snkrbonbon · 6 months
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adidas Spezial Pre-Spring '24
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my cat smells medical
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nosku · 1 year
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《key:♡-fluff ♤-angst ♧-smut ●-dark filthy smut》
note:the smuts and dark smuts are very very VERY unholy so plz be warned
*btw some of these don't have summary bc I'm lazy lmao*
harry potter:
daniel Radcliffe:
wedding day《♡》
punishment 《♧●》
kitchen sex《♧》
James phelps:
wish I were Heather《♤》
your jealous of his wife
my girl《♡》
your only his
whith you《♡》
we dated in 2004《♡》
why I love you?《♡》
James ver.
oliver phelps:
my world《♡》
why I love you?《♡》
(oliver ver.)
weasley twins:
our whore《♧●》
car sex《♧》
(car sex with the twins *muggle AU*)
treat me like a toy《♧●》
(the twins helds u hostage as there fucktoy *muggle AU*)
hostage pt.2 《♧●●》
(you try to runaway but.. *muggle AU*)
run rabbit 《♤》
draco humiliates you infront of everyone
run rabbit pt.2 《♤》
your tired of draco torturing you
Tom Felton:
don't let it bother u《♤♡》
never gonna let go《♤》
Tom Is scared your gonna leave him
cho chang:
I love you《♡》
you and me 《♡♧》
Angelina jhonson:
mommy 《♧●》
bad 《♧》
dancing in the moonlight《♡》
you belong to me 《♧●》
Tiana Benjamin:
Friday night《♡》
my baby《♡♧》
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Yeah so I'm kind of convinced I should call him Crowley.
He's got red tones to his fur
He's very playful but also cuddly
Seems like a trouble maker
Is brave about trying new things
Likes to go fast
Quite sharp
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Special Branch  -  ITV  -  September 17, 1969   -  May 9, 1974
 Police Drama (53 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Derren Nesbitt as Detective Chief Inspector Elliot Jordan (1969–1970)
George Sewell as Detective Chief Inspector Alan Craven (1973–1974)
Morris Perry as Charles Moxon (1969–1970)
Fulton Mackay as Detective Chief Superintendent Alec Inman (1969–1970)
Patrick Mower as Detective Chief Inspector Tom Haggerty (1973–1974)
Roger Rowland as Detective Sergeant Bill North (1969–1974)
Keith Washington as Detective Constable John Morrissey (1969–1970)
Paul Eddington as Strand (1974)
Frederick Jaeger as Commander Fletcher (1970–1974)
Wensley Pithey as Detective Superintendent Eden (1969)
Jennifer Wilson as Detective Sergeant Helen Webb (1969)
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alwaysgo · 1 year
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applesewer · 5 months
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errrmmm idk how 2 tumblr, but heres 2 different versions of my persona i drew 2day
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in-flvx · 4 months
Look... the point of all the "sirius and james are extraordinarily bright" posts is NOT to say that needing or even just WANTING to study between tests is smth that makes remus (the person this usually is about) less intelligent than he actually was, nor to shit on people who do that, or call them dumb.
We know for a fact that sirius considers snape a highly intelligent person. And snape spent most of his time after the dada owl revising. He does make fun of him for the way he writes, but not for the fact that he keeps writing until the papers are collected. He never says a word about remus deciding to study more, other than that it's not his preferred way to spend the time between exams. He regards all of the golden trios comments as equally valuable, even though hermione studies the most, and the others just do it when necessary.
Sirius has a good understanding of the divide between book smarts and street smarts, and he doesn't discriminate. He enjoys the Wensley twins ingenuity, and Harry's joy in quidditch, he regards mundungus fletchers intel as important and dumbledores plans as overall working for the grand scheme. He never shows impatience with remus' way of regarding the world around them (other than when sirius is bored and remus wants him to study with him)
The point of this is never. NEVER. That remus is stupid in any kind of way. Nobody thinks that wanting to study for exams is a sign of stupidity. If that were the case, there would be a large part of the fandom who think of hermione as barely literate or whatever. Bc she studies all the times, as well as between exams. But this is not the case.
The point of the "james and sirius were smart though" posts is this: they became animagi at 15, and helped peter to do the same. They developed the two way mirrors (once again, most accurate and reliable form of long distance communication in the wizarding world) at some point before their last year. They were two of the people who developed the map of hogwarts after all of that. They also were regarded as incredibly bright by Minerva McGonagall (who rarely gives out compliments EVER - even to those she likes, yet she was complimenting sirius at his worst), Flitwick at the same time, snape whenever he went on one of his angry rants about james, hagrid whenever he felt like it, and dumbledore - regularly about james, once about sirius after his death.
So. Again.
The point of these posts is not to be mean to remus for shits and giggles.
It's about the fact that most of marauders art and writing almost compulsively includes lines and comments about sirius and james being stupid. It's about the trend of making james a himbo - to only show his intelligence in some arbitrary grades, if ever, and to make the people around him always commenting on his stupidity.
It's about the fact that all of sirius' accomplishments have to be sourced out to remus. Its about how sirius' general interest in the world at large has to be focused solely to the fact that he wants to fuck remus. Or be fucked by him whatever.
Its about all those stupid ass incorrect quotes that call sirius and james stupid to their faces. It's about all the fics that do the same.
This isn't about the sirius fans calling remus stupid, or showing him in a light that makes him look stupid.
It's about the fact that it's barely possible to find anything about sirius or james in which they aren't explicitly called stupid in the text of the incorrect quote, art, or fic presenting them. Always in service of making remus, lily, and regulus look more intelligent
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
I might not have been paying attention but what happened to the third baby during the switch?
Hiya! :) It is explained in the book (which I very much recommend! :)). If you want to read the book and find out then stop reading now ❤.
In the book there is more about The Them and we find out that Tadfield as another gang lead by the boy 'Greasy Johnson', the gang is called the Johnsonites. We find out that Greasy Johnson is actually the third baby :). And there are some greats passages about the metaphors for The Them vs the Johnsonites / Hell vs. Heaven :):
"I dunno," said Pepper. "I mean, it wouldn't be so interesting without ole Greasy Johnson and his gang. When you think about it. We've had a lot of fun with ole Greasy Johnson and the Johnsonites. We'd probably have to find some other gang or something."
"Seems to me," said Wensleydale, "that if you asked people in Lower Tadfield, they'd say they'd be better off without the Johnsonites or the Them."
Even Adam looked shocked at this. Wensleydale went on stoically: "The old folks' club would. An' Picky. An'—"
"But we're the good ones . . ." Brian began. He hesitated. "Well, all right," he said, "but I bet they'd think it'd be a jolly sight less interestin' if we all weren't here."
"Yes," said Wensleydale. "That's what I mean."
"People round here don't want us or the Johnsonites," he went on morosely, "the way they're always goin' on about us just riding our bikes or skateboarding on their pavements and making too much noise and stuff. It's like the man said in the history books. A plaque on both your houses."
This met with silence.
"One of those blue ones," said Brian, eventually, "saying 'Adam Young Lived Here,' or somethin'?"
Normally an opening like this could lead to five minutes' rambling discussion when the Them were in the mood, but Adam felt that this was not the time.
"What you're all sayin'," he summed up, in his best chairman tones, "is that it wouldn't be any good at all if the Greasy Johnsonites beat the Them or the other way round?"
"That's right," said Pepper. "Because," she added, "if we beat them, we'd have to be our own deadly enemies. It'd be me an' Adam against Brian an' Wensley," She sat back. "Everyone needs a Greasy Johnson," she said.
"Yeah," said Adam. "That's what I thought. It's no good anyone winning. That's what I thought." He stared at Dog, or through Dog.
"Seems simple enough to me," said Wensleydale, sitting back. "I don't see why it's taken thousands of years to sort out."
And then on the airfield :):
"I just don't see why everyone and everything has to be burned up and everything," Adam said. "Millions of fish an' whales an' trees an', an' sheep and stuff. An' not even for anything important. Jus' to see who's got the best gang. It's like us an' the Johnsonites. But even if you win, you can't really beat the other side, because you don't really want to. I mean, not for good. You'll just start all over again. You'll just keep on sending people like these two," he pointed to Crowley and Aziraphale, "to mess people around. It's hard enough bein' people as it is, without other people coming and messin' you around."
Crowley turned to Aziraphale.
"Johnsonites?" he whispered.
The angel shrugged. "Early breakaway sect, I think," he said. "Sort of Gnostics. Like the Ophites." His forehead wrinkled. "Or were they the Sethites? No, I'm thinking of the Collyridians. Oh dear. I'm sorry, there were hundreds of them, it's so hard to keep track."
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
Day 5 of the Ranger Gathering - Alone
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Pauline handed a steaming hot cup of coffee to the young man in front of her. Will had come over to visit Halt and Pauline, seeing as he had nothing else to do that day. Halt was out dealing with some robbers that were reported to be camping out somewhere close to Wensley village, but Pauline was still at the apartment, and Will took this alone time with her as an opportunity to bond.
Will and Pauline were very close, but he wasn't as close to her as he was with Halt or as Alyss was with her, so he wanted to strengthen their bond. Pauline had mutual feelings.
“So,” Pauline said, taking a seat opposite Will, “how have you been doing.”
Will took a sip of his coffee before replying. Good stuff. “Fine. Not much has been happening around the fief lately other than those robbers, but Halt’s taking care of them.”
“Yes,” Pauline said, “Halt mentioned that there hasn't been much activity for the past few months for whatever reason. But I suppose that just means that you two don't have as much work to do.”
“True,” Will agreed, “but it is nice to get out and do something instead of being cooped up inside with tons of paperwork and reports to go through.”
“Yes,” Pauline repeated, “Halt tends to complain about paperwork a lot. But you can still get out without having to track down criminals.”
“I know, but it's not as fun,” Will grinned, and Pauline smiled back.
They sat in silence for a short while, sipping their coffee and enjoying each other's company. Then Pauline spoke up.
“So,” she started casually, “what's going on between you and Alyss?”
Will looked up from his coffee mug, a little taken aback by the sudden question.
“What do you mean?”
Pauline shrugged innocently. “Just wondering, that's all.”
Will looked suspiciously at her before replying. “We see each other around, we talk and when we both have the time we try to meet up for dinner or something. She's a good friend.”
“Yes, of course,” Pauline replied, taking a careful sip of her drink, “friends.”
Will stared at her with suspicion again. “You know,” he said, “when I used to ask Halt about you and him, he would tell me to shut up before threatening to send me up a tree. And then one time he did.”
“Well then it's a good thing you're not Halt and we aren't talking about him and me.” Will didn't even bother to point out that that wasn't grammatically correct. Pauline knew what she was doing.
“Why do you want to know about Alyss and I anyway?”
Pauline shrugged innocently again, “Am I not allowed to be curious and ask questions?”
“You are,” Will replied, “but it doesn't mean you're going to get any answers.”
Pauline regarded him. “That sounds like something Halt would say.”
Will grinned. “That's because it is. He would say that exact sentence when I asked if I was allowed to be curious about something.”
Pauline laughed, “Sounds like you've picked up some habits from living with him for so long. But I'm still curious as to what's really going on with you and Alyss.” When Will didn't respond she added, “I promise I won't tell anyone.”
Will sighed. “What I told you is true. It is mainly just meeting up when we can.”
Pauline pressed on, “But?”
“But the problem is that's all it is.”
“You like her don't you? Really like her.” Pauline asked and Will nodded. “Then tell her.”
“I can't.”
“And why can't you?”
“Because I don't know if she feels the same.” Will said quietly.
“Will,” Pauline said, “if you live your life afraid of telling someone something, just because you're afraid of how they're going to feel, then one day you're going to find yourself regretting that you didn't say anything sooner, and you won't be able to tell them anymore. Trust me, it's easier to know how someone feels about something, than to live with the regret that you never bothered to find out.”
“I know,” Will replied, in a way that told Pauline that he didn't know and had never considered it. “But what if telling her ruins our friendship?”
“Trust me, it won't,” Pauline said firmly. “You two are too close for it to be completely ruined from this. The worst that would happen is your relationship is a bit rocky for a while, but it would get back to normal pretty fast.”
“What about you?” Will asked, “Were you nervous to tell Halt that you liked him?”
Pauline pretended to consider the question for a second. “Well that's pretty hard to say considering that he said it first. After he told me, it was pretty easy to say I liked him back.”
Will looked a little shocked. “He said it first?”
“I know,” Pauline replied grinning, “big surprise there. It's very hard to get that man to admit something, especially that he actually likes someone for once.” Pauline turned serious again. “Trust me Will. Tell her. I know it might be a bit scary at first, and you might have some thoughts of ‘oh my god what did I just just do?’ but in the end you'll feel better knowing that you've told her. And she hadn't told me anything, but I think it's pretty obvious that she likes you back.”
At that moment Will and Pauline turned their attention to the door as it opened and Halt walked into the apartment, muddy and with a bit of blood on his clothes. He looked at Will.
“What are you doing here?”
“Just talking to Pauline,” Will replied, then he gestured towards the blood on Halt. “Are you okay?”
“It's not mine,” Halt replied gruffly, taking off his cloak and walking into the room he shared with his wife. It was obvious to both Will and Pauline that he wasn't in the mood to talk. 
Will glanced outside through the window that was in the apartment. He saw the sun begging to dip behind the trees.
“I should get going,” he said, “thanks for talking with me, Pauline.”
“Anytime Will,” Pauline replied, smiling fondly at her surrogate. “Tell her.”
Will smiled back. “I will. Eventually.”
“That's all I ask for.”
Will waves goodbye and left the apartment. Pauline picked up the two now empty cups of coffee and placed them by the sink, planning to wash them later, and went to go help her husband clean the blood off of his clothes. God help them if he was to do it by himself.
The premise of this is that Will and Pauline have alone time just in case you missed it. That is probably the most unserious moodboard I've done because of the yapping things tbh. I didn't know what to put, and I wrote this last night so I didn't even remember what it was about and I'm too lazy to re read even though I should probably proof read it. Just don't be surprised if you see many many errors. Hope you enjoyed it, I''m gonna go stress at getting the others done now :)
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Yet another AU where Halt raises Will instead of dropping him off at the Ward…
this might become another trr sequel idk yet
After five years, Halt thought he was getting the hang of fatherhood. He would drop Will off at the Ward for longer missions, which Will tended to treat as an adventure, and for shorter missions he had him stay with someone from Wensley Village. In a few years, when he could trust Will more, maybe he would begin taking him along on missions. For now, Will was loud and impulsive, more interested in playing games than sitting still, and Halt saw no harm in letting him stay a child a bit longer.
Will was turning out to be remarkably normal, all things considered. He was much better than Halt socially, outgoing and friendly. He had picked up a few of Halt’s fidgets, and sometimes he would try and imitate Halt’s mostly-blank expression, but his quick grin always shone through after a few moments.
Halt was packing for the Gathering now. He put Will’s things in one saddlebag and his own in the other, but packing for two people meant being very economical with what he brought. He had just finished packing Will’s clothes, and was trying to find a way to fit Will’s toy horse on top of them – Will had trouble sleeping without it.
Halt heard Will climb up to sit on the table. ‘Dad?’
‘Hm?’ Halt responded without looking up. He tried shuffling the clothes over to fit the horse in.
‘What’re dopteds?’
Halt paused and looked up. ‘What are what?’
‘Dopteds. Missus Cherry at the Ward says I’m a dopted.’
A smile tugged at the corners of Halt’s mouth. ‘She said you were adopted, not a dopted. It means I didn’t have a wife, I found you and decided to keep you.’
Thinking that was the end of it, Halt went back to trying to fit the horse into the saddlebag. He gave up and decided to put it with his things instead, though it would mean leaving behind his spare cloak.
But he should have remembered that Will always asked follow-up questions, and sure enough, Will asked the one he’d been dreading. ‘Where’d you find me?’
Several possible answers flashed through Halt’s mind in the space of seconds. For some unknown reason, the one he settled on was, ‘I went out to the bog, dug a hole, and found you at the bottom of it.’
‘I came from a bog?’
Halt paused in the act of setting aside his spare cloak. After a moment, he decided he might as well run with it – he could hardly take it back now. ‘Yes. Took weeks to get the smell of peat off of you.’
Will’s face split into a mischievous grin and he giggled. ‘I bet I had leaves in my hair!’
‘And a tree growing out of your ears. Go get Abelard out of his stall, we’re heading off now,’ Halt said, fastening the saddlebag.
Halt had forgotten all about it by the second day of the Gathering. He was jointing a brace of large, fat pheasants, occasionally glancing up at Will as he played a game with some obliging first-year apprentices.
Crowley was watching them as well, and meandered over to Halt. ‘Hey, Halt?’
‘Any idea why Will’s been chasing people around all day calling himself the bog monster?’
‘No idea,’ Halt said, keeping his face deliberately blank. If Crowley found out the truth, Halt would never hear the end of it.
Crowley raised his eyebrows. ‘You sure? None of us can figure it out.’
‘Quite sure,’ Halt said gruffly. He gathered the pheasants in a pan and stood. ‘Now stop asking weird questions and help me cook these.’
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scorpiosmuse · 3 months
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Izzabella Wensley
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aloysiavirgata · 6 months
Despite being lovingly raised, I am sad to report that at 4.5 weeks, Pepper and Wensley continue to choose violence. 😔
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jellybeanium124 · 1 year
Another reason I really want Muriel to be a main character in s3 is because I kinda hate media where all the main characters are innately important people (see: high-level angels and demons, obviously quite a few of the humans are ordinary people). I want to see an ordinary angel be a hero, I want them to show angel/demonkind that you don't have to be the angelic/demonic version of an aristocrat to be important, that everyone has the power to help save the universe. Good Omens has gone there before with humans (Newt, Pepper, Wensley, Brian, Shadwell, and Madame Tracy), but so far Muriel is the only non-aristo immortal main character in the show. I WANT TO SEE THEM SHINE! I want to see them prove The Metatron's "dim" assessment, with the implication that they're unimportant, wrong!
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ineffablyendless · 2 years
Enough "Rose Walker has Hob as her Uni Professior" crackfics. Time for "Professor Gadling is ADAM YOUNG'S Uni history professor" fics.
Professor Gadlen is an immortal.
Adam Knew, the way he Knew some things sometimes, and it adds humourous context to what Adam imagines is his day job. A History Professor? Really?
"I don't think it's cheating." Pepper had said, during their first twice a month phonecalls. Its a great deal more frequent than Brian and Wensley does, nowadays, and he doesn't mind, not really. The Them had grew, as all children do.
Its been 10 years since the Nopacolypse, and while Brian and Wensley had grown to disregard what Adam was (which he of course appreciates) Pepper had not. It used to tick him off. Now he appreciates it too. She puts him in his place, keeps his feet on the ground. He doesn't know where he'd be without her.
(He does. It doesn't bear thinking)
"I never said it was cheating." Adam spoke into mic of his earbuds, hands free to throw the ball for Dog. Theyve decided to spend some time out on the quad today, and 5 people so far had come to pet him. Adam knows he enjoys the attention. "I said it was cliché."
"It is a little cliché." Pepper admits, and Adam laughs. He can hear her smiling. "Does he know? That you-,"
"No." Adam shrugs. "I mean, not yet."
The smile had dropped. "Adam-,"
"I'm not going to do anything!"
"That doesn't sound like the tone of voice of someone who wasn't planning to do anything."
"I'm curious!" Adam says, a bit defensively, and he hears the crackle of her sigh over the line. "Humans, you know it, Peps, youre the one between us with a head for science, Wensley's hopeless. They shouldn't be around so long, should they? What if he needs help?"
A pause, contemplating. Adam's glad she's giving it thought, makes him feel like this isn't one of his, you know, I-Know-Better Stints he gets into. "How long do you think he's been around?"
600 years, Adam thought, but didnt say. Precisely 633. "Longer than you'd think."
"Aziraphale and Crowley long?"
"Not that long." Adam assures, can't helping the smile that the reminder brings forth. He hadn't visited those old hats for a while. "Long enough."
"Did he seem unhappy to you?"
He didn't, Adam thought. He had come to accompany Violet, a friend he's made through their Introductory to 14th century Neopolitics class, to Professor Gadlen's office to ask some questions about the quiz carry marks for midterms, and while there is some modicum of stress, it is the normal, human background buzz. Professor Robert H. Gadlen, as far as he can tell, seems perfectly content, just the way he is. One of the most.
If it wasn't for Knowing, Adam wouldn't have suspected anything off about him at all.
He hadn't said anything into the line, but it seems he didnt need to.
"Then leave it." Pepper declares, her voice crisp with finality.
"Leave it, Adam, you don't know what he is and what he's been through, you don't get to make the call. You know this."
Adam scrunches his nose as Dog returns the ball to him, tail wagging in delight. "I-," he says, and halts himself. Pepper was right, of course she was right, and no messing about, that's what he said, 10 years ago, he'd promised.
"Yeah," Adam relents. "Ok."
"Thank you. I'm only helping you look out for yourself, Adam."
"I know," Adam sighs. "Thank you."
"Don't sound so glum, we're heading over to see you in a week, and we'll have a pint in that old Pub Brian spotted about last time that he wanted to try. The Pegasus, or something."
"The White Horse?"
"Same thing." It really isn't, but Adam doesn't corrrect her. "Anyway, keep safe over there, don't do anything stupid. And give Aziraphale a call, won't you? He's been worried lately over something or the other, something about dreams."
"I will."
"And you'll tell me if you've reconsidered what me and Brian asked? About leaving the town, seeing the sights? Because I know some people, and it'll do you good, you know. Seeing new things. It's not forever, Adam, and Tadfield's going to be right there when you come back."
Adam doesn't tell her she couldn't know that, not when he couldn't either. Doesn't tell her their sleepy little town had been so drenched as home to him, arms slack open for the Before and After of the NoPocalypse, the him of Before and the him of After, that him leaving and severing it, finally, might mean the town might lose the root and half of itself within the year, collapse like an old building with it's pillars stolen out.
He doesn't tell her that it's a part of him, the cracked tar roads and humped houses and ancient ice cream parlor, the ominous edges of Hogsback Woods and the old LifeGuard seat over the chalk pit he still comes to see every other evening, hearing it whisper the things he should have done, the well paved path of what He Still Could Be. How it looms and stretches and groans to make it seem like it was bigger than it truly was, a throne of dirt and earth and decay.
He'd left that behind now, that isn't him anymore, because he said so, didn't he?
He just remembers.
He doesn't tell him that he feels Tadfield like a limb, it's unchanging storybook perfect English weather, and that even departing to stay at Goldsmith's a campus not half an hour away, feels like leaving 10 fingers behind. He feels the phantom of it, he aches for it, feels incomplete of himself without it.
He doesn't tell Pepper any of this. It wouldn't change things, and there was nothing she could do. There wasn't anything Crowley and Aziraphale could do, the only two people with any semblance of understanding how it might feel like. Adam feels like a ghost, posessing his own skin, and he sees the world tilted 0.5 degrees to the left leaving the door open a crack to the secrets of the universe, a room unlit. Everyday, for 10 years, had been a fight to ignore it.
He loves Humanity. He does, he does, he promises. Its part of him too, the love, the agonizing, unpleasant devotion. He was meant to be King. And he loves being human, knows in his heart of hearts its simply the best thing he could possibly be.
But being content, fighting against the maddening glimpse of that unlit room?
He didn't know that was possible.
"C'mon Dog," he beckons, once he and Pepper had made their customary dance of goodbyes, tucking the old damp tennis ball into the pocket of his coat as the hound twirls leaps around his legs, cheerful and impatient and eager to please. "We have to take an early night. Morning classes tommorow."
It is Professor Gadlen's class, and Adam refuses to be late. He cannot wait to poke and prod for more pieces of him. He's promised Pepper there would be no intervention as to what he was, not unless he was harmed, and while Adam has no intention of breaking this oath, he had made no promises against snooping.
After all, he's just curious.
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