#we stan domestic loki tho
cherryrogers · 5 years
Loki x Fem!Reader
Contains: Fluff
Synopsis: After moving in with Loki, you soon learn that the man is in desperate need of learning how to be... domestic.
“Oh my lord. You’re literally so frustrating.” You whined, removing the washing up gloves from your hands and slapping them down on the counter. “There are at least ten other cups in the cupboard, why do you always use the ones that I’ve just washed?”
Loki looked quite offended, pouring the freshly brewed coffee into the freshly cleaned cup that he’d just picked up from beside the sink. “The reason you washed the cup is for it to be used again, is it not?”
With a roll of your eyes, you grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and allowed Loki to pour you some coffee. Recently, you and him had made the decision to move in together. He ended up moving into your home, because you just couldn’t bare to leave the place. The majority of the time, it was a rather pleasant experience. Waking up next to his beautiful face every morning, coming home from work and seeing him curled up on the sofa reading, and generally being able to spend so much time together.
However, it was like Loki had zero regard for the messes he made, and who was left to clean them up. The man didn’t seem to give a second thought to the cups he left randomly in different rooms, or the underwear he so annoyingly just left lying on the bedroom floor. You understood that he wasn’t from a typical family, and back in Asgard, he had servants and maids doing everything for him. On the other hand, you thought he’d be able to at least put some effort into understanding how the washing machine worked. Spoiler alert - he never did.
At first, you thought you could handle it. It was just some housework, right? Wrong. It got to the point where your first thought in the morning was about all the chores you’d have to do before and after work, and you began to realise that that wasnt something one should stress about on a daily basis.
While you sipped the hot drink in your hands, a gasp escaped your lips as you watched Loki almost fall over a pair of his shoes laying messily on the kitchen floor. He didn’t fall, however he now had an empty cup of coffee...
He smirked, and you could tell he was stifling a chuckle. Was he serious?
“I... am leaving this to you, love.” He gestured to the puddle of coffee on the grey floor tiles.
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “What are you, five? I’m sure you’re perfectly capable of grabbing some kitchen roll and wiping that up yourself.”
Loki furrowed his brows. “But-”
“But? But what? You know, Loki, I feel like all I do is clean up after you. I know you don’t do it on purpose, but come on.”
“Back in Asgard-”
“I know. I know you never learned to do that sort of stuff, I understand that. But you’re not in Asgard anymore, babe. We’re on Earth, in our own house, where you should learn how to do basic housework to help me out.” You glanced at the clock behind Loki, and sighed at the realisation you were going to be late to work. “And I’m late for work. See you later.”
You heard Loki saying your name as you grabbed your bag and left the house, but there was nothing he could say in that moment that would fix anything. Some might’ve said you were being dramatic, but it just hurt you a little that he knew how busy you were and still didn’t make an effort. He couldn’t help you with work, but the least he could do was not leave you to do every single bit of cleaning.
Loki admittedly felt bad the moment you left the house. He didn’t even realise how much it bothered you that he never did any housework. While he knew you were stressed, it didn’t even occur to him that cause of your stress could be him.
So while you were out, Loki took it upon himself to earn some redemption. With his hands on his hips, he eyed the whole living room for starters, making a mental list of every job that could be done in the room. The coffee table needed decluttered, the carpet needed vacuumed, and so on. Any reluctance he had over doing the chores was replaced by the satisfaction of knowing you wouldn’t be spending the night cleaning. He still couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed how much it bothered you, and his guilt only grew heavier.
After completing your long hours at work and barely being able to keep your eyes open as you drove home, you finally made it back. Images of the dirty plates next to the sink and the unloaded washing machine immediately made you huff sadly. One night - even just one night off would make you the happiest human alive.
And as you stepped through the front door, you soon realised that this was the evening you’d been dreaming of. Everything was... spotless. There was nothing you could pick out that needed dusting slightly or random pieces of clothing laying around. The house was clean. And you weren’t the one that made it that way.
Loki emerged from the bedroom, smirking as he saw your shocked expression. “Welcome home, darling.”
Your gaze finally landed on him and you raised your eyebrows questionly. “Okay, what do you want?”
“What do I want?” His eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
“Loki, you’ve cleaned the entire house! It looks better than when I clean, and that’s definitely saying something. Are you saying you did all of this... willingly?” Your heart swelled as his cheeks flushed red and he nodded shyly. “Oh my... is this because of everything I said this morning? I’m sorry, Loki. I know I was harsh-”
He shook his head and approached you. “No, you were right. I am on Midgard now, and I am very happy here. I should learn how to live like you, because after all that you have done for me, the least I can do is... wash the dishes every once in a while.”
Cupping his face with your hands, you smiled warmly at him. “Well, I really appreciate that. Thank you.” You kissed him quickly. “And I’ll appreciate the next time you clean the whole house, and the next, and the next-”
“Alright, I get it.” Loki rolled his eyes, but squeezed you tighter against him. “And I’ll be more than happy to, if it makes you happy.”
After kissing him again, you sigh in content. “Honestly, I really don’t want to get the plates you’ve cleaned so amazingly dirty again just yet. Wanna order pizza?”
“It’s lovely to know you appreciate my hard work, darling.”
“Oh, shut up. God, you wash the dishes one time...”
Once you’d took way too long to pick out a movie and the pizza had arrived, you and Loki sat on the couch and remained in each other’s company for the rest of the night, you comfortably pressed against his chest with a slice of pizza in hand. Occasionally you’d look up at him from your position, analysing the way his dimples would form when he laughed and how his eyebrows furrows during the dramatic scenes. Sure, he wasn’t perfect. But he was yours. Loki was yours, and nobody else’s. He wasn’t the perfect boyfriend, but he was perfect for you. Despite any unfinished housework or stupid arguments, moving in with Loki was the best decision you ever made, because you loved him.
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itsjustashipperlife · 5 years
So here it is. The longest post I’ll ever write, so bear with me. (I’m not kidding, this is HUGE).
I watched Endgame at 7 pm yesterday… Came back home at 11. And I posted that I would try to sleep and make this post today. You know how many hours I slept? Four. And I finally fell asleep at 3.30 am.
I will try to say all my thoughts on this post, so if I miss something, I’m sorry. (Note: although I like more characters, the IronFam, pepperony, irondad… Will be the main concerns here, so anti Tonys, get the fuck out)
I will try to say things that I liked first, then the ones that I didn’t like, and then we’ll get to the OG6 ends, okay? Okay.
The whole movie has that atmosphere that this was it. The Endgame. And it really makes you anxious for the characters. 
Clint’s first scene with his family is heartbreaking
Tony being so soft (a dad) with Nebula was fucking everything
Although it was expected,  Carol rescuing Tony and Nebula was great. (I guess it’s because the message for Pepper was received… because then why was she waiting there?)
Tony saying “I lost the kid” killed me, and then he finally calms down when Pepper hugs him
Tony’s kiss on Pepper’s cheek
Tony cutting out Steve’s bullshit had me going “Yeah, honey! That’s it”
Seriously, he looks (and feels) like shit. And he gets the strength to get up, rip off his IV, and call him out before his body can’t stand anymore
What’s left of the team trying to fix it all, going to Thanos without second thoughts and killing him once and for all (okay, maybe not “forever”, but you know… Thor finally went for the head)
That “5 years later” gasp, seeing how the world is “moving on” after the decimation
Everyone’s fucking done, and tired, and hopeless (e.g. Nat, Steve, Rocket and Nebula, Rhodey, Clint…)
Nat’s break down, trying to stay positive about Clint, and about everything (also, Rhodey helping her, looking for Clint… Because in this blog, we love and respect Colonel James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes)
Scott getting back from the quantum realm after (for him) 5 hours, to finally reunite with his now grown up daughter
Tony “moving on” (kinda). He has the life he said he wanted since AoU, with Pepper as his wife and his daughter, and living on a beautiful farm, away from everyone
Tony being the BEST DAD the MCU will ever see (no hate on Clint or Scott tho, it’s just my opinion). He loves her so much, and she loves her daddy too (3000
Morgan with the Rescue helmet
Tony kissing it
He carrying her inside to have dinner
The team getting to his house for help, cause he’s the only one that can do it
That shot of Tony pouring drinks for everyone in which we see his wedding band (because, of course, and like RDJ, Tony is that kind of man)
He being selfish about trying what Scott said. He has every right to be. Although Peter’s not there, he has Morgan. And he wants to be there for her. He’s allowing himself to be selfish for the first time in 15 years (being 2023 in the MCU right now… I think… technically…)
But… he’s Tony Stark. The selfless man the world will ever know. He can fix it, and he will
Nat, Scott and Steve talking with Bruce… or Hulk… or Proffesor Hulk (let’s call him Bruce)
Tony being domestic: doing the dishes, tucking his daughter in, the “I love you 3000″, and him being so cute with Morgan like… “whoa, honey, that’s a lot… that’s more than ‘tons’"
Him resolving the problems of the “time-travels” in a couple of hours… I stan one man… Also, Morgan seeing her daddy work and getting ice-cream before going to sleep. Again, the best dad
Once again, Tony being domestic talking with Pep (aka his wife, aka the love of his life, aka the mother of his daughter, aka his goddess, boss and queen), asking her what should he do, and Pepper, like always, being his voice of reason
Scott and Bruce trying to work with the quantum realm 
Tony driving to the compound like the badass he is (also, while being a badass, still being a dad and putting toys and a teddy bear out the way of Cap’s shield)
Bruce and Rocket looking for Thor, the appereance of Valkyrie, Korg and Miek, and Thor playing Fortnite. (I found all of Thor’s scenes very funny, but at the same time I didn’t feel like it was okay to laugh about it. He’s clearly depressed during the whole film, and every character-like every person- deal with depression and ways to cope in different ways… so I don’t think that laughing at Fat Thor was nearly okay)
Clint being a badass
His scene with Nat, holding hands
Rhodey with the best fucking idea of the movie (go back in time to baby Thanos, and… you know the rest). Again, I love this man
Bruce freaking out about it. And explaining the way the MOVIE works
Clint being succesful on the first try
The WHOLE scenes of the “domestic” team, getting up ideas of how they’re going to recollect the stones (Loved every single one of them, and I would gladly watch a film that was all about Nat, Tony and Bruce lying on a table and talking)
Jane Foster making a come-back (kinda)… Also, Thor is me when I’m doing a presentation 
Rocket calling Scott “puppy”
The team prepared. The whole “you know your teams, you know your missions” speech
The “unseen” parts of Avengers 1, after they got Loki
Scott giving 2012-Tony a heart attack and 2012-Thor helping with Mjolnir. All while actual-Tony gets the tesseract (for a while)
All of Rocket-Thor scenes in Asgard
Rhodey and Nebula laughing at Quill
2012-Cap vs actual-Cap (+America’s Ass), and the elevator scene
The ancient one and Bruce conversation
The whole thing with past and present Nebula
Stan Lee’s cameo
Tony and Steve going to 1970. Tony (aka Howard Potts… I died when his wife’s name is the first one that comes to his mind) talking to Howard Stark, having a dad to dad conversation, and Edwin Jarvis cameo. Meanwhile, Steve seeing Peggy.
Nat sacrifice for Clint. Clint crying afterwards…
The team decided to not let her sacrifice be in vain (+Bruce’s reaction)
Bruce undoing the snap
Past-Gamora helping actual-Nebula (+killing old-Nebula)
Thor, Steve and Tony fight with Thanos (while the rest of the team is trying to get the gauntlet)… (+THAT scene of Steve and Mjolnir)
Rescue and Iron Man fighting back to back like the power couple they are
Rescue-Mom giving Spiderman and the gauntlet a ride
Tony and Peter reunion *sobbing* (+Groot and Rocket, +Hope and Scott, +Quill and Gamora)
THAT SCENE WITH ALL THE WOMEN FIGHTING TOGETHER (Pepper being the badass she fucking is!!)… The only woman I missed was Nat… *sobbing again*
Thor going with the Guardians (+Quill looking for Gamora)
Clint with his fam
Scott with his fam
Steve giving the shield to Sam
(this is kinda)-> Steve going to Peggy
In conclusion: MY HEART IS FUCKING BROKEN FOR THIS MOVIE, but nontheless I “loved” it
Okay… so now that we are done… Let’s talk about what I didn’t like:
I needed more Pepper/Tony moments, and more Pepper “mommy” moments
Uncle Happy was great… BUT WHAT ABOUT UNCLE RHODEY!
Steve, get out of the fucking way! Tony doesn’t need you now (at the begining of the movie). He needs Pepper, and Rhodey, and food, water and sleep 
Rhodey not getting a hug with Tony at the begining of the movie
Not May/Tony conflict/crying over their ‘son’
I don’t know if I like Howard’s and Tony’s talk… I do like it, but idk. I guess that in the movies he wasn’t physically abusing to him… But at least he gets to talk with his dad and he realizes he’s a very good dad with Morgan (aka, his “little girl” *sobs*)
THAT FUCKING CHEESEBURGUER LINE (I swear, I will never get over that fucking line)
Steve getting to live his “endgame” with Peggy, leaving everyone behind (aka Bucky and Sam, but mostly Bucky) and being FUCKING SELFISH (in my eyes… and for what I’ve read, in a lot of actual Cap’s fans too)
How come that “the man who lays in the wire” is the one that leaves, and “the man who would cut the wire” is the one that fucking LAYS ON IT (again)
Alright. Now I’m going to talk about the OG6 ends. Although I have leave my points of view up… But I still want to talk about it more thoroughly:
Clint: Finally, Clint got his protagonism in the team. He’s going to do “whatever it takes” (and he means WHATEVER) to bring his family back. I liked his end, there’s nothing more to discuss about it.
Bruce: Yeah, Bruce finally got the best of both worlds, the mind and the strength… But what’s he going to do now?
Thor: Thor’s end was okay (IMO)… He doesn’t have the strength to be the king anymore… But Valkyrie does. And he has great chemistry with the Guardians, so I didn’t mind him going with them.
Nat: Nat’s ending was great. Let me explain. I didnt like that she died. But I felt it very on character… She has no family, her family are the avengers. And she wants to bring them back. Clint is like her brother (I’m a little into Clintasha tbh, but I accept that they give them that brother/sister relationship long ago. It proofs that not all the male/female friendships have to end in a romantic relationship), and she did anything she could to undo the snap during 5 fucking years.
Steve: Hated it (him). Yeah, you “loved” Peggy… Whatever. (The Russos trying to put Steggy as the Royal ship when everyone KNOWS that that title belongs, AND WILL ALWAYS BELONG, to Pepper and Tony). He’s just looking at the past, he has never moved on, and he never will. He let Tony gave up his family (at the age of 53… god, he had a lot to live for) and then he left Bucky behind (and the whole Hydra mess too), when he always was so nuisance about him all these years…
Tony: Hate/Love it. I love it because it’s the way of fully close the circle of this whole journey, and he’s the SAVIOR of the fucking MCU, now and always. Haters can shut their mouths now after what he did…
I hate it because… He’s my baby. He finally had the life he craved for all these years. Married to Pep, with his baby girl; trophy husband, doting father… and now he’s… gone. He’ll never see Morgan grow up (her first day at college, her first bf/gf, her graduation, her wedding, his grand-kids… any of it), he’ll never see Peter go to college either. Pepper will see all of that alone (not completely, because Happy and Rhodey will always be there, but someone will be always missing). Morgan won’t ever doubt that her daddy loves her, but still he won’t be there to kiss her goodnight, nor to tell her shitty bed time stories. (God, I’m crying again… and I really want to say I am joking, but I’m not).
Tony fucking DESERVED BETTER. 
Rhodey hold his head and pet his hair, with tears in his eyes that he refuses to let out. Peter calling him Tony for the first time ever… “We won” 
Also, Pepper is the STRONGEST WOMAN IN THE MCU. No one will EVER change my mind. She went into battlefield to help her husband, to protect their kid, and she hates violence. She fought beside him, helped defeat Thanos… And, when Tony (her Tony) was dying… She kneeled next to him, to reassure him that they would be okay, that he “can rest now”. And she didn’t break until he was gone. So the last thing he would see was her being the calm, competent person he knows she is. SHE FUCKING WAITS TILL HE’S GONE. SHE HOLDS HER TEARS AND HER SOBS SO HE WOULD FEEL OKAY. SO THAT HE COULD REST. And then, when the light of his arc reactor is out, and his hand is no longer in hers, she let it all out. She kissed his cheek one last time and sobs with her face buried in his neck… And I can’t deal with it.
Tony’s last message… “I love you 3000″ is another heartbreak. And the “Proof that Tony Stark has a heart” is the best… But the fucking cheeseburguers… If I weren’t sobbing and trembling during all that, the cheeseburguer was the charm that made me explode. It was over. It was really over. And that line made it true.
And the point is… I can’t read fanfics now. Nor see fanarts, fanvids, edits, you name it. Hell, I don’t think I’ll be able to watch any movie with Tony in it with the same eyes anymore… Any of the Iron Man movies, Homecoming, Civil War… It’s just too much. I won’t be able to watch Iron Man 1 again the same as I did before… with the cheeseburguer, and Pepper tears because she “hates job hunting”, Yinsen and his question about family, or the first time Tony flies out of his garage, with that huge, happy smile on his face.
Every time that I see 3000, I get fucking sad. And I was crying when I got home yesterday. When I calmed down a bit, I entered Instagram and Robert posted that photo of him and Jimmy Rich “holding” the A of Avengers and the tag #iloveyou #3000 and I fucking cried again… Fuck, I’ve been crying while writing all of this post.
I’m not even able to read some fluff fanfic from a couple of years ago… Pre-Infiniry war era to cheer me up. It just makes me sadden.
And… I think that’s it… I hope someone will read aaaaall my rant, but I can’t sum anything up.
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