#we shall see if theyll actually happen
kngofsoul · 1 year
ever since buddy daddies has ended I haven't looked at the tags bc I don't want to read what people have to say about the show!!! I'll simply live in my cute little bubble where I'm happy and ignorant of the mess
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punmonster · 9 months
Absolutely cannot wait until the day we see even a teeny tiny lil bit if Dante's backstory. Given how there are multiple factions with magic-adjacent tatoos, I wonder if Dante has anything similar, where even a peek of their skin would be enough to know entirely too much about them - like their former identity. Or perhaps it is there to further some part of Dante's development, good or bad. Or simply just make them seem more androgynous as well making it hard to tell their age, both things would help for hiding an identity for an extended period of time.
Additionally, when they first wake up in the forest [I think it was in D corp? Something about the trailer] and as their name on the UI still says 'Me', the place in which the word 'Manager' would soon be instead had three squares, the same ones used to censor anything else they say that we shall not yet know of - like how the word 'Aspect' seems to be replaced by six squares in their first line. This then leads me to two conclusions.
1] The organisation of which they first belonged is either a three letter word or a three letter acronym in a place of high authority, as where one would assume the word 'aspect' to be in the text keeps the same number of boxes as there are letters within the word. As of such, these should be noted if any creep up in any upcoming intervallos or cantos - especially any regarding the Head - but to make a guess, if the theory of them being part of the Head holds true, perhaps they held the role of 'Eye' or similar. The three squares are also later used in the context of a location, so perhaps they worked in a certain sect or office.
Plus there's the line from Lion regarding how what their master has planned technically isn't breaking any taboos of the City - this may then relate to how Dante turning back the clock is technically not breaking the Head's rules on reviving people, namely that it's very illegal. But does this then imply that their master has some affiliation with Limbus company? The three beasts [as I've taken to calling them] make no reaction at the sight of the sinners, so presumably not any of them, and they wear clothes with Iori's theming as well as being told by Vergie to report back to the serpent, which is more evidence in favour of Iori being part of LCs inner workings. Though this does present the question of her hypothetical endgame,but that can wait til another time.
2] I believe Dante's head has a self-censor in some of their thoughts, or at least has some effect on what exactly they think. The info about three and six-squares obviously is important, and presumably why exactly Dante had to get memory-wiped, but as they talk about it before their name reads 'Dante' I do worry about if they even remember it. Will we have any more moments of Dante's nametag going back to 'Me' where they're just an asshat for a bit then remember none of it? Their ability to only talk with the sinners may have also been planned with this in mind, to limit their options of conversational partners to only those they can't ask unwanted questions around, and to at least delay them getting back that information for an unknown purpose.
Those are then again my Dante Rambles and I am feeling a tad sleepy, so I shall be resting for the night. Good day!
perhaps they even hath a birthmark in the shape of a spade on their hip
dantes censoring can also be seen in the observation logs (mostly those written by heathecliff). dante has also started being a bit sneaky and hiding information about how their memory retention works and what lies beyond the mirror doors. personally, i think the censoring is an engrained habit and that if shits bad enough theyll break out of it. from how im interpreting it... maybe its not that they need to actually censor those words. maybe its more show that concealment is a large part of their character.
god so much happened at the start that i don't remember. i was absorbing a lot at the time. yeah it looks like it was D corp, not A corp :p (though they are next to eachother i think)
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aquagustd · 3 years
im still processing that jks got a whole fiancee 🧍well good fckn luck to her!! bc somehow oc and jk may end up together (if not theyll prob kiss like once ig 🙄)
got a huge feeling soras gonna be rlly obnoxious (altho it might be my grudge against her already x)
idk i just feel vry betrayed that jks got a fiancee even tho i knew he wouldnt stay single forever 😩 but i just comfort myself with the fact that its a love triangle au so that must mean jk may break it off w sora later on 🥰 (tryna comfort myself rn)
i cant read the flashback w/o my heart hurting bc i know in the future theyll HATE eo... they were so in love <//3 idk what happened so im blaming jk bc hes toxic af!!
but if im honest.... as of RIGHT NOW!! i think tae would suit oc the most but im waiting jk to open up so i can understand why he decided to be an asshole and ruin ocs life 🔫 🔫
ill be waiting patiently for the next part, im actually obsessed with this series <33
sir/ma’am you are now apart of the anti sora club. i don’t make the rules. lmfao i lost it when you said “they’ll probably kiss once ig” 💀💀 at this point i can’t wait for y’all to meet her
i know lmfao even tho oc has tae but JK HAS A FIANCÉE ??? NAH
yeah 😭 that’s what makes it so heartbreaking. knowing that all their love went down the drain 🥺 & now a kid is caught in the middle.
yeah tae is honestly 🤌🏻 looking good for oc. we shall see how things turn out with jk. tysm for reading <333
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fortunatelylori · 6 years
What prophecies do you think will play out on the show? What will be the outcome and which character will the prophecy be about?
Hey, nonnie!
Hmmm … very interesting question. And a multi-layered one. 
Of course the show will have to pay-off the prophecies it included from the books. Then there are prophecies that were not mentioned in the show but by the nature of revealing the endgame and by being ahead of the books, the show will either pay them off or at least give heavy hints for what they might be in the books. And then there are foreshadowing elements that aren’t really prophecies per se but serve a similar purpose in the narrative. 
So let’s get started. Warning: this will get long. 
Prophecies mentioned in the show
Azor Ahai
Melisandre: After the long summer, the darkness will fall heavy on the world. Stars will bleed. The cold breath of winter will freeze the seas and the Dead shall rise in the North. In the ancient books it’s written that a warrior shall draw a burning sword from the fire and that sword shall be Lightbringer. 
This is very much in play, having been mentioned as recently as season 7 and I believe that by the end of season 8 we will have a definitive answer as to who and what Azor Ahai is. 
I’ve talked about this before in this post. Here is an excerpt: 
I think it’s far more likely that Azor Ahai is not a hero. He’s a villain and the elemental opposite to the Night King.  R'hllor followers herald Azor Ahai’s second coming with such encouraging words as: “ he will bring an eternal summer” which sounds great if you worship fire but in reality an eternal summer is about as bad as an eternal winter. If the WWs unbalance the world by plunging it into night and winter, Azor Ahai is supposed not to bring balance back but to unbalance it in the opposite direction.
Considering the placement of Azor Ahai in complete opposition to the WW and the obsession with fire of the followers of R’hllor, I’d say that the best candidate for this position is one D*enerys Targareyen, which doesn’t sound surprising since many people theorize the same. The twist is that AA was never meant to be a hero but rather an antagonist. @trinuviel has a fantastic series regarding this topic and I would encourage you to read it. She goes into a lot more detail than I am able to provide.
One aspect of this prophecy that is not brought up in the show is Nissa Nissa: 
To fight the darkness, Azor Ahai needed to forge a hero’s sword. He labored for thirty days and thirty nights until it was done. However, when he went to temper it in water, the sword broke. He was not one to give up easily, so he started over.
The second time he took fifty days and fifty nights to make the sword, even better than the first. To temper it this time, he captured a lion and drove the sword into its heart, but once more the steel shattered.
The third time, with a heavy heart, for he knew beforehand what he must do to finish the blade, he worked for a hundred days and nights until it was finished. This time, he called for his wife, Nissa Nissa, and asked her to bare her breast. He drove his sword into her living heart, her soul combining with the steel of the sword, creating Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes.
People have been speculating for years on who might be the Nissa Nissa in the story but because this isn’t mentioned in the show, I’m not really sure this will be paid off. However, considering Melisandre’s obsession with blood magic and human sacrifice, I think there’s a possibility that a candidate will arise. And in my opinion, that would probably be Mel herself. She foretold her own death in season 7 and because of the nature of her arc, the relation to fire, blood and magic I can see her as a willing human sacrifice for the glory of the prophesied hero. 
However, since I don’t think she is interpreting the prophecy of Azor Ahai correctly and that AA is probably not the person that will end the Long Night, I don’t think this human sacrifice in the form of Nissa Nissa 2.0 will have an effect or at least not the desired one. 
In the comments section of the post I linked above, @trinuviel brought forth the idea that the story of Nissa Nissa and Lightbringer is a metaphorical set of instructions on how to forge Valyrian steel. And I have to say that’s a very intriguing idea and one that sounds very plausible to me for several reasons: 
1. Valyrian steel swords are already magical swords and we know they are effective against the WWs. What could a burning sword do that these other swords can’t?
2. The Valyrians were known to practice blood magic and it’s theorized that’s where the source of most of their power came from, including their bond with dragons. 
3. GRRM has purposefully pointed to the mystery surrounding the forging of Valyrian steel in story several times. There must be a pretty big reason why he hasn’t revealed how these swords are forged. 
The Younger More Beautiful Queen
Maggy the Frog: Oh, yes! You’ll be queen … For a time. Then comes another. Younger. More beautiful. To cast you down and take all you hold dear. 
I believe the last time Cersei mentioned her encounter with Maggy the Frog was after Myrcella was killed. So this will be paid off in season 8.
I’ve made the argument in the past that Sansa is the younger, more beautiful queen that will cast Cersei down and take all that she holds dear: 
Sansa has been intimately involved in all of Cersei’s tragedies even though she is not directly responsible. She was the one that carried the poison that killed Jofferey, the war with her brother is the reason why Myrcella was sent to Dorne, Jofferey’s death leads to Tommen becoming king and eventually killing himself. And, by the end of this series, Sansa might end up as queen of the Seven Kingdoms effectively replacing Cersei.
It isn’t that Sansa is directly responsible for what happens to Cersei but that she ends up taking everything from her in a way that no one could have predicted unless you look back at the events. 
There is an aspect of this prophecy that isn’t mentioned but I think will be paid off as well: 
And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.
I honestly have no idea why they chose not to include this in the show since it’s part of the same conversation as the younger, more beautiful queen. They might bring it up in season 8 through another flash-back and I think that they should. Either way, I’m pretty sure we will find out who the valonqar is. 
I’ve made an argument for Jaime because I think it will be a fitting end to their story and because of what Cersei told Ned about her and Jaime back in season 1: 
Cersei: Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We shared a womb. We came into this world together. We belong together. 
And by that logic … they will die together. Or at least one will be the end to the other. 
The Prince that was Promised
Melisandre: You should kneel before your brother. He’s the lord’s chosen. Born amidst salt and smoke. 
This is a dicey one because it’s only brought up by Mel as an interchangeable title for Azor Ahai. 
In the books, however, the PTWP is also brought up in relation to Rhaegar and his prophecy fulfilling quest. When D*ny visits the House of the Undying, she has a vision of her brother holding his infant son, Aegon, by Elia Martell and saying this: 
Rhaegar: Aegon. What better name for a king?
Elia: Will you make a song for him?
Rhaegar: He has a song. He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.
From what we know at this time, Rhaegar never brings up the Azor Ahai prophecy and we don’t know that much about the PTWP. But I tend to think these two aren’t related. 
I believe the PTWP is Jon. His is the only story that is linked to both fire and ice. He is the literal product of the song of ice and fire (the son of a Targareyen and a Stark) and his story is connected to both ice and fire through out. He fights against Ice in the form of the White Walkers and he encounters both the false Azor Ahai (Stannis) and now D*ny, who is the person associated the most with fire in the series. If the Dance of Dragons 2.0 and dark D*ny theories become canon, his song of ice and fire would be his titular role in both these great wars that are about to visit Westeros. He also has “salt and smoke” imagery associated with his death (and subsequent resurrection). 
So I tend to see the PTWP and AA as actually being ultimate adversaries. 
What I’m doubting at the moment is whether or not the show will bother differentiating between these two. I do think that by confirming Dark D*ny and the Dance of Dragons 2.0, they will essentially pay off this prophecy but I’m not sure they’ll signal the distinction. 
That’s about it on the show-included prophecies, I think.
Prophecies not mentioned in the show
The Last Hero
Legends of the north state the last hero and his companions went in search of the children of the forest during the Long Night, thousands of years ago. The only survivor of the company after attacks from giants, wights, and Others, the last hero eventually reached the children and gained their assistance. The Night’s Watch then formed and won the Battle for the Dawn. This ended the generation-long winter and sent the Others into retreat, possibly to the Land of Always Winter. The fate of the last hero is unknown
One could make an argument that this is not a prophecy but rather a story but because the Battle for the Dawn 2.0 is fast approaching, this story/prophecy will most likely be paid off in season 8. 
If anyone is destined to be the hero to save the world from the Long Night that character is Bran Stark and his story is linked to the legend of the Last Hero, who is also identified as Bran the Builder. This connection is not fully established yet but I believe the characters of the Last Hero and Bran the Builder to be one and the same. 
Bran is the Three Eyed Raven, he’s traveled to the Lands of Always Winter and reached the children of the forest. That’s enough evidence for me to assume that his role in season 8 and the defeat of the WWs will pay off the Legend of the Last Hero. Incidentally, Bran the Builder is mentioned in relation to our Bran by Maester Luwin in season 1. 
We might also get a pay off for how the Wall and Winterfell were actually built although I do think part of this story will remain a mystery that will most likely be tackled in the Long Night prequel. 
D*ny’s prophecies in the House of the Undying
… mother of dragons, daughter of death …
… mother of dragons, slayer of lies …
… mother of dragons, bride of fire …
Essentially, I believe all of these will be paid off by the Dark D*ny reveal.
three fires must you light… one for life and one for death and one to love… three mounts must you ride… one to bed and one to dread and one to love… three treasons will you know… once for blood and once for gold and once for love… 
I think it was a huge mistake for the show not to include the 3 treasons prophecy in D*ny’s storyline, particularly since they included Cersei’s Younger More Beautiful Queen one. Because the three treasons prophecy works on D*ny’s psyche much in the same way it does on Cersei’s. 
They both become increasingly paranoid and obsessed with these ominous predictions and are actively on the look-out for potential candidates. 
However I think the pol!jon reveal will resolve the 3rd treason aspect of the prophecy as well as this: 
A blue flower growing from a chink in a wall of ice, filling the air with sweetness.
A great stone beast takes wing from a smoking tower, breathing shadows.
Between the parentage reveal and Political Jon, her lover turned nephew, Jon Snow, will turn from the flower that fills the air with sweetness into the great stone beast that will oppose her.
There’s also a case to be made that the three treasons are actually treasons D*ny commits against other people, as @thelawyerthatwaspromised has detailed on her blog. And by going to war with Jon and potentially turning her back on the fight with the WWs, D*ny would essentially become a betrayer. 
So either way, I think we’ll have a much clearer picture of these prophecies by the end of the show. 
The dragon must have three heads
This is the continuation of the Rhaegar vision D*ny sees in the House of the Undying. 
Rhaegar: He has a song. He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire. There must be one more. The dragon has three heads.
We don’t know much of anything about what this means or how Rhaegar thought it would link to the PTWP prophecy. I wouldn’t have included it, to be honest, if it wasn’t for the Crypts of Winterfell teaser and the staging of Jon/Arya/Sansa as a play on the original three heads of the dragon Aegon/Visenya/Rhaenys. In a previous post I said this: 
The “Dragon must have 3 heads” is generally considered the reason why Rhaegar started his relationship with Lyanna and the main reason why Jon was even born. Details on this prophecy are foggy but the theory goes that at some point Rhaegar became convinced that his three children would be instrumental in saving the world and because Elia Martell was unable to bare another child after her two pregnancies, he went after teenage Lyanna Stark, thus looking to fulfill yet another prophecy: that of the Prince that was Promised whose song is the song of ice and fire.
In trying to fulfill it, Rhaegar named his children after the 3 original Targs that conquered Westeros: Elia gave him an Aegon and a Rhaenys so he went in search of his Visenya. Clearly he failed, because instead of a girl, he got a boy.
However, as GRRM points out through out his story, prophecies are tricky and the more you go out of your way to fulfill them, the more blunders you’re bound to commit. That doesn’t mean there isn’t some value to it but it will most likely come to pass in a way that you did not expect.
It makes you wonder just what the “3 heads of the dragon” might actually be about. Everyone tends to think that this prophecy is linked to the war with the WWs. However, by introducing Sansa into the mix, it changes things a bit …
What if the “Dragon must have 3 heads” prophecy isn’t related to the War of the Dawn at all but rather to the Dance of Dragons 2.0? Because in that war, Sansa would truly be instrumental: by making Jon a Stark, because of her political expertise and her strategic connections all over Westeros. So instead of creating the ultimate Targ team to face off against the apocalypse, Rhaegar not only brought down his father’s dynasty and his own in Robert’s rebellion but also created the circumstances by which, years later, his son would face off against the last scion of House Targareyen and bring about the demise of all living dragons.
While this could simply remain something that will be inferred by the way season 8 plays out, I think there’s a case to be made that we will actually get more insight here via flash-backs of Rhaegar/Lyanna. 
I think it’s also possible that through these flashbacks we will find out more about the situation surrounding the abduction of Lyanna, more insight into the year they spent in the Tower of Joy and even perhaps the name that Rhaegar whispered as he lay dying on the Trident. 
The Lannister gold prophecy
The wealth of the westerlands was matched, in ancient times, with the hunger of the Freehold of Valyria for precious metals, yet there seems no evidence that the dragonlords ever made contact with the lords of the Rock, Casterly or Lannister. Septon Barth speculated on the matter, referring to a Valyrian text that has since been lost, suggesting that the Freehold’s sorcerers foretold that the gold of Casterly Rock would destroy them.
This is a very obscure prophecy and I haven’t seen many people discuss it. The few that I have seen talk about this link it to the Lannister’s long lost Valyrian steel sword, Brightroar. The Valyrians, fearing this prophecy Septon Barth mentions, always refused to sell the Lannisters a sword but they managed to get their hands on one by other means: 
Brightroar came into the possession of the Lannister kings in the century before the Doom of Valyria, and it is said that the weight of gold they paid for it would have been enough to raise an army.
So people speculate that it was the purchasing of this sword that lead up to the Doom of Valyria. However, I don’t really see this as a possibility because GRRM never really plays prophecies this straight. 
However, one thing we do know is going to happen in season 8 is that Cersei will be acquiring the Golden Company, whose banner is simple golden cloth. She will also be paying for it with what can be described as Lannister gold. 
Also since the show didn’t include the Young Griff story line, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the GC is leaded by Jon Connington, one of Rhaegar’s best buddies and also the guy who was in love with him. 
So if let’s say the GC would decide to join Jon’s forces against D*ny during the Dance of Dragons, a case can be made that Lannister Gold did in fact bring about the ultimate doom of Valyria, by killing off its last real member and putting an end to the dragons. 
Then there are a few prophecies that I believe have already been paid off. 
The mummer’s dragon
A cloth dragon sways on poles amidst a cheering crowd.
By essentially removing the Young Griff from the story line completely, I think the show has revealed that this young man is not Aegon Targareyen but a pretender whose lie, and life, D*ny will slay in the books. 
The girl in grey prophecy
I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. Coming here, to you. A girl in grey on a dying horse, I have seen it plain as day. It has not happened yet, but it will.
I think everyone in the Jonsa fandom can agree that the girl in grey is in effect Sansa Stark and she will flee her marriage to Harry Hardyng and join Jon at the wall. 
The show had Sansa fleeing her marriage to Ramsay and reaching the wall where she was reunited with a recently resurrected Jon. She was also wearing grey which is I think the show’s way of linking back to this prophecy in the books. 
The Ghost of High Heart prophecies
In case anyone is not familiar with who the Ghost of High Heart is, she’s a dwarfish, albino woman who was reputed to be a woods witch in the Riverlands. Arya and the brotherhood without banners camp overnight at High Heart, to meet with the ghost to hear her tell the future, and to learn the whereabouts of Beric.
She accurately predicts a few things that have happened in both books and show. In addition, there are also these: 
I dreamt of a man without a face, waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung
In the books, this is Euron hiring a Faceless Man (and potentially paying for his services with a dragon egg) to kill his brother, Balon Greyjoy, the King of the Iron Islands. In the show Euron does the deed himself, on a bridge that swayed and swung. 
I dreamt of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow.
This is generally believed to be about Sansa because of the poisoned hairnet she wears in her hair that eventually kills Jofferey. I’d argue that by ordering the death of Littlefinger in Winterfell (a castle in the North where there’s a lot of snow), the show has paid off the later part of this prophecy. 
She also says this directly to Arya: 
I see you. I see you, wolf child. Blood child. I thought it was the lord who smelled of death … You are cruel to come to my hill, cruel. I gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours. Begone from here, dark heart. Begone!
This could be nothing but the woman noticing Arya’s increasing violence and tendency towards killing but because she mentions Summerhall it’s speculated that she is referring to a future and particularly bloody event Arya will participate in. Assuming that, I would say the show has already paid that off when Arya killed off all the Freys in an act of mass murder. 
This is a bit dubious, though, because of the fact that Lady Stoneheart has been cut from the show. It’s likely that it will be LS that kills off the Freys in the books and the show simply gave that particular plot point to Arya. 
That doesn’t eliminate the possibility that the Ghost of High Heart is potentially referring to a future Summerhall-like event Arya will be involved in and if that is the case I fully expect the show to include it.  
And finally we have what are essentially sayings that are mentioned frequently in the show but because of their implications they act like prophecy in the sense that they foreshadow future events but not in a clear cut way. 
The Long Night
Melisandre: For the night is dark and full of terrors. 
This is pretty self-explanatory. We’ve been told that when the WWs first came 8000 years ago, they brought a night and a winter that lasted a generation. So the WWs are back at it and are going to bring darkness and terror. 
We should start preparing ourselves for at least 3 episodes of almost exclusive night time scenes. This is also supported by the actors saying that they had about 40 days worth of night time shootings which is an incredibly long time for that sort of thing. 
When a Targeryen is born, the Gods flip a coin
This is obviously a saying that came about in reference to the Targeryens being or going mad more often than not. 
However, at this point in the story, we have only two Targeryens left so the duality of a coin flip becomes foreshadowing for Jon and D*ny as foils. 
I wish you good fortunes in the wars to come
This has only been uttered in show by adversaries, first in the Stannis/Mance conversation prior to Mance being burned alive and then in the Ned/Arthur Dane flashback. The third instance is in the Jon/D*ny good-bye scene. I don’t know about anyone else but this indicated to me … Dance of Dragons 2.0. 
Sansa’s red comet prediction
The morning of King Joffrey’s name day dawned bright and windy, with the long tail of the great comet visible through the high scuttling clouds. Sansa was watching it from her tower window when Ser Arys Oakheart arrived to escort her down to the tourney grounds. “What do you think it means?” she asked him.
“Glory to your betrothed,” Ser Arys answered at once. “See how it flames across the sky today on His Grace’s name day, as if the gods themselves had raised a banner in his honor. The smallfolk have named it King Joffrey’s Comet.”
Doubtless that was what they told Joffrey; Sansa was not so sure. “I’ve heard servants calling it the Dragon’s Tail.”
“King Joffrey sits where Aegon the Dragon once sat, in the castle built by his son,” Ser Arys said. “He is the dragon’s heir - and crimson is the color of House Lannister, another sign. This comet is sent to herald Joffrey’s ascent to the throne, I have no doubt. It means that he will triumph over his enemies.”
Yeah, Jofferey wasn’t and he didn’t. If only there was a guy in this story who was the dragon’s heir and whose birth name the show incidentally spoiled as being Aegon. Glory to that guy! And to his queen! 
Suffice it to say I think we will get the pay off from this scene in the form of Jonsa. 
Just a small addendum before I finish: A Song of Ice and Fire is littered with prophecies, prophetic dreams, cryptic messages that can be interpreted to signal future events, etc. I probably missed a lot of them. So if there’s something you want to add here please do. 
Thanks for the ask, nonnie!
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365daysoftododeku · 6 years
20th February 2019
Author: CrzA
We Make Our Own Adventures
Being a pro hero is busy work. Between chasing down villains, saving people in need and the mountains of paperwork resulting from it all, they hardly have any time to live their lives. This is especially true for Izuku, given that even on his days off he still finds a way to either get himself into trouble or try to get someone else out of it. Sometimes both on the same day, if not even in the same hour.
Though, busy as their lives may be, there’s a few moments of quietude in the office, late nights where only a few people stay behind for one reason or another. And when Izuku finds himself in the artificially lit room, alone with only his boyfriend, he can’t help the way his lips quirk upwards as soon as he looks up from the papers and notes this fact. His eyes dart around the empty room one more time before landing on Shouto’s back as he finishes the coffee in his hand and throws the paper cup away, rubbing at his likely sore neck with a small groan.
Slowly, Izuku drops his pen, getting to his feet and stalking towards Shouto, quiet as a mouse. Butterflies flutter in his chest in a way that never really stopped from the moment he felt the spark between them that became the fire sustaining their relationship. Perhaps it’s these little things that feed that flame and make it burn brighter, the fact that no matter how busy, how exhausted they are, they’ll always find these moments to share together, as silly as they may be. In the midst of all the tension and the weight of the world on their shoulders, Izuku likes to find light-heartedness wherever he can.
And right now, he’s been craving something for longer than he cares to admit and the perfect opportunity has just presented itself to him. He knows Shouto is more than strong enough to handle all of his weight even when taken by surprise. Still, as he gets a tiny head start, he calls for his boyfriend, seeing him turn his head just in time for Izuku to hop onto his back, legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders.
Shouto wobbles slightly, his hands coming to support him by the thighs and regaining his balance with a little grunt. Izuku clings to him for just a moment, nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck and leaving a feather-light kiss there, a soft chuckle rumbling in his chest. When Shouto turns to look at him, one snowy eyebrow raised in amusement as he pulls away with a wide grin, Izuku adjusts his position so that he’s more comfortable on Shouto’s back. He straightens up, lifting himself slightly, and points towards the door that leads to the main hall of the office.
“Go forth my loyal steed!” He shouts, not too loud in the otherwise silent room as not to disturb the stillness. Shouto simply shakes his head, not really making any move to carry him anywhere, so Izuku shimmies on his back, nudging him forward. “Onwards! To war!”
There’s hints of a giggle building in his voice, but he manages to keep it down, poking Shouto on his cheek in a not so subtle way of saying ‘indulge me’. Rolling his eyes, his boyfriend lifts him further, bouncing him without warning and nearly starling him down to the floor, though Izuku just holds on tighter to his neck, chin resting on the top of his head with a lilting laugh.
Shouto straightens his posture too, Izuku slipping a little backwards with a yelp, but he’s held by hands hooking behind his knees. Before he actually starts moving, Shouto lets out the most monotone, serious ‘neigh’ and Izuku has to bite back the urge to snicker, failing miserably and starting to shake with the tiny giggles that break through him.
Shouto carries him around the office, coming across the few familiar faces that still linger in the late hours of the night. They offer them sheepish grins and small nods of their heads, continuing forward on some imaginary quest as Izuku relays their supposed encounters with an added flare, as if narrating an epic worthy of being carried through the generations. A knight and his mount, braving the harsh winters and scorching summers as they traverse lands overrun by tyranny and rid small villages of the evils plaguing them.
When they come across a very unamused Katsuki, narrowing his eyes at them, Shouto stops, seeing that he has no intention to move from blocking their path. The blond crosses his arms over his chest, the look of someone who’s ‘too tired for this’ settling on his disgruntled face and Izuku perks up, swinging an invisible sword at him.
“Who dares bar the path of this great knight and his trusted stallion?”
“What are you two nerds doing?”
“There is a threat upon us! I must vanquish this evil-doer before they lay waste to the village! The vilest of monsters quiver before my shadow! Step aside, peasant, or you shall be treated as a traitor to the crown for defending these fiends and face the wrath of my sword!”
With a chortle, Izuku pats Shouto’s head and Katsuki actually snorts, shaking his head with a hint of a smirk dancing on his lips as he moves out of the way with a half-hearted wave.
“Whatever, idiots, I’m going home. Not a peasant, by the way, if anything I’m the damn king of this joint.”
“Ah, certainly, your majesty. Safe travels and may the lord bless you with good weather and plentiful spoils.” Izuku replies with a nod of his head, nudging Shouto to keep walking.
He does another lap around the office, nodding and smiling at whoever they pass until they loop back to Izuku’s desk where Shouto moves to set him down. Yet Izuku keeps holding on, a breathy sigh escaping him as he basks in his boyfriend’s warmth, rubbing his cheek against the other’s. His eyes flutter closed, sleep suddenly coming for him with a vengeance, and the thought that he still has paperwork to finish is honestly very unappealing so he whines lowly in a childish protest. He feels Shouto turn his face, cool lips caressing his cheeks gently.
Izuku melts against Shouto, moving so that he can steal an actual kiss, soft and slow, a scarred hand coming to tangle in red and white locks as he pulls them away from his eyes. They get a little lost in each other’s taste, finding that the last time they kissed feels far too distant even if they’d shared a few chaste ones earlier that day. Izuku nibbles on Shouto’s bottom lip, their mouths parting slightly and granting each other permission to take the kiss further.
The sound of someone clearing their throat startles them back to reality, bursting the bubble that had formed around them suddenly and making Shouto’s grip on Izuku’s legs slacken. Izuku slides from his hold, landing on the hard floors with a loud thud and a grumble much to their company’s amusement.
Ochako steps inside, leaving another stack of papers on Izuku’s desk. There’s another muffled noise as Izuku lets himself fall backwards to fully lie on the ground, covering his face with his arms. Whoever said hero work was nothing but excitement had clearly forgotten about what happens when they’re not out in the field.
“Sorry, Deku. Most of those aren’t urgent, but there’s at least a couple that need to be handed in by tomorrow.”
Izuku nods miserably from his newfound home on the hardwood floors before sitting back up. Shouto crouches beside him, leaving a peck on his forehead then ruffling his hair as he stands to go out.
“I’ll bring you some coffee.”
“Thanks. Love you.” He smiles, exhaustion finally showing on his face.
Shouto returns the gesture, following behind Ochako with a soft “I love you too” as Izuku lazily lifts himself towards his desk and slumps on the chair, the sweet and silly moment gone. It was lovely while it lasted.
His boyfriend returns not long after, steaming hot cup of coffee in his right hand as he cools it to just the perfect temperature Izuku likes. Shouto sits on his desk and Izuku rests his head on his lap with a sigh. And at least he’s here with me for all the others.
Would you like your work to be featured in the 365 Days of TodoDeku Project? Apply here! (≧∇≦)/
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chickenkooks · 6 years
Wow that’s wild that was very different from my friendly giant message BUT… yeah im chaotic and Ready And In Love With You And Everything that U do miss cat!!! My gf my queen Who is gonna collectively kill the whole fandom with Her OFF THE CHARTS CHARACTERISATION AND ACCURATE DEPICTIONS. E2L is my fave trope ever and u executed it perfectly and encompassed all the elements that i love abt it- the tension, the uncertainity, the linger…i.. just… wow! I cant wait to see more!!! 💗💞💗💗 - 🐘
Me as annie… annie are you ok.. Tf No I Am Not when this queen right here is toying with my emotions in the best way! 1 second making me laugh fr 5 minutes straight n then tugging at my heartstrings!! That one part. “Its just you, me and my dick now” “and they say romance is dead” THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER THAT RESURRECTED ME JST LIKE U MANAGE TO DO EVERY SINGLE TIME!! UR ALWAYS GOING OFF MISS YOU DONT HAVE TO DO EVERYONE ELSE LIKE THAT AND EFFORTLESSLY BE THE BEST OUT THERE.- 🐘
IM literally always on my dumb shit and so I am now this bitch right here… she’s a tired bi but not tired of loving U… im a terrible anon bc i literally say the same thing to all ppl that impress And endear me at the same time and i…uh you’re the second victim I jUst wanted to get this out there miss cat id eat sand fr u And ur works.. Id swallow an entire island.. everything.. a lamp… ill glug glug if you wanted me to and if that meant you can find the motivation to do what u love! - 🐘
Im sorry if this shshs came on too strongly im jst really. Glad that i found your blog and you’re such a sweet person! And i jst. Wanted to show you my appreciation. In the Gay Way… Today I felt full of love so I was like… lets check how cat is doing.. and now… nOw.. you are stuck with this mass attack in your inbox… N e Ways i meant it all Im ready to glug that lamp and appreciating cat juice!! 💝💘💗💞💝💗💘💞💝💗💘💞💗 Hope u have a nice day n that this was. Also friendly!!! - 🐘
me reading these messages like:
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GOD THANK U SO MUCH THOUGH this was really inspiring!!!! not like other messages havent inspired me but THIS REALLY MAKES ME PUMPED I SHALL RE-READ THESE OVER N OVER AGAIN UNTIL PT 5 IS OUT!!!!!! im so fucking happy w how many of u have complimented me on how i wrote the enemies to lovers trope!!!!! nothing against other styles AT ALL but its just not how i like it. enemies to lovers (to me) should NOT be finished in one long oneshot. it just doesnt work that way. enemies to lvoers is the sort of thing u have to build up over a fucking novel. the longer u hold it off, the betterrr it is later on. thats why the jungkook and oc hurdle is gonna be very satisfying. they may be fucking but its not EMOTIONALLY satisfying. itll be satisfying for me to see jungkook start caring about her and even in pt 5, if you pay really close attention, you’ll start to see a few seeds being planted that fly right over his fucking head :-))))) hes that idiot who has to be told by other people how he feels about something IM NOT SAYING HE DOES NOW HELL NO IM JUST SAYING SUBCONSCIOUSLY IN A FAR AWAY LAND HE MAY HAVE ONE OR TWO POSITIVE EMOTIONS ABOUT HER RIGHT NOW is that a spoiler??? idk but u guys deserve it for waiting like fucking five months for this part. im so sorry. ANYWAYSSSSSSSS
THE POINT IS IF U DONT READ A TROPE HOW U WANT THEN JUST WRITE IT URSELF LIKE I DID and omg i know i love the humor in tra!!!! not to stroke my own fucking dick but i add humor into everything i write. MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THAT Y’ALL HAVE NOT SEEN YET IS THIS EXCHANGE basically jungkook saying something stupid as usual and the oc being like “this is why the aliens havent contacted us” shes so dramatic i love her lets not even mention the scene of jin having to fish out jungkooks underpants from the swimming pool they fucked in last chapter LMFAO i got a lot of plans
REAL TALK THOUGH PT 5 DOESNT START OUT FUNNY ITS ACTUALLY VERY SAD put urself in the ocs shoes. i know she fucking did this to herself but she really tried so hard for this not to happen and she lost her best friend :-( so shes not coping well at all and jungkook (what an angel) tries to help her in the best way he can. which isnt a lot because we all know him by now but still. BUT WOW IM TALKING SO MUCH I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS STORY
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royal-king-q · 7 years
Last ego standing (random ideas cause i dont know how to write)
warning, a lot of angst and mentions of suicide attempts and a lot of grief
essentially i got the idea from @reverseblackholeofwords of Wilford being the last ego after everyone has faded and the channel isn't going anymore
credit to @oncoming-storm-stole-the-impala for not only helping fuel this but a couple of these they wrote too
sorry they’re sporadic and outta order its in the order we came up with them
-  Wilford trying to kill himself in various ways, but after a little bit he heals and he doesn't want to get back up off the floor but he does. he doesn't know why anymore other than to try again
-Wilford buying any old merch from mark that he can and destroying it in hopes that if they're gone he can go too
-Wilford never leaves the building anymore, he cant bring himself to. He wanders the empty halls but never goes into any of the rooms. sometimes he breaks down crying
- Wilford tries so hard to hack into Mark's old channel, but he was never the best with tech and it gets harder every passing year with technology getting better
- He begins to talk to the computer or whatever the tech is, talking to it as if it's the old ego. He begs it to take the channel down. He tells it "You've upgraded so much." And he cries.When mark dies the channel is archived by YouTube itself. It can't be taken down.
- Wilford tries to keep Bim's plants alive but he's not very good at it and they all die with time anyway and he cries every time he tries to make a garden to keep busy and in memory of Bim but they keep dying very quick and he cant handle it
- Wilford having old videos of the egos that he watches over and over. Film from Bim's shows, recordings of the Jim's channels, Host's podcastshe feels guilty and cries while watching them and it hurts so bad but he doesnt want to forget them either
- YouTube closing as a company, Wilford thinks he's finally gonna fade. but no. YouTube does a thing with some of their best creators over the years before closing, including Mark. It makes it worse, he was on the edge but now people remember him and mark more. sure some remember the other egos, but not enough, no where near it. Wilford is more alive and he hates everything about it. YouTube archives everything and it never truly leaves.Wilford snaps, finally completely gone. He tries to kill Mark, actually kill him.
Two ideas for this
     - Wilford succeeds, Mark is dead. Wilford is beyond gone, he's laughing and sobbing and cant stop stabbing. Eventually when he does he's soaked in blood, when he finally loses the adrenaline he's sobbing holding Mark's body and apologizing, trying to warp reality to bring him back. "It was an accident". It's like losing Bim all over again, he was to weak to stand and Wilford held him close until he was gone. But Wilford doesn't go too, it brings attention. The ex YouTube star turned actor (yes actor cause fuck it) brings more attention, more attention to the channel, to Wilford. He doesn't fade, and now he truly has no one left, he's completely alone, and its his fault.
     - Wilford fails, he cant kill Mark. like any wound wilford does to mark heals quickly, like when Wilf gets hurt. Wilford breaks down sobbing and even though he just tried to kill Mark, mark tries to comfort Wilford but he cant do anything. Mark didnt know what he was doing when he made that one silly video, he didnt know he'd be creating someone to suffer possibly forever, alone. Wilford never really fades, Mark is an actor until really old age when he turns to directing. People always learn of Mark Fischbach and find the old Markiplier channel. Mark passes away , bring attention to him and the old channel, you know the rest
- it's decades of suffering and loneliness until finally, he fades. But more alone than ever, laying curled up on the floor of the old ego building, long condemned and barely standing, the only reason it hasn’t been torn down is Wilford kills anyone who gets to close. he hasnt moved from that spot in months, he has no reason to, Mark is gone, everyone is gone. He feels himself finally going for good, but he cant even be happy. Nothing could make him happy, not even death. when he's gone there's nothing left anymore, no sign he ever existed. the building is torn down, over time Mark is forgotten, his videos outdated and no one alive was around to see them when they were still relevant. it's as if they were never there
- Before Wilford is fully gone, he swears he hears distant voices, the room is bright and warm. He can't see very well, it's very fuzzy and blurry cause over time his eyesight has faded too. He hears familiar commotion and yelling and laughing. He thinks he sees people walking around, they dont seem to see him. Someone in a suit, someone in brown, a few of different colors stand together. He sees someone come over to him, someone familiar and in a suit. It hurts his eyes to look at the other person and he thinks he hears a familiar sound but its hard to tell with his hearing very weak. He looks up and smiles at a familiar face that's smiling warmly down at him. He lets out a small chuckle, weak mumble along the lines of "fitting you'd be here for the end, you were with me from the beginning..." and then he's gone
    - i dont mean it in a way of dark being an asshole cause I imagine that Dark and Wilf have a complicated relationship so Dark does try and be there for wilf, after all wilf was there for Dark when he was nothing but an idea from the fans. Plus i feel like Dark's anger and power lust would fade when there's nothing left for him
- After time has passed, Wilford is on his own. Mark is still alive but he never sees him, Wilford never leaves the building and when Mark does come around he cant help but get angry at him. But sometimes, when wilford is alone and wandering the halls, he swear he'll heat someone talking and a light on under that door, a nice warm light. It's a familiar feeling and he goes running in. For a brief moment there's a warm light in his face and he swears theres someone there, but then he's alone again. in a dark cold room, it feels colder than normal. he cant stand and collapses crying. It happens over and over, sometimes its voices, sometimes its that warm light, sometime he swears he'll see someone walking around a corner out of the corner of his eye, sometimes he'll catch a glimpse of what he swears is a coat, sometimes brown sometimes white, but sometimes its a foot but theres that warm light around the corner again. But there's never anything there when he runs after it, its always feels colder.
- Wilford tries everything to get rid of the stache, but as soon as it's gone, its back again. It's the one thing the fans remember the most and he cant change it no matter how hard he tries. He does try to change his outfit, and it works for awhile, before there's a bump of activity more and he's back into the damned yellow shirt and tie. He would kill every old fan, but he can't hande leaving the building for long, besides if he does theyll destroy the old falling apart building.
- Wilford is babbling to himself while wandering the halls, nothing new, he has nothing better to do anymore. but he's babbling like he's talking to someone, and he slips up. Their name slips his mind for a moment and he panics. he cant forget them, its the only thing he has. but it's just the beginning. he cant remember which one was the hero and which one sold... something... He cant remeber which one that had the coat didnt have the eyes. He can't remember what the names of the two who did... some sort of new... are, he cant remember which is which. He cant remember the name of the robots, or how many there were. He just cant. he tries to the point it hurts. Its all a blur but he wont let himself forget, no matter what. He discovers that stabbing himself or shooting himself helps, it snaps him back and he remembers at least for awhile
- He starts to write. In a state of delirium he goes into a room and finds a single writing desk well used and loved but taken care of. He finds a notebook and he writes everything he can remember. He tries againandagainandagain filling up the old empty notebooks there. Eventually he finds one and is surprised to find that the first page actually isn't blank. It's a short letter. Host knew he'd live as well.
       -It reads:
               Dear Wilford, 
                 I know by the time you
                 I hope you know what's going to-
                 Listen. I know what will happen to us all after Mark Fichbach decides he's done which we all know is approaching quickly. We will fade. The channel will live on but we, the egos, will fade away. One by one each of us will be torn from existence. The weakest of us will fade the fastest and the stronger of us will live on keeping their memory alive. We cannot stop this. It is inevitable. First will be Ed Edgar and Silver Shepard. Then King of the Squirrels. Bim Trimmer and Dr. Iplier will fade soon after. One by one the googles will fall leaving us in shambles. The egos will fall. I shall fall and not long after Darkiplier will as well. But...I apologize Wilford. Truly I do.
               You will live on without us.
               You will live.
                I'm so sorry.
               You're on you're own now.
- Wilford tried to leave the rooms of the egos alone to preserve them, other than Bim in which he took the plants out to try and care for them but then he realizes upon finding the letter where he is and what he's done. He feels wrong being in here, and sick that he's changed anything
Bonus angst about Google
Blue being the last Google, he was the first and the last. Green was the first to go, then red not long after. Blue clung to Oliver like a lifeline, he had no one else, Bing was already long gone. He kept a close eye on Oliver, taking the best care of him. 
But once Oliver faded, Blue had nothing left.
He locked himself in his lab and completely shut down, just waiting until he faded. He didn't care anymore. The others that were left felt as if he was gone long before he actually was.
~I might do more of this if you guys liked it! I get random ideas like this sometimes and i need to start writing them down more.~
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mllemaenad · 8 years
Personally... I feel that WEaWH tries to remove itself from TME because it realizes that TME is fucking irredeemable garbage, and tries to make its WLW representation less appalling. So I'm entirely willing to overlook continuity errors for the sake of one relationship between women in the entire series that can go well.
I’m sorry, but I don’t believe that. I’m not going to argue with you on the merits of The Masked Empire, as you’re entitled to like or dislike any media you choose, but I don’t think Bioware is trying to distance itself from the novel. I also don’t think their motive is positive representation, or that they’re seriously suggesting a happy ending. However, even if they were I would call the choice to reunite Celene and Briala without any serious examination of the issues that drove them apart … disquieting.
1) On distancing themselves from the novel.
To begin with the obvious, several of the Dragon Age novels provide not only context for the quests in Inquisition, but also promotional material maintaining audience interest between games.
It’s hardly an accident that Asunder is a prequel to In Hushed Whispers/Champions of the Just, The Masked Empire is a prequel to Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts (as well as giving you a roundabout introduction to Solas) and Last Flight provides you with some context on why Weisshaupt is just no help at all during Here Lies the Abyss.
They do kind of want you to buy all their stuff. And if you started with Inquisition and liked what you saw, they want you to run back and buy all the earlier stuff for context. Video game tie-in novels aren’t generally considered high art, so they’d need serious reasons to want to reject the novel as part of their canon. Just in case, I checked The Masked Empire’s Amazon page, and it’s currently got 4.4 stars – so it doesn’t look like something they’d be particularly desperate to ignore. They’d rather you bought it and gave them money.
To move more to the specific, the game references the novel constantly. In addition to devoting a whole main quest to resolving its plot, it also includes cameos from Mihris, Michel and Imshael, which really serve no other purpose than to provide a bit of closure to the people who read the novel and wondered what became of them. This is actually more than it provides for, say, the characters of Asunder: Rhys and Evangeline appear only in a war table mission, Adrian doesn’t appear at all – and who knows where Shale has wandered off to.
It also references the murder of Briala’s parents directly:
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Cole: She’s still behind the curtains in the reading room, watching the blood pool on the floor.
Briala pulled the red velvet curtain aside. Her hands shook as she did. There was a pool of red on the floor of the reading room, staining the rich Nevarran carpet. It had spread almost to the curtain.
At the other end of the pool were Briala’s parents.
– The Masked Empire
If they really wanted to distance themselves from The Masked Empire, they wouldn’t put that in there. If they wanted to say that that this didn’t happen, they’d have retconned the story – or at the very least not mentioned it.
In fact, the choice of words is particularly distressing. Cole senses pain. When he says Briala is ‘still behind the curtains’ he’s emphasising that the trauma and anguish are still very much with her, making a reconciliation, particularly a reconciliation that utterly fails to address a thing that they have confirmed happened, even stranger.
 I would say that one motive for their choice to reconcile the two characters is simplicity. I like parts of Inquisition, but honestly it’s over ambitious. They set up a series of continent-wide catastrophes, each one intensely political: the mage rebellion, the Orlesian civil war, the collapse of the Chantry.
Each one probably requires its own game for a satisfactory solution. I realise they were probably going for something similar to the galaxy-wide political collapse in Mass Effect 3, but the Dragon Age games are at a serious disadvantage because they lack continuity of characters.
Mass Effect 3 had its own problems, of course, but for example – I think most people have fun curing the genophage for the krogan. But what they remember is Mordin Solus and ‘There’s a reaper in my way, Wrex!’ When it worked it was able to build on characters who were present across the series.
Inquisition is faced with trying to find resolutions for groups of people that have no direct connection to each other, and whom the protagonist has never seen before (even if they player has). This is hardly the only time their attempt to fix everything in a single quest ends up making no sense.
2) On positive representation
I’m afraid I don’t think what we get in Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts is especially positive. I think it’s … kind of infantilising, really, and has a whiff of sexism about it. I mean – again, I’m not asking you to like The Masked Empire. But this:
“It would have been a locked suite in the palace for a few years, nothing more!” Celene kept her voice low, aware that Michel and Felassan had stopped planning and were looking their way. “It would have changed nothing for us.”
“Your hair still stinks of the smoke from the people you burned,” Briala said. “That is a change.”
The dead leaves crackled under Celene’s feet as she stepped forward. “How many wars can our empire survive in such a short time? I wanted my legacy to be the university, the beauty and culture that made us the envy of the world. Instead I may be known as the empress under whom Orlais fell. You have the luxury of mourning Halamshiral’s elves and holding my heart hostage. Sitting on my throne, I see every city in the empire. If I must burn one to save the rest, I will weep, but I will light the torch.”
Briala swallowed. “You’re not weeping, as far as I can tell. Nor are you sitting on your throne. She stepped away, her movements fast and jerky. “With your permission, Your Radiance, I shall go indulge myself in my luxury.”
– The Masked Empire
… is at least an argument between adults, with the details of what they believe laid out. Celene honestly believes that the empire and her legacy are worth 'a few thousand elven lives’: she believes that maintaining the strength of Orlais is worth thousands of lives in sacrifice, as is the vision she has for the country’s future. Briala is facing up to the fact that this is the bargain she’s made: stay with Celene and she might see an elven scholar graduate from the university – but she’ll likely also see elves burn every time there’s a crisis, because elves are the most expendable people in the empire.
Briala wavers throughout the novel, obviously, because there is genuine feeling between herself and Celene. But the discovery that this has all happened before, that this is not the first time Celene has shed elven blood to impress her rivals and gain power, and that her own parents were among the victims, brings her to a decision.
You don’t have to like it, but these women are serious about what they want and believe.
But in Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts we get stuff like this:
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Sera: Elves-elves-elves, but it’s really a pissing match with an old lover. Don’t know the rest but that explains a lot.
It’s hardly coincidental that they chose Sera to say this. Sera the commoner, who despises the nobility. Sera the Red Jenny, with contacts in every corner of Thedas. True, Sera’s background has led her to reject a lot of elven culture, but her biggest objection is usually to ‘moping’ about the past. This:
Briala thought for a moment. “Celene and Gaspard saw an army, but that would be fighting their fight. With the paths, I could get food to alienages where elves would otherwise starve. They would let me move ahead of an oncoming army and warn the target, or move behind them and attack their supply lines.”
– The Masked Empire
… sounds more like the practical stuff she favours: she’s said getting revenge would be a preferable option, and this is getting food to the poor, terrorising the nobility and giving little people a shot at being part of something bigger. But now we can’t take it seriously, because Sera has reduced it to a lovers’ tiff.
That isn’t meant as a criticism of Sera, to be clear. They do this when they want a mouthpiece. This is the equivalent of having Cole approve of Cullen.
And as for it going well, this is their epilogue slide:
Where once war raged, there is now a shaky peace. Orlais is resurgent, the empress a patron of arts and culture.
Many attribute this recovery to her lady love, though others wonder how long their reunion will truly last.
– Epilogue (Inquisition)
I mean – maybe they’ll forget about this. They have been known to forget their epilogue slides. But it doesn’t read as though the intent was to write a strong and loving partnership. Rather it looks as though they are selling the relationship as tempestuous.
That’s one place where I am very uncomfortable. This is the revolt of an oppressed people, and the politics an empire. And there’s a sense that they’re saying ‘Oh, those women and their emotions! Today they love each other; tomorrow they’ll hate each other; the day after they’ll probably love each other again. You never know, with women.’
I appreciate that Bioware is fairly progressive, for a game company: the character choices, the romance options, the NPCs – they are trying to represent a variety of races, genders and sexualities. But it doesn’t mean they never fuck up. I mean, there’s a bit in Mark of the Assassin where Isabela tells Hawke that Gamlen has been sexually harassing her and two responses blame her (You find something inappropriate?/Break him. And wear pants.).
Given that they are already struggling to resolve a massive plotline in a ridiculous amount of time, I’m not surprised they fell back on this. It’s narrative shorthand, and that can be handy for desperate situations. But it’s still sexist shorthand, and I very much wish they hadn’t done it.
3) Removing The Masked Empire from the equation doesn’t solve the problem
I mean, it makes some of the bigger issues like Briala’s dead parents a little easier to miss, sure, but it doesn’t make the problems go away.
I appreciate that representation is important. I do. But romantic relationships between women are not the only representation issue at stake, here. There’s no single source for the elven people, of course, but it’s easy enough to see that Bioware has borrowed from the experiences of Jewish, Romani and aboriginal peoples living under empires and/or colonialism.
And have we ever established that it is shit to be an elf. The city elf origin story in Origins is an abduction/rape/murder combo. The Dalish clans in Origins and DA2 can be slaughtered. It’s terrifyingly easy to kill off clan Lavellan in war table missions, and even though this is the protagonist’s family the game doesn’t make a thing of it. There’s a whole side quest in DA2 about a serial killer who targets elves, and who keeps getting away with it because no one gives a shit. We are up to our eyeballs in codex entries on the treatment of elves.
And here we have Briala, the leader of a rebellion in Orlais – one of the nations best known for oppressing the fuck out of the elves and trying to destroy their culture.
Even without The Masked Empire this is:
a) providing only the most minimal description of the nature of her rebellion and what she hopes to achieve.
b)allowing her to be dismissed as primarily involved in a lovers’ tiff.
c) pairing her with a woman the game actually says massacred the Halamshiral elves.
d) using the massacre as evidence against her because she was sleeping with Celene, rather than as evidence against the woman who actually committed it.
That’s … all pretty shitty, even at the simplest level. The game doesn’t address any of this. It doesn’t even force the characters to discuss what happened before throwing them back together. It spends as much time tsking at Briala for destabilising Orlais as it does Celene and Gaspard. It loves the idea that they’re all as bad as each other – which allows the player to justify just about any ending.
And this is a thing they do repeatedly: they tsk at the mage rebellion as well. They seem to be very good at describing the sufferings of the elves, the mages, the casteless dwarves … but don’t approve of them actually doing anything about their oppression. At least not anything more forceful than writing a stern letter of complaint (for those lucky literate characters!) to the local lord or revered mother.
And so minimising the problems of Celene and Briala’s relationship, and waving a locket around (which, even out of context, does not seem like a forceful enough declaration of love to startle Briala) does … not strike me as very respectful of peoples who have suffered under empires, and who have had to fight tooth and nail for every sliver of justice.
It’s not that I want to exclude a healthy, positive romance between two women in order to have Awesome Revolutionary Briala. I just don’t understand why we couldn’t have both.
Couldn’t Briala show up with a new girlfriend? Do it properly: give her a codex entry and make her active and important in the quest. Show the two of them both being affectionate and working together for the cause. Make sure that at least some of the possible quest endings leave them alive, together and continuing to better the lot of the elves.
I can understand that you may not like The Masked Empire and may want to exclude it from your personal headcanon. That’s absolutely fine, obviously. But I do not believe that was Bioware’s intent in writing the the Briala-and-Celene reconciliation, and I still have serious issues with it.
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theno1noahpuckerman · 4 years
Tagging: Noah Puckerman x Jessica Martin
Where: Puck and Jess’s room.
contents: Puck’s first arrival into the island, just Random Jess and Puck bonding times
Puck paced around the living area his nerves were on the fritz, he was anxious, he felt a little nauseous  being in a strange place, not knowing if his sister was okay not knowing if he was going to see her again and trying to figure out what had happened from the time he walked out of his apartment and into this world. Was this that one place with that goat man and the snow bitch. He sure hoped not eternal winter would seem annoying. He just about jumped when he heard someone stirring. "Shit, who are you?" He asked the woman hoping this time she would actually answer him this time.May 4, 2020
Today the former rock star dawned blue hair; head cocked to the side as she took a long drag from her cigarette. "Jessica Martin, also known as Jess Diabolus, Princess of Darkness leader singer of the group Female Antichrist. A feminist alt rock band with a satanic flavor. Part time Scream Queen, been in a couple B movies. But now I am a switch, and have no idea what my live entails. " another drag of the cigarette as she yawned. "And you sir????"
Puck blinked. "Okay...well your majesty, Princess of darkness perhaps you care to tell me where I am? if this is hell are you the one whose gonna torture me for eternity then I am very much okay with this. Noah Puckerman. Switch I guess, Busser and future action movie star and #1 badass." He claimed.
"Ohhh I like that. Your Majesty, maybe I should have people call me that instead of Miss Martin. That was totally my Mom." smoke plumed from her lips, as she leaned back into her chair. "I don't think think this is hell." she giggled a little bit at the flirtatious comment, playfully her tongue stuck out. "And I only torture with consent lovely. But I promise, it is a good time for all." long fake eyelashes fluttered in his direction as she snuffed out her cigarette out. "From what I gather this is a pocket dimension; seperate from our world. The how and why of that, I am not sure. still working on those calculations.....And while I may not be your torturer as of yet, I am your roommate. So, shall we drink some champange ....get to know each other?"
Puck raised a brow. "Oh? so you want me to call you 'You Majesty or Miss Martin then?' He wondered and laughed. "Well how do I know I'm not? but I guess whatever this is could be worse. " He said "Whoa well do we at least get a Tardis? Then this would be worth it." He claimed and he chuckled. "That's good to know maybe i'll take you up on that one of these days." He winked at her and he nodded. "Alright sure I can use one, thank you and hopefully you can tell me more about this place. deal?" He suggested.
"You my good Pucky, are allowed to call me Jess, or J. For now anyway." Laughter tumbled from her lips, as she got up and and got two glasses. She poured them both glasses, before sitting back down. "Doctor Who fan? I might be myself.....I'm a sucker for a time travel." she offered him his glass. "I don't know much. Spent my first week here drunk. Hit on seriously everyone with a pulse. Mega embarassing. But what I have so far is we were transported into this pocket dimension. It has a mix between an authoritian and bondage and domination rule? Also like add a splash of Orwellian nightmare......That is totally what we are living in right now. The rest we're gonna have to figure out together.
There was a pout on the glittered up satanic bombshells face. "I cant decide what bikini to weeeaarrr....." she held up to glasses of whiskey. "Help me?" 
Puck laughed. "Yeah sure, I'll help Jess." He told her as he walked over to her and took one of the glasses. "Alright, show me the options, beautiful." He prompted with a nod to her room. "Or did you want me to wait out here, put on a bit of a show for me?" He asked with a wink.
She smiled as her head cocked to the side. Noah really was growing to be one of her favorite people. Glitter painted lips took a sip of her glass. Easily she slipped into a pose and smiled. "Do you wanna show big boy? Cause I can give you a show." she teased back, giving him a gentle nudge towards the couch.
Puck looked over at her before moving to sit on the couch. He laughed. "Is that not what I said but come on you asked for my opinion and as an ex poolboy I might just have a good eye for swim wear now, come on, Jess."
She popped into her room, head popped out for a moment. "Oh your in for it!" in a little bit she popped out in a neon blue string bikinni. With a bounce in her step as she strutted into the room. Body still decorated with glitter, and still dripped with her regular diamond necklaces. the ones she hadn't taken off since she bought them with her first check the band made. she was happy she hadn't left them at home. As for the bikini , t was certianly revealing albiet rather plane. "This is like an old faithful...Shows a lot of skin...but I feel like it has no umph....I mean I have my jewerly and the glitter.....but I feel like I should be head to two umph you know?" she did a little spin and a bounce.
Puck tilted his head and smirked. "Oh is that right?" He laughed and gave her a once over when she walked out well maybe it's good. You don't want to distract from what you already have, beautiful but turn around and smirked as she bounced. "You know what? I like it."
Laughter tumbled from her lips as she bounced next to him. She leaned against him, her head on his shoulder and sighed. "Thanks for putting up with my eccentricities.... You are a good egg."
Puck shook his head. "It's fine, Jess I could have ended up with a worst Roommate. You aren't so bad and thanks for calling me an egg."He teased. "But honestly I think you'll be fine. I can't wait for this party it'll be nice make a few friends here besides you and guess me and Sebastian are friends" He said thoughtfully. "Or I guess drinking buddies don't know if that counts. " He smirked.
"Ugh, same. I finally feel like Im getting into a groove here. Like people are finally starting to see me. Not me being somebody's ex girlfriend." she smiled as she got up and began to peel off the bathing suit. "Okay I have at least one more I want you to see." she popped back into her room. Only to come back in a crystal studded bikini. "Too much? And also tell me about this Sébastian...."
Puck nodded his understanding at that. "Oh I get that, glad they are seeing you I mean how can people not see you.  of course, I sort of aways grooved to my own tune. " He nodded as he watched her leaving admiring her back side and smiled when she walked out. "No I like that one, it's awesome and Sebastian? you never met him before? Well dudes pretty cool bought me tacos my first night" He smiled at her.
She flopped down next to him again, now that her wardrobe has been decided. His kind words brought a smile to her face, and she leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Im glad your my roommate. No I haven't. I upset him a lil bit in chat though. Cause i said cum cow...." she snuggled up against him.May 10, 2020
"Well likewise, your royal Darkyness." He snorted as he heard what she said. "A cum cow?Okay that is that best thing I've heard." Puck wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "So how is that bakery of yours coming along?"May 11, 2020
Laughter tumbled from her lips, as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "Right? I didnt think it was that bad.. " she smiled as she looked up at him. "If i work two jobs for a month... And save up capital..theyll let me open it. How exciting is that?"
Jess had cooked several batches of brookies upon request of the residents. It amazed her they never had the concotion before. It was a personal favorite of hers. Brght pink hair was wrapped up in a messy but and she was wearing an over sized t-shirt that said ' Antichrist Super Star'. With a bottle of cheap champange in one hand, and brookies in the other she made her way into his room. With a small smile, she placed her goodies next to the bed. "Are you ready for the supreme cuddle monster?" @Mega(Tanner, Spice Motta)
Puck was unsure how to take Shane being here but for now Jess had offered him sweets. He laughed as he took in her wardrobe. "Hm, I like it." He nodded. "Yeah I'm more then ready for the cuddle monster. He took one of the treats and you know if you still need money for that bakery of yours maybe I'll put in a little donation.
She wasn't wearing make up, after all she was just laying in the other room. Most people she wouldn't allow to see her like this. But, Puck was different. When he said she liked it, she smiled and posed. Once she finished posing, she climbed into the bed with him. Arms wrapped around him from behind, and she leaned her chin on his shoulder. "I'm big spoon." she giggled sweetly.May 12, 2020
Puck followed her into the room and moved to lay down next to her with a bit of sigh. He let her hug him and sighed. "Thank you, Love." He laughed as he relaxed at the feeling of the girls arms around him. "I really did need this, so my sister, huh? So weird huh?" He shook his head as he let out a breathe he felt he had been holding in all day but there was still a knot in his stomach.
"It's no problem. It's what I'm here for." She pulled him closer, tighter. Gently she placed a soft kiss against his cheek. "Yeah. But that is the thing about living in a pocket dimension sweetness. She could be your sister from another dimension, or another time line. We have no idea. The mutilverse is quite large..." acrlyic nails began to run up and down his arm gently. "Even so, it's alot to deal with I know."May 17, 2020
Puck shook his head with a laugh. "Well, I guess I got lucky I was given you as a roommate, Jessicakes." He frowned a little. "Not sure if it makes it any better but she did know my dad's name so maybe but it certainly is kinda getting a bit crowded here, isn't it?" He replied and closed his eyes enjoying her touch. "But I'm not even really mad at her it's just never really tried to think about my dad's 'other family'. So it's weird being stuck on an island with one of them." He told her.Message #jeck-jess-and-puck
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harryseyebrows · 6 years
They’re flagging everything literally, I don’t think this will actually happen it’s not sustainable tbh, they’re getting destroyed on Twitter Over this they’ll have to back down if they’re harassed enough
we shall see
0 notes
steroidusr · 6 years
miitopia part 6: great sage sonic + safe spot + life sprinkles
<- part 5 | ^ index ^ | part 7 ->
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moist... goblins...
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once a mii's tried a certain kind of food, theyll react differently upon seeing it
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...like so
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your mii's likes and dislikes seem to be random. this can lead to weird situations like three party members hating a certain food and one LOVING it
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FM's status screen
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i got new clothes for fm to boost their defense a little, since theyre still only at level 1
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each outfit comes in a variety of colors that you can freely switch between. i go with the bluish one
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sometimes your mii just wants to buy healing items instead. honestly, you should go for this whenever possible
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you can NEVER have too many hp bananas. especially later in the game...
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gcio brings along the hp banana they just bought (...man, gcio is short)
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that's right, miitopia has... a relationship chart. it can get pretty complicated later
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now that i have three party members, the upper "tough path" shouldnt be too hard
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...yeah, fm doesnt have any actual mage spells yet. more bludgeoning ensues
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(i swear i'll get to those eventually)
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what could possibly go wro--
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gcio's AOE attack is pretty useful for taking on crowds like this
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(chefs can use home cooking on themselves too)
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we get LOTS of exp from that battle, and everyone levels up
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and get loot we shall, gciio
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a nice chunk of change
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rip gciio
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that boosted their friendship by a LOT. ...nio really loves that sofa
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then i put fm and gciio in a room together. might as well even out everyone's friendship levels
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there's a new mii on the screen, but im too far away to tell who it is. so let's try and get closer--
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"ah, mr gcio, you have a nasty habit of surviving"
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...nio? fm? oh god where is everyone
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oh, it’s ON, i hope you dont think this open jacket and douchey hat are for show
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this is definitely not what i expected
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(for the record: i chose this mii from mii central. i have no idea who made it. Credit To The Artist)
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im a traveling... gcio
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(exposition goes here)
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sonic leaves, and we're brought back to the world map, where FOUR new areas have opened up
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what could possibly go wrong
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(there it is)
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then we run into-- oh god, these things, and THREE of them! not only are banshees a major annoyance, but it turns out we're way underleveled for this area, so theyre a DANGEROUS annoyance to boot
but before i go into detail about that...
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fire does a good amount of damage at this point of the game, but it uses up a third of fm's tp-- i mean mp
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say hello to our first status ailment. if a mii is crying like this, they can't see, so their accuracy is greatly reduced
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and this is how you heal status ailments in miitopia (fm stop winking at the camera):
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by moving them out of battle and into the safe spot
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the healing isnt instantaneous though, you have to wait for that mii's turn for the effects to kick in
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(and like the spirit says, it recovers a bit of hp and mp too)
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there is one problem about the safe spot and hp sprinkles, though. while you can pause the battle at almost any time to use them, which can be handy, if youre just a little too late...
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...this can happen. (the "please wait" appears when you try to use the spot/sprinkles in the middle of a turn. please wait..... for nio to die) yeah. at this point, just a regular attack from a banshee takes out most of our hp. as for those two bright lines in the middle of the screen, that's because something happened that i wasnt expecting at all
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nio's energetic personality kicked in and she endured the attack with 1 hp! is it weird for me to be this proud of a mii (maybe it's because it's my sister's mii)
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of course, my mii is an attention whore, and was unaffected by nio's determination
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this skill is a non-damaging AOE with a chance to inflict the dancing ailment on enemies. what that does is--
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..........wow okay nevermind
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in hindsight, trying to inflict ailments on enemies that are too strong for us to fight probably wasnt a great idea also in hindsight, i really couldve just run away. running from battles in miitopia always works (unless it’s a boss battle iirc) ...except it's not just the battle you run from. your miis will escape the whole area, and you'll have to start over but that still isnt too bad tbh
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and this is what happens if you dont heal crying miis fast enough. but im completely out of hp sprinkles, and using the safe spot for hp AND ailment recovery. fm will just have to wait their turn
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...or recover from the ailment on her own, that works too
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this, however, will not work
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this isnt exactly the time to be ho ho'ing, pal!
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no, youre not reading that wrong--you really do get only one life sprinkle per trip. you get upgrades to your hp and mp sprinkles as the game progresses, but life sprinkles? the maximum amount never increases. never. never ever, forever.
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so yeah, uh, we're still not doing too good here
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fun fact(?): "first [personality] quirk" seems to be a mistranslation. what's happening during these cut-ins is it's the first time a personality quirk is activating. "new [personality] quirk" would be more accurate
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as for what's happening here, fm is out of mp and cant use any skills. the "please wait" is because i was trying to give them mp sprinkles, but...
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HUREHURE FM yes, nio has a passive ability that can recover allies' mp. she's pretty awesome.
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(here's what happens when the banshee's crying ailment doesnt land)
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and, extremely improbably, we won
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...after we make like trees and get the fuck out of here, of course. dont worry, we'll be back in a level or two
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for now, i wanna try finally going for that treasure chest
<- part 5 | ^ index ^ | part 7 ->
0 notes
hi i just wanted to talk
i dont really have any sort of direction or reason that i wanted to talk but its 9:30pm and im alone and im in a typey mood and i dont want to just watch more how i met your mother. (im on episode like 17 i was on like 2 this morning thats so embarrassing.) anyways. i should probably watch a disney movie to help fuel the reigniting fire inside of me, but idk it just hasnt happened yet. oh im waking up at like 6am tomorrow morning rip me amiright or amiright. obviously relationships have been on my mind a lot lately. theyre hard. honestly, i know that once one of radk starts dating someone im going to feel the need to be a know it all (WHICH IS SO ANNOYING SUCH A BIG FLAW I HAVE) and be like ok but dont believe all the sweet things they say because boys lie!!!!!!!!! which is true. lets be honest here they do. they say very very sweet things to win over your heart because they want you and they know that saying those things will make you swoon. and it sucks because it will work and youll believe what theyre saying, hell, they may believe what theyre saying at the time but surprise things change sometimes. and thats ok. the world is constantly changing. it jsut reallt really really really sucks when soemthing you thought could be a constant is not. FOR EXAMPLE:::::
1. “camille, listening to you is infinitely more important than this right now,”
which, in his defense, wasn’t a lie. he said right now. but thats not the point the point is that i could have sworn phil laplante would listen to everything. every complaint every hope every dream every belief everything. but we are about to hit 4 months (oh my gosh only 4 months) and i cannot tell you the last time i truly felt listened to by him. which hurts my heart does not hurt my heart as much as:
2. “i love you my dearest, kaibigan, unconditionally.”
i just literally dont believe you. i dont. and heres the thing. tears shed over phil suck/ed. ok. theuy stunk before im sure theyll stink in the future, and it hurts and it sucks but OH ME OH MY IT IS NOTHING. NOTHING IN COMPARISON. TO THE PAIN INFLICTED ON MY BY ONE OF THE LOVES OF MY LIFE. i feel like shes not even mine anymore. is this a dramatized version of camille speaking? probably, but she deserves to have a say too. and it sucks. so much. to feel like youre all alone because the one person you swore would love you no matter hwat you did or what you coujld do would still love you just kind of stops becasue she finds new firends to become obsessed with this sucks because i used to be that new friend. she used to be obsessed with me and thar hurts likea  mother tucker. i think ive developed shades of trust isseus. maybe. id ont really know i jus tknow that it sucks SO MUCH to think of my two favorite people on the planet both being uninterested in me wow that hurts a lot. and it makes me sad to think that i could be someones favorite person on the planet and i ditched them im sorry i dont wantt o make you feel that way but i feel as though i ahve and i am so sorry. THERE IS SO MUCH HURT IN THE WORLD AND THAT SUCKS ASS. A LOT. LIKE A LOT OF ASS. But there are also some beautiful things in the world. things like music. i love music. things like stories. stories are so fascinating. there is constantly something happening on earyh and there is a select few numbers of people who will experience it. 
im rediscovering myself. i lost her somewhere. somewhere in the mix of the kissing and the new bralettes and the frozen fruit snacks and the engieneers and the design projects i left her somewhere. shes out there. or maybe shes in here, tucked away behind a familiar smell. or maybe a new smell. i dont know what she likes. i dont know how to coax her out of me. shes made some appearances, for example when i was scrolling through instagram after that himym episode and it was earthyandy showing off some of her vegan ice cream with 10,000 emerald pools playing it jsut reminded me of humans existing and it was beautiful. and there are shades of her still in me writing this todaybut she doesnt overflow me anymore. which is ok. id rather have her be a little hidden than be garbanzo.
things that hurt:
thinking about the honeymoon phase.
and i know that this is like with God, am i in it for the reward or am i in it for Him? (ive come to discover im still very much in it for the reward i think. i am not the best. but im working on it. am ia ctually working on it. or do i just say that and ignore it. id ont know but i cant afford to put myself through the hurt of telling myself that im doing nothing.) 
but God, like actually God, I miss it.
i miss the romance. i miss feeling like i was floating, like the world was saturated, and my face was hot and things were sweaty in the best way. i miss feeling like i was flying, and like nothing had and ever would hurt me (sidenote, things did hurt.) i miss 
i miss still being pure
thats a rip
i am weak
but its in the past
i dont know if ive actually forgiven myself for that one yet
i feel less disgusting and more loveable than i did previously, which is good.
maybe im not ready fora  relationship.
but when will i be
i need to learn somehow
has phil been perfect?
no he hasnt!!
today he told me “im going to stop replying for a while, dont get offended.”
1. sucks. or well, is odd.
if he had opened and left me on read i wouldnt even flinch
if he just sent back a smiley face id be like lmao, probably send back a bitmoji
but he told me it was going to happen. which is just so weird.
2. i feel like im more offended that he told me to not get offended. dont tell me what to do. which, ok, i realize could be crazy, he jsut doesnt want to hurt my feelings but believe it or not phil its a little late for that its happened and im ok im fine ive forgiven it. i think. maybe. i just want to be there for you and with you and actually scratch that i want you to want me to be there for you and with you. i just dont feel very wanted by you sometimes which, weve discussed before i know that you know that youre not affectionate. or at least not when were in real life and not honeymooning (sidenote i feel like our honeymooning phase was shorter than others were and i find that unfair but whatever.) i signed up for htis. im consciously dating someone that is distant. am i okay with that? i dont want to jsut date boys to feel like im flying though i want us to 
i dont know
i was going to say be a team
but thats what phil says
and i dont want to let him pick these words for me
remember when i wrote that poem about chaos
and how i felt like i was in a storm and i dont know what to hold onto and i was like oh jk i want to hold onto you
me too
i think im there sitll
and like you said
the storm is inside your brain
and i want to be able to be the one to calm it
but maybe thats not my job
mabye thats a different persons job
maybe it is j=my job but its my job for later
maybe its your job
i dont know
but the idea of youd ating someone else really sucks
like a lot
liek a lot a lot
because i know
i know what the hunt is like now
i can imagine 
all of our friends
sitting somehwre, id ont know
and all the boys are checking out the hot girls around
and maybe im just old fashioned
maybe im still naive
maybe i am still just a noob
but that sucks so much
i dont want to be replaceable with a deli girl
or with ffg
not that theyre bad or anyhting but its the princile of it
that when im gone you jsut go back to sitting in the purple chairs at storms planning how to talk to the next girl
And mayb ethats the point
actually i tak that back
im sure thats how it isf or some girls
but phil im not just some girl
phil im the girl that made lauryn hurley feel loved
im the girl that helped bring radk together
im the girl that blew ms crsit away
im the girl that used to look down in the damn hallway but looked up because she liked a boy
i didnt look up because i wanted to see a hot rack with blue eyes and a nice ass
i looked up because i wanted to be noticed
and intriguing
and wanted
and i jsut dont really feel like any of those things by you sometimes
and that hurts a lot
what is the point of this
this just sounds like i dont want to date him anymore
but i do
do i or do i jsut not want change
i do
i think
id ont know
but camille
right now you get the best of both worlds
you get to date him
who is goofy
and smells really good
and is strong
and is hungry for God 
and is grateful
and is
i was going to say a good listener
but there is so much space between you two becaues this is a time for you
no one but you, camille
you can grow
this is a summer of self improvement.
you lost yourself somewhere and tou dont need anyone to help you find her
thats a lie
who i am is reflected onto me by those around me
but still
i dont need him.
i dont want to need anyone yet
i am young
im still finding out what i want
im still discovering myself
dear God,
i cant do this without you
youre the only one who will love me and satisfy me
“the human world, it’s a mess”
youre right
but thats knida the point
we feel things
we hurt
we love
we lvie
we cry
we laugh
we do all these things
and feel what we think is great
but then when we get to feel you, oh lord, we are blown away.
you are so much greater 
and i am not worthy, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed
im sorry
im sorry for disappearing
and i honestly cant see myself running back soon
which sucks
and i dont know how to fix it
i think i hurt a lot
which is so backwards
but im doing what they say normal people do
am i normal though
i literally jsut said im not
God i need you
help me find you
i bet you know how to find me.
0 notes
globlenet-blog · 8 years
Trump and Brexit add yet more spice to Ryder Cups theatres of cultural war | Marina Hyde
Trump and Brexit add yet more spice to Ryder Cups theatres of cultural war | Marina Hyde
It’s outstanding that within an event in which the sport is really electrifying, golf is just a plot tool and Hazeltine promises more multi-faceted conflict than ever before
Even in additional couch potatoes recent occasions, the Ryder Cup happens to be the fiercest culture war in most sport. America versus Europe. People in comparison to the team. Lone baby wolves in comparison to the pack. Unabombers versus cells. Sex addiction versus sex. It is extremely outstanding, within an event in which the sport is frequently so electrifying, it should rarely achieve even more than the amount of a plot device within the wider story.
This season, it’s fair to state, there are other angles than ever before. Actually, there are plenty of angles that the Gabriel Byrne character in Millers Crossing couldnt discover their whereabouts all. Brexit. Trump. Watching the united states vice-captain Tiger Forest watch golf. The implications from the development in rightwing radical populism for individuals crucial componen fives. And, obviously, all of the Ryder Cup basics: religion, secularism, conservatism, progressivism, the function people militarism inside a quickly altering world, which continent has got the most exquisite manners. Individuals babies simply be standard.
As nobody needs reminding, the United kingdom this summer voted to disengage in the continent of Seve Ballesteros and cleave to itself because the land of Nick Faldo. Or, as appears rather more prone to transpire, the land of Colin Montgomerie. Consequently, some have jokingly recommended the Ryder Cup itself be restored to the pre-1973 format, which would be to say The Uk in comparison to the Usa. Yet, given ongoing developments both in individuals jurisdictions, you will see many all over the world whod see that tie and find it difficult to work through a effective desire to have there to become two losers. And when I might place it into context for individuals who wouldnt: it might be free airline Germany-Argentina final that no one really wants to see.
Rather, both USA and Europe sides descend on Hazeltine National Golf Club in Minnesota in a few days. The Americans have embroidered the motto 12 strong to their package I suppose that even today the ecu gear has been machined using the words Beyond Brexit.
Ian Poulter celebrates after Europe pull of their Miracle of Medinah in 2012 the last Ryder Cup hosted by the United States. Photograph: Andy Lyons/Getty Images
Fortunately, the US PGA tour has spared itself the ultimate shitstorm, which would have been the event having been long-scheduled to take place at a course owned by apocalypse-beckoning US presidential hopeful Donald Trump. For a long time, this looked like an accident rather than moral design. After all, they went ahead with Marchs WGC-Cadillac Championship at Trump Doral in Miami regardless of the litany of -isms committed by their host in almost any given 24-hour period. By June, a couple of 1000 -isms later, the US PGA was finally minded to report that sponsorship problems meant the coming year, exactly the same tournament would be played in Mexico, of pointed relocations.
Not too an american win at Hazeltine won’t be grabbed upon by Trump as some electoral omen for Americas impending being-made-great-again. Under President Trump, pointless to state, all Ryder Cups is going to be won through the US.
So far as Trump support inside the US Ryder Cup side goes, it’s possible to only speculate regarding quite the number of players will dsicover his interests and worldview align with their own. We all do realize that Jack Nicklaus originates out for Trump, declaring him a great man. I love what Jesse has been doing, Nicklaus continued a couple of several weeks ago. I love that hes turning America upside lower. Hes awakening the nation. Whether that’s the majority PGA meaning of automobile is unclear though we all do possess some helpful Sports Highlighted data. Each year, the publication polls tour pros on the health of anonymity, which enables these to speak more freely compared to constraints of wealth and hardwired self-interest typically allow. Stop me in case your own non-scientific guesses already confirmed this for you, however this year it found inter alia that 56% of PGA respondents wouldnt election for Hillary if she halved their taxes, while Trump was most supported within the Republican primary race.
When it comes to European aspect, that offers to bring the angst. The next day of the referendum election, the ecu Tour announced the Ryder Cup team would be flying the EU flag, although it did provide a hint on where it was around the result having a slightly sniffy statement: Like several global companies whose headquarters have been in the United kingdom, this ran, we’re now while assessing the implications for the business.
When the Europeans win, you can be certain theyll be viewed denoting something or any other. Because the British gold medals rained in throughout the Rio Olympic games, the Leave.EU campaign lost virtually no time in putting out an advert featuring all of the winners, suggesting their sporting success in some way demonstrated the United kingdom didn’t have necessity of the EU to achieve success. A category mistake, and something that caused the cyclist Callum Skinner to keep these things stop using his image. We shall need to decide if any United kingdom golfers are gone to live in perform the same when they are similarly co-opted in case of a eu Ryder Cup victory. In case of a eu loss, obviously, you will see remainers quick to ascribe it to some doomy sign the fellowship is really terminally scattered that people cant even beat the Yanks within the Ryder Cup anymore.
There’s more, obviously a lot more as well as for some, golf isn’t an appropriate spot for such multi-faceted conflicts to experience out. For me personally, there’s no better. No safer. Let’s gird our loins, and still have virtually no time for individuals who wrongly think of the Ryder Cup to become a good war spoiled.
Find out more: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2016/sep/21/ryder-cup-donald-trump-brexit-usa-europe
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