#weekly idol 212
wordsbynathan · 4 years
thank you to @fictional-semantics for tagging me in a find the word tag!! i simply have not posted content in so long and this is the perfect way to do so <3
my words are lock, whisper, note, and wind
“You were afraid of me?”
“You’re real. I’m not used to that.” Alex clears his throat gently. “I’ve never told anybody this, but there’s this person I’ve always imagined becoming. Not some hero or idol. Just someone better. I’ve always thought he’s inside me somewhere. There’s something about you that’s nudged him awake.”
“Could it be all the screaming in he middle of the night?” Neil asks and brushes a wavy lock of hair from Alex’s forehead. This earns him a hearty laugh.
“That’s definitely part of it.”
“Watch yourself, Neil,” Pierce says, hardly more than a whisper. His breath is warm against Neil’s face. “There are things at play here that you don’t understand yet. I’ll be happy to teach you the hard way, but for my sake and yours, it might be smarter to learn for yourself. I don’t care who your mother was. Stay out of my way and we won’t have any problems.”
“But you’re the one who stopped me—“
He almost melts against the wall Pierce has him backed against; Neil has never been so happy to hear Alex’s voice. Pierce backs away, indignant but somewhat sobered.
Neil walks into room 212 for his second weekly meeting of the photography club. Though he’d initially planned on not coming back and doing his own thing instead, after what Clark showed him he feels oddly drawn to the other boy.
That’s why he’s surprised to find the classroom empty, and even more surprised to see a note propped up on the desk he sat in the week prior. Cautiously, Neil unfolds the paper.
Just us today, come meet me at the spot.
Neil enters the room, one of the enormous doors creaking in the wind behind him. He holds his breath, ears straining for any signs of danger. The hollow silence in the warehouse is disconcerting, the still before a snake lunges, and he wishes his heart would stop sending forceful thrums into his eardrums.
He has the urge to puff up a flame in his palm. He resists. His eyes are adjusting to the gloom and he doesn’t want to undo the transition.
i’m going to tag (with no pressure) @atelierwriting @sprigofbasil @incipientdream @ikilledmyocs and @tarttisms <3
your words will be fly, sink, crash, and hand
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yuqi-s · 5 years
I saw your shit ggs say gifsets and I want to watch fun snsd videos. Any recommendation you might have?
i’m so glad someone wants to learn about snsd 😭
here are some fun shows that i would recommend bold = my personal fave
star golden bell (2009) 
come to play w/ kara (2009) (sadly there is no part 3) 
come to play smtown special w/ dbsk, suju, f(x) (2011) 
intimate note (2009) (this deserves it’s own shitggsays)
channel soshi (2015) their very own reality 
running man ep 63 & 64, 254, 363
snsd horror factory warning: dolphin screams ahead
star golden bell ep 245 (all members), 248 idol special w/ kara, shinee, 2pm
sang sang plus w/ shinee (yoona, sunny & tiffany cut) i still think it’s quite entertaining 
weekly idol ep 212 & 213
knowing brothers ep 88 & 89 (their ep 88 got the 2nd highest rating after psy that year)
night star ep 27 & 28
happy together (2017)
shinhwa broadcast ep 47 & 48
let’s go dream team s2 ep 106
snsd and the dangerous boys 
i’m sure i missed a lot, but these are some that come to mind. there are some that i can’t find links to sadly like win win (where hyoyeon murdered the maknaes with the ‘pretty comment). i added some where they appear with different idols because i thought it’d be nice to introduce those to people as well ^^ they have appearances on shows like: strong heart, (more) star golden bell, star king, gag concert, guerrilla date, pkl’s wonderful outing, their yhh sketchbooks are quite fun.
they also have personal vlogs/shows and solo appearances: hyoyeon’s 1mil like, taengoo tv, heart_a_tag (tiffany). sooyoung on running man 432, snl appearances (sooyoung, tiffany) etc. 
i hope these can amuse you and you’ll become a fan hehe 💕 p.s you can watch these on soshisubs, facebook, kshowonline, kshow123, youtube, ssfclassics
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kenzc · 7 years
henlo i am jo. i hate long walks on the beach and im allergic to blueberries. im like side eyeing the admin bc its Canadian Thanksgiving and im eating turkey rn but since im a hoe for tumblr rp im here. anyway meet this annoying bean, kenzo. Pls hmu 4 plots 
Tumblr media
kenzo lee — her real name being soo eun-kyung — was born in south korea to a chaebol and a pretty woman. her family was always well-off & she never knew a day of struggle in her life.
kenzo was always a quiet kid ( sort of bc ppl made fun of her accent ) & that ended up translating to her adult life. she keeps to herself, is only comfortable around the 212. she used to really like singing ( lowkey wanted to be an idol growing up ) but again, the accent ain’t poppin. 
because she’s so quiet sometimes people think she’s a snob ? ‘n while she kind of is, she really isn’t. like u will never see her “bumming” it bc she cares a lot about her physical appearance, but she’ll never turn her nose to anyone
at the age of fourteen, kenzo was sent abroad to attend a fancy schmancy private school in new york. it was friggin ruff bc everyone made fun of her english for the first 3 years. eventually people stopped being assholes / her english got better / her accent dulled down
a few years later, her dad ended up getting arrested for weapons smuggling & ken ended up learning about the family business. weapons !! * pew pew * on the low, her family makes and sells weapons. most are bought and sold legally through the correct channels. some are not.  either way she cut ties with her family after finding out and was kind of hiding from them for a while
rs tho kenzo loves guns; she fired her first gun at 16 & she’s just living that gun life.
for her entire life ken always felt like an outsider ? Like she was too Korean for America, too American for Korea; she was too clean for the family business, she was too dirty for a clean life. the 212 took her in when she pulled out a gun on some guy who followed her home after work. She ended up wowing them with her weapons knowledge & is sort of back in contact with her family on 212 business 
it’s kind of an open-secret that kenzo comes from money. like, one can assume she’s rich, and if you ask she says her parents have some money, but she doesn’t go about advertising it ?? like she thinks money alienates ppl 
roommate ( i’m thinking she lives in a luxury apartment in west chelsea. think the middle apartment in worth it lifestyle 1700$ apartment vs. 40000$ apartment ) — u don’t wanna live alone ? can’t afford this wild ass ny rent so ken is putting up yo bum up ? hi new roommate wait are you not also in the gang that im in ? 
besties ???? ?? ? — weekly spa appointments where all they do is talk shit about the rookies pls pls pls 
idk someone who likes hearing her sing she’d appreciate it so much 
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fanhackers · 7 years
New fan studies research - June 20th, 2017
A weekly list of new/recent fan studies research that’s just been added to the Fan Studies Bibliography. Works are divided into things that are open access (=immediately readable for anyone) and not open access (=behind a paywall or not yet public).
If we missed anything or made a mistake, submit a correction and we’ll fix it in next week’s edition. Happy reading!
Open access
Assunção, Carina, Michelle Brown, and Ross Workman. “Pokémon is Evolving! An investigation into the development of the Pokémon community and expectations for the future of the franchise.” Press Start 4.1 (2017): 17–35. http://www.press-start.gla.ac.uk/index.php/press-start/article/view/64
Baker, Lucy Irene. “The surface of women.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/879
Cameron, Kelsey. “Constructing queer female cyberspace: The L Word fandom and Autostraddle.com.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/846
Day, Faithe, and Aymar Jean Christian. “Locating black queer TV: Fans, producers, and networked publics on YouTube.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/867
Friedman, Erica. “On defining yuri.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/831
Lamerichs, Nicolle. “International perspectives on shojo and shojo manga, edited by Masami Toku.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/1038
Lin, Elaine Han. “Unseen international music idol femslash.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/926
Lundqvist, Kee. “Fanfiction och folkbibliotek : Föreställningar, förutsättningar, och framtiden,” 2017. Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:1107816
Marwick, Alice. “Girls’ feminist blogging in a postfeminist age, by Jessalyn Keller.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/1072
McCracken, Allison. “By any media necessary: The new youth activism, by Henry Jenkins et al.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/1084
McRae, Sarah. “‘Get Off My Internets’: How Anti-Fans Deconstruct Lifestyle Bloggers’ Authenticity Work.” Persona Studies 3.1 (2017): 13–27. https://ojs.deakin.edu.au/index.php/ps/article/view/640
Narai, Ria. “Female-centered fan fiction as homoaffection in fan communities.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/1014
Ng, Eve. “Between text, paratext, and context: Queerbaiting and the contemporary media landscape.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/917
Ng, Eve, and Julie Levin Russo. “Envisioning queer female fandom.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/1168
Novita Sari, Maya. “The representation of fandom discourse in Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl.” Publikasi Budaya 3.2 (2015). Available: http://repository.unej.ac.id/handle/123456789/77995
Oh, Soo-Kwang, and Hyun-Ju Choi. “Broadcasting upon a shooting star: investigating the success of Afreeca TV’s livestream personal broadcast model.” International Journal of Web Based Communities 13.2 (2017): 193–212. http://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJWBC.2017.084414
Pande, Rukmini, and Swati Moitra. “‘Yes, the Evil Queen is Latina!’: Racial dynamics of online femslash fandoms.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/908
Russo, Julie Levin. “Femslash goggles: Fan vids with commentary by creators.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/1026
Serafini, Victoria. “Bisexual erasure in queer sci-fi ‘utopias.’” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/1001
Stanfill, Mel. “Where the femslashers are: Media on the lesbian continuum.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/959
Strauch, Sandra. “Once Upon a Time in queer fandom.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/929
Walzem, Allen. “Brotherly Bonding and Male Bodies in Anguish: A Historical Look at Hong Kong Fandom in the West” (n.d.). Available: http://benz.nchu.edu.tw/~intergrams/intergrams/172/172-walzem.pdf
Zhao, Jing (Jamie). “Queerly imagining Super Girl in an alternate world: The fannish worlding in FSCN femslash romance.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/870
Zuk, Tanya D. “Coming out on Grey’s Anatomy: Industry scandal, constructing a lesbian story line, and fan action.” Transformative Works and Cultures 24.0 (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/980
Not open access
Gunckel, Colin. “Ambivalent Si(gh)tings: Stardom and Silent Film in Mexican America.” Film History 29.1 (2017): 110–139.
Misailidou, E. “Social media fandom: The construction of identity in the cases of ‘The 100 ’ and ‘Once Upon A Time’ Tumblr communities.” In 2017 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS). 1–11, 2017.
Navitski, Rielle. “Early Film Critics and Fanatical Fans: The Reception of the Italian Diva Film and the Making of Modern Spectators in Postrevolutionary Mexico.” Film History 29.1 (2017): 57–83.
Rodriguez, Nathan J. “Justice-Gone-Wrong Narratives in Popular Culture.” In Viewpoints on Media Effects: Pseudo-reality and Its Influence on Media Consumers. 133, 2017. Available: https://books.google.be/books?hl=en&lr=&id=pScnDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA133&dq=%22digital+pitchforks%22&ots=m9EgPmN_PR&sig=yCIoNjCOEYuGjQHVGsB-c9jizzg
Skey, Michael et al. “Media events and cosmopolitan fandom: ‘Playful nationalism’ in the Eurovision Song Contest” (2017). Online. Internet. 20 Jun. 2017. . Available: https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/dspace-jspui/handle/2134/25282
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syasjournal · 7 years
400 facts about me, yang gaberfaedah
karena bosen, jadinya bikin ginian deh. ini dapet dari sini
1. Name: aisya alifia putri 2. Nickname(s): aisya,  3. Birthday: 24 feb 4. That makes you (age): 14 y.o.  5. Where were you born (city): bandung 6. Location right now (planet ): bumi lah pake nanya jir 7. Shoe size: 37~38 8. How many piercings?: 2 (telinga kanan sama kiri)  9. Tattoos?: engga ada 10. When you wake up you're: gorgeous  11. When your about to sleep you're: ngantuk 12. Zodiac sign: pisces 13. Chinese sign: kambing 14. Righty or Lefty: righty 15. Innie or Outie: ini paan maksudnya 16. School: smp 5 bandung Section Two: Looks 17. Nationality: indonesia 18. Hair colour: item:) 20. Weight: rubah rubah sih tapi sekarang (11/07/2017) 38kg 21. Height: haha gausah nanya lah pokoknya antara 100 cm - 200 cm 22. Braces? engga 23. Glasses? iya tapi jaran dipake hehe Section Three: Private Life 24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? gaada, sedih ya 25. If so, who? pengennya sih yang 11/12 sama mark gt 26. If not, do you have a crush on someone? haha iya, lah 27. Who has a crush on you? mana iang tau 28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? iya aku eprnah berasa selingkuh dari exo:” 29. Who was your first kiss: ortu lah 30. Who was your last kiss: recorder 31. Are you a virgin? haha iya lah anjir 32. Ever had a threesome before? pertanyaan macam apa ini :” 33. NQ- Every been swarmed by ladybugs?: engga 34. Have you ever been in love? maybe 35. Broken any hearts? haha iya lah 36. Got your heart broken?  hmmm-mm 37. Ever liked a friend? IYA 38. What happened? haha it doesnt work:) Section Four: Past Relationships 39. How many relationships have you been in? gatau 40. How many were serious enough to count: 1 41. Who were those serious ones: exo (keudabelas-keduabelasnya) 42. NQ- Who used to be your best friend: --- 44. What happened: gadapapa  45. Best boy/girlfriend: gaada 46. Worst boy/girlfriend: gaada 47. Ever been kissed: engga 48. Who do you want back: mantan (kris, luhan, tao)  49. Who do you regret: kurang greget ngodenya 50. Why?: jadi weh gasempet Section Five: Favourites 51. Song: tahu diri - maudy ayunda 52. Movie: crazy little thing called love, jenny juno, 4th period mystery, pandora, miracle in cell no. 7, taegukgi, my way, ini gabisa milih satu sih 53. Food: mi, pasta, kwatiau 54. Drink: lemon tea, teh manis 55. Store: gramedia 56. Television show: kalo indonesia sarah sechan, 86, wib, sama ini talkshow.  kalo korea knowing brother, hello counselor, weekly idol 57. Holiday: waktu ke kareumbi HAHA 58. Book: gatau partikel mungkin? sama perahu kertas 59. Ice cream: gaada sih 60. Sweets: oppa HAHA 61. Crisps:  pringles 62. Type of music: ballad 63. Artist: gatau >< 64. Word: njir 65. Time of day: pas tidur  66. Dressing: gaada 67. Alcoholic drink: haha gaada lah 68. Colour(s): item, item, item, abu,  69. Piece of clothing: ???? 70. Character: ???? 71. Smell: - 72. Shampoo: gaada njir galeas bgtt  73. Soap: “-- 74. Smiley:  - 75. Board game: - 76. Sport: gaada 77. Number: 2 78. Quote: gatau 79. Animal: gasuka binatang sih, tapi kucing lucu  80. Actor: jo in sung. park bo gum 82. Vegetable:wortel 83. Fruit: semangka 84. Place to be: dihati kamyu 85. Thing in your room: laptop 86. Gum: gaterlalu suka sih 87. Shape: ath lah yg gini ditanyain 88. Country: korea, indonesia 89. Mall: mtc HAHA 90. Car : gaada yang aku favorit in sih 91. Boy's name: dilan, jingga (kalo dipanggil “jing”), keenan, nata 92. Girl's name: kugy, niki >< 93. Family member: gatau 94. Restaurant: gatau juga 95. Movie place: blitz ya yang pasti, ada pengalaman kurang menyenangkan sama 21 atau XXI terutama sama mba agnez yang robekin tiket 96. Person to go to the movies with: inginnya mah sama kamu 97. Noise: ??? 98. Brand of shoe : sama aja sih semua jg  99. Brand of clothing: sama kyk atas 100. Body part of a chicken: paha bawah (tetep cuma dimakan tepungnya doang kl kfc sm mcd) 101. Swear word: sumveh 102. Month: feb, jun 103. Possession: gatau 104. Team: tim apa? 105. Season: musim ujan 106. Radio station: paramuda, prambos 107. Magazine: ga ada 108. Favourite grade: ??? 109. Least favourite grade: ???  110. Teacher: gatau 111. Least favourite teacher: gatau 112. Subject: gaada 113. Subject to talk about: gatau Section Six: Family 114. Who's your mum?: gamau ah ntar ngeledekin  115. Who's your dad?: sama kyk atas 116. Any step-parents?: gaada /hamdallah/ 117. Any brothers?: dafa 118. Any Sisters?: kim sae ron (kita kembar) 120. Coolest: meee 121. Loudest: meee 122. Best relative: dafa 123. Worse relative:dafa jg 124. Do you get along with your parents? iya, tapi aku punya banyak rahasia  yang gak mama papa tau 125. With your siblings? deket, tapi dia gatau rahasia aku sih 126. Does anyone understand you? iyalah aku kan pake bahasa indoneisa HAHA 127. Do you have any pets? ada  128. If so, what kind and name? kucin, jenis boneka, namanya adadeeeeh 129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: gataulah ah pusyheeengggzz Section Seven: School 131. Are you still in school? gak nih di rmh hahaha, canda, iyalah 132. Did you drop out? ga
133. Your current GPA:  gpa apaan dah
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: buy 135. ABC's?: ??? 136. Favorite class: gaada 137. Play any sports at school?: ga 138. Are you popular? ga 139. Favourite memory: banaykZZZzzzZ 140. Most humiliating moment:banyak jir 141. Most funniest moment: banyakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkz 142. Most scared moment: pas mau ulangan/ di tes Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear 145. Chicken: ew 146. Dog: kadang lucu kadang serem 147. Christina Aguilera: suaranya mirip suara aing 148. Ricky Martin: siapa lg 149. 50 cent: gaada harga nya kalo rupiah 150. Poop: maneh 151. Beach: pantai 152. Desert: pudding 153. Water: aqua 154. Osama: bin laden 155. Love: HAHA 156. Your little brother: ter nyebelin   157. Butt: kebagi dua gt 158. Clowns: berkilau 159. Wonder:? 16o. Brown: es krim 161. Banana: kuning bgt 162. Sex: njir geleh 163. Parents: everything 164. Homosexuals: rada jijik sih, tapi tetep aja mereka manusa, jadi mereka tetep berhak dihargain 165. God: diatas segalanya Section Nine: Do you believe in 166. God: yes ofc 167. Heaven: iya 168. Devil: iya 169. Hell: iya 170: Boogy man: jir aing search srem jir, tapi ga percaya sih 171. Closet Monsters: gaaa haha 172. Fortune tellings: ga 173. Magic:  ga 174. Love at first sight: gatau 175. Ghosts: iya 176. Voo-doo dolls: ngapain percaya anjir  177. Reincarnation: gaaaaaaaaaaa 178. Yourself: maybe? Section Ten: Do you 179. Smoke: no 180. Do drugs: no 181. Drink alcohol: no “drink water, not alcohol” -joshua hong  182. Cuss: kadang 183. Sing in the shower: ga  184. Like school: hahha NOOO 185. Want to get married: iyalah :( 186. Type with all of your fingers: no 187. Think you're attractive: enggak juga sih 188. Drink and drive: no 189. Snore: no 190. Sleep walk: no  191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: b aja  Section Eleven: Have you ever 192. Flashed someone: no 193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: no  194. Told that person how you felt: maksudnya? kayak nembak gt? atau gmn? 195. Been arrested:.ga 196. Gone to jail or juve: noo 197. Skateboarded:.no 198. Skinny dipped: hah? 199. Rock climbed: yas 200. Killed someone: ga 201. Watched porn: ga haha, mimi peri sama mordelente termasuk ga sih? 202. Gone on a road trip: ga 203. Went out of the country: yep  204. Talked back to an adult: iya :( 205. Broken a law:.gatau 206. Got pulled over: ???? 208: Cried to get out of trouble: ya 209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: ya 210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: HAHHA GAK LAH 211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: GA 212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: bwum pernah 213. Moon someone: hah bulan seseorang?  214. Shop-lifted: ? 215. Worked at McDonald's: ga 216. Eaten a dog: gaaaa haraaam 217. Give money to a homeless person: pernah  218. Glued your hand to yourself:  ya 219. Kissed someone of the same sex: ?????????????? WTF  220. Had a one night stand: GA ANJR 221. Smoked: GA 222. Done drugs: GA 223. Lose a friend because of your ex: ga 224. Slap someone for being stupid: ga 225. Had cyber sex: hah? engga lah, gimana maksudnya, di donlot apa gmn sih? 226. Wish you were the opposite sex:  ga hrs brsyukur #ea 227. Caught someone doing something: iya, cule 228. Played a game that removes clothing: hah? GK LH 229. Cried during a movie: iyaaa): 230. Cried over someone: haha begonya iya 231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: ga 232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: oppa :( 233. Ran away from home: ga 234. Cheated on a test: haha gausah ditanya Section Twelve: Would you 235. Bungee jump: ga makasih 236. Sky dive: gaa 237. Swim with dolphins: ga  238. Steal a friend's bf or gf:gaaa  239. Try to be the opposite sex: bole sih  240. Lie to the police: haha 241. Run from the police: haha 242. Lie to your parents:sering 243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: gaa 244. Be an exotic dancer:GA JIR 245. NQ- Kill the president: ga Section Thirteen: Are you 246. Shy: iya 247. Loud: gajuga sih menurut aku ma 248. Nice: ga 249: Outgoing: ga 250: Quiet: gajuga 251. Mean: iya deh keknya 252. Emotional: gajuga 253. Sensitive: gajuga 254. Gay: hahhaha gak lah jjir 255. Strong:.YEAAA 256. Weak: nooooo 257. Caring: gajuga hehe 258. Dangerous: iya, senggol bacok ya 259. Crazy: aku annggap aku adalah orang terwaras 260. Spontaneous: iyA 261. Funny: ga 262. Sweet: ga 263. Sharing:.mungkin? 264. Responsible: gatau 265. Trustworthy: ya mayan lah 266. Open-minded: ya mayan 267. Creative: gajuga sih 268. Cute:.haha ga lah 269. Slick:  mksd? 270. Smart: ga 271. Dumb: gajuga 272. Evil: gaa:) 273. Ghetto: ???? 274. Classy:  ga 275. Photogenic: ga banget 276. Dependable: gaterlalu 277. Greedy: menurutku sih engga 278. Ugly: gajuga haha 279. Messy: iya 280. Neat: kadang 281. Perverted: ggaaa 282. Silly: mayan 283. A B****:  nooooooooo 284. A Good Listener: mayan gatau juga sih 285. A Fighter: YEAAA I AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!! 286. A Party Animal: ?? 287. A Game Freak: GA 288. A Computer Freak: mayan  Section Fourteen: Future 289. Dream job: balum tau 290. Dream house: layak, dan ada kamunya /jijik/ 291. Husband/Wife: kmuuuuu 292. Kids: ingin punya anak 4 293. Names: nama siapa 294. Pets: ga 295. Car: apa aja sih asal maju, muat, naegen, lucu, bagus 296. Age you would want to get married: 23~25 gamau tua tua amat 297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: ??? 298. Honeymoon: kmana aja boleh kok Section Fifteen: Your friends 299. Best friend: ada beberapa 300. Known the longest: olla 301. Craziest: semua:( 302. Loudest: semua 303. Shyest: pada gatau malu sih hehe 304. Best hair: gatau 305. Best eyes: gatagatauu 306. Best body: gatau 307. Most Athletic: gatau 308. Hot-Tempered: gatau 309. Most impatient: gatau 310. Shortest:  gatau 311. Tallest: gatau 312. Skinniest: gatau 313. Best singer: gatau 314. Funniest: gatau 315. Can always make you laugh: gatau 316. Wish you talked to more: gatau 317. Wish you saw more:  gatau 318. Who drives you insane after a while: gatau 319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: gatau 320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level':  gatau 321. Whose always been there when you need them: gatau 322. Who is like your family: semua:) 323. How many friends do you have?: gatau   324. How many are really close? gatau Section Sixteen: The last 325. Thing you ate: rumput laut 326. Thing you drank: tek manis 327. Thing you wore: baju 328. Thing you did:  nonton drakor 329. Place you went: paskal 330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed:telinga 331. Person you saw: mama 332. Person you hugged: mama 333. Person you kissed:gaada 334. NQ- Person you beat to a juicy pulp: ? 335. Person you talked to online: gatau 336. Person you talked to on the phone: papa 337. Song you heard: highlight - calling you 338. Show you saw: knowing brother 339. Time you fought with your parents: gatau  340. Time you fought with a friend: gatau 341. Words you said: lupa Section Seventeen: Now 343. What are you eating: engga lagi makan  344. What are you drinking: ga lagi minum 345. What are you thinking: kamu 346. What are you wearing: pakaian lengkap 347. What are you doing: ngetik 349. Hair:masih banyak, warnnaya masih item,  350. Mood: b aja 351. Listening to gaada: 352. Talking to anyone: engga 353. Watching anything: ngga Section Eighteen: Yes or No 354. Are you a vegetarian: no 355. Are you a carnivore: no 356. Are you heterosexual: apa itu teh 357. Do you like penguins: yes 358. Do you write poetry: no, cma suka copy/reblog 359. Do you see stupid people: maksud? 360. You + Me: YAS 361. Do you like the Osbournes: gatau 362. Can you see flying pigs: bisa aja sih kan ada mata 363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: iyaaaaaaaaa 364. Are you from Afghanistan: ga, ini random bgt sumpah 365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: gatau benget nya yang mn jg 366. Are you a zombie: iya, YA ENGGA LAH 367. Am i annoying you: iya bnyk bgt jir pertanyaannya 368. Do you bite your nails: kadang 369. Can you cross your eyes: hah? 370. Do you make your bed in the morning: kadang 371. Have you touched someone's private part: kayaknya engga Section Nineteen: This or That 372. Winter or Summer: winter 373. Spring or Autumn: spring 374. Shakira or Britney: davichi 375. MTV or VH1: mtv 376. Black or White: black 377. Yellow or Pink: pink 378. Football or Basketball:sama aja  379. Mobile Phone or Pager: mobile phone 380. Pen or Pencil: pen 381. Cold or Hot: cold 382. Tattoos or Piercings: piercings 383. Inside or Outside: inside 384. Weed or Alcohol: ga dua duanya 385. Coke or Pepsi: coke 386. Tape or Glue: tape 387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: mcd  Section Twenty: Opinions 388. What do you think about classical music: bagus 389. About boy bands: my fav 390. About suicide: kebegoan yang hqq 391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: LO NGEZLIN 392. About teen pregnancy: astagfirullah 393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: gatau ath 394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: gatau:( 395. About gay men: hi Section Twenty-One: 396. Do you have a website: ada 397. Current weather right now: gatau 398. Current time:  0.43 399. Any shout outs: ? 400. Last thoughts : gaada
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thatkworld · 8 years
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conheça o grupo: EXID
Esse post faz parte de uma série feita pelo thatkworld para ajudar os krpers a descobrir novos face claims, conhecer novos grupos e achar resources. Depois do read more tem info sobre o grupo, sobre cada um dos membros e links para resources de rp. Todos os posts dessa série estarão na tag #conheça o grupo. Se você tiver alguma sugestão de grupo ou souber de algum post com resources que não está listado aqui, mande uma ask.
sobre o grupo
EXID (um acrônimo de Exceed In Dreaming) é um girl group de cinco membros formado pela AB Entertainment, que debutou em 16 de fevereiro de 2012. Atualmente o grupo está na gravadora Yedang Entertaiment. O grupo começou a ficar mais famoso depois que uma fancam da Hani em uma apresentação de Up & Down ficou viral na internet. O nome do fandom é LEGO.
Álbuns: Street (2016)
Mini álbuns: Hippity Hopp (2012), Ah Yeah (2013)
Subunits: Dasoni/SoljiHani (Solji e Hani)
Music videos: Whoz that girl (2012), I Feel Good (2012), Every Night (2012), Goodbye (2013), Up & Down (2014), Ah Yeah (2015), Hot Pink (2015), L.I.E. (2016), L.I.E. Dance Version (2016), Up & Down Chinese Version (2017)
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Nome: Heo Solji
Nascimento: 10 de janeiro de 1989; Seongnam, Coreia do Sul
Posição no grupo: Líder, Vocalista Principal e Dançarina Guia
Gif hunts: 450+, 412, 100+, 200+, 201
Gif icons: 353, 100, 225, 60
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Nome: Ahn Hyojin
Nascimento: 10 de dezembro de 1991; Cheonam, Coreia do Sul
Posição no grupo: Rapper Principal, Vocalista de Apoio e Compositora
Gif hunts: 125+, 160+, 130+, 271, 200+
Gif icons: 250, 34
RP icons: 103, 125
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Nome: Ahn Heeyeon
Nascimento: 1º de maio de 1992; Seul, Coreia do Sul
Posição no grupo: Dançarina Líder, Vocalista Guia e Face
Outras atividades: Crime Scene (programa de variedades), Off to School (programa de variedades), A Style for You (programa de fashion/beauty), Weekly Idol (foi MC por alguns episódios)
Gif hunts: 1,2k+, 217, 110+, 250+, 342, 237, 200+
Gif icons: 45, 272, 590, 39, 100, 100, 57
RP icons: 55, 135+
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Nome: Seo Hyerin
Nascimento: 23 de agosto de 1993; Gwangju, Coreia do Sul
Posição no grupo: Vocalista Líder
Gif hunts: 23, 312
Gif icons: 62, 258
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Nome: Park Junghwa
Nascimento: 8 de aio de 1995; Anyang, Coreia do Sul
Posição no grupo: Dançarina Principal, Rapper Líder, Vocalista de Apoio, Visual e Maknae
Outras atividades: Webtoon Hero Toondra Show (tv drama), Mask (web drama) 
Gif hunts: 100+, 120+, 60, 243, 28, 100+, 45
Gif icons: 74, 212, 51, 100, 
RP icons: 100, 34, 101
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adlihm · 7 years
Liked on YouTube: [ENGSUB] Weekly Idol EP 212 SNSD (2015.08.19) https://youtu.be/6gS8t0N5sHc
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learnyourkpop · 7 years
learn: Girl’s Day
 debuted: july 9, 2010. company: dream t entertainment. fan name: dai5y.
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girl’s day originally debuted as a five-membered group. they have gone through lineup changes, but became one of the most popular girl groups while doing promotions with 4 members.
in early 2019, the remaining 4 members’ contracts ran out of term, and it was said that they would not renew with the company.
girl’s day mvs: tilt my head* | how about me* | nothing lasts forever* | twinkle twinkle* | hug me once* | don’t flirt* | oh! my god | don’t forget me* | white day | expectation* | female president* | let’s go | something* | darling* | i miss you* | ring my bell* | i’ll be yours*
park sojin
born: may 21, 1986.
nationality: korean.
official height: 167cm.
blood type: ab.
position: leader, vocal.
she’s an original member of the group.
she’s released a song with zizo called in the summer, a song with dok2 called finale and featured in crucial star’s song three things i want to give you.
in 2014, she debuted as an actress with a supporting role in the drama best wedding. a year later, she had a supporting role in the drama the family is coming.
guested on the show law of the jungle in papua new guinea (ep. 212-216).
she’s the cast member for the new show learning the hard way.
guested on episode 7 of the variety show master key.
signed a contract with noon company in 2019.
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how to recognize her: her most distinct features are chubby cheeks, wide smile and sharp-looking corners of her lips, and she also has a very prominent philtrum.
woo jihae
former original member: left the group in 2012 for personal reasons.
born: may 14, 1989.
nationality: korean.
official height: 163cm.
blood type: b.
position: dance, rap.
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how to recognize her: she has a thin face, thin lips and quite sharp-looking features.
hwang jisun
former original member: left girl’s day 2 months after they debuted to pursue individual interests.
born: october 17, 1989.
nationality: korean.
official height: 165cm.
blood type: a.
position: vocal.
in 2011, she joined a group new.f.o under the stage name jn, but the group disbanded.
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how to recognize her: she has straight eyebrows, round-looking face and quite sharp eye corners.
lee jiin
former original member: left girl’s day 2 months after they debuted to pursue individual interests.
born: march 13, 1993.
nationality: korean.
official height: 167cm.
blood type: o.
position: vocal.
in 2014, she joined the band bepop but left two years later.
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how to recognize her: probably the easiest way to find her in the two mvs she is in, is to look for the member that has short hair and bangs. 
yura -- kim ahyoung
유라 / 김아영
born: november 6, 1992.
nationality: korean.
official height: 168cm.
blood type: o.
position: rap, vocal, dance.
she joined the group after two of the original members had left in 2010.
in 2013, she featured in jevice’s song i’ll love.
in 2014, she participated in the show we got married together with the actor hong jonghyun.
she also does acting work. here you can see the list of her works.
signed a contract with awesome ent. in 2019.
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how to recognize her: her prominent cheekbones, small chin and slightly wide diamond-shaped face are probably her most distinct features.
bang minah
born: may 13, 1993.
nationality: korean.
official height: 165cm.
blood type: o.
position: vocal.
she’s an original member of the group.
guested on the show law of the jungle in nicaragua (ep. 181-184).
guested on episode 8 of the variety show master key.
she’s also done acting work, you can see her acting profile here.
in 2015, she debuted as a soloist, releasing an mv i am a woman too and album with the same title. in 2017, she released the solo single 11°.
in 2019, she signed a contract with yooborn company with plans to focus on acting.
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how to recognize her: she is the powerful vocalist with the roundest face, and she is the member with the smallest eyes in the group, especially since her eyes have monolids.
lee hyeri
born: june 9, 1994.
nationality: korean.
official height: 167cm.
blood type: ab.
position: dance, vocal, maknae.
she joined girl’s day in september 2010 after two of the original members had left the group.
she has received the most recognition as an actress. she made her on-screen debut in 2012, and after that she’s done more projects; you can view the list here.
in august 2017, it was announced she’s dating the actor ryu junyeol.
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how to recognize her: she has quite a large forehead, but her most distinct features are her big eyes and big nose. you might also notice that she has a very nasal singing voice.
things to check out:
girl’s day’s variety shows:
kirakira slim
girl’s day one fine day
girl’s day on variety shows:
girl’s day on weekly idol
girl’s day on knowing brother (ep. 68)
girl’s day’s performances on immortal song: all for you,  영 (minah and sojin), the guy who left me (only minah)
minah, sojin on masked singer
girl’s day’s v app channel
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nikolasthompson · 8 years
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Performance:  Live Bands
Kite Flying Robot - Composer, lead vocalist, guitar, synthesizer.  (2006-present)
Finalist of "Top Talent Korea", an English-language "American Idol"-style talent competition based in Seoul, South Korea.  Out of approx. 200 auditioning acts, our electro-rock trio succeeded through three rounds to the finals (six finalists in all).  Seoul, 2013.
Oklahoma Gazette's Woody Award for “Best Electronic Act 2011”
Tulsa Weekly's Award for “Best Dance Rock Band 2012”
“Chevy Bricktown Showcase” featured performer, episodes 212 and 227, 2011
Live Radio performance and interview, TBS Seoul, 2012
Official performer SXSW (South by Southwest) music festival in Austin, TX, 2011
Official selection for Norman Music Festival, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016  
Official selection for Free Tulsa Music Festival, 2010, 2011
Official selection for The VDub Sessions episode 13, 2001
Tomboy Clothing Company (Shinsegae International, Seoul) official company performer 2014, 2015
Kite Flying Robot approx number of public performances:
60 est. shows in the USA, 2006-2017, including several North American tours
40 est. shows in South Korea, 2012-2015, including one national tour
4 shows in the United Kingdom, 2009
3 shows in Japan, 2006
Other bands, (additional estimated 110 public performances):  
Brother Gruesome (keyboards, 2010-2011)
Miss Dyed Seconds (co-composer, guitar, vocals, 2001-2002)
Sonnet (co-composer, guitar, vocals, 1999-2004)
Nikolas Kite, Occasional solo performances (guitar, vocals, keyboards, 1999-present)
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taeyeonyurifany · 9 years
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Taeyeon, master of Land and Sea... and fitting inside ALL kids toys...
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learnyourkpop · 7 years
learn: APink
debuted: april 21, 2011. company: plan a entertainment. fan name: pink panda.
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apink is known as a girl group that is known for their cute, innocent, pure concepts.
apink mvs: i don’t know* | wishlist | it girl* | my my* | hush* | nonono* | secret garden | u you | good morning baby | mr.chu* | crystal | luv* | promise u | remember* | petal | the wave | only one* | cause you’re my star* | always | five* | miracle | i’m so sick* | eung eung (%% 응응)* | everybody ready?
in 2014, a sub-unit, pink BnN was formed, and they released a digital single together, which was later included in apink’s album.
pink BnN mvs:
park chorong
born: march 3, 1993.
nationality: korean.
official height: 165cm.
blood type: o.
position: leader, rap, vocal.
sub-units: -.
she has appeared in 3 dramas: all my love (2010; supporting role), reply 1997 (2012; guest role in episode 9), plus nine boys (2014; main role), romance special law (2017; main role).
guested on the show law of the jungle in fiji (ep. 288-292).
guested on episode 7 of the variety show master key.
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how to recognize her: i think her face shape is her most distinct feature. her face is pretty large, with chubby cheeks. she is also a member who has often had bangs, so that’s how i learned to tell her apart. :D
yoon bomi
born: august 13, 1993.
nationality: korean.
official height: 163cm.
blood type: o.
position: vocal, dance.
sub-units: pink BnN.
she had a guest role in the drama reply 1997 and she starred in the web-drama love detective sherlock k. in 2017, she acted in the drama because this is my first life.
she took part in the show we got married, she’s paired with the actor choi taejoon.
guested on the show law of the jungle in fiji (ep. 288-292).
she’s taken part in other musical projects. she participated in m.i.b’s song let’s talk about you, david oh’s i know, i know and yoon hyunsang’s let’s eat together.
in 2018, she opened her personal youtube channel: bbom bbom bbom.
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how to recognize her: the easiest way is to remember her as the petite member with strong vocals and an interesting face shape (i sometimes feel like she looks like a fairy) and small mouth.
jung eunji
born: august 18, 1993.
nationality: korean.
official height: 163cm.
blood type: b.
position: vocal.
sub-units: -.
she has gained recognition as an actress. here is her acting profile.
guested on law of the jungle in new zealand (ep. 268-270).
in april 2016, she debuted as a solo artist. since then she has released albums dream (2016), the space (2017), hyehwa station (2018) and music videos:  hopefully sky, the spring, being there.
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how to recognize her: by her smile! that’s certainly a distinct feature, you’ll find her smiling widely and showing off her eye-smile very often. she is also a member who has always had dark hair colors and one of her go-to hairstyles is obviously having her bangs cut.
son naeun
born: february 10, 1994.
nationality: korean.
official height: 168cm.
blood type: o.
position: vocal, dance.
sub-units: -.
she took part in the show we got married alongside shinee’s taemin in 2013 and 2014.
she is another actress from apink, her list of works you can view here.
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how to recognize her: she has a very round face which sometimes almost seems flat?. she also has a small nose.
hong yookyung
former member: she left the group in april 2013 to focus on her studies.
born: september 22, 1994.
nationality: korean.
official height: 167cm.
blood type: ab.
position: rap, vocal.
sub-units: -.
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how to recognize her: her face is long, and her features seem sharp, as her eyes are kind of small and her lips are thin.
kim namjoo
born: april 15, 1995.
nationality: korean.
official height: 167cm.
blood type: b.
position: rap, vocal.
sub-units: pink BnN.
she was the main lead in the web-dramas: investigator alice (2015) and investigator alice 2 (2016), mischevious detectives (2017).
guested on the show law of the jungle in sabah (ep. 325-329).
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how to recognize her: her cheeks seem round, and her nose is a distinct feature. if i’m not mistaken, she is also the member who has the most prominent dimples.
oh hayoung
born: july 19, 1996.
nationality: korean.
official height: 165cm.
blood type: o.
position: vocal, rap, maknae.
sub-units: -.
guested on law of the jungle in papua new guinea (ep. 212-216).
acted in the web-dramas called please find her (2017) and love in memory (2018). she also starred in the movie love in time (2018), which is a sequel to love in memory.
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how to recognize her: i actually had problems telling her apart from yookyung at first, since both of theirs features are similar. but hayoung has more prominent cheekbones, her eyes are more open at the inner corners and you can also recognize her by her eyebrows in the eras yookyung also features in.
things to check out:
apink’s variety shows:
apink news
apink showtime
apink on variety shows:
apink on knowing brother (ep. 81, ep. 134)
apink on weekly idol
apink on star show 360
apink on idol room
episodes with apink members on running man
apink on 2 days & 1 night
apink on ask in a box
apink doing relay dance: i’m so sick
bomi, eunji, namjoo, hayoung on masked singer
apink’s v app channel
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