anime75 · 7 months
What's your quirk?
Okay! I had taken it the wrong way but what you meant was MHA.
So I created a quirk for myself a long time ago and after a while of refining and fixing I came up with a quirk called Welf.
I know I know, it sounds little odd at first but hear me out.
the W and F at the beginning and end stands for Wolf, the basic I understand :p, its just a set of wolf ears . This part to me is important because it adds
It gives me agility
better hearing (witch I really don't have in reality)
Good sense of smell
2. and lastly the rest of the name makes it so that I can weld with my hands (Right hand) and I can use my other hand to add more metal like a welder does.
The old quirk I had given myself was wolf wing (only changes it by giving me wings and getting rid of the welding)
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i had a dream. one of the things: a tumblr post where theres a n image of a 3d fractal. brain interpreted it as fractalous organic compound
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elwynten · 10 months
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Bell: I'm sorry. Welf: You're not. Bell: I didn't know what I was doing! Lili: Well, I believe that part.
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venicepearl · 2 months
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Anna of Brunswick-Luneburg (d. 1432)
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moodbroads · 4 months
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also heres some goofy ah photos of my mate being scared of his own pups-
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ANYWAYS IM SO EXITED FOR HELLROARING MOUNTAIN!!! i wonder if theres gonna be a new achivement for like interacting or killing a wolverine since i think they said its gonna be rare or smthin! i already know theres prob gonna be new cool collectibles so im exited about that- OOH WHAT IF THEY ADD A WOLVERINE SKULL
would be nice to also have a den in an abandoned human camp ehehe tbh my dream wolfquest update would be if you could raid like a rabbit warren or maybe get revenge on stranger wolf dens so there could actually be war n stuff >:D MAYBE IF YOU FIND A NON-ABANDONED FOX DEN IN WINTER U CAN MAKE IT UR OWN BY DEFEATING THEM >:D
it would also be so epic to have mutations like having a piebald pup!! aionguedbhklwsuv i have SOOO MANY IDEAS like a 'rp mode' in multiplayer servers where ur able to play as a puppy or special rp-only emotes like stretching, shaking or play fighting/roughhousing! and maybe even splitting players into diff packs (maybe being able to attack the other players- if in a diff pack XD)
BUT YEE ANYWAYS BACK TO RAISE MY PUPS-6 MORE POUDS TO GO (to 15) AFTER THE DEN FLOODED T_T (edit cuz im too lazy to make another post)
also yaya its spring i can finally bring food cuz the only beavers are like a million miles away :')
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anyways yeah i saved and left after that to take a break-hope to update yall once again soon XD
i have returned once again i couldnt resist >:)
WE GOT TO THE REN SITE FINALLY!! :D the personalities of em are rlly starting to come out sooo...
introducing...creek the napper/antisocial, ember the explorer/rebel, and skipper the energetic/extremely lucky XD
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i got revenge on the cougar that snatched skipper /j
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BONE PARTY!! (yeah thats creek sleeping once again ;-;)
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fun fact i found out durin this playthrough: the plane will visit your mate if they have a radiocollar on and you dont! even if your far from the den and theyre still at it! i saw it a few times and it was pretty cool but very hard to get good shots of :')
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AGRHJ MORE DRAMA- dang calfree creek moved in super close to my home hex while skipper got sick- ;-;
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once again skipper being 1 tiny pound away BUT AYYE SHE GOT HEALTHY AGAIN LIKE 2 NIGHTS LATER SO YAYA
also me findin the barbie bag and lance being scared of it for some reason (AgAinSt GuRLiEpOpS?!?1/1/!?)
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underappreciated local redhead XD
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i finished and creek got air jailed by lance for tryna be active T_T
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ANYWAYS HERE THEYRE ADULT FORMS!! ember got a cool tinted buffy which was my first npc coat!! (XD aint suprised tho cuz lance was stormy) and creek looks like he ate face-first into a bag of flaming hot cheetos
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ANYWAYS YAYAAA I HAD A FUN TIME!! i might continue this bloodline too..someday >:)
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darknebula85 · 1 year
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30/3/2023, Log of Darknebula85, 1:00 AM...
Danmachi season 4...
Bro, dude, tomodachi, AMIGO!!! This season was too good, I ran out of nails and skin from my fingers because I was eating them. Few have been the animes that have made me turn down the volume and look away from the screen, Made in abyss, Danganronpa and now Danmachi... the entire annihilation sequence of Ryu's family was masterful, but there were some moments where that I just couldn't stand it, the screams of the voice actresses together with the graphic images revived my esteem... they managed to capture the true horror in me. And the coliseum sequence, while they were walking among the monsters, that's when I practically ran out of fingers hahaha. Honestly, this season was stupidly incredible, so far the one I've liked the most of everything I've seen lately.
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PS: If these two don't end up together in the end... I'm going to uninstall myself from life. My shipping hormones were going 700 kilometers in the hug scene. A new otp has come...
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spectre-shitposts · 2 years
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kurayamineko · 1 year
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elwynten · 2 months
Sword Oritoria, Chapter 9
Getting ready to go into Knossos
While the Hestia Familia was in the Dungeon on our first expedition, the Loki Familia was preparing for their attack on Knossos. Or rather their first attack which will be a mapping of Knossos to prepare for the second full attack on Knossos.
Since the Freya Familia has been disbanded, Ais can't go to Ottar to learn to get stronger. Plus, Ais remembered what I told her That she was to come to me when and if she wanted to get stronger so I can train her. Ais visited, the Hestia home, the Hearthstone Manor and asked me if I would train her. I took Ais to the PD where she and I will live for the next several days while I train her. Ais is astonished by how strong I am even though I'm only a level 4.
Right after my Team and I reported our rank up to the Guild. Ais came to Hearthstone Manor. Ais pounded on the door. "I'm coming for thee!" She called out.
Inside the manor, Haruhime ran into the dining room, where she found Hestia, Cindy, Wiene, Mari, Welf, Sky and I sitting around the table. "Someone is pounding on the door!" Haruhime declared with fear and concern on her face and in her voice. "They said 'I'm coming for thee,' while they were pounding on the door." She added.
Hestia started to get up. "Why would anyone be pounding on our door like that, and why the hell say, 'I'm coming for thee'?" she asked.
"I know who it is. It's Ais, and I believe she wants me to train her." I told Hestia and the others. "Loki told her that she should pound on the door and say, 'I'm coming for thee', when she is offering a challenge." I said as I stood up.
"I'll answer the door and make sure." I said and I turned and left the room.
"I'll join you if you don't mind." Cindy said when I reached the door to the hall.
"I want to go too." Wiene offered.
I Turned and looked at Cindy and Wiene and nodded my head in agreement. "If you want to come with me, that's fine." I told them and turned back to the door and walked out into the hall.
As I reached the front door, Wiene and Cindy were close behind be. Hestia had also followed me into the living room.
"Why would Wallen-whatever want you to train her? And why should I allow you to train her." Hestia asked me.
"Ais wants me to train her so she can get stronger. As for why you should allow me to train her. Orario's existence in on the line." I told Hestia.
I turned back to the door and opened it and looked out. "Hello Ais." I said as I looked at her. I opened the door wide enough that Hestia, Wiene and Cindy could see who was there.
Ais looked from me to Hestia then to Cindy and lasty to Wiene, then she looked back at me. "I want you to train me." She told me as she looked at the ground.
I looked over at Hestia. Hestia nodded her head, yes. I turned back to Ais. "I'll train you, but you owe me one." I told Ais.
Still looking at the ground. "As long as it is personal and does not involve my Familia." Ais replied.
"It is just between you and me." I assured her.
"Thank you." Ais replied.
"I'll give you two weeks of training." I said as I turned to Taima. "Please, tell my Team and Welf I'll be leaving for Pern in half an hour. If you see anyone else you can let them know as well, including Fia, Mari and Sky." I asked Taima.
"On it." Taima said with a grin and headed off to our apartment.
"Two weeks? I don't have that much time." Ais complained.
"Yes, you do. I could train you for a month and you would have more than enough time to help with the expedition. I'll be taking you to Pern, I'm sure you remember. I took you there while we were at Edas village" I assured Ais.
"Yes, I remember." Ais replied.
A half an hour later I opened a portal to Pern. Cindy, Iris, Kimmy, Rosni, Welf, Wiene, Sky, Fia, Ais and I, all walked through the portal. Once everyone was on Pern I closed the portal.
"All right!" Welf exclaimed as we walked into the Green House entry way. "I've got two weeks to make weapons and armor." He said excitedly.
"You know, if you use gravity dust in armor. It will make the armor lighter." I suggested.
"Wow, I didn't know that. That would make heavy armor much lighter to wear. I can make a lot of money adding gravity Dust to armor. I'm headed to the Lab." Welf replied and headed down the hall to The Lab.
I chuckled at Welf's enthusiasm.
I gave Ais another quick tour of the house so she would know where the Cafe, the Armory's Sparring room and the apartment she would be using to sleep in would be.
I led Ais back to the Sparring room. "I'm not going to be the only one training you. Because we really don't know Levis's fighting style, I thought it would be good for you to train with people with different fighting styles." I told Ais.
"I see. Who is going to train me?"
"Cindy, Kimmy, Iris and myself."
"But all of you are only level four. How are you going to train me?"
I grinned. "Back in Orario we are all level four, but we're not in Orario right now. Besides, I'm able to take you and anyone else to different universes. One of my Team members is supposed to be an angel that was cast out by her 'god' because she was going to use a device to help some people, but the device was way overpowered. Another Team member is a dragon that spends most of her time in human form. And the other member of my Team is a total bundle of energy that seems to never wear out or run down. I'm sure we will be able to train you and then some." I assured Ais.
With that said, I summoned Sasori, my naginata. "It begins." I said and took a fighting stance.
Ais drew Maelstrom from its scabbard and flicked it. You could hear the whoosh as it sliced through the air. Then she lunged at me. I moved Sasori and blacked her thrust. Ais gave me a blank look for a moment, then she came at me again. Again I blocked her attack.
"Put everything you have into it." I told Ais.
Ais looked shocked for a moment before her face went back to her blank expression. "Awaken Tempest." She said and I could feel the air flowing around her and in the room.
Again, Ais came at me brining Maelstrom up at a diagonal strike. I blocked the attack and moved Sasori's handle knocking Ais' feet out from under her causing her to fall to the floor.
It went on like that for the next four hours, when I called for a break. Ais was covered in bruises and cuts.
"Let's take a short break and get a drink." I said and healed Ais of her injuries.
"Okay." Ais replied softly.
I lead Ais to the Cafe and found a seat at one of the smaller tables and sat down. Ais took the seat across from me. As we took our seats a young girl walked out from the back and walked over to our table. She had a name tag on with the name Maddie on it. Maddie is the youngest daughter of the Cafe's owners.
"Hello lord Eilwyn, what may I get you today?" Maddie asked.
I smiled at Maddie. "Hi, Maddie. I'd like a sweet tea and get one for Ais as well." I gave Maddie the order. "Maddie, this is Ais, I'm training her in fighting. Ais, this is Maddie. Her parents own and run the Cafe." I made introductions.
"Hello Ais. It is nice to meet you." Maddie said.
"Yes, it is nice to meet you, Maddie." Ais replied.
"I'll get your order." Maddie said and headed back to the kitchen.
Ais watched Maddie walk to the kitchen then she looked at me. "Isn't she a little young to be working?" She asked.
"Maddie's parents own the Cafe so they can let her work if they want to. They have several other children that help them run the Cafe as well." I replied.
"Oh." Ais said.
Shortly Maddie brought our drinks out and sat them on the table. "Thank you, Maddie." I told her.
Maddie smiled and replied. "You're welcome." And walked back to the kitchen.
I took a drink and sat the glass back on the table. Ais stared at her drink, not picking it up.
"You're only a Level four but I wasn't able to land one strike against you. How did you get so strong?" Ais finally asked me.
"I get asked that a lot. I believe I already told you that, that information is a Familia secret… But I'll tell you if you promise to never reveal what I tell you to anyone." I offered.
"You have my word." Ais replied.
"I don't know." I honestly replied.
"What!?" Ais exclaimed.
I chuckled. "I don't really know how I got so strong. I come from a place where people fly through the air in machines, and we use cars to travel on the ground. Cars could be called horseless carriages." I started.
Ais gave me a blank stare.
"I was driving in the country when my car flipped, and I was thrown out. The accident should have killed me. But while I was flying through the air I blacked out. In the darkness I heard a voice and when I woke up, Taima was looking down at me in her human form. After that I was able to do a lot of different things. I received abilities and powers I never would have believed I would ever be able to do. Those abilities included great strength, dexterity, agility and durability." I finished. I picked up my glass and took another drink.
"Is that why you can come here?"
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, that is why I can come here and why I can go to Orario, and why I can go to several other universes."
Ais picked up her glass and took a drink with a thoughtful look on her face. "I see." She said as she put the glass back on the table.
"Drink up so we can get back to your training." I told Ais as I picked up my glass and drank down what remained in it. Placing the glass back on the table, I stood up.
Ais took another drink and stood up as well. She followed me back to the sparring room.
We spent the next three hours sparring. Ais spent most of the time getting knocked down, bruised, banged up and cut. I think Ais was beginning to see what Bell went through when she trained him.
We took another short break, then we went back to the sparring room, and I trained Ais for another three hours.
As we were leaving the sparing room I healed Ais. "There is a bath in the master bedroom. You can use it if you want to. It's a huge natural pool for bathing. Although you might not be the only one in there. Everyone in my household uses that bath house. Or you can go to the back yard and swim in the ocean." I offered.
"Thank you." Ais replied.
"Cindy will be here in the morning to train you." I informed Ais.
"Okay." Was all Ais said in reply.
Cindy spent the day training Ais the next day. Then Kimmy took the next day to training Ais, then it was Iris's turn to train Ais. After that we rotated again starting with me again.
The days my Team was training Ais. I would stop by to see how her training was going. The rest of the time I spent taking care of my Hold and spending time with Wiene, Fia, Mari, Sky and the other girls in the Hold. Wiene really liked swimming in the ocean and playing in the sand on the beach. Sky and Fia liked being able to fly in their natural forms.
The last two days I trained Ais. On Ais' thirteenth day of training. "You're not using all of your abilities and power." I told Ais.
Ais just looked at me.
"When you fight Levis what are you fighting?" I asked rhetorically. "Your fighting a human and you're not putting everything you have into the fight. Levis is a monster. It does not matter that she looks human. She is a monster, just like a harpy, a siren, a mermaid or a lamia are monsters. They look human but they are monsters. That is how you need to fight Levis, as a monster and give it everything you have. Use your black fire. Use it without letting it consume you. Use your black fire and let it become a part of you. You control the black fire, don't let it controle you." I instructed Ais.
At the end of the thirteenth day, I gave Ais a Companion.
"You might have noticed all the animals running around both here and in Orario." I said to Ais.
"Yes, I have." Ais replied.
"They are not animals. They are what I call Companions. They each have higher status than normal and some other abilities that they share with their partner. You have to get used to having yours in your mind most of the time because you and your Companion can talk to each other like we are right now and also telepathically or mind to mind." I started as a small snow leopard walked into the room and walked up to Ais. "She can also Blink. That means she can teleport up to three hundred feet in line of sight, and because she can Blink, that means you can blink as well. Because anything she can do, you can do. So, take the rest of the day to get to know Binu and I'll see you in the morning. Binu can tell you what all she and now you can do and you can ask anyone here about the Companions and they will be happy to answer any of your questions." I said and walked away.
Automaton/Manticore/F (Bird of Prey, Snow Leopard, Scorpion) Name: Binu/F (Created with Immense Power) Mythical Size L2 Regeneration L2 Sustenance L2 Intelligence L2 Strength L2 Agility L1 Durability L2 Flight Teleportation L1 Shapeshifting L1 (Forms: Scorpion, Hawk, Snow Leopard, Horse (Percheron), Red Fox) Elemental Blast L1 (Earth) Magical L1 (Dancing Lights, Mend, Ghost Sounds) Venom L1 (Tail stinger, Paralysis)
The next morning, I walked into the Bakery. Ais was already in the Bakery with Binu. I walked over and sat down across the table from Ais.
"Are you ready for your last day of training?" I asked.
Ais looked at me. "Y-yes I'm ready." She replied.
I gave my order to Grandma and as I waited for my food. "Today we're going to work on, Blinking. That is, we will work on how you can use your new short range teleportation ability, Blink for defense and offence in fights." I told Ais.
"I see. Binu told me more about that last night. I want to learn how to use… Blink when fighting." Ais admitted.
After we had eaten breakfast, I lead Ais out the front door of the Hold. Since I was going to be teaching Ais how to Blink. I figured the more space we had the better.
"When you Blink, you have to be able to see where you want to Blink to. Your destination can be two feet in front of you or three hundred feet. But you have to be able to see where you want to go to. When you Blink you can also reorient yourself. That means you can be facing one direction before you Blink but when you arrive you can be facing a different direction. That way when you are fighting a person or a monster, you can Blink behind them, but still be facing them after you Blink." I explained to Ais.
We spent the first four hours just practicing how to Blink. We worked on finding a place to Blink to at different distances. Then we worked on reorienting our direction when we Blink. Not only did this teach Ais and give her some practice. It also helped me because I don't use Blink that often. So, this gave me a chance to practice using Blink as well.
We also worked on Ais's Air Creation and Control from her sword, Maelstrom, so Ais would be able to use air to attack with and not just use as armor.
By the end of the day, Iris, Cindy, Kimmy and I were all fighting Ais. Or rather Ais was using her Blink ability to fight us so she could learn to use Blink to fight more than one enemy at the same time.
"Take some time to relax and I'll take us all back to Orario in the morning." I told Ais.
"Thank you." Ais told me. "To all of you." She included my Team.
I explained about if Binu was to be killed that she would reappear in twenty-four hours healthy and whole. "I would suggest that when you go into Knossos that you leave Binu at home. I know she won't like that, but there is no telling what might happen in there. Besides, it prevents her from being used against you by Levis or anyone else. And if there is any reason, she really needs to get to you, she can port to you at any time." I added.
The next morning, I opened a portal to our apartment in Orario. Once everyone was back in Orario I closed the portal.
I explained to Ais that in Orario time we had been gone only one minute, and I explained the time distortion when going to different universes.
I turned to Ais. "Have Loki update your status. Then one minute later have her update your status again." I told Ais.
Ais looked at me confused. "Why would I need to have my status updated twice?" She asked.
"Because the first update will be what you received from your training. While the second update will be what you get from your training plus what you get from Binu." I informed Ais.
"Oh, I see." Ais replied.
"You should tell Loki to find out about how Nidhogg was killed. You should also tell her that there are seven demi-spirits in Knossos not just one. Six main demi-spirits and one back up demi-spirit that they call Nidhogg." I informed Ais.
"I will tell Loki. Thank you." Ais said. "And thank you again for training me." Ais thanked me again.
Right before Ais could walk away. "As for your payment to me." I started.
Ais turned back and looked at me with concern on her face. "Y-yes?" Ais stuttered.
"For my payment, I want you to consider me and my Team as good friends. We want you to feel welcome to come to Hearthstone Manor any time you want to talk to us, to go swimming or to just get away from your worries." I told Ais. "I would really like for you to consider us as… family."
"Oh! Yes! I would like that." Ais replied with excitement in her voice and on her face. "I very much would like to call all of you, friends and family."
"Now you have another sister." Iris said with a giggle.
I nodded my head in agreement. "I like that. Another sister."
With that Ais left to go back to Twilight Manor.
Ouranus talked to Loki and Igashu/Fels. Telling Loki who the Igashu Familia really was and how they could help in the mapping expedition and later on in the actual attack on Knossos. Loki wasn't sure about using intelligent monsters, but she did admit they needed all the help they could get. So, she accepted the help of the Igashu Familia.
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blushingguy · 2 years
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The Governors of Elvenwick during Eerikki’s reign. They do change (a bit) during Cetasia’s reign but this would be the height of the power that the nobles had.
1st lord Arcane Cratis a man from a long line of lords, he was eerikki’s childhood friend and at one point it was believed that his sister would marry the prince
2nd lord Elion Volgus similar to the first lord his father was a chamberlain if the royal family and Elion grew up with Eerikki, Selphi adopted him unofficially after the death of his mother
3rd lord Kaytyr Daelarn the heir to the well established Daelarn company who owns many of the mines in Elvenwick
4th lord Aendryr Leigo along with his younger twin brother they own factories in Taesi Port
5th Ailwi Leigo ^
6th lord Frederick Hannover renowned explorer and philanthropist retired b4 the invasion and was murdered in his home
7th Noralf Peregrine married a wealthy heiress from Idelaps. He sold all of her property and now they both live in
8th Elegast Luneburg illegitimate son of the previous regent Erik
9th Legolas Welf owner of a arms com-any he inherited from his father
10th (lost his position during the invasions but regained it) Iston Peligan founder of the brewery company Peligan’s eye
Forgive me they dont have that much lore because the only one I care about is Frederick </3
Art done by the lovely @mageofsimping
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Hestia: What scares you the most? Bell: Werewolves! Mikoto: Sharks! Lili: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death. Welf: Lili.
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venicepearl · 8 months
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Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (28 August 1691 – 21 December 1750) was Princess of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Holy Roman Empress, German Queen, Queen of Bohemia and Hungary; and Archduchess of Austria by her marriage to Emperor Charles VI. She was renowned for her delicate beauty and also for being the mother of Empress Maria Theresa. She was the longest serving Holy Roman Empress.
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roseunspindle · 16 days
Only issue I have with all these harem anime/manga is they are always boy + all the girls or girl + all the boys but she must eventually choose one (fairly often) or girl + all the girls or boy + all the boys... no mixing!
I mean, take Bell... how can one not lowkey ship him with Hermes, Welf, and Bete? Bete especially would be funny too as it'd be a total accident somehow on both their parts.
Tione and Tiona teasing him (possibly while all drunk) that they were both with Bell and and Ais as well...that he was gonna die old and lonely and drunken Bete declaring he could get with that bunny too if he wanted! (Tione and Tiona hadn't quite meant it that way but now it's too funny an idea to pass up) so totally encourage him in wooing Bell.
(Wooing in Bete world equals running over to were Bete is and planting a kiss on him.)
Touya Mochizuki also runs into plenty of pretty boys to be shipped with!
Also Hakuya should have been one of Kazuya's fiances...and Poncho! they would be so great as part of the consorts!
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tiffaluvr · 6 months
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Danmachi x Don Quijote collab in 2020
on MFC - original website
they're all so cute and the fits are so pretty (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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