#well …. almost Munday
masquenoire · 12 days
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Teeny tiny snupdate regarding the new ball python! He's settled in so well and has become a lovely, cuddly - even kissy snake. He was really quite shy to start off with, even handling was scary for him as even though he didn't ball up, he would flinch a lot at unexpected movements. Two months down the line, he seems to really enjoy coming out, nice long tongue flickers and wanting to check everything out. ❤️
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rayofsunshinc · 5 months
NAME?: Sara
PRONOUNS?: she/they
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: as of this moment, Aaron, Daryl, Michonne, Cassidy, Steve Harrington, Jughead, Bucky
RP PET PEEVES?: biggest pet peeve is BIG assumptions about my characters that clearly show they haven’t read important details on my bio page. I understand not reading my entire bios, some are long, but I have bullet points of things I feel are need to know. (Obvi doesn’t apply when I don’t have things done on the bio page but idk idk, I can just tell when someone is assuming/hasn’t looked at my blog at all) Other things that bother me? drama, ooc posts that are really frequent non-rp related to the point of I can’t tell it’s a rp blog and constantly negative, guilt tripping, pushing plots that I’m not into
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: this is a big read on myself, but y'all are my besties so I'll admit that in high school I did Glee roleplay on facebook, so technically I've been doing rp for about 15 years. I got on tumblr rp shortly thereafter, I'd say. my first rp blog on here was Arthur Pendragon and I still write him from time to time. :') This blog is also about 7 years old and I’ve been writing some of these characters for that long!
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: all three! I love a good balance of fluff and angst. my muses deserve to be happy, but I also love delving into their issues. smut probably comes in last, because (aside from a few of my muses who are slutssss), it has to be developed a little bit and even so, I don't like to only have smut on here.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: Both. I love memes for both fun and for things getting in depth. Sometimes things do go more easily with a little discussion, and anyone who has tried to plot with me probably knows I'm not great at it ... lol. but I do try, because clarification makes things easier, especially with deeper subjects and ships.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: I get carried away so easily and I do tend to fill in extra background thoughts and all that. Not opposed to any length as long as there is something to go off of.
TIME TO WRITE?: first thing in the morning, after getting ready for work/morning routine and having some coffee, I write for about an hour and lemme tell you, it's magical. In stark contrast to that, as soon as the sun goes down, if I concentrate for like an hour, gold! I also love to write when it's rainy/gloomy, and I have a little coffee treat.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: I tend to write characters that I relate to in some way most of the time. Some are very similar, some I don’t think there’s much but internal stuff. Here’s a list of who I’m most to least like, just for fun! Ben, Jonathan, Peeta, Dan, Stiles, Aaron, Jughead, Richie, Eddie, Nick, Kevin, Dominic, Allison, Bucky, Steve R, Daryl, Michonne, Natasha, Cassidy, Mickey, Steve H, Fiona, Cheryl
tagged by: @untilthcyrot
tagging: @painofhumanity, @apurekindness, @filmdesque, @lostgrimesgirl, @corignem, and anyone else who wants to share!
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
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((You know, the newer peeps have never seen my face. So, here you all go. The bags underneath my eyes are so real. XD
Honestly, it’s one of the most decent photos I have of me since before I gave birth. So odd what the body does before and afterwards.))
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tgcg · 8 months
hello NOT a prompt but i am obsessed with how well you've captured dave and karkat's characters? all of your comics are just. so good. such good dialogue. i've laughed out loud at them multiple times.
i just. i can't stress this enough but they are SO in character here it's almost a breath of fresh air. i didn't even know what i was missing out on. i'm not that involved in the hs fandom anymore but your art and comics are fucking awesome
ahwb… thank u so much anon, i appreciate that so much, especially that u laugh at them. i rlly make these to smile&laff myself so knowing they do that 4 sum1 else is awesome. genuinely
im not involved either, most i do is read a select few fics from other dk fanz so im with ya. that rlly means so fuckit much 2 me 🙂🧡
thank u for dropping in 2 say these kind wordz it’s rly encouraging 4 me. i hope u are having a good munday & take care of urself 🤝
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oodlyenough · 4 months
ohh steven moffat lmao
(boom spoilers)
me last week: i hope we get to see ruby rise to the occasion and get her big moment, we're four eps in. the doctor stepping on a landmine could be it!
this ep: she fucking dies halfway through the episode fekhadlflkg
actually, i mostly liked it fine -- i thought the plot held together ok and was pretty interesting. after the last few eps i wanted something heavier and this delivered. the tension was pretty good. "they're fighting themselves to death bc capitalism" and "thoughts and prayers" are both on the nose, but i didn't mind. i don't know 15 and ruby well enough yet to feel particularly strongly about how they're written or their dynamic with each other, so none of that particularly bothered me. there were a few moments that felt very Clara Oswald to me, but not really in a way that made me think "that's not Ruby!"
the doctor was a very moffat doctor lol -- i liked seeing ncuti get some more dramatic dialogues and some anger etc we haven't seen much of from him yet. his impatience with ruby at the end felt off and was the kind of thing that used to make me bonkers in the moffat era, so disappointed but not shocked to see it crop up here. also "snow isn't snow until it falls" classic moffat line that means nothing but sounds pseudo deep. almost nostalgic
my other nitpick with pacing is that if you're gonna have an ep heavily rely on a countdown you should try to do it in real time. having monday (mundi? munday? idk) say "about 3 minutes" and then have a 3 minute conversation with another guy cracked me up lol. keep it vague if you're not gonna follow it!
but ruby dying was stupid as hell, imo, and is the one thing i have trouble overlooking. i feel like maybe we could've reworked some things... she gets shot later in the ep during the countdown and is injured/dying but then is healed, something like that. i'm not opposed to companion in peril, all things being equal, but when you kill and revive characters so often death stops meaning anything and it's episode 4 and i feel like i'm relitigating shit from 2013 again. real ones who've been following me for a decade know
but the trailer for the next ep made it look like i might finally be getting my ruby-focused ep so i am hyped!!
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book-of-legends · 6 days
Munday: If your OC could eat any food they wanted, what would they eat?
Here have the main characters of my blogs:
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Sirius: Honey-dipped Paw Meat Buns, Paw meat buns are a common food within Lunala's world. They're typically made of A savoury meat paste, and sweet bread covered in a layer of butter wash. They are eaten as a lunch or snack food.
Disclaimer: All meat in Lunala's world is artificially created meaning no creatures were harmed in the process of obtaining it. Also, don't feed cats honey, Sirius is just a weirdo who probs wonders why he doesn't feel good after.
Silas: Bread. He likes bread. Give him bread. He specifically wants those super soft, almost chewy rolls that taste sweet. Silas doesn't eat meat, I don't think this man has even touched a vegetable in his entire life and he only likes Pecha berries. Besides bread he wants anything sweet, if it's 'Oh god this is too much sugar, I feel sick' he wants 50 of it. If you think it's too much sugar it's not enough.
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North: She wants all the candy you own, EVERYTHING. Don't do it it's a trap, you're going to give her a mini sugar rush and she's going to be bouncing off the walls like a feral animal foaming at the mouth for "MOOOREE SUGGARRR."
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Valiant: He doesn't eat, and he doesn't want to try to eat. Unless you give him a very good reason to consume the food he's just going to stare at you like a confused puppy. Plus even if you did get him to eat he'd just put it in his mouth and then immediately drop it out of his mouth because he doesn't know what to do after he chews it, aka. he doesn't know how to swallow food.
If he was able to eat foods, due to his general lack of being able to taste things very well he wouldn't enjoy it. If you want him to like food it's going to need to have a very noticeable texture to it since that's the only thing he can actually notice about it.
TLDR: Give him something that is a sensory nightmare to eat and he'll be very happy with it.
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Fern's super secret blog, so secret it hasn't been started yet.
Jackpot: ... Uh. The Flesh of Gods? Specifically one of the Solar gods, but he'll settle for one of their pact followers. I will not elaborate.
~ Thank you for the Munday ask!!
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hope-to-hell · 6 months
Wash it Away. Hector Munday x Reader. What do you think he does in his downtime? Surely he doesn’t just bathe in the blood of innocents; there’s got to be something of the mundane to balance all this out. Maybe he takes his coffee with cream, watching morning mist roll across the lake. And maybe you can find him in the bath after a long night’s work. Smut.
How was last night?
Even reflected in the shaving-glass, his gaze cuts deep. But there’s the slightest crinkle in the crows’ feet that have begun to gather at the corners of his eyes; a bruise blooms beautifully down his side, but he moves with almost languorous fluidity. The last few strokes of his straight razor are precise, steps in a long-perfected dance. Went well enough. He leans to set aside the tray that holds his shaving kit, soap and water sliding slickly down his back. Hn. A sigh— a letting-go— slips free as he reclines in the bathtub.
Could be better, could be worse?
As it is with all things.
It’ll be a few days yet before another batch of guests arrives. There’s wallpaper to hang, fuses to replace, and a thousand other little tasks that come with a place like this. Later this afternoon he’ll surely be out working in the curing shed, sleeves rolled to the elbow, surrounded by the sick-sweet odor of formalin and meat. It’s messy work that somehow always gives him an intense appetite for the pleasures of the flesh. As likely as not he’ll chase you down and have you right there on the path, stones and twigs digging bruises into your hands, your face, your knees and thighs— everywhere, really— as you drool and pant into the dirt.
But right now— go on. Get in the tub. Take advantage of this all too brief time when there is no pressing business to take care of yet. Enjoy this. Enjoy him. These moments are so few that each is precious, to be treasured in the long dark nights when he sends you to your room and says stay gone til morning. Well, what are you waiting for? Don’t get lost in pleasure’s absence while it’s right there in front of you. He lifts a hand just so and it's got you stripping down like your clothes are on fire. Climb on in and settle back against his chest. Flick that last little bit of soap from his jaw.
This feels nice, doesn’t it? He’s so warm, so broad, thicker than you ever would’ve guessed before you first saw him out of those clothes— bloody after an unlucky night, stitching himself up with fishing line and looking thunderous like you still living was the icing on the fucking cake— remember that look? Remember what you said to him? You haven’t got a suture kit? What kind of mickey-mouse operation is this? Remember how you could practically hear the gears turning in his mind before he shrugged and turned back to his work?
Remember when that bravado of tired-beyond-tired mouthing-off gave way and left this in its wake? It’s strange how these paths branch and reconnect, how the fearful thrill of survival turns into anticipation. Remember— He chuffs and wraps an arm around you. Don’t get lost in it. The water’s just this side of scalding, such that somewhere beneath these mountains of bubbles he’s rosy-pink except for where he’s a deeply pulsing red. Oh. Oh. Even though you know he’s hard and wanting, it still sends that shock of anticipation down to your toes when he brushes against your ass.
Go on, then. Raise up just a bit, just enough to reach for him and guide him home. There’s a slowness to the drag and burn of him inside you, but give it a moment, won’t you? Relax. Feel his arm barred across your ribs. Watch the subtle clench of his jaw as his free hand traces down your belly and beyond, and with the delicate pinch and roll of his fingers he gives you exactly what you need.
Keep your eyes on him. He remembers how you like it, how to pin you on him, how to coax your thighs just that little bit farther apart. Watch his lips part. Keep your eyes open. It’s tempting to invite the dark, to erase everything but pure physical sensation, but you don’t want to miss this. You’re going to come on his cock one way or another, but think of how sweet it’ll be to see him follow you down; if you watch his face you might yet see the moment when he comes undone, when just for a moment he’s stripped down to his purest self. He's close, seeming to grow somehow even thicker and Fuck. I’m so full of you. I can’t—
You will.
Go ahead. Fall. There’s nothing left to do but feel it happen, so greet the little death and let it in. And that’s a growl, deep in his chest; he grips you tight and pulses inside, but his hand doesn’t stop, not til you’re thrashing in his grip from overstimulation. Shh. That’s it, relax. This is good, isn’t it? The comedown’s slow and shaky; he will hold you tight until he softens and slips free, but for now you remain pinned here, filled with his seed. Breathe slow and deep. In, out. In, out. That’s it. That’s good.
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casteliacityramen · 1 year
Munday Lore Post: Threat Assessment - Humanity
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I have made it my goal to live amongst them, so my perception is understandably biased. That being said, like my last assessment and the ones before this one, I still wholeheartedly believe that humanity should be inducted into the Order of Arceus.
Humans are bipedal mammals that exhibit anomalous behaviors, bodily functions, and capabilities. Their genetics are a scrambled mess. The average human holds little to no Aura, Psychic Abilities, or Physical Strengths that would put them on par with even the mildest of pokemon.
Their offspring are even born in extremely vulnerable conditions, as opposed to pokemon who have proper time to incubate into functional sapient beings.
Humanity, as a whole, is fragile and anomalous. It's almost as if their existence was a mistake.
If you asked me last assessment, classifying them as pokemon would be erroneous. However, their bodies have been slowly adapting over the past century. More can access latent aura abilities. More psychics are born. Their tolerances to pain and stress are increasing, as well as their inherent physical strength.
Their lower lifespans and fragile nature is nothing but an obstacle to overcome. Their ability to innovate is unmatched, even in comparison to our artificers. If they have a problem, they will brute force their way to a solution, even if some of the results end in certain death. They've built complex tools and machines; flown, swam, and lived through environments they were never meant to be in; and have bested the odds time and time again. It's as fascinating as it is inspiring.
Humanity's ability to cooperate with each other and other pokemon are unparalleled amongst any other pokemon. Arguably, if life was a competition as to see who can build the most complex societies, humanity would come first "by a country mile," as the Unovans call it. I'd argue that it even puts the Order to shame.
Humanity is coming into another renaissance, this time, surrounding culture and cooperation after their previous industrial renaissance. International cooperation is at an all time high, and continuing to rise. This time, I believe that they intend to bring the rest of existence with them on this journey.
Pokemon life, as we know it, is about to become fundamentally different than ever before. Soon, there may even be a time where pokemon can innovate as well as humanity, given that they have the societal structure to no longer worry about basic needs.
It's always been our responsibility, as relfected in The Order's Creed, to guide existence towards enlightenment, but the relationship has been mutual. The Order uses their technology, re-organized multiple times to match their societal structures, and took inspiration from their innovations to create our own.
I believe that Humanity is the overt counterpart to our covert role in history. It's as if they have taken our role as Shepherds, Stewards, Scribes, Artificers, and even Councilors, to guide the world towards peace and enlightenment, and I still stand by this claim after their tumultuous times during and after the Kanto-Johto War. If anything, it's a testament to humanity's inherent cooperative nature that they have only had a full scale conflict every one thousand years.
This will undoubtedly be another contentious decision, but I motion that humanity be inducted into the Order. I believe that humanity will be able to do astronomically more things with Arceus's blessing than we ever can. I ask you all to reconsider your past decisions.
Scribe and Artificer J.
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disgracedvessel · 1 year
ooc; TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you! come closer
Name: Ree
Pronouns: they/them, although anything goes tbh
Birthday (no year): April 23
Where are you from? What is your time zone? US, CST currently
Roleplay experience: 20 years? Something around there
Got any pets? Two calicos
Favorite time of year: Spring
Some interests and things you like: Music, linguistics, learning about wildlife, nature in general, psychology
Some funfacts & trivia about you: My family had a pet toucan when I was growing up
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Onmyoji, Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, Pokemon (all mainline), SMT, Monster Hunter, Nier
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Ghost, favorite pokemon is hard though. My go-to is Mismagius, but runners up are Scrafty, Trubbish, and Crobat (as Rai has said, I've got evil team grunt energy)
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Someone mentioned to me that your units could perma-die and I was on board immediately.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All of them
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening, followed by the incorrect decision to play Shadow Dragon (1990)
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Shadows of Valentia for the quality, Gaiden for the nostalgia
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Down bad for Tharja when I played Awakening
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Chrom (against my will) - Fates: Hinata - Three Houses: Edelgard - Engage: None
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Varies by game, I do like bows and mages though
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? High res low speed dark mage
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Black Eagles
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Maybe Lyn or Leif
How did you find TOA? Planted my flag in the earth and said Here Be TOA
Current TOA muses: Julius & Griss
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Hubert. Bringing him back would be dependent on circumstances and if I ever replayed 3H
Have you had any other TOA muses? Other than Hubert, Aelfric, Pelleas, Berkut, Salem, Fáfnir, Limstella, and Jeritza
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? It used to be serious knightly types, but I think since TOA, I've gravitated more toward characters who are confrontational or can stir up the status quo.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Past tense!! Past tense!!! I usually try to match my partner so I almost never get to write in past tense these days, but my writing comes so much more easily in past tense. I also enjoy writing grand, sweeping scenes and descriptions of places/things.
Favorite TOA-related memory: Team Justice during Lock & Key is still my favorite event experience to this day.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Kishuna still lurks somewhere in the back of my mind, but the time hasn't been right. Ronan as well
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bldrdsh · 1 month
respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you’d like to get to know a little bit better.
MUSE NAME: LOL a series ocs & canons from this blog
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: Honestly, 100% discord.
EXPERIENCE: God like 8 years now LOL, almost 9.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: i do prefer longer/more plotted things, winging it only really tends to work for me if I've already got an established dynamic or if I've gotten to a point with someone where I know them well enough to be able to comfortably wing it.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: I'm a firm believer in understanding and listening to someone when they talk about their muse. I have more than a few ocs as well as whole canons that aren't really what they seem at face value, and while I understand sometimes reading isn't feasible, do not come to me expecting to write with a certain character or in a certain verse and when I warn you about the actual nature of said character / verse, pretend like you can handle it if you can't. I can't count on one hand the number of times I've explained to someone how a certain character/verse works and then I'm effectively met with shock & frustration when the character behaves EXACTLY how I explained they would. Be realistic with your own expectations man, it saves a lot of time and frustration in the long run.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Honestly I'm always going to prefer plotting as it makes long term interactions easier, but winging it with memes every now and then isn't bad, it really just depends on my mood.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: It really depends on the person/thread/plot. Sometimes little short back & forths are nice, but more often than not I prefer threads with a little more substance!
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Frankly, when I'm freshly free from work, or if I get up early enough on weekends.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: I think it depends on the character, I try to put a little bit of myself into each character to make them feel more real but I don't really fully identify with one character.
TAGGED BY: borrowed from @spiritcrown TAGGING: anyone who wants to !
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more-than-a-princess · 2 months
🔦 Connect the dots between you and your muse. Ways that you're the same, different, last time you thought about them, etc.
🎀 What's the last nice thing you saw pertaining to rp? !!!!
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Mun Communication meme - No Longer Accepting as Munday is almost over for the week!
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🔦 Connect the dots between you and your muse. Ways that you're the same, different, last time you thought about them, etc.
I think about Sonia at some point, for some duration, every day. I usually have at least 1 reply to write at any given time and if I don't, I'm generally getting thread ideas or headcanons through all the other media I tend to consume (I get to watch some TV as part of my job. This helps!).
But beyond that...
Sonia and I both enjoy horror movies, documentaries about cults and unsolved mysteries, and anime. I don't watch as much Japanese and Korean dramas as I used to, mostly because I dislike reading subtitles: I like having the TV on while I write and I can't write and read at the same time. We also prefer tea to coffee, but she's much more of a snob about chocolate than I am. We share some clothing preferences and styles and while my family isn't quite as dysfunctional as hers, we both come from at least one side of an extended family that belongs in the upper middle to upper class. I sometimes use anecdotes from my family for various character traits of hers, but not too much.
A few fun facts:
One of my aunts was briefly married to a European aristocrat. He was a jerk who divorced her pretty quickly and refused to see his kids after.
Another one of my aunts cannot understand why I don't quit my terribly paying job and disappear to England, France, and/or Italy for an extended period of time and set up my own business, unable to understand that her mother financed her entire lifestyle after she went into deep debt several times. My parents do not do this, and I enjoy having a steady paycheck and health insurance (this is your cue to understand I'm American and over the age of 26!).
My grandmother from the rich side of the family threw a fit and refused to speak to me for most of my teenage years because I refused to have a debutante ball and I wasn't conventionally attractive. I was overweight (still am), shy (yup!), and nerdy (this too!). Geek conventions and cosplay were not suitable interests for a debut into high society. In turn, she was one of the first debutantes in her social circle in her city and believed I, as the eldest granddaughter, should follow in her footsteps. I was the least favorite grandchild until the day she died.
And that touches upon some of our differences. Sonia is conventionally beautiful/attractive, outgoing, an extrovert, smiles easily, and makes friends easily. All things I am decidedly not (I'm excellent at resting bitch face, however). She's also much better at math, science, and memorizing many languages than I am: I feel like I've forgotten so much of my French. That I studied between the ages of 8 to 22. Another reason to go back to France!
I also am obsessed with fictional royals/wealthy people and royal documentaries/dramatizations. I've most recently finished the new season of Bridgerton and My Lady Jane, and once I get through a few more romantasy selections on my Kindle I have the new Kevin Kwan book to read (I'm trying to make it last! I also want the Crazy Rich Asians TV series like, now). Sonia dislikes any media about fictional royals and dramatizations and would prefer not to watch them.
🎀 What's the last nice thing you saw pertaining to rp? !!!!
The last nice thing I saw is all the lovely asks that @yukikorogashi is getting! She's on hiatus mostly right now but her mutuals are being so kind/sweet/understanding about it and that they wish her well, and it's wonderful to see.
I also hope Beckowsky comes back soon for RP on both her blogs and to share her Munday OOTDs! But until then, I'll cheer her on from here.
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electricea · 2 months
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Anonymous sent - (@viviskull) ❀ What has made you completely lose your chill? ( Salty AF Munday Meme - Accepting! )
❀ - What has made you completely lose your chill?
Sometimes I wonder if I've told this story too much but I tell it because it's something that truly hurt me and genuinely to this day, has impacted me and I genuinely hate it and I want people to know that this isn't okay to do - not to me, not to anyone.
So way way back on maybe my first iteration of this blog, I met a mun - we became pretty good friends, they taught me how to icon and use Photoshop, we called almost every night, we would watch like High School Musical and Kitchen Nightmares at 3am, the whole nine yards - early on, I would have easily said they were one of, if not my best friend. We had a server together and it was just a freefall of us pitching muses and ships at each other and I think we just had so much fun shipping together that it was so easy and so natural and we had so many ideas and plots discussed.
And then that changed.
We'd both been pretty into an anime lately and I pitched the idea of this male/male ship with two muses who we were both planning to write - both dudes, both around the same age range - and as I said, we would pitch ships at each other fairly often and in this instance it was no different - they agreed and we made plans to call and to talk about it more as we often did. Well, when the night came to call I couldn't help but feel things were off, not quite as comfortable - and I guess I had a sort of gut feeling so I asked if they were sure about the ship, if they wanted to drop it - I didn't want to force them and I gave them an out to drop it if they so chose to.
I want to emphasize right now that if in that moment had they said yes, they didn't want to do the ship I would have utterly respected it and dropped it, no questions asked. I don't believe in force shipping or even writing a ship in which the other party isn't wholly comfortable. Them not wanting to write a ship isn't what made me so angry.
What made me so angry was finding out secondhand from a mutual friend who we often streamed with and even had a three way group chat with and was arguably even closer to her than I was - was this friend admitting to the mutual friend that no actually, she had no intentions of writing the ship with me and the reason she was going along with it?
To prove to me why the ship wouldn't work.
So instead of telling me that honestly, she chose to go behind my back and do so in a way that was not only sneaky but incredibly patronizing? Like what exactly was her plan? To write the ship and then just be like 'gotcha, this is why they wouldn't work together!' or have them be utterly awful to emphasize their incompatibility? How were they planning on telling me that as their friend? Was it supposed to be this cute revelation?
After that point, our friendship on my end fell apart - I never ended up telling her that I knew what she'd said, not only because I didn't want to betray the trust of our mutual friend but just because I didn't feel I had anything to say, nor should I say anything for that matter - I'm not the one who lied and couldn't be honest and I did give them an out and asked them if they were sure - it wasn't as though I was plowing ahead and ignoring their feelings. I thought at first that maybe with time, we would fall back into old habits but the more I thought about it the more angry I got and for the record, this friend never really reached out or spoke to me so perhaps that made it easier for the friendship to just slip away.
What I'm trying to get at with this story and why this made me so fucking angry then and still does now is people lying about their intentions to their partners and being dishonest, whether it's because you're too scared to tell them or think that you're sparing their feelings - being brutally honest with someone fucking sucks, take it from someone who knows - but as someone on the other end who also had to deal with the confusion and the hurt, it just genuinely sucks to be told and to feel one thing, only for the other person to be lying and just stringing you along - and this isn't just about writing a ship, even to this day if someone wanted to drop a ship, I would respect that and drop it without question - it's the lying and telling me otherwise and not letting on your intentions. I'm not a mind reader so how am I to know? What sucks even more is being a neurodivergent mun, it's already hard enough for me to read between the lines (especially through text) and know if someone is being sarcastic or lying - it's why I started being open about having asd so as to ever avoid a situation like this again.
And I hate that to this day it's left me with a lingering skepticism and fear of trusting people when they say they want to do a plot or write a ship - I genuinely do try to take people at face value and believe that they are being honest with me and I know not to paint everyone with the same brush, but I'd be lying if I said the underlying doubt or fear isn't there - and it's unfair to everyone else, all because of the actions of one person - it's something I'm working through and I still continue to try and see the best in people and to believe what they say.
As for her? This probably goes without saying but we're not friends anymore and I don't care wherever she is now.
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silksworn · 1 year
🍝💖 and I didn't see it on the list but what music have you been vibing with lately too? <3
🍝 — favorite food(s)?
oof I have,,, a lot. I really like most types of seafood! Most things coconut or mango 😋 for specific dishes palak paneer and mapo tofu come to mind. Oooh or french onion soup or stuffed shells and...I'll stop myself there. My favorite desserts would have to be cannoli or green tea ice cream.
💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc?
Well, I haven't been in this specific rpc for too long so all I'd really be able to say would be something sappy like meeting you! 😙🖤 But if we're talking general rpc experiences, I've been in quite a few over the years. And when I played canon characters I never really was one to interact much with duplicates (though I had no issues being mutuals with them), but one fellow Zevran rper was an incredible artist and let me use their art specifically for icons as well and they were just. So sweet and nice and it felt good that they trusted me to use their art (with credit). And in general I've just met so many lovely, incredible people rping. Some of my best friends in the entire world I've met through writing on tunglr, so even if things aren't the same as they were almost 10 years ago when I first started rping, I'm glad to be back and doing it again. It's the sense of community that makes it really worthwhile.
🎧 music!
Gods, I listen to such a wide variety of music and I almost always have something playing in the background. I tend to listen to a lot of metal/alt-metal, but I also listen to pop and k-pop and rap and goth-rock and punk?? Basically anything that catches my ear, I'm not particularly genre-loyal. Currently I've been listening to a lot of Deftones, Blackbriar, Baek Yerin, BAND-MAID, In this Moment, Boy Harsher, MUNA ! I could go on but I'd be here all day.
Munday Asks / @fatewoven
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pokeask-trail-camera · 2 months
Instruction Manual
Rules / FAQ Post about this blog, how it functions Last Updated: 7/13/2024, post first made.
-> No NSFW / Fetish Stuff allowed. No submissions or asks of that kind allowed. -> Updates when able. Don't pester / "this blog dead?" etc etc. Human beings have lives and jobs. -> Pokemon / Pokemon Ask Blogs only Human Trainers, Fakemon, Anthro Pokemon, etc, are allowed!
-> Characters submitted may or may not be used. While we will try to include as many as able, it is not a guarantee free art. Just as it is not guaranteed to see every forest creature on a trail cam. This blog does not entirely function like a "ask blog" Although asks may be accepted via munday, mod questions or possible character events It is not the purpose of this blog. The blog will function much like a actual trail camera. A image of a area and once every so often a character will appear. Whether it be a nighttime stroll, a character digging through the brush, someone tripping and falling on a rock or even a night mode flashbang from the light sensor.
Sometimes environmental storytelling will happen over time... Or nothing at all. It is up to you if you decide to stick around and view all the footage to see if anything happens.
If you would want to collab and participate in this project, whether it is: Drawing characters in the background, drawing the scene background itself, planning a event taking place. You are more than welcome to send a Ask inquiry about it and we can exchange and plan ideas. -- -- Current Events: N/A as of 7/13/2024, Blog as just only begun.
-> Chronological Tag of this blog Shows / includes every "footage" post shown. [ may or may not work on certain mobile devices ] -> Sighting's tag(s): In chronological order basic tag Footage posts where something specifically happens or is shown. Note: does not include time of day changes / leaves falling etc [ may or may not work on certain mobile devices ]
-> Nothing Eventful Happens, post tag Footage for posts that have nothing in specific happen. Posts where it's just a time change, a leaf falling, etc etc. Tag is here mainly for those who desire to mute those posts. [ may or may not work on certain mobile devices ] -- -- -- "FAQ" -- -- --
-> "Can I have my characters ask questions / interact?" This blog does not function like a normal ask blog, so unless there is a specific event happening on the blog, no. Think of this blog more as of a.. posting a image almost every other day and sometimes something happens.. kind of thing. -> "Can I have my character do this to the camera?" Most camera footage will be at random and more like "cameo" shots. If you want a specific interaction with the camera done, you are free to inquire. Depends on what artist is working on the piece at the time/if they have the time for something hyper specific.
-> "Who runs this blog?" @mod-jazzy is the owner. As well as input/working with various other artists for ideas or collabs. Any extra credit will be given in the specific posts. -> "What's the point of this blog?" Sometimes a human gets a stupid and or silly idea and runs with it in the moment. Thought "A trail camera but for pokeask characters" would be silly to do. Life is too short to not attempt the silly ideas that pop into your head. Even if they are pointless.
-> More to be added in time if needed.
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maria-rayro · 2 years
high-school au, I guess? (part 1/?)
- Hector is a quiet straight-A student, looking rather morbid, but not allowing himself to be helped by anyone. To those teachers who ask him, he tells that he's fine, but to his classmates he just doesn't answer at all, just ignoring them. Wears clothes that hide marks from beatings, cigarette burns, and so on.
- Charlie is new, likes to talk a lot, and is a little awkward at the same time. The teacher says to him to sit next to Hector and Lonnit immediately tries to make friends with him, but Munday doesn't respond in any way. Kinda rude ngl
- Manny is the school bully. He decides to test the new guy, and starts off small: first he throws crumpled pieces of paper at the back of his head, he trips him up in the hallway. Basically, he just acts like a dumbass.
- Mark is the captain of the basketball team, who actually wants to do some creative stuff, but his father won't let him quit the sport. Dates Kate, who is into esotericism. Kate is sharp-tongued, and Mark often walks with her just to keep her from fighting with everyone.
- Jamie is Mark's best friend, helping him with his passion for photography. Not a bad student herself, but also sharp-tongued, and sometimes gets punished by her teachers for it. She is in love with Erin, a quiet girl with asthma, whom Jamie gradually begins to introduce to the adventurous teenage life: the two of them drink wine together for the first time, kiss and... well, you know 👀
- The curator (what, are you surprised?) is a literature teacher, a charismatic and quiet man, yet quite demanding. Almost always understands what's going on with his students, and of course suspects that Hector has problems, but he responded to all his attempts to help with a stubborn "I'm fine" and a bold look in his eyes.
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boundlss · 5 months
well, it's munday so i'll post something a little self-indulgent.
actually, aside from twain on my blog antisatiric (who will of course ALWAYS be my uncontested favorite muse and character), my favorite muse over here is cyran azerrad kapral, one of my dnd pcs. he's sort of the worst to interact with ever but i have a deep love for him.
the muse i relate to the most is shiroe, which is why my blog is themed like this. actually i love shiroe more than life itself, he's probably the only example of me finding something extremely personal to relate to in any protagonist ever and almost every beat of his personal arc resonates with me.
how ever. i have it on good authority that the muse i am ACTUALLY most like is shen qingqiu, which makes me want to die every time i think about it as i am that man's number one critic and hater. we don't need to discuss the fact that i nevertheless write him.
(as for characters i DON'T muse, um, my favorite of those is my friend inky's oc vel. hi inky if you're reading this. i love him.)
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