#we were very close to the stage and the energy in the arena was excellent
virmire · 1 year
went to a blackpink concert last night with my sister and her friends and honestly, it was so good and worth waiting in queue from 11 am
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twelvegrimmyplace · 3 years
MSG night 3 thoughts
A few highlights/ramblings from seeing Harry last night:
- Jenny was wonderful. Sounded great, as magnetic as the first time I saw her 15 years ago, and it was cool to see the crowd being so into her when the online fandom reaction was so shitty when she was first announced. I was mad excited when she closed with She’s Not Me. a JAM. Red Bull & Hennessy was the other standout from her set.
- Harry sounded incredible. The videos don’t fully capture it imo. He was on top form vocally.
- I don’t rly need to go into Harry Thee Performer because I know you all know. It’s hard to express how it felt to experience stage!harry again. Like to connect to his joy, his brightness. He’s so in his element and I think that comfort is what I vibed with most. Idk how to describe what I mean exactly but I guess it was the experience of seeing him mere feet from me but not feeling freaked out by it. Like pretty quickly I didn’t feel that jarring, heightened ‘oh shit that’s harry’s face that I see on my screen every day of my life right in front of me’ feeling. It was just his energy adding to mine when he’d come back around. I’m definitely not making sense but I just rly felt his joy and it made me groove a LOT in a way that felt v freeing.
- The stage setup is excellent. The screens are fucking huge and he rly gets around the arena. 
- Standing by Pauli/Niji was the best call, 1) bc they were so fun (and Niji.....once again respectfully i am looking 👀 ) and 2) it was less crowded on that side. I got there at 7:40ish and we were maybe 4/5 ppl deep from the stage? There’s a mic there and it felt like he spent so much time on our side. Highly recommend that section to anyone with pit tickets at the upcoming shows
- Standing there also resulted in some of my fave harry songs being performed right in front of my eyeballs. Specifically, Woman. Harry performing Woman directly in front of me was almost a transcendental experience. I’ve had a few moments like that over the years at shows when i'm totally in the moment, feeling the music and barely aware of myself or anything around me. This was one of them. It was PERFECT. I didn’t realize he’d be by my section for it and it was the best surprise of the night. Absolute highlight for me. 
- My other faves of the night were probably Lights Up, Sunflower vol 6, WMYB, Fine Line, SOTT always. Honestly wasn’t a weak song in the set? Even Only Angel aka my least fave harry song is enjoyable live for me. Wasn’t sure how TBSL would translate live but it had a ton of energy. The arrangements and transitions create a rly cohesive experience so the energy never dips even when they go to a Falling or a Cherry. The overall production of the show feels tighter than last tour and rly high quality but not to the point where it feels overdone. 
- With that said, I’m not sure how I feel about the watermelon sugar/kiwi encore. Something about the way they do it without any break, and maybe just those two songs as a pairing, felt anticlimactic. Kiwi goes the fuck off of course but I’d personally change that if I was on his team. But what do I know lol. Also thoroughly enjoyed screaming ‘it’s new york baby always jacked up’ at him and then witnessing the coke snort choreo right in front of me.
- When he was throwing sunflowers into the crowd he threw one a few ppl over from us and it was just like the bouquet toss scene in clueless where they fall onto the ground fighting for it. 
- OH also I didn’t know he had run the jewels on the pre-show playlist? Nothing I love more than when harold surprises me. Also v pleased that he had stockholm syndrome on there
And shout out to @daintyharru​ for meeting up! I had such a fun time chatting with you.
Anyway tl;dr wonderful show, wonderful pop star. I love him very much.
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virtchandmoir · 5 years
Tessa Virtue, Scott Moir pushed ice dance boundaries throughout exemplary career
September 25, 2019
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The announcement was hardly unexpected, so much so that it created little buzz even on figure skating news groups.
After all, no one thought Canadians Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir would be extending their extraordinary competitive career after taking another post-Olympic leave from the sport with yet another Olympic ice dance medal (this one a second gold) on their résumé.
And retirement is what they in fact confirmed last week.
Yet there was part of me that hoped they would come back again, especially with this season’s world championships not only in their own country but also in the same city, Montreal, as their training base before the PyeongChang Olympics.
Whether they won another world medal or not in Montreal – and a recommitted Virtue and Moir were very likely to be on the podium, if not atop it – the couple would have been awash in deserved acclaim from the home crowd, as they were in winning their first Olympic title in Vancouver in 2010 with a free dance that left me spellbound then and does the same in every re-viewing.
There will undoubtedly be some celebration of Virtue and Moir’s career as they perform on the Rock the Rink tour that begins Oct. 5 in British Columbia and meanders across Canada (with one stop in Cleveland) for nearly two months, playing mainly smaller arenas in smaller cities.
It would be more fitting if they could play the big stage, the 2020 world meet at the Bell Centre in Montreal. Maybe add them to the lineup for the gala? Skate Canada would say only they will have a role at this season’s worlds.
I had done interviews last year in PyeongChang to write an appreciation for Virtue and Moir after they won two more gold medals, team and individual, but that idea hit the digital dead letter file when the women’s singles event generated an avalanche of storylines.
Now, with the confirmation of their retirement, it’s time to use some of those interviews and the history-making achievements on their record to convey and appreciate their singular excellence.
*By the numbers: Virtue and Moir are one of two teams to win two Olympic ice dance golds, one of two to win three medals (gold-silver-gold; the other team, Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko of the Soviet Union, won bronze-silver-gold.) With two team event medals, silver and gold, Virtue and Moir have a record five Olympic figure skating medals.
In 2010, they were the youngest to win Olympic ice dance gold and the first Olympic dance champions from outside Europe. In 2018, he was the fourth-oldest man, she the third-oldest woman to win ice dance gold. They had competed against their final coaches, Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon, at Skate Canada in … 2006.
*British ice dance team Penny Coomes and Nicholas Buckland used their 2018 Olympic short dance as homage to their compatriots, Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean, who dazzled the world with their innovative, thematic programs en route to the 1984 Olympic gold medal. Coomes and Buckland see Virtue and Moir’s skating as an extension of what Torvill and Dean had done.
“Torvill and Dean reinvigorated ice dance and took it to a place nobody had ever seen,” Coomes said. “Tessa and Scott have picked up that ball and carried it a little further.”
In the mid-1980s, there were few written rules governing ice dance, so Torvill and Dean revised the unwritten rules about programs that had left the discipline in predictable stasis.
By the time Virtue and Moir began senior international competition in fall 2006, the International Skating Union had implemented a scoring and judging system that codified everything, including ice dance.
Then a big piece of the new rules changed after 2010, with the compulsory dances eliminated. Virtue and Moir simply adapted.
“When the new judging system was introduced, you saw a lot of couples do the same things on the ice,” Coomes said. “Tessa and Scott took the rules and expanded them. Rather than stick in the box, they reached outside the box and grabbed new and innovative ideas.”
Some were in lifts created by Igor Shpilband, one of the coaches who helped them win the 2010 Olympic gold. Others came from their ability to use their surpassing skating skills to create corporeal unison that allowed two bodies to assume the moving shape of one. They were artists and technicians.
Their relationship in performance was so close and complete, especially in romantic programs, that many assumed, incorrectly, they were a couple off the ice as well.
As my colleague Lynn Rutherford wrote during her valedictory to Virtue and Moir: “Skating to the tender music from ‘The Umbrellas of Cherbourg’ or Gustav Mahler’s haunting ‘Adagietto,’ Virtue and Moir could break your heart as easily as they could spin off perfect twizzles.”
The Mahler-based free dance at the 2010 Olympics, to a piece of his Fifth Symphony, is Virtue and Moir’s transcendent masterpiece. As I wrote that night in the Chicago Tribune, they had an “exquisite interpretation … subtly underscoring the emotional power of the music and still managing eye-catching lifts and pirouettes and a striking final position worthy of ballet.”
As a whole, it was a magnificent exercise in understatement, the brilliance of simplicity, down to the costumes – she in a gossamer, white dress with some sequins from waist to shoulders, he in a white tuxedo shirt and black pants. Even in their most powerful moments of that program, what you remember is not the difficulty of the moves but the positions of their arms and bodies, of two people expressing themselves as one.
Then there was the Latin-themed short dance in 2018, an apparently incompatible mash up of “Sympathy for the Devil,” “Hotel California,” and “Oye Como Va.” Virtue and Moir made it a stunningly seamless integration of the very different music by the Rolling Stones, the Eagles and Santana, performing with so much emotional and physical energy, such sassy body heat and such finesse that their scores would allow them to take gold despite losing the free dance.
“I think Tessa and Scott have such a vast range of body of work, it’s possible for every fan and every skating person to find some program they love,” said Carol Lane, a longtime ice dance coach and Canadian TV commentator. “My favorite thing is a short dance to ‘Tears on My Pillow.’”
Virtue and Moir did that in 2004, when she was 14 years old and he 16, when they were still rising through juniors after seven years skating together.
They would compete together over a span of 21 years, so long that they would have two sets of formidable major rivals at the senior level – Meryl Davis and Charlie White of the United States until 2014; Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron after that. Coincidentally, Virtue and Moir trained in the same rink under the same coaches with first the U.S. team and then the French team while they were competing against each for Olympic and world titles.
The Canadians beat Davis and White for gold in 2010, lost to them in 2014, then beat Papadakis and Cizeron for gold in 2018. The three couples won nine of the past 10 world titles – three by Virtue and Moir, who skated in just five of those 10.
“Think back to Vancouver, the acrobatics they brought, the level of technical difficulty they brought … it was unheard of,” NBC Sports analyst and 2006 Olympic ice dance silver medalist Tanith White said. “Now [the 2018 Olympics] to see them incorporate back in the element of dance – it sounds silly, to put dance in ice dance – to bring in that musicality, that flexibility in their movement. That truly set it apart from anything anyone else is doing.”
*It only seems that Virtue and Moir rolled easily from one triumph to another during their careers.
Their move from Canada and Canadian coaches to suburban Detroit to train with demanding Russian émigrés Shpilband and Marina Zoueva in summer 2004 was fraught with teenage angst (she was 15, he 17) in an atmosphere Moir would describe as cold in a 2015 TED talk. From 2008 through 2010, Virtue battled compartment syndrome that would require surgery in each of those years and severely curtained her training immediately before their first Olympics.
And then there was the comeback after a two-year hiatus following the 2014 Olympics.
“We would be lying if we said we were just coming back to be part of the pack,” Moir said when they announced the return. “That’s definitely not the goal.”
The goal was to challenge Papadakis and Cizeron, who had used the Canadians’ absence to establish themselves as the world’s dominant ice dance team with world titles in 2015 and 2016. Despite losing the free dance, they beat the French for the 2017 World title, but just three months before the 2018 Olympics, the French beat Virtue and Moir in both programs at the Grand Prix Final.
It was just another challenge for them to overcome, even if it involved near complete revision before the Olympics of their free dance program to “Moulin Rouge.” The improvements were enough to cut the free dance point gap with the French in half from the Grand Prix Final to the Olympics. That was the difference between silver and gold.
“They are a team that has always gone for it,” said U.S. Olympic ice dancer Madison Hubbell, who trained with Virtue and Moir from 2016 to 2018. “They never seem to play it safe with their elements, with how difficult they make their programs. They always want to be better and they don’t compare themselves with other teams.”
The record books tell us Virtue and Moir had unsurpassed success. They slipped away quietly from the sport in which they are among the greatest ever. Their incomparable skating already has passed the test of time.
—NBC Sports
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bongaboi · 3 years
COMMENTARY: Amid the Gold Cup final festival: Mexico's fans celebrate, cope and hope
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Amid the Gold Cup final festival: Mexico's fans celebrate, cope and hope
by Andrea Canales @soccercanales
While visiting Spain for a summer years ago, I attended a bullfight. Beyond having read Ernest Hemingway, I didn’t know much about bullfighting. I watched and listened as the crowd cheered the matadors and the event finally closed with the defeated bulls being dragged out of the arena. Between the swords, horses and the elaborate costumes, the bullfight felt like an ancient art. That spell was broken somewhat when the woman sitting next to me pulled out her cell phone to update her husband. “Torearon bien, pero mataron muy mal,” she reported.
They fought well, but they killed very poorly. That’s the basic translation. All the excellent capework and the elegant stances even as the bull’s horns passed by with mere inches to spare didn’t matter in the end if the climax of the event was sloppy and prolonged because of hesitation or lack of strength or discipline to hold the sword steady and accurate for a clean, killing blow.
Watching Mexico vs. the USA in the Gold Cup final in Las Vegas' sold-out (61,514) Allegiant Stadium on Sunday night, I was reminded of that description. Time and again, El Tri, which controled the majority of the run of play, would build up nicely for a shot, but either the U.S. defense and goalkeeper Matt Turner would come up big or the final Mexico shot would be off target.
“Faltaron contundencia.” Another phrase that came to mind was one that has cropped up in the past with Mexico before. This one translates generally to lack of forcefulness, or concluding energy and finishing strength. Indeed, even when the USA had passes going awry in the final and was off target in their few counterattacking chances, they seemed energetic against Mexico all game long, though that often involved rather frantically defending much of the time.
It’s not necessarily a fair assessment of Mexico to consider it an aged team when their best young players are contending for an Olympic medal in Tokyo and therefore not at the Gold Cup. It’s also interesting to note that the star player many El Tri fans longed for Mexico coach Tata Martino to bring into this roster, Javier “Chicharito” Hernandez, wouldn’t have, at age 33, turned the dial more to youth and the team’s future.
Amid the Gold Cup final festival: Mexico's fans celebrate, cope and hopeby Andrea Canales @soccercanales, Yesterday
While visiting Spain for a summer years ago, I attended a bullfight. Beyond having read Ernest Hemingway, I didn’t know much about bullfighting. I watched and listened as the crowd cheered the matadors and the event finally closed with the defeated bulls being dragged out of the arena. Between the swords, horses and the elaborate costumes, the bullfight felt like an ancient art. That spell was broken somewhat when the woman sitting next to me pulled out her cell phone to update her husband. “Torearon bien, pero mataron muy mal,” she reported.
They fought well, but they killed very poorly. That’s the basic translation. All the excellent capework and the elegant stances even as the bull’s horns passed by with mere inches to spare didn’t matter in the end if the climax of the event was sloppy and prolonged because of hesitation or lack of strength or discipline to hold the sword steady and accurate for a clean, killing blow.
Watching Mexico vs. the USA in the Gold Cup final in Las Vegas' sold-out (61,514) Allegiant Stadium on Sunday night, I was reminded of that description. Time and again, El Tri, which controled the majority of the run of play, would build up nicely for a shot, but either the U.S. defense and goalkeeper Matt Turner would come up big or the final Mexico shot would be off target.
“Faltaron contundencia.” Another phrase that came to mind was one that has cropped up in the past with Mexico before. This one translates generally to lack of forcefulness, or concluding energy and finishing strength. Indeed, even when the USA had passes going awry in the final and was off target in their few counterattacking chances, they seemed energetic against Mexico all game long, though that often involved rather frantically defending much of the time.
It’s not necessarily a fair assessment of Mexico to consider it an aged team when their best young players are contending for an Olympic medal in Tokyo and therefore not at the Gold Cup. It’s also interesting to note that the star player many El Tri fans longed for Mexico coach Tata Martino to bring into this roster, Javier “Chicharito” Hernandez, wouldn’t have, at age 33, turned the dial more to youth and the team’s future.
The passion of Mexico fans is evident hours before a match actually begins. For many El Tri supporters, game day is an all-day event of costuming, food and mutual celebration of family, friends and fans. The fact that a global pandemic is still ongoing puts a dent in even the most fervent festival of futbol. There were other negative elements factoring in as well for Mexico.
Though he hasn’t been called into the team in over a year, Hernandez, Mexico’s top all-time goalscorer, was by far the most popular jersey name on the many Mexico shirts being worn in Vegas. Hernandez’s absence, beloved player that he is, cast a bit of a pall on the Gold Cup squad partly because his lack of selection hasn’t really been explained by Martino, other than to say, “Javier Hernandez wasn’t in this roster because I picked other players.” Hernandez, in the midst of a stellar season with his club team, the Los Angeles Galaxy, suffered a calf injury early in July, which alleviated some of the pressure on Martino’s decision to not call him.
El Tri players also had to deal with the pressure of their own fans becoming a liability during the Gold Cup, when the recurrence of the homophobic chant by some in the crowds during the group stage and other matches, including very briefly in the final, threatened the squad with FIFA sanctions that could affect whether fan crowds are present at upcoming World Cup qualifying games.
There was also a sorrowful burden placed on the Mexican team both early and late in the Gold Cup tournament. In the debut match for Mexico, plucky Hirving “Chucky” Lozano suffered head and neck injuries in a collision with Trinidad & Tobago goalkeeper Marvin Phillip, required facial surgery, and was obviously ruled out of the tournament. Another blow hit the team last week when Zizinho, the father of midfielder Jonathan Dos Santos, died at age 59, reportedly of Covid-19 complications.
Mexico soldiered on after a dour draw in the opening game of the tournament, but never seemed to be firing on all cylinders as a team, even as it advanced. It took a moment of individual magic against Canada by Hector Herrera late in injury time for El Tri to escape that game with a victory.
Until last night, U.S. men’s national team coach Gregg Berhalter had never won against El Tri in a Gold Cup final, either as an unused player in 1998 or as coach in 2019. Both those games, the USA lost 1-0. With the youngest roster in the tournament and some questioning his tactical nous all during the tournament, Berhalter and his players finally silenced many doubters. The fact that the victory came on his 48th birthday made the triumph extra sweet.
The USA displayed an odd consistency in all their games, winning each one, 1-0, except for their game against Martinique, where they surrendered their only goal of the tournament in a 6-1 victory. Most U.S. players improved not only as the tournament went on, but in the final against Mexico, it was interesting to see some of them adjusting in real time to the skill and ability of their opponents. Though at times the U.S. players looked overwhelmed, they did just enough to prevent goals, and eventually worked well enough together to create chances. It’s likely that the American team, with less expectation to win than Mexico, played with more freedom as a result.
Walking out of the stadium almost an hour after the match concluded, I wasn’t surprised to see that the throngs of people still mingling in the parking lots were exclusively Mexico fans. Some were coordinating rides or plans, but most were sharing their own somber debriefs of the game with each other, many hands still clutching Tricolor flags.
“I’ve never seen the team play so tired.”
“We played well, though. We were really aggressive early on, weren’t we? I kept thinking the next chance was going to score.”
“Matt Turner was the difference. How does the U.S. always produce such good keepers? Maybe it’s because they play basketball.”
“We need our killer instinct back. We need Chicharito to return.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll get the USA in qualifying. Tata’s going to regroup, the best players will be back together, and El Tri will come back stronger than ever.”
I couldn’t help but smile, picking up these bits of conversation. Even in the disappointment over a close loss, the passion of the Mexico supporters was always at the forefront. Long live the rivalry.
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songketalliance · 3 years
Being the Change You Want to See
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“It occurred to me that it wasn’t so much about the differences between men and women as it is about the individuals leading these spaces and how influential they can be in role modelling values that others would adopt, intentionally or otherwise.”
A contribution by Wani Gapar
Being involved in theatre is not for the faint of heart. That’s what I learned from my experience working with the Salted Egg Theatre ladies earlier this month. I say that because I had to muster every ounce of courage to act on stage. I also say that because I had to be patient and kind, with myself mostly, while learning the craft as a first-time thespian. It was daunting in so many ways, but I had such wonderful colleagues that it became one of the most enriching experiences ever. Did I also mention that the Salted Egg Theatre is a women’s only group who perform exclusively for women? I thought it was odd at first but when they explained that this group was set up to be a safe space for both performers and audience, I was immediately onboard. 
What drew me was the premise, but what stuck with me was the practice. 
The cast and crew were some of the most nurturing and compassionate individuals I’ve ever met. If I were to describe the energy of the environment, I’d have to say it felt like a very loud and happy noise. Everyone was very expressive in their views, not so much in how they expressed it but what they were saying. One of the ladies told me she could speak more freely than she normally would in her usual circles. I chalked it up to gender dynamics, until I realized it was more than that. 
Every night during rehearsals, there would be an assortment of meals and snacks everyone would contribute and partake from because most of us would come straight from studies or work and wouldn’t have time to eat dinner. It was significant to me, because these thoughtful gestures make the difference between performing at my best or suffering through gastric while acting out my scenes. Everyone would check up on each other, texted to see if we got home safely, and generally, just showed care. One of the more memorable incidents was when I said the ladies’ room was running out of toilet paper and the next day, at least three of us arrived with a roll in our bags. It made me laugh then, but I look back at this time fondly because it was truly a place that encouraged growth and expression. 
I had wondered if it was any different to more male-dominated arenas or if in a professional setting. I have the privilege of learning martial arts with both men and women, but in some classes, I was the only woman. I was equally comfortable in that space because the coach and team made it a safe environment to train in and I was afforded every respect and professionalism. It occurred to me that it wasn’t so much about the differences between men and women as it is about the individuals leading these spaces and how influential they can be in role modelling values that others would adopt, intentionally or otherwise. 
At work, I have been part of predominantly women teams, but it did not have the same energy as when I was in theatre or the gym. I am aware that a highly competitive environment plays a big role in how we interacted with one another, especially when everyone has different drivers in doing well at work, but it irked me to see how some people are fine with stepping on toes to get ahead in their career. It’s also called “playing the game” or “climbing up the corporate ladder” but I am a firm believer that you can still succeed without resorting to underhanded tactics to do well at work. If anything, some of the most highly respected business leaders that I have met embody the values they carry. 
My previous managing director is a very accomplished and respected figure and she was a strong champion of women’s empowerment. I’ve heard many stories from others, and experienced myself, how she has elevated women through various initiatives and providing a supportive infrastructure for us to perform our best in. I have worked closely with other senior leaders of both sexes who brought in their brand of care while ensuring that everyone in their team is developed through coaching, mentoring and other formal training programmes. I have found that their protégés very often emulate the same way of being amongst junior or newer team members. It’s very encouraging to see this paid forward and this is how it also contributes to a safe space for one to be their authentic selves while giving their best in their endeavours. 
I’m deeply humbled and grateful to have met so many people who bring out the best in me and those around me. I’ve learned throughout the years as well that while the work to elevate women around me must continue, safe spaces that allow for real growth comes from leaders who live the principles they speak of. As the inspiring singer songwriter Dolly Parton said, “If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.”
A contribution by Wani Gapar
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Hustle Castle Cheats
Hustle Castle Guide
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Join different brilliant lords from all around the world as your warfare and paintings with each other to expand your powers. Optimistically, the hints in this text make it less complicated to defeat the ones horrific guys who had the nerve to kidnap the princess! You're completely secure using our device, as said before none of our customers ever has misplaced their account or were given any troubl because one of the simple ideas had been to make is as comfortable as possible and our group of programmers did an splendid job there. Hustle Castle myth country is a popular rpg for android and ios by way of my.com b.v. broaden particular competencies, with the intention to make him and your warring parties even more potent. Look for relic fragments and create distinctly powerful items. - dungeons — in which extremely good adventures watch for the brave. You may only enter with any other institution member. 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theupsidenews · 5 years
U2 never actually toured their career defining album, The Joshua Tree, in Australia. By the time they were here in the late eighties, Rattle and Hum was out and The Joshua Tree tour had become the Love Town tour (which brought along the late B.B. King for the ride). The quartet is now righting that wrong, revamping the album’s 30th anniversary show that toured other parts of the world a couple of years ago and finally giving Australian audiences the chance to hear what is arguably their finest and most acclaimed record played live and bookended by a selection of career-spanning songs.
Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds were in support, a choice that worked well and very much suited the crowd (far more congruous than Kanye who supported the band’s last visit to Adelaide). There wouldn’t be many bands in the world that someone as renowned as Gallagher would play support to, but he understood his role and delivered a crowd-pleasing performance, backed by a strong group of musicians. It took a little while to warm in. Gallagher arrived on stage in black polo and jeans and devoid of any rock star posturing. If you passed him in the street, you wouldn’t look twice. But as the set moved on he chatted more freely and engaged the audience in the performance; he was characteristically cantankerous and often very funny (there was even a gag about playing Adelaide – he thought he was fronting up to an Adele festival).
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Photo by Bernard Humphreys @journaphotolism
Beginning with his High Flying Birds material, it was evident that Gallagher still writes a great song, adorned with pleasing hooks and all backed by a rocksteady beat. He teased with the idea of venturing into Oasis territory early in the performance only to play more solo material but, with a canny understanding of what the punters want, he switched to his former band’s songs in the second half of the set, with the audience responding enthusiastically and singing along. ‘Wonderwall’ was understandably a favourite, introduced with a wry observation that the song almost lifted him to U2 levels of stardom but not quite. It was its follow up, however, that was the standout, with the crowd belting out the chorus of ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’. The act then wrapped up in a nod to Gallagher’s most evident musical antecedents, while making great use of the band’s brass section and backing singers, with a cover of ‘All You Need Is Love’.
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Photo by Bernard Humphreys @journaphotolism
Ever since their Zoo TV shows of the Achtung Baby era (which eventually landed in Australia in 1993 as the Zoomerang tour), U2 have always delivered an audio-visual spectacle, with a concert experience that really is like no other act. But with a capacity to go over-the-top, this can also be the band’s Achilles heel, with a danger that the visual experience can overwhelm the musical one. For this show, they have managed to blend in enough restraint alongside the spectacle to get the balance right. Dominating the performance was the largest screen ever used in a touring show, with amazing resolution, this was completely immersive. But it was the way this feature was used that made the concert such a success. In previous incarnations, this might have been an exercise in ego, focussed on larger than life projections of the band themselves, but here we were treated to bespoke film footage by Anton Corbijn (who did the original Joshua Tree band shoot in 1987) that really enhanced the songs. While at other times, the visuals dropped away and we were reminded that, for all the spectacle, this is just four guys who make music together and have been since they were teenagers.
This was how the show began, with dummer, Larry Mullen Jr walking to the B stage at the centre of the arena and starting the distinctive drum beat for ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’ before being joined by his bandmates. As a song that the outfit dropped from live shows for many years, it was a strong choice to open. Playing in the round, this was early career U2 without the pyrotechnics and highlighting the energy that made them a success before The Joshua Tree changed everything.
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Photo by Bernard Humphreys @journaphotolism
After four songs in this fashion the screen lit up and the show began its track by track rendering of the 1987 album. Beginning with red dawn to accompany the opening strains of ‘Where the Streets Have No Name’, the backdrop gave way to black and white footage of a moving road in a desert landscape on the main stage with the band silhouetted in front of this. This was simply stunning, standing in the middle of the arena, the screen took up your entire vision and you really felt like you were moving along with music and really complemented the searching tone of the song. And for each number the visuals changed, making for an absolutely arresting experience.
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Photo by Bernard Humphreys @journaphotolism
Side A of the original record is packed with hits (and some of the band’s best work), making this the best stretch of the show, with ‘I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For’ and the plaintive ‘With or Without You’ following up.
The album presents the band’s complicated relationship with America, sometimes celebratory, at other times acutely critical. The latter on full display in ‘Bullet the Blue Sky’, a song that is still performed with righteous anger at inequality.
‘Running to Stand Still’ brought this section to a close, in a beautiful rendition of this underrated song. The chance to hear numbers like this that might not otherwise make it to latter career setlists, shows the real value of album-in-full performances like this.
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Photo by Bernard Humphreys @journaphotolism
Admittedly the energy did dip a little next with ‘Red Hill Mining Town’ which completed Side A (the point where you would “turn the cassette over” as Bono reminded). With The Edge playing keyboard, the song was missing the bright, jangly guitar arpeggios he contributes on the recording. With bassist Adam Clayton sitting casually aside the drum kit, perhaps band and audience needed a more chilled out moment to catch our collective breath.
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Photo by Bernard Humphreys @journaphotolism
There were more gems to follow as the show moved into the lesser known Side B of the LP. It was a great opportunity to hear these songs and rediscover them all over again. The highlight here was the apocalyptic ‘Exit’ with excellent use of dynamics and delivering a sharp rebuke of Trump, before the moving album closer ‘Mothers of the Disappeared’, with Bono honouring the grieving women on screen whose candles were progressively extinguished.
The set reminded us why The Joshua Tree was such a seminal album: passionate, evocative and a great collection of songs.
From there, the band ventured back to centre stage to show us “what came next” with a stripped back rendition of ‘Angel of Harlem’ to close the main set.
As an audience member, it is always appreciated when a band comes back for an encore, but even better when we don’t have to beg for it. The days of calling the band’s name for 10 minutes are definitely over and U2 re-emerged to give us ‘Elevation’, ‘Vertigo’ (with swirling visuals on the screen that almost left you with vertigo), and ‘Even Better Than the Real Thing’.
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‘Beautiful Day’ was an absolute highlight that saw a sea of smiles and hands waving, but ‘Ultraviolet (Light My Way)’ was one of the most moving moments of the night. Bono acknowledged the women working on the tour and images of women of note were projected on the screen, including Sia, Hannah Gadsby, Nova Peris, Cathy Freeman and Greta Thunberg. It was a genuine show of respect that honoured great women from the past and present. Many of us (particularly Libby) were moved to tears.
‘One’ closed the night and was a fitting end to an exceptional concert from a band that has maintained its ability to bring a stadium to life with the incredible music they’ve created over a remarkable career.
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Words: Matthew Trainor and Libby Parker
Photos: Bernard Humphreys @journaphotolism
    Were you at U2 last night? What did you think? What were your highlights? Upside's Matt, Libby and Bernard were there. Check it out at the link. U2 never actually toured their career defining album, The Joshua Tree, in Australia. By the time they were here in the late eighties, …
0 notes
housebeleren · 5 years
Ravnica Allegiance New Art & Reprints
Once again, just wrapping up my thoughts about Ravnica Allegiance before we move fully on to War of the Spark territory. As always, I want to take a moment to appreciate some of the new artwork to come out in the set for established cards. It’s a wonderful treat to explore these cards again from a different lens, especially as Magic continues to excel in their art direction & creativity.
There are fewer cards this time around, compared with Guilds of Ravnica, but they are all still fantastic. Let’s take a look.
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Mortify is an Orzhov classic, going all the way back to their first appearance in Guildpact, redesigned in the Sorin vs. Tibalt Duel Deck, which became the default art for the piece in virtually all printings since then.
This new piece by Anthony Palumbo is my favorite new art on a reprint card in Ravnica Allegiance, without a doubt. (Well, maybe excepting some of the lands, which are stunning.) Anthony always excels at expressing light & shadows in his works, and is a perfect artist for a classic Orzhov piece such as this. I love the blurry “erasing” effect, tying in nicely with the flavor text, yet you can still see the character’s expression, which gives this piece a haunting quality. It’s beautifully detailed, and easily stands out to me as one of the most memorable cards in the set, as well as the version of art for this piece that will stand out most vividly in my mind when I think of this card.
All versions:
Ravnica Allegiance
Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt
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It’s crazy to me that Absorb hasn’t been printed since way back in Invasion, but here we are. It’s such a perfectly elegant spell that makes absolute sense for the Azorius, so I love seeing it in this context.
Izzy has been a force in Magic art since he first brought his unique style to Shadowmoor, and there’s a good reason he tends to get several cards in basically every set. He tends to put his subjects front & center, without much in the way of background to speak of. He’s a master of setting a tone with his pieces, and this version of Absorb is a perfect example. The lawmage’s eyes are closed, utterly calm and focused, as he quietly and simply nullifies the spell. I also love the lighting, which appears to be emanating from the law magic itself. Beautifully rendered.
Ravnica Allegiance
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Oh Act of Treason. I must confess, I love seeing cards like this. Not Red Threaten effects, specifically. No, I love staple cards like this that serve as a baseline for these standard effects in their colors. Cards like Cancel allow us to talk about Absorb more effectively, for example. Innovation is great, but sometimes I just love seeing the same card repurposed over and over to remind us where the baseline is. Not only that, but we then get to explore the flavor differences in the art, and the mechanical differences in how they play out in the context of the set. But I digress.
I must confess, this is my favorite Act of Treason art for one simple reason. It’s the only one that very clearly depicts an actual act of treason. Sure, the M10 Eric Deschamps “Angry Angel” version is going to remain the iconic version, Min Yum’s Khans of Tarkir Rakshasa art is beautiful, and Matt Stewart’s Gatecrash Ogre has wonderful whimsy to it. They are all fabulous. But this one has made so very clear the consequences of this familiar spell, and that makes it stand out to me. That may be more the art direction than anything, but either way I like it.
Scott Murphy has been making Magic art since Theros block, and mostly sticks to Limited Commons & Uncommons, though he has some fabulous promos & supplemental product cards as well. All his work has fabulous use of color and action, both of which are clearly on display in this piece. The Rakdos mask draws all the attention, so that even though the figure on the left is smaller in the frame, you notice him first, and only on further examination realize exactly what is happening and what his betrayal is leading to. The piece tells a story, and I love that.
Ravnica Allegiance
Khans of Tarkir
Magic 2010
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I already talked about this card and my love of its flavor text, which, quite honestly, is still my favorite part of the card. But today it’s about the art. Chris Rahn needs no introduction, as he’s practically MTG art royalty. Frequently tapped for flashy mythics and set highlights (see: Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice just last set), it’s wonderful to see what he does on Limited Commons like this one as well. This is his only Ravnica Allegiance card, and it’s much more muted and subtle than many of his more iconic works. But that’s not to imply that it’s any less impressive. The pegasus is elegantly staged in the piece, and the perspective from underneath, with the rising Ravnica skyline above, is quite breathtaking. It’s a beautifully calming piece, a breath of fresh air before the war to come.
Ravnica Allegiance
Return to Ravnica
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Just to get this out of the way, I am here for epic Ravnica Kaiju battles. Just saying.
This is another great example of how reprints allow for exploring different interpretations of the same effect. When this card was first printed in Hour of Devastation, it highlighted one survivor’s individual determination to persevere. Here, the city of Ravnica is, in some ways, the central character, with the epic monster battle raging above a stark contrast to the otherwise peaceful scene. 
Luis Lashado has made a major splash on Magic art relatively quickly, starting with Limited Commons in Khans of Tarkir block, and getting his first Legends & Mythics only a couple of years later, eventually taking on the Hour of Devastation god cycle. His pieces tend to have great energy, and tons of detail. This work is no exception, as the details on the buildings, centaur, & dragon are easily visible from afar. I love this piece, and hope people take the time to look at it a little more closely as they draft the set.
Ravnica Allegiance
Hour of Devastation
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This is one of those cards you completely forget is even in the set until someone drafts the High Alert defenders deck and wrecks you with it. Chris Seaman is new to Magic art, with his first pieces seeing print in Ixalan. What’s interesting to me is how muted the colors are on Junktroller, given how vibrant and whimsical many of his previous pieces were (look to Giltgrove Stalker, Artificer’s Assistant, and Hypothesizzle as particular examples of this). That said, I enjoy this piece. It has perspective, looking up as if we were the speaker of the flavor text, watching this great hulking machine do its work, absolutely giving no fucks about anyone’s protestations. It’s quiet, but very successful at telling a little story and evoking a chuckle when the text & art are paired. 
My favorite works by Chris so far are Suspicious Nanny (from Unstable), Stitcher’s Supplier (from M19), and Shorecomber Crab (from MTG Arena). I’m very hopeful to see more from him going forward.
Ravnica Allegiance
Ravnica: City of Guilds
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Speaking of Kaiju...
Seriously, this is fantastic. Once again, the flavor text and art combine to tell a fabulous little story, which definitely made me smile once I put it together. Jehan Choo is another newcomer to Magic, first debuting in Masters 25 & Dominaria. He’s been given almost exclusively fantastical monsters to work with, and I’m living for it. Seriously, this stuff is memeable as fuck. He did not only my favorite Dominaria card (Yargle FTW), but also one of the most memorable cards from this set as well, the amazing Sharktocrab. Sure, a big spider isn’t as unique, but it’s phenomenally done, set against a beautiful Ravnican backdrop. 
I am here for more monsters by Jehan Choo.
Ravnica Allegiance
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I guess we’re going to need to start referring to these as “Root Snares” rather than “Fogs,” since Wizards has apparently decided that 2 mana is the appropriate cost for this effect. Fine I guess. That said, this is a lot of fun. I like the action of the vines & the very evident struggle against them. 
Craig J Spearing is one of those Magic artists that is surprisingly ubiquitous. While he doesn’t have many big flashy cards, he pops up in basically every set with a number of these great Limited cards. His Ravnica cards feel somewhat different from his previous work, which tended to be much more stylized, evoking a graphic novel feel (see Striped Riverwinder for a great example of this). For Ravnica, he’s softened the edges and gone for a touch more realism, which fits the feel of the set more. He gets all kinds of cards, and executes on them all beautifully, with a great sense of action. I’ll be interested to see how he continues to evolve & tailor his style to future sets.
Ravnica Allegiance
Core Set 2019
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Another card I hadn’t expected to see again, but here we are. I love this very different take on Scrabbling Claws from the, admittedly creepier, Mirrodin version. This one is appropriately industrial, for the setting.
James Paick flies under the radar for me sometimes, but really shouldn’t. He has been doing Magic art for years, and in those years, has created some truly stunning works, including quite a few outstanding lands, basic & nonbasic alike. This take on Scrabbling Claws is fantastic, and perfectly set to the plane. I love using the central fire as the primary light source, with the additional lights twinkling in windows and fires in the background. It’s a piece that’s vaguely unsettling and serene at the same time, and I just love it.
Ravnica Allegiance
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This is the second Craig J Spearing card on this list, and I echo my sentiments from above in regards to this piece. Again, it’s more muted, more subtle than a lot of his work on other planes, but it fits the set very well. 
I do recommend checking out the Gatecrash version of this art by Seb McKinnon as well, since it is also excellent.
Ravnica Allegiance
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Just like in Guilds of Ravnica, the Guildgates in Allegiance are absolutely wonderful, with the two above being my two favorites. I highly recommend checking them all out.
Ravnica Allegiance
Return to Ravnica Block
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Ditto, Shock Lands. They’ve appeared on every trip to Ravnica so far, and are iconic pieces for the plane. These two are my very favorites, but the whole cycle is just phenomenal.
So that’s it. Ravnica Allegiance has been a ton of fun, and some of the incredible art like this is just one of the many reasons why. 
0 notes
5hfanfiction · 7 years
I Needed You (5H/Camren/Laucy)
Fifth Harmony, Fifth Harmony, Fifth Harmony, Fifth Harmony, Fifth Harmony, Fifth Harmony!
We heard the audience cheer after our final song at Madison Square Garden! This is our final reunion show and we couldn’t be happier to end such an amazing era this way. As a special surprise for this show specifically we had performed some unreleased songs from all the Fifth Harmony albums as a token of our appreciation to our Harmonizers and as a final encore and one very last performance….
“Ladies and gentleman, please help me in introducing for the last time; Normani, Ally, Lauren, Camila, and Dinah Jane. Fifth Harmony”
The crowd goes wild as we appear from the bottom of the stage in single spotlights for each of us and in the backdrop is pictures and clips from when we were formed on X Factor to now. 
Why do we say goodbye
When there’s no good in it at all?
My eyes just won’t keep dry
Every tear is a waterfall
I’m holding on
To all the memories I can recall
Now I cherish every moment
Big or small
Now that you’re gone
I hold on
To all the laughs we shared
And I’ll never forget your smile
We’ve said hello a million times
The hardest thing to do is say goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
We’ve said hello a million times
The hardest thing to do is say goodbye
It’s so hard to say goodbye
Not a day comes
That I don’t wish you were near
But where ever you are
I’m still holding you right here, here in my heart
I hope and pray
That I’ll see you once again
‘Til then I’ll be looking forward to that day
We’ve said hello a million times
Hardest thing to do is say goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
We’ve said hello a million times
The hardest thing to do is say goodbye
It’s so hard to say goodbye
It’s to say goodbye
It’s so hard, 
 to say goodbye,
“Thank you so much MSG! Thank you so much Harmonizers! We Love You” Dinah says
“Love you!” Ally says 
“We love you so much!” Camila says
“Happy holidays! We love you all! Normani says
"2027 is going to be amazing for all of us and we wish nothing but the best for every single one of you! God bless, thank you, and goodnight!” Lauren says
Camila’s POV
The atmosphere in the arena is nothing but love! As we all made our way back to our spots on the stage before we slowly start descending back down to head backstage, I take a moment and just look out to the crowd, the girls, I take a mental picture. This will go down as one of the best moments in my life. I will never forget this.
We are all finally backstage and we immediately all jump into a group hug. Its incredible that we’ve all maintained such a strong connection since we parted ways a couple years ago. I left the group in 2016, the rest of the girls stayed as a group for another 4 years after that; officially disbanding in 2020. All the while in those four years we’ve all excelled individually and them as a group. Ally not only continued in the group with Fifth Harmony she also branched out into acting taking on a couple supporting roles in some popular tv shows. Dinah became an activist traveling the world using her platform for good and helping those less fortunate as well as becoming an executive producer for epic records. Normani teamed up with Sean Bankhead Fifth Harmony’s choreographer and they started a dance company together. Lauren also jumped into the acting scene; taking on the role of 'Amy Winehouse’ in a documentary of her life which she received an Oscar and SAG award for Best Documentary, Best Actress, and Best song in a film. She along side Fifth Harmony also won a Grammy for Best Pop Vocal Album of 2018, among various other awards; I couldn’t have been more happy for the girls and all that they’ve accomplished. I have also done pretty well for myself I’ve gone on to become a singer-songwriter working with various artists and also releasing my first solo album in 2017; I was overjoyed when the other girls supported me and my personal endeavors going as far as to coming to my shows whenever they could! We’ve all moved on in life with all the craziness thrown at us we’ve still stayed very close and very humble. We are still the same girls who walked onto that audition stage fifteen years ago. 
“You guys were amazing!” Will says as he joins in on the group hug
“The energy was crazy out there!” Mani adds as we all agree and everyone starts talking over each other like we use to always do!
We all start making our way to the dressing room to change out of our stage clothes, for the very last time. Since this is the final Fifth Harmony show ever  it’s kind of a big deal, we had a press conference set up for after the show to officially say goodbye.
~Press Conference : Backstage~
Interviewer: “First and foremost I want to say Thank You and Congratulations on such a milestone in your careers.”
Dinah: “Thank you so much, all of you. From the bottom of our hearts we truly can’t thank you all enough because none and I mean absolutely none of this would be possible without our fans.”
Ally: “Absolutely, ya’ll have stuck by us through thick and thin and this was just a little something we came up with to truly just thank ya’ll for the dedication and love you’ve shown us and continue to show us. So thank you!”
Interviewer: “You guys had officially broken up 7 years ago but have all still remained relevant in the music industry; why now for a Fifth Harmony reunion tour? and will there be more?”
Lauren: “A full tour, probably not” - she giggles as well as the rest of us - “ we aren’t 19 anymore, but a special appearance here and there? Why not! like you’ve mentioned we’ve all stayed in the music industry and we are all still very close. All our families are close so you will very much still see us together outside of award shows and public appearances.”
Me: “ As for the question as to why now. We had talked about making a reunion tour for awhile, it was  a matter of scheduling and then also a couple little voices just wouldn’t stop nagging us about it” - I say looking over to the girls and also to the side of the stage where four little ones are watching us with giddy smiles on their faces -
The four little ones are none other than; 
Adrianne and Brooke - Ally’s 5 and 4 year old
Jayden - Normani’s 3 year old
Ava - Lauren’s 3 year old
Me: “The kids always hear us talking about the old days and sure they’ve seen the videos but nothing compares to actually seeing it; their words not mine!” - we all laugh -
Normani:“Not only was it their first concert but it was just amazing having them in the crowd and singing along to most of the songs!”
Interviewer: “Could we get a shot with the kids for the last couple questions?”
Will glances over to the three moms who all nod, then he helps the little ones onto the stage.
A round of claps and cheers erupt in the room making the kids beyond happy!
Ava: “Wow mommy this is cool!”
Lauren: “yeah babe, say hi to everyone!”
Ava:“Hi Everyone!” - she waves her small hand to the crowd causing them all to “aww”
Adrianne & Brooke: “Hello” “Hola!”
Interviewer:“So Jayden, tell us what it’s like having a superstar mommy?”
Jayden:“It’s cool! Mommy is always on tv, daddy likes all her outfits and he says her moves be on point" 
Interviewer: - the crowd chuckles "Her moves are definitely on point”
Normani giggles and tries to hide behind Jayden’s soft curls
Interviewer:“Adrianne, Brooke; whats your favorite Fifth Harmony song?”
Adrianne:“ I like ummm - she mumbles the lyrics to herself to try and remember the title - mama , the one where you go "do do do dum" 
Ally:"Like Mariah”
Adrianne:“Yeahhhh that one!”
Brooke:“ohh me too!” - both Adrianne and Brooke giggle with each other as they start singing the song together -
Interviewer:“What about you Ava?”
Ava:“mhmm my favorite is Write on me”
Interviewer: “Well thank you guys! You’ve all not only been incredibly adorable you’re also all very well mannered and a pleasure to interview!”
All four kids are giddy and Ava is adorable when she blushes and tries to hide ducking into Lauren’s neck.
Will steps up and thanks the room as we all make our exit off the stage after our final “Thank you’s”.
Dinah and I are the only ones in the group who don’t have kids; though I love being an aunty I will admit that if I had the right person I’d definitely have kids right now. Dinah has been with her husband for almost two years now but since she comes from a big family she’s definitely taking the  time to enjoy her marriage before they bring a child into the world. Ally was the first to get pregnant, she was also the first to get married then shortly after she found out she was a few weeks along and she was beyond excited; a year later Brooke came along, Ally and Brian are amazing parents and they are over the moon in love with their girls. Normani and Chris had a beautiful summer wedding in the Hamptons  surrounded by close family and friends; 2 years later they had Jayden who has opened up a completely different world for them. They love that boy with everything they’ve got and they would do anything in the world for him. Also I’m very happy to say that Jayden will make an incredible big brother to a baby girl coming into their lives very soon! Lauren…..Lauren married Lucy; they had a gorgeous spring wedding in Miami. Lauren loves kids and from the beginning I knew she would make a great mother which is why I wasn’t surprised when after about a year and a half of marriage they had decided to inseminate and Lauren chose to carry their first child. Ava Marie Jauregui-Vives. Ava is the spitting image of both her mothers, gorgeous emerald eyes, beautiful long brown locks and tan sun kissed skin. She has a raspy voice like Lauren and at times you forget you are talking to a 3 year old when she speaks like a philosopher like Lucy. I was present for both Lauren’s marriage to Lucy as well as the birth of Ava. As a friend, who wants nothing but the best for her. We’ve come a long way, would I be lying if I said that I’m happy she has the life she has. No I’m beyond happy for her and for everything she has and has accomplished but I sometimes wish she would have picked me. How different would our lives be? Anyway, I try to not let myself think too much about that because she’s happy. She’s happy with her wife and daughter and we are best friends again who want nothing but the best for each other and as long as she’s still in my life I’m happy too.
“Auntie Mila!!! Are you coming to the barbecue at my house?” Ava asks smiling up at me while wrapping herself around my legs “Auntie Dinah said she’s going, will you come too pleaseeee”
“Yeah Camila you should come, everyone is going plus Keana has been asking about you.” Lucy says approaching us and leaning down to unwrap Ava from my legs.
“Really?” - I ask 
She nods
“Well, I’ve kinda been seeing someone. I will go if it’s cool with Ava that I bring a friend. Can I?” - I kneel down to her level -
“Totally cool!” - Ava slightly yells -
“Whats totally cool babe?” Lauren asks wrapping her arms around both her girls
It’s times like these where they make the picture perfect family, and I wish so much that I was in Lucy’s place. - Stop Camila, I curse myself- I slightly shake my head and chuckle 
“Just that if it’s cool with Ava that I bring a friend to the barbecue.” I answer
“oh? Well, yeah definitely. We’ll see you and your friend later.” Lauren says while wiggling her eyebrows and giggles as she walks away saying bye to everyone. The Jauregui-Vives clan makes their exit from the arena. 
What was that about? I ask myself…Was it just me or was Lauren a bit surprised of my 'friend’?
Lucy’s POV
As we make our way to the car waiting outside we hear a group of fans still outside waiting on the last glimpse of the girls. 
“Lauren!!!Lucy!!!! please can we get a picture with you guys?!?!”
Lauren is holding Ava and with her free arm she wraps it around my waist
“We’ve gotta go guys but a quick group picture yeah?”
“Yes’s” all around so we quickly all huddle for the group picture on each side of the rails put up by security. Ava loves the attention she gets from all the fans.
We’re finally inside the car, I strap Ava in her car seat and she instantly knocks out. It’s been a long day today and I feel Lauren’s feeling the same when she leans over and lays her head on my lap.
“You were amazing tonight babe” I say as I run my fingers through her hair lovingly
“mhmm, thanks amor. Glad you guys could be there to see it" 
"Of course, theres nowhere else we’d rather b-” I’m suddenly cut off by Lauren’s phone going off indicating she got a text
“Sorry babe it’s just Camz” - she says as she sends a text back
….she’s smiling as she’s texting back. I shouldn’t feel even the least bit jealous but I am. They have history, history that’s been squashed on both ends I know she picked me. Lauren picked me but I can’t help but think if she would have rather have wanted to pick her?
“Whats she saying?” - I try to sound nonchalant 
“Just if it’s really ok she brings a friend”
“And….is it really ok?” I slowly ask
her eyebrows fur up in confusing “Of course it is. Why wouldn’t it be ok?" 
"I’m just asking cause…. you know..”
“Luc” - she leans up and is siting facing me now - “that’s in the past. You know that.”
“I know….I just-”
We’ve been doing this a lot lately. Getting into stupid little fights. Never in front of Ava but still we can’t seem to ever not be annoyed with each other lately. It sucks, I love Lauren with everything in me but I sometimes can’t help but feel she settled with me. I drop it because I don’t want to keep bringing up the past.
“Forget it, I’m just overreacting. Im sorry.”
“Babe, you know I love you right.” - She interlocks our fingers  while placing a kiss on the back of my hand - “I know we’ve been arguing a lot lately and I know Camz- Camila has been coming around a lot lately with the tour and appearances and interviews and stuff but I am with you. You’re mine. I liked it so I put a ring on it! ”- she giggles while placing a kiss on my lips - 
“I love you too Lauren” - I giggle into the kiss
“I know this isn’t easy for you, but Thank you. Thank you for being you." 
She leans back down to lay with me as we fall asleep snuggled up together on our way home. I know she tries to validate "US” to me constantly but theres this little part of me that will always think that something is up with them….I’m choosing to trust Lauren. She picked me. She loves me.
~Barbecue the next day~
Laurens POV
“Laur, get in the waters it’s amazing” Lucy says stretching her arms out for me
I look over to the side where the kiddie pool is, Ava is splashing with Adrianne and Brooke while Normani and Chris are with them and Jayden playing outside with his toy trucks.
At the grill my dad is with Alejandro, Brian, and Jerry while my mom, Sinu, Andrea,Patty and Malika are going back and forth between the kitchen and backyard bringing out food and snacks for everyone to enjoy.
“Laur!” Lucy says again
I giggle at how adorable she is while I make my way to her and slowly dip into the water. It’s always freezing when you first get into the water but as soon as I’m halfway in Lucy instantly wraps herself around me and I lead her to the edge of the pool with an arm on either side of her as I lean in and capture her lips between mine.
“mhmm, babe remember we are surrounded by grandparents and children” Lucy says in between kisses
“andddd? You’re the one I’m kissing. I don’t care about anyone else” I continue my assault now leading my lips from hers down to her neck-
I suddenly hear someone clear their throat….
“Laucy, you guys do realize you are surrounded by grandparents and children right?!" 
Of course, sarcasm like that could only belong to non other than Dinah Jane herself.
"Dinah!!! way to be a mood killer” I say
“Told you” Lucy says while splashing a bit of water and pushing me away
“Hey Dinah, cute outfit” Lucy says as she makes her way out of the pool
“Thanks chica, and Damnnnn girl dat bod doe!” She compliments my wife’s amazing body and I can’t help but admire it myself…
Damn…that modeling career is really doing wonders for her body! - I think to myself as I shamelessly admire her from head to toe.
Just as I’m making my way out of the pool I see Camila make her way towards us, she’s not alone though. She makes her way over to us while greeting everyone else along the way and also introducing her friend to everyone. That friend being Haliee Steinfeld.
“Hey guys, we brought some ice cream and popsicle sticks and wine obviously” - Camila says to the group in general
“Thanks, thats awesome. Hi I’m Lucy by the way” - Lucy says holding her hand out to Haliee
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry this is Haliee Lucy Lucy Haliee. Lauren, you guys already met right?” - Camila says
I kinda stand in shock because, one; I didn’t even know Haliee was fucking gay? and two; why does the fact that they are here together rub me the wrong way?
“Um….Lo?” - Camila says
I’m still just watching her, I haven’t even shook her hand yet. I’m just staring at them. She’s pretty, they make a nice couple. I suddenly feel sad at the thought of them being a couple. Why do I feel sad they they could potentially be a couple? Do I still have feelings for Camila? After all this time? 
“Lauren?” - Lucy says and moves around to my side slightly tapping my arm 
“Huh? Yeah, hi um…yes we have met before.” - I ramble for a bit on meeting her, here and there at award shows. - “So…when did this happen?” - I motion between the two of them
Haliee answers and I can’t help but feel annoyed at the tone of her voice… I don’t even really listen to what she says cause I honestly don’t really care. I just watch the way she looks at Camila…Why is she looking at her like that? How long has this been going on for? Why didn’t Camila tell me? I thought we were back to how we use to be, where she had no issue telling me these sort of things….Well I guess I don’t blame her, with our history I’m sure she doesn’t want to hear about Lucy and I. So, I get it but at the same time I don’t.
“Laur, can you help me change Ava. She’s getting pruny.” - Lucy says to me, taking me out of my inner monologue.
“Yeah, sure.” - I head towards Ava who meets me halfway. “C'mon babe let’s get you in something dry and comfy huh?!”
“Yeah!!……. Wait I want to say hi to Camz first” - She wiggles out of my arms and runs to Camila who gladly bends down and scoops her up in open arms.
“Camz?” - Haliee asks in a confused/endearing way
“Yeah 'Camz’ thats what mama calls her and I really like that better than 'Mila’ so I say 'Camz’ too!” Ava answers with a toothy smile
I smile upon hearing the nickname leaving my daughters mouth, but my smile falters when I notice Haliee looking at Camila questioningly and it falters even more when I turn to Lucy and she has a sad look on her face.
“Ava, can you say hi to my friend Haliee?!” - Camila asks my daughter who then all of a sudden becomes really shy and ducks her head into Camila’s neck.
At this point I just step in while Haliee is trying to get my daughter to properly greet her or at least say her name which she fails at miserably.
“She’s just tired, she’s been in the pool for hours. You won’t get her to stop talking by the end of the day” - I say as Camila transfers Ava into my arms and we gently grace each others arms…I feel something…she does too, I can tell. No Lauren why are you even thinking these things right now? Nope, get your daughter inside and join your wife.
Lucy’s POV
“Ok amor, you’re all set!" 
"Gracias, mami! Can I have a snack please?! ” Ava asks
“Of course amor, go and ask grandma for something ok.”
Ava runs off into the kitchen while I stay in Ava’s bedroom putting her wet bathing suit up to dry and tidy up a bit. 
“Babe? …..Luc-” Lauren walks into Ava’s room
“Oh, there you are. You ok?”
“Are you?”
“Yeah….why do you ask?”
“Cause you seemed pretty out of it when Camila walked in with Haliee…..and then again when Ava was being held by her…” - I sigh deeply while trying to sooth the headache I know will suddenly appear by the time I leave this room - “Should I be worried about you two?”
“What? No, don’t be ridiculous Lucy. You do this every time, honestly nothing is going on between us.” She answered back progressively getting louder with every word that left her mouth
“You coulda fooled me.” I mumble under my breath
“Camila, I know that we just started…us…but …are you sure things between you and Lauren are over?”
“What do you mean? Of course they are, she’s married. Happily married.” I say trying to control my breathing because I know deep down I wish so much things weren’t over between us.
“It just….I don’t know it..seems..forget it. You’re right, I trust you” - She smiles at me and I smile back
At least one of us trusts me, I think to myself.
~Back to Laucy~
“Listen I really don’t want to do this in our daughters room and plus everyone is still downstairs” I try to convince her to just drop it
“No, you always want to question me and my loyalty but you never want to actually finish a conversation. So no, we’re gonna finish this-” I'm cut off
“Lauren, I said NO”
I scoff “How do you expect us to ever resolve this if we never-” again I’m cut off
“I never thought we would have to 'resolve’ this Lauren! …..That was suppose to be over YEARS ago…but we always come back to it because no matter how many times you say you love me, a part of me feels like you’re never going to ever be fully mine.”
I chuckle angrily at myself because I left myself get worked up again as tears fall from my glossy eyes. I see her trying to approach me, her facial features had softened and it looked like she was going to console me but then we would just continue in the same cycle we always get into. We fight, one or both of us cries, the other consoles the crier, and then we sweep it under the rug.
“Don’t, I’m gonna call it a night. Thank everyone for coming out” I say as I make my way past her and to our bedroom down the hall
“Oh and sleep either in the guest room or here…I don’t care…I don’t want to know..just give me some space.”
Lauren’s POV
Everyone had already left about an hour ago, I put Ava to bed and I checked on Lucy who was also asleep. It looks like she cried herself to sleep. I’m really nailing this whole “being a good wife” thing. I curse myself as I’m cleaning and putting away the last bit of left overs in the fridge when I hear a knock at the door.
“Ok, tell me if it’s just me or if there is still something going on between us. I saw it during the tour, and then with subtle hints here and there….I’m rambling aren’t I?”
Camila comes in through the door and…..and I honestly don’t feel anything but relief. I had been thinking about her non stop since the tour ended and I have no idea what overtook my body that brought about my following actions…I don’t know if it was the fact that we’ve seen and been around each other for weeks with preparation for the tour and then the actual tour itself and in just two days without her I’ve missed her immensely . Or if it was the fact that she so easily can connect with my daughter..in the motherly sense. Or if it’s cause I saw her with someone else today. Whatever the reason was I had the urge to do this…so I did.
I grabbed her face with both hands and brought her impossibly close to me as our lips connected. There was this surge of energy that I haven’t felt in awhile and it was electrifying. I loved every second of it and I didn’t want it to end. Until it did, only then did I realize that what I had just done .
A/N: Soooooo there will be multiple parts to this…so stay tuned.
This the first pt epilogue of January 18 2017. I felt the title didn’t fit where the story was going anymore…and again as I’m trying to finish idk where i’m going with this :/
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happymetalgeek · 4 years
Tonight was road trip time from Belfast to Dublin, because tonight was a special night in the 3 arena. Tonight was when the one and only mighty TENACIOUS D, Jack and Kyle, were landed to launch their European Post-Apocalypto Tour.
It was an uneventful drive down and going via the toll roads its basically a very easy drive straight down to the 3 Arena. Even with the bitingly cold wind whipping round the queue was already well formed well ahead of opening time. Once we were in it was plain to see that tonight was a special night for Tenacious D fans from across the island as the floor and seated areas were filling up quickly. The buzz in the 3 Arena was very loud indeed.
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Then the lights went down and the rumbling sounds of thunder and lightning booms from the stage. A quick stunned silence spread throughout the arena before a roar went up as two guys walked onto stage and picked up their acoustic guitars. Its important to point out this was not Jack and Kyle, it is in fact WYNCHESTER. The support act and touring with Tenacious D. Fronted by Kyle Gass Band vocalist Mike Bray and Tenacious D electric guitarist John Konesky. The band released their self-titled debut album – Wynchester in 2018.
With a “Hello Dublin” they launch into their title track from their EP “Spreading The Gospel Of Good Times”. Immediately they stamp how incredible they are with their brand of powerful booming country rock. The audience is stunned at what they are witnessing but soon rallied as they got into the catchy rhythm pouring of the stage. Once they finished to a rapturous applause the interaction was just as good with a “What’s going on Dublin?” and the joking begins. It’s a perfect start, not only was the opening song a sledgehammer of pure excellence in masterful vocals, lyrics and acoustic guitar but the guys are chilled, down to earth and ready to chat and have a bit of fun. The two tag team chatting back and forth with each other “Everyone ready for the D? we love those guys as they taught us a lot. Taught us about Satan, about Sasquatch, Keilbasa Sausage and Ronnie James Dio!” to the last a roar of approval filled the air. And with that they performed a fantastic countrified rock version of “Rainbows In The Dark” before then heading into their own “Two Man Job”
Introducing the next song as a new one “South of the Border” was just perfectly rocking out until there seemed to be a problem with the mic cable. One of the roadies ran out to fix it during this impromptu intermission to which the crowd in true Irish response sang out their lungs with “Olay, Olay, Olay, Olay”. Once it was fixed and as they started back up, they praised the audience for the magic powers of their chanting.
On they went with the drinking song “Ridge Runner” which seemed to be in tribute of the perfect Guinness before dropping a wonderful cover of “Easy Like A Sunday Morning”. They finished off with “High Desert Rambler”
And so the intermission for the set change. Down went the lights and on came an animated show on a screen in front. And Lo! From the stage came the entrance theme of Post-Apocalypto to herald the saviours of rock!
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
To a massive deafening roar, the dynamic Duo of Jack and Kyle strode into the light and started playing their absolute hearts out kicking off with “Hope”. It was a little jarring to begin with as between the band and the audience was the screen. But it was quickly forgotten as everyone there began to slip into a trance of a fully immersive show as the Tenacious D performed their new album with added D as the slideshow and story telling from Jack and Kyle taking the jam packed arena on an epic journey of post-apocalyptic psychedelic proportions.
Interspersed between “Making Love”, “Take Us Into Space” and “Fuck Yo-Yo Ma” the animation pulled the story onwards into the type of madness only Jack and Kyle can create. On went the musical odyssey with “Daddy Ding Dong”, “Robot” and “Colors” until the end began to speed up with “JB JR Rap”, “Woman Time” and “Save The World”. Everyone was entranced as the story played out in front of them roaring with applause and pure joy all topped off with hilarious rude, crude and lewd jokes involving penises, vaginas, bums, a terminator that kills, sucks dick and fully kitted out to pleasure man or woman. The sheer lunacy of the plot line, the animation, the intermixing of Tenacious D performing live and the energy was a perfect storm of a piece of performance art of epic proportions.
And so the first half (yes! First half) of the gig came to close with the “Post-Apocalypto reprise”
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
Photos by Darren McVeigh MetalPlanetMusic.com
The screen disappears and in an almost jump scare moment Jack and Kyle strode unexpectedly to the fore of the stage as Jack calls out “Thank you Dublin. We missed you. You’re looking good and even better than we remember”. The crowd were going apoplectic with joy. “That was our album Post-Apocalyto. Now its time for our greatest hits!” The roar of approval was deafening.
Then they launched into “Rize of the Fenix” and “Low Hangin’ Fruit”. The absolutely packed almost fanatical D fans went insane jumping, rocking and singing along. Up came the infamous “Sax-a-Boom” as the trance beats dropped like a hammer dropped from a 30 floor high building as Jack kept stopping in disappointment. “no, no. This isn’t dancing.” Each time they started up again and then stop to cajole more dancing from the audience until both the floor and the balconies ‘be trippin’ out’. The security staff were freaking out with all the balcony dancers letting go. It was a beautiful childish moment taunting the poor guys just trying to do their job.
It settled (if you can call it that) back down a bit with “Roadie” before the ineviable moment when Jack and Kyle argue on stage in a moment of wonderful theatrics as Kyle loudly declares “I quit” and walks off stage to roars of “awwwww” from the arena. Jack follows only to be heard saying “He’s gone? What? Cancel the show? NO!! I need the money……for cocaine. What? This mic still on??” before he rushed back out and without a word the audience knew what was coming next with “Dude (I Totally Miss You)” and then “Friendship”.
The crowd were on a complete joyous high as “Kickapoo”, “Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown)” and “The Metal” were played with utter perfection. While Jack’s incredible vocals were pitch perfectly loud, so too the crowd fought back singing each and every word back.
“Dio” landed with just as much force before “Wonderboy” took everyone to a new level of experience. The sheer joy in people’s hearts showed clearly how much Tenacious D are beloved, how rapturous it felt to have Jack and Kyle physically grace the 3 Arena and how superb a performance was happening there in that moment.
Could it go any higher?? Well, yes. Yes, it could as the universally lauded song “Tribute” became a fully participation moment. The floor went mad with a mass of bodies heaving in time, lungs being pushed to hard and vocal chords pushed to their very limits as everyone was determined to become one with Tenacious D in that moment of ecstasy.
They finished their set with “Double Team” before thanking everyone. The applause was thunderous, it shook through everyone there.
And yet there was one last burst of musicality that night as Jack, Kyle and the band came back on to perform a cover of Thin Lizzy’s “Jailbreak” before finishing with “Fuck Her Gently”.
The final applause of appreciation was capped with a full standing ovation from the balconies. And thus the tale was spun, the band and audience were spent and the lights came up.
The whole show is something unique to behold, as a Tenacious D show should be. Wynchester were more than impressive and would be well worth seeing as headliners themselves. They rocked everyone’s socks off with relaxed, skilled and professional guitar mastery. Flawless, even when the set had its own hiccups. Tenacious D were transcendent, resplendent and 100% awesome. The first half was a weird musical Monty Python journey that just landed every song perfectly, even with the five minutes screwup from the slideshow. It was an accident, but the way they turned the whole thing round with usual comedic aplomb it could be something to watch out for. The second half of greatest hits was like a dream state for anyone who has ever heard of Tenacious D. each song and tune rammed home with passion and genuine energy. It was impossible for anyone there not to be moved or stand still. No one was leaving without a massive grin on their face as if they had the greatest and chillest trip with the Sasquatch in the world.
It is a show that you could watch night after night without ever getting bored. You really, really, really need to see Tenacious D live. That is all.
Originally on Metal Planet Music
GIG REVIEW: @tenaciousd Bring The Post-Apocalypto Rock To Dublin Along With #WYNCHESTER @jackblack @GassLeak @Metalplanet72 @mcd_productions @ColumbiaRecords @MikeBrayMusic @JKonesky Tonight was road trip time from Belfast to Dublin, because tonight was a special night in the 3 arena.
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Chitra Ramamurthy | Elawoman
Chitra Ramamurthy
Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy is an infertility specialist and gynecologist in Bangalore and is a renowned name in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Infertility treatments. Her educational qualifications include a degree in MBBS acquired from Karnataka University in 1980 along with an MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology obtained from Bangalore University in 1983. 
She has gained a long experience as close to 4 decades by imparting services related to Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) which is also her area of specialization.
She is a trusted name in the field of infertility treatments and is presently associated with Apollo Hospital, Bingis Heart Care and Fertility Centre, and Sakra World Hospital in Bangalore. She is a senior consultant at Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore in Gynecology and Obstetrics Department. Contact details of Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy are available at elawoman.com
Services:-  IVF,IUI, Infertility Evaluation and Treatment
Location:- Bellandur, Jayanagar 2nd Block, JP Nagar 6th Phase, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore
Timing:-    MON - TUE, THU - SAT 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Rating :-  4.2 / 5
IVF Centres in Bangalore
Fertility stories are always filled with emotions, uncertainty, and controversies. Childless parents who would make great parents look for the best IVF centres in Bangalore that can help them conceive a healthy baby. Due to the rise in infertility cases in Bangalore, provisions for personalized treatment for Infertility management have improved in almost all IVF centres in Bangalore.
The patient care and counseling staff's high spirit and positive energy can be felt as soon as you first walk inside any infertility treatment centres in Bangalore. They understand that for parents, the issue of infertility is a sensitive one so they treat every patient specifically according to the individual’s problems. Apart from offering successful treatment, In Vitro Fertilization hospitals in Bangalore also strive to make every patient physically and emotionally comfortable throughout the entire process.
The IVF centres in Bangalore are highly maintained to provide enough space for parents along with convenient parking services and friendly approach. The warm, clean and inviting atmosphere of these centres with experienced doctors make the most sought after destination for infertile couples.
1. Mannat Fertility Clinic
Mannat Fertility Clinic is an IVF Clinic based in Marathahalli, Bangalore and was established in 2010. This clinic is armed with the cutting-edge equipment, contemporary labs and highly-skilled medical staff. Mannat Fertility Clinic panel consists of Gynaecologists, Obstetricians and Fertility Experts. This sanatorium appoints every clinical group of workers very discreetly and guarantees its patient safety and comfort. By gaining years of experience, they are offering unmatched healthcare treatment to their patients. 
This hospital provides a complete range of services like Freezing, Egg and Sperm Donation, Blastocyst Transfer, Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment and Surrogacy alternatives. Dr. Archana Agarwal visits Mannat Fertility Clinic.
Mannat Fertility Centre is an IVF health facility in Bangalore, India, which provides you a huge range of answers within the area of fertility services. Our solutions encompass IVF treatments, IUI treatment, Surrogacy alternatives, ICSI, Egg & sperm donation and Blastocyst Transfer. 
The IVF fee in Bangalore and in India are skyrocketing with each coming day, but our offerings are to be had at reasonable expenses in addition to on the hand of the pinnacle IVF doctors in Bangalore, India. This is sole cause why Mannat fertility centre is considered the fine IVF treatment in Bangalore, India.
Mannat takes utmost care of all its sufferers and make sure that your customised wishes are met in the excellent viable way. Mannat is evidently the nice IVF hospital in Bangalore, India because it has a amazing music record of handling all types of complicated fertility associated troubles.
We at Mannat take into account that infertility can create distress in the lives of parents who dream to have a satisfied and a lifestyles complete of pleasure.
Our team of exceptionally certified doctors make every effort to help you reclaim your dream. Our non-stop success in supplying the fertility offerings makes us the best IVF treatment hospital in India.
The doctors, hired at Mannat, are also nicely experienced as they have served as the leading positions in a number of the pinnacle IVF centres in Bangalore as well as India. Mannat has some of the maximum enhance facilities in the discipline of IVF technology, thereby, making it the maximum appropriate destination, in case you are attempting to find the nice IVF treatment in Bangalore or in India.
In the world of IVF generation Mannat has earned its name commonly because of its pinnacle in-house IVF docs from Bangalore and India.  
The offerings furnished with the aid of Mannat are global-class, which additionally offers an edge amongst other IVF clinics in Bangalore or India.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF
Location:- Marathahalli, Bangalore
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 9:30 am - 6:30 pm
Rating :-  4.7 / 5
2. Dr Ramas Test Tube Baby Center
Dr Ramas Test Tube Baby Center is a Fertility Centre in Indira Nagar, Bangalore. It has seven branches and continues a top role most of the fertility institutes in south India. It has increased its operations at some stage in the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana and has gained acceptance now not simply on its land of origin however in foreign international locations as properly.
It has a crew of extremely qualified medical doctors and in-house embryologists who've a amazing revel in and are extensively identified for their know-how in assisted reproductive technology (ART).
All the centres are sufficiently ready and capable of rendering services related to IVF-ET, ICSI - ET, IUI-Donor, Sperm retrieval by means of MESA, PESA, TESA, Blastocyst tradition, Laser assisted hatching, Cumulus cell coculture, Freezing- (embryo, sperm, oocyte), Sperm banking, Donation- (sperm , egg, embryo), Surrogacy (Surrogate Mothers), PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis), Amniocentesis (Prenatal genetic analysis), Reproductive Surgery for chocolate cyst, hydrosalpinx, endometriosis, Fibroids, Varicocelectomy, Keyhole surgery, Non-surgical ectopic Pregnancy control, and Fetal reduction. 
Free online session is likewise something to search for each Male as well as Female Infertility Treatment, IVF Treatment, and Surrogacy (Surrogate Mothers).
Apart from India, Dr. Ramas Test Tube Baby Centre has been treating sufferers correctly from every corner of the arena like US, France, Spain, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Australia and lots of other nations. Dr. Sandhya Mishra practices here.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Location:- Indira Nagar, Bangalore
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Rating :-  4.4 / 5
3. Morpheus Ayaansh Fertility Center
Morpheus Ayaansh Fertility Center  is a Fertility Clinic placed in Indiranagar, Bangalore which started out its operation inside the 12 months 2010. Morpheus is the biggest fertility chain in India with diverse centres throughout the u . S . A .. This centre is backed by way of relatively-qualified gynaecologists with a rich experience within the field of Fertility Management. 
Their fertility centre is armed with the state-of-the-art system and uses a number of the brand new techniques such as IMSI, Laser Assisted Hatching and Zona Birefringence.
They comply with the same old practices of their Embryology Laboratory to make certain the exceptional viable results. They also have a quality machine to safeguard the sperms and eggs within the most choicest area.
This health center provides their affected person with counselling and prepares them for the adventure until delivery. This fertility centre is visited through Dr Haritha Rao, Dr. Mangla Kawade, Dr. Srinivas B.V and Dr. Swarnalatha S.
Dr Haritha Rao is an acclaimed Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist with over thirteen years of enjoy. Before becoming a member of Morpheus Life Sciences Pvt Ltd she became heading a centre of a pinnacle chain of IVF clinics within the capital city of Delhi.
With an notable academic file and schooling in coping with infertility from the pleasant of the centres in Mumbai her talent in handling and managing difficult cases of infertility has made her a favored doctor for such instances.
Her expertise and general determination towards affected person care has made her a medical doctor of preference. With an outstanding ability to offer care with emphasis on a holistic technique, treating the female affected person as a physical, emotional, and social being with first rate bedside manners has culminated in an admirable capability to set up rapport with the affected person.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Location:-  Indiranagar, Bangalore
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Rating :-  4.3 / 5
4. Smile Baby IVF Fertility Hospital
Smile Baby IVF Fertility Hospital is situated at Lingarajapuram, Bangalore. They were imparting the high-quality in magnificence treatment below inexpensive price and are professional in IVF i.E. The Test Tube Baby and Surrogacy treatments. The most effective cause of Smile Baby IVF Fertility Hospital is to carry a smile to the faces of the parents who have been waiting to hear the first cry of their infant.
Some of their other services encompass Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) both (AIH & AID), Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) and Pre and Post-Pregnancy Care, Frozen Embryo Transfer, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Frozen Embryo Replacement Cycle (FERC), Micro-Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA), IMSI (Advanced Sperm Selection Technique), Laser Assisted Hatching(LAH), Endometriosis, Fibroids, Menopause, and Polycystic Ovary Disease. All the infertility services are headed by a Fertility Specialist, Dr. Mangala Devi.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Location:- Lingarajapuram, Bangalore
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 6:00 am - 4:00 pm
Rating :-  4.2 / 5
5. Shanthi Nursing Home
Shanthi Nursing Home is an IVF and Gynecology Centre placed in Jayanagar, Bangalore. It become mounted in the 12 months 1984. It strives to specialize within the field of fertility. This nursing domestic ensures all of the safety standards and has set up itself as one of the main hospitals in Bangalore.
This hospital is a pioneer in offerings like Minor Surgery, Consultation, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, General Medical Consultation and Electrocardiogram. Shanthi Nursing Home is visited by using experts Dr. Surekha B Shetty, Dr. Narayanan Raghavan, Dr. Mala Prakash, Dr. Nirmala S Bhat, and Dr. Latha N. The timings of Shanthi Nursing Home are Mon to Sun: 7:00 AM-eleven:fifty nine PM.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF
Location:- Jayanagar, Bangalore
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Rating :-  4.2 / 5
For more information, Call Us :  +91 – 7899912611
Visit Website  : www.elawoman.com  
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Analysis: How Liverpool showed they can go all the way – Chris Waddle
Liverpool will not be scared of anyone left in the Champions League but the team I think they would prefer to avoid in the semi-finals is Real Madrid.
Realistically, after knocking out Manchester City 5-1 on aggregate, you would now put Jurgen Klopp’s side as second favourites behind Real to win the tournament – well, I would anyway.
Real have been there, done it and bought the T-shirt so they know what it takes to win the Champions League on a regular basis, and seeing Barcelona go out will give them an extra spring to think they can win it for a third straight year.
In a one-off game like the final in Kiev, I definitely think Liverpool can beat Real but, over two legs, it will be a lot harder and I hope they get someone else in the draw.
‘People are flapping but we’ve just had a bad week’ – fans react
Liverpool came through whirlwind to beat Man City – Klopp
‘Debacle and ridicule’ – is Barcelona’s shock exit the end of an empire?
Who do Liverpool want? Roma or Bayern
From what I have seen of the teams that Liverpool could get next after their impressive win over Manchester City, Roma or Bayern Munich would be a good draw for them.
None of the remaining teams will be in their face like City were, so Liverpool are going to have far more of a tactical battle whoever they get, but Roma in particular have a slow tempo which would suit the way they play.
Roma would play a very calculated game to try to catch the Reds on the break and the Stadio Olimpico is an intimidating arena, but I still think Liverpool’s energy would be too much for the Italian side.
By beating Barca, Roma have been the surprise package but, let’s be honest, they are not a great team, just a good one that is in great form.
Bayern have to get past Sevilla on Wednesday in order to reach the semi-finals, and I would not say that it is a done deal.
Sevilla lost at home in the first leg of their quarter-final but they created numerous chances and it was quite ridiculous how many goals they could have scored, but didn’t.
In the end, Bayern punished them because they have still got quality players, but they are not the side they were two or three years ago.
Real also have to finish the job in their quarter-final with Juventus but, after winning 3-0 in Turin last week, I think we can safely say they will go through.
Why can Liverpool win it? ‘We saw a different side of them defensively’
I actually feel like any of those teams could go on and win it, because they are all in form and they will all be full of confidence – everyone is when they get to this stage, because they all think their name is on the trophy. I know I did when I was here with Marseille.
When you are talking about reasons why Liverpool can go all the way, then we all know about their attack and how dangerous it is.
But defensively they showed a different side to their team in both legs against City, compared to what you might expect.
Yes, in the final third on Tuesday, City were the poorest I have seen so far this season, but some of the credit for that has to go to Liverpool.
They were disciplined at the back and they got their defensive lines right under intense pressure in the first half.
Liverpool were high when they had to be and they were deep when they had to be too. They also packed the box and dealt with all the crosses that City put into their area.
It soon became clear that City had to cross the ball with pace to cause them any issues because if they hung the ball up in the air then Virgil van Dijk and Dejan Lovren would deal with them comfortably.
Lovren gets a lot of criticism but he was excellent throughout and I thought he was probably the better of Liverpool’s two centre-halves.
‘Improved defence not at the expense of exciting attack’
One of the things Liverpool have got going for them at the moment is that they have got a bit of resilience.
They also have a good shape about them, and that prolific front three of Roberto Firmino, Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah.
In goal, Loris Karius has really come on in the past month or so after being given a run in the team. He has been excellent, which is important because they have had problems in that position for a while.
And, while their defence is looking tighter at the moment too, it is not at the expense of their attacking play.
They still look like they are an exciting, attacking side and, if you give them chances, they will take them – as they showed across both legs against City.
Salah’s goal to make it 1-1 in the second leg was a great finish. I actually thought City dealt with him well but he still scored, while Firmino made his goal look easy.
Yes, you need a bit of luck to progress in cup competitions, and Liverpool got a slice when Leroy Sane’s goal was wrongly ruled out for offside at the end of the first half.
But that was not the reason they went through. The thing about Liverpool which is so impressive is that whatever game they are playing in, and whoever the opponents are, you can see them scoring.
‘Klopp’s tactics spot-on, and his man-management too’
The other big positive for Liverpool is Klopp himself. He has come in for a bit of stick in the past but he showed what a good manager he is by getting his side through this tie.
He got his tactics right and I like him because he plays the game the right way, but his man-management is also a big part of his approach.
Klopp definitely gets the best out of his players – you cannot say any Liverpool players shirk responsibility because they all stand up and give everything they have got for him.
He has a great relationship with the fans too, despite having a couple of sticky periods when Liverpool were losing games.
All teams go through those times, though – just look at City now – and Klopp has got it right at the moment.
True, he could get knocked out in the semi-finals of the Champions League and finish fourth in the Premier League and everyone will probably say he is rubbish, but I think you would still have to recognise the progress that Liverpool have made under him this year.
‘Liverpool do not have the squad to challenge for the title’
Klopp does need to win a trophy at Liverpool soon, however. Like Mauricio Pochettino at Tottenham, people will forever ask questions about him until he does.
Liverpool have shown how good they are by beating City three times this season but Klopp does not have the depth in his squad to see them challenge for the title at the moment.
He needs to add four quality players to change that and close the gap, because you get found out over the course of the season if your squad is not strong enough.
It is different in knock-out competitions and, let’s be honest, Liverpool are a cup side at the moment – when they are at their best they can beat anyone in a one-off situation.
That is why so many people think they can win the Champions League, and I am sure Klopp does too.
Chris Waddle was speaking to BBC Sport’s Chris Bevan.
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BBC Sport – Football
Analysis: How Liverpool showed they can go all the way – Chris Waddle was originally published on 365 Football
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blingstation01-blog · 7 years
Fashion is Incomplete without Jewellery
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For thousands of years, humans have been customizing their clothes with jewellery. Regardless of the material it has been made from, every jewel they wear somehow adapts to their costumes to produce a different look altogether. But what exactly is jewellery and what has kept its use in continuity throughout the multiple ages of mankind? Like it is very commonly said, each of the humans is different, meaning to say that each of them has a unique pattern of thinking, a different taste in selecting the type of clothing to wear, distinctive cultural beliefs and practices, etc. And despite these differences, he or she is special. But even then, one thing can be said with certainty that every being wishes to appear good. It would also not be wrong to say that so many humans have come and gone but they all had some level of fondness for jewellery. One of the things worth noting would be that though we all differ in the quality and quantity of the ornaments that we put on ourselves but we have a desire to build enchanting jewellery collections. Some people may not be wearing jewellery every other day but they do have an amazing assemblage. Let us ponder more to know what we attach with these jewels that they become so special and meaningful for us?
In the simplest of words jewellery can be understood as a collective term to signify commodities, such as, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, earrings, etc., which are used for decorating the body, therefore, making the appearance of the wearer more appealing and attractive. This is what most of today us understand it as, however, the meaning of jewellery was not exactly the same some centuries ago. In the initial stages of the emergence of jewellery, while some men and women did consider this brilliant discovery as a means of approaching more closely towards beauty, to others ornaments remained special objects with some kind of mystical powers that could invite good fortune or protect against demonic energies. During the ancient period, in particular, women have fancied flowers for decorating themselves on various occasions. They would place them over their ears or weave them with their braids to associate more closely with beauty in its natural form. Sometimes they would tie them into a string to create a neck-piece. Likewise, they would wear them on their hands. However, most of the flowers live for one day or less. This may have lead to the idea of creating something perennial which would last for apparently a longer time.
Interestingly, man found the source for the same in nature. Wooden beads, colored stones, shells, metals, especially of the precious kind, bones, etc., were woven in enthralling patterns to create extraordinary jewels for customizing with clothes. But then again the question arises that why all the generations of humans had and still have the desire for jewellery. The simple answer is that the look of any costume is incomplete without jewellery. A manner of wearing clothes and accessories or ‘fashion’, as we would call it today, has become a practice which we all, consciously or unconsciously, follow. It is formed by the most prevailing styles as well as the latest trends. Fashion has taught us to exhibit the courage to wear something different because usual can be monotonous and boring. The utmost characteristic of fashion is that it keeps changing every now and then. And the larger segment of credit would go to the iconic personalities and celebrities who not only create but also bring to the audience a fresh style of clothes and fashion accessories.
Jewellery with hefty structures and traditional designs was the most popular among both men and women during the ancient times and so were long chains formed with multiple pearls and precious metals. Collar necklaces or close-fitting pieces for neck were worn most by women. While the same necklaces are prevalent even today, additions like dangling chains or drops have been made to them to make them look more contemporary and modern. The jhumka earrings are traditional Indian accessories which were admired hugely by Indian women. These still enjoy the same affection today but their popularity has become widespread in regions beyond India too. In the recent years they have come to be more elaborately detailed with not just precious, semi-precious but artificial stones as well. Also, they are no longer paired with traditional and cultural costumes only but with western wear like denims and short kurtis too, because now the concern is with looking more charming. Hence, the ways of wearing jewels have undergone change and have further strengthened the importance of jewellery.
Fashion is not merely about looking glamorous all the time. It is also about making your appeal more impressive and influential depending upon your profession as well as attributes. Queens always wore jewellery even when there was no festive or special occasion. In jewellery they found a way of celebrating their dignity and rank in the state. It would be worth pondering that had they chosen to remain simple, they would have been counted amongst the common people. Also, with jewellery adding to their sovereign appeal, they had been able to exercise their supreme powers and function their duties with greater feel and strength, like crowns enable them to signify their authority more strongly. Similarly, brides cannot be said to be complete without traditional sort of ornaments, especially the ones with floral patterns. Most of us would agree with the idea that the most special thing to women about marriages is bridal jewellery. They have always dreamt of what their dresses would be like and the right type of jewellery which would enhance these dresses. We can also understand this through a modern example. The function of an employer or businessman is to work at the executive level and plan the betterment of his or her organization. The manner of clothing and accessorizing would either intensify or diminish the appeal of such a person. People engaged in the professional arena and that too at important positions choose to wear jewellery which seems elegant and sophisticated. Men in the corporate world look more assertive when they wear gold chains with slender structures and chained bracelets. Classy stud earrings, silver pendants and elegant rings would carry working women seamlessly for longer durations.
Another notable attribute of jewellery is that it keeps reviving as well, meaning to say that the older forms emerge again with some form of transition made. Beaded jewellery would be the best example to understand this. Necklaces and bracelets formulated with beads spoke largely about cultures and traditions. Beadwork has been immensely crucial to Africa. To Africans, beads represent spirituality. They would wear beaded ornaments with specific patterns depending on the occasion. But has the practice remained restricted to Africa? Or has it been adopted by inhabitants of the regions beyond it? While people can be seen spotted wearing beaded jewellery around the globe, they may or may not be wearing it with the same cultural perspective but to add a little glimmer to their attires. It brings out the cheerful side of the wearer when customized with casuals. Multicolor beaded bracelets when worn in stacks produce an exotic look.
The mass production of jewellery with machines is itself a factor that indicates the demand as well as significance it has obtained in the contemporary days. Silver jewellery, gold jewellery, diamond jewellery and jewellery with precious gemstones have always been high in demand despite their rising prices because people feel special when they perfect their appearance with fine jewellery. For people who may not be able to afford fine jewellery, an excellent alternative is beaded jewellery, fashion jewellery as well as metal jewellery. However, this is not to say that these types are not preferred by those who can bear the expense of precious ornaments without burning holes in their pockets. Each type of jewellery comes with its own beauty, the only difference is of the type of material used in the formulation. The craze for fashion jewellery has increased immensely due to its innovative use of vibrant colors. It has given the people some of the most adorable inventions, such as, ornaments featured with pom poms and tassels. These may lack the sparkle of the metals but the produce a pleasing appearance which brings out the look of the costume of the wearer. These puffy and gentle embellishments brighten not only the garments but also add freshness to the mood of the person who is wearing these.
Amidst so many stores which specialize in selling various types of jewellery, it can be difficult to identify the ones which sell high quality jewellery at pocket-friendly prices.
is a top-notch online jewellery stores which has established itself to provide the customers with the most contemporary and exquisite designs of necklaces, pendants, bracelets, bangles, cuffs, anklets, rings, earrings and other fashion accessories at budgetary prices. One can buy unique pieces from its extensive range of fashion jewellery, silver jewellery, beaded jewellery, metal jewellery. It uses materials of best quality to create designer pieces of jewellery.
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nexusradiodance · 7 years
Electric Zoo: From Amazing Acts to Flocks of Crowds
Day 1
Electric Zoo Transformed Music Festival began on Friday, September 4th on a balmy summer day. People from all walks of life and all different countries came together to celebrate electronic dance music in its most creative form yet and share the experience of a lifetime. With a great festival comes great talent. Day One brought both rising and established acts to the stages set up around the massive field. Here are the performers who killed it right out of the gates.
One of the surprisingly earlier acts of the day was Don Diablo.  The future house aficionado played out many of his originals including “Universe”, “Anytime”, and “On My Mind”. The Dutchman skillfully and seamlessly weaved from song to song, keeping the rhythm strong at all times. The crowd moved to the heavy house sounds and by the end of his set, Don Diablo had completely captivated the audience.
Alison Wonderland was another amazing act to watch. Her energy permeated throughout the crowd as she stood on stage dancing and hair flipping to the beat. From her viral remixes to her original records, one of the most exciting moments of her set was when she dropped “U Don’t Know”. It’s incredibly inspiring to see how far she has come in her career and watch her fan base exponentially grow year after year.
When it comes to melodic music, there is no one who does it better than Primary Wave’s artist, Audien. He came onstage in a black tee and trendy shades, looking completely in the zone for his set on the mainstage. As expected, he played his monstrous high-octane remix of ‘Pompeii’ by Bastille which was certainly a crowd favorite. The Connecticut-based artist was all smiles when he played his newest song ‘Something Better’, featuring Lady Antebellum. The record is soaring up the Billboard charts and continues to get added to radio stations nationwide.
Last but not least, it is important we show love to arguably the hottest act of the summer, Galantis, who released their debut album ‘Pharmacy’ two months back. The duo’s fierce energy paired with girls hoisted on ravers shoulders and mosh pits galore, it was the ultimate party set. They sprinkled their set with several of their originals off the album, including ‘Gold Dust’, ‘Forever Tonight’ and their smash hit ‘Runaway’.
Besides the relatively steep prices on food and beverages – when the EZoo dollar is stronger than the US dollar, we know we can do better – it was an excellent experience graced by good weather. Off to Day Two!
Day 2
Crisp air and clean spirits filled Randalls Island on day two of Electric Zoo. Although the island was a bit more crowded than Friday, good vibes were prevalent and excitement was at an all time high. Saturday afternoon boasted a variety of talented acts such as Dirty South, TJR, and Brillz. In the evening, the main stage was flooded with fans as Nervo, Adventure Club, and Above and Beyond preformed.
One of the most memorable acts of Saturday was Nervo. The ladies took the stage with energy that poured over the crowd. Some of the tracks that were played were “Sandstorm”, “Reason”, and “Deep Down Low”.  Nervo enthralled the crowd with smooth transitions, excellent song selection, and high energy. The duo definitely made an impact at Ezoo for many fans.
Another memorable act was Excision. Excision played in the hilltop arena under the huge tent that fans seemed to be bursting out of. I had the privilege of  watching Excision front and center to take pictures. The bass rocked the crowd with every beat, and I swore I could feel the music in every pour of my skin. Overall, Excision destroyed the crowd with bass and took the hilltop arena by storm.
Flocks of festival attendees started heading towards the mainstage when superduo Adventure Club took the throne. To many peoples surprise, their set was primarily progressive house. However, they redeemed themselves by playing their single ‘Gold’ featuring Yuna. Their melodic dubstep music received the greatest reaction from the crowd and brought back emotional memories for several couples sprinkled out.
When Above & Beyond came on, the mood changed. Everyone came together as one, it was one large dance music family that had just met. The love and friendship that was spread across the field was something I had never encountered before.  ‘Sun and Moon’ was a crowd favorite of the night and the stars began to peer out in the dark night. Cue the fireworks! It was an impeccable performance by Above & Beyond that will never be forgotten.
Security was incredibly friendly at all hours, providing all attendees with information about the festival grounds, where to find food and beverages, and even danced with festival goers when the beat was right. Onto the final day of Electric Zoo!
Day 3
As Electric Zoo comes to a close, we thought it’d be better to recap the entire weekend rather than focusing on just Sunday for our day three review. Made Event, the organizers behind the festival, made security a top priority this year. They added many drug-sniffing dogs, created countless wristbands with very specific access, and enforced their own currency called ‘EZ Bucks’.
Once you made it past check-in, the first thing on everyone’s agenda was to go to the “Tap-Up” booth where you gave staff cash or credit in return for EZ bucks. When the EZ buck is stronger than the US dollar, you know we have a problem. $20 converted to 9 EZ bucks, which essentially got you a water and a sandwich. Despite the high prices, the talent was on point all three days. From standouts Galantis and Alison Wonderland on Friday, Above & Beyond on Saturday, to The Glitch Mob and Alesso on Sunday, there was no shortage of elite talent.
EZoo fans were blessed with beautiful warm weather the entire weekend, breaking the festival’s curse that canceled Sunday the past two years. One aspect of the festival that was rather disappointing though was the lack of branding. It is the Zoo after all. Besides the few stilt walkers dressed as zebras, the Riverside stage which morphed a zebra, octopus and snake into one odd fantasy creature, and the zebra bench in the T-Mobile VIP lounge, there were very few indicators of the festival’s theme.
Moreover, the mainstage looked like it was shorted due to budget cuts. For a lack of better words, it looked unfinished. Electric Daisy Carnival’s stage setups blew Electric Zoo out of the water without question.
On a brighter note, security throughout was very friendly and sometimes even danced to the beat. When Oliver Heldens is playing out his future house tracks, it’s hard not to.
All in all, it was a decent festival that unfortunately lacked strong attendance. Sunday was definitely the most popular day of the three, possibly because they were in direct competition with Made In America, a multi-genre festival in Philadelphia. Let’s see how Electric Zoo comes back next year.
  from Dance – Nexus Radio http://ift.tt/2yVKZVN
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lovieedman5536-blog · 7 years
Owning Mother Jailed For Overturning Vehicle With Toddler In Back.
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