#faceblind yang
thefoolishnighmare · 1 year
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Yeah. I'm sharing this with all of you. Hope you like it.
Inspired by the justice league x RWBY part 2 trailer.
I regret nothing.
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Of all the bumbleby kids you made, which one would be as faceblind as yang and unable to recognise their mom without cat ears ?
Yin. Hands down. Yin. Tian isn't that oblivious. Keir is too much of a mama's boy. Kela is basically a copy paste version of Blake as a different faunus species. Yin... is basically Yang with black hair, and since the joke is that Yang would fall for faceblindness. Well....
Yang: (dressed as the Beast from Beauty and the Beast for a Halloween party) Blake, you ready to go?
Blake: (steps out wearing a blue and white Belle dress with a blue bow hiding her ears) Ready.
Yang: Whoa... Hey there, beautiful. Have you seen my wife?
Blake: (rolls eyes) Ha. Ha. Very funny. (goes up to Yang and gives a teasing tug to the cape clasp) Granted, I don't remember the Beast looking so good~
Yin (15): (walks into the room and gasps) Dagon! What are you doing?!
Yang: What?
Yin: (storms up to Blake) I don't know who you are, but I'll be damned if I let you be a little homewrecker with my family, you hussy!
Blake: (blinks) Homewrecker?
Yang: Hussy?
Yin: (rises her fists and activates her "Beast Claw")
Yang: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Yin! Take it easy! (pulls the bow off Blake's head)
Yin: (blinks) Oh, hi, Mom. Have you seen where that little homewrecker went?
Blake & Yang: (sigh in disbelief)
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asukaskerian · 8 months
Im gonna be super honest i can barelly tell wwx's actor from xue yang's from context. I really hope they will have different voices and body languages when i get there because in the gifsets holy fuck. sameish cute brat face, smirky, AND hes trying to cosplay wwx ? Faceblindness party.
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Tuafw you never knew how to analyze those political cartoon things because you barely ever recognize the people (faceblindness) and some are satire while some are serious and you can’t tell the difference so you’ll say one cartoon is promoting someone when everyone else says it’s making fun of them because “it’s sarcasm can’t you tell?” ⚫️⚪️ (idk if this made sense I had a shutdown so words are confusing)
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
I've got faceblindness, so looking at screencaps from c/ql is great (/sarcasm) because I can't tell NHS from JGY, Xue Yang from WWX, JYL from Wen Qing, or any of the juniors from each other. Cheng has the cheekbones, LXC has that chin, and NMJ has the 'stache. And I can recognise Wen Ning and LWJ, but I don't know why. (Haven't seen enough screencaps of anyone else to tell if they're recognisable to me.)
hm.. I have a mild form of it but focused on irl. I work around it by focusing on mannerisms and voices. Wish I could be selectively blind to wzc's (jc) acting though.
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