#wendigo sona
psychodragon7 · 2 months
A watercolor of my boi Dr. Jeki
Blood warning
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sharkb497 · 6 days
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Dagon x Arlong are really angry
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mjknittingcryptid · 3 months
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Since my tablet doesn’t work, I’m drawing on sketchbook instead, it’s also cryptid time! I tried to draw myself as a wendigo hybrid (basically my favorite cryptids, wendigos and mothman)
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feloplip · 8 months
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Happy Spooky Day guyss
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restartjupiter · 1 year
Undertale Au: Extended Family!
(Alternatively: More Skeltons that aren't Sans and Papyrus!)
This Au is about there being more skeletons besides Sans and Papyrus and there's also more variety to them as well.
Tag is #FamilialTale
Oh. And Gaster is their Grandpa and he's a wendigo.
Mom and Dad
Lucida Font
- Lucida is Sans and Papyrus' Mom.
- She's a Mexican sugar skull.
- Lucida is a strict mother, but she's very caring and loving.
- She is friends with Toriel, the shopkeeper bunnies, and Undyne's Mom.
- Lucida loves to bake, paint, and read romance books.
- Sans gets his shortness and round head shape from his Mom.
- Papyrus gets his caring and loving personality from his Mother. Papyrus always admired his Mother's cooking and her strong will.
Oswald Font
- Oswald is Sans and Papyrus' Dad and Gaster's Son
- Oswald has a Muntjac skull
- Oswald is a affectionate, bookwarm, and interactive father. He's the type of Dad to help you build a science project while researching every bit of it.
- Oswald is friends with Gerson, Asgore, and Alphy's parents.
- Sans gets his lazy and joking personality from his Dad. Sans definitely admires his father ever since he was a young skull.
-Oswald's father is Gaster, the best seems to be professional aside from random moments where Gaster acts like a actual father.
-Oswald swears to never be a father like Gaster.
Both live together in the capitol and raised Sans and Papyrus there until the two boys moved out.
- Arial and the youngest and baby sister.
- Arial was born only a year before Sans and Papyrus moved to Snowdin. She's currently 4 years old.
- Arial has a smal cat skull
- Arial wear a big, taped on, purple bow on the back of her head. She wears a green and teal collared dress.
- After Sans made Papyrus' costume, he made Arial a blue bandana so she "wouldn't feel left out" and Papyrus gave her red boots to match with him
- Gaster gifted Arial the purple bow when she was born but doesn't spend much time with her.
-Arial is friends with Chump (A possum monster who wears a red and white stripped hoodie), Sona, the inn keepers son, and Monster kid's sister.
Wind ding Gaster
- Gaster is a wendigo.
- he's 9ft tall (7ft without his antlers), he has black fur and he wears a white science coat.
- Not much is known about him aside from the fact he was A royal scientist. Because there was multiple. The other 2 were Alphy's parents.
- Gaster was the head of royal scientist team and he took his job very very seriously.
- He was a absent and workaholic father. He visited more and more when Sans was born and homeschooled him until Papyrus was born.
- Sans soon started working as a intern for Gaster and followed him everywhere.
- Gaster died shortly after Arial was born because Sans pushed him into the core after he found out Gaster was going to kidnap and experiment on Arial.
-after he fell into the core, he melted and his personality changed to be more delirious and goofy. He lurks in the shadows, watching his grandkids.
Other skeletons.
- Sono has a bat skull with bone ears.
- Sans and Papyrus' punk cousin on their mother's side.
- Sono is Nonbinary and is a shopkeeper that sells in garbage dump, right before you meet Dumby. Their shop is made of card board and it's inspired by Sans' hot dog stand.
- Sono is into grundge and punk human stuff. They love to look through the trash for cool stuff.
- Sono hangs out with Catty and Bratty and but their Aunt Lucida doesn't approve.
- they look up to Sans (literally. They're short) as a brother figure since they have no siblings and their parents are always working.
- Sans use to babysit Sono when they were a babybones and that's one of the reasons they're so close.
- Sono works as a babysitter for Arial when Lucida and Oswald have date night, need a break, or are both working.
- never knew Grandpop Gaster, bc they were never interested and Gaster took the time to even meet Sono.
- Allura used to be a human but was brought back to life as a skeleton by a huma mage.
- The only skeleton to have hair and it's short black with a white hair band.
- Allura wears a orange, and purple sweater, and ripped blue jeans with white sneakers.
- instead of Frisk falling down it's Allura. Allura fell down bc when they were brought back, the necromancer convinced other mages that Allura is a monster that escaped bc necromancy is forbidden. So they pushed Allura down Mt. Ebott.
Check #FamilialTale
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xgh05tx · 12 days
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Here’s some art I did a while ago of my precious little wings of fire ocs!
Image One (top left to bottom right):
Ghost (Sand/Hive): thinking of changing the design bc they’re supposed to be my wof sona
Tropical Storm (Rain/Sea): one of my main characters, she was my very first wof character, I created her back in elementary school when I first started reading this series lol
Sunset (Sand): adopted her a long time ago back when I was on amino and she was my sona for a while, now she’s just for comfort
Neptune (Ice/Night): my beloved little guy, another one of my main characters in the little story I have
Taipan (Sand): another beloved little guy, Neptunes boyfriend and one of the princes of the sand kingdom in my story
Chili (Sky/Sand): a firescales I created not too long ago, he doesn’t play a big part in my story I just really like to draw him
Image Two (top left to bottom right):
Espresso (Mud/Ice): he’s a royal librarian for the mudwings, not significant I just wanted to draw them
Gecko (Sand): was Chili’s childhood best friend, they parted in a horrible way and they haven’t spoken since Chili left JM
Wendigo (Ice/Leaf): she’s a blind dragon and I was just trying to figure out her design, she’s based off of wenigos lol
Chimaera (Trench): chimaera like the fish not the mythical creature, I adopted a trenchtail on amino when I was still on it and wanted to draw him again
Seaglass (Ice/Sea): they make sun catchers for a living I just wanted to draw them finalizing one of their pieces
Tropical Storm
Sorry for the long read about my characters, I could rant about them for forever but I don’t want to bore anyone. Anyway enjoy the art, that was the main reason of posting it lol
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anemoia-blue · 12 days
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lovelymessybubbly · 6 months
How tall are you, Tama? I'm trying to figure out how many of the people I follow are head pat size or taller than me. I'm an average sized jingerbreadman at 5'4".
aha so my sona is a bit misleading; tama does not really look anything like me except for perhaps how she dresses (*^▽^*)ゞ i am definitely not head-pat height, i am more like “holy shit is that a wendigo ??” height lol !!
tamadachi i am 5’10” (178 cm) irl. do with that information what you will (。・//ε//・。)
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glitchplague · 4 months
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Have a little wip of my sona💅🏻 suddenly decided I want to have an oc designed based on me and my feelings and that’s how he was born :D love him so much already, thinking of his backstory a lot
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And a little bonus as he is related to wendigo in some way
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lodium · 11 months
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I wanted to draw something macabre in this way. Usually in this style I draw bad emotions that I experience. But in this case, I just wanted to draw in it.
Also, this is one of my characters, whom I call Luka. I'm not sure what it is or exactly what gender they are. Sometimes I call them they, and sometimes he. It seems not accurate to me to call it a monster, since usually such creatures are credited with a clear relationship to any creature-monster kind. However, sometimes I call him a demon, although he is something dark, but it does not seem very close to "demon". "Wendigo" may also not be quite suitable.
It also feels like a sona to me, even though I already have one. I thought about the transformation because of strong emotions. But at the same time, I like Luka as a separate character, and not as a transformation of another. It's complicated...
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orangedragon98 · 1 year
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Here we are! Catch some spoilers from my laptop, ka-chow!! :DD That will be set of lee!mercs from TF2, haha! Should I call it “ROBOTS!” huh?? Because lers here are Mann Robots! I can’t wait to finish them all! The first step is on a road, yup-yup!! A-aaaand... no! This is not my sona, aha-ha! The second one is “Meet The Ranger” - a girlie and wendigo at the same time, OC which one I make now especially for t-word things. You can ask her something or ask me for what merc you want to see now! When I’ll finish this arts, I’ll take notes about your wishes! Love you all, really! Especially who help me to develop my account and who will ask me something! (no “red flags” please)  See ya soon! 
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sharkb497 · 2 months
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Dagon x Arlong
New chapter in little angry creature Arlong's adventures: A sneak or There are bigger fish for every fish
Dagon always protects his brother
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mjknittingcryptid · 2 months
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It’s Autism Awareness day! 🧩🌈
A little doodle of wendigo skull, mothman and a seal seals are actually cute ngl
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kirafier · 1 year
Sunny Day Jack (+ my sona)
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New Year, new art and new boys.
In general, I'm not very fond of yandere and until now I was indifferent to it, but after watching the let`s play and matching more about this game…I could not resist "":3
I liked the character, I love wolves in sheep's clothing) And even more interested in the story. I hope the full version of the game will come out soon because there are VERY many questions, and VERY interesting what happened next! OWO
Generally, it would be better to create a new OC, but I'm too lazy to do so. -w-''''
Sooooo I decided to just portray my monster sona in the style of the game. This is Kate, she's a wendigo. And I like to draw her teeth :)
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labratkuma · 1 year
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Wendigo crow watching the sunset
#wendigo #crow #cartoon #artwork #city #scenery #sona 
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lydiaapplebeedoggo · 4 months
Lydia is a female wendigo who is a half Breed of hellhound , she represents me because I wear the same glasses and dress as her but she will turn into her hellhound form if needed. Also one thing : DO NOT MAKE NSFW OR FETISHES OF HER.
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