#weirdly specific and unrelated asks
commander-krios · 5 months
Specific Asks: 7, 21, and 28
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
Jellyfish! And Stingrays.
21. a number that weirds you out?
Honestly never thought of this question before tbh, lmao I can't think of one off of the top of my head.
28. last meal on earth?
Chips and salsa, i would live off of them if i could
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randomfoggytiger · 10 months
For the weird and unspecific asks: 4 and 27.
4. Loch Ness Monster. She's out there, I just know it (despite the entire ocean being completely charted.)
27. I pair a sleek black shirt and a sleek black skirt to make a mock sleek black dress-- not to be vain, but a black dress and red lipstick? Phew, it's the dream combo. (One day I will get the perfect black dress I just KNOW it.)
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2manyfandoms2count · 1 year
Thanks for the ask, Poppy 🥰
12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
Off the top of my head: Garnier, Nivéa, Nuxe and Embryolisse!
Ask me a weirdly specific question!
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uuuhshiny · 1 year
for the ask game: 5, 11, 20, 24 🤓
5 and 11 - did already
20. favorite disney princess movie?
Hm.... do not care for any of them?
tho this moment
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was a bit uh-oh moment for me ;)
24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
Ruslish :D
If anyone wants to ask me weirdly specific and unrelated asks, here’s your chance ;)
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faeratil · 2 years
For the ask game: 3, 4 and 11
Thank you!!
3. A specific color that gives you the ick
Hot pink. And I honestly think it’s because of my childhood. Growing up, my family (immediate and extended) all thought it would be super cute to have myself and my sisters all match in any item of clothing they bought that came in 3 colors: pink, purple, and blue. I got saddled with pink, which was fine until I started being “tomboyish” and wanted to wear blue and green and red and grey. And they kept buying me hot pink clothes and bags and hair bows. To this day, I feel absolutely disgusted looking at hot pink because it reminds me of when I just had to wear whatever my family bought for me and be nice about it.
4. Mythical creature you think/believe is real
I’ve always thought that the Fey and faeries were real and that they’re just very good at hiding from humans. I used to stand in a little mushroom circle that would occasionally sprout on our front yard, and I would close my eyes and wish for the faeries to come land on my shoulder or poke me or something that would let me know they were real. Nothing happened, but I think they would’ve been pretty cautious about interacting with a random human that just sat in their faerie circle. Also my url is one of my OCs named specifically because she reminds me of descriptions of the Fey.
11. Anything from your childhood you’ve held onto
My baby blankets made by my grandmothers, one a precious moments alphabet blanket, the other a green blanket with little honey bees and beehives with a silky white trim. Also my tooth fairy pillow that my mom made that has a tiny pocket no bigger than a quarter, little pastel yellow unicorns on the trim, and says in cross stitch:
“Dear Tooth Fairy,
In this pocket, you will find a teensy, tiny tooth of mine. So while I sleep where dreams are made, let’s see if you can make a trade.”
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htmlerror · 1 year
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
ooough this is so hard. i am less an admirer of a specific animal and more a fan of Big Tanks with Many Fish. when theres no or very few people there and i can just sit and watch its so fun. the underwater dome at the seattle aquarium is one of my favorite things BUT it loses massive points for inaccessibility due its Steep As Fuck ramp. the oregon coast aquarium is great. the jellyfish are super cool to look at. the spider crabs dont get much love but i am 💕 at them. while i love the octopuses both aquariums have had, that tank is usually so crowded i dont bother.
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supercantaloupe · 4 months
sleepover saturday milo:
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probably the best nap of his life tbh.
do you have any specific donna elvira headcanons? favorites etc? just out of plain curiosity i love hearing headcanons
what fucking shape is this thing
UMM elvira headcanons. let's see. taps chin
i think she's not that good at cooking. like she can feed herself passably but she's not going to be making anything particularly inspired or adventurous. she would be an english major in college. likes used cars that need maintenance. also scrapbooking. bisexual but almost exclusively interested in women post-don and also did not realize she was bisexual until after that whole fiasco either so it's kind of a wild ride for her for a year or two. kept her hair long and straight and neat until the everything happened, then she chopped it all off really short not long after the don dies and never looks back. also gets a few new piercings. not sure about tattoos. she's wasian (korean & irish) (<- don't ask me to explain this one i just feel it in my heart)
[ask meme]
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allylikethecat · 4 months
#30 i have a couple random questions
1) do you have any tattoos? if not would you ever get any? were there any tattoos that you liked when you were younger that you would’ve majorly regretted now that you’re older?
2) did you go to college? what’s your degree in?
3) whats your go to drink when you go out?
YESSS thank you for sending me an ask from the weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well list!! I can be found HERE if anyone else wants to send some / reblog it for themselves! It's a good list if you ask me!
30. ask me anything !
1) do you have any tattoos? if not would you ever get any? were there any tattoos that you liked when you were younger that you would’ve majorly regretted now that you’re older?
I do not, I would very much like to get two - one I worked with a friend who is an artist to design as a tribute to Pop, the second is my grandfather's name in his handwriting. We were extremely close and even years later I am still completely devastated by his passing. I actually bought Pop with the money he left me, making Pop all the more special and a connection to him (he loved horses and loved that I rode, and in all honestly most likely would have bought Pop for me himself if he had been alive, it makes me so sad that they never got to meet because I know my grandfather would have loved him) however I am absolutely terrified of needles and keep chickening out. I'm hoping to eventually get over it though. In all honesty, I feel like even if I got one of the dumb tattoos I dreamed about as a kid I'd probably still like it - I was very into art history / literature growing up so a lot of the tattoos I fantasized about were rooted in that.
2) did you go to college? what’s your degree in?
I did! I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. My career focus was initial content marketing and copy writing in the sports industry before I moved over to the the tech / software industry. I've found myself doing less and less content marketing and taking on more data analytic focused roles which has been a lot of fun and an unexpected development - especially because I was initially hired for my current role as an account executive (I sold out, I was chasing the money and going into account management / sales lol)
3) whats your go to drink when you go out?
Depends what kind of night we're having lol If I'm out to dinner usually some kind of silly fun bespoke cocktail with way too much sugar. If it's a chiller bar situation or a sporting event then I am a High Noon girlie. If we're going to get rowdy bring on the vodka red bulls
Thank you SO MUCH for these asks omg these were such fun questions! Also like, I really do love High Noons they are truly the perfect seltzer beverage situation. My only complaint is I hate the pineapple and watermelon ones and it feels like that's what most bars stock? Which like wtf there are so many great flavors why THOSE two?! Thank you so much again!! I hope you are having a lovely Monday and a great rest of your week!
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rice-enjoyer · 11 months
5, 7, 29?
questions from this ask game!
5. pan fried/baked!
7. stingrays, because there's usually a petting area for kids and i can sneak my way in! also octopuses! they r so smart and cool!!!
29. is this even a question. rice noodles! but i've been exploring new alternatives and millet noodles are quite good :)
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commander-krios · 5 months
14 for weirdly specific asks!
14. Do you think you're dehydrated?
God, I hope not. lmao I drink quite a lot throughout the day (most days).
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randomfoggytiger · 10 months
6, 28 and 29 for the weird asks!
6. I LOVE WATCHES. Can't live without them... and yet mine's currently broken.
28. One of two childhood foods: either a deli sandwich-- pickles and cucumbers and vinaigrette and mayo on white bread with nothing else-- or ramen noodles, preferrably Ichiban original (eaten crunchy, of course.)
29. Spiral! Loooooooove those in light deli chicken "salads" or with rotisserie chicken and veggies or or or or!
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2manyfandoms2count · 1 year
hey!! gonna ask 22 and 27 for the weirdly specific ask game :))
Thanks for the ask, Penguin 💕
22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
I guess so! I have one I bought on a trip to Vancouver last summer, it brings back good memories 😊 before that I had some glass ones but they were heavy and small, so not very handy
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
Low-rise Converse, jeans and a t-shirt (bonus points if it's a marinière)
Ask me a weirdly specific question!
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uuuhshiny · 1 year
For the weirdly specific asks: 27 :)
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
I have several comfortable choices. Several items as default. Usually I wear them till they disintegrate :)
Trousers are better than skirts
Colour is better than black
Right now I just lllove my purple corduroy sarafan.
If anyone wants to ask me weirdly specific and unrelated asks, here’s your chance ;)
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faeratil · 2 years
5, 7, 16 for the random asks!
I answered number 5 here but I will go ahead and answer the other ones now!
7. What animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
Jellyfish. I could honestly sit in the jellyfish exhibit for hours and not get bored. They’re so beautiful and almost ghostlike and the exhibit is always quiet and dim. If I’m going with my fiancé though, we also make a long stop at the shark tunnel and watch the sharks since they’re his favorite.
16. Thoughts on mint chocolate chip
I actually love mint chocolate chip. I get made fun of all the time for it because people usually follow up with “so do you like eating toothpaste too” which I do not, because food mint tastes different than toothpaste mint (it’s more like peppermint oil or cough drops at that point).
I love mint a lot though, and I’ll drink peppermint tea, eat mint ice cream, put peppermint flavored syrup in my coffee, eat peppermint sticks, chew peppermint gum, etc. I don’t know why it doesn’t give me the same menthol “burn” as it gives some other people, but I’m going to enjoy my mint chocolate chip ice cream. The less people enjoy it, the more there is for me. :)
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luckystarchild · 11 months
11, 13 and 28!! 🩷🩷💖
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
A lot of things. I'm a bit of a packrat! I have a few of my childhood blankets/stuffies and I love them a lot, and I have some jewelry my grandmother gave me. I also still have many of my books from childhood.
13. first thing you're doing in The Purge?
Nothing wild. I'm not violent by nature. But I'd love to destroy medical debt and student loan records. Stuff that's illegal but morally ethical. As we know, the Venn diagram of legality and morality isn't exactly a circle...
28. last meal on earth?
My grandmother's prime rib and homemade bread.
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17,19,20 💗
Bonsoir ! :)
17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
I guess I play with my hair when I feel uncomfortable or start examining my nails and trying to clean them, or check the time and pretend like I'm thinking of something important even though my mind might be empty. Might bite my lips. Also apply lip balm quite frequently sometimes just for something to do.
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
I know I have one but I can't currently think of one somehow rn!! D: Maybe broccoli but idk if it's one I dislike MOST (plus I like certain varieties of it)
20. favorite disney princess movie?
Don't have one, I despise Disney. I much preferred the original fairytales. I did like the animation styles though. I did always think Aurora from Sleeping Beauty looked very beautiful, if that's of any use, but idk if I've ever seen the film.
weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well
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