#wearing an iron-plated hazmat suit.
everymadara · 1 year
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Chapter 623
16 notes · View notes
Stormbreaker Screenplay 2.0
Written to cope with my utter disappointment with the movie. 
Earlier that day… A smart leather briefcase makes its way down a hallway, attached to it is a man in a navy suit, he is middle-aged and unremarkable, one of those banker types, this is IAN RIDER.
The hallway is so stark and white it would not look out of place in a hospital. He walks past two people dressed in white HAZMAT suits. There is an elevator at the end of the hallway which has a both a card scanner, and a 7-digit-code. He punches in the code without even looking. As the elevator door closes, one HAZMAT SUIT turns, in one fluid, graceful motion, and watches him.
CUT TO…6:30pm in the evening, a street somewhere in CHELSEA… Two large, loutish figures swagger down the sidewalk, swearing and grunting. Wannabe thugs, teenagers in baggy clothes and too much hair jell. But in the darkness the effect is menacing, rather than ridiculous. They're drunk and bored, a volatile combination…
Something shiny catches their eye, it's a brand new racing bike parked outside a dairy. THUG #1 gives a low WOLF-WHISTLE, it's one hell of a bike, high-tech and silver, looking like something out of a Bond movie. They waste no time trying to cut the lock with their pocket knives.
A VOICE interrupts them: Um, excuse me?
The THUGS look up. This little blond kid steps out of the dairy. He's about fourteen years old and wearing a school uniform. In one hand his holds a Cornetto, in the other, a juice box. It's ALEX RIDER.
ALEX: Excuse me, but, um, that's my bike.
CUT TO…The briefcase and IAN RIDER goes through an arduous security check, involving x-rays, metal detectors and sniffer dogs. It seems that they are as concerned with who goes out as who comes in. IAN RIDER explains something to A MAN ON THE PHONE.
IAN RIDER: …Family emergency. No, nothing serious, I should be back by Monday.
CUT TO…A Cornetto lies melting on the pavement, beside it, a puddle of red, oozing from a flattened juice box. ALEX wets a napkin on his tongue and dabs ineffectually at a red stain on the front of his shirt. His tie is a little crooked, and a few strands of hair have fallen over his eyes. The prone and prostrate forms of the two THUGS can be seen lying on the ground behind him.
ALEX throws his ice-cream, juice-box and two confiscated pocket knives into a nearby rubbish bin, looking very pleased with himself. THUNDER rumbles in the distance, and suddenly it starts to rain, rather put-out by the weather ruining his cool moment, ALEX hops onto his bike and pedals home.
CUT TO…IAN RIDER climbs into a sleek, silver BMW. He is meticulous, making all manner of small adjustments before he drives. As the car speeds off we hear a phone call he makes off-screen. An odd, brusque phone call. He wastes no time on pleasantries.
IAN RIDER: This is Rider. I'll arrive back in London in three hours and thirty-seven minuets.
He hangs up, hesitates, and enters another number… but he doesn't dial, he just stares at the row of digits, his face inscrutable. A moment later and the phone is turned off and returned to it's holder.
Heavy purple clouds sit low on the horizon, the BMW files like silver arrow. Thunder rumbles in the distance, a storm is coming.
CUT TO…A warm, brightly lit kitchen, rain patters on the roof outside. A young red-headed woman, is preparing dinner to the beat of LOUD ROCK MUSIC. This is JACK STARBRIGHT, the housekeeper, she is 28 years old and American. If a hurricane could cook, it would look something like this. However, this is controlled chaos, and she is a skilled chef.
ALEX'S muffled answer can be heard from downstairs, in the laundry room.
He is stripped to the waist and wearing a towel hat, scrubbing at his stained shirt with a Tide Pen. His head bobs to the beat of MUFFLED ROCK MUSIC. It is plain to see he is unusually fit and muscular for his age.
ALEX grabs some clean clothes and runs up the stairs two at a time. He emerges at the top, completely dressed in a new set of clothes, in the way movie magic. He runs through the living room, and then doubles back and runs through again, because he forgot to do a sock-slide across the hardwood floors. He barely misses a cabinet full of antiques. JACK can evidently see through walls…
JACK: Alex!
ALEX (innocently): …Jack?
JACK: I swear to god, if you break another plate, I'm putting you up for adoption…
ALEX: (He glances guiltily at a conspicuous gap on the top shelf) It was only an ugly one… If you ask me, I was doing the country a service!
JACK: Don't just stand there, set the table! And clear that junk away!
ALEX: Half of this is yours!
They dance around each other in a familiar routine, and settle down for their dinner of two. Alex puts food away like he's performing a magic trick, checks his phone, and plays with a football under the table, it's an impressive display of multitasking. He laughs at a text.
JACK: Uh-uh. If you choke to death doing that, don't come crying to me for help.
ALEX: Hey, you're on your phone too.
JACK: I'm a adult, I've earned this right. (she puts it away) So, how was your day?
ALEX: I've changed my mind, go back to your phone, you've earned it.
JACK: (She steals the football from him) Well?
ALEX: (trying to steal it back) Oh, super exciting. Let's see…A plane crashed on the field, Tom got mauled by a lion and Beyoncé performed in the cafeteria.
JACK: (laughing) Did they catch the lion?
ALEX: (steals back the ball) Well actually, Beyoncé rode off on it—
The doorbell rings.
ALEX: (He glances at the downpour outside). Man, Jehovah's witnesses…nothing puts them off.
The doorbell rings a second time.
JACK: Uh! I just sat down. Coming! Coming! Hold your horses!
JACK gets up to answer the door. Alex tries to eat, but he keeps glancing back up. Finally his curiosity gets the better of him and he jumps up.
CUT TO…JACK looks through the peep-hole. She sees something that makes her eyes widen in shock. Her hand trembles on the doorknob.
CUT TO …ALEX makes his way into the hallway.
CUT TO…. The door opens to reveal two uniformed police officers, collars turned up against the torrential rain. They take off their caps in unison and tuck them respectfully under their arms. Their postures stiff and unhappy.
OFFICER #1: Is this the residence of Mr. Ian Rider?
JACK: Yes.
OFFICER #2: Mrs. Rider?
JACK: No, I'm the housekeeper…what is it? What's happened?
CUT TO…ALEX hears their voices speaking in hushed and somber tones. Funeral voices. He catches a few stray words here and there. CAR CRASH… SLIPPERY ROADS… NOT WEARING A SEATBELT… SO SORRY…
There is a low throbbing sound in his ears that is slowly growing louder. When he is finally able to move again, it feels like he is walking underwater.
ALEX: Jack?
JACK: (in tears) Oh Alex! It's Uncle Ian… He's dead.
JACK hugs ALEX and the police come inside. The door closes. Outside the wind howls ever louder, sheets of rain lashes against the windows and LIGHTENING flashes in the distance. FADE TO BLACK. In the distance, THUNDER.
I would like to thank AmberLily34567 for reviving my interest in this story.
- I'm trying to find a good balance between the high-energy, slightly over-the-top feeling of King's men, and the very dark tone of the book.
- Man, reading Alex Rider when your older vs when you're younger is such a trip… 12 yo me: WOW Alex is so cool and mature! 18 yo me: he's a BABY who the HELL thought this was a good idea. I'M CALLING CPS.
- A movie called Stormbreaker, without any storm imagery, seems like a wasted opportunity! Embrace those clichés!
- The man in the HAZMAT SUIT is Yassen.
- Ian was shot somewhat close to London, and the storm covered up the gunshots. It was done by underlings, hence the sloppy job that left the car looking like Swiss cheese.
- Yassen kills Ian, but does not pull the trigger. That's how he justifies it.
- Ian had very bad luck. His actions made Yassen suspicious, but he might have survived, had he not resembled John so much…
- Ironically this resemblance is exactly what saves Alex…
- Ian entered Alex's number, in a moment of sentiment, because he knew that he might not make it out alive. In my interpretation, Ian genuinely loves Alex, and wanted to protect him, not just to make him the perfect spy. It makes their relationship far more painful and complicated.
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mini-james-bond · 5 years
Stormbreaker Screenplay 2.0
Written to cope with my utter disappointment with the movie. 
Earlier that day… A smart leather briefcase makes its way down a hallway, attached to it is a man in a navy suit, he is middle-aged and unremarkable, he could have been anyone, a banker, a lawyer or a businessman, but something about his brisk, purposeful movements and piercing gaze sets him apart. This is IAN RIDER.
The hallway is so stark and white it would not look out of place in a hospital. He walks past two people dressed in white HAZMAT suits. There is an elevator at the end of the hallway which has a both a card scanner, and a 7-digit-code. He punches in the code without even looking. As the elevator door closes, one HAZMAT SUIT turns, in one fluid, graceful motion, and watches him.
CUT TO…6:30pm in the evening, a street somewhere in CHELSEA… Two large, loutish figures swagger down the sidewalk, swearing and grunting. Wannabe thugs, teenagers in baggy clothes and too much hair jell. But in the darkness the effect is menacing, rather than ridiculous. They’re drunk and bored, a volatile combination…
Something shiny catches their eye, it’s a brand new racing bike parked outside a dairy. THUG #1 gives a low WOLF-WHISTLE, it’s one hell of a bike, high-tech and silver, looking like something out of a Bond movie. They waste no time trying to cut the lock with their pocket knives.
A VOICE interrupts them: Um, excuse me?
The THUGS look up. This little blond kid steps out of the dairy. He’s about fourteen years old and wearing a school uniform. In one hand his holds a Cornetto, in the other, a juice box. It’s ALEX RIDER.
ALEX: Excuse me, but, um, that’s my bike.
CUT TO…The briefcase and IAN RIDER goes through an arduous security check, involving x-rays, metal detectors and sniffer dogs. It seems that they are as concerned with who goes out as who comes in. IAN RIDER explains something to A MAN ON THE PHONE.
IAN RIDER: …Family emergency. No, nothing serious, I should be back by Monday.
CUT TO…A Cornetto lies melting on the pavement, beside it, a puddle of red, oozing from a flattened juice box. ALEX wets a napkin on his tongue and dabs ineffectually at a red stain on the front of his shirt. His tie is a little crooked, and a few strands of hair have fallen over his eyes. The prone and prostrate forms of the two THUGS can be seen lying on the ground behind him.
ALEX throws his ice-cream, juice-box and two confiscated pocket knives into a nearby rubbish bin, looking very pleased with himself. THUNDER rumbles in the distance, and suddenly it starts to rain, rather put-out by the weather ruining his cool moment, ALEX hops onto his bike and pedals home.
CUT TO…IAN RIDER climbs into a sleek, silver BMW. He is meticulous, making all manner of small adjustments before he drives. As the car speeds off we hear a phone call he makes off-screen. An odd, brusque phone call. He wastes no time on pleasantries.
IAN RIDER: This is Rider. I’ll arrive back in London in three hours and thirty-seven minuets.
He hangs up, hesitates, and enters another number… but he doesn’t dial, he just stares at the row of digits, his face inscrutable. A moment later and the phone is turned off and returned to it’s holder.
Heavy purple clouds sit low on the horizon, the BMW files like silver arrow. Thunder rumbles in the distance, a storm is coming.
CUT TO…A warm, brightly lit kitchen, rain patters on the roof outside. A young red-headed woman, is preparing dinner to the beat of LOUD ROCK MUSIC. This is JACK STARBRIGHT, the housekeeper, she is 28 years old and American. If a hurricane could cook, it would look something like this. However, this is controlled chaos, and she is a skilled chef.
ALEX’S muffled answer can be heard from downstairs, in the laundry room.
He is stripped to the waist and wearing a towel hat, scrubbing at his stained shirt with a Tide Pen. His head bobs to the beat of MUFFLED ROCK MUSIC. It is plain to see he is unusually fit and muscular for his age.
ALEX grabs some clean clothes and runs up the stairs two at a time. He emerges at the top, completely dressed in a new set of clothes, in the way movie magic. He runs through the living room, and then doubles back and runs through again, because he forgot to do a sock-slide across the hardwood floors. He barely misses a cabinet full of antiques. JACK can evidently see through walls…
JACK: Alex!
ALEX (innocently): …Jack?
JACK: I swear to god, if you break another plate, I’m putting you up for adoption…
ALEX: (He glances guiltily at a conspicuous gap on the top shelf) It was only an ugly one… If you ask me, I was doing the country a service!
JACK: Don’t just stand there, set the table! And clear that junk away!
ALEX: Half of this is yours!
They dance around each other in a familiar routine, and settle down for their dinner of two. Alex puts food away like he’s performing a magic trick, checks his phone, and plays with a football under the table, it’s an impressive display of multitasking. He laughs at a text.
JACK: Uh-uh. If you choke to death doing that, don’t come crying to me for help.
ALEX: Hey, you’re on your phone too.
JACK: I’m a adult, I’ve earned this right. (she puts it away) So, how was your day?
ALEX: I’ve changed my mind, go back to your phone, you’ve earned it.
JACK: (She steals the football from him) Well?
ALEX: (trying to steal it back) Oh, super exciting. Let’s see…A plane crashed on the field, Tom got mauled by a lion and Beyoncé performed in the cafeteria.
JACK: (laughing) Did they catch the lion?
ALEX: (steals back the ball) Well actually, Beyoncé rode off on it—
The doorbell rings.
ALEX: (He glances at the downpour outside). Man, Jehovah’s witnesses…nothing puts them off.
The doorbell rings a second time.
JACK: Uh! I just sat down. Coming! Coming! Hold your horses!
JACK gets up to answer the door. Alex tries to eat, but he keeps glancing back up. Finally his curiosity gets the better of him and he jumps up.
CUT TO…JACK looks through the peep-hole. She sees something that makes her eyes widen in shock. Her hand trembles on the doorknob.
CUT TO …ALEX makes his way into the hallway.
CUT TO…. The door opens to reveal two uniformed police officers, collars turned up against the torrential rain. They take off their caps in unison and tuck them respectfully under their arms. Their postures stiff and unhappy.
OFFICER #1: Is this the residence of Mr. Ian Rider?
JACK: Yes.
OFFICER #2: Mrs. Rider?
JACK: No, I’m the housekeeper…what is it? What’s happened?
CUT TO…ALEX hears their voices speaking in hushed and somber tones. Funeral voices. He catches a few stray words here and there. CAR CRASH… SLIPPERY ROADS… NOT WEARING A SEATBELT… SO SORRY…
There is a low throbbing sound in his ears that is slowly growing louder. When he is finally able to move again, it feels like he is walking underwater.
ALEX: Jack?
JACK: (in tears) Oh Alex! It’s Uncle Ian… He’s dead.
JACK hugs ALEX and the police come inside. The door closes. Outside the wind howls ever louder, sheets of rain lashes against the windows and LIGHTENING flashes in the distance. FADE TO BLACK. In the distance, THUNDER.
I would like to thank AmberLily34567 for reviving my interest in this story.
- I’m trying to find a good balance between the high-energy, slightly over-the-top feeling of King’s men, and the very dark tone of the book.
- Man, reading Alex Rider when your older vs when you’re younger is such a trip… 12 yo me: WOW Alex is so cool and mature! 18 yo me: he’s a BABY who the HELL thought this was a good idea. I’M CALLING CPS.
- A movie called Stormbreaker, without any storm imagery, seems like a wasted opportunity! Embrace those clichés!
- The man in the HAZMAT SUIT is Yassen.
- Ian was shot somewhat close to London, and the storm covered up the gunshots. It was done by underlings, hence the sloppy job that left the car looking like Swiss cheese.
- Yassen kills Ian, but does not pull the trigger. That’s how he justifies it.
- Ian had very bad luck. His actions made Yassen suspicious, but he might have survived, had he not resembled John so much…
- Ironically this resemblance is exactly what saves Alex…
- Ian entered Alex’s number, in a moment of sentiment, because he knew that he might not make it out alive. In my interpretation, Ian genuinely loves Alex, and wanted to protect him, not just to make him the perfect spy. It makes their relationship far more painful and complicated.
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avengerleague · 6 years
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Avengers x Female Reader
(Pairing: Steve x Reader)
Chapter 2: Three’s a Crowd but Four’s a Pajama Party
Summary: You and a few of the Avengers are quarantined after the events of chapter 1. You get to know Wanda and Peter a little better and after everyone goes to sleep, you talk to Steve into the early hours of the morning. Featuring Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Doctor Strange.
Word Count: 4346
a/n: Hello friends so sorry this took me approximately 3 decades to write but I’ve been super super busy with work before finals. It’s super long so I hope you like it, like I legit think its almost double as long chapter 1. I had a whole nother part that I thought was going to go at the end of this chapter but it was already so long so I decided to just make it its own chapter so that’ll come out next. Thanks for reading ily ily tell ya friends! (also in case you didn’t know, ‘six degrees of separation’ is a game where you have to connect one actor to another actor based on only movies people have acted together in. For example for John Krasinski to Chris Pine you could do John Krasinski to Emily Blunt in A Quiet Place, Emily Blunt to Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada, and Meryl Streep to Chris Pine in Into the Woods.)
 Chapter 1   Chapter 3
“Hey kids, how was the drive up? Not too bad I hope. The flight was a breeze.” Tony walked into the lab room you were all in with a swagger that was unparalleled.
 After you, Wanda, Peter and Steve had arrived at the facility, you were escorted through a back entrance by people in hazmat suits to enter the lab through airtight doors and sealed tunnels. They put you in four separate but adjacent, clear, cube shaped rooms. The rooms were all touching so each of you shared two walls with two other people. Wanda was on one side of you, Steve was on the other, and Peter was diagonal. The observation cells were roomy, but vacant. Pretty much all each one had was a bed, a nightstand, a chair, and a door where food could be dropped off; however, it didn’t really seem like a come and go as you please type of situation.
 Steve walked up to the glass, “Let’s just say everything was much more convenient when we were still based in the city.”
 “Hey Mr. Stark,” Peter said raising his hand “I have a question.”
 “I thought I told you to stop it with the hand raising,”
 He looked at his hand and dropped it to his side. “Oh yeah, sorry. But I was wondering how we’re supposed to go to the bathroom since we’re, you know, imprisoned in glass rooms.”
 “Aw c’mon, you guys aren’t imprisoned, you’re just detained,” mocked Tony. Steve rolled his eyes. “And I think someone in a hazmat suit is supposed to come by every couple of hours to take you guys to a sterile bathroom or something. I don’t know, ask Banner. It’s his lab.”
 “I’ll be honest, this situation is not ideal.” Wanda huffed. That was a nice way to put it.
 “One more thing Mr. Stark,” Peter said, “I came here in my suit, it there anything else I could wear?”
 Tony grinned, “You know what? I have just the thing.” He walked across the room and opened a cabinet. He pulled out an Iron Man t-shirt with matching pajama pants. “How great are these, am I right?”
 “Yeah Mr. Stark, thank you…” That was obviously not Peter’s first choice of outfits.
 “You know what? You’re all getting them. You can hold onto them too. They’re yours. Cap you’re gonna look great in this. What size are you, small?” he put a pile of the clothes on a table. “Just get Bruce or someone to bring these to you guys when he comes back in.” He gestured a pair of finger guns and started towards the door.
 “Tony, wait!” Wanda called out and Tony spun around.
 “Yes dear?”
 She threw her hands up in exasperation, “Isn’t there a tv in here or something we could do to kill time?”
 “This is a laboratory, Wanda, not a play room.”
 “Oh come on, you’re Tony Stark!”
 “Yes, thank you. Why don’t you get to know our guest, do some team bonding or something? Sing kumbaya. That’s a thing people do, right?” with a flash of a smile Tony strolled out the room, leaving no time for a response.
 Your mind was completely blank. The past couple of hours had been such a whirlwind that you hardly felt like this was real life. You were locked in a room with three of the Avengers for who knows how long and nothing to do but sit in a chair and stare at the ceiling. Since for contamination reasons you guys had all been driven to the facility in separate cars, you hadn’t really gotten a chance to speak to anyone since Manhattan. You really wanted to get to know all of them but since you were the odd guy out, you were kind of hoping one of them would break the ice…
 “So Y/n,” Steve caught your attention from behind you, pulling up his chair and straddling it so he was sitting on it backwards, using the back as an armrest. You obviously didn’t know the guy, but it felt out of character; like he was trying to be edgy or something. “How in the world did you end up in the middle of that fight?”
 “You know, I was wondering the same thing.” You chuckled. You moseyed around the small area you were enclosed in and looked around. “I was just on my way back to my apartment when people started screaming so I went to check out what was going on and badda bing, badda boom, I’m in a glass cage next to Captain America in the Avengers facility.” You plopped down into your chair.
 “Badda bing, badda boom?” Peter raised his eyebrows. “Please. I saw you help that kid. You went out of your way to save him. It was awesome!”
 You shrugged it off, you were no hero, especially compared to them. “I was just trying to do the right thing; anyone would have done it.” You played with the hair tie around your wrist.
 “Except not anyone would have done it, because there were hundreds, literally like hundreds, of people who ran by that kid and didn’t do anything.” You glanced up at him and back down at your hair tie. “Well what about you guys? How did you all get there so fast?” you asked the group.
 “Steve and I were actually only there on business.” Wanda was sitting on the floor with her back against one of the glass walls. As she spoke, her eyes were trained on the chair – which she was levitating with her hands. That was going to take getting used to.
 “Lucky we were.” Steve chimed in.
 “And I was there because I live there.” You looked over to see that Peter was lying in a hammock made from his webbing. “Well in Queens at least, not Manhattan, but as you can see I have ways to get around. Speaking of, I gotta find a way to call my aunt and tell her I’m here, she’s gonna kill me.”
 “I seriously can’t believe you’re the spider guy!” you said, shaking your head in disbelief.
 “It’s Spiderman and what exactly is so unbelievable about it?” Peter put a hand on his chest in mock offence.
 You laughed, “No, I just mean ‘cause it’s awesome. But also, like if I saw you on the street I wouldn’t be like ‘that guy is for sure Spiderman’.”
 “Did you ever consider that maybe that’s the idea?”
 You thought about it for a second, “No,” you shrugged, and Wanda laughed.
 “But uh, Y/n,” Steve caught your attention. “Tell me about yourself.” He seemed genuinely interested. You had always heard that Captain America was such a nice guy and it really seemed like it was true. He was holding back a little smile and he had about the kindest eyes you had ever seen. And that isn’t even mentioning that he was completely beautiful and literally anatomically perfect.
 You opened your mouth to respond but before you could do so, the door to the lab swung open and a man who you recognized from the Avengers as Bruce Banner walked in the room. He looked nice, but also like he’d never been relaxed a day in his life; not at all Hulk-like.
 “Maybe later?” Steve said with a half-smile. You couldn’t wait until later.
 “Hey guys, sorry I took so long. I had to track down Strange and –” he looked behind him and saw that no one was following him. “He was just,” he peered back into the hallway. “He’s probably coming.”
 He made his way over to a cabinet. “We’ll have to start out by running a few tests and –” he opened the cabinet to reveal it was filled with t-shirts, posters, action figures, and mugs with Iron Man on them. He walked over to the wall and pressed a button, causing his voice to sound over the intercom: “Tony, would you please stop putting your merchandise in my labs?”. He walked away towards another set of cabinets when Tony’s voice came back over the speakers: “But Bruce, then I wouldn’t get to hear you complain about it.” Bruce rolled his eyes and began to rummage through a few other cabinets looking for something. He glanced up at you, “Sorry about Tony, he’s a bit of an… acquired taste.”
 “That’s an understatement!” Wanda interjected with her hands cupped around her mouth.
 “Anyway, I’m Bruce Banner.” He found what he was looking for and walked towards you.
 “I’m Y/n, Y/n Y/L/n.”
 “It’s nice to meet you Y/n. I’m sorry I can’t shake your hand but there’s the matter of the solid glass wall between us.”
 Peter snorted, “Oh come on Bruce, you of all people could break through this if you wanted.”
 “Steve too probably, since all he does is jump through plate glass windows.” Wanda teased.
 Steve massaged the bridge of his nose, “You two are too powerful when you’re together.”
 “Well actually this isn’t exactly normal glass.” Bruce continued, ignoring most of their commentary. It seemed like he had to be used to those kinds of interruptions by now. “This glass has been tested under hundreds of different circumstances that would cause most normal glass of the same thickness and size to break, and it held up. Including a trial with the other guy. So, you’re pretty secure.”
 “Or we’re pretty trapped,” Steve countered.
 Bruce shrugged, “Yeah.”
 Out of nowhere, a large orange circle began to appear in the middle of the lab, as if it was being drawn with a sparkler. With eyes bulging you looked from Avenger to Avenger to see if they had any reaction to it. They didn’t. Apparently, this was normal too. The circle got bigger and a moment later a man in a full hazmat suit stepped out.
 “I thought you were right behind me.” Said Bruce to the man.
 “I was, until I wasn’t.”
 Bruce scoffed it off and put what he was holding on a rolling tray table, walking it over to the man. “Y/n, this is Dr. Strange. He’s going to be running some basic tests on each of you and taking a blood sample.”
 Peter’s head shot up from he hammock, “Wait a minute, aren’t you not a doctor anymore or something?”
 Dr. Strange gave him a look that was Medusa level stone cold, “I’m taking your blood, not performing a craniotomy.”
 “Is the suit really necessary?” Steve said, flipping his chair around so that he was sitting in it normally with his forearms resting on his knees.
 “Sorry Cap, standard procedure.” Dr. Strange rolled the tray table towards the set of doors that led to your cubes.
 “Oh wait! One more thing,” Peter exclaimed. “While you’re out there, can you grab one of those pairs of Iron Man pajamas for me?”
 He looked over at the pajamas then back at Peter, “I suppose.”
 You’d been in these clothes all day and if you’d have known you were going to be quarantined for an undetermined amount of time in the Avengers facility, you would have worn something a little more comfortable. There was a lot worse you could be wearing than Iron Man pjs; “Could you actually grab a pair for me too?”
 “You know what? I could use some pajamas,” Wanda joined. “C’mon Steve, what about you? Three’s a crowd but four’s a pajama party”.
 “Thank you for the offer, but that’s gonna be a hard pass. The last thing I need is Tony walking around with a picture of me in pajamas with his face on them as his phone’s lock screen for the rest of his life. Because I’m absolutely positive that’s what would happen.”
 After grabbing the clothes, the doctor pushed through a couple of doors and a moment later he was clearing the airlock and entering your isolation chamber. He turned to move a few things around on his tray and before you knew what was happening, the legs of your bed grew a foot and a half like magic, so your legs were dangling off of it like a doctor’s office. Or maybe it was more like technology since you were dealing with a place Tony Stark built? But that guy did just walk into the room through a glowing circle that appeared out of nowhere…
 “So that portal thing was pretty cool,” you tried to break the ice. “Dr. Strange, right?”
 He pushed up your sleeve and wrapped the device around your arm to measure your blood pressure. “Yes.” He said not looking up from your arm. He was probably being short because he was busy doing your check up, but he seemed like a pretty to-the-point kind of guy anyway.
 You decided to keep trying. “Do you have a first name? Or do you just go by ‘Doctor’? Is ‘Doctor’ your first name?”
 He let out a small chuckle, no,  less than a chuckle. It was more just exhaling a little bit more through his nose, but it was something. “It’s Stephen.”
 “Stephen! Wow. Steven and Stephen: battle of the Steven’s,” you said glancing over your shoulder back at Steve, who seemed to be amused by your interaction. “So which one is the true Steven? Like the real Steven?” You looked back and forth between the two men. Dr. Strange unvelcroed the device and wordlessly tied a rubber tourniquet around your left arm, but Steve raised an eyebrow in thought. “Well, I was born first…”
 The doctor rolled the tray to the bed and situated himself in front of you. Without looking at anyone he said, “Well I have a PhD.” Both were irrefutable facts but there was something about a PhD that was an argument ending power move.
 “Yeah, also he can fly, and you’re just really fit.” Wanda pointed out to Steve.
 Doctor Strange picked up the syringe and stuck you with the needle to take your blood sample. Getting blood taken wasn’t normally your favorite thing, but you still had so many questions about this guy that you hardly noticed. “Alright but what about ‘Strange’?” You said making an air quote with your one free hand. “That can’t be your real last name.”
 Peter whipped his head around. “THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I SAID!”
 The doctor glared at Peter, “Aren’t you like, 12?”
 Wanda burst out laughing.
 He turned to her, “And you--”
 She put her hands up in innocence, “Hey, I haven’t said one word about you today except to hype you up as the superior ‘Stephen’.”
 He cocked his head, “Yet.”
 “Yet.” She leveled with him.
 He refaced you. “Anyway, yes it actually is my real last name. As a kid I was made fun of it constantly, so I do realize how… unusual it is.”
 “YOU WERE ABOUT TO SAY ‘STRANGE’!” Peter exclaimed.
 Wanda nodded her head, “He was totally about to say ‘strange’.”
 You laughed at their dynamic and turned to Stephen. “I honestly do think ‘Strange’ is such a cool last name though. Especially combined with the ‘Doctor’. It makes you sound like…”
 “Like a party magician.” Steve took the opportunity.
 “You know what, I wasn’t going to say that out of respect for the PhD, but I’ll be honest, if I hadn’t met you yet Stephen and a magician had walked up to me and introduced himself as ‘Doctor Strange’, I wouldn’t have questioned the name choice for a minute.”
 “Why can’t I walk into a room in this facility without being berated about something?” Stephen questioned removing the needle from your arm.
 Wanda stepped in to answer, “We’re not targeting you Strange. Actually, the only person in this room who hasn’t been flamed tonight is Y/n, and that just because we haven’t known her long enough to find anything flame-wothy yet!”
 “Flamable.” Peter offered.
 “Anything flammable yet!” Wanda re-finished.
 Bruce popped back into the conversation, “Yeah that’s why I’ve been staying out of this as much as possible.” He said motioning to the isolation chambers. “You can’t say anything; the young ones go for the jugular.”
 Stephen put a cotton ball and a Band-Aid over where the blood was taken and put your set of tools on the bottom shelf in an airtight container. “Alright, I guess I’ll just have to start being mean,” he said pulling out what he needed to go to the next person’s room and tossing the pajamas onto your bed.
 Wanda’s eyes widened, “Start?”
 “Should you really be mocking the person who is about to come at you with a needle?” he warned, rolling the cart towards the door he had come into your cell through.
 She made a heart with her index fingers and her thumbs, “Love you!”
After Bruce and Stephen left with the samples and scans (was it cool or creepy that they could take scans of you just from your being in the cube?), things had been pretty boring in the laboratory. Wanda had taken to levitating things around the lab, but there’s only so many times you can do that before the boredom overcomes you. Peter still had his webbing to play around with and he could walk on the ceiling and everything, but even that had gotten old pretty fast.
 You and Wanda had played a few hand games for a bit like sticks and concentration, but you had to change the way the games were played since there was a glass wall between you. Steve and Peter talked for a while, though it was mostly just Steve answering Peter’s ridiculous questions about things he’s done over the years. You tried to get everybody to play six degrees of separation but it hadn’t really worked out since 1) Steve still wasn’t caught up on movie pop culture, 2) Wanda was from Sokovia and hadn’t seen a ton of American movies until she joined the Avengers, and 3) for a teenage who lived in one of the biggest cities in the world, Peter was about the least cultured person you had ever met (how had he never seen The Godfather?). You’d played 20 questions and the few games that Tony’s weird voice robot, FRIDAY, had in the system and after a while, the night had eventually wound down.
 Peter and Wanda had gone to sleep a few hours ago so all that was left was you and Steve. You were still wired from the crazy day, and Steve said he sometimes had insomnia. As the lights dimmed to adjust to the other two going to bed, Steve had turned to you. “So, it’s definitely later, tell me about yourself. Take two.”
 You had sat against the corners of your isolation chambers farthest from the other two but right next to each other, so you wouldn’t make too much noise. You were pretty sure FRIDAY made their cells turn soundproof when they went to sleep, but you still felt weird talking at full volume. For hours, you and Steve were sitting on the ground like little kids, with your backs against the glass, talking. You were really only less than a foot away from each other; if the glass wasn’t there, your shoulders would be touching.
 You had been talking about everything. You’d started by telling him about the basics. How you’d ended up in the city, where you’d grown up, a little about your family, but quickly pushed the conversation to talk about him. There was nothing you could say that would be half as interesting as anything that had ever happened to him. You talked about recent events, what it was like being in the Avengers, and he told you about some of the members: their backstories, their personalities, and what they could do (“So Bucky has a cybernetic metal arm, that’s a long story. And Natasha was a Russian spy, that’s also a long story. Also Vision was created from this thing called the mind stone combining with the old version of FRIDAY called JARVIS, and he can fly and walk through walls and stuff. That one, I don’t even really know where to start”).
 He’d told you he has a running list of everything that he needed to catch up on, so you’d started giving him movie recommendations (“You can’t only watch good movies, Steve. I wholeheartedly believe that bad movies are just as important to forming our culture”). Your favorite part, though, had been the little questions. Things like ‘what’s your favorite color?’ or ‘tell me about your mom?’ or even ‘if you could punch any one person in the world, who would you pick?’. You each must have asked dozens, if not hundreds. Talking to him came so easy that the hours were flying by. You we’re joking with each other and telling secrets and it was just so comfortable. He would yawn and stretch his arms and in the dim light his cheekbones looked razor sharp, you only wished the glass wasn’t preventing you from reaching out and touching him. Your eyelids were heavy but how on earth could you close your eye on this perfect person?
 Steve’s eyes turned up and he whispered to the air “Hey FRIDAY, what time is it?”
 “It is 2:13 a.m.” the voice responded.
 “Wow, 2:13.” Steve said, shaking his head in disbelief. He turned back to you. “We’ve been talking for hours.”
 “I know, it’s insane” you laughed softly. “You know what else is kind of insane? This—FRIDAY.” You motioned in the air.
 “Yeah, I’d definitely say it takes some getting used to.” Steve sat up from the glass wall and scooted his body, so he was sitting crossed legged, facing you.
 “You know what it reminds me of? Did you ever see—Never mind, there’s no way you could have seen it. But there was this Disney Channel Original Movie when I was growing up called Smart House and it was like exactly like FRIDAY. Well not exactly but you know.” You turned and mirrored the way Steve was sitting. “Anyway, long story short, in the movie the house basically tries to become the family’s mom and obviously chaos ensues. There’s this iconic party scene and I’m pretty sure there’s like a tornado or something in the house at one point, and its great, you have to watch it. Add it to your list.”
 Steve chuckled, “Alright, well I’ll definitely add that to the top of the list.”
 You pointed at him “You promise?”
 He put his hands up faux-defensively, “I promise.” There was a moment of comfortable silence. He looked down into his lap, then off to the side. “Now, I don’t know how early Banner is going to be back in here, so I’d better let you get some sleep.” Steve stood up off the ground.
 “Okay but don’t say ‘you’d better let me get some sleep’ like I haven’t also been talking to you non-stop for 4 hours,” You laughed, standing up.
 Steve smiled and walked over to his bed, “Goodnight Y/n.”
 You smiled back, “Goodnight Steve.”
 You sat on your bed and tied your hair up with the hair tie on your wrist. You normally had no problem ending your nights by watching Netflix or reading a book, but ending your night talking to Steve Rogers for hours certainly wasn’t too bad either. You laid down, pulled the covers up to your neck, and turned onto your side.
 “Hey Y/n,” Steve whispered, and your eyes fluttered open. It was now pitch black in the room and you couldn’t see him as you suspected that FRIDAY had adjusted the lights since everyone was in bed.
 There was a pause. “Would… you want to watch it with me?”
 You thanked god that it was so dark that he couldn’t see you blushing and grinning. ‘Watching Disney Channel Original Movies with Captain America’ sounded more like an answer on a dating game show than a real thing that could happen in your near future. And how insane was it that Steve would even want to hang out with you in the first place? You felt butterflies just thinking about it.
 “I can never say no to a good movie,” you replied. You settled into your bed and snuggled into your pillow to, hopefully, dream about Steve Rogers.
You were awoken when the lights in the lab clicked on, sensing somebody walk into the room. In through the swinging double doors came Bruce, Tony, and Stephen. You sat up and sleepily rubbed your eyes. Considering this was just a bed in a cell in a laboratory, and you had gone to bed so late, you had gotten a pretty good night of sleep. Part of that could be due to the fact that you had been talking to dreamy dreamboat Steve Rogers for hours before you went to bed. You looked over at Steve who apparently (and god bless) slept shirtless. Was it possible that he looked even better after he’d been asleep for hours and had serious bed-head? You know what? Not only was is possible, you were sure he did. He looked back at you and sent you a soft smile as he ran his hand through his hair. You smiled back and quickly turned back to the men who’d just walked in. You really needed to get better at staring at people.
 Wanda pushed herself up onto her elbows, “Three geniuses walk into a lab…”
 Tony leaned on a counter. “Well I know I’m a genius Wanda, but these guys?” Stephen and Bruce both shot him glares, Stephen’s a little colder than Bruce’s. You didn’t think Bruce really had it in him to be all that cold to anyone.
 “Let’s not play this game Mr. Stark,” Stephen said, still glaring at Tony.
 “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to push any buttons Doctor, what was it, Weird? Doctor Weird?”
 “Anyway,” Bruce said, stepping between the two men. “We have some good news and some neutral news.” Now that caught your attention. “What do you want to hear first?”
Chapter 3
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