#blake could just hide it with a ribbon again
thefoolishnighmare · 1 year
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Yeah. I'm sharing this with all of you. Hope you like it.
Inspired by the justice league x RWBY part 2 trailer.
I regret nothing.
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unipandalovsu · 1 year
Day 1: Faunus Princess x Human Partner
My hands were shaking for most of the day after working this since like 3AM with only caffeine and nicotine on my system.
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Anyways lil-ish background:
Blake is a princess. Her parents had arranged to have her marry Adam. At first, it wasn't so bad. They were childhood friends and had similar views when it came to the politics of their kingdom. But after a while, Blake had noticed changes in Adam. He was acting sus. Like tyranny type sus. So, Blake decided it'd b best to annul their marriage contract. Tho Adam didn't want to, so he threatened he'd hurt her family if she spoke of it ever again.
Yang is a human, she works as a bounty hunter, mainly capturing faunus spies, and occasionally helping her sister exterminate Grimm. She wasn't a fan of the whole faunus capturing, but it was what brought food to the table. She tried her best to keep Ruby out of it, knowing she was against it, especially since once captured, the king (Weiss's dad. Forgot homeboy's name) of their kingdom would publicly execute faunus.
During an aimless walk outside castle walls, Blake ended up in human territory. Yang had also been out of the walls of her kingdom on a job to capture a faunus spy that escaped.
Once Blake saw Yang, she assumed Yang was a a spy so she attacked. Yang fought back with a similar thought believing Blake was the spy she was looking for.
Blake ends up pinning Yang down and begins interrogating her, asking why she was sneaking around faunus territory. Once Yang confesses that they were on human territory, Blake backs away and apologizes.
It's then Yang's turn to interrogate Blake. Once Blake confesses that she was unaware of being on human territory, Yang helps her get back to the faunus kingdom.
On the next day, they met again by chance. After hearing complaints of her people being afraid to go out after a Grimm sighting, Blake sets out to hunt it down. Yang was out still looking for her target.
They find each other, Yang teasing Blake for being in human territory yet again.
Their convo is cut short by a few Grimm appearing. During the fight, Blake finds out Yang has the same sense of humor as a 10 year old.
Yang escorts Blake back to faunus territory. They keep talking before Blake can leave, Yang complimenting Blake for her fighting style, and Blake teasing her over her bad jokes.
Before they knew it, the sun was setting, and they had to go their separate ways. Blake returns successfully from defeating the Grimm terrorizing the town, and Yang returned unsuccessful from capturing her target, but was content after the day she spent with Blake.
The following day, Yang sets out again to look for the spy. Blake on the other hand decides to go out for a chance to meet up with Yang again. Yang was a breath of fresh air compared to having to stay in the castle and risk bumping into Adam.
This time, Ruby was accompanying Yang. Ruby was first to spot Blake. Ruby believing she was the spy they were looking for, had drawn out her weapon. Blake herself got into a fighting stance, but before they could attack, Yang interviened and explained to Ruby that Blake was not the person they were after.
Yang introduced them both, but before she could introduce Blake, she had figured that she never got her name, or that she knew hers.
After a while, Ruby had decided to head back home, seeing she was just a third wheel as her sister shamelessly flirted with the faunus girl.
After that day, both Blake and Yang decided to meet each other more often.
During a meet up, Yang had asked Blake to accompany her to a dance, she even gifted her a ribbon to hide her ears.
Hesitant, Blake agreed, also admiting that she was no good at dancing. She may have been a princess, but she skipped a lot of etiquette classes, dance being a big one she avoided, she'd rather learn how to fight.
Yang offered to teach her. They danced, there were a couple of mishaps with Blake occasionally stepping on Yang's foot or accidentally tripping her.
On the day of the dance, Adam was stalking Blake, he suspected of Blake after noticing how often she disappeared the past couple of days.
He followed her all the way outside kingdom walls, and when he noticed the ribbon she wore to hide her ears, he got angry and confronted her. They argued, and in a fury he ripped the ribbon off Blake. Blake tried to retrieve it, but Adam stood his ground, knowing he had more power over Blake, he held her by the neck.
As soon as they were in eyes-view, Yang swooped in and punched Adam. They fought, and their last resort led to killing Adam.
This caused an uproar in the faunus kingdom.
A war was started between faunus and humans blah blah blah. Weiss struck down her father and a whole new alliance began btwn faunus n humans the end.
And the Bees got married too! 💕
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howlingday · 1 year
everyone has jaune as a paladin or a fighter, lets see jaune as a barb everyone is terrified of this tall tattooed wild man and they think he's kidnapped ruby... they were just talking about their hobbies why's everyone so mean to ruby's new friend? of course also give us an obligatory jaune rage moment
"There he is."
Weiss and Yang peered from their hiding place to match their view with Blake. Ahead, their abducted leader sat across the fire, trapped by the hulking beast with his eyes on her. She looked like she was about to cry. Yang-
"Wait." Blake held her hand against Yang's chest. "We can't just rush in. Ruby could get hurt."
"Not if I hurt him first." Yang growled.
"Yang, he was able to take Ruby on his own." Blake reasoned. "And with Ruby already taken hostage, we can't risk any harm coming to her."
"Or any further harm." Weiss added.
Yang was angry, but she couldn't just rush in and vent them out on the guy right in front of her. She hated it, but she didn't have a choice. So she sat and waited, watching as her sister wept in front of her.
"That's so sad." Ruby sniffled. "And you couldn't do anything to stop her?"
"Pyrrha was always the better fighter." Jaune sighed. "Even if I wanted to, she would've found a way to stop me from taking her place." He traced his fingers down his arm, his digits kissing the spear and shield tattoos decorating his fallen friend and lover. They seemed to glow at his tough.
"Are they... magical?" Ruby asked.
"In a way." He gently smiled. "It helps me connect with her spirit." He chuckled. "Even now, she's ready to protect me."
"Can... Can I touch them?" He nodded, and she carefully approached him. He may have seemed gentle and kind now, but his earlier abduction of her made their friendship a little tenuous. He held out his arm, and she drew close, tracing her delicate fingers as he did. There was a magic in these arms, and the catalyst for their power were these tattoos. "Why did you abduct me?"
"Because I know you were there." Jaune answered. "And I didn't want a friend of Pyrrha to meet the same fate as she did."
"What do you- Whoa!" Ruby fell backwards, slipping in the mud. Jaune caught her arm, and she winced. "Ow!"
"Oh, sorry," Jaune said as he reached a hand out to steady her, "are you oka-"
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" Ruby fell on her back as a familiar voice signaled an explosion in front of her. Yang threw a bomb at Jaune's face, likely hoping it would ony slightly injure her and fatally wound Jaune for some protective reason.
"Yang, don't-!"
The blonde bombshell rushed into the taller blond, swinging a hard fist into his face for good measure. Enraged, her eyes glowed red as she continued to strike her foe, unarmed save for the gauntlets covering her fists. There was a thundering crack, signaling that bone was broken.
"Ruby, are you okay?" Blake asked as she kneeled next to her leader.
"I'm fine," Ruby stood up, "but you guys need to stop attacking! Jaune's not our enemy!"
"Who's Jaune?" Weiss asked.
A scream pierced the air, drawing attention back to the mentioned barbarian. Holding Yang in place by a broken arm, what rage she felt died as she was made helpless by him. She couldn't pull away, the pain unbearable at every attenmpt to free herself.
"Yang!" Blake ran in, swing her ribboned blade in a wide circle before launching it at the assailant. As the blade neared, it harmlessly bounced off with a deafening gong. Where it struck, the barbarian's shield tattoo gave an ethereal glow. "How did..?"
"Blake, get back!" Weiss ran past, closing the distance between her teammate and their opponent.
She thrust forward, narrowly missing as Yang was released. Rather than retreat, however, the mountain of a man instead took hold of his longblade, readying it to engage Weiss' rapier. Again, his tattoos glowed.
"STOP!" Weiss and the barbarian lowered their weapons and took notice of Ruby. "Just... let me explain!"
"Geez! You could've told me that you were just looking out for her!"
"I couldn't," Jaune said as he healed Yang's arm with his aura, "you broke my jaw."
"Yeah, well, don't be so scary next time. Or kidnap people's little sisters. How would you feel?"
"I would probably do the same thing." Jaune nodded, wrapping a bandage over her arm. "Of course, I wouldn't punch them in the face."
"Guess I'm more of a risk-taker than you." Yang stuck her tongue out.
"Not to interrupt your stupidity, but why exactly did you... carry Ruby away?"
"I needed to get her alone." Jaune said, raising many eyebrows. "Uh, to get her away from anyone who might be listening to you guys. That's why I grabbed her and not her stuff."
"What did you want to tell us?" Blake asked.
Jaune opened his mouth to argue, but there was no point now. They really were a team. He held back tears as memories of JNPR came to mind. Swallowing his pride, he spoke his truth.
"Do not trust Ozpin."
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pervy-king-taijitu · 2 years
Yang has always been an overly protective big sister and kept the boys away from Ruby. She forgot to also keep the girls away.
Jaune walked up to the door to team RWBY's dorm, where Yang was standing in front of and blocked access. "Hello, Yang. Is Ruby in?" he smiled. He held up a bouquet of red roses. "I have something for her."
"Nope." Yang snatched the flowers and dropped them next to Blake, who was reading a book while she sat on the floor. Next to the flowers and Blake was a pile of other gifts such as boxes of chocolates, more flowers, love poems, and cards. Blake continued to silently read as her girlfriend collected the 'contraband.'
"Nope." Yang cut Jaune off. She jerked her thumb as a silent way of telling him to leave. Jaune sighed and walked off.
A few minutes later, Sun walked up to the door. "Hey! Is Ruby in there?" he smiled. He held up a banana wrapped with a red ribbon.
"Don't even think about it," Yang said and grabbed the banana.
Deciding not to test the wrath of Yang today, Sun backed away slowly.
"'Sup ladies?" Neptune grinned at the pair outside the dorm room as he walked over to them. "Mind if I go in and say 'Hi' to Ruby?"
"Not on my watch." Yang crossed her arms. "Hit the road."
"Come on, just a quick word with her?" Neptune flashed the blonde a smile, but Yang was unimpressed. She pulled out a spray bottle and dosed him with water. "Ahh!" Neptune ran down the hall in terror.
In the dorm, pressed up against the shower wall, Ruby loudly moaned and kept her arms and legs wrapped around her lover. "Ah, ah, ah! Weiss~!" she held Weiss close as she rode out another orgasm.
Weiss turned Ruby's head so she could deeply kiss her. "Quiet, you dolt!" she huffed. "We don't want Yang to hear us!"
"But Weiss..." Ruby moaned and shifted her hips, enjoying the feeling of the strap-on buried inside her. "You make me feel so good." she kissed Weiss again.
"Hmph, dolt." Weiss couldn't help but smile after the kiss. She let the scythe-wielder down. As Weiss began to take the toy off, Ruby moved behind Weiss and rubbed her hands down the heiress' back and down her slender legs. With the strap-on out of the way, Weiss turned around to face Ruby.
The younger girl gave her a soft kiss before kneeling before her lover. Ruby gently ran her fingers across Weiss' pussy. Then she slowly placed kisses along Weiss' inner thigh until she reached Weiss' opening. The heiress moaned as she felt Ruby's tongue slide past her folds.
"Ah~ Ruby..." Weiss moaned and tangled her hands in the hair on top of Ruby's head. Spurred on by hearing the moans, Ruby moved her tongue deeper into Weiss. "Mmm!" Weiss tilted her head back. Next, Ruby slid her hands up her partner's legs; one hand moved around to Weiss' rear, and the other hand began to play and tease Weiss' clit. Weiss wiggled her hips as Ruby pleasured her and moaned some more.
"Now, who needs to be quiet?" Ruby paused her antics to tease her.
"Shush!" Weiss pulled Ruby's head back into her crotch. Ruby moaned and was happy to return to her work. She flicked her tongue against Weiss' clit and slid a couple of fingers inside her. She moved her fingers in and out of Weiss before adding additional fingers. "Ruby, I-" the heiress moaned and bucked her hips, wanting to feel more from her lover. "I'm close!" she warned. Ruby didn't stop her treatment, even after Weiss nearly screamed out Ruby's name. "Okay! Okay, enough..." Weiss panted and lightly pushed Ruby away.
"Aw..." Ruby giggled. She stood up and wrapped her arms around Weiss to hold her close. "Should we actually shower before Yang gets suspicious?"
"Yes. And remember to clean and pick up your toy." Weiss said, nudging the strap-on with her foot.
"Maybe I'll hide it in you later," Ruby spoke softly into Weiss' ear, causing her to blush.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Weiss and Blake are masked villains. The two of them used to be a couple, but now can only agree on one thing... both of them want the hero Ruby Rose for themselves.
Weiss smirked as she sat in a tree and watched Ruby fight a few grimm in the forest. It wasnt exactly her favorite pastime seeing that Ruby always managed to stop her, though this time, it was fun to watch the huntress fight the grimm brought to the village. Her hand went to the computerized mask she wore and pressed a button on the side to send out a signal only grimm could hear to bring more closer. All she had to do was wait for the huntress to get overwhelmed and then she could swoop in and-
The mask flew off her face as an arrow pulled it away from the ex-heiress and slammed it into a tree. The signal stopped and the grimm that had been fighting the huntress turned to run away to preserve their own lives. 
Weiss slumped into the tree and let out a heavy sigh. “You know those arent cheap, right?” 
Blake moved into sight and pulled up the grimm mask she wore. “What are you doing out here? You know this is White Fang territory.” 
“Experimenting. Besides, I’m leaving your kind alone. I dont want anything to do with you anymore.” 
“And coming this close to one of our settlements is how you stay away from me? If I didnt know any better, I’d think you wanted me back.” 
“After what you did? Not a chance,” Weiss scoffed as she pried the arrow out of her mask and looked it over in her hand. The small mask was nothing more than a plain, white mask that used a screen to give her any look she wanted. “Though, I cant be the only reason you’re here.” 
Blake rolled her eyes and pointed her sword towards Ruby. “Her.” 
Weiss frowned. “She’s mine-” 
“Just… hear me out.” Blake sat down and pulled out her scroll. “I propose a truce between us seeing as we both have an interest in the Crimson Reaper.” 
“And what do I get out of it?” Weiss asked as she looked over the faunus’ scroll. “And more importantly, why do you want her?” 
“I could ask the same of you.” 
Weiss nodded and watched as Ruby left the village to head to her next mission. “I’m tired of playing cat and mouse with her. But… I’m not ready to give up on making everything miserable for my father. So, I want to make her mine.” 
“Make her yours?” 
“And you? What’s your interest in her?” 
Blake paused for a moment, then lowered her mask to hide the blush that spread across her cheeks. “I want to offer her something that’s a bit more… beneficial to the White Fang. Though, I get the feeling that she’s not going to want anything to do with either of us.” 
“Unless… she doesnt know who we are.” 
“What are you getting at?” 
Weiss pushed a hand through her short hair to pull it back and tie it up once more. “She’s never actually caught either of us, and every time she’s actually stopped us, we’ve managed to slip away. Maybe its time for her to meet the real us.” 
“And then what? There’s no guarantee that we’ll be able to get her to do anything for us, much less accept our feelings for her.” 
“I… what? N-no, its not about…” Weiss turned away to hide the blush on her own cheeks and took a couple breaths. “Leave that to me. I can make sure to open her eyes about those that employ her. As long as you dont try to backstab me again, I’ll go along with your truce.” 
Blake sighed and nodded. “Alright, but I do ask you to leave Cinder out of this.” 
“Dont worry, I’ll leave her out of the loop. Besides, even her employer is starting to scare me.” 
Blake stood up and held one end of the ribbon of her weapon as she tossed the blade out to another branch. “Oh, and Weiss, if you do get in my way, I will make sure its the last thing you do.” 
Weiss nodded and relaxed once Blake left. Her eyes went back to her mask as she undid the small signal generator that had a “W” etched into it. “Once I’m done with her, me getting in your way will be the last of your worries.”
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the-mallorca-files · 3 years
Underneath the Tree
Christmas Day dawned on the island of Mallorca, and Max Winter decidedly did not rise with the sun. In fact, he was so exhausted from the celebrations of the previous night that he didn’t awaken until gone noon, and even then his mind was rather more sluggish than he would’ve liked.
Yawning, he stretched and got out of bed, running a hand through his hair to try and get it to stay out of his face. Then, after a moment of deliberation, he pulled on his clothes from the previous day. He’d shower and change later, but first he needed breakfast.
It was as he stepped out of his bedroom and into his living room that things began to unravel. He almost didn’t notice at first, but as his eyes swept past his Christmas tree, he did a double take.
Miranda was sitting there, wrapped from shoulder to toe in Christmas wrapping paper. Her mouth was covered by duct tape, her head had a bow, some ribbon, and a gift tag stuck to it, and her face wore such a pissed off expression that for a moment Max considered just getting the hell out of there as fast as he possibly could.
Miranda glared at him, then gave him an impatient look, which he quickly interpreted as a demand to hurry up and get her out of the wrapping paper already. He moved towards her, crouching down in front of her with barely-concealed amusement on his face.
“You know, most people in Spain give each other their gifts on January 6th, compañera,” he said teasingly.
Miranda scowled at him, an irritable huff escaping through her nose. Max had no doubt that if it wasn’t for the tape, she’d be telling him to stop being so irritating and get on with it.
“Ok, I’m going to take this tape off your mouth, but only if you promise me you won’t immediately start going on a rant or anything,” he said, trying to hide his smile.
Miranda gave an eyeroll and a short nod, and Max began to carefully peel away the tape.
“This might come as a surprise to you, Miranda, but it’s actually not considered socially acceptable to break into people’s houses in the middle of the night just to sit under their Christmas tree,” he continued, this time unable to stop the stupid grin that appeared on his face.
“It’s not like I bloody asked to be here, Max,” Miranda snapped out, clearly glad to be rid of the tape. “And you can’t exactly give me lectures on that — I mean, the amount of times you’ve let yourself into my house just to steal my cereal—”
Max quickly cut her off. “Ah ah ah, Blakey — no ranting, remember?”
“Oh, piss off, Max.”
Max’s face took on an exaggerated wounded expression, clutching at his heart as if Miranda’s words had physically hurt him. Then, as he reached up and took the bow, ribbon, and gift tag from her head, he said, “So how did you get here, hm? I mean, something tells me you’re not exactly thrilled about this whole thing…”
Miranda said nothing, instead just glaring back at him. Max got the sense that if her arms weren’t wrapped up in the paper right now, she would either be crossing them over her chest like she tended to do when she was getting all defensive, or strangling him for being so irritating.
Grinning at her again, he silently read what was written on the gift tag.
Consider this your last opportunity to finally start dating Blake before I completely lose my mind and lock you both in a cupboard together until you’ve worked things out.
¡Feliz Navidad!
Inés, Roberto, and Luisa
“You know, something tells me Inés might possibly like us to get together,” he quipped, turning the tag around so Miranda could see what was written on it.
Her glare only intensified at this, and Max let out a quiet chuckle, raising his hands in mock surrender.
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop teasing,” he said, sounding not at all sincere about it. Miranda gave an exasperated sigh.
“Would you just get this bloody paper off me already?!”
“Patience, Blakey,” Max said, and Miranda let out a low growl, clenching her jaw and sending an even more intense glare in his direction.
This seemed to finally get her message across, because Max was soon tearing away the wrapping paper, making offhanded comments about how, “I’m sure they all had far too much fun wrapping you up like this,” as he did so. Miranda just scowled at him the entire time, not letting up even when he cut away the ropes that Inés, Roberto, and Luisa had used to stop her from immediately freeing herself.
“There you go,” he said, as the last of the ropes fell away. “All done.”
Miranda carefully got to her feet, an action that Max quickly mirrored.
“Took you long enough.”
But Max picked up on a slight shift in her demeanour — something a little more uncomfortable lurking in her anger — and his teasing espression turned to one of concern.
“You ok?”
“I’m fine, Max,” Miranda snapped. “Other than, you know, the fact that I haven’t had anything to drink for God knows how long because you slept for a stupidly long time.”
Max gave her an apologetic grin. “Sorry about that, compañera. Give me a minute; I’ll go get you a glass of water now.”
He quickly disappeared into the kitchen, taking a large glass from one of the cupboards and filling it with tap water, before bringing it back to Miranda, who began to gulp it down as if she hadn’t drunk anything for a week.
“Hey, careful, Miranda — you’ll make yourself sick if you drink it like that,” Max warned her, a little anxiously. “Take it slow, yeah?”
But Miranda just ignored him, and before long she’d emptied the glass. Max quickly went to refill it for her.
“Here you go,” he said as he returned, passing her the second full glass of water. “Maybe sip that one, instead of guzzling it like you’re never going to see water again.”
Miranda scoffed, then very pointedly drank it all in a few gulps. Max sighed quietly as she put the empty glass down on a side table, and Miranda gave him a slight smirk, clearly enjoying his frustration after he’d spent so long teasing her.
Max just stared at her. He usually prided himself on always having a quick reply ready — often some stupid joke, or a humorous jibe at Miranda’s Britishness — but here, now, with Miranda looking at him like that, his brain was refusing to give up any words.
Eventually, Miranda broke the silence with a teasing, “Cat got your tongue, Max?”
Her anger was starting to melt away now, but there was still a hint of it in her voice, a silent warning not to push her too much.
Finally tearing his eyes away from her, Max awkwardly cleared his throat.
“Uh— we should.. probably talk about this, ja?” he said, holding up the gift tag. Miranda rolled her eyes.
“I told you before, not everything needs to be talked through and analysed, Max,” she said irritably. “Some things are better left.”
“Better for who?”
“Whom,” Miranda corrected under her breath, clearly doing it just to annoy him.
This time, it was Max’s turn to roll his eyes. “Ok then, Blake — better for whom?”
Miranda gave an incredulous scoff. “Better for you, better for me, better for everyone.”
“Meaning, nobody’s going to get hurt if we don’t talk about our bloody feelings, Max!” she snapped out. “Just let things continue the way they’ve been for the last three years, ok?! It’s better that way — for both of us.”
Before he could stop himself, Max reached out and gently cupped his compañera’s face with one hand, tilting her head back so she was looking straight at him. He felt her freeze, her breath hitching as her eyes flitted between his.
“Is this ok, Miranda?” he carefully asked.
Miranda swallowed, then silently nodded, and Max gave her a gentle smile as he continued talking.
“I don’t want to keep dancing around this anymore,” he said, in the same careful way. “I don’t want another three years of us acting like nothing’s happened every time we almost show each other how we feel.”
He watched for any sign that he’d gone too far, ready to step back at the first hint of discomfort — but he saw none of this in Miranda’s body language, so with a deep breath, he continued.
“I care about you, Miranda — completely and wholeheartedly. And…” His voice trailed off, and he took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, to prepare himself for any response Miranda might give to what he was about to say.
“And I love you. More than I could ever tell you, and more than I could ever show.”
Max’s heart was beating heavily in his chest, terrified that he might’ve gone too far now — or worse, that Miranda was going to tell him she didn’t feel the same way. If he’d screwed this up now… if he’d ruined their friendship by pushing his feelings into the equation… he honestly didn’t think he could live with it.
The silence stretched on for what felt to Max like an eternity, broken only by Miranda’s shaky breathing as she seemingly struggled to find her voice.
“I know you’re not good with emotions, especially not your own,” Max eventually continued, trying not to show his anxiety at Miranda’s lack of a response. “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to… we can just go back to pushing this away if you’d prefer that, or—”
“Oh, for God’s sake, Max,” Miranda cut in, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Stop rambling like you’re in some cheesy romance novel, and just skip to the bit where you kiss me.”
Max blinked a few times, his brain taking a while to process what Miranda had just said. Then, when he finally caught up to what was happening, he just gave a gentle, “You sure, compañera?”
Miranda rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t hide the smile tugging at her mouth. “Of course I’m sure, Max. Wouldn’t’ve said it if I wasn’t.”
Matching her smile, Max slowly closed the distance between them, pulling Miranda close as she snaked her arms around him. A few inches from her face, he stopped.
“You’re definitely sure about this?” he asked again, his voice low. “I don’t want you to regret—”
He was cut off by Miranda pulling him in and kissing him, her lips pressing gently against his as he began to kiss her back.
At first it was soft, tentative, as if they were both half expecting the other to pull away, but soon Max was deepening the kiss, pulling Miranda closer still as her hands slid up into his hair, tugging gently at the dark locks. Max moaned a little against her lips, letting her take control again as she deepened the kiss even more.
A feeling of pure relief flooded through him after months — years, if he was honest — of wanting this, and he felt a shiver run down his spine as the kiss went on, neither of them wanting it to end, both silently willing this moment to last forever.
It was only when the need to breathe became too strong for them to ignore that they pulled apart, Miranda gasping for air, Max only slightly more composed. They both looked at each other for a moment, then Max’s face broke into a grin, gently brushing a lock of Miranda’s hair behind her ear.
“Can I take that as a yes, Blakey?”
Miranda affectionately rolled her eyes, not even bothering to protest the nickname this time.
“Yes, Max, you can take me kissing you as a sign that I want to kiss you,” she said teasingly, still sounding a little breathless.
With a slight chuckle, Max kissed her again; gentler this time, less urgent, but still just as affectionate as before.
“That’s good, compañera,” he said, as they pulled apart once more. “At first I thought you were going to say no.”
“Idiot,” Miranda said fondly.
Max raised his eyebrows, then chuckled again as he realised what he’d just said, and how it must’ve sounded to Miranda.
“No, I didn’t think that you kissing me might’ve meant you didn’t want to, compañera,” he clarified, still with a slight grin. “I meant I thought you might not be ready for this, you know? That you might’ve needed more time, or wouldn’t want to rush into things…”
Miranda frowned. “Would that’ve been a problem?”
Her voice was slightly sharp, challenging, and Max quickly shook his head, the humour disappearing from his face so Miranda could see he was completely serious about this.
“If you needed time, I would’ve waited until you were ready. But, uh— not in a creepy way, you know?” He paused. “Anyway, I was just pleasantly surprised about how sure you were, that’s all.”
A moment passed, then Miranda smiled slightly, reaching up to ruffle Max’s soft hair even further.
“Max, I’ve had literally years of working out how I feel about you… about— about us,” she said, her voice becoming a little hesitant at the last part. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Max with a hint of longing in her eyes, and tentatively added, “I mean… is there? Is there an ‘us’ now?”
Max gently caressed her face with one hand, his thumb stroking her cheek as he gave her an equally gentle smile.
“There’s an ‘us’ just as long as you want there to be, Miranda,” he said softly. “Only if you want there to be. I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything, ok?”
There was another silence, longer this time, in which Miranda seemed to be struggling to control her emotions, her eyes flitting off to one side as she opened her mouth to talk, then just slowly closed it again. Max waited patiently, still with his hand holding her face.
“When do I ever feel pressured into anything?” Miranda eventually half whispered. But her voice sounded a little choked up, so she swallowed and cleared her throat before continuing, “But that— that would be… yeah, uh, it’d be—”
She paused again, and Max gave her a reassuring smile as she took a deep, steadying breath.
“I’d like that. Quite— quite a lot, actually, Max.”
Max’s smile grew to a full grin at that, and he leant forwards, softly kissing Miranda’s forehead. Not for the first time, he thought about how lucky he was. He lived in a great place, he had a great job… and now he had a chance to be with Miranda, after so long of them both dancing around it.
Finally, the two of them had time on their side.
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ddullahan · 3 years
hadestown au 1
HI SO My anxiety has been through the fuckin roof for the past few weeks and in a fit of stress I deleted the first look of the bees hadestown au that I posted a few weeks ago. I’m feeling much better now and I wanted to repost it because I really am super excited about it >< Anyway, second verse, maybe same as the first, here we go! ---------------- it’s an old song As all tales begin, there comes a moment of question. The precipice we all stand at, toes hanging over the edge, eager to take the plunge. The question, different for every eye and ear turned to the story, starts as a feeling. It buoys us through the long swathes of paragraphs ahead. It seeps into our minds, and pushes us off the edge. We have that moment of freefall. Of realisation. We have to trust in something to catch us. Like most fairy tales, it begins with once upon a time. There laid a railroad track.   If you've ever heard the rails sing on a good, windy day, you'd know the sound sticks to the back of your mind. There to stay until the dark of night, when it creeps up to whisper wanderlust into your bones. The song of the rails is a low and resonant thing, humming into the willows scattered along the railroad sides. They used to say the rails were the Fates groaning in your ears. Urging you along. Waiting in anticipation for the train to come to call. Waiting for the story to start its freefall. The metal likes to wail beneath blackened wheels on hot, summer days. Days much like the one in which our story begins. Once upon a time - Metal chatters under the weight of an ancient, scorch-marked train. Decorated with blacked out windows. Panes of glass soot-stained, like they’d been brushed with fire one too many times. Coal smoke bursts from its chimney with a grudge, flooding the gray skies in the type of black smog that you can taste in the back of your mouth, long after the train’s disappeared. It was painted white once, a long, long time ago. A gift from the boss man down below for his flowering wife; but it’s one of those gifts you shove in the back of your drawer. One of those things that you spend your nights lying awake in bed, thinking in guilty chords. The train still runs, but the old white sides are now black and cold. Like the panting of dogs on the skin of your heels, the wind still blows hot behind it. The only thing it tows are souls to their final destination, but it won't take you if you ain't got the gold to board. It’s a fact almost everyone knows. ‘Cause the old legends say the road to hell could lead you out of poverty, but you gotta pay the toll to get that good money. The wind cracks and snaps after the train; sends the short ribbons of inky black hair whipping. Snapping into the brown-skinned face of a hungry young woman.   Blake Belladonna’s eyes glint like knives with a debt to pay, and her steps are sure footed against the rolling rocks under her boots. She wears a weathered bag slung over her shoulder, and a once-warm leather duster now worn to shit and hole-y. She seems small among the billowing willows and smoggy skies. She doesn't know where she's going or how she got to the railroad at all - but she knows how to turn her collar against the wind. And she knows how to run.   Metal shrieks, pulling her eyes up like a hand to the chin. She’s left to watch as the ruined, black omen of a train screams past a small, dilapidated station. It’s the only structure for miles. The cicadas are screaming along to the wailing of the tracks in a symphony, until the locomotive vanishes over the curve of a distant hill. The station's dry, mud-caked windows send silt drifting to cracked, rotting floorboards. The coke-bottle thick panes rattle angrily in their fragile frames, and then come to find their peace once more. Damn this is a dump, the young woman thinks, approaching the station. But it'll have to do. The sun's rays sink into her skull and turn her warm brown skin hot to the touch. It's far too hot for April. Stepping into the shade is an immediate relief, until the hot wind kicks up again. It blasts in her face as if to remind her it's there. As if she could ever forget. She's used to the way it whispers starvation in her ears. She throws the door open and escapes from the wind; stumbles her way into the empty station. Small and dusty like it’d been forgotten, filled with only two benches facing each other and a single door hiding behind them in the gloom. There's a sign on the door that reads "End o  th  line Caf ". Faintly, she can hear music behind it. Blake doesn't hesitate, and heads for the door. The knob breaks off in her hand, but it feels familiar and solid so she pockets it and heads inside. Follows the hallway and the pull of her feet to the music. The walls grow darker and thicker with polished wood. Her steps don't seem to echo and the music has since paused. The quiet starts to make her anxious. She doesn't like dark hallways. She's dreamt of them enough for a lifetime. The further she goes, the more her unease starts to grow and the more she starts to wonder if she's been here before. It's ridiculous, really. This is the farthest south she'd ever gone. Or was she in the east? Her anxious heart speeds up for a reason she can't see, and it's like her feet already know where to go. The hallway turns suddenly and she finds herself standing at the rim of an amphitheater of sorts. The music fades back in. There's a band jamming to soft jazz in the stands, people crowded and conversing at tiny tables scattered about the flat floor at the bottom. There's a man at a piano playing a diddy, there's a flicker of gold in the kitchen beyond. It's alive in a way that she hadn't seen in a long time, and she finds her feet eager to join the dancing 'round the tables below. She takes a step and nearly runs into another woman, decked out in a crisp white and red suit. She’s older, maybe late thirties or mid forties - has this eternally kind, yet melancholy smile. Her features are fair, but tired. Her black hair is pulled back like Blake’s, but tipped with red like the ends had been dipped in paint. Blake apologises immediately - "E-excuse me, sorry," and starts picking her way down to the tables. "No worries dear," She hears faintly behind her, the older woman's face already blurred from her memory. She blinks and suddenly she’s on the bottom floor, with the movers and shakers rattling cups with their stomping jive. She wants to move with them, but she's already reaching for an empty chair, like her hand was following its own storyline. The flash of gold catches her attention again. Her feet slip into a shallow groove in the floor, and she is rooted. Something crashes, and her eyes follow the clattering sharp shards of porcelain. One piece with purple trim bounces off a brown boot. She notices a hole near the big toe. Blake looks up, and her heart decides to freefall.   All the way across the floor stands a young woman in an apron. A bucket of newly broken dishes lay at her feet.   Her eyes are so pale and pretty they have their own orbit amidst the aging lights above. Her blonde hair ripples into liquid gold, twisted messily into a bun. Broad shoulders are cinched into position with suspenders and there's an off-white shirt rolled up to her elbows, the hem tucked into a pair of trousers. The skin of her strong forearms are tanned and riddled with freckles, spreading constellations all the way up her neck and across the gradual slope of her nose.   Oh, there's something familiar about all of this. Blake feels it in her bones. There’s something familiar in the ‘o’ of her startled mouth. Something about the empty hands she hovers, still holding an imaginary bucket of plates. She's got those sharp lilac eyes pinned on something in front of her.   It's a jolt to realise she's staring right at Blake. Though suddenly, that older woman in the white and red suit sweeps by that freckled face, and it's with a smile and a wave that their staring contest ends. No one claims the victory as the spell breaks. The older woman asks something that Blake can't hear, but she knows her voice is soft and sweet. Her feet move like she’s skating on air, and Blake decides to focus on that. She focuses on that instead of the heartbeat in her chest. She doesn’t think about how her pulse no longer feels like it belongs to herself. The golden woman nods stiffly and turns. Follows the gliding woman to the back of the house, and Blake is left with a heart migrating into her throat. The hungry young woman quickly tears her gaze away, uproots her feet from the grooves in the floor, and sits at the table she'd claimed. Her skin feels clammy. Her body is buzzing. She shrugs off her bag and coat, then pulls her bag into her lap. As if there was anything in there worth protecting. It could be minutes, it could be hours. She's really not sure, when a shadow falls over her table, and the sight aches like an old friend. A bottle of some fizzy drink is set gently before her, the bottle cap rattling towards her side of the table. Sunflower Pop, it reads. She looks up. The poor young woman, with her liquid gold locks wrapped in a messy topknot, stares right back. They're both struck speechless.   If there was ever a moment where destiny fills the lungs, it was then. Anticipation strings itself between their ribs, the cords like telephone wires humming their universal tune. I found you. I found you. I found you. But neither of them say a word to each other. The anticipation feels closer to a noose than a cup-and-string, the longer they spend breathing in the other's presence. The hungry young woman with hair black as night, just couldn't look away. Couldn't make her voice work right. The gold haired woman's jaw seems to work, but there was still no sound to be heard. Eventually the woman just turns around and walks away, toddling and tripping like her knees were unsteady. Blake sits where she left her, feeling much more than sympathy. She feels like her chair would collapse with her if she tried to follow. And again, there are voices whispering in the back of her mind. The wind already found her inside this place, its voices groaning and hollow. It always finds her, and she knows. She knows it always will. But as her slender fingers wrap around the neck of the bottle left on her table, Blake tastes the fizz and hums. Feels the crackle of carbonation all across her skin as she tracks the tall blonde with her eyes. The wind doesn’t feel like a whip in this vibrant, lively place. That has to count for something. Maybe she should stick around, just for one day. Maybe she would stick around and wait for the band to play.
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mpfuro-station · 3 years
Ceridwen: *stumbles out of the medic tent with an ice pack on her forehead* Why did I agree to do this? I’ve been here as long as everyone else and have done next to nothing. *sees Furo coming and hides behind a crate stack.*
Basil, lying on top of the crate stack: Oh~ Ferret! Come quickly! Mongoossssse is-
Ceridwen: *jumps up and presses her hand over his mouth* Don’t! Holy- Can you not be a complete and utter mug for five minutes? I can’t handle the shame of them seeing me after doing nothing. Speaking of, why are you just lounging about?
Basil: *snickers* I’m taking a break~. A well deserved one, too. I’ve been running errandsssss all day. I even took over some of your jobsssss.
Ceridwen: Oh…I see. *backs away, still stumbling a little.* Well, in that case, I won’t disturb you any longer-
Basil: *coils his tail around her legs and pulls her up* Where do you think you’re going? You’re in no shape to walk anywhere, and you still need to contribute sssssomething. Sunstroke or no sunstroke.
Furo: *passes them* Did you call me Basil?
Basil: Ferret! *slithers off the crates and picks them up* Folkssss are making a speedy recovery. I just wanted to assssk your opinion on sssomething~
Basil: *sets Ceridwen down at the base of a large tree in the middle of the festival and climbs up. He then drops his tail down and hoists Furo up by their waist*. I wanted to decorate this tree, and I’d say you have the mossssst artisssstic eye out of everyone here. What do you think? Some flowerssss and ribbons? Ceridwen needs to do ssssomething, and if Squirrel (Pip), Bunny (Blake), Maine Coon (Anastasia) are recovered send them down here as well. It’s all in the shade so they won’t get I’ll again, and I’ll do all the heavy lifting. Why, I used to dangle my little brother by the waist from our roof whenever the windowssss needed cleaning. They’ll all be perfectly safe. Trussssst me. In fact, why don’t you pitch in, too? If you have time.
Ceridwen: L-Lifting? Oh I don’t think so, mate. *starts crawling away* You wouldn’t see me up a ruddy tree if you paid me.
Furo gasped. "Great Seven! That's an AMAZING IDEA!!" Furo flapped their hands as they looked through the tree. "We could make it look like the tree from the story! The one that restored the princess' hair!"
They stood up in the tree and started to walk from branch to branch. Furo precariously balanced on one and held onto another that boughed down. They muttered to themselves all the while. "If we do this then it could..."
"F-furo?" Ceridwen stopped their crawling as they saw the dangerous situation her host put themselves in. "Please be care-AHH!"
Furo let go of the branch and jumped out of the tree. Ceridwen felt her heart leap into her throat. She scrambled to try and catch her host, but they were falling too fast, and Ceridwen was just out of reach.
Furo landed and rushed to Ceridwen. They grabbed her shoulders and stared into her eyes with bright ones. "Ceridwen! Come make paper lanterns with me! And streamers! We can make them look like weaver bird nests! And hair! SQUEEEE!"
"Wait, but, I don't- I've never made crafts before!" Ceridwen had never seen this much enthusiasm from the Pomefiore student.
"THAT'S FINE I'LL TEACH YOU! THIS IS GOING TO BE THE PRETTIEST TREE EVER!!! COME ON!!" Furo pulled back and smiled. " Bestiary - Passage of the Cheetah!!" With a puff of magic, a cheetah was now in front of Ceridwen. Since Furo had not been wearing their iconic blue bow, there was nothing to visually differ Cheetah-Furo from a regular cheetah. They ducked under Ceridwen's legs to force them to mount on Furo's back. Furo then took off in the direction of their home with one passenger.
"FURO WAIT!! SLOW DOWN!!" Ceridwen screamed.
Basil, while this was all happening, was still perched in a tree laughing his scales off.
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dramione-tea · 4 years
recommendations & little snippets of myself
by Cassiopeia Candles ( Instagram: @casseopya.candles )
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note: click the title in order to be directed to the desired fan fiction.
- for the dramione shippers, I wish you luck! 
Unrequited Love  [ casspiane ]
“Darling, I wished you knew,” 
Draco Malfoy x Original Characters (OC)
1. Love Never Dies. [ rosebuds_ ]
Rachel Farrell, pure blood witch, family of Gryffindors. First year is not the best for Rachel. She struggles trying to fit in and be accepted by those around her. Falling for Draco Malfoy, Rachel has to overcome a wave of obstacles. She finds it difficult to be accepted by her family and turns to the Malfoys... Which was undoubtedly one of the biggest mistakes she made. Find out what happens to Rachel and what truly changes her life.
- Literally binge read the whole book during my 6th grade examination. ( I know it was bad for me ) But hey I didn’t fail.  
P.S. Don’t be like me. 
2. midnight of the masquerade [ seraphilims ]
a story in which two people realize masks only hide the appearance - not the heart. 
- Love the story plot.  I’ve read this thrice in different years. 
3. Imperio [ pansyparks ]
The younger sister of Cedric Diggory, Arden, is a Slytherin who doesn't fit in. Draco Malfoy, a wealthy Slytherin bully. The two come together, and Arden realises that being a Slytherin isn't so bad after all; but with a few bumps in the road for Draco, can they stay together?
4. Dear Draco [ malfoyuh ]
❛stay a little longer❜
- 15 year old me were in tears, so was my heart.  Rate it as 5/5.
5. Let’s Kill Tonight  [ Bambey ]
Rebecca Rosewood's life is dramatically changed when she becomes a Death Eater. With blood on her hands, she is summoned by Voldemort to go to Hogwarts and extract information from the famous Harry Potter, finding herself hopelessly attracted to Draco Malfoy at the same time. But it all gets a little too much when her past finally catches up with her...
- One of the first fan-fictions I’ve read about Draco.
6. if looks could kill [ WhenInDoubtSleep ]
In times like this, the truth can rewrite the past and alter the future. In an attempt to find herself amidst the deceptive lies and horrible truths, she finds Draco Malfoy instead. She honestly just wants to make it out of the year alive...and maybe with a few less kisses from the blond git. Love story set during the sixth year at Hogwarts.
7. Always Had A Thing For Bad Boys [ oxNeverShoutNeverxo ]
8. Who Are You?  [ TheBlondeAdventurer ]
Draco Malfoy. One of the most arrogant teenage boys in Slytherin's house. He struts through the school and doesn't miss an opportunity to cut someone down, just as he has been by his father his entire life. Now enter Elena Crowe. A quiet girl who tries her hardest to stay out of trouble, and one of Ravenclaw's best students. She always has the best answers and never fails to help someone in need, even if they may not deserve it. In their sixth year at Hogwarts, Draco finally runs into Elena, whom he has never seemed to notice before. Elena does her absolute best to stay away from him, because all he can be is trouble, but Draco finds amusement by forcing himself into her life. For what reason, he doesn't know; but what he does know is that he enjoys bantering with this quiet girl, because even she can get riled up and fight back. But Draco will see that Elena is a lot more than what she may seem. Soon he will be battling morales, his past, his family, and both of them may end up facing off in the final battle not with Lord Voldemort, but each other.
- To be completely honest, read this one more than 3 times. 
9. Unwanted Legacy [ writtenbyciara ]
" admit it, you care about me. "
- Recently read this months ago and found it quite interesting. The author’s writing style is different from the rest as her words make you visualize more on what is happening. 
- Book 1 & 2 is complete, while book 3 is still on its way. 
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger (Dramione)
1. We Learned The Sea [ floorcoaster ]
Draco Malfoy turns himself in after a very successful career as a Death Eater, then enlists Harry and Hermione to help him in a scheme to bring down the Dark Lord.
- This gave me the feels.  Draco’s personality in this is far most different from the books and other fan fictions.
2. The Bachelor  [ Fluff ]
Hermione's mother is pressuring her into finding a boyfriend. On a whim, she applies and is accepted into the wizard version of The Bachelor. But what happens when The Bachelor is none other than Draco Malfoy himself?
3. Defending The Dark  [ Cece Louise ]
Almost three years after Voldemort's defeat, Hermione Granger is a Ministry-appointed Defense Inquisitor. Her next assignment: defend Draco Malfoy. She's sure there must be some mistake. Confronted with mysterious memories, candid conversations, and confusing feelings, she is plagued with uncertainty. Just who is Draco Malfoy? And does he deserve a second chance?
4. Graveyard Valentine  [ Bex-chan ]
Hermione thought she was the only person in the world who would spend Valentine's Day in a Graveyard, but she was wrong. He's there. Every single year, with his gloves, roses, and answers. Dramione Valentine's Day one-shot. Post-Hogwarts. 
- All time favorite.
5. Eighteen Months  [ Istalindar ]
When Hermione is diagnosed with a magic allergy and kidney failure during the summer, everything changes for her, friends, enemies..life.
6. Love Me Twice [ Bex-chan ]
'"They tore her apart and then wiped me out of her mind to send me a message. To mess up my life. To break..." he trailed off. Blaise nodded his head with understanding. "To break your heart," he finished for him.' Dramione. One-shot.
7. The Wrong Strain [ Colubrina ]
Everyone knew what veela were. Veela were magical creatures, breathtakingly beautiful, who captivated men with a single look. It would have been nice to have been that strain. Instead, Hermione Granger was infected by another. Instead of captivating all men, she was captivated by one. She'd die without him. She was already in almost constant pain. 
8. Entwined In Time  [ TheSummerNightingale ]
When Hermione and Draco get put into detention together, a potion mishaps throws them back in time: into the Marauders' era. As they begin to adjust to life twenty years into the past, the two become drawn together, sharing the bond of the future as they are forced to work together to return to their own time.
9. Destiny [ Annie Lockwood ]
Hermione's wedding night is everything but perfect for the young witch. Her new husband and long-time friend, Ronald, is passed out drunk and she thinks upon her life leading up to that night. Hermione falls asleep, despondent and alone. When she wakes up the following morning, she is still in bed with her husband. But it isn't Ronald Weasley.
10. Silencio [ AkashatheKitty ] 
One late night, hate turns to lust.
11. Clean [ Olivie Blake ]
Malfoy's handsome face was contoured into a condescending smirk. "No faith in that giant brain of yours, Granger?" She looked up at him defiantly. "Maybe I don't have faith in you!" she said, raising her voice. Malfoy only looked at her. "You'll find I'm very surprising."
12. Marked  [ Olivie Blake ]
Two dead. Three missing. The Order is down a leader and another innocent takes the Mark. Where is the Chosen One, and who killed Draco Malfoy?
13. The Fallout [ everythursday ] 
Hermione learns about growing up through the redemption of Draco Malfoy.
14. Every Day, a Little Death [ LovesBitca8 ]
It has become common knowledge that Hermione Granger cannot have an orgasm. Many have tried, none have succeeded. Can Draco Malfoy offer his assistance?
15. familiar faces, worn out places [ LovesBitca8 ]
“You are at St. Mungo’s. You were in a coma.” He looks me over again, taking a pause. “I am a Healer here now,” he says, like it explains something. My fingers stretch, drifting across his sleeve. He looks down, like I’ve thrown mud at him.
Forcing my vocal chords together for the first time, I whisper, “What’s your name?”
16. Kiss Me, Haunt Me, Kill Me [ LovesBitca8 ]
"So," she said, and her voice was just as he'd remembered it, "you've chosen to haunt the castle as well?" She lifted her brows. "I'm dead. What's your excuse?" ~*~ Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts as Potions Master to find the ghost of Hermione Granger floating through the halls.
17. Ribbons Down Her Back [ LovesBitca8 ]
The unintentional annual seduction of Draco Malfoy through a series of ribbons and bows - or - Christmas Fluff with a dash of Secret Santa.
18. Manacled  [ SenLinYu ] 
Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret, lost but hidden in her mind, so she is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve until her mind can be cracked.
19. The Library of Alexandria  [ SenLinYu ] 
 The Library of Alexandria is not for just any witch or wizard. Many bookworms may try but few are permitted to pass through its doors. The books residing there are ancient and powerful and, if one happens to make a mistake, the consequences can be rather—novel.
20. A Slow Cruel Descent + A Fragile Ascent  [ SenLinYu ]
A Slow Cruel Descent
The war grinds on and Hermione Granger, the lead intelligence for the Order of the Pheonix, is captured. Unable to crack her through interrogation without risking her mind, Voldemort conceives a cruel method of breaking her that involves a reluctant Draco Malfoy.“He stared at her in disgust.She looked—broken.The fire she’d still had when she was dragged in was now extinguished. Her eyes were locked on his face like she were memorizing him.“Stop staring at me.” He snarled. “You stupid bint. You’re supposed to be so clever. They can’t break you with torture but a fucking potion reduces you to a sniveling traitor.”
A Fragile Ascent
The War is over. Voldemort is dead. And Hermione Granger is broken.
21. Sweetly Broken [ LadyKenz347 ] 
As the dust settles following the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco’s confidence, belief system, and world are shattered.In an attempt to mend his broken pieces, he turns to vials that take the pain away. But once the high’s are no longer so high and the lows get so much lower, Draco has to start a journey of healing and redemption that often hurts more than it helps.
22. Truth, Lies, and Storytelling  [ BreathOfThePhoenix ]
“Hermione,” Harry took a deep breath and flipped the book over to see the back cover, “why is my name on this?”“Like I said, someone is writing about us. The film we just saw was based on that book,” Hermione tapped the cover of the book on the top of the stack, “and it was incredibly accurate.”Harry passed the stack of books over to Ginny, holding on to the first one. He turned the title of the book over in his head, mumbling the words quietly to himself.“Harry Potter… me… Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Philosopher’s stone. Hermione, this feels weird. Am I the narrator?”When Hermione and Draco uncover a familiar new film called “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” they learn that the wizarding world may not be as well hidden as they thought.
The latest in magical advancements is an enchantment that reveals the bearer’s romantic compatibility with another person. Effectively eliminating uncertainty from dating, the charm can tell you whether or not you’ve found The One with a precise, Hermione Granger-approved calculation of traits and preferences. It’s a foolproof method of predicting relationship happiness. It’s also, for Hermione, positively dreadful news.
24. Isolation [ Bex-chan ]
He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!"
25. Hunted [ Bex-chan ]
Forced to work together when their old schoolmates start dying, Hermione & Draco must overcome their differences to solve the mysterious deaths. The tension in the office is getting rather...heated.
If you reached to this part. 
Feel free to message me on instagram if you ever feel the need to fan girl, I do too most of the time. 
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There’s A Florist That I know...
Yes, yes. Ignore the awful title.
This is based on a prompt I saw about character A going to character B’a flower shop to buy flowers for their mother every week.
I hope you enjoy this flower shop oneshot 😁
As a child, Blake always loved roses. They represented love in so many ways. They were always so prominent in every fairytale that she loved and she often would help her mother tend to her garden, learning about the different kinds of flowers and their different meaning. But out of all of them, roses were Blake’s favourite.
Of course, that all changed when she met Adam Taurus. Oh, he was charming at first and made her feel as though she were all that mattered in the world. Once he learned of her love for roses, he bought her a bouquet every time that they met. Even when they moved in together, he still brought her those ruby red roses, with words as soft as the petals of the flowers that she loved.
But as time went on, the red in those roses seemed to be steeped in the blood that dropped from a split lip or a broken nose. Adam’s words soon became more like the thorns of each rose, digging in and cutting into Blake’s heart and soul.
Each day that passed her by made her feel like the roses that had ceased to be replaced over the years, wilting away and shriveling up. Just like the flowers that she used to love, the flowers ya she came to associate with pain, she was slowly dying, doomed to be nothing more than mulch while Adam continued to stand tall above her.
But sometimes, all a dying flower needs is a new home and a whole lot of TLC. Blake found that care and home within the arms of two friends, who accepted her scars and let her find herself once more at her own pace as she worked at a flower shop that one of them owned. With time, she began to see the beauty in flowers again. Roses, however, continued to carry memories of pain for the young woman, no matter how far away she got from.
At least… until a young woman with blonde hair, lilac eyes and a kind smile started to come by each week, politely requesting a bouquet of white roses for her mother.
“Heya, Blake! Could I get-“
“One bouquet of white roses coming up.” Blake smirked softly as Yang blinked before giving her a playful glare. “You’ve been coming here for a few months now, Yang. Every Monday. Same request. I think I’ve got your order down to a science now.”
“Since when are florists meant to be so cheeky with their clients?”
“Since their client put a scratch in the side of their brand new car with her bike.” Blake deadpanned, black cat ears flicking in amusement, recalling their first… less than stellar meeting. Yang had been running late for a meeting with her mother and had rushed to the nearest florist store. Despite Blake’s lukewarm attitude towards her, Yang had later returned and promised to pay for a new paint job. Blake had agreed and ever since, Yang had been returning to Ilia’s flower shop for her mother’s flowers. “You know… I feel like you could probably go to a florist closer to your home.”
“True. I could do that.” Yang smiled charmingly at her, lilac eyes twinkling playfully. “But they wouldn’t have the prettiest flower of all.”
“And that would be?”
“And there it is.” Blake snorted, moving to collect the roses and bundle them up for Yang. “Flattery won’t get you a discount, dear.” Blake drawled, tossing her head to hide her blush.
“What can I say? Mum likes this place. The roses always seem to last a little bit longer when I buy them from here.”
As always when discussing her mother, there was a certain sadness to Yang’s eyes that made a part of Blake wish that she could take away. Often, she found herself wondering if the mother in question was sick but she knew that it was none of her concern.
“Well, I’m glad.” Blake said as she finished her work and smiled softly at Yang. “You’re very sweet for doing this for her, Yang.”
“Thanks, Blake.” Yang said quietly, a small, sad smile twitching onto her face for a moment as she passed Blake the lien she owes her. “I, um. I should go and take these to my mum but… you enjoy your week, Blake. See you next Monday.”
“I… guess you will. See you, Yang.”
And as Yang left the florist shop and headed off to visit her mother, Blake couldn't help but begin to think that maybe, when held by gentle and kind hands, that a rose can be so much more than the thorns that it bore.
The following Monday, Blake felt a wave of disappointment when Ilia ran up to her and asked her to take an arrangement of flowers in her car to a local cemetery for a funeral. Apparently, the delivery boy hadn’t bothered to call in sick and so, Blake had to step in.
Which meant that she had to miss out on seeing Yang for that week.
Not exactly something that she was pleased about but duty called.
But it was as she was walking through the cemetery, back towards her car after delivering the arrangement, that she spotted a familiar figure walking towards her with a family bouquet of white roses in hand.
The two stared at each other for a long moment before Yang groaned and let out a small laugh, a hint of self-depreciation hidden in its depths
“Um. Okay. This is kind of awkward.” She said with an uncomfortable smile. “I, uh. I’m not used to seeing you without soil in your hair.” She joked weakly, shifting her weight nervously.
“Wow. Thanks.” Blake huffed back, her lips twitching when Yang relaxed a little. “I admit that… this is unexpected, though.”
“Yeah. Yeah, it is. When Ilia said you were out on a delivery, I didn’t expect to see you delivering them to my mother’s cemetery, to be honest.” Yang smiles again but it was strained, anxious and hurt. It made Blake’s heart ache for the woman before her.
“Your mother…” Blake murmured under her breath, her chest twisting when Yang looked away. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It happened when I was a kid.” Yang said quietly, shrugging it off, despite the grief that Blake could see as clear as day in her eyes. “This is just… something that I like to do for her, you know? She always had white roses in the kitchen and I guess… I didn’t want her to not have something that made her so happy.” Yang paused a moment before cringing, her nose scrunching up in distaste. “That sounded a lot less embarrassing in my head.”
“I don’t think it’s embarrassing.” Blake said as she hesitantly stepped up to Yang and placed a hand on her shoulder. She smiled gently at Yang and tilted her head to the side to meet her embarrassed gaze. “I think it’s really sweet that you’d do something like that for her.”
“Yeah?” Yang smiled hesitantly back at her, a small blush spreading across her cheeks. “So you don’t think I’m a total dork?”
“Oh, I know that you’re a total dork but I knew that the second you got flustered trying to pay for my scratched car.” Blake teased gently.”
“Shut up.” Yang huffed, without bite, as she shook her head with a small laugh. “Why do I keep coming to your store again?”
“Because I’m the prettiest of all the flowers, remember?”
“Feisty.” Yang chuckled softly, biting her lip before letting out a soft sigh. “I should… go pay my visits and let you get back to work. Don’t want to get you in trouble with Ilia and all that.”
“Alright. Stay safe, Yang.” Blake said softly as they parted ways. Blake had only gone a few steps when Yang’s voice called out to her again.
“See you next Monday.”
And as she watched Yang send her a quick grin before making her way further into the cemetery, Blake couldn’t but smile to herself.
Roses were once Blake’s favourite flower. But soon, they had been tainted by the blood that Adam spilled over them. Blake doubted that she’d ever be able to love roses as much as she once did. Not with the memories of Adam associated with them.
“But that’s okay.” Blake mumbled to herself, as she carefully arranged Yang's flowers. “They’re still beautiful in their own right.” Blake carefully wrapped them and waited for Yang to show up.
And when Yang left, Blake smiled as she came to a stop as she finally looked at her bouquet, no longer distracted by her conversation with Blake. She watched as Yang gently caressed the singular sunflower placed in the centre of the white roses and plucked a small card from one of its leaves. Blake giggled behind her hand as Yang turned to state at her through the window, her lilac eyes wide. Blake rolled her eyes and placed her hand next to her head in the universal “call me” sign and laughed when Yang gave a bright, excited grin. She felt her face flush when Yang winked at her, both of their facestinting pink, as she made her way to the parking lot.
“A rose may no longer represent love.” Blake murmured to herself as she played with a yellow ribbon.
“But maybe, one day, a sunflower might.”
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waxfeatherss · 4 years
Jiminy Cricket!
Ruby hesitantly spoke up again, “Penny?”
Despite putting everything she had within herself into stopping it, Floating Array—an incomplete set of swords—was called out and readied.
Word Count: 1,465
Ao3 Link
She felt the ground beneath her boots rumble, a thunderous boom from outside silencing everyone in the room. Ruby’s shoulders tensed, sparing a stray but reciprocated glance in Blake’s direction, before sprinting to the entrance of the Schnee Manor.
Smoke filled her senses almost immediately. Despite having to narrow her eyes, nothing could hide the jutting pieces of rock—the crater —that hadn’t been there a few minutes ago. Ruby’s stomach twisted and her mouth went dry, a sense of dread capturing her lungs, but her legs wouldn’t stop.
She couldn't stop.
Vaguely aware of the hurried footsteps behind her, Ruby slid to the edge of the hole and peered in. Time seemed to freeze as her heart dropped in one nauseating motion.
“I-I’m sorry.”
Everything hurt. Everything felt wrong.
Her eyes stayed out of focus, blurring her vision of the world around her, but nothing she did could fix it. Her body wouldn't listen to her. Panic overwhelmed her systems, a familiar scene with a girl in golden armor flashed in her mind, the same feeling from that day overtaking her.
She remembered the sensation well; she wouldn't ever forget how little control she felt in that split second between utter pain and dead silence.
Penny knew that her battered legs wanted to stand, despite her cries to just lay down for a moment, they defied her will and struggled. Her arms rebelled against her too, making it easier to come to a stand. The gears in her knees were barely keeping it together; she knew how weak she was right now. Red alerts, detailing her current condition, blended into the crimson coating over her eyes. Please, she tried once again, please stop.
The Vault, it repeated like a broken record. Go to the Vault.
Whirring to life, her rockets sputtered uselessly. Dead. The little voice in her head continued with its orders, unbothered.
“Penny!” Sparks—proof of the damage done to her—danced over her face, shock gripping her tightly. She’d desperately fought against the commanding voice to redirect her fall and it had worked. “Penny, what happened?” she heard her dear friend ask, as though she were speaking through water, but worry clearly soaked her words.
The Vault.
That pretty blob of red tried to reach out, but it made her step back, completely disregarding the aching in her chest.
Go to the Vault.
I do not want to. I won’t.
Ruby hesitantly spoke up again, “Penny?”
It was smart, that tiny voice. Even if it only said the same four words, it carried something terrifyingly competent within it. She could name the moment it knew what was causing her newfound defiance.
Despite putting everything she had within herself into stopping it, Floating Array—an incomplete set of swords—was called out and readied.
This couldn’t be happening.
It was all happening too fast.
With a burst of petals, Ruby had scooped Blake and Weiss away from the unexpected attack. From Penny. Luckily, it’d been slow enough that she’d seen it coming from a mile away, though she hadn’t wanted to believe it was happening in the first place.
And Penny chased after them, her blank face and dull crimson eyes struck a flood of both fear and concern in her.
For the most part, they’ve been playing an endless game, just the five of them—May having joined them soon after weapons were drawn—and Ruby couldn't bear to change that anytime soon. She couldn't risk hurting her. Not when Penny was already so injured, the green liquid dripping from her legs and leaving trails on the concrete beneath her more than proving Ruby’s point.
Going on the defense was their best plan.
“Any other bright ideas?” May shouted, narrowly dodging a swipe from Penny. She shifted on her feet to swiftly block another, pushing back to create an exit. An ice wall materialized just in time to protect her from another attack. “You’ll have to excuse me for not believing she’ll have a sudden change of heart in the next few minutes.”
Ruby gripped Crescent Rose tighter. “She’s tired, she can't keep this up forever,” she reasoned under her breath, panting slightly. She threw out a louder response, “Penny’s hurt enough as is, we just need to hold on a little longer!”
But she’s hyper aware of the tremble in her muscles, the sweat rolling down her temple, the heavy breathing from all parties minus one. None of them have gotten a second of sleep. They were exhausted and at any moment they could easily slip up, small or big. Auras were low, however, any mistake was a big one at this point. It’d been one of the first lessons she learned ever since Beacon.
And Penny? Penny wasn't holding back.
Ruby shoved that thought away, hiding it in the deepest parts of her mind; she would never hurt them like that.
Yet here she was, flying swords and all.
No. It’s not her.
Ruby flinched at the sound of her partner’s shriek. Her attention instantly switched onto Weiss, from her place next to May, as the girl ducked under two swords aimed for her neck. Black ribbons circled around the winter maiden’s wrists, tugging them away from the Schnee and back to Blake and Ruby.
Once again, pleading silvers connected with empty crimsons.
“Are we absolutely positive that this is Penny?” Weiss voiced breathily, now that she had time to do so, doubt coloring her tone. “The Ace-Ops stole one of her swords, maybe it’s connected?”
It was a good question. Ruby could scream, an increasing fury bubbling under her skin, but she held it in. The Ace-Ops stole Penny’s sword, that must have been it. She should’ve stopped them, she should’ve chased them down and taken it back by force, she should’ve done something before this.
Before she was forced to fight her friend.
Guilt threatened to drown her.
Out of the corner of her eye, Blake’s semblance caught her attention with a flare of fire dust, but Penny had always been so smart—she always learned quickly and adapted even faster than that—but Blake didn’t know that. Blake was tired. The others wouldn’t make it in time.
Before Floating Array tore apart her teammate’s aura, Ruby used up what little remained of her own to take Penny high up into the sky. The last view she’d see before darkness filled her senses was that of the shattered moon, taunting her in all its beauty on that inky canvas of a sky.
It was broken, yet it still did its job.
They were falling. Penny knew that much.
Bitter winds that promised to leave small cuts, along with flying, became very much like old friends to her recently. She knew them well. But in her trapped state, they felt mild and somewhat alien to her. Recognizable, yet not the same.
She hated it.
Through her hazy mind, Penny realized her rockets weren’t on. The Maiden powers, for some reason, refused to work under these circumstances. Logically, she shouldn’t be flying—no, falling—right now. Satisfaction ran through her when she figured out that the little voice in her head was just as confused.
That is, until a singular rose petal floated past her line of sight.
An icy horror spiked into her core, eyes widening as they flickered from red to green. The picture in front of her finally cleared, Penny could count the stars she admired every night and she could feel the full blast of the air against her back as she fell. This body was hers.
Go to the Vault.
No. Vibrant flames flared brightly from her face. I will not.
The wind welcomed her back eagerly.
Warmth cradled her, surrounding her like a gentle cocoon. Ruby exhaled quietly, the tightness in her body loosening, absentmindedly searching for more comfort in the arms holding her. Her hands found purchase, but she stilled at the cold and sticky surface. Her eyelids flew open, fear grasping at her suddenly.
A tiny, apologetic smile, accompanied by bright and beautifully neon eyes, met her on the other side.
Ruby carefully sank deeper into Penny’s arms, wrapping her sore arms around the other girl’s stomach. Hot tears stained her cheeks, along with another green liquid she refused to think about, but she could've sworn the breeze moved to wipe her face. It didn't matter though, what did matter was already in front of her.
She cried longer and harder than she’s done in a long time.
And Penny silently kept them hovering in midair until she was ready, the crackling of magic fire bringing her closer to a calm.
“I love you,” she mumbled into the silence between them.
The response was immediate and soft, “I love you too.”
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madmal93 · 4 years
My wishes/ideas for Raven’s redemption arc
Raven's eventual return and possible redemption have been theorized and speculated about many times ever since the end of Volume 5 that saw her coming back to Patch by using Taiyang's portal after her fateful encounter with her daughter at Haven's vault.
While it's unknown how Raven will return and how she may have a change of heart and find back her courage to finally stop running from her problems and fight for her loved ones and try to make up to them if she does get a redemption arc here are my ideas of what may have happened or will happen with her:
- At the end of V5 Raven did not go to Taiyang nor to her tribe but to Summer's grave. Here Raven talked to her deceased leader and best friend and first talked about what happened at Haven before saying that Yang and Ruby truly are like her and that they may die in vain against Salem just like her. Then Raven would break down in tears and reveal everything she has on the heart: her fear of Salem, her guilt upon her actions such as killing the Spring Maiden and everythng she did as a bandit and to her family, her true feelings about Yang, her teammates and about Summer revealing how she both envied, disagreed with, respected and loved Summer at the same time and admitting that Summer was really Yang's mom and how she wishes that she could have saved her.
- It will be there that Taiyang will find and meet Raven again. At first Taiyang won't be happy to see her again though he may be willing to listen and question her on why she has returned after so long and guessing that Yang must have found her mother back for her to come back to Patch. Tai certainely won't be happy to find out about Raven's reasons for leaving and what she did at Haven but he may be willing to tolerate Raven's presence on Patch with her either going to his house or returning to their former one because Summer would have given her a second chance.
- At some point Raven will decide to get rid of her Nevermore mask just like Blake got rid of her ribbon as a way to symbolize her not hiding behind a facade of strength and survival and that she may finally be willing to face her fears and problems instead of running away.
- It will be with some strong pep talks from Taiyang with him pointing him that there are times when we don't choose our fights and that in some situations you have no choice but to stand up against your problems and fears, how worthless it is to survive if Yang doesn't and that she wastes away everything that really matters and one letter left by Summer or her finally understanding why Summer always kept fighting that Raven might begin to find back her courage and strength.
- Raven may come back in Atlas in order to save Yang from Salem or her minions. Yang may be shocked to see her mother and a bit relieved but afterwards she may be unwilling to forgive and accept back her mother for a little moment. Maybe someone will tell her that while Raven doesn't deserve to be forgiven yet she may prove herself to be better by accepting to hear what she has to say. It may only be after a heartfelt discussion with Raven admitting her wrongs and her true reasons for her departure and absence and her breaking down in tears about how she sincerely love Yang that Yang may be willing to forgive and embrace her mother with tears in her eyes too.
- During her confrontation with Salem in Atlas or somewhere Salem may torment and taunt Raven by reminding her of how weak Raven is compared to her in terms of power and how she cannot be beaten, and tells her something about Summer while repeating Raven's quote that the "weak die but the strong live" as an ironic echo. Though this time Raven may be willing to fight back after remembering Summer and Yang and how strong they are. Someone may possibly save her or she'll escape.
_ At some point Raven may tell Yang and Ruby about Summer and what she meant to her and her other teammates, and acknowledge that Summer was Yang's mom too and that she would have been proud of both girls.
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mummacalavera · 3 years
baby!rwby snippet
Their ages in this scene is probably: Ruby (5), Weiss (6), Yang (7), Blake (7). The setting is the world of Remnant. Weiss was just rescued by Calavera and taken home where she already had other three little girls. It's just something I did to practice my writing and release my fandom juices.
They were so young… Pouring the last couple of healing tea into the wooden cup, Calavera raised her eyes to the three girls screaming and laughing among each other as they gathered tightly around their newest sister. The albino didn’t look so happy to have all these strangers climbing over her, but she wasn’t trembling anymore, and the panic had been pushed away by the warmth and excitement around her. The annoyance in her face looked more like her natural genes shining through.
“Can I braid your hair before bed?”, the youngest asked, brushing her fingers through the white strands.
“You may not”.
“Don’t worry, Ruby is very good at braiding, I always let her care for my hair before bed”, the blonde argued in favor of her sister.
“Pretty pleaaase”, Ruby begged, bouncing on her knees.
“Ruby did help me with the bow too”, the dark-haired and shiest of them pointed at the ribbon on her head.
The albino stared at them ready to throw a fit when Ruby accidentally brushed her elbow on the pale girl’s ribs while jumping.
“Aw, you-”.
“I’m sorry!”.
The pain shot ruthlessly from the bruised spot, taking the girl’s breath before she could scream at the youngest. The trio instinctively leaned away from the albino who winced, looking like she just turned a shade more pale.
“Now, now, that’s enough”, the old woman dragged herself with the tray on hand, “give her some space, shoo shoo”, she waved her cane at the girls who crawled away, gathering themselves into another corner. She put the tray on the small table and sat beside the bruised child, “How bad it hurts?”.
“Give me a number, from one to ten”.
The girl squeezed her eyes shut, trying to will the agony away, “Nine”.
“Nine is very bad”, Ruby mumbled nibbling at her fingers.
Calavera held her calm expression, hiding her worry inside. She reached out for the girl’s hand who had been resting over the sore rib, and took it gently into hers, letting the little one press it for comfort. Her other hand lifted the oversized shirt to reveal skin covered by a dark-colored injury, confirming her worries.
“Is it bad?”, the blonde child asked.
“I’ll need to take Weiss to Miss Sara tonight”, she said in her usual tone, pulling the kid’s shirt back down.
The trio behind her gasped.
“It’s not that bad, Weiss will be fine”.
“But you are taking her to the serious Doctor”, Yang protested.
“Not any doctor, the very serious Doctor we only see when we lost an arm or almost got eaten by a wolf”, Ruby said pointing at her sister and then at Blake, “It always means something bad!”.
“Weiss has a broken rib and if we do not assess it, it might puncture her lung and cause more damage, which is why I need a serious Doctor for this”, Calavera disclosed the details without losing her voice control, she tried to keep them from panicking, but never from the facts.
“Will she operate?”, Blake asked.
“It seems like it”.
The trio gasped again.
“Be strong, Weiss”, Ruby threw herself at the girl grabbing her hand.
“You will survive”, Blake joined her.
“And we will be here for you”, Yang joined last.
Calavera rolled her mechanical eyes, grunting, “Get out, you three”, she smacked their heads with the cane, “Always so dramatic”.
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howlingday · 2 years
Goodwitch: Thank you, Miss Xiao Long, for that inappropriate retelling of The Lion, The Witch, and The Studmuffin. Next, we have Jaune Arc of Team JNPR, who will sing a song he wrote for us.
Yang: Heh, this should be good.
Weiss: It better not be about me again.
Blake: Anything would be better that Yang's performance.
Yang: Hey!
Ruby: Go, Jaune!
Ren: Has Jaune been practicing with his guitar?
Pyrrha: (Nods) He's been practicing almost every day.
Nora: Ooh, I'm so excited!
Port: And rousing performance from all of our students!
Oobleck: This should be the first of the final three acts.
Ozpin: Then let us enjoy these last few moments.
Jaune: H-Hey, everyone! (Clears his throat) Uh, I was going to write a song about Oum and Professor Ozpin, but I thought I'd get in trouble for that, so, uh, here's a song about someone I read about. (Throws hood on, Voice hoarses, Strums)
Ever since the Brothers left, I have been here, To spread hate and violence, and kill all that you hold dear~.
I am the evil, the lost princess of a forgotten time, My name has been greatly hidden, but it is one you cannot simply hide~!
(Throws off his hood, Reveals long, white hair wig with colorful bows and ribbons)
Ozpin: (Spits out his coffee, Everyone else laughs)
Jaune: (Voice high-pitched) Hi, everybody! Uh, let me tell you a little bit about myself.
My friends call me the Grimm Queen, I am a Virgo born, My turn ons are cuddle sessions while eating human scorn~!
I got little Grimm nails, and little Grimm feet, Little Grimm eyes to help a little Grimm see, and a little Grimm dress to hide what you wanna see, I'm Salem~!
Jaune: Woohoo! Salem Arc for some, I don't know...
My true name is unknown to you, but you can call me Sal, I love to watch the news, then go raise a little Hell~
Then I'll take a bubble bath, and drink some champagne, to try to wash off those acts so inhumane, and then I make a toast to me~
Jaune: (Raises his hand like holding a glass) Hey, here's to life, so full of paaaiiiintednails, My name is Salem~!
To carry on my evil ways, I had myself a son. Last thing I heard him say was "I'm attending at Beacooooooooon~!"
I'm in every Achieve Men album, I'm in all the White Fang's rants, I'm the reason Jacques Schnee could even have a fucking chance~!
Jaune: (Chuckles, Audience rolling around laughing)
And if I wanna steal your soul, just know that I'm gonna, Don't care if yoj fight or if you're a runna, and fuck Ruby Rose, I don't care about your silva, My name is Salem~!
Jaune: (Strums softly) Once upon a time, there was a girl named Salem... (Stops strumming) Which is fucking bullshit because name one girl with anything like these~? (Pulls up his hoodie, Shows off him wearing a black bra with two cantaloupes) It's like, Oh my god~! (Pulls down his hoodie, Strums last few notes) Feed! The! Grimm! (Crowd cheers, He stands up and leaves)
Ruby/Yang: (Laughing)
Weiss: (Covering her mouth) That buffoon!
Blake: (Smiling) At least it wasn't about you, right?
Jaune: How was that?
Ren: Fantastic performance.
Pyrrha: Truly wonderful!
Nora: You stole my bra!
Jaune: No, I asked, and you said you didn't care.
Nora: No, you don't get it! It has-
Jaune: Top drawer of your bedside dresser.
Nora: Huh?
Jaune: That's where it is.
Nora: Oh, okay... I still want it back, though.
Jaune: Okay, Nora.
Port: A rousing performance!
Oobleck: Odd that he would choose a forgotten princess turned monster story to turn into a singing comedy act.
Ozpin: Yes, it was. (Thinking) Salem's were much nicer.
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If you wrote for RWBY, what would you change?
Hooo boy, I'd strap in. I've got a lot to say about this, especially after the latest episode.
Also, this list will not include anything that happened during volumes 1 and 2. Also, I’ll be starting with specific things I would have changed for each volume, and add smaller specific details at the end.
Volume 3
-Better explaining why Ironwood brought the Atlas fleet to Vale. Say something like he was concerned that Salem’s recent actions that were focused on the kingdom made him heavily concerned, so to be better safe than sorry, he brought the fleet (he may have actually said that, but I can’t remember, so it’s on the list).
-More focus on the VYTL Tournament. Just a little more.
-Ruby and Pyrrha both fight Cinder after she takes the Maiden powers. Cinder still kills Pyrrha, then Ruby activates her silver eyes for the first time. This starts a rivalry between the two, where every time the two fight, Cinder starts by easily being able to overpower Ruby. However, Ruby learns from each encounter, and adapts her style until she can not only hold her own, but eventually gain the upper hand and defeat Cinder in later volumes.  
Volume 4
-RNJR all wears a red cloth of some sort, as a memorial to Pyrrha, similar to how Cloud and his allies wore a pink ribbon to honor Aerith in Advent Children.
-Tai doesn’t make that stupid joke about Yang losing her arm. Instead helps her work through it as best as he can. 
Volume 5
-Jaune and Ruby fight Cinder. Again, Cinder is able to beat the two, as she’s still more skilled, and has the Maiden powers. 
-During her fight against Cinder, Raven goes HAM on Cinder. Showing her just what a Maiden is capable of.
-After Raven defeats Cinder in their battle, and is confronted by Yang, she comes clean. Explaining, the reason she’s been absent for most of Yang’s life is because she was the Spring Maiden, making her a target for Salem. Not wanting to endanger her family, she left. 
-It’s revealed that Sienna is alive. Barely, but still very much alive. 
Volume 6
-After the whole backstory Jinn reveals about Ozma and Salem, Ozcar revels that he doesn’t have a plan to truly defeat Salem. Being so wracked with guilt over how their family was destroyed by their distrust, that the only thing he could think of was to hide the relics. 
-We see old Maria in action. Actually fighting. 
-When Yang joins the fight to help Blake against Adam, she fights in Adam’s blind spot, giving her the advantage for a good while, until Adam wises up.
-Yang breaks Adam’s arm in retaliation for Adam cutting hers off. 
Volume 7
-Ironwood’s entire character. While I understand he’s based off the tin man, the writers did a terrible job with him!
-Ironwood should be more like Colonal Mustang with how he treats RWBYJNR. Meaning, that even though they have different goals, they are on the same side and knows that they need to work together in similar fashion to Mustang regards the Elric Brothers.
-Weiss punches her father hard when she arrests him. 
-After Salem inadvertently causes Ruby’s silver eyes to activate, while Ironwood does freak out, he doesn’t try to arrest Ruby, instead suggesting she lay low.
-Ironwood agrees to evacuate Mantle. Moving the civilians to Atlas.
-The climactic fight between RWBY and the Ace-Op’s is actually an intense training session.
-Ozcar assures Ironwood that he’s not in this alone. That he doesn’t have to put the entire weight of this kingdom on his shoulders, and Ironwood admits that he is reaching his breaking point, and is desperate for help.
-The fight between Tyrion, Qrow, and Clover is caused by Tyrion trying to break Watts out. Clover still dies the same way, and Qrow is arrested, as it was his weapon that killed the leader of the Ace-Op’s. And with no evidence to prove that Qrow is innocent, both he and Robyn (who arrived just after Tyrion killed Clover) are arrested.
-Ironwood wants to believe his friend is innocent, but the evidence says otherwise.
-Penny still becomes the Winter Maiden ... and kicks Cinder’s ass.
-Volume ends the same way, with Salem arriving in epic fashion.
Volume 8
-Jaune asks Ironwood for permission to aid the evacuation of Mantle. Agreeing, he sends Yang, and Ren with him. Oscar sneaks off to join the three.
-More stuff about Penny being her own person. That even though she is a machine with aura, she is still real, and therefore her own person. 
-Watts escapes on his own, and attempts to hack Penny. 
-Neo is more fluid in the fight against Maria, but still loses.
-Ruby does not give that speech in Amity.
-More team FNKY
Non volume specific changes
-Everyone gets character development in every volume. Not just a specific character.
-Said development doesn’t somehow magically go away in the next volume. 
-It’s revealed that there is a way to bring someone back from the dead. Downside is, Salem is the only one who knows it. 
-Tai shows up to back up his daughters.
-Burnie doesn’t voice Tai (I have a whole big issue with him)
-The Hound is Summer Rose.
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darthkvznblogs · 4 years
“I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee.”
Something to be said for the idea of bringing up and protecting each other in the midst of a world snapping at the thought of tearing you to pieces in these trying times, don’t you think?
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Hello again! Welcome back to Darth’s Book Club, the show where I more or less gush about the media I love for the duration of an entire Tumblr post (books and/or clubs optional)
RWBY Volume 1, Episode 6: “The Emerald Forest”
Today, I’ll be rambling about the glorified, in-universe equivalent for the energy shields that go “beep-beep-beep-DWOOOOOOOOOT” in Halo.
Before we get into the nitty-gritty, though, let’s talk a bit about the RW and BY in RWBY; where last episode we got a small introduction to their personality and general approach to combat in the field, we actually get a demonstration now, and it kinda ties into part of Pyrrha’s lore dump, later in the episode.
“All of our tools and equipment are conduits for our aura.”, is what Pyrrha says, and it’s demonstrated before-hand in spades. It’s a fairly ubiquitous concept in fantasy settings - your weapon is an extension/expression of yourself - and it’s super neat to see it applied to shape-shifting weaponry. I remember being floored by learning that these incredible weapons had names - in fact, I’m pretty sure I recall some early fanfics giving them personalities, even humanoid forms. RW and BY showcase this pretty effectively; Weiss is fastidious and precise, her temper explosive, so she wields a rapier charged with Dust canisters. Ruby is flashy, quick, and lethal, so she wields a massive scythe she can only wield effectively by combining it with her speed and the recoil of its integrated rifle. Yang is brawl and flame, proud and cocky until her wrath is unleashed, so she fights with gauntlets that hide explosive rounds. Blake is stealth and misdirection, a dagger in the dark, and so her weapon is a throwable blade attached to a ribbon just as lethal.
Of course, we’re early in the partnership, and so the showcase goes just a bit wrong; Weiss sets the forest on fire, and Blake steals Yang’s kill. Blake does choose to lock eyes with Yang, though, which is interesting to say the least.
Can you guys tell I’m a Bumbleby shipper?
Then we get into the main dish of the episode of course. Jaune, lovable though incompetent audience stand-in that he is, reveals that he’s lived his whole, entire life unaware of the concept of aura, which a) literally confirms the existence of the soul in the world of Remnant, and b) feels like a pretty freakin’ essential concept to know for someone living in it, my dude.
In any case, Pyrrha gives us a - somewhat awkward, since it follows every beat in Ren’s fight with the King Taijitu, and thus doesn’t sound like what one might consider a normal conversation - crash course on Aura:
“Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens, and shields our hearts.” - simple enough, right? The people (and animals) of Remnant have themselves, each and everyone, a soul, which they can manifest into a physical barrier that protects them from harm - up to a degree, which we’ll learn the hard way eventually. There’s something of an extrasensory property to it, as well - “Have you ever felt like you were being watched without knowing someone was there?” - the creatures of Grimm can’t use it - “The monsters we fight lack a soul.” - and so it levels the playing field somewhat. In conjunction with Dust, we have a recipe for humanity’s survival - if not quite success, outside of the kingdoms - in a world that’s constantly trying to tear them to pieces.
But mankind, while being the light that fights back against the darkness of the creatures of Grimm, is not devoid of a dark side itself, and so Pyrrha highlights the importance of knowing oneself - of understanding that we all have a bit of light and dark inside of us. 
And then she confused the heck out of me.
She says: “It’s not about why - it’s about knowing.”, in response to Jaune’s idealistic “That’s why we fight them!” - them being the darkness, i.e. the creatures of Grimm. Like I said before, the lore dump follows the fight more than the regular rules of dialogue, so it comes off as a bit of a non-sequitur, but I’ll do my best to understand. What I’m choosing to interpret here is that your reasons for fighting the creatures of Grimm and protecting your fellow squishy humans, while important, matter less than the choice of fighting them itself - a philosophy I certainly understand, given the setting, but one saddled with more than a few problems, given the Cardin Winchesters of the world.
Could be wrong, of course. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this one!
I leave you all with the beautiful, if ominous passage Pyrrha utters while unlocking Jaune’s aura:
“For it is in passing that we achieve immortality - through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound in death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee.”
That’s it from me! If you enjoyed this installment of Darth’s Book Club, please consider checking out my works over on Fanfiction and AO3 - I write a bunch of crossovers, mainly involving superheroes, but there’s also some fun gaming, movie, and book fandoms in there. You can find me at:
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If you have anything you’d like me to check, please shoot me an ask or message! I’m just doing RWBY for the foreseeable future, but I’m willing to give your suggestions a shot. 
Until next time!
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