#we'd call them mcdonalds life talks
skaluli · 2 years
my brother trying to make me feel better for being australian was like “you have a nice accent and you can drink like a fish” thanks dude.
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edgarallen-foe · 4 months
23. Were they sensitive at all? Were temper tantrums or crying spells frequent? 31. If your character is neurodivergent, is there any ways it interfered with their life that was noticeable to them? Were they aware of it?32. Were they picky eaters? Did they ever outgrow it?
childhood questions
ah...yeah. i don't know if i'd call it being sensitive, but i picked a lot of fights with paul when i got old enough to have opinions. haha. lot of screaming in that house.
i didn't have the words for it until i started talking to juno. i definitely have adhd, i might have autism, i haven't been to a doctor for either. i dropped out of highschool and i've never been able to keep a job for more than a few months. i just...get bored.
yeah. it's more like i grew into it. paul didn't give us any slack about eating what he gave us. what i will say is that he usually gave us what we wanted. if we wanted mcdonalds, we'd get mcdonalds. you didn't get anything else until you ate it, even if it was the next day or later, but you got what you asked for. i avoided textures and shit that bothered me without thinking about it. then i met juno, and i found out how much wearing gloves helps, and the noise cancelling headphones...i learned that what i'd already been doing, the sunglasses, were a sensory tool i'd already been using. i learned that i wasn't being a baby for hating the feeling of grease and i didn't have to muscle myself through it. it wasn't being brave or whatever, it was just hurting myself.
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blubushie · 1 year
I know your away right now so i dont expect an answer any time soon. I noticed that there's a way of shortening names and adding suffixes to them in australian slang. Are there specific rules to this? {I looked at your infodump masterlist and didn't find a link like this so sorry if you already talked about it}
Here are my questions:
What are the social expectations for the slang names? Who, in relation to the person whose name is being australiafied, uses them? Family and friends, or is it something anybody can do for anybody? Is it ok to use them in formal situations? Are there certain people where it is unacceptable to shorten their name?
Does it only apply to first names? Or can middle names and surnames be used? Is calling someone exclusively by their middle name or last name something people even do in australia?
Is gender taken into consideration? Is age?
Does it depend on the length of the name? Does the sound of the name affect the way it becomes australianified? Does it depend on consanants and vowels? Are there names too short to australianify? Are there names too long to australianify? Are there names that are impossible to australianify?
How would you shorten these names {you dont have to do all of them but i would like it if you did}?
Male names: Mark, Jack, Xavier, Silvio, Peter, Luc, Emile, Chuckie, Dave, Steven
Female names: Alice, Isabelle, Zehra, Yasmina, Saraphina, Simonne, Amy, Rebecca, Chantal
Thats it! Thank you and hope you had a good trip!
I have a post about how Australia adapts nicknames here! :]
As for your questions? Let's go!
Who uses nicknames?
Family and mates, but they're also used by coworkers in more casual work settings where you're generally mates with your coworkers, like trades or agriculture. You wouldn't call a stranger by a nickname.
Is it okay to use them in formal situations?
No, not unless you're very close with the person and you're alone. I would call my boss drover by his nickname but only when I was talking to him man-to-man and not as my boss.
Are there certain people where it's unacceptable to shorten their name?
No. Even our prime minister was called ScoMo (short for Scott Morrison), and by the press no less!
Does it only apply to first names, or can middle and surnames be used?
Nope! If your surname starts with Mc (like McDonald) then you will be called Macca or Mac. That's your nickname now and you're gonna hafta deal. Additionally if your hair colour is red you're gonna be called Blue as a joke. Or Red.
Is calling someone exclusively by their middle or surname something people do in Australia?
Only in formal situations ("Mr Carter") and/or if your surname is the root of your nickname, like in the case of Macca.
Is gender or age taken into consideration?
Not really! Hazza = Harry, but Shazza = Sharon.
Does it depend on the length of the name?
Nah. Generally shorter names are harder to abbreviate into nicknames though, so you'll often be called by a identifier instead. For the first few years of my life I was Blue because I was a strawberry blonde when I was that was often mistaken for a ranga. Part of the reason I was called this is because "Joseph" only has "Joey" and "Joey", which I went by (and still go by) more often than my full name, is already a nickname.
Does the sound of the name affect the way it becomes a nickname?
Not really.
Does it depend on the consonants and vowels?
Not in my experience. More just... what feels right? Hard to explain.
Are there names too long to make into nicknames?
Nah! The whole point is Aussies hate long words and love to shorten them.
Are there names that are impossible to make into nicknames?
Joey, apparently.
How would you shorten Mark, Jack, Xavier, Silvio, Peter, Luc, Emile, Chuckie, Dave, and Steven?
Marko/Marco, Jacko, Xavo, Silvo, Pete, Luca, Emile I don't reckon we'd shorten, Chuck, Davo, Stevo.
How would you shorten Alice, Isabelle, Zehra, Yasmina, Saraphina, Simonne, Amy, Rebecca, and Chantal?
Alice wouldn't be shortened, Isabelle would be Isa/Izzy/Belle/Bella, Zehra wouldn't be shortened I don't think (never heard the name before), Yazza, Sara, Simonne wouldn't be shortened I don't think, Amy, Becca, Chazza.
Thank you for the ask and the well-wishes! :]
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romeoows · 1 year
Saturday, May 13. 2023. 9:00am
I've had a major, sudden death in my family. As a way to cope and remember her, I wrote this.
If you do read it, just like it if you could since it's really personal. Thank you.
9am I get the call that my grandmother has passed away. Her name was Veronica, but her friends and family called her Ronnie, but to me, she was Mama.
Mama was a constant presence in my life. My parents were separated, too busy and never home, my grandparents raised me. I don't have many memories from my childhood, but the ones I do are filled with them.
Mama and I did everything together. Or as much as we could.
We would sit on her bed and watch movies together. She is the reason I am an absolute horror fanatic.
When I would get home from school or just wasn't doing anything, I would find her and just talk to her, even if she was in the bathroom. And she'd always listen.
When she went to work early in the morning, I sat in the backseat as my grandpa would drive her and then I pretended to be asleep when we got home so that he would carry me inside.
On her way home from work at night, she would always stop and get a Zaxby's Cobb salad. And then we would always share it when she got home. I still get that salad whenever I get Zaxby's.
When she got sick, I would sit next to her for as long as I could. I put on her favorite shows and movies, I made sure she ate food and drank water. She'd do the same for me, we took care of each other.
Whenever I went to the dentist, she would stop by McDonalds and buy me a strawberry smoothie. The machines were never down.
When we went to our little waterpark, my favorite activity was the lazy river. That was because every time I went on the lazy river with mama, she'd tell stories about how we we're actually drifting down the Amazon River. And she'd describe an adventure filled with dangerous and beautiful creatures. She always encouraged my creativity.
As I got older, she was always there. We'd watch movies, I'd read her the stories I wrote, and we'd talk about the same things that never got bored.
I loved the way she smiled. It was always this big smile that went all the way to her eyes, even when she was sad. I loved how dramatically expressive she was, every roll of her eyes, every gasp, every look that said "you've got to be joking." Sometimes, us kids would mess with her, just to hear her shout "Oh get out of here!" as she waved just away.
She was someone amazing to love.
Everyone knew her in the neighborhood. Everyone especially knew her love for animals.
At her work, she once found a baby squirrel that had fallen out of it's nest. She wasn't sure what to do so she put it in a box and took it home, and raised it. We called him Eddie, and once again those two became attached. He would sit on her shoulder as she cleaned the house, she'd put him in her pocket as she went to the store, and they would feed him vanilla wafers. Years passed and till the present day, every time a squirrel stopped and stared at her, she would smile and say "Hi Eddie!"
Another day, she was driving down the road and saw a black lump on the side of the road, she stopped and check it out. It was a little black dog that was on the brink of death. Of course, she picked it up and took it home. She did everything she could to bring that dog back to full health, and she succeeded. We called that miracle Hailey.
We lived deep in the country, like in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by cornfields and woods. We had a forest in our backyard and my mama and I would walk the trail back there at least once a week. There was a man-made canyon in the middle of the woods.
There was one day during our walks, we found a litter of puppies by the canyon.
The next day, we brought food our for them. The puppies surrounded the plate, but one hesitated. The runt of the litter turned around and stared at us, and mama at her and said "Go on! Get the food! Your brothers and sisters are going to take it all!"
The next day, we brought more food and a separate plate for the runt.
The next day, we brought a dog house and placed a bunch of blankets inside and left it in the canyon for the litter.
The next day, we went back and only found two in the canyon. It was the runt and another one. We took them in and cared for them until we found homes for them.
However, we would keep the runt. We called her Alley and she never left mama's side.
When she moved houses, there was a barn in her backyard. And there was a cat in the barn. She'd bring that cat food everyday, and then she found out the cat was pregnant. She was able to relocate it out of the barn, but when it had it's kittens, it tried to relocate under the house. Mama panicked and during a stormy day, she was able to move all of the kittens and the mom inside the house. Those kittens were Moe, Little Nin, Bighead, and Possum.
Our house became the local animal rescue. From dogs to cats to squirrels, she took in every stray that she saw. When she thought an animal was being mistreated, she would sweep in and try to take it home. When she saw a stray on the side if the road, she'd instantly stop to try and get it or come back the next day with food. The neighbors thought she was crazy, but she just had a heart that wanted to give every animal the life it deserved.
Not only animals, but she did the same with me and the rest of our family.
Mama kept everyone together. Giving them all a place to stay when they had nothing left.
Mama was our sanctuary.
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spoonmebabyy · 5 years
She was on her way to becoming a college graduate
Wouldn't even stop to talk to the average kid
The type of Latina I'd sit and contemplate marriage with
Fuck the horse and carriage shit, her love was never for hire
Disciplined, intellectual beauty's what I desire
Flyer than Salma Hayek or Jennifer Lopez
Everyone told me, kicking it to her was hopeless
At first I just thought, she didn't mess with broke kids
The thug niggas always talking about, how they smoke kids
But the rich-sniff-coke kids got no play
"I'm not even interested, " is what her body language would say
Everyone around the way, gave up trying to get in it
It didn't matter how good your game was, she wasn't with it
On the block, bitches was jealous, but wouldn't admit it
Talk shit, and deny to everyone that they did it
Cause they regretted the long list of niggas that they let hit it
And no one ever gave them shit except McDonald's and did-dick
Smoking weed with thoughts of envy, whenever they lit it
She spoke intelligently and they bit it, always trying to copy
But when they tried to use her vocab they sounded sloppy
She had a style, all her own, respectful and pure
I was sick in the head for her, and there wasn't a cure
Don't you know that, time waits for no man
My fate, it's all planned
I'm blessed just to know you
I've loved and I've lost just to hold you all night
Can't find, a reason why
God came, between you and I
If I had the chance again, I'd never let you go
Hold tight to your love, cause you never know
Her eyes are brown and beautiful, yet empty and sad
I used to talk to her occasionally, and she was glad
That I wasn't just another nigga trying to get in it
So every now and then we'd stop and talk for a minute
I didn't have a gimmick so the minutes turned to hours
On her birthday, I gave her a poem with flowers
Then I took her out to dinner after her cousin's baby shower
We talked about, power to the people and such
We spent more time together but it was never enough
I never tried to sneak a touch, or even cop a feel
I was too interested, in keeping it real
Perfectly honest and complete, she would always call me "cariño"
And never Technique, bought me a new book to read every 2 or 3 weeks
Forever changing the expression of my thoughts when I speak
It was because of her, I even deaded all of my freaks
She convinced me, to stop hanging out on the streets
To stop robbing and stealing, from people like you
Instead I took her out to the Apollo and the Bronx Zoo
Museo del Barrio and the Metropolitan too
Got to the point when I was either with her or my crew
So I decided one day, to tell her my feelings was true
I couldn't live without her so I told her, facing my fears
But honey's only response, was a face full of tears
She could only sob hysterically, holding me tight
I tried to speak, but she wouldn't stop until I left sight
I felt like a moth who got himself too close to the light
Except I didn't burn, I turned cold after that night
Don't you know that, time waits for no man
My fate, it's all planned
I'm blessed just to know you
I've loved and I've lost just to hold you all night
Can't find, a reason why
God came, between you and I
If I had the chance again, I'd never let you go
Hold tight to your love, cause you never know
I went on with my life, college and my career
Ended up locked up like an animal for a year
Where the C.O.'s talk to you like they were the overseer
Then I got sent to the hole, when my exit was near
At night in my cell, I'd close my eyes and I'd see her
Hold her close in my dreams, but when I woke she disappeared
Just an empty cell until the state gave me parole in the summer
Came back, in tact and on track
But the fact of the matter, is I still felt cold
Even after my mother, hugged me, crying at home
My real niggas would catch me thinking, outta my zone
Fucking lots of different women, but I still felt alone
Relatively well-known around the New York underground
But I kept thinking of her and how we used to be down
The sound of her voice, and the beautiful smell of her hair
Though gone physically, somehow it was still there
I had to do something, because the shit was too much to bear
So I went and visited the building where she used to live
The world looks a lot different after you do a bid
The way your life done changed
While primitive minds are still stuck in the same game
Like her cousin who was on the corner slanging cocaine
Stepped in the lobby and tapped the button next to her last name
Her mom buzzed me up and hugged me up, like a mother ought to
But her facial expression changed, when I asked about her daughter
Don't you know that, time waits for no man
My fate, it's all planned
I'm blessed just to know you
I've loved and I've lost just to hold you all night
Can't find, a reason why
God came, between you and I
If I had the chance again, I'd never let you go
Hold tight to your love, cause you never know
She told me that there was a note for me, that was left behind
She had left it there waiting, for such a long time
I was inclined to ask about it but she brought it up first
I saw a tear swelling up in her eye, and then she cursed
She told me where the letter was and I started thinking the worst
Reversed my position, stepped over and opened the door
And sure enough there was an envelope with my name on the floor
"Nobody loves you more than me, cariño" is what the letter said
"By the time you get to read this, I'll probably be dead
But when you left in '97 a part of me went to Heaven
I thank God at least I got to know what love really was
But it hurt me, to see what true love really does
Cause even though we never made love, you were all that there was
It was because I loved you so much that I had to make you leave
You made me doubt the way I thought, you made me want to believe
And then I slipped up, and I let you get close to me
It was hard to not be openly when people spoke to me
This was not the way I thought my life was supposed to be
Baby don't you see, I had a blood transfusion that left me with HIV
Hope didn't exist for me since late in 1993
I died a virgin, I wish I could've given myself to you
I cried in the hospital because there was no one else but you
Promise that you'll meet me in paradise inevitably
No matter what, I'll keep your love forever with me"
What happened for the rest of the day is still a blur
But I remember wishing that I was dead, instead of her
She was buried on August 3rd
The story ends without a sequel
And now you know why Technique, don't fucking fall in love with people
Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you
The one you love, not the person that'll simply have sex with you
Appreciate them to the fullest extent, and then beyond
Cause you never really know what you got, until it's gone
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la-appel-du-vide · 6 years
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09•20•18 - 09•23•18
Vegassss the SEQUEL baby!
Two weekends in Vegas in a row is FINE by me. (: This week's event? iHeartRadio! ❤️ After last year, we knew it would be a fun tradition. This time, it was me, Beach and Kena.
Kena and I headed down on Thursday night. Beach had to stay home for work until Saturday. It was Kena and I's first road trip in a while, but we fell right back into the swing of things. Between talking and singing along to all of the throwbacks, time flew by. We made it to St. George in record time, and then got caught up in 45 minutes at McDonald's waiting for subpar fries. Regrets, but also so funny. 😂
We made it to Lisa's around midnight, and headed to bed. (Side-note: Lisa's guest bed has the most amazing comforter. 😍 It's like sleeping on a cloud. I want one so bad. It's my favorite part of staying at her house!) On Friday, we got up and ready, and went over to the Neon Boneyard. I always try to do something new in Vegas every time I go, and this was the big one this trip. The Neon Boneyard is a a place where any old Vegas signs from the Strip go when they are retired. It was so cool to see all the old signs and lights. And it made for some amazing photos as well. The only issue was the 102 degree weather! ☀️☀️ We had to keep taking breaks from the unforgiving sun by hanging out in the adorable gift shop. I would definitely recommend this place.
After the Neon Boneyard, we stopped by the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign to take our traditional photos. Then we made yet another stop at the Seven Magic Mountains. (Kena's never seen them, but at this point, I've been like 10 times hahaha.) She also loved them, of course. We even took some photos of me sitting on her shoulders, and I'm just wildly impressed by her ability to stand up with me sitting on her! She got claps from strangers around us haha.
Then we had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, and did some shopping. Such a perfect day in one of my favorite cities. 
On Saturday, we got up and got ready for the music festival. We went to pick up Brady from the airport, and she told us that she had forgotten her ticket for the concert. She kills me haha, I had texted her to remind her, but also had told Kena that I was 98% sure she would forget it anyway. I should have gone to pick it up from her house beforehand. So poor Beach had to sit for seven hours waiting for us, because she couldn't get in. Life lesson - If you're going to a concert, remember your ticket!
The concert was moved to a different location this year, given the tragedy that took place a year ago at the original location. This one had zero shade, so that was rough. The nice part was, there weren't as many people here this year. We had a lot of space to go in and out, and didn't feel as much pressure to keep our spot at the front. I didn't know as many of the artists this year, but I was still excited.
Highlights were 5 Seconds of Summer, Dua Lipa, Bazzi, Logic, and Dustin Lynch. Dua Lipa was probably my favorite though. The girl is SASSY. Watching her perform was so fun. She really put on a show, and gave off great vibes. I liked her stuff before, but I'm a big fan now.
This may be the literal hottest I've ever been though. We were just standing in the sun, with no protection. It was over 100 degrees. We were surrounded by people. I was honestly pouring sweat. It was disgusting haha. When artists came on-stage that we weren't interested in, we would walk back to a little patch of shade a ways off, and just try to cool down for a few minutes. Taking breaks also made it so that my back and feet didn't suffer like they did last year.  
The worst thing that happened to me that day: During one of our shade breaks, I looked up and noticed a woman I was pretty sure was Brandi Cyrus literally 10-feet away from us. I pointed her out to Kena, and we were both pretty certain that it was her. She was wearing sunglasses, but it looked just like her and she was in an outfit I was sure she'd wear. I second-guessed, and didn't go up to her for fear of it being just a random stranger. Well, she walked away, and I later saw on her Instagram, a post of her at the concert IN THAT OUTFIT. IT WAS LITERALLY BRANDI CYRUS 10 FEET FROM ME, AND I DIDN'T GET A PICTURE?!?? ARE YOU KIDDING. I'm so upset. How did I miss my opportunity to talk to a Cyrus. I'm crushed. I tweeted about how sad I was, and she actually tweeted me back, so I guess that's cool. Anyway, it's still too soon to talk about this. 😭😭😭
After the concert, we went to meet Beach and go get dinner. (Poor girl, I feel so bad she had such a boring day.) Then Beach really wanted to try her hand at gambling. So we went to the Bellagio, and she played one round of blackjack. She lost, but it was fun to watch haha. Now she wants to go to Wendover, and play on some cheaper tables. We did all get to play some slot machines though. We had no idea what we were doing. But we each ended up getting the chance to cash out for like $0.25. Wooooooo, big winners. (; 🎰🎰🎰
On Sunday, we went to the other Las Vegas waterpark, Wet N Wild. We needed a day of relaxation after the stress our bodies went through at the concert. The water felt AMAZING. They had this one slide called the Rattler, and it was a blast. All three of us got to sit in a raft, and we'd go down these big hills into these spheres, and just get constantly soaked. We laughed the whole time and loved it. There were a lot of fun slides! And again, hardly any people were there. We also loved lounging in the lazy river, and just relaxing. I'm obsessed with the water and summer and whyyyyyy does it have to get cold.
I could have stayed there all day long. Kena was a little stressed about getting home early enough to get sleep before work, so we ended up leaving at about 3:30. We made record time getting home as well - girl is SPEEDY and it's impressive hahaha. It was a pretty easy ride home. (:
Missing Vegas already this week.... The city is a party and a half. You just gotta know how to do it right (;
Also quotes to remember:
"I'm Logic, and I represent one thing: peace, love and positivity.""That's 3 things..."
*at Kate Spade*"I LOVE THAT BACKPACK""It's $398""Ohhhhh perfectttttt"
*walking past a sunglasses kiosk at Caesar's Palace*"Laddiiesssss, meooooow!""He must know you're a cat person."
0 notes
Jealousy is an ugly thing
Clare: nodded. "Aww no wonder she loves them. I think so, I mean you have been spending as much time as you can with Emi. No one can be with someone around the clock. It's good for her to have a normal routine and be around kids her own age. I'm sorry about your dad. I can't know what that's like. I've lost grandparents and other family members but it isn't anything like losing a parent. Do you have pictures and videos? So you can least see what he looked like and maybe get to hear his voice? I don't know if that would help or not." Clare winced as Dakota described what Emi's life had been like. It was easy for her to forget how easy she had it with everything that had been going on with her family recently but Clare really was lucky. Both of her parents loved her and had always been there while she was growing up. To the point where Clare used to take it for granted they always would be. Clare gasped and covered her mouth when Dakota got to the part where Emi was left alone for days with very little food. "Why didn't her mom take her to your house or somewhere else safe?" She hardly needed to point out how many horrible things could've happened to Emi. Had Emi's mom just assumed her relatives would find out she was there by herself and take her in? Was this woman even really coming back? Clare would never voice those kind of questions outloud, it wasn't her place. But she couldn't help thinking them. Clare sighed sadly. "Oh. That makes it even worse." Emi had been through a lot for a five year old. No wonder Dakota was so worried about her. If her mom came back, it would be good for Emi in one way but that little girl's world would be turned upside down again. She needed stability. Hopefully Emi's mom could figure out how to give it to her. Clare didn't understand how anyone expected Dakota to be able to do what a grown woman had failed to do. But he was doing a good job against all odds and she assumed his mom was helping him. Clare finally looked at him when Dakota mentioned spending fifth period out in the hallway instead of the library. She smiled. "Okay. Wherever Emi's comfortable works for me. Do you need to do anything else to reduce her fever? Drinking lots of liquids is supposed to be important. The school nurse might keep some Pedialyte on hand or sprite would probably work if she can have it."
Kota: smiled at Clare. "Thank you and no I don't. He was always working, like I said. The only one who knows what he looks like is our mom. She has pictures and always asked us if we'd like to know what our father looks like, but we've always said that if he wanted us to know him, he'd spend time with us on his days off of work. He never really made it a habit to be around us. I don't have any memories of him at all and he died when I was ten. My mom was around all the time so I know it's not just me, my older sister thought my mom kept telling us we have a dad so we didn't feel like he abandoned us or we're from six different guys. I mean that's how we knew we had a dad like mom would tell us she's pregnant, but we still never saw him. He went to the appointments because she'd tell us he's meeting her there and we'll get calls at home from his work, other than that it was like he never existed so why should he exist now when we've completely lost him? It's like saying 'This man is your father, but you'll never meet him since he was too busy working to get to know you' so it's kind of pointless when there's nothing nostalgic about them and even so there's no pictures of him with us or videos of him with us so he's just a stranger that shares the same DNA." he shrugged. "Mom goes to visit him, but we don't. We don't even know what to say to him other than 'We know you're our dad, mom told us, but we don't know what you look like and our only connection is our DNA. We have no memories of you so it's like nothing changed.' he was never in our lives from the beginning so why should he be in our lives at the end?" he asked looking at her. "He died during work and since then we've been getting his pay checks, my older sister is getting a job since I can't and she's giving me half of her pay for Emi. I have to budget it, she's giving me a notebook and I basically have to go to her for the money so she knows I'm not spending it on me. Plus she also wants to know what I'm buying her." he shrugged. Hearing Clare ask about his aunt caused him to sigh a little. "For starters my sister can't have kids and wants them. Imagine knowing you're not going to be pregnant and have your own kids and left with that burden. Then have someone saying 'I no longer want my kid.' how would you feel?" he asked curiously. "And second, no one knew my aunt was even in Canada. Emi was born and raised in Japan. The last time I saw my aunt was when I was five. The last time I talked to her was over the phone five years ago. My aunt was sure that Emi would come to us because the police looked at the emergency contact in the daycare center which was us." he added and looked back at Emi as she slept contently. "She's more comfortable on the floor. She's slowly teaching us the way she lived over in Japan. She makes all of us take off our shoes once we get in the door and put slippers on. My bed is now a bamboo sheet with a very thin mattress over it and I mean the mattress is a few centimeters wide like 4, we have pillows and a heavy blanket. My actual bed is in the guestroom because it's what she's used to. We just didn't change anything else, but we learned how to make dim-sum yesterday and we each have our own dim-sum pots too. Emi loved making hers, she and her mom would make it together since you put the dim-sum in the pot first, put the lids on depending on how many layers your pot is which we used five, the bottom was water so they would all get done at the same time. Emi was the best one since she was the teacher." he smiled at Clare. "I also knew how to cook in a wok, for such a large skillet it's fun to cook in." he chuckled a bit. "We seem to be going to the international market a lot. I bought a thing called bok choy." he chuckled. "As for her needing liquids, she's not used to it. Her body isn't used to our foods yet, our cuisine is more completely different and when we gave Emi McDonalds her first night here since she said it was her favourite, she got a really bad stomach ache so we've been introducing it little by little such as giving her some of our juices that aren't in Japan little by little to where she can drink a cup of fruit punch." he said honestly. "But Emi is taken care of for a cold. She asked for ginger water so I have some for her." he assured and felt his phone vibrate. After checking it he sighed. "We might have to go to a hotel." he stated and looked at Clare. "My sister decided to buy a fruit called durian when Emi told her not to. Needless to say, my sister bought it since someone said it was sweet and juicy. Emi tried to put it back multiple times with no success. The guy picked it out for us and said it was ripe, both were ripe, but when she cut it open, it was the worst think I smelled in my life. Emi, my mom, my sister, my brother Ash, and Ash's girlfriend all barfed from the smell I just covered my mouth and ran outside. Well the second fruit was forgotten and left in a cabinet, it broke when she dropped it and both her and my mom are getting sick from the smell so they're dumping bleach on it to hope it helps. They said if the smell doesn't go away in a few hours, they're dumping more bleach on it along with plugging in a few air fresheners and we're leaving for the night." he sighed. "They should've listened to Emi. She grew up around that stuff.
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