#we were so excited we were like omg we both get paid at midnight and this week has sucked let's get drunk
tittyinfinity · 2 months
my best friend and I, ages 28 and 33, tried to stay up until midnight (when I got paid) so we could both drink after a long, rough week, but we both ended up falling asleep while sitting up. which I think says something about our age compared to how we were a decade ago
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ivorysoapshavings · 3 years
Matching (Kenma x reader)
You were up late overthinking about life when you came to the conclusion that dying your hair would solve your problems (or at least cover them up). You grab your keys and head out the door to grab what you needed for this midnight adventure
You were practically buzzing as you stepped out of your car and into the Drugstore parking lot. You’re nervous and exited energy mixing together creating this weir anticipation. ‘Should I actually do this, this is probably a disastrous idea,” you worried to yourself. Just as soon as the wave of doubt came it vanished “no,” you muttered to yourself “you want this you will have it, it will look great,” Without another doubt you waltzed straight into your local drugstore, heading straight for the hair isle. One you were there you grabbed bleach for your hair, a box of bright almost highlighter orange hair die, some gloves, and an applicator. You quickly paid for your items and left the store way too excited for this. But a realization dawned on you as you sat down in your car ready to drive back home ‘I have no idea how the fuck I am supposed to go about doing this.’ the most you have ever done with your hair is style it; also those videos of peoples hair falling out because they did something wrong kind of terrified you.
You sat in your car for a good thirty minutes contemplating how you should do this, if you should do this. Those fears of people hating it, having to shave your head, people staring at you almost made you want to throw the dye away and never think about it again. ‘I’ll just call Kenma and see what he thinks’ you thought to yourself
“Oh my god, Kenma!” you shouted face palming “I’m an idiot,” you grabbed your phone to text Kenma,
You: b there in 5 b ready😼😽
Ken🕺🕺: u in trouble or 3am impulsive decision
You: 3am impulsive decision that's going to get me in trouble
Ken🕺🕺: k doors unlocked
You put your phone down and go to start your car all the nervous energy now gone replaced with excitement.
You hop out of your car almost forgetting to grab the bag with the dye and make your way into the apartment building, taking the all to familiar path to Kenmas apartment. After taking a few flights of stairs you reached his door. Quickly you went inside eager to get started. You went straight to his office turned gaming/streaming room knowing thats where he would be. You opened the door to him surprisingly streaming.
“I thought you didn’t stream past 2am,” you said confused
“Well hello to you too,” he said sarcastically pausing his game to face you, “and I couldn't sleep and I was bored,”
“Cool mind if I join,” you tossed the bag full of dye in Kenmas direction and turned to pull up a chair to sit next to him. You heard a small chuckle as he searched the bag you tossed at him.
“Not at all, all though your text makes sense now,” he looked at you smirking as you placed your chair next to him. You just smiled and faced his monitors, one with raft pulled up and the other with chat and all the stream settings.
You waved “hey guys I’m back interrupting stream again,”
Kenma chuckled “ for those that are new here this is (y/n), my frie-,”
“Favorite bestest friend ever,” you interrupted proudly
“Acquaintance,” he finished.
You turned and pouted at him, “mean”
“Anyways,” he turned back to his stream “we are having an unplanned break from the game, because this thing,” he gestured at me, “Is incapable of dying their hair and wants me to do it.” you stuck your tongue out at him and her returned the gesture. He grabbed the bag again laying everything out on the table. He picked up the bleach you got and made a disgusted face and tossed it back into the shopping bag.
“We’re using my bleach, that shit you got’ll destroy your hair,” he said getting up and leaving the room. ‘Thank God I didn’t decide to do this myself’ you mentaly sighed. Kenma came back caring the bleach, a bowl to put it in, and a towel to protect my clothes. He walked behind me and layed the towel around my neck.
“That towel looks like its been through hell and back,” you said, it was frayed and torn with lightened areas where you could tell bleach had been spilled with some color splotches here and there.
“Still works so I’ll still use it,” Kenma shrugged putting gloves on getting ready to start the dying process. He put some bleach in a bowl and instructed me to lean my head back, then started applying the bleach. ‘To late to turn back now’ you said to yourself.
After applying all the bleach Kenma sat back down taking his gloves off and setting a timer. For the duration of the timer you just sat together and answered questions that popped up in chat and argued over who is the best mario cart character which is of course shy guy. But Kenma would not have that. After the timer had finished you went to go rinse the bleach out. Once you had gone and washed the bleach out and towel dried your hair it was time to put in the actual color. While waiting for the color you guys decided to play Mario cart to prove which character was the best, after a coupe of rounds it was nearing the end of stream so you decided to raise the stakes.
“Hey Kenma,” you sung
“Yes?” he replied knowing you had something planed
“If I win this round you have to dye your hair orange too, if you win I’ll take you to get that new game you wanted,” he grew a devilish grin on his face
“You're gonna regret doing this,”
You won. So a couple hours later it was around 4 am and you both had annoyingly orange hair. Kenma had ended stream saying he would post a picture of his hair on instagram, so now you guys were just lounging on Kenmas sofa.
“I still have no fucking clue how you won that,” kenma sulked
“Because shy guy is superior,” you retorted. Kenma gave you a glare that would have looked way worse if not for his bright fluffy orange hair. “OH,” you shouted with a sudden idea “we need to show this to Shouyou,” Kenma suddenly lit up from his sulky mood
“For once you’re right about something,” you just sighed and opened the snapchat app on your phone. You guys snapped a photo and sent it to Shouyou with the caption ‘triplets’. Shouyou responded so fast he could probably be a world record holder. It was a blurry picture of his face with the caption ‘OMG OMG OMG I’M COMING OVER RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO TAKE PICTURES TOGETHER’
You and Kenma never ended up sleeping instead taking pictures together with all three of you and posting them all over social media per Shouyous request.
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ad1thi · 3 years
2020 fic recs!! [Part 2]
part 2 of my 2020 fic recs!! as before, ive limited this to five fics per month; and fics are ordered by the month they were published. This spans fandoms and ships, and hopefully you find something you like!! credit for the idea goes to @iam93percentstardust
this is the start: @capnwinghead
Clark and Bruce continue raising the Wayne children and encounter a number of challenges along the way.
great minds (love alike): @starklysteve
Steve’s eyes flicks down to Tony’s knees on the floor.
“Are you – are you proposing to me with my ring for you?” Steve asks incredulously, eyes wide and confused.
Or, Steve finds Tony’s ring for him, Tony finds Steve’s ring for him. Panic happens.
Marvels Unsolved: @iam93percentstardust
Marvels Unsolved was never supposed to be this popular. It started off as a novelty web-series about Tony trying to convince Bucky about the existence of the supernatural—he firmly believed that if science could turn Uncle Steve from an actual shrimp to the god of muscles, then magic had to be out there—and then they’d started talking about an unsolved crime from the early 20th century after filming an episode one day, forgetting that the camera was still rolling, and had ended up with enough footage to make a second episode about real crimes. They had stayed pretty unknown throughout that first season but then true crime podcasts had exploded in popularity and Unsolved along with them.
it’s a small world after all: @maguna-stxrk
“Great speech.”
Smiling at the compliment, Tony turns around. “Thank y—”
And nearly drops his champagne flute.
His world comes to a stop.
They had only spent a night together, but Tony would recognize those baby blues anywhere.
It’s Steve.
Steve from Tony’s London business trip. Or, as Rhodey has become accustomed to calling him—The Soulmate That Got Away.
you’re in my blood, you’re in my veins: @nethandrake
Tony always figured that if they ever were to break up, it would be like a blaze. Scorching and hot and all-too blinding. Intense like the two of them have always been.
Instead, they break up on a Tuesday, with the rain pelting the windowpane and the midnight silence stifling.
Five Times Danny said he’d marry Steve (plus one): @five-wow
Danny humphs. “Look, all I’m saying is, I think I’d probably have married you by now.”
“I’d marry you, too,” Steve says.
Or: An experiment in how many times you can say something before you have to put your money where your mouth is.
Family (You’ve Always Had It): @/SunnyQueen
A black Camaro and a scowling blond was not what Junior had been expecting.
“Hi, sir. You didn’t have to pick me up.”
The blond looked up from the screen on his phone and groaned, completely ignoring Junior's statement. “You are right, I didn't have to."
Ode To Yoga Pants: @riotfalling
OR the continued terrible mating dance of Bucky and Tony, AKA when betting on your friends stops being fun
Through The Years: @hawkbucks
Tony brings home Natasha one day, proclaiming her to be his new sister.
Natasha takes this all in stride.
The broken road that led me home to you: @just-fandomthings
A documented list of conversations between Steve and Danny via text and phone call following the events of 10x22 "Aloha." (Where, even thousands of miles apart, Steve and Danny can't go without talking to each other.)
someday, we’ll pass it on to you: @starklysteve
Steve smiles.
Reaching up, he flattens his hand against his son’s far smaller one, curling gently around it. “You wanna be like him?”
“Da!” Peter agrees again.
One year old, and you already know who’s the best of us, Steve pauses to reflect, all his fears chased away by a fierce pride. “Your Dad’s coming home real soon,” he promises, “you should tell him that.”
Or, five times Peter did the repulsor pose as a toddler
+ one time he used the repulsors as an adult
Classic Sci Fi: @notdoingsohot
Bucky wakes up to Steve telling him he's lost his memory, but not to panic, it'll only last a few days. Easier said than done when the last thing Bucky remembers is fighting Hydra with the Howlies in WWII.
He tries to make the most of it however, and there's this guy... Tony Stark. It's pretty clear the guy hates Bucky's guts, which is unfortunate because god damn is he a sight.
He tries to figure out what he did to wrong Stark, but everyone just tells him he doesn't want to know.
They were right.
Blooms in Frost: @/Diomedes
Tony coughs up his first petal on the sixth of July. He has been married to the love of his life for two years.
Bury a Hanahaki corpse in earth and it will beget the most beautiful garden. All that love, it is said, must go somewhere.
Hanahaki AU: Established relationship
A Single Thread of Gold: @lovelyirony
Rhodey doesn't believe in love at first sight or any of that cheesy shit. He just wants someone who is nice, dependable, and safe.
Tony Stark is Housing Service's little problem for the school year, and now he's stuck in Rhodey's room because he's exploded the last two dorm rooms he's been in and won't live off-campus.
high roller, place your bet: @machi-kun
“Would you kiss Stark for a hundred bucks?”
“I would pay a hundred bucks to kiss him.”
press my luck: @omg-just-peachy
But... Steve is almost ten years his junior, and he could be with just about anyone, looking and acting like he does. And then there’s the not so small fact of Tony’s name and net worth and the fact that, okay, Tony had paid for Steve’s grad school tuition, and now he’s worried Steve feels obligated to stay. Or something.
Or, Tony is a billionaire, Steve is a grad student, and they learn to let themselves be taken care of.
see it with the lights out: @starklysteve
Tony goes on a business trip, and he does not - not at all - get jealous of Dodger hogging his husband's chest, a territory otherwise known as Tony's pillow.
(or, Steve goes on an Instagram spree and Tony misses home)
adulthood is looking both ways before you cross the street and getting hit by an airplane: @starkslovemail
It was a perfect plan, if Peter did say so himself.
The Buy In: @dracusfyre
For the ImagineTonyandBucky prompt: Mafia AU with Tony as the Boss (except he's a really good one, making the streets safe, keeping drugs away from kids etc) and Bucky as the detective sent to go undercover to catch him out but ends up realizing he's actually doing more good than harm and they end up falling in love
trinkets of your affection: @starklysteve
Kissed him once for every year I loved him, Steve had written.
By that count, Steve owes him five more kisses now.
Tony traces the words, hands trembling, and tips back a shot of Howard's ancient whiskey. None of it burns anymore.
One day, he'll have lived more days without Steve than there are words in the diary.
For the first time since he'd woken with shrapnel in his chest, Tony fears the future.
Or, five things Tony keeps to remember Steve by, and one thing Steve gives him to remember.
“Hey Tony”: @riotfalling
Steve points out that Bucky never calls Tony by his actual name. Bucky doesn’t believe him, until he does.
Remembering You is Hard to Do: @lovelyirony
“The future’s crazy, honey-bear.”
Jim looks up.
“Why do you call me that?”
“Call you what?”
“Honey-bear. It’s weird.”
“Inside joke we have,” Tony says, chest tightening. “We thought those couples that have the lovey-dovey nicknames were ridiculous.”
overheard your heartbeat (calling me yours): @starklysteve
"Tony - "
"I wish I could promise to come home this time," he feels the armor crawl back down his arm, continuing unnoticed over Steve's red gloves, then up the blue uniform as Tony fights to keep Steve's gaze firmly fixed on him.
The last eyes Tony might get to see, and he wants to be lost in them.
In the end, his entire life boils down a few simple things: "JARVIS, take care of him for me."
Or, Tony overhears a phonecall where Steve proposes, a battle happens, and a paper ring settles some misunderstandings.
i (really, really, really, really, really, really) like you.: @nethandrake
For as long as Steve can remember, he's been crushing on Tony Stark. The thing is, he's pretty sure Tony doesn't know Steve exists. And how could he? Steve's scrawny and little. He's a nobody compared to Tony who's Mr Popular and the son of a billionaire.
Or at least he thought so until Tony swings by the bakery Steve's mother happens to own to enlist Steve's help in finding the perfect Valentine's Day card.
The perfect Valentine's Day card for someone who isn't Steve.
One Song (My Heart Keeps Singing): @iam93percentstardust
When Thor is old enough to understand what a Heartsong is, he goes to his mother to ask her why he can’t understand the language his is in. He listens as she tells him about the first soulmates who couldn't understand their Heartsong until the day they meet, excited by the thought of a grand adventure, one that will take him across the cosmos in search of his One.
He’ll search all the Nine Realms if he has to.
Swiping Right: @s-horne
“Ouch. Definitely a hard pass for that one?”
Steve startled at the sudden comment from the row of chairs behind him and turned around. He’d been passing the time in the airport lounge by swiping through Tinder and had gotten lost in his own world. It was almost jarring to be pulled away from the screen of hot men and back into reality where the PA was screeching and there was noise everywhere.
Adjusting to the difference, Steve frowned. Wait, he knew that face. Oh, shit… he knew that face.
“No, no, it’s fine,” the man said before Steve could get out anything other than an embarrassed sort of yelp. Waving his hand through the air, the stranger smiled ruefully. “I get it. It’s the beard, isn’t it? True be told, it was a weird winter choice that year and I knew it would come back to hurt me.”
Steve didn’t know what to say. He knew it must have shown on his face and could feel himself flushing, panicked and embarrassed all at once. What were the odds of swiping left on someone literally sat behind him?
set your flight path home (to me): @starklysteve 
Tony puts down his welding torch. “I’m building you a plane.”
Stepping carefully over the gears and tools scattered about, Rhodey slowly makes his way to him.
“And when did you become an expert on how to build a plane?”
“Last night,” Tony grins.
Tony builds a plane, and Rhodey teaches Tony how to fly it. Or he would be teaching Tony, if Tony didn't distract him so much.
I Want A Man With A Slow Hand: @thefourofswords
“Can I ask you a question?” he asked on their way to a crime scene, because no time like the present, and Danny believed in ripping off band-aids.
“Why not?” Steve replied, eyes on the road. “You’re gonna even if I say no.”
“What do you like in bed?”
Danny undertakes a very important mission to get Steve laid. For his health. Ahem.
same time next year: @omg-just-peachy
“I forgot to ask. When’s your flight home?” Steve asks, draping his arm over Tony’s shoulder and settling in against him.
Tony ignores the knot that forms in his chest at the idea of it, leaving Steve again for his own impersonal apartment, his piles of books and projects and the nights without sleep.
“Day after tomorrow.”
Steve huffs a little sigh, then brings his lips to Tony’s neck. “Well, we’ll have to make the most of it, won’t we?”
Or, four (4) Christmases with two (2) idiots who can't admit they're in love.
rearrange my heart (to fit your smile): @starklysteve
"You dare," Howard's chair makes an ugly noise as it scrapes against the stone floors, the chatter of the room shifting into hushed whispers and stolen glances. "I am your father and your King!"
"My King is my husband," Tony tips his chin up, defiant. "And I refuse to hear you suggest that my husband has been anything other than good to me."
Next to him, he feels Steve's shoulders stiffen in surprise.
Howard's fist slams loud on the table. "Your husband does not even love you!"
Tony jerks back, burned. He knows that. Knows that Steve did not marry him for love – does not need any reminder of the cold truth, of what he desperately yearns for and can't even hope to have – but the harshness of Howard's words was scalding, and Tony can't afford for this to go any further.
Or, King Steven marries Prince Tony, Tony is pretty sure he shouldn't panic when he falls in love with his own husband, and Steve tries his very best not to cause diplomatic crises.
Keyword: try
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bellasharifuddin · 3 years
The Day I Became a Mother
It’s been a while since I last post anything here, typing feels awkward as well. But this has always been a thing that I wanted to do since the day I’ve given birth, to document and blog about my pregnancy and my birth journey, so in 4-5 years to come when my memories fade, I can always come back to reminisce every detail that I keep here, like a memory capsule. 
The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant. 
You know, when people say that when you have a strong intuition about something, trust your gut feeling, because it’s often true. Mirin and I have always talked about having kids, me wanting a baby so much within months after we got married, however, Mirin having second thoughts about it. We were both married for less than a year, sleeping on a toto without a mattress or a bed, living in the deep slum of Wangsa Maju area where the rats are larger than the cats. Hahaha. Naturally, given our circumstances, he’d want to take things slow. 
Fast forward to a couple of months, we went out for some steaks and karaoke on a weekend night. I told mirin to stop by Watsons, for me to buy a pregnancy test kit. Mirin didn’t question much, because occasionally I would randomly buy one, just for fun. But this time, I didnt just get one. I ended up buying three. Why? Because somehow, I had a strong feeling this time. I just felt... weird. It was a feeling that I can’t put it into words. 
We came home at midnight, I went to the bathroom too “pee on the stick”. Then I saw the first line... a few seconds later comes the second one. Oh my god. Okay. I knew Mirin was standing outside the toilet door, waiting. Eventually, I had to break the news to him. When I showed to Mirin, we both ended up hugging and crying. Was I happy? Was I in shock? Was I sad? Yes, a little bit of everything. Its funny that all you’ve wanted was a baby, then when it actually happens, suddenly you’re freaked out. Happy that its a blessing. Sad that it hits you without a warning. 
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When the morning sickness finally kicked in, I knew we couldn’t live in the current house. Its not the best place to raise a child. And the next-door neighbor was having major renovation that was super loud and noisy. After sleepless nights and searching for a new place, we eventually moved out. Bought our first bed, bought our first dining table, bought our first gas stove. A many of firsts. Soon we finally bought a baby cot from Ikea. We bought it too early. Although it was too early to put it up, but Mirin assembled it anyways. I could tell that he was excited. It was such a fun and exciting moment, for the both of us.
But those were the fun part. Like most pregnancies, the not so fun part about being pregnant was me being diagnosed with Pregnancy Hypertension during my 36th week of pregnancy. My blood pressure spiked up to 140/100 on two consecutive readings, and the next thing I know, that I’m sitting in an ambulance, on my way to Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s emergency building. 
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                     At Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Waiting for an available bed
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                  Mirin bought me the entire family mart food available xD
I spent 3 nights in their maternity wards, finally discharged after the doctor told me that I was clear to go. While I was in the hospital, it pains me to see new mothers struggling during the COVID19 pandemic. Throughout your stay, no visitations were allowed from anyone including your husband. If your baby cries or if you’re in pain, you’d have figure it out yourself. I remember praying to god while crying that I do not want to be induced there. The ward was stuffy and hot. There were too many people crammed in a room. It was hell. 
The Day That I Give Birth
One week after my discharge, we both went for my monthly checkup with my OBGYN at Pantai. Again, my doctor advised me to be induced tomorrow, since my blood pressure spiked again, and I was almost full term (38 weeks) so it was okay to go. She told me that “It’s best to get the baby out or else you boleh kena sawan” OMG Okay okay. So we packed our bags, ate sushi for dinner, slept soundly for the very last time, and headed to the hospital again at 9 am the next morning. 
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                         Induction day. We definitely overpacked haha
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       Arrived at the hospital lobby, did a mandatory swab test before entering
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Appointment card. Booked and paid for the accommodations prior to checking in
I was told to change into my labor robe (I’m not too sure what it’s called), and waited. When my doctor finally arrived, she then began to insert some sort of a plastic strip deeeeeep into my cervix. Ouch, that hurts. Okay, so that’s how induction works eh? Then I was given antibiotics into my IV drip too, since I was GBS (Group-B Strep) Positive as well. 
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                                Toilet selfie! Calm before the storm
After an hour, I felt the contraction. Initially it was uncomfortable, then it hurts like hell. The contractions felt like period pain but like a million times worse. Occasionally, Doctor Haslinda would come and check on my “bukaan”. Hours passed. 1cm... 2cm... 3cm.... when I finally said:
“Omg sakit sangat dah tak tahan, I want an epidural!“
Ok no, that was a lie. I initially didn’t want to take an epidural. I wanted to try and bear with the pain, but Mirin convinced me to take it, so after tossing and turning like a dying fish I finally said okay. 
The anesthesiologist came after what felt like an eternity, and asked me to sign a consent form. I’m not really sure what was written in that. Siapa je ada masa nak baca terms and conditions panjang panjang bila tengah contractions??? 
He told me to sit on the edge of the bed, while hugging a pillow. I remembered him injecting some numbing spray, then I felt the BIG NEEDLE poking through my spine. Then.. that was it. It was so fast. The entire process took only 5 mins. Was it painful as I thought it would be? No. Was it still scary tho? Yep hahaha.
Soon after, Dr Haslinda pecahkan air ketuban when I was 4cm dilated. It didnt hurt because I was on epidural, but I felt so much warm liquid flowing out non-stop. So bizarre. 
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Once you’re on epidural, you’re basically bed-ridden. No bathroom trips anymore, my legs feel like jelly. Sometimes the nurse will come to empty my bladder with a catheter. When the epidural kicked in, I could finally sleep. I slept like a baby. I slept for hours. Painless. No more feeling like a dying fish. And so I thought.............
3am. I woke up with INTENSE CONTRACTION PAIN. Why is it so painful? I thought I’m on epidural? I called the nurse straight away. Turned out the epidural drug ran out. It was sooo stressful because the nurse that was on duty that night didn’t know how to topap balik the epidural drug into the machine. She called her colleague, then the colleague also tak tahu. Then both of them spent like forever to troubleshoot how to use the machine, sampai lastly kena call doctor tanya. YA ALLAH, rasa macam nak maki je. 
7am the next day. Bukaan baru 7-8cm. Doctor decided to use another form of induction to speed up the process. It’s called pitocin, and injected through my IV drip. Within MINUTES, I could feel very intense and painful contractions, that the epidural can’t even help. So throughout the remaining 7cm to 10cm, I felt every inch of real labor pain. I clenched Mirin’s hand. So tightly that I think it got bruised. A minute felt like an hour, and an hour felt like years. It was soo bad that my memory was so fuzzy. 
Finally, it was 10cm. Time to go. They put both of my legs up, macam gambar bawah ni haha: 
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                                      Picture courtesy from Google
There were two nurses, one small cute Malay nurse, one pregnant Indian nurse, and my OBGYN, Dr Haslinda. I love them all, they were so supportive and nice to me throughout my labor process. My doctor taught me how to push correctly:
“Take a deeeeeeep breath then tahan, clench your fists, chin down and teran macam nak berak sekuat-kuat hati“
I was so determined to get the baby out. I just wanted the contraction pain to end. I did everything they told me to do. I hold on to Mirin’s hand, and PUSHHHHHHHEDDDDDD! I could hear Mirin saying “You’re doing great sayang!” After several pushes, and some sips of water breaks, the baby’s head is almost out. The head was the hardest to push. Besar! I literally felt like my down there was stretching to its limit. Once the head is out, I did another small push, and the rest of the baby’s body macam keluar instantly macam super slimy like that haha. 
Finally the baby is out! 8.26AM! The contractions stopped immediately. I instantly feel like I wasn’t pregnant anymore. The doctor then injected something on my thigh, then my uri just popped right out haha. My body felt so tired, but so so light. Lega, yay no longer pregnant haha. I ended up having second degree perineal tear without an episiotomy, and was stitched. I felt the benang, ngilu. I felt the needle pierced through my muscles too. But it didnt hurt so it wasn’t too bad. 
The baby gets cleaned up. Then soon all of the nurses left the labor room, it was just me, Mirin and our baby. Mirin picked her up, and azankan. Mirin started crying, I cried too. It was magical :’)
We did skin to skin and tried breastfeeding for the first time. As I look at her, hair was so thick. Her cute little fingers. Her beautiful face. She’s perfect. 
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                            I slept for 5 hours straight after the labor
Thinking back, I have no idea how I managed to muster such courage to go through all these. Mirin even told me that during the active labor stage, when I was pushing, at one point I pushed so hard that my entire face turned blue. Talk about adrenaline.
Do I want to have another baby? Well, lets keep a rain check on that question for another few more years to come xD
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hemmoangel · 5 years
“Twitch Thot Lu” pt 1
Word Count: 1,291
Warnings: You know this account and what we’re about. This is the beginning to something rated R!!!
A/N: Okay so this is an unedited prompt really to something I’m going to be working on and may turn in to a real series. Let me know if it’s okay. It needs work, and it’s bad rn but ugh let me know girl
Luke fixed the headphones upon his curly head. He was really excited to stream today. The generous male donations had been abundant recently, and he attributed it to his friend Michael’s kitty ear headphones. They were bubblegum pink and shaped Luke’s gentle face perfectly.
“You can only borrow them!” Michael said to Luke.
“Of course,” Luke had responded.
But the truth is, Luke had been “borrowing” them for the fourth week in a row—the fourth week since he started his Twitch. Luke had always admired the pretty girls who earned thousands just playing video games and flirting with the camera. There was no reason a pretty boy couldn’t do that (He did both of those things on the daily anyways.He might as well be paid for it...).
He created an account and called himself, “Cheesetoastie11.” He regretted that silly name later because no one really took his channel seriously. Luke had five viewers for the first two weeks, and the lack of attention inspired him to get creative one day.
He came onto the screen in shorts that left nothing to the imagination, and he insisted on showing the camera them. They were silky and pink and strangled the flesh of his thick bum. He could rip them by bending over if he wanted.
“Hey guys! I just want to show everyone my cute shorts!” Luke giggled and fluffed his hair. “Let me know if you like them!”
The once empty live chat began to fill with comments from lonely old guys or supportive girls, and Luke quickly blew up for being the “thickest boy on Twitch.”
Now, revealing outfits and slutty actions defined Luke’s online persona. Various YouTubers even made commentary videos on how they disagreed with his content. That didn’t stop him. All publicity was good publicity. He was already receiving brand deals and fanmail in his P.O. box.
Irwin94 made a donation of $15
Irwin94: Are those the same headphones from when you started the channel?
“Yeah, I want to get more kitty ear headphones! These are Razor!” Luke responded to a curious fan in the chat. Suddenly, a notification for a contribution filled the room. Luke grinned.
Irwin94 made a donation of $150
Irwin94: Buy more. I want to see red ones.
“Aw! Thank you Irwin94! I will be able to with your lovely donation!” Luke giggled and bit his lip. “Anyways, guys, I was just going to talk today rather than play a game because I saved my progress, and yeah. I’m trying something different.”
Irwin94: You’re so beautiful. I’d be your sugar daddy.
Irwin94: I love your outfit. So perfect.
Luke blushed and tried not to get flustered on camera. This guy was more aggressively infatuated than many of his other fans. He didn’t want him to stop, but he couldn’t address it publicly or the fans would think he was showing favoritism, and maybe this guy was a murderer.
Irwin94: Q & A. I want to know about you.
Lukesbiggestfan: Q&A!!!
BrianLoganDales: Q&A gorgeous. We want to know about you.
The screen continued to light up with more responses. All of them really wanted Luke to do a question and answer, so he gave the people what they want.
“Oh okay! I’ll do a Q&A!” Luke squeaked a giggled and twirled his hair. “First question...”
He scrolled through the choices of questions on his desktop, then he looked at the webcam when he found a good one.
“Have you ever had sex?” Luke blushed and bit his lip. “I’ve never gone all the way, no.” He laughed awkwardly. The comments section went crazy, but the patron that caught Luke’s eye was Irwin94.
Irwin94: Let daddy fuck you.
Most of the comments said things like that, but Irwin94’s gave him butterflies and made him lose his place in the chat.
“O-Okay next question...” Luke coughed and bit his lip. “Will you bend over and touch your toes...sure! I don’t why you guys would want me to touch my toes, but okay.” He giggled. He was playing innocent.
Luke walked to the center of his room and softly caressed his legs as he bent down to grab his toes. He could hear more donations being made, and he could see the screen from the chat illuminating the entire room.
Irwin94: You’re making me desperate.
Luke shifted in his computer chair. He decided that after the stream, he needed to message this mysterious patron. “Next question...”
“Do you have a boyfriend? No, I don’t. Nobody in my area likes twinks,” He shrugged. “I’m a big bottom looking for a big top if anyone is interested.”
Luke said this in order to spark a response from Irwin94. Sure enough:
Irwin94: I’m a big top looking for a big bottom like you. You’re my dream boy, bunny.
“B-Bunny...” Luke accidentally said out loud and moaned. He almost drooled until he realized he was on camera and quickly regained control. “Sorry guys, I saw a bunny on my screen. I love bunnies!”
Luke continued the stream a flustered mess; there was no way he couldn’t discover who Irwin94 was. After he told his fans goodnight, he immediately sent Irwin94 a private message.
Cheesetoastie11: hey, i just really want to thank you for your donations, and i’m so flattered by all of your sweet comments.
The man responded within ten minutes.
Irwin94: There’s more where that came from if you were mine.
Cheesetoastie11: what’s your name?
Luke should feel ashamed for being so desperate for one of his patrons, but his curiosity was relentless.
Irwin94: Ashton Irwin
Cheesetoastie11: can i see a picture?
Irwin94: Can I?
Cheesetoastie11: we’ll both send one.
In his best red panties, Luke took a picture of himself in the mirror. He made sure his bum looked huge and his eyes looked innocent.
Ashton responded with a similar picture of himself in the mirror. He had golden skin, hazel eyes, and midnight black hair. He kind of looked like Elvis and James Dean had a baby. Luke had expected an old man, but this guy was beautiful.
Cheesetoastie11: omg. ur perfect.
Irwin94: I could say the same about you.
Cheesetoastie11: i know this is crazy, but we should snapchat or something...
Irwin94: My Snapchat handle is the same as Twitch
Luke added the handsome man on Snapchat. They spent the whole night sending cute pictures of themselves, and sometimes Luke would learn something about the mysterious boy. It was around 3 am when things started to get more heated, when Luke received a text from Ashton asking for his number.
Luke gave it to him, expecting a text, but his phone vibrated on the bed. Luke felt his stomach drop to his chest as he slowly answered.
“H-Hello? Ashton?”
“Hi, baby,” Ashton said in what Luke thought was the sexiest voice he’d even heard, but even better was that he recognized an Australian accent.
“Oh my gosh! You’re Australian too?! I didn’t expect you to call me,” Luke giggled softly.
“I didn’t expect you to notice me at all,” Ashton admitted.
“Nobody has ever said things like that to me,” Luke almost whispered and rolled in his bed with butterflies in his stomach.
“You’re the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen,” Ashton sighed. Luke whimpered in response.
“I want you to be my sugar daddy like you promised. Where do you live?!” Luke whined like a brat.
“Australia,” Ashton laughed.
“Obviously, but where,” Luke huffed.
“Sydney,” Ashton said.
“Can I meet you somewhere?” Luke rubbed his own thighs.
“I’d love to meet you and make you my sugar baby, pretty bunny,” Ashton said in a growl.
“Oh god. I’ll meet you at that coffee shop in downtown, okay?” Luke panted, daring to touch himself at the prospect of fucking a stranger.
“I can’t wait to make you flustered in person. I’ve waited a long time for this...” Ashton said softly.
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hello! sorry to request so suddenly but if ever want a stadamdrew prompt: the boys in suits post-party in celebration of a successful season. can be nsfw if youd like 👀 thank you and i love your writing so much!
OMG YAASSSS A N SFW ASK  👀 ���� 👀 👀 luv u so much anon
Also don’t apologize! You guys can send me requests any time or day uwu hell, send me more than one if you want and i’ll work on them lmao
also thank youuuu! <3 hope you like this one~ 
PS: thanks for patiently waiting! Took some time to finish this lmao had to research nice outfits to write them in then i also forgot how challenging it was to write threesomes lol this is only my second time writing it so hope you like it owo  ❤️️
“Cheers!” Steven said cheerfully as he raised his glass next to Adam and Andrew’s. The duo lightly clinking their own beers to the silveret’s. It was way past midnight now and the trio were celebrating the success of their latest season. 
Andrew and Adam were already tipsy, bordering buzzed, Steven on the other hand was already flushed and drunk. They were currently at a formal party that their company had invited every employee to, not their planned way of celebrating the season, but hey there was free alcohol and a chance to dress up snazzily once in a while.
Steven initially, was the one who was very excited at the prospect of a formal party earlier. The silveret being the one to plan their outfits for the night. Steven wore a posh dark blue jacket with floral designs that were coloured in lighter tones of azure. Always opting for the most fashionable and eye-catching design he could find, as Andrew had commented on earlier. Adam was wearing a window pane styled suit, courtesy of Steven choosing it for him of course. The pattern was something that Adam fancied very well, the base colour a dark blue and the patterns in light grey. Andrew, last but not least, was given a black jacket. His preferred style as always, simple and elegant. Yet, to compliment both of his boyfriend’s outfits, he wore a lustering blue tie. 
The party, hosted by their company went went swimmingly well... As with the after party of course.
“He’s wasted,” Adam said as he leaned in close to Andrew, his breath ghosting hotly against the blond’s skin. Andrew shivered, the brunet’s lips barely even touching at his ear but Andrew could feel the innocent action having some effects on him. He ignored the shiver that went down his spine for now to glance at Steven. Their boyfriend was very drunk, but it seemed as though he had no plans to stop drinking any time soon.
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen him this drunk,” Andrew replied back as he leaned in to Adam, he was closer to the other as he spoke. Their after party had ended up in a bar, loud music filling the air and the booze stacked high as their co-workers wanted to get sloshed. Andrew’s lips lightly touched Adam’s ear as he spoke, a fleeting light kiss after his words. Adam’s arm behind Andrew pulled him close, basking in the heat and Andrew grinned at the reaction he got. “Should we call it a night then?” He inquired as one of his hands traveled down to rest against Adam’s thigh and another kiss this time placed on the brunet’s cheek. 
The kiss teasing and promising more for the night.
A groan left Adam’s lips as he looked to Andrew, his eyes dark with want. “Yeah, we really should.” He tells his lover as Adam’s eyes glance at the blond’s lips and stares at them for a couple of seconds.
Andrew leans in close, their lips only a few inches away from each other. “Let’s go get Steven then,” He says as he pulls away and hears Adam whine. Andrew chuckles and he looks around to find their silver haired boyfriend. Steven had been dragged by Shane and Ryan earlier, a couple of drinks here and there before they went to on the dance floor. The blond stood up from his seat and grabbed one last shot and downing it. “I’ll call an Uber.” 
Adam nods beside him and moves to get Steven. There was a wave of people that separated Adam from the silveret, bodies crashing and dancing against one another. A couple of stranger’s hands and bodies tried to dance against Adam, the brunet smiling politely and moving away from them. Once Steven was finally within his reach, Adam placed his hands on the silveret’s waist, pulling his boyfriend close to him as Adam swayed with the music for a moment to indulge Steven.
Steven looked behind him and a pleasantly surprised looked washed over his features. “Adam!” Steven said in glee, his arms trying to wrap around the brunet who was standing behind him. Steven’s hand found purchase in threading his fingers against Adam’s soft brown locks, his other indolently caressing Adam’s nape. “Dance with me!” Steven said loud to be heard against the blaring speakers. The silveret moved his hips closer to Adam, hind rubbing delicately against Adam’s already forming bulge.
A sigh left Adam’s lips as he pulled Steven close to him, his warm chest flushed against Steven’s own warm back. The brunet whispered against Steven’s ear. “We’re going home,” He told the silveret, unable to resist kissing against the skin behind his ear and tasting the salt of Steven’s sweat. 
Steven shivered against the kiss before a whine escaped him. “Already?” There was a slight pant in him as he spoke, Steven wriggling his ass against Adam to tease him further. “You and Andrew haven’t even danced with me yet.”  
“Well, we can continue dancing at home,” Adam persuaded as he kissed down to Steven’s neck, his other hand had slowly crept up to the front of the silveret’s pants, lightly cupping there. “We’ll take care of you there.” He continued off with sucking at the junction between Steven’s neck and shoulder, earning him a whimper.
“Okay, okay,” Steven gave in easily and Adam smirked against the skin. The silveret’s hand that was on his brown hair pulled at the strands, pulling Adam to come face to face with Steven for a kiss. The kiss was sloppy and Steven tasted heavily of alcohol as he slithered in a tongue to brush against Adam’s lips.
“Get a room!” Ryan’s voice suddenly broke through their trance and Adam glared at the co-worker first before moving away from their kiss.
“Shut up Ryan!” Steven argued against the other, albeit playfully as though a kid were taunting a friend. Adam smirked, looking at Ryan as he pulled his middle finger at the other.
“Yeah, fuck you too Adam!” Ryan replied back, gesturing the middle finger to the duo.
“Let’s go, Andrew’s waiting.” Adam said, leaving another trail of butterfly kisses at Steven’s neck and ear, making the silveret shiver.
“Okay,” Steven answered back as he held Adam’s hand and they both trudged their way out of the dance floor. Steven kept himself close to the brunet, his arm wrapping around Adam’s own. Adam was warm and comforting, making Steven sigh and cuddle closer to his boyfriend. 
The duo made it back to Andrew, who had been waiting patiently for his boyfriends to come back to their table. As soon as Steven was in reach, Andrew pulled the silveret to him. He kissed him hard, passionate and hungry that it made Steven weak in his knees. He would’ve fallen onto the floor if Adam hadn’t been holding onto him earlier. Andrew’s hand caressed Steven’s nape, fingers lightly playing with the already long hair. Steven whimpered into the kiss, leaning in closer to Andrew as one hand gripped tighter onto Adam and the other held onto Andrew’s shirt.
“You guys took your time,” Andrew stated haughtily as he pulled back from Steven, the silveret chasing his lips drunkenly. “Uber’s almost here, already paid our tab.”
“Who’s house this time?” Adam inquired as he wrapped his arm on Steven’s waist.
“Mine of course,” The blond replied back as they start to walk out of the bar. 
It had only a short wait for their Uber, Steven as usual was a clingy drunk. He kept his arms wrapped around Adam while peppering kisses onto his cheek, neck, and lips. Adam chortled amused, nuzzling against his silver haired lover. 
“Andrew,” Steven called out to the blond, one hand stretching out to be taken by the blond. As soon as Andrew was supposed to lean in for a kiss for his boyfriends, their Uber arrived.
“Later,” He told Steven as he gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.
A pout appeared on Steven’s lips, but he followed his boyfriends inside the car obediently. The inside of their Uber was warm and comfortable. The three of them sat at the back, Steven trapped in the middle between his two boyfriends. He rested his head on Adam’s shoulder, intertwining their fingers together as Steven tried to behave as much as possible. He may have been drunk, but Steven still had half the mind to try and not be too scandalous in public. Andrew’s hand was on top of Steven’s thigh and the warmth from the blond’s hand burned hotly onto Steven. He shivered when he felt Andrew lightly massage him there.
A moan almost escaped the silveret. Steven tried to stay quiet as much as possible, he snuggled closer to Adam, hiding his face. He felt the brunet’s hand brush against his silver locks. Steven tried to direct his attention at anything but Adam and Andrew’s hands right now. They were both easily turning him on and he couldn’t trust his voice to tell them in a low tone to stop for now, afraid he instead might let out a moan.
He could hear Adam chuckle close to him, voice low and alluring. Andrew beside him was talking to their driver. He couldn’t comprehend properly at the moment what he said, probably some weird pun again since Andrew was more vocal with his jokes with strangers when buzzed.
“You alright?” Adam asked close to his ear.
Steven nodded, answering in a small shaky voice. “Are we there yet?”
“Almost,” Adam replied back amusement dripping from his tone.
“He’s drunk and just wants to sleep already,” He heard Andrew tell their driver.
“Well, good thing the bar is close to your place.” Steven could hear their driver’s voice. “He looks wasted.”
“A bit,” Adam answered this time. “He just had a really good time.”
Silence swept in the car and the minutes felt like an eternity for Steven. He tried to distract himself with Adam, taking in his scent and warmth. Both Andrew and Adam were warm as they sat so close to him and Steven wishes he had more control over himself right now, because it was getting harder and harder to keep himself in check. He knows he’s already painfully hard, he has half the mind to try and be decent, crossing his legs to try and hide the tent away.
And suddenly, the car stopped.
“Have a night day sirs,” Their driver called out and they came out through Andrew’s side of the car.
“Thanks, you too.” Adam says before shutting the door of the car. 
Steven didn’t even bother to check if the driver had really left. As soon as the silveret was out of the car, he clung onto Andrew. The blond laughed, but Steven was too drunk and horny to even think of anything else. He wrapped his arms around Andrew, whimpering as he felt Andrew’s own hand wrap around his waist.
“Just a little more,” Andrew whispered to his ear and Steven shivered in delight.
“And I thought I was the impatient one tonight,” Adam said behind Steven as he grabbed a hold of Steven’s free hand. Andrew had let go of the silveret for now so he could open the door to his house. “I forget how easily horny you can get when you’re drunk.” Adam teased.
“Shut up and kiss me,” Steven replied back instead as he took a hold of Adam’s jaw and pulled the brunet to him for a kiss. The kiss was sloppy, messy, and definitely full of tongue as Steven was quick dart out his own in favor of tasting more of Adam. The brunet tasted heavily of blood mary’s and whiskey, and something else that had a salty-sweet flavor to it.
Adam, the one who was less drunk between the three of them, slowly led Steven to the inside of the house as he tried not to break their kiss. Andrew was kind enough to keep the door open for his boyfriends and close it as soon as they had entered. 
“Bedroom guys,” They could both hear Andrew talk behind Adam.
It was a blur from thereon, the three of them shuffling their way to Andrew’s bedroom with a trail of clothes following them there. 
And now, the three of them sat at Andrew’s bed. Andrew and Adam were the ones kissing this time. Andrew was already naked save for the boxers he wore, having already shed most of his clothes on the way to his room. Adam was able to take off his coat and undershirt, letting Andrew’s hands roam freely on his chest. One hand found a nipple and the blond lightly pinched at it, earning a pleased groan from Adam. The brunet’s legs were spread out so Andrew could sit in-between them, beside the duo Steven was already working on unbuckling Adam’s belt and helping the brunet take his pants off.
Adam pulled away to moan when he felt Steven’s hand slip under his briefs to stroke his hard cock. 
Andrew hummed in amusement, his gaze traveling down for a moment to watch Steven please their boyfriend. “Having fun?” He inquired to both Steven and Adam. Steven looked up at the blond, a mischievous grin plastered on his lips as the silveret sat up straight. He kissed Andrew before leading his free hand to grip on the blond hair so that their faces were close to Adam. The brunet immediately leaned in to join in on the kiss. Two lips kissed on Andrew’s own, one was impatient, wanting attention as his tongue darted out to taste his boyfriends. Another, Adam’s kiss, was sweet yet steadily gaining fervor. Tongues darted out and three of them tasted each other, a mixture of different tasting alcohols and something else entirely that was uniquely the taste of their own lovers.
Steven was first pull away from the kiss, much to the displeasure of both lovers. The silveret went back down to the hard-on between Adam’s legs. His hand had been stroking it steadily, a bit dryly, and so Steven decided to solve that problem by taking Adam’s aching cock in his mouth. Adam moaned and Andrew swallowed the sound with a kiss. Andrew’s hand gripped on Adam’s brown locks, his hands playing with the brunet’s hardening nipples, pinching and toying with it between his fingers.
“Fuck,” Adam says as he pulls away from Andrew to take a breath. His hand found purchase on holding tight onto Steven’s silver hair, keeping on a slow pace of gently leading Steven’s mouth to bob up and down on Adam’s dick.
“Someone’s overdressed.” Andrew comments and Adam’s gaze turn to Steven who was still clothed as he made happy slurping noises on Adam’s cock.
The brunet chuckled, his fingers carding gently through Steven’s locks. “He’s taking it so well,” Adam says as he thrust up and they both hear Steven choke a bit at the action. Adam’s grip on his hair tightens and Andrew pants heavily, licking on his lower lip in contemplation.
“I’ll get the lube,” Andrew states as he stands up for a second to retrieve said item from his bedside drawer. He comes back to bed and the sight of Adam was the first thing he watched, the brunet with his eyes closed in bliss, mouth slightly agape, with his head arched back. His hand was still on Steven’s hair, the silveret crouching on all fours as he made pleased noises in blowing his lover off. Andrew got behind Steven, he made quick work grabbing a hold of Steven’s hips so he can get a better position of taking off the silveret’s pants. The action caught Steven off-guard, making him jump a little.
“Ah! Teeth, teeth!” Adam warned as he looked at Steven. Andrew couldn’t help but laugh behind Steven and the brunet had to glare at his other boyfriend. “Haha,” He said dryly.
“You should get used to it, a little bit of teeth feels nice.” Andrew said as chucked off Steven’s belt then continued to take the silveret’s belt off. “Isn’t that right Steven?” Andrew asked as he gave a slap to Steven’s ass, earning a chocked whimper from the other. 
“No thanks, not a masochist like you,” Adam said back as he checked on Steven below him. The silveret was flushed and there were a bit of tears in the corner of his eyes. “Steven, get up for a sec.” Adam told the other and Steven let his dick go with a pop, earning a shiver from Adam. 
“Ha, sissy,” Andrew teased as he abruptly took Steven’s pants off, nearly making the silveret falls down on the bed face down ungracefully if it wasn’t for Adam holding him up.
“Fuck you,” Adam retorted back, without any malice really as he helped Steven sit up for a second so he could help the other take his jacket and shit off.
“Isn’t that the plan?” Steven replied back slurring a little to Adam, a dopey grin on his lips. His lips were red, hair a mess, and he looked thoroughly debauched already. 
“Definitely the plan,” Andrew said behind him as he kissed up at Steven’s neck while helping unbutton his shirt.
Adam kissed up at Steven’s lips again, tasting himself inside Steven’s mouth. He nipped at the bottom lip, earning a whine from Steven as the brunet’s hand caressed his stomach up to his chest, the touch light and fleeting, making the silveret hungry for more. Adam’s other hand grabbed a hold of Steven’s hair again, he pulled away from the kiss, making Steven chase him but Adam had other plans. He directed the silveret back down and Steven complied immediately, going back to his work of sucking his boyfriend off, only now he was completely naked thanks to the duo.
The sound of the bottle cap caught Adam’s attention and he gazed at Andrew, just in time to see him squeeze the bottle, watching the gel trickle down to Steven’s ass. The brunet gulped in anticipation. 
Andrew let the lube drip to Steven’s entrance first, the hole twitching and he grinned at the sigh. Once the hole had been wet enough, Andrew let the gel trickle to his fingers next. He coated a generous amount of lube onto his fingers before closing the bottle again, then letting the tip of his fingers tease Steven. Feeling Andrew’s fingers on him made the silveret suck deeper on Adam’s cock, the head of the brunet’s dick hitting the back of his throat that made Adam moan in earnest. Andrew teasingly, let his first finger breach the silveret’s entrance, entering tantalizingly slow that it made Steven impatient and thrust his hips back against Andrew.
The blond chuckled, amused at how needy and impatient Steven is. He decided to cut the other some slack, pushing the first finger in fully and gently messaging the walls inside Steven. He heard the silveret whimper, making noises that just sounded like he was begging for more. 
“Stop teasing him Andrew,” Came Adam’s husky voice, the blond looked up for a moment and saw his boyfriend with a heated look in his eyes. He was panting heavily, gaze locked with Andrews as his hand kept up a steady pace of instructing Steven to bob his head and take Adam’s length in his mouth. Andrew’s cock twitched at the sight.
“Where’s the fun in that though?” Andrew chuckled as he licked his lower lip, before suddenly curling his finger inside Steven. He felt the silveret tremble underneath him and Andrew kept up his ministrations. “I’m taking my sweet time with him, opening him up for you.” Andrew told the brunet and Adam groaned at his words. “Steven’s slicking up your cock while I open him up for you to fuck.” Andrew continued off, getting both of his boyfriends riled up. “I wanna watch you pound into his tight ass,” He entered a second finger into Steven, scissoring and stretching the silveret out. Andrew could feel Steven quiver beneath him and he had to hold onto the silveret’s hips to make him stop moving too much.
“Then while you fuck him, I’ll fuck you from behind. Do you want that Adam?” Andrew asked and he heard the brunet curse, watching him thrust harder into Steven’s mouth. “We’ll have you sandwiched between us, have your cock  inside Steven while I fuck your ass.” Andrew growled and he fastened his pace, abusing Steven’s hole until he heard a loud cry from the silveret and Andrew knows he just hit the other’s sweet spot. A grin appeared on the blond’s lips as he hit it again and again.
“Andrew, please,” Adam pleaded and he couldn’t tear his gaze at Andrew, looking at him heatedly, expectantly. 
Andrew leaned in forward, making Steven fold a bit between them and Adam sat up so he could meet Andrew halfway. They both kissed, Adam hungrily and passionately taking in his boyfriend. Their tongues met and Andrew ravished Adam, taking him and dominating the kiss. As he did so, the blond started to add a third finger into Steven, multitasking as he wanted to watch them, wanted to see his boyfriends get fucked and debauched. 
They pulled away for air and as they did so, Adam went back to giving more attention to Steven. He started to slow down his pace, not wanting to cum just yet. 
“Even when drunk you’re still tight as fuck Steven,” Andrew muttered.
Steven pulled away from Adam, he looked up at the brunet. “I’m ready, I’m ready, please,” He said and Adam cupped his face with both hands, one of Adam’s fingers found their way inside Steven’s, toying with the tongue and mesmerized for a moment at his expression.
“Lie down,” Adam instructed.
Steven let out a moan, squirming when he felt Andrew’s fingers left him. But he tried not to pay it much mind, instead he immediately settled himself down on the bed. Adam had help shift him up so Steven’s head laid down against the soft pillows of the bed. As soon as the silveret was in a comfortable position, he spread his legs far apart for both boyfriends, earning pleased groans from both of them.
“Let me get you ready for him,” Andrew said this time as he leaned in close to Adam, whispering to his ear where his breath ghosted hotly on the brunet’s ear. Andrew took the bottle of lube from earlier, pouring a generous amount of his palm before he went to stroke at Adam’s prick. Adam shivered, watching Andrew stroke his cock, lathering it patiently with lube. “Okay, you’re good.” Andrew murmured to his ear, kissing there softly.
Adam found himself in between Steven’s legs, the silveret holding onto his thighs to keep them apart. Adam found himself leaning down, caging Steven beneath his body as one hand slowly led his cock to the silveret’s entrance. His other hand found purchase once again to Steven’s face, fingers finding themselves inside the silveret’s mouth. Steven loved having his mouth full and Adam was nothing but a service lover. He could feel Steven suck earnestly on his fingers, letting out a pleased whine when the head of Adam’s cock finally entered him. His hand finally let go of his cock to rest on Steven’s hips, the silveret thrust back down onto him. Adam could feel Steven’s inside swallowing him up, greedily taking his cock in and the brunet slowly pushed his dick inside till he was balls deep in Steven.
“You both look so good,” Andrew said behind him and Adam shivered, Andrew’s voice was low and husky, oozing with heated lust that got Adam fired up. “Does he feel good Adam? I got him ready just for you.” Andrew continued as Adam could now feel Andrew’s fingers teasing their way behind him, tips gently prodding against his puckered hole. 
“Fuck, Andrew,” Adam said and he pulled out of Steven, wanting to thrust back against Andrew’s fingers. “I want you in me,” He said as Adam thrust his fingers deeper into Steven’s mouth, hearing the silveret choke and whimper underneath him.
“Haven’t prepped you yet baby,” Andrew replied as he kissed down on Adam’s back and it sent a sweet shiver down his spine. Adam kissed on Steven’s neck, leaving love bites on the skin down to his collar bone. He could feel Andrew’s fingers inside him, two fingers immediately scissoring inside him and it hurt, but Adam couldn’t give a damn about it right now because god, he wanted Andrew in him. He wanted the blond’s cock fucking him as he fucked Steven.
Adam thrust hard into Steven, watching the silveret arch his back up as Steven’s hand quickly grabbed a hold of Adam’s own that was on his hip. Adam started to give attention to Steven, taking up a steady pace as he thrust into him, the positions shifting ever so slightly so he could find Steven’s sweet spot. When one particular thrust got Steven whimpering and crying to him, Adam stayed in that position for a bit, letting his cock nudge against the bundle of nerves as he rolled his hips against Steven’s. 
Steven panted harder, “Adam,” He pleaded with a bit of difficulty as the brunet’s fingers were still in his mouth. The sound he made gave a direct reaction that went straight to Adam’s cock. Steven was so hot and tight against his cock and behind him, Andrew was letting out delicious sounds while working his fingers inside Adam. 
“I got you,” Adam muttered. He took his fingers out of Steven’s mouth to kiss him. As the duo were distracted with their kiss, it didn’t occur to Adam that Andrew had now pulled his fingers out of him and he let out a surprised gasp into the kiss when he felt Andrew’s cock entering into him.
“Fuckkk,” Andrew drawled out and Adam had to hold onto Steven’s shoulder for support. 
“Adam, Adam,” Steven called out to him and Adam’s attention went back to Steven. The silveret kissed him, taking his attention away from Andrew’s cock as Steven tightened around Adam’s dick. Adam had to involuntarily thrust back into Steven, making the silveret grab harshly onto his hand, fingers nails biting onto Adam’s skin.
Andrew’s hand grabbed a hold of Adam’s waist, slowly pushing his cock inside the brunet. It almost felt like an eternity, having to indolently thrust into the brunet, but finally, Andrew was able to bottom out. 
“Adam,” Andrew called out from behind him and he could feel Andrew give soothing kisses at his spine and shoulder. The action helped the brunet calm down faster, especially when Steven was kissing him so sweetly and delightfully on the lips, distracting him from the short pain.
Seconds later, Adam moved, pulling out of Steven and thrusting back against Andrew’s cock. The action nearly made Adam see stars and he could feel pleasure coursing through his entire body, making him weak in the knees. Andrew followed his lead, thrusting back and in again whenever Adam had moved. One of Andrew’s hands traveled their way to the brunet’s chest, caressing and feeling him. Andrew’s fingers found Adam’s nipples again, pinching and flicking against it, making Adam let out shaky moans.
He thrust back into Steven and Adam hold onto the silveret. Their hands were now intertwined with one another. One of Steven’s free hand had roamed down to start stroking at his cock. The sight of Steven pleasuring himself was enough to get Adam’s libido to shot up high. Adam’s other hand that was holding onto Steven’s shoulder gripped tight and he started to pound hard into the silveret. 
Steven cried out at the sudden harshness. “Adam!” He called out, making him stroke faster on his cock. “So close, so close,” Steven told him as he closed his eyes and focused on the pleasure.
Adam focused on his own pleasure as well, wanting to feel that high at the same time with Steven. He sped up his thrusts and he heard Andrew groaning behind him, speeding up his own thrusts. Adam tightens around the blond’s cock and Andrew growls behind him. He was coming, he’s so close that he could feel the heat pooling in his stomach and he doesn’t really need much at this point. Andrew pistons into Adam and he nudges against Adam’s prostate, making the brunet moan louder. Andrew’s grip tightens and he bites at Adam’s shoulder, as he keeps thrusting into that particular spot.
The bite on his shoulder was the last straw, Adam stills and closes his eyes. His entire body quivers as his orgasm shakes him to his core. He spills his seed inside Steven and the action brought a reaction to the silveret. He tightens around Adam, making the orgasm sweeter and seconds later, Steven is cumming at the same time as him. Adam slumps down onto Steven, sensitive from the orgasms but Andrew wasn’t done with him yet.
His stomach rubs against Steven’s own sensitive cock and the silveret cries. 
Andrew thrusts harder, pounds his cock into Adam’s ass. Watching both of his boyfriends cum made him chase his own high. He could feel Adam whimpering and tightening around him. His thrusts were strong enough that he nearly taking Adam’s body with him, his nails bit against the brunet’s skin and Andrew grits his teeth in frustration. He’s there, he’s so close and one more particular thrust into Adam’s prostate and Andrew was spilling his seed inside Adam, thrusting again and again, repeatedly until he could feel his own dick become soft and sensitive from over-stimulation.
Andrew breathed in deeply, stilling for a moment before he pulled out of the brunet and laid himself down next to the duo. Adam, slowly and with shaky legs, got off of Steven so he could lie on the other side. The three of them were silent, only their pants and breathes that were trying to calm down from the high could be heard within the room. 
“That was intense,” Adam commented and he could hear Andrew laugh from the other side of the bed.
“In a good way I assume?” Andrew replied back, still trying to catch his breath.
Adam grinned, “Definitely a good way,” He said and he turned to his side to look at both Andrew and Steven, yet as he did so he came face to face with an already sleeping boyfriend. “Well, somebody looks like they got fucked out so much they passed out.” Adam comments and he sees Andrew sit up to check.
Andrew chortles again. “He’s sleeping already?” He says as he checks by lightly poking Steven, only to find out that the silveret’s already out cold.
“To be clear, he was the most wasted out of all of us.” Adam reminded the blond with a grin. “Also, I got drying cum on me.” He says as he sits up as well and winces as he does so. “I’m gonna feel that till tomorrow,” The brunet says.
“That’s still good right?” Andrew says as he stands up and goes to Adam to give him a kiss. “I’ll get us a washcloth.”  He murmurs softly against the brunet’s lips and he feels Adam smile fondly at him.
He watches Andrew disappear into the bathroom and Adam starts to fix the bed by shoving away the dirty blankets with cum on them. “Hey Andrew, bring extra blankets too!” He shouts a bit louder and he hears Steven groan and shift.
Luckily, the silveret didn’t wake up.
Andrew comes back with a washcloth. He hugs Adam from behind and gives him a kiss on the cheek. He starts to carefully clean the brunet, first on his thighs and ass, then to his stomach where Steven’s cum was drying on him. “Here,” The blond says as he hands Adam a different washcloth for Steven. “I’ll get our blankets.” He murmurs softly, kissing Adam again before moving away.
The brunet smiles and he moves to Steven. The silveret was already sleeping peacefully that not even the cold washcloth stirred him awake. He cleaned Steven up, then threw the washcloth down on the floor along the pile of dirty blankets.
Andrew comes back with a big blanket for the three of them. They settle back into their earlier position, yet Andrew reached his hand out so that he can intertwine his fingers with Adam’s. 
“Good night,” Andrew says as he moves in closer, basking in the heat of Steven’s body.
Adam smiles happily, satisfied as he holds tighter onto Andrew’s hand. He closes his eyes and before drifting off to sleep, he replies. “Good night Andrew.” 
Notes: So, I hope this was alright and wasn’t too confusing to read owo It’s been a while since I last wrote a threesome fic and I have to admit, this was quite hard but I like it! XD good for improving writing skills =w=
Also, initially, I planned on making this a DP  👀 I wanted both Andrew and Adam to fuck Steven at the same time  👀 But then I thought, maybe for next time, cuz Adam also deserves to have a nice cock inside him =w=
Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this!  ❤️️
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brettyimages · 5 years
all of them. U know u want to
omg ok, i did the ones you said you wanted to do all of bc even though i didn’t rb them tonight, the little rb sign was lit up so i must have done at some point i hope that’s the ones i was meant to do!
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? The last person I messaged was @llllusion so that’d be weird since we live on opposite sides of the planet so probably like “how did this happen?”
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?Nothing at all.
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?Yes, I would care.  Whether or not it would be a problem is a different question
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?Nope, only 5
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?Sober
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?Lol yes of course
7. What does your last received text say?“Feel it girl” 
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?I guess a few times
9. Where was your last kiss at?At the end of a little path in town
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?I don’t have a sister
11. What do you drink in the morning?Chocolate milk, usually
12. Where did you sleep last night?In my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard?Yeah
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?Yeah, I wouldn’t apply for promotion
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?Yeah, I don’t want to speak to him
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Sunny
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?I don’t
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?Pyjama pants, they have stars on them
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?No, probably not
20. Does anyone like you?No, probably not
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?No
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?No
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?There are people I don’t like but I’m able to be civil
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?Not really
25. In the past week have you cried?No
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? I can’t remember.  I don’t really know dog breeds.
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?A bit of both?
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?No
29. Do you think you’re old?A little, like I’ve missed out on a lot of things
30. Do you like text messaging?Yeah
31. What type of day are you having?It’s been fine, like a little better than usual but by no means exciting
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?A little, but not seriously
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?Cold, it’s the first warm day of the year and my room is very warm
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?Yes
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?Relationship
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?I don’t know????
37. What song are you listening to?I’m not right now, I’m watching The Office
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?Usually39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?No40. What made you start liking the person you like now?Finding out we had things in common even though I thought we were really different41. When did you last receive a text message?A few hours ago42. What is wrong with you right now?Too hot!43. How well do you know the last female you texted?Not super well44. Does anyone disgust you?Yes. Found out a guy I work with brushes his teeth max twice a week45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?I mean, depends who, but yes46. Are you in a good mood right now?Relatively47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?My brother48. What color shirt are you wearing?Lilac49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?Yeah50. Anyone you’re giving up on?A little51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?No
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?Yes, probably53. Do you like rain?I’d like rain just now because of the heat 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?Yeah, to an extent55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? Yes, always56. Do you like to cuddle?Yes57. Are you shy?Yeah, around new people 58. Do you get along with girls?Not very often, tbh, but I think it just happens that I work in a male-dominated place so I have a lot of male friends?59. Have you dated the person you texted last?No 60. What do you carry with you at all times?My phone, mostly 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?Yes 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?I think so 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?No 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?Indescribably65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?I saw Brett Anderson smile???
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?There aren’t 3 lol but a couple of years older than me
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    I love to do them myself!68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    Leopard print69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    I don’t have a car70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    Lil Wayne - fun fact when I was like 16 I was obsessed with his song I Feel Like Dying71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    I’m an iPhone bitch72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    Um, a few months ago when I was on business73. Do you like diet soda?    I do not74. What color are the walls in your room?    White :\75. Are you 16 or older?    Older!76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    I never have77. Do you have a job?    Yes, today is my 3.5 year anniversary of starting at my company  78. What are your initials?    RGS79. Did you ever have braces?    No, I went to the orthodontist and cried and didn’t want to 80. Are you from the south?    South of Scotland
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    “Tonight I saw Suede for the first time!” with a video of them playing Trash82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    No83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    Equal?84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    Yeah! We had a little cheerleading squad in primary school and I got to be in it85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    Captain Marvel86. Do you smoke?    No87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    I wear flipflops in the house, I don’t wear heels really unless they’re on platforms
88. Is your phone touch screen?    Yes!  How long ago were these questions drafted?
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    It’s wavy90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    Tried to91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    Pool92. Have you ever made out in a car?    No93. …Had sex in a car?    No, but tell Justine Frischmann to call me any time94. Are you single or in a relationship?    Single95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    Sleeping96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    Bonfire night, probably97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    It’s fine?98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    No99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    No100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    Not hate but dislike, yeah101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    No102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    Tik Tok is the only one I can remember the name of rn103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    I have never had tan lines, only sunburn104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?  I wouldn’t wear cowboy boots full stop 
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ts-akhmim · 4 years
Episode 11 | “You let me like a parasite leach into this game and I will not be going anywhere”- Ali
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Alright, so now it's my time to either put up or shut up. This is the round I really need to make this move in order to put myself in a much better spot moving forward. Either Ali or Autumn need to go this round, and I need to figure out how in the hell I can make this work. I know me, Devon, and the three Beauties are in for this plan, but I'm really concerned about Jakey this round. For some reason he's not being fully forthcoming about his thoughts about this vote, and with someone telling me that him and Ali might be close, I'm really concerned that he may go and ruin this plan. I don't want to think he'd do that - he should know I have had his back since Day 1 and I still think he has mine - but like... this ain't a fun spot to be in. Part of me wants to stack on Autumn and pretend like it's supposed to be a split vote to get Ali to use his idol if Jakey does tell him, but it would be worthless, but I don't even know if that would work. So I think I really need to figure out what Jakey is ok with here and then figure out how I can guarantee the heat doesn't come on me if this plan is found out.
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I- just... you think you know people. Me and Adam rn https://media.tenor.com/images/ad6bd858d5371eb4ad2755d4a11bc748/tenor.gif but also me and Adam rn https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/d0/26/b8d026447effad19676de7e8ccc05c6f.gif Not Adam calling me at midnight to tell me that the whole ass tribe is planning to blindside Ali. I can't even get into the tea fully cause I'm in my bag now that I know 6 people think so little of me and will to lie to my face all day tomorrow but like it's fine. They will be dealt with, Adam is a king, we will get our Emmy's tomorrow for bamboozling everyone back, and I will 100% get Ali to play the idol he (probably?) has when I lay all the cards at 7 pm EST tomorrow lmao. And I'm really gonna get Jakey and Deovn's double agent asses- THAT I do know! Just you wait cause like I said before: name an ally I won't kill
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to THINK, to literally THINK i wanted adam out at a point in this game. adam is literally the only person i trust in this game, i will be the kingmaker for him to get the win he deserves. what a genuinely lovely man, im so glad we are both still here. it sounds like there is a blindside being cooked up for little old me this round and for what...i'm borderline inactive, i cant connect with anyone in this game like... voting me for what... for literally what. also if jake is voting for me i will literally scream into the void this is so stupid for him. i am literally so far up his ass in this game all season and yet he wants to send me packing and for what. adam literally is my god send, as is devon's inability to keep literally anything a secret? like i trusted devon... so much?! and yet he literally threw me so far under the bus my squished up corpse is a 2D shape. i'm so... shook?! and also i still cant decide if i think jake is in on this, but if he is... im screaming? what a clown decision. but literally i cant believe this. im so excited to idol out one of the generic men in this game out tomorrow, they can all literally suck it up i cant wait. i want to be the kingslayer, i want to be the person who votes out amir for the first time in tumblr survivor. screw keeping big threats around, fuck that noise. i'm going to literally go through metamorphosis and become alyssa this season. i will be the mother hen who takes the bullet for my allies moving forwards, adam/autumn will make it further and further (plus jake if he is proven innocent and not a snake) anyway cast assessment: augusto - he can have such empty conversations for hours?! like this tribe confuses talking lots with social game. but like with him its a real i don't love your excess energy, go girl give us too much... would love to see him do literal anything beyond just having nothingy conversations... that does not a winner make amir - WOW his galaxy brain is so big. honestly i have to be impressed with amir, the fact he has this tribe misted that he is not the mastermind he is... a testament to his skill. i want to idol him out tomorrow adam - literally my jesus. i owe him my life in this game and i will stay true to that. i cant believe i didnt trust him at first wow... i hope adam gets the win this season autumn - my other goddess.. the literal love of my life, i want her and adam in the f3 this season if i cant make it. i want an autumn hill two time winner yes please and thank you devon - okay devon remains SUCH a sweet guy but oh my god does he play like a snake HELLO. he literally pumped me full of hot air for literally nothing wow woww wowww. he has lied to me for rounds and rounds for literally nothing... am ready to get that snake caught in a trap jake - i think the man who i was willing to give up my entire game for has been lying to me, i feel the exact same way i felt when my boyfriend cheated on me like this feels so personal... and i dont even see the endgame for jake with this hello!? my heart is broken, i literally watched sharifa play in sequester for HOURS with that man and for what?! for WHAT kendall - a literal sweetheart, never dissed. hope she goes far the only non-fraudulent one of the bunch tj -askjdlfsa he is so... stale jKLJKASDFAS like as a player go girl give us nothing. i wish he was being deadass when he said we were gonna squash our beef but i guess not huh? clownery from me i see anyway its almost 8am i need bed. im fueled by rage and im ending the generic men. adam and autumn are the loves of my life, brain, brawn and beauty are linking UP.
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GORL yall better hold onto your britches this is gonna be a LONG one, so immunity happens, a music challenge, which i knew was right up my alley, i was confident going into it and tbh i had no idea what was gonna happen this round, so i decided to take a risk and use my challenge advantage, WHICH PAID OFF BECAUSE BITCH I AM T H E SONGSTRESS, DO RE MI FA SO LA TI DA UP OUT MY FACE BECAUSE YALL CANT GET ME THIS ROUND. who would've thought little old me would end up winning not one, but TWO individual immunities in a single season! im always dragging myself but for once im so PROUD of myself because with my last one there really wasnt anything to brag about, it was handed to me, which kinda did feel nice in a sense considering i know no one trusts me yet they wanted to still keep me around, but like this one was M Y own WIN like on my own merit. I'm an aries, dont ever count me out because i will deliver all the gags and all the goops so after my win, i know im 100% safe, so i start to think... hmm well idk who i want to go so i guess ill see and wait if anyone says anything to me, and then DEVON calls me and we're having a convo when all the sudden he gets real coy.... and starts going "OMG ADAM UGHHH I DONT KNOW HOW TO TELL YOU THIS OR IF I CAN OR CANT" meanwhile, obviously i wanna know the tea so im like well bitch! spill! and he tells ME that apparently, him, jakey, tj, amir, and augusto have all allegedly been in talks and want to BLINDSIDE ALI THIS ROUND because they think he has the idol...and purposely leave me and autumn out? ill get to the THOUGHTS i have on that soon, because oh, i have SEVERAL thoughts, but as he tells me this he's basically just saying OMG PLEASE IM TAKING A HUGE RISK TELLING YOU THIS DONT TELL ANYONE ELSE, which, i DO trust devon slightly, but here's where the problems began and im gonna break it down for yall, 1) ONCE AGAIN, THE BIGGEST PHONYS IN THE GAME FAKE 1 AND FAKE 2 AMIR AND AUGUSTO LMAO LIKE .... DID WE NOT JUST END THE BEEF WE HAD WITH EACH OTHER BECAUSE YALL WANTED TO GO BEHIND MY BACK AND NOT INCLUDE ME IN THE PLANS, ONLY FOR YOU TO DO THE SAME THING YET AGAIN??????? 2) Devon also TOLD me straight up and he was kinda laughing when he said it "im gonna be straight up no one trusts you in this game but i do and thats why im telling you", because AMIR/AUGUSTO ARE TELLING EVERYONE I HAVE THE IDOL FROM BEAUTY. WHY WILL NO ONE BELIEVE ME AND WHY ARE THEY BELIEVING THEM I DONT HAVE IT. LIKE I CAN OWN MY GAME AND MY MISTAKES AND THE ONLY THING IVE DONE TO DESERVE DOUBT WAS MY STUPID LIE ABOUT THE AUCTION BUT E V E R Y O N E LIED LIKE WHY AM I ALWAYS THE BAD GUY? YALL WANT ME TO BE THE BAD GUY, CHUN LI? BECAUSE GUESS WHAT, I CAN BE. ive been playing this game with ONE mindset only. I'll be semi honest with everyone, but lie to me and then you can no longer believe a word i say.... and 3) devon also told me, while he trusts me and wants to go far with me, everyone else doesnt want to take me out this round, next round, or even 7, theyre planning to go for me around like final 6......ok so what im hearing is people are ALREADY trying to plan when to take me out and while he may trust me, i basically would have no way to play the game other than with him??? which why would i just sit there and accept that fate...OH AND ALSO 4) him and everyone else really just expects me to sit back and knowingly vote against kendall, who WOULDNT be going home so they can blindside ali...... so id literally lose a friend in this and gain an enemy? do i have idiot plastered on my forehead??? well, i guess they were right not to tell me about the plan because BITCH I RAN RIGHT TO ALI. Like honestly, screw all those people, i feel like ive done NOTHING so horrible to make people dislike or distrust me so severely so i feel like i dont owe anyone a damn thing. why would i just sit complacently waiting to get picked off at 5/6 and put all my eggs in one basket when i single handedly can change the whole game right now, and thats exactly what i plan on doing. At this point im TIRED of people overlooking me and thinking they can play this game around me and get away with it, but whatever, YALL WANTED GOOD TV, YALL WANTED A SHOW WELL BUCKLE UP BECAUSE YALL MAY BE GOOD AT THIS GAME AND GOOD AT BEING FAKE, BUT YALL DONT KNOW WHAT YOU GOT YOURSELVES INTO WITH ME, IN THE WISE WORDS OF TAMMIE BROWN, YOU WANTED CRAZY, WELL YOU GOT IT NOW ali was SHOOK when i spilled the beans to him, and i told him like look this is me giving you my trust because he's the only person who's shown me respect besides autumn and even if he wasnt being genuine, at least he's being SMART AND GUESS WHAT IT'S GONNA SAVE HIS GAME BECAUSE BITCH HE TOLD ME HOW HE HAS THE IDOL- NOT JUST ONE, BUTTWO OF THEM FJADHSKJFH GORL FIRST OF ALL im so happy i can STOP PLAYING 2048 THAT DAMN GAME WAS GOING TO BE MY UNDOING, SECOND OF ALL I LITERALLY CACKLED ON CALL WHEN HE TOLD ME, I KNEW I COULD TRUST MY GUT ABOUT HIM, OH AND IT GETS EVEN BETTER HE ALSO HAS THE IDOL NULLIFIER EFSDKAJH WHICH MEANS....if we play our cards right......we can take out whoever we want, maybe everyone was right to be scared of us. I'd be scared, i think they should all be scared, yall wanted to say fuck my drag time and time again, well watch me bring it to the runway now. we also agreed we need to let autumn in on this, which could be either the BEST or WORST move....i really THINK i can trust autumn, her and ali are hands down my #1/2 in the game, and devon right behind, although if we pull this off, i told them both i dont want to get devon since he let me know this, i think even if i blindside him and dont let him know, i can at least justify myself enough to him and let him know him going home was still never an option, but i called autumn right after ali and told her all the same tea and at first she was kinda hesitant about it all, but i knew her and jakey had a good relationship so the hardest part for me i think was making her really believe he's against her which i think i did a good job of making her believe because she SPILLED the tea to me about how her/ali/jakey had an alliance, and i absolutely did just kick him out and take his place oop, which i dont trust jake at all because something about him/amir/augusto is so shady, you mean to tell me they voted you out and he hasnt tried to go for them or vice versa this whole time.... my gut is telling me they're in kahoots, and would 100% be a solid 3 against me down the line... my whole game rn hinges on autumn believing me because its the TRUTH i just told her what i was told but clearly i painted it a little more my way oops, so as of now the plan is autumn and me will both keep playing dumb tomorrow, then around 7 pm we're gonna "tell ali" the plan (which i already told him) but autumn doesnt know he has the idol yet, so ali will confirm it to her, and we'll make our move. I'm going to push for it to be amir, i want him OUT OF THIS GAME. im SICK of him and augusto prancing around like the wicked step sisters and treating me like cinderella. but who knows, maybe devon telling me was strategy on his part so i tell ali and we flush the idol and they vote autumn, but i have to hope that all those people are good enough with autumn that they dont want to do that just yet... but i mean, ali does have 2 so we already said if we feel like we need to use both, one for him and one for autumn, it's an option. Also if any of them have the idol ... this could become a mess if someone plays one right after ali, this could also just fall apart if they split the votes 3/3 sedkfha the odds of me actually getting my way....are feeling slim, but im gonna be hopeful because it's all i got, if this works, it could be my winning move, but if it fails, and there's a high chance it fails.... im gone next round... but with ali staying i dont think thatll happen, he's a shield for me and someone i can trust, im taking a page from the michele winners at war book, and he's my jeremy. I trust him, and i need him in this game for at least a few more rounds or im just gonna be dragged along and disposed of at some point. And if i leave then whatever at least i can say i caused chaos, which im always down for.
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So I think Ali is getting sketched out by this vote, so now I am working with Jakey and Devon to figure out a plan to make Ali feel safe and not play an idol. But I'm like... oh dear... this could really blow up in our faces if this doesn't work. And I'm over here trying to communicate now to everyone what is going on so that they don't panic and I'm like... wasn't I just on the bottom? Now I feel like I have some kind of power again? I like this feeling, but also, it be scary as fuck.
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If last round was the calm before the storm, this round is a full on hurricane of a vote. I have spent the past round or so trying to rally the troops against Ali and I think it can finally happen? He has two idols, a vote reveal, a idol blocker, and a killer social game so these people need to smell the roses and get him out. I really hope I don’t leave but if this is my undoing, at least I tried to make a move! 
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tribal is in a few hours and i have a WHOLE ass headache because i dont know what's gonna happen....so last night devon LITERALLY told me everyone but me/autumn were gonna be in the vote against ali... but then today he's telling me jake doesnt know he thinks......am i crazy? did i mishear?? or is he trying to gaslight me.....because i KNOW what i heard and i literally led this whole jake slander campaign to autumn and ali, autumn doesnt think we can trust jakey because i can see devon feeling nervous after telling me that and then they try to tell jake to get in good with us so he knows our plan, but it also doesnt really make sense if jakey works with them unless my conspiracy about him/amir being in kahoots makes sense....so i dont fucking know what's happening, if it were up to me this would stay between me/autumn/ali and we'll ask for forgiveness rather than permission on the next day... autumn/ali are on call rn and theyre supposed to let me know after because autumn is supposed to "spill" the tea to ali (which i already spilled last night) and then we'll go from there because since he does have the idol we just need to place our votes very carefully in conclusion; there's gonna be some angry gays one way or another after tribal (and a few confused heteros)
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I don’t think anyone respects me... which is annoying because I am currently playing a social game. But even more annoying because nobody listens to me!!!!!! Like literally all we have to do is switch to Autumn!!!! Switch to Autumn and everything will be fine and no one is willing to do that. Ugghhhhhhh god damnit I’m going to lose my mind.
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Fucking THIS AND ALL THESE FKING PEOPLE IM SO DONE, I literally have no course of action, I’ve went through every single plan in my mind and every single one reaches a dead end, I don’t know the details of how the idol block and vote reveal work I can’t switch the vote to jakey, because Ali will vote reveal and then idol jakey and then I’m left with 4 people who want me dead and jakey blowing up my game I can’t split on autumn and Ali because we don’t have the votes without jakey I can’t fucking do anything at all I have to be passive, but I have to be alert Ali isn’t gonna go, jakey isn’t gonna go, autumn won’t, and adam wont It’s going to be me or my allies So I just have to try and make it not me at this point 
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I think devon is about to leave and like, that is okay, just be who you are 
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onedirectionforever · 7 years
please :(
okay i’ll tell you the long but loving story of how me and rob started dating :’)
so once upon a time (2013), i was 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. one of my best friends, julia, was a year younger than me so when she came into high school at the same school as me i was sf hype!! so she liked this guy in her grade but he was apparently “the hottest guy in the freshman class” his name was rob. and stuff but i never really paid that much attention to him but it was just a crush and like a month later she had eyes for another boy, lets call him joe! and joe and rob were best friends so julia went to rob for help to get joe’s attention and all that jazz. while julia and rob were just chatting one day, rob dropped the ball that he thought julia’s friend caitlin was very attractive (dat me), so of course julia told me and i was like.. hm.... interesting. so of course i looked at his ig and stuff and was like ok... yes he is very cute. and so i remember i texted him from julia’s phone one night just chatting and eventually we started actually texting and i remember we just like texted all the time and it was so fucking cute like we were both so excited and into each other and just wanted to know more about each other. and we found out that both of our favorite shows were How i met your mother and honestly it was like the purest thing. we ended up just straight texting for a few weeks and we went on our first date to the mall and we just ran around and looked at stuff and chatted and got ice cream and it was really fun because i had never like been so myself around someone bc im a weird person but he just thought i was so funny and when we left i remember we just were texting about how much fun it was. and this was over christmas break so he decided to throw a new years eve “party” i saw party loosely bc there was like 8 people there and 0 alcohol. and like 10 minutes before midnight he took me into a separate room and played guitar for me like a song he had learned just for me and it was so cute like imagine little 15 year olds omg im going to cry, and then at midnight we kissed and it was adorable and he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes!!! and woo!!!! we were dating and we were each other’s first relationship. and ok yeah we ended up only dating for like less than two months but it was like the epitome of puppy love like we just did everything together and it was so much fun but like it went south very fast, because let me tell you. when i was 15 i was like severely depressed??? like i was in the midst of an ed, self harm and like really fucked up mental states and i never told rob any of this, but i remember it was like after valentine’s day and he was so nice to me and i just like literally had a mental breakdown because i couldn’t believe that someone like him would ever want to spend his time with someone so fucked up, and i know i should have communicated this to him but i was 15 and scared so i just broke up with him out of the blue because i really was so confused and sad. and then that was it for little us. we tried to stay friends but i was just so sad and he didn’t even know why. so yeah, then rob tried to date my best friend claire (unsuccessfully) and then he did successfully date my best friend julia for like 5 months in which i pretty sure i was like crying about every day bc like i literally loved him and he didn’t know and yeah i don’t blame him he was just tryna live! but yeah sophomore year ends and junior year begins and we’re still not talking. but fast forward to march 2015, it’s been over a year since we dated/really talked. we were both on a retreat for our school, and we had to talk about something that we felt gave us purpose, and i cried talking about how i felt like my tumblr gave me purpose because at the time i would spend like hours replying to messages of people who were depressed/suicidal just giving people hope and after that he came up to me and told me he missed being my friend we hugged and i wanted to cry right then and there because he still smelled the same and it was just so nice. and the rest of the retreat we were just joking like old times and then after we started texting!! and we texted literally non stop for 6 months, subliminal flirting here and there but i swore he didn’t like me (but he tells me now that he did and i hate myself for not picking up on it lol) so here we go, september 2015, the start of my senior year of high school. i was pretty upset about rob bc i was like in pain all of the time bc we were like best friends but i was in love with him and it hurt!!! bc i swore he would never wanna date again bc i hurt him and it was sad. of course my bff heather who yall know, was up to date with my issues and was TIRED of my shit and complaining, so she literally dm’d rob on instagram and was like listen... caitlin likes you a lot and its making her upset so i want you to know. and rob sent back some bullshit like “if it’s meant to be blahblah” lol i was ready to scream. but for like 2 weeks he knew i liked him and i knew he knew and he knew i knew!!!! messy!!!! but now that he knew i was a little less discreet about it so it was cute we would like pass notes and he let me wear his uniform sweater when i forgot mine at home and aw hehe. but he told me that after one of the football games he wanted to talk, and i swore he was going to sit me down and tell me that he just wanted to be friends, so we drove to a river near our school and sat on the edge of this plank thing and we just sat in the dark for a bit and then he was like yo... i know you like me. and i was like !!! fuk!!!!! and he basically said like “well, if you don’t already know, i like you too” and i remember saying “i never stopped having feelings for you” and shit like that and i remember he kept wanting to kiss me and i was so so so scared to kiss him because like i knew as soon as we kissed i’d be fucked for life like all of these suppressed feelings that i’ve had for so long would just like explode and after a few minutes of like playful fighting we kissed and it was just like...yeah. this is what i’ve been waiting for and what i’ve been praying for every night before i go to sleep. and that was september 24th, 2015 and we’ve been dating ever since. we literally just started dating again from that point and :) yes that is the story.
its just, to me this story makes me cry every time because it’s like the first time in my life that i was right about something that was so important. i spent over a whole year in literal pain because i was so in love with this person i swore would never love me as anything more than a friend, and all my friends were telling me to get over it because it was unhealthy and i was hurting myself because of it but like i just couldn’t, like i had a feeling this was something worth holding onto, because i kept telling myself like, if i feel this way after all this time then it’s something i need to keep holding onto and i was right!! the boy i was in love with since i was 15 is my boyfriend!!! he’s the love of my life!! every time i see him still i get butterflies and it’s amazing!! we were each other’s first relationship and first love and i just :’) i think it’s something worth sharing so i hope you enjoyed!!
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