Team Doves
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@backgroundcharacterno15 -> characters
@diamondjolt -> characters
@captain-astors -> characters
@iheihairu -> characters
@websterweaver -> characters
@just-another-tokyo-ghoul-fan -> characters
Team Masks
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@mugmegan -> characters
@eltheabberation -> characters
@that-one-queer-poc -> characters
@moognolia -> characters
@elmaxlys -> characters
@angelica-arcia -> characters
These are the teams everyone! Decided by a handy randomizer website. Must say again that I still accept submissions and that if you wish, you can still join now. Let me know if I forgot anyone, these are the names I took from the pinned post.
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mugmegan · 1 month
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Revenge on @websterweaver ! CCG coats are going to be the death of me. I never wanna draw one again T_T
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moognolia · 16 days
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arthur for @websterweaver !
i’ve been busy so haven’t been able to do as much for tg art fight as i’d hoped! had my eye on this guy for a while though :) i’d like to get a few more pieces done over the next few days 🙏
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elmaxlys · 1 month
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from left to right: @that-one-queer-poc - me lol - @websterweaver - @iheihairu - @diamondjolt - @captain-astors
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oneeyedsparrow · 2 months
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Arthur Finch
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Age: 18
Born: February 10th, Aquarius
Kamii University, Freshman
Department of Literature, Studying Japanese Literature
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Human
Size: 162.56 cm  58 kg
Blood-type: A+
Likes: Drawing, Reading, Intelligence, Martial Arts and Katsudon. Favorite Literature: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Sexuality: Gay ⚣
Hobbies: Arthur really enjoys reading or drawing in his free time. You’ll usually see him at a cafe with his favorite horror book or sketching in one of his many sketchbooks. 
Personality: Athletic, Clever, Friendly, Introverted, clingy (only to Mira and later to Hide and Kaneki once he gets to know them.) Secretive about his family ties to the CCG, Pacifist (he avoids causing harm to pretty much anyone.) He strongly believes that violence leads to more violence. While being a pacifist he still believes in self-defense. He rarely if ever holds grudges. He’s Impulsive to act when he thinks someone is in danger. He is a little bit cowardly when it comes to his own life. He’s a bit spoiled because of his rich upbringing but he doesn’t see himself above anyone. He’s also stubborn in his beliefs. Background: Born to Victor and Emma Finch in the United States, Arthur lost his father at the age of 10. His mother remarried to Benjamin Willaims, an investigator under the American version of the CCG, The Department of Ghoul Defense. His mother died when he was 12, leaving him with his stepfather who got more invested in his work due to Arthur’s mother dying from a ghoul attack. The ghoul who was framed for the murder was eventually killed, and his wife was arrested for harboring a ghoul under her care. 
The ghoul who supposedly killed his mother had two offspring: Mira and Milo Walsh, two natural born half-ghouls who initially befriended Arthur out of petty revenge, though the former of the two grew to have an actual friendship with him while the other kept his resentment at the forefront of their interactions. It was thanks to his friend Mira that Arthur was able to find other options for himself, and to aid him with a surgery before making further plans for the future. 
While distant with his stepfather, Arthur decided to leave the country to pursue his life goals, taking his best friend Mira with him as the two settled into Japan to start a new life together. Arthur has no idea that Mira and Milo are half ghouls.  Arthur's gun is a black 44 magnum that has 6 rounds. The gun uses Q bullets. Arthur only uses this gun as his last and finally option.
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Ships I'm okay with: Arthur x Kaneki, Arthur x Hide, Arthur x Hide x Kaneki. Mira X Arthur. Ships I'm not okay with: Arthur with anyone who Identifies as being female. (Arthur is gay sooo) Shuu Tsukiyama (I would be okay with it if their personalities didn't clash so much.) I'm okay with: Gore, NSFW, and even death of my OC (I'm pretty much cool with it all.) If you have any more questions about Arthur Finch Please DM me @websterweaver or @oneeyedsparrow @tokyoghoulartfight2024 This is my TG OC Feel free to attack me as I will definitely will do revenge! >:3 Ships I'm okay with: Arthur x Kaneki, Arthur x Hide, Arthur x Hide x Kaneki. Mira X Arthur. Ships I'm not okay with: Arthur with anyone who Identifies as being female. (Arthur is gay sooo) Shuu Tsukiyama (I would be okay with it if their personalities didn't clash so much.) I'm okay with: Gore, NSFW, and even death of my OC (I'm pretty much cool with it all.) If you have any more questions about Arthur Finch Please DM me @websterweaver or @oneeyedsparrow @tokyoghoulartfight2024 This is my TG OC Feel free to attack me as I will definitely will do revenge! >:3 dividers by @nymphfrills
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eltheabberation · 1 month
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Revenge on @websterweaver!! Your oc is so fun to draw!!
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iamaweretoad · 3 months
Got tagged by the wonderful @ex-textura and @vitanithepure (thank you! 💜)
Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite.
Like Vitani, I also chose to limit this to video game characters 'cause otherwise we'd be here all day XD. Further limiting myself to one character per game.
Tagging: @doublebadger, @matutinae, @jhara-ivez, @warlock-enthusiast, @websterweaver, @essythewolf, @sehiriti, @luceirosdegolados, @chennnington, @franclemontb, @gabriellerudessa, @mmhawkes, @mydonkeyfeet, @dragons-barb, @retrogradedreaming, @magnetklaue, @bewareofdragon, @lehdenlaulu
edit: 2nd time trying to post this and tumblr still refuses to add most of the tags, so if you see this just consider yourself tagged
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jhara-ivez · 1 year
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Tablet-Testrun successful. Thanks to @websterweaver It is different from my old one though. The tip of the pencil is also a lot more stiff than what I’m used to so I have to learn what a certain amount of pressure actually feels like. But I’ll get there eventually.
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syekick-powers · 2 years
Some OC Questions ask game: 1, 4, 5, 11, 12 (for an extra challenge - not a Clear Queer), 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32, 36, 46, and 49.
i can definitely tell you took to heart my comment about liking to receive a lot of questions in a single ask huh 😂
Your first OC ever?
my very first OC ever created was a naruto fancharacter named hanari. she was definitely what you would call a mary sue, but i enjoyed writing her a LOT at first; i made her story into like 16pt font and got really excited when i managed to reach 50 pages, but then out of curiosity i shrunk the text down to like 12pt times new roman and it was only 16 pages and it instantly ruined my desire to continue working on her story. so instead i created my character seyna (her name was different back then but that's what her name is now) and her universe and everything and that started a lifelong addiction to writing and creating characters/universes.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
some characters i have that i rarely talk about are probably the mutant ghost hunters from my old 2014 nanowrimo attempt. i created them when i was fairly young and the story still holds up pretty well considering i was a teenager when i started working on it. the only reason it's not something i've been working on lately is because of Figuring Out Logistics Issues (which has killed a lot of my WIPs lately..... 😭).
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
honestly i don't think i could limit it to just one OC, because if i elevated one single OC from a story but all the rest of them didn't get to be popular the entire rest of the cast will be like "well why the fuck does THIS asshole get to be the only one who gets popularity??" like my first thought with this question was salaphiel or selius but if only ONE of the two got to be popular and the other one didn't i'd literally never fucking hear the end of it. ever. i think if i had to pick one WIP to make popular it'd probably be my HOSTS story actually just because my vision for the final product of that is "horror game with supplemental lore novel released after the game" and if i could get the game made and released i would LOVE to see people get into the universe.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
oh for sure. karini, and kass. ironically both of these characters fall under a common character archetype of mine, which is "girl with a ponytail who is very kind, sweet, and sunshiney, but could absolutely murder you with very little effort." karini is like super buff and an ace archer whose entire specialty is firing arrows with such force that they can pierce through a fucking tree, and kass went to martial arts classes since she was like seven years old and because she's trans she's gotten into a lot of actual fights so any time she's in a fight in the body of the HOSTS story she ALWAYS beats the living hell out of anyone who tries to corner/fight her even if she's outnumbered 3 to 1. both of them are deadly as hell but also just so kind, the sweetest girls you've ever met.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
since you said i couldn't name a clear queer im gonna say i love @websterweaver 's boys maphisto and arachna. absolutely QUALITY character dynamic between those two. cannot get enough of them. chefs kiss. i also love my qpp’s character jay pratt.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
I Have A Few. 😂 the ones that make the most trouble for me are usually the terrible trio (gareth, aiden, and blair, with blair ESPECIALLY being a huge pain in the ass) and selius. sometimes other self-inserts can also be a huge pain in the ass. in hellbent heavensent isaac/isaiah is also a pain in the ass, but that's partially just me empathically feeling salaphiel's hatred of his tendency to ask incredibly insightful Armor Piercing Questions that cut through their stupid facade of lies.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
honestly i feel like kusiel wins this one from sheer power of Constant Thirst For Knowledge and access to an item that literally gives them limited omniscience so i'm sure that when they're not Scheming they're probably spending time scrolling through tons of scientific information in the fragment absorbing as much knowledge as possible.
17. Any OC OTPs?
oh yeah definitely. dustin/seth, aiden/kass, aiden/gareth, aiden/gareth/blair romantic trio, any incarnation of the hh protag with any incarnation of their love interest (too many incarnations to go through the whole list tbh), any incarnation of the hh protag platonically with their best friend/qpp. there are more but those are the main ones really.
18. Any OC crackships?
i think probably the most prominent OC crackship that i got really really into was seth/aiden enemies to lovers. i started writing a stupid fanfic like story about those two ending up in a weird semi-relationship which started with hatefucking in an alley and gradually turned into a full-blown romantic relationship and it was absolutely bizarre to me how well they worked together as a romantic pairing. originally i was 100% convinced that i'd never enjoy imagining the two of them together because they're such incredibly different polar opposites that i figured it would be impossible for them to get along. but when i wrote it, it was truly amazing how the differences in their personalities complimented each other so well.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
honestly i don't get enough people interacting with my OCs enough to really see people mischaracterizing them? i think about the only time someone said something "mischaracterizing" about one of my characters was when i showed the first draft of one of my WIPs to my dad and he complained to me about the protagonist narrating the story in long, rambling sentences and generalized that tendency as a feature of my writing in general when it was in fact a peculiarity of this character specifically.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
honestly i feel like i’d like to actually spend time with selius. despite them being a horrible gremlin most of the time, they have moments of genuine kindness and compassion that i feel would make them very soothing to talk to in the right situations.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
i don’t think there were any OCs that were specifically inspired by a song? for me, songs generally tend to remind me more of specific scenes or things like that rather than being the inspiration for a whole character. i usually don’t start associating a character with a song until a character has been developed a certain amount.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
probably any of the mutant ghost hunters except for lucinda. she’s the only one who wouldn’t fuck with that shit unless she was getting a paycheck.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
kass, most definitely. i feel like plushies are thing she would’ve bought a lot of when she was human and dealing with manic episodes. just a big fuckin pile of plushies on her bed that gets bigger every time she’s manic again because the mania spendy impulses be like that.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
honestly a good question?? like my brain goes to the HOSTS characters first because i imagine them BEING in a horror game, but the important distinction is that almost all of the named characters in that story are horror antagonists rather than protags, so i honestly do not know. maybe the mutant ghost hunters would be best as an answer to this question too considering they’re dealing with ghosts constantly.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
honestly i’m not sure i 100% understand this question but i guess the hh protag and their love interest are kinda like that because the hh protag is really close with their qpp and some of their other friends??? idk i dont get this q.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
i’ve honestly told myself that i’m mean to my OCs, lol. like i said in an earlier question, i don’t usually get people interacting with my OCs a lot, so i don’t usually get people saying things like this to me unprompted. but i am aware that i am definitely mean to some of my OCs. just ask selius
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes?
oh this one’s easy. blair. 100%. blair is one of those people who copes with trauma via humor and memes, and i definitely imagine them just using memes in any situation where they’d possibly be applicable. aiden will often respond with similar memes or jokes, whereas gareth is just like “smh. It’s 2am, go to bed.” and blair’s just like “no :)”
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rcbirdy · 2 years
I need to know.. What is: a perfectly ordinary soda machine?
(Referring to this post.)
Haha, I thought somebody would ask about that one!
It's my attempt at writing up... I guess it would be fanfic? For SCP-261, the vending machine that gives you weird stuff. The concept is that there's this one security guard who only gets "normal" things from the machine, no matter what. (Sort of like that one researcher who only gets apple seeds, no matter what.) Sure, it might be in a different language, or maybe they haven't made that flavor since 1982, but it's all stuff that could or does exist in our own dimension. The security guard thinks everyone who claims to have gotten a weird or dangerous thing from the machine is just hazing her.
Excerpt below:
Money entered: 500 yen
SCP-261 Powered or Unpowered: Powered
Item description: “Sprite Blue” – A 12 oz aluminum can of carbonated soda, packaging in Russian. “Now with Berry Flavor” written on can. Agent was observed to say “oh, that’s new,” but further questioning revealed that she was referring to the fact that the product dispensed was in a metal can, rather than a plastic bottle. Upon learning that Sprite Blue does not exist, Agent seemed unphased, remarking that she “couldn’t keep track of every soda brand out there.” No anomalous properties detected.
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essythewolf · 2 years
WIP Meme
Tagged by @cinlat. Thanks!
If you want to tags: @iamaweretoad @jhara-ivez @websterweaver @doublebadger @ithreshhaywood
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! This isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD Campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
A Night in the Star Cluster Casino City of Plagues SOR: Rishi SOR: Yavin 4 Stormy Nights and Small Fires Parts 1-3 The Red Bloom The Wrath and His Shadow Awakening SNSF Part 3 Reunion I’ve stepped away from my usual fandom and have a lot put down in SWTOR. And then a random one. Lots of half-finished writing that forever live in my brain.
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iamaweretoad · 6 months
tagged by @vitanithepure (thank you! 💜)
Rules: Post 5 songs associated with your OC, followed by 3 outfits they would wear.
Went with Mago since he's the one currently being rotated in my brain like a rotisserie chicken.
1 . Dynasties and Dystopia - Arcane OST 2. Let Me Live/Let Me Die - Des Rocs 3. Natural - Imagine Dragons 4. Maybe I - Des Rocs (tw self-harm ref) 5. Short Change Hero - The Heavy
3 outfits (first one is from his gang days, 2nd two are current)
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tagging (if you want, no pressure) @matutinae @mmhawkes @doublebadger @essythewolf @jhara-ivez @websterweaver @warlock-enthusiast @ex-textura @aylinvail @dragons-barb @sehiriti @magnetklaue
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iamaweretoad · 8 months
Was tagged on this character ask a million years ago by @malewife-mansplain-magus and now i can finally post it 'cause i actually have some character art. Thank you so much for tagging me! 💜
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Name: Mago Vanth (now Von Valancius)
Nicknames/Aliases: the Khymeron
Height: 5' 11'' (180 cm)
Gender: male
Orientation: gay, demi-aro
Nationality/Identity: Calixis Sector > Golgenna Reach > Scintilla System > Scintilla
Favorite fruit: oranges are the first fresh fruit he ever tasted, so they have a special place in his heart, but he has 😍 for just about any fresh produce
Favorite season: i imagine seasons vary pretty widely planet to planet, plus prior to the events of the game, the places where he spent time weren't places where you would really experience the seasons (outside of possible temperature fluctuations), so i don't think he really has any sense of seasons outside of like, the academic knowledge that they happen.
Favorite flower: Yes. XD Until very recently his only exposure to green, growing things was in pictures, so he gets excited about pretty much any plant
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea by preference, coffee by necessity, volume and accessibility
Avg hours of sleep: 4
Dogs or cats: like, to eat? Just kidding -- well, half-kidding -- but he did have a ship's cat on his last ship that he grew quite fond of. I picture him like the stereotypical dad who adamantly doesn't want a cat only to cave after like a month and start secretly spoiling it XD
Dream trip: to disappear somewhere where no one knows who he is and the Imperium can't find them
Number of blankets: 1 if he has the presence of mind to wrap himself in something before falling asleep at his desk or on the cot next to it. More if someone else makes him sleep in a real bed.
Random fact: (shamelessly stealing this from Salvage because i liked the detail but never did anything with it) His voice is rough and a bit raspy due to damage to his vocal cords when his throat was cut during a botched execution.
@websterweaver @doublebadger @jhara-ivez @essythewolf @vitanithepure @schmooplesthesecond @warlock-enthusiast @magnetklaue @luceirosdegolados @mmhawkes @mydonkeyfeet
and re-tagging @malewife-mansplain-magus in case you wanna do it again for one of your other lovely ocs :D
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jhara-ivez · 3 months
Tagged by @iamaweretoad & @websterweaver Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite. EXCEPT NO! Feck this! Cris says: PICK YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@beck-nightengale @chennnington @dragons-barb @the-upper-shelf @daedric-prince-of-pasta
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iamaweretoad · 2 years
Got tagged by @chennnington (Thank you! :D) to post 4 fictional characters that are similar to me.
We’ll be going with an incredibly selective definition of ‘similar’ here XD.
1. Sirius from Enderal - because I too would absolutely 100% die within the first 5 minutes of a story (and am also anxious about getting in trouble)
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2. (I don’t even go here but) Charlotte Lucas from Pride and Prejudice -- for making safe, boring, practical, unromantic life choices (also ace/aro energy).
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3. Aloth Corfiser from Pillars of Eternity - for the experience of falling in with a group of friends who have dramatically different world views than you and eventually coming to realize that they were right and you were wrong and actually the stuff you believed is kind of responsible for destroying the world.
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4. Bea Santello from Night In The Woods -  Eldest daughter energy and the bitch friend override, and because I am also afraid of being stuck, left behind, and running out of time.
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tagging (but only if you want to do it): @franclemontb, @matcherry, @dueliz , @dragons-barb , @essythewolf , @daedric-prince-of-pasta, @doublebadger, @websterweaver , @jhara-ivez ,  @lehdenlaulu​ , @warlock-enthusiast​ , @magnetklaue​ , @minnimari​
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jhara-ivez · 3 years
Got tagged by @iamaweretoad to spell out my blog name with song titles :D
J - Jolene (by Dolly Parton) H - Hypa Hypa (by Eskimo Callboy) A - Ave Maria (by In Extremo) R - Ring of Fire (by Johnny Cash) A - A Question of Time (by Depeche Mode)
I - Incense & Iron (by Powerwolf) V - Vagabond (by Ridsa) E - Ensay (by Saad Lamjarred & Mohamed Ramadan) Z - Zu spät (by Die Ärzte)
tagging @doublebadger @websterweaver @essythewolf @dueliz @dragons-barb @daedric-prince-of-pasta @flailingdoodle  @hunter-journal and whoever else wants to!
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