#we stan an outfit repeater
ckret2 · 7 months
Chapter 20 of Human Bill is the Mystery Shack's (secret) prisoner (title tbd), featuring: at last, Wendy discovering the "house guest." And Stan discovering Wendy discovered the house guest. And Bill and Stan having the funniest argument imaginable.
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Also featuring: Ford letting Fiddleford in on the secret and asking for his help getting rid of Bill for good.
"Hey dudes," Soos said, leaning into the living room. Bill and Mabel looked up from Mabel's phone. "Me and Melody and Ford are heading out for anime night. If you've got an emergency, call me; and if you don't have an emergency, uh... don't. Cuz we're gonna be anime-ing hard."
"Anime night?" Bill repeated. "Why's Stanford going to anime night?"
Soos blinked. "Is... that a trick question?" he asked. "Hey—aren't you not allowed to use phones?"
"He's not using it," Mabel said. "I'm using it. He's just watching a video over my shoulder. I've got him secured for our safety!" Bill demonstratively held up his bloody sock-wrapped hands.
"Oh. Smart thinking," Soos said. He nodded and left.
Bill looked back at the phone, left eye shut and right eye squinted, then pointed at the screen and murmured, "Oh, there—037, 037 is a big winner." Mabel nodded and wrote down "Beach 037" on a piece of paper where she'd been listing scratch card serial numbers.
Soos came back. "Hey," he said, "Bill. Why are your hands bloody."
"Because my eye's bleeding." As he said so, a bright red drop of blood rolled out of his right eye like a tear. He wiped it off his cheek with one hand, adding another stain to the sock.
"Oh. Okay," Soos said. "Why's your eye bleeding."
Mabel helpfully answered, "Because it's hard for him to see into a higher dimension from here."
"Hey." Bill nudged her with an elbow. "That was for your ears. But yes, if you have to know. Human eyeballs are—limited. It causes some some light cranial hemorrhaging." He squinted at the video again. Another bloody tear rolled down his cheek.
Soos stood uncomfortably in the doorway. "Looks... kinda painful."
"Excruciatingly," Bill said casually. Mabel mouthed he's fine at Soos.
Soos said, "Do you... want a headache pill? Or an eyepatch or something?"
"Oh." Bill looked up at Soos in surprise. "Is that an option?"
Soos shrugged. "Yeah?"
"Huh." Bill was momentarily silent, processing this revelation about the medical care options he was permitted. Finally, he said, "No to the pill—I think I'm getting a migraine aura, and I don't want to stop the little white spots before they develop into full hallucinations! I'd hate to miss that light show, you know?"
Soos nodded, as though he did know. He did not, in fact, know.
"But I could use an eyepatch," Bill said.
"You got it. Be right back."
Soos retrieved an unopened costume eyepatch from the spares for his Mr. Mystery outfit, brought it downstairs, and handed it over to Bill's socked hand. "Do you uh—need help getting that on?"
"I'll do it when we're done with the phone," Bill said, and returned to watching the video.
Mabel poked his side. "What do we say?"
"Thanks," Bill said without looking up, followed by, "062." Mabel dutifully copied the number down.
Soos headed out to his pickup, where Melody and Ford were waiting. "Sorry for the delay, guys," he said, sliding into the driver's seat. "Bill's eyeball is bleeding from trying to look at a higher dimension, so I had to get him an eyepatch."
In the back seat, Ford frowned and pulled his journal from inside his coat and flipped open to the most recent page. "Which eye?"
"Uh..." Soos held up a hand and turned it as he mentally rotated Bill to figure out which side his bloody eye would be on if it were on Soos's body. "Right. His right."
"Did he happen to mention which dimension he was trying to see?"
"Nuh-uh. He probably won't say either, he was kinda annoyed Mabel told me that much."
Mabel might know, then. Ford could ask her. Probably tomorrow—late tomorrow, after the party.
Melody asked, "He's not gonna need a doctor, is he?"
Soos started the truck. "He seemed really casual about the whole thing, so, I don't think so?"
"That's a relief," Ford muttered.
They started the drive to the former Northwest Manor.
When Fiddleford answered the front door and saw Ford, he smiled so wide it made Ford smile too. "Stanford! It's been a month of Sundays since I saw you last!"
"Fiddleford." Ford reached out to take Fiddleford's hand—and got tugged into a one-armed hug. He recovered from his surprise enough to return it. "It's good to see you. You're looking well." Which was to say: still looking aged before his time and running around barefoot and shirtless in his overalls; but a little less sunburned, a little more bathed, and merely "scrawny" rather than "emaciated." Ford figured if the man wanted to run around shirtless in his own lavish 150-year-old mansion, that was his own business. 
"Just like we promised," Melody said, "one Ford dragged to your doorstep."
"Yes!" Soos pumped a fist in the air. "Operation Ford-Ford Reunion: completed! We uh—we didn't actually drag him, though. He was excited to come."
"He oughta be," Fiddleford said. "This'll be just like old times! Back in college, this man showed me all sortsa Japanese movies about big monsters and robots clobberin' each other. It was my first taste of international cinema!" He scratched his beard. "I wonder if that had any kinda impact on me?"
Melody and Soos looked at Ford with new respect. Soos said, "I didn't realize you were such a man of culture."
"All right, enough jibber-jabberin' on my porch!" Fiddleford waved Soos and Melody in. "You youngins go on ahead. Us old timers have to catch up. Tate's in the kitchen rustlin' up some vittles."
"Sweet, movie snacks," Soos said. He turned to Melody. "Wanna take the hidden service tunnel the Northwests used to hide the less pretty servants?"
"Pffft! Is that even a question?"
Soos tapped a foot twice on a square of Venetian parquet flooring just left of the door. A section of floor beneath them dropped down to form a slide, and Soos and Melody plummeted into the dark, squealing and laughing. The floor swung back up.
Fiddleford said, "I sure hope I fixed that tunnel to go to the pantry 'stead of the secret dungeon. Anywho!" He ambled his bow-legged way into the manor, gesturing for Ford to follow him. "We'll take the scenic route."
Ford looked around as he followed Fiddleford. He'd never been allowed in the front way before—the last time he'd visited the Northwest Manor back in the eighties, he'd been told to come in through a side door. It had been a very long walk. The front door opened directly into a great hall large enough to serve as a ballroom, with a staircase at the far end that led up to a fireplace and then forked left and right. A whale statue hung from the ceiling and still seemed dwarfed by the vast room. Ford had taken classes in lecture halls smaller than this. "I'm surprised you're still answering your own door. With all you made selling your inventions, I'd have expected you to hire a butler by now."
"I built me one a few months back," Fiddleford said, "but it kept trying to murder the feller what brings my mail. So I locked it in the coat room until I can figure out what went wrong."
There was a violent thud and scraping against a door near the entrance.
"Don't worry about that. It's reinforced," Fiddleford said. "Now, how long have you been back in town—a couple weeks?"
"Nearly." Had it really been less than two weeks? Somehow that felt both too long and too short. He'd accomplished so little with two weeks at his disposal. "I'm sorry it's taken me so long to come by. I wanted to as soon as I was back in town. You must think me a terrible friend—"
"Nonsense," Fiddleford said firmly. "I knew you'd come when you could—and here you are, ain'tcha? I reckoned you must've been busy with something."
"Yes," Ford agreed, with a bitter laugh. "More busy than you can imagine."
"Well, there you go! Nothin' to beat yourself up over."
Ford slowed, dropping a few steps behind Fiddleford, feet heavy, feeling like a physical pressure was keeping him from walking forward; and then he stopped. "I'm sorry to say, but that's part of the reason I'm here." He stared at the gap between his boots and Fiddleford's feet, the beautiful hardwood floor and the thin layer of dirt that had settled on it. "Of course, I wanted to visit you too, but... I need your help, Fiddleford."
He'd meant to wait until after the show to bring this up, let Fiddleford enjoy his evening without anxiety—hadn't he learned with Mabel not to try to mix business and socialization?—but now that Ford was here, the bad news threatened to bubble out of him with every breath. He wouldn't be able to enjoy his evening with his dread of the coming conversation weighing down on him. (What right did he have to enjoy the evening, when he knew he was once again about to make his mistakes Fiddleford's problem?) 
But, Ford hadn't had the self-control to keep it to himself for just another few hours—he must have been too tired—excuses, excuses—and now Fiddleford was giving him that look he got when he was fully focused on a conversation, eyes wide and surprised-looking, as if opening them further would let him absorb more of the information he was receiving. "Of course, Stanford. What sort of help?"
Of course, he said. Of course, like Ford didn't have a history of asking for help that ruined people's lives. Either Fiddleford was charitable enough to assume Ford wouldn't inflict the kind of monstrous horrors on him he had thirty years ago, or selfless enough to offer anyway.
Ford swallowed hard. "It's heavy," he warned. "I don't want to ruin the show. Would you rather wait until afterward to discuss it...?" Although Ford doubted Fiddleford would stand for that.
Sure enough, Fiddleford waved off the idea with his bandaged arm. "Don't be silly. Now that you've brought it up, it's gonna give me the heebity-jeebies until I know what's wrong! Anyway, how heavy could it be?" He laughed wryly. "Can't possibly be as bad as that triangle feller, can it?"
Ford didn't know what expression had appeared on his face, but the effect on Fiddleford was instantaneous. His smile vanished; his lined face went as white as his beard. "Is it as bad?"
Ford winced. "Let me explain—"
"It's him." Fiddleford didn't phrase it as a question. "No. It can't— You're lyin'! You're lyin'!" He backed away from Ford as if he was the threat, tripped and tumbled to the floor, and scampered backward on his hands and feet.
And here was the screaming. Age had not dulled Fiddleford's hair-trigger panic response. Ford had hoped to explain it to him gently, ease him into the bad news before revealing who it was, but if all he could do now was damage control... Ford knelt down like he was trying to coax over a frightened cat. "Fiddleford, please—"
One of Fiddleford's legs spasmed, bouncing like a rabbit thumping its foot in warning of predators. "Not him! The beast— The beast with just one—"
"Two eyes," Ford corrected.
And the unexpectedness of the correction momentarily cut straight through Fiddleford's panic. His wild eyes focused on Ford in bafflement. "Say wha?"
"He has two eyes now," Ford said. "And he's powerless and imprisoned. He survived—but he's not a threat." It was a slight exaggeration, but Ford's first priority was calming Fiddleford down. He could introduce nuance once Fiddleford wasn't panicking.
"He's—He's not a—He's—"
"Deep breath," Ford said.
Fiddleford sucked in a deep breath, held it just long enough that Ford was starting to worry, and let it out in a long, deep gush. "Whoo!" He smacked his head with his palm, and then another couple times for good measure. "Sorry 'bout that. Just—got a little excited. Let me catch my..." He took another couple of deep breaths.
Ford waited patiently. "You're better at dealing with alarming news than you used to be." Maybe that wasn't the best praise, considering that Ford had usually been the one delivering the alarming news.
"I'm not sure I am. I think I just get it all out of my system faster." Fiddleford took one last deep breath, and said, "All right. Explain this to me."
Ford gave Fiddleford the rundown on the last two weeks—Bill's arrival, his capture, the stalemate as they realized that neither side could risk Bill's death without knowing what would happen. He explained everything they knew or suspected about Bill's current powers or lack thereof, and how they were containing and neutralizing him further.
He even pulled out his current journal to show Fiddleford Bill's appearance: a few days ago, Ford had gotten a drawing of Bill in the living room watching TV, huddled up against the armrest of the sofa as if he wanted to stay as close to the doorway as possible, one eye squeezed shut, the other glazed with disinterest, the corners of his mouth curled down despondently. Ford had done the quick rough sketch while watching Bill from the kitchen, then retreated to his room to flesh out the details. There was no way Ford was neglecting to properly document the unwelcome phenomenon occurring in his house, but there was doubly no way Ford was giving Bill's ego the pleasure of knowing he was drawing him again. 
Fiddleford cocked a brow. "Bill's a woman?"
"I'm not sure whatever force humanized him was too picky about the sex," Ford said. "For that matter, I'm not sure he's picky about his sex. It's never come up." What kind of genders did Bill's species have? Did they have genders? Ford should ask. (Ford should not ask. He took that idea, stuffed it in a bag, and threw it in a lake.)
"Huh." Fiddleford gave Ford a skeptical look. "Y'all're letting him watch TV?"
"He's threatened to kill himself if he gets too bored," Ford said tiredly. "He knows if we were to completely lock him up, he'd be as good as dead, since we could just keep him there until we find a guaranteed way to kill him. He says he'd sooner die by his own hand in that circumstance, and he's mad enough I think he'd make good on it. So, to maintain the current stalemate, we've agreed on some... limited privileges."
"Including television."
"Honestly? Moving the TV out of the living room just so he couldn't watch it didn't seem worth the trouble. We use that TV too."
Fiddleford grunted; but he offered the journal back to Ford. He offered it held open, and his gaze didn't break from Bill's face until Ford shut it and put it back into his jacket pocket. "So," Fiddleford said. "You said you need help?"
"Yes. At the moment, we're safe from Bill. All we have to do is find a way to destroy both his body and whatever's inside it, whether it's a human soul or an energy being—and use it before he learns we have it and does something drastic."
Fiddleford pressed his lips together, so thin they disappeared behind his whiskers. "Stanford, I want to help any way I can, but none of my killer robots or deadly lasermajigs are designed for incineratin' space demons. I don't rightly know if I can help."
"But you've already helped. You—" Ford hesitated. "You might want to brace yourself for another shock."
Fiddleford wrapped his arms around his chest and laced his hands together behind his back. "Ready!"
"While I was exploring other dimensions, I found a parallel Earth where you—where we..." Ford swallowed his guilt. "Where... things turned out better. Your parallel self helped me perfect my weapon to destroy Bill."
"A parallel..." Fiddleford's gaze briefly went wall-eyed as he processed the implications of the second life-altering revelation of the hour; but he quickly shook himself out of it. "Well, shucks, then this oughta be easy as pie! If I can do it, then so can I! So tell me about this weapon."
Soos appeared at the top of one of the stairs at the end of the great hall. "Hey, dudes! What's the hold up? We're ready to roll!"
"We'll be right there," Ford called, then turned back to Fiddleford. "Perhaps I should show you the blueprints after the show."
They headed for the stairs. Fiddleford gave Ford a cheeky grin. "Stanford Pines, shilly-shallying around watching cartoons when there's work to be done? Now, my memory ain't what it used to be, but that don't sound like the Stanford I recall."
"I've learned the hard way that a strict diet, exercise regimen, and regular meditation alone can't save a human from burning himself out." The image of Bill's eye and Cheshire Cat smile peering out from beneath a dark towel flashed through Ford's mind. He pushed the memory aside. "Now more than ever, I need to make time for a little play." Goodness knows he hadn't made any time in the last couple of weeks, unless that emotionally fraught trip to Portland counted. "Besides, I—don't want to ruin your evening with my problem."
Fiddleford reached up to put a hand on Ford's shoulder. "That sonova cosine ain't your problem; he's ours. All of ours."
"Thank you, Fiddleford." It was exactly what he needed to hear.
At the top of the stairs, Fiddleford hopped in the air, kicked his heels together, and shouted, "Now let's go watch some giant robots commit atrocities against God! YEEHAW!" He tore off down a corridor with Ford chasing close behind.
Stan had given Wendy a copy of the Mystery Shack's keys a year ago, back when the only secrets in the shack had been hidden beneath the vending machine. She still had them, and she could still let herself in at any time; she'd just needed an excuse to minimize how much trouble she'd get in if she was caught.
"Sorry, I forgot my ice cream was here and I just came to pick it up" was a much lower offense than "I was sneaking in specifically to find out the thing you were trying to keep me from finding out."
Staking out the shack from the woods was boring work—she would've liked to bring a friend along, but then she really couldn't use the "I was just swinging by to grab my food" excuse—but she could pass the time whittling until she lost light, and after that she had like a billion scary story podcasts to go through.
Friday night was anime night. Around seven, Soos's truck pulled out, with Melody and Ford on board. That was right—she'd seen Ford talking to Soos about joining in on anime night. One less person she had to look out for. Half past ten, the last light in the shack turned out.
Wendy went in.
She automatically avoided the creakiest floor boards as she let herself in the front door, and then crept into the kitchen. She closed her eyes as she groped around in the freezer for the  sorbet she'd left behind so that the light couldn't disrupt her night vision. There. Excuse retrieved. If anyone caught her now, she could wave her dessert in their face and pull the dumb teen routine.
Now what?
All she knew about the shack's latest secret was that it had ripped up Soos's coat, it might be psychic, and it was possibly locked up and shouting mad about it. That didn't give her a lot to go on. The kitchen didn't look much different. Less clutter out on the counters and shelves than usual, but that wasn't evidence of paranormal activity. Maybe Abuelita had gone on a cleaning spree.
She'd start with safer locations and move out from there. If she was caught, where would she get in the least trouble for snooping?
Sorry guys, I just came by to get my sorbet; and then I really needed to use the bathroom, so I thought it wouldn't be a big deal if...
She crept out of the kitchen.
Wendy wasn't risking waking anyone by turning on lights; but by the glow of her phone's screen and the living room fish tank, she could see that Abuelita's sofa was missing its cushions. No signs of anything else weird though. She crept down the dark hall, phone pressed to her chest to hide the glow until she'd passed the guest room and Abuelita's room.
Her heart leaped into her throat when she tried to grasp the downstairs toilet's doorknob, but only brushed fabric instead. She held up her phone. They'd replaced the door with a curtain? That was weird, but...
She pulled the curtain aside.
Something sat cross-legged on the closed toilet. One blood-dripping yellow eye stared up at Wendy. 
Wendy screamed.
"Hello to you too," the thing said. "Come in?"
Wendy punched it in the eye and bolted.
She heard it stumble-thud out of the bathroom, call, "Wait, wait—Wendy!" and then laugh, and then mutter, "ow, ow, ow."
Wendy slowed halfway to the exit as what she'd just seen fully registered. That was a human person. Whom she'd socked in the face.
Wendy about-faced. "Oh, man, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" She  came back and flipped on the bathroom light to check for damage.
The stranger was a heavyset brown-skinned woman with a mass of loose golden curls hanging to her shoulder blades, wearing a baggy yellow hoodie and knee-length skirt—and something about her was familiar, but Wendy couldn't put her finger on what. The stranger shrugged, grinning, and said, "It's not the worst thing to happen to that eyeball today!" She moved an eyepatch over from her left eye to cover the bloody eye Wendy had socked—and that was why Wendy had only seen the one eye in the dark. The eyepatch.
Wow, smooth move, Wendy, punching somebody for having a painful-looking eye condition. She winced. "Sorry. Do you... wanna ice that?" She awkwardly held out her sorbet.
The stranger looked at the pint thoughtfully. "Can I eat it instead?"
"Um. No?" Wendy pulled it back. "Hey—did you call me Wendy? How'd you know my name?"
The stranger shrugged. "What, you work here, don't you? I see you all the time."
So they had met before? Wendy studied the stranger's face, trying to remember where—and then her eyes widened. "Wait—hold on, Toga Lady? No way!"
"Wh—yeah, that's me!" She laughed. "I can't get over how many people recognize me because of that."
"Yeah, everyone in town knows you." She flipped open her phone to show Toga Lady a meme Tambry sent a couple days ago: the picture Wendy had taken of her in the gift shop that spread all over town, currently captioned, "When you're meeting Plato but still wanna look kawaii."
Toga Lady cracked up. "Hey, I love that! Send that to Sh—Mabel, I wanna save that."
"Sure." Did Toga Lady not have a phone? Or maybe just didn't want to hand her number out to a stranger who punched her in the dark. "So... what are you doing here? Are you visiting the Pines?" Wendy vaguely remembered Toga Lady asking about the Pines a few months ago. "Who are you?"
"The name's Goldie," the stranger said. "And I'm... just staying here for a bit. As a house guest." (And, Bill realized, if Wendy asked him any more than that, he was in trouble. He and the Pines had very briefly arranged his cover story: if and when somebody noticed him, he was Goldie Locke and he was staying as a guest. But why was he staying as a guest, where had he come from, how long would he be here... they'd never gotten that far. He'd better think up some boring cover story the Pines wouldn't object to—maybe claim to be one of Abuelita's distant relatives, staying with family between jobs...)
Wendy said, "So, hold on. Are you the big mysterious supernatural phenomenon the Pines have been trying not to talk about?"
Goldie blinked. And then a brilliant, gleeful smile stretched across her face. "Wow, you're a smart one! How did you guess?"
To Fiddleford's evident despair, Soos had made good on his threat to put a moratorium on mecha anime. Instead, he played a few episodes of a period drama about a former samurai, desperate to retire from the sword, who kept running into civilians with inconvenient problems that could only be solved with a two-foot steel blade.
In the 1920s, the Northwests had added a private movie palace to their manor so they wouldn't have to watch picture shows with the common folks; and it hadn't take Soos much work to rig up a new projector to play from his laptop. The Northwests had outfitted the theater with armchairs, loveseats, and coffee tables, which had conveyed with the manor. Once the show was over and the snacks were cleared aside, one of the coffee tables made a perfect space for Ford to spread out his blueprints and research notes. While Soos, Melody, and Tate discussed the likelihood that unemployed samurai really used their swords to rescue stuck cats by chopping down tree branches, Ford explained the quantum destabilizer to Fiddleford.
It was a death ray designed to obliterate whatever it hit—whether matter, energy, both, neither, or other. If it hit a human, they'd be crushed into nothing. If it hit something as powerful as Bill, he'd be fatally collapsed into a miniature black hole, taking anything under his influence with him, and then he'd disappear. No matter what Bill was now, this could kill him.
The problem was the fuel, which Ford had obtained from another Fiddleford, who in turn had obtained it in a paradox dimension: an element that was inert when observed and highly radioactive when concealed. Parallel Fiddleford had named it NowUSeeitNowUDontium. But Ford had used up the last of his fuel on a wild shot during Weirdmageddon. And—short of rebuilding that accursed portal and venturing back out into the multiverse—Ford didn't know how to get more.
"Your parallel self helped me make all the modifications to my destabilizer to let it run on Dontium," Ford said. "You know your own mind better than anyone else. Perhaps if you see your parallel self's design modifications, you might be able to deduce the necessary properties of the substance used to fuel it, and we could... find a way to synthesize an artificial substitute, maybe?"
Fiddleford frowned worriedly at the blueprints. "Frankly, I don't know that I do know my own mind," he said. "But... I'll take a look-see at this, see what I can make of it."
"That's all I ask. Thank you, Fiddleford."
"What'll we do if I can't work it out, though?"
He'd already wondered that himself. Making an element was harder than finding one. There was a reason the gold miners outlasted the alchemists. "We'll find another way. Maybe adapt the destabilizer to another fuel source. I initially designed it for portability in anticipation of a fight with a highly mobile, flying opponent. Now that it'll be used for the execution of a captive, portability is less important. Perhaps it could be modified to plug into an external fuel source?"
"It'd have to be ginormous," Fiddleford said dubiously. "What about that infernal-lookin' summoning circle you had us try? Is that still an option?"
"I've considered it, but... there are four members of the zodiac who still don't know Bill's alive—and they're all children. I never learned exactly what the zodiac does, much less whether it would have any effect on Bill as a human, so I don't want to get them involved just to discover that solution doesn't work. The destabilizer will work."
"If'n we can fuel it."
Ford sighed. "We'll call the zodiac 'plan B.'"
On the way out, Ford stopped in the door and said, "Oh, Fiddleford—I nearly forgot." He took out a folded paper he'd stowed in his journal's cover and handed it to Fiddleford, grinning.
It was a hand-made card, with a cover that featured a cake and puffy stickers that read, "PARTY!" Inside was a crayon drawing of Stan and Ford holding hands and smiling next to the words, "Come to our 62nd birthday party!!! Saturday, June 15, 1:00 PM, at the Mystery Shack!!! DON'T BE LATE!!!!!"
Wryly, Fiddleford asked, "Did you make this yourself?"
"Mabel helped," Ford admitted. "I almost forgot our birthday entirely until she brought it up this morning."
"Did you? Now I don't feel so bad that I'd plumb forgot myself. Tomorrow—whoo-ee." A hint of anxiety entered his eyes. "Will the party attendees be including...?"
"We're having our party outside. Our 'houseguest' 'Goldie' is not allowed outside."
Fiddleford immediately relaxed. "Then I'll be there, don't you worry! With gifts, too!"
"Then we'll see you tomorrow." As Ford followed Soos down the long driveway toward his truck, he mused to himself that he couldn't remember the last time he'd had a birthday party. He didn't think he'd ever invited somebody outside his family to a birthday party and thought they would actually come. Felt good. 
Ford was halfway to the truck when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Tate. Had they ever spoken one-on-one before? "Tate? What can I do—"
Tate took a step too close, and Ford's back immediately went stiff. "Don't think I didn't see those blueprints you were showing my Dad," Tate said. "Now, you listen here, Dr. Pines." He said "doctor" like it was an insult. "Thirty years ago I lost my father thanks to you and your stupid science project, and I just got him back. I ain't keen on losing him again. Is that clear?"
Oh. "I—yes. Perfectly clear. I don't want any trouble. I'm asking for his help to prevent trouble, actually."
Tate drawled, "Oh, yeah? That so? You usually need futuristic laser bazookas to prevent trouble?"
How good a look had Tate gotten at the blueprints? He'd been on the other side of the room. "Tate... listen." Ford took a deep breath. "You've got every reason to distrust me. Thirty years ago, I was so wrapped up in my own problems that I turned my back on your father when he needed help the most—and you, your mother, and he all suffered greatly for it. But whatever happens, I won't turn my back on him again. I promise."
Tate considered that in sullen silence. "Fine," he said. "See you don't. But I've got my eye on you."
He turned back toward the manor, paused, and faced Ford again. "When I came to Gravity Falls, the first place I went was the last address Dad wrote from. The man who answered the door said he never knew no McGucket and he'd never stayed there. I called him a dirty liar, and he chased me off his property with a hammer." He pointed at Ford. "You... You were gone by then, weren'tcha? That was your brother."
Ford's stomach dropped. "That's right. That... Stanley didn't know anything. We were estranged the whole time I knew your father. I didn't even call Fiddleford by name in my journals."
"All these years he told me he never knew my father, I thought he was just too big a coward to own up to what he'd done. When all along I was resentin' an innocent man, while you were..." He trailed off; then set his jaw firmly, squared his shoulders, and said, "Welp. You take responsibility like a man. I hope you act like one, too."
Ford shrugged helplessly. "I've been trying to."
Tate nodded once. "Good to finally meet the real you, Dr. Pines," he said coolly. Then he turned back toward the manor and walked away.
Stan was sure he'd heard a scream.
He stared at the ceiling. It was too late for people to be screaming. He didn't wanna get up. He couldn't hear anything now; but then, his hearing aids were out. Which meant the scream must have been really loud.
Grumbling, he sat up, put in his hearing aids, put in his teeth, put on his glasses, put on his slippers, dragged himself upright, and shuffled to the door.
The moment he stepped out, he could hear Bill's voice, chattering from some dark corner of the shack: "I was actually one of Stanford's research assistants! Haha! Yeah, during the earliest portal tests, I got sucked into the psychic plane between reality and dreams—ever heard of the 'mindscape'?—and everyone assumed it killed me! I've actually been haunting the shack like a ghost for the last three decades! It sure is great to be alive again!"
Stan's first thought, still half asleep, was, I don't remember Ford telling me about that part. And his second thought was, Wait. Who's Bill talking to?
Then he heard Wendy's laugh and his blood ran cold. "Aw man, that's insane! What'd you eat? Is there food in the mindscape?"
"I didn't need to eat, sleep, or age! Convenient, huh? Now I look thirty years too young!"
"How'd you keep from getting crazy bored without anyone to talk to?"
"I watched TV over Stanley's shoulder and eavesdropped on tourists' marital problems! I saw you all summer—"
Stan followed their voices to the living room and fumbled on the light switch. Wendy started and cringed back into the armchair she'd claimed, squinting in the bright light. Bill, who'd been standing in the dark like a creep, didn't flinch—but he slowly stood a little straighter.
"What the heck's going on in here?" Stan snapped.
"Hey, Mr. Pines," Wendy said weakly. "Sorry—I forgot my ice cream when I left," she held up a pint, "so I came back for it and... um..."
"I spooked her in the dark and she socked me!" Bill laughed.
Stan moved between Wendy and Bill. "She's got the right idea." As Stan moved further into the room, Bill circled him to get closer to the doorway.
"But—I mean, is Goldie all you were keeping secret?" Wendy asked. "I worked here all last summer. I know what this place is like! You know I can handle learning that some woman's been stuck in a parallel plane—right?"
Before Stan had a chance to say anything, Bill piped up again: "They're all just worried about the thirty-year-old missing person case they could have helped solve! But hey, I don't mind. I'm sure the only reason they didn't try to find me was because Ford thought I was dead and Stan didn't know about me." Bill looked straight in Stan's eyes. "Isn't that right?"
Oh, Bill had them all over a barrel now.
A good two-man con was a lot like good improv theater, in that neither actor could contradict the other one's story; once one of them introduced a detail, the other one had to agree "yes, and—" and roll with it. No matter how stupid or insane your partner's contribution, if you start arguing about your story in front of your mark, they'll know you're lying—and there goes your mark.
Stan knew that. Bill knew Stan knew that.
And Bill had gotten to Wendy first. Now, unless Stan wanted to completely spill the triangular beans to Wendy, he had no choice but to play along and "yes, and" Bill's stupid story about being Ford's assistant.
Fine. But no way was Stan playing along on Bill's terms.
Stan scoffed loudly. "Or maybe the reason my brother didn't try to find you is because you're a no-good lying creep who"—(what do nerds hate each other for?)—"tried to steal his research!"
From the corner of his eye, Stan could see Wendy's eyebrows shoot up and her mouth open slightly. Yeah, good. Yes-and that, Cipher.
Stan expected anger. There wasn't anger. The ghost of a smile flickered across Bill's face before he got his expression under control. There was a spark of light in his eye, like something sleeping in him had activated.
In the split second between Bill's lips parting and the first syllable emerging, Stan realized—a moment too late—that he'd made a terrible mistake. Bill wasn't just a con artist. He was one of those guys. The guys who got into crime because they couldn't get into theater. The divas. The attention hogs. The guys who enjoyed lying for the thrill of it.
And Stan had just given him an opportunity for drama.
"Steal it?" Bill snapped. "Steal it?" He raised a hand and pointed a thumb at himself, elbow jutted out to the side, chest puffed up, making himself bigger. "I am his research! Over half the stuff he put in his journals comes from material I dug up for him! By his third journal, he was practically my ghostwriter! But do you think I was gonna get a co-author credit?"
"Oh, that's a load of bull—slander," Stan snapped. "I am not letting you talk about my brother like that! He did all the hard work while you, what—" what fit the story they were inventing, "—picked up books for him at the library like a good little undergrad—?"
"Hey!" Bill turned sideways to jab a finger at Stan, like a fencer making his profile narrower before driving his sabre home. "Post grad! I was working on my dissertation! And I didn't just 'pick them up'; I found the books he needed, usually because I'd already read them and he hadn't!"
"Oh, you read a few books! Oooh, I'm so impressed! But you're not the one who wrote about them, sister!"
"HA! The hundreds of pages of notes I gave him say otherwise! So what if I wanted to publish first while he was hoarding the fruits of my labor in his basement, it was my right—!"
Stan bellowed, "That kind of talk is why you got dismissed from your dissertation program for plagiarism!"
All righteous indignation, Bill raised his voice to match, "The plagiarism charges were unproven! I dropped out on my own terms!"
"Oh SUUURE, because you wanted to see the WOOORLD! And how much of the world did you see hiding in a podunk logging town doing my brother's primary research for him, huh?!"
"HA!" Voice nearly a shriek, finger raised to the heavens in triumph, Bill crowed, "SO YOU ADMIT I DID ALL THE PRIMARY RESEARCH—!"
Ford said, "What the devil is going on here?"
Stan and Bill fell silent. Ford stood in the entryway, looking one part irate and two parts bewildered. The front door was still open, Soos and Melody peering around Ford.
Ford could doom them. Stan knew how to improv like a con artist, Bill knew how to improv like a con artist, but did Ford? Ever since they'd been kids, he'd always been just a little slower with a lie. If Stan had a chance to ease him into the backstory they'd concocted without requiring him to improvise himself—hey, we were just explaining to Wendy how 'Goldie' used to be your research assistant until 'she' got eaten by a portal test—
"STANFORD," Bill snapped. Stan almost jumped out of his skin. Oh no. Bill glared at Ford, pointed at Stan, and said, "Tell Stanley the plagiarism charges were unfounded, I was unfairly accused!"
Stan held his breath.
Ford stared at Bill, and then stared at Stan—Stan could almost see the gears turning in his head—and then stared at Wendy, and then stared at Bill again. And then he snarled, "After you tried to beat me to publication, you two-faced liar?"
"HA!" Stan pointed at Bill's face, laughing too hard to speak. "HAAA!" He pounded on the TV, half hysterical with mirth, and had to lean on it as he wheezed for breath. Ford—what a dark horse, Stan could kiss his cheek—Ford was maintaining the most stoic poker face Stan had ever seen. 
Bill was violently biting his lip, red in the face, brows drawn tight together, trembling all over. It took Stan a moment to realize Bill wasn't angry. He was battling hard to look furious—playing the part of the loser of the argument—when the creep was actually fighting not to laugh.
Bill made eye contact with Stan, very nearly lost it, and turned his back toward Wendy so she couldn't see his face. He gestured vaguely toward Stan and Ford and croaked, "You see what I have to put up with?"
"I dunno, man." Grinning, Wendy said, "Not to make light of the whole 'stuck haunting the shack for thirty years' thing, but it kiiinda sounds like you had it coming."
Mission accomplished. And let that teach Bill a lesson about trying to out-lie Stan Pines.
Soos waved a hand. "Hey, uh, what's going on—?"
Now that was a disaster waiting to happen. "I'll catch you up." Stan zoomed around Ford, scooped his arms around Soos's and Melody's shoulders, and hustled them out of the room.
"You're sure you want to bike home alone this late?" Ford was walking Wendy back to where she said she'd left her bike, just outside the clearing the Mystery Shack made in the forest. "I could give you a ride."
"Thanks, Mr. Pines, but I'm fine. This whole part of the forest is basically my backyard."
"If you insist." He supposed the Corduroy cabin wasn't that far off—the local kids probably ventured further on a regular basis. They just didn't usually drop by the Mystery Shack at this hour. "What were you doing visiting the shack, anyway?"
"I came back to get my ice cream," Wendy said, holding up her sorbet pint demonstratively. "Which... is probably completely melted by now." She shrugged, popped off the lid and drank it.
She came by this late for ice cream? Ford had his doubts. But then, if he'd been a sixteen-year-old with a summer job in a house keeping a supernatural secret, would he have done any differently? (He was just glad she hadn't worked out who their "guest" really was. He'd have to thank Stan later for his quick thinking with a cover story.)
Wendy picked up her bike and hit her helmet against a tree to dislodge any bugs that might have crawled in. "Hey, uh—please don't tell my dad I was over here, okay? I kinda didn't mention that I was going out."
Wendy was Boyish Dan's kid, wasn't she? How different they were. The Dan that Ford knew hadn't been much older than Wendy, but he'd regarded these woods with a respect that bordered on fear. He'd never be wandering around this late at night. "I can't imagine why I'd need to bring it up." Ford had snuck out for dumber reasons as a kid.
"Thanks, Mr. Pines." She put on her helmet and got on her bike. "I'll see you in the morning!"
"The morning? The party isn't until one, is it?"
"Yeah, but I'm running an errand with Mabel." Wendy waved as she left. In the dark, her arm blended in with the trees.
Ford hadn't heard Mabel mention any errands. What was she doing that she needed Wendy's help for?
Ford waited until he couldn't hear Wendy's bike anymore; and then headed back into the shack.
(Y'all have no idea how long I've been waiting to post that argument. If you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you thought! I need comments to survive. Like tinkerbell. Thanks!!)
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Kinkmas Day 4 (Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy, use of pet names, slight daddy kink
WC: 1.1k
A/N: Any Billy fic I write is written with him as a redeemed character who has apologized for and rectified his actions. We do not stan racist, misogynistic Billy in this house.
Kinkmas 2022 Masterlist
“Babe, what do you think of this–babe?” You could’ve sworn that Billy was just next to you as you thumbed through the racks of dresses, but he was nowhere to be found. “Billy Hargrove!” you hiss, scouring the department store for your fiancé. He was supposed to be helping you find a new outfit for your family’s Christmas party; you’d managed to bribe him to join you by promising a hot pretzel from Auntie Anne’s, and a little something extra at home.
You figure he’s meandered over to the lingerie section to pick out something for his reward, but he hasn’t made it that far. Instead, you find him gazing at a maroon dress hanging on a mannequin. The only problem was that the mannequin was sporting a sizable baby bump, which you most certainly were not.
“Uh, Billy?” you ask, biting back a laugh. “You good?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” he mutters, running a hand through his curls. “What do you think about this one?” He motions to the dress in front of him, brushing over the velvet material.
“I think you’re looking in the wrong section,” you tease, “like, maybe we can check the non-pregnant lady department?”
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Oh, shit,” he chuckles lightly, unwrapping a piece of mint gum and sliding it between his lips. “Didn’t realize.” But he’s lying through his teeth, and you know it–there’s no way he didn’t notice the mannequin’s protruding belly. Still, you don’t have the time to unpack what’s unfurling in his brain, so you grab his hand and lead him back to the correct department.
It’s your first Christmas as an engaged couple, so you’re expecting to be inundated with questions about wedding planning. You were not expecting your family to hound you about starting a family.
“First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes…”
“Any plans for a baby Hargrove or two?”
“Babies are such a blessing, you know?”
By the end of the night, you’re exhausted from fake smiling and trying to make up excuses to end the conversations. You flop on your back into bed, still in your clothes and full makeup. 
“That was brutal,” you groan as Billy enters the room, unbuttoning his shirt and stretching. His rippling muscles provide a welcome distraction. “Ooh, shirtless almost-husband. Gimme.” He laughs as you stretch your arms out and make a grabbing motion with your hands, but he ultimately complies.
You tug on one of his belt loops until he climbs on top of you. “All right, doll,” he drawls, “I see what you want.”
“And what’s that?” you question mischievously, letting your lips brush against his.
Billy takes the opportunity to slide his strong hand underneath you, gripping the small of your back as he pulls your hips to his. You can feel him, already half-hard, and you smile before kissing him deeply.
“All worked up from just a little flirting?”
Billy brings his other hand under your sweater, fondling your breasts hungrily. “‘S more than that, mama,” he murmurs into your neck, and you draw back at this new pet name.
“What did you just call me?” you ask, bewildered. You’re used to him calling you doll, sweets, even sugar; but mama? 
“Mama,” he repeats. “Thought it was, um, cute.” He smirks before continuing. “And it sounds like a lot of your family thinks it would be a pretty fitting name, too.”
You roll your eyes and push him off. “Okay, mood sufficiently killed,” you mutter, though it’s not true. The thought of having Billy’s baby stirred up something within you; something you didn’t even know existed. You didn’t think he would reciprocate those feelings.
“C’mon,” he protests gently, running his thumb from your belly button down to the top of your skirt. “Let me get you pregnant tonight.” 
You feel a shiver shoot down your spine at his words, not wanting to believe what you’re hearing. “Billy, don’t fuck with my emotions like that.”
“I’m not,” Billy insists. “I want to see you pregnant with my baby. All round, tits swollen, because I came inside you.” He sneaks a nibble on your earlobe. “Y’gonna let me do that? Cum inside you and knock you up?”
“Y-yes,” you stammer. You should be used to his boldness in bed, but you always seem to be taken aback when he reveals something new. “Give me your baby, Billy.”
That’s all the permission he needs before pulling down your panties and starting to scissor his fingers inside your pussy. “S’wet for me, mama,” he growls. “You get this turned on thinking about me putting a baby in you?”
A guttural moan leaves your throat, resulting from his touch and his words. There are times when you want him to play with you forever, teasing you until you’re completely overstimulated, but tonight is not one of those nights. You only want one thing from him, and you want it bad.
 “N-need your cock in-inside me,” your voice is a whining whisper as you’re clenching around his fingers. 
“And you’ll get it,” he coos, pressing a gentle kiss to your clit. “Have to make you feel good first, right? I still gotta be a gentleman, y’know.” He wraps his lips around your sensitive bundle, sucking harder as your thighs tighten around his head. You finish on his tongue, legs trembling atop his broad shoulders.
“That’s what I’ve been waiting for,” he preens, kissing you so you can taste your pleasure on his mouth. “Now you’re ready for me.” He kicks off his pants and boxer briefs and resumes his position, pressing his torso to yours. His hard cock tantalizingly nudges your folds. 
“Shit, your body is fuckin’ perfect,” Billy groans, pushing into you. You take each inch, feeling him fill you up with each thrust. He brushes your hair off of your face and smiles. “Wanna see your pretty face while I make you a mommy.”
The coil in your belly tightens, signaling that your second orgasm is iminent. “Fuck, Billy,” you whimper, bucking your hips into his, “‘m gonna cum. Want you to cum with me, please.”
He pistons into you, biceps bulging as he grips the sheets for support. “‘M cumming, too…all for you…you gotta take it all f’me, mama.” 
“Yes, daddy,” you pant, and you feel his sticky release coating your walls as his thrusting slows. He’s breathing heavier than you are, but he stays inside you, unmoving.
“Don’t want any of it coming out,” he explains. “Tilt your hips up for me a bit…thassit,” he praises you, tucking a pillow underneath your ass. “Wanna make sure it takes.” He withdraws with a hiss.
You bite your lower lip suggestively. “And what if it doesn’t?”
Billy settles in bed beside you, placing his big hand over your belly like there’s already a baby in there. “Well, I certainly don’t mind doing this every night.”
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emilysboy01 · 7 months
Thinking About Cowboy Van.....
(Also transmasc Van, cause we love/stan him here)
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy 🤠🐺
Word Count: 872.
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^Cowboy Remus tehe^
You were out front in Van's store like usual, though he'd seemed off today. Less conversation, staying out back and stocking tapes (which he usual hates) instead of working the counter. So you decided to close to store early and talk to him.
"Hey," You stated, going into the back of the store, walking over to him, and wrapping your arms around his waist. "You alright, you've been quiet today."
"Uh yeah, just bad scar day, you know?" Van replied, resting his hand over one of yours, using the other to keep stocking the tapes.
"You sure?" You inquired, resting your chin on his shoulder. "Cause if it was more than that, like 'gender dysphoria' more, then you know you can talk to me, right?"
"I- pffff" He huffed out softly, scratching the back of his neck, putting the tapes down before turning around and wrapping his arms around your neck. "How do you always know?"
"I'm not an idiot, Van." You stated, running your thumbs over his hips, offering a small smile.
"I know you. I know that I read the information booklet things cause I knew you wouldn't, and that I have access to the internet to try and understand what's going on in that head of yours sometimes because sometimes you're a stubborn git and won't tell me yourself."
"God damn you." The redhead stated, scrunching her face up and stamping his foot on the floor like a grumpy toddler.
"Alright yeah, stupid gender dysmorphia is stupid, and scars are stupid." He added, huffing out softly, like a mini (but well justified) tantrum.
"Oh baby," You emphasized, running your thumbs over his cheeks. "I think I know how to make you feel a little better."
"Oh?" He said, running his thumbs over your collarbones. "And what's that huh?"
"Cmon," You stated. "I've got something to show you." You added, taking his hand, and leading him into the store front and over to the counter.
He stood behind the counter as you stood on the other side of it, picking up a cardboard box off the floor, putting it on the counter and opening it.
"You didn't." Van said, his expression widening slightly more after pulling out each item.
A cowboy hat, an autumn-ish coloured checked flannel shirt and suspenders.
"I remember you saying the other day, regardless if it was a joke or not, that being dressed as a cowboy would cure your gender dysmorphia, so I took bet on it." You explained, as he ran his thumb over the stitching of the hat.
"Do you like it?" You asked after a few moments.
"Like it I- I love it, I really- I really love it. So much. Thank you, this really means a lot." He said smiling widely, picking all the items up.
"I'm gonna go try them on right now. Thank you thank you thank you." The redhead repeated, heading back out to the stock room, stripping down to his binder, before putting the flannel on, buttoning it up, starting to put on the rest of the outfit.
He returned a few minutes later while you were back behind the counter, writing down and crossing off some things on a clipboard.
"Okay so, it looks and feels great," He started, making you turn around to see him stood in the doorway. "But I think I did this wrong." He finished, indicating to the suspenders, making you grin widely and giggle slightly.
"Oh baby." You said after collecting your thoughts, putting the pen down, and approaching him. "You want some help?" You inquired, gesturing to the suspenders, which he'd secured around his thighs instead on over her shoulders.
"Please?" He asked, giving you slight puppy dog eyes, making him look like a kid who'd just drawn on the walls with crayons.
You snickered softly, biting it back, before crouching down in front of him, moving to untangle the suspenders from his thighs.
"You know I'm getting a major sense of deja vu right now?" You said, smirking slightly, while moving to pull them out from the inner sides of his thighs.
"Shut up, okay? I tried, and got confused." Van defended, muttering the last bit to himself, but just loud enough for you to hear.
"Oh baby boy, it's okay. I got it." You answered, standing back up and securing the suspenders at the front of his jeans, before tapping his waist. "Can you turn around for me, sweet boy?"
To which he did so, turning around and letting you clip the last suspender to the centre of his jeans, pressing a soft kiss against his jaw.
"There you go, pretty boy. All better." You said, pressing another kiss against his neck.
"Thank you, again." He said, turning around and kissing your lips softly.
"You are very welcome, baby boy. And may I just say, you look very handsome lookin' like this." You stated, looping your thumbs through the belt loops of his jeans, pulling him closer and pressing a soft kiss against his forehead.
"Thank you love, I love you." Van replied, running his thumbs over your collarbones again.
"Love you too. A lot." You replied, pressing another kiss against his cheek, flicking the underside of his hat.
I honestly don't know what this was, but you know, I've thought about Van dressing as a cowboy for no apparent reason.
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sensei-chidori · 2 months
this is my opinion on Sakura. I have a love and hate relationship for her and I just want to state my opinions on her but they may be some points wrong since I haven’t watched naruto in a long time but you can always correct me, let’s get started. Reminder to not attack anyone who made this. I found all of these on Pinterest but DO NOT ATTACK THEM I REPEAT DO NOT ATTACK THEM. Thank you
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”Sasuke and Sakura have always had feelings for each other”. What? I don’t know if this dude watch the anime at all but probably did and the filters too but Sasuke did not had any romantic feelings for Sakura. I covered the username on the TikTok because I don’t want you attacking him.
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I’m not saying all Sakura fans are like this but I come across on Pinterest to some Sakura fans like this. How is Hinata coping Sakura? Didn’t Kishimoto design them? How the fuck did this person saw this and say hinata outfit is a copy of Sakura outfit? Sakura and hinata have similar designs in the last but just because Hinata has a similar outfit to Sakura, does not mean she’s coping her. Didn’t tenten had a similar design to Sakura as well? So why do they fucking whine and complain about Hinata design similar to Sakura
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I don’t know what to say about this but Sasuke woke up from a coma and probably doesn’t know wants going on so I don’t know how some Sasusaku/SS fans/Stans see this as “true love”.
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Toneri is abusive? I don’t know if pulling someone hair is abusive but I did search on google to see if it is them google said it is so, Apparently they saying that sasusaku is not abusive but toneri is? Look I’m not saying sasuke is abusive towards Sakura but he did give a shit about her.
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So apparently Sakura is allowed to be shipped with other people, different anime’s, and adults from naruto but when Sasuke is shipped with someone else like a boy or girl, they go insane and say shit “nOoo sAuKe iS OnLY mEaNT fOr sAkUrA!!!” And bash other ships that include sasuke who is not Sakura or attack people if they don’t ship sasusaku. I’m not saying all sasusaku fans are like this but to the ones who like act this.
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It’s funny about this. Just because sasuke looked at her doesn’t mean he loves her. The first one when I saw it in Pinterest and checked the comments and some of the comments were saying “Sasuke retsuden is canon”! Let me tell you this, Sasuke retusden is not canon for fuck sakes, I believe the cover is made by kishimoto but the novel is made by Jun esaka and if the novel was canon, then it will be written by kishimoto.
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What? I don’t think Sakura can even beat itachi. Yes Sakura is strong but I think itachi had more fighting experience/skills than Sakura. If they were was a fight between Sakura and Itachi then Sakura probably would be dead unless she heals. I do believe we were told she was a resistance to genjutsu but if he puts her in a tsukuyomi then she might be dead because you can’t break free or cancel it from itachi tsukuyomi like he did to Kakashi. Sakura is strong but not the same level as itachi I believe.
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I don’t know if this is true or not, so I’m just going to between believing it and not believing it but I just want to say about this. People attacked or shit on Hinata for stalking naruto but not Sakura? Sakura chased sasuke on his journey/traveling until he said yes and no one says it. In my opinion both Sakura and Hinata either deserve jail time or criticism for that or just deserve to be single.
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“Sakura deserves better” When people say this, they putting the blame on Sasuke like Sasuke is the one that turned her like this. It’s not sasuke fault, Sakura chose to be that or Kishimoto wrote her that way. Sakura can’t accept no from Sasuke when he told her he wasn’t interested in her multiple times. Sakura legit can’t take no as an answer and still chase a guy who treated her like shit. In my opinion when people say “Sakura deserves better” meaning my opinion she deserves better character development and goals not winning over a guy who treats like shit.
this is all for now, I will probably do more next time. Remember this is my opinion about Sakura little, if you’re a Sakura fan or sasusaku fan, it’s better for you to not view this because I’m not going to waste my time bothering arguing with you about this. I would like Sakura more if kishimoto knew how to write woman.
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vainvenus · 3 months
⌲;꒰ A single Daffodil. ꒱
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Pairing - Peeta Mellark x Fem!Reader
Synopsis - Peeta was prepared for a lot of things going into the games but falling in love with your opponent was not one of them.
Includings - Careers!reader, the careers are silly little teens, sorry Marvel stans, flower symbolism foreshadowing, mutual pinning but it's doomed, reader's smart and poetic, no Everllark romance, lots of fluff, kisses, cannon typical violence and blood, angst, major character death, no happy ending.
An - I lowkey don't like this
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"That's really impressive."
You jumped a bit upon hearing a voice next to you and you glanced over to see the blonde from District 12.
You don't know anything about him except for the fact that he's from district twelve and was a baker back at home. You only remember interacting with him once before this and that was when he complimented your tribute parade outfit.
It was a short yet sweet interaction. You could tell his compliment was genuine from how he was staring at you like a starstruck child then how his smile grew and his cheeks seemed to grow pink in shade.
Peeta smiled warmly, pointing to the fish hook you were making.
"That. You're really talented."
Now the second time he's spoke to you has also been a compliment, this time towards your skills and you can't help but feel sorry that someone this sweet has been forced into these kind of games.
Your eyes moved back to the fish hook as you try to not let his small compliment get to you. Your fingers moving through it like it was second nature.
You shrugged. "I'm not...just something we learn at an early age in district four, a seven year old could do it easy."
Peeta hums, getting a bit a closer to you. "It's still really cool though, do you think you could teach me?"
You want to say yes but your current alliance with the rest of the careers stands in the way of you fully agreeing to.
They've all set the rule of not being or getting friendly with the other tributes, hence them showing off all their brute skills to scare them away.
And Cato especially didn't like Katniss and Peeta because they stole the spotlight from him during the tribute parade and the interviews.
He didn't see them as a threat but he wanted them both dead even calling dibs on Katniss but he cared less about Peeta, saying that he was weak and would just be another easy kill.
You bite on the inside of your cheek, guilt building up inside you. Peeta hadn't done anything to you and if you weren't in a current alliance that would keep you safe most of the games you would have agreed without a second thought.
"I can't."
His brows furrowed, a small frown on his lips. "You can't?"
You shake you head, finishing your fish hook shortly. "I'm sorry but I can't."
"Why no-"
"[Y/n]! Come here!" You both flinched at the sound of Cato barking your name, he's standing near a couple of the dummies that are now headless with a sword in his hand and you look back at Peeta.
"Prove you can do something. Something impressive." You quickly tell him and his brows furrow even more in confusion.
"What? Why?"
"The Careers, they think-"
"[Y/n]! I don't like repeating myself!" Cato shouted and you sighed heavily, giving Peeta a small frown as you mouthed 'Sorry.' before walking away from him and towards Cato.
Peeta watched as leaned down to whisper something in your ear and Peeta could only assume it was about him from the glare that was shot his way from the boy.
He walked away from the station you were currently at to go and do something else since, your words dancing around in his mind.
Peeta goes towards something that he assumes it to help tributes with climbing, it reminds him of a much larger fishing net.
He only makes it a little bit up before his foot gets caught and it twists the net around, he looks like a fly flailing around in a spider's web before he loses his grip and falls to the mat.
He can hear a couple, if not all of the careers giggling and Katniss quickly makes her way over to him.
"Throw that metal thing over there."
"What?" He asked breathlessly before he looked over at what Katniss was referring to then his gaze shifts back over to those who were watching them.
"No, Haymitch said we're not supposed to show our skil-"
"I don't care what Haymitch said. Those guys are looking at you like you're a meal." She states, glancing over to the career pack before back to him.
"Throw it."
Peeta looked over at the group and sure enough they're staring at him like he's fresh meat. He's sure that you're the only one who's looking at him with an ounce of sympathy, your brows drawn up and nail caught between your teeth.
Prove you can do something. Something impressive.
Peeta rethinks of your words from earlier as he starts to get up and walks over to the case holding the metal balls which he assumes are weights of some sort.
He grabs the heaviest one that's located at the bottom with his right hand and he walked over to the case of spears that are adjacent from where you're all standing.
He throws it over his head, a lot more grand than if he were to do it underhand. It hits the case, knocking something spears to the ground and the case rolls out of place a bit.
He pants softly before glancing back at the group who have now stopped their giggling and stares of bloodlust. They now look at him in a difference sense before returning to what they were doing.
Cato's gaze is the one that stays on him the longest, his eyes narrowing with a smug smile. He watched as Cato taps your arm and point towards him, he sees his lips moving but he can't make out a thing he's saying.
Peeta just prays that it's a good thing because you don't look back at him as you go join one of the tributes in knife throwing.
It turns out that that look was a good thing as he finds himself being apart of the career pack once the actual games started.
And Peeta's not stupid, he knows that as soon as he helped them find Katniss he's next on their list. He just hopes that everybody is stupid enough to believe he's stupid for him to keep Katniss safe.
"You sure she went that way?" Cato asks, pointing straight ahead and Peeta nods quietly.
As they all kept walking you stayed beside Peeta a bit behind the group. You glance up at the trees, eyes narrowing at the silhouette of someone you cant quite make out because of how dark its got.
You think you see the outline of a familiar braid but you decide to ignore the shadowy figure if it is her and look back over at Peeta.
"If Cato finds out you're double crossing him he'll kill you." You whisper and you can see him swallow the lump in his throat.
He knew out of all of them you would be the first to see right through him. While you were the least violent of the group, you were the most observant and arguably the brains of the pack.
He bit on the inside of his cheek and nodded. "I know."
"I hope it doesn't come to that, Peeta. I'm rooting for you."
It's endearing to hear because he's sure that you're one, if not one of the only people who is rooting for him. He knows that his own family isn't and he's well aware that out of the two of them Haymitch has a better bet on Katniss than him.
But as he thinks about it his brows draw up in slight concern as he looks back over to you. "What about you?"
"What about me?" You counter with an expression that matched his confusion.
"Aren't you rooting for yourself?"
You're quiet for a while, the only thing that Peeta hears is the sound of crunching leaves or sticks below your feet along with the buzzing of nighttime insects. After some time you finally shake your head.
He frowns, staring at you with an expression that could only be wrapped up and seen as pity. You're apart of the careers, you had the fourth highest training score, you were incredibly smart and strategic.
If anyone had a shot at winning this 'game' he thought it would be you.
"Why not?" Peeta finally asks after moments of silence and you shrugged your shoulders.
"It's kind of sad, I worked and dedicated most of my childhood towards this. Got put in that stupid academy, training, dieting, working on different skills, anything that would give me a head start." You sigh, shaking your head. "I don't deserve to win."
Peeta felt sorry for you. He couldn't even think about what being in the wealthier districts where winning this was forced upon you at an early age, he at least got to live out most of his childhood and enjoy what he could.
"If there can only be one winner I want it to be you, Peeta. You seem like a good person and I wish we could've met under different circumstances."
He smiles softly, interlocking your hand with his own and giving it a small squeeze.
"Me too."
The two of you stare at each other for a short while under the moonlight but the sweet moment is cut short as a high pitched bloodcurdling scream cuts through the night followed by the sound of a cannon.
The two of you jumped, Peeta pulling you a bit closer as he heard rustling from the bushes.
He was at ease once he saw that it was just Marvel, the boy having a smug smile as he looked between the two of you.
"C'mon lovebirds! We're setting up camp for the night!" He chuckled, shaking his head as he went back to where you assumed the rest of the careers were and by setting up camp you were both sure he meant stole one.
"You know if he wasn't kind of a psycho and things weren't the way they were, I think I would be friends with him." Peeta comments, still holding onto your hand as the two of you follow Marvel and you snicker.
"He's not that bad. He just kind of has a big ego, I guess it makes sense with his name." You comment and Peeta's brows furrow slightly and he tilts his head.
"What does his name mean?"
"Something wonderful or extraordinary. So much so that you can't help but watch depending on the thing." You explain to him and he nods, chuckling a bit.
"That's funny but also a little sad given the situation." He comments as the two of you see the small fire that's been made, the rest of the careers already circling around it.
"All of their names have a meaning with sad irony if the games aren't in their favor."
"Oh? Tell me.." He trails off as he stops for a second causing you to come to a halt as well. You watch as he tilts his head at a bush and you wonder if he's already gone crazy or he saw something.
He let's go of your hand to reach for something in the bushes and after a bit of rustling he chuckles breathlessly as he turned back to face.
He's holding a yellow flower and upon closer look you realize that its a daffodil. It's strangely out of place in the current setting and you can't help but let out a small laugh at the flower "How odd. It's beautiful."
You don't notice that Peeta's gaze is lazer focused on you as he smiles and nods. "It is."
Peeta hands the flower to you and you smile softly, twirling it between your fingers before sniffing it. It smelt real which almost made it more strange for it to be the only one there.
"Beautiful but what they can symbolize is sad." You sigh, placing the flower carefully in one of the many pockets of your pants and Peeta tilts his head.
"What can they symbolize?" He asks and you notice that the two of you are getting closer to the small camp the careers have set up and you pat him on the back.
"I'll tell you later, I promise." You hold your pinky out to his and he locks it with his as before you take a seat next to Glimmer who raises her brow at the two of you and the flower that seemed to have came out of nowhere.
"And what took you two so long?"
"Nothing, just-"
"They were busy being allll over each other." Marvel says, obnoxiously making kissy faces towards Peeta as he hooks his arm around the blondes shoulder to pull him closer.
"We were not!" Peeta defends, trying to push the brunette off of him as the group bursts into a fit of giggles and laughs.
"Oh you totally were! Look at how red you're getting, you're practically a tomato!" Glimmer points out, the laughter between the group continuing to grow and Peeta looks at you for help but your only contributing to the laughter.
"What're you laughing for?" Cato scoffed at you with a small smile.
"Yeah, you're not off the hook. Let's not bring up how you were making goo-goo eyes at him the whole time during training room." Clove teases a smug smirk on her face as you shake your head.
"What? That is not true!" You respond and practically everybody rolls their eyes at that.
"Yeah and Glimmer's a real blonde." Marvel scoffs and the blonde's jaw slacks in offense.
"Excuse you?! I am a real blonde!" She exclaims.
"Here we go again."
Once most of the playful bickering and an almost hour long debate on whether or not Glimmer was a natural blonde came to an end it was quiet, only the sounds of nighttime creatures buzzing through the air as everybody slowly started to fall asleep, Marvel offering to take the first watch.
What keeps Peeta at peace while he's trying to fall asleep is thinking of this whole thing as some sort of camping trip with a bunch of friends. He's not miles away from home in the woods with a bunch of teens who could kill him at any second.
He's laying on his back with you using his body as a pillow and that brings him some sort of comfort. He glances down at you and smiled softly at how peaceful you looked, the day obviously tiring you out from how you were the first to fall asleep.
"You two would be cute together." Marvel whispers and Peeta glances over at him, not wanting to move so he doesn't disrupt your sleeping.
"Really?" He asks, a small smile making its way on to his face
Marvel nods. "Too bad one of you is gonna have to die if you both make it to the end."
Peeta narrows his eyes at the brunette and Marvel only tilts his head at the two of you and narrows his eyes, there's a glint of something in those light blue eyes as the flame of the fire reflects against them, but Peeta can't quite pin down what the emotion is.
"If it comes down to it, would you die for her?"
Peeta replied without hesitation. "In a heartbeat."
Marvel hummed in acknowledgement.
You and Peeta were now on your own after the careers found out that he had been with them just to keep Katniss safe and as you had predicted Cato was furious and luckily the two of you had escaped his rage without harm.
"Are you sure you're fine?" Peeta asked and you nodded your head. Cato had stabbed your side in an attempts to stab at Peeta but you got in-between it.
You made sure to keep your palm against it, applying pressure with a bunched up piece of fabric Peeta tore from the bottom of his shirt. Even if it did really hurt you didn't want to worry the blonde and it wasn't too deep of a wound that you felt the need to.
"It just hurts but for a stab wound I think that's normal." You tried to joke to lighten up the mood a little but Peeta continued to stare at you like you were some frail puppy.
"I'm sorry." Peeta apologizes once the two of you were far enough into the forest where he thought you would be safe from troubles, at least for now.
You tilted your head in confusion as you laid down and leaned up against one of the trees. "What're you apologizing for?"
"It's my fault he stabbed you. If you hadn't got in front of me you wouldn't be hurt right now." He said and you shrugged your shoulder with a small smile.
"Then it's my fault, not yours."
"What? No-"
"I chose to be your human meat shield." You cut him off, tired of hearing him blame himself for something you willingly chose to do.
He groaned, burying his face into the palms of his hands before inhaling and tilting his head up to stare at the sky. "I know but I can't help but feel bad because you took a stab wound for me."
"Peeta, I'd take a stab wound for you any day." You admitted tenderly and he looked over at you, his eyes a bit wide as he stared for a while.
Just as he did the day of the tribute parade, like you hung the stars and moon all by yourself. Now that you noticed it, he looked at you like that a lot.
"Do you really mean that?"
"Why would I lie to you?"
He couldn't help himself anymore, leaning closer to close the space between you two as your lips met his own in a soft kiss.
If Peeta were to die, his last thought would be your lips on his and he would pass away happily.
"Aw how cute."
The two of you quickly pulled away and stood up at the sound of the new, yet familiar voice.
Neither of you are surprised to see Marvel standing there and Peeta's eyes widened bit as he saw the same expression Marvel had made the first night by the campfire.
He now understood the emotion behind his eyes.
Nothing but pure bloodlust.
Marvel clenched the spear in his hand, giving it an over the top twirl around his head. "Time to hold up to that promise, loverboy."
He doesn't break eye contact with Marvel as his grip tightens around his weapon. "[Y/n]. Run."
"What? No I'm not leaving you here!" You protested and he wanted to curse at you for how stubborn you are like you weren't currently occupied at keeping your wound from bleeding.
"[Y/n], please just run! You're already injured!" He exclaimed and Marvel can't help but let out a small snicker at the two of the you.
"You guys already act like an old married couple. It's a little sickening." His playful tone dropped and he ran up to the two of you, swinging the spear in your direction as the two of you back away.
You grabbed Peeta's hand with your free and start to run into the forest and you don't hear the footsteps of Marvel following behind but you hear his cackle throughout the trees.
"Yeah! Keep running lovebirds! It doesn't matter to me!" You heard him scream as you and Peeta ventured further into the woods.
The both of you can't help but wonder why Marvel didn't just try to stab at you when you were close enough or why he didn't throw the spear but you assumed he liked the idea of a chase.
It makes things more fun for him and the audience.
You panted heavily, trying to catch your breath. You don't know how long you and Peeta had ran for and since everything looks the same until you hit certain spots you're not even too sure of where you are specifically.
You looked over your shoulder and stood up. You smiled and turned to look over at Peeta who was leaned up against one of the trees as he tried to catch his breath. "I think.. I think we lost h-"
Peeta's eyes grew to the size of saucers as he sees the silver spear pierce right through the middle of you chest and he snapped his head towards the source of it but the brunette was nowhere to be found he only hears his laugh echoing through the woods.
He cursed under his breath, watching as you slowly pull the spear from your body and he feels himself growing nauseous as he watched the crimson red liquid soak your shirt.
He caught you before you fall to the ground and he slowly lowers himself to the ground as he laid you down. His hands were shaking as his eyes looked at the two wounds you've endured, both stain your hands and his own.
"You're gonna be fine. It's gonna be okay, you're okay." He muttered in a rushed tone and he can't tell if it's you he's trying to convince or himself more.
He pressed his hands against your chest, not too worried about the side on your wound since it's obvious which one is more fatal at the moment. Peeta knows that he won't be able to stop the bleeding it just gives him an ounce of hope that you'll somehow push through and be perfectly fine.
"Peeta..." You mumbled and he swallowed the lump in his throat. "Yes?" His voice came out soft because he knew that if he spoke any louder his voice would have cracked and he would've sobbed.
"You know that yellow daffodil you found on the first night?" You asked softly and his brows furrowed. How could you possibly be worried about that at the moment?
"[Y/n]! Now is not-"
"Do you remember?"
He inhaled sharply and nodded his head. He watched as you carefully reached into your pocket and pulled out the flower, it was a bit wounded but still beautiful.
Like you.
"Do you still wanna know what it symbolizes?." You asked with a small smiled as you held out the flower to him. Peeta's bottom lip quivered as he took the flower from you.
Peeta placed it behind your ear before he moved his body slightly as he leaned you against his chest, resting his chin on top of your head. His arms softly wrapping around you but not against your wounds. If he couldn't save you he would at least try to make your last moments the most comfortable.
And he couldn't bare to look you in the eyes as the life faded from them.
"What does it symbolize?"
"It symbolizes unrequited love and misfortune." You chuckled slightly shaking your head and Peeta's frown only deepened as he used his hand to wipe away his tears trying not to cry even more as your blood smeared across his cheek.
"Doomed but beautiful." You laughed softly as you tilted your head up to look at him. You rubbed your thumb across his hand as he gave it a small squeeze. "I'm still rooting for you, Peeta. I love you."
Peeta swallowed the lump growing in his throat, another shaky breath leaving his lips as he placed a kiss on top of your head and pulled you closer to him.
"I'll love you even after death, [Y/n]."
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acaplaya-musings · 21 days
Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals: Folsom Prison Blues
Never have I been so much of a fan of a country song (or at least, a country song performed by a male singer) before!
Geoff's cover of Folsom Prison Blues was uploaded on the 6th of August, 2023, and it's another one of my 3 favourite videos on his channel. Emphasis on "video", because although the song is great and it's yet again a cool arrangement of his, the video is what really sells it for me. So without further ado, let's get into it!
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If you've watched the video (of course you have) and watched at least the first bit of Geoff's outro at the end (I hope you have), then you'll know that Geoff legit rented out an actual legit prison for this video! No longer used of course, and I think this section was the only part of the prison that actually still looked like one, but still! (Shoutout to the Patrons who helped make it possible for Geoff to do this! I'm still considering joining Geoff's Patreon myself tbh.)
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I didn't think it was possible for Geoff to look any more handsome than he already usually does, but Geoff in glasses? Whoo yes please! 👀👌 (Or should I say, "Jeff" in glasses? 😉)
Also check out the book he's reading! It's a Johnny Cash book! (A little nod to the original artist of the song, of course)
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So what's up with the numbers on the uniforms, and how do I know that the one in the glasses is "Jeff"? Well they're connected! Each uniform has a different number on it, and each number connects to a letter, phone-keypad style:
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So the one in the glasses (and now holding that book in a very questionable way) has the uniform number 05333, which can be translated as _-J-E-F-F. Then next to him we have uniform number 43633, which translates to G-E-O-F-F, aka "Lead Geoff" (also context clues can help you out here - he's the lead vocalist for this one, and therefore, it's Geoff 😁)
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Walking up to the foreground we have uniform number 32795, which is Daryl! (Fun story: I've done a few Voiceplay/Geoff marathons with two of my best friends (always via video chat, because I like seeing their reactions but also there's no way I'm letting them listen without headphones), and when we were watching Folsom Prison Blues and we got to this bit, one of my friends exclaimed "holy crap he's jacked?!?!" 😂)
And I'll clarify now that the one leaning(?) on the cell door has the uniform number 53674, and it's Jeoph!
(Apparently Kathy told people in the live chat or something that Goff isn't in this one because he's a good boy who would never end up in jail, or something like that 😆)
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I'm guessing you've noticed how very fluffy Geoff's hair is in this one? 😁 (And also the prominence of his white-grey streak, gotta point that out too <3). Apparently it was quite a warm day when this video was being filmed, and quite humid too, and the "set" was open-air with no air-conditioning or proper cooling system to speak of. And look, as someone who lives in Queensland, Australia (which is frequently Humidity Central during summers), I can certainly sympathise, but dang the humidity didn't do him any sort of disservice, that's for sure! 👀
Also, because there is plenty of natural light for the shots in this one, this is another good video for exhibiting Geoff's actual eye colour (hazel), because the tinges of green are decently noticeable in this one! <3
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To quote one of the comments: "a Geoff being unimpressed with other Geoffs will never not be funny" 😂
(Also more appreciation for Jeff in glasses, while he's still wearing them, because he (sadly /hj) takes them off as the first verse starts getting repeated, and then doesn't put them back on till right at the end!)
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How nice of you to decide to join in, Jeoph! 😆
Also notice that the "Geoffs"/"Quadruplets" here each have a slight difference to their outfits? (Until Jeff takes the glasses off, anyway). It's in the sleeve lengths! Well, if there are any sleeves at all of course. Daryl is wearing a sleeveless shirt (we always stan <3), Geoff has sleeves rolled down to his elbows, and both Jeff and Jeoph have sleeves rolled up higher than their elbows! (Took me freaking ages to notice that, ngl).
(Though note even when Jeff takes off his glasses, he still keeps them hanging off his shirt, so they're still kinda technically a point of difference)
(And is it just the lighting, or is it just me, but is Jeff's shirt slightly different in colour to Jeoph's? Or am I just losing it a little bit? 😅)
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I'm not someone who usually cares much about how physically strong/muscled a person is, but boy, he really do be jacked!
(Also necklace pendant in full view!)
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"Don't ever play with guns!"
(Sharing this image because I literally only just noticed Daryl's sort of "warning finger" gesture (and accompanying facial expression 😝), though it's literally right at the start of the shot and he pulls his hand back fairly quickly)
(Sidenote: I adore the way that Geoff gives his "Backup Geoffs/Clones" individual personalities/identities in some of his videos, I can't get enough of it, and as much as I love the "truly solo" stuff he's been doing since, I hope I get to see multiple "Geoff clones" in a video again sooner or later (NOTE: yes this was written very much before Unshaken was released))
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What's that you're holding there, Jeff? 😉
Also shoutout for not only the acting work by Geoff in this (subtle but certainly valuable), but the editing too! We're getting multiple angles of Jeff, Geoff, Daryl, and Jeoph, who all start in different positions in the foreground/midground/background btw, and it looks clean as anything! Maybe it's not actually too hard to do, relatively speaking at least, but had you shown this to me in like 2018 or something, that alone would have blown my mind, let alone the rest!
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Harmonica time! Truly a man of many skills and talents! (Apparently Geoff used to play harmonica for a Blues Brothers show he did at Universal Studios Orlando or something (knowing how to play it was fully required to perform in the show), and he brushed up on his skills/knowledge for this video!)
Also I know it's obviously much more common to know how to play guitar than harmonica, but I found it a little amusing at how literally not a single reactor batted an eyelid at Geoff "playing" guitar in Man Of Constant Sorrow (though he's overall better at playing it via piano plug-in than with the actual instrument), but at least one or two reactors on this video were like "is that really him playing it?"/"who's playing the harmonica on this cover?" It's all Geoff! 😁
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Jeoph's face right after Daryl hits a very solid F#1 in chest, literally the epitome of "huh, not bad" 😆
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Obligatory comment of "hhhhh he's so pretty"
(Also gotta love the fact that neither Geoff nor any of the Backup Geoffs have any fewer than 2-3 top buttons undone. Full respect 😝👌)
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Another point of difference to look out for in this video: all four of them move their hands differently when singing/harmonising! Most noticeable between Geoff and Geoph. Daryl, meanwhile, keeps his hands pretty still in comparison, mostly either standing with his arms folded, or with his hands half in his pockets like in the shot above.
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"If they free me from this prison..."
(Nobody points out/seems to notice Daryl in this bit, which imo is a darn shame, so I'm making up for it!)
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Bonus Geoff Clones up top in the background! (They're multiplying!!!!)
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Now come on, that's just showing off! 😂 (Also if go back and rewatch this and pay attention to the background, you'll see that the background Geoff Clone on the far left starts clapping! 😁)
Massive kudos to both Geoff and Kathy for this video - other than Ed Boyer (who does the audio mixing for both Voiceplay and Geoff's solo stuff), this cover and video was purely a Castellucci production! Kathy was production manager as always (and she is for Voiceplay as well), and she and Geoff collaborated on "creative/visuals" (quoting the credits in the description, and the rest was all Geoff! The arrangement, the producing, the filming, the performing, (the harmonica playing!), and the editing! All him! He does a lot of this stuff himself for his other solo videos too, but this one is very brilliant, even without knowing how much of an independent creation it was!
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oh-my-damn · 2 years
Mandy's Garden Party!
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Hiya friends!
For some reason, 500 of you have decided that you like me or my stuff (or both) and I am honestly baffled and extremely honored!
So, I thought we should celebrate it with a Garden Party!
The Garden Party will take place between 15-24th of July, but feel free to send in anything earlier and it will be replied to after the 15th. I will tag everything with #mandys 500.
At the Garden Party, there will be a few different activities available to join!
Send in a request for a teaser or sneak peek for one of my current WIPs. It can be for an existing series or for some of the stuff I'm currently working on that you guys don't know about... 👀👀
Just specify what type you'd like in the ask!
Send in any 3 characters and I'll try to decide who to FMK. Any characters from Marvel, Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan works!
Send in a prompt, thought, request etc on any Chris Evans character or from any of my works and I'll spit out a HC or drabble for it! Please also specify if you'd like it to be spicy or not 👀👀
Get to know me better!
absinthe ⇢ what’s a song or movie you consider to be perfect?
bloody mary ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
cuba libre ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
dry martini ⇢ do you collect anything? if so, what?
el diablo ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
fuzzy navel ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
gimlet ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
hurricane ⇢ who is the first person you would call if you received good or bad news?
irish coffee ⇢ what's your zodiac sign?
jolly rancher ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
kappa colada ⇢ morning person or night owl?
long island iced tea ⇢ what's your favorite passtime?
martini ⇢ what work of yours are you the proudest of?
napoleon ⇢ what’s something you'd really want to experience in life?
orange blossom ⇢ do you have a fictional character you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
pink gin ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme, color or style going on?
rosé ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
sangria ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
tequila sunrise ⇢ what's a trope or theme in a fic that gets you every time?
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I hope you guys want to join me!
You are of course also welcome to send in any other questions or ideas etc, don't hold back!
This is the first celebration I've ever hosted so I hope you like it and want to interact with me 🥺👉👈
Hugs and kisses from me!
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Drabbles and Headcannons
*= smut
Trucker!Lloyd Hansen*
Chris and Amelia (The Stranger) Domestic Drabble*
Trucker Ari:
Ari's POV
Reader testing Ari's patience*
Ari's love language*
Sucking on Ari*
Look at daddy*
Riding daddy*
Stranger offers reader a ride*
Soft and sweet with Ari*
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idk-ihavemoodswings · 2 years
I was thinking about as to why there are comparatively more people who support Lexi on tumblr and Cassie on Insta...
I think tumblr is for people who are more into reading and are more fond of words where as Instagram is for pictures and memories and stuff like that. People here are mostly anonymous, they are comfortable speaking their minds online, they prefer not to disclose their name and picture upfront.
I think tumblr people relate more to Lexi as they give off 'The sidekick is the lead' vibes.
And instagram is more like Main Character vibes.
This is generalizing things to a huge extent and I might come off as judgemental but I don't mean to offned/hurt/annoy anybody.
Plus considering the fact that I am a Mirrorball and Liability stan, I think I'm gonna choose tumblr as my platform to speak my mind.
It's all better put into words here 👇🏻 and remember they're sisters, they are allowed to fight...
"Lexi was slut-shaming her sister." But I think there might be an alternative explanation. Now, before I get downvoted into oblivion, let me clarify this doesn't make the carousel scene any less humiliating or bad.
So, let's start by imagining what would have happened if Cassie didn't intervene and instead allowed the play to run its course. The carousel scene would unfold, and the audience would laugh and maybe even make the connection that the character in the play is Cassie. In that moment, Cassie would have been surrounded by her laughing peers as one of her most embarrassing moments is re-enacted before her eyes.
What message was Lexi trying to send her sister?
From Lexi's perspective, I imagine having a "messy" older sister doesn't do your social reputation any favors. And given that Lexi feels like she's had to grow up in her sister's shadow, I believe she sees her sister as someone who loves and soaks up all the attention, even if it's bad attention.
I know the play version of Cassie says something like, "I just love fucking everything," but here's why I think it has more to do with how Cassie is embarrassing herself. Consider that, over the course of Euphoria's two seasons, we see repeated instances where Cassie is seemingly unaware of how "embarrassing" or "socially inappropriate" her behavior is, and the characters often point it out to her in the least tactful ways possible.
For example:
Cassie wears "inappropriate" outfits to parties and school. The characters ask her to change or ask why she's dressed a certain way.
She dry humps a carousel pony in front of onlookers.
She gets excessively drunk at Maddy's birthday and vomits on herself and partygoers in a hot tub before being carried off by her mother while sobbing.
She enters a relationship with Nate, who according to Lexi, spent years making fun of Cassie.
Even amongst viewers, many consider the carousel scene and the hot tub scene to be prolific examples of second-hand embarrassment.
Additionally, consider the moment Cassie interrupts the play. Her behavior, which includes arguing with her sister and the audience as well as running around the stage, causes people to mock her and laugh at her. Their mother tries to reign Cassie in and even tells Cassie she is embarrassing herself, but she refuses to leave the stage (and this all happens before the carousel scene).
I think Lexi was trying to show her sister how the attention she craves isn't worth the cost of her self-respect. Initially, I didn't think the carousel scene was that bad, but the more I thought about what it meant, the more I realized there is an undertone of cruelness in how some of the characters treat Cassie. This is because all of the other characters have engaged in the same "embarrassing" behavior to some degree, but it's not perceived that way by the characters or viewers.
For example:
Kat, Jules, and Maddy's outfits are considered bangers, even though I think many of us would not wear some of those outfits in public.
Maddy has sex in a pool in front of partygoers.
Rue was painfully high for much of Season 2 and did things like walk into doors and slur her words.
Most of the characters do not make good choices when it comes to relationships.
As viewers, I think many of us do not find these examples to be super-duper humiliating because the characters have confidence, so we think of it as a "badass moment" or we have a lot of sympathy for them when they seem to be struggling. Conversely, we see Cassie as someone who is a hot mess.
I believe this is the crux of Lexi's resentment - to her, Cassie acts a fool and laps up the attention, and Lexi is left to clean up after her sister's mistakes. And even though I liked the play, I actually think Lexi misunderstands her sister here. Cassie is treated like a joke by everyone and she doesn't even seem to enjoy the negative attention once she realizes what's happening. So, while this might have been a "come to Jesus" moment for someone else, it just ends up doing what everyone else has already been doing to Cassie all along.
Having said that, I never forget what Fez told Lexi.... some people need to get their feelings hurt sometimes.
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Season 3 Episode 8 Thoughts
I am SO sorry this took me so long to write. My week has been a lot, so it’s just taken me a little longer to get to this. But I have been so excited to write my thoughts! A lot of things I might have already discussed on my blog, so if it seems like I’m missing something go back through the last few days on my blog and I’ve probably talked about it already :)
Ok… heads up this is my longest one yet… buckle up, wildcats 😂
I love that for the last couple of episodes they’ve had jet and Maddox doing the opening lines. It was a good subtle hint to the casual viewer that we were going to be seeing them again. If they weren’t a part of the larger cast this season then it wouldn’t make sense for them to do the opener
ANY TIME I hear the rina cue I will call it out. And guess when it played during the opening credits?? When jet said ej and gina broke up (so literally over that scene) AND when he was reemphasizing the coat check 👀
I’m going to be honest… the set up they made for Channing going “full reality show” last episode made it seem like there would be… more this episode? I thought it was going to be more of a repeat of episode five but it felt a little lackluster
LMAOOO the way ricky is sleeping has me 💀 what does josh think fake sleeping looks like 😭 he is so perfectly posed I don’t know how he thought we wouldn’t know he is acting hahahaha
But his jump scare was funny. I’ve loved his “scared” moments this season, like when he and gina were going through the woods and then when they found Ashlyn 😂 so funny
I’ve seen a few people throw around the idea that big red and jet might have a “fighting over who is the best friend” arc next season which would be so funny. But then I saw someone else say what would be even funnier is if ricky just said “gina” so both of them lost 😭 Tim please I’m begging for the storyline
Also when ricky asked if red bought the lotto ticket bc it was the last thing on the list and then red asked if ricky walked on the moon. It kind of made it sound like red got him something for THAT instead which makes me wonder what it would have been… 🤔
Oof jealous Maddox 👀 listen I’ve been calling the Maddox and Ashlyn romance since the episode where they were painting the set and Val and ej since ep 2. I’m impartial to Maddox and Ashlyn because I also love Ashlyn and red equally.
But I am VERY much a Val and ej stan. To me they GET each other. Who did he keep going to for serious talks this season? Who gave him comfort instead of his girlfriend? It’s been Val the whole time. Tim said we won’t get a ton of ej next season because we’ll be focused more on the high schoolers, but it would be cool if his “outside plot” was that he started dating Val :)
And I KID YOU NOT: the first time I was watching this (1 am and delirious from just waking up), I watched ricky make the wish, said “where’s gina?” outloud and not even 2 seconds later ricky said, “where’s gina?” That was a little spooky if you ask me hahahaha
But also the fact that he had literally every other friend in the cabin he cared about INCLUDING red who traveled all that way and all ricky could notice in the chaos was where gina is, is so 🥺🥺
It just sends me back to some of my crushes and I KNEW I had it bad when I could spot in a crowd of 100 people if they were there or not and it completely influenced the night. Yeah mr bowen has it BAD
Ginaaaaaa you look so pretty my dear!!! Her outfits made the show feel grounded in reality. It feels less disney. Just something I appreciate in general :)
the only time it felt disney was that AWFUL outfit they had nini in when she was singing “What I’ve been looking for” at the piano with EJ. That one was cruel from the wardrobe department
But also this scene makes me want to do yoga in the woods. Fun fact I actually love yoga and have been doing it for a few years now. Ive just never gone to a remote location to do it 😂 only a gym or at my house
this is superrr random but Val looks EXACTLY like one of my friends from the back with her hair in that updo. I had to do a double take at first when she walked up to gina 😂
“When the right person comes along you’ll know, the timing will just make sense” and then LOOK WHO SHOWS UP MR RICKY BOWEN HIMSELF.
And Val is SO right for this. Rina has been right person, wrong time for the last two seasons. They just kept barely missing each other because of dating other people (FUNDAMENTAL to their growth arcs though). It’s cool seeing them go through all those lessons about who they aren’t supposed to be and be with, so when they DID understand it they got together. 🥹
Kind of a cool parallel from ep 1 this season 😏 “nobody’s gonna get in our way” and then “nobody” shows up asking for a group hug lol
And then gina talking about knowing where she stands with people and that it’s “over and done” she’s ok… Ricky THOUGHT she was talking about himself kinda fibbing last night (he knew that she knew he fibbed), but then she mentioned ej and you see SO much relief on his face. He was so scared he messed up 😭 sweet boy
RICKY PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU LEARN YOUR CHARACTERS JUST A LITTLE FASTER THAN RIGHT BEFORE OPENING NIGHT. Personally I find the joke of him getting main guy without doing anything significant to get it SO funny. I know other people say others deserve it more, but he really is just being Troy Bolton because that’s exactly what Troy does. He doesn’t really do anything and still gets the lead 😂
That little “happy birthday”. Part of me wishes she would have said it a little louder so ricky would have heard and then maybe we see him walking away, pause when he hears it, then shakes his head and smiles a little. The other part of me likes how quiet she said it because it really gives off that vibe of “things left unsaid” which has just been the two of them all season
One of my favorite running things in the show is that we were told it would never be a “spontaneous song and dance”. There would always be a REASON something would happen. So it’s been so funny watching the show runners jump through every single freaking hoop they can to get a song in 😭 this song, by far, was one of the biggest reaches to me. We go inside Emmy’s mind for a song lol
She has a really good voice but I still am having a hard time seeing why she sang it? I guess I don’t have much of an emotional attachment to her character. She was only shown a couple of times in the show so it felt kind of… off balance for her to get such a large song when there’s other characters (like EJ or Gina or Kourt or even little Elsa after the talk about anxiety) that probably could have had a more emotionally charged version of the song for the audience? Idk it just threw me a little that she got a song in the finale. I’m pretty sure she’s a main character next season so I think a song after we learn her character more will make more sense then.
But regardless I did enjoy this rendition. It was fun seeing everyone prep for opening night to this song and them looking at their costumes. I also LOVED the little ricky and gina opening night looks during the circle. It very much was a direct parallel to s1, but this time felt more authentic because it wasn’t Ricky fighting for gina because he was anxious and needed security. He just loved her and was so proud and happy to be there with her in that moment. The lines about “letting the light shine on me” is very metaphoric to gina this season because she finally feels seen as an actress and ricky shining the light on her saying how proud he is of her… 🥹 this song just comes full circle back to those moments of him celebrating her as Anna.
I will say I LOVED their black and white outfits for this number though… especially Ashlyn’s. WOW she looked STUNNING in that top. Literally like an angel. They all just had these beautiful modified versions of outfits that made sense with them and their characters (for instance, EJ’s was just this sportsman jacket). It was cool because to me it felt like they were all smaller parts of a larger whole symbolically. We could see their essence through the individual outfits, but they were all black and white making them seemingly the “same” as everyone else’s. Costuming is just so, so cool because there is actually a LOT of thought that comes from wardrobe departments when you start doing more investigating in it. It’s all veryyy intentional.
This song was nice too because it really does make sense for every character. We watch their reactions to their costumes, being part of the greater production as a whole, and we know from their individual arcs that “this is where they’re supposed to be”. Gina is supposed to be in a spotlight she earned, ricky is supposed to be in theater camp with gina (not with lily back home), kourtney is supposed to be learning more about her potential, jet is supposed to be a part of the theater kids and making amends with Maddox, Maddox is supposed to be with her friends who consider her part of the same team, ej is supposed to be directing the show and learning about his potential in the film and production industry, etc. etc. etc. it’s just cool watching all of their storylines add up to this part and make SO much sense with this song
Ashlyn being so happy as an ensemble member and practicing with them is so 🥹🥹 the growth
“Gotta figure that one out” lmaooooo Maddox your crush is showing
oof can you imagine if Red, Antoine, Maddox and Ashlyn were all in a room together 😂
I can’t imagine how gina felt when ej was like “that’s tomorrow’s problem” about his dad and them trending. Because one of the MAIN contributors to their fighting and break up was how paranoid and stressed ej has been trying to impress his dad with the show. It’s why he kept blowing gina off and had so much anxiety and more. Now literally a day later after they broke up he doesn’t care? It’s fine now? I’m sorry that would have been SO upsetting for me. The whiplash of it all. And you can see the upset on her face ☹️
Miss Jenn and her singing I can’t 😂
OK this scene in particular how did we NOT see frozen coming?? Miss Jenn and nini here is a DIRECT callback to the “snowstorm” episode where they get stuck in the car. Snowstorms=frozen. Miss jenn talked about how the reason she became a teacher is because she was so stressed over getting that part in frozen and then she saw “let it go” on the score which helped nini decide she wanted to come back to east high. And now she is singing that song and nini is back and they’re talking about letting things go again (nini with east high going to California). Gosh it just makes some cool parallels doesn’t it
But also… Nini’s arc feels a LITTLE counterintuitive because she made this big deal about coming back to east high because that’s her family and that’s what made it so hard to leave and be in Denver. But now she’s leaving again. I mean I understand why, since Olivia is leaving. I guess I just find the irony a little funny 😂
On a lighter note I loveee nini’s top. UGH have I mentioned how obsessed I am with the wardrobing this season?? Because I am 😅
“It’s just a high school musical, nini” 😭😭😭
It’s a small detail, but I love (for the most part) how consistent this show stays. It’s cool that they reminded us from back in s1 that nini used to go to that camp. Of COURSE she would know where the firepit is. I just like when little things like that stay consistent in shows because it makes the characters feel more real. Another example of this is when Carlos at the beginning of the episode was like “on 3” and kourt says, “on 3 or after 3” and then Carlos goes “not this again”. The audience might not remember, but of course Carlos would remember being annoyed trying to get those numbers right from taking pics s1. It’s just fun little details like that that, again, make us feel like these characters really exist.
I love how they’ve decorated the barn from episode to episode 🥹 so cute
For the most part, I like how they’ve addressed kourt’s anxiety storyline. I work with anxiety professionally, so I think they’ve done a good job. Gina asking about what happened to kourt’s bravery the night before might have seemed a little insensitive but i get why they did it. It was so kourt could explain that they don’t go away in a night. The only thing i would have liked to have seen is maybe gina helping kourt take some deep breaths or kourt doing a grounding exercise or something. They’re doing this storyline to show kids they aren’t alone and everyone experiences anxiety, so yes while having a friend HELPS, not everyone has a friend that can “talk them out of it” or be there for them. It would have been a simple way to model, for kids, how to cope with anxiety on their own too if no one is around to talk to. (But this is just the professional in me coming out 😂)
Carlos not being ready to say good bye when he first came to camp not happy to be there 🥹 the growth!!!!
I liked watching Carlos do the “in summer” song but I also kinda wish we would have gotten “fixer upper”. But that’s just my selfish rina heart talking 😂 this was still a cute song either way, though
Lol you can tell nini was filmed separately from the actual opening night. They have no cameras behind her watching so we can see her WATCHING the play. It just LOOKS like she is. You can just tell there were time constraints they were trying to work around with filming with her and it’s just funny watching how they work around that 😂
The little “I’m gonna tell him” “don’t you dare” is VERY much something actual rina would say if there was something happening with one of their friends. Oh yeah they are so kristanna coded 😂
The little red and Ashlyn picture before she walks in on her mirror 🥹
This scene is why I am so neutral about Ashlyn being with red or Maddox. I think she and red work really well together. And with both of them discovering their sexuality and red still knowing regardless he wants Ashlyn, makes me SO happy for them. (Like imagine them checking out girls and guys together on dates lol).
I think this scene was supposed to be confirmation that she was happy with red and wants to be with him too? But the line delivery didn’t totally make me feel that way? And we know Maddox is still going to be around next season, which I really love their arc this season as well, so I would be ok seeing her with either :)
I appreciate that they both went through similar arcs on their own though :) it would have been cool to see red have that parallel to Ashlyn in the episodes… like showing his self discovery back at the pizza shop. But I also love the end of the episode when he’s just like “oh and I’m bi!” And ricky goes “good for him”. 😂 comedy gold. Just so unapologetically themselves. I love it :)
Also, I just realized remember how Carlos and seb had that whole plot last season about being the only queer characters in the school (that they knew of)? It makes the pin scene last episode so much more special because now they’ll have at least 3 more people a part of the LGBTQ group in just their theater club (there could be even more in the school they don’t know about yet) 🥲 that makes me so happy to know they won’t feel so alone
Ok I do like this scene between kourt and little Elsa but my one gripe with it is, isn’t kourt’s mom supposed to be a therapist?? The show did so well keeping storylines accurate up until this point (and I guess a little with nini as I mentioned before). So I don’t know why kourt is so surprised little her has a therapist? It makes it seem like kourt doesn’t know kids her age have one?? Idk and some of the advice little Elsa gives her seems like something her mom could have said to her at this point? This scene was a little confusing to me ig 😂 it was sweet, don’t get me wrong. It just seemed a little counterintuitive to what we already knew about kourt from episodes past hahaha
But also WHEN are we getting a convo with ej and kourt about anxiety?? I’ve said this before and I’ll keep saying it til it happens. Im waitinggg 🤨⏱
“The feeling you get right now is the feeling you get right before you’re about to do something brave” I’m crocheting that and hanging it up in my office fr, fr. One of the best lines of the entire show
“You’re my supernova ash” 😭😭
Literally SO good. Her vocal runs, some of the changes to the delivery of notes, the acting, the contrast of lines as she’s building up to the main part… this was absolutely one of the best performances of the entire show. Hands down. Like BRAVA Dara.
Also normally I absolutely CRINGE when the audience pulls out their phones or starts singing to help the main character, but I actually was ok with it here. (I would have DIED if they would have sang though soooo thankful they didn’t). I think shining that light on kourtney was kind of like what little Elsa said about using her anxiety to help her be brave. At first the lights scared her but then she used them to power through her stress. It was a cool parallel to that convo
The audiences gasps are killing me though 😂 i can’t take them seriously they’re so funny hahahaha its giving mii audience during wii tennis
And their nodding while they’re holding their phones 😭😭 PLS they look like npc’s I’m cryingggg
Also GINA YES FREAKING ANNHILATE CHANNING OMG I LOVED her coming to the rescue for kourt there 😭 really showed that “power of sisterhood” that’s been mentioned a few times in the show. So good
gina being so willing to punch Channing i cant 😭😂 she’s my FAVORITE
Ricky saying he’s never felt so much like a kid. When I think of kids I think of how happy and playful they are. How they can just move through life and accept things as they are. They are VERY resilient. This carefree and happy version of ricky makes me sooo happy. I know he’s been hurt by not being with gina but he’s not hurt BY gina. She makes him SO happy and you can see that so much through this season. I just really loved this line. It feels very special to me ❤️
Listen nini and I have had our beef but her doing the little cards each season and this little balloon set up is so sweet to me 🥹
Also… low key (like others have pointed out on here) I kind of forgot nini and kourt were best friends 😬 watching them sing born to be brave together was really cute and you could definitely tell some of that emotion from nini was just Olivia sad to actually say goodbye, but I don’t think I’ve ever really felt a friendship chemistry from them? I’ve seen it a lot more with kourt and carlos, gina, and ash. This scene just didn’t have a ton of impact on me which makes me a little sad? I think I would have liked to have seen their friendship a little more in the past two seasons to make this feel more deep. I’ve seen other people say the same thing so I know I’m not alone on this
I know ricky is just watching offstage but you can’t see that from the angle of this so it looks like he is just walking over and idling, staring at a wall 😂 it’s giving npc energy hard hahahhaa
YES RICKY END HIM. I love that it’s ricky and gina who stand up to Channing. Yet another parallel. Rina being the protective parents of the theater… our protagonists 🥹
Also “for the first time in forever”. You can tell that gina was not at all upset about what ricky said about “acting” like he likes gina. That she knew he was just saying that to get Channing to leave her alone and that he was defending her. It’s a cool contrast between him and ej because ej was just like “yeah we’ll give you drama” which upset her and ricky was like “we’re faking it and we want you to leave us alone. We’re not going to give you more of what is hurting us” which was comforting to her. ahhhhhhh
And then him immediately turning to her and asking her if she’s ok??? He’s so protective of her 😭
This was SO sweet
I also fully expected ricky to sing “you’re what I know about love” while looking at Gina so I was taken back when the only line he sang TO her was, “everything I thought I did, you’ve gone and changed it kid”, but after thinking it through this line makes WAY more sense. And the fact that he sang that BEFORE the “you’re what I know about love line”, helps us to know that the following line is STILL referring to gina. He didn’t need to look at her for us to know who he was now referring to because he already did. But lets break down the other line, shall we? Everything he thought he knew and did for love, she changed. Gina represents change. He doesn’t act like old ricky in love situations anymore. We also know that she said ricky came to her as a surprise, he was not part of her plan either. She helped him see that he doesn’t have to be stuck in what he’s known forever to feel love. Also, him calling her a kid refers to my point a few bullets ago about him feeling like a kid again this summer. They are two kids in love. He feels happy, carefree and childlike with her. Not stressed or anxious, like he did with nini. He may have grown up because he’s 18 now, but gina keeps him in that young and happy state of mind. Not in an immature way either… but more in a relaxed way where he doesn’t feel so much pressure on the relationship. “It is what it is and I’m happy if you’re happy”. It’s a very innocent and calm state of mind and I just love seeing them (him) that way together. 🥹
I’ve got some thoughts about why ej and nini were shown during this song, but I’ll keep it short. I think a lot of it is the context of the lines and their stories. For example, “braver than the bravest of us” when showing nini. She sings about “born to be brave”. Her entire arc is about bravery and taking risks and trying big, life changing things which has helped her grow into who she is as a person. I can break down the rest of these if you guys want, but I think that’s what a lot of that is during this song is ricky just explaining their arcs each time a person is shown along with the line that’s sung.
Again, Val and Ej!! I’m telling you people, they’re meant to be!!
Val looks BEAUTIFUL here. I want to know every place these outfits came from, I’m so serious about this
This scene was HEARTBREAKING. Ej needed his dad so much in this moment and for him to turn that love away was hard to watch
You can see Ej just trying to do everything he can to make things right and it just isn’t working.
I know Josh has wanted to sing “scream” and he is absolutely the Troy of the show but with EJ’s arc I actually think he’s more suited for this song? And it would be his first serious performance. Maybe he and Josh could duet it? I’m not sure what Ricky’s story line would be for him to sing this but I’m sure if josh really wanted to sing this, Timberly could make something work for both of them to duet
But the lyrics about losing yourself to get what you want, getting on a ride and wanting to get off. Ej lost everything this season. Himself, his girlfriend, his dad, last season he put away college…. His world is completely upside down and he is being told from every direction how he should be or trying to be everything he isn’t (we saw him go drastically in both ways when he lied all the time to being honest all the time in s1). The song just MAKES SENSE for his character arc
And you can’t tell me when Val sits by him and holds him close they don’t look like husband and wife!! Like they literally look like an old money couple and the wife is comforting the rich husband. I bet this is what cash and his wife look like after a difficult night lol.
Ricky didn’t even seem that upset about not getting a card? Like he did earlier and then in this scene he doesn’t? Lol I can’t read him
PLS TIM IS SO MEAN TO ELTON. WHY ARE YOU MAKING HIM BE IN THAT COSTUME AGAIN 😭😭 I can’t imagine Matt’s face when he’s saw that the first time lmaoo
So I could have sworn in interviews I’ve seen Olivia say she was contracted for 4 seasons? I wonder if she was able to get out of that somehow?
CORBIN REMEMBERING JENN 😭😭 well… Jessica lmao. But that was so sweet
And then the wildcat cheer!! That was so sweet seeing how excited gina was about that 🥹 and right after she said “he’s doing it” Ricky was the first to chime in. He loves her sm fr
Gosh this whole scene with the cheer and then Corbin starting the song made me feel soooo nostalgic. I’m going to be an absolute mess s4 with all of the og cast coming back 😭😭😭
“Sometimes the really good stuff begins only when something ends” to Gina then Ej walks away. I’m so sorry p*w is bones 😭😭 that was so rina coded I’m-
And tbh I liked this song better than the “this is me”. I did like this is me but it didn’t feel as natural to me as “Everyday”. This was such a unifying song for the group about holding onto each other and being a family. And then all of the scenes of them being together were sweet
Also did you notice that the scenes where Ricky and Ej are just goofing and gagging were only at the beginning and end of the season? When Ej didn’t feel his relationship was threatened? It’s like their friendship is good when Ej isn’t worried about Ricky swinging in. I think Ej having a girlfriend that isn’t also Ricky’s love interest could be really good for them and I actually think they could be good friends (brothers even 🥹). This is another reason I want the Val and Ej agenda!!!
Favorite performances from “Everyday”: Ricky and Gina, Ashlyn (literally outsang everyone and for what) and Jet
“Because this moments really all we have” as rina stare into each others eyes 🥹🥹 we’ve seen so much talk about just enjoying high school and living in the moment and that’s what they do when they’re with each other. Time slows. It’s actually very metaphoric idk idk
RINAS NAMES NEXT TO EACH OTHER IM SO SERIOUS ABOUT THIS (especially ricky putting his name AFTER Gina’s, boy is smitten)
Ej signing with Elton 🥲😂
Corbin wearing his s2 shirt 😭😭
Also rina ran under the sparklers together… you know who else runs under sparkler send offs together?? Married couples. I’m just saying 😌😌
Ok I’ve explained this in an ask so just go down my blog a little bit I’m very much a gina got the lotto ticket and not Nini truther and that’s all I’ll say on that
This time jump is EVERYTHING. Again, I explained my thoughts on how mature they are in another ask so scroll down a bit and you’ll find it :)
Ashlyn’s line delivery here and then her taking pictures 😭😭😭 it’s gets me EVERY time. Soooo funny
Carlos I LOVE
Maddox looks so cute here!!
Ricky 😭🤣😂😂 lmaooo this was such a funny joke and I feel so people who haven’t seen the meme behind it because I think the meme of hilary doing this makes it 10x funnier
Them just screaming in unison: same
This commercial and all of their reactions was such a great way to close up the storyline of the doc finishing but leaving tons of cliff hangers for next season. I LOVE that Tim did this
The Val and Ej/rina/Maddox and Ashlyn/Jetney agenda this doc is spreading 😭😭
Also what the HELL was that innuendo of Carlos and the camper 😭 where did that come from. Apparently this is disneyPLUS adult jokes lol
I’m so sorry but the part where gina is talking about her eyes being on “one thing only” and they just show Ricky with his “no thoughts, head empty” smile 😭😭😭 it’s so unserious 😂😂😂
Like Gina is soooo determined there and he is just completely clueless. That is PEAK humor 🤣
“Good for him” 😂😂
Ej saying he would slap Ricky but he’s his brother feels a little vindictive to me idk
“It’s all gonna work out in the end. Probably”. And then his little wink at the camera? Wtf was that Corbin hahahaha
And I’ve been wanting to point this out forever but notice how they made it a point for Corbin to turn off the camera before rina has their scene?? This was intentional!! I think this was to show the audience (us) who might have thought their relationship was “acting” for the cameras. Of course there is tons and tons of evidence for this otherwise as well, but this was such a nice small touch. Corbin knows they have more to say, so he gives them a private moment. Where they can just say what they need to. Unfiltered, not acting. I just LOVE this little touch 🥲
I’ve said my piece and I agree with sooo many other rinas about this scene that I think it went the way it should have. I’m not going to go into it, just scroll through my blog over the past week and you’ll see all of my opinions :) because there is A LOT
I was just as emotional as rina through this scene. They are everything to me. 😭
This was just perfect and everything it should be and I’m really, really happy with how this season ended ❤️
Rinas, especially my rinas who have been with me since there was literally like, 5 of us, we WON ❤️❤️❤️
Do not worry friends, I still have some drafts and asks I need to post so I’m not going anywhere for a bit :) I just wanted to make sure I got my episode thoughts out here because I know you’ve been waiting for it and I’ve been waiting to do it! :)
13 notes · View notes
thelonesomequeen · 2 years
I’m sure even if you did post the photo, there would be people who wouldn’t believe it was proof AB was with this other man and try to insist that it was normal to pose with a friend like that. Or try to insist it must be an old photo from years ago.
I’d rather talk about the fact Ilaria seems to be dressing him like the Rock on these recent press tours. I saw a video of the Rock wearing a top that looked similar to one Chris wore recently that I actually checked to see if it was the same. I’m guessing it’s the current trend in men’s fashion, but I would think a good stylist could follow trends without making her clients all look the same. He still looks good, I just think Ilaria is a bit overrated. And with the Rock being on a promo tour himself, the similarities in their outfits is a bit more noticeable. I guess she’s still better than Seb Stan’s stylist.
I’m going to take this ask to say that we’re going to move on from the picture talk for now. A lot of you are asking the same question or asking questions that I’ve already answered (please do your best to catch up before submitting more asks. I know there’s a lot to scroll through if you’re just tuning in). A lot of the conversation around the picture is starting to become redundant and we are just repeating ourselves nonstop at this point. Whether you believe the photo exists or not is up to you. Your belief is yours to withhold or give and no one else’s. I know a lot of you are taking the information we have shared here to other blogs and forums, and that’s ok. I know you are all curious and want to continue discussing. The only thing that I ask is that you please reread what we have already said here because most of you are reporting inaccurate information from what we’ve shared. Some of you are quite literally claiming we said the opposite of what was actually said. For example, I’ve seen others claim we said this was the NY picture that was rumored to exist last week. That’s actually the opposite of what was said. I said the picture was NOT taken in NY or Canada. So please double check that what you’re sharing out to other spaces is accurate and is what we’ve actually said.
ANYWAY moving on to the rest of your ask 😂 I do agree that Ilaria is dressing Chris similar to The Rock these days. They’re similar cuts at least. Ilaria used to be one of the best in men’s fashion, but I can’t decide if I (personally) think she’s losing her edge or if modern men’s fashion just isn’t for me. She used to make such sharp choices that I loved on a lot of male clients. Classic cuts with a flair of trends. It was nice. That time period where she was dressing Chris in a ton of Dolce and Gabbana was my favorite. He always looked SO damn good. 🦎
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JONATHAN!!! of course i've spent my time since finishing the season recently going through your blog, but just overall, i'd love to know what you thought about volume one?! especially the jonathan/byers of it all if you'd like to share!!!!!!! <3
sathana bestie hi !!!!!!!!! hope ur groovin <33
i typed a more lengthy response to this b4 nd tumblr just. nuked it so i’ll just say that while yes this season has numerous problems and bits that i’m not the biggest fan of (hello russia plot, hello stranger things’ patented oddly written bullying, hello stancybaitgate (no offence intended to my stancy mutuals lov y’all)) this season is a MAJOR step-up from s3. like a HUMONGOUS improvement tbh
highlights from the top of my head:
max’s storyline was done so much more respectfully than i was expecting and genuinely made me cry i love her so much
robin and nancy are soooooooo autistic and fruity this season it’s a blessing
murray and joyce being comedic besties (and making their storyline worthwhile)
eddie and steve are two different flavours of off the fucking walls and i love that for them
i love seeing el’s development as she grows up !!! i just wish that she didn’t get thrown into the deep end of high school
the gore effects this volume were simply chef’s fuckin kiss and greatly appealed to the deranged little horror fanatic in me
continuing on from that, vecna/henry creel was soooooooo creepy and cool i think he’s an awesome villain overall (and much better than some of the other human ones in the show 👀)
and finally. my boy. my bestest boy in the whole wide world. jonathan honeypie byers my fucking beloved. i’m glad that he had more of an introspective storyline than he had last season (and an unfair amount in s2 tbh) and we actually have scenes where he’s the primary focus (if only for a little while). i’m overjoyed he has argyle to be there for him, even if he’s a little misguided at times and doesn’t think things through, because jonathan needs and deserves ppl to be in his corner; he deserves a support system and ppl who care abt him. jonathan’s outfits have also slapped this season, loving all the fruity shirts he’s been wearing. and unpopular opinion maybe, but i also rly like his hair !!!! it’s like an overgrown shaggy version of his s1 hair which i appreciate immensely.
overall i wish that the cali storyline had more screentime (also more el too) in all honesty; i want more big brother byers moments!!!! also more joyce/family interactions, given that the s4 interactions between her and jonathan were limited and not super great. i’m also praying that the love triangle nonsense that’s been abruptly rehashed for s4 (which i’d thought we’d moved way past in season 3??? hello) doesnt shit all over his character development, same going for nancy and steve too; if we’re doing this then for the love of fuck please just give us stoncy. i know they won’t but like. please
rounding off tho, i don’t think that the og jonathan that likeminded jon stans prefer i.e the original characterisation of jonathan, from s1 (ya know: perceptive, responsible, sensitive, artistic, self-aware, passionate, ambitious, stalwart) would rly be very happy with this s4 variant. i’ve seen some ppl view some of his scenes where he’s high off his mind as kind of sad? and i can’t help but compare his lack of awareness and how uninvolved he seems (initially, that is) to how hands-on and “take charge” he used to be (i only put that in quotation marks bc i don’t think that phrase greatly applies to him the majority of the time, since he’s not rly your hopper-esque macho male protag). like when joyce asked him what was wrong with him when he was asking “what’s going on” and repeating the things told to him (processing brand new info under an already influenced mind ofc), that just keeps coming back to me as s1!jonathan asking the same thing to his current self ya know?? like idk if the two met i feel that s1!jonathan would be kind of disappointed in what’s happened to him, if not understanding of his s4!self’s circumstances and also kind of thankful that he’s not as on-edge. hm. much to think abt (or write a fanfiction about 👀)
anyways woah i don’t mean to natter on so much in this reply but i hope that, if it makes sense I mean, u like it or at least see where i’m coming from ?? it’s late <3
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racingliners · 2 years
Cosplay: ST ENT ‘Two Days and Two Nights’ dresses (Part 0)
A sewing post??? on my blog??? My creativity has finally returned!! 😭🙌
I’ve had this idea in the back of my mind since the first covid lockdown, and now that I’ve been in my part-time job for a good while, I’ve been able to finally put some money towards sewing projects!!!
And, I am finally getting to delve into cosplay, and I am so excited about it (which was a big reason why I ended up taking up sewing in the first place)
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I had planned on making an Enterprise uniform first, but after a bit of thought, I figured that making something that could pass as regular wear too (more value for money from buying the fabric). So I decided to bump up my version of Malcolm Reed (L) and Charles ‘Trip’ Tucker’s (R) outfits from the shore leave episode ‘Two Days and Two Nights’ from Series 1 of Star Trek Enterprise. I love all of the Enterprise main cast, but Malcolm and Trip are my absolute favourite characters, so of course I had to cosplay them in some way. 
I wanted to make dresses instead of a shirt and trousers since it’s what I’d be happier wearing, the dresses would be easy to either dress up for dress down, and the thought of making trousers kinda terrifies me 😅 (I will eventually be making jackets to go with the dresses, but that is for a later date)
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So, the fabric and patterns!!
I’m pretty sure I’ve had the New Look N6615 pattern since 2020, and I’ll be using version A for the Malcolm dress.
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I bounced ideas with my mates in the Enterprise Stans discord about what fabric I’d use for a fem!Malcolm dress, and we eventually landed on the idea of a small polka dot fabric. I bought two metres of this Rose & Hubble fabric in blue, and in real life it’s much closer to the steel/denim blue colour used for Malcolm’s shirt in the episode.
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For the Trip dress I knew straight away I wanted to use a plain fabric with a lace overlay to try and mimic the... busy fabric used for Trip’s shirt. I had planned on using version C from the New Look pattern for the Trip dress, but I didn’t really vibe with it. Then a couple of months ago my Mum was doing a clean up of some knitting magazines and found the Simple Sew pattern in amongst them! She gave it to me and after checked with my ENT pals again, we all felt it had major Trip vibes and would work perfectly for the Trip dress!
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I haven’t bought the lace yet since I’ll get that next payday, but here’s what the fabric will look like with the lace on top, I think it’s going to look so pretty!  The base cotton and lace is in New Lilac, from Minerva Crafts.
I got thread and interfacing from my local sewing shop, and have zips in the right colours coming in the post, but since I have everything for the Malcolm dress I’ll be starting that soon! I’ll be documenting everything here, and all my posts for both dresses will have the same tags on this post, in case anyone wants to follow along my progress 😅
As usual, if anyone has any sewing questions, or questions about projects, just drop me an ask or message!
UPDATE: I have the lace!!!
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I had enough to buy the lace for the overlay of the Trip dress and here it is!! This is the Chantilly Lace from Minerva Crafts, I went for this lace since the repeat of the pattern wasn’t too busy, meaning you’d still be able to see the cotton underneath, but the dress would still look interesting. 
I’ve actually started work on the Trip dress this week, progress posts to come soon!
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zumpietoo · 2 years
What those BH stans who think that Jughead wearing an article of clothing more than once don't seem to realize is that real people do that. They do wear clothes more than once. They don't immediately toss it out. Especially a character like Jughead who grew up poor, I'd imagine. Even as a successful writer, that's something that would stick with him.
Plus he's poor again....so yeah, he would.....and in the HS eps, we routinely saw him rewear/outfit repeat....actually, as do ALL the characters....
BECAUSE on shows (especially soapy ones), the characters are given a "closet", just like a person.....so contrary to popular opinion, they DO wear the same outfit(s) twice. Or moar....
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leewonkyeom · 6 months
Your bias line is so good and you're so real for being Seokmin biased dk biased creatures are my favourite 😍 my svt bias unit (there are so many i decided to make a whole unit) has Jeonghan, Scoups (remember the green room aggressive 'gwiyomi' video??? Yeah I fell in love with him after watching that) Hoshi and Vernon (he was actually my first bias in svt i religiously watched every YT vid they put out because of him, Jeonghan and Hoshi)
Your neo bias and bias wreckers line is so good too you have TASTE ma'am and we also have some common biases! In the neo bias unit there's Taeyong, Jaehyun, Yuta (127) Jeno and Jaemin (dream), Jisung (U), YangYang (WayV) but despite all these biases my fav member has to be Mork (I'm sorry to all my biases 😭)
From Riize i thought i would end up being Sungchan or Shotaro (still can't believe they aren't in NCT anymore...) biased but I ended up being Wonbin, Sohee and seunghan biased
Other than that it's Hyunjin (stray kids) Mingi (Ateez) i don't really have a bias in got7 they are kinda like big brothers?? But my fav is bambam! Hyungwon and Shownu (monsta x), we have the same bias in Shinee (Key and Jonghyun 😭) Minho is the bias wrecker, Sehun (Exo), Taehyung (BTS), Soobin (txt) Jake (enha), Jihyo (Twice), Seulgi (RV)
Dw I had fun reading through your bias list! I think I gave you an even longer one 😭
FR 7th sense is so perfect i would give up my kidney function privilege to see them perform this live <33
Oh Christopher Nolan! I love his Batman movies and i watched inception which was good too! Which movie of his is your favourite?
Ahh the 00s classics! I love all those movies you mentioned! I really love watching films and TV shows (smth me and Vernon have in common) and one thing that's important to me is the fashion I am a big fashion lunatic and looove to see a good outfit on screen with that being said some of my favourite 'comfort' films are Clueless (1995), Fight club, Adams family (both 91 film and 60s sitcom), funny face, breakfast at Tiffany's, Heathers, pretty woman, the devil wears the prada, mean girls, pulp fiction, fallen angels (1995) and more. My favourite directors are Wong kar wai, Quentin Tarantino, Satoshi Kon and Hayao Miyazaki (maybe Martin scoresse too)
"dk biased creatures"😭 (sums me up though). you're bias line is also so good though😭 but either way i support stanning everyone in svt so ig i would say that anyways🤧🤧 my first biases (as far as i can remember) were wonwoo and shua, and then dk just took over at some point😭
we have so many in common for nct lmao😭😭 i support that a 100% as well. you have taste fr
but omg i get what you're saying about riize. like i for sure believe at this point i'm shotaro biased, but i keep looking at wonbin more and more👀👀
i get what you're saying about got7 being big brothers, but i was also at my peak ahgase at like 15 so ofc i have a bias😭 and i considered writing hyungwon for my bias in monsta x😭😭😭 like i love him sm, but my og bias was jooheon... i'm so illoyal when it comes to them
Sehun was my first bias in exo omg😭😭 (and exo was the group that got me into kpop) and i think taehyung was my first in bts?? because of the war of hormone mv lmao. and omgggg jihyo in twice!!! same!!! i forgot to mention her. and seulgi omg😭😭 you also have taste!! loved reading your bias list as well♡♡♡
omg what wouldn't i do to see 7th sense live😭 it's not a want, it's a need !!
the batman movies are def my least favorites of his bc i just cannot get into action movies😭😭 (except spider-man which is 🔛🔝). but i think memento might be my fave from the ones i've watched
but yess😭😭 i just love those 00s teenage romcoms😭 they just give such good vibes. bridget jones is also an honorable mention. like other than that i like horror movies, esp. cult classics like scream and jennifer's body, but i don't tend to watch those on repeat😭
omggg i love a lot of the movies you mentioned !! we def have similar taste. i don't think i've watched anything by wong kar wai though, what's your favorite movie?? (i love those other directors you mentioned though !)
btw i looked at your profile, and just to make sure, do you go by jolene?♡♡
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minheeskitten · 6 months
got it 👍 thank you for explaining it to me 😊
i don't understand why woollim couldn't have just discussed it with them instead of forcing it on them like that? like taken each member's level of comfort into consideration, let them give input on the outfits? and why not just make it a unit song for a sexy concept for members who are comfortable with it - i think it's mostly just hyungline, but even they have limits with it that were crossed 😢 repeating the age old mantra: fuck woollim 💢
oh i agree 😍 i don't understand the panic about people turning 30, that's when they start to get seriously hot!
hyeop, to me, is a MILF and i can't explain this 🫠
hyeop in a cute little apron...teasing him while he tries to cook...fucking him on the counter...sigh ❣️
sooooo is there any other wip you'd like to talk about today 😊💕
Woolim ent is just terrible and i pray that all of the idols under it get out ASAP!
When people turn 30 they get exponentially hotter :3
Some of my hottest biases are getting close to 30 and just phew they're sexy as fuck. I know i don't mention all the groups i stan but like some of my biases are getting to 30 or older and just
Daddy pls :3
Yes i am a whore for all my biases :3
Hyeop as a housewife tho- hed be so cuteee :((
Don't remember his opinion on cleaninf but he's always so cute :((
Hmmm, we can talk ab my dilf!dann sugar baby! Arthur fic :3
Dann is aged up to 30 in that :3
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 7 months
Unhinged Suehirogari live commentary (9/17)
I take no responsibility for what's been written in the moment
Enomoto looking stylish
sorry but everyone's out of tune 😭 especially the newest swords
i see akashi for 0.2 seconds and my heart's is gonna EXPLODE
that smile is a national treasure
i think i blacked out the entire Hajimari no Kaze/mistake/Kachi ni Ikuze Baby
Mutsu was gonna pose with his towel but missed 😭
"i love all gous - buzen, matsui, kuwana and *looks at smudged writing on hand* otegine"
everyone's got the character bottles
hizen throwing it back
akashi got the same lines as he did in srs22 🥹
you would need at least 800 pair of eyes to look at each sword simultaneously
akashi: 🫰🫰
water bottle kanpai!
Oodenta don't call out Monoyoshi's Ryugi's stage warmup like this
Free Style is such a solid song
I'm not a Yuuta stan but man's got vocals
*puts akashi's 📣 on my head like a dunce hat cuz i'm a fool for this man*
ichigo feels like. he's trying too hard :/
Koryuu has levelled up his amai kotoba game
Ignition kinda fucks (thank u tomoe)
"sweet swag"
i haven't seen gou on stage but viva carnival is such a weird song (i know it's gonna grow on me lol)
let hachisuka play the drums!!
murakumo changing the subject is just like me trying to be subtle
let's gou cooking!~
HOUTOU? *nakacha flashbacks*
if no akashi in danzen this year.. at least give us danzen tonbo on thursday? 🥺
hi northern king 👋
i feel for his lovely sailors cuz i also struggle with left and right
enomoto: DATE-SENPAI 😍
absolutely KILLER MOVE of toumyu producers to combine fujita rei and oka koujirou's vocals
who cut off rei's mic 😂😭
bless the saniwas who sat at the far right of the main stage
i actually like Tears alot cuz i unironically love the sounds of harpsichords
tsuru's leg moves iykyk
i still don't know what suishinshi and oodenta did in gou on stage? someone educate me
raita's got dangerous moves
shin crouching down to the camera made me feel like a child at puroland 🥺🥺
seeing akashi smile makes my eyes water
can you guess what doesn't sound complete to me without tonbokiri
i want whatever foundation monoyoshi is using
i'll be watching this on repeat for the next week
his failed poems are a mood tho
h o t a r u
(aizen found in a ditch)
if you don't hear from me the day we get akashi scarlet lips, just assume it's put me in a coma
show me something something disney
guess we're rocking the suehiro tanktop this year rather than kemono bottom layer 💔
hachisuka getting handsy on tsuru
who brought the firework barrels???
yes grandpa date-senpai
why did they leave manba hanging at the middle of the stairs for so long lmao
overall a great shonichi!
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