#we're fixing this mess
cnl0400 · 5 months
I understand why they didn't introduce Michael in the past but I think we needed more people suspecting MC was Not From Here™, they should have played More with the idea that anybody could unmask MC/Solomon true motives and Michael already knew, It would have been better for him taunting MC with the idea of telling the truth to everyones else unless they stop making pacts with the brothers (Bcuz y'know, thats what Nightbringer wants, Right? And whatever he wants must be... Not good?)
In earlier seasons the tease the idea of two Rings of Light existing in the same timeline, can you imagine the interactions?
Michael: Wow MC! that's a pretty ring you have there!
MC: ... Yeah...
Michael: It looks identical to the one I have here, see? *Flashes His own Ring of Light to MC*
MC: Ah... *Gulp*
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fidgetspringer · 3 months
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For a while now Røst has had some recurring issues with hotspots on his lower jaw and unfortunately they got worse while i was away this month. So right now we're doing a bunch of damage control to try and clear them up, which, for a dog that isn't a huge fan of handlig of any kind isn't very fun. And it doesn't help that i can't counter condition because the spots are in the drool zone and he turns sopping wet just at the suggestion of a treat. So all i can do it try to be patient and gentle when he gets anxious about handling, but i also do have to actually get things done, so basically i feel like the world's worst owner right now and Røst isn't exactly my biggest fan :(
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amphibia-a-day · 4 months
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Day 997 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Froggy Little Christmas
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emily-prentits · 7 months
why is there so much izzie hate. like she's literally just a girl
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begay-doocs · 2 months
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Well well well, look who's art tablet adaptor got lost.... I've noticed that traditional art doesn't do as well on the internet, but eh. I post mostly for myself. and also because I think a blog will be a neat experiment.
This is My Version of Marc!! otherwise known as Apollo, the holder of the Wolf Miraculous. (new name pending, because lucy and I have decided to do that I think) He's so very dear to me, and I'll probably ramble about him so much more on the alcohol marker pieces im working on.
there is so much lore based on this au, and I can't decide if I should put it all here, or in a new post. either way, lore will be posted soon. Because there is Much To Ramble About. The show lore is a Suggestion and only somewhat considered.
showing off the gold pen shinies under the cut
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
rivalshipping is about healing to me but like in a “well-meaning yet still ill-advised codependency” way
#*pulls down projection screen and extends my collapsible pointer stick thing*#Yugi was a lonely kid with unresolved anger issues who went too far w the whole revenge fantasy thing#until The Power Of Friendship TM mellowed him out and he finally landed in a more emotionally stable state#*clicks to next slide*#meanwhile kaiba over here is ALSO a lonely kid with unresolved anger issues who ALSO went too far w his own fucked up revenge fantasy#*quickly shuffles through slides of Death-T*#but two mind-shattering comas later and yugi at the very least was willing to bury the hatchet and try to start over again#the whole 'kaiba vs peg sus' fiasco was where everyone finds out kaiba's motives up to that point and where it all finally clicks for yugi#*clicks to next slide to reveal the 'he just like me fr' meme but it's yugi crying on the balcony inside peggy's castle*#it's after this that yugi starts thinking 'Well friendship fixed ME so maybe it can fix HIM too'#*clicks next slide and hits play on the embedded video*#Yugi: good morning kaiba-kun! nice weather we're having today huh?#Kaiba: I'm going to beat u in the face and in the ass#Yugi: haha alright bud I'll see u at regionals tomorrow#Yugi said so himself that he wanted 'friends he could count on and who could count on him' (paraphrasing)#i think he saw this mess of a human being recklessly barreling towards the edge at 100 miles an hour and said#'yeah this looks like something i can personally fix'#bc he's the type of person to just selflessly shoulder a mountain of burdens if it means helping someone he cares about#like his heart is definitely in the right place but i don't think he realizes that kaiba also needs like#therapy and mood stabilizers or some shit#*a voice rings out from the back of the class*#'op they had like 10 minutes of conversation MAX over the entirety of duelist kingdom this is literally all in ur head*#no no the groundwork is there for all of this i PROMISE#lion king rafiki voice: look harder#like yes i'm delusional but i'm also RIGHT#(⓿_⓿)#ignore me
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fiovske · 5 months
I did not know what point nemo was so i looked it up and it is realy cool. And i love that the colosest people to that point are astrounauts on the iss and how fiting it is that the iss will chash in point nemo in 2031. From the darkness of space to darkness of ocean. I know it will probably not be filmed but it would be soo cool to se the iss chash in the ocean.
yeah! point nemo is pretty cool... i get really sad every time i remember they're decommissioning the ISS in 2031... they really don't need to, i dont think they have to,,, i love it very much bc its the one space astronauts regardless of geographical borders spend time communally watching over our beautiful planet, this marvelous blue rock, like-- that's home. it's the only one we got. and at the ISS, petty squabbles of governments and tyrants look so fucking small, astronauts have said that it is incredibly humbling and life-changing, to see the planet so.. vulnerable. it makes you want to protect it. to marvel at the beauty and terrifying endlessness of space, and know that the earth is a responsibility and one you cannot take lightly.
i feel like decommissioning a space like that is so counterproductive towards our collective growth as a species. it feels like the end of something genuinely noble, the one thing we did right and now we're stopping that too. like it's only the first steps towards capitalism in space, locking away space research that used to be done for the sake of knowledge and learning because it doesn't make money per se. its only seeing space as a means of commerce, a means of monetary gain and exploitation, putting up borders where there isn't supposed to be any, and using that as a whole jumping point for the "mars tourism for the rich!" "space walk for the rich!" nonsense and i just hate that. so so fucking much.
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monstrouscrew · 5 months
@autistedness thank you for the idea :) look who appeared here for xmas
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and a bonus. unpacked a few minutes after iii posted that photo :D friendship is magic ~~~
we both like this pattern. and a creepy raggedy boy who uses it)))
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sage-nebula · 1 year
Thinking about how the Persona 3 cast would react to the Persona 4 cast telling them about their adventures . . . like "we climbed into a TV to go into another world to fight Shadows" just sounds fucking ridiculous lmao. The P3 cast had to fight Shadows in the fucking streets once a month, quite literally. The P4 version, where the whole thing is optional, seems a lot lower stakes by comparison.
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oblako · 8 months
hey adachitoka. hey. what the fUCK
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cornerful · 7 months
'And it is not our part here to take thought only for a season, or for a few lives of Men, or for a passing age of the world. We should seek a final end of this menace, even if we do not hope to make one.'
-Gandalf at the Council of Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring, JRRT
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rindemption · 10 months
I'm so so so tempted to just let Elamrael have one good fuckup in the middle of the game
Mid game spoilers below
They met Raphael, were offered a way to get Orpheus out of the prism, a way to stop relying on the tadpoles, an ally who has the power to fight an elder brain-
And Ela takes it. Signs away either a powerful weapon or his own soul, because he finally broke. Voss didn't bother to tell him what it was they were trying to get from Raphael, he went into the discussion fully blind. Ela got put on the spot; no one was giving him any help aside from one saying take it and one saying don't. He heard someone else broke into a demon's vault, but those were much more powerful beings against a much less ambitious demon. That didn't even register as an option for him, not against Raphael.
He'd just fought against being coerced into evolving into an illithid, nearly failed, and that shook him. He's hated every minute of having a tadpole, of having a voice in his head pressuring him and manipulating him.
The stakes keep getting higher and higher and higher and so do everyone's expectations of him. There's an army marching on the city with the intention of ending the world, and he can't see a way they would have the means or time to seek another way to free Orpheus or find a better alternative. Everyone was waiting for him to make a choice that could ultimately lead to the salvation or damnation of the world. He falters, and cracks, and makes the wrong one under the pressure.
Of course he gets an earful for it, and the people who care about him go on the warpath to get the contract nullified. Only after he's signed does anyone suggest their group goes to the hells to steal the hammer (now knowing what they need and where it is), and they seem actually intent on finding a way to make it happen, rather than just offering it as a suggestion.
(He'll still be the one doing most of the work, designated leader and all, but at least it feels like the others are bearing some of the mental and emotional weight. It feels urgent now, and like he's not alone in making the choices. They want to go raid Raphael's lair, of their own volition, not because he said to).
It's going to weigh on him for a long time, that he signed. And in the end it's not going to be the quickest option either. They still get to go find a diabolist, break into the House of Hope. Pray it all works. All because he fucked up. But his team is the one leading the charge now, because they care about him and want to help fix his mistake. Not because he's forcing them to take the hard route. He's already done that plenty.
He tried to throw himself into the pit to make his loved one's lives easier, but they're yelling at him while pulling him back out. As much as it hurts, and as horrible as he feels about it, it's nice to finally get a shoulder to lean on.
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louisdelac · 6 months
well i know i said i wouldn't post any more charoum pictures until after i've played one playthrough for at least 30 hours. but. i like new charoum :)
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twilightarcade · 11 months
beginning to think that making friends or at least decent acquaintances at The Social Event is essential to surviving The Social Event
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berenshand · 1 year
me yesterday: the next 911 episode is going to be a miserable tearjerker to begin with but they always get you with some super sad music choice and that makes it even worse. mark my words, mom.
my mom: you're being dramatic
me hearing exactly 1 note of 'fix you' by coldplay and immediately breaking down: THIS IS EXACTLY THE SHIT I WAS TALKING ABOUT
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
the only fandom thing i would love to do: make an edit and go offline again. still procession, too many drafts and pics and vids to go through that it's overwhelming still.
but yeah, i want to make that edit and be done with it for now. it's been only 48 hours but it feels like at least a week has passed.
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