#wendy is not cut out for cheer but she wants to learn!
nautiscarader · 2 years
How about 27 for Wendip?
Dipper still had that terrifying day on his mind, as if it happened yesterday. The bunker. The fight with the doppleganger, and his heartbreak.
And a rather heated but awkward moment when his sister decided to lock him and Wendy in the same tight space, making his face meet with her breasts in a rather embarrassing collision.
And Wendy knew that well, feeling his skin shiver as she cupped his face, bringing him against her.
"Ssh, it's okay, I am here."
"I know…"
"We can do whatever you want…", she spoke softly into his ear, caressing his ruffled hair as their bodies pressed against the pile of clothes.
"We can just kiss, or grope if you want…"
She could feel hesitation in his voice, brought by not only the awkwardness of the party game, but the potentially scaring memories from years past.
"We can also bail out, no one is gonna blame you…"
"No it's okay.", Dipper whispered, kissing her, "I like when we you are close to me…"
Their lips met again in a slow, but fierce kiss, as their hands roamed each other's back. Lost in the bliss, Wendy went down the memory lane too, deciding to soothe her boyfriend in between his pecks.
"Remember our first kiss, dude?"
"After we tumbled down that hill escaping from the Ragna-rock monster?"
"Yeah, wild."
He pressed her slightly deeper into the wooden shelf, letting Wendy coil her legs protectively around him.
"And our first date?"
"The movie one? We've had so many of them it's difficult to say which one it was…"
"No, dude, the first first one."
Her lips curled into a sly smile, as she pressed her forehead to his.
"In the mansion. Where I learned that Dipper Pines can frickin' dance…"
She grabbed his shoulders just like she did two years ago, in the middle of the half-dilapidated ballroom, watched by dozens of ghosts and poltergeists, ready to decide if they should live or join their ranks.
Her legs crossed behind his back, sliding his crotch against hers, giving her a clear sign that the heated memory was definitely on his mind as she felt him.
"I've had a good dance partner…"
He leaned and kissed her neck, sliding down towards her loose shirt, reminiscence the sight of Wendy Corduroy in a ball gown with a cut big enough for her freckled breasts to attract his look as they danced.
Wendy moaned his name as shivers tore through her body, strengthening with each of his kiss, now reassuring her.
"And do you-"
"Yes.", Wendy replied at once, her voice dripping with lust.
"In the-"
"With the-"
"And how I-"
It happened in a split of a second. Dipper grabbed her thighs and effortlessly hooked her legs onto his shoulders. Her jeans got pulled up as his went down, and when their lips met in a crashing kiss, his cock slid into her overflowing, wet pussy.
Wendy roared his name, repeating her proclamations of love as wooden planks screeched and cracked under his rapid thrusts, mixing with softer, yet equally aggressive sounds of their bodies slapping against each other.
As they breaths and moaned mingled, so did their memories of dozens of dark places they got stuck in, and dozens of times when Wendy comforted him and brought his courage back.
And nothing proved that more than her voice cracking with every instance of his name as he drove her towards a crashing climax, making their surroundings rattle with each millisecond closer to their shared peak.
The next moment, several things happened at once. Dipper threw his head back as he came hard inside her, flooding her with stream after stream of his seed, Wendy howled his name, her lifted legs locking behind his head, and their vision was filled blinding light of their shared climax…. as well as flash from Tambry's phone.
The two lovers turned their heads to the right and were met with howls of laughter and cheers as their half-naked bodies, still joined and twitching from their recent orgasms, were documented with all the juicy and creamy details by Gravity Falls' foremost social media expert. And no amount of fallen clothes would hide their affection now.
Tambry gave her best friend a wink and gave the two horny teenagers a few minutes to gather their clothes, while the rest of party goers chanted their names, celebrating their quickie.
Wendy and Dipper looked at each other and burst into laughter, before he helped her, first to untangle her legs, and then get onto the ground. Wendy closed her arms around him and kissed him, helping him button his jeans, when the door to the closet opened again, this time with Tambry holding a bottle of cleaning fluid.
"You better clean the mess in less than seven minutes, my mom is coming back!"
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bbysittr · 2 years
@brokencheer​ gets a starter ! 
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❛ Can you teach me one cheer move? –– Or is it top secret information? ❜    She’s kidding about the second part.    Mostly.    Truthfully, Wendy really wants an excuse to wave pom-poms around, just once. 
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needleandhammer · 3 years
From Simmer to Score
Pairing: Soft!Curtis Everett x Reader
Summary: Curtis is good with his hands. And other stuff.
Warnings: 18+ only, explicit, smut, oral sex, penetration, fingering, dub con breeding, unprotected sex, breeding kink sort of, size kink, petite!reader, Curtis' fingers
Word count: 4k
A/N: This doesn't really fit the prompt i chose from @stargazingfangirl18 's 5k Soft Dark Challenge: "You hire a local handyman to help you with a few home projects." But the prompt still inspired this. I wanted to take the prompt somewhere more explicitly dark but once again my contribution to this challenge turned marshmallow soft. This is an au, non-apocalypse au, normal life au, idk. Just self-indulgent. Also, it was a struggle finding a gif of clean Curtis. Because he's clean in this and not living on a train, i swear.
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“Try again. Very good. Let’s have you run through the exercises and then we’ll take a look at the new homework."
At your smile, the little girl nods and quickly turns to concentrate on coordinating her footwork on the pedals of your old Altenberg while reading the notes in front of her.
You back away, heading to the kitchen for some iced tea. You nearly forget your other guest who sits at the table.
This is the third time he’s accompanied Wendy for her lessons. For a man of his size, Curtis makes no sound except the faint swish of pages turning in his book. Like before, he arrived with Wendy, nodded a greeting at you, waited for your invitation to the kitchen, and then spent the entire hour silently reading.
You pull the fridge door open and pour tea into three glasses. You quietly slide one towards him. Curtis’ eyes flicker up to you, brilliantly blue, and he gives you a low murmur.
You’re about to return to Wendy when you hear your name in Curtis’ smooth baritone.
He nods to the notepad left on the table. “I, uh, noticed your reminder to call for maintenance. Something wrong?”
“Oh.” You tidy up the table, sheepish at being caught procrastinating house chores. “Just needed a second look at the water heater. The repair company came by and we tested things out when they were done, but the next day I had no hot water.”
You grimace, thinking of taking another cold shower.
“If you’re okay with it, I can grab my tool bag from my car and take a look,” he says.
You’re not prepared for the offer. “I wouldn’t want to impose.”
He shakes his head, no hesitance. “I don’t mind at all. As long as you don’t.”
“I mean. I-I would really appreciate the help.”
Your time with Wendy ends after you review practice goals with her until her next lesson.
Curtis joins you two. “Hot water is running again.”
Your jaw drops and you skip to the kitchen. Hot water pours out of your faucet. You return, unable to resist grinning widely at him.
“Thank you, Curtis. You’re a lifesaver.”
“Curtis taught my dad everything about fixing houses!” Wendy chirped. He offers her a crooked smile.
“Do you have everything?” you ask your young pupil.
While Wendy thanks you and you help her pack, Curtis watches on with a faint curve to his lips.
“Edgar’s changing over to late shifts for the next couple of months. I’ll probably be driving Wendy to lessons again.”
You nod. “Sounds good. See you both then.”
After they leave, you enjoy a glorious steamy shower and then you settle onto your couch with a plate of leftover grilled veggies and fish.
Reviewing your schedule, you consider taking on one or two more students. It was years ago that you gave private lessons to help pay for college. Nearly a decade of moving between a few jobs, you are now in a quiet suburb working with a team of digital designers. The job allows you to work from home half the week, a flexibility you take great appreciation in. The professional stability encouraged you to return to music and to helping others develop their musical interests.
Wendy is your only student at the moment as you want to ease into taking on this additional responsibility. You smile, recalling your initial meeting with Wendy and her father, Edgar. Her father’s bubbly energy is such a stark contrast to Curtis. Edgar opened up quickly, sharing that he and Wendy’s mother were no longer together, that he would support whatever Wendy wanted to do. There was a perpetually youthful vigor to the room when Edgar was present.
Wendy calls Curtis, Uncle, and his adoration for her is clear. He barely said two words when he was here the first time. It doesn’t bother you. You get the impression Curtis purposely tries to not draw attention to himself, and you can empathize with that preference for tranquility.
_ _ _ _
It’s a windy day, heavy with rain clouds, the next time Wendy and Curtis are over.
“I saw your screen door was down. Planning on replacing it?” Curtis asks when you wrap up with Wendy.
“Nah. I was just going to look up what I would need and try fixing it myself.”
“It’s kind of heavy.”
His tone doesn’t imply any skepticism aimed at you and you’re not offended. You’re used to people calling you ‘small,’ though you’re not small so much as you’re short. You like to think you take up ample space. You also admit strength is not something you have in abundance. Your whole life you relied on family and friends for a lot of literal heavy lifting. But Curtis already helped you out once.
“I could fix it up.”
“I won’t ask you to do that.”
“It’s no bother, really. I’m happy to help out.”
He promises to be quick about it. While he works, Wendy happily practices on your piano.
“I have Oreos,” you announce.
She pauses to grab a cookie. “Thank you so much for letting me practice longer.”
“Of course, dear.”
She chats a bit about her upcoming birthday plans, as children are wont to do.
Curtis pops his head in. “All set. Do you want to take a look?”
You follow him out back. Swinging the screen door on its hinges, you nodded appraisingly.
“I suppose it passes inspection.” You look up with a cheeky smile, pleased to see Curtis’ lips twitching. “Thank you. Really, Curtis. I do wish you’d let me pay you.”
He shakes his head. “It’s nothing. Besides, you’re great with Wendy. I’m grateful for that.”
You can tell he loves Wendy just as much as if he was her father. “In that case, I shall give Wendy her next lesson for free.”
He blinks at you, trailing behind as you make your way inside and calling out to Wendy.
Curtis has resigned himself to a quiet, bare life. He doesn't think he wants anything much. He has Edgar’s loyalty, a result of the brotherhood he formed in his impoverished teen years. They survived together, looked out for each other. Once Wendy came along like a little star burning in a smoggy midnight, Curtis counted himself lucky to witness the little girl growing up. A chance to help nourish one seed.
The first time he arrived with Wendy at your home, Curtis couldn’t help listening in on the entire lesson, making no progress in his book. Your clear voice, your generous encouragement. You, light on your feet moving so swiftly. You, barely reaching his shoulders yet mighty in spirit, curvy and sensuous. Curtis had an urge to lift you in his palms to be stored safely in his pocket.
_ _ _ _
And so things follow. Wendy diligently learning and Curtis primarily accompanying her, taking his place at your kitchen table. You come to enjoy his steady, grounding presence just a couple steps away from you and Wendy.
Now and then, he’ll notice some upkeep you’re doing – a leaky faucet, a box of new light bulbs on your counter – and volunteer his assistance. You are reluctant to put him to work, sure that he spends enough of his days working and doing chores in his own home and besides these are tasks you can handle even if you find them tedious. Curtis is always gentle in his offers, always obtains your permission first. As time goes by and you grow less shy about accepting his help and he grows more comfortable in your space, you realize working with his hands is second nature to Curtis.
It doesn't take long for Curtis to admit to himself he wants to be near you.
Curtis doesn’t meddle. He doesn’t mingle. He doesn’t have any interest in widening his social circle. He is aware you thrived on your own for a long time, just like him; and like he has Edgar and Wendy, you have a small close-knit group of friends. Lending a hand to you doesn’t count because you are like him.
Maybe this is why he lets his guard down under your roof. There is something kindred in your calm nature that his soul responds to. Under your roof, no silences need to be filled; no pretenses forced upon him. Your invitation to rest is unspoken – he hears it and almost weeps. The more time he spends with you, like two wavelengths in tune, the stronger his urge to insert himself. To fix, or in some way leave his mark on your home. Curtis doesn’t have any interest in widening his social circle. Lending a hand to you didn't count. Until he cannot help it. He doesn’t reach out for you, doesn’t try to prove you’ll curve perfectly within his arms; but he’ll ensure your softness can curl up in a sturdy home and delight in simple pleasures.
One evening, when Edgar works later than usual, you ask if Wendy and Curtis would join you for dinner.
“Nothing fancy. I have some noodle soup and salad. Curtis, can you call Edgar to meet us here?”
Wendy sets the table. Curtis assists with the food.
He’s quick to cup your hand in his when it's nicked with a knife. You can’t help leaning into him as he runs your finger under water, wraps it in clean paper towel. He finishes with the salad, making you sit at the table.
Edgar joins you all, tired but quickly gaining energy with food and a few sips of wine. You are full and warmed by their company. While Edgar cheers on Wendy while she practices from her book, you feel Curtis’ fingers curl over your hand. His thumb brushes over your cut. You share a smile with him.
_ _ _ _
You settle into your little Toyota only to find it won’t start. It stumps you because you never had issues with this car before. You have no experience with car maintenance and don’t know the first thing to check for an engine that won’t wake.
Calling Curtis to see if you can reschedule, he insists that he can swing by to pick you up.
He had called you, his voice almost shy. He wanted to surprise Wendy for her birthday with a piano and asked for your help.
You direct Curtis to the string instruments shop in the city’s downtown area. The two of you are greeted by a sales staff upon entry. When asked, Curtis looks to you, wordless, so you do your best to describe to the salesperson what you're looking for.
There are several options of acoustic and digital instruments. You give little demonstrations on a few pianos that you consider reasonably priced.
“Curtis, check this one out.” Your hold on his sleeve is loose and propels him towards one of the upright Baldwin pianos.
“I think any of these would suit Wendy. The sounds are clear, and they don’t take up too much space. The salesperson said this one is second-hand and it’s in really good shape.” You press a few chords, then look up at Curtis with a smile.
He looks at you, gaze gentle. “I’m not worried about price. I’ll take whatever you recommend.”
That was his general response when you asked his opinion during your time in the shop: he was up for anything you recommended. Other than that, he trailed behind you so that the salesperson assumed you were the primary purchaser. Much like in your house, Curtis seemed to try hard to not draw attention. Oddly, you didn’t think anyone in the same room with him could help noticing him. Even with the dark apparel he favored, Curtis’ reserved nature can't hide all the intensity and strength just thrumming beneath the surface of his tall imposing build.
You convince him to sit beside you on the bench. He’s never played before, but humors you and tries random combinations of thirds with you. You watch his hands – clean, wide, with thick fingers – hover and slide along the keys.
He nudges you.
“Sorry. I was just impressed your sausage fingers are quite nimble.”
A half-hearted glare. “Thank you. For coming with me.”
“If I say you’re welcome, will you take a look at my car when we get back?”
He stays for dinner.
It starts raining and you have to rush out to gather hanging linens. He helps and you both run back inside. You're giddy at his eagerness to assist, resulting in damp clothing on you both.
“Oh, let’s dump it here. I’ll fold it tomorrow.” You are happy to leave the laundry in a pile on an armchair, in too good of a mood to care.
You catch him with his attention on you, a look so soft you have to look away, walk blindly a few steps. His touch is on your arm, turning you around just as you reach the piano.
He dips his head low to press chapped lips to yours, capturing your lips more, closing in to envelope you in his heat.
Curtis’ hands grip your hips with a quick jostle against the piano, prompting a slur of bright notes ringing from the keyboard that you are pressed against. And then he’s hitching you further up and firmly in his arms. His tongue licks against yours. You slant your open mouth, inviting him to taste, to devour you from the inside out. Your legs wrap around his waist like you belong there, tethered to this point in time. There’s no past or future, only Curtis, only feeling safe and real in his arms now now now.
You barely register Curtis moving, tipping you onto the couch cushions to hover over you so close. You can’t remember burning for someone like this. You can’t remember much of anything, focused on Curtis, solid and unyielding between your thighs, muscles buzzing with raw strength.
You want so badly to know more of him. Your hands wander shamelessly under his shirt, sliding up his wide back, grazing under to squeeze appreciatively at his pecs only to be called south by a narrowing of hair that leads you on until you bump his belt buckle.
You’re distracted by the tease of hot kisses he drops along your neck. There’s something sweet, vulnerable in how you allow him access to the delicate skin there. It makes Curtis bury his nose against the crook of your jaw, a long moment for him to whisper something like a prayer, before his tongue swirls and he nibbles your ear lobe. Your high pitched gasp hastens his desire. Your shirt is gone. Your bra untangled from your arms. Your breasts, oh, Curtis takes a mouthful of one fleshy breast, sucking greedily when you moan, breathless and aching now.
You claw at his shirt until it too disappears. You wriggle to help Curtis pull your pants and underwear off. Your legs want to yank him back to you, but he braces himself to allow just a bit more space between you both than before.
“Let me.” It’s almost a growl, and you want to say yes, but you want to kiss him more. You’re clinging by his neck, drinking from his soft lips, until you both part to draw breath.
His hand caresses your cheek, sliding over to slip two fingers into your slack mouth. Your tongue swipes at them, lips close to suck them in, eager to touch and taste any part of him. Jaw tight, Curtis pulls his fingers away and down. Down. His hand spans large over your curves and you hold your breath, grit your teeth. One finger saturated with saliva, sinks into your cunt. You swear you can feel more arousal dripping from you to soak his hand and he adds another finger, drawing short whimpers from you as his fingers withdraw and plunge in. God, you won’t ever tease him about his fingers again because they’re perfect. Agonizing in their quest to undo you.
His voice is husky groans, wanting so bad to feel your oh so tight cunt around his cock. Soon.
He tortures you, adds a third finger. You’re riding them, whimpering as he pumps them in you and parts the digits to stretch you. His weight slides away and you can only grasp at his hair, you’re barely glimpsing his head between your legs before you arch high when his thick wet tongue swirls and licks your folds, dialing up the white hot blooming inside you. His fingers curl just enough inside to press that patch against your pelvis that strings you tight as a bow. Pressing insistently, scratching with finger pads, until you burst and all you can do is chase more of that pulsing pleasure, humping against his face. Your hips quiver while Curtis laps at your slit.
His sucks grow gentle, thumb teasing your bud, helping you come down from the intense high.
You sigh his name.
“I’m here.”
“I want you.”
His arms wind around you, holding you tight while he kisses you. You can’t remember feeling anything better than being cradled like this as Curtis languidly kisses you.
He’s not rushed to move from you, so you cling to him and he loves you for it. Yes, he’s hard, but he wants to savor this. Already high on the sensation of your soft flesh underneath him, your thick thighs tight at his waist, your quiet hums of pleasure the evidence of his thorough work.
He ran from his past, from early years strife with despair, washing away those memories like dust and grime. He thought his life of isolation was one that moved him forward; but he has been stuck all this time.
Seeing you care for Wendy, Curtis realized he wanted that. He wanted what his friend had. He wanted you, and the precious something conceived between two souls that sing for one another. Soon. He’ll make your sweet little body his to protect, to warm through the nights.
_ _ _ _
“Thanks so much for having us for dinner,” Edgar says. He was been watching Wendy run around your humble backyard, chasing butterflies and searching for little frogs. He turns to you with a toothy grin. “And for your help with the gift. Wendy’s going to flip. I’m lucky to have you and Curtis both around.”
Your smile is just as affectionate. “Happy to have you here. Although,” your smile turns sly, “I’m a little disappointed that your special lady friend didn’t join us.”
“Curtis,” Edgar mutters under his breath. Curtis is washing dishes at the sink and pays no mind to any half-hearted curses directed at him.
Your brow arches, urging Edgar to talk as he can't help an embarassed grin.
“Well, she was traveling for work, unfortunately. But I know Wendy doesn’t mind her.”
The girl has whispered to you that Edgar’s girlfriend is beautiful and she wished she would become her new mom; this you keep to yourself, not wishing to embarrass or pressure your friend further.
“I’m happy to hear that.”
Edgar’s eyes slide sideways, quiet for a moment before he jumps out of his seat and heads to the door leading to the backyard. “I’ll just…uh…” He exits, trailing off without finishing his sentence.
You sigh and take another bite of your cake, indulging in the moist chocolate flavor. Glancing up, you find Curtis watching you. His attention is singular, a warm simmer in those bright blue eyes, causing you to freeze except for your tongue that finishes sweeping over your upper lip. His gaze narrows, grew weighty, tracking your tongue as it retreats into your mouth. He pushes away from the counter, steps close until he is able to drop to his knee beside your chair. One strong yank has your seat turning so you face him.
The door creaks open again.
“Well, the sun’s getting low so I think we’ll head home and wind down.” Edgar announces with his daughter close at his side. He has a boyish grin on his face, pulling Wendy towards the front of your house. "Wendy, say good bye.”
“Isn’t Curtis leaving too?”
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll leave when he’s ready.”
“Have a good night, you two,” you say, walking with them to the front. Though Edgar is still cheerfully thanking you for the meal and insisting you stay inside and not see them off.
“You go on and just have a good time, both of you.” He sends a wink your way. You shake your head at him. “Curtis! You be a gentleman now.”
Quick as he can, he has Wendy secured in the car and they are on their way.
“Huh.” You lock the front door before turning to find Curtis. You can tell he wants to roll his eyes at Edgar’s antics. Instead, he closes in on you.
“Are you worried about me not being a gentleman?” he murmurs. His fingers hook under yours loosely.
You smirk. “I’m worried about you being too much of a gentleman.”
That smolder returns to his gaze. For a second, your body shivers, overwhelmed and you side step him, if only for a moment’s relief from the heat of his eyes.
You reach out. He takes your hand.
Once you’re down a layer, he grows even hotter seeing the mesh and lace number you have on. A tantalizing tease with the hard peaks of your nipples veiled in barely-there maroon. Just daring him to unwrap you. So he does.
His mouth leaves a wet trail seeking sensitive spots on your neck, you breasts, your thighs. Even as he moves, he still covers nearly all of your body, his heat and weight drowning you in want.
Your shudder has him grazing his beard up the inside of your thigh so that you arch and plea for his touch. God, all your uninhibited responses spur the blazing hunger in him. Curtis peels the mesh underwear down, impatient for a taste of you. His mouth waters, catching wafts of arousal and then he’s sucking and lapping your wet pussy. His rumbling groan is like a physical nudge that bows your back, and you remain rigid in the air at the sensation of his thick tongue pushing into you. Wide shoulders part your legs, shifting until your thighs rest on vast muscles.
You rock against him, keen at the hard sucks. Two fingers dip into, fucking you and rubbing with a dizzying rhythm that brings you over the edge.
With little effort, he holds up your hips and you feel a pillow slide under you to angle you higher. Then his muscled arms hook under your knees and he finally lines up and rocks forward. The tip of his cock parts your folds. Your breath hitches. His cock slides in, forcing your walls to stretch, to mold tightly to his girth.
“Curtis” – your hand was going point to the little bedside table with condoms.
Instead, you’re gripping a blanket. Gasping as he withdraws and your pussy tries to hold him in.
You mumble against his lips, incoherent. “The…inside..”
And then he feeds you his length again. And again, that delicious, addicting friction.
"Yes, inside," he agrees softly. "Like this."
With every pump, the spark catches and blazes higher. Curtis rises onto his knees, thrusts harder, watching your eyes flutter open and shut. He’s panting with the pretty picture of a needy you. He grips your thighs. As if his life depends on how tight he clutches you. Concentrating hard, his eyes drop low. Fuck. He can see your pussy clench, your puffy outer lips suckling his cock. Curtis swears your little body is refusing to give him up, and you’re wet but your cunt squeezes him so tight he has to drive harder into you to avoid slipping out.
You’re not even aware of your breathy moans, so turned on by his groans, the rough thrusts he gives you. There’s no grinding. Curtis can tell he’s rubbed against your g-spot and he keeps his snapping hips angled just right, one callused thumb circling your clit too lightly. And then your breaths stutter, your legs seize, your back arches. Curtis grits his teeth, keeping the exact same pace, draws out the storm of your pleasure. It’s so consuming, you lose your voice.
Just as you are able to breathe again, able to sense the physical realm around you, Curtis speeds up, bucking hard with low grunts, powering into you.
A high gasp – you feel him flood you. He drops to press his chest to you, still pumping his release into your clenching walls; and it’s too much, his cock merciless within your sensitive channel. He can’t help it, even as your legs start writhing with his unrelenting stimulation, even as he hears your hitched whimpers.
He finally stills. His lips find yours, tongue stroking deep.
Long moments later, his name is gentle, falling from your lips. “We didn’t use protection.”
Curtis nuzzles you, rubs his nose along the planes of your cheeks. Returns to suck your bottom lip. “It’s okay,” he whispers.
There’s a soft frown upon your brow that he kisses, and then scatters more kisses on your face.
“But, what if?”
“I want you. I want everything with you.”
You’re barely able to react as he nips hard at your collarbone and then rolls his hips. He’s half-hard inside you. You’re quickly losing yourself in Curtis, overwhelmed by the combination of his hungry mouth on your skin, unyielding clasp on your thigh. His thrusts persist, pins you in place, lights you up and scorches you. You’re right where he wants you, whining for more more more.
Now with each beat of his heart, Curtis has his mind’s eye on the prize. He’ll have you over and over. And you’ll grow a piece of him inside you. You are the way forward. You are his.
A/N: Hurrah, this one felt like it took forever. I blame Curtis. He didn't give himself up to me easily. Let me love you, ya broody boi! Thank you for reading!
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thiscrazyfan · 3 years
The Leader
The only leader they can have, is Pan. There could be no other leader than him.
At first Wendy didn't noticed it. She was certian that this island, the island that free from rules and hierarchy, there was no need in an actual leader. She told herself that the boys are all behave, and that they are all happy here and do what they want.
When she started to notice that the boys do only what Pan wants, she told herself that it was because he was responsible. He was smart, and creative, and always came up with the best games to play. In her naivity she told herself that those were the traits that drawn the boys to him.
She started to notice that something was wrong when one of the new lost boys, Fred, offered that they'll go find a tresure. Pan imdytly got intrested and said he'll organized a search party that would find the best tresure in the world. Fred didn't said anything, but by the look in his eyes it was clear he was disapointed that he didn't got any credit. Feeling him, she turned over Pan and asked, "shouldn't Fred orgenaized the search party? I'm sure he wants to."
Fred's face light up like christmas tree. However, Pan looked directly at her. She didn't noticed that the boys around her all turned quiet, or the little smirk on Felix's face. Pan said, "Come again?"
"I think that Fred should be in charge on the search party."
"No, that's a stupid idea."
The way he said it, as if it was a fact, insulted Wendy. Why did he thought her ideas were stupid? She never critisissed him before. "Just let him be in chargerged this one time, it will be fun."
The redhead boy turned over to Fred. He looked at him directly, as if there was no one else in the island. He asked, "do you want to lead?"
Fred, the pure little soul that he was, nodd exited.
Still soer, Pan let him be in charged. Wendy was excited for Fred until the search party which the newly- lost- boy lead retuned without Fred, and Pan was the one who declared that his bad leadership got him dead. She cried for monthes after that, and it didn't helped that Pan reminded her, "it was your fault for encourage him to lead."
The next time was years later, when the mask started to sleep and she relized that not everything was as it seemed. She noticed that Felix helped one of the lost to improve his shooting skills. She watched how the other boys looked admirely at him and without thinking she said, "wow Felix, the boys really trust you."
Everyone stoped. Felix looked at her blaimingly. Suddenly she knew she had said something that was really, really wrong. Felix took a threatining step towards her and said, "I only do what any other lost boy would do."
"That's true," Wendy hurried to say, to fix it.
But Edgar, the newest and youngest lost boy, disagree. "That's not true Felix. You do beyond that."
Another lost boy shut him up right away, and Wendy was greatful. Pan was nowhere around and she had almost let herself to calm down when in the next day Felix is gone. She is paniced. Maybe she and Felix are not best friends, yet she didn't want him to die. She, Tootles, Slightly and the twins searched for him and Pan all around the camp. They all feared the worst and Wendy blamed herself for that.
Thankfully, they came back a few hours later. Felix had a new scar, nothing else bad. She made sure not to say ever again something about how helpful Felix was.
And whatever Pan and him had been through that day they were gone, it sank in. Felix stopped helping the other boys around. When they got hurt, when they needed something, there was no responsible lost boy to turn to. No older lost boy who knew how to shoot an arrow. No lost boy who came to disinfect their injured knees.
Wendy knew it can't last like this forever. If every lost boy would only have himself to take care of, they would be in troubles. Pan might be the leader, but he didn't cared enough to help them with all their little problems. Someone had to put an end to that.
So she was the one who helped. She learned how to shoot the target to teach the other boys how to shoot well. She learned how to make medicines from wild flowers and how to encourage the boys to go on adventures. She payed attention to them, and helped them whenever she could.
She couldn't tell when the change started exactly. One day she was all alone, doing her everyday tasks. The next day she barely had any free time for herself. The boys were starved for attention. They asked her all day, they wanted her to help them. They always wanted to know what was on her mind, what she had thought about their ideas and if she was proud at them.
Wendy really didn't thought that Pan would mind it. It wasn't like she had done something out of the ordinery. She just helped them as she could.
Maybe he really didn't cared. Not really. At least not until the day he offered that they would go to fight the pirates and Eddie, little Eddie, whispered, "what mom thinks of that?"
The boys all looked at her. Wendy felt ice swiming in her veins. Surly Eddie just got it a little mixed up. He just missed him mother so badly that he thought of her accidently as such.
And then Gabriel, who was just a little bit older asked, "yeah, what mom thinks?"
More and more mumbles repeated the question. The older boys, Rufio, Felix, Nibs and all those who watched it all before kept their mouth shut. It didn't made up for the other twenty boys who eagerly waited for her reply.
She could feel Pan's eyes on her. The memory of the day poor Fred died crossed her mind. She felt her lower lips shaken. Pan stood in front of her. His eyes drilled a hole into her soul. With the coldest voice she heard, he said, "very well, what mom thinks?"
Wendy wearked her mind in a way out of this question. She couldn't have let Pan know what she really thinks about fighting against pirates. She couldn't lie to him either, not when he knew all too well how much she hated those fights.
Her voice broke, "I think... that your leader knows what he is doing. He brought you're all hear safetly, to this wonderful land where you should never grow old. He always comes up with the best plan. I'm sure you all should listen to him."
Pan and her kept staring at each other. From the corner of her eyes she noticed that Nibs covered his mouth. It was probably look into snake's eyes.
Finally, Pan looked away from her. His lips quirk into a wild smile and he called, "you heard mom boys! Let's go fight the pirates!"
The boys all cheers. Rufio tapped on her back in cheer. Wendy was shocked. She did it. She passed the test. And she proved to Pan that she was not a threat to him.
That was what she thought. A few days later, after they won several battles against the pirates, Pan showed up behind her. He scared her so much that she almost lost her balance. Her reaction amused him. He said, "come with me."
Wendy was surprised. Not from the invatetion. From the tone he used. It was actually a more soft tone than she was used to hear him use. It almost sounded like a request. If he could request stuff. "Sure."
It wasn't like she had any choice.
He gave her his arm, and Wendy tried to ignore the little spark she felt when he did so. They held hands, such a grown- up thingy, and walked deeper into the woods. Pan had a seriuse expression on his face, one that Wendy not often had seen.
She wanted to ask him how was his victory, or tell him any other compliment that would make it easier for her. She couldn't. The next words should come from Pan himself. She waited paitently to open his mouth. Only when they were farther into the woods he spoke, "You really like the lost boys, right Wendy?"
Wendy bited her tounge. His question was so inecent, and yet Wendy knew she should be careful with her words. She looked at his boyish face and thought how misleading he looked. "Of course I like the lost boys. All of them."
"Hm-hm." He removed another bench from her way. How noble of him. "How much you like the lost boys, Wendy?"
"I- I like them a lot."
"A lot?"
"I- Yeah, a- a lot."
"Could you be more specific? I really want to know how much you like them."
She heard the edge in his voice when he said that word. Wendy felt her words escaping her. She had to come up with something to say, fast. "I'm- I'm-"
When he grabbed her shoulders, she sileneced. She let him pull her over one tree and press her back against it. She gasped. Pan smiled at her, his nails dugg into her flash hard. He said again, "go ahead Wendy, tell me how much you love them."
Dear god, this was the end. She would never see her brothers or her parents again. Wendy forced herself to look at him without blinking. She whispered, "I love them- very deeply. Very- very deeply."
Pan nodd, as if it was the answer he wanted. His nails cut her flash. "Would you say you love them... as a mother, loves her children?"
Obviusly not. She was a kid. She could not really love them as if they were her children. Well, what's worst? That they'll feel towards her parenting affection, or normal one? "I love them as a mother loves her children," she said the words quickly.
Pan removed one hand from her shoulder. She noticed he lowered it down to his side, close to where he put his dagger. "See, I'm a little... lost here, Wendy. How does a mother loves her children?"
If only she could run. Maybe if she'll scream someone would come to help her. But they'll have to fight Pan, and Wendy would never forgive herself if they'll get in troubles because of her. She said quickly, "A mother- a mother always thinks of what's good for her children. She reads them stories, and comfort them when they cry, and they can come to her if there is any trouble-"
She saw that his smile tighten. No, please no. "She can solves problem?" His hand touched the handle of his weapon.
"No- Well, yeah, but-"
"Kind of like a leader?"
In the real world, mom was her leader. But this was in another life. Better life. And Wendy knew from Pan's expression that she have to find another answer. She can't delete her words, she can't take them back. She worked her mind of what to say.
Right before Pan pulled out his dagger she squeezed, "she is secondery."
Pan stopped. He didn't let her go, but he looked at her lips. He was listening.
Wendy didn't knew if this was right. She didn't cared either. She had to come up with something. "Mom is always secondery. The real leader."
His eyebrows raised up. He pushed her harder against the tree. "And who-" he whispered in her ear, "-is the real leader?"
Her back hurt her. It was hard to think this way. "It's dad."
Pan's grip on her losen slightly. If he was surprised by her words, he didn't shown it. He repeated. "Dad."
"Yes. Dad is... He is the one that in charged on everyone."
She had his attention now. She noticed the way his lips moved up, the way that he smiled when he had thought about a new advanture. "What does dad do?"
"Dad is the one... He is in charged on the family. He tells everyone what to do. And there are problems mom can never solve, you know? So dad is the one that fix those for her."
Things that mom can't do, and he can. This thought is more like him. Gaining more cinfident, Wendy went on: "he is the strongest, the smartest, and the most important parent. Mom always have to listen to dad. And everyone loves him."
And that is the key sentence. She knew all too well how much Pan wanted to be loved.
His grip turned gentler now. The dagger had been forgoten. Pan thought about her words, considered her idea. The look he had was softer, and Wendy knew she was almost there.
He asked her, "And mom?"
"Mom loves dad more than anyone else in the world."
"Does she?"
"She does. She have to love him more than anyone. He is dad."
Pan likes that idea even more. She can see it. She feels it from Pan. He let her go from the tree and ofers her again his hand. "We should come back, they probably looking for us."
Wendy didn't said a word. Not when they come back, not when all the sudden the young lost- boys called pan "dad". Not when Rufio gave her that worried gaze, or when Nibs thanked heaven quietly that she came back.
She had never forget that dagger, and that Pan is the one true leader.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
hey wendy could you do a high school hakkai asking black y/n on a date and he ends it with a kiss☹️ thank you
I was lying awake last night thinking "I have never written for Hakkai" and then I woke UP AND SAW THIS REQUEST!
I placed it at an American (Southern, like Texas) high school, so here are some things you might not be familiar with the terms below.
Majorettes/Drill team - a dance team that performs in precision with kicking formations and choreographed dances with the band. This is the fancier version of cheerleaders.
Drum Major- a student leader of the band (helps with keeping the band timing and positions in check when performing.)
Drum Majors and Majorettes share the field at the beginning of football games, then stand together in the stands during American Football games. (This was a big part of my high school traditions and is very close to my heart.)
Hakkai would make a great football captain, so I'm giving it to his tall self. Also, I had to cut a lot of detailed scenes because *who wants a novel* so I'm sorry if it seems disjointed!
Friday Night Lights: Hakkai Shiba x Black!Fem!Reader
wc: 1.6k
tw: fluff
song recommendation:
"Here's the deal," you begin, slinging the baton over your shoulder. "Our drill team isn't here to play around. We take ourselves seriously, and you know that we don't allow others to tarnish our good name."
The girls standing in front of you are watching you as you pace back and forth, trying to remain absolutely still. One wrong move and you'd dump them out on their asses, and they'd be banned from trying out forever.
"As the captain of this drill team, I expect you all to behave as if you are already a part of it in the way you act and present yourselves. Even though these are just auditions, you will still have to show us that you're capable of handling everything that comes with the title and privileges we get."
You pause, hearing the door above the dance room open. You watch as three senior members of the band walk out onto the balcony overlooking the rehearsal floor, eyes falling to the blue-haired football captain and quarterback that comes in last.
Hakkai Shiba.
Your heart begins to race at the sight of the shy, soft-spoken senior, but you clear your throat, looking back at the waiting girls. "You've learned the first two measures of your kick routine. The vice-captain, first lieutenant, and second lieutenant will show you the last two measures."
As the other officers begin to call out and demonstrate the steps, you walk up the staircase to the balcony, trying to be as casual as you can in your athletic shorts and Majorette t-shirt.
"Hey," you address the others, smiling widely. "Here to watch tryouts?"
"Luna is down there," Mitsuya, a drum major, comments. "I don't know if she can dance but I'm hoping she'll figure it out." You raise a brow, then look at Hakkai.
"Shiba, what are you doing up here?" His indigo eyes find yours, then dart away quickly.
"Just came to see you... all... before the game next week. I wasn't sure what routine you would be performing, and my sister really misses the team." You smile, remembering the former vice-captain with a fondness.
"She's always welcome to come and choreograph as an alumnus!"
"I'm sure she'd love that..." Hakkai rubs the back of his neck shyly, then looks up at you again. "Do you think... I mean, I know you... um... What I'm trying to say is--"
"Hey, Hakkai!" You both look over your shoulder at the linebacker who burst through the back door, and Hakkai runs a hand over his shaved head. "Coach wants to see you before you leave."
"I'll see you at the game," Hakkai murmurs, patting your shoulder before leaving quickly.
"Five, six, seven, eight."
You twirl around the grass of the field in full view of the attendees of the football game, making a line with the other majorettes in front of the large inflatable football tunnel and waiting for the football team to come out. You perform the hand motions along with your sparkler pom-poms, listening to the rustling with a sense of calm running down your spine.
Hakkai would run through first as the captain, closely followed by his teammates and then the inflatable would be carted off. The crowd erupts into cheers as the players come through, and you smile at Hakkai, who returns your gesture with a wink before heading downfield. Your stomach fills with butterflies as you head to the stands, biting your lip as the coin is tossed and the game begins.
During the game, you watch the football team score three touchdowns and three field goals, leading the game with 21 points to the opposing teams' 7.
Halftime brings you back onto the field to perform the routine with the band, and you kick in time with your other teammates for a perfect show before returning to the other side to watch the opposing team perform. The whole process goes by so quickly that you wonder how time flew by as you take your place in the stands again.
"Y/n!" Your head snaps up and you see a player running up to the bottom of the stands. You recognize Draken, a center forward, and sit your poms down before going down to see him.
"What's up?" You ask, holding onto your hat as you lean over the railing.
"I was wondering if you would say 'yes' to going ou--"
"Hey!" You see Hakkai push through the small crowd of his teammates, face red and sweaty. "Draken, what do you think you're do--"
"I'm doing what you won't, Shiba." Draken turns back to you, smiling widely. "So, like I was saying, princess--" Draken is roughly pushed aside by Hakkai, and you flinch back, watching the center forward stalk off with s smirk on his face.
"You know, I've been meaning to ask this for a while," Hakkai laughs softly. "But I..." You see nervousness cloud his eyes, and you tilt your head, staring at the quarterback in confusion. "I..."
"Yo, go out with him," Mitsuya chimes in beside you, leaning his elbows on the railing. "Just say you'll go on a date with him." You look down at Hakkai again, and he presses his lisp together, holding his helmet nervously.
"Is that what you want, Hakkai?" He nods, his indigo eyes lighting up. "Of course I will," you agree, leaning down to press a kiss to his sweaty forehead and leaving a red lipstick mark. You reach up to wipe it off, giggling, but Hakkai stops you, placing his helmet on over it.
"For good luck!" he calls out over his shoulder as he jogs back onto the field.
News of your agreement to go on a date with the Hakkai Shiba travels fast throughout the school. But you and Hakkai continue to keep your relationship lowkey, opting to only talk between classes and outside of school - and of course, on the phone late at night.
"We should go rollerskating," you mention, picking at the blanket on your bed as Hakkai hums on the end of the other line.
"Let's go tomorrow. First date. We can even go to that new diner that opened nearby afterward."
"Really?" you ask, sitting up.
"There aren't any games this week, and I don't have practice. It's the perfect day. Pick you up at seven?"
"Seven is great."
But the whole day drags by as if it didn't know you had plans and were eager to go out with your crush. By the time six o'clock rolls around, you're already getting dressed, trying on multiple outfits before sighing in defeat.
"Okay," you tell your little sister, who sits on the floor beside you. "Which one? The skirt and top, the jeans and top, or the dress?" Your sister eyes each of the options carefully then sticks two fingers in her mouth, gurgling around them as she drools on the carpet.
"Yeah, the jeans sound great. I thought so, too."
When the doorbell rings, you hurry down the stairs and past your parents in the kitchen, tossing a quick "bye" over your shoulder as you leave. You open the door and find Hakkai standing there, eyes wide as you step out.
"Y/n, wow..."
"It's just jeans and a t-shirt," you tease, patting his chest. "Come on! I want to get there before the rink is full." Hakkai drives you to the rink, making small talk on the way there and taking quick glances at you repeatedly. You want to tell him that it's okay to be nervous, but you first have to convince yourself of that fact as you fiddle with your fingers.
And as it turns out... the rollerskating was fun, despite Hakkai not knowing how and clinging to you as you skated around the rink. But it had all been in good fun.
"So, midnight breakfast run," he begins, pulling into the vintage diner. "It's like the only thing that makes being out super late worth it." Hakkai opens the car door for you and you slide out, taking his hand as you walk into the diner.
"Hey!" A woman waves at you two from the counter. "Go ahead and have a seat and I'll be right with you." Hakkai motions to the booth closest and sits across from you, smiling sheepishly.
"How's the bruise?" you wonder, reaching across the table.
"I'll survive," he laughs, lacing his fingers through yours. "I'm glad I had you there to help me, though." You giggle, then look at the lady who is approaching you with menus.
"Y'all take a look at the menus and let me know when you're ready."
"Thanks," Hakkai murmurs, then you both proceed to skim the menu. "Thinking about some waffles. You?"
"Same. But I wonder if they have a kid's menu..."
"Huh?" Hakkai looks over his menu at you and chuckles.
"I can't eat a lot!" You answer, smacking his arm. "I'm not cheap, I swear."
"Doesn't matter, I'm paying anyway." You grin at him and then feel his foot nudge yours under the table, just as the woman reappears.
"So, what can I get y'all?"
"Hakkai, tonight's been great." You're standing on the porch of your home, holding your house key and one hand and his slim fingers in the other. "Thanks for taking me out."
"Anytime. Hopefully, I'll get to do it more often." You raise up on your tiptoes to press your lips to his, cupping his chin as he leans into you. When you pull away, he smiles, eyes still closed for a moment.
"I'll see you on Monday. Goodnight," you whisper, opening the door to your house.
"Night." Hakkai stands there for a few moments, touching his fingers to his lips, and realizing you didn't mention a single thing about his scar.
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52dreamer52 · 4 years
Lucy held onto Natsu tightly as he tried to get up from the bed for the fifth time that evening. He laughed as he smiled at her. “Come on, Lucy, can ya let me up already?”
It was late, probably close to midnight, but if Lucy listened close enough, she knew she would be able to hear the loud and rowdy cheers of the guild from down below. She had no doubts that as soon as he went down there, he would end up getting into a fight with everyone one way or another. That was the last thing she wanted, especially with how injured he was now.
Bandages covered his torso and limbs, wrapping around them tightly. There were other small band-aids on his forehead and arms, covering up the smaller cuts too. At least his skull was intact, she thought, but Lucy shouldn’t have been surprised about that. He had a thick skull, and she didn’t think anything could get through it.
She shook her head, burying her face further into his chest. "No!" she shouted, her words muffled. "You can't leave here until you're completely healed."
"I can't heal if I'm just stuck laying down," he said. "You don't see me making you stay in bed when ya get hurt…"
Lucy lifted her head up and glared at Natsu. He couldn’t possibly be serious right now. If anything, staying in bed was the only thing she ever did when the roles were reversed. Hell, even when she was all healed up, he would offer to carry her like if he didn’t she would die! 
She did find it sweet sometimes, especially when he would be gentle with her and kiss the bruises that still hadn’t healed even after a week. 
But that didn’t mean she never wanted to strangle him. When extreme with his actions and his protectiveness, it bugged Lucy to no end, and it was only after remembering everything they had been through that she began to let it go.
Natsu was still smiling, carefree as ever, and Lucy wasn't sure if she would continue being okay with it if he didn't stop. It was so frustrating!
He had almost died—again, and with that new, near-death experience came another scar. It wasn't too bad this time around since Wendy was there to fix most of the damage, but it would still matte his skin, making the normally tan skin, a slightly lighter color.
Lucy bit her lip as her vision became blurry. She covered her face with his chest once again and closed her eyes. Her tears stuck to her eyelashes and soaked into the bandages that wrapped around him. 
Lucy didn't understand why it still hurt her so much. It wasn’t like it was the first time he was getting hurt, and she knew it wouldn’t be the last. That didn’t make it any easier though.
Losing Natsu was the last thing Lucy would ever want to happen. She didn't think she could ever survive never seeing him again. He was her best friend and her love all wrapped into one. Natsu was the person that didn't necessarily complete her, but instead, make her a better person—make her want to be a better person.
She felt a hand on her head, warm and always familiar. “There’s no reason to cry, ya know.”
“I’m not crying,” Lucy said, sniffling after despite her denial.
Natsu laughed again. “Sure doesn’t sound like it to me,” he said.
“I’m not!” she tried, holding him tighter than before. He hissed in pain, and Lucy quickly realized that she was hurting him.
She raised herself off of him, now straddling his form. “Sorry!” she shouted, looking him over to make sure he was okay. She scanned his body, making sure she didn’t open any of his smaller wounds. Those were always more prone to opening back up again.
When she got to his face, she found Natsu staring at her, a strangely soft expression on display. He brought a hand to her face, wiping away a stray tear that had managed to slip through.
She leaned into his hand and closed her eyes. 
A sense of calm washed over her, almost making her forget just where they were and what had happened. Ah, but she could never forget no matter how much she wanted to. When forgetting wasn’t possible, Lucy couldn’t only tell herself to learn from this and take it as Natsu getting stronger and being less likely to get into these life-threatening situations again.
Of course, she knew deep down that wasn’t possible either. Natsu was the type of person who craved a fight as much as he craved a challenge. It was one of the things that made him who he is, and who was she to change that? She wouldn’t dare.
She heard Natsu sigh, slowly bringing her back down to rest on his chest. She took in a breath, reveling in the scent of pine and campfire that was solely Natsu.
She had never understood Natsu’s obsession with her scent before. Whenever Natsu nuzzled her neck and breathed her in, she would get embarrassed, and it was always so much worse when it was around other people. She grew to understand why he did it after a while. Once she breathed in his own scent, there was no turning back. She realized just how calming it was to breathe in the scent of the person she loved and just how much it helped when things became difficult. 
It was comfort and it was home and she loved it all.
Her head rested above his heart, her ear, catching the sound of its slow and rhythmic beating.
The sound soothed her, and it made Lucy feel something that was neither fear nor calm. It was like an ache she felt throughout her entire body, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or sigh, but she felt content.
Love, she thought. She felt love and absolute adoration for the man beside her. She didn't think it could be anything else because, despite all the fear and uncertainty that was waiting for them in the future, he was safe now, and that was what really mattered.
“I love you,” Lucy said. “I really, really do.” She hugged him tighter, careful of his cuts and bruises, as she continued to listen to the beating of his heart.
Natsu put an arm around her waist, hugging her back, and though he didn’t say it, she knew. He loved her too.
Here we go with another one-shot! I think this one actually turned out really sweet, and while I don’t have much to say about what I wrote this time around, I will say I am excited for December finally being here! Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
I was looking at writing prompts back in November to kind of get my brain working and think up ideas, so now I have roughly 30 new one-shot ideas. I’m only planning on writing about 10 of them for this month, but it’s still something! It’ll be like intervaled December Days of Nalu.
Anyway, that's all. I just posted this on my one-shot story, Constellations and Dragons, so yeah! Thanks!
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softboywriting · 5 years
Welcome To The Pack | Mendes Triplets Series | Part Nine | Shawn’s Ending
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Summary: You’re a human who has moved in with the Mendes triplets as their newest housemate. You’ll have to learn to navigate life with werewolves, college classes, and your feelings for each guy. [fluff]
Word Count: 2.4k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Shawn has a game against the college's long time rivals, the Cavaliers. He's nervous, been pacing the house all day. It's easily the biggest game of the season. You've been trying to get him out of his head all day, telling him it's just a game, that his team is incredible. You know he's stressed because he's the captain. It's on his shoulders to lead his team to victory.
"Do you wanna go somewhere with me?" Shawn asks around noon after hours upon hours of fretting.
"Like where?" You ask, curious to see what he has in mind. Anything would be better than his fretting.
"The diner. I uh...I used to have this tradition of going for milkshakes before games when I was in the local league as a kid." Shawn rubs his neck. "I stopped a few years back because I started getting into working out and it didn't fit in with my diet and...it's a stupid reason really. Anyway. Will you go with me?"
"Sure." You push your laptop off your legs and get up to grab your shoes. "Are you paying? I don't have a ton extra this month and-"
"I got it." He offers his hand and you take it to balance yourself as you pull your boots on. "It'd be rude to make you pay when I invited you out."
"Well, you'd be surprised. Some guys are real jerks about that."
Shawn wraps his arm around your shoulders. "Some guys are dicks. Well, most guys, but you probably know that. I try no to be a dick."
"You aren't Shawn, no worries. Let's go, I could use a chocolate shake and some fries."
At the diner you and Shawn sit in the far corner booth away from everyone else. It's a little drafty due to the old windows but it's fine. Shawn notices you shivering despite your sweatshirt and peels off his hoodie for you, passing it over the table.
"Thanks." You put it on and it smells like fresh laundry and his cologne. It's the best combination of floral linen scented detergent and heady rich sandalwood. You aren't sure if he's gonna get this thing back later.
"Oh man, they have a cinnamon roll shake for the holidays." Shawn points to the menu where it's listed. "I have to get it. Are you getting chocolate? Because we could share?"
"Yeah, and fries. I like to dip the fries into the shake."
"You're a freak."
"Me? Take a look in the mirror Captain Canine."
Shawn's jaw drops and you smirk. "You’re ice cold. That is such a low blow."
"I'm teasing, I figured you could handle it." You reach across the table and poke his chest. "A big wolf like you, you could take a few jabs to the ego."
He chuckles and pushes you hand away. "Mmm and I can serve them just as good."
"Oh? Dish it up then."
He shakes his head. "I won't do that to you. I care about you too much to insult you mindlessly. I will draw the line at fries in a shake though. Inexcusably freakish."
"Don't knock it until you try it."
The waitress comes over and takes your orders, giving Shawn a few looks that make you feel a little uncomfortable, like she’s sizing him up to prey upon later. She walks away with a hairflip, a giggle and a very unnecessary squeeze of Shawn's shoulder. You watch her like a hawk as she disappears into the kitchen. 
"You alright?" Shawn asks, hand waving in front of you.
"Yeah. Just...thinking." You turn your gaze to him and he leans his head on his chin, a single floppy curl hanging down between his eyes. He's due for a trim, he's starting to look more like Peter with that mop of hair. "You need a haircut."
"Uh uh. I wanna grow it out." He runs a hand through it and pulls it all the way up between his fingertips. "I want a sweet man bun."
"Oh no, Shawn no."
"Yes! Come on. I'd look so hot." He gathers his hair and twists it up into a tiny pouf between his fingers. "You love it."
"I do not. You look like a doofus. The headband for working out is ridiculous enough."
"Awww you're not nice. I love my headband."
You roll your eyes and he laughs. "Whatever you wanna do I guess."
"I'll cut it. I promise. It's getting in my eyes. I can't wear the headband under my helmet anyway, it's not comfortable. Maybe tomorrow I'll make an appointment. Anyway, what were you staring at the waitress for?"
"It was not nothing. Are you jealous she was flirting with me?"
You roll your eyes but you don't deny it. You are definitely jealous.  
"You are." Shawn coos teasingly. "It's alright, I get jealous too sometimes."
"Of what?"
"You." He chews his lip and before you can ask him why the waitress returns with your orders.
You smile at her and ask for two extra straws, clearly stating you'll be sharing both milkshakes together. Shawn reaches across the table and threads his fingers between yours. He smiles at the waitress and then you. The waitress looks down and she seems to take the hint that her flirting is not welcome.
You don't want to jump back into the jealousy conversation afraid that you might be wrong about Shawn's intentions. He doesn't seem to be playing games and he obviously had no problem showing the waitress he wasn't interested. But still...the lingering fear of rejection remains.
"So, are you still worried about the game?"
Shawn sips his shake and nods. "Always. Nerves means you care. If I wasn't fretting about it I'd be too cocky and that's not how you win games. I've got nerves, but they're good nerves."
"Well, I'm glad we could do something to help." You dip your fries into your chocolate. "Wanna try?"
"Gross. Sure." Shawn says as he opens his mouth and closes his eyes. "Do I have to finish it?"
"Yes." You giggle and pop the two fries in his mouth. "Enjoy it."
"It's weird."
"Says the guy who must drink milk when we have spaghetti."
"Okay, that's a real thing though!" He covers his mouth and swallows. "I am not the only one."
"Fries in shakes is a thing too. Ever heard of Wendy's frosties and fries? It's a thing there."
Shawn rolls his eyes and you steal his shake in retaliation. He tries to get it back but you start sucking it down. "Hey! That's- alright then!" He steals your fry basket and starts eating them quickly like a crazed man.
You end up snorting while laughing causing milkshake comes out of your nose, in turn making him laugh as well and gag on the fries. The two of you break out laughing so hard you're crying. You don't care if people stare at you for making noise. Shawn's smile, his eyes, his laugh, everything in that moment radiates pure love. Maybe you're not wrong about how he feels. Maybe...maybe you should let him know how you feel.
You've done all you can to get Shawn to shake the nerves and before you part ways at the entrance to the ice rink, you give him a hug. He's got all his gear in a bag over his shoulder and he drops it in favor of holding you tight.
"You're gonna do great." You say, face smushed into his chest. "I promise you're gonna beat them. I'm your good luck charm remember?"
"Yeah," he laughs, pressing his nose into your hair. "I've won every game you have come to."
"Mmmhmm. And you'll win this one."
"I hope so." Shawn pulls back and smiles down at you. "I'll try not to look for you so much."
"You better not. I'll stay in the same spot."
"Actually," Shawn drops down on one knee and digs in his gear bag. "Here." He pulls out a jersey and hands it to you. "I can find you with this on."
"Don't you have to wear this?" You ask, taking the lump of fabric. You hold it up, turning it over to see MENDES printed on the back.
"It's my practice jersey. I know I gave you one for my first game but that one didn't have my name on it."
You grin, pulling it on over your sweater. "How's it fit?"
Shawn steps forward and bites his lip. "Looks good. Turn?" You do as he asks and he runs his hand over the name on the back. "Looks real good on you."
"Yeah? Feels kinda big."
"I meant the name."
"Oh." Your heart skips before going into overdrive, realizing he is flirting.
Shawn moves back around to face you and he's pink cheeked. "I have to go."
"Good luck." You lean forward to kiss his cheek and he cups your jaw as you pull away. For a moment your eyes meet and he looks like he's about to return the kiss. "Shawn?"
"You gotta go."
He guides your head up as he leans down to kiss your forehead. "I know." He pulls back and grabs his bag. "Oh, one more thing, earlier at the diner I wanted to ask you because I wasn't sure but...was that a date?"
"Do you want it to be a date?"
A little smile tugs at the corner of his mouth and he looks just a bit more pink in the cheeks. "Would it be okay if I did?"
"Yes." You smile, looking down at his jersey on your chest. "Go, we can discuss this later."
Shawn groans and looks to the locker room doors and back at you, as if torn between playing the game or spilling his heart out more. "But-"
"Go!" You laugh and shoo him away. "We have forever to talk, but the game is now."
"Alright alright." He turns and heads for the locker rooms, glancing back only once and you give him a stern look that makes him chuckle.
Your stomach is doing backflips and the second he's out of sight you let out a little jump of excitement. He is interested. He is. You aren't wrong. You grip the front of his jersey and take a deep breath before heading into the seating area.
The game is incredible. It's a hard back and forth between the two teams. It comes down to the wire, the last shot being scored by Shawn with only six seconds left on the clock. The arena's cheers were deafening, everyone screaming and shouting for the team and Shawn. You're so proud of him, and when he looks for you in the crowd, you can only smile at him until your face hurts.
In the hall post game you wait, back against the cold bricks while Shawn and the team get undressed and ready to face the fans milling around in the hall surrounding you. Tonight is going to be a massive party, you already know of several going on. No doubt Shawn will want to go to some. You're just waiting to see him off, talk to him a little about earlier and tell him how amazing he played.
Two girls approach you, it's two of the ones from his first game that he declined invites from. They don't look too friendly.
"So, are you like Shawn's sister or something?" The taller one, a blonde, asks rudely.
"No. I live with him. We're housemates."
"Right...so did he give you that jersey?"
You look down at his huge jersey over your sweater. "Yes? I'm wearing it to support him and the team? What about it?"
The blonde rolls her eyes. "We figured you were dating him because usually the guys give their jerseys to their girlfriends. No idea why a girl like you would catch his eye though."
"It's none of your business if Shawn and I are dating, but thanks for that unwanted input."
"Hey," Shawn's voice comes from behind the girls and they turn around, giggling over him. He's got on a fresh pair of clothes and his hair is damp from the showers. "You ready?"
"Y-yeah." You clear your throat and push down the angry tears that are threatening to bubble out from the rude girl. It's not that you want to cry, it's just that when you get angry it happens.
Shawn wraps his arm around you and walks you away while ignoring the other girls as they begin to attempt to talk to him. "Are you sure? You seem upset."
"I'm fine." You touch his jaw that's got a bruise starting on it, inspecting his soft skin. "You played amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off of you."
Shawn stops just outside the exit doors. He smiles and presses his cheek into your hand a bit. He leans down close and suddenly it feels very intimate. "I couldn't have done it without you." His eyes flick down to your lips and then back up. "You're my good luck charm after all."
"Earlier today...were you flirting with me?" He whispers softly, head ducked close to you.
"Yeah, a little."
"If you're up for it...I'd like to see where this goes."
Your heart races and he grins big. "I'd like that."
"Good." He leans in, nose touching yours. "Can I?"
Your voice is barely a whisper but you manage a clear, "Yes."
"You're sure?"
You ball your fists in his shirt and nod just a little bit. With that he presses his lips to yours. He's soft, lips warm and plush. Your eyes fall closed and you can hear people shuffling out the door nearby. Shawn smiles, teeth pressing against your lips.
"I've been wanting to do that forever."
You open your eyes and they meet his, pure golden brown. "Me too."
Raul and Peter pull up in Shawn's Jeep and honk at the two of you. Shawn let's out a snarl, baring his teeth at his brothers for rushing him.
"Let's go! Parties are waiting!" Raul yells from the passenger side window.
Shawn lets out a soft growl, focusing on you instead of his brother. "Can I do it again?"
"Please?" You giggle and he leans in, kissing you and smiling against your lips. "Let's go."
"Mmm, I can’t wait to show off my girl who helped me win the game tonight." Shawn says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and heading to the Jeep.
"’Bout time," Peter laughs as you crawl in the back seat with Shawn in tow.
Raul looks back and smiles, shaking his head. "Hey gave you his actual jersey? Shit, he's serious."
"Damn right." Shawn growls, tugging you in and pressing his nose to your hair. You wrap your arm around his and he grabs your hand, kissing your knuckles. You smile, not able to hold it back. You couldn't be happier.
Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed this and reblog to support and encourage myself and fellow writers. Next part coming soon! - A
Custom header per part made by the incredible delicateshawn
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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crystallos-sol · 4 years
The 3K event
Okay so here I am making a massive 3K analysis again. I wanted to do one of Gray Fullbuster because he's a character I relate to the most and he's definitely one of the more complex characters. The rest is under the cut, be warned its long & you might not agree with some things but its a fact of life to not agree with everything. 
To make it easier on my poor hands I am going to divide this up by arc! I will list the arc at the top starting from the beginning of the story. It will be two paragraphs of his behavior for each arc! 
Maco Arc: 
Gray here first appears nude, fighting and asking Lucy for her underwear because he lost his. That is mostly the extent of his appearance during that arc. Analyzing that small moment we can conclude: He has a nude problem, He has a temper, Him and Natsu don’t get along very well. We can also conclude or make an educated guess based on the fact that he is nude and asks Lucy for her underwear: He is a pervert or has those types of intentions. 
We also have only just met him during that arc. So there isn’t going to be a lot of information about him at first. Looking at his behavior, he is certainly interesting and seems to almost be brash. There is something about him that does say he has a brain under his head of emo hair. 
Daybreak arc: 
This arc focuses on Natsu and Lucy and Happy. 
Lullaby arc: 
This is where we learn alot about Gray. His interaction with Natsu before Erza shows up says that they are in some type of friendship. It is clear that they can stop fighting one another but it appears they just want to fight one another. We definitely learn Gray is a humorous character based off of his reactions throughout the arc. His behavior suggests he is scared of Erza and gets along with Natsu when he needs to. Gray also seems to be more on the calm side of things unless he gets mad. Gray doesn't show that much emotion within his face when calm. 
Gray seems to show his feelings and thoughts through actions. He also has some weird behavior and even strips off his clothing. He is a quick thinker when it counts and during the train station section of the arc, we see that he is strong in his own right. That idea is reinforced by the speed and strength of his ice magic during the battle with Lullaby. Based on all of this we can conclude that Gray is on Natsu’s level of power, He is strong and emotional in a way most people aren't. He has a stripping habit based on how when serious and on the magic car he stripped off his top. 
Galuna Island Arc: 
Here we learn so much about Gray. The paragraphs will be larger so please be prepared to read that. 
Gray is clearly traumatized and doesn’t react normally because of it, Before Erza arrives to take them back to the Guild he is calm and collected. This suggests that it is a facade or only one part of him. Gray also has a tendency to ignore the pain he is in or twist it around. Gray is shown to have been the sole survivor of his village and having lost his parents to Delliora, a demon from the books of Zeref. This makes his actions against Lullaby who is also a demon from the books of Zeref seen in an entirely different light than before. Gray is faced with his adoptive brother who is destroying the ice that is his mentor or mother figure to get to Delliora. Gray clearly believes what happened that day was his fault. 
Gray also irrationally thinks that Delliora who has been sealed away under lost magic is alive. This is shown when he tries to commit suicide to end Delliora. Surprisingly enough it is Natsu Dragneel or his rival that saves him and fights against Delliora. This moment is such a huge action. Here is really where they become even closer on Gray’s end of things. For him Natsu just destroyed the monster that took everything from him, the very thing he likely had nightmares about for years. The same event he cant process correctly because he is so emotionally vulnerable and traumatized is ended by his rival. Gray was actually set free at that moment. Afterwards there is an air of Gray that he didn’t have before. He seems almost relaxed but not sure what to do about it. Gray cannot believe he's finally free and he is also still processing that Natsu Dragneel was the one who put himself between Gray and the nightmare of his entire life. 
To Gray his whole life just changed. Not only was his master set free finally but his friend saved him from self destruction. Looking at that attempted suicide it puts Gray and his character in a new light. It is clear he loves Fairy Tail and would do anything for his guild. It is purely the most drastic change in a character because he had everyone fooled. This is the first analysis of him: 
Analyzing that small moment we can conclude: He has a nude problem, He has a temper, Him and Natsu don’t get along very well. We can also conclude or make an educated guess based on the fact that he is nude and asks Lucy for her underwear: He is a pervert or has those types of intentions. 
Gray wore a mask and he had everyone fooled. Even the viewer/reader. 
Phantom Lord Arc: 
Here Gray is lighter. His character seems at peace until he sees the ruined guild hall. Almost all of his hurt and agony is thrown out the window in favor of his family. During the moments leading up to the fight Gray is stressed and angry. Like the rest of Fairy Tail he is mad. During the battles Gray doesn't hesitate. However the most outstanding moment that showed his actual character was when he stopped Juvia from dying. When he accidentally grabbed her chest during an attack and immediately backed off. Not getting into Juvia's character at all here however her reactions to those events influenced Gray’s own reaction. He wasn’t rude and didn’t attack her after the fight. He let her lay there and even smiled at her because Gray despite the mask he wore has the biggest heart in Fairy Tail. 
Loke Arc: 
This arc shows us a relaxed and genuinely worried Gray. He knows something is wrong with Loke during this arc, and like a friend is concerned about him. The two are painted to be friends and they both clearly have a history together based on the way Gray is worried. Gray isn’t exactly appearing in this arc a lot so sadly that's it.  
Tower Of Heaven: 
This mostly focuses on Erza but it does showcase that Gray despite being scared of her genuinely cares about her. It also shows again that Gray is awkward and doesn't exactly know what to do when his friends are upset. He cares about them but he hasn't figured out how to approach it or handle it, 
Battle of Fairy Tail: 
There isn't really anything that can be said about this that I haven't already said. 
Oracion Seis arc: 
Gray instantly is concerned about Wendy and wants to help her. He also automatically considers her a friend. Gray when fighting against them is clearly upset about them trying to destroy Wendy’s guild. He is mad and saddened like he is when Fairy Tail is facing a conflict. Once again showing Gray is more emotional than people give him credit for. He also backs and approves of Erza’s decision to allow Wendy to join Fairy Tail. It is clear Gray wasn’t about to let her wonder off without knowing if she would be okay first. 
Daphne Arc: 
I have said it before and I will say it again, there is no way Gray “ I care about my family “ Fullbuster would ever do anything like he supposedly did in that horribly written episode. I can admit that some points of Fairy Tails plot is stupid and or badly written but I don’t understand how it managed to embody a cringey fan fic from the early 200s that is in first person pov and has only 700 words and multiple chapters with no spaces. 
Edolas Arc: 
Gray is again upset about mistreatment and that his guild is being harmed. He also is once again showing his thinking side when he goes along with the plan Natsu, Erza and Him come up with to save their friends. He is worried about his guild mates fighting the King, but of course is relieved when they all come back alive and just a little banged up. 
Tenrou Island Arc & X791 Arc: 
Gray is deathly protective of his guild and it didn’t go over well when Ultear hurt Juvia. Now during this Arc Gray is targeted by Ultear because she believes he killed her mother and took her away from her. She intends on murdering Gray for it. He however is emotional about it because Ultear is UI’s bloodline. Both Gray and UI had no clue that she is alive and they certainly if aware of it would have torn that organization to shreds to reach her. Gray when faced with a monster coming to destroy them is more concerned about his family than the impending doom. He does like the rest of the guild stares death right in the eye without a hint of fear. 
As any Fairy Tail member knows they are all together and they are never once going to go through something alone here. In the end when woken up by members of his guild he is happy to still be able to interact with his friends and family. 
Key Of The Starry Sky Arc: 
This arc mostly focuses on Lucy and the relationships of her family. There are however moments where other members of Fairy Tail have their own relationships with her explored. With Gray he is worried about her and doesn't want to lose his teammate and friend. Their relationship however is shown slightly from Gray's actions when fighting and doing his best to prevent her death. He doesn’t exactly have a relationship with her outside of friendship however that doesn't mean Gray can’t view her as an important part of his life like he does with the rest of his guild. 
Grand Magic Games:
Gray's love for fighting is definitely shown here. He is also downright cheerful during the games at points. But he still is angry when his guild is targeted and when his guild mates are hurt. Gray does seem to have his head on straight during his fights, even cheering for his brother and telling him to essentially stop being stupid. Gray does get concerned about Gajeel and the Dragon corpses purely because he cares about his friends and also because he doesn't know if he feels so happy knowing dragons got pitted against one another here. He has been accused of murdering Frosch by Future Rogue who comes back through the gate. However it is believed he is lying because when Gray meets Frosch he thinks the excess is adorable and instantly wants to befriend them. 
However an extreme point to know is that Gray dies for a period of time. Shoving Juvia and Meredy out of the way of a magic attack he got hit multiple times. The final shot was right through his head. Gray was however saved by Ultear who sacrificed her own life to turn back time. He has expressed no memory of this happening but says he has a blank spot in his memories he isn't sure about. 
Eclipse celestial spirit arc: 
Here Gray goes to fight Cancer and return him back to normal for Lucy. We also learn that Gray can’t dance well but since he was put on the spot he threw a routine together for his friends sake. He is also relieved when his friend Like or Leo is returned back to normal. 
Sun village arc: 
Gray is faced with the obseratady of being turned back into a child. It is also revealed that Gray can make ice disappear. He cant make the Ice that is covering the village go away without some effort. After they get the flame back to its strength he is shown confused about the ice around them. He can also safely cool others down with his magic. It really shows how much he has improved. 
Tartaros arc: 
Gray finds his dead father. Even though he receives a gift from his father it clearly doesn't change the pain he is in because of the loss. He is really shutting down at the fact that he lost his father twice. Gray however handles his grief differently than another character. He knew from the moment he saw his dad that he was dead. Gray looked at him and saw that without a problem. The problem here is that Grays has a knack for looking at things as his fault. He views this event has something he caused. No other character twists their pain and grief so badly. Gray knew his father was dead from the beginning. He already lost him, it's not that the second time didn't hurt just as badly it's that Gray could have prevented this. In his head he could have had his father back in his life. To Gray he failed and wasn't strong enough to save his father. 
Avatar arc: 
Gray is lost here. His guild, his constant in his life is gone. He has lost that contact with them. Gray clings to the part of his family that is with him. Erza scarlet. Now during the arc he had to renounce Fairy Tail and play a dark persona that isn't him for almost a year. For almost an entire year Gray was a monster he created. A monster he created for Erza, for this mission he threw himself into. He went through a massive transformation and Gray while parts of himself are still there has changed. His world view has been altered and Gray now knows that not even Fairy Tail is going to be his constant. I have written about this on my Ao3 Littledanceingdragons it is under the title: Undercover. I am not going to link it here check the notes since Tumblr shadowbans any post with links. 
When Fairy Tail is brought back Gray is back to his normal self and even looks relieved because his family came back for him. 
Alvarez empire arc: 
This arc caused Gray so much pain. I am not going to cover the Juvia & Gray scene fully, mostly because that scene was so horribly written for a core plot moment it felt so forced and out of character. 
That being said I am going to talk about how Gray would rather die than hurt a guildmate. Now this is purely because I think Gray has been pushed to his limit. He lost his father, fought demons, lost his family, transformed into a dark persona for a mission. At this point Gray at his lowest develops irrational thinking and suicidal thoughts and actions. It is crucial to remember the past for this so here are they key points of multiple paragraphs: 
Gray also has a tendency to ignore the pain he is in or twist it around. Gray is shown to have been the sole survivor of his village and having lost his parents to Delliora, a demon from the books of Zeref. This makes his actions against Lullaby who is also a demon from the books of Zeref seen in an entirely different light than before. Gray is faced with his adoptive brother who is destroying the ice that is his mentor or mother figure to get to Delliora. Gray clearly believes what happened that day was his fault. 
However an extreme point to know is that Gray dies for a period of time. Shoving Juvia and Meredy out of the way of a magic attack he got hit multiple times. The final shot was right through his head. Gray was however saved by Ultear who sacrificed her own life to turn back time. 
 He however is emotional about it because Ultear is UI’s bloodline. 
He is mad and saddened like he is when Fairy Tail is facing a conflict. Once again showing Gray is more emotional than people give him credit for. 
Gray here at that point has lost it. Thinking back on those episodes it makes sense for Gray to snap at some point. He has merely done it now, when in a war, after believing one of his guildmates died. Logically that makes sense and it is understandable. Getting to Natsu vs Gray fight. Ignoring that it doesn't make sense for the cause for Gray or the cause Canon says is what happened. The fight between them was more than out of character. Mainly for a point that Natsu has addressed before the war: 
Fighting when your friends are on the line isn't fun. 
Yes, they fight one another constantly. However it is really more accurate to say: Spar. It is described as this: 
If you spar with someone, you exchange light blows — either literally by punching each other, or figuratively by exchanging verbal blows. If you box, you might spar with an opponent at the gym while you're training. You don't strike too hard — it's just practice.
Or in other words, it's not serious. Gray and Natsu aren't trying to kill each other. The only reason it is mentioned is because Gray is clearly in a bad place there. He is having a breakdown. I also direct your attention to the fact that Gray tried to kill himself because he felt like shit over it. 
 You all know the scene.
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cat-in-a-fedora · 4 years
Reunion Falls
I think I found something for the reunion falls au of Gravity Falls on the original creator’s blog. The reblog and like functionalities weren’t working for some reason, and I couldn’t find it in the creator’s archive. I really like this, though, so I’m gonna put it here and give credit.
This was originally on @sailorleo, and I couldn’t reblog it for some reason.
`-i dunno, he’s like, really weirdly clingy, but when we’re together all he wants to do is talk about his band…
-dump him.
-dipper that’s the same advice you’ve given me for every boyfriend i’ve ever had
-then why don’t you ask mabel?
-fine, maybe i will. mabel, what do you-
-no actually i think dipper’s right you should dump him
-teen soos playing with baby dipper and getting all excited when he says his name
-it would work better if stan actually knew mabel was coming beforehand, but just couldn’t work up the nerve to tell dipper until the last minute. by some fluke, mabel arrives a day early, and makes contact with dipper while stan is out.
-stan tells dipper that at the time of his birth his parents weren’t expecting twins, and couldn’t afford to take care of two children at once. he only told the kid they were dead because he thought it might be easier to handle than the idea that his parents didn’t want him.
-what are you still doing up?
-’m makin’ a sweater for grenda. she’s bigger than me, so it’s taking longer. you had a nightmare?
-no big deal, it was just an anxiety dream.
-a what?
-it’s like a nightmare, but instead of being scary it just makes all your deepest insecurities a reality. grunkle stan says they’re the brain’s way of reminding you that life could always be worse.
-…that sounds dumb.
-yeah, well, life isn’t fair, mabel.
-that corduroy girl out sick today or somethin’?
-what? um, no! i was just, uh… i tripped. on a rock. a lot of rocks.
-oh c'mon, kid, you think i never got the snot kicked outta me in elementary school? i know a fist to the face when i see it. c'mere, let’s fix you up.
-what can i do, though? they’re all bigger than me, and if i tell the teacher i’ll just look like even more of a wimp.
-ha! if you don’t wanna look like a wimp, you should stop letting other people fight your battles for ya.
-but i can’t-
-now hold on. i know you can’t, you’ve got about as many muscles as a soggy piece of toast. but one thing i know about the world is that guys who were born bigger, stronger, and smarter are always gonna punch down. and guys like you an’ me are stuck right at the bottom like old gum. so if your wits can’t save ya, all there is to do is punch back up.
-….do you mean that metaphorically, or….
-i was wondering when i’d have to dig these old things up again! …see, kid, all I’m trying to say is, when the world fights, you gotta learn to fight back.
-oh, shit. we’re not getting anywhere like this.
-*gasp* dipper!!
-you just said the ’s’ word!
-so? we’re practically teenagers, mabel. we can swear.
-i have friends back home who won’t even say ‘crap’! you must be getting it from somewhere
-i don’t know what you-
-ugh, sorry about all that, man. i don’t know why robbie’s always such an asshole to you.
-you don’t think he’s like…..jealous of me, do you?
-HA! ohhhhh my god. oh my god you’re probably right.
-what, does he think I’m gonna like, steal you away? like he’s INTIMIDATED by me? …that feels kinda good, actually.
-oh man, can you imagine? dipper pines, casanova extraordinaire! refined older women such as myself just….COLLAPSING at your feet!
-grunkle stan, um…. where are my parents?
-uhh……….. they died.
-oh…. how did they die?
-you know when you’re wearing just the vest without a sweater you kinda look like……. someone. it’ll come to me
-mabel, what did you do to the journal????
-what? you told me to pretend it was my diary!
-i said to PRETEND it was your diary, not actually use it as a diary!! you didn’t mess with the stuff inside, did you?
[cut to: a shot of the interior of the journal, filled with stickers and cute little drawings and tiny diary entries about boys and the like]
-if you’re going to be a monster hunter, you’ve got to have a look.
-hey, i’ve already got THAT covered
-no, i mean a look that tells people you mean business. like what i’ve got!
-what’s more businesslike than a leopard wearing sunglasses?
-i can think of a few things. what about like, a jacket? or…. a jacket? something besides a big fluffy sweater.
-listen dip, we’ve only known each other for a few days so i’ll let you off the hook this time. but first rule of mabel? the sweater STAYS.
-ugh, fine, but you’re gonna overheat. hey, what about this? it’s big enough to wear over a sweater. and it’s got pockets!
-but does it have PERSONALITY?
-you can decorate it or whatever i don’t care.
-mabel, have you seen my gel?
-nope. why do you gel your hair, anyway?
-i don’t want my bangs to cover my birthmark.
-can’t you just cut them off?
-it’s part of the look.
-ohhh, the 'look’.
-soooooo dipper had a crush on you, huh?
-haha, yuuuuuup. he thought he was being super smooth about it too. 100% convinced i had no idea. oh shit, dude, you wanna see this valentines card he made me when he was like, seven?
-you KNOW i do!
-boom! check it. all the blackmail you’ll ever need on one piece of construction paper.
-oh my gosshhhhhhhhh…..wait,  "love, ty"?
-oh yeah, ol’ dipstick used to go by 'tyrone’ before he was dipper. just between you and me, dipper suits him better. tyrone is too cool for him.
-why’d he switch?
-dunno, really. he used to hate his birthmark, people would make fun of him for it, yknow? and then one day he just started being super cool with it. he like, reinvented his entire image around the thing. you should’ve seen him before that though, always brushing his bangs down over his forehead… well, at least he puts some effort into his appearance now.
-oh no.
-where’d you learn language like that?
-i… uh….
–…..wasn’t from me, was it?
-n-no! it was from…. nobody! i mean, you hear stuff around, and-
-WAHAHA! this is great! now i don’t have to keep my mouth shut around ya! and it isn’t even my fault!
-mabel, take out the trash
-…aren’t you going to do what he said?
-sure, just as soon as i finish kicking dipper’s butt!
-i will dance on your grave, mabel.
-but…he’s your uncle. you should listen to him before he gets mad, right?
-pff, what’s ol’ stan gonna do, throw his dentures at me? (don’t tempt me, kid) half the fun of being a kid is not doing what adults tell you to do! consequences be darned.
-…paz, really, stan loves us. he’s not gonna like, hit me or anything. yikes.
-dipper, seriously, what the heck happened between you and gideon!
-i told you, nothing! he’s just a creep.
-oh, is THAT why he won’t stop talking about you? even on our dates! it’s WEIRD. ….you two aren’t like, exes or-
-ew, no!
-haHA! you dated gideon! gideon and dip-per sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-
-we were FRIENDS, okay?? …sort of. i dunno. it was a long time ago.
-heyoooo my drama senses are tingling! now you HAVE to tell me! deets deets deets!
-uuugggghhhhhh fine
-dipper and gideon have been rivals since childhood, but back then it was on somewhat friendlier terms. they would get each other in trouble, start fights over nothing, ruin each other’s stuff, but they would always walk away with smiles on their faces, like an unspoken pact to annoy the shit out of each other forever. but things started to change after gideon found journal 2. dipper didn’t see him around with the other kids as often. his tactics got nastier. he started “winning” more often. things came to a head after stan started teaching dipper to box. one day when dipper and wendy were hanging out together, they ran into gideon, who took the opportunity to tease them mercilessly. when he started going after wendy, dipper socked him, hard, in the nose. “i dunno. i was really mad, but i think i also just wanted to prove i was strong. wendy was always protecting me, so i wanted to protect her back.” after that point, gideon declared them mortal enemies.
-stan and wendy were definitely elated at the fact that dipper punched gideon. stan probably tried to bake him a cake.
“BAM! look out party, this girl’s on a mission! and that mission is to find a summer getaway friend group. woah, huddling crowd of teenagers! that’s perfect!”
-paz is talking with everyone listening when mabel interrupts her. “heyo! guess who’s here, it’s mabel, and that’s me.” “…..that’s great, sweetheart.”
-mabel is really excited to make new friends at the party, but most everyone starts hanging around pacifica. mabel tries to make friends with pacifica but paz rejects her, saying “listen, youre new so i’ll fill you in. it might seem like people like you and are interested in you because youre 'quirky’ or whatever, but you’re just a cheap novelty. around here? i’m the one who matters. nobody ignores pacifica northwest. adoring fans?” paz snaps her fingers and the crowd begins to shove mabel out of the circle until she finally falls on the empty dance floor. defeated, mabel shuffles off to the only people not part of the crowd (candy and grenda) “you too, huh?” “don’t worry. when we burn, we burn together.” paz then steps up to the mic and points at them, shouting “hey everyone, check out this adorable new attraction! it’s the reject corner!”
“aww, we don’t need this. the true merit of a partymaster is knowing how to take the party with you. this calls for an impromptu sleepover!”
-mabel offers to cheer up her new friends by ditching the party and having a sleepover instead, candy remarks that they were planning a post-party sleepover together anyway, grenda says how she stole a raunchy romance novel from her mom- wolfman bare-chest. grenda shows off that the book has a full-color illustration of gerard, candy remarks how she wants one of her own, mabel remembers that they have an old copy machine downstairs.
-“i don’t understand. i’m having fun, but i still feel this burning desire to go back downstairs and make her suffer for her crimes. crimes against friendship and partying.” “hey, i know what’ll curb that thirst for vengeance! theft! look what i stole from my mom’s bedside table!” “grenda, you wild girl! this is perfect!” “and it comes with a full-color illustration! his pecs are holographic!” *all three girls scream* “aah!! he is so rugged and brooding, i want to take him home with me and make him my trophy husband!” “ooh, i think we have an old copy machine downstairs! that way we can all keep the poster! come on girls, let’s go make our dreams a reality!”
-the girls end up bringing gerard to life because fuck the laws of reality, he emerges and says “which of you fair maidens brought me into this realm?” candy points to mabel. “girls, i think the party is back on!”
-“hey, fursuit, i don’t know if anyone told you, but this isn’t a costume party. although that would explain YOUR outfit, mabel”, gerard gets angry and tries to defend her by attacking pacifica. pacifica gets a small scratch on her arm and shrieks “are those REAL claws?!” mabel and candy struggle with gerard and finally subdue him (after he loses an arm to the punch bowl) by stuffing him into a closet. “you can come out after you learn to stop being such a butt!!” candy makes some remark about “at least we didn’t make any more!” cut to grenda either using the copy machine or already surrounded by wolf men.
-after the gerard squad starts running wild at the party, mabel gets an idea. “grenda, they’ve already like, werewolf-bonded to you, right? so if you’re in danger, they’ll come and save you!” “..i know what i have to do. hey northwest, be mean to me!” “ok, ok, just… give me a minute. ….hey circus freak, you’ve got arms like a gorilla and a voice like a wrestler, so it’s no wonder that the only boys interested in you are a bunch of wolves!” “…..pacifica, that was really mean.” “YOU TOLD ME TO!!!”
-maybe have pacifica get on the mic again so all the wolves hear her insult
-“grenda I’m sorry you have the body of an amazonian goddess and a voice like ten angels singing one direction!!” “yeah, maybe if one direction were all chain smokers.”
-the girls use this plan to lure the wolfpack into the kitchen, where there’s a sprinkler system connected to the fire alarm. the plan is that once all of the wolves are present, mabel will signal for candy to pull the alarm. however, once mabel gives the signal, it’s revealed that candy has been captured. “i’m sorry, mabel…. their pecs were just so shiny!” “i’m sorry i dragged you into this, pacifica.” “yeah, i’m sorry you dragged me into this, too.” maybe have them cowering on top of the fridge. but just when it looks like all hope is lost, the sprinklers come on anyway. it’s revealed that the first gerard was the one who pulled it, sacrificing himself to save mabel’s life.
-“you will always be in my heart, mabel pines. and i hope…..that i will be in yours…..”
-“well, pacifica, maybe now that we’ve worked together as a team, we can come away from this knowing that our fighting was petty and pointless, having gained a mutual respect.” “are you SERIOUS? all this proves is that you’re a freak, and your friends are freaks, and even though I’m gonna make sure to stay as far away from your little circle of lost causes as possible, the next time we meet? you’re going DOWN, and I’m gonna make sure EVERYONE is watching.” “……welp! i didn’t gain anything from that! maybe next time.”
-“i’m sorry that all this happened, girls. if you don’t wanna hang out with me after this, i get it.” “are you kidding? that was incredible!” “i feel like my heart is on fire! but in a good way!”
-in the aftermath, the girls (sans pacifica) burn the book. as they watch the illustration of gerard smolder, mabel solemnly says “this ends once and for all.” “….my mom’s gonna want that book back.” “once. and. for all.”
-pacifica overhears what the twins are trying to do and tails them, then ends up getting captured along with them
-i thought we just established that doesn’t count for anything anymore.
-pacifica yells at mabel for doing something as stupid as leaving a trail of candy wrappers, dipper interrupts to ask her why she always feels the need to shut people down like that. pacifica tells him that its her duty as a woman of status to let everyone know what their place is. “orrrrrr you just feel so threatened by the idea that you’re not as well-liked as you think you are that you need to make everyone else feel bad about themselves.” “WHAT was that?” “threatened?”
-mabel gets her nerve back and yells at pacifica that why would she ever want to be liked by a stuck-up shallow primadonna like her, and throws a hunk of peanut brittle at her, freeing trembly.
-after returning to town, the twins see pacifica being berated by her parents for disappearing and getting her clothes dirty. mabel feels sorry for her and goes over to explain that oh, it was actually my fault, i was trying to uncover dirt on the northwest family and pacifica stepped up to intervene, and we got into a fight. also we totally didnt find anything to shame the northwests so you can thank pacifica for that too. the northwests then threaten to sue the pines family for hurting their daughter, but paz holds them back, saying something about how it isnt worth it to waste time on poor people like mabel.
-this is the start of mabel and pacifica’s budding friendship, and pacifica’s redemption arc
-hey, little man!
-oh, hey wendy! ….and robbie.
-so….. chilling in the bushes without a costume on? what’s that about?
-nah, i’d say he’s got a pretty solid 'loser’ costume lined up already.
-i’m just hanging out with mabel and her friends, i guess. this big legendary monster thing says its gonna eat us unless we collect 500 pieces of candy but y'know. no worries.
-sick, dude. and you didn’t even have to go out and find this thing yourself? your sis must be like, a monster magnet.
-yeah, she…really is.
-well, i’d help you with the mission if i could, but i’ve got this whole 'aloof teenager’ thing to keep up, yknow? no trick-or-treating for these old bones. but I’ve got a few extra sweets in my purse if you need some more handouts! we can go find mabel, and-
-NO! i-i mean… no, don’t find her, its ok, i got it, give it to me.
-woah, chill out, you little freak! you’re not HIDING from her, are you? …is everything ok? and don’t say it is, because nobody sweats that much when everything’s ok. not even you.
-……i dunno, it’s like, i don’t mind having her around, but we’re always together and she wants us to do all these “twin” things now and I’m just not sure I’m ready for it yet.
-yeah, i getcha. its gotta be a lot to take in. hey, if you need somewhere to decompress after this whole candy deathmatch thing is over, tambry’s throwing a party at her house in a few. text me when you’re free?
-just try not to dork up the place if you show.
-robbie, if you don’t lay off I’m gonna punch you in the dick.
-i just….. twins are supposed to have this special bond, y'know? like a mind meld or something. and i just feel like i’ve missed so much. things could've….should’ve been different. and i came here because i wanted to make things the way they were supposed to be. i thought like, maybe if we were together we could pretend that its the way things always were and everything was ok. but i cant. its not.
-yeah, i… i’m sorry, mabel. everything just happened so fast, and i couldn’t handle it, and i avoided thinking about it, and….i ended up avoiding you, too. i’ve been kind of a crummy brother so far, huh?
-no, no, i get it…. i’m weird, and this is weird, and you’re one of those weird people who likes to be by yourself. and i understand if you don’t want to be siblings. but… can we at least be friends?
-i don’t see why we can’t be both.
-hey, mabel, i was wondering, uh…… how did our parents die?
-woah, what? they’re not dead! are they?? you’re freaking me out, dipper!
-'sup, hambone?
-oh, hey….. soos, right?
-you got it, lil’ dude! so, what’s eating you? besides the mosquitos anyway. nice, good one soos.
-soos, have you ever tried to do something that you thought would make everyone really happy, but instead it just blows up in your face and everything is awful and it’s all your fault?
-story of my life, dude. probably not on this scale though. just a minor everyday occurrence.
-they probably hate me, don’t they?
-what? no way! i just met you a few hours ago and i can already tell you’re like the least hateable dude I’ve ever met. you’re like if they found a way to combine a smiling puppy with an anime fairy princess.
-but i ruined everything!! that’s what they’ll call me in the history books. mabel, queen of ruining everything. everyone was fine until i got here.
-it’s not your fault, dude. mr. pines had to tell dipper at some point. and dude, if it makes you feel any better, i am PSYCHED to have you here. i was telling customers about it all day!
-thanks, soos, but…. i should probably just go home. maybe if I’m gone dipper and stan can just forget this ever happened and go back to normal.
-you kidding, dog? nothing’s ever normal around here. i know this is like, a huge bombshell, but dipper and stan love each other. they’ll work it out. …hey, my brain just came up with a totally neato idea! why don’t we pitch a tent and have a sleepover out here under the stars? we could swap stories, eat raw marshmallows, and if you still want to go home tomorrow morning you can.
-….only if you’ll try to throw the marshmallows into my mouth with your eyes closed.
-hey, mom. yeah i got here ok! it’s great, the woods around here are so cool and mysterious! oh, and i met this really cute guy but he turned out to be a bunch of gnomes under a hoodie. i know!! wild, right!
-h-hey mabel….can i….talk to them?
-…oh, mom, dipper wants to talk to you. is that ok?
-….hi, mo- ..mrs pines. it’s dipper.
-“oh, you must be the friend mabel was talking about! she was so excited to meet you! i hope you two are having fun!”
-yeah, it's…. it’s good to have her here.
-“are you all right, dear? you’re sniffling.”
-yeah, i’ve just got a cold. it’s ok.
-mabel sees a commercial for the tent of telepathy on tv and gets excited, pulling dipper over to see the famous “psychic”. dipper is annoyed at best and just groans, expositing that he and gideon have been rivals since they were little. he says he’s been trying to catch gideon in the act of something, ANYTHING, for as long as he can remember, and now with the help of mabel’s journal he’s devised a new theory: that gideon might actually be a vampire! he’s always coated in lotion, has stark white hair, speaks like an old southern man, and it might also explain his psychic powers. but dipper isn’t allowed in the tent of telepathy anymore, and he hasn’t been able to get close to gideon in his personal life. mabel offers to go investigate in dipper’s place, but he warns her that it’s not worth it and gideon is a “creep”, offhandedly mentioning that mabel probably doesn’t have the investigative skills necessary to crack the case on her own. determined to prove herself, mabel goes anyway, in “disguise” as a journalist so she can ask gideon questions when the show is over. during the questioning gideon becomes enamored with her, and when mabel asks if he’s a vampire he flirts around the issue, suggesting that he is simply to win mabel over. it works, and she agrees to go on a date with him.
-mabel takes notes on gideon’s mannerisms in the journal while on dates
-over time, gideon begins to reveal his true colors, and mabel realizes that dating a supposed vampire doesn’t really make up for gideon’s behavior.
-actually i changed my mind about the vampire plot, probably dipper just tries to keep mabel away from gideon because of their checkered past together
“….can i confess something?”
“yeah, of course.”
“I’ve never like….. LIKED anyone. I’ve dated plenty of guys, and even a couple girls, but i don’t think i felt what i was supposed to be feeling for any of them. i thought that eventually if i went out with enough people, i would start to like at least one of them, but…. i dunno. I’m starting to think that i’ll never fall in love. maybe i CANT fall in love.”
“well… that’s not the end of the world! love kinda. sucks. especially when someone doesn’t like you back.”
“ugh, that’s what I’ve been doing to all these people! for years! i suck. i keep trying to be like everyone else, but i just end up pushing people away. I’ve lost so many friends…”
“hey, it’s not your fault. robbie’s a turd, you know that.”
“yeah, i guess you’re right… i dunno, you ever feel like there’s something, like, fundamentally wrong with you? like something fucked up in the womb and now you can’t ever be a normal person?”
[dipper pulls up his shirt slightly, looking at his binder]
“yeah. i do”
mabel: whoa, hey, how come soos and i get special names, but not dipper? that’s not fair!
dipper: uh, mabel, that’s not really-
dipper: wait, what?. you…you were the one in my dreams? all this time, it was YOU?
-new scene-
dipper: it’s just… the name was a big part of my like, identity, yknow? i thought it was so cool and special and for the first time in my life i was starting to feel NOT like a freak. i thought i was being cool but i was just doing exactly what bill wanted! [pulls his jacket over his head] aaaargh, what have i been doing all this time?!
mabel: di- …..bro, listen to me. your whole like, supreme tough guy monster hunter thing? it’s PRETTY silly. but that’s what i like about it! it’s all you, and you own it! and nobody chose to make you like that but you! and you didnt choose the name dipper because bill told you to, right? that was still all you. so, i don’t know. even if the guy who made it up turned out to be kiiiiiiind of a major jerk i dont think that means all of that is ruined forever. and if you stop going by dipper i’m going to have to start going by shooting star as revenge. star for short!
dipper: ….i think i like you as mabel better.
mabel: aww no, i was already getting used to it! star sounds like the name of a princess, doesnt it? or a galactic warrior!
-in this case obviously dipper wouldn’t want the agents around, since stan has taught him better than that.
-dipper decides that he’s finally ready to talk to his birth parents over the phone, but when he does they insist that they never had twins and mabel has always been an only child, and he realizes they don’t know who he is. everything he knows is once again called into question.
-mabel tries to get the agents’ help in figuring out the mystery behind dipper’s birth and proving that the two of them are siblings
-maybe dipper raises the dead as a way to threaten stan? like, oh you’re so afraid of the supernatural, what if i do this
-or mabel tries to lure the agents back to the shack by creating a supernatural disaster, like oh, say, zombies
-stan finally admits, with zombies breaking down the door, that he got mixed up with the supernatural and made some very bad decisions, although he isn’t specific about what happened. he relinquishes that he kept the truth from dipper all these years not for his sake, but because he couldn’t bear to admit that he was responsible for separating dipper from the family he should’ve grown up with.
-mabel and pacifica run into each other at the mini golf course, and after watching mabel sink the winning shot pacifica realizes she has feelings for her. furious with herself for developing a crush on somebody like mabel, pacifica challenges her to a rematch and vows to destroy her.
-dipper and stan are worried about pacifica’s behavior, but mabel assures them that she probably just wants a little one-on-one game and had to disguise it as a fight to the death since her parents were with her.
-pacifica gets to the golf course early to get some extra practice in, discovers the lilliputtians, and decides to use them to win against mabel, convinced that if she proves to herself that she’s better then her crush will go away.
-mabel becomes concerned with pacifica’s attitude and worried that she’s gone back to her old ways, bribing somebody to help her cheat. eventually she’s captured and tied up, and pacifica has to save her.
-in the aftermath, pacifica can’t stomach apologizing, so mabel does it for her. “hold on, dip. i think i know what’s going on here.” “what? no. you definitely don’t. whatever you’re about to say about me is completely and totally wrong.” “so i just want to let you know, pacifica…. it’s ok. i understand.” “understand what there’s nothing to understand” “yes there is! and i’ve felt that way before, too. even about you sometimes.” “wh…..huh? you have?” “yeah! all that pressure to compete really gets to you sometimes. but just because i beat you at something it doesn’t mean that you’re any less cool than you were before., ok? so i don’t want you to feel like you have to prove that!” “oh. yeah. yeah, that. yeah.” [awkward pause] “soooo…. you don’t hate me?” “of course not!” “ok good. that’s like, good to know. i don’t hate you either.”
-theyre playing truth or dare and mabel dares dipper to hold candy’s hand for the rest of the night
-mabifica bullshit: 'let me see those beautiful eyes’, holding hands post-confession in nmm, arguing about whether or not to run off into the woods together at night
-during a conversation with wendy, dipper casually mentions that he’d like a girlfriend. mabel overhears and decides to try and pair him up with someone. she enlists the help of candy and grenda for this secret mission, but notices that candy seems uncomfortable with it. eventually she admits that she’s had a crush on dipper for a while, and mabel is ecstatic. she conspires to set them up on a date at the woodstick festival. candy makes mabel promise not to tell dipper, but of course she can’t keep her mouth shut and blurts it out while the two are having breakfast at the diner. mabel expects dipper to leap at the chance, but instead he just feels awkward. he tells mabel that although he likes candy and thinks she’s great, he’s never thought of her like that. mabel urges him to give her a chance, but dipper argues that it will end badly. he spots candy nearby, freaks out, and runs for cover. it’s at this point that mabel meets the love god.
-“….and grenda can take a hit pretty well so she’d be the best choice for a distraction while i spray 'em with the anointed water from behind, but we might need pacifica to-”
“actually, dip, i was gonna ask if i could handle this one on my own.”
“what? why? we don’t know how powerful this ghost is!”
“because i, the wonderful mabel pines, am going to confess my love for pacifica tonight!”
“you only realized you liked her two days ago!”
“exactly! no time to waste when romance is afoot!”
“you don’t even know if pacifica LIKES girls!”
“well i don’t know if she likes BOYS either. she always seemed kinda indifferent to-
"even if she does, what if she doesn’t like you back? and you know what her parents are like, they probably wouldn’t want her dating another girl anyway…”
“why do you always have to shoot me down like this”
“…..i’m sorry, mabel… i just don’t want you to get hurt again.”
-“we did it!” “haha, yes!!”
-(internally) “this is the perfect moment, mabel, just go for it!”
-“umm, pacifica? now that we just beat this big scary ghostman together, there’s something i wanted to-”
-“….on second thought, I’m gonna go exorcise screamsville here first.”
-“that’s probably a good idea”
-“i’m sorry. i didn’t want you to know this about me.”
-“ok, so, your family’s gotten mixed up in some bad stuff, that doesn’t mean-”
-“no, it does. you’ve always been so nice to me, and i never did anything to deserve it… hanging out with you, and dipper, and everyone, hanging around the shack….i started to realize that this isn’t normal. my parents aren't……normal. and now I’m just so scared that no matter what i do, i’ll end up just like them.”
-“….pacifica. i know you. your outsides may be crusted over with gold coins and expensive body lotion and hairspray, but your insides are made of bubbles and kitten kisses and rainbow dolphins high-fiving each other. your parents are a couple of stinky poo-heads inside and out and you’re not anything like them.”
[pacifica, crying, kisses her]
-“oh no. this was a mistake. I’m leaving.”
-“pacifICA WAIT”
-“what would you say if i said i was in love with you?”
-“i’d say you only wanted me for my money”
-“oh pacifica, your heart is gold enough to last me a lifetime!”
-“shhhhhpsshh stop!!”
-[mabel kisses her on the cheek]
-“no but really stop i don’t want my parents to see”
-“ohhh yeah sorry”
-things start out much like they do in canon, but when mabel meets the unicorn and it tells her that she’s not pure of heart she jumps to the conclusion that bill has “tainted” her in some way by taking over her body. the abuse metaphors here are obvious. she sadly returns home and begs ford to help her in some way, and he takes her down to his study. meanwhile, dipper sets back out with the girls in mabel’s place.
-“…..but it wasn’t me….” “what?” “i…..i have to go.” “mabel, wait!”
have it so like, she’s not necessarily visibly distraught when she talks to ford, or even to her friends, but more determined to “fix” herself, hiding the worry that she’s a bad person beneath her insistence that it must be bill’s fault.
“GRUNKLE FORD! bill gunked up my soul and i need you to fix it so i can be pure of heart again!” “…mabel…” “please please please PLEEEAASE!”
-“no offense, but you break the law daily, you two have kind of a…. mutual violent streak, and you……” “don’t say anything.” “and if being involved with bill really did disqualify mabel, then I’ve been doomed for years.” “you’re also not a 'maiden.’” “good point.”
-“man, this is bullshit.” “i know. how are we gonna find someone more pure than mabel?” “no, i mean. the game’s rigged. nobody’s completely 'pure of heart’ or whatever, and how do you even measure that? that glitter-snorting poser doesn’t ever have to give up the goods because she’s asking for something that doesn’t exist.” “…so how do we get the hair?” “well, i say if princess unattainabelle back there doesn’t wanna play fair, we shouldn’t have to either. alright, kids, who’s ready to add a few more bad deeds to the naughty list?” “YEAH!”
-meanwhile, mabel’s mind begins to be encoded. “i can’t undo what’s already been done, mabel. but i can make it a lot harder for bill to hurt you again.”
-mabel’s thoughts: “do you a favor” “have craz and xyler ever kissed?” “adopt every kitten in the world” “PACIFICA PACIFICA PACIFICA”
-mabel ends up putting the helmet on ford because she starts to have intrusive thoughts worrying that he could be possessed by bill, and she decides that proving herself wrong would put them to rest. “ugh, shut UP, brain! this is why we don’t talk anymore.”
-when mabel reads his thoughts, she freaks out and, unlike dipper, actually succeeds in hitting ford with the memory gun. he’s knocked to the ground and she approaches him cautiously as he rises back to his feet. when he explains that he’s not bill and the gun didn’t work anyway, mabel starts crying and hugs him. “its ok, mabel. you did the right thing. when dealing with an enemy like bill, you can’t fully trust anyone, not even the people closest to you. …maybe if i’d known that when i was younger, we wouldn’t be in this mess now.”
-“….i’m a bad person.” “oh come on, you don’t still believe that unicorn, do you? i thought dipper told you she was full of it.” “no, i… did something really bad today. i thought bill did something to gunk up my heart but it was really just me all along.” “wow, what did you do?” “nn. you’d hate me if i told you.” “mabel, you could kill a dog in front of me and i wouldn’t hate you. and if you don’t tell me i’ll just assume the worst.” “i AM the worst.” “ohhhh my god. …..ok, let’s say that bill did break your soul for all eternity or whatever. so what? you’re still my girlfriend. and in case you haven’t noticed, i’m pretty messed up too.”
-“aww, come on! think about it…. just us girls, alone under the stars…” “eww, fine! i’ll come if you stop being gross”
-“i can’t believe my own sister got a girlfriend before me!”
-“romance ain’t a contest, kid.”
-“…yeah, you’re probably r-”
-“just kidding its definitely a contest. one you’re losing.”
-“he was… flirting with me! i think he actually likes me back!”
-“AAAAAAAAA!!” “get it, girl!” “candy wins!” “i wouldn’t get your hopes up, chiu. he’s probably just being a tool.”
-“pacifica, how could you?” “why must you deny true love?” “hey, dipper’s my friend and i think he’s great, but he sucks. I’m just being realistic.”
-“oh, no. i think i just agreed to take candy out on a date.”
-“….aaaaand do you LIKE her?”
-“well, yeah…………….as a fr-”
-“UGGGGGHHHHHH I KNEW IT. listen, 'dopper’, you got yourself into this mess, and its not up to me to help get you out. you deserve it for toying with a woman’s feelings, anyway.”
“candy…. saved my life. even after i broke her heart. she’s so cool…………………………………oh, SHIT.”
-“it’s ok, dipper. if dating pacifica has taught me anything, its that the way to a woman’s heart is through emotional angst and near-death experiences. and we get those every day!”
-“you deserve this and i have no sympathy for you.”
same basic setup, with mabel hitting up all her friends for party plans, but the focus is on having to return home without all the friends she’s made rather than anxiety about growing up (although that’s still a factor). in addition to discovering candy and grenda won’t be around, she also finds that pacifica’s parents are becoming suspicious of her frequent outings so she’s trying to lay low for a little while, so she won’t be able to hang out for the last week of summer.
ford invites dip along for the alien hunt, and doesn’t exactly offer dipper the chance to be his apprentice, but is impressed with his adventuring skills and the fact that dipper has been training in the art of mystery solving for years. au dipper is quite a bit braver than canon dipper after all, and quicker to spring into action right after ford. theres still a bit of hesitation involved, and when ford praises him for his courage, he laughs and remarks that mabel would’ve jumped right away without any thought. ford then confides in dipper that although mabel uses her heart before her head, he can still see how scared she is inside and thinks it would be best for mabel to return home and cease connection with gravity falls, because he’s seen first-hand how much bill has hurt her already and he doesn’t want it to get any worse. he also tells dipper that he can tell mabel’s heart isn’t in any kind of study or quest for knowledge like he is, she’s just a kid having fun, and he can tell that its mostly because she wants to impress dipper and it might be better for her to focus her energy on her own interests, which can’t happen if she stays in gravity falls. dipper reluctantly agrees, saying that he’s always sort of worried about the same thing. of course, this is the part that mabel hears over the walkie-talkie.
for all that mabel and ford’s relationship is better, he still sees her as a child while he sees dipper as more of an equal. he warns dipper that letting mabel become dependent on him, or he on her, is a bad idea, because one day they’re going to have to go their separate ways, and mabel might not be able to handle it (implying that she’ll do something drastic to keep him around, like stan did to him).
theres a scene midway through the episode of pacifica sulking on her bed, hugging a pillow to her face. her mother’s voice calls her for dinner from downstairs, and she groans and gets up. looking in the mirror, she realizes her mascara has run and she scoffs and rubs at her eyes. when she opens them up again, the mirror is full of eyes. “something wrong, blondie?” it cuts off there
after mabel runs away into the woods at the end of the episode, pacifica emerges from the bushes in her full incognito gear, saying she came to warn her about bill. that bill tried to make a deal with her but she refused everything he offered, and that he’s getting desperate and is going to try again with someone else, probably before the summer ends. she tells mabel that if neither of their families want them, they’ll run away, out of gravity falls, together. when mabel realizes she has the rift, she groans, annoyed that she has to go back home and return it. but pacifica insists that this actually makes the plan better, that if they leave gravity falls with the rift it can be kept safer… and that, maybe it would be better if pacifica held onto it, since bill is targeting mabel. mabel agrees and hands it over…. at which point pacifica takes a moment to admire it, and then smashes it to the ground. she laughs, takes off her sunglasses, and is revealed to have been possessed by bill. then the world ends.
-after ford is captured, dipper runs into grenda, as in literally runs into her, while she’s attempting to chase a monster in process of carrying off candy. the two travel together for the next three days, finally deciding to explore the mall in search of mabel and the others. on the way there, though, the two are ambushed by bill’s lackeys. before the fight can begin, grenda tosses dipper out of harm’s way and shouts for him to go on without her while she holds off the monsters. dipper reluctantly escapes, leaving grenda to an ambiguous fate.
-during that time, candy finds pacifica huddled in a pile of rubble, and urges her to come help find the others, but she’s reluctant. “look, mabel’s not here anymore, alright?! she’s gone. bill got her. so you can stop pretending to like me.” “candy does not pretend. not when it comes to friendship.” “….if you just left me here, nobody would have to know.” “on your feet, northwest.”
“augh, my poor hair… it’s got like, twigs and shit in it.” “do you want me to cut it off?” “what? no. why would i do that.” “it’s a symbol! in stories, girls cut off their long hair when they are going on journeys and breaking free, leaving the past behind… it is cool and majestic and– pacifica, YOU should cut off MY hair!” “wait, seriously? …ok, whatever, fine, do your weird impulsive nerd thing. you got any like, scissors?” “let me see….. six, seven, eight pairs! i also have a knife.” “candy, what the fuck.”
-dipper finds wendy, pacifica, and candy all hiding together in the mall. dipper is surprised and relieved to find that candy is safe and she talks about how she bit the monster’s hand to get it to free her, proudly revealing that one of her teeth has turned completely red as a result. dipper admits what happened to grenda, and while pacifica and wendy look worried, candy remains adamant that she’s strong and will be all right. hesitantly, dipper asks if any of them have seen mabel. the room goes quiet, and pacifica confesses what happened, that bill came to her and threatened to possess and torture mabel again if she didn’t let him use her body. she thought that if she agreed, she’d become a ghost like mabel did and be able to use a puppet as a vessel in time to warn somebody. instead she simply blacked out, and when she came to she was just in time to see mabel being sealed in a bubble and taken away.
-at some point pacifica confesses to dipper that bill never threatened to hurt mabel. she made the deal willingly because he promised her that mabel would be able to stay in gravity falls if she let him borrow her body, and she was just so scared of losing her, and everyone.
-candy’s arm is broken in the car chase and ensuing wreck against gideon’s crew. in the aftermath, pacifica uses the remains of her jacket to make a sling.
mabeland is nearly the same as in canon, though maybe with some minor alterations to reflect the events of the summer. dippy fresh is replaced by a series of “dream dippers”, versions of dipper that mabel had imagined he might be like before actually meeting him. most are unrealistically cool, but one in particular is just someone who would be the ideal brother, always looking out for her and wanting to be with her. in the end of course, mabel has to look at all of this and decide that real dipper is the one she wants. (theres also a fake pacifica who shares all of mabel’s interests and is hopelessly in love with her, always flirting and offering romantic gestures, but without any of the sass and personality that make her who she is. pacifica ends up snapping her neck.)
mabel introduces the dream dippers one by one like they’re contestants on a game show, but one spot is left empty. dipper asks who it’s for, to which mabel nervously replies that it’s more convenient to have something extra just in case. later on, in the wilderness of mabeland, dipper overhears mabel talking to someone. “i don’t understand. everyone can finally be happy here. wendy can break all the rules she wants and never get in trouble, candy can be herself without people making fun of her, pacifica can get away from her parents, and dipper…. well maybe i can understand why HE wants to leave, since he apparently doesn’t want to deal with me….” suddenly, dipper hears his own voice reassuring her that everything will be alright, and he’ll stay by her side forever, that the summer never has to end. she says “do you really mean that?” to which he replies “of course. you know i’m the best brother ever.” the voice is revealed to be perfect, ideal brother dipper.
crushed by this, dipper retreats to the pond, where instead of being approached by wendy he’s approached by candy. she sits down and asks him what’s wrong, and he tells her how awful he feels that he couldn’t have done better for mabel. she assures him that he’s a wonderful person, and mabel’s being silly for not wanting someone like him as a brother. she then tells him that she was being silly for being mad at him, too, that she’s realized he was right all along, and she should’ve forgiven him earlier. “really? …'cause i was totally with you on the whole 'i was a jerk’ thing.” then candy ups the ante, going on to talk about how oh, he’s so much smarter and braver than her, and she was just upset because she thought she stood a chance with him, but she’s such a loser, she could never- dipper stops her there, worried. he continues to insist that it was his fault, he WAS being an asshole, and he should’ve apologized to her a long time ago, but he was nervous “because…. i DO like you, candy. like, like-like you.” he tells her to stop berating herself, that he likes her because she doesn’t let anybody change how weird she is and that she’s not acting like…. herself. it’s at that moment that he realizes what’s going on. as “candy” begins dissolving into bugs, a fist collides with her head and she explodes. its revealed to be grenda, who managed to find her way in because “the door was unlocked.”
when it comes to the trial, mabel’s memories are similarly flipped through, but instead of having a twin to be there in her time of need, she had nobody. she’s never had anybody like that until she met dipper.
-candy and grenda’s symbol is a disco ball. “…and this one could mean a person who can see the fun in any situation! or just a party animal.” “hey, that’s me!” “that’s me too!” “it’s both of us!! SYMBOL SISTERS!!!” [grenda lifts candy up onto her shoulders and they each take a hand, candy on her right side since her left arm is broken and grenda on the left]
-“we’re proud of you, daughter. saving the world will be perfect for salvaging our reputation! i still think those pines kids are a bit of a bad influence on you, though.”
-“oh YEAH? how’s THIS for a bad influence?!” [she pulls mabel into a passionate kiss] “news flash, dad! your perfect daughter’s a big fat gross lesbian! and when i grow up I’m gonna marry this riffraff right here, and change my name to pines too!! so DEAL WITH IT!!!”
stan still loses his memory as he did in canon, but dipper is the most visibly distraught and won’t stop begging him to remember. he tells him how even though they fought a lot over that summer, he loves him so much and he’d never ask for a better grunkle. he desperately tries to jog his memory with baby pictures, but they need to trigger more immediate memories first.
the solution for mabel to stay in gravity falls would be to fabricate a lie that dipper is ford’s grandson, ford being the twin that faked his own death to escape a life on the run, but they’ve just come back to reconnect with the family (since dipper lost his parents apparently), and mabel didn’t want to tell her parents at first because she was afraid they wouldn’t want her staying with an estranged family member/ex-con. but she’s made so many great friends and she loves this town and wants to stay with her “cousin”.
while the northwests go house hunting, mabel invites pacifica to stay at the shack until they can find a new home.
rather than leaving for a new adventure, ford and stan decide to stay at the shack and rest for a while, just settle into their new family dynamic. soos, melody, and abuelita all still move in, and so the house is renovated to make room for the huge family.
with the journals destroyed, the mystery squad now has to start from square one…. but dipper tells mabel that she doesn’t have to do anything to impress him anymore. that he’s ready to try just being a kid again.
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sheeple · 4 years
The intern | 14: The Monday after
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GIFS NOT MINE. THIS IS ALL FICTION. Genre(s): intern!au / fluff / mild angst Group(s): NCT / Red Velvet Pairing(s): Moon Taeil x fem!reader Summary: The new Elysion Publishings intern is the youngest they ever had. It’s not a problem until she grabs the attention of the IT guy. Warning(s): Age-gap of five years A/n: Look who b a c k [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist]
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I rub my eyes as I walk out of my apartment building. I almost didn’t close an eye last night since my body’s buzzing with excitement. I mean, who wouldn’t when you get into your first real relationship.
I suddenly hear the honk of a car and I look up, worried that I walked into the busy morning traffic without looking midst my thinking.
Instead, I see Taeil with his car in front of me with a bright smile. A smile automatically spreads on my face and I walk towards him, to give him a hug.
“Good morning”, I say with a bright smile as I Taeil kisses me on my forehead. “What are you doing here?”
“Picking you up for work, of course.” He turns around and opens the car door for me to slip in. 
I put my backpack at my feet and put on my seatbelt as Taeil jogs over to the other side.
“How did you sleep?”, he asks as we drive away, his eyes scanning the side streets for incoming traffic.
“I didn’t sleep a lot but when I finally closed my eyes, I slept great. You?” I place my elbow on the middle console and lean my head on it while looking towards him.
“I slept like a baby because I was visited by an angel in my dreams.” he wiggles with his eyebrows and I immediately know what he means.
I groan and slap his hand that rests on the middle console. “So cheesy.”
Taeil smirks and grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, bringing our hands to his lips and placing a soft kiss on my knuckles. 
If I saw it by other people, I would have gagged. But for some reason, I don’t mind. Maybe it’s the person who does it or it is because I am growing soft. 
We arrive soon after at the parking space of Ely and we hop out of the car, still holding each other's hand as we walk into the lobby. 
Before we walk through the security gates stops Taeil us and turn towards me. 
“I have to be in the server room so I have to part with you, my sugar drop. What’s on your agenda today?” 
I frown and cringe at the stupid nickname he gave me. “First of all, ew. Secondly, at ten I have a call with my teacher and team leader Byun about my evaluation and show him around the department. But I’m free at lunch.”
Taeil smiles. “Great. I’ll see you for lunch between half-past twelve and one?”
I nod and give him a  kiss on his cheek before sending him off. “Now go before you’re late.” 
He waves one last time before almost bumping into someone and walking away. I shake my head and turn around, scanning my pass and walking towards the elevators. 
Suddenly, Johnny and Wendy appear out of nothing and drag me away. They push me into an unoccupied room and sit me down in one of the many chairs. 
“Spill”, grins Johnny and leans against the doorframe. So I start to tell about our evening. About the fire, the diner, and the necklace.
“Does that mean..?”, questions Wendy with the biggest smile on her face and I nod shyly, hiding my face behind my hands.
The two of them cheer loudly and high fave each other, jumping up and down. I expected positive feedback but this positive? Never guessed in a million years.
“So did you two...” Johnny wiggles with his eyebrows and I scrunch my nose in disgust. 
“Ew, of course not! Who do you think I am?”
Johnny nods. “True. You wouldn’t have─”
Wendy holds up her hand. “Don’t you dare to finish that sentence.” She glares at him before looking at her phone. “Come on, ‘Yong is looking for us.”
When Johnny told Taeyong the news, he flipped. He wouldn’t stop smiling and grinning the whole morning. I also didn’t miss the exchange of money between the two guys. 
“I would get 25.000 Won if you guys ended up together after your date”, explains Taeyong with a big fat smirk on his face.
I roll my eyes. Boys will be boys.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. Team leader Byun smiles at me as he has a clipboard under his arm. “Everything is set up in meeting room 3.”
I quickly grab my laptop and wave goodbye to my friends as Byun and walk towards the meeting room and he turns on the fogging of the glass. 
“Are you nervous?”, questions Byun as I set up my laptop to the larger screen. 
I hum. “Not really. Well... a bit? If that makes sense. My grade is depending on how well I explain. And of course, how you filled in the form I send you.”
Byun whips out two sheets from his clipboard and places them on the table. “I send them to your teacher and we’ll go through them before the call begins.”
“Okay”, I nod with a sigh, my palms sweaty.
“The first question, the student is professionally informed. Out of an Inadequate, Sufficient, and Outstanding, I gave you an Outstanding.” Mr Byun glances at me and I smile brightly. “After the last review, she began to ask more questions and has been progressing greatly.”
“That was definitely one of my learning points, to not be afraid to ask more question. I try, it’s not always easy.” I scratch the back of my hand, a nervous habit of mine.
Byun smiles proudly. “Two: the student is motivated. Outstanding. Despite moving to the other side of the world and being in a foreign country, you have always been very motivated. When everyone was busy and you didn’t have an assignment, you asked around to help the others.”
Byun nods. “I asked around the department, and they all greatly appreciated it. Especially during Black Friday when everyone had a lot to do.”
I run a hand through my hair, forgetting it is in a low ponytail. “I just... thought it was normal? And I enjoy helping others!”
“And there’s nothing wrong with that. Just make sure that nobody could misuse your generosity. Continuing, number three: the student works independently on their tasks. Another Outstanding. Absolutely. When I asked if she finished something, she already had sent it to me or someone else for a quick check. Only thing, please let it know so nobody has to ask for the status.”
Byun chuckles as he sees me nodding. “Yeah, I sometimes can be pretty caught up in work and forget about notifying you.”
“Fourth question: the student is communicative and socially skilled in dealing with both colleagues and customers. Outstanding. Y/n has a very professional attitude and is a full-fledged college within an adult environment.”
"And the last question. The student works focused on their learning goals. Outstanding. As I said earlier, she has been working on asking more questions and it shows that she still is learning every day. And that’s perfectly normal.”
A blush creeps up my cheeks as I can’t handle the number of compliments I have received in ten minutes. “Thank you, Team leader. I greatly appreciate the feedback.”
A content sigh leaves his lips. “It all good. You are a delightful person and pleasant intern.”
I and wipe away a tear harshly. “Stupid tear and overemotional personality”, I grumble as I grab a tissue that Byun holds out for me. 
“Oh stop you, otherwise I’m going to cry too”, he snivels and looks up at the ceiling, obviously blinking away some tears. I laugh and blow my nose, wiping my eyes before throwing the tissue in the trash.
With a sigh, he shakes his head. “Okay, the sad moment is over and now we’re going to think happy thoughts. We don’t want your teacher to see us with all red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, do we?”
I laugh and nod, done with the whole sappy stuff. 
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With a sigh, I take place on one of the tables with Wendy, Johnny, and Taeyong in the company’s cafe. I pull out the sandwich I made this morning from a plastic bag. The three others take place in front of me and I frown. 
“What’s wrong with you guys? Why is nobody sitting next to me?” I look at them with my eyebrows furrowed. 
“Because lover boy is coming down this way with his friend”, says Taeyong with a grin and I turn around. Taeil meets my eyes and quickens his pace, Sicheng trailing behind him.
Taeil kisses my forehead before sitting down next to me. Sicheng looks at his friend in disgust and reluctantly takes place. 
“Hi Sicheng”, I chuckle, ignoring my pouting boyfriend. He gives me a short nod with a smile. “How are you?”
“Baby”, Taeil cuts Sicheng off, fluttering his eyelashes. Johnny and Wendy both gag as Taeyong looks at us disgusted. 
I shake my head, unwarping my sandwich from the plastic bag. “You’re too much, Moon Taeil.”
“How went the call with your teacher, by the way?”, asks Taeil with a slight smile on his lips. 
“She and Team leader Byun cried”, laughs Wendy and I kick her under the table. 
“Was I that bad?” He frowns and rubs my arms, “I’m sorry babe.”
“Oh no, on the contrary! I got amazing feedback, here look.” I give Taeil and Sicheng my feedback. “I cried because of all the compliments and I couldn’t handle it.”
Taeil shakes his head and kisses my temple as he lays an arm over my shoulders. “I’m proud of you for such wonderful marks. This is your final review, right?”
I nod while taking a bite out of my sandwich. “Yup, it’s only a couple more weeks, my break not counting, before I am finished here and need to go home.”
With me acknowledging that I have to go home, a topic we all have been ignoring for the longest of time, the mood drops. 
“When are you... leaving”, asks Sicheng softly. 
“Eighteenth of January is my last day, but I can stretch my departure until the week of the 25th.” I let out a sigh. The idea of my leaving everyone to go back to school... sounds awful. But it’s not like I have a choice. It’s my exam year so I have to go back. 
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yergink · 4 years
Bravery and a Bowline Ch.4
Starting right where last chapter left off! A bit shorter since it’s basically a part 2 to last chapter. About 2.5k words.
First Chapter
Crossposted to Ao3
Summary: A couple of missed parties return to camp, and Willow and Walter talk about bravery. 
Includes very slightly implied Willow/Wilson
When the dawn light peeks over the wall of the camp, casting long shadows over the dew-moist grass, Willow is awoken by the patter of footsteps and the trill of voices accompanying them. 
Before she even gets a chance to open her eyes, someone is shaking her. She blinks them open to meet eight more above her, set in a fuzzy dark face. 
“They’re back!” Webber just about shouts in her ear. Willow winces, squinting and sitting up slowly with a yawn. She stretches her arms above her head, blearily watching as the camp gate opens, letting in a very chipper looking Wilson with Ms. Wickerbottom following behind him. 
They’re both carrying backpacks and looking somewhat encumbered by the weight. Wilson slides his off next to the alchemy engine, and it lands with a heavy thud. He groans, rubbing his shoulder, but overall he looks rather pleased. 
“We’re back,” he says, looking to Willow. 
She crosses her arms. “I’ve noticed.” She stands, hurrying to help Wickerbottom with her backpack. “What took you all so long?”
“The underground is not the easiest to traverse, dear,” the older woman answers for the two of them, placatingly. “We may have underestimated our travel time.” Wilson, occupied with unpacking their spoils, does not give a reply. 
After setting Wickerbottom’s pack on the ground beside him, Willow says, “You just missed the hounds.” It’s an effort to get his attention. Wilson just nods, clearly distracted. “I see.” 
She purses her lips in frustration, and she’s just opened her mouth to make a remark about seeing where his priorities lay when she’s interrupted. Wickerbottom, clearly sensing the tension, quickly asks, “How are the children?”
Oh, right. Willow straightens her back and gives a thumbs up. “All good, Ms. Wicker! I told you I was responsible. Although, there is something--”
“Willow?” Walter’s voice is soft as he interrupts, and she turns to see him just barely peeking out from the tent. Wickerbottom gives a small gasp upon seeing him, her eyes widening behind her glasses.
“Oh, goodness. Who is this young man?”
“I’m Walter, ma’am,” he answers before Willow can get a word in. She hurries to explain.
“He got here a few days after you two left. He’s, uh.. new.”
Walter takes a hesitant step out of the tent, and Willow internally groans, knowing that the first thing the older woman’s sharp eyes are going to see is the bandage around his leg.
Sure enough, Wickerbottom gets right to the point. She points to the bandages. “What happened there, dear?”
“He got a little nip during the hound attack, but I fixed him all up,” Willow assures. Although it doesn’t do her much but get her a disbelieving look from Wickerbottom. It’s not the first time anyone’s been disappointed in her, but it still stings a bit.
“I’ll take a look at it,” the librarian decides, stepping forward and patting Walter’s shoulder to push him back towards the tent.
“It’s really okay. I’m fine, ma’am,” Walter insists, although it’s not enough to keep Wickerbottom from ushering him away, insisting on taking a proper look. Willow doesn’t know whether to feel insulted or reassured that she’s going to check her handiwork.
She feels a touch at her side and glances down to see Webber shyly pulling on the hem of her sweater. “We think you did a very good job watching us, Ms. Willow!” Webber beams. He’s so cheerful, Willow can’t help but smile, even if she doesn’t necessarily think she did a very good job at all.
“Thanks,” she says, patting him on the head. “Hey, go find Wendy and let her know they’re back, okay?”
“Okay!” He chirps, practically skipping out of the camp. Willow waits until she’s deemed him out of earshot before turning to where Wilson is still knelt by the machine.
She anchors her hands on her hips. “So, how was the trip?”
The man wipes at his forehead with the back of his forearm, clearing some of the cave dust still clinging to his skin. “It wasn’t easy,” he says, and Willow believes it. He’s got several cuts on his face, one of which is still oozing blood, as well as bandages peeking out from under his sleeve and at his collarbone. It could have been worse though, she knows. At least he wasn’t coming home a ghost.
Hesitantly, she says, “I was worried about you, y’know.”
Wilson blinks, cocking his head to one side, looking almost baffled when he turns to face her. “Really?”
She scoffs. “Yeah, really.” She flicks his forehead, causing him to sputter and bat at her hand to get her away. “You’re such a nerd,” she teases.
“I’ve been told,” he deadpans. He glances over at the tent. “So. A new arrival, huh?”
“Yup,” Willow pops the word, plopping on the ground beside him. “Y’know, he’s kind of a nerd too. I think you’ll get along.”
He sighs at that, but Willow knows it’s more amused than annoyed. “All the same, I think it would be better if we could have never met.” He looks back to the bag in front of him. “It never feels good to see more children here.”
Willow shuffles closer to him, leaning her head against his shoulder. “Yeah,” she mumbles. “Especially not when you nearly get them killed.”
“Is that bitterness I’m hearing?”
She shrugs, somewhat dismissively. “I dunno. I guess I wasn’t paying enough attention to him during the hound attack, and that’s why he got hurt. And it feels sucky.”
Wilson hums. “Well, it could have been worse, couldn’t it?”
She snorts. “That’s not the point.”
“Well if you’re feeling bad, maybe you should talk to him about it.” He nudges her off his shoulder. “Go on. I’m busy.”
“No you’re not,” Willow argues, nudging him back.
“I’m about to be.” He draws out a shimmering green gem from the pack. “We discovered several of these while underground, and their properties aren’t like any gem I’ve seen before. I have a few ideas for experiments--”
Willow shoves herself off him. “Okay I get it, I’m going! You don’t have to kill me with your boring science stuff.” Wilson smiles innocently at her as she stands, and she sticks her tongue out at him before leaving him to it.
She meanders out of the gates, starting down the fields and towards the edge of the island. There’s a makeshift dock by the shoreline, with short walls built around it, protecting where the boat is anchored. It’s one of Wilson’s pet projects, something he’s been busying himself with constructing lately. Willow finds herself there soon, and she hops atop one of the walls and sits down. She watches the gentle waves lap at the pebbles of the shore.
As much as she’s gotten used to being around the others, she misses having time to herself. Over the years, she’d learned to treasure solitude. It was something she’d gotten so little of during the time she spent in the orphanage, and her independence had shaped her, had made her strong.
But mostly, she just wants some space to feel bad without anyone bothering her about it. Because when she closes her eyes she keeps thinking about the sight of Walter on the ground, clutching at his bloodied leg, and she can’t shake the feeling that it’s definitely her fault. Shaking her head to try and clear the images, she draws a few bits of grass from her pockets and lights them, watching the blades shrivel and blacken, streams of smoke rising into the air. It’s calming. She breathes in the smell of the fire and tries to think of anything else.
Unfortunately, she doesn’t get much of a chance to do so.
There’s the faint sound of someone calling her name, getting steadily louder. Willow perks at the sound of it, crushing the still-smoking tufts into ash in her palm before twisting around to see. It’s Walter, shuffling down the hillside to meet her by the dock. He skids across the wet grass, grabbing onto the wall for balance. She notices that Woby is noticeably absent from his side, probably napping back at camp.
“Hi,” he raises one hand to wave. “Mr. Wilson said you might be here.”
“Hi Walter,” Willow greets, moving to allow space for him to sit beside her on the wall. He quickly hops up to join her. “How’s that bite feeling?”
“I’m a lot better!” He kicks his legs, holding up the bandaged one for a moment before letting it fall again. “Ms. Wickerbottom said you did a good job. She just changed the bandages and put more of that pink stuff on it.”
Willow smiles. “Good to hear.”
She’s glad to see that he’s returned to his usual self. Whatever that side of him was that she’d seen in the tent last night, hollowed out and afraid and so very quiet, it was gone now. And she was more than excited to bid it farewell. Walter was best when he was loud and brash and, above it all, unapologetically a kid. And Willow’s beginning to realize she’ll do a lot to protect his right to be so.
“You know,” Walter’s voice peters out, breaking into her thoughts. It’s sort of subdued and it immediately sparks her concern. She looks over to him questioningly, although he doesn’t hold her gaze, looking away in a manner that seems almost shy. “I was actually really scared last night. I know it’s kind of dumb, but…even with just that little bite, I felt like I was about to die.”
“Walter...” she starts, trailing off. She doesn’t know what to say.
“But then,” he continues, “I tried to think of all the things you told me about. All your cool stories about the stuff you did when you were my age. And I knew I had to be brave. Like you are.” Here, he faces her fully, and Willow is startled by the sheer admiration in his eyes. It almost makes her feel sick. Her hands tighten into fists on her knees.
“You’re braver than I am, Walter,” she admits.
He frowns. “What do you mean?”
One of her hands shakily finds her lighter, and she clicks it a few times, feeling the warmth burst under her fingers. She doesn’t deserve this. She doesn’t deserve a kid like Walter looking up to her. Not after letting him get hurt and pretending like they’re similar and lying to him. Her stomach twists as she tries to think of what to say next.
Her mouth feels dry, and she swallows to clear the feeling. “I mean...you really faced your fears last night. And you’re always so goddamn hopeful and bright and…” she sighs, wanting nothing more than to throw her lit lighter to the ground and be swallowed by the flames. “I’m not any of those things. All I ever do is run.”
It hurts to see the confusion on his face, and he looks like he’s going to say something else. Willow doesn’t let him. Because she has to make him understand, because she feels aflame with guilt, and she’s not the type of person he thinks she is. She’s just not.
“I lied to you!” she nearly shouts, her voice strangled. She has to make him understand. “I lied about all those stories, about being in the scouts, about being--” she breaks off with a ragged breath “--Brave.” Unable to keep his gaze, she squeezes her eyes shut and turns away. “I’ve lied about so much, Walter, and it’s because I’m scared. I’m scared of people knowing that I’m not really cool or courageous or honorable or any of those things you’re supposed to be.”
She laughs, and it comes out like a sob. “I just didn’t want to tell you the truth. That all I really was is some punk kid off the streets they felt too bad to say no to.”
Some part of her is unsure of why she’s even admitting all this, but at the same time, she feels like he deserves to know. Because he’s not like the other survivors, jaded or judgy or apathetic. He’s Walter. He’s a kid who reminds her so greatly of herself that it hurts, even now. And he’s placed his trust in her, whether she wants it or not.
She waits for him to get angry. To cry, maybe, all hurt and betrayed. Or maybe even to just get up and leave at how she’s shattered the trust between them. But several moments pass and it doesn’t seem like Walter has moved at all. And even though every inch of her screams to avoid whatever the look on his face may be, she chances a peek.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t look particularly upset. He’s just keeping a neutral frown, looking somewhat contemplative. When he notices her, he gives a sheepish smile.
“Yeah...I kinda figured most of that stuff wasn’t true.” He looks almost guilty about admitting it.
Willow blanches. “You did?”
He shrugs. “I don’t think you really have the right fire safety habits to be in the scouts. No offense. Plus, I’m pretty sure there’s no badge for bear-taming, no matter how cool it sounds.”
She feels like her entire head has gone blank at his admission. She stammers, “B-But...Aren’t you upset? That all those things I said that inspired you or whatever aren’t true?”
“They’re stories,” he says simply, answering Willow’s doubt in that blunt, childlike way only he could. “They’re not meant to always be true.” He grins. “Unless you really believe in a hook-handed man killing people in the woods? Or bog monsters?”
It takes barely a second, and, like she’s forgotten her worry, Willow knocks his shoulder. “Oh shut it. Of course I don’t.” It startles her a bit, just how easily he’s able to lift her mood. Having come down, she’s a bit embarrassed at how much she’s just dumped on him. Walter rubs his shoulder, still grinning, and thankfully not looking too overwhelmed. They sit for a moment, watching the waves. Walter gives a small, thoughtful hum.
“For what it’s worth, I still think you’re really cool. Like, the way you fought off those dogs?” He leaps to his feet, injury apparently forgotten, and waves his fists together like he’s brandishing an invisible spear. “You got all of them without even a scratch! It was amazing! And…” he falters, hands loosening and falling back to rest at his sides. He turns to face her, eyes brimming with sincerity. “You carried me back. Even when I was all messed up. Even though I could tell you were scared too. You still did it. And you sat with me even though it was kinda awkward.” He seems almost embarrassed then, his cheeks darkened in a flush. He shrugs and kicks at the dirt, his hands linking behind his back. “I dunno. I thought that was pretty brave.”
And in that moment, those words feel like the highest praise she could have ever received. Willow lets out a breathless laugh. “You think so?”
Emphatically, Walter nods. She can’t help but laugh again at that, slouching forward and resting her chin on her palm. And even if her guilt hasn’t entirely melted away, Willow still smiles.
“Well then. I guess I can’t argue with that.”
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sope-and-shine · 5 years
Christmas Special: Day 6
-> Pairing: Hoseok x Reader -> Teacher AU! // Fluff -> Word Count: 3.4k -> Summary: You and Hoseok are hallway neighbors and flirt constantly outside of your classrooms everyday. You’re students are honestly tired of seeing you both beat around the bush. That’s why this years pep rally will be one to remember. ->Warnings: None.
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“Alright, everyone! Let’s go over the plans for the rest of the time we have together!” You call out, grabbing the attention of your students. “With your midterm next week, I will not be putting any pressure of having homework until we all come back from break.” Your students cheer and you take that as the go ahead to grab the papers on your desk. “However, I do have a study guide that you can complete, and anyone who takes the initiative can use it when we take our test next week.” 
“Are you serious?” Haechan asks, his eyes wide with anticipation.
“Very serious. Consider this an early Christmas present.” You say, flashing a smile.
Jeongguk and the corner of the room seems to be elated over the news, so elated he can barely form a real sentence, “I’m not going to fail...I’m not going to fail!”
“You have to do the study guide correctly to not fail.” Jiin reminds him, stopping the rambling boy in his tracks only so he could stare blankly ahead with wide eyes. You should probably send him to the nurse for that.
“He has to do it in the first place.” Jae laughs next to him. He’s amused until he hears Wonpil in front of him, “You’re one to talk.”
Jisoo sighs in relief, “This will be the easiest grade of my life.”
High school is a place many people don’t imagine returning to after they leave. The cold hallways, the judgemental stares, the looming fear of not knowing what to do with the rest of your life. Of course, there are students that plan to be teachers, but most want kids that are either younger or way younger than a bunch of rowdy and hormonal teenagers that would rather be anywhere else learning so many different things. 
That was how you started anyways. 
You planned on getting your teaching degree in English to work with elementary schoolers between the ages of 5-10. You of course had the credentials to teach older students, but high schoolers were never in your final picture. When you were interviewing with the board, they had originally offered you the elementary position like you wanted, but they had asked if you would cut a deal with their - at the time - current high school English teacher who’d been facing illness. You had agreed, but it was only supposed to be a temporary position until they figured out what to do next. The only thing is, as you spent more and more time with the students and got to know and enjoy them, you couldn’t even imagine leaving them.
Taehyung raises his hand, “Miss. (L/n)! Can we bring in food next week if all we’re going to do is study?” 
“Of course you’d be thinking about food.” Lisa grumbles.
Yugeom holds his hand out to the girl next to him, “Wait, let’s not turn him down so fast! Can we bring in anything?”
“Miss (L/n) didn’t even agree yet!” Wendy reminds them.
“Please, Miss (L/n)?” Chenle asks.
“You can bring in food as long as there is enough to share with everyone. I’ll bring in cups and plates if you all want to handle the rest.” You agree. There was no way you could turn your students down when they were looking at you with so much hope. The bell rings around the room to end your class, your students wasting no time to pack their things. “Food next week, okay?”
Jeno rushes through the door with Jaemin, “For once I’m actually excited about spirit week.” 
“Jisoo, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Lisa asks, already planning how she, Jennie, and Rose would split the work amongst the four of them.
“I’m bringing in nuggets!” Jae announces, running out of the room and cutting off the dazed Jeongguk being led by Jimin and Taehyung.
Despite the chaos they brought with them, there was no denying how charming they all could be. This specific class was in middle school when you joined the school staff, and this was their second year of high school with you as their English teacher. You hated to admit it, but they were definitely your favorite class of the day. They were a nice mix of responsible and absolute chaos with no inbetween. But you didn’t mind as much as you’d thought you would before you started. Kids like them were what made you stay. It didn’t help that the Korean Lit teacher across the hall was a sight for sore eyes.
You follow the group to the door, bidding them one last goodbye. Across the hall from you, the Korean Literature teacher, Jung Hoseok, is doing the same with his class of students. He’s wearing fitted, light grey dress pants with black belt, a plain black sweater tucked into the front,  and black dress shoes with short black socks. He was always dressed well when he came in for work, and you had to thank whoever created this man for giving him a taste in fashion. His dark brown hair is styled, slicked back on the right and his bangs framing the left side. He looks just as good as he does every other day you see him, and you can’t help but let your stare linger just a little longer than it should.
“Well, you still look as lovely as ever even after 4 classes!” His voice pulls you out of your trance, and your brought back to the dazzling grin of the man you couldn’t stop dreaming about. He’s leaning back against his door now, hands in his pockets as you both wait for your next round of students to come from their previous class. “I trust your day hasn’t felt too long, Miss (L/n)?”
“They never do when you’re across the hall, Mr. Jung.” You flirt back playfully. You catch the pink hair coming around the corner and turn your attention to your student,  “Good afternoon, Rose.”
“Afternoon.” She smiles.
“You know,” You turn back to Hoseok as he begins, “I’ve been thinking about starting study sessions for next semester to prep for finals. Would you be interested in helping me out?” 
You sigh, “I’ll think about it, but I do have to work it around my club schedules.” 
“Yeah, of course! Please take your hat off, Mr. Kim.” Matthew removes the hat from his head and Hoseok gives him a polite nod of appreciation before he returns to you, “Will you be offering anything for next week’s pep rally if the students hit their goal? I personally have agreed to dye my hair cherry red this year.”
“But the orange looked so good last year!” You tease. Last years pep rally was great despite the penalty you face, but the bright orange hair that he was stuck with for months was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Apparently Hoseok didn’t feel that way, “The orange was a disaster and you know it.”
“I’m letting Hyuna decide for me this year. Last year, I could only think of dressing up in that ridiculous costume and dancing to popular dances.” No matter what they gave you this year, nothing would be as terrible as the inflatable fat suit your were in.
“Hey, I thought you did a great job! So great, that I think we should get some coffee later, if you’re up for it?” He asks, an eyebrow raised. His question for coffee wasn’t new, but he rarely ever meant it. Even if he did, the bell answered him before you could. He sighs, “That’s the bell. I’ll see your beautiful face in an hour, Miss (L/n).”
“I guess that means I’ll be seeing you as well.” You bid him goodbye and close your classroom door to begin your class, seeing all of your students staring at you with bored expressions. Teachers would find that normal if this class of students wasn’t you’re second loudest of the day. “What?”
“Are you and Mr. Jung dating yet?” Jennie asks, cutting right to the point.
“Mr. Jung and I are just coworkers. Nothing more, Lisa.” You protest. It’s not that you didn’t want to be more than friends, but Hoseok was strictly just friends with you.
“But he’s so into you!” Hongseok argues. Mark next to him nods in agreement, “Don’t be blind to his love, Miss (L/n)!”
“He tells you you’re beautiful everyday, I can’t even get Hyojong to have my back in gym class.” Hyuna admits. Said blonde boy takes a break from drinking the banana milk he brought to class to shrug, “It’s a dog eat dog world, babe. I can’t help you if I’m out of the game.”
Your students continue their rave, throwing more and more arguments about ‘how much Mr. Jung likes you!’ and ‘You obviously love him too!’ They kept going and going, until you’d had enough of their comments.“Even if Mr. Jung and I had a romantic relationship, our personal lives should be none of your concerns. What you should concern yourselves with is pulling out the homework I gave you yesterday.”
Their groans of frustration but compliance sets you back on track, letting you move on from this conversation. Hopefully for the rest of your life.
Outside the school walls, in a nearby park covered in white snow, a group of teenagers sit under a gazebo. All had agreed to meet there Saturday morning when they were sure no one would catch them. All were dressed in their warmest clothes, and some had even brought something to write on just in case. 
Taehyung huddles as close to Jimin as he can possibly get, “Why did we have to do this outside? The library is just as good a place to talk about this.”
“Because all of us are way too loud to do this in the library.” Jennie reminds him, wrapped in a blanket with Lisa.
“Besides, Miss (L/n) spends her Saturday mornings at the library with Mr. Kim - the math teacher - doing their grading.” Lucas says, sitting in between Haechan and Jisung. How he knew that information? Nobody knew. But nobody would question it if it were helpful.
Chenle pipes up, untucking his scarf from around his mouth, “Are we sure we’re right about her and Mr. Jung? What if we have this all wrong?”
Hyuna shakes her head, confident in her people reading abilities, “We don’t, okay? I know for a fact that we have this right.” 
“So, what do we do?” Wonpil asks, leaning against the wall of the gazebo, “We can’t just ask them to go on a date together.”
“Technically, we can.” Jimin says.
Jae sighs, “Okay, yeah, but I don’t see that working for us if Mr. Jung can’t get it to work for himself.” 
“Honestly, if I were Miss. (L/n), then I probably would brush him off too. He tries just a little too hard when it comes to her.” Rose shrugs.
Johnny chuckles, “Have you seen Miss (L/n)? I’d try hard too.”
“Gross.” Lisa scoffs.
Wendy stands up, “People! Let’s think about this! What is the best way to get them together for the holiday?” 
“Miss (L/n) is having me choose her punishment for next Friday. What if we get Mr. Jung involved?” Hyuna asks, ready to rearrange everything they had planned. 
Jaemin shakes his head, “Mr. Jung already has a punishment.”
Jisung nudges his side, “But he wants that punishment. Let’s plan something that will ensure they both get together.”
“Okay, but what?” None of the teens knew exactly what they could do or how it could work. How could they possibly get their teacher together?
“I think I have an idea…” Jeongguk pulls out his phone and places it against his ear, waiting for an answer.
“Who are you calling?” Hyojong asks.
Jeongguk smiles, “Someone that I know can help us out with this. The only person who can get this done.”
It’s the next week, well into the Holiday Spirit week the students had planned. You’re students have been doing wonderful at their review, and you could only hope that they passed their midterms tomorrow. The teachers lounge was a breath of fresh air after the long day you’ve had. But no more kids now, just papers to grade and hand back at the beginning of the New Year. Everyone in the room seemed to have the same agenda. Namjoon was sat at the corner table with Yoongi and Taeil, eating the cookies Seokjin brought from his last class of the day while still decked in their holiday themed attire. Amber was for some reason chilling on the floor with Eric surrounded by essay after essay from her history class, her reindeer antlers long forgotten somewhere on the floor. Taeyong, Doyoung, and Seokjin were busy cleaning up the counter discussing amongst each other, each one of them having coordinated their costumes as three different Elsa’s from Frozen. Everyone was in their own groove and just relaxing after such a long week.
The teachers lounge door bursts open, Jung Hoseok appearing with his signature smile and temporary white chalk to go with his snowman theme today, “Guess who has the results for our demise?!” The other teachers groan in annoyance, most choosing to ignore their fate while some actually give the excited man attention, “The truck just came to pick up all the donated items and it looks like the students surpassed their goal by a longshot.”
“You’re joking.” Jin turns so fast you could see coffee fly out of his cup. He was so shell shocked that he didn’t even feel it hit his hand, “I should never have agreed to kiss a pig. Where do I find a pig?!”
“You think you have it bad? I agreed to dress up as a girl!” Namjoon groans. Yoongi nods next to him, already accepting his fate but still not ready for it to be real yet, “Yeah, no I remember, we made the pact together.”
“Well, Eric, it looks like we’re going to be having that watermelon eating rematch after all.” Amber says, nudging his side. Both of them looked way too excited for what was supposed to be a punishment. “I won in college, Amber, I will win again!”
She laughs, “Yeah, and I’ll watch you throw it up again in the trash can outside of the gymnasium.”
“Can we focus on the fact that we let Haechan choose our punishments?” Taeil shouts. He turns to the two men beside a sulking Seokjin and places a hand to his chest, “Men, this may be our final year of life.”
Hoseok takes a seat next to you, letting himself relax into the comfort of the couch. He sighs, “Anyways, did you think about my offer? I really need an answer before the New Year.”
“Which offer? The study group or the coffee?” You ask, continuing with your grading.
“Both.” He smiles, his cute dimples popping out for the first time today. 
“Study group? Yes. Coffee? Not a chance.” You smile. Hoseok’s hand moves to his chest with feigned hurt, “Ah, you’re playing with my heart, Miss (L/n).”
“Whatever you say, Mr. Jung.” You tease.
At this point in the day, the Pep Rally was already in full swing. Sports teams were prepped and ready to battle against each other, students in the bleachers rowdy and ready for the day to be over, and the schools band playing loud and proud above it all. Student council members run around the gym directing the flow of events for the day, making sure students in the bleachers and on the court listened as they should.
Everyone had taken their punishments like champs, especially Namjoon and Yoongi who still wore their outfits. Taeil, Taeyong, and Doyoung all let their faces get pied, pies courtesy of Seokjin’s morning class. But hey, he had to kiss an actual pig, so why not? Then there was Hoseok who got his hair lightened by his sister when he got home the other day, allowing his students to make his hair a bright fire engine red instead of the usual brown. Amber and Eric definitely threw up in the trash cans outside of the gym, even though neither one made it through half of the watermelon.
Then there was you. Your students definitely wanted you to give  show, only they prepared a Santa costume this time around. The embarrassment was already filling your bones, but there was nothing else you could do at this point. This is what you promised them, so you might as well give it your all. And you can honestly say that you wrecked that floor with the different dances they put on for you, one student even throwing money onto the floor where you were dancing. You’re just relieved when the music stops so you can leave and get back into your holiday sweater.
“Not so fast, Miss (L/n)! There’s one more part to your punishment~ No Santa is good without a Mrs. Claus, so why don’t we get one for you?” Hyuna waves over towards a massive amount of students where the still slightly damp, red haired Hoseok appears in a red velvet dress, a white frilly apron, and a white bonnet, “I’d love to present to you, Mrs. Claus!”
Watching Jung Hoseok strut onto the floor wearing a dress was something else. Especially since the last thing you expected from him was for him to suddenly start break dancing in his get up. But you were no loser, especially not to your supposed Mrs Claus. 
And that’s how you found yourself in a dance battle with a man in a dress while you wore a heavy fat suit covered in velvet. You were in no way trained to be a dancer like Hoseok had once been, but you were not about to lose to him like this. That was when the students decided to strike. All at once the music playing stopped and a slower, more romantic song started. You were extremely confused, especially when students started bringing over flowers and a mic to Hoseok while he removed his get up to reveal the dress pants and dress shirt underneath of it. 
He walked towards you with the most sincere look you’d ever seen on him, “I know this is really sudden, but you can thank our students for this mess. Miss (L/n), I would be overjoyed if you would let me take you on a date.”
And just like that everything blew up all at once. Students were screaming, your friends were pumped and cheering you on from afar, and Hoseok was looking at you with such hope that you were honestly too stunned to respond. You knew what you wanted to say, but you couldn’t find yourself saying anything at all. He’d always joked about wanting to go on a date, but you didn’t think he actually meant it! He was ungodly handsome and intelligent, and you were...you.
Your students were not shy about what they want either, “We as your students want you to be happy, and we know that you both like each other no matter how much you may deny it. Please consider accepting Mr. Jung’s offer.”
What were you supposed to do, say no? Not anymore.
You take the mic from his hands and flash him the brightest smile, “I’d love to.”
“You invited Mr. Jung here?!” Rose asks.
“He’s our best option!” Jeongguk argues, “If anyone is going to get her to say yes, it’ll be Mr. Jung with a grand gesture. She won’t be able to say no!”
“Okay, but if she does say no, then we’ve just embarrassed the hell out of him!” Jae yells. He takes a look towards Hoseok and bows quickly, “Sorry, sir.”
“Don’t worry about it Jae.” He holds up a hand and takes a well needed breath, “I know this is weird, but Jeongguk said you guys wanted to help. This would be a big help to me.”
“Do you think she’ll say yes?” Renjun asks.
Hoseok sighs, running a hand through his hair, “I’d love to think she’ll say yes. But I know that I’ll need help from all of you to get it done. I hope you’re all up for the challenge.”
“Anything for love!” Jimin says. The others agree with him, adding in their own comments here and there.
Despite them wanting to meddle into his life, he couldn’t find it in him to be angry with them when all they wanted was to get the two of you together for the holiday in the name of love. How could he ever be angry with them? This was the Christmas present he never knew he wanted, nor did he realize he needed.
But it turned out to be the best one of all.
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A Very Fairytail Christmas (Deck The Halls With Nalu 2019)
A Very Fairytail Christmas
Deck The Halls With Nalu 2019 Prompts: "Baby it's Cold Outside," "Let it Snow," "O Christmas Tree, All I Want For Christmas is You," It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year," and "A Holy Jolly Christmas"(All Implied)".
Genres: Romance, Humor, Fantasy. Friendship/Family and Poetry
Characters: Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, Gray, Carla, Juvia, Erza, Gajeel, Levy, Pantherlily and Jellal
Pairings: Multi-ship with hints of Nalu (Natsu x Lucy) , Gruvia (Gray x Juvia, Gajevy (Gajeel x Levy), Jerza (Jellal x Erza), plus Cappy/ ( Happy x Carla) with a bit of Carla and Pantherlily thrown in.
Rating: K+ to T for some adult themes with mild references to alcohol, nudity, drunken shenanigans and other mature content. Recommend reading level is for teens, young adults and higher.
Summary: Natsu, Lucy , Happy, and the rest of Team Natsu along with Gajeel, Levy and Pantherlily all learn the true meaning of the winter holidays- that a day filled with warm tidings spent with friends makes for a very "Fairytail Christmas" indeed. A retelling of the main event of the Fairies Christmas OVA in the form of a poem for the @fortheloveoffandomevents's Deck The Halls With Nalu Event. This was originally an entry for the @fairies-and-christmas Secret Santa exchange 2017 as a gift for the lovely @cosmicloveoftheages Enjoy!
A/N: Hey guys, it's your girl back again with an entry for  @fortheloveoffandomevents Deck The Halls With Nalu Event . As some of you may know, this is a retelling of the main events of the Christmas OVA in the form of a holiday-themed poem. This was originally a submission for the @fairies-and-christmas Secret Santa exchange as a gift for the @cosmicloveoftheages. Now without further ado, here's the poem. Enjoy!
(Scroll down past the cut/”read more button” for corresponding  links and the actual poem).
Disclaimer: As you all know by now Fairytail does not belong to me, but the most honourable Hiro-sensei instead, for whom without this labour of love wouldn't be possible. 
Read A Fairytail Christmas on FF  other platforms, and the rest of my writing here:
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1. A Very Fairytail Christmas
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B. Fanfiction
I.  Primary (Main) Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13442535/1/A-Very-Fairytail-Christmas-Deck-The-Halls-With-Nalu-2019)
II. Secondary Fanfiction ( Click Here) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13143482/1/Millennial-Drabbles) 
III.  Other (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13246734/1/Millennial-OTP-Drabbles)
B. A03
I. Primary/Main (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21494713)
II. Secondary (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18244343/chapters/43167767)
2. Master  Post of All My Writing (Click Here:)  (or here: 
"Enjoy the magic this holiday season by listening to music and enjoying the occasion with the people that you care for most."
(Source Unknown)
It was the day before Christmas
Bells as as the divine as heavenly choir of an angels rang out
All the fairies were fluttering about preparing to deck the walls with care this way and that
For when the clock struck twelve, off to Lucy's Team Natsu's and company would go for some holiday cheer
Jubilant laughter ,clinking of glasses, jolly salutations of "Merry Christmas" filling the air
all fun and games until low and behold the girls succumbed to the mercy of far too much sake running through their veins
much to the dread of the red-blooded males , hearts stricken with terror
An firecesome Titania, demanding queen of the Fairies, an unholy she- beast of intoxicated fury An insensate sky maiden , might as well be dead to the world for throwing three sheets to the wind from all the spirits she's consumed
An overly-sentimental Juvia of the sea
tears flowing like a gushing torrent of rain ️
breathing new life into that cliched rhyme: "The rain ️ in Spain."
Arms latching on tightly to a terrified ice demon slayer.
An unusually giddy Levy,
lady of solid script magic runes, future mother of her and Gajeel's child , seemingly leaning in for a kiss .
Only to burst into tinkly peals of laughter in his face
A disgraced Happy and Pantherlily who might as well been
a pair of wild stallions for all the demanding daughter of Queen Shaggot could care
A mortified Salamander underneath a just as zany celestial mage,
And yet deep down he can't help but subconsciously find her antics to be oh-so endearing to But oh, what little could the shenanigans, the antics, the hi-jinks could compare
For how could they know what the fates would have in store
when the all too gleeful Erza, the ruthless beast,
would suggest her high-stakes round of "Master Draw"
A game so notorious, that only fools with the buzz of firewater singing through their veins would dare play
One stick, one draw, winner take all
Whoever didn't have the best would be at the mercy of the chosen's one thrall
And who would have guessed who might be the one to win it all?
Why Erza of course, low and behold!
A wily gleam in fathomless depths of violet , madness ensues Pleas for mercy, canine-like yips and barks filling the air
Random awkward embraces
An infuriated storm woman's jealous rage
Absurd ensembles,
stripping down to nothing more than underwear in the cold
A sexy dance by the Son of Igneel himself in the nude or two,
the most discomfiting lock of lips from two of the exceeds who may just keel over and die in of their own shame.
A sensation of blazing ️ wax on the poor astral mage's flesh
Three grown young men doing everything in their power to cram themselves into spaces no average human being should ever dare to fit
All this, debauchery galore and more, all at Titania's fellow wizards expense
But oh, little did she know,the time for revenge would come
The dread hour nigh, when the ice demon slayer finally drew his own stick,
For out in in the snow a scantily-clad, fiery redhead would boldly dare to go,
in spite of Gray's protests
A decision she would soon some to regret
But fear not, all is not lost, for salvation is at hand in the form of Jellal
a king finally come to take his long- lost queen home
and swathed in the warmth of his cloak,
Erza along with the rest learns right then and there
that a day of warm tidings and day spent with those she loves makes for a very Fairytail Christmas indeed.
Fic Tag Squad: 
@fuck-yeah-nalu @fortheloveoffandomevents @nalubookclub  @fuck-yeah-nalu @nalubookclub @fortheloveoffandomevents l @fuck-yeah-nalu @nalubookclub @fortheloveoffandomevents
@petri808 @magnolia726 @ccrispy
@yukimcffblog @yukimcffblog   @writer-appreciation
@caandleworks @caandlle  @rougeminded @rougescribe @cobblepottantrum @lovelyluce @dark0angel13  @sovay-says @soprana-snap @phoenix-before-the-flame @phoneboxfairy
@narutoyaoifan @mautrino @goddesofimortality @nalufever  @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic   @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate @goddesofimortality @dark0angel13 @kaychawrites @kaycha1989
@pyroandtheprincess @mautrino @lucielhyung @smappybubbles @seehunnybees @lover-of-the-light117@rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff     @shootingstarssel @chamilsanya  @acidrain1698  @chamilsanya   @narutoyaoifan @superfreakerz  @hazel-got-fanfiction
@nalu-natic @thecelestialchick @nalufever @moeruhoshi @h-eartfilias @lemonade-of-gods @fairywithajetblackheart  @katana-no-neko @mercurius-orion @nunnatheinsanegerbil @bearpluscat @shootingstarssel @kayty-of-fiore @narutoyaoifan @kaycha1989 @chiire @pyroandtheprincess @lovelyluce @sovay-says @satyrykal @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @phoneboxfairy @phoenix-before-the-flame @yukimcffblog  @mwub  @bmarvels @doginshoe @shadyhydrathesnekqueen @impracticaldemon  @mwub @sugarpolis @precenna @ravendaydream @bearandbirdfan @bearpluscat @ineffable-nalu @ineffable-nalu @mercurius-orion @tigreost @termitate @sobatsu
A/N: Please be sure to let me know what you think by dropping me a line leaving a review/ comment. Plus, feel free to like, share and reblog. Oh and don't forget to check out the rest of my writing! Keep an eye out on my profiles for updates and reuploads of my fics too . (Corresponding Links above, in navigation bar and bio if reading this on tumblr ). Take a look at the other Deck The Halls With Nalu Entries while you're at it and thanks for everyone's support so far! All right guys, I'm off for now. Once again, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah , Yule, Kwanzaa , New Years and holidays no matter which you celebrate ! Take care!
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rkmeiqi · 4 years
—may 3rd, 2020. sbs inkigayo waiting room.
on the days where the group are to appear on music shows, meiqi finds that there’s a surplus amount of free time where they’re expected to do nothing but sit around and wait for their turns on the stage. it’s quite boring most of the time, so she goes around bothering her members or the staff. occasionally, she would leave the waiting room to explore the building, only to get lost and having to call one of the members or their manager to bring her back, and now she’s banned from doing that too (it only happened four times, sheesh! get over it!). 
at least, today is their last day having to suffer in waiting rooms. the promotion cycle is ending already (it feels like it’s gone by so fast!) and since there’s not much left for her to do in their final wait, she opens up youtube to find a video that can entertain her.
curious, she types the group’s name into the search bar and waits for the results to load. there are their official videos like music videos and dance practices, a few special stages from festivals, and surprisingly, there's a variety of fan-made contents.
meiqi skips over a compilation of wendy’s singing (she saves it for later though), and a video that claims to introduce the newest maknae of and*roma, landing on a peculiar title, only uploaded a few hours ago: learn the alphabet with and*roma: sunmi's birthday vlive edition!
the video starts.
a is for — “aaaAAAAHHHHH” (the members scrambling around, everyone is screaming, rip headphone users) b is for — birthday girl (a picture of sunmi holding a cake, taken from juhee’s instagram post, there are hearts drawn around her and a caption that says “happy birthday gf <3”) c is for — candles (zoomed into the couch aflame in the corner, courtesy of the candles on the fallen cake right beside it) d is for — “don’t eat cake off the floor!!” (sunmi yelling at meiqi) e is for — “expensive cake" (a screencap of the cake before it was dropped, sparkle emojis and money bag emojis are edited around it) f is for — “floork” (seulgi saying the word she’s just created while crouched over the fallen cake) g is for — G7 (wendy’s scream as the cake falls, the caption says “she just naturally hits a g7 note??? the g in kpop stands for gyeoul,” rip headphone users part 2) h is for — "happy—" (everyone starting to sing happy birthday, but it’s cut off after the first word as the cake starts to slip) i is for — “i’m going to make tiramisu!” (sunmi starting the baking process at the beginning of the vlive) j is for — juhee falling (juhee tripping over air and dropping the cake, the caption says “PROTECT THE MAKNAE”) k is for — kaeun is a firefighter (kaeun throwing a cup of water to put out the fire) l is for — like the office (sunmi looking into the camera like in the office) m is for — meiqi soap opera queen (meiqi falling to the floor dramatically with a loud wail as the cake also falls) n is for — “new york” (sunmi saying she’s from new york, the caption says “mrs. worldwide” with the earth emoji and pitbull superimposed beside her) o is for — “of course i know how to speak english” (sunmi talking to the camera in english) p is for — per_se (sunmi talking about how and*roma and per_se were together for her birthday last year, the caption says “we love brother-sister groups supporting each other”) q is for — queens (a clip of the cushion mv, the caption says “stream cushion btw”) r is for — really fucking loud (a montage of the loudest moments from the vlive plays, rip headphone users part 3) s is for — sunmeow (meiqi telling sunmi to say meow and calling her “sunmeow”) t is for — talented sisters (sunmi saying luxe’s ashe is her sister, images of the two keep piling on top of each other until sunmi is completely covered, the caption says “stan luxe”) u is for — unbelievable (a montage of the girls trying to salvage the cake, the caption says “does nova not feed their artists??? SAVE AND*ROMA!!!!”) v is for — video silently (sunmi saying they’ll do the vlive quietly to not disturb the other members’ sleep, followed by the clip of them yelling, the caption says “so quiet!” rip headphone users part 4) w is for — “we are clean women!” (meiqi trying to argue with seulgi and sunmi about eating the cake from the floor) x is for — xcited (the group cheering when the clock hits 12am) y is for — younggi really wants to eat cake off the floor (seulgi’s initial recommendation to eat the part of the cake that didn’t touch the floor, followed by her final words of the vlive again talking about eating the floork) z is for — zfamily (everyone happily making the tiramisu together, the caption says “they really do love each other so much T____T they’re so cute”)
meiqi is laughing herself to tears by the end of the video. when they had planned to surprise sunmi on her birthday, she had no idea that the night would have gone the way it did. the memory itself is enough to reduce her to a hiccuping laughter, but the way the fan had edited the clips together and added commentary, it’s just... it’s pure gold.
“guys!” she manages to yell out between cackles. meiqi wipes a tear from her right eye as she flings herself off the couch, rushing towards the closest member to her. she rewinds the video to the beginning before shoving her phone screen in front of their faces. “you have to watch this!”
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grimmbrookhq · 4 years
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Grimmbrook tries to return to normal after receiving a disturbing video of Madison and learning that no one is able to leave town. What better way to find distractions than with the annual Spring Festival? Festivities come to an abrupt end with an earthquake and those trapped inside the mines see something they can’t explain.
After seeing a few apartments, Abigail finds a nice little loft that’ll be perfect for her to start over in. [x] Flashback of Caleb telling Abigail he has just gotten engaged. She’s not a huge fan of the idea. [x] Abigail goes back to Caleb’s to apologize to him about the things she said at the wake. He seems a little off, but generally supportive of her decision to get herself a place. [x] Guy, a former client of Abigail’s from her hooker days, approaches Abigail in the street. She is quick to tell him she doesn’t do that shit anymore, but he is actually trying to apologize for his behavior. She doesn’t get why. [x] Flashback of Abigail going to Danielle’s house after Caleb throws her out of the house. Danielle offers her a drink and somewhere to stay in for however long she needs it. [x] Abigail goes to the Rose Petal boutique during a fashion crisis: she wants a new wardrobe to fit her new life. There she buys a gorgeous pair of boots for Danielle and a cool leather jacket for herself. [x] A stranger breaks into Abigail’s home and attacks her. She fights hard but ultimately fails to get away from him. [x] Caleb picks up Abigail when she calls him for help after the break-in. She makes him promise he will kill the guy who hurt her, and he does. [x] Abigail is home during the earthquake and other than feeling the shake, doesn’t go through any major stress. A few days after her attack, Abigail goes to the Red Apple restaurant where she meets Rosie, a cute, cheerful waitress. She is pretty proud of herself for getting her number. [x]
Aurora received a text message signed little red. [ x ] Caleb taught her a lesson after he found a gift from one of her clients hidden in her drawer. [ x ] He made her breakfast the next morning. [ x ] She met Ella at the coffee shop. [ x ] She received another gift and gave it to Abigail while the two talked and shared a drink. [ x ] She gave the necklace that got her in trouble to sirene when she caught her going through her jewelry box. [ x ] At the spring festival, Brandon tried to get her to talk about her marriage. [ x ] She was with her childhood friend robin when the earthquake hit. [ x ] Speaking of the past, her twin sister Quinn showed up at the candy house unexpectedly. [ x ]
Archie has had some trouble lately connecting with his ‘boss’ Brandon, and is doing whatever he can to be involved with the Madison case (x). He enjoys meeting the people of Grimmbrook, but he still has trouble connecting to them, but it’s easier when they’re as nice as Winifred (x). He only got so far before being put on security detail for the Spring Festival, when tragedy struck. Chad (x) and Raya (x) helped him set up a triage center until the emergency services could arrive, wherein Jack (x) jumped into the fray to help out. While searching for people in need of help, he ran into Tyler (x) whom he helped out of a large group of fallen trees.
Brandon sends Ella a gift to placate her wrath after he revealed he had a sexual relationship with Madison at her wake. [x] Feeling uncomfortable, Danielle joins Brandon at his table while he eats. He asks her out on a whim, then claims it was a joke to begin with, making the blonde leave the diner fuming. [x] Brandon’s lunch is interrupted by the one and only Winifred Snow, who sets up a meeting with him to talk about their unlawful private matters. [x] Brandon has a day off and it’s the spring festival. After running into Aurora, Brandon tries to get something out of the girl about her enigmatic husband. He ends up talking too much about himself, and not getting a lot to go off in return. [x] Brandon knows Lena will have a stall at the festival and stops by to check up on her. She decides to make him a flower crown and explain the relevance of pastel colors. He still doesn’t understand it. [x] Luke is keeping Brandon company as he looks around the many stalls at the flea market area. They find a game-changing item for the breakfast table. [x] Catching a glimpse of Isabel at the festival, Brandon decides to end their two weeks of radio silence and approaches the woman, but nothing has changed between them. She has made it very clear that she can’t forgive or forget that he tried to kiss her in a vulnerable moment, and he respects her decision. [x] Brandon didn’t plan on running into Danielle at the festival, but once he does, he decides to question her hostility towards him. After talking things out, he asks her out on a real date and she says yes. [x] Brandon is feeling better about himself when he runs into Harriet, who decides to confront him about the investigation into her niece’s gruesome murder yet again. Insults are thrown around yet again, and the redhead only leaves upon the revelation that he did have a sexual relationship with her niece. [x] The last person Brandon expects to meet in the drink station’s line is Ella, but there she is, ready to start another argument with him. They bring up jealousy issues and their failed marriage, but their first honest conversation in years is interrupted by an earthquake. After making sure Ella is safe, Brandon leaves to try and see if anyone needs help. [x]
Ten years ago Caleb met a girl named Kate Lawson and their date ended badly. [x]  Knowing that his sister is currently staying with Danielle, he visits her at work and has a nice chat with her instead of getting a lapdance. [x]  Abigail comes to visit one morning and apologizes for her behavior and to pick up the last of her things. [x]  After finding a necklace in Aurora’s room Caleb decides to punish her for her disobedience, [x] and buttered her up the next morning. [x] At his weekly dinner at The Red Apple, Winifred hits at Caleb’s allegiances. [x]  In a flashback Caleb meets with Carrie who offered him a business deal. [x]  While driving home from work he sees someone who catches his eye. A ghost from his past. [x]  Fed up with this situation with Abigail Caleb decides to take matters into his own hands. [x]  Abigail calls him after her attack and he picks her up, brings her home, and nurses her back to health. [x] Caleb asks Liam to seduce Aurora out of pure boredom but he doesn’t seem too happy with this particular job. [x]
A simple stroll on the market turns into an unfortunate mess when she meets Winnifred (x). Just when she believes she has an upper hand, the young girl drags her on a stage to tell a crowd of pathetic children that her mansion is being turned into some form of charity case. Tough luck. Thankfully, her pet is around to curb her attention onto more enjoyable pass times in the form of Declan's head between her thighs (x). While not normally the sort to join the festivities amongst the town peasants, she decides that a change of scenery is in order. It all begins badly in the form of Hunter, whom leaves her with a well deserved black eye (x). Just as she’s about to leave, she stumbles upon a familiar blond-haired male who ends their meeting by saving her from nearby crates (x). The next morning, she decides to check in with Rosie and begrudgingly decides to host a night for them to get together (x). Lord, give her the patience. But not before she plots hunter’s death with her right-hand man, Kai. (x)
Danielle had a run-in with an old friend, bringing the past back into the present as Winifred offered her a job at The Red Apple. [ x ] Then she took on a baking adventure with Ella, where they both learned a valuable lesson that neither one of them was meant to be bakers. [ x ] It was the local festival where Danielle had several encounters over the course of the day from a conversation that turned into an invitation to dinner with the local Sheriff, [ x ] was on a tour where she inevitably took a swing and hit Joseph for his part in her going to jail [ x ], and ended up making plenty of cash through pickpocketing [ x ] and ambulance-chasing. [ x ]  
After Ella Gertrude spent time with Ida getting paint swatches to make home feel more like home [x], she enlisted Dani’s help to bake for Ida for a change – however, she’d forgotten how terrible she was at baking and almost burned the house down [x]. Later in the week as she was out and about, Ella meets Isabel in the bookstore and spoke with her about favorite tales [x]. After an accidental drink swap at the cafe, Ella met Aurora Myers and spent time chatting with her [x].  At the spring festival, an attempt to do something nice for a stranger went awry when the next person in line was her ex-husband, although their conversation was cut short by an earthquake [x]. Ella also felt the impact of the earthquake later, while working with Madelaine to ensure an injured woman got necessary medical attention [x]. After the festival, determined to turn over a new leaf, Ella went to the Rose Petal for a wardrobe makeover – and who better to get advice from than Wendy Miu [x]?
After being coerced into attending the Spring Festival, Gio and Luke got trapped underground. Sadly they were not the only beings there it seemed. [x]
A few days before the festival, Harriet stumbled upon Madison’s old friend, Danielle (x) in a cafe. The sudden appearance of the blonde brought back a lot of good memories which was the reason why she’d taken it upon herself to sit. After their chat, they decided that Danielle could potentially come help Harriet clean up Madison’s room. Despite not being in the mood for a festival, she ended up going anyways. The presence of Brandon Wolfe with a beer in his hand was a reminder of exactly why she shouldn’t have went (x). They shared a few words and Harriet left in an angry frenzy as always. Just when she contemplated leaving, she was lucky enough to stumble upon Archie (x) who was kind enough to buy her a funnel cake. A dessert she’s sure to never consume again. Their meeting was rather quick as he returned to work and she decided to make good on her decision to leave. Luckily enough for her, she avoided the earthquake and the traumatic events that followed. After a few days of not seeing Chad, or receiving any follow-up texts from him, she decided to make her way to his apartment with a pizza (x).
In a flashback, Ida’s arrival in Grimmbrook is detailed. ( x ) Back in the present, Ida meets a mysterious stranger at work. ( x ) She and Ella also go shopping for paint to make the house feel more like a space Ella can call home. ( x )  At Grimmbrook’s annual Spring festival, Ida chooses to solo the beer tent - an especially poor choice when she’s the only one to serve Declan Vasquez. ( x ) A flasback recalls the fateful evening she and Declan crossed paths. ( discord ) Later at the festival, Ida serves a familiar face, and the two band together in the wake of the freak earthquake that hits the town of Grimmbrook. ( x )
Isabel visits her father Maurice in the hospital following his scuffle with Casper du Pont. (x) At the shop, she finds herself determined to help a customer, not knowing who she is. (x) Later, getting lost in the comfort of the bookstore, she runs into the girl from the shop, and the two formally introduce themselves. (x) Isabel attends the annual Spring festival alone, where she runs into Brandon, and the two leave things on shaky ground (no pun intended, considering what’s to come). (x)
Joseph went to the Spring Festival to get some fresh air. He saw Winnie and she helped him find flowers to decorate the White Stallion (x). He ran into Luke and decided to apologize and try to make amends (x). Later, Carrie texted him. While he wanted to stay strong because she had been ignoring him, he caved in and promised to meet her later (x). Joseph went on a tour of the woods and saw Danielle. He tried to apologize to her too but it didn’t go as well as he hoped and she hit him (x).
Another bit of dirty business on behalf of Caleb leads to even dirtier business on the horizon for Liam [ x ]  Caleb also sends him on a ‘find and retrieve’ task for aurora [ x ]  Meanwhile luke is still making himself comfortable as a somewhat intermittent houseguest [ x ] The festival is interrupted by a chance encounter with Carrie, though the earthquake put paid to much in the way of festivities and Liam offers to take her home [ x ]  A slight but persistent injury acquired during the earthquake sees Liam visiting the local ER and his wound is patched up by Cordelia [ x ]
Luke stayed under the radar after his run-in with Casper, and subsequent tentative reconciliation with his siblings, but it wasn’t until the Spring Festival that things kicked off. He ran into Joseph, and hashed out his feelings with the man’s betrayal, coming to a tenuous truce for the time being (x). He had a somewhat awkward conversation with his sister (x) and his brother (x) but things seem to be heading in a positive direction. Afterward, he went on the mine tours and met a few different people, but the main event was with Gio, his reclusive friend who he’d only wanted a fun night out with. Instead they were in the mines when an earthquake hit, cutting them off from the rest of the tour group. That should’ve been it, but instead, there were things in the mine with them that chased them till they barely managed to escape (x).
Madelaine decided to break out of her comfort zone by going to the Spring Festival, her first pit stop being the place making her the most uncomfortable: the mines. She met Luke Mason there and they chatted about childhood weirdness and Madison Redding’s murder. ( x ) She then ran into Winifred Snow and a casual conversation ended with Madelaine handing over her business card, making a first attempt at securing her own alliances. ( x ) Later on, when a woman suddenly got sick and fainted, she and Danielle Mason decided to go to the hospital and return the woman her lost purse. She rewarded them with 100 dollars each. ( x ) Back at the festival after some shopping, the earthquake struck after she and Ella Gertrude tried to help another woman with an allergic reaction. Verging a panic attack, Madelaine fled. ( x )
Paul Trujillo’s time was spent at the spring festival. He struck up a conversation with Dani when he noticed her pickpocketing and tried to warn her to be more careful, but their conversation veered more towards yoga and pilates [x]. During his wanderings, he also spent time with Archie Crock [x] . During a mine tour, he got lost with Luke, who helped him out of the mine before an earthquake hit, a favor that Paul feels he needs to return [x]. And when getting drinks from Ida at the Midnight Pub’s booth, he led her to a safe spot to ride out the earthquake together – a pretty interesting conversation topic for their first time speaking [x].
Robin returned to Grimmbrook after some time spent traveling abroad and his first pit stop was at the Spring Fair, where he caused quite the ruckus. He walked up to his brother, Guy, and taunted him until he lost his temper and made a fool of himself. He then put his Gucci sunglasses on and went to enjoy the fair. ( x ) At the Cove, he ran into childhood friend Alex Falwell ( now Aurora Myers ) and an amicable chat was interrupted by the earthquake. He helped Aurora get home and then stayed behind to help the victims. ( x )
Rosie and Danielle continue their accidental friends with benefits relationship. Will this be the last time? [x] Carrie invites Rosie over for some wine. Rosie is still completely oblivious to her ill intension. [x] Rosie and Winnie have a conversation at the stand which Rosie is working at. [x] Bored out of her mind, she calls Archibald over to offer him gelato and way too much of her company. [x]  Rosie comes home from the festival and speaks with Marigold. During which the Earthquake event takes place. [x] Abigail and Rosie meet at the Red Apple, where Rosie awkwardly attempts to remember how to be a waitress. [x]
Winifred fixes a mess at work and runs into Caleb ( x ), getting a read on his loyalties. This is a few days before she goes to the local farmers market and runs into her friend’s sister, Danielle ( x ) who she used to be childhood friends with. After running into Danielle, she has the misfortune of encountering her step-mother monster, Carrie ( x ) and over some verbal sparring, she ends up telling a large crowd that Carrie’s agreed to add space to Snow Manor to accommodate some local charities/kids groups. A few days later she seeks out Brandon ( x ) to plan to meet and discuss his ongoing investigation and her suspicions as to who is behind it. At the Spring Festival, she runs into Danielle ( x ) again and spontaneously offers her a job at the red apple.  Then she encounters Madelaine ( x ) for the first time, despite knowing her father, and later, she runs into Joseph ( x ) and they have a light conversation despite usually only talking business.
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devilsknotrp · 5 years
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Age: Fifty Occupation: Regional Manager at Great Lakes Cup Company Personality: Polite, maternal, intuitive; flighty, inconsistent, judgmental. Faceclaim: Mary Louise Parker
Wendy was the best wife. Not perfect, because she was never a bouncy blonde girl, and she prided herself on being humble, and hard-working, and down to earth. But she made pies, and folded laundry, and loved her husband so much it hurt. Her husband, who, by the way, turned out to be gay. Wendy used to think she was an open-minded person; she was certainly the more liberal of her family. But Charlie’s betrayal cut her to the quick, and Wendy still shakes with anger over the humiliation, the hurt, the thoughtlessness. Born the only girl to a brood of five brothers, Wendy learned how to cheer for football and throw a punch early. She wanted to be a tomboy, although her father, especially after their mother died in 1975, insisted that as she was a girl, she learned to live up to it. Small ways to cut her down, little sexist comments. They build up. They cluster inside her, like tumors. Wendy was in love with Phillip Silverman. There, she said it. She loved him, and maybe he would have come to love her. They kissed once at an office party. That moment changed a lot for Wendy, but the same couldn’t be said for Phillip. Wendy yearned for him for so long. And when he died, a part of her died too.  But she also hated him for turning her away, and she hated herself for hating him. Wendy joined the Chapter not long after Phillip’s death. She needed guidance and clarity. Her father, Abel, invited her in, and since then she is a devoted member. Wendy likes bringing casseroles to meetings and always had a kind word to share with someone.
CHARLIE TAYLOR → Ex-husband, feels conflicted about, has not told anyone the reason why they split. They did not have a good marriage for a long time. JENNY TAYLOR → Daughter, loves intensely. Very supportive and attentive. Helped her get a job at the company.   ABEL HAWKER, KENNETH “KEN” HAWKER → Father, older brother. Very close to, relies on her father for support, often do family things together. AISHA HAWKER, MARY HAWKER, MICHAEL “MIKE” HAWKER → Sister-in-law, niece, and nephew. Likes them very much, pops around to visit, brings them food. KAREN SHAH, VERN SHAH → Family friends. MAGGIE DAVIES → Oldest, best friend. Often have “girl’s nights”. Honest with, feels safe around.  SANDY SILVERMAN → Old “friend”. Feels conflicted about, attracted to.
Wendy is OPEN
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