#weighty meta tags
storyspinner91 · 6 days
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @littleblackraincloudofcourse
Tagging @lowkeyed1 @evodevo-geekmonkey @dianels @bisexualshakespeare @spybrarian @blackdalek
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
7 (3 are WiP)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Willow! ...Technically other things too but really it's just Willow with playful skins.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Red Embers: dark alternate future AU, resistance fighters against the Wyrm's tyranny, grim & gritty
Like Constellations, a Million Years Away: sprawling mecha sci-fi AU set in the world of the Lancer tabletop roleplaying game. The Questies all pilot giant mechs; four books (2 done), one focused on each of Jade, Kit, Graydon, and Elora (in that order). Posthumanism, anticolonial to the extent a fanfic can be, utopian, dramatic.
Soft Blazing Crowns: Tanthamoretober one-shot. Modern AU. Elora helps Jade with a sexy photoshoot for a gift for Kit.
Full: (E-rated) Tanthamoretober one-shot. Modern AU. Straight-up smut drabble, 100 words on the dot. Extremely funny to me that this is in the top 5. :P
The Loving Hurt: Canon-set one-shot digging into the violence implied by the canon against the Bone Reavers, Scorpia's backstory, how Jade got her name. Dark, grim, not pleasant to write and in some ways probably not to read TBH. I was in A Mood!
5. Do you respond to comments?
Religiously! Sometimes it takes me a while, but I do.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Hmmm. I mean I think it's gotta be The Loving Hurt. Like I said. Dark. Blame the show's writers, I do. :P
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Gonna resist the temptation to say Full and instead say I think that it'll probably be Flawless Five vol. 1 when it's finished in a few weeks!
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not so far!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
The only thing I'd consider smut is Full. Otherwise, not anywhere that you can see. ;)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
No true crossovers, though Like Constellations is set (loosely) in the Lancer Universe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so! They're too weird!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but I'd be so honored.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I am a Tanthamore diehard, what can I say.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
If you'd asked me recently I'd probably have said "all of them." Fortunately I'm feeling a little better lately! I hope to finish all of the current ones; Constellations is a slow, weighty project, F5 I hope to have done very shortly, Embers...we'll figure that out after F5.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm pretty good at dialogue, and I'm decent though not incredible at humor (especially character-based humor). I'm also a decent mimic - though this can feel a little clunky sometimes, I think I'm able to adjust my voice pretty easily to suit a situation, genre, or style. My unhinged and unpopular fic Excerpts from a new translation... is a pretty good example of that, lol. And on that note: I have a lot of fun with wacky metatextual stuff.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Taking the wacky meta stuff too far; not being bold enough in straying from the established character arcs/plots in canon; I don't think I'm great at writing really juicy interiority. Starting very large projects that will take forever to finish. ':)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I'm comfortable enough in Spanish to write simple dialogue in that language. I've done one line in Latin (which I'm comfortable with since it's functionally a dead language) and made up some words in a conlang for Constellations. Wouldn't try anything via Google Translate though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Willow! At least if we count conscious fanfiction. If we're going back to the Days of Yore probably Animorphs when I was a wee one.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
Difficult to pick...but Like Constellations is the baby, the one I'll finish come hell or high water (I hope). On the other hand, Flawless Five is probably the most fun (to write, and maybe to read if you like that sort of thing) and Red Embers is the one that in many ways I find most exciting. Like I said - hard to choose!
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amnyatas · 6 months
like honestly re: positive/negative experiences its like
while doing metas for skyscale, i was in a map chat convo about how it was a hell of a grind, and said but at least i won't need to get griffon now 'cause i'm bad at saving up, and this flies just fine!
and someone out there sent me 300g for a griffon, and insisted i take it 'cause they have plenty and don't play as much anymore. like, i was floored, i even rejected it once but they sent it again and i was like. okay i'm getting the griffon! i kept that gold, the most gold i had ever had, and made sure i never dipped below 300g till i had the griffon quests that it was meant for, 'cause like. i coulda spent ot on gems or weapon skins or a commander tag, but it felt wrong, y'know? and so that person is the sole reason i have a griffon.
on the flipside, a negative example would be the uptick in vocal christian proselytizing. but that's just an annoyance and not nearly as weighty as the generous griffon gifter. for every bad run in i have about five much more memorable interactions!
like i've had my share of shittiness, but like. those positive moments stick so much more!
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OC name meanings
Thanks for the tag @elveny!
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OC’s name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
Maybe talking about my OCs will get me to write? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ophelia (Ophelie) Lydia Asherson:
She goes by “Ophelie” in the text but her given name is actually Ophelia, because her dad is a professor of western literature and also a nerd. According to google, Ophelia is a Greek girl's name meaning "help," "aid," or "advantage.” didn’t know it had greek origins, but that makes sense. In a more meta sense it was chosen because of its connection to Shakespeare (talked about in text actually.) her looks have changed over the long, long years, but her name has always been Ophelie.
I like the idea that she starts to go by the French variation of her name as a slight way to protest her namesake’s fate. Lydia also has greek origins, but notably it’s a common name in Hawaii because that was the queen of Hawaii’s English name. And it’s Oph’s mother’s name.
Rowan Kosta Hartley:
Rowan is Irish for “red-haired” and is also the name of a tree. I always liked this name and thought it sounded masculine and weighty. I also like the “earthy” connection to the name. Kosta (or Kostas) comes from the Greek meaning "steady or stable" which is actually perfect for him. Canonically he's named after the father he never met--which was actually "Kostas." he spoke little English however and the intricacies of Greek male naming conventions were lost in translation, so his mother just refers to him as "Kosta."
"Hartley" is a stage name (his mother's now his) and it doesn't have any interesting meanings, but I do like the fact that "heart" is literally in the name, fitting. It was also the actress Vivien Leigh's real last name, and the two are based off of Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier.
these names flew into my head 11 years ago, and at this point in my life they're about as normal to me as my own name or my best friend's name. Ophelie was actually conceived as French (and it was actuallly Ophelie,) but here we are.
tagging @thevikingwoman @myreia @fiannans @alyssalenko and anyone else!
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laesas · 2 years
Just wanted to pop in to say hi! And that
1) I absolutely LOVED that snippet you shared of Chay and Tankhun. Chay having nightmares and Khun comforting him? Amazing. Just. Khun being the brother for Chay that he himself wanted/needed is such a great concept in general, I'm very !!!! about it. 🥰
also 2) I couldn't help but notice this
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in your tags, soooo.... May I ask about your Kinn vs Kim scene? 😉 Pretty please~
!!! Thank you!!
The Kinn v Kim scene is from chapter 2 of the same wip - Kinn calls Kim in to talk about his relationship with Chay. The following is the tail end of a huge argument:
“-and it’s your psycho ex that kidnapped him. The way I see it, it’s just you and Porsche fucking up, over and over and over again that put Chay in danger in the fucking first place.”
“Enough, Kimhan.” He’s playing at disinterested, but the muscle in Kinn’s jaw twitches. In the weighty silence that follows, Kinn takes a slow sip of whiskey. “Apologise, and end it. Stop stringing the kid along”
Rage boils in Kims chest again, his hands whip across the desk and rip the glass from his brothers hands, launching it across the room. The crystal tumbler explodes into a thousand glistening shards as as it hits the wall.
“You’re so full of shit Kinn. You’re a fucking hypocrite.” 
“Enough.” Kinn’s hands slam down onto the table as he rises. The sound echoes off the walls like a gunshot. 
“‘Stringing Chay along’-” Kim continues, his voice mocking “- as if you have a leg to stand on.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Kinn’s expression is a storm, confusion and rage whip past his eyes until finally, finally Kinn’s face clouds in recognition. Guilt. Kim senses blood in the water.
“If he hadn’t been there-”
“Don’t” Kinn breathes. 
Kim pauses. He’s good at this. It’s exactly what he was born for. It’s exactly why he had to leave. Kinn can play at violence but Kim savours it, the moment before he twists the knife. A smile coils at the edge of his lips like a viper. As Kinn looks up, the words drip out of Kim’s lips. Quiet. Pointed. Venomous. 
“Big died for you,”
... Oof.
Context and meta under the cut
Send me a 📝 + a word, and I’ll post an excerpt from a fic I’m currently writing that contains that word.
Scene Context: After Kim posts the video, Chay has a breakdown and Porsche forces Kinn to call a meeting with Kim, essentially to tell him to leave Chay alone and let him heal. It starts off calm, Kinn trying to be a good older brother, but he's awkward and out of practice and they start misinterpreting eachother. It escalates slowly until Kim snaps. Kim rips Kinn to shreds over the way that Kinn and Porsche failed to protect Chay. Instead of recognising the anger as proof that Kim is actually in love with Chay. Kinn takes it to heart and goes back to his aloof mafia boss persona, believing Kim is just messing with Chay and telling him to "leave the kid alone".
Anyway!!! I'm glad you enjoyed the Khun + Chay wip! I just think they're so lovely. I haven't even started it yet but I'm beyond excited to write Tankhun being protective of Chay to Kim haha
Meta: Kinn and Kim are another favourite duo for completely different reasons. Kinn steps up to be the heir to protect his siblings and let Kim live a "normal" life. Despite Kim's desire for distance from the family business, Kim investigates Porsche and Chay, ultimately in an attempt to protect Kinn from the mole. They both love eachother deeply but have been brought up to view love as a weakness and in their outright refusal to acknowledge the fact that they are both acting out of love, they end up hurting eachother in the process.
Kim isn't even losing the argument. He's frustrated that Kinn is implying that he never cared about Chay but correcting him would mean admitting he's in love with Chay which is just as awful and laced with shame. Some part of him knows deep down that Kinn is right and he should leave Chay alone to heal. The thought is painful enough that he brings up Big, purely to hurt Kinn back. It ends the argument, but Kim realises too late how much it's hurt his brother. They've finally had a proper conversation, the first one in years, but it's one step forward, 10 steps back.
Ah yes. Pain and suffering. Delicious.
Send me a 📝 + a word, and I’ll post an excerpt from a fic I’m currently writing that contains that word.
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Website design enhancement Legends You Likely Still Accept
Website design enhancement or Site improvements gives a gigantic advantage to a money manager, who needs to expand their standing in the web-based market. The vast majority of the finance managers would rather not put even a solitary penny in this methodology due to certain fantasies. No doubt, legends are zooming around us considerably more than the paid adverts. Furthermore, prepare to have your mind blown. Individuals truly trust in it. As a site proprietor if you have any desire to expand your website positioning and need to develop your web-based business, thus, you shouldn't succumb to the underneath referenced legends, which are not more than lies.
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Search engine optimization Doesn't Work: Do you likewise figure it doesn't work? If indeed, in this way, you are mixed up. This is on the grounds that Web optimization will assist you with producing more leads for your business and assists with driving weighty traffic to your site. Thus, you ought to bust this legend and begin involving it for the extension of your business.
Catchphrase Exploration Doesn't Count: It isn't correct, this is on the grounds that Watchword is an expression which an individual used to look through anything, thus, you ought to give specific consideration to it while making a Website optimization system. In this way, it is huge for the progress of your Website optimization technique, and each finance manager ought to put resources into it. As an advertiser or blogger, you can't overlook it in any capacity.
Search engine optimization Is Tied in with Altering HTML Meta Labels: It isn't in excess of a fantasy on the grounds that Website design enhancement is more than that. HTML tag is significant for the Website optimization, yet not everything, thus, you ought to bust this legend before it destroyed your internet based presence.
You Can Set And Fail to remember It: It isn't set it and fail to remember it thing, it requires ceaseless endeavors and each financial specialist for the development of their web-based business ought to put resources into it. In this way, assuming you think it demands only one-time interest in term of time and cash than you are really misleading yourself. This is on the grounds that you can't deny the reality assuming you are eager than food can satisfy your cutting however that truly doesn't mean you eat it just a single time in the lifetime. You need to eat it again when you feel hungry, as same, in the event that you need improved results, so you need to put forth steady attempts.
Also Read : Step by step instructions to Turn into a Web optimization Subject matter expert
Web-based Entertainment Don't Have Search engine optimization Worth: In the event that you feel that virtual entertainment doesn't assist with Web optimization thus, you are on some unacceptable way. This is on the grounds that Virtual Entertainment assumes a significant part in the progress of Website optimization system and each business ought to embrace this procedure for its prosperity.
Every one of the above focuses will assist you with understanding that you live in fantasies and due to these confusions you are feeling the loss of the genuine outcome what your business really merits. Along these lines, burst every such untruth and put resources into it now.
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madzieloss · 7 years
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#the way alec pauses each time #always ‘magnus, i’ and then a long moment of silence #and he’s not searching for what to say - he already knows what he wants to say #but he pauses #and it’s not hesitation exactly #it’s more because he wants to get it right #he wants magnus to know he means it #so he pauses #he searches magnus’s face #and he’s honest #completely honest
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rosella-writes · 2 years
Pride's Hope
Just a wee gift for @dreadfutures. Thank you for inspiring thoughtful introspection and theme when I usually wouldn't give it much weight, and encouraging this thing when I worried it was too navelgazey or cerebral.
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None Words: 1256 Relationship: Felassan/Solas Characters: Felassan, Solas Additional Tags: Ancient Elves (Dragon Age), Arlathan (Dragon Age), Elvhenan, Hair Braiding, Friendship/Love, Dragon Age Meta, Solas is Pride, Felassan is Hope, Foreshadowing, Pre-Book: Dragon Age - The Masked Empire, Philosophy, Identity Issues
“I wish I could say that was comforting,” Pride murmurs. “Trust can be weighty.”
Hope hums. “So too, my friend, can the burden of being the hope of a god.”
Solas may have always been Pride, but Felassan was not always Felassan. Once he chafed under the mantle of another name.
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
i followed bc i was excited about your nein metas and now i am SO MUCH in love with your calamity ones that i've gone and muted the tags so I can watch it myself XDDD amazing thoughts, I love love when you cross my dash 'cause you are sO CLEVER and full of incredible analysis <333!!
ASKFDKFJDH THANK YOU SO MUCH THAT IS VERY NICE OF YOU TO SAY and also i am so sorry for the emotional damage that's going to be unleashed, but also, its really, really good, and weighty, and beautifully crafted so.... you're welcome? 😎
anyway welcome to the ride, whenever you get to watch it! and thrilled you're here, and absolutely over the moon that it was from the M9 metas bc I eternally have a soft spot for those (and the M9). Thanks again :'D
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
Supernatural: Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven (15x08)
I'm screaming.
Buckleming episodes usually piss me off, but this one was actually really great. It was still plagued with the same pacing problems I always see in their episodes, though. A lot of great stuff happened here, but it didn't necessarily have a ton of room to breathe. Some of it did - the Cas and Dean stuff, the Michael and Adam stuff. And maybe that's the most important. But it might have been nice to have a longer beat with Rowena, or a bit more buildup with Eileen and the case. For an episode written by these two chuckle-fucks, though, I'm honestly really, really impressed.
Donatello is an okay-ish character, but his presence here felt mostly unnecessary. Didn't we have enough to juggle, without introducing him into the mix? Eileen, Cas, Rowena, Chuck, Michael, Adam... there's a lot going on here. It probably could have been done without him.
I really don't know where to start, so let's start with Eileen. Just the fact that she's in this episode warms me from head to toe. She's... actually in the show. She's here, in the mid-season finale, where important Plot Stuff is happening. She's a real player in events, and after she came back from the dead, she stuck around in the bunker. Like she's... really in the show, you guys. Three episodes in a row!
On a more specific note, I love that Sam followed her and Eileen called him out on it... this could have been really creepy but I think they played it right. Eileen died and came back to life, and Sam is just starting to develop this relationship with her. It makes sense that he might be a little overbearing. And Eileen's reaction was pitch-perfect. She's a little annoyed, a little amused, but also maybe a little touched? And Sam takes the criticism to heart, realizing that he's probably overstepped. Later, when Eileen has a case that she needs to go on, to help an old friend, she goes to Sam and tells him, and he tags along. This seems like a good arrangement - Eileen isn't being stupid and running off by herself for no reason, but Sam is also respecting her boundaries and letting her approach him if and when she wants help with something.
We've also got Dean giving his seal of approval to the relationship, telling Sam that if he wants to do the family and relationship thing, Eileen is probably a good way of going about that. She's a hunter, she gets the life. And, as Dean says... Sam could do a lot worse. And Eileen could do so, so much better. I honestly think this little conversation was important to include. It's not like Sam needs Dean's blessing to start a relationship with Eileen, but... let's be honest, guys. Yes he does. Not literally, but can you really imagine either of the Winchester brothers being able to foster a healthy and lasting relationship with someone who didn't meet the other brother's approval? The codependency issues here are clear, and not to be discounted.
So then let's move on to Rowena. I loved her return here. It was totally unexpected, and totally brilliant. As I mentioned above, I really could have used more of her. The brief moment where Sam wants to hash out their last moments, and Rowena brushes him off, could have felt weightier. But the fact that we even got to see her again was such a gift. And what a natural end for her character! Queen of Hell. It fits, especially since I think we've pretty much confirmed that we won't be seeing Crowley again before the end. She got to show up looking like a boss-ass bitch, save Sam, Dean, and Castiel from getting their asses handed to them, shout orders, try to help them find Michael, assert her dominance and her happiness in her new role, and even try to kick Dean and Cas into gear, as she notices that they're clearly in some sort of "tiff." As brief as her return was, it certainly packed a punch, and I loved it so very much.
Cas and Dean's strained relationship right now is giving me life. This is the most Destiel-adjacent content we've gotten since Season Eight, and with the two of them returning to Purgatory, we're bound to get a lot of material in the new year, as well. The thing that I like so much about their story arc this season is that... there is a story arc. Dean has been cruel and dismissive of Cas in the past, and Cas has made mistakes, and circumstances have conspired to keep Castiel out of episodes as he goes off on his own quests... none of this is strictly new. But what is new is the narrative weight being placed on it. This is a slow-burn conflict that's going to have to have meaty screen-time to resolve. They had a serious fight, and it's actually affecting both of them in their actions.
Both Jensen and Misha are pulling out all the stops in giving this conflict the weight it deserves. There are so many delicious moments. They make their plans and discuss their options, but they can't even meet each other's eyes. There's the moment after Cas forces Michael to confront the truth, and Dean comes in and says "maybe you went too far." It's a gentle remonstrance, and he's clearly trying not to ruffle Cas' feathers. I loved the way Jensen played that, like he needed to talk to Cas about what went down, but he wanted to be careful not to antagonize him. When Rowena confronts them, they both do the typical thing of pretending everything's fine, still refusing to look at each other.
But the moment where my heart just squeezed in my chest was obviously when Dean cut his hand in order to do the spell to get to Hell, and Cas healed him, his hand hovering over Dean's fist without touching. Dean's hand unfurls and for a moment their fingers are centimeters apart, but they never touch. Many a meta has been written about the intimate way that Cas has always healed Dean, and how that juxtaposes to the way he heals other people. And in this moment, they don't touch, and it speaks volumes. I seriously have to ask the question - why was this moment in the episode? Sam could have been the one to cut his hand, or Dean could have, but then could have wrapped it up and moved on. It's not like we haven't seen Sam and Dean brush off wounds like this and ignore them before. This was a weighty, intentional moment. We lingered on it. I am alive, y'all.
Now let's turn to Adam/Michael. This is so amazing, and not at all what I think anyone was expecting when we found out Jake Abel was returning. Sure, Adam is a little pissed off at his brothers for leaving him in the cage, and sure Michael is still going on and on about being God's favorite, but even as so much has stagnated for these two characters, we've also learned what they've been up to in the cage for the past decade. They've made an arrangement. Only one body, but two brains... so they agree to share, more or less peacefully. Sam and Dean were shocked when Michael let Adam come to the forefront to say hi to his brothers. But the two of them seem to be... buddies. Adam is able to speak freely to Michael, to express his opinion that the Winchesters might have a point. Even though Michael can't quite listen to him in this instance, it's clear that he gives real consideration to Adam's opinions.
Adam was introduced on this show such a long time ago, and it would have felt disingenuous and annoying if we'd spent too long on the whole "you let me rot in hell" business. Of course that's something Adam would be thinking about, but it's not like Sam and Dean really knew him all that well. He doesn't seem to place much weight on his status as their brother, and I can't really blame him for that. He's had to forge his own path, and he's done so by becoming friends with the angel who is possessing him. I love that glow-up for Adam.
And Michael... he has to have his heart broken the same way Sam did when he found out that Chuck has been playing them all along. I loved the moment when Cas forcefully made him confront the truth, because of course it was too much, of course it was overwhelming, but ultimately it pushed him to understand that his loyalty to God is not worth the pain and suffering he's been through. And so, in much the way that Chuck knew how to cage Amara, Michael knows how to cage Chuck. He's willing to help by passing that information along. It's a spell, of course. And the most vital ingredient is something that can only be found in Purgatory. What with Sam and Eileen dealing with Chuck elsewhere, it's going to be up to Cas and Dean. They must return to the place where their epic romance really took off and began to slowly murder us all!
Chuck has Eileen and Sam right where he wants them, and even worse, Dean and Cas don't know. This is going to create great drama, as well as opportunities for our two couples (shut up and let me have this) to spend time together as we go in to the back half of the season. My heart is really starting to break, thinking about how little time we have left with this show!
I feel like this review could get out of hand very quickly. In many ways, this felt understated for a mid-season finale. Nobody died, the status quo didn't really shift all that much. But I actually liked it better for all that. Things are in motion. Character dynamics are being explored. This is a good season of Supernatural, y'all. Fingers crossed they can stick the landing!
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charlesv86-blog · 5 years
You have decided that without search promotion, further development of the project is impossible. Found a specialist, gave him access. After some time, you will receive a weighty list of recommendations for implementation - at the level of the site structure, texts, and even the most holy - design.
How to understand that all this is really necessary, and what exactly does an SEO specialist do to optimize your resource?
Of course, as in other areas, there are no clear limits and much depends on the specifics. But still there are about a dozen mandatory stages of work.
1. Analysis of the site, themes and competitors
For which projects this stage is relevant:
Online shopping.
Sites services and products.
News sites.
Business cards (not one-page).
Bulletin boards.
Corporate sites.
When an SEO specialist gets all access to project analytics and webmasters' panels (or adds a site on his own), he starts analyzing the goods and services of the project and also gives a general assessment of the site in order to understand what work needs to be done first.
It is at this stage that a project promotion strategy and a detailed work plan are formed.
What exactly does a specialist do?
Analyzes the overall visibility of the site, not only by high-frequency requests, but also by medium-and low-frequency.
Conducts an analysis of competitors, market leaders, to understand what to focus on in this topic, what is better in competitors' sites.
Analyzes the structure of the leading sites in the niche, their reference profile.
Marks requests for which you need to create and optimize landing pages on the client's website.
Conducts both conventional analytics based on search results, and system analytics, for example, using Serpstat.
Why is all this necessary? SEO-specialist determines whether to immediately carry out global changes on the site. For example, change the CMS (content management system), adapt the site for mobile devices, change the protocol from http to https and the like.
A competent specialist notifies about the need for global changes in advance in order to check with programmers how possible, for example, the revision of the current version of CMS.
It also allows you to specify the entire budget for website promotion - the cost of content, links, other expenses.
It is better to carry out global changes in advance, otherwise you will find yourself in a dead end in the 3-4 months of work on the introduction of SEO audit - you will find that it is impossible to technically optimize filters, add new tags or categories.
2. Formation of the primary core of search queries
Now you have a promotion strategy, a work plan, a preliminary analysis of the site and sites of market leaders. At the new stage, an SEO specialist with the help of Serpstat, Wordstat and other tools for collecting search queries collects, clusters into groups, breaks the semantic core into frequency.
It is useful for: the formation of the site structure; drawing up templates for generating and forming meta tags manually (Title, Description, Keywords), headers H1, H2;
writing texts on the landing pages; creating competent linking; external site optimization; site visibility analysis.
The semantic core can consist of several hundreds of search queries (for small business card sites) or several hundred thousand (for online stores).
3. Formation of a wide site structure
Search engines are constantly improving their algorithms and show the most relevant pages for user requests. If you enter in the search engine "laptops with backlit keyboard", you will see in the first places the most relevant page for these requests.
4. Formation of the job for internal optimization
The expert corrects the errors of the internal site optimization, works with the landing pages for the request groups, removes duplicate pages. For this purpose, a technical SEO audit of the site is conducted, on the basis of which the task for internal optimization is formed.
5. Organization of internal linking
Often the reason for the poor ranking of the site becomes a problem with filling the pages with static static weight. What is it about? It is important not only to create landing pages, but also to organize internal linking so that users and the search robot can easily get to other pages. Otherwise, they may not appear in the index of the search engines. Usually this problem occurs with the pages of optimized filters - the user can go to such pages by selecting a filter, and the search robot does not see it. using the developed scripts, where it adds previously collected and clustered queries, pours static weight from low-competition pages (for example, from product cards, filter intersections) to large pages its high level of nesting.
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webdesignnoida25 · 2 years
Top 5 Tips to Choose a Good Web Designing Company
If you are looking for an online presence or upgrade an existing website- you need to pick out a good Best website designing company in Noida that commensurate to your requirements. A web designing company can differentiate a mediocre website and a stellar one- but all web designing companies are not the same and a good designing company might not be right for your project genre. Here are the top 5 tips to choose a good web designing company.
1. The Cost
The first and foremost thing you need to learn the amount of the prices- the web designing company will cost for your project. The prices might vary from hundreds to thousands dollars. You must decide yourself whether it is exceeding your budget. Then concentrate on the level of company's work can grant you corresponding its pricing. Side by side you should think over whether your expenditure will succeed to meet your requirements. Try to understand their systems and packages. Some companies charge on per-project basis, and some on hour basis. Different web designing companies have their different packages know about them and try to understand the fit package for your project. They might include many catches in it like use of cheap templates, non deliverability of programming portions, buggy code and like that. If you have short budget, it is better to settle for a small but custom design and as cash flow improves, invest some funds to improve the site for the next time.
2. The Experience
Before hiring a web designing company- you need to know about their experience, their successfully accomplished projects and how the clients are satisfied with their works. For this purpose you can ask for a portfolio of fulfilled works and designs they have created. From it you will get to see the grade of implemented designs and contour of their works to decide you whether their works would befit your needs and likings.
3. Search Friendly Design
It is very important to choose a web development company that not only produces qualitative designs but also knows search engine optimization issues and techniques as well. Make sure if your chosen company is able to create SEO friendly website for you and not just pages with few meta tags which are actually of no big deal. True understanding of user friendly and search engine optimizing sites will be your weighty argument to take your decision to hire a good web designing company to build your website. You can make a simple test of it just taking the websites from company portfolio and test them by finding out what are their rankings in search results according to targeted keywords.
4. Good Customer Service
Apart from professional designing and affordable pricing good customer service is another key factor of your choosing a Best web design company in Noida. It means that you must receive timely feedback and strong support on behalf of the web designing company to get answers of your questions and some reasonable changes of your requirements concerning content, photos or even the format of the website itself. Check and crosscheck about company's customer service from its former clients. Ask them whether they were satisfied with the process of work and what subsequent services they received from the company.
5. On Time of Delivery
On time delivery is another crucial factor that you need to ensure before going a contract with a web designing company. A good service provider having demand might juggle with tons of clients at the same time. That is why you need to know if they will be able to give you on time delivery; else you will fail to grasp your target audience or customer at your relevant time. You need to make sure if they be able to devote their best teams.
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seoagencygreece · 2 years
Choosing the Right SEO Agency by Understanding What They Know and Do
Many business owners who are online are likely to seek out an expert SEO Agency to create more efficient search engine optimization strategies that are competitive. This is due to the fact that the most successful SEO campaigns are usually more active than initially thought by new business owners and business owners who realize they need to ramp up to gain a greater market share within their particular area. They've reached the inevitable moment that every competitor has to confront, either they grow or fall behind.
A well-designed layout and quality content is the foundation of successful websites, however making these elements is difficult if there is nobody visits the website to see the features it offers. In recent times, the rules that drive traffic to websites were made to be cleaned by the major search engines like Google. The goal is to keep fraudsters and other untrustworthy profits from their rapidly overcrowded databases while providing their customers with greater "honest" and useful search results. Naturally, that means that Google has more control over its revenue from advertising by removing unprincipled freeloaders however, if we don't need to worry about? We can still back to the.
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In the beginning, methods to attract web traffic to websites were of a more questionable nature. This included: taking unjust benefit of meta-tags through inserting irrelevant words, which tricked search engines to create backdoor links to irrelevant marketing websites; keyword redundancy in the content of pages to produce an overflow of content, which resulted in higher search page rankings and false statements in the articles which were in fact commercials that included links to landing pages that were hard-sell The list goes on.
Here are some guidelines that have been recently that are being followed by the top search engines. Be aware that examining the work of other SEO agencies and authors can provide you with an idea of who is are on top of the game and who can ensure you stay out of trouble.
Modern search engines are able to distinguish between professionals and those who have little or no training in compositional and grammar or who are writing "thin" that is to add irrelevant fluff and platitudes in order to extend words. The old principle that the longer the piece the better chance for the spider to find the site and its hyperlinks is no longer the case. In the present, it's the reverse--the shorter and clear the article, the better its rank for page rank, which is a good way to encourage backlinks. The more content that covers the same theme on websites as well as the more relevant content Google has to sift through which increases the likelihood of a favorable rank. Google's search engine also considers statistics, such as the number of stop-words and the amount of superlatives and so on. The search is able to ask 200 questions and its algorithm answers by scoring the article and publishing it in accordance with its the score.
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The search engines of today are extremely sensitive to terms commonly that are used to broaden the meaning of an idea within an article. It is believed that the using these terms proves that the writer is serious about establishing clarity and relevance within the text and that these terms have more importance ("weighty"). However, if you'll allow the pun, using terms as "selling text" drives the relevance ranking lower. This is the reason search results for websites offering data that claim they've already discovered your data will show the cost after you've left the page. These websites are usually shifted onto an PPC (pay-per-click) section in the search results page. Google publishes only a tiny percentage of the terms evaluated through its algorithms, but not one of the terms that are commonly used. Keywords and terms are reviewed every year at least and occasionally more. This allows Google to control its search terms, and maintain an edge over the competition.
Google's search engine can also score an article's structure of paragraphs according to the sequence that it discusses, introduces, and summarises details. This is another method to assess weight (or the weight). Good content follows info-delivery formulas similar to assays, but their content isn't as dull. However, conventional sales texts begin their foundation in the beginning of the paragraph. This is the reason that for years there were a lot of online beauty and health sales messages appeared as reports for consumers or reports of the latest cures proclaimed by a physician. Buyers could be fooled, however today's web crawlers aren't and you'll see the majority of these sales messages identified as "advertisement" in small gray text that is placed beneath or in front of the content.
Other scoring criteria for algorithmic scoring is the presence of conflicting or too many keywords in the text (low score) or too many keywords in one location (apt to be blocked) Unreadable or incomprehensible content (signals spamming) or beginning a paragraph with keywords (signals spamming) or Latent Semantic indexing is a method for assessing the semantic connection between words that signifies natural language (high score) Links within the context of the article which aren't thematically related (low scores).
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frangipanidownunder · 6 years
Mulder and Scully’s book of all the answers
Post ep fic for The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat. Tagging @today-in-fic
She calls again. And again. It’s been hours. She hasn’t been worried until now, until the point where he’s missed the Knicks game and their regular...she doesn’t even have a name for whatever kind of fucking they do now. She knows it’s more than fucking. And she knows that he’d gladly have her living back in the house but she’s still processing everything, and everything includes whatever the fuck the fucking is.
              “Pick up, Mulder,” she says for the twentieth time before staring at the screen in her hand and sighing down to the couch. The couch. The fucking couch. Not the fucking couch but the ‘fucking’ couch. They’ve never made it to the bed. And she kind of likes that. He does too, despite his utterings that he’s too old for this shit. They are old, truth be told. But, she tells him, they are not too old. They will never be too old. Not for this shit. Or this fucking. Or whatever the fuck it is.
              “Skinner,” she says standing up again, straightening the hem of her blouse so there’s no gape. “Have you heard from Mulder today?”
              His voice is distant, distracted. She can hear muffled groans in the background. She flushes. Walter S Skinner, even older than us, she thinks. “No, Agent Scully. Is there a problem?” He’s even gruffer than usual and she can’t blame him. She imagines Mulder’s pitch at being interrupted mid-coitus. She smothers a laugh and that’s when she knows she’s seriously worried.
              “No, no problem, Sir. Sorry to have bothered you.”
              She hears more rustling and mumbling. “Scully,” he says, “you know he’s probably just…”
              “Squatching…yes, Sir. I do. Thank you.” She hangs up and startles as the phone buzzes. Mulder.
              “Mulder, where have you been?” Her pitch is shriller than she intends.
              “Looking for answers,” he says and leaves a long silence. She bites her lip, working her way through the catalogue of what his silences have held. None of them has ever yielded anything that has made her smile. “I’m sorry about tonight, Scully.”
              “Where are you?”
              “On my way home.”
              “You missed the game,” she says.
              The light on the table flickers and she walks towards it. Her footfalls are clipped on the wooden floor and she realises she hasn’t taken her shoes off. He hasn’t reached for her feet and rolled them between his hands like he usually does. She touches the globe. It’s cool. “Mulder, are you okay?”
              The light flickers again and then goes out. He doesn’t answer. She waits.
 There’s something about him that she recognises. That hungry look, rapacious mind working through data ready to expound wild theories. There’s something about that look all right. Her stomach fizzes and she tucks her hand across it to pull it in, like a safety belt against the joy ride he’s no doubt going to strap them in for.
              “The book, Scully. There are pages missing.”
              He’s holding a tome. Weighty, large, like an encyclopedia. “Pages?”
              The noise of his fingers slapping against cover resounds around the room. The light snaps on and they both look at it for a split second. “All the Answers. The book the alien gave me.”
              Her mouth opens with a pop. This is not what she expected. “This is the book? Mulder, that book was a joke. That whole case was a joke. There was no alien. We didn’t see it. Reggie just made it up. Along with his whole life.”
              “No, no, Scully. It wasn’t a joke.”
              Now he’s holding the book towards her. She watches the peppery stubble on his chin as he speaks. “It’s satire. No. Not satire. Meta. It’s meta. A statement about us. About the files. About life. It’s…so perfectly true yet so insane that it really jarred, you know? It’s not just about the X-Files and life’s mysteries. It’s about our truth.”
              “Truth? Mulder, the man was mentally unstable. We saw him being taken away. That story about the alien and the case was…not the truth. Where did you get the book? I mean, how did you…I’ve never seen you with it.”
              The light flickers “I went to see Reggie. He gave it to me.”
She blinks. “You went to see Reggie? Mulder…” It was date night, she wants to add.
“But something’s not right.” He looks at her. “See…the pages are numbered wrong here and again here.”
She sighs and walks to him. The smell of musty pages hits her as she leans around to see. She follows his thumb but the pages are in chronological order. “This is page 352 and then there’s 353 and 354 and 355…Mulder…” her voice trails away.
His face drops. He looks again, shaking his head. “No, Scully. There are pages missing. Look…352 through to 381 are missing.”
She takes the book. “I see every page in order, Mulder. What is this thing about? These are…Mulder? This is the time when you were...” Her throat itches and a knot forms in the pit of it. She flicks back through the book, listening as her heart keeps time with the thump of the pages.
“But when I read it earlier, there wasn’t any mention of this stuff. It was all about the cases. The conspiracies. There wasn’t much of the personal stuff, just the facts.”
She looks at him and tries not to roll her eyes. Facts. Reggie. She should call Skinner again. But then she doubles back. Checks again. “Hold on,” she says. “There does seem to be some pages missing. Here, almost at the start. Look.”
He takes it from her and looks, frowning. “No. The early pages are all there. See, 47 through to 61. They’re right here, Scully. This is when…this is when Duane Barry.” He snaps the book shut and lets his head fall back. “You can’t see the pages from when you were taken. I can’t see them from when I was abducted. And these aren’t the same pages as the ones I read earlier. The book is changing.”
She shakes her head. “That’s not possible, Mulder. How can I see pages you can’t and vice-versa when the book is right here in front of us. There’s only one book.”
“Right,” he says, “one book of our lives spent looking for the truth. This isn’t a book about All the Answers now, it’s a book about our life together.” He’s smiling and his eyes are wet. “About all our answers. He opens the pages again, thumbing through them. “Where does it end, Scully?”
She steps forward and grabs it from him. He lets out a surprised yelp. “Do you really want to know?” The book is hard against her ribs, digging in to her skin. “You can’t ever unsee what you read.”
She takes it to the coffee table and puts it there, pages spilling open. The light flickers and he goes to speak before stopping and turning his head, hands on hips. He stays that way for a while, shoulders rising and falling, jaw flexing. She can see the wildness dissipating. He’s returning to the new version of himself. The one she’s ready to return to.
“You know Scully, maybe I once did. I would have opened the last page. I would have done that first of all, jumped in. But I started reading it from the beginning this time.”
Tears build in her eyes and she sniffs quietly. “But we already know how we got here. It doesn’t matter what the book says. All the answers in here,” she lifts the book towards him and he takes it back, “might not be the same as the answers in here.” She taps him on the chest with a closed fist then lays her head against the spot, listening to his heartbeat. “Maybe we just need to write our own ending?”
The vibration of his chuckle in his Adam’s apple tickles her cheek. “Where do we start?”
She looks up and kisses him. “Where did we really start, Mulder? When I walked into your office? When I survived the cancer?”
His arms are strong around her waist and his fingers are circling the spot where the Ourobouros turns for eternity. “When you came into my bedroom that windy night?” His lips are soft against hers.
“Fox Mulder,” she says, pulling on his hand. “Would you go to bed with me?”
His eyes wander to the couch and his lips split into a half-smile. His head tilts and he holds his eyes shut in a long, slow blink. “I think I might.”
 The book is on the coffee table, open at page 682. She tries not to look at it as they walk past. They both do. But its pull is strong.
              “What word do you see, Scully?” he whispers.
              She smiles up at him. “Love, Mulder. It’s a whole page of love.”
              The light goes out.
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taonsil · 6 years
bunch of autistic yeollie meta specifically about sensory issues w clothes I rounded together to keep in my tag✨
yeollie n his one (1) comfy outfit until he finds a new one [anon submission on howtoautism 'how to be ok with washing your favorite comfy jeans when it only makes them less comfy afterwards']
yeollie w sensory stuff that’s partly fun (music feels nice! even the smallest nice touches feel like ☀️✨💓🌷💖) n partly less fun (has to bury into his phone for distraction in noisy spaces, hard finding comfy outfits so they get worn out when he over wears them >:
yeollie knows he looks nice in anything but tighter clothes with lots of textures and components are super tiring even if they can be fun to play with initially :{ he’s so happy to be back in his sweater paws again! the exact right outfit makes him all cosy and glowy feeling to bury down into ☀️
it's hard for him when it comes around to time for him to change to a new favourite outfit; sometimes necessity comes before he's happened to find something new that's Right. the others try to help! they keep an eye out for things that are the same sort of weight/texture/fit as his favourites (though often it's bemusing to them what turns out to Feel Right, but so long as he's happy 🌷)
(yeol trying on 6 sweaters identical to the one he owns: :s  yeol pulling back on the one he’d taken off in the first place: wow!! this one 
that one outfit he’d happily live and sleep in for his whole life so he buys three, but for some reason the new ones just don’t feel the same when it comes around to time to change :T
the others giving him head pets and keeping him company when his favourite hoodie is in the wash. he does try to stay busy but ends up sitting by the machine watching it spin 
(on a tangent, sensory clothing as an accidental kink(/distraction). being touched is less absorbing than the sensation of his waistband digging into his thigh or the change from clothing touching his skin to the fabric of sheets (or someone else’s unfamiliar clothing. if you put cuffs on him he’ll totally lose track of what’s happening because they’re weighty and shiny and noisy and wow!! they’re so interesting can u wait a moment he just..wait..they’re so nice can u wait
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digitalmarketinginn · 4 years
3 Stages of Best SEO Services in Dubai
You have decided that without Best SEO Services in Dubai further development of the project is impossible. They found a specialist, provided him with access. After a while, you get a weighty list of recommendations for implementation - at the level of the site structure, texts, and even the most sacred - design.
How to understand that all this is really necessary, and what exactly does an SEO specialist do to optimize your resource?
Regardless of whether you are engaged in website promotion in Russia, Ukraine or the USA, and, accordingly, focus on Yandex or Google, the promotion process as a whole does not change. Of course, as in other areas, there are no clear restrictions and much depends on the specifics. But still, there are about a dozen mandatory stages of work.
Do you want to know about the stages of promotion just for your project? We will advise:
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1. Analysis of the site, topics, and competitors
For which projects is this stage relevant:
·         Online stores.
·         Services and product sites.
·         News sites.
·         Sites, business cards (not one-page).
·         Message Boards.
·         Corporate sites.
·         Forums
 Google webmasters panel - analyze data without panic
When the Best SEO Services in Dubai gets all access to project analytics and webmaster panels (or adds the site there independently), he proceeds to analyze the goods and services of the project, and also gives a general assessment of the site in order to understand what work needs to be done in the first place.
It is at this stage that a project promotion strategy and a detailed work plan is formed.
What exactly does a specialist do?
It analyzes the overall visibility of the site not only for high-frequency queries, but also for medium and low frequencies.
It analyzes competitors, market leaders to understand what to focus on in this area, which is better in competitors' sites.
It analyzes the structure of leading websites in the niche, their link profile.
Marks requests for which it is necessary to create and optimize landing pages on the client’s site.
Conducts both regular analytics based on search results, and system analytics, for example, using Serpstat.
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How to switch to HTTPS in 12 hours and save traffic
Why is all this necessary? The Best SEO Services in Dubai determines whether global changes to the site need to be made right away. For example, change the CMS (content management system), adapt the site to mobile devices, change the protocol from HTTP to https, etc.
A competent specialist informs about the need for global changes in advance in order to clarify with programmers how possible, for example, the refinement of the current version of CMS is possible.
It also allows you to specify the entire budget for website promotion - content costs, links, other expenses.
It’s better to make global changes in advance, otherwise after 3-4 months of implementing SEO-audit, you will be at a dead end - you will find that it’s impossible to optimize filters, add new tags or categories purely technically.
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 2. Formation of the primary core of search queries
Now you have in your hands a promotion strategy, work plan, preliminary analysis of the site and the sites of market leaders. At a new stage, an SEO specialist with the help of Serpstat, Wordstat, and another search query collection tools collect, clusters into groups break into the frequent semantic core.
It is useful for:
site structure formation;
drawing up templates for generating and forming meta tags manually (Title, Description, Keywords), headers H1, H2;
writing texts on landing pages;
creating competent linking;
external website optimization;
analysis of site visibility.
The semantic core can consist of several hundred search queries (for small business card sites), and several hundred thousand (for online stores).
3. The formation of a broad site structure
Search engines are constantly improving their algorithms and showing the most relevant pages for user requests. If you enter “laptops with keyboard backlighting” in the search engine, you will see in the first places the most relevant pages for these queries.
If you want to see your project in these positions, you cannot do without forming a broad site structure. For each group of search queries, you need to create and optimize your landing page.
At the same time, it is important to remember that it is better to optimize specific product cards for super-low frequency queries, since they will only interfere with the promotion of important pages, taking away some of the internal static weight from them.
Super-low-frequency is a request that was entered no more then 5 times a month.
Under high-frequency queries, category pages are created, under medium and low-frequency ones, static filter pages/filter intersections.
Where to get ideas for creating new landing pages?
Issue analysis.
Competitor analysis.
Internal site search.
Analysis of the product range of services.
For large stores with distribution centers in various cities, as well as message boards, marketplaces, companies with branches, the number of landing pages in the structure, is multiplied by the number of cities. It is important that the content of such pages is unique. This is a lengthy process, and in large projects, new filter pages for specific categories are created even two years after the start of site promotion. But still, the bulk of the work to expand the structure of landing pages should be carried out much earlier - in order to quickly get the desired effect.
For more information Click the link Social Media Agency in Abu Dhabi.
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sea-changed · 7 years
re: your tags on the miranda meta- lbr, I have a problem with how the story eventually played out for almost all of the women? In a story that is fundamentally about resistance (as you rightly said) the space given to the male characters who embody this far outstrips what is given to the women. The only woman who eventually gets any place close to what she wants is Max (and Anne), and that is by *gaming * the system rather than tearing it down. (1/2)
Eleanor, Miranda and Madi, each of whom challenge the system more overtly are ‘punished’ for it, and specifically in two cases by having the men closest to them become the cause of their downfall; and worst (for me), in all three cases, are absolutely ‘fridged’ to further the Stories of those men; in Miranda and Eleanor’s case literally written out; and in Madi’s case by taking away her agency and ending the story there. (2/3)
(3/3) Try as I will, I cannot see this as anything but more of the common disease that affects even the most progressive shows: ultimately the Men are seen as Important, and women are seen as Supporting Characters. What I mean is that the show I want to exist would have had Miranda as the Flint character, and more about Eleanor and Madi, but that show would literally never be written or pitched because apparently we hit the limits of our imagination pretty fast when it comes to women. /endrant
Sorry for spamming your inbox, I just had FEELINGS. :D
Never apologize for inbox-spamming! I too have a lot of feelings on this, and I always love talking about them.
I find Miranda’s death most egregious, I think, because it is such a literal textbook case of fridging: they needed to push Flint’s story in a certain direction, so they killed her. It was narratively not about her, which is really my only requirement for my stories about women. As long as the terrible things that happen to them are in service of their own stories, I am perfectly intellectually (if not emotionally) all right with those things.
Which is I think why I hesitate to name Eleanor’s death fridging, or the theft of Madi’s agency a symbolic fridging. I am more okay with Eleanor’s death (”more okay” being a very relative term) because I can find a way to understand it as the culmination of her own narrative: she dedicated her life to this island, and ultimately her desire to bring it peace and prosperity lead to her own downfall. It is a tragic narrative–tragic in the Greek sense, the Shakespearean sense–but it is her own. Woodes Rodgers, for all the destruction he wrought, is ultimately a footnote in service of her story.
Madi’s story I’m more unsettled by: I do feel that within the diegetic world of Black Sails we’re meant to feel the injustice of it, though, and that it’s meant to be seen as a great betrayal. Her story was not specifically sublimated in favor of Silver’s. She was, however, basically narrative collateral damage to the terminating drama of the show, namely, Silver’s betrayal of Flint, and Flint’s subsequent potential/symbolic death. I can’t term it (symbolic) fridging–the story was in fact her own–but I’m still unsettled by it–it was more important that the story was also someone else’s.
(I also think I see Max’s (and Anne’s) ending slightly differently: to me Max’s success within the system is itself resistance to a system that would have her–in fact requires her to be–a slave.)
Outside of Miranda, then, and to a more complicated extent Madi*, I find myself relatively satisfied with all the main female characters’ individual storylines. What I find myself dissatisfied with is the very thing you mention: ultimately the Men are seen as Important, and women are seen as Supporting Characters. Even in a show with many protagonists who get significant and weighty screentime, and even in a show when a pretty respectable number of those protagonists are women, the show itself is structured around Flint and to an only slightly lesser extent Silver. 
*A lot of my dissatisfaction in Madi’s storyline lies in the broader ways they dropped the ball when it came to all their Maroon or enslaved characters–all their black characters but Max, pretty much. Ultimately she became a narratively passive character, the audience for Silver to tell his story of Flint to, and that’s what bothers me, that’s what bothers me about her ending from a critical perspective: not that Silver took away her agency, but that the show then turned around and did the exact same thing.
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