#welcome to my hell
theprodigalpragmatist · 4 months
my name is sam tyler, and--
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swiftmitsu · 2 months
*Nickname acquired: You are now known as Misu*
-Idiot anon
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im so confused
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lavendersartistry · 1 month
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purrincess-chat · 1 year
Completely unrelated to my last post 😏😏 But given the current set up of ML s5, if you were Adrien, would you want to know your dad is Monarch/the villain? And before you vote, hear me out.
So as of s5, Adrien has canonically cataclysmed his dad. Unknowingly right now. So, if Adrien finds out his dad is the villain, he would then know that his father is dying because of him. So, with that knowledge, should he find out? Would that be too traumatizing for him, especially given that Nathalie is crippled as well and his mom is in a coma and also on the brink of death? Would it not incentivize him to give up his miraculous to try and save them? What's his move in that situation? How does he come back from this? If anyone knows please help 🙃😭
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onlymingyus · 1 year
mars did you see all the shirtless content im going insane omg
Yes 😭
These men bring me pain and suffering daily. Especially Kim Mingyu.
We got him walking around naked all the time. Hoshi following suit. Then Jihoon just has his arms out for the world to see like this is a fucking game!
I just have one question for them:
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atomra · 1 year
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man idk i get more and more sus the more i draw neuro and atom
these are the current wips but ill probably paint them when i have the time!!
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vickling27 · 1 year
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Boom! New banner go brrr~
Look at these silly guys<3
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I feel bad for any mind readers that are around be because for the past week, I had the first part of 'never gonna give you up' playing in my head on repeat.
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brewed-pangolin · 1 year
"Cunnilingus and Coco Puffs"
Who says this kinda shit? Oh yeah, me.
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doodle-bug81111 · 1 year
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trickster-archangel · 11 months
Good morning everybody.
Here it's currently 7.30 a.m. and it's already 28°C (82°F), with 60% humidity.
Welcome to Pianura Padana y'all, where there's no sea, no lakes, no hills, no (more functional) rivers, only a flat expanse of crops and cities and roads and concrete, and nothing stopping heatwaves.
I hate it.
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tiny-tigers · 2 years
get well soon bff 🫶🫶🫶 sending love x
Thank you so much sweetie ♡ it means A LOT you have no idea !
Cuddles ?
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Today was one week anniversary of this *bitchy* infection yeah I called her *bitchy*, she costed me more money than if I was her sugar mommy and she made me suffer all week.
Joke aside we are drifting away from the lowest point. It happened on sunday, it was so painful that I was about to risk all by taking more meds than I was supposed to just to ease the pain and end it with it. I was alone at home since 4 days and it was getting worse and worse.
To describe the pain it's like ..~mussels shells crushed , the sharp edges pointy and cutting everything they touch and now those crushed bits are pushed into your ear canal so faaar that you can ear ocean waves and those bits are also heated with flame🔥 because it's very warm all around your ear , swollen, painful, anyway and sometimes one Sharp bits hurt you more than others like a violent note created on a violon , pinch of the string ziiiioup..🎻🔪 constant vibration tho it's persistent and you feel liquids going out and on inside your head and not hearing a thing like being in a tunnel , someone is pushing those sandy mussel sheds constantly so you feel your own heartbeats. And last but not least for my part it wasn't only the ear the jaw was also blocked and when crushing food it resonated directly vibrating the painful ear like when your teeth touch something they shouldn't a bone or squeeze something acid. .. And they slide. When the pain wakes up it goes to all my teeth of my left side it's like they were pealed with razor blades.
I had like crying crisis you know like the ones when you have almost the hiccup because it just go through all your body by waves like you were a metalic foil? It was too late to ring anyone and I felt just so bad.
Now after healing my moral as well as my 👂 and after the deception that were the ER with doctors basically saying "courage we know it hurts a lot we can only give you higher dosage of painkillers that's all about it and new antibiotics with larger range to get rid of the infection. That will be 70 euros . Good luuuuck"
That day^ in total I saw 5 doctors. Not gonna tell the total amount I paid between 3 apointments + ER apointment + meds price... I was at the end of the roll.
Currently I have a shedule and plan to manage the pain that goes :
8 AM first ibuprofen + antibio + breakfast made of something goey to be able to eat it.
Try to sleep while the ibuprofen kicks in because the night was tough
2 PM maaaax second antibio + ibuprofen best moment of the day because it's the more efficient pain relief so the only time frame I can do something with my life for +- 6h
4PM 1st Dafalgan because the pain starts to tickle again the ear
6PM 2nd Dafalgan to be able to eat at 8
8PM last antibio with or without ibuprofen trying to make the ibuprofen last to sleep more than 4h if it's ok to postpone
10PM big max so far : ibuprofen with something to eat and hope for the best.
3AM last Dafalgan
5AM to 8AM prayers , it will hurts hold on
I added some tricks to it :
warm water bottle every 3hours , harleem oil in and out of ear , cleaning of the ear a bit , wearing a hat all day long at any cost, travel cushion to stay steady and not lie down, drinking a lot of water, probiotics and yaourt and yakult (funny it's now sponsor of LTigers) for the stomach and that's rather all about it !
Ok I know why I took time to write all that it because we are near the last Dafalgan and I need it really tonight so... It was good distraction to write this guide of what to do with ear infection and eardrum pearced ✌
Me going downstairs early hours of the night for microwaving my water bottle like a sneaky racoon :
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Aww, love, I hope you feel better soon. Sending you so much love and encouragement! Battle through it! 🥺💞 never stop fighting! *throwing sparkles your way ✨️ ♥️*
Oh Finno! He's a lovable dork! I have a thing for dorks as you may already know 😆
I meant Ori the dwarf, but... you have a dog named Ori too? 👀 oh, have I missed him/her? Please give me both of them 🙏
From leafy 🍃
Hehe, if you go to my Masterlist, you'll find a few tiny things about those two idiots 🤣 I love them much more than I've expected to 🙈
As for the Oris...
Here's ori drawn by @stardryad-random, a picture of Adam Brown, Ori the puppy when I got her and Ori the puppy now (at 5 months old)
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She's my best girl. She looks like a loaf of bread and sleeps like a human. She gives the best kisses and likes hearing stories.
I am doing my best for the rest 😞 thank you so much for your kind words ❤️❤️❤️
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4kadhd · 2 years
making passwords so secure I forget them
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wilbystar · 1 year
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ohnoshespostingthis · 2 years
name: aprilshowers - (she/her)
this is my multi-fandom blog!! mainly started for tmnt (2012) (I'm a huge april fan/defender so watch out). this is where i reblog dump anything fandom i like (for the most part). it's also where I'll post any *fandom-related art (for the most part).
*btw a lot of my stuff is old things from old sketchbooks lol so a lot of weird "quality" changes with my art at times.
*frolicking* mental illness!!!!
my art
talking tag
pls look at my other art blog lol: @forestfishesfrommercury (which i reblog at times) (check for open comms on there!!)
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