#we've been calling it the doll room because most of my dolls will be in there but really it's more like a crafting office
egberts · 1 year
might go pick out pink paint today for my doll room... kinda excited 😳
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Mid/Plus Size!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You have been struggling with your body for as long as you can remember, but your best friend, Bucky Barnes, can see just how gorgeous you are. When you are invited to a pool party, he goes with you and shows you just how perfect you are in his eyes.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Light angst, talk about low body image, mutual pining, friends to lovers.
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ only banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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You shut your laptop after seeing the invitation for the pool party, unsure what to do. 'Do I want to go to this? What if they see my body? What if they are going to make fun of my body? What if...?' That is all you can think about, so you pick up your phone and call the person who can help you decide.
The line rings three or four times before you hear the deep voice of your best friend on the other side.
''Hi, doll,'' he says, and your insides immediately melt into a puddle, and butterflies go crazy inside your stomach.
''Hey Buck, is this a good time?'' you ask, wondering if you are bothering him.
''It's always a good time when you call. So, what's up?'' he asks with a smirk. He immediately walked away from the other Avengers; they don't have to know about your existence yet. You two have a good thing going, and he would like to keep it that way for a bit longer.
''I- uh, this is probably stupid, but I got an invitation to a pool party in a week, and I'm not sure I should go,'' you sigh, your elbows leaning on the table.
''And may I ask why you're thinking like that?'' he asks as he plops down on his bed.
''You know damn well why I don't want to go,'' you groan and get up to sit on the couch.
''Humor me, doll,'' Bucky replies.
''Because I don't like my body and the way I look in a bathing suit,'' you sigh, already knowing what's coming.
''Why don't I believe a single word of that? You're the most gorgeous, perfect, amazing woman I know and very good-looking. How about I come to that party to show you that you have nothing to worry about?'' he offers.
''Fine, but you are coming to shop for a new bathing suit with me; otherwise, I'm not going!'' you say, and he agrees.
The rest of the evening is spent on the phone, talking about each other's days and other random stories that pop into your head.
By the time you almost fall asleep, you hang up with a last 'I love you,' and you fall asleep on the couch, dreaming of Bucky.
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It is time to go shopping for a bathing suit with Bucky, and you're picking him up on your motorbike. You're wearing an edgy outfit today since it's still relatively early, and the day won't be as hot.
You've been to the Avengers Compound before, but it was always when no one was around. This time, you have run out of luck, apparently.
As you're walking through the halls of the Compound and on your way to Bucky's room, you're suddenly stopped by no one other than Tony Stark himself.
''Hello there, I don't think we've met before,'' Tony says as he stops you.
''Uh hi, I don't think so. I'm Y/N Y/L/N,'' you say as you hold out your hand, only for Tony to take it and place a soft kiss in your knuckles.
''Tony Stark, it's absolutely wonderful to meet such a beautiful woman as yourself,'' he says, and you turn bright red at the compliment.
Suddenly you spot Bucky behind him and you're very glad you have a reason to excuse yourself from further embarrassment.
''Buck, hey!'' you say as you quickly walk over to him, enveloping him in a hug.
''Hi doll, are you ready to go?'' he asks as he looks at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. He doesn't notice Tony standing there and witness the entire situation.
Tony clears his throat and both your heads snap up to him.
''So, are you two-'' he asks, but you quickly shake your head.
''Oh, no. We're just best friends is all. Have been for quite a few years, actually,'' you tell him and Bucky just nods with a small smile.
God, he wishes he could call you his girl one day, but for now he has settled for calling you his best friend.
''It was nice to meet you, Tony, but we really have to go now,'' you tell him and quickly walk away with Bucky by your side, away from the embarrassment you are feeling right now.
The drive to the store is easy enough, and you can't help the butterflies in your stomach when Bucky wraps his arms around your waist.
When you arrive, Bucky finds a comfy spot on a couch near the dressing rooms while you browse through the plus size options. Having Bucky with you removes some of the shame of looking there, and you're happy he's there with you.
You show him multiple options, and after trying on every single one, you think you finally found the one when you're putting on a leopard print one-piece that fits your curves perfectly.
When it is on, you walk out of the dressing room and you show Bucky, who's jaw is practically on the floor.
You twirl a few times and Bucky quickly grabs a pillow off the couch to hide the raging hard-on he's sporting right now, which doesn't go unnoticed by you.
''So, what do you think?'' you say as you walk over to him, bending over to cage him in with your arms.
''I- uh, I think it's, I think you should get this one,'' Bucky says, unable to look at you right now, so instead, he looks over your shoulder.
''Well, in that case, I think I should go get changed, and we should get out of here,'' you whisper in his ear, your warm breath giving him goosebumps on his neck.
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Today is the day of the pool party that one of your coworkers is throwing, and even though you're still not sure why you're going, you're glad Bucky is going with you.
You opted for a dark green maxi dress and a pair of sandals today, which make you look like an absolute goddess according to Bucky.
''So, are you ready to go?'' he asks; he's wearing swim shorts, a tight black t-shirt, and sneakers, his sunglasses perched on his head to hold his long hair out of his face.
''Yeah, let's go,'' you say, a little cheery for your liking, but you let it go for now. He walks you to his car, and like the true gentleman, he opens the passenger seat door to let you sit down.
The drive is short, but you're glad you have Bucky with you for this, because the closer you're getting, the more your anxiety starts to take over your mind.
''Hey, don't let those dark thoughts destroy our date,'' he says as he grabs your hand to keep you grounded.
''D-Date?'' you whisper and your head snaps into his direction.
''Well, I don't mean it like a ''we're dating, and I'm taking you out on a date'' kind of date, but just a friends date,'' he explains, and it does sting a little, but you know he's right.
When the two of you arrive, he opens the door for you and grabs your hand to give a reassuring squeeze before turning your body towards his.
''Hey, I just want to remind you that you're going to be okay in there. I will be by your side the entire time, and if anyone does something you don't like, or even looks at you the wrong way, I'll be by your side. You're absolutely perfect, and there's nothing to be worried about,'' he says as he cups your cheeks and kisses your forehead softly.
Your eyes flutter shut at the thought and your hands find their way to his biceps where they come to a stop as you squeeze softly.
''Bucky, please,'' you softly beg. ''Kiss me already,'' you say even softer and he does.
His lips softly brush over yours, and they slot together with yours perfectly. The butterflies in your stomach are having a raging party right now, and your hands move to Bucky's neck, where they tangle into his long locks.
You slowly pull back, seeing how you don't want the moment to end right now, but the two of you can't stay like that forever.
''Can I take you out on an actual date later, doll?'' Bucky asks as his eyes look into yours with pure love.
''I thought you'd never ask,'' you say, pulling him in for one more sweet, slow kiss.
It feels like nothing will ever get you down right now, and you're on top of the world. With Bucky by your side, you can overcome absolutely everything.
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imaginecolby · 8 months
Friends with Benefits || Part Eight - The First Few Months
"colby, honey, could you grab me another towel!" you called from the bathroom.
"yes, yes! just a sec." you heard him call back from the nursery. lucas unfortunately just had a huge blow out, and you immediately put him in the bath. colby quickly arrived in the bathroom, another towel in hand.
"thank you, sweet. someone decided he was going to pull his nice clean towel into the bath with him, so now it's soaked." you teased, shooting a look at lucas. he recognized your unserious expression and immediately started cackling. "don't you laugh at me, mister!" you jokingly scolded him, poking his belly. he started laughing louder, your heart swelling at the sound.
"i don't think i can ever punish him. he's too cute." you pouted at colby.
"he shit on your pants." colby said, pointing to your thigh and stifling a laugh.
"what else is new?" you shrugged. you finished lucas' bath, and colby took him to get dressed, allowing you to take a shower yourself. once you were done, and changed, you put a small load of laundry on before meeting the boys in the living room. colby was feeding him on the couch, and you sat down next to them, resting your head on colby's shoulder.
these last few months were a huge adjustment, but you and colby were making it happen. you fell into a quick routine that was comfortable for the both of you. it was lucky that you and colby were both able to take these first few months to focus on the baby and setting your routine, because you knew it was going to be much harder if either of you was having to go through it alone.
but lucas had been such a good baby. he ate and slept well, and he hadn't really kept you up all that much. he cried very infrequently, but when he did, he wailed. fortunately, you learned quickly that was only the case when he needed a clean diaper, and were alway quick to change him.
most of your nights were spent at home, with the exception of doctors appointments. you had friends coming over periodically, to see the baby and check on you and colby, which was always nice. the first night sam came over, it started out like any normal night, but ended up being quite emotional.
"god, i can't believe he's real. i had a hard time believing this when you first told me y/n was pregnant. but holding him here, he feels like a little doll." sam breathed out a laugh, lucas resting comfortably in his arms.
"yeah, we felt that when we first brought him home. but after about the zillionth diaper, the realness set in." colby laughed.
"this is definitely TMI, but i think the realness set in for me the first time he bit my nipple. that was unpleasant." you said, walking over to sam and handing him a bottle. sam began feeding him, and lucas quickly took the bottle into his mouth. "he's very attached."
"he gets that from me." colby teased, pulling you into the couch with him.
"okay, i know this is your house, but i'm right here." sam said, feigning nausea.
"sorry. our filters are broken, given the exhaustion." you laughed along with colby. sam just shook his head, turning his attention back to lucas in his arms. 
"i hope you show a bit more discretion than your parents." sam said to him. just then, you heard a small toot. "awe, c'mon dude." sam laughed. you all sat there silently as sam continued feeding lucas, and were suddenly overcome with emotion.
"i am so proud of you both. i know your relationship did not get off to the most normal start, and you had some shocking changes to it. but you stepped up and made it work. you've got such a great kid here and i know you're going to continue to raise him into a wonderful human."
"sam." you said with a pout, fighting tears.
"i mean it! especially with you." he said, turning his attention to colby. "we've grown up together, and getting to see my best friend grow into a father is amazing. i can't wait to watch you become the great dad you're destined to be. i konw you'ce always wanted a family, and i'm so glad that i get to be here with you while you're starting it."
"i love you, man." colby said to him. you got up to take lucas from sam, and stood back as he and colby shared a tight hug. you were so glad that sam was as supportive towards colby as he'd always been. and you were glad that he'd become such a great friend to you as well. you knew he was going to be a great uncle to your baby, and lucas was going to be so lucky to have sam by his side.
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roppongi-division · 2 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2024: Mireya Quinlan
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~~ July 31st ~~
"The question isn't who's going to let me, it's who's going to stop me."
Login Lines:
"Oh, you're here early! I was just wrapping up today's session at the center. These girls, they're picking up the dance so quickly! It's still not perfect, but they're steadily getting better."
"A gift? Now, why would… Oh! It's that time of the year again, isn't it? How could I forget my own birthday? And here I was giving Kai crap for forgetting his birthday a few months ago. Must be all the late nights at the club. ...But anyway, thank you, dear, you're a sweetheart."
Voice Lines:
" 35 years old. ...Well, I can't say I'm 'young' anymore. You know I almost let it slip by this year, the day I turn another page in my life's story. The girls at the rec center, they threw me this surprise party. They even put on a dance, just for me. It was their way of saying thanks, but really, it's me who should be thanking them. They've given me so much more than they realize: purpose, laughter, and a reminder of the power of second chances."
"My mother… not even a whisper from her today. But then again, what did I expect? We're two worlds apart now, and I prefer it that way. Sometimes, I catch myself wondering, 'What's she doing now? Does she ever think of me?' But those thoughts, they're like shadows: fleeting and better left behind. I've got my own life, a life filled with music, love, and the laughter of my son. That's all the family I need."
"My childhood wasn't the stuff of fairy tales, far from it. A controlling mother, an absent father, spending most of time being dressed up like some doll for people to gawk and stare at… But look where that road led me. To Kai, to Zakari, to a nightclub that's my realm. Every step, every misstep, it's all been part of this dance. And for that, for all of it, I'm thankful. I’m exactly where I’m meant to be."
"...You know, it's funny. Society has this way of labeling us, telling us what we can or cannot do at certain ages. But me? I've never been one to dance to anyone else's rhythm but my own. I'm not 'young' by the books, but I've got more fire in me than those half my age. Let them dare to call me 'old,' and they'll learn just how fierce this 'Gypsy Queen' can be. Age is just a number, and I refuse to be defined by it. I'll keep living, dancing, and loving with all the passion I've always had. That's a promise."
"Ah, mi amor. ...Thank you. I'm glad to see you took time out of your busy schedule of making music to wish me a 'happy birthday'. ...Oh, don't be silly, love. That was just a small threat. But I am glad that you remembered. ...Ha, yes it has been a long time since we've met and we are still here. I've said it before, but I am eternally thankful for you, my husband."
"Oh? And what's this now? You always find new ones to surprise me, love. Oh, a custom necklace with my name? 'My Gypsy Queen'. ...Oh. It's beautiful. Thank you. Thank you so much, Kai. You've made this day even more special. I love you, mi amor."
"Zakari, good to see you up and about today. Usually, you insist on sleeping past noon when you don't have classes. ...Oh, so my birthday is the reason you're up. Well, thank you. Anything to keep you from wasting the day away. ...Because you are my son and you don't know better, I'll let that one slide. But for your sake, my son, do not refer to me by the 'three-letter word' again, okay dear? ...Good, glad you understand."
"So, I assume you're heading out now to freelance across the city again? ...Oh, and what are these now? …Belly dancing CDs? You chose these yourself? ...Oh, that’s so thoughtful of you. I can't wait to dance to these. Thank you, my dear son, you've made your mother very happy."
Kai Lines:
"Happy birthday, Mireya. ...Well, of course I remembered. I seem to remember a certain someone threatening me on my birthday that if I forgot theirs, I'd be confined to the living room sofa for the foreseeable future. ...Ha, if you say so, love. But, really and truly, I didn't need a reminder to help me remember one of the most important days of the year. It's the day you were born, so if I ever forget, then shame on me."
"And to show I haven't forgotten, I have this for you. It's a necklace. Read what's one the front. ...Thank you, I'm glad you like it. ...And I love you, my darling wife."
Zakari Lines:
"Hey mom! ...Hey, if I don't need a reason to get up early, why not sleep in? Besides, most of my classes are in the afternoon anyway. But truthfully, I woke up cause its your special day! Happy birthday, by the way! How does it feel to be '35'? Your so old now! ...Haha. Come on, mom, it was just a joke. You still look beautiful, really! I'm sorry! ...Sheesh, remind me never to mention anything about numbers around you..."
"Yeah, I'm about to head out. But first... happy birthday! Yup, they're belly-dancing CDs! I saw them while browsing the store one day and thought you'd like them. ...Glad you like them, mom! Enjoy them! I'm about to head out! Happy birthday again!"
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lunasilvis · 8 months
I'm sure it's the final consequence of things accumilating over this past year and that's understandable, because yes - I am realizing now I have asked too much of you, took up more space than I should, and I'm sorry for appearing selfish - I will take some time to think over how my actions led to your reaction and will try to learn from that. Thank you. But if I may have room to say anything for myself through here: I wish you had communicated this to me sooner. Instead of through an unexpected blow-up, then raising a wall straight after where now my hands are tied and I can't react. Sorry, I apparently failed to read between the lines at times. Clear communication about your total and unchangeable romantic disinterest would had helped me get over this faster and in a much more effective way, honestly. Thank you for telling me now, my heart already feels calmer now that I know.
It's less visible, but know I have put in work too, through the years to show repent and help build a safe friendship. To come forward and offer explanation, but never expecting or desiring to rekindle. That'd be up to you, and then it became a choice we both made. I'm sorry for coming over in march, probably shouldn't had written to you then after, and I realize now I shouldn't had and let it go. But I thought I could discuss it and the aftermath without judgement. Please don't dismiss me, reduce me to something terrible in your head now that I'm not, and have absolutely worked so fucking hard for to outgrow and heal. If I still am that to you and it has made only minimal or fickle progress, then yes, we cannot be friends, because that is both your but also my old wound reverberating.
I'm sorry if that is your experience, but claiming I perceive you as a voodoo doll - when I have been so busy working through my feelings, and succeeding for the major part (sadly not always in the desired lineair motion, but regardless most of that has been worked through) is cold. I must have mistaken an anonymous text I received a week ago for yours, that's what I meant when I said I mistook some signals. Someone claiming to be you, and calling me 'yours'. That threw me off in a way, and was why I texted you last week. I'm mature and have sufficient self-respect not to transform any grain of platonic interaction into some supposedly misinterpreted romantic interest. But these words are not light in my eyes and I believe they shouldn't be cheap words one just tosses around, so it wrongly struck me as suggestive.
I'm sorry, but will grant you any time and space now. I don't think I deserve being left like this after your word blitzkrieg when I thought it was important to process something, but against our history I'll understand. I won't take up your time or reach out to you, won't search for contact, I respect your decision and I will adhere to your wish to stay away. But if any day in the future you somehow feel enough time has passed – know I'm willing to have an open chat, no expectations, and perhaps be your friend again if that's what is or feels right.
Thank you for everything, the lengths we've gone to keep a beautifully odd friendship. The lengths you've gone through, I never demanded any of your labor deliberately, but will always appreciate and think of you with a calm heart and good thoughts (as your friend, I have no concealed interests whatsoever and have never had them. I hope you do know I have adult decency and respect). I let you call for 3 hours because I care about you as a friend, I let you ventilate your heart because I wanted you to know you have someone who truly cares. Not for my own gain.
All the best and healing your way, as I will have mine too. I hope till someday again, whether that's as friends or just to have the chance to have an equal conversation and to properly talk this out, whether in summer or again in a decade. Whenever you're ready, but it's okay if that day won't come. I'm determined then to make peace with that for myself. I have enough love, patience and respect for you to not cross any lines and to stay in your past if that's truly where our friendship seems to belong for you. But may you ever feel safe enough and ready again, know I'm here.
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ckmstudies · 2 years
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I posted 2,518 times in 2022
That's 2,518 more posts than 2021!
127 posts created (5%)
2,391 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,402 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#queue up - 2,082 posts
#study - 109 posts
#mine - 107 posts
#study motivation - 106 posts
#studyblr - 106 posts
#heydilli - 106 posts
#study inspiration - 104 posts
#college - 104 posts
#studying - 100 posts
#student - 98 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#now all i have left to do is write my psych paper and make the final presentation then film myself giving the presentation and turn it in
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I know that if I start studying for Latin earlier in the week I would do better but we just move so fast that by the time I've learned something we've moved on. Today our quiz was on a video she emailed us on Wednesday night. I'm pretty sure I made a B but there's just no time to study for something like that that quickly.
Looking forward to the weekend but not looking forward to exams next week.
273 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
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Day 16/100
Made it to the coffee shop! I got a cold brew and a yogurt parfait and then got in over two hours of accounting work! After the coffee shop, I went and ran errands, watched two episodes of Russian Doll and two episodes of Criminal Minds, and ended the day by going to my college's football game. Sadly we lost by three but I enjoyed watching the game and getting to hang out with my friends :)
277 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
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I don't know if it's because I had two coffees today or if it's because I'm sick but I have been so dizzy all day. I hope I'm over this sickness soon. The good news is that my throat no longer hurts!!
Today I had social psychology and advanced accounting. In accounting I got my exam from last week back and ended up making a 102! It was the 2nd highest score in the class so I'm pretty darn happy about that. Tomorrow I have a Latin exam and so I went to a Latin study session and then obsessively wrote every possible way to write a noun or a verb over and over again for two hours in the hopes of having it memorized by tomorrow. Luckily going to the study session means I'll get five bonus points on the exam which gives me some wiggle room to make mistakes.
Here's another shot of my school's library. I love taking pictures of the library especially since my room and desk are a mess and I don't have the motivation to clean it lol. Maybe later this week I'll get it cleaned up. Hope everyone is having a good week so far!!
345 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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Back in the library! I could not focus or stay awake while trying to study for my developmental psych exam tomorrow. So I called it quits after about an hour and decided I’d go to bed early and wake up early tomorrow. But we’ll see if that actually happens haha.
It’s officially cold. Last week we had highs of 85°F/29°C and now it’s 33°F/0°C and that’s just too drastically different. To the library tonight I wore sweat pants over my leggings as well as a tee shirt, a sweat shirt, and a jacket. If I had a hat I’d put that on too but alas. At least I’ll get to wear a sweater tomorrow!
Good luck to everyone this upcoming week :)
551 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Another productive day! I went to the gym this morning for a light workout, went to both my classes, studied in the campus library for almost two hours, and then went to dinner with friends. I'm currently watching an episode of "The Sandman" and then it'll be back to studying. So overall, a very pleasant day!
826 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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OHOHOHO first to the punch!
- favorite thing about them
SO MANY THINGS TO CHOOSE UHUURRHRG but if it had to be like one or two: his voice and his undying loyalty.
pre-ffs claptrap's voice is so unique, and it can get oddly soothing in a way, and it just makes me so fucking jealous and his loyalty because even though he's a scaredy-cat he's still a raider at the end of the day (also the scene where he declines shadowtrap's offer to rule the goddamned universe because he genuinely loved his 'friends' fucks so hard)
- least favorite thing about them
not easy for me to say. claptrap's got tons of flaws but they're easily either linked to his horrendous 'childhood'/his bl1 antics/his time as fragtrap. i'd go off on a limb and say that he's waaay too naïve for his own good. even then it's less of a criticism and more of the fact that it always gets him into trouble :<
- favorite line
again! hard for me to say, but i've always loved the little sounds he makes when he jumps on a gravity pad. eup! and when he tried to stand up to flynt, it felt so cool because he finally bites back! (granted he did cower because 'geddit he's a pussy'-brand bl2 humor)
and then there's the part in bl2 where claptrap says this golden line: "You killed my friends! You destroyed my product line! I am the last CL4P-TP in existence, and I am going to TEABAG YOUR COOOOORPSE!" // absolute king shit
and when he calls everyone out for being an ASSHOLE to him in the pre-sequel, it's such a good moment in an already awesome dlc!
all in all claptrap has so many good quotes hhh
- brotp
a lot. gaige and claptrap are arguably at the top of that list, and i can never see them as anything more than friends/besties. angel and clap are a close second tho! also thanks to you the bl3 vhs are somewhere on the list hehe
- otp
uh.. 👉👈 obviously not a whole lot considering that most of the universe hates his guts lmao but traplicity/felicitrap/(insert felicity x claptrap ship name here) would've been SO COOL had jack not been a little greedy bitch baby and kill her off.. :(
not my only one but definitely a topper
- notp
jack. and claptrap. obvious reasonings aside i read this one fic of the two on ff.net and never recovered. took 999999 psychic damage. angel and claptrap, again, obvious reasonings 2: electric boogaloo. shadowtrap and claptrap for.. well duh. (they're bros to me and it'd feel weird.)
okay i feel like explaining the first notp a little more because it irks me to death. jack and claptrap have a kinda parent-child relationship. jack also canonically abused the shit out of claptrap which is double icky. it wouldn't be out of place that they'd have the most lopsided, shittiest relationship because jack's not only claptrap's employer, but also he generally has more power over him in general because he's hyperion property and uhm.. yeah. ew.
- random headcanon
1. he's like a little magpie. he collects the shiny™ and hoards 'em in his room. chances are he might actually have something of use there
2. by bl3 his voicebox is fucked, and rarely come the times where he tries to say stuff it comes out all staticky and shit. and sometimes it peaks and uh.. becomes 10 leagues beyond unbearable.
3. also bl3, he stops taking a lot of shit. like he'd still cower and stuff but whenever some rando talks shit about him he'd fight back (verbally. i think he'd rarely ever get into legitimate scuffles esp bc he's not a fragtrap anymore) and it kinda works-ish.
- unpopular opinion
i don't got much because the most i've got is a: claptrap should've gotten a much more significant role in 3, and b: i think claptrap recovering more of his old combat data, which also leads up to shadowtrap's possible return should be a thing. no way in hell they're gonna forget about this one essential part of cv and tp-s!
- song i associate with them
considering my taste in songs is otherwise shit and/or vocaloid: amygdala's rag doll - ghost (we've talked about this hehhe) or world's end dancehall - wowaka (which honestly isn't as fitting but imo it's kinda in-line with him. // also it's got themes of suicide in the lyrics so you might wanna avoid it if that stuff bothers ya) (i make up imaginary amvs with him and shadowtrap it's so fun)
- favorite picture of them
this screenie of claptrap with his cord-tail-thing in the bl1 main menu
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i kinda like that it just randomly pops out when he sneezes
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brokenjardaantech · 6 months
For (one thing you want to know about me) ask!! We've been mutuals for years now (and I'm so lucky!🥰💕 love you!!) And I saw many posts from many fandoms on your blog! Which one between fandoms is your favourite? Like, which one you felt more close to characters or people in fanbase were kind and welcoming.
Thank you!!!💖💖💖💖
Thanks for the ask Merry! Love you too! <3
And man, it's difficult to say which fandom I like the most. Apart from DBH, I haven't really interacted with what I would think of as The Fanbase™, so for the sake of comparison I'll focus on the characters.
My favourite characters - if we talk about canon - are probably Death Stranding. I don't reblog stuff from that game often, but the humanity of the main cast is amazing, and the struggle against a quiet, unforgiving landscape... let's say it is A Vibe.
In terms of the favourite cast that I like to play with like a collection of dolls, however, I'll have to say Call of Duty. I'm only familiar with the reboot universe, but between mw19, mw2, and mw3, there is actually a lot of characters I can work on. It helps that the operators' backgrounds are on the vaguer side, which gives me a lot more room in terms of their backstory, characterisation, relationships, etc. Some of my interpretations are quite different from the so-called fanon though, and most of the characters I'm into aren't exactly the most popular ones anyway - e.g. my Otter/Wyatt fanfic is the second fic with the tag on ao3 and they've been around since mw19 - so most of my ideas exist either in Discord DMs or WIPs in my Google Drive. Maybe I'll finish another one some day. Idk if you've read the omegaverse aledolfo fic but by god that universe has expanded a lot since that fic and has got a lot darker too. I won't call my interpretations canon though, because again, the actual 'canon' of the operators can fit into half a sheet of A4 paper. Not saying I'm disregarding it though; I know ignoring canon is the approach of a lot of people, but for myself I prefer knowing the rules before breaking them. It's just more fun to me to work within the loose limits set by the information provided to us in the games.
When it comes to favourite cast to write, it's a tie between CoD and Mass Effect: Andromeda, the former because I always have fresh ideas and the characters are legit fun to play with (especially if you allow them to be toxic, make mistakes, and be their own self instead of shoving them into a select few tropes), the latter because I keep returning to them. Nothing grand about the MEA cast because most of my ideas are closer to slice-of-life things, but boy is CoD's dynamics fun to play around. The international politics. The implications of the different factions in mw19. The composition of the two PMCs in mw2. I know a lot of people try to stay on top of the politics, but why sanitise things when leaning hardcore into the political aspect makes the sandbox so much more interesting and dramatic?
I can go on for much longer, but what I have in mind will probably take days if not weeks to comb through. Anyways, hope I've answered your question, and feel free to ask any follow-up questions if you have any!
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diathacorny · 6 months
Part two to the Alice and Ekanatha story!!
Ethan’s/Ekanatha’s POV:
At first, I didn't even like Alice, always just.. Weirdly smiling, honestly–just creepy! I don't know why, but there was just something so annoying about her. It's not that I think there's anything wrong with always smiling, that means you're happy, right? But not Alice. She always just seemed so.. Fake. Like a doll. A puppet. Out of pure spite, I suppose, I imagined her with plastic joints, covered by her clothing, to disguise that fakeness. I never wanted to waste my time on her, so I always gave her the cold shoulder. She didn't seem affected, so no reason to care, especially since she seemed so empty, it was maddening! I would see her around Poppy and Velvet most often - her and Velvet would fence, and she would be helping Poppy around with whatever. Sometimes I'd see her with Edith, but it's only ever when they're going out.. Course, it's not like they were going out to party or whatever, but Edith always seemed gruffer when it was time to go out, and Alice seemed.. Even more smiley. Creepy. Gross. She creeps me out. Something about permanent smiles really disgust me. Am I the weird one for being so ugly about it? Well, one day, they came back, but things were different. In her own way, Edith is very soft, even if the exterior displays otherwise, so when Alice was surprisingly clinging to her for support, it made me shake. Because, she was shaken. For someone with a smile, she seemed so strangely scared. I don't get it, why did I feel so concerned over that creepy girl? I guess my family is right, ‘though I show insensitivity, I'm probably the most sensitive in the room’ - ‘Just like Edith’, that's what Velvet said, too, saying her and I have that in common. I like Velvet, so I didn't mind when he made me go. I wouldn't see what happens next. Next thing I know, it's been a while since we've all really seen Alice.. She stays in her room, and Poppy is getting herself sick from whatever it is Alice contracted. The way that the ‘grown ups’ are talking about her, it sounds as if she's sick, but a different kind of sick. Then, again, it's been awhile.. But this time, Alice has been hospitalized. For what? That's when I hear passing nurses, they gossip - irresponsible - about Alice hurt herself - don't they know not to talk about patients' privacy?!--Hey, wait- Hold on, she.. Hurt herself? Hurt herself? I don't get that. Why would she do that? Isn't that idiotic, because, y'know, obviously you shouldn't do that? I mean, you're hurting yourself. But does this mean she did it on purpose? The way they phrased it, with nothing else to go on, I only have to assume. I feel bad for assuming, it's bad to assume. I decide to sneak a glimpse at Alice in her hospital room, thanking myself that no staff member catches me - aha, sneaky me! I push the door open.. And she's there. She's in the bed, and I've gotta admit, she looks.. Pretty bad. Her arms and legs are bandaged, it even looks like her hair was cut really badly, unlike how it looked before, when it was nicely done. That's when I realize her eyes open–she's been looking at me this entire time, I didn't notice. I freeze. And she closes her eyes. We only made eye contact for a moment, and then her eyes gently closed. There was something different about that look, not so sharp, but fragile. Am I getting too ahead of myself? Definitely. But I'm fifteen, it's the time to do so. And I don't know why, but.. I can't help but step closer. Close enough to pull the blanket up, hoping this will make her comfortable. “I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted.. But it's okay if you don't want to say anything about it right now, either,” I apologize to her, taking a step back, and out of her hospital room. I didn't see her smile, I couldn't tell with the mask thingy on her face. I dunno what it's called, sheesh. But I wonder, did you smile, Alice? Either way, I don't care. Smiling doesn't always mean truly happy.
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babygirl-diaz · 3 years
We've read SamBucky meets Young Bucky and SamBucky meets Young Sam, now imagine Young Sam meets Young Bucky, that'll be legendary lmao
((Hey, anon! I hope this finds its way to you. I basically wrote this as crack. Hope you like it!))
“Buck?” Sam asked as he answered the phone. “You must be a mind reader because I was just about to call you. I have a big problem!”
“I have a big problem!”
Their same declaration surprised Sam, but Bucky’s problem couldn’t be as big as his, so he said as much, “I’m sure my problem is bigger than yours.”
“Yeah, don’t be so sure. Because I have an enormous problem.” Bucky huffed.
“Wait… Are we still talking about our problems?” Sam asked when he realized their conversation may have deviated to a very different route.
“Look, Sam, I don’t have time for this. You need to get to New York. Stat.” Bucky practically ordered, making Sam frown.
“I can’t,” Sam replied.
“What do you mean you can’t?” Bucky asked with an edge in his voice.
“I have a… house guest,” Sam replied as he turned around and looked at said guest, who was currently tied to the dining room chair. No, that’s not how Sam normally treated his guests, but this was an exception.
“A house guest? You are such a liar,” Bucky scoffed.
“You don’t have to believe me but it’s the truth.”
“Who is it?” Bucky asked.
“I can’t tell you that. You wouldn’t believe me if I did,” Sam replied and his own voice sounded nervous to him.
“Trust me, after what I’ve seen today, I’d believe in unicorns if you told me they existed,” said Bucky.
The line went quiet for a few seconds, and Sam wondered if Bucky had hung up. He had to admit; he was getting a little worried about his friend. “Bucky?”
“Fine, I’ll come to D.C. Give me a couple hours.” With that, Bucky hung up before Sam could say anything.
“Hello? Bucky?” Sam called out. “Dammit,” he mumbled under his breath.
Sam turned to his tied-up “house guest” and frowned at him. Said house guest was currently struggling in the chair. Sam walked over to the chair and slowly removed the duct tape from his mouth and the man glared at him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He yelled. “Free me right now!”
“Not until I figure out who--- what you are,” Sam replied.
“I am YOU!” the man replied. Well, he was more like a kid. “Isn’t that obvious?”
“How is that possible?” Sam asked, “You are clearly some kind of--- shapeshifter!”
“Shapeshifter? They don’t exist!” The kid scoffed. He then released a deep breath and said, “Look, I know this is crazy--”
“That’s an understatement”
The kid pointedly ignored him, “--BUT I think I somehow ended up in the future. I mean, look at you, you’re old.”
“Excuse you!” Sam balked.
“I mean, you’re older than me…”
“How are you so chill about this?”
“You’re freaking out enough for the both of us,” the kid replied.
It took Bucky a little more than a few hours to get there.
“Well, about damn ti--” Sam said, opening the door, but stopped mid-sentence when he saw Bucky wasn’t alone.
Sam’s jaw dropped open, and his eyes widened when he saw the person beside Bucky. “What the fuck?” Just like Sam, there was a younger version of Bucky standing right in front of him.
Young Bucky pushed Buck aside and got in front of him. “Hey there, doll. I’m James Buchanan Barnes, but you can me Bucky,” young Bucky introduced himself and held out his hand in front of him.
Dumbfounded, Sam took his hand and shook it, but young Bucky held his hand for a little longer than necessary, and then, much to Sam’s surprise, he kissed the top of his hand.
Behind him, Bucky let out a groan.
“Seriously? Do you flirt with everything on two legs?” Bucky asked, sounding exasperated.
“I don’t discriminate, Metal Man,” young Bucky replied
“Metal Man?” Sam raised an eyebrow
“He’s part Metal, part Man, so Metal Man,” young Bucky told him excitedly
“Wow, you really gave that a lot of thought,” Sam said sarcastically.
“Ha! I like y--” young Bucky stopped mid-sentence and his eyes widened almost comically like a cartoon character. “Whoa,” he blinked at something behind Sam, and then, much to Sam’s surprise, he hip-checked him out of the way and invited himself into his apartment.
Sam turned around to find young Bucky carefully approaching young Sam.
“I think I’m in love,” he announced.
“What is happening?” Bucky asked. “Is that--”
“Yep, that’s the younger version of me,” Sam replied, looking at the kid in his military uniform.
“Shit… what is happening here?” Bucky asked again. “Where did they come from?”
“Hell if I know,” Sam replied.
Young Bucky was now on one knee in front of young Sam and staring up at him.
Sam could only see his younger self, who was staring back at young Bucky like he had hung the moon for him. And he suddenly seemed to have forgotten that he was tied to a chair.
“Hi,” young Sam whispered.
“Hi,” young Bucky replied. “I’m James Buchanan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky." He introduced himself but this time there wasn’t any flirtatiousness in his voice.
“I’m Samuel Thomas Wilson, but you can call me Sam.”
“Sam,” young Bucky repeated the name like he was testing it out. “You’re beautiful, Sam.”
Young Sam shyly looked down and bit down on his lips. “You’re not too bad-looking yourself,” he said.
“Sweetheart, do you have a dame or a fella in your life?” He asked.
“Dame or fella?” Sam whispered to Bucky, who just stood there stoic, not saying a word.
“No, I’m single,” young Sam replied. “I mean, this one guy just asked me out, but I was plucked from my timeline and thrown here before I could go on said date.”
“Well, I thank whatever god is out there for that,” said young Bucky. “I would have been really heartbroken if you were taken.”
“Why?” young Sam asked and bit down on his bottom lip.
“Because I think I may be in love with you.”
“What?!” Sam screeched
“Excuse me?!” Bucky asked at the same time.
Both Sam and Bucky looked at each other and rolled their eyes before turning back to the two young versions of themselves.
“I think I might reciprocate those feelings,” young Sam replied, much to Sam’s surprise. He doesn’t remember being this naïve and a complete dumbass.
“Great, they’re in love,” Buck grumbled beside him.
“They’re not in love… they’re just dumb kids,” Sam huffed.
“Which asshole tied you up like this?” Young Bucky asked as he untied Sam
“Him,” young Sam nodded towards Sam.
Young Bucky turned around and glared at him. “How dare you tie up the love of my life?”
“The love of your life?” Sam almost choked.
“Yes, Sam here is the one I have been looking for my whole life.” Bucky took young Sam’s hands as he stood up from the chair and the two of them stared at each other with love and awe. And then they were kissing...
Sam wasn’t sure which one of them initiated the kiss, but soon they were all over each other, kissing like they were two drowning men, holding onto each other for dear life.
“And now they’re kissing,” Bucky commented beside him.
“Wow, thanks for the commentary, Buck. I, of course, can’t see for myself that they’re kissing,” Sam scoffed.
“What do we do about them?” Bucky asked, clearing his throat.
The longer they kissed, the more awkward Sam felt, standing next to his best friend, who he most definitely didn’t want to kiss.
The two kids pulled apart from the kiss, but stayed close to each other and giggled like a couple of schoolgirls. They were whispering something to each other that Sam couldn’t hear.
“Have you ever thought about--” Sam didn’t finish his thought.
“About kissing you?” Bucky finished it for him. “Yes, I have.”
“Then why didn’t you?” Sam asked.
“Didn’t want you to kick my ass,” Bucky replied.
That made Sam chuckle. “I wouldn’t have kicked your ass. Not for that, anyway.”
Soon Bucky’s metal hand found its way to Sam’s, and he took it and intertwined their fingers.
Young Bucky and young Sam were kissing again and Sam suddenly had the urge to kiss his own Bucky. Their young versions soon pulled away and took each other’s hands before coming over to Sam and Bucky.
“We have decided that Sam is coming with me back to my timeline,” young Bucky informed them.
“Uh no, he’s not,” Sam replied. “You don’t exactly come from a tolerant time.”
“I have to agree with Sam,” Bucky chimed in.
“Fine! Then Bucky is coming with me,” young Sam huffed.
“He can’t,” Bucky told him. “He’s not from this universe.”
“What?!” Sam asked.
“He comes from a universe where Peggy Carter became the Captain, not Steve.”
“What the hell?” Sam blinked at young Bucky. A person from a whole other universe. That was crazier than his younger self coming here from the past.
“Wait, you’re friends with Captain America? You’re that Bucky Barnes?!” Young Sam asked, surprised.
“No, that’s him,” Sam said, pointing at his Bucky.
Young Sam completely ignored him and grinned at Bucky. “That’s the coolest thing ever. My boyfriend is a famous historical figure.”
“Your boyfriend?” Bucky, Sam’s Bucky, choked.
And then young Sam and young Bucky were kissing again.
“Wait till he finds out that you’re Captain America,” Bucky chuckled.
Sam glared at him in return. “We’re not telling them anything. We don’t know what the repercussions will be!”
Young Sam and young Bucky were so lost in each other that they didn’t even hear Sam and Bucky talking about them. The young ones finally pulled apart to catch a breath.
“I’m not going anywhere without him,” young Sam adamantly told him and took young Bucky’s hand again.
“I’m not going anywhere without him either,” added young Bucky. “I believe I was sent here to meet the love of my life.”
“He is not the love of your life,” Sam sighed. “You’re kids. How old are you again?”
“I’m 20!” Young Bucky replied.
“I’m 18,” said young Sam. “We’re not kids.”
“Metal Man and Not Sam--”
“Hey! I am Sam.” Sam glared at him.
Young Bucky smirked “Metal Man and Not Sam, you are going to figure out how to keep us together.”
“What?” Bucky and Sam asked at the same time.
“You’re gonna figure out a way to keep us together because if you don’t then we’ll just stay here and mess up your timeline,” young Sam added.
“This is a nightmare. This cannot be real,” Sam said, horrified.
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teebarnes · 3 years
✨ | A Bad Day
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Click [100 Followers Fic] for the rest of the 100 follower fics :)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
Summary: You had a bad day at work and Bucky knows that, so takes this chance to brighten your bad day.
Word Count: 2k
Warning(s): Fluff, crying... I think that's about it.
A/N: Thank you for 100 followers! Plus, I mean, who wouldn't want Bucky to comfort them after a bad day? (GIF isn't mine)
⤑ Click here for my taglist to be notified when I post my future fics.
Any Likes, Comments & Reblogs are super duper appreciated :))
Locking the door behind you, you lean yourself against your door, sliding to the floor. Tears flowing down your face, you pike your knees up you to the chest, wrapping your arms around them. It was another one of those awful days at work, your face hidden in the nook you made. You slowly sobbed to yourself, trying to express the bad day you had quietly into your house as if it could listen.
The quietness of your rural home thickened the sound of your tears; you sigh deeply into your knees, attempting to catch the breath you longed for. Then, calming yourself, you wipe the tears with the end of your jumper before hearing your phone ring. A few sniffs holding the fact you were crying, you check your phone to see it was your best friend calling.
"Yellop", you softly chime to your best friend on the end of the other line. You can hear an audible laugh. "Yellop doll, how was your day?" The voice you always long to hear at the end of your days. "U-usual", you softly chocked out before continuing ", how about you, old man? How was your day?" You giggle slightly at your remark.
A long pause extended your conversation with him before he broke the silence with a soft laugh through his nose, "usual, same since we last spoke", you smile, getting up, taking the conversation to your couch. Hearing his voice had taken away any sadness you had before you even picked up the phone. "Hey, I'm coming over. I need your help," he says, which piques your interest.
"What does a 107-year-old man need my help for? I'm sure you have all the life experience you need," you joked; Bucky gasps ", ouch, my feelings… they're hurting because of you", he laughs, causing the two of you to roll your eyes at each end of the line. "May I ask what you need help with?" You sat up from the couch, eagerly waiting for his reply.
A steady silence homed their conversation for a few seconds "a date y/n… there is this beautiful woman I want to ask on a date." He sighs.
Your face drops slightly, tears rushing down your face again like the ones before. Quickly wiping the tears, you answer, so Bucky doesn't worry "a date, huh? Since when do you socialise" you half-laughed to yourself sadly. "well… doll. You see, I don't if I'm honest," you both laugh, waiting for him to continue. "But… she is amazing, beautiful, the most incredible person I've met", he boasts to you over the phone.
You couldn't help but wallow in your thoughts for a bit, wishing that it were you he was talking about. But you knew that you two were just made to be the best of friends; despite how you felt towards him, you knew he could never feel the same. It took you a while to collect yourself when Bucky spoke again, breaking your train of thought. "Doll?" Your eyes focus again on your surroundings, coming back to the reality that you wanted to run away from right then and there. "Doll, are you there?" He asks again; you clear your throat "yes! yes… sorry, yes I am." You coughed.
"I am happy for you, Buck! She will be so lucky to have you." You stand up from the couch walking into your kitchen. "I am the lucky one, actually…" he replies softly. You smile at his reply only to realise the context of the conversation before answering back to him, "Well… are you sure you need my help? I feel you have all of that covered. I don't think I could be of much help to you, Buck." You held the phone between your shoulder and your ear as you opened the fridge up to check what was for dinner tonight. "I most certainly do doll. You are a vital part to getting this right," he excitedly says; you could never turn him down.
Even after being his friend for over ten years, you still couldn't say no to him. "Geez, Bucky, you really are serious… I'll have you know, though. I haven't had a boyfriend since I met you, so I'll only be able to give you basic pointers," you laugh to yourself. "Doll, don't worry about it… as long as you're there, that's all I need." He swoons. You couldn't help but laugh, "see, buck, with that attitude, I think she will say yes." You lightly say, "plus, have you asked Steve? I'm sure he has better advice to give," you question. "Yeah, I did… no help there", he laughs.
"Okey dokes, well I'm going to take my shower n stuff… you've got a key so you can let yourself in, alright?" You say, continuing to push through the built-up tears and emotions that halted at your throat. "Okay, doll! See you shortly," he says "see ya, Buck" you smile, hanging up.
Not knowing it, but your world fell before you; you didn't want to lose Bucky to a woman he hasn't even told you about. Then again, you cared for his happiness, that is what he needed after all the trauma he had been put through. You shook off the tears sucking up the pain into your stomach, heading to take a shower.
Bucky’s POV
"How do I tell her, Steve?" Bucky groans, pacing around the living room, "I love her so goddam much, but I am afraid to lose her. What if she doesn't like me and only sees me as a friend-"Bucky is cut off by Nat, who is sitting on the other side of the couch reading a book. "Bucky, I am going to slap some sense into you soon. She is head over heels for you." She sighs, getting up to leave the room. Bucky continues to pace again, with Steve closely watching.
"Ask her on a date Buck. Go from there," Steve lightly says, leaning back into his seat. "Hey doll, I know we've been best friends for ten years now, but I just wanted to let you know that I've fallen in love with you since the day we met", he frustrates into the palm of his hands. Steve chuckles a bit, "sounds about right", he snorts. Bucky wide-eyed to his oldest friend. "Ahaha, so funn-" he is cut off with a buzzing in his left pocket.
Reaching in, he picks it up "oh, it's just Sam" he rolls his eyes, answering, "what's up, Sam?" Sam sighs "have you talked to y/n recently?" He asks, which immediately makes Bucky furrow his eyebrows "no, why? Has something happened?" A pause before Sam speaks, "Can you check on her, please. She had a rough day at work. I have a feeling she is not at her best at the moment." Bucky's eyes dull hearing that the woman he's in love with is sad "okay, on it. Thanks for letting me know, Sam", he let out a sigh. "I've given her the week off, but please check." He sternly asks. "You have my word Sam" Bucky hangs up, turning to Steve.
"She had a bad day at work…" he frowns before plopping himself on the couch. "Well, buck, this may be a good opportunity to take her out on a date? Or even have a sneaky film night?" He stands up, patting his friend's shoulder. Bucky gives a slight grin, nodding, "Thanks, pal".
Steve walks out of the room, leaving Bucky alone with his thoughts, "okay okay okay, I can do this, I can do this." He hypes himself up, taking his phone pressing your contact that he had on speed dial.
"Yellop" Bucky hears on the other end of the phone; he couldn't help but melt to the sweetness of your voice. It was one he loved so much. It wasn't unusual to call each other; it was a religious routine for the both of you. If one didn't call, the other would. But this time, it was different; Bucky was nervous; it has taken him ten years to work up the courage to ask you out. But he still couldn't, not without seeing your face, not without being able to hold you as he said he loved you and not without comforting you first. He knew you didn't want to burden him with your troubles, so he took it upon himself to make up an excuse just to see you.
After the call, Bucky knew that you'd been hiding your emotions just to have your usual conversation with him. He felt even guiltier when he went on and on about you but never had the guts to tell you that he was talking about you.
Bucky packed a night bag from his room, packing it onto his motorbike before making his way to the local supermarket that was on the way to your house.
He picked up some of your favourite snacks and a bunch of your favourite flowers, securing them on his bike before riding to your house. Then, turning his bike off, he left it parked in your garage, heading inside. He closed the door behind him, walking into the kitchen laying the snacks on the table before heading down the hall into your room. He could hear the shower running and knew you were still in there.
He could hear you singing a soft melody of your favourite song; Bucky smiled, took his shoes off, and set them at the door in the hallway. Bucky flopped onto your soft bed with the flowers he had for you hidden on the bedside away from the bathroom door so you wouldn't be able to see them when you'd come out.
Finishing your shower a few minutes later, you wrapped your hair in a towel. Drying yourself and popping on your oversized henley, the same one Bucky had given you all those years ago when you had nothing to wear the first time you slept at his. You put some undies on and Van's socks. Using the dryer to dry your hair, you fitted your thick hair into a messy bun with your black scrunchy. "Alright", you took a deep breath before heading out to see Bucky lying on your bed.
"Oh, Buck! Hey," you smiled at him. His head was comfy on the bedsheets; he turned to see you, a bright smile upon his face. "Hey, doll," he noticed straight away that you weren't wearing any pants, something he was used to but not used to at the same time. You'd always make a fuss over going to bed with pants on; you hated wearing pants to bed. So you just opted for socks. "So", you sigh, flopping on the bed next to him. "Who is the girl?" You asked, turning your body to the side facing him. He chuckled, rolling over the edge of the bed, coming back to meet you, your favourite flowers in his hand; you both were face to face.
You look at him, jerking your face back a bit in surprise but totally melting seeing the flowers. "M-me?" You reply; Bucky smiles, brushing the hair from your face nodding, "It's always been you y/n." His arm caressed your cheek, and you couldn't help but rest yours on his. You kissed the inner of his hand before taking the flowers leaving them on the bedside table.
"You know how long I've wanted to tell you that I love you" you smiled almost in tears; wrapping his metal arm around your waist, Bucky pulled your body close to his "And you know how long I've wanted to say the exact same thing" he rested his head against yours "I am in love with you y/n, I've loved you ever since I met you". You sniffled, cupping his cheek before leaning in, kissing his chapped lips; he leaned into him, kissing back "and just when I thought I was going to have to let you go, you prove me wrong," you chuckled through your tears.
He chuckles with you. "I couldn't tell you on the phone. I had to be here. Plus, Sam told me you had a bad day, so I wanted to be with you." You smiled, giving him the biggest hug. "Thank you, Buck. Thank you for doing this" he kissed the top of your head.
"You're welcome, love", he smiled.
Sebastian Stan's Taglist: @buckyswintersoldiermask @lharrietg @buckyfan12 @afraid-to-be-me @fairityretro
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creambunnie · 3 years
Hello Baby ❤💜💚💛💙💓
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ONEWE fluff - Yonghoon, Kanghyun (Hyungu), Harin, Dongmyeong, CyA (Giuk)
"hello Hyungu, are you free right now? it's urgent!"
"eh Yonghoon hyung? yeah i'm free, what's wrong?"
"hyung was that a cat??"
"what? noooo, it's a baby!"
"oh i thought so, it was weird if you had a ca-- WHAT? A BABY?"
Hyungu stared at Yonghoon who was wearing a baby carrier as he entered Yonghoon's apartment. Yonghoon had his index finger on his lips, asking Hyungu to keep quiet as to not wake up the baby in his arms.
"why do you have a baby?? oh my god, did you pick it up from somewhere?" Hyungu whispered as he panicked.
Yonghoon sighed and knocked Hyungu's head softly.
"don't be ridiculous, Kang Hyungu. this is my cousin's son. her mother in-law just passed on so she asked me to look after her son for a while as she helps her husband settle the funeral and all."
Hyungu took a seat on the sofa, still processing the whole situation.
"so why the heck did you agree if you have never in your whole life babysit a... a baby?"
Yonghoon gulped and scratched his neck awkwardly.
"i misread her text. i thought her son was 10 years old, but it's actually 10 months... i couldn't reject her when she already brought her baby and all his things here."
Hyungu massaged his temples.
"how long?"
"a week."
"shush Hyungu you are going to wake Minsoo up!" Yonghoon scolded Hyungu in whisper.
Yonghoon decided to contact Hyungu first because he lived the nearest. the baby was sleeping when he was brought here but the moment his mother left him into Yonghoon's care, he woke up and started crying.
Yonghoon panicked and called Hyungu right away, and while waiting for Hyungu to come, he tried to soothe Minsoo down with a lullaby.
Hyungu finally calmed down and approached Minsoo who was still in the carrier. he stared at the doll-like sleeping baby and let out a chuckle.
"naww Minsoo is so cute"
"i know, it's cause i'm his uncle"
Hyungu rolled his eyes and fished out his phone.
"i'm telling the others. you and me taking care of a baby is not enough, we need the whole squad."
Yonghoon hesitated for a bit because he didn't want to bother the others, but Hyungu was right. the two of them were not enough.
Hyungu and Yonghoon were busy lying Minsoo down carefully on the sofa that they didn't notice the beeping sound from the front door.
"baby Minsoo~ your Giuk hyung is here!!"
the two older boys' eyes widened at the sudden loud voice. a high pitch crying started filling their ears.
"i am so sorry, i didn't know Minsoo was sleeping!" Giuk apologised as Yonghoon was frantically making milk in the kitchen while Hyungu was trying to calm Minsoo down in the living room.
"can you help me check if the milk is okay instead? i mean your age is the nearest to the baby, so"
Giuk was confused at his hyung's nonsense but he was guilty so he poured some milk on his hand to taste it.
"uhm i think it's fine? it's a bit hot tho??"
"oh my god, why is it so chaotic in here?? no one even noticed we entered, Harin hyung."
Harin scanned the scenes happening and quietly but efficiently tried to handle the situations.
"Dongmyeong, go help Hyungu calm the baby. i will check on Yonghoon hyung"
Dongmyeong gently took the baby from Hyungu. he craddled Minsoo in his arms and swayed back and forth until he calmed down.
"well aren't you a cutie?" Dongmyeong cooed and poked the baby's nose softly. Minsoo stared at Dongmyeong confusedly and giggled.
"low low!!" Minsoo babbled and reached his hands out to Dongmyeong's neck. Hyungu noticed Dongmyeong's necklace and chuckled.
"he is so smart! he said yellow~" Hyungu was amazed at the 10-month old kid.
Yonghoon, Harin and Giuk finally went to living room with a warm bottle of milk.
"here, feed Minsoo the milk first" Harin passed the bottle to Dongmyeong.
Yonghoon, Hyungu and Giuk sighed in relief and plopped on the sofa side by side.
"how are you and Dongmyeong good at this, Harin??"
Harin chuckled and carressed Minsoo's head gently.
"we are not good at it, hyung. it's just that you guys were panicking so more panic won't do good. i just had to be the calm one just now. also, we had more time to prepare mentally, so no worries hyung, you will do just fine!" Harin humbly comforted.
Yonghoon thanked Harin and took Minsoo from Dongmyeong.
"Yonghoon hyung, what's this?" Giuk asked as he found a small booklet in Minsoo's bag.
"oh my cousin said that's a list of food that Minsoo can and cannot eat."
"great!! pass me that Giuk. i was just about to ask about this. Dongmyeong and I bought some ingredients for dinner, Hyungu, you wanna help us cook?" Hyungu gave Harin a thumbs up and followed the two into the kitchen.
Yonghoon and Giuk contiued playing with Minsoo in the living room.
"baby~~ Giuk hyung bought a looot of plushies for you! which one do you like ?" Giuk neatly placed the plushies in line in front of Minsoo and waited for him to choose.
Minsoo looked up at Giuk with his big round eyes as if he understood what Giuk said clearly.
"wook! wook!" Minsoo exclaimed and reached for the hamster plushie.
Yonghoon poked Minsoo's chubby cheek in admiration.
"you two are really friends, huh," Yonghoon chuckled as Giuk continued making short 'conversations' with Minsoo.
Minsoo warmed up to the boys quite easily and giggled alot while playing. Yonghoon was relieved he had awesome brothers who could help him out.
"let's eat~~" Dongmyeong called as he set the dining table. as Minsoo was in Giuk's good hands, Yonghoon helped Dongmyeong while Harin and Hyungu brought out the dishes for dinner.
"i even made Minsoo some baby chicken porridge~" Harin excitedly said as he showed Minsoo his own bowl of food.
"nyam nyam!!" Minsoo was already salivating at the delicious smell.
"hyung,, your cousin didn't bring Minsoo's high chair, right?" Hyungu asked after scanning the whole apartment.
"mm, it's fine, Minsoo will just sit on my lap and one of you can feed him."
the 5 boys took turns eating and feeding Minsoo.
"zoooom! good boy, Minsoo~" Giuk praised the baby as he happily took a big bite of the porridge.
Dongmyeong also took a big bite of the dakgalbi that they cooked and hummed in delight.
"it's been so long since we've had a family dinner like this~"
Giuk looked at Dongmyeong weirdly. "but we just did last week.."
Dongmyeong shushed Giuk and shook his head.
"last week was sooo long ago!! we need to eat dinner together more frequently."
Yonghoon only chuckled at the younger boy's wish.
"sure, we can have family dinner everyday for this whole week~"
Dongmyeong and Giuk were on their semester break, while Yonghoon and Hyungu worked from home. Harin was the only one who had to go to the office.
"so Harin, can you teach us some things like how to make the perfect temperature milk, and how to cook the food for Minsoo?" Hyungu requested as he wiped Minsoo's messy lips.
Harin of course agreed, he wanted Minsoo to experience the best care from his brothers.
after the yummy dinner, Yonghoon and Giuk did the dishes while the other 3 boys played with Minsoo.
"what colour is this, Minsoo?" Hyungu showed the baby a penguin plushie.
"woooo~~" Hyungu hugged Minsoo softly, refraining himself from squishing the baby for being too cute. "you are correct! that is blue!"
Dongmyeong hummed as he thought of something.
"Yonghoon hyung, Giuk, come here quickly after you finished. we gotta introduce ourselves properly to Minsoo!".
the boys sat in a line as Yonghoon carried Minsoo. he made eye contact with Minsoo and started introducing himself.
"Minsoo, i am Uncle Yonghoon!" "hoon~~"
"i am Uncle Hyungu!" "gugu~"
"i am Uncle Harin!" "rinnie~"
"i am Uncle Dongmyeong!" "meong~~"
"i am Giuk hyung!" "wook wook!!"
for every response, Minsoo either got a peck on his cheek or a carress on his small round head.
"now that's done, let's lay out the futons in the living room. we are having a sleepover~" Yonghoon happily announced.
since Minsoo started yawning, the boys decided to quickly turn the lights off and go to sleep with the baby. it was quite a tiring day afterall.
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the night was calm, Minsoo didn't make a single fuss while sleeping. he must have felt really comfortable with the boys, or he was just too tired after a lot of playing earlier.
"wow... i thought they were the same age." Harin whispered. the other 3 boys giggled at his words as they looked at Giuk and Minsoo all cuddled up. it was a cute scene to wake up to.
Harin woke up early to prepare food for Minsoo's meals and at the same time he taught Dongmyeong and Hyungu too. the other boys only need to heat them up when it's time to eat.
Giuk and Dongmyeong played and took care of Minsoo most of the time as the two older boys were working. Giuk even took a bath with Minsoo and made bubbles for him.
Minsoo was really a good baby. after warming up to the boys, he rarely cried. only when he was hungry, he would whine a little but goes back to being the giggly baby when he was fed.
Giuk and Dongmyeong were resting while Minsoo was playing with some plushies by himself. Dongmyeong almost dozed off when Giuk nudged him softly. "hey, Minsoo is saying something."
Minsoo was cutely sitting in front of the entrance with his hamster plushie. he looked up and stared at the doorknob as he mumbled.
"rinnie... rinnie... unc rinnie."
Dongmyeong and Giuk chuckled at the cuteness. it was 5pm, about an hour left before Harin comes back.
Yonghoon suddenly went out of his room and scooped Minsoo up.
"i finished my work for today. should i bring Minsoo out for a walk and welcome Harin?"
Hyungu closed his laptop and volunteered to follow Yonghoon.
"Dongmyeong and Giuk should rest."
"mm Hyungu hyung. Dongmyeong and I will prepare the ingredients for dinner after we rest for abit."
the two older boys nodded and prepared to go out with Minsoo.
they walked and reached a playground near the apartment. since Minsoo was too small to go down the slide by himself, Hyungu carried him and played together. everytime Hyungu and Minsoo reached the bottom, Yonghoon would make funny noises, making the baby giggle loudly.
after playing on the slide for a few times, Hyungu and Yonghoon sat on the empty swings side by side. Minsoo was securely seated on Hyungu's lap as he swung back and forth slowly.
"foooshh~" Minsoo cutely babbled as he felt the wind hit his face.
Yonghoon and Hyungu looked at each other and chuckled at the adorable baby.
"oh Minsoo, look who's here !" Yonghoon prompted as he pointed to the busstop. Hyungu stood up to let Minsoo see.
"rinnie!!!! unc rinnie!!" Minsoo exclaimed excitedly.
Harin heard the baby's voice from afar and jogged to the three boys.
"aww did Minsoo wait for Uncle Harin?"
Minsoo looked at Harin with sparkles in his eyes and grinned. Harin chuckled and took Minsoo from Hyungu.
"you are so cute!! look at you drooling from being too excited~" Harin cooed and wiped Minsoo's chin with Yonghoon's help.
"let's go home and prepare for dinner!"
"mm mm Hoon nyam nyam!" Minsoo mumbled and pointed to the apartment.
"yes Uncle Yonghoon's nephew is so smart, like uncle like nephew~~" Yonghoon praised.
Harin and Hyungu just went on with him, as long as their oldest brother was happy.
during dinner, Dongmyeong excitedly suggested the idea he and Giuk thought of together earlier.
"how about we go on a picnic at the park this weekend ? Minsoo is going to love spending time with all 5 of us outside!"
the baby happily clapped his hands when he heard his name being said.
"meong meong!!"
"hehe yess Uncle Dongmyeong loves you too~" Dongmyeong scrunched his nose as he poked Minsoo's round cheek.
"that's a good idea! the weather these days seem nice too" Yonghoon acknowledged.
"then it is set! we can go buy some ingredients for the picnic too when we go grocery shopping tomorrow." Hyungu suggested.
as planned, Hyungu and Dongmyeong went to the supermarket the next day and brought Minsoo with them. they made sure Minsoo was full first before going out. Hyungu tightened the baby carrier and pecked Minsoo's head.
"let's go~"
Dongmyeong was relieved the supermarket was not that crowded. he quickly took the things they wrote on the shopping list to not waste any time.
"gugu! gugu!" Minsoo called as he tried to reach for something behind Hyungu.
"hmm?" Hyungu turned around and saw a brightly packed biscuits. the bright orange colour must have attracted Minsoo.
"i don't think you can eat those yet, baby.."
"gugu?" Minsoo pouted.
Hyungu sighed and poked Minsoo's small nose.
"alright, we'll buy it for the packaging"
"gugu!!!" Minsoo happily exclaimed when he saw Hyungu putting the packet into the cart.
after buying the groceries and things for the weekend picnic, Hyungu and Dongmyeong decided to walk around the shopping mall for a bit.
"oh my god hyung!! that is super cute~ can we buy it for Minsoo? pleaaase!" Dongmyeong pleaded as he pulled Hyungu into a baby store.
the outfit Dongmyeong saw was a cute brown overalls. it was too cute to be ignored.
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"yayy! we can dress him up in the new outfit this weekend!"
Minsoo was a simple baby, when people around him were happy, he's also happy. Minsoo bounced excitedly to Dongmyeong's voice in the baby carrier.
"okay baby,, uncles are also excited to hang out with you~"
the long awaited weekend was finally here. the 5 boys were busy with their own tasks. Yonghoon was fixing the baby car seat, Harin and Hyungu were packing the food they made for the picnic, while Dongmyeong and Giuk were dressing Minsoo up.
Dongmyeong can't help but squish Minsoo's cheeks because he was extra cute after Giuk tied his thin hair into two small ponytails.
"omo, who is this handsome baby? of course no other than handsome Uncle Yonghoon's nephew~" Yonghoon sang as soon as he entered the house.
"but we are all handsome uncles and hyung, right Minsoo?" Dongmyeong held Minsoo's small hand and shook it gently.
Minsoo grinned. "meooong~".
after Hyungu and Harin were finished packing, the 6 boys finally started on their journey to the flower park.
"Minsoo~ look here!" Dongmyeong called out as Harin quickly snapped a few pictures of the cute baby.
"hey, let's take a family selfie!" Yonghoon suggested as he held Minsoo close to his chest. the other 4 boys gathered closer to Yonghoon as Harin took their picture.
the boys managed to find a spot under a big tree so they were shaded from the hot sun. they ate the food and snacks that Harin and Hyungu made deliciously. even Minsoo asked for seconds.
they then played around with Minsoo, Yonghoon sang some nursery rhymes for his cute nephew as the other boys did some simple moves that Minsoo could follow. they made sure Minsoo was having a fun time with them.
"oh Minsoo, it's your mom!" Yonghoon quickly answered the videocall from his cousin. his cousin would call everyday to check on Minsoo and the boys.
"hi noona!"
"hi Yonghoon! i heard you guys are on a picnic now? is Minsoo doing okay? did he make a fuss ?"
"Minsoo is fine, he is a good boy! here look at him!"
Yonghoon turned the phone so the camera was facing Minsoo.
"Minsoo~ it's mommy!"
"aww look at your outfit today ! it's so cute, your uncles really have a good taste in clothings. Minsoo, mommy miss you so much. i will fetch you tomorrow, okay?"
Yonghoon turned back the phone and continued talking with his cousin.
"and boys, Minsoo looks so happy today! he must really love you boys so much! i know i say this everyday but thank you so much for taking good care of my son! you boys continue having fun together okay,, see you tomorrow!".
after bidding goodbye, the 5 boys continued playing with Minsoo. they stayed at the park for a few more hours. Minsoo even took a nap on Yonghoon's lap while his uncles enjoyed the fresh breeze.
it had been a while since they were able to relax with nature. not that they were too busy to do that, it just didn't cross their mind to spend time like this together. they were grateful to Minsoo because he gave them the opportunity to experience such a fun time.
the next morning was awkwardly gloomy. Minsoo's things were already organised at one side of the house. the 5 boys were playing with Minsoo in the living room as if playing together yesterday at the park wasn't enough.
"i'm so attached to Minsoo already. i don't think i can sleep without him tonight." Giuk sadly said as he carressed Minsoo's arm who was holding onto the hamster plushie that he gave on the first day that they met.
"i had fun making his baby food. it's amazing how this little thing could eat other than milk. thanks for enjoying my cooking, Minsoo! Uncle Rinnie will cook again for you when you are bigger!".
Yonghoon sighed and pouted. "you guys staying over for a whole week was so much fun. i'm gonna feel so lonely when you guys go back home."
"aww hyung,, you know we will always visit you. me especially! i will crash into your apartment often!" Dongmyeong comforted.
"yeah hyung, Minsoo or no Minsoo, we are always a call away!" Hyungu supported.
the gloomy atmosphere turned gloomier when the front door bell was rung. it was time to send Minsoo off back to his parents.
Yonghoon greeted his cousin and invited her in as the other boys took turns giving Minsoo a goodbye hug.
"take good care of mr hamster okie? wook hyung loves Minsoo so much!"
"Uncle Gugu also loves Minsoo! stay healthy, baby."
"my cute cute Minsoo, Uncle Meong loves you so much."
"you have to eat well and grow up healthily, okay? Uncle Rinnie also loves Minsoo!"
Yonghoon was the last one to hug. he was sad but he knew he had a higher chance of meeting Minsoo more in the future as they were close relatives.
"the next time we meet, you must be healthy, alright Minsoo? Uncle Hoon loves Minsoo soooo much!".
Yonghoon's cousin took Minsoo from his arms and bowed to the 5 boys.
"thank you so much for taking a really good care of Minsoo. i'm sure he had a good time with you boys. tell me when you all are available, i would like to treat you all to a meal. a meal is not even enough, honestly. maybe two or three meals would be great too!"
after Minsoo's father took all of his things, it was really time to part ways now. Minsoo was not smiling nor crying. he just stared at his five uncles blankly as he waved goodbye with his tiny hand. it was hard to close the front door but they eventually had to leave.
the once lively living room was now so quiet. it was amazing how 1 baby could make the mood so happy. now that he went back home, the 5 boys felt empty.
Harin sighed as he sat up. "guys, i miss Minsoo already.."
it had only been about 2 hours since Minsoo left.
"me too.." Hyungu mumbled.
"Yonghoon hyung, can we videocall Minsoo? pleaaase!" Dongmyeong requested.
of course Yonghoon would agree. he wanted to see his cute nephew's face. Yonghoon texted his cousin in advance before giving her a call.
"hi Minsoo!" the 5 boys greeted in sync as soon as Minsoo's face popped up on the phone screen.
Minsoo whose expression was blank like earlier turned into a happy smile. his eyes sparkled when he saw the 5 boys that he was already missing too.
"UNCS!!" ('uncles' but baby talk)
no matter how many kilometres apart they were from each other, the 6 boys' hearts were still as closely packed together as ever.
a/n : i've always wanted to see ONEWE taking care of a kid, so i wrote a whole imagine for it 😂 hope yall enjoyed it!
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littoraly-art · 4 years
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😌 💕 i feel so loved, thank youu
and might I say, you have a Very Big Brain
also 👉👈 Im sorry for the weird ask format bc uh somehow I deleted the original draft but was able to screenshot the ask bc.. long story, ANYWAYS
A/N: this will be slightly divergent from my previous baby!Lamb fics. (But only because I briefly mentioned Geralt in my last one)
A/N 2.0: im gonna start doing page breaks for my fics bc it'll be easier organization
• General
• Fluff
• Lambert, Eskel, and Geralt
• Wolf Pup Shenanigans
The first inkling of Eskel's suspicions started with when he set about making Lambert's new poppet.
He was seated on the low wall–the one that bordered the vegetable garden–and were basking in the warmth of the sun that gently tickled their skin. They'd been given an afternoon of free play and Lambert, for one, liked watching for birds so that he could scare them off with lots of yelling, accompanied by the brandishing of a stick. He said it was much more fun than dealing with the other students and definitely much more fun than sitting in the library with Vesemir.
Eskel couldn't blame him.
The older boy was balanced on the wall with his legs tucked into a neat criss-crossed position so that all of his materials could sit in his lap as he worked. He really didn't mind accompanying Lambert out there because he could sew just as well out there as he could anywhere else. Plus, it was fun to listen to the other wolf chatter on about his day.
Said redhead was walking himself along the wall, balancing and doing little pirouettes every so often. And, every so often, Eskel would pipe up, "wrong," causing Lambert to freeze before righting his footing. Oh, and sticking his tongue out at the older boy.
"Can you give the poppet hair?"
Eskel lifted his eyes to watch as Lambert spun yet again before the other boy jumped down and snatched up his stick from where it was laying on the ground.
"Hair? Like.."
"Like the ones in the shops down in Ard Carraigh," Lambert chirped in response, remembering back to the city he'd only ever been through once. He flashed a grin at Eskel as he climbed back up onto the low wall, now with mock sword in hand.
"You know you're not supposed to practice your drills alone."
There was a dramatic sigh and a roll of Lambert's eyes as he began smacking, along the wall with his stick, instead. "So.. Can you give it hair?"
"I.. sure?" Eskel tipped his head to the side in brief consideration and then dropped his eyes back to the item in his hands, returning to his sewing. Watching as the needle swam in and out of the soft linen fabric. Pricking his finger every so often as his tongue lightly poked out between his teeth. "..What color? Red, like yours?" Not that he knew where he'd find that color. They didn't have any dyed yarn that he was allowed to use, that he knew of.
"No. White."
Eskel paused as he lifted his eyes back to watch his friend as the younger boy was now trying to whack the stick against the heavy bough of the half dead tree that stood, gnarled, on the other side of the wall.
"Yeah, I want it to be white."
Eskel regarded the other curiously with a tiny little smile before looking back down at his project, yet again. "I don't think we have any white yarn. How about grey or brown?"
Lambert halted in thought, holding his stick above his head with both hands. It only took a moment's consideration before he nodded lightly. "Grey works."
- -
The second instance, that Eskel stumbled upon, seemed to only confirm his suspicions.
Lambert was perched on a rickety bench that sat to the side of the training yard and he was watching raptly as one of older mentors was running Eskel's peer group through a drill that incorporated Aard. Eskel was stood off to the side to observe since he was the most adept at Signs than the rest of his peers. This allowed him to help call out mistakes, when need. And, at the moment, it allowed him the opportunity to look over and see that Lambert was zoned in on one student in particular.
The white haired boy was a mischievous, headstrong thing who had quite the aptitude for the graceful maneuvers of the Wolf School. His chin length, slightly curly hair was held back with a simple brown headband and the item effectively kept his hair out of his face as he twisted about in the drilled sequence.
Lambert had his knees tucked against his chest, arms wrapped 'round them and his chin settled softly on top as he studied the scene in front of him. His wide eyes followed every single movement as he murmured the names of each maneuver, under his breath.
As Eskel was called back into the group, he made a mental note to give the poppet a headband along with the white hair, and he grinned to himself.
Leave it to Geralt to inspire such dazzled eyes and intent focus.
Lambert had really come down to the training yard so that he could grab Eskel once he was done for the day. He had a whole list of things he wanted to do before dinner and he absolutely needed Eskel to join him in his plans. It wasn't fun to get up to trouble alone, after all.
He however realized that, as he sat to wait for Eskel, he could just as happily take that time to watch Geralt.
Geralt was the best.
He was strong and fast and funny and stubborn and so very sure of himself and goodness! Just everything that Lambert could ever dream of being.
But, he had never interacted with him before. Oh, no, no. Lambert couldn't risk that. What if Geralt thought he was dumb like the other boys did? What if he thought it was weird that Lambert looked up to him as a role model? He could not risk that.
He wouldn't know what to do if that happened.
So, there he sat, for the entire session. He sat, quiet and respectful, not interrupting so that he wouldn't be asked to leave. (Which definitely had never ever happened before..)
At the end, when all the equipment was being packed up and put away, Lambert jumped up from his spot and began making his way across the yard. He clasped his hands behind him and took steps that had a subtle little skip to them, running over his list of plans in his head.
That was when he froze, though. He watched, while holding his breath, as Geralt slung his arm around Eskel's neck and the two older boys laughed together about.. well, something. Lambert's eyes were as wide as could be and he brought his hands in front of himself to fidget as he took a couple steps back.
The conversation between the two continued on before Eskel spotted Lambert, giving him an easy grin. He then, to Lambert's horror, began to guide Geralt over, arm around his friend's middle as they still chattered.
Once it was confirmed that they were definitely headed towards him, Lambert spooked. He was not ready to meet Geralt. Not like this.
He had an utterly embarrassed expression on his face and fidgeted with his hands more before twisting on his heel and taking off.
Not today.
Eskel knocked on the door that was already partially open but then he stuck his head into the room, where he spotted a large lump underneath the blanket that was draped over the far bed. The older boy smiled lightly and then slipped inside the room, gently closing the door behind him.
"Are you asleep?"
"Did I just wake you?"
"..No." The voice that came after a little groan, and the sound of a yawn, said otherwise and Eskel's smile widened.
"Okay, well, sit up because I have something for you," Eskel hummed and then climbed onto the bed, holding the finished poppet in his lap. "'t's gonna to be dinner time soon anyways."
A fiery mop of curls revealed itself from under the covers and Lambert sat up fully, turning to Eskel with a tilt to his head. Questioning. Until he saw tha finished poppet, that is.
"It's done!"
"Yep. Here you go," He laughed as he handed it over. "And it looks enough like Geralt, don't you think?"
Lambert held it at arm's length with a grin before frowning quickly and furrowing his little brows. "It's not.. that's not why–"
"Well, sure it is," Eskel laughed again, good naturedly and then shifted so that he could flop onto his back, laying next to Lambert. "I can see how much you look up to him."
"That's not.."
"Nothing wrong with it, Lamb."
Lambert eyed him for a long moment and then dropped onto his back as well, so that they could lay shoulder to shoulder, as he hugged the poppet to his chest.
"..Do you like it?"
"Yeah, you did a good job," Lambert mumbled and then nudged his elbow into Eskel's side. "Thanks."
They fell into a comfortable silence as they both stared up at the ceiling, where hewn timbers ran from one side to the other. Eskel could practically feel Lambert thinking so he left him to that, knowing the other boy would speak up eventually.
And sure enough, he did.
"You're friends with him?"
He knew who.
"You know who."
"Geralt.." Lambert huffed and whined in annoyance as he kicked his foot against Eskel's leg.
"Oh.. him," Eskel stressed, teasing his friend and earning himself another light kick. "Yeah. I am. We've been friend since before me an' you were friends."
That made Lambert sit up with another huff, this one sounding particularly offended. "What? And you never told me?" He complained loudly.
"I didn't know you wanted to know..!" Eskel responded, laughing as he shook his head. "And how did you not know? We always do stuff together."
"Well–" Lambert frowned and then shoved Eskel's knees that were in a bent position, with his feet flat on the mattress. "I just didn't know!"
"Alright, alright."
Another bout of silence settled and Eskel was grinning to himself as Lambert stared down at his poppet with a look of intense focus. He draped an arm over his face so that his elbow covered his mouth; he really was trying to stop himself from laughing.
"Can I meet him?" The younger trainee said quietly, playing with the arms of the doll.
"Yeah. Go ahead. I think he's probably already down, ready for dinner."
"No!" The redhead shook his head and gave a pout as he looked up and hugged the poppet back against his chest. "You have to introduce me to him."
Eskel quirked a brow and then gave a laugh–one that he quickly apologized for when Lambert whined in offense. "Why?"
"Because.. Because I dunno what I would say," He explained in embarrassment, looking down and Eskel found himself making a sympathetic noise.
"He's just another kid like us. Just say hi."
"No.." He whined more insistently and shook his head. "You have to do it. Please, please, please? Esk, pleeeease?" He pouted more after drawing out the 'long e' sound.
"Ugh, come on." Eskel clambered off the bed and then stood up, snagging his fingers around Lambert's arm.
"Geralt?" Eskel reached out to tap his friend's shoulder, and showed a sunshiny smile immediately as the other boy twisted around on the bench.
"What.. do you need?" He said slowly as he eyed Lambert–who was clutching onto Eskel's hand and partially hiding himself, eyes huge and round once again–curiously with a slight laugh.
"Lamb here wanted to meet you but wasn't sure what to say because he's embarrassed and shy," Eskel explained, to which Lambert immediately argued,
"What? Why would you tell him that? Prick!"
Geralt grinned and pushed himself to his feet as his hands settled on his hips. "He doesn't sound shy."
"Yeah! M'not!" There was a roll of eyes and huff from the youngest of the three as he let go of Eskel's hand. He folded his arms and stomped a foot.
Eskel had a proud smile on his face, having known that that would successfully crack Lambert out of his shell. The redhead was always quick to argue with things like that.
"So, Lamb?"
"Lambert." Said boy lifted his chin in a stubborn way, after correcting the nickname, and sticking out his hand for a handshake.
Geralt and Eskel smiled even more as they exchanged glances.
"Nice to meet you, Lambert," Geralt hummed and clasped the other boy's smaller hand and tilted his head to the side as he laughed. "Want to sit next to me during dinner?"
As his hand was dropped and that invitation extended, Lambert glanced over to Eskel with another wide eyed expression. Eskel simply shrugged with a big smile as he walked away to find his own spot.
He then looked back to Geralt who was gesturing to the bench with a raised brow and Lambert straightened himself up more, eyes bright.
"Would I ever !"
@persony-pepper @lovelyeskel
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Saving Grace - Part 15
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A/N: Just a quick update because i've been slacking!! 💕
As lovely as my weekend away with Bucky had been i was so happy to be back with Harrison and Grace. Harrison had been so excited to see us when we got back to the compound.... he crashed out an hour later, clearly he wore himself out!
The next couple of days i mostly spent with Wanda, she was helping me with the kids while we sorted out the details for Harrison's birthday party. Bucky, Sam, Steve and Clint had all been kept busy with work. Bucky and Sam had had so many meetings with Ross while Clint and Steve had been training recruits.
"I can't believe our little Harry is 4 the day after tomorrow!" Wanda smiled sadly as we finished sorting some last minute party details "i missed so much of those years..."
"Aww Wan, dont be sad. You're here for him now thats all that matters, Harrison loves his Auntie Wands"
"I love him too! And my little miss Gracie, Y/N you seriously have the perfect kids!"
"They are pretty great, but i'm totally biased" i laughed quietly trying not to disturb Grace who was fast asleep in my arms.
"How's the house hunting going?"
"We've seen a few places online" i shrugged "but honestly, we just haven't had time to properly look yet what with Bucky being stuck in meetings most of the day. He comes home exhausted most days, i can't expect him to sit up for hours looking for houses"
"Ross has definitely kept them busy since you've been back from your dirty weekend" she smirked while wiggling her eyebrows.
"Funny" i laughed shaking my head at her "I think i preferred it when he didn't want Bucky and Sam involved in whatever god awful plans he's making"
"I think we all did" she chuckled.
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Once the final details for Harrisons party were sorted i headed down to the gym to meet Bucky while Wanda stayed with the kids. We had arranged for some refresher training after the break in and realising how rusty i was, it was decided it would be a good idea for me to get back into fighting shape.... of course Bucky volunteered to help me. Walking into the gym i looked around for that man of mine but he was nowhere in sight, i sat and waited for 15 minutes and still nothing.
Y/N: Hey babe, i'm at the gym.... you still okay for our training session? Xx
Bucky: Fuck, sorry baby i'm still in this meeting with Ross..... can we reschedule something for tomorrow? Xx
Y/N: okay not a problem, i'll see you later xx
I tucked my phone into my bag and grabbed my water bottle ready to head back to the living quarter's when i heard my name being called, I turned around and was face to face with Steve.
"Hey, you leaving already?" He asked looking confused "you just got here"
"Yeah i was supposed to be meeting Bucky, he was going to train with me. After the break in and realising how out of practice i am we thought it'd be a good idea" i shrugged.
"He ain't coming?"
"Nope, Ross has them stuck in some meeting"
"I could help you.... i mean its not like i haven't trained with you before and im done for the day"
"I don't know....."
"Wow, you're really gonna turn down the chance to land some punches on me huh?"
"Well when you say it like that..... sure! Lets do this" i smiled shaking my head "just go easy on me its been a while since i've done this"
"We'll go slow, come on" he nodded towards the sparing mats and i followed him over, Steve tossed me some gloves while he took off his hoody and rolled his shoulders out.
"When was the last time you trained?"
"Before i found out i was pregnant with Harrison" i replied avoiding eye contact with Steve, i remembered it clearly. The second i found out i was pregnant i decided i was out of the avenging life, and being a new mom i just didn't have the time for training.
"I know, i should have at least tried to keep up with some of it...."
"No, its not that, its just you look good"
"Having two kids keeps me busy" i shrugged "besides, i could use the tone up. Im still carrying some baby weight..."
"Well not that my opinion counts but i think you look great" Steve said blushing slightly, it reminded me of when we first started dating. Steve would always get embarrassed when paying me a compliment, it was cute. I finished fastening the gloves and stepped onto the mat to stand in front of Steve who held up his bare hands.
"You don't wanna grab some pads??"
"Im good, i can take it" he smirked.
"Lets do this then".
It only took 10-15 minutes before i was finally getting into it, the moves suddenly falling into place, my confidence increasing.
"Okay i think we're good here for today my hands are gonna bruise" Steve smirked after a good 40 minutes of sparing.
"It'll be gone in seconds don't be a baby Steve..... besides i'm enjoying myself"
"How about we change it up then, lets work on your defence. Gloves off, i'm gonna come at you.... stop me"
"Stop you?? Steve you're a super soldier!"
"I'll go easy on you sweetheart don't worry" he chuckled, his laugh quickly dying when he noticed his slip up of calling me sweetheart, old habits die hard i guess. I didn't react to it i just pulled off the gloves and turned to throw them off to the side. While my back was turned Steve lunged at me wrapping his arms around me so my arms were pinned to my body.
"Hey! Cheater!" I moaned struggling in his hold.
"Break free..... remember what i used to tell you?"
I tossed my head back hard hitting Steve in the nose, he wasn't expecting me to hit him so hard and loosened his hold on me enough so i could elbow him in the gut, i turned in his arms and was about to aim for the groin but he quickly blocked my attack and swept my legs out from under me. I landed hard on my back, Steve was then straddling my hips with my hands pinned to the floor.
"Nice try..... did you have to head butt me that hard though?" He laughed.
"It wasn't that hard, maybe you're outta practice too old man".
"Whats going on here?" I heard Bucky from behind and i turned as much as i could to look at him.
"Hey babe, Steve offered to train with me.....but i'm not so sure he's up for the job. Old man Rogers can't even take a head butt to the face anymore"
"Still kicked your ass though"
"You can get off of her now man, you've proved your point. I'll take over from here" Bucky said throwing a death glare at his ex best friend. Steve quickly got up and went to reach his hand out to help me up but Bucky quickly beat him to it. I took Bucky's hand and he easily got me to my feet before pulling me close.
"You wanna carry on training for a bit longer or are you done?"
"I think i'm done for the day" i smiled up at him "i need a shower".
"Okay lets go"
"Thanks for the training session Steve"
"Sure, anytime".
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Bucky was silent on the walk back to our room, unusually quiet.
"Hey, you okay? Did you have a bad meeting with Ross?" I asked closing the door so we had some privacy.
"Meeting was fine" he mumbled.
"So whats wrong?"
"Oh maybe it was walking in finding your ex straddling you in the middle of the gym....."
"Buck come on, he just offered to help me out for a bit"
"I know but i dont like it! Seeing him like that with you....." he shook his head and i knew he was thinking of Steve and I together.
"Hey, you have nothing to worry about. You know that right? Im yours.....Completely"
"I know that, i do, but i can't help but worry when i see you two together. You've got history and kids....."
"We have a shitty history incase you forgot? And the kids are yours, you might not be their biological father but you have been more of a dad to them than Steve has been"
"Im scared im going to loose you.... all of you"
"Baby you have nothing to worry about i promise you. I love you Bucky Barnes and im yours"
"I love you too doll, i love you so much" he leant down and kissed me hard pulling me tight to his body.
"You wanna come join me for that shower Sergeant?"
"Yes m'am".
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Saving grace tags: @jennmurawski13 @kenzieam
@captainchrisstan @s-t-r-i-k-e-us
@lets--be-honest @ms-betsy-fangirl
@damnaged-princess @farfromtommy
@disneylovingal @lbuck121 @billweasleey @heathens-takeitsl0w
@lacontroller1991 @supervengerslock
@perpetually-tuned-out @thummbelina
@marvelousstyles @broco8 @ineffableg-irl @ilovesupersoldiers
@writeroutoftime @ek823
@Imjstaghoststory @cap-just-said-language
@xxloki81xx @death-unbecomes-you @bellemile @buckyandsebastian @afuckingshituniverse @i-ran-out-of-fanfics
Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly
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mistaeq · 4 years
Caught in his fangs, freed in his claws.
Chapter 11.
TW // blood will be implied, kinda non-con relationship, vampires, werewolves, spooky things.
Lord Higashikata x neutral!reader / Butler Nijimura x neutral!reader [depends on your choices <3]
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Last question was: As you looked at him struggling, you knew there was only a thing to do. You would have...
a) ...helped him to stand up. You couldn't look at someone struggling without helping.
b) ...been careful and waited for him to stand up, to see if he was really harmless.
IF YOU CHOSE ANSWER A: As you looked at him struggling, you knew there was only a thing to do. You would have helped him to stand up. You couldn't look at someone struggling without helping. So, you slowly approached the groaning guy, as he kept on failing in standing up. Had someone thrown him out of the room at the end of the corridor? Was he Higashikata Josuke? No way, nobody would have ever thrown the Count out of a room, it was probably the contrary. Either way, he had to be helped. You stepped right in front of him, as he froze, probably hearing you. But didn't pull up his head. You were sure you heard him... sniffing?
You lowered yourself on your knees, and gently grabbed his shoulders, to help him stand up. But, unexpectedly, he pulled back, and almost... barked? What kinda creature had you bumped into? Is this a person? A wolf? A... werewolf? All you knew, was that in front of you, a grey skinned, angry guy with golden, shining fangs was growling or something. Taking a better look at his face, he wasn't ugly at all. His eyes had something, something not human, a longer pupil on the vertical poles, rounded by a blue, shaded hue. "I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you", you said, bringing both your hands on your heart, symbolizing your honesty. "I'm Y/n L/n. Lord Higashikata's future spouse..."
IF YOU CHOSE ANSWER B: As you looked at him struggling, you knew there was only a thing to do. You would have been careful and waited for him to stand up, to see if he was really harmless. So, you stood there, carefully staring at the groaning guy, as he kept on failing in standing up. Had someone thrown him out of the room at the end of the corridor? Was he Higashikata Josuke? No way, nobody would have ever thrown the Count out of a room, it was probably the contrary. Either way, you had to be careful about him. He started crawling right towards you, as he suddenly froze, probably hearing you trembling at the sight. But didn't pull up his head. You were sure you heard him... sniffing?
You lowered yourself on your knees, and gently tapped on his head, to see if he would have let out any reaction. And, unexpectedly, he leaned into your touch, and softly... barked? What kinda creature had you bumped into? Is this a person? A wolf? A... werewolf? All you knew, was that in front of you, a grey skinned, weird guy with golden, shining fangs was being petted by you or something. Taking a better look at his face, he wasn't ugly at all. His eyes had something, something not human, a longer pupil on the vertical poles, rounded by a blue, shaded hue. "I guess this doesn't mean anything dangerous", you said, pulling your hand back and slightly smiling. "I'm Y/n L/n. Lord Higashikata's future spouse..."
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You saw his eyes grow darker and and darker after every second you told him so. Sure, sure thing, he thought. Obviously the first virgin betrothed of Lord Higashikata had to be this... handsome/pretty/beautiful. "Y/n L/n..." he repeated. "We've been waiting for you. Josuke can't wait to see you, master/mistress." the boy slightly bowed with his head, standing up to bow to you properly. "I apologize profusely for what you just had to witness. Nijimura Okuyasu, at your service." You felt your cheeks burn up, at the sight of someone bowing in front of you. He must have been the Count's servant, or maybe the butler.
"Please... please, just call me Y/n..." you begged, pushing his shoulder a little for him to stand back up straight. "I grew up in a broke family, despite my noble title. We had no servants, nor butlers. I've never been anyone's master/mistress. And I won't be yours."
"Hm?" Okuyasu's eyes widened, and he raised an eyebrow, standing back up straight. You weren't gonna order him around? "What do you meant you won't be my master/mistress? You don't want to... instantly get a drink? Be carried to Josuke's room? You won't take off your coat and shove it in my arms for me to take care of it?" Well, this was pretty new to the butler. Lord Higashikata's previous partners used to treat him like a slave since the very start, so not being ordered around by you was a surprise. He thought you could just be shy and that you would have started doing it after some days, anyway. Still, you were the most beautiful one, out of all the people the Count had bought so far. Nobody had ever looked at Nijimura without saying he looked like a monster. You shook your head.
"No, I won't. Plus, it's a little cold in here, I'd rather keep my coat on for now." you crossed your arms on yourself, to warm up your torso. You rocked back and forth on your tiptoes a little, as an awkward silence fell between the two of you. Until... he sniffed again.
"You have a great scent..." his raspy voice said, as he got closer. Really closer. Okuyasu's face was almost in the crook of your neck, as he kept on smelling your scent, and his grip on your arm as he did so, tightened. "You're really perfect, Mister/Lady L/n..." he murmured, just until you pushed a hand on his chest, trying to get him a little further from you. Compliments were appreciated, but this was running out of hand...
"Mr. Nijimura..." you whispered, to push him away without anyone to hear, so that he wouldn't have gotten into trouble. "Hey... excuse me..." you murmured, blushing and staring at his hypnotized expression, pushing against him in a way which made him stumble on his own feet.
All of a sudden, his eyes widened back, and he hid his face by turning around and showing you his back. "I'm sorry, m'lord/m'lady." Okuyasu heavily huffed, and his voice broke. "Nobody's ever been so kind to me in years... plus... tomorrow's a full moon night... and when they get close... I can't help but... I-I'm so sorry... this is an awful start..." he trembled, hoping you could understand. And you did. You understood he was probably a werewolf, and the more the days got closer to a full moon night, he had instincts getting stronger. He probably couldn't even fully control them. That was fine. He's fine.
"No need to ask for forgiveness, Nijimura." you smiled, and took a couple of steps towards him, making sure the poor butler was mentally stable. "If you wanna make up for this little inconvenience, though... would you be so kind to accompany me to the Count's room?" he stopped his trembling, and turned his head towards you, smiling. You had the occasion to look at his features a little more. His face was really angular and slightly bony, but so clean at the same time. Not a pimple, not an imperfection nor a single scar. You wondered how old was he, but considering werewolf don't live eternally like vampires do, he was probably in his genuine early twenties.
"I'd be honored to." Okuyasu said, knocking at the room's door, which was exactly behind him. "I got thrown back in the corridor because I brought my Lord the wrong blood glass. It's not like I'm a submersible or something, so when the cook's not in the kitchen, I have to choose the correct blood myself."
"A submersible...? You maybe mean a... sommelier?" he considered your correction, with the most confused expression ever. You giggled, trying to make up an excuse to hide the amount of goosebumps the thought of someone drinking human blood had given you.
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"Yeah, right! I meant that one." he exclaimed, knocking at the door again, but louder. He was the only one who could afford doing something like that without being killed, someway. Everyone was afraid of the Count, and he was, too. Higashikata had just understood that his butler had some issues with being quiet. Still, he was a good butler. No point in firing him or better, killing him.
"You better have a good reason to knock back at my room after you messed my order up." you felt your legs grow weaker. Was that your future husband's voice, coming from the inside of the room? The old man? But... it sounded so young and soft. Maybe... being a vampire, his appearance stayed young and fresh.
"Is your betrothed enough of a good reason, milord?" Nijimura asked, smiling at you, to probably reassure you about the fact that everything would have gone properly. But as you got closer and felt his hand on your shoulder, you noticed he was shaking. Bringing the Count's new "purchases" to his room was a job he never liked to do, on a basis. But this felt way different. He was gonna give to Lord Higashikata a 18 year old, a virgin, a pure soul. Who treated him well and respected him the best. He... "I'll stay in the room until he'll let me, Y/n. It'll all be okay." Okuyasu whispered so quietly you barely heard him. But you had heard him, and that warmed your heart.
"Come in." the warm voice of the one who was, effectively, the man you would have had to marry, invited you to get in his room. Luckily, as he promised, Okuyasu got in along with you, too. He probably wouldn't have left you alone with Lord Higashikata. Not yet, at least. Unless Josuke ordered so... he wouldn't have been able to disobey. You saw him... and your breath hitched. He wasn't old at all. He was so young, and his skin, apart from the paleness, was as smooth and clean as porcelain. He almost looked like a doll, sitting on his armchair as he stared at you and the butler entering his room. "Look at you..." he commented, his greedy eyes running over you. "Take a seat." a seat?
"There's no more seats..." you murmured, looking around the room to find something to sit on to not to upset him on your first meeting. It was better to start in a good way, if you would have had to spend your life with this man. But nothing looked like something to sit on.
"There is, if you're creative enough." Josuke grinned, staring as you understood and took a seat on his lap, not without thinking about it twice or more. His thighs were thick, and he had a pleasing scent all over him. You could tell he was a man who cared about his appearance and qualities. A man who knew was worth a lot for his beauty, but not too much for his soul. He never cared about his soul to be purified, though. "Good..." you felt his hand creeping up your back, caressing your waist. Then, his gaze moved back up. "Give me the glass I left on the windowsill and tell your new master/mistress how we do it here." At this words of his, your gaze ran towards Okuyasu, who slightly bowed with his head and walked to the windowsill.
"So... hope you slept at home, because you have many hours ahead of you before you can get back to sleep." how could you know you would have gotten to be married to a vampire? You would have slept back at home, it's known that vampires' day start at night. "Plus, I hope you'll get used to the food." The butler added, grabbing Josuke's half full glass from the windowsill. "Our chef does his best for it to be good for someone who's not used to bloody food at all. You'll get used to it, hopefully..." he grinned, then his eyes widened. "...Have you ever tried eating rabbits? Like... alive? I can even eat humans, on full moon nights... teehee..." Okuyasu hummed, as he licked on his golden fangs, his gaze not abandoning yours. His eyes had clearly something wrong right now. Something... way more animalistic? Not to mention, the velvet, crimson glove he had on a single hand was stretching, as if he wanted to do something with that hand. He was so lively, apart from the disgusting question, it made you nervously giggle.
The Count punched his armrest. "Shut it, Nijimura. You're scaring my slut." ...and Lord Higashikata didn't like your giggling, apparently. Slut, this is how he had called you? You didn't want to be his slut... he had called you a master/mistress, just like him, what was up with the slut thing? Obviously, you didn't really want to have the power to give orders to people like a true master/mistress, it was just... the contradiction. In response to Josuke's pissed off attitude, the butler gave out a smile.
"You always get all the fun away, m'lord." Okuyasu sweetly winked at you, before he left the wine - probably blood, since he had talked you about bringing the Count the wrong blood to drink - glass in Josuke's hand. "Also, I'm pleased to see that despite my drinking choice wasn't so accurate, you're gonna have it anyway. If, instead, you're not satisfied with my services and plan on throwing me out of your room some other times, allow me to suggest your highness drinking the blood directly from the victim like normal vampires do." What the actual fuck. Was he allowed to say such things, as a butler?
"Thank god, I have my future spouse on my lap and no will to stand up and kill you." the Count threatened, clenching his teeth.
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As Nijimura huffed and gained his static position back, Lord Higashikata caressed your thigh once again, but all the time, you couldn't help, but feel uncomfortable. As if you knew that the same hands which were caressing you, had killed many other people before you, but everyone kept on claiming you were, someway, different. That he wouldn't have killed you. But you weren't so sure, about it. After he would have gotten your virginity away, you would have been a normal person. Why would he even consider marrying you, unless he wanted to have sex with you after marriage only. You had no clue. "Kiss me now, we're engaged, so you have to prove me your love." Which love did you have to prove, if you felt nothing towards him? What was this situation? What to do...
He was waiting for your kiss. Deep, red, and intense eyes were staring at you, and Okuyasu's presence made it even worse. But you couldn't waste any more time. You leaned in and...
a) ...kissed Josuke in an uncertain way, making unwillingly clear to him how uncomfortable you felt with it.
b) ...passionately kissed Josuke, using all of your acting talent, hoping he would believe your sudden behavior was true.
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: Y/n tries to bury her feelings after making a terribly bad decision about Bucky that destroyed what they had. It backfires in the worst possible way.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Genre: 90% angst
Submitted for @blushycarol's writing challenge.
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: language, makeout, implicit sex, feels™️
A/N: this is my prompted songfic for blushycarol's writing challenge! It took a turn like, ngl I did whatever the fuck I wanted with the song but it fits so there it goes, enjoy <3.
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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We've broken up and now I regret it
I said goodbye when I shouldn't have said it
"I fixed your boy. He's awake now." She spoke through the wakandan device. "Figured you'd want to see him."
Yeah, it was the princess of Wakanda herself who decided to call me —not even Steve, me— to inform me that the man I loved had finally awaken.
A couple of hours later, T'challa did with Steve the same thing Shuri had done with me, and soon we both left to reach the hidden city.
We met with Bucky.
Steve cried a couple of times, Bucky laughed in a few occasions, and I stayed rather quiet almost the entire time.
After two days, Steve left with the promise of coming back, but I stayed just because I had missed him so much, I didn't feel like saying goodbye just yet.
Despite this, we didn't talk much in those months I had stayed with him. It wasn't like we spoke a lot before, but now it felt different.
I knew why; it was because of me. Because maybe, just maybe, I was terrified that this new version of him, that healed James Barnes, wouldn't love me like his broken self did.
We had reached a point where I didn't know what we were any longer, and I was 100% sure that the feeling was mutual, we were just too scared to talk it out.
I took the easiest, most despicable way and, one morning, I left Wakanda, hoping to spare my heart and breaking his in the process.
A week later I was back, suited up and ready to fight the deadliest threat I would have faced in my whole life.
I survived.
Bucky didn't, and the only thing I could think was that had lost him, and the last words I said to him were 'this is over, I'm leaving you'.
Five Years Later
I even cried but I never meant it
And I don't know why but I can't forget it, forget it
When Fury paired us to go on a mission, I thought it would be easy due to the action, but it turned out to be a watch, and suddenly everything was ten times more difficult.
We had been in silence for at least a long, tedious hour, in a dark room with two windows, waiting for the target to appear, when Bucky spoke.
"Is it true?" I, pretty much confused, turned my head to him, whose eyes were already on me, his back reclined against the wall before me. "that you cried for me." his voice held kinds of fear that I had never heard in him.
"who told you that?" I inquired, starting to get anxious because no one was supposed to know that; no one had seen me breaking down every night for months because of him.
"Steve." he replied, digging his eyes on mines. "Did you?"
My fight or flight instincts made me shook my head no as an initial response, only because of the sudden panic flooding through my veins. "I mean yes- I- no I mean I- I cried for everyone and I just... it-" I attempted to calm myself down before letting out a propper sentence. "it meant nothing. I did, I just didn't... I felt guilty" I finished, my heart racing and pounding as if it would leave my chest. "for everyone I couldn't save."
He didn't say anything else, nor did I.
After our short chat everything was even worse, because I was no longer focused now that the sorrow I had felt those nights was replaying in my head non-stop.
Gimme love, gimme dreams, gimme a good self esteem
We remained distant, but at some point, Bucky started to compliment me, to make nice comments, to give me quick smiles and fast 'thank you's, and I would be lying if I said I didn't treasure them.
"You look... great." He'd shyly say whenever I got dolled up.
"Great shot" he would state breathless, passing me by during a mission, to which I would just nod. "Thank for having my back."
"Your hair..." he once trailed off with a frown, resting his elbows over the counter.
"yeah, I needed a change." for a second, the part of me I had hidden crawled up to the surface and I asked. "You... Don't like it?"
"No- I mean yes- I- I really like it." he assured me with bittersweet smile. "It fits you."
Gimme good and pure, what you waiting for?
Gimme everything, all your heart can bring
Something good and true
I don't wanna feel blue anymore
"Barnes and you." Sharon spoke, closing the pantry's door behind her.
"what?" I questioned, turning to her for a moment while she raised her eyebrow at me.
"what are you playing at, Y/n?" she asked, a bit of concern being noticeable in her tone.
We weren't close. No, no we hadn't grown closer, but I sometimes would sit right besides him during Saturday's take-out night, near enough for our thighs to brush.
I'd let him play with my hair from time to time, I'd allow him to come to my room in the middle of the night to lay with me after a nightmare here and there.
I wouldn't complain when his hands held my cheeks in the aftermath of a rough mission, his eyes scanning me with worry and sorrow while pain would most likely be rushing through my body.
I wouldn't scold him if he ever picked me up to carry me into the medical wing after I had gotten injured, even if I could walk. Maybe I would even cling on his neck, feeling his heartbeat fastening.
"We're not playing." I replied noctant, pouring four glasses of wine for all of us.
"Y/n" I sighed. "why are you doin' this to him? You're gonna hurt him and you."
"I don't wanna feel blue." I confessed in a mutter. "no one'll get hurt, I just... Need what he gives me."
Sharon stared at me dumbfounded for a couple of seconds before shaking her head and leaving, mumbling something my ears couldn't catch.
Gimme one more night
One last goodbye
Let's do it one last time
Let's do it one last time
One more time
It was during Sam's birthday that I gathered the courage to do what I, deep inside, so badly wanted to do.
I saw my opportunity the moment Bucky approached the barcounter to grab some random drink.
I left mine on a shelf and rushed to reach him and I passed by him, but on my way out of the room, my hand discreetly found his and tugged him with me.
I didn't stop until we reached the nearest room , which happened to be the bathroom.
Without a word, I got him inside and closed the door, backing against it and, with his fingers still intertwined with mine, I pulled Bucky into a kiss.
He stopped after a few seconds. His eyes were sad as he gazed into mines, and I felt a lump in my throat.
"I..." my attempt to speak triggered my tears, and his response was to cares my cheeks and peck my lips.
The terror I had felt 5 years ago of me not being good enough for him to love me anymore came back. My heart pounded against my chest, the voice in the back of my head simultaneously begging me to stop.
"I need this... Just..." I fisted his shirt, bringing him closer to me. "one last time... Please I-"
"are you drunk right now?" he questioned, putting a strand of hair away from my face.
"No." I half lied, pulling him to me into a needy kiss which quickly escalated.
No, I don't love you
No, I don't care
I just want to be held when I'm scared
And all I want is one night with you
Just 'cause I'm selfish
I know it's true
What had happened in the party was never spoken about, nor mentioned.
We had swept it under the rug for both of our sakes —mostly for mine.
We didn't sleep together again, but in very few occasions, I would end up tugging him to some dark place where we were alone and make out until I was out of breath.
Each time that happened, for some reason I didn't understand, Bucky always whispered me the same question.
"Do you love me?"
To which I answered a breathless, painful 'no' that would most likely end up crushing my heart because of the heavy weight that lie carried.
My nightmares at some point had gotten worse, now involving Bucky getting hurt almost every time, so, whenever I woke up in cold sweat with tears in my eyes, gasping his name, I would make my way to his room and lay down besides him.
He would wake up the moment my body touched the mattress, and, as soon as I was under the sheets, he would pull me into his chest with his arms around me, asking me the same question every time.
"what was it about?"
To which I selfishly responded with:
"don't wanna talk. Just hold me, please."
I'm sick of looking after you
I need a man to hold on to
I'm bored of everything we do
But I just keep coming back to you
The first time I snuck under his sheets I promised myself it would be just that one night, that I would allow myself to be so fucking selfish just for one night, but his embrace was so comforting, so welcoming, and his heartbeat and breathing were so soothing, that I ended up being selfish every damn time.
One night, instead of reaching his room scared and trembling, I reached it with anger and frustration taking over my body.
I shut the door loud enough to make him sit upright, staring at me concerned.
"I'm fucking tired of this" I growled. "I'm tired of this nightmares, I'm sick of seeing you dying, I'm fucking done with looking after you in every mission more than I look after myself" I reached a point where I was close to shout as I stepped to the bed. "I want this to fucking stop!"
"I can't keep up with this anymore, I'm going crazy because it's ALWAYS THE SAME SHIT."
"You're tired." he stated, climbing off the bed to hesitantly step to me. "You need to sleep."
"I need to fucking get this off my damn chest!" a choked sob escaped my lips. "I keep coming back to you and I hate myself because of this! Because this is my fault!"
"Y/n please..." he wrapped his arms around me and I fought him a little before giving in, breaking down to tears the moment he kissed my temple.
"I was so scared of you not loving me anymore that I fucked everything up" I managed to explain in a vague mumble between sobs. "You're okay and I was fucking scared of not being good enough- I still am... I just keep making it worse!"
He stroke my hair and pulled me even closer. "Doll..."
The door few open and I heard Sam's voice behind me. "What was that? Are you-" Bucky shook my head over me and signaled Sam to leave.
"I love you so much please I'm sorry" he pulled me to the bed without letting go of me and threw the blanket over us.
"I know you do." he assured me intertwining his fingers with mines and placing a kiss on my knuckles. "I love you. I always will." he whispered soothingly.
Gimme everything, all your heart can bring
Something good and true
I don't wanna feel blue anymore 
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