#weiss is watching the scene and just want to kick Yang for being a dumbass
thefoolishnighmare · 1 year
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Yeah. I'm sharing this with all of you. Hope you like it.
Inspired by the justice league x RWBY part 2 trailer.
I regret nothing.
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Here’s a tough question. Top 3 favorite and least favorite things about each RWBY volume?
Sorry for the delay, this is something I've had to really think about.
V1 Faves
The initiation/Nevermore fight. Let's be honest this is where these legends started.
Blake & Yang meeting for the first time
Weiss and Blake coming to terms with each other
V`1 least faves
The animation. I know it was Poser, they had no budget, etc. That doesn't make it any easier to watch
That one line from Yang about boys that has haunted the discourse for nearly a decade.
TBH barely anyone had a character any deeper than surface level
V2 Faves
Yang talking to Blake in Burning The Candle. This is where their relationship became more than partners, deeper than just friendship
The talk between Weiss, Blake and Yang at Mountain Glenn. Something that would be directly referenced much later in V9
"Best Day Ever" - the food fight between RWBY and JNPR is just big dumb fun
V2 least faves
Jaune and his pursuit of Weiss. Obnoxious to the extreme.
Sun - that's it
"Breach" in general was kind of a mess and really was there to have a giant fight scene.
V3 Faves
"Heroes And Monsters" - It feels weird listing something so horrible and tragic as a favorite thing but what happened between Yang, Blake and Adam in this chapter would define these characters going forward all the way until almost the end of V6 and was a significant point in Blake & Yang's relationship
Also from "Heroes And Monsters" - Velvet unleashing Anesidora with "I May Fall" blasting is still so amazing to this day.
Yang being framed for injuring Mercury and Blake deciding to trust in her.
(I really could go on about V3 with many more positives.)
V3 least faves
Might be controversial but Pyrrha's death. I understood the narrative need for it but it doesn't mean I liked it
Same for Penny
V4 Faves
Meeting Blake's parents. Ghira and Kali are treasures.
The fight with Tyrian
Yang getting her new arm and starting her healing process
(Honorable mention to Blake, with Sun's help, starting to understand that sometimes you have to let people in and it's THEIR choice to want to be in your life. Also honorable mention to Ruby's letter in "No Safe Haven")
V4 least faves
Tai's "advice" both in "Family" and "One Step Forward..."
Sun. (I didn't start to be able to tolerate him unti V5)
Not nearly enough Yang
V5 Faves
Yang and Ruby reuniting - I always cry
Weiss' talk with Yang in "Alone Together" (which is also when I'm convinced she realized that Yang loved Blake)
"Yang...?" *Dumbfounded stare from Yang
(Honorable mention to Yang reading Raven for filth)
V5 least faves
The pacing wasn't great and yeah the big fight was lackluster
While the animation was fine the colors always felt very muted to me
Lionheart (not that I resented his use in the story, I just hate the dude)
V6 faves:
The Bees Vs Adam (was I gonna say anything else?)
The Brunswick Arc (why is CRWBY so good at horror?)
The fight with the Leviathan.
V6 least faves:
These are mostly really minor complaints
Dee and Dudley - annoying
The big lore dump, while not BAD was a LOT
Oscar vanishing and getting a new set of clothes off camera not that I care that much but I think it could have been handled better
V7 Faves
The makeovers, with the possible exception of Wess I thought everyone looked great and TBH Yang never looked better
The Bees getting ready to go on a date
Nora spilling the tea ABOUT the Bees
(Honorable mention to RBY standing by Weiss when she confronted Jacqass. Also honorable mention to Yang/Blake VS Elm/Vine)
V7 least faves (not writing critical just characters getting on my nerves)
Harriet is annoying
The AceOps being Ironwood's unthinking lapdogs
Ironwood coming out as a complete dumbass.
V8 Faves
Beeunion 2.0
Yang, Jaune and Ren infiltrating Salem's HQ and the fight that ensues. Especially Yang getting to talk smack to Salem and blowing her tits off.
Penny frying Cinder
(Honorable mention to Maria kicking Neo's ass)
V8 least faves
Ironwood continues to be a complete and total dumbass
Ren being a jerk. Thankfully he gets over it
Yang's fall. (not bad on a value level but it HURT)
V9 Faves:
The Bees confession - absolutely perfect. Could not be improved on
The fight scene in Rude, Red and Royal
Ruby getting her groove back and showing CC just how powerful she really is.
V9 least faves: (and I'm allowing for what I know was a difficult production)
We could have used at least another two chapters because some scenes and transitions were way too brief and as a result didn't have the emotional impact they should have
We didn't get the prologue that was shown at RTX
Minor complaint but in Chapter 1 I wish Blake had been shown as being a bit more worried about Yang since she saw her "die"
Wow, this was a LOT!
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