#web event artworks
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Honkai: Star Rail | Revelation Cards From the "Fables of the Stars" Web Event (2/2)
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genshinresource · 7 months
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Genshin Impact Companion Avatars From the "Dream of Roving Stars" Web Event (1/7)
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Genshin Impact | Phantom of the Night Wallpaper
Cleaned and upscaled by asddzr on bilibili
Download Link (Google Drive)
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Genshin Impact x Discovery | Some Assets from Teyvat Nature Discovery Tour
Download Link for All Assets (Google Drive)
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genshingraphics · 2 years
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Genshin Impact "Canvas of Starlight Memories" Web Event Wallpapers (4/6)
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akai-genshin · 1 year
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Web Event Glittering Elixirs new illustrations⚗🧪
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edswordsman · 1 year
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A look at the title screen for the Glittering Elixirs Web Event! 🧪
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The Traveler, Paimon, Nahida, & Cyno are on the main screen for this Web Event!
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alexanderarcade · 28 days
The Finale to Chapter 4 is finished! At least I think its the finale? ..... Uh I'll check with my editor April Fool...
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How do you go about researching stuff that's supposed to be a character's interest/hobby? Like for example if my character is an artist but i don't really know anything about art, how do i write this character's opinions + likes and dislikes ab art?
Researching and Portraying Interests/Hobbies
First, when considering your character's interests/hobbies, it's always worth thinking about what role these are going to play in the actual story. If your character's knowledge, opinions, preferences, and activities as an artist play a critical role in the story, it's certainly important to flesh them out. However, if they're just there to give your character dimension, you really don't need to become an expert on the interest/hobby.
In either case--whether it plays a critical role or is just there for character dimension--sit down and consider the scenes in which this background will be on display. Or, in other words, which moments or events will this background come into play? For example, if your character is at a party at an art gallery, that's an obvious place where their knowledge and opinions might come out in thought or dialogue. Let's say there's also a scene where your character is helping another character choose a dress for a special event. That's another place where this artistic background might come into play. So, instead of doing a lot of broad research on art and what opinions, knowledge, or preferences an artist might have, you can now research what's important in that specific moment.
So, for the art gallery scene, you could start by researching local art galleries to see what they're like. Famous art galleries sometimes have virtual tours on their web sites, or you might find video tours on YouTube. Putting yourself "inside" an art gallery will help you see what your character would see so you can start imagining what they might be thinking about or talking about in that setting. Maybe you want them to comment on the art of a particular painter--so you could research "famous painters" and choose one to read a little bit about. Then, you could choose a particular painting by this artist that might be hanging in that gallery and you can research it to learn about the painting, its composition, its meaning, etc. This can help you formulate some ideas about what your character might say or think about the artist or specific painting. You could also use real artists and their artwork as inspiration for a fictional artist/painting if you wanted to.
For the dress shopping scene, maybe your character's artistic background gives them a good sense of what colors go well together, so you could do a little research to find that out. Or, maybe their artistic background lets them recognize that a particular dress looks like a particular painting style or a particular artist's work. In that case, you can go back to the "famous painters" research and choose one to have your character think or say the dress is reminiscent of. For example, it could be as simple as your character saying, "Try on the blue and green dress that looks like a Monet painting on a sugar high."
By narrowing down the specific points in the story where the background will come into play, and by knowing exactly what your character needs to say, think, or feel according to this background, you can narrow down your research significantly. :)
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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berenicetheiv · 2 years
Don't steal, don't repost 👹🔪.
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Astrocartography is a tool used in locational astrology. Essentially, it shows you a map based on the planets' placements based on the time and place you were born. It's a fun tool to show you places that are most affected by a planet's energy. When you have no idea where to go or travel, you can use this. But don't base your whole life decisions on this tool, you can still go wherever you want, it just shows you the places that are best recommended and least recommended but don't let it restrict you! It's just for fun!
I use astro.com's astrocartography tool called astroclick travel.
Put the required information to store the data of your birth chart in the website, if you haven't already. Remember to choose female or male in the gender part of the birth data entry because astroclick travel won't work if the data is stored as "event/other." In astro.com's homepage, click free horoscopes, then click locational astrology, and under locational astrology, click astroclick travel.
When you pull up your astrocartography map, the red symbol of the part of fortune is always on the place of your birth. Person B was born in Paris, France so their part of fortune is on Paris.
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The Vertical Lines are the planets/mc lines and planets/ic lines while the horizontal waves are the planets/asc line and planets/dc line.
This is Person B's astrocartography map as an example:
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The Circles in the planets/mc lines are called zeniths. This is where the maximum effect of the planet is felt. For example, if you want to go somewhere where you want to feel the ultimate effects of Venus, you know, maybe where you want to increase the chances of finding love or harmony, or maybe you're an artist or a fashion designer and you want to be in a place where you can have a massive pump of energy and inspiration to create an artwork, possibly your masterpiece, then the zenith area is absolutely recommended. Others say this is where you find the people that will love you for the whole of your life, soulmates and all that.
What if the zenith is in the middle of the ocean or other large bodies of water and I really want to visit my *insert planet* zenith? Then try to book a cruise ship or fly on an airplane (if there's ships and planes that go to those areas but if not- well, I hope the planet's line in of itself will suffice.)
Ex. This image shows Person B's saturn/dc line on the bottom left, venus/mc line and zenith, mercury/mc line and zenith and neptune/dc line on the right. As you can see, the zeniths are in the middle of the ocean. Honestly, most of Person B's planet zeniths (the little circles) are in the middle of the ocean as you can see in their astrocartography map above (the 2nd image).
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As you can see in the image below, there's a "with harmonious aspect" and "with disharmonious aspect" option. Click those if you want to see additional lines. Though their energies or effects are lesser in amount compared to the major ac, dc, mc, ic lines.
Extra: You see that "Scalable Map" tab? Click and choose there if you want to focus alone on a specific area or continent like Europe, Africa, etc.
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Then boom! Look at this humongous amounts of lines everywhere, it's like a really big tangle of yarns or a spider's web! This may overwhelm some so try to take it easy and focus on the major lines first before diving into these. Note that the additional lines are thinner compared to the major lines that are thick.
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If you know the meaning of the planets, apply that to what these lines means. These are just my generalizations of what each planetary line means.
Sun Lines: Bright yellow lines. They have something to do with your ego and uplifting yourself, where you might feel yourself shine and be bright and happy the most- if it's a favorable line. Places where you can feel to be noticed and attract attention the most. Where you can be surrounded by many people and gain popularity. Recommended if you want to boost your career, especially if it has to do with the public and fame. But if it's a hard/disharmonious aspect line, then the sun's energy is restricted and can be quite challenging.
Moon Lines: The moon lines are a nice shade of dark blue. They have something to do with your emotions, your wellbeing, etc. All the things having to do with the moon. For example, if you want to be somewhere where you want to be inspired to write a really emotional piece of poetry, story or film then try these places. Or if you just want to be in tune with your emotions and soul, meditate and relax, chill and be cozy then go here.
Mercury Lines: Light Green. Places where your mind can be stimulated the most, communicate easily and just inhale information and stuff. Where your mind can be at ease the most and thinking at its higher brain power. Recommended if you want to find a place where you want to study like go to college or something, enter educational programs, etc.
Venus Lines: Dark Green. Places where you can find love, be lovely and in harmony, do art and other venusian things. Like I said, if you're an artist or designer, try to go here if you want to create something special and all that. Or if you just want to live that venusian, fairytale movie like life and just be at peace. If you have a night/nocturnal birth chart, venus places can be the most beneficial places to go to since it's benefic in a night chart.
Mars Lines: Red. Where you can feel passionate at most, highly energized and pumped up. These are the places you can go to if you want to do very energetic activites like hiking or just want to feel hyped up in general. It can also be challenging though because these can affect your mood and you might be mad easily in these places, etc. Others don't really recommend the mars areas because they note that it can be dangerous and risky, disaster zones. If you have a night chart especially, the martian areas can be the most challenging since it's malefic in a night chart.
Jupiter Lines: Pink lines. It is said that these areas are one of the best places you can go to. Especially if you have a day chart since jupiter is benefic here. These are the places where you can feel happy, optimistic and adventurous. Where the vibe and energy can be positive and relaxing the most. Also the places where one's luck is increased. Which is why these places are recommended in relation to your career.
Saturn Lines: Brown. Places where you can be restricted, be faced with responsibility. These are the places you can go to to be disciplined or if you want to be challenged. Where you can face your ambitions/goals and challenge yourself and others. These places are challenging and can be hard especially to people with a day chart since saturn is malefic here.
Uranus Lines: Sky blue. Places where you can face a lot of changes. Whether to your career or self. Places where you can get away from the mundane to encounter exotic and great once-in-a-lifetime experiences to develop yourself. These are the places you can go to if you want to feel absolutely wild and free and independent. You may encounter unique and one-of-a-kind people on here you can befriend and bond with. They'll be unforgettable and vice versa.
Neptune Lines: Purple. Places where you can hone your spiritual and emotional being. Where you can be more private and secure from the rest of the world, just in harmony with yourself. You'll encounter more experiences and opportunities to hone abilities like your intuition. And you may also encounter more mystical or supernatural related things on here that can help you.
Pluto Lines: Black. These places can be intense and stressful. Similar to saturn and mars combined together but like twice the effect. These are the places where you can be forced to face transformations on your life. Experiences that may be hard to deal with. Places where you will encounter major challenges after challenges and problems. It can either feel as if the universe is just sending you lessons to help you or the universe is against you.
Chiron Lines: Black. You can go to these places to heal yourself or help others heal themselves. These are the places where you can put your mind and self, your worries and wounds to rest. Where you can find ways or experiences that can be therapeutic to you. Also can motivate you to contemplate and look at your life and origin.
North Node Lines: Black. These places are like unfamiliar territory, the kind of places that take you out of your comfort zone. You will encounter many experiences on here that will push you to change certain views and values, make you think differently. These are the places you can go to if you want a life-changing experience that can change the trajectory of your life path. There's like a calling from these places, like you're bound for something to happen on here, like your karmic path.
Crossings are like the conjunctions in a regular astrology chart. These are when lines cross or intersect/meet each other. These are the areas that when the planets cross each other- their energy becomes intertwined or combined together.
Ex. The image below shows the A) crossing of Venus and Jupiter, B) crossing of Venus and Chiron, C) crossing of Mercury and Chiron, D) crossing of Mercury and Mars, E) crossing of Mercury and Jupiter, and F) crossing of Sun and Mars.
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Astro.com's astroclick travel has free interpretations or general informations about what each line and zenith means. Just click on a specific line, crossing or zenith and a block of text will appear either beside the map or at the bottom.
The crossings of major lines also have free interpretations on astro.com, just click on them and the block of text will appear. Sometimes, you have to be really precise on clicking the point of crossings though so that the text will appear which is why I recommend zooming in and then click.
The additional lines have free interpretations too but most of the time they're shorter since their effects are mostly similar to the major ones, just lesser. The crossings of these extra lines don't have interpretations though but again, it's just similar to the interpretations given for the major line crossings, you can easily put two and two together.
Ex. I clicked on the venus/descendant line and this appeared:
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Extra: You can click the "Show Details" option to show the other lines that are close to the point/area you clicked.
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Thank you so much for reading 🌹.
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transxiao · 1 year
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Artwork from the Carefree Dreamland web event for getting all the endings
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Honkai: Star Rail | Character Templates From "Festival Invitation" Returning Players Web Event
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genshinresource · 7 months
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Genshin Impact The Five Archon Blessings From the "Dream of Roving Star" Web Event
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Genshin Impact | Backgrounds from Phantom of the Night
Download Link (Google Drive)
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genshingraphics · 1 year
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Genshin Impact "Carefree Dreamland" Web Event: All Perfect Endings
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tss-anxceit-week · 7 months
The time has come...
...for spooky season, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, orange leaves and windy storms. And, lest we not forget:
The arrival of the prompts for Anxceit Week 2023!
Thank you all for your wonderful submissions; I hope these pairs of prompts will help inspire you.* 💜💛
Day 1 (Nov. 12): Close & Distant
Day 2 (Nov. 13): Eyes & Apples
Day 3 (Nov. 14): Trust & Betrayal
Day 4 (Nov. 15): Free Day!**
Day 5 (Nov. 16): Home & History
Day 6 (Nov. 17): Kiss & Make Up
Day 7 (Nov. 18): Lies & Promises
*Like I mentioned above, these prompts are first and foremost meant as tools to spark your inspiration. You are free to interpret the prompts however you like, choose either one or both, incorporate them in any degree you wish.
**As the name suggests, you are free to choose whatever prompt you like on Day 4! Go wild! Need ideas? Perhaps some of these honorable mentions from the submissions can inspire you: Lantern, Denial, Web, Photoshoot, Past/Future, Shedding, Nightfall, Sewing, Capes.
As for some final announcements, please keep the rules below in mind:
Tag this blog (@tss-anxceit-week) and/or include #anxceitweek2023 in your post when you submit something. That will help me make sure I reblog all the Anxceit content being made for this week.
Artwork of any kind is welcome! Art, writing, playlists, crafts, animation, poetry - you name it, we'd love to see it!
This is a SFW event. Please be aware that NSFW content will not be reblogged here to keep this space available to as many as possible.
As long as Anxceit is the main focus, you are allowed to include polyships featuring Janus and Virgil as well. And further on that note, the ship can be celebrated in any nature: platonic, familial, romantic, etc.
Don't feel obligated to partake in every single day. Whenever you are able/willing/inspired you are free to join, but take care to not overwork yourself.
And most importantly of all: have fun! I am so thrilled to see what you all will come up with and it's an honor to organize this event for the community here. Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions or comments!
See you sssssssoon...
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