paranormalsweden · 2 months
mothman on the bridge
on the 30 may 1928 a bridge named Point Pleasant Bridge was opened but they didnt know the terrifying incident that was gonna happen on the 14 and 15 december 1967. on the 14 december 1967 the residents of west virginia were terified as a giant owl like creature with glowing red eyes sat on top of the bridge with a wingspan of 10 foot (3 meters and 4 centimeters) but what happend the day after that was that the bridge collapsed and unfortunately killing 46 people.
photo taken of mothman on the bridge:
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psychodragon7 · 1 month
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If you are alive, a maid of doom with scented bombkinds bc has an interest in plauge doctors and cryptids
I am very much still alive! Do not assume my death.
Scented Bombkind && Medicinal Herbs: Plague Cleanser
More similar to a smoke-bomb than a proper one, its explosion unleashes an intense smell that overwhelms enemies and allies alike, causing strong headaches and coughs. Once the scent is gone, the air and ground it touches are completely sanitized.
... && Mothman figure: Blast From the West (Virginia)
Chased? Cornered? Generally in a pickle? Never fear! Smash this delightful pine scented contraption onto the ground to unleash a large Mothman statuette to buy yourself some time, create an obstacle on your enemies' path, or surprise-clock them in the chin!
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continentalblue · 1 year
4- which cryptyd being do you believe in?
I don't think I truly believe in any, but I kinda think that mothman and the ivory-billed woodpecker are out there somewhere. I also like the idea of the squonk (creature that cries because it is so ugly) and the skunk ape
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welcometohell09 · 2 years
If anyone wants a good laugh, try to play moth man against Akinator.
You’re in for some of the funniest shit.
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Did anyone else have this?
As an autistic teenager girl I always had an affinity with the supernatural and paranormal. I invented a fantasy magic world in my head, although I knew it wasn’t real, I liked to pretend it was. I’ve always had more interest in mythology than I did about real life. I couldn’t connect with people in a normal way. People liked me, but not as many people who bullied me. So, I studied. Ghosts. The Dead. Magic, Christianity and Paganism. Whatever caught my interest. I knew better than to do anything silly or dangerous, such as Bloody Mary or Ouiga Boards. This was because I’d seen on videos how bad those things can get. But also because of my parents. Though my father used to be (Not much anymore) abusive to my mother, and my mother although a archaeologist and perfectionist. They do believe in afterlife and supernatural. 
I don’t know if this is because of their heritage, my father being Aboriginal Australian and my mother being Scottish/English. But either way. I knew from a young age to not mess with dangerous things. So I didn’t. I just researched and all my theories are more or less that, theoretical. However, in high school, as I couldn’t keep up with the school work or understand any of it. Mother would have me do school work and homework for hours at home. On the holidays it was from 9 to 5. And because of my father’s less than helpful method of screaming at me during grade 4 maths homework. To this day I shut down at any academic paperwork. I never really had a social life, as all the other kids in high school thought I was devil worshiper. Not that that bothered me. I liked scaring them. My knowledge and theories of magic and life after death, including demons. Probably didn’t help my case. 
I wanted to go through a goth phase, I would have loved to dress and be like other kids could do. But I didn’t know how. And because of school uniforms I didn’t have many opportunities to dress how I wanted. So, I settled with a black hoodie which became my comfort clothing. I liked to blend in and remain unseen. When I was 15, I did something that was terrifying to myself. I made a lie. And not just a normal lie. I told my parents I was astral traveling to the spirit world. I was terrified of this lie, always questioning myself about how big I could spin the story until it was too far for me to back out. But I got addicted to it. I made a entire world for myself, a imaginary playground. A world where the death and the living mix, where the magic and cryptid creatures are all existing at the same time. I made myself a best friend, a gargoyle creature called Mischief who wielded a battle axe and was probably a lot more sinister than I fully understood at the time. An Imp who would sit on my shoulder called Annoying. Along with many other characters from living scarecrows to djinns. 
It turned out. I needed this. I needed my made up friends. My entire life had been a series of isolation and lack of self control and autonomy. Even my anger couldn’t be justified. Even though the other kids at school were cruel, if I lashed out I was the one thought to be the problem. So somehow, an obsession and fantasy land of darker things. Made my life more less lonely. 
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frankietherat · 2 years
its always, why are you dropping nuclear waste from atomic bombs that are hand made and will cause nuclear fallout into the bottom of the flesh pit of west Virginia and not why are you with big foot?
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shurpino · 2 months
I cant even put photos here because I don’t have enough space in my god daem camera
Its anoyinnnhgggg
I want to share cripitds that I drewwws
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necrotic-neurotic · 7 months
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Photograph hide behind footprints one of the few photographs confirming the creatures existence
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paranormalsweden · 2 months
the thunderbird attack in 1977
the Thunderbird is a giant bird like cryptid that picks up farm animals and even kids. in 1977 a terryfing incident happend in Lawndale, Illinois. 10 year old Marlon Lowe was playing out side when he got attacked by two unidentified birds and picked him up and carried the 10 year old Marlon Lowe a whole 30 feet (9.14400 meters) away as his mother rushed to save him and succecfully saved his son. The birds were described as having a white ring around their necks, a 4 and a half foot body with each wing approximately four feet long, a six-inch hooked bill, three front claws, one back claw, and a large black body.
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steakcy · 2 months
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Hares tales
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psychodragon7 · 3 months
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My version of wendigo race
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choowhy · 2 years
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ktkat99 · 1 year
So I love the fics of the Batfam finding out Jason is alive and has been alive for a while through the most random circumstances, but what if he got back to Gotham a bit saner and decided to just... see how long it took his family to notice him?
Like food goes missing from the kitchen and Alfred can't figure it out for the life of him until he catches Jason raiding the fridge at two am.
Tim sees Jason sneaking around the manor and just assumes he's hallucinating again.
Bruce notices things around the cave have been moved or are missing and scolds Dick and Tim, who keep denying it was them.
Dick finds the Discowing suit laid out for him everywhere he goes.
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vetor2064 · 2 years
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Is it a man in a costume, or just a deformed looking bear.
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