah van Merlin, Emily Moffat, Katherine Bramble, Melissa Bowerman. Missing: Shauna Coombs
Today, we would love to introduce you to three of them: Melissa Bowerman, Diana Tirlea, and Diane Haughland of the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI). (Note: ABMI is an arms-length, not-for-profit organization that partner with the RAM on research).
What do you do here at RAM?
Melissa Bowerman: I have been leading the Geology Program at the museum for 10 years as the Assistant Curator of Geology.  
Diana Tirlea: I am the Assistant Curator for Quaternary Environments. My roles include maintaining the labs and equipment, providing access to the Seed and Pollen Reference Collection to the public, conducting research using pollen and macrofossils to reconstruct past landscapes and making this accessible to the public through publications, presentations and outreach.
Diane Haughland: As the ABMI Lichen specialist, I do research on lichen ecology, taxonomy, and biodiversity monitoring methods. My team of four wonderful women is responsible for identifying 15,000-25,000 lichens each year collected by the ABMI. I also train field technicians, teach, and supervise graduate students.
What first made you interested in science as a career?
Melissa Bowerman: A museum program! I attended a program at the former Edmonton Space and Science Centre. I believe the program was called the Challenger Program and it let students take on roles in a space flight scenario. It was a remarkable experience that sparked a life-long interest in space and science.
Diana Tirlea: Growing up I enjoyed being outdoors, learning about the different animals and plants I encountered. I was an observer and I saw beauty in the world, tiny and large things. My passion for knowing and learning about my surroundings led me to pursue a science career.
Diane Haughland: I was more of an artsy kid; up until high school, I equated science with anatomy and medicine. As an undergraduate, I discovered botany and ecology, and that metaphorical light bulb went off. Already an avid hiker and camper, they brought extra layers of meaning and joy to my outdoor adventures.  Asking curiosity-driven questions that have conservation implications? I was hooked.
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Diana Tirlea hard at work, both in the ground and in the lab!
What was your education and career path that lead you to your current job?
Melissa Bowerman: I completed an undergraduate degree in Geology at the University of Alberta. I was fortunate to gain abundant field experience early in my career – in places like the Canadian High Arctic, the Canadian Cordillera and Hawaii. I went on to complete a master’s degree investigating the metamorphic history of the Canadian Shield in northern Manitoba. I also spent time working for a mining exploration company on projects in the Northwest Territories and Yukon before landing at the Royal Alberta Museum. This job turned out to be a perfect opportunity for me to combine my love of teaching with my passion for science.
Diana Tirlea: My career path was definitely not straightforward. A big part of my career development was obtaining a broad range of experiences and skills through volunteering, working, taking courses, completing an internship and connecting with people in the science field.
I started my education at MacEwan College intending to complete my pre-veterinarian courses. I decided I preferred animal biology and completed a major in zoology at the University of Alberta. Between my 3rd and 4th year at university, I completed an 8-month internship working on wetlands and plants. After completion of my undergraduate degree, I took a few years off to work as an environmental consultant. I returned to the U of A to complete an MSc in Ecology, where I focused on reconstructing changes in past environments using pollen analysis and pigments. After completing my MSc I worked as a vegetation ecologist until I began working at the Royal Alberta Museum. The skills I have developed through my education, volunteering and work experiences and through the many individuals I have networked with contributed to success I have had at my current position.
Diane Haughland: As an undergraduate, I was determined to be a veterinarian. After job shadowing a vet, discovering ecology, and with the encouragement of professors, I instead pursued science through a Master’s degree. After teaching at a university, I wanted to be better at asking ecological questions, experimental design and statistics so I went back for a doctorate. My PhD was in the science of biodiversity monitoring. While I worked with birds, soil mites, mosses, and plants, it was the lichens that grew on me. I worked hard to grasp their taxonomy and that skill set helped me secure my position, as Lichenologist for the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI).
 What is the coolest thing you have had the opportunity to do in your career?
Melissa Bowerman: The hottest thing I have done in my career is get up close to lava not once, but twice. While watching lava flow in Hawaii, I was surprised to discover lava makes noise - it crackles and pops. Flakes of glass popping off the surface of the lava causes the sound. I was desperate to interact with the lava but the only thing I had in my pack was carrots. I can confirm – carrots burst into flame in lava.
Diana Tirlea: Hmmm, it is hard to pick just one thing. It ranges from “big” cool thinks like coring peatlands, helicopter rides (to study site), and rehabilitating bald eagles, to “small” things like finding preserved seeds from melting glaciers! It is also very awesome to share my research work and experiences with people and meeting interesting and passionate researchers at conferences.
Diane Haughland: Do I have to name just one? I love the travel – to explore ecosystems with other nature nerds, whether it’s in southern Alberta or on another continent is awesome.  To hike, quad or helicopter into sites that few people have seen is humbling, and to see them from a different perspective. For example, I introduced a long-time rancher to the dozens of hidden lichens living literally beneath his feet. I’ve helped discover new species to science, and designed survey methods for province-wide monitoring.  The challenges are never-ending, and that’s really the coolest part of my job.
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Diane Haughland and her lichen-y friends.
Tell me about a time you had an opportunity to share your knowledge and contribution to the scientific community?
Melissa Bowerman: I cherish every opportunity to teach students in the field. Geology is a subject best taught outside and on the rocks. The backdrop of the Rockies makes for a fine classroom.
Diana Tirlea: Recently I presented to a plant study group on how we can use pollen and seeds to reconstruct past landscapes. We discussed different features used to identify pollen and seeds and we examined seeds under a dissecting microscope to look at differences in size, shape and morphology. Following this presentation, two people contacted us to discuss or use the RAM Seed Reference Collection (over 2260 specimens) to identify their samples.
Diane Haughland: I was part of the ‘provocative speaker series’ at a Telus World of Science adults-only event, “Dark Matters: the Science of Sex”, where I compared lichen sexuality to the wonderful variety in human relationships. For communicating with other scientists, publications are critical. They can be a lot of work but science is often advanced through incremental progress – it’s nice to contribute one of those increments.
Do you notice a shift in equality and parity for women in science?
Melissa Bowerman: Most geology classes at the undergraduate level are split evenly between men and women but that balance does not happen as often at advanced career levels. I have witnessed progress in the short span of my career and I hope to see more.    
Diana Tirlea: There seems to be a lot more women in science now; however, there is still a real lack of women represented in executive positions. However, there are many opportunities for women and girls to enter a science career today, including many internships and summer job opportunities for women. In addition, many science careers and organizations support women with families, including stay-at-home opportunities such as preparing scientific reports or editing journal articles.
Diane Haughland: The statistics show that more women are entering science, but the science shows that there are still (often unconscious) biases against women, particularly as they progress in their careers.  Focusing on that can be counterproductive, which is why I’ve learned to focus on the process, skill development and critical thinking. I encourage my students to use all resources available to them to ensure they are confident in their contributions.  We’ve come so far in the last 50 years and I’m optimistic our realized opportunities as women will only increase.
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Melissa Bowerman examining a pumice deposit in Hokkaido, Japan
What is your advice to young girls interested in pursuing a career in science?
Melissa Bowerman: I do not subscribe to the idea of being naturally good at a particular subject. If science is your passion, hard work is the ticket to success.
Diana Tirlea: To help determine your career path, explore your interests through volunteering, working and interviewing people from different organizations. Do not be afraid to change your career path based on your experiences (e.g., volunteering).  Some careers may seem exciting and interesting, but you need to experience them beforehand. For example, I love working with small specimens (e.g., seeds) and microscopes and I can do this for hours. By networking, having many different experiences and connecting with people in your field of interest, you can align your passions and your individuality with your career. This will lead you to personal and professional success!
Diane Haughland: It’s cliché, but do what you love and do it to the best of your ability. Define your own balance. I love my work and I spend more time on it than I’m paid to, but that’s because the work is the reward. Realize you don’t have control over whether you get a certain job, but you do have control over how you spend your precious time.  And take care of yourself, always.
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hammyhamimagines · 7 years
Don’t brag
 Note: Okay. I did it. I wrote actually decent smut??? What. Idk. It took a while. About half of it is smut, so be prepared I guess. My reader inserts are also getting longer, so that’s a thing I gues???
Request: Reader overhears Daveed bragging to the other guys how he’s such a top and she just gives him the silent treatment until they get home then attacks him with kisses and ends up being on top and Daveed is just a moaning mess. If that’s not too much to ask?
Pairing: Daveed x reader
Wordcount: 3098
Warnings: Smut, swearing
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You had gone out to party at Lin’s place with your boyfriend, Daveed. It was nothing crazy, just a cozy ham fam get together with drinks. You had grown pretty close with all of them after first befriending Daveed and later becoming his girlfriend. The original cast saw each other a lot and you were always welcome, as were everyone else related to any of them.
 You had a lot of fun with the cast and Lin’s wife and they had all become like family really quickly. At first, you were very hesitant. Not because they seemed like they would not be likeable, but because you were somewhat of a private person. But, that soon vanished once you actually met them. They all cared about you and they all wanted you the best.
While you were helping Vanessa and Jasmine with the drinks Rafa and Daveed were hanging on the couch.
The subject of Daveed and Rafa’s conversation had somehow fallen on Daveed’s sex life and luckily you were not with them. You were busy bringing drinks around to everyone. But if you had been, Daveed definitely would not be bragging like that.
”No, for real. I’m serious. I’m totally dominant. Y/N is basically butter in my hands.” Daveed bragged.
“Yeah, I am sure you are.” Rafa snorted, not really believing him. He always noticed how much power you had over Daveed. He was actually pretty sure it was the other way around.
“Shut up, Rafa. You don’t know what goes down in my bedroom. I’m just saying, I can make her come just by touching….” He trailed of, as Rafa signaled frantically for him to stop. It was too late, as you had just come up behind them and had practically heard everything your boyfriend just said.
“Hey Rafa. Want a beer?” You asked sweetly, ignoring Daveed. You were somewhat pissed about him sharing your sex life, but you also wanted to knock him off his high horse and you were already making plans on how to do so. Starting by giving him the silent treatment until you got home was your first move, then you would have to figure out what to do once you got there.
“Y/N. Sure.” He gulped, obviously worried that you were pissed at him. But, you were not. This was not his fault after all. You handed him one of green bottle with a soft smile.
“Uhm. Can I have one too, babe?” Daveed asked, treading lightly. He obviously knew that you were not too happy with him right now.
You simply ignored him and walked off to hang with Jasmine and Anthony instead, because they were always great at giving you advice no matter what it was about. You were actually sort of embarrassed that Daveed was telling people about what happened in your bedroom. If he told Rafa that, who else has he talked to about it?
You sat down with them and with a soft groan you buried your head in your hands. You wanted to give your boyfriend some kind of payback. But how?
“What’s going on, Y/N?” Jasmine asked worriedly as you seemed to have lost your previous happy spark that you had had all night.
“D just told Rafa about our sexlife.” You admitted.
Anthony could not help the chuckle that left his lips and Jasmine had to nudge him away from the two of you so you could talk somewhat privately. “And that’s a problem?” She just wanted to confirm if that was really the problem.
“Well, no. Yes. I don’t know Jass… Not normally. I guess? It’s just he bragged so much and I just want to give him some payback....” Your trailed of, not knowing what else to say. You were not even sure what you wanted to do.
“Well, what did he say Y/N?” She asked with an arched eyebrow.
A giggle slipped through your lips at that. “He told Rafa that he was so dominant and such a top.” You told her while laughing. It was not exactly true. Not all the time anyway.
“What? Seriously?” She laughed too and shook her head shortly. “So, from what you’ve told me that definitely isn’t true.” She added with a grin. It seemed like she was trying to help you piece together a plan.
“Yeah. It’s sort of ridiculous. I mean…. It’s right most of the times. But, he literally said that he could make me come just by touching me.” You laughed again. It was actually sort of ironic.
“Well, I totally agree. You gotta give him some payback Y/N.” She grinned. It was one of her mischievous ‘I know what we are going to do’- grins.
“Spit it out, Jass.” You said with a grin. You definitely wanted to know what she had in mind. She was so much better at this than you were. At least, you thought so.
“Well… First off, do you have anything in mind?” She asked. It felt like you were planning some kind of crazy revenge, and in a way, you were.
“Well. I sorta wanted to give him the silent treatment, you know. Until we got back home. But other than that, I am kind of clueless.” You admitted. You wanted to show him that he definitely was not as much of a top as he would like to think.
“You gotta fuck him, Y/N. You just have to. Just give him that silent treatment of yours for the rest of the night. And make him want you so bad. I don’t know how, but I’m sure you do. Then, when you get back home take charge and show him that you won’t take his bullshit.” She explained with a grin.
“Yeah, I love it Jass.” You agreed and high fived your friend. He was definitely going to get some payback and it would definitely be a lot of fun.
 After what seemed like ages, the party was finally starting to come to an end. You had tried really hard to be cool about this, but you were actually sort of nervous. Though, you quickly got into it and you had managed to turn him on pretty quickly and he was basically begging you to go home a couple of times. Still, you had simply ignored him and kept talking to whoever was around. At first, it was Jass, then you talked to Lin, Chris. You managed to go through a lot of conversations while ignoring your boyfriend. It was a lot of fun to watch how impatient he grew.
You had stuck around, helping Lin and Vanessa with cleaning. It was not too bad, as everyone had taken out their bottles and stuff before they left. The only thing left was to clean the kitchen. You took it slowly, just to drag everything out.
“Y/N. Can we please leave now?” Daveed begged while you finished of the last vine glasses. You still had no intention of answering him. Vanessa had luckily been let in on your plan, so she quickly helped you out.
“Jesus, Daveed. You are so impatient. We’re done in a minute.” She said with a gentle chuckle and you looked at her with a thankful smirk. She had just saved your ass from breaking your own plan. You were honestly starting to get a bit annoyed with all the begging. It was his own fault, honestly.
After finishing off the rest of the kitchen as slowly as possible, you hugged Vanessa and Lin goodbye before the two of you walked home in silence. He obviously had no idea why you were ignoring him, but he still kept his mouth shut because his brain was working hard on figuring out what the hell he had done wrong.
Once you made it back to your apartment, you locked the two of you in and started taking off your shoes and jacket without a word.
“Y/N. Seriously, why the fuck are you angry man?” He had obviously given up on trying to figure it out and was getting a tiny bit annoyed.
You were unable to help the small smirk that crawled onto your lips. He was obviously frustrated. “Strip.” You simply answered as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“What?” He asked with a stifled chuckle, he really thought that he heard wrong.
“You heard me, D. Strip.” You stated firmly. You were not going to give in to the temptation of having him on top of you. This was your chance to show him that he was not as much a top as he would like to be.
He hesitantly started by taking of his shirt, sort of unsure as to what was going on at first. He shrugged his shirt of his shoulders and let it fall onto the floor behind him. When he stopped afterwards, an annoyed groan escaped your lips.
“Really? Are you dumb or something?” You deadpanned, though you were cracking up inside. He was so clueless. “Pants.” You commanded. “Or do you need help with that?” You arched an eyebrow teasingly.
“Y/N… Wh---“
“Pants.” You cut him off. You bit your bottom lip lightly as he started to remove his pants. He was definitely starting to get what all of this was all about and both his pants and boxers came off in a matter of seconds.
He started to step towards you, but you held your hand up, stopping him in his track. “Bedroom.” You simply said and he obliged, leading the way to your bedroom.
Once inside, you gently pushed him onto the bed, letting him land on his back. You started by removing all of your clothes slowly, except for your underwear while he looked up at you with wide eyes. You had no plan of giving in and creating some sort of boundary between the two of you was probably the easiest way to do so and that was probably why you decided to keep your underwear on.
You looked down at him for a second. He was already hard for you and it made you grin. “Who has control over who, huh?” You teased and simply owned an annoyed groan from him.
“Really is this what this is ab.-“ He cut himself off with a moan as your slightly cold hand wrapped around him.  
“Sorry, you were saying?” You asked, as your hand started to move around him at an almost painfully slow pace. The question simply earned you a grunt from your Daveed.
You quickly noticed that he was starting to grow impatient, and you were confirmed in this just seconds later by his words. “Stop teasing me, Y/N.” He growled.
“Only if you shut up.” You answered innocently. He definitely did not like having you in control, mostly because you spend more time teasing him than pleasing him.
He obliged and kept his mouth shut, even while you kept torturing him with the slow pace. You could practically see him grow even more and more impatient and when he was finally about to say something again, your hand disappeared from his erection, which caused a whimper escaped his lips. You cut him off again before he could say anything, taking him into your mouth.
“Jesus.. Fuck.” He moaned as he was about to grab a fistful of your hair.
You pulled back with a slight pop and glared up at him. “If you touch me, I will literally leave this bedroom.” You breathed. You were really turned on too, but you still wanted to show him that he was not in charge… Not all the time anyway and definitely not now.
He obliged and as you took him into your mouth again and swallowed around him, his fingers dug into the mattress on each side of him as a row of moans escaped his lips. You looked up at his gorgeous face and immediately made eye contact with his lust blown eyes. You were unable to help the moan that escaped your lips, though it was luckily somewhat oppressed by his erection. You started bobbing your head gently and used your hands as well to give him somewhat of a better experience than usual. You earned a mix of groans, moans and ‘fucks’ from him pretty much every other second.
When you felt him starting to twitch inside your mouth, you pulled away and sat back onto your knees. A breathy whimper escaped his lips at the sudden loss of contact.
“Relax, idiot. I’m not superwoman.” You blurted.
His eyes went straight to your breast as you slowly undid your bra in front of him and let it fall to the bed. You knew that he wanted to reach out and touch you, but you were not going to let him.
“Please, Y/N.” He begged, desperate to feel your soft skin under his fingertips. Though you simply shook your head in return.
You watched him watch you as you got off the bed to take of your panties slowly, letting him take in your naked form for just a second. You quickly returned to the bed though, this time taking a seat on thigs as you waited for him to beg for it.  
You were practically dripping onto his trained legs and you could actually feel his lust for you growing, if that was even possible.
“Fuck. Y/N. I need you. So bad.” He pleaded, as if you did not know already. You needed him too, but you wanted to take this as far as you could.
You took your time with leaning over him to get to the condoms in your bedside table, letting your breast hover just inches from his face. It earned you a growl and you barely managed to retrieve a condom from your bedside table before his hands were on your breast.
You shot back up, pushing his hands away from you. Even if you wanted him to touch you, you could not just let him. You also knew that you should probably get up and leave as you had promised to do if he touched you, but you just did not. “One chance Diggs.” You growled.
You rolled the condom onto him, taking your time with it. You were being a tease and you knew. It was intentional and you tried to suppress the smile that formed on your lips at the next thing he said . “I hate you.” He rasped as you took your time. In his mind, it definitely could not take that long to put on a fucking condom.
Once you finally rolled on the condom without giving him an answer, he was probably ready to feel you around him. However, you were not going to allow that yet. Instead, you leaned over him and started to place gentle bites down his neck. You were driving him insane, but it was definitely going to be worth it.
“Fucking Christ Y/N.” He blurted as you got to his sweet spot, on the side of his neck, just where his jaw stopped and underneath his ear. You smiled lightly against his skin.
“How about you stop telling people about how dominant you are if you are ever going to get anything again, D?” You whispered innocently into his ear and while you gave him just a second to think about it, you bit down on his earlobe softly, earning a somewhat loud moan from him.
“Okay.” Daveed growled. He was growing impatient again and so where you. You wanted him so bad, but you needed to stay focused, even if you sort of just wanted to lose yourself to him as so many times before.
You sat up again and without a warning, you sank onto him, letting a few moans escape your lips. He seemed to have gotten the note about touching you, because even now he did not dare to put his hands on your hips. You actually liked being in control a lot more than you thought. You could make him want you to an extend where he thought he was going to lose his mind.
“Daveed.” You cried as you felt him fill you up.  He groaned in return.
“I know baby.” He husked.
It took a bit of time for you to adjust to his size, but when you did you started to roll your hips slowly, teasing him again. It was almost painfully slow for you too, but you did not want to lose control. Not yet at least.
“I swear. If you don’t stop fucking teasing me, Y/N.” He growled impatiently. Not getting to touch you was one thing, but you teasing him like this was almost painful for both of you.
When he was about to complain even more, you finally gave in and picked up your pace. Your head fell back in utter bliss as you did your best to stifle the moans that were forming in your throat. You did not manage to do so, as it was just too great.
“Y/N…” He moaned softly, as his eyes fell shut. You knew that he was close and honestly, so where you. Obviously not as close as Daveed though, because he came mere seconds after in a mess of groans and moans.
Your thigh muscles were starting to grow sore and tired and when you felt Daveed’s hands on your hips, you did not push him away. You gave in and allowed him to help you reach your peak as well. His fingers gently found their way to your clit and started to massage it roughly. It only took a few seconds for you to finally come, your walls clenching around him. You saw white and felt yourself fall onto his chest as his name slipped through your lips.
After both of you finally came down from your high, a soft chuckle escaped his lips. “That was so fucking hot, Y/N.” He muttered. You smiled against his skin as you pressed a light kiss against his chest.
“I meant what I said, though. Stop telling people about how much of a top you are or I won’t give you anything.” You warned. It was not true, though. Both of you knew that you were unable to keep your hands off him.
He let you catch your breath for a while, before he pushed you into the mattress and hovered you with a devilish grin on his lips. “And I meant what I said about being dominant.” He growled.
You already knew that you were in for quite the night.
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nemossubmarine · 7 years
Knights of the Night Sky 9
After a brief pause our heroes are ready to Poirot this place up!
First place our heroes go is back to Elpidios’ shop, where they locate his notes on the dagger. There’s some etchings on the blade of the dagger, which Jeff recognizes as secret wizard markings, which should give some clue to the nature of the spells. Unfortunately all he can make out is “blood mouth ? people” and “heart gray ? ?”, so it’ll take some decoding.
Since they learn that the dagger might be leaking necrotic magic they decide to follow the trail. From Elpidios’ shop there are two trails, one goes to the city’s harbor and disappears, the other leads to the Half-Lit Candle Inn, where our characters know that Belinda the archeologist was staying.
They try to go in, but get stopped at the door, as the place’s owner informs that there is no animals policy inside.
Jeff can bring “Big Daddy” inside, since it’s a familiar, but Dophina opts to stay outside with Rupert.
Jeff has noticed a symbol of Fharlanghn on the doorside of the inn and asks the innkeeper Millie about it. She says that it just means that the god has been by the inn at some point. Symbols like that are found all across the world.
One of the traditions of the god’s visit is that he tells a tale from his travels to be shared with his followers. Upon request Millie recounts the tale of the bear and the druid. (which is just an old fable reworked)
Kendrick, Lutharin and Jeff order pancakes. Millie brings some to Dophina too.
Outside Dophina takes out her ukulele and tries to earn some money, but a stablehand by the name of Horse-Dave tells her that she probably shouldn’t and then offers her a cup of tea in the stables, which she agrees to.
The others asks Millie if they could do a detect magic spell. Millie consents but only if it’s Kendrick who does it, since he is a knight after all.
Some of the trails lead up and down the stairs, and one goes through the backdoor.
The heroes agree that Jeff should go get Dophina and follow that trail, while Kendrick and Lutharin should talk with the servants.
Jeff goes outside but doesn’t see Dophina. So he makes his voice very loud and shouts for her. Dophina hears it, but she’s in the middle of a cuppa, so she ignores it.
It does cause some people to gather around and a patrolman by the name of Meekins to come ask if he could help.
Kendrick goes to explain the situation since he is a knight, and Meekins and Jeff start looking for Dophina.
Inside Lutharin orders more pancakes.
Dophina talks with horse-Dave about horse butts. She learns that a beautiful pony is owned by some halflings and it’s (at least by Dave’s opinion) a royal pony.
In turn Dophina talks to the horses about how they feel about horse-Dave, since he can’t talk to horses. They agree he’s nice though he has cold-ish hands.
Jeff meanwhile finds a trail of bread crumbs and follows them to the royal gardens, where he finds a halfling and a knight feeding ducks.
The two haven’t seen Dophina, so Jeff tries to fly up and see if he can spot her.
The halfling doesn’t think it’s a good idea since Jeff might get shot, and asks him to come down.
Jeff does, but while he was up there he saw the rock in the sea on which they ended their dream. He wonders if Dophina could be there and goes to check out with the halfling as guide.
Kendrick and Lutharin talk to two of Belinda’s servants: Wellby Shortwick the butler and Hungus Brushhollow, the valet.
Hungus and another servant Ronald were with Belinda when she took the dagger to Elpidios. Hungus was convinced that they were being followed by a person with a flowing skirt/cape and a hat covering their face. He also remembers a male knight who was at the shop before they came, but the description he gives matches about half of the knights.
Ronald is not in for questioning as he has a date.
Patrolman Meekins has found Dophina so she meets up with Kendrick and Lutharin and they go looking for Jeff.
Jeff realizes that the halfling he has been talking to is the Queen’s wife Fidela Hilltopple.
He’s in the middle of this realization when the others find him.
Fidela gives Kendrick a big hug and instructs everyone to call her “mama” or just “Fidela”.
Dophina wants to know if Fidela knows about halfling aristocracy and horses, but she kinda mentions “the woman who died” to which Fidela replies “my daughter you mean?”
She is quite embarrassed by this faux pas so she takes a lift from Lutharin and they go check out the island.
They find imprints on the rock of where Bard had knelt down, and where each of them were standing. On where Lutharin was standing the rock has turned completely white, just like his fingertips.
They each step on their respective footsteps: Lutharin sees the sun shining whole again, and its silent except for voices of people who say some things he can’t make out.
Dophina has a less pleasant experience as she feels the white void overcoming her and pulling her in different directions.
On the shore Kendrick and Jeff talk with Fidela.
They learn that Belinda is an heiress to a fortune, and has lost her father only 6 months earlier, after which she has been travelling.
They also learn that the dagger used to kill Alexandra captured her soul into another dimension and such she can’t rest as long as the dagger is missing.
Fidela takes her leave, leaving her knight behind as assistance. We have found out she is called Jass of Violet Hill. Jeff asks whether she knows anyone by the name of Joan. Jass says she doesn’t but says that she doesn’t know much about her father’s Gabriel’s family, so such a person may exist.
Kendrick and Jeff go to the island to check out their footprints.
Jeff feels himself being crushed by the sky and at the same time he is pulled into it. He sees stars falling around him.
Kendrick feels skeleton hands pulling him down, and the voice of the Raven Queen in his head telling “Let dead things stay dead”, though he can’t tell whether it’s a memory or part of the vision.
When they step all at once, they have a feeling of being in different bodies, and all around them there is talk, but a piece is missing; the fifth necklace.
Dophina wants to talk to Jeff without Kendrick being present so they have to tell that him that they don’t want to be carried by him over the water.
Kendrick goes on his own. :((( He chats with Jass about her training while waiting for the others.
Dophina points out that one of the people in Skylar’s list was from Fall Creek, where the dagger originated from. So that’s a suspect.
They meet up and decide they should go check the crime scene next. After lunch of course.
They check the other trail at the Inn, which leads to Belinda’s carriage.
They also contact Mairin.
She tells that the agent in Spring Hope has found the star-person who lives alone on an island.
The repairs at the HQ are going good too.
Our heroes send an agent to get information on the place where Belinda dug up the dagger.
Mairin and Kendrick also have a private conversation.
The real reason they called was to ask Joan about Jass.
It turns out that Gabriel, Jass’ dad, is Joan’s son. Joan and Gabriel’s father separated a bit before she went missing, and when she managed to get in contact again, she found out that the father had told Gabriel that she had died.
She hadn’t made any contact, and says that it would be hard to see the kid of 10 she last seen as a man in his 60′s.
:O The secret is out. And that secret is of course Lutharin’s love for pancakes. But how long can the others distract Kendrick from the fact that one of the paladins might be the murderer? Who dun did it? Maybe we’ll find out, in the next exciting episode!
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birdsongsofpersia · 6 years
Sierra Nevada,
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There was the man who lived high up in the abandoned building with his dogs staring down at me from afar. It was no longer hailing. Cuzditch and Eridine had played songs for him from where they were camping - E with her violin, C with his trombone - which I am still astounded at his ability to drag everywhere with him.
They were young, younger than I’d ever been, and twice I’d invited them to my caravan, to warmth, to food. The first time, Tadrianne - who was staying with me for a week, had been so furious with me that she couldn’t look me in the eyes. We never knew what we were together. There had been many of those moments that week, it didn’t come as a surprise anymore. Every day she had said she’d be leaving and I’d go out to the mountains and wait, and watch. This time the reason was for having others around when we could have been spending time together. She was the one who’d suggested I was a romantic anarchist, and I laughed hard, with my belly, thinking of it. Now she saw it in me, in the flesh, and was furious.
That night, Tadrianne’s storm, C & E shared travel stories while Tadrianne video-called her lover in Greenland. With the guys, we ate pasta and drank a few brews of white tea given to me by Hour in Switzerland a few months ago now. We spoke of the rolling double R that I still cannot conjure up, and how the cold is a feeling that can be chosen or rejected with time, and what it is to cultivate strength. This winter will be the reckoning, high up there.
Tadrianne came with me only once out into them, and almost stormed off the first moments saying that I was too fast. It was true. I was faster than normal. I had nothing to share but for my breaths. For me those breaths were a lot, but were not enough for her. Even my skin had lost its glow those days. More, we had little fire between us, that kind of burning. It cannot be forced - else you burn all, burn out, set aflame the bones that hold up the body. And I know this feeling in reverse, these mirrors have followed me since winter - experiencing all back to front - life showing me the other side. Any kind of judgmental one has becomes putrid.
I could make her laugh, and she always seemed surprised, as if escaping chains inside her body. In her world, with her comforts, we were good together. She had her own apartment of what I could only ever dream. I loved wandering her Berlin with her, as I did  with my Granada. Aye, but Rumi, who won’t leave me alone, breathing into my ear : you abandon kingdoms, because you need more than kingdoms. Ahhh.
I gave to Cuzditch and Eridine with ease. I travelled for lifetimes y hay que volverlo. Más que nada porque sienta bien. En unión con la vida.
The old man with his dogs and his binoculars could see all that when I found them one day, camping on the pasture, reeking of campfire smoke and time without showering. But I had got better since I gently told them in my caravan how it was from the outside. Like anything you carry with you, you get used to it, become oblivious to it. Their stench was strong. But since then they'd taken to bathing in the small stream coming down the mountains.
I’d never lived in the mountains before until now. I give them my weight and they gave me back to my life with calm, delivering me into a little more clarity. Like the isolated seas of the north, where only birds came. And I.
Here it’s the mountain goats. Though I miss large expanses of trees greatly, the wild mountains fill something inside. They communicate little, those goats. But aye, I sometimes I miss this voice, that doesn't just go ‘baaa’, that tells me, Jass, you have to open your eyes more, there is a world beyond what you see.
The mountains, the isolation, the cold, the setting suns to keep those eyes open for. For now, those burning dusks will carry this voice on out to me,
Photo : reading Roberto Bolaño's 2666, right there on a cliff in the mountains, 10 minutes walk from home,
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dramaqueeenamby · 6 years
Queen {part 5} - CB x Reader
Taglist: @beautifulbashfulblackqueen @lavitabella87 @idilly  @ashanti-notthesinger@palmsofgranate@maliadestiny @blackpantherimagines@texasbama @profilia@90sinspiredgirl@msincognito67@onyour-right @janellemonaenae @ilcb7 @SUNFLOWER-HOE@chaneajoyyy@amethyst09 @sarcastic-sunshines @melanisticroyalty@forbeautyandlife@fentybabyy@theresnomoregoodones@missumuch1918 @simplyjaydaa @-harmonytbh@simplyyamberr@sisterwifeudaku @purple-apricots @heyauntieeee @youcantkillamutant@tadjoa@mejustme06@bugngiz @aieyr @bamakakechick@blackbypurpose@yourwonderbelle@multipersonalitygirl@chefjessypooh @hamato-rue159@blublubleu @elaindeereads @girlie94@nubian-queen18@autumn242 @romanticcandle @nubian-queen18 @girl-with-the-pen@headhunchess@afraiddreamingandloving @thatbish27@almostpurelysmut@blkintrovert @xxthotii@muhhhkrysta@dreamlloudly@k-o-jass @yoyolovesbucky @kileynoelle852@mademoiselleoya@silentlikethe-g-inlasagna  @bossyboyd03 @royallyprincesslilly@kumkaniudaku@brianabreeze @bigdaddyashhh@pocoberry@madamslayyy @nyxy97 @imuhhhkrysta@kaykay4454fan @phambili-myking@esther-adri @bluesaladexpertpsychic @vibranium-soul@yoyolovesbucky @syreanne@maverickabull
Words: 3.5K
***Not proofread****
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
April, 2019
[Voiceover by Oprah]
He was a prominent actor known for tackling iconic roles such as James Brown, Jackie Robinson, Marshall, and most recently, the Marvel Superhero, Black Panther.
Clips of Chadwick in 42, Get On Up, Marshall, and Black Panther along with him walking various red carpets.
She, an upcoming author who made history by being the first, youngest, and only African American woman to have two top ten books on the New York Times Bestseller List at the same time.
Clips of you being interviewed on various television networks and at book signings.
He, a Howard graduate with a degree from the prestigious Oxford University.
She, a Stanford graduate with a masters degree from Yale University.
Photos of both you and Chadwick at your separate graduations.
However, two separate worlds would come to collide after a phone call from the editors for Vogue magazine requesting the two prominent black figures to partake in a segment.
A photo of you and Chadwick’s Authors on Actors episode.
A meeting that would forever alter the course of both of their lives.
Camera starts to quickly shuffle the few available photographs of you and Chadwick.
Both notoriously private people, speculation as to whether or not these two are a couple have been raging ever since photos emerged of them eating dinner together in Italy back in August of 2015.
Photo of you hiding your face as Chadwick leads you through a group of men with cameras.
For almost four years, the two have stringently avoided talking about the nature, or even existence, of their relationship.
Photo of you laughing at something as Chadwick holds the door open for you to get into his car.
Until now.
Camera suddenly shows Oprah sitting in her seat, a close up of her face.
“Both Chadwick and Y/N have not only agreed to their first public interview with me, but invited me in their beautiful California home, cameras included, as they reveal bombshells that will absolutely leave you, and the rest of the world, shocked.”
Camera shows you and Chadwick greeting Oprah in your spacious living room as the camera crew adjusts mics and such before starting off the segment.
“Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me and my crew in your beautiful home.” The billionaire started off, shifting in her seat as she crossed one leg over the other.
You smiled cheerfully as Chadwick placed one his arm on the top of the sofa behind you while you dusted invisible lent off your outfit. “Thank you for even wanting to do this with us.”
“It’s not every day you have Oprah Winfrey sitting on your couch, interviewing you.” Chadwick joked with a sly smile.
“Well when my people caught wind that you two were interested in giving an interview, I absolutely knew that I had to try. Because I’ve met both of you prior to this, correct?”
Chadwick nodded. “Yes, it was at the premiere of, The Butler, I think.”
You looked over at Chadwick before wrecking your own brain. “And I-oh! Of course. I was a part of your segment on uprising female authors of color.”
“Yes, yes.,” the billionaire agreed. “It was you, Nicola Yoon, Angie Thomas, and…”
“Sabaa Tahir,” you supplied as Chadwick lightly started to rub your shoulder.
“Yes.” She acknowledged before bending over slightly. “Now, you know I hate abrupt questions, but I can’t help but notice that beautiful set of rings on your finger,” she pointed to Chadwick. “And the band on your hand….are you two engaged?”
You look over at your husband who had a small smirk before dropping your head into your hands and giggling nervously.
“You want me to say it?” He asked, that same calm demeanor of his remaining untouched.
“Oh Lord,” Oprah commented and sat back up in her seat, her hand on the armrest. “Should I be nervous?”
“No,” you finally straightened back up and slowly nodded, hoping that your bundle of nerves wasn’t so apparent. “We are not engaged.” Oprah stayed quiet as she sensed there was more to it. “We’re actually….already married.”
Oprah grabbed the armrest as her eyes widened slightly. “Now wait a minute.” She looked around the room as though she was searching for another camera. “I need a drink.” Chadwick’s loud laugh filled the room. “Did you just say that you two are married?”
You chewed on your bottom lip. “We celebrated our three year anniversary last week.”
The iconic woman suddenly stood from her seat. “I really need that drink.” You and Chadwick were both cackling up a storm as Oprah stood with her hand on her hip. “You’re being completely forthcoming?”
“We got married on April 8th of 2016 in Maui, Hawaii.” Chadwick further explained as you nodded while briefly staring at your lap.
“It was a very small ceremony, a little under 100 people, the majority of them being his family,” you lightly joked, gesturing your thumb in his direction.
“How long did you two even date?” Oprah was still extremely surprised as she returned to her seat and looked at you two with a waiting expression.
“I will say that it wasn’t long,” you admitted. “I mean the first time that we met was for that Vogue segment, and that was what….in March I think? I’m not sure, but regardless, we, well I can’t speak for him, but I was immediately attracted to him-”
“It was mutual,” Chadwick supplied with a quickness that made you laugh. “I was floored when I saw her because I’d heard of her, but I’d never actually seen a picture or anything like that. And then she walks in, this tiny woman-”
“In stature,” you filled in while patting your thighs. “That’s always been the only tiny thing about me.”
Chadwick shrugged with his signature smirk. “I said that it was mutual.” You quietly gasped and slapped his leg before turning to Oprah.
“Fact: He is actually very inappropriate 95% of the time.”
She raised her hands and let out a long breath. “I am honestly still in shock that you two are actually married.” You smiled with a closed mouth. “You know that this is going to break Twitter right?” You and Chadwick laughed. “Especially black twitter. You’ve snagged the Black Panther himself.”
“I have,” you smirked, shaking your shoulders before laughing again and clapping. “No, honestly, this is another reason why we didn’t want to come out, even when we were dating, but especially when we got married. Because once people know, they start to talk, they start to judge, and that’s truly how lies come about.”
Chadwick shook his head. “We wanted to enjoy our relationship, enjoy each other without public scrutiny.”
“Was there ever a point in time where you wanted to just come out and say, ‘yes, were dating or yes, we’re married.”
“Absolutely,” Chadwick answered without hesitation. “Mostly when I have a premiere or an event that I’m attending, but also dates in general because what man doesn’t want to be able to publicly talk about the woman he loves? Girlfriend and especially wife. I think that the Met Gala was really when I started to get fed up.”
“Oh yeah, he was livid as hell because I’d also been invited, to this day I don’t know how or why, but I was.” You laughed lightly.
“That’s right you two did attend,” the both of you nodded. “But you didn’t walk together? Take any pictures together?”
“Nothing. On the red carpet, at least.” A bashful smile fell upon your face. “The party afterward was a different story, which is how those pictures came about-”
Separate photos of you and Chad on the red carpet followed by a candid photo of you sitting on Chadwick’s lap, whispering something in his ear, a small smirk on his face.
“I just realized that your outfits-”
“Yes, we intentionally matched.” You answered for her as both were Versace pieces picked out by Ashley, Chad’s stylist who worked with yours to help create your look. “It was something that absolutely confused the mess out of people because we’re matching, yet we don’t interact at all on the red carpet only to be photographed behind the scenes all….couple’d up, if you will.”
“Rumors started popping up that I was ashamed of her or trying to hide our relationship because it wouldn’t be good for my image.”
“Really?” Oprah was surprised. “That must have been frustrating.”
“Extremely.” He sighed. “There were moments where I just wanted to go on Twitter or Instagram and post photos from our wedding-”
“What was—and I’m so sorry for the sporadic questions—but what was the first song that you danced to?”
You smiled broadly from the memory.“Technically, With You by Tony Terry, but we danced to two songs back to back because he wanted For You by Kenny Lattimore, and I wanted With You, but he really doesn’t know how to say no to me.”
“You see this house don’t you?” Chadwick joked, laughing when you gave him your ‘really, nigga?’ look.
“Which we went half on” you moved forward and craned your neck with attitude. “Mama ain’t raise no fool.”
“That’s not the only thing we went half on,” he murmured as you shot him a look with a raised eyebrow.
“You really wanna do it now?” You asked, mirroring his expression.
“Is there something else?” The billionaire pressed, looking between the husband and wife.
Your head rolled as you pulled your cell phone from between your thighs and dialed the last call. “Mama?”
“Girl, why are you calling me from downstairs?” You rolled your eyes. “You kids are so damn lazy these-”
“Are they up?”
She chuckled. “You know they are.”
You looked over and nodded at Chad. “Okay, we’re coming up.” You heard more grumbling and quickly ending the call, looking over at the woman who inspired you so much as a young black girl.
“Do you mind coming somewhere with us?”
“They can come to,” Chadwick commented, gesturing to the cameramen as she stood up and pulled on his jeans. He then extended his hand to you, helping you get up.
“I don’t know if I should be excited or nervous,” she commented as you made conversations with her, Chadwick holding your hand as you all descended up the stairs.
“This house is so beautiful,” she aww’d as you once again thanked her before finally reaching your destination, Chad walking ahead of ya’ll, prompting you to roll your eyes.
He was so obsessed.
“Oh my god,” Oprah gasped as you stood in the doorway of your nursery. “You two have a baby?’
“Whatchu’ doing up, baby girl?” Chadwick coo’d to your six-week-old daughter, taking her from your mom who was standing in shock that Oprah Winfrey was really a few feet away from her. “You giving grandma a hard time?”
“Two,” you corrected, walking over to the other crib to lift your son. “And he knows good and well, his mini-me over here is the troublemaker.”
“Oh my goodness, you have twins?” She was floored, her mouth ajar. “I really need that drink.”
You giggled and walked over to Chad, slowly rocking your baby boy. “This is Zion Aaron Manyor Boseman.”
“And Zora Ayamba Adana Boseman,” your husband introduced, allowing your daughter—who was two minutes older than her brother—to play with one of his large fingers.
“And my name is Thelma Y/L/N,” you mom interjected with a nervous smile, walking over to the interviewer. “Sis, I watched every single episode of your show and I record Queen Sugar because you know I have to work-”
“Mommyyyyy,” you drew out the ‘y’, switching the position of your son onto your shoulder, catching how Chadwick seemed to be in his own little world with Zora. “You promised that you’d-”
“Girl, don’t you see two grown folks talking?” She waved you off, telling Oprah all about her favorite segments including the man who turned blue and when she had the racists on her famous programming.
You looked over at your husband, finally catching his eye.
“We’re gonna be here a while.”
Q - U - E - E - N • Q - U - E - E - N • Q - U - E - E -
“We’re trending on Twitter and LipstickAlley,” you chuckled, going through the social media sites following the airing of your interview with Oprah a week ago.
You chuckled, reading through some of the replies to one of the four threads that were filled with people expressing shock, anger, surprise, and even doubt.
“I don’t know why you read that stuff,” Chadwick grumbled before continuing to make faces at your daughter just stared up at him with a mixture of confusion and amazement. Sometimes you wondered if he liked her more than you. He was affectionate and loving with both kids, but there was something about his bond with Nora.
He was always holding her, rocking her, talking to her, informing her how he’d kick whatever poor and naive little “negro” who thought himself worthy of her.
You could already tell that she was going to be an absolute daddy’s girl.
“It’s entertaining,” you shrugged, your eyes widening as you smiled slyly from one comment. “Well, if someone has to spend the rest of her days getting dicked down by Big Dick Boseman, I’m glad it’s an educated melanin sister and not Becky or some other light bright.”
“Oh my gosh,” he groaned, shutting his eyes as you closed up Safari and threw your phone on the mattress beside you. “Is that what they call me?”
“Among other things,” you smirked, crawling over and standing behind him, wrapping your arms around him, leaning over to lightly caress your little baby’s face. “You know that she should be sleep right? Zion is.”
“My little man would be up too if you hadn’t made me put his to sleep.”
“He was fussy, Chadwick.”
“He just wanted one of us to hold him.”
“Exactly,” you rolled your eyes. “You’re going to have him and especially her thinking that all they have to do is whine and you’ll come running. No, that I’ll come running since you’ll be-”
“Shhhh,” he hushed you. “I don’t wanna talk about it around her.”
You sighed into his broad back. “Baby, they’re going to notice it when you’re not here.”
Chadwick was set to leave at the end of the month so he could start filming for Black Panther 2 and while you were happy that his career was continuing to excel, the both of you were saddened by the fact that he was going to be away from you and your babies.
You’d gotten pregnant the same night that you tried which was damn near perfect timing because he’d been with you for the entire duration of your pregnancy, all the way from the moment that you got the call from your general practitioner to when you’d given birth.
You tried to listen to your mom who told you to try to be more thankful that he was able to stay with you during the hardest part.
That was debatable.
“You going to sleep on me, mama,” Chadwick remarked as Zora’s eyes started to flutter, her mouth moving all about.
“Give her here,” you moved to get off the bed, standing by him as he looked up. “Baby, you’re going to mess with her sleep schedule. It’s going to be hard on me if she’s up when Zion is sleep and vice versa.”
Your explanation worked as she stood up with a reluctant sigh and placed the softest of kisses against her tiny forehead. “I love you, Zora.” He then handed her over to you as you beamed down at your baby girl, turning and lightly rocking her before heading out of the room, Chadwick right on your heels.
“Time to go night night, mommy.” You whispered, glancing over at your son to see that he was fast asleep. Kissing her cheek, you carefully lowered her into her bed, your index finger stroking her tiny tummy as you leaned over the bed.
“I know you still worry about her,” you spoke quietly as your husband moved behind you, his hands on your hips as he also peered over her. “But she’s okay now, Chad….she’s strong...just like her daddy.”
Even though you gave him a hard time, you also understood why Chadwick extensively coddled her with such an exorbitant amount of attention. You knew that those three minutes after you delivered her that was filled with silence instead of the cried that typically accompanied the entrance of a newborn still haunted him. Your frightened tears as you repeatedly asked everyone in the delivery room why your baby wasn’t crying and what was wrong.
He probably blamed himself. You wouldn't put it past him. He was notorious for misdirecting blame.
He kissed your shoulder. “You carried her, the both of them….if anyone is strong, it is you, Queen. Without a doubt.”
It didn’t bypass you how he avoided commenting on what you said, but it was late so you let it pass, opting to try and lighten the mood.
“I suppose you are right. After all, I did have my poor vagina literally stretched to its limit.”
He chuckled, his large hands moving up and down your sides. “And how is that any different from when we-”
“Finish that sentence, and I will castrate you.” You calmly threatened as he walked over to Zion’s crib to check on him. “He’s going to have big hands.” You noted after going over to join him as he stared at his sleeping son.
“And the problem with that is?’ You rolled your eyes and resisted the urge to kiss your son’s head, not wanting to disturb his slumber, as you exited out the nursery. You expected him to follow suit but instead, his low voice speaking, resulting in you standing outside the door in order to listen.
“Now daddy is gonna have to leave you two for a lil’ while so that means you’re gonna have to look for each other till’ I get back.” You found yourself smiling softly, your side pushed into the wall as your husband spoke to your almost two-month-old twins as though they were able to comprehend what he was saying. “And most importantly, don’t be causing too much trouble for mommy, she’s damn near superwoman, but that doesn’t mean ya’ll can just go acting any kind of way.” Part of you wanted to walk in there and drag him out before he woke them up, but the other part of you wanted to listen to what he had to say. “You guys are so blessed to have Queen for your mommy. She’s so beautiful, so intelligent, so strong, and keep a secret? She’s the reason you two are even here.” You froze, your eyebrows furrowed as you waited for him to continue. “I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to be what I want to be for you both, and then she just….comes in and ceases all doubt, and she is just….just….”
“Astonishing, astounding, surprising, inexplicable,” you listed as you leaned against the door, Chadwick turning around with a bashful smile. “Feel free to join in at any time.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “How long you been standing there?”
You chuckled and walked up to him, your arms going around his neck and his to your waist. “Long enough to know that I am completely, totally, and will forever be in love with you, Mr. Boseman.”
He mirrored your expression and pulled you into him, his lips dropping to your forehead, your eyes closing in contentment. “I love you too, Mrs. Boseman. You will forever be my Queen.”
You took a moment to revel in the bliss that came with being in his embrace before grabbing his hand and leading him out the room. “Come.” A beat. “It’s time for the king to show his queen just how much he loves her.”
First and foremost, thank you so much to @phambili-myking and @sarcastic-sunshines for the wonderul name suggestions as well as everyone else who chimed in. Ultimately, I loved both of your names and decided to mash them up to create the twins! Love ya’ll! 😊😊😊😊
Now, there’s going to be another part after this as I am starting to regret the format in which I chose to write this 😭I hope it’s not too boring what with the interview.
Plus, we gotta see that person again.
Oh, and my brain does not know how to not create backgrounds for characters so the idea of them hiding their relationship has been present for me since the first chapter.....as well as a detailed BG of Queen. *cries*
Okay. It’s almost 4AM, and my brain is fried. I need sleep. I’ll proofread later this morning. 😩😩😩😩
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The RAM reading list – science literature as recommended by RAM staff
By: RAM Staff
In honour of National Science Reading Day (20 September) and Science Literacy Week (18-24 September), we asked our staff of curators, researchers, science enthusiasts, and history buffs to recommend some of their favourite science-themed reads. We hope this list inspires you to find your next great read - enjoy!  
“E=MC2: A Biography of the World’s Most Famous Equation” by David Bodanis
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(This book was recommended by two staff members - so you know it’s good!)
“E=MC2: A Biography of the World’s Most Famous Equation” by David Bodanis is a great book for the non-scientists like me. The author takes each part of the equation (including the equal sign) and provides a historical review of the scientist behind the symbol. Very engaging.
-  Lucie Heins, Assitant Curator, Western Canadian History
Not really science per se, as much history as science; but the history of the science of the component parts of the famous equation.
Fascinating stuff!
Breaks down the component parts and explains where the ideas behind the theories of the independent parts (e.g.: mass). It is done in such a manner that anyone can understand it, as it is not written by a physicist or scientist, rather a more generalist writer, albeit with a (formal) science and economics background.
-  Sean Moir, Collections Manager
Elephant Memories: Thirteen Years in the Life of an Elephant Family by Cynthia Moss
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One book that still resonates with me is “Elephant Memories: Thirteen Years in the Life of an Elephant Family” by Cynthia J. Moss. I read this book shortly after I began working as a natural history interpreter at The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs, SD.  The book helped me develop a much greater appreciation for the remains of the extinct elephants that I walked past every day.  It helped shape my mental image of how mammoths might have lived their lives. It’s not the only reason that elephants and mammoths interest me, but it was definitely an influential piece in shaping my fascination with them.
-  Chris Jass, Curator of Quaternary Palaeontology
Honk, Honk, Goose (Canada Geese Start a Family): April Pulley Sayre
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This is a fantastic read for children to start learning about birds during breeding season. It presents facts about how Canada Geese find their partner, mate and take care of their goslings. It is a fun interpretation, where children are encouraged to make sounds like a father goose protecting its family would for example. It also provides context for children as to why some birds may make noises or chase you away (e.g., have you ever been dive-bombed by an American Robin?) during breeding season. This can help alleviate your child’s fear of birds, as they come to the understanding that they are protecting their partner and family and to stay clear of their nest.
-  Diana Tirlea, Assistant Curator, Quaternary Environments
Next Time You See A Maple Seed: Emily Morgan
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This is a fantastic book, which not only teaches you about a maple seed (a samara) but also engages the readers by getting them to ask questions. Questions like, where does this samara come from? What is a samara? What will happen to the samara once it lands on the ground? It has brilliant images of not only seeds and the plants, but also children interacting with the samaras. It also engages children by asking them to try out some activities and to explore their environment (outside) by looking and asking questions about what they see and find; whether it be big or small.
-  Diana Tirlea, Assistant Curator, Quaternary Environments 
  Only the Cat Saw: Ashley Wolff
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This book is all about observation, which is one of the key elements to new scientific discoveries, part of the development of questions (hypothesis) and record-keeping during research. This book is geared towards young children. It provides lovely two-page illustrations, without text, to see what “only the cat saw”, as the cat adventures out during the evening while the whole family is getting ready for bed and/or sleeping. Many of the elements which “only the cat saw” are nature-based, such as a thunderstorm or an owl catching a mouse. It is a fantastic book, all about observation and discovering what you can see if you pay attention to details!
 -  Diana Tirlea, Assistant Curator, Quaternary Environments
The Science of War: Canadian Scientists and Allied Military Technology” by Donald Avery.  
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While Anthony, our curator of Military and Political History, hasn’t had a chance to read this book yet (it’s on his list), he wanted to, in his words, “put a plugin for the real science… you know… Social Science!”  
-  Anthony Worman, Curator of Military and Political History
RadioLab (Podcast) by  Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich
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While not a book, RadioLab is the perfect way to introduce yourself to the latest in scientific advancements and theories, in an engaging and entertaining way, that in no way reminds you of a high school science class. In fact, it took me a couple of episodes to realize that it’s a “science podcast” at all, so enthralled I was in the topics they selected and their narration and storytelling techniques.  If you prefer a book, you can find a complete list of science-themed literature that has inspired their episodes here: http://radiolabreads.tumblr.com/
- Nathalie Batres, Marketing Officer      
Non-fiction Recommendations by our curator of Quaternary Environments, Dr. Alwynne Beaudoin
Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body. By: Neil Shubin (2008) 
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Palaeontologist Neil Shubin looks at body structures - hands, arms and legs, teeth, structures for smelling, seeing and hearing - and shows how their development is reflected in the fossil record. Elements of the human body plan are ancient and are recorded in some of the earliest fossils with bodies (as opposed to single-celled or multicelled organisms). He starts with the discovery of the Tiktaalik on Ellesmere Island, a fossil of a creature intermediate between fish and early land-living tetrapods. Shubin shows how palaeontology contributes to our understanding of human growth and development. He finishes his survey by examining how some human frailties (such as hernias and hiccups) may have a link to our genetic past, and thereby makes a good case for the continuing value of palaeontology. Shubin packs a good deal of information into a deceptively simple and readable format.
 The Crystal Desert: Summers in Antarctica. Houghton Mifflin Books. By: David G. Campbell (1992)
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This is one of my all-time favourite books. It’s a meditation on fieldwork and science. It won several literary awards, an indication of its fine writing. Campbell focuses on his biological fieldwork on King George Island, one of the South Shetland Islands off the Antarctic Peninsula. He spent three austral summers there. Campbell characterizes this as the 'banana belt' of Antarctica, yet it is still a place where life hangs on a knife-edge. He describes the flora and fauna of the island, and discusses the discovery and use of the island by whalers, hunters, explorers, and, more recently, tourists. He examines the human impact on this remote area, and describes the difficulties of fieldwork and study in such an unforgiving landscape. Campbell sets his studies into the broader context of the human and natural history of one of the most remote and yet wildest places on earth.
The Song of the Dodo. Scribners, New York. By: David Quammen (1996) 
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Quammen is one of the best science writers around. He is a very fine prose stylist and his writing is always a true pleasure to read. In this book, he examines the ideas of island biogeography, starting with the life and career of Alfred Russel Wallace and finishing with modern conservation dilemmas. Along the way, he visits many of the world's major islands, including the Malay Archipelago, the Galapagos, the Hawaiian Islands, Mauritius, Madagascar, and Guam. All of them have vulnerable plants and wildlife. He examines scientific ideas about conservation and the reasons for island endemism. He includes interviews with researchers and accounts by scientists of their findings and presents different sides of the conservation debate.
 Jacquard's Web: How a Hand-loom Led to the Birth of the Information Age. By: James Essinger (2004)
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Computers and information technology permeate modern life and every aspect of scientific endeavour, so it is interesting to trace their development. Essinger starts with the invention of the punched card by Jacquard to speed up silk-weaving in the early 19th century. He continues by tracing the use of punched cards as controllers by Babbage in his design for his analytical engine, and then by Herman Hollerith in his design for a tabulating machine for the 1890 US census. The account moves into the 20th century and the development of the electronic computer, principally by IBM, during and after WWII. The demise of the punch card occurred by 1984, although Essinger points out that it is still used for a few applications. Indeed, I vividly remember using punch cards as a grad student in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper. By: John Allen Paulos (1995) 
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In a series of short pithy essays, Paulos examines some of the numerical and statistical absurdities and assumptions bandied about in newspaper articles. Although the idea of reading a newspaper may seem rather quaint today, the idea of reading news stories is not, and much of what Paulos has to say about critical thinking and numeracy is as relevant today as it was in 1995. Fear not, you don’t need math skills to read and enjoy this book, just a willingness to look carefully at what you read in the media. In an age when “fake news” is a thing, Paulos’ call for numerical literacy is even more important. His take-home message is not to become blinded by the apparent authority of numbers and statistics but to examine what assumptions underpin the way in which information is presented. Good advice for everyone!
Fiction Recommendations by Dr. Alwynne Beaudoin
The Martian. By: Andy Weir (2011) 
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Mark Watney is stranded on Mars after his crewmates leave because of a massive storm and because they think he is dead. Fortunately, he has a sense of humour as well as science smarts, so it’s a pleasure to follow his story through his diary. He has to exert all his science and technical engineering skills to work through many practical challenges, hoping to survive until the next Mars landing four years’ hence. His first problem, extending his food supplies, he tackles by growing potatoes using human waste as a fertilizer. Then he re-establishes communication with Earth by finding Pathfinder (an old Rover module) and getting it working. The NASA scientists, once they realize he's alive, scramble to devise rescue plans and avoid a PR disaster. Here, we see the scientist as hero and contrast lone science (Mark) and team science (NASA). Not only for nerds, this is a terrific read!
We hope you enjoyed the list and be sure to share with us your own favourite science-themed book by tagging us on social media! 
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