#well... the core of it. theres a magic mirror.
aria0fgold · 10 months
I'm doing it yall... I'm getting back to writing again! I'm preparing to write a fanfic that isn't any of the 3 ongoing fics I already have, I'm so sorry.
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bstormhands · 5 years
A Tale of Two Sisters live thoughts
Booberry's in the Demanitus Chamber. And she's gloating, before she's won, that's not smart. 
So she wants Ultimate Power(TM) for herself.
Aw, the image of Rapunzel and Cassandra are holding hands.
And its Cass' old place. Two kids are exploring but they were told about it. Loks liek someone repaired the bridge, the guards so they could get off probably.
Music box!
Broken Mirror!
Creeky door and Gothel ghost, so that's how they do it. I wonder if its really Gothel. 
Playing games with children is great, Rapunzel is really close to her people. 
Yeah Eugene's family were not nice at all. eyeroll.
How does he know Gothel's name?
Why are you going alone!?
Oh and here's Cassandra.
Rapunzel is ready to take Gothel on.
Gothel is a wax dummy, I wonder how BooBerry pulled that off. 
The cloak is kinda a nice accessory.
Cass needs some anger management. So breaking the Moonstone did nothing to her control over the black rocks.
Cool trick pushing the sword to herself.
Cass you are destroying your old house, you are blind to your own rage.
LOL, a secret passage they didn't know about that drops to a mine.
Mushrooms! Not dwarves but hobbits.
Cass, please stop. 
Oh Boy that did not sound small. 
The flies tell us there has to be an open way out. 
Cass your hate is not helping. 
And neither is the poison gas. 
"Nothing good comes out of a rift." Cass knows!
Tumblr media
Cute creature, some kind of mole?
BIG Mole!
Cass, she saved you again. 
Vampire bats too, theres no let up in this place. 
Pascal don't throw it away!
Pascal is like ten thousand times awesome.
Do the bright thing! They still work together so well.
LOL, kicking in a push door.
Why am I thinking that is Demanitus' first lab?
Nope Gotherl's secret lair.
A hand mirror is missing.
Oh crap, another magic mirror
wow, now that is vain.
And a potion is leaking
she protec
bonding time
That is a valid sword move, but Cass is the only one who could use Shadowblade that way.
So cute little guy got his daddy to beat you up.
The puny rage
That missing mirror has the same chunk missing as the Moonstone.
Oh come on Cass. 
Of course more gas now. 
Way to go Pascal. 
Rapunzel is really determined, but did they lose the music box core?
And back to the black rock tower
Is that the Moonstone shard? seems too large
Ah, no, of course not. Its the rest of the memory mirror
Yeah, total hatred on BooBerry.
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blookmallow · 5 years
whos up for a 
i know, i know, try to contain the excitement
theres... a big spoiler in here but i cant figure out how to talk about this without it lmao so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i dont think it rly matters to anyone anyway but the section its in is marked. this is still a work in progress but here it is anyway
All soul collectors (and familiars) have two alignments: life or death and light or darkness 
these do Not mean “good” and “evil” however, and all collectors have some connection to them all (and magic can be learned, as well)
Life aligned are often immensely powerful, but at times difficult to control without proper focus and discipline. They have high stamina and heal quickly, often have skill with healing and protection magic. Often have very high magic levels. They are often able to create small forms of life, with lesser sentience - such as Venus’s plants, Chris’s robots, Mayzie’s sugarsprites, etc. Shuri is an exception - she is a Death aligned, but studied extensively under Mother’s guidance and has learned (and even mastered) Life magic. Life magic at that level (creating forms of life) is inaccessible to humans, though some Antis in very rare circumstances can use it (though creating sentience is only possible to soul collectors). Lumeni who are not soul collectors often have life magic as well, but do not have the power that soul collectors have. Creating little motes to help out around the house (which disappear after a while) is a fairly common ability, but creating a lasting, real living creature with sentience would not be possible for those who are not soul collectors. 
Death aligned generally cannot make life (at least not without extensive training), but are very perceptive and empathetic, often skilled in divination and prone to visions or premonitions. They are very good at communicating with the dead - all soul collectors can do this, of course, and all can see ghosts (thats. Their Job) but Death aligned are particularly good at it, and often will pick up lost or abandoned souls that were not claimed by their collectors (either through unusual circumstances, negligence, or whatever the case may be) or will take over for others when dealing with particularly volatile souls. Souls of children are often transferred to Death aligned as well. Humans with Death magic in them can almost always see (or at least sense) ghosts. Premonitions and visions are common as well, often stronger in Antis. Most Antis can see or sense ghosts regardless of alignment, but Death aligned will have greater skill (and a better sense for the situation - a Death aligned Anti or human will be much more likely to figure out what an angry spirit wants, while a Life aligned might be able to see it, but not know what it is trying to communicate). Death aligned tend to have a higher comprehension of Time and Mortality. 
i havent sorted out Light and Dark as clearly yet, but 
Light energy is very strong and focused; can be difficult to control, especially in children, but can become highly powerful when used correctly. Often very physical, such as manipulating environments or elements. not well defined yet
Dark energy is chaotic and often destructive, frequently involves psychic abilities or altering the flow of time in small ways. also not well defined yet. probably even more undefined right now, :’) 
All soul collectors have these alignments, again, they all have a little of everything but will naturally be drawn to one side or the other in both aspects, and the abilities they have also depends a lot on what they study and what they practice. 
Familiars will almost always have the same alignment as their masters, but often will mirror in one aspect and have different tendencies in the other (like, SC has Light/Death, familiar has Light with Life tendencies, etc), and the souls in a collector’s possession will often have traces of the same alignments as their collector. this manifests in really weird ways with antis sometimes. more on that later
Soul collectors are born from eggs that form in an underground spring, drawn from the magic in the planet’s core (which is why their magic levels are so much higher than anyone else on their planet - other Lumeni bear children the same as humans. They are deeply affected by the planet’s core, but not born from it) 
there’s a lot of debate as to whether this is a strictly natural occurrence, or if the core has some kind of sentient will to intentionally create the eggs (or, if this core is possibly controlled by some higher being) (or if the core IS a higher being)
the First Egg was a twin egg - a single egg containing two collectors (and their two familiars), this being Rachna and Shivari (who would later come to be known as the Great Mother)
these two represent a perfect balance of the alignments - Rachna as Death and Darkness, Shivari as Light and Life. Again, not “good and evil” - there’s no evil twin (and they’re not remotely identical either lmao) and no conflict between them, they work Together, always, neither of them ever takes action without consulting the other first 
their familiars mirror them, “Muffin” is also Death/Darkness, and Jacinda is also Light/Life
Twin eggs are not exactly “siblings” the way humans think of them - they can look drastically different and have very different powers/attributes/skills, but will usually see themselves as akin to siblings 
Shivari created, over time, all the plant life on Lumenia. the legend goes that she also created all the animals and the first Lumeni themselves, but she won’t confirm it either way. she probably did not create the lumeni, though, in any case
Lumeni look up to her as their high queen, and some worship her as a mother goddess as well; she has temples across the planet 
Rachna is said to be the first to have realized the ability to create Underworlds and the whole system of soul collection and judgement. The extent to which this is actually true is unclear, but probably more likely than the “mother created lumeni” theory.
*** this is the part where the spoilers happen ***
the second egg was another twin egg - this time containing an unbalanced pair: Kadri and Nahbi. Kadri is a necromancer - she is simultaneously Life and Death at once, with Dark energy. Nahbi was Death aligned, with both Light and Dark at once, and therefore incredibly powerful, but very, very dangerous though he never intended to be. 
Nahbi is dead. The story goes that he was murdered by an Anti, but the truth may be that he was in fact destroyed by his own power (which destroyed his familiar in the process, and destroyed the Anti’s body). He has a statue in the tomb beneath Mother’s temple garden, but is rarely ever spoken of now. Kadri cannot talk about him without getting extremely distressed. Not many people know about him at all. 
after that, the core produced another egg - this time, the first single egg, containing Kali and Dasa, a Death/Darkness aligned pair, though Kali has some light tendencies as well. This is said to have been the universe attempting to rebalance itself again after the last egg. They were the first born without a twin, which possibly may have influenced their eventual decision to join together - a sense of missing a twin that never was. 
*** ok the spoilers are over ***
Shivari, Rachna, Kadri, and Kalidasa are known today as “The Ancient Ones.” They are the only collectors hatched from single eggs forming one at a time - after this, the core began producing batches of several eggs at once in varying amounts, now referred to as “cycles.” The new cycles are highly varied and much more balanced, though twin eggs have become increasingly rare. 
alignments and notes about them if i have them but this is already getting to be way longer than it needs to be. also some mentions of their souls where i remember them bc i dont want to look up who everyone was assigned to right now lmao
Shivari (”Mother”) || Life/Light --- Jacinda || Life/Light
- Bee and Dan are both Mother’s souls, both tending toward Life/Light too 
Rachna || Death/Darkness --- (the unspeakable name only the ancients can pronounce) (”Muffin”) || Death/Darkness
- Lex has a high Death alignment; he’s good with ghosts and has a very strong sense for bad vibes and such. sometimes gets premonitions about things, not straight up visions of the future but just strong “I really should not do this” or “something bad is going to happen if I do that” or “there’s bad energy in here something really bad happened here” senses. his origin has it too but denies it violently and thinks its influences of the devil - which might be why lex trusts it and embraces it, as her opposite
Kadri || Life-Death/Darkness --- Skrab || Death / Darkness 
Kadri is an exception: she has a command of both Life and Death. Her powers are in fact weak necromancy - she can’t literally bring someone back from the dead (though it might not be impossible), but she can reanimate corpses and create skeletal minions with lesser forms of sentience. any zombies or skeletons she creates do not have souls and will just go back to being dead once she stops powering them, they’re basically just puppets, but a lot of collectors (especially Death aligned) think this is a complete abomination just on principle. kadri does not care. she has not spent any time honing her Death magic skills, so her ability with time/divination/etc is basically nonexistent even though the potential is there
- kadri’s souls tend to be especially chaotic because of that power imbalance and that’s why we have people like laelia 
Kalidasa || Death/Darkness
Venus || Life/Darkness --- Dahlia || Death/Darkness
Celina || Death/Darkness with some Light tendencies --- Cesare || Death/Darkness 
Shuri || Death/Light, with Life tendencies brought out through study --- Stasia || Life/Light
- dreyden has death alignment but is completely oblivious to it. he could probably see a ghost but wouldn’t notice it at all, or wouldn’t notice it was a ghost. he thinks he just has really bizarre luck sometimes and has no idea whatsoever that its often actually premonition - “i got off at Brookton because i just felt like it i guess, i dunno” actually ended up being the place he met his future boyfriend, made the best friends he’s ever had, finally found a place to live, etc, but he would never even consider “I had a premonition about this place” as like, even a Possibility 
- Skye seems like the last person you’d expect to have a Death alignment but he actually definitely does; he’s incredibly empathetic and sensitive to the energy and emotions around him, he can see ghosts, he’s had actual direct prophetic dreams before, he trusts instincts when he gets them because they’re usually right. He also has a very high Light affinity. this manifested COMPLETELY backwards with damian, possibly Because skye’s alignment is so solid and strong - damian’s powers are literally darkness, and despite being a piece of shit murderer obsessed with death, he actually has basically no skill with Death magic at all. he’s barely aware of ghosts. he acts on impulse and self interest, he ignores Vibes and Energy because he feels he’s above it and knows best himself regardless. he has No empathy. he loves to kill but he does not understand death. he doesn’t see himself as a person who can die. the dead want nothing to do with him
Chris || Life/Light --- Phoebe || Life/Light
chris doesn’t seem to match his alignment - telekinesis seems like it’d be a Dark magic, but it’s actually highly physical, you can actually see it manifesting as light in his eyes when he uses it, and it’s all about physically manipulating objects in his environment. He cares very deeply about his souls and has learned to communicate well with the dead, but struggles to connect emotionally in a way that makes sense to others around him. He cares fiercely, intensely, with everything in his being; he stores collected souls in a mechanism he integrated in with his own actual physical heart, but he has a very difficult time expressing and showing it, so he still often comes across as distant and emotionally oblivious, especially to Death aligned people 
- Gavin and Kayzee both have strong Light tendencies too. kayzee especially is a definite Life person 
Mayzie || Life/Darkness with some Light tendencies
mayzie is very very very bad at Death magic, which is. probably a big reason she dropped out of her training
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mathieubellamont · 6 years
longue piece about origins part in skyrim
so yeah. origin and fainde have their own stories but theyre also supposed to be like.......... super super ebony-warrior-esque late game bosses irt the dragonborns story. Origin most especially. I never actually meant for that to happen lmaO but i put 400+ hours into one single save file in skyrim (yeaaahhh it was about as fucked up at the end of it as you are probably imagining) and it was origins. The very last thing i remember was i gave her an enchanted knife and fork to fight with and she had 800+ armour rating to the point where she could literally stroll right up to paarthy while her health bar didnt even go down. Also when i remade her on pc for some reason her height just....... she kept growing?? she was just extremely tall?? i DID mess with her height but i made her like 1.1 and she just. shes huge. she........ makes herself in my head
not to mention to get through her story she needed to be fuckin tough. point is shes built around not just my adventures with her but peoples adventures with their champions/dragonborns/etc. Lets all be real here, theyre all op as shit, but theyre all still....... canonical? You get me? The shit that happens and the growth our characters experience are still (to a certain point) perfectly possible in the world. shes an exploration of the What If in regards to our characters actually being a part of the world, not so we could see our characters as individuals in the world (though her own story is that for me) but so we can see the archetype that a lot of our characters were. She IS our characters to a certain extent
so..... how she moves from the above into actual lore is that......... well, origins theme in skyrim time is The Dragon Made as opposed to The Dragon Born. thats her. Shes someone who wields fire so hot it turns blue (and probably shes close to getting it white hot consistently) and also when shes in big/important fights she breaks out the flame cloak w dragon wings bc Hey Intimidation and also bc hey when you become so in tune with fire bc of your soul connection to an atronach and the daedra in general bc youve been eating their flesh for 200 years your form kinda starts matching your mind in terms of how magicka begins liquefying you............ she doesnt necessarily make the wings anymore, its more that her soul is now becoming something bigger than her human body. Not necessarily anything spectacular, but. well. ill admit theres a little bit of my irl spirituality in there irt souls and such. anyway, thats headcanons ofc. and also of course the big downside of that is the more she calls upon fire the more she becomes a pure medium for magicka and her atronach and that just. swamps her mind and drowns her out completely. thats what makes her Her, but specifically, her in skyrim...........
its ALL about her versus the dragonborn....... its big opposites, its firstly. as i said. an inhuman beast born in a mortal body versus a mortal who became an inhuman beast or a part of them, one separated from their inhuman kin versus one who became kin to the inhuman, one who does what they want in the human world and probably is....... very amoral at that point given the average dragonborn....... versus someone who, even tho they aligned with the daedra and lived with them their whole life they remained who they were and prevailed through temptation. its also skyrim versus oblivion even tho v specifically origin isnt the champion (the champion ending the crisis is what locked her in an oblivion gate) or anyone significant other than a mages guild student. its the chosen one versus someone who made their Self from scratch, but theyre both.......... equal I guess? The whole point of origins theme is that shes not better in any way than the db, shes not even actually different from them Specifically...... shes a mirror of them. Shes possibility. Shes what the dragonborn couldve been, and she exists solely to show them that, with no moral lessons attached to it. She isnt sent by the aedra/etc to Teach Them A Lesson, she simply exists. Shes that turning point in the ending days of the dbs story where the db has the opportunity to really, finally, cement who they are and who they want to be
bc like....... shes also a teacher at that point with students who are travelling with her and learning from her. Shes passing on a legacy of magicka that will (well it actually wont, but in theory it would) leave a positive mark on the world for eons to come in regards to daedric magic. Whats the dragonborn doing? Do they relate? Did they adopt children? Are they treating them well? 
Origins not going to eat the world like alduin, shes a....... personal antagonist. Its not about the world bc the dragonborn can do whatever the fuck they want, and thats the core of it. Did the dragonborn ever stop to ask why like origin? Have they a sense of morals like origin? Are they going to face origin as a daedric menace, an impure mage who cannot exist in a grey state of serving neither good or bad magic,? Are they going to face her as a a test of their skill waiting to be destroyed, to be put down? Are they going to face her as a rival to understand the other facets of life, that which couldve been, that which can be? Thats origin. shes a mirror of the dragonborn, the last test thrown at their very self so that they can understand
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rhuemis · 5 years
Love note And #squad for whomstever you want
asdfghjkl replying to this real late buuuuut imma put this under a readmore for the sake of literally everybody lmao but im gonna do this for the dnd campaign im in ((the one with Wesley))
love note: who likes who? crushes? relationships? are they mutual or unrequited?
OKAY so a lot of people are in love with Wesley....like a LOT. the guy has 3 fiances ( not... all engaged to each other. all three are just engaged to wesley lmao its all consensual and thoroughly worked out, everybody involved is cool with it) ive never been a ‘roll to seduce’ player so these all happened naturally ((and...mostly accidentally...whoops)) 
the list of people that have a thing for Wesley goes as follows:
Harrion ((fiance- send an ask if ye wanna know more bc this post already gon be lengthy lmao)) 
Isaac ((fiance- same as above))
Vesker ((fiance- same as above))
Adrian ((former temporary party member, hopelessly in love with Wesley but thought he was dead for 6 years and blamed himself for it for his inaction.))
Viarin ((bard from the party’s rival group Viarin is...a weird one. hes obsessive over Wesley and has murdered 5 people to get to him and is currently planning to kill more)) 
Carn ((Leader of the rival group and Wesley’s mirror. they went through some real shit together. Very quiet about his feelings for Wesley.))
Jael ((party member and Wesley’s mentor, has been here since pretty much the beginning of the campaign))
Kessri ((party member, head over heels for him, Wesley cherishes her and feels guilty for not being able to return her feelings))
Mordred ((party member, has a crush but denies it loudly, though it gets a lot clearer when hes drunk lmao))
Takaan ((Seer that predicted Wesley throwing himself into the Abyss and worships the Raven Queen. has his tiddies out 100% of the time. nice.))
Princess Anastasia ((Former Queen of the Winter Court, Princess of the Feywild, fell for Wesley as he was the only person to ever see through her facade and accept who she was past the fanciful guise she hid behind))
there are some minor passing NPCs that have also had crushes ((Wendy, Avon, Lady Auriga, Corrin, members of the general public due to Wesley’s status as hero))
#squad: who's friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
The core party consists of Wesley, Harrion, Isaac, Vesker, Mordred, Kessri, Gloria, Garoche, Jael, Sariel, and Noe however there is a...rival group? former rival? they used to be enemies but they came to terms with each other and now the two groups are very friendly ((VERY FRIENDLY in some cases lmao)) as a result the two groups sometimes merge and are in frequent contact with each other
 that party consists of Carn, Viarin, Ursula, The Bartender, Andre, and Sevorac 
in general everybody gets along very well and im just gonna note down some of the more interesting things and just towards wesley bc otherwise imma die of old age
Mordred- Wesley sees Mordred as his best friend, brother, and hero and Mordred very much returns these sentiments. They both look up to each other and think that the other is the coolest person in the world and its honestly so cute. 
Wesley tells people that Mordred has ‘the heart of a lion’ and Mordred got a full back tattoo of the sun ((Wesley’s motif)) and a sword ((Mordred’s motif)). So...yeah, pretty ride or die.
Gloria- Gloria was the first party member that Wesley ever encountered and is his self-proclaimed big sister (though Wesley is more than okay with this). She loves her idiot younger brother as much as her twin sister.
Garoche- Garoche is...literally Wesley’s priest. Wesley is the incarnation of Madarak, the god of War. Garoche is a priest of Madarak. Poor Garoche.
Noe- Wesley’s son who also happens to be a dragon. 
Carn- Romantic feelings aside, Carn and Wesley’s relationship is probably one of my most favourite things in the campaign.
 Carn was designed to be a reflection of Wesley, a parallel that followed a similar fate but leaned towards a more ‘evil’ alignment but...well the DM wasn’t expecting Carn to get killed in some crossfire and, despite Carn having manipulated him and his death not being Wesley’s fault, Wesley decided to resurrect him, sparking their friendship. 
Wesley has literally been inside of Carn’s mind and memories when practicing a certain kind of magic, so Carn trusts him very much.
 Carn is also son of the Black King, the BBEG of the campaign, and also sought to kill his father, wanting to be the one to do it  and take the throne- devoting his entire life to the cause. However it surfaced that only Wesley would be able to do it and Carn had to step back from the thing he’d placed at the centre of his life. 
Through some pretty long and vulnerable conversations Carn decided that his new goal would be to assist Wesley instead and from there build a new life for himself beyond his father. This ended Carn’s unhealthy obsessive mindset and pretty much made a whole new start for him.
HUFFS this is going into very minimal detail but hoo boy its a chungy post so imma leave it at that, just shoot another ask if theres anything you want me to go into more detail on/ characters you want me to talk more about
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yeskhanzadame11 · 5 years
Natural Weight Loss and Fat Burning Advice to Change Your Life
Obesity is now a worldwide epidemic.  USA is the most obese Country in the world, and my country, Australia, is quickly catching up with the states.  Also, of even more concern is the growing number of obese children who are thinking that fast food is a normal way to eat.
I see it every day, and I used to see it in the mirror in the past, the fat rolls, the chubby fat skin, the fat faces, the big asses.  Yes its not very nice, but if you are a realist like me, you will notice that most people you see are fat and over weight.  Whilst it is there own choice and if they are happy I have no qualms with them being like that.  However, obesity is not just visual thing.  Obesity is killing the world with heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses stemming from having too much fat in your system.
Let me set one thing straight first.  I don't like really skinny girls.  I really appall the cat walk shows and the stuff they say to young girls how they are fat and look too chubby etc. etc.  These people are extremists and I am not a fan of the fashion industry and what it does to young impressionable people all over the world.  Recently there was a comment made on one of those "how to be a super model" shows here in Australia, they judge said something to the effect that the girl should look at herself in the mirror as she is clearly too fat.  And the girl didn't even look overweight to me, I know they have to be anemic in the model industry, but this stuff makes me sick.  Anyway, I'm getting away from what I was saying.  I'm just stating that when I refer to 'overweight', 'obese', 'fat' people, I am referring to people that if they saw a Doctor, the Doctor would tell them that they should consider changing their diet as its harming their health.  So please once again, realise that I am not advocating that everyone should be skinny and not eat anything!
A bit about myself, I am a middle aged guy, 36 years old.  Large boned, I have found that I have always struggled with my weight and body image.  I love the food like most people, and I am a vegetarian as well, did I say I love beer also? :-(.
After I hit 30 or so my body changed almost over night, and I noticed that weight was harder to keep off and went on quicker without much help!  I guess when you eat badly over a period of time, it just adds up and before you know it a year or 2 or more and you will be obese if you don't watch yourself or unless you have one of those magical metabolisms that let you eat whatever you want.   Unfortunately I have a slow metabolism, and I need to exercise a fair bit to lose the weight.
The year 2008 arrived and I woke up one morning and looked at the mirror and said to myself, I am not happy with the way I look and I am not happy about getting out of puff when I kick the footy with my son or run around with him.  I made a conscious decision to change myself weight loss plans for girls .  This is the key to making change in any part of your life, you have to take the first vital step, which is telling yourself you want to change, you will change and you are damn well going to change.
So anyway, I decided to join the gym as I have lifted some weights in earlier years and enjoyed it, I am big boned and I tend to gain muscle relatively easy so that's a good thing, always have to take the positives that you have been given.  Over the years I have been on lots of different diets, but never stuck with t hem in the long term.  I don't like the term diet and I don't like the mental damage it does to one that wants to lose weight.  Diet conjures up all sorts of images of starving yourself on weird and ridiculous food combinations, it makes you think that you are going to put yourself through some sort of food boot camp and you can no longer eat the foods you enjoy eating.
Know what you eat
So I don't use the term diet, I use the term "healthy eating".  Its about changing your diet thoughts and changing what you eat and the foods you eat.  The harsh reality is if you are obese then you can no longer eat the same foods and live a sedentary life as this will not change your body at all.
The first thing you should do is become knowledgeable on the foods you eat and understand what good foods are and bad foods. Bad foods are foods that are high in saturated fats and sugars, and will do your body not much good at all.  Foods that fall into this category are deep fried foods, candy, full fat ice cream, donuts, fast food burgers and fries, full sugar soda drinks, chocolate bars, you get the idea ok.  Start to read the labels for the amount of fat in foods, you should aim at lower fat foods when you shop.
Weight loss and diet & exercise is a topic that I could sit here all week and discuss but instead I will be adding new articles when I have the time so you can come back and read the different weight loss and exercise articles when you have the time as well, theres only so many hours in the day and its hard to get everything done.
The good foods that you should be eating are fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, low fat dairy and whole grain carbohydrates.
That means fish, lean meats,  wholegrain rice, pasta and breads.  Low fat cheese, yogurt, & milk.  Fresh fruit each and every day.
Organic foods are always better for you than standard foods, it means there are no nasty chemicals in the foods and if you can afford it I really encourage you to buy organic products, have a look next time you go to the supermarket.
Eat plenty of fruit each day, say 3 to 6 pieces of fruit each day.  I know its a pain, but your body, your digestive system and your bowels will thank you for it.  Have an apple, orange, a cup of tinned fruit salad (in natural juice), a banana, you get the idea.
Have snacks during the day.  Its been proven that this increases your metabolism to burn calories faster.  Have a morning snack of say an apple and some low fat crackers, a cup of low fat yogurt.  In the afternoon have some low fat dip with some low fat wholegrain biscuits.
Fat Loss
Try to really cut down on your fat intake.  Try only having a very small amount of butter on bread/toast, try  some lower fat butter spreads.   Use olive oil in your cooking and minimise this as well.  Get a low fat grill like a George foreman one or whatever, this helps you cook low fat without even trying!  Non stick cooking pans are great as you can put your food on there with some spray oil and it wont burn, try a lower heat with these pans though as they don't like high heat it damages the surface.
I know desserts are wonderful but try to limit these and try to choose low fat alternatives, check out the supermarket and look for low fat desserts, they are everywhere.
Exercise is a crucial part of your life changing weight loss plan.   Start today and go for a brisk walk, it doesn't matter how far it is, just do it, get the walking shoes out and do it, its important to get the ball rolling ok.
Then walk each day, or at least 3 days a week.  Make it fast enough so you get a bit out of puff, very slow walking is not beneficial to weight loss.  45 minutes is your goal to aim for at least 3 times a week, then increase if you really want to see results.
Join the gym or buy some cheap weights from a garage sale!  Lifting weights is incredibly good for your body, doing the likes of "squats", "bench presses", "rows" will aid you in your weight loss journey.  It doesn't matter what your age or sex, weights are a remarkable exercise for strengthening your whole body, working your muscles, increasing your metabolism so you can lose fat faster and burn calories quicker and quicker.  Don't kill yourself though, start slow with a short weight lifting program and then as you gain confidence you can add extra exercises later.  You can do all your exercise at the gym using the cross trainers and treadmills etc.  I cant stress how important plain old walking is, so if you can add regular walking to your life your body will be so much better for it.
Don't stress if you don't have the funds for the gym (they are expensive) as you can do exercises at home, weights are cheap, lots of people buy them and don't use them so they are always for sale!  There's a stack of exercises you can do that require no equipment.  Crunches, situps, push ups, reverse crunches, ab workouts etc. can all be done with no equipment at all.
The best time to exercise is first thing in the morning, this is when you burn the most calories.  This is excellent as you can get it out of the way at the same time and not have to worry about doing it for the rest of the day.  The gyms are busy that time of the day though so maybe the morning walk is better option for you.
Take it easy at the start
One of the most important  things to remember at the beginning of your weight loss journey is not to go into it too hard core.  You will burn yourself out really fast and not want to do it ever again.  Start regular walking, regular exercises.  Change the way you eat, and what you eat.   Start to eliminate fries and bad foods from your diet.  If its too drastic at the start, then start reducing these foods each week and you will still notice weight loss as long as you are exercising and reducing your food intake.  Keep a journal and write down when you start your weight loss regime, write down what you eat, what exercise you do and put down everything you eat, this is very important.
for more info weight loss plans for girls visit our site.
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