#were all just geeks with a lot to say and I love that for us
captainreecejames · 4 months
Pick Me Up?
Charles Leclerc imagine
summary : the four times Charles picks you up and the one time you pick him up.
pairing : Charles leclerc x fem!reader
I believe there is no mention of YN, but I'm not 100% sure.
word count : 3.5 k
warnings : none that I can think of
note : I only read over this once so if there's spelling errors or other mistakes that's what happened. Next up should either be Logan Sargeant my ex is a footballer or the social media accompanying fic. Anyways, enjoy and me if you like it!!
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1. Charles picks you up from a bad date
The date had started fine.
Actually more than fine. He showed up on time, was pleasant to the waitress, and had good manners. Really, he would have even gotten a second date, if he hadn’t brought up Formula 1.
It’s a topic you tend to avoid when meeting new people, as they either tend to know a lot already and want to use you to get to Charles or they don’t know anything and assume that you are using Charles, when they know nothing about your relationship. It was a hassle you learned to shut down before it even began.
But back at the date with Vince, he had brought it up and that’s when things started to go down hill. 
Despite your best efforts, when people brought up Formula 1, you grew taller and more focused on the conversation, it’s like a switch flipped. While Charles driving for the best known team certainly helped your interest, everything about the sport was fascinating for you and you couldn’t help but geek out when the topic came up. 
Vince noticed your reaction and his casual demeanor turned critical. “You only know about it because you think the drivers are hot.” That had made your smile drop instantly, brows furrowing as you tried to respond. “Probably can’t even name all the teams.” He thinks that stumps you, but you’ve dealt with enough shitty men in this sport, you’re not taking anything more from this wanna-be investor.
“I don’t have to prove my knowledge of F1 to you,” you state, deciding that this dinner is now over.
“Oh, now I know you can’t even name five drivers.” Your frown deepens, picking up your napkin and placing it on the table next to your plate. It had gone down hill so fast, how disappointing.
“Your attempt at insulting me into submission is falling flat.” His eyes are wide at your comment, and he must not have expected you realize his move. You flag the waitress over and she walks quickly back to your table, noticing how you’re not smiling anymore. Seems like this date is a bust, so another twenty note must be added to the jar of bets amongst the staff of this restaurant.
(You and Charles visit the place often as it was the sight of your first job, but also the food and people were lovely, and bringing a first date here was the safest option.)
(So they all knew you and were betting on when the dam breaks and you two admit your feelings for each other.)
You hand Lucille enough money to cover both yours and Vince’s meals, not bothering with the change. Your goal now is to get as far away from Vince as soon as possible. He  opens his mouth to say something again, but you are already out of your seat and walking towards the front door, phone calling Charles to pick you up.
He answers on the first ring, always on alert when you go on dates.
(Not because he’s jealous or anything, but because he’s worried about you and needs to make sure that you stay safe. He’s been tempted to bribe the staff of your little restaurant for information during dates after a particularly bad one, but his mom talked him out of it.)
“Ma cherie, is everything alright?” You roll your eyes at his question, just knowing that there’s a smirk on his face right now. He didn’t have a great feeling about Vince, but he wouldn’t say I told you so.
“Can you pick me up please?” You barely need to finish your question before he answers with an ‘of course, I’m already on my way.’
“Need me to stay on the phone?” You glance back at the restaurant, looking in the window to find Vince scrolling away on his phone, oblivious to the movement around him.
“No, focus on the streets. I’ll be fine.” Charles hums his answer and hangs up, leaving you to look busy on the streets of Monte Carlo.
He pulls up not even two minutes later, stopping the car haphazardly in a tow-away zone. You rush to the side, opening the door and shimmying in as fast as you can because even though this is Charles Leclerc’s very recognizable Pista, you don’t want to risk any tickets. While he pulls away you realize how fast he showed up and a question forms on your lips, but he speaks before you have the chance to ask.
“I was only down the road at the marina.” He seems sheepish, like the answer is rehearsed, but you don’t push it because you’re still grateful that he showed up. What would you do without him to pick up after a bad date?
2. Charles picks you cause your car breaks down
This time when you call him should feel less embarrassing than other times, but really it only feels worse. How are you going to admit to him that the car you’ve been saving up for and desperately wanting since you were 7 just crapped out on you before you could even get out of the parking garage? Especially when he advised you against such car. It would be humiliating. 
Alas, you made the call, practicing in your mind what you would say to him. 
Again, he picks up on the first ring, though this time you’re not sure as to why he answered so fast.
“Is everything alright, ma cherie?” You blush, grateful he can’t see your face.
“I’m stuck,” you exhale, ready to face what ever he has in store for you.
“My car won’t start and I’m still at work, everyone else has left and I’m in need of a ride.”
“Okay,” he answers, relief filling you. “I’m leaving the gym with Andrea, I should be there in 15 minutes. Don’t talk to any strangers.”
“Love you too, Charles.” You roll your eyes, hanging up on him and sitting in the drivers seat of your beloved, but broken, car. That’s some good money about to go down the drain for the tow and mechanic fees. As you debate calling your dad to help you out with diagnosing what’s wrong with the car, a familiar rumble enters the garage, and you see the ever famous Pista pulling up next to you, a smirking Charles in the driver’s seat.
“Someone call for a pick up?” You want to roll your eyes at him, but the smile on his face makes the irritation melt away. After a long day at work, made even longer because your stupid car that you really wanted wouldn’t start, all you feel is relief and affection for the man in front of you, and it’s a little too overwhelming.
Tears pool in your eyes and Charles frowns, cutting the engine and climbing out so he can hug you. He only admits it to his mother, but holding you is just as good a driving when he’s driving on the track with a car that responds to his every command.
(And what he won’t admit to anyone is that if holding you feels like that, then kissing you must feel like he’s just won a world championship.)
“Ma cherie,” he whispers, pulling your body into his own and stroking your hair to soothe you. He doesn’t ask any questions, which you’re grateful for, you don’t actually know what’s wrong other than everything is just too much and him showing up makes you feel safe enough to let it all out.
When you’ve finally slowed your breathing and made yourself relax he pulls away, looking at you with so much love in his eyes that you’re not sure if you’re dreaming. “Now you know what it felt like to drive under Binnotto.”
The comment is a shock and it makes you snort, which is what Charles was going for. Your laugh that he thinks could make him smile even in the darkest moods. “You can’t say that Mr. Ferrari.” You smack his chest while shaking your head, but the rueful smile on your face tells him that you still haven’t gotten over the team principle screwing him over.
Then the smile eases into something much more natural, and he knows the tense moment has passed. “Takeout?” he suggests, ushering you to the passenger side of his car. You nod at him and he’s pretty sure that he would do anything to make you smile.
3. Charles picks you up for a spontaneous lunch date
The next day it’s he who calls you, but you still an answer on the first ring.
(You’ve dedicated a Måneskin song as his ringtone so you always know when he’s calling)
(He made your ringtone a Mika song after you dragged him to a concert)
“Charles,” you answer, confusion in your tone.
“Ma cherie!” he sounds excited and you can’t help but want to follow him anywhere he goes when he sounds like that.
“Is everything alright?” You ask it this time, because shouldn’t he be packing for a race now?
“I’m outside, we’re going to spend the day on the water.” After leaving your home last night, Charles decided that you needed a pick me up, and what better way but to spend a few hours lounging around on his yacht, soaking up the sun and enjoying each other’s company.
(No one else would be there, but this wasn’t a date.)
(Seriously Arthur, it wasn’t a date.)
You spare a glance around your room, laundry begging to be done and dishes waiting to be washed. Yeah, you could use a day away from chores.
“Let me grab a bag,” you tell him, already throwing more clothes around the room in search of your favorite bathing suit. He hums through the speaker and you put your phone down to keep searching for the bathing suit. It was your favorite red crossover one piece and you be damned if you didn’t wear it today, anything to manifest a Ferrari win.
When you finally manage to find it, in the pile of clean but not put away laundry, you pick your phone back up and tell Charles you’ll be right down.
In two minutes you’re out the door of apartment, eyes landing on Charles leaning against his car. He looks so handsome with the windswept hair and Ray-bans on, you really have to wonder why he’s spending the afternoon with you and not some model he met in a garage.
(He’d say it’s because it’s the weekend before a race and this is a tradition, spending the afternoon with you before he leaves is the only way to ward off bad luck.)
(Seriously, before the Netherlands race last year you'd been unable to make it because of a bad cold and he had to retire the car that race, so safe to say you were forced to the boat, or his apartment, or he came over before the plane every time after that.)
Maybe the question is what would he do without you?
4. Charles picks you up from a girl’s night
This time Charles doesn’t pick up on the first ring, in fact, he barely makes it to the phone in time to answer. That’s because it’s not you who is calling, but rather a friend.
You and few girl friends had decided on a girls night out for one of them going through a bad break up, but after a few pregame shots and then drinks at this club, you were pretty intoxicated.
Looking for your group after coming back from the bathroom and the bar, you had spotted Lando and Max across the room, which made you think about Charles.
(Not that he ever really left your mind.)
And when you think about Charles, you wonder where he is, so you went to your friends. Both their faces lit up when they saw you, indicating that they were also not sober. After a quick hug for both of them you turn to survey the rest of the bar, looking for your Monagasque. 
“He’s not here!” shouts Max, trying to be heard over the noise. Your shoulders drop, turning back to the two racers with a pout on your lips.
“Where is he?” you ask, trying to seem nonchalant, but drunk you can’t hide her feelings as easily as sober you.
(Many would argue that sober you can’t hide her feelings easily either, but all that matters is that Charles doesn’t find out. And since he’s too occupied in hiding his also obvious feelings, you’re both oblivious to the other’s pining.)
Lando says that Charles stayed at home, something about playing the piano and having an early night was more tempting than drinks. The real reason being that if Charles went out he would not have been able to stop thinking about you and your potential suitors, which would lead to him drinking to forget. He was not up for another heartbreak hangover.
Your eyes light up at the mention of Charles playing the piano, sitting down in the booth with them. “Oh! I bet it’s going to sound wonderful!” Both drivers roll their eyes, and to their disappointment, you’re not drunk enough to miss it. “You don’t like his music?” The accusation in your tone makes them readjust their face. It’s not that they don’t like his compositions, it’s just that when Charles explains them, it’s almost always about how you looked on a certain day and he just was so inspired he had to put something down. They’re really tired of the back and forth between you too.
You begin your speech on how talented Charles is at the piano, which then morphs into how talented he is as a driver, and then as a person. It all turns into a ramble about how proud you are of him, something they’ve all heard before.
When you’ve somehow made it to Leo and how Charles chose the perfect puppy, the man himself shows up.
“Ma cherie,” he interjects, placing a hand on your shoulder to get your attention. You turn towards him, and Max swears that there should be cartoon hearts in your eyes.
“Charles!” you yell, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. “What are you doing here?” You’re slightly too loud for being in his arms, but he doesn’t care if you yell his ear off, it’s still you.
“Max said you were ready to come home.” Your brows furrow at that, because you don’t remember ever saying that, or even Max disappearing to call Charles, but you can’t be mad at him showing up.
“One more drink?” you ask, eyes pleading with him. Charles shakes his head, he can feel how much he’s supporting your weight even while sitting and knows that any more alcohol will likely end with you tripping over yourself.
“Water,” he answers and you’ve agreed to the words coming out of his mouth because it’s Charles, and he’ll never steer you wrong.
Charles heads to the bar to grab a water, running into your group of friends there. He tells them your status and that’ll he’ll be taking you home after this drink. They all nod along, most of them predicting that the night would end like this: Charles showing up and driving you home.
When it’s finally time to leave and Charles has ushered you out of the packed club into his Pista, you remember that you came here with a completely different group. “The girls!”
“Don’t worry, ma cherie, I saw them before we left and told them I’d take you home.” The gentle smile on his face is enough to put one on yours. Where would you be without him, indeed.
+ 1. You pick Charles up from the airport
You’ve got a new car now, thanks to Charles, and since he needs to be picked up from the airport, you’ve decided to take it for a nice spin. The roads are relatively clear for the drive, and you’re there in the usual 30 minutes. That makes you early for Charles, but you take the time to work out what you’re going to say to him.
Before you get out of the car you text him your location, so that he can head right out and find you, rather than you going into the terminal to look for him. He always was better at finding you.
The last night out had not only ended with Charles taking you home, but with a revelation. You couldn’t keep living like this. Loving him so much and not telling him was suffocating. It made you feel like you were on the edge of a cliff with nothing to keep you safe, and you were tired of it. So the question was, how did you tell him.
“Charles, I’ve been in love with you for ages,” you said, but shook your head. That didn’t sound right.
“Charles, I have to tell you something really important. I think I’m in love with you.” No, you shook your head again and groaned. “I don’t think I’m in love with him, I know I am.”
“Charles, you’re the most important person in my life, I don’t know what I’d do with out you.” Okay, solid start, you might have something with that.
“Charles light of my life.” No. “That’s too cheesy.”
“God, I wish I could put into words how much you mean to me. I love you so much I don’t know what to do with myself most of the time. It’s like I need to feel you to be able to breathe properly. All I really ever need is for you to look and smile at me and I’ll know that everything will be alright. I can get through anything with you there. If you love someone else it would break my heart, but knowing that you’re happy is all I need to be okay. I’d live with the thought of you loving someone else, because if they made you as happy and good as I feel, then there’s nothing more I could ask for.” Yeah, that sounded-
“Well it’s a good thing I love you too.”
You screamed, turning around to see Charles behind you in all his glory. Black sweatshirt and baggy jeans, hair messy like he ran his hand through it multiple times.
“How long have you been there?” you asked, face turning red enough to rival Ferrari.
“At Charles, light of my life.” He shrugged, like you hadn’t just bared your soul out to him. “Though, I disagree, it’s not too cheesy.” Could you get any redder? Feels like this is as red as a human being could get before self-combusting.
He’s just standing there, with a dopey smile on his face that you want to kiss, but you can’t. Something is holding you to the spot. You force yourself to say something. “Can you say something else?”
“Like what?”
“Anything else, I feel like I’m going to explode if you don’t say something.”
“Thanks for coming to pick me up.” He adds a shrug to the end and you narrow your eyes.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Oh, you want me to say that I love you too.”
“I don’t want you to say it if you don’t mean it.” If you were a kid you’d add a stomp to the end, as if you were throwing a temper tantrum. He furrows his brow like he’s confused and still you want to kiss him senseless.
“Well, I mean it.”
Now you’re the one confused. “What?”
“I love you too, and I don’t think I’d be okay if you loved someone else as much as I love you. Because I’m selfish and a terrible man and I want you all to myself.” He shakes his head. “I need you all to myself,” he corrects. “You’re the love of my life and if I wasn’t yours then I don’t think I could go on. But you said you do love me, so everything is so much easier now.” Each sentence is punctuated with a step closer, until he’s just a few inches from you, like he needs you to take the last step. You do, without hesitation, because you really would do anything for him.
Eyes glancing at his lips and back, you catch him doing the same thing. “I love you more than anything in this world. I’d give up racing if you asked, I do anything for you.”
Another glance at his lips. “I’d never ask that of you, Charles. But, I love you too, and I’d do anything for you.” His smile at those words would normally catch you off guard, like you’d stop breathing at it, but somehow it just makes everything easier right now. So you kiss him.
Leaning forward those last few inches to grab his shoulders and pull him down so you can kiss him with as much love as you can muster. If words can’t explain how much you love him then maybe kissing him will convey it. That you love him more than words, actions and thoughts can combine. You love him.
(And he loves you.)
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forcemeanakin · 1 year
ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀɪᴀ'ꜱ ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ʜᴀʏᴅᴇɴ ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴇɴꜱᴇɴ
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Okay so this is a alternate of @hanasnx starlet!reader but with my own little twist because I just love the scenery and the glamour of the shows <3 So I present to you: VSangel!reader x Hayden Christensen (let's ignore the fact that I've been working on some of these scenarios for YEARS now).
This is hella long and nsfw, so beware. 3K.
Previous inspo: Link
Hayden has probably seen you in a big billboard before, maybe an ad on TV, but didn't remember your name. He thought you were hot though. A pretty little thing that was probably out of an old man's league anyway.
You are in your 20's, so you grew up with the Star Wars prequels and without a doubt Anakin Skywalker was your childhood crush. Posters on your walls, watching other movies Hayden was in just to see him. Most of your classmates probably made fun of your Star Wars obsession because you were only into it because of the hot guy in Revenge Of the Sith. How wrong they were!! It was also because of the hot guy in AOTC!
Also you're like a total SW geek, but we'll talk about it later.
THE BEGINING: How did you two meet?
Considering that both of you are from different areas of show business, you had to meet in a common ground. I don't see Hayden going to a fashion show before you (and then that's the only place paparazzi can catch him for sure <3). So after a lot of thought, you two met at an Award show (my mind goes automatically to the Tiff Tribute Awards). Or more specifically, the after party.
I picture Hayden saying hello to a couple of people he knows before heading to the bar and sticking around there, just sipping on his drink and greeting whoever comes along to shake his hand and pat his shoulder.
You already saw him back on the red carpet, making your best effort to not get your drooling face captured by a paparazzi. Your stunning dress and detailed makeup made you look like a million dollars !!!
And he noticed. Fuck, did he notice.
Walking by the bar, after pep talking yourself into talking to him for like half an hour, you pulled up right beside him to order yourself a drink. A cosmo or some shit like that. Very fancy and pretty, like you.
He was hypnotized by you the second he saw you up close. Actually, the second he saw your ass swinging his way.
That was it. You two were done for the moment your gazes crossed.
He made the first move, saying a polite "hey" and offering to call the bartender for you.
You were batting your eyelashes, grazing his biceps with your long nails and giving those "fuck me eyes" that worked every time. Someone so much more mature and wise, you didn't think he would want you for something besides fucking, so why did it matter if you were a bit sluttier than you were used to?
But you started talking and it was an actual good conversation. He seemed interested in getting to know you and his jokes actually made you laugh. He was all smooth with his compliments and subtle stares at your dress.
I feel like he would give you a nickname from the very first night. Something related to your attire or the sparkle of your eyes, accentuated by the glittery eye shadow.
It would be a downright shame to let that amazing chemistry go to waste for a meaningless hookup. Luckily he didn't let that happen.
Like a true gentleman, he walked you to your car, using the back door and called it a night. Not before asking for your number and teasing a goodnight kiss.
The next day, while you were getting ready to shoot a campaign, you receive a text from an unknown number, but you immediately knew who it was.
"Hey, starlight." There's a whole other version of this with them meeting over a smoke break, but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea.
Okay so let's set some things straight. Hayden's not a public guy. he hates having his private life printed on newspapers and he's not a fan of social media. At all. Heck. he doesn't even like to leave his house on weekends. But after you? He had to get used to it. You're this generation very own Gisele Bündchen. You're everywhere. You're everything. You are the fashion world. So paps are very much included in every moment of your life.
You tried to keep it hidden as much as you could. It was not very hard with you traveling almost every day and him living in LA, at his new house. And whenever he could, he escaped to his own little paradise in Canada.
So texting was basically everything you could do.
He even learned new lingo just to keep up with you :)
But you both craved more, so the next time you were in LA, you were going to grab dinner.
The damn paps got a few pictures of you and that's when the rumors started.
At first not many people recognized him, mainly because the pictures were taken from behind him, but the curls and the outfit ratted him out to a few observant fans.
But media didn't believe them, I mean, why? And the selected group that decided to run with that narrative used headliners like: "how the fuck did the awkward guy from SW pulled y/n's ass?"
After weeks of trying to be low-key for his sake: going on coffee runs using his caps and sunglasses so people wouldn't recognize you, having dinner dates at his house and/or choosing far away locations to stroll with a bit of privacy; you gave up. Your already public life was catching up with you two. So it was better to ride the wave than to escape it and fail in the process.
BUT BEFORE ABSOLUTELY GOING PUBLIC, I love the idea that interviewers were trying to drag the information out of you. Maybe at a red carpet or at an interview with a digital magazine, people would throw you some questions to see if you bite the bait:
"So, Y/n, who's your favorite SW character?"
And you would grin knowingly but never backing down. Your answer would vary from Obi-Wan Kenobi (to mess with Hayden) or R2 when you felt like sharing some of your SW passion.
But right before you two decide to go full-on public, you decide to mess with them, for your own entertainment: "You know, I do have a soft spot for Darth Vader."
It was at a red carpet
You two went in separate cars
Hayden walked first, having his picture staken and signing autographs while you barely arrived at the event
The second you entered the carpet the cameras went off on you, total focus on getting pics of your designer dress
You were posing like an absolute goddess, answering some questions with wit, trying to spot your boyfriend with the corner of your eye
Finally you locked eyes and he raised a dubious eyebrow, like saying: "Are we seriously doing this?"
And you gave him a bright beam, stretching your arm to him as he walked to you, taking your hand and kissing the inner side of your forearm before placing it on his shoulder. Fingers dropping to your waist and pulling you to him while you laugh, his mouth lowering to your ear to whisper: "You always get your way, huh?"
You chuckled and kissed his cheek, you two turning to face the cameras, just for a few seconds before moving on.
I'll not get into the heavy details of how you two managed to make your relationship work, with your traveling and photoshoots, because fuck that. I'll only say that there was a lot of sexting and he was a fucking natural at it. Mile high club as well.
You two would still try to remain unrecognizable by the paparazzis but more chill this time.
That meant having more pictures of you on your candle lit dinners or your fun Sunday mornings in the park out there.
The media would still release some mean headliners but thanks to the dilf culture cultivated in social media, some were actually rooting for you. Oh, and fans were torn between you; hating you because you were clearly fucking him and loving you because since your relationship started, you gave them more Hayden content.
The SW questions were constant in the interviews and talk shows, to the point that you were always brought some type of SW merch: a Grogu plush, a kids lightsaber, a little R2 replica. Whatever it was, it was always pulled whenever the question about you and Hayden was brought up.
You still kept answering "Obi-Wan" with a laugh and no additional information. "He has the high ground." You shrugged your shoulders, shaking your head with a cheeky smile.
Later in bed, when Hayden was giving you your daily dose of healthy cum :))) pounding into you with an admirable expertise, he whispers: "Who has the high ground now, baby?"
You never revealed to Hayden that he was your childhood crush, I mean, you could have mentioned it the first night but you didn't want to approach him like a fan. And then you didn't want to look psycho so you just let it be. And now it was too late.
But then
In the middle of an interview, a girl that actually gained your honest trust, asked you the anticipated question:
"How does it feel to date Anakin Skywalker?"
And... (the next bit was written by Indy during a brainstorm and I just wanted to share the exact words <3)
"in the interview you’re visibly nervous, rubbing on your knee, leaning forward, adopting a slackened posture. “yeah..” big grin, “he was actually my childhood crush.” “no!” the interviewer says in awe. “yeah! yeah,” you kinda laugh and cover your mouth. “i didn’t tell him. is that bad?” you put your nail in your teeth to fidget, putting on a little lovable twist to your face"
And then he sees the interview and he shots you an immediate text with the link like: "Oh???"
You know what you'll come home to
He's sitting on his usual chair, reading a book when he hears the door creak. You showed up with a shy smile, his arms opening up to let you crawl on his lap. Knowing that he'll bring it up, you hide on his neck, blush all over your cheeks. Hayden is caressing your thigh up and down, while he hugs you with his other arm and snorts: “did you keep that from me on purpose?” with a little swat on your ass (Indy, 2023).
THE REACTION OF PEOPLE ON SOCIAL MEDIA AFTER THE INTERVIEW. you cackle at the comments: "Not Y/n admitting she is dating her childhood crush!! She's one of us!!!" “HE WAS NOT” “bro no 😭 i thought she was single” “darth vader. you win again” (Indy, 2023).
Also dragging you to hockey games <333 you start to love the sport because of him but at first you didn't understand shit
He laughed at your reaction when you saw the first fight in the rink
"Do they just... start beating each other up and the ref let them?" You winced exaggeratedly.
"Yup." He laughs, drinking a sip of his beer.
Also opening the car door for you after a date night, protecting you from the paps???? That's a head canon I'll take from starlet!reader and apply it here because YES YES YES
ofc he goes to your fashion shows !!!!! front line baby !!!!!!!! And he is so fucking proud of his beautiful girlfriend.
So motherfucking supportive it hurts.
He comes home and peppers kisses all over your face, praising you for a job well done.
"I would buy all the clothes you sell, baby"
Or if you wore something he particularly liked, he would be desperate to get home and show you just how much he loved your teeny tiny dress on the runway.
He even learned how to dress appropriately to match with your outfits. NEVER LEAVING THE CAPS BEHIND OFC !! But his personal style improved so much, we are proud of him :)
ALSO whenever he is out and spots an ad of yours he takes a picture of it and sends it to you. Maybe with a little heart or smile, or a little text like: "so proud of you baby." Sometimes he takes a selfie with the campaign!!! such a dad selfie, his head tilted back and kind of blurry because he's trying to get the right angle !!!!
also social media with him !!!! again, he doesn't have any active accounts but you do. For his sake, you don't post a lot of things about him, however, some things are too adorable not to share. And fans love you for the little crumbs you give them
A list of photos I think would be posted on this reader's insta stories:
A photo of him in the garden, checking his tomatoes. I KNOW HE HAS TOMATOES
A photo of your shadows during a coffee run. Bonus points if it's Tim Horton's and it has the Canada location tag
A photo of his back while he's making breakfast
A photo of the view from his house. Bonus points if it is from the bathroom window. Extra points if it has any indicators that you two were previously fucking in there, like steamy doors.
A casual photo of you on his couch and you can see the famous chess game
a video of you two watching the prequels and you can hear yourself saying: "omg who's the handsome guy?" when he appears and he laughs.
A photo of you with one of his caps. Bonus points if it's the Toronto Maple Leafs one.
He never thought he would be in this position. Front line at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. But he is. And he's there to support his girlfriend. Heck, that still sounds funny to him-
You're out there, strutting your gorgeous figure for the world to see: with your six inch heels, your pretty wings and tiny lingerie- You're a fucking dream. His dream.
He's there at the front line with the Proud Boyfriend club, along with Adam Levine (I know but he got us fooled for half a decade) and Caleb from Kings of Leon.
His heart is pounding hard when your face appears in the initial video where they present all of the models walking
The first time you walk, he stands up, cheering loudly and smiling brightly at you. You were opening the show!!!!! how huge!!!
You focus on the cameras and getting the pose right but when you turn, walking on the side he's in, you point at him, even blow him a kiss.
The other two times you walk, because the initial pressure is off, you can focus more on him, and shoot him a playful wink and/or wave at him. He's grateful that you're giving him that attention, now he can brag around with hard evidence. :)
They dressed you up in a very flirty little piece, a pair of panties with a black bow on your rear side. When you get to the end of the runway, you turn around and show it off, maybe even playfully shake a little.
You know you'll pay for it back home
You will also pay for flirting with the music guest in the middle of the runway
I mean, you were not flirting, just doing the regular thing of pointing at them and dancing with them for mere seconds. But the music guest really focused on you and your strut. Maybe you did take advantage of the moment to get him all jealous and get some angry sex out of it
He could understand that part of your job. It didn't mean he liked it. He made sure to send some backhanded comments in the after party to make sure the musical guest got the picture. That you were taken.
It was so fucking hot.
He loved loved loved your police woman outfit, offering to pay for it himself so you could take it with you.
He was a fan of your angelic look with the enormous big, white wings. Almost drowning you in feathers but making you look like a real life angel. You were to him at least :)
You take such cute pictures on the pink carpet <3 he's looking like arm candy, an absolute accessory of yours. And he was happy to do it ! It was your night and he couldn't be any happier to be there with you !
Although the paps did catch him while he was staring at your spilling boobs. But could you blame him? That dress was TIGHT.
Hayden also has a photo of one of your VS campaigns in a giant frame in his office <3 you were so ashamed at first but you secretly loved that he paraded you around like that <33333333
you can catch glimpses of it during online interviews
You are in a talk show, talking about the VSFS 2025, when the interviewer gets all serious and jumps:
"Last question, Y/n... is it true you and Hayden Christensen are engaged?"
You open your mouth in bewilderment, scoffing loudly.
"Where did you hear that?"
"Rumors are all over the place... but is it true?"
"No! Of course not." You squealed, acting offended before cracking a sly smirk. "We are married." And you show off the rock on your left hand.
AHHHHHHHH- I could do this forever but I need to shut up :) also let me know if you want more nsfw content about this couple :)
Also some of these are stolen from my hockeyplayer!Anakin Skywalker / hockeyplayer!Hayden Christensen private headcanons. :)
Last pic because this is how I imagine this reader and Hayden backstage:
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intoxicated-chan · 6 months
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Content Warnings ➳ female Reader/No use of (Y/n), sexual content, oral (f), humiliation, dacryphilia, hair pulling, overstimulation nearly getting caught, swearing…
Daryl eats you out like a mad man. He’d purposely overstimulate you just to see you cry for him, stumbling over your words and the only coherent word you could say is his own name. His favorite place is in between your legs, he’d never admit it to you but if he was told to chose a place to die, it would certainly be in between your legs or you sitting on his face, cause if he were to die, then he’d go out a happy man.
“G-Give me a second!” You shouted to the other person behind the locked door.
“Are sure you’re alright?” They asked.
“Yes!” You immediately said, your hands ran through Daryl’s hair, giving them a hard tug. You yanked him away you. “Are you trying to get us in trouble?” You hissed at him angrily.
He licked his lips, bringing his fingers to his lips, dragging his tongue up his middle finger slowly. “Ya say that now.” He mumbled, pushing you on the hard surface, hovering over you, and using his middle finger to rub your clit. “But ya gonna be beggin’ me to fuck ya soon.”
Author’s Note/Taglist under the cut…
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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I hate to do this to you all but JUDAS is on hiatus, I’m so sorry but I have a lot of works and requests to get through and I would like to get them done or at least start them.
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Taglist ➳ @celtic-crossbow , @duffmckagansbandana , @raspberryslxt , @lor-geeked , @thegeorgiahuntsman , @number1bashbabe , @ladylincoln , @of-storms-and-sadness , @annhells , @sexyxdylanxobrien , @namikyento , @let-love-bleeds-red , @scudslut , @raoudixs , @sleep-queen , @gyustarzzi2 , @stunt-lads ,
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avocado-writing · 5 months
Hey there I hope you’re having a wonderful day, could I make a request for bg3? I’d like to request the crew with a noble barbarian tav, kind of like Godfrey from Elden ring. Normally they are very regal, eloquent, and in control, they might even think they are some knight until they finally let loose. Whether it’s their s/o in danger or a challenging battle, they just go to town, very ‘I have give thee courtesy enough!’.
oh anon, you're very kind to think that I'm a competent enough gamer to have played elden ring. writing these scenarios as if they're seeing you go into a rage for the first time!
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Very much an 'oh. oh! oh...' moment for him.
Doesn't want to confess that he's attracted to the way you go feral, but anyone looking at him during battle will see how he is affected.
He already thought you were charming with your eloquence and courtly mannerisms, but this drives him wild. The idea you had this potential thrumming through your veins this whole time is delicious.
He can smell the blood pumping through your veins as you rage and does something for him. If you're together, expect a visit from him that night.
Loves to engage you in long, thoughtful conversations over tea every night. Did not expect this side to you.
At first he thinks some untowards magic has been cast on you, but then he sees how in control you are even when you're letting loose.
Is flustered and flattered when you make sure he's safe in battle, using your rage to protect his body with yours.
Afterwards when you check he's okay he has to try and hide how much he's blushing as he stammers out an affirmative. Asks you lots of questions about the nature of your rage. Can't stop staring at you when you're in battle...
Lets out a little "oh, my!" when you first rage in front of him.
A bit gobsmacked but jumps back into action, quickly helping you fend off whatever enemies have caused your ire.
Is over it remarkably quickly, and takes it in his stride - in camp the two of you discuss court and your respective times in it, laughing at tales of long gone social faux-pas...
And on the battlefield you are a machine cutting down everything in your wake as he uses finesse to dispatch your foes. He thinks you are night and day... but that you are wonderful.
Sees you rage for the first time and she lets out a "FUCK YEAH!"
Drops into a rage by your side and the two of you absolutely decimate the battlefield. The gang of mercenaries who came for you never knew what hit them.
After you wipe your brow with an embroidered handkerchief from your pocket and offer her a spare, which she takes and uses (completely destroying it in the process with soot from her engine)
Geeks out with you every day about raging. The two of you discuss battle tecniques and play-wrestle, which more often than not brings down half the camp. She loves it. She thinks you're perfect.
Never really gave you the time of day before now. She found your elegant manner irritating. Why use honeyed words when you can cut straight to the point?
But then, oh, she sees you rage, and she is enamoured.
That night demands that you tell her why you never said that you could fight like that. You have an argument saying you never felt the need to... it goes on until the two of you calm down and end up sitting well into the night discussing how you grew up as warriors.
She has a respect for you from then on, confident you can look after yourself on the battlefield. More often than not she watches you fight with an appreciative eye.
Oh, she's thrilled. We know she likes barbarians anyway (see her thirsty dialogue about Karlach) so when you rage in front of her?
She just stares for a bit. It's all she's able to do.
When that staring leaves her vulnerable to attack and you come and defend her, oh, she's gone. She has such a crush on you. If she had one before, it's doubled.
You're always the first one she comes to check on after battle. She likes to lay her hands on your bicep as she's healing you, perhaps feeling the muscle a bit more than is necessary. Her cheeks are always bright pink.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
“So,” Nancy says, all business. Steve knows her, knows she’s pushing down whatever feelings she has. Knows it won’t last. Appreciates it anyways. “Barb?”
Steve nods, leading her back down the hall. “Listen up,” he says. “Our top priority right now is saving Barb and Will from the Upside Down.” He looks around. “Jonathan’s already out looking for Will. We’ll need to read him in before we go, but he deserves to be part of the rescue mission for his own brother. First things first, though, we’re going to need weapons.”
“They’re vulnerable to fire,” Robin continues. “So Molotov cocktails, and lots of them. Nancy, you had a gun last time. Any idea where that would be?”
Nancy frowns, shakes her head. “I don’t have one.”
“It’s Jonathan’s.” Steve runs a hand through his hair. “So we’ll need to bring him in soon. He also had a bat filled with nails, which I ended up taking. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, I need you to think up ideas on flamethrowers. If nothing else, lighters and cans of hairspray. Let one of us know what you need, and we’ll find a way to get it for you.”
“And me?” Eddie asks.
Steve grins. “Oh, you’re gonna love this.” He tosses a tape at Eddie. “Metallica, Master of Puppets. 1986.”
Eddie looks down at the tape, then up at Steve, open-mouthed. “Holy shit,” he whispers.
“I’ve got a player in my room. How fast can you learn the second track?”
“Oh, my guitar!” Eddie says, scrambling up. “Holy shit. Uh, depends on how hard the song is. I’ll let you know once I’ve listened to it a few times.”
“Eddie,” Steve says before he can leave. He freezes in the doorway. “If you want to back out…”
“You’re a distraction,” Robin says softly. “The bats follow the sound. The first time around, you die because you weren’t willing to let them get to Dustin.”
“Which we’ll fix this time,” Steve says firmly. “We know what went wrong. We’ll make sure to close the vents this time.” He works his jaw. “I’m not losing anyone.”
Eddie looks at them. Robin, to Steve, to everyone else. “I’m in,” he says quietly.
Steve nods. Eddie leaves. They hear his footsteps heading upstairs. Steve’s door closes, and a few seconds later the song starts up.
Steve tenses. “I’m never gonna not think of that.”
“Steve,” Robin says, and nods to the couch beside her, inviting him to sit down.
He does, taking her hand and squeezing it, breathing out harshly. “Okay,” he says. “Boys, start brainstorming. Nance, can you go find Jon? We need him and his gun.” She nods and walks out.
El approaches Steve. “You gave me a hug,” she says seriously. “When they were being loud. Your head is being loud. Will a hug help?”
Inexplicable tears burn at the corners of his eyes. “Y’know what? I think it just might.”
She smiles and hugs him, and he hugs her back, pulling her to sit beside him. “Y’know what?” He whispers.
“What?” She whispers back.
“Your hair grows out, and it looks so pretty.”
She looks excited at the prospect. “It does?”
“Mhm. Right, Robs?”
“Oh, yeah,” she agrees. “Bitchin’, even.”
“What is ‘bitchin’?” El asks as Steve slaps at Robin.
“Something Robin shouldn’t’ve said,” he says, pretend-glaring at her. “Timeline, Robs, c’mon.”
She snorts. “Okay, nerd.”
“Band geek.”
She squawks and launches herself at him, and Steve laughs as he curls over El, who’s giggling.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
@paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy
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AITA for planning to go to a convention without my partner even though we usually go together?
My partner (21 NB) and I usually always attend different conventions around our area together. We like to dress up in costumes, get pics with celebrity guests, and go to panels and meet-ups and all the fun convention activities together. The problem is.... this past year has been really hard for them mental health wise, and it has kind of sucked the fun out of going to conventions for both of us.
They have diagnosed ADHD and anxiety/depression, as well as what we think is autism, but they are undiagnosed. If I thought they were having a good time attending conventions, I would worry less, but the crowds of people and the noise overstimulates them and they've told me that they feel unsettled with that that many strangers around. They've had a range of minor to major panic attacks at each of the conventions that we've attended for the past year or so.
I usually try to be really supportive of their mental health. They have come a long, long way from the deep depression they were in back in high school, and they have worked hard to get their ADHD recognized and properly medicated, and I'm really proud of them. I have anxiety myself, so I feel like I understand at least a little bit of what they are typically dealing with, in a small way.
However, I also absolutely adore going to conventions. I convince myself every morning to get up and go to work by telling myself that "I'm working to fund my next cosplay," or whatever. A little self-motivation, you know. Costumes and conventions are my biggest hobby. Though I attend multiple conventions, every one is different in its own way, so it feels like it only comes once a year.
And this is where I might be a bit of an AH. I know my partner can't control their mental health, but I feel like I miss out on a lot of the convention whenever they have a panic attack or get overstimulated and I have to sit with them until they feel better. And yes, I know that sounds really bad, and I should care about my partner's well-being more than seeing a panel or a celebrity guest, but conventions are my "once a year getaway" from reality and typical life and all that. I don't really take any other vacations, and I don't really get to interact with any other nerds/geeks/weebs/lovely fandom people except at conventions because my anxiety is mostly social anxiety, and talking to people is hard and social media is intimidating.
So.... I did some thinking, and there are two, maybe three conventions that I'm planning to attend this next year without my partner. I'm not planning on telling them that I'm going without them, I was just planning on not mentioning it at all. I think if I tell them outright that I'm going without them, they'll take it personally and I don't want to upset them. If they ask for a reason that we're not going, I can just say it's financial, which isn't exactly a lie, because I did take a pay cut at work not too long ago. And my partner doesn't work due to their mental health, so I always fund or costumes and tickets and hotels. But I don't want to give that reason outright either, because I don't want to lie unless I have to.
There are two or three other conventions that we go to yearly that we'll still go to together, so I feel like they'll still get to attend and we'll get to go together, but I'll also have my "alone time" at the other conventions and get to do things I don't usually get to do, like late-night events.
If it's worth anything, my therapist supports my idea, because she thinks it'll force me out of my shell a little bit, and force me to stop using my partner as a "social crutch" if I go alone, making it like exposure therapy for my social anxiety.
So tumblr... AITA for wanting to go to a couple of conventions without my partner due to their mental health and my fear of missing out?
What are these acronyms?
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allimocha · 8 months
AlliMocha Fancuries FYC Post!
Hi Hello, Pip Pip Cheerio! Fancuries is here once again! And boy do I have something to share this FYC post.
So, I haven’t worked on Bittersweet X Daydream in a hot minute if I'm gonna be honest. A lot of other obligations have been taking time away from my main fanseries sadly. BUT I do have one new thing to show you guys regarding it.
Hear me out.
A redesign.
I KNoW I know I said no more redesigns, but after having these characters for so long, it's only natural that I'd want to change how they look. Specifically, there is only one character that I've redesigned so far anyway…
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Lei Sandiego / Cure Spice
“𝘔𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘚𝘮𝘰𝘬𝘺, 𝘎𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘓𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘮𝘢! 𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘦!”
Age: 16 (Second year/Sophomore)
Birthday: September 18th
Height: 5’6”
Ethnicity: Hispanic American
Cure color: Blue and Scarlet
Essence: Charismatic
Often referred to as “The school beauty”, Lei is admired by almost all of her peers. Her amazing charisma, along with her intimidatingly cool and beautiful looks immediately captures everyone’s attention. But despite this, she’s really just a big fashion geek. She prides herself in her impeccable style savvy-ness and studies the latest trends all the time. Lei is also a very confident person, sometimes to the point that it can be overbearing, but she’s never arrogant and always means well. She’s a hopeless romantic and is constantly trying to look for someone who likes her beneath her looks. Although she’s fashion-centric she’s also very athletic, being the co-captain of the girls' volleyball team, and so devotes time to doing both hobbies.
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That's not all, however, because I also have a new series that I've been working on. A crossover series if you will. Based on one of my favorite Disney movies of all time:
Sugar Rush! Precure
A group of girls go to the arcade after school every day to hangout. They excel at most of the consoles there, notably the racing games. One day, Vanelope finds a weird token like she had never seen before, as it was engraved with intricate patterns and a shiny gold. When she attempts to use it in a racing game, it flashes in the machine and floats out as another trinket (henshin item). At that moment, a mysterious person is creating havoc outside the arcade, clearly looking for something. He spots the trinket in Vanelope’s hand, and we all know what happens from here.
Yep! Cures based on the sugar rush racers from Wreck-It Ralph! So far, I only have 2 of their designs, but I'm still completely in love with where this is going. Speaking of which, lets show those two off!
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Vanelope Von Schmitt / Cure Sweets
Age: 16
A very confident girl, Vanelope is definetly the ray of sunshine that brightens anyone’s day. She’s very friendly, but is also not afraid to tell it like she sees it. She also has a habit of being overly sarcastic or jokey, which can come off as annoying to others. Not really good at school and overly clumsy, so sometimes covers her negative emotions with jokes or sarcasm. Adores arcades and always states it’s her home away from home.
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Tabitha Mathews / Cure Taffy
Age: 16
Very rich and spoiled and it definetly shows. She can be cocky and overbearing at times, but she’s got a good heart. One of the more popular girls in their school, and accells in all her extracurriculars. Due to her father being principal, people have rumored that all her grades were boosted due to nepotism, but that’s not true. She works hard to get where she is, and while vain and sometimes a little rude, she isn’t afraid to help others in need. Goes to the arcade to get away at times.
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So that’s all I’ve been working on so far! I can’t really say I’ve done much with my fanseries over the years, but hopefully you all like what I do have!
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So, I have noticed that a lot of my mutual's for many fandom's ( TUA, TWD, Z-NATION, WWDITS, Derry Girls, HOTD, etc. ) have been dropping like flies.
[ I love you my beautiful friends, and I hope one day you will feel comfortable and safe to come back 😘 ]
It got me thinking, why? Why? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! But, after talking to a few of my mutual's on other apps, it came down to mainly three common things with these mutual's. ( note, this is not for every fandom / fan, this was just the mutual's that I talked to, okay? )
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1. The TV show ended, so there isn't much reason to stick around anymore. ( Umbrella Academy, The Walking Dead, Derry Girls, Z-Nation, What We Do in the Shadows, etc. )
Which is valid. If there are no more ( Ex. Sunday episodes for HOTD or Sunday episodes for TWD ) not many fans wanna stick around.
Then, after so many fans leave. It kind of becomes a 'dead fandom'. Where people sometimes goes back to time to time and be like, "Oh, I remember that show.." for nostalgia.
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2. Their interests have changed.
Like any common trend, some people just say, "Nah, I don't like *insert show* anymore. I liked the 5th season and 2nd. But, I'm just not that into *insert genre* tv shows anymore." Again, valid.
Everyone had gone through one kind of phase before. It could have been books ( PJO, HP, etc. ) or fashion ( Skinny jeans, graphic t-shirts, etc. ) or music ( MCR, Blood on the Dance Floor, etc. )
It's fine to grow and change.
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3. The fandom doesn't feel like a fandom anymore. This is a BIG one that many have told me.
People are clashing together, book vs tv show fights, character x character ships are constantly hating on each other, death threats are being sent to actors / fans / fanfic writers, you can't share your opinion without someone sending hate, etc.
The best example is HOTD. A fandom that I am in / write for.
Now, now, here me out! I have been very open about the hate in the fandom. You can check. I've gotten hate for writing about highly requested character's ( Aegon, Aemond, etc. ) and I have called out how fans are acting towards each other / actors.
What I don't get is this. We are all in the same fandom.
How did we go from, "Oh, Tom Glynn-Carney is really cute in Aegon's wig. It suits him.", "I have a fan theory that maybe in the next episode they'll do this part from the book because the teaser at the end of the episode it shows..", and, "I hope they put this scene in the show!"
To "Oh, you think Tom Glynn-Carney is cute as Aegon? Well you support r@pe and deserve death threats!", "Oh, you wrote a fanfic / oneshot / etc. for this character? Oh, it has a trope that it being used by a lot of other writers? Here's hate for that!", and, "Tom Glynn-Carney says that Aegon is a complex character...so clearly he supports..."
The main point is that this is why soooooo many of people are dropping out of fandom's. And when people call it out, they either get run out of the fandom as well or blasted for it with death threats.
Fandom's used to be places where people could go to geek out with others. A safe place. It's why there is comic con, etc. People want to know other fans, the want a safe place to go to.
Now, it's become a place where you have to mostly keep your head down low and not say a thing to avoid being run out because you share a different opinion.
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In conclusion? I hope that fandom's can be kind to each once again so that people feel safe / comfortable to come back.
To all my beautiful fans who were run out / felt like they had to leave a fandom, I love you and understand why you left. I hope one day you will come back and find joy in the fandom that you once did.
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To those of you running out fans / sending death threats. It's you that ruins the fandom. Fandom's were safe places for people, now you've ruined it for those people.
If you don't like a fandom / other fan, you have other options :
5. Block their account / tag, ignore them, not send death threats, leave them alone and enjoy the parts of the fandom that matches you.
It's that simple!
hopefully i can get this out there. so i am tagging some of the bigger people i know / follow..
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ghysry · 1 month
Don't feel compelled to write this if you don't want to!, but I think it would be pretty cool to see TUA siblings interacting with reader in the six years without powers they can be with them since the first apocalypse and they become like family, reader can be one of the other 43 children with powers! Doesn't have to be with any specific character but I will admit Five is my favorite and they did my boy wrong in season 4
*Does a soldier salute pose* Five is my favorite too. I get you, Anon.
Oneshot! Tags: Reader x Five, Reader x Five Hargreeves, Comfort/..., I'm feeling evil today...
"I think this is better."
There's a reason why humans are off balance when one of their senses suddenly stops working - like the blind, or the deaf. Imagine living in a world where you can't see after years of being used to it, or living in a world where all you can do is read lips instead of hearing the sound of music. We hold our senses very close to us like organs ; because they are.
Which is why it took you an embarrassingly long time to get used to the fact that you no longer had the ability to control the state of matter. You know - the basics. Gas to liquid, liquid to solid, solid to gas, human to vapor, atom to extremely dense gas. It served you the most purpose, you were deemed the most powerful out of all the siblings, well, that is to account for the fact that you were never adopted by Reginald Hargreeves.
Ah..hm, let's take a detour down memory lane for how this happened.
"Fascinating..truly fascinating. How much would you like for them?" Reginald Hargreeves peered down onto the basket containing a blanket wrapped neatly around the quiet infant, their eyes closed and their small chest rising and falling with each breath. "I'm not going to sell my child to you, you creep!" Your mother, a fighter during her first weeks with her only child, kicks Reginald Hargreeves right in his no-longer-child-giving nuts, which causes him to double down and cough much later than a normal person usually would.
Alright, now that you know how you weren't adopted, back to the present!
Nowadays you work alongside your life time partner, or should you say, husband. Both in the CIA, both crowned as the youngest officers of peace within this barely secret government. Which leads you to here - you, in your usual spot on the couch, laying down with a groan as your back hurts, and then groaning even more when this man child--your man child--flops onto you with a groan coming out of his mouth himself.
"Augh you're going to crush me!" You tilt your head back, trying to get into a comfortable position as this big cat can't help but cling tightly onto you, even going as far as grumbling out nonsense on how he's not that heavy, and you're just too weak to stand his superiority, to which you rub at his nape and feel his throat rumble with a purr.
"You are so lucky I love you. Or else I'd tease you about the whole purring thing," Though you belittle him about his weird capabilities, you keep on scratching at his nape, then behind his ear, feeling the vibration on your chest. "Shut up.." he finally answers, leaning his head into your hand, a look of satisfaction crossing his eyes when you massage his back. He's way too old for this job, and so are you.
Five wraps his arms around you, tired eyes looking into yours, and before you could laugh at his face he's already digging it into your chest, inhaling your scent and complaining about his boss (which was also your boss) being stupid because he wanted Five to work on something more significant, rather than analyzing a group of insane geeks sitting around in a cult-support system whatever the matter.
To be fair, a lot of them have a point.
Five gulps when he lifts his head back up and stares at you, into your eyes, deeper into your soul. Years and years of fighting, bickering, war, the feeling of dying and being remade, the feeling of having to fight for your life against yourself, seeing your siblings, your only family, die right in front of your eyes without being able to do anything about it..he finally achieved peace. Peace with you.
"I love-"
"Five?" Your hand comes to ruffle his hair, eyes staring at the ceiling, feeling grateful for your sentient weighted blanket. "..hm?" He responds, arms tightening around your waist to the point where you feel like you can't breathe. Chuckling at this, you close your eyes, plunging the world into a deep darkness you've seen thousands, maybe even millions of times.
it's time to wake up.
Five shoots out of his bed, cold sweat beading down his face, his head hurting like someone had narrowly missed burrowing a bullet into it, one hand clutching the blanket he lulls himself to sleep into, the other trying to clench around a hand he knows isn't there.
"Fuck." He falls back down into his bed, which spells an awful lot like marigold, hands coming up to rub at his face and wake him. The familiar venomous feeling in his chest seems to encapsulate him when he blinks, your face is there every time he moves, his heart beats of you, yet the universe doesn't even know who you are.
Oh yes. You were never supposed to be here, were you?
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 30
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternate Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
TW: Toxic Relationship
Sunday, January 3rd; 6:45 PM -  Manchester Restaurant.
Today was really strange. Leah and Alessia parents were supposed to return in the afternoon, so most of us left their house around noon after a much-needed cleanup. Our boozy evening and the two days that followed had left quite the mess, as we all stayed over to sleep. Luckily, nothing was broken.
Everyone went their separate ways in the afternoon. The Alba, Patri, Caudia and Leah decided to stay and have a geek day in Leah's room. Alessia, Maya and Ella opted for a trip around town and a visit to the park on this last day of freedom. As for Alexia, Mapi, and me, we decided to grab a bite somewhere before taking Mapi to the airport.
Mapi didn’t really want to leave. She loved her short stay here, even though she complained a lot about the weather. She adored the city and enjoyed the time spent with my friends. We spent most of our time with Alexia, with whom she quickly became friends. Saying goodbye was hard for everyone when it was time for her flight.
Afterward, Alexia perfectly organized the rest of our day. She made plans to see Jenni one last time before school resumed. I offered to join the girls and leave her alone with him, but she insisted I stay. According to her, it would have led to a bunch of questions she wasn't ready to answer. Knowing she was right, I resigned myself to stay.
I wasn’t thrilled at first, but she reassured me by saying that Jenni had invited Ingird and Lucy to join us. I also learned that Alexia had just discovered their names on New Year’s, which really surprised me. After all, they are her girlfriend’s friends, but according to Alexia, it wasn’t up to her. It seems Lucy wanted it that way. She hadn’t taken Jenni's departure well and, as a result, had kept her distance from any connection between them.
It must have been tough for Alexia, knowing Lucy is her girlfriend’s best friend. Lucy remained very cold toward her, which intimidated Alexia a lot. I now understand better why Alexia reacted the way she did when Lucy visited our room. She had every reason to be afraid of my supervisor. However, it seems like things are finally starting to improve.
Alexia confessed that this was the first time she’d seen our instructors outside of school. This afternoon was the second time. Lucy had agreed to come. Ingird, however, already had plans. So, after Mapi's flight took off, we took a taxi and joined them at Jenni’s place, where we spent the rest of the afternoon at her apartment.
Now, here we are at the restaurant, where I’m sitting next to Alexia and across from Lucy. We didn’t leave too late since we have to be back at school by nine. Lucy kept reminding us, so we couldn’t forget. It’s still a very strange situation to end the holidays. I’ve spent most of my time with Lucy, as the two lovebirds haven’t let go of each other all afternoon.
“Have you heard from Mapi?” Alexia asks me.
“No, but I should soon. I told her to take the morning flight, but she didn’t listen.”
“Why should she have taken the morning one?” Jenni asks.
“She’ll land late tonight. She’s bound to be exhausted for her first day back tomorrow.”
“Well, she really didn’t want to leave,” Alexia chuckles. “She picked the latest flight possible.”
“Let’s hope her return to reality isn’t too harsh.”
“Is she not doing well?” Lucy asks. “She seemed fine at New Year’s.”
“Mapi isn’t the kind of person who shows her struggles in front of others,” I reply honestly.
“I know someone else like that,” she murmurs, sipping her drink.
I know she’s talking about me. I’m not someone who expresses myself in front of others either. When I do, it’s only in front of one person, and that’s very rare. Lucy was an exception, which is still hard for me to understand. I had never cried in front of her like I did.
“What happened?” Alexia asks curiously, to my relief.
“Well… Her girlfriend cheated on her with my ex,” I admit. “So, let’s just say their relationship didn’t end well.”
Alexia doesn’t have time to react because Lucy chokes on her drink. She sets her glass down hard, looking at me with wide eyes. It reminds me that I hadn’t actually told her the reasons for their sudden breakup.
“The ex I’m thinking of?” she asks.
“Yeah,” I reply.
“That’s why the other night… Well…”
I shake my head, understanding what she means. She’s referring to the night I called her in tears. It had nothing to do with that, but now she has a reason to be curious. Our friends look at us with a mix of curiosity and confusion as they watch our exchange.
“We’ll talk about it later,” Lucy says, noticing our friends’ reactions.
There’s not much more to say, but I agree to avoid continuing this private conversation here.
“So, anyway,” Jenni interjects before the mood around the table can cool down. “Why did you come to school, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“My mom gave me the choice between school or kicking me out without a place to live,” I say with a shrug.
An “ouch” louder than I intended escapes my lips as I get kicked under the table. I glare at Lucy, realizing she’s the one who kicked me. I calm down when I see she’s giving me the same look.
“You didn’t tell me that either,” she grumbles. “I thought your mom knew Wiegman, and that’s why you got a spot?”
“That’s true. At least, I suppose so,” I reply with another shrug. “Don’t I have the right to have secrets, Commander?” I tease her.
“No, not about things like that. Especially if you can talk about it so openly with a stranger.”
Her reaction surprises me a bit. She had never before complained that I didn’t tell her something.
“Well, you never asked,” I retort.
“Come on. We both know I’ve always let you talk to me at your own pace about why you came to Camp Wiegman.”
“You’re not telling me you’re upset, are you?” I joke.
“Yes, completely,” she says, crossing her arms.
I lose my smile when I realize she really is, judging by the look on her face. Is she seriously upset over something so minor? Why does it matter to her if I talk to someone else? I was ready to say anything to make her stop sulking, but I understand her game when a tiny smirk on her lips betrays her. I smile too, much more relieved than I should be, realizing she’s not really mad at me.
“You shouldn’t be.”
“And why not?” she counters.
“Because you know things even Mapi doesn’t. And Mapi is the person who knows me best.”
My words are sincere, and they seem to have an effect on Lucy, who looks at me in a strange way. The tense atmosphere eases suddenly, as if she realizes what this means to me. She doesn’t seem to grasp how much influence she has over me—or maybe she does and enjoys it. Either way, all I know is that I feel good talking to her. I feel listened to, and she has this way of making me want to confide in her and no one else. She genuinely seems interested in my problems, which is very important to me.
“Lately, you’re the first person I turn to when something important happens in my life. It’s… I don’t know. It’s become automatic, I guess.”
Her eyes soften at this new revelation. She seems to appreciate it. In any case, I’ve never been this honest in my life.
“Alright… Thank you, then. That’s what I want you to do. Well, not necessarily being the first… Although it means a lot to me that I am, but what’s important is that I know.”
My cheeks warm up as I realize my words didn’t fall on deaf ears. I force a smile, which she returns with a touch of amusement. Then I turn my eyes to the couple sitting with us. Alexia is looking at me strangely, making me feel a bit more uncomfortable. She’s seen us interact before, but never like this. No one knows the extent of our relationship. We don’t even know ourselves. I wish I could talk to someone about it to clarify things, but I doubt Lucy would appreciate it. The problem is, I’m afraid to bring it up with her, too, in case she gets angry. Maybe she won’t anymore, now that she declared us friends a few days ago... I should try again sometime.
The meal continues peacefully after the waiter brings our food. Jenni keeps asking me questions to get to know me better. I enjoy answering her. In return, I learn things about her, like how close she is to my supervisor or that she’s been dating Alexia for almost a year. She explained how Alexia wouldn’t leave her alone and how hard it was for her to resist when she noticed her from day one. Lucy doesn’t participate much in this conversation. She seems almost bored. Her behavior around this whole thing is really strange. I’ll be sure to ask her why when I get the chance. To avoid bothering her any longer, I steer the conversation toward Jenni’s personal life. I learn that she works at a gym since being laid off from the school and that she’s also developing a project with Lucy. I was curious about that, so I wanted to ask more questions, but Lucy doesn’t seem to agree, as she abruptly ends our evening.
“It’s after eight. We should go if we don’t want to be late.”
“You’re taking them then?” Jenni asks.
“Well, yeah, I’m not going to leave them here.”
“What a shame,” I comment.
“You can say that to anyone but me,” she smiles.
I bite my lip, mentally cursing her for knowing me so well. I’ve calmed down lately, and I’m starting to enjoy this school. Camp Wiegman has become my home. It was hard to admit, but it’s the truth. It gives me the stability I was missing in Barcelona. I hope that after I leave, I’ll have found a career path that will keep me from sitting at home with nothing to do.
Under Lucy’s pressure, we decide to head to the register to pay our bill. I’m the first to finish. I wait off to the side after paying. I was lost in thought while waiting for my friends when my phone starts vibrating in my pocket. I frown as an unknown number appears on the screen. I decide to ignore it, thinking if it’s important, they’ll call back. And they do. I immediately think of Mapi, who must have landed by now. I sigh, glancing at Lucy as she joins me.
“Someone’s trying to call me. I’ll step outside to take it.”
“Alright. Don’t stray too far, please.”
I nod before heading for the exit. I take the third call and bring the phone to my ear.
“Ona?” the voice on the other end surprises me. “Oh my God, I finally got through to you…”
The voice on the other end freezes me the moment I recognize it. I can’t believe it. How did she get my number after all this time? I even changed it to get away from her!
“Ona, I just want to talk to you.”
“Leave me alone, Feli, damn it! How did you get my number?!”
"It doesn't matter. Just let me talk to you! I've changed! How many times do I have to tell you? I promise I won't hurt you anymore... I miss you, and I know you miss me too. What do I have to do to convince you to come back to me?"
I jump when a hand touches my shoulder. I relax when I see it's Lucy. I was so upset that I didn't hear her join me. I close my eyes for a moment to gather my thoughts. Feli keeps on with her spiel on the other end. I should answer her to get her off my back once and for all, but I don't have the strength to do it. The only thing I can do is hang up on her. Lucy seems to notice.
"Is there a problem?"
I hide my screen when I see her looking at it. I hope she didn't see anything. I don't particularly want to drag her into this.
"No, it's settled," I say, blocking the number.
"Alright... If you say so. Let's go then."
I glance at my phone one last time to make sure it's really over before following her to her car, where the couple is already waiting for us. It was more practical to take hers since we loaded it with our suitcases. I sit in the back with Alexia, and Jenni sits in the front with Lucy. We have to make a small detour to drop Jenni off at her apartment.
"I'm sitting in front!" I shout as soon as Lucy stops the car.
I'm the first to get out of the car. The others also get out to say goodbye to Jenni. Alexia goes last, taking her time to kiss her. While they finish, Lucy leans against the car next to me. She might not approve of their relationship, but she’s at least considerate enough to let them say goodbye. I sigh as I feel my phone vibrating again. Deep down, I hope it’s really Mapi this time, but I quickly realize it’s not when I see another unknown number. Knowing her, she probably got another phone. She doesn't even give me ten seconds to breathe before starting again. Over and over. The fifth time was the last straw. An inexplicable rage fills me, and before I realize what I'm doing, my phone bounces off the asphalt from the force of my throw before landing flat on its screen several meters in front of us.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Lucy scolds, surprised.
"Damn it," I mutter, realizing what I've just done.
I immediately rush over to check the damage, squatting down to examine my phone. I grimace when I see the screen shattered into a thousand pieces.
"Let me see."
I bite my lip as I look at Lucy, who has knelt down next to me. I hand it to her to examine for herself. I groan when I realize she can't get it to turn back on. Damn it, I've really messed up this time. I’ve always taken care to make sure nothing happened to it, and now it’s unusable in a split second.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on now?" Lucy snaps.
"Not here... Please."
"Fine. We’ll talk when we get to school then, and that’s non-negotiable."
She stands up first, preventing me from saying anything else. I sigh as I head back to the car. I briefly glance at Alexia, who silently asks me what just happened. I shake my head in response before getting back into the car. The girls quickly join me, and the drive is eerily quiet. Thankfully, there's music to fill the silence. I feel like Lucy is angry with me without knowing why. I keep glancing at her and notice her hands are clenched tightly around the steering wheel.
"Stop looking at me," she growls.
I sigh and decide to look away for the rest of the drive. It was the longest trip of my life. Engen was at the reception when we arrived. She lets us through and notes our arrival on a piece of paper. Lucy leads us to the back parking lot. When we get out, she opens the trunk, where Alexia retrieves her suitcase. I wanted to get mine, but Lucy stops me.
"Later. We need to talk first."
"Can I at least drop my things off in my room first?" I try to negotiate. "No...? Okay..." I add quietly when I see her stern face. "Fine..." I resign.
Alexia leaves without me when she realizes I’m not allowed to follow. As for us, we head toward the gym. A countless number of solutions run through my mind. She’s not going to punish me again, is she? I relax when she leads us to an office and not a sports hall as I expected.
"Why are we here?"
"To be more discreet. Unlike my office in the other building, the lights from the administration can’t be seen here."
I nod in understanding. It will certainly save her from answering questions the next day. She turns on the light before we sit down on the two visitor chairs in front of the desk. I would have preferred if she sat across from me. It’s much more intimidating to have her so close. She turns her chair so she can face me with her arms crossed. That’s not a good sign if she’s in that position. She must be irritated by something, but what? Not knowing why makes me even more nervous.
I take a deep breath, realizing she’s letting me speak. Damn, this is a really delicate situation. My fingers start fidgeting to distract myself.
"I don't know where to start," I admit.
"The beginning, and don't beat around the bush, please."
"Okay... Well... I think Feli is harassing me..."
My voice was just a barely understandable whisper at the end. I’m not even sure I understood myself. I don’t understand why I’m reacting like this. It’s not like I did anything wrong. Lucy frowns.
"What’s that mumble supposed to mean if you speak up and talk clearly?"
I sigh, looking away. I don’t like it when she makes me feel this uncomfortable.
"Hey, look at me," she orders, and I do so, albeit reluctantly. "I don't want to bother you by doing this, but it’s important to me to know what’s wrong in your life."
"It's ridiculous... I can handle it on my own..."
"Don’t let your lack of self-confidence speak for you," she scolds. "I’m here to help you, remember? And I will if I can do something about your problem. You won’t get into any trouble if that’s what you’re thinking."
Her words had the desired effect on me. My muscles relax, as if I’m laying down arms in a battle. I don’t like fighting with her because it reminds me of my early days here. I feel like I’m not doing what it takes to become who I was before. Telling her what’s happening can’t hurt, right...? I linger on her hand, which has just rested on my knee. I close my eyes tightly, fighting against myself.
"You're making progress, right?"
"Yes..." I exhale.
"Do you want to go back to how things were? Because that’s what you’re doing. You opened up to me and freed yourself from a burden. I know because otherwise you wouldn’t trust me. So why are you hesitating?"
I open my eyes to see her hand pressing on my knee. She’s pushing me toward relief.
"We both know you need someone to vent to. If I’m not the right person for you, then do it with someone else who can help. What’s most important to me is that you talk without feeling uncomfortable. Locking yourself up like this, without seeking a solution, is cowardly and will undo all the progress you’ve made so far."
Her words touch me so much that I’m on the verge of expressing everything through tears. I hold back, however, preferring to stay strong. I feel ridiculous. She just wants to help me, and in return, I still hesitate to trust her judgment. She’s proven time and time again that she’s a reliable person. I think what scares me the most is her reaction. I can already sense she’s irritated, and I don’t know how she’ll take the news.
"If it’s a trust issue or—"
"No," I interrupt her. "Please don’t think that because it’s not the case."
My interruption must have surprised her because she immediately fell silent. She nods softly.
"I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m always afraid of crossing one of your boundaries," she confesses.
"You’ve never had anything to apologize for, Lucy... It’s just that before being here, I never had anyone but Mapi by my side. She helped me, but she was far from having the same reactions as you. Yours scare me because I can never anticipate them, and I don’t know what you’re thinking."
"Alright..." she sighs. "You feel nervous because you sense I’m upset, is that it?"
"Yeah..." I reply after a slight hesitation, finally looking up. "I don’t like it when we argue, and that’s what will happen if we don’t agree."
"I’m angry because I feel this is important and you don’t realize it. If you did, you would have already told me when we spoke on the phone last week."
"What I told you that night has nothing to do with what I think now. I didn’t expect her to start again."
She frowns as I bite my lip. I can’t turn back now that I’ve started.
"If it’s what I think it is, I’m afraid it’s something more serious than you realize. I really want you to talk to me so I can be sure."
"Alright... I’ll talk..."
I take a deep breath to muster the courage. I can no longer look Lucy in the eyes. Deep down, I know she’s right, and I’m starting to fear her reaction. Knowing her, it will probably be drastic, and that’s scary.
"Explain it to me."
Her encouraging voice is soft, unexpectedly. It seems my behavior has calmed her. I nod gently and begin.
"W-when I went back home, Feli was desperate..."
My voice is trembling, and I can’t control it.
"No one ever knew I still had some contact with her... I was a junkie, but Feli was like another kind of drug for me... S-she made me dependent on her. S-she kept telling me I was nothing without her, that I would never achieve anything. T-that she was the only person who understood me..."
Tears well up in my eyes. Talking about it out loud brings me back to years ago.
"That’s not true. You know that now... Don’t you?" she asks, making me nod with difficulty.
"I-I had a hard time believing it... B-but yes, I know now..."
"She’s the one who destroyed your self-confidence," she sighs. "Believe me, you deserve much better than someone like her."
She reassures me, wiping away the tears that slipped down my cheek without my consent. I nod, trembling slightly. I pull myself together before continuing my explanation.
"Mapi found out one night when I was in the shower. She noticed the numerous messages she was sending me, and she immediately reported it to my mother. I was angry at her at first, even though I knew she just didn’t want to lose me again... I eventually realized she was messing with my head and that what she was doing was harassment... S-she didn’t stop. I had to block him on all my social media and change my number so she couldn’t contact me anymore..."
"And you’re saying she’s doing it again...? Is that why she drugged you? She wanted you to come back to her?"
« Y-yes... I-I thought telling her I didn't want anything to do with her anymore would be enough, but it seems like that's not the case..."
"How many times have you seen her recently?"
"T-twice. Once at that party where she drugged me, and the second time last week, the night I called you... Every time, she kept saying she missed me and wanted a second chance..."
"She hasn't tried to see you since then?" she asks.
I shake my head. I dare to look at her and see her running a hand through her hair. She looks even more irritated than before. I feel ashamed for having kept something like this from her.
"You should have told me about this a long time ago," she scolds me harshly. "This is serious stuff that shouldn't be taken lightly."
"I-I know, I'm sorry," I say sincerely. "Mapi thinks she's looking for me at parties. She goes to a lot of the ones she's at. I-I'd even bet she slept with Mapi's girlfriend on purpose just to hurt her. I didn't have the heart to tell her because I was afraid of hurting her, but I think she suspects it deep down."
"What happened that night that made you break your phone?"
"She somehow found my number, I don't know how, and started harassing me from multiple numbers within a quarter of an hour... I-I'm sorry, I just lost it. I-I didn't expect her to start up again..."
Lucy sighs in frustration while gently stroking my knee. Her touch is soft, in contrast to her deep voice that resonates in the room.
"That's clearly harassment, Ona. This is very serious. You should press charges against her before she goes too far."
"No! I don't want it to go that far. All I want is for her to leave me alone."
"I don't know your ex, but trust me, that might be the only way to get her to stop."
"I don't want to."
"Ona..." she sighs.
"I said no!" I persist.
For some reason, I just can't do that to Feli. Her past has never been great, but I'm not ready to send her to jail. Even after everything she's done to me, she was there for me for a long time. Maybe one day I'll be able to, but not now.
"Fine, but I won't let you set foot in Barcelona again."
My lips part at her unexpected decision. I don't even need to ask if she's joking, judging by the look on her face. Is she blackmailing me? I know her position as an instructor doesn't give her the right to forbid me from doing this, but she has influence over my weekend outings. She might even lie to keep me here.
"You're so wrapped up in your own world that you don't realize how serious this situation is. I won't let you go back home unless I know you're safe."
"Please, Luce, I've always come back, and there's never been any trouble."
"That was different. I would have thought twice if I'd known all of this. My decision is non-negotiable, and if you keep pushing, I'll be forced to talk to Wiegman."
"No, you can't do that!" I cry out. "I trust you!"
"This has nothing to do with trust, Ona ! To me, this girl is a dangerous psychopath. If you're not ready to take action against her, then I'll take action on your behalf, that's all."
I groan in frustration as I sink into the chair. I knew I wouldn't like her reaction, but forbidding me from going home? That's totally unexpected. I thought she'd be angry, but I didn't expect things to get so dramatic. Filing a complaint is still beyond me. My mom wanted me to do it back then, and I didn't. I hate to admit it, but I still care about her.
"Take your time to think about it. In the meantime, you won't be going home."
"This really isn't fair."
"If you keep complaining, you'll stay here alone instead of going back with me."
"Going back with you...?" I ask, confused.
I finally dare to look at her again and see her smiling softly at me.
"This situation isn't your fault... I said I wouldn't let you go home. But I didn't say you couldn't leave school... Since I promised to show you around the city, this could be a good opportunity."
"Oh... I thought you wouldn't do it."
"I will, but only if you get permission and I think you deserve it."
"So I won't be allowed to complain in that case...?"
"No," she smiles. "You'll have to be extra nice to me," she teases.
"I'll try," I say, rolling my eyes with amusement. "I really want that tour."
"I figured... Well, it's getting late. We should head back to our rooms."
Our conversation completely changed in a split second. I know she won't forget what she said, and she's only stopping because of the time. We put the chairs back in place, and she turns off the lights as we leave. We head back to her car, where we retrieve our things from the trunk. I remember at that moment that I have something that belongs to her.
I put my suitcase on the ground to open it without spilling everything. Silly me, I put it at the bottom. Now I have to dig around to find it.
"What are you doing now?" she sighs.
"I didn't think it through," I chuckle. "Wait a minute."
I pull out her Christmas gift, trying not to mess up my suitcase. It's a bit tricky, but as long as I can close it again, I don't care.
"Well, I had to maneuver it a bit to fit it in the suitcase, but I managed. Mapi had a good laugh at me."
"What is it?" she frowns.
"Your Christmas gift, of course! Sorry, I ran out of wrapping paper and had to protect it somehow, so... here," I say, handing it to her.
I smile at her surprise. I watch as she takes the frame out of the bubble wrap. She frowns, not understanding my gift. I chuckle and come to her aid, unfolding the three square canvases I had fixed together with hinges to reveal the painting. It was supposed to be on a single vertical canvas, but I wouldn't have been able to transport it to Manchester that way. She smiles as she realizes what it is.
"It's the drawing from your sketchbook that I said I liked, right?"
"Yeah, but an improved version," I laugh.
I bought black canvases to paint a large dreamcatcher. In my sketchbook, it was done in pencil, but here I made it in rainbow colors, using mostly pale colors for the overall design and bright colors for the finishing touches. I finished it off with a white border and, of course, signed it with my name.
"You really didn't have to. It's beautiful. Thank you! You have such incredible talent. I'll hang it up when I get home," she smiles.
"It's nothing. It's all handmade."
She puts the painting back in her suitcase after wrapping it back in the bubble wrap. At least I was sure it wouldn't get damaged during the trip. I frown as she hands me a small box covered in wrapping paper.
"Since you gave me yours, it's time I give you mine."
"Really? I-I wasn't expecting anything..."
"Neither was I," she chuckles. "It's a Christmas gift, but also for your progress and because I really appreciate you, both as a student and as a friend."
My first instinct is to hug her. She laughs and returns the embrace. She then hands me my gift, and I take my time opening it. I feel like a little girl. The only gift I've received is the pendant from Mapi. My grandparents and my mom preferred to give me money since they don't necessarily know what I need. They'd rather I buy something I like than waste their money on something I might not use. I'm stunned when I see the ring. Not just any ring... the one I was looking at in the jewelry store. I don't even know how she knew it was the one. The price wasn't too steep compared to what a ring can cost, but still. She didn't hesitate to get it.
"You're crazy... How did you know it was the one?"
"You stared at it," she shrugs with a small smile. "Try it on to see if I got the right size. Otherwise, we'll have to go back together."
I slip it onto my right ring finger. I smile broadly as I extend my hand to admire my new ring, which fits perfectly. I play with it a bit to get used to it since I haven't worn one before. I move closer to Lucy to give her another hug, this time a thank-you hug.
"Thank you, really! I love it!"
"You're welcome. But it's getting late," she says, breaking the hug. "I don't want to make you miss curfew by staying here. We'll see each other tomorrow morning anyway."
"Will you check on us?"
"Of course, let's not break our habits."
"How long will you be my supervisor? I mean, I've calmed down, haven't I?"
I ask her as she closes the trunk. She locks her car before answering.
« Wiegman still thinks you're rebellious in class, and your frequent tardiness and poor grades haven't helped you much. I'll probably stay your supervisor for a little longer, maybe a month, or maybe less. It depends on how things go."
"So I should cause trouble to keep you as my supervisor?"
"I forbid you from doing that," she frowns. "You'll always have to deal with me, no matter what."
"Yeah, but others will be allowed to intervene."
"They know you're only going to listen to me, so don't worry about that."
I laugh, remembering the day Bright tried to deal with me. I had brushed her off without remorse, saying it wasn't her place. Sh was furious. I was lucky Lucy came along in time; otherwise, the situation would have escalated. We stop when we reach the spot between the two dormitories.
"Keep behaving well. You have your class council this week, and it's important. The comments count just as much as the grades for your wishes."
"I'm in deep trouble."
"Don't be so pessimistic, everything will be fine. Now go to bed, we'll meet tomorrow."
"Thanks for everything, Luce..." I say, playing with my ring. "Good night..."
"Good night, Ona."
I smile when she ruffles my hair before heading to her dorm. I watch her go inside before circling the building to reach the main entrance. I quickly make my way to my room, where Amexia is already in bed. At least I won't have to answer her questions. I grab some pajamas from my suitcase and head to the shower. I'll unpack tomorrow, given the late hour. When I finish showering, I go straight to bed. I'm so exhausted from the past few days that I fall asleep with no trouble at all.
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your-nanas-house · 9 months
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓮, 𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓸𝓽?
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◇ Pairing: Neil Lewis X best friend!Reader
◇ Warnings: fluff, sadness, mean parents, Neil's made up childhood, friends to lovers, kiss, tuna
◇ Summary: Neil has to bring his girlfriend to the Christmas dinner with his family, the problem?... He doesn't have one so he asks his best friend.
◇ Note: Another amazing collaboration with @mrkdvidal1989. First fic of the new "event" 'From love to Love'.
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Neil froze hearing his mother's words over the phone. His eyes widened in shock while Y/n walked in front of him, peacefully sorting out movies while humming. Unaware that her best friend was just going through a hurricane of thoughts at the ridiculous demand of his mother.
You take her or don't bother to come, she said, and after not getting any response for a couple seconds, she hung up with a sigh of annoyance. He knew how his mother was but usually… he didn't care too much. Usually the whole family would just pick on him “playfully” because of the fact that he was still single, just running his store for a living. Suddenly breathing got heavier and the humiliation set in, as he sighed moving quickly. Passing by Y/n, he rushed to his office, in need of a moment to deal with his own feelings.
“I can’t” were the first words that left Neil’s mouth since the call ended, it was crazy and dangerous and he was pretty much regretting having picked up the phone that morning, he would have lived better without knowing those annoying news. 
He had to go back “home” for Christmas… back to his childhood house more like, as he never truly felt there like home. After a couple of years now going there just to spend Christmas all together like they used to do. A fucking nightmare. How could he survive, he thought, his hands covering his face in pure desperation, so worried and pissed to go there… he was off age, why couldn’t he do what he wanted?
That’s how his colleague and friend found him, leaned on his desk, at the edge of crying.
”Man, I'm just trying to help.” Jonathan shrugged, after he came quickly to the Gumshoe right after Y/n’s shift ended, passing by her at the door with a smile. Neil huffed with helplessness. He knew that his friends just wanted to help him with the issue, but nevertheless it was.. more than frustrating. Pacing back and forth he stroked the hair at the nape of his neck, thinking intensely. Looking… for a solution that wouldn't require making himself look like a fool in front of his best friend.
“And how the fuck am I supposed to ask her, huh? Not that I intend to.” Neil hissed, gesticulating in desperation “I can’t do that! Especially not to her, I have been stuck celebrating all those awful events, forced by my parents… She would come willingly. That would be—” Jonathan interrupted him quickly, shaking his head “Man, calm down! we don’t even know if she can, I’m just telling you that you should try. You always say that everything is way more fun when she’s around so why not try to fight this by using her..help, huh?” the man suggested, proud of himself as he waited for Neil’s reaction “she even likes to dress up and trust me, bet she would be way happier to come with you there than to participate at another of the events here in the show” he commented quietly.
”How can you know that?” Neil snapped, as he registered only the first part of the sentence, his mind jumping to the conclusion that Jonathan was spending a lot of time with her. Jealousy racing through his veins in a second. 
Seeing it, Jonathan rolled his eyes at the reaction. 
”Yeah, and maybe.. maybe you two could sort that weird… “friendship” out.” He suggested, gesturing in the air as he spoke. ”No need to get snappy, man. She seems to like only one geek, and you already took that spot.” He joked eventually, wanting to ease the atmosphere. It worked, as Neil smiled weakly. 
It was true, they were friends ever since Neil approached her in the third grade asking about the sandwich she had. For her the tuna sandwich was the grossest thing in the world, but little Neil had shiny eyes at the thought of it. She called him gross and he pushed her. That's how their friendship started, ironically. 
She sure was perfect and that way Neil wouldn’t have ruined their every-year plans.. Christmas Eve together and a quick meeting at Christmas, like always. They could spend even more time together if she agreed to go with him.
Huffing, he sat down in the armchair as he ran his hand through his dark hair. Was it really a good idea? he wondered silently, glancing a couple of times towards Jonathan, who was still standing there awkwardly. Even if she wasn’t in the store anymore, he should have called or gone to her apartment but… he couldn’t leave Gumshoe, right? 
He remained lost in his thoughts for a couple of minutes, coming back to reality hearing a soft knock on his office door. His baby blue eyes snapped up as he sat better on his chair, surprised to see Y/n back there, a smile on her face. “Sorry to interrupt the …meeting, I just left my scarf in your office Neil, so I came back to get it. It’s pretty cold outside, I was freezing…” she revealed continuing to ramble while walking to the small sofa in his office, grabbing her scarf before heading back to the door. Neil was forced now to ask her, it looked really like faith. 
“Weenie—” he spoke abruptly, making her stop mid step, and turn around to face him with a raised eyebrow, the nickname catching her attention immediately like every time, just like the way he said it. Instead of the casual, easygoing tone of his, he sounded.. nervous and awkward. The tone that Y/n knew too well, which piqued her interest just as much as the old nickname that they have been using for several years. “What, dink?” she asked with a soft smile on her face. Jonathan just staring at them with wide eyes and toothy grin, seeing how the stare they shared couldn’t be one of just friends.
Neil looked at his feet awkwardly, not knowing how to start. 
”Yeah, tell her, Dink.” Jonathan mocked playfully, earning a soft slap on the back of his head from Y/n, who scolded him and reminded him that she was the only one that could call Neil like that and he should have respect for his own boss. One stern glance from Neil was enough to make him lift his hands in surrender.
”Alright, alright. I got the message.” He said, slowly heading to the door. 
Just before the door closed shut, he shot Neil one last look that was basically saying “tell her, idiot!” 
A sigh pushed past the nervous man's lips as he was left alone with his best friend in the office. Neil had no energy and will to play around the topic, so he just took a deep breath approaching her closer. 
”Look… if I had any different choice, I wouldn't… I wouldn't try to pull you into it..” He started off, sitting on the desk in front of her, looking down at his hands, making her quite nervous. But without a second thought she lifted his chin with her hand, making him look in her eyes. 
”You can pull me into anything as long as you follow, you know that— Stop being so nervous, now, I’m starting to fear that it’s something big and concerning” She urged, feeling that something wasn't right… not with how he was trying to avoid eye contact with her. 
”Are you involved with the mafia, Dink?” She held back a giggle, using her best poor Italian accent to try to ease the tension and his mood, successfully as he giggled back. 
“Are you trying to perform as Robert De Niro, now?” he huffed amused “You are still doing it wrong” Neil added, commenting on her performance “Lies, you’re just jealous of my skills. Bet someone could actually mistake me for him, bit of makeup and I look just like him” she joked, her smiles switching slowly into a soft one when Neil spoke softly to deny it “You are beautiful… so shut up” he quickly added the last part to ease the awkward tension. She chuckled as well, sighing as she sat at the chair in front of the desk.
”So.. tell me. What do you need, Neil?” Y/n asked seriously this time, so he mirrored her body language. 
”Okay so… My mother said… well, more like forced me? Obligated me… to bring at the christmas dinner a girlfriend and… and she said that if I don't I.. I shouldn't even come.” He stuttered out nervously again, glancing at Y/n as she kept listening to him while nodding. She didn't say anything, as she knew that it wasn't the end of the story. Neil knew it too. 
”andithoughtthatyoucouldgowithme” he spat out really quickly, breathing deeply just at the end of the sentence, almost passing out. 
Y/n tried not to laugh at that, nodding as if she understood everything he said to her “Now.. I have known you for years, Dink. I know what you said but you know how much I like to see you in such a state, huh. Ask it better” she requested, humming while crossing her legs smugly, waiting for Neil’s next move.
He scoffed at that, of course she wanted that... and he was going to give it to her like every time “Fine! You dick.. Would you come with me… please” he asked, showing her his pleading eyes, earning a chuckle from her “First, I’m not a dick. Second… of course I will, you dork” she answered, leaving a couple of seconds of silence before giving him her final answer, creating suspense between them.
Neil was just nodding sadly, sighing softly as his hand rested on her small shoulder, patting it twice “I know that you would have….wait what—” he raised his voice quickly, his eyes snapping to hers as his mood changed completely “You’re not joking, right?” he asked to make sure he could celebrate his victory. Y/n just rolled her eyes before she got up, kissing his cheek exaggerating the noise. 
”I’m not, but now I need to run if I want to make it to the bus. See you later, send me the details.” She said quickly, running through the door with a smile. 
Neil sat there in silence for a moment before exhaling loudly. Then a slow smile appeared on his lips. 
. *time lapse* .
The snow kept falling down on them as they waited in front of the big mansion, looking at each other every now and then
”You can do it… we can do it. Together.’’ she reminded him as soon as she felt his nervousness, squeezing his hand in her own. 
Neil exhaled, straightening his back as he glanced at her. She nodded, and they went to the door, knocking before they'd change their mind. Here we go, no backing away now. Neil knocked, and they waited a couple seconds before steps approached the door, swinging them open and showing the silhouette of Neil's mother. 
”Oh, Neil… you're here.” She said with a fake smile plastered on her face. Then her gaze fell on Y/n and her eyes shone with respect. Y/n really was a pretty girl, nice features, styled hair and a very pleasant body, she was also all dolled up like Neil asked her, just for that dinner… ready to support her best friend as best she could. ”..and who's that?” the older woman asked, reaching out to Y/n, who shook her hand with a smile. 
”That’s Y/n. My.. girlfriend.” Neil informed his mother, stuttering for a second, glancing at Y/n when the word girlfriend left his mouth. 
His mother just nodded, lifting her chin up higher with a smaller smile.
”Come in.” She said, opening the door wider and closing them behind them.
It will be a long night, Y/n thought seeing the rudeness in his mother's eyes. 
. *couple hours later* .
Y/n clenched her jaw again that night, hearing the two-sided comments towards Neil. He was quiet most of the time.. before he wasn't, as his younger brother threw an insult towards Y/n this time. 
”Watch your fucking mouth.” He barked at him suddenly, surprising everyone by the table. His father's eyes widened, and a little smile appeared on his lips. George gasped in shock, as it never happened before that Neil would actually stand up for himself. He'd either ignore him or just stutter out some insult back. 
”Neil” His mother scolded another time throughout the dinner, and Y/n was fed up. She scooted back, and the chair squeaked, scratching the wooden floor from the sudden movement. 
”Are you serious? This little brat insults him all night and you won't say anything, but when Neil stands up for me, you dare to scold him?” Y/n spoke up in a harsh, stern tone. The icy gaze in her eyes was enough to make everyone go quiet. 
”I… I..” His mother stuttered out, still shocked. 
Neil got up suddenly, heading to the door as he needed some fresh air. That whole “Christmas” dinner was a nightmare. 
Y/n and Mrs. Lewis kept glaring at each other, and as the older woman opened her mouth to continue arguing, her husband's fist slammed at the table, startling her. 
”Enough! Are you happy with ruining our Christmas dinner?” His low voice boomed at her, as he had enough of her backhanded compliments and rude talk. Seeing the situation, Y/n decide to leave as well, grabbing one of the tuna sandwiches from the plate standing on the table, fully knowing that Neil didn't manage to eat anything. Just some baked potatoes but she stole most of them from him. Rushing through the corridor, Y/n noticed that his jacket was gone, so she didn't hesitate to get out of the house. 
Looking around, her heart pounded, not seeing him anywhere. Only as she looked at the other side of the road she noticed him, sitting on the bench despite the cold wind and falling snow. 
He was visibly upset, with red cheeks and nose, tucked into his big jacket to keep some warm, and snowflakes in his dark hair… he looked beautiful. Even more than usual, she thought. 
Even though she was heading to him, he didn't hear her steps or the crunching of snow under the sole of her boots. Only when she stood in front of him, Neil looked up at her face with teary eyes, making her expression soften. 
She didn’t say anything, just moved her arm to show him what she was hiding under her coat, a small smile on her face. Neil looked at her, glancing down at the thing she was offering to him, a smile breaking on his face as well.
“A gross tuna sandwich for the grosser boy I know” she sang, moving the food closer to Neil, her cold flushed cheeks making her look like a kid “Come on… take a bite or do you need me to feed you, huh?” She teased, handing him the sandwich after she moved it in tiny circles in front of his face, so that he could sniff its smell. 
Neil grabbed it, brushing his warm hands against her cold ones before sticking out his tongue like a kid, just like when he was younger.
Y/n watched him take it,  before she sat down on the cold bench next to him. She didn’t talk, just leaned her head on his shoulder, sneaking her hand in his pocket to hold his bigger one in hers.
They stayed like that for some minute, in silence and now in each other’s arms ‘’Don’t listen to them, Dink…’’ she whispered, watching his side profile as he ate his sandwich. Neil was clearly lost in his mind for a while as they just sat there, getting covered with snow. Several minutes passed before Y/n attempted to talk again. 
”I don't regret coming here with you.” She confessed, making him look at her, surprise written all over his face. 
”How come?” He asked, confused. Neil couldn't think of a single reason for why she would actually be happy about coming on the Christmas dinner to his family. It went.. horrible. 
Y/n shrugged, playing with his big long fingers. 
”I mean… I don't know.” She backed off a little, feeling a little ashamed of her confession. Neil could see that she wanted to say something else, but doubt crept up her mind. He grabbed her chin suddenly, surprising her and himself as well, making her look in his baby blue eyes that looked even more charming with the white snow in the background. 
”Tell me.” He asked more like commanded in a quiet voice. Suddenly the atmosphere between them got more.. intimate than fragile like before. His gaze didn't falter for a second, as he boldly starred in her eyes. 
Y/n felt like that moment would pass soon if she didn't take the change.
”I.. I liked.. playing your girlfriend.” She spoke up, matching the volume of his voice. Neil’s eyes shifted down, looking at all the features of her face separately, carefully and taking his time. The intention in his eyes was visible, and made Y/n’s breath deepen as her heart started pounding in her chest. 
”I like it too.” He whispered, subconsciously leaning in, reducing the distance between them with each second. 
Without a second of doubt, Y/n moved closer, tilting her head up so he could reach her lips more easily. 
Even though they both knew it was coming, the sensation that went through their bodies was.. shocking. Knowing each other for years, neither of them would expect to feel… such fireworks while kissing. 
Her soft lips moved against his slowly, sensually without any rush. Neil was completely frozen, not moving at all as he didn't want to ruin the moment. Y/n wasn't as shy, as her hand reached his cheek to keep him closer. In their minds the kiss lasted for hours, yet it was barely a minute before they ran out of oxygen. Parting in need of a breath, Neil leaned his forehead on hers, letting out a shaky breath. Silence between them lasted for a couple minutes.
”Neil…” She started out.
”I know.” He cut her off, earning a chuckle. 
”Neil…” She started again ”If you don't confess that you love me, right now… I'm afraid I'm going to throw up. I feel your tuna in my mouth.” She whispered, making him burst into laughter. 
Shaking his head he grabbed her face in his hands, his eyes shiny and hair a mess, hanging over his forehead. 
”I love you, Y/n.” He said, still smiling so widely, and she giggled out loudly. 
”I love you too, Dinky…. I'm freezing by the way, could we go back inside? Not in the dining room but maybe in your room. I was always curious to see your childhood bedroom” she revealed, a bit too eager to know more about Neil's past.
With that the young woman stood up, offering her now hopefully boyfriend her hand. It took Neil a couple of seconds to take her hand finally, since the priorities came first, aka his tuna sandwich, leading her himself back towards the house and upstairs to his bedroom. 
Nothing had changed much during the years, his little brother George received more useless stuff while her older sister Margaret wasn't living there anymore so her useless stuff was all in her own house.
As soon as they walked in the bedroom, Neil made sure to lock the door, past trauma of people walking in his room without asking just to annoy or piss him off came quickly back. Y/n didn't seem to mind though, her eyes kept wandering around as her hands worked on the buttons of her coat “I have a gift for you by the way” she informed Neil with a smile, her beautiful eyes now stopping back on him “but…I won't give it to you till you go wash your teeth. I don't want to risk getting another tuna kiss” she murmured, shivering at the idea, making Neil laugh and nod as he headed to his own small personal bathroom to do as she said.
Coming out again, his eyes locked with hers— she was now sitting on his bed, leg crossed with a small rectangular present next to her body. A small smile on her face. “Come on, open your gift, Dink” She encouraged him, watching how he walked closer with a childlikeness hidden in his eyes.
Neil carefully took the wrapped object, working on the paper to open it carefully, stealing glances at Y/n who was watching him with his same mood.
“You like it?” The young woman asked softly, studying her best friend's reaction “it's an old noir movie… I heard your discussion about it with Jonathan in the Gumshoe and I managed to find it.” She added anxiously, seeing no clear reaction from him. Her lips parted for the third time, ready to ask for clarification again but she didn't need to, since Neil's lips pressed against hers— his arms wrapping around her smaller frame as his big hand cupped the back of her head to keep her in place. It really looked like one of those kisses characters shared in old movies… so rich of passion and love.
The position was quite uncomfortable though, so they changed it after a couple of seconds, his arms now holding her hips firmly against his body and her arms hugging his neck to keep him closer to her. No tuna this time.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter , @mrkdvidal1989
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uchinagai · 3 months
07.1 - "its me before her" - Karina smau
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warnings: cursing, unhealthy obsession if you really think about it, fighting, mention of blood, use of alcohol, 2k+ words (I got carried away) idk what else just enjoy :3
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She hated it.
Oh, how much she hated being an idol. Maybe it was the age catching up to her because her generation ended. None knows, but everyone knows she hated all the attention she got as Jennie Ruby Jane of Blackpink.
Maybe that's also why she felt drawn to y/n: She wasn't the Jennie everyone worshipped with her, but Jennie, who could express herself and talk about her opinions without millions of people coming at her; she felt safe with her.
Could that be the reason why she fell for her? Possibly. She never meant to fall for her, she didn't even know she liked girls before y/n came into her life with that silly show she went to, only because she watched it occasionally and laughed at idols' reactions discovering who they were texting. It was refreshing for her to see that the opposite, extrovert was teasing and flirting with her from the other side of the screen. She knew about y/n, and she learned a lot. She was all over Korea's billboards, like once she was. She was the new generation IT girl, like just like rookie jennie. She was pretty, she would admit. Her music was also good, so Jennie couldn't help but search for her, learning a few things here and there. Like how she loved “nevertheless” so much that she went on and got the tattoo on her neck, how she enjoyed listening to soothing and calm music, and how it helped her sleep well. which side she preferred to sleep on, her house and where she lived and so on. It could be too much. Jennie never questioned
She was drawn to her.
Even ‘blinks’ knew. How? She reposted her music and posts, mentioned her on shows and vlogs, and said she would do anything to get her attention.
But now, here she was, giggling and smiling from ear to ear, seeing y/n on the other side of the wall, while y/n had a shocked face, seeing her idol of years standing and smiling at her. Was it awkward? Maybe? Jennie wouldn't admit it and say it was because all she did during the small interview at the end was geek over y/n, giving the most prominent puppy eyes, ignoring the awkward tension from y/n; she stared so much that fans captured it in seconds, making ship edits.
Secretly, she wanted edits and videos of them together to look back on and maybe even use to slide into her DMs.
She did.
She wouldn't let the girl go now she got her attention and also learned that y/n was her huge fan but was too shy to approach as big of an idol as she was
“I'm telling you! Old BTS was the SHITTT”
“Hey, Blackpink was good too!”
“Your companies forbid you guys to interact. You wouldn't know!”
“I'm not lying, at least!”
“I dated Taehyung for your reminder, so I call that I win!”
As Jennie said that, y/n couldn't help but pout in defeat. Of course, she mentioned dating. Jennie loved it; cute puffy cheeks and sad look on y/n were to die for. She loved their small, useless interactions, always lighting her mood. Jennie just ended her relationship with Taehyung. It didn't hurt her, but with y/n, she acted fragile, as it affected her in some sort of way to seek comfort from her beloved.
“Oh, come on, don't get all puffy now!” Jennie said as she cupped her face, squeezing her cheeks. Y/N loved being babied, so of course, she gave in.
“BTS is still good,” she mumbled as Jennie laughed. She used the moment to wrap her arms around her, pulling her into a warm embrace.
How could she ever consider moving on?...
y/n was too oblivious to Jennie, but not too much. She did notice all the things Jennie did that could question their friendship, but she chose to ignore them and told both (G)I-DLE member and ex-member that it was nothing, and they read into things too much when they heard Jennie say, “If I were a guy, I would 100% date y/n.”
But she was wrong. y/n was so wrong.
Both Jenie and y/n got invited to a party that a mutual idol friend invited them to; god knows what the hell was in those drinks, but she is wasted, so out of her mind, like she is flying and has no control. Maybe that is why she's pinned against the counter right now and is making out with Jennie. Her lips were soft and delicate; they tasted like cherries, and with a mix of the bitterness of alcohol, they both chugged down. y/n wouldn't deny that kiss was terrible; it was amazing and the best she ever had, but it was wrong. Was she kissing her best friend and idol a good idea? No. It was a horrible idea, but yet she didn't push her away; maybe it was alcohol getting to her head and making her fuzzy all over her body. She didn't decline Jennie, which caused the black-haired girl to get cocky and full of confidence with her hands and body. It turned into a messy and sloppy make-out session, obviously led by Jane. Her one hand cupped y/ns cheek while the other one was around her waist, pulling her deeper into her. The kiss was the only thing y/n remembered from that night, but the following day, she woke up in Jennie's mansion, naked, covered in love bites, and only bed sheets covering her.
Her heart dropped.
This was never meant to happen with Jennie. She felt like crying, and all she could do was look around for her clothes. Instead, she found nicely folded clothes that probably belonged to Jennie, with a note saying, “Your clothes are being washed. Wear these. Let me know when we are up. We should talk.” 
y/n hated talking and being comforted; it made her weak, and she always ended up crying or bursting out. But she also couldn't escape the reality, they fucked. It was terrible; her body was weak, and she barely got clothes on. She stared at the mirror for a good 5 minutes. How could she face her now? It was about to come crashing down. She was going to lose her friend and idol she admired all because she was too wasted to control herself and threw herself onto her; at least, that’s what she thought. If y/n could, she would’ve dragged herself by the hair and beat her so much. While she dreamed of that being somehow possible standing in front of a mirror, Jennie walked in; her face was relaxed like what happened last night was nothing, and y/n was overthinking about marks and waking up naked.
“Drink the soup first; you drank a lot last night.”
It was cold. Y/N wanted to cry. Everything was definitely falling apart, but all she could do was listen to Jennie and go downstairs for her soup. She sat in silence; what was she even meant to say? She wanted to run, but that would make the situation even worse, so she took it all in, calming herself for the future outcome of their friendship.
On the other hand, Jennie managed to calm herself before Y/N woke up, creating a script for what she should say to Y/N. She felt like passing out. She took advantage of Y/N when she was drunk, and now she probably blames herself. Jennie hates herself just as much as her job. But as she got lost, Y/N was done with soup, trying to snap her out of her thoughts. 
“Jen… Jennie….Jennie!!” she yells the last part as Jennie looks up like a confused cat, making y/n melt right away
“Right, let's talk.”
This wouldn't ruin their friendship, would it? y/n thought to herself as they sat down on the couch.
“Okay, so-” “I'm sorry-” they said at once, making them chuckle even under the tension between two of them.
“You go ahead first,” said y/n since it seemed like Jennie was ready to apologize.
“I'm so sorry for what we did. I took advantage and used you for my benefit. I never meant this all to happen; we were drunk and not thinking straight, but I can’t blame you one tiny bit even. I'm sorry about this, and I understand if you want to stop being my friend after this because I can't stay just as friends after everything,” Jennie said in almost one breath, making her gasp as she finished.
y/n had the most challenging time taking in the last part. What does Jennie mean by can't stay friends? What does she want from her? Does she want to become her lover? No way. She never viewed Jennie like that, and now she’s even more lost.
“Wait, w-what do you mean?”
“I know it's weird, bizarre… but I’ve liked you for a while, and before you reject me, I know you won't view me that way, but I want to mean something in your life.”
“You mean a lot in my life, Jennie,” y/n said hopelessly, not understanding what she meant.
“What I mean is… god, it's weird,d but friends with benefits? I know it's a horrible idea, but I'd rather be like that with you than just a friend because I can't imagine myself staying away from you after this.”
Everything seemed to stop around y/n. Friends with benefits? That is crazy; she never imagined herself like that, but somehow, with Jennie, the idea wasn’t bad. It was better than completely losing her best friend. But she hasn't answered at all. Physically, she was frozen, which caused Jennie to worry.
“Listen, I’ll understand if you do not want to do this-”
“I’ll do it.”
“I said I would do it.”
“It's better than losing you, Jen.”
Her heart skipped a beat. So she was up for it? What? This isn't like y/n at all. Why the sudden change? But she snapped out of her thoughts. y/n chose her, is what mattered to her the most.
“Are you sure”
“Yes, Jen.”
It was a horrible idea.
Not because Jennie hated sleeping with y/n; no, she loved getting to touch her like none else could.
She hated it because of the conditions y/n put up.
If we find someone we want to date, we stop.
No strings attached
Everything is just physical
Avoid the public eye at all cost
She hated 2nd and 4th the most. She wanted to show off, she wanted everyone to know, but they were still just friends. She also hated the fact that she had no right to get jealous.
Well, she broke that one.
Because for that reason, there's a girl on the ground, nose bleeding. She hated seeing y/n with someone else. She hated it more than her job. Someone touching her waist made her blood boil. And this specific girl, Wonyoung, had to be a victim of her rage.
The girl was pretty, known, and sweet—y/n's exact type, which Jennie hated even worse. It was apparent that the girl took a big liking to y/n. Lip lick, gaze, movement, hands, leaning in—everything was right before her, so what would she do? Storm over and drag her on the ground until someone stopped her.
Nails digging into her arm, trying to stop her. The hands were soft; it was y/n. Why was she defending her? She couldn’t hear anything around her. Everything went blank. Screams were muffled as she stared at the girl, who stared back with horror, holding her arm against her nose. A group of people managed to pull her away from the girl. 
She then saw y/n kneeling to Wonyoung, helping her calm down and breathe, but she was too dizzy to reach out or say anything; it felt like a trance she was stuck in. She slowly gained back control, but why was Jennie crying? Shouldn’t Wonyoung be crying right now? But yet, she's the one who drew the blood, knocking the girl, yet she is the one crying. Was it fear? Of course, it was fear. Not a fear of being charged for assault but a fear of losing her beloved, y/n.
Did she cross the line? Again?
No, this couldn't be happening. She worked so much even to mean something to y/n.
She couldn’t have messed this up. . .
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A/N: Woo, I finally finished this. It's been in my drafts for a while. This is my first time writing, so errr, let me know how I did . . .
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t a g l i s t: @shozeu @yoontoonwhs @1luvkarina @yeetaberry127 @xen248 @lisaswifey @gtfoiydlyj @addorations @pandafuriosa60 @saysirhc @aerithykly @whr4nakin @multiliker @sixflame438 @hyessemble @doublebunv
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chqolan · 5 months
Rashid boyfriend headcanons
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A/N: rashid aka the boyfriend of all time , i can't stop thinking about him
TW: no warnings, just fluff !
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rashid is the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for, but he’s always embarrassed whenever you tell him that he’s perfect.
he is the most affectionate person you know. rashid isn’t afraid to show off how much he loves you— wether it’s in public or private, he’s bombarding you with hugs and kisses.
he also gives great bear hugs!!! he’ll rock you side to side during hugs too.
with his whole streaming career, there have been many instances where you’re in his videos and live streams. his followers are familiar with you and seem to enjoy whenever you’re on camera with him!
if you’re ever camera shy, rashid won’t mind and will make sure not to film you. but chances are,, his bubbly personality will help you ease in to being on camera quite easily.
i’ve also mentioned this here, but rashid would vlog majority of your dates together. not for any uploads or for the public eye… just for you two to enjoy and keep as a sort of memory for when you “grow all old and sappy together”, in rashid’s words.
the point of him vlogging your dates also has to do with the amount of time he gets to spend with you. sometimes it could be important business trips with azam or just trips for his next videos ,, but there are moments he’s not able to be with you.
times like that make him feel extra homesick sometimes, so best believe he’ll be texting you a lot. rashid loves to hear about your day and ramble on about whatever crazy things he encountered recently! it’s always lovely to hear from him.
it goes without saying that rashid was born into a rich family and had the privilege of being wealthy all his life, so he can tend to unintentionally spoil you sometimes.
if he’s ever out on his own time, he’s always thinking of you somehow. any sort of item/piece of clothing will get bought in an instant if it reminds him of you !
due to all the money he has access to, the two of you often go on shopping dates together whenever there's time for it. luckily for you, rashid is easy to interest, so he'll be paying full attention into whatever you're planning to want.
rashid's shopping list is usually related to some sort of equipment used for his streaming. he's always been a total tech geek and never stops rambling on about different sort of cameras... you can't quite keep up sometimes, but it's cute watching him talk about something he loves.
it's worth mentioning that you two always take pictures together and have a gallery combined of cute, romantic and silly pictures !
like mentioned before, some photos were taken on dates, but some others were just random pics you two would take with/of each other
sometimes you'd both snuggle up together somewhere cozy and look back at certain photos and videos, just reminiscing and laughing at certain memories.
every moment you spend with him is full of laughter and smiles. he's like the best bf in the world <3
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avengersfantasies · 1 year
Anymore - Chapter 5
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Summary: You and Bucky take a big step, but there's still doubt in your mind.
What to expect: fluff, angst, smut
taglist: @kandis-mom @missvelvetsstuff @mavrellover91 @natashasilverfox @vicmc624 @blackhawkfanatic @haruvalentine4321 @felicitylemon @vonalyn @aboobie @stinkerbelle007 @crist1216 @je-suis-prest-rachel @buckysforeverprincess @bathwater101 @frickin-bats @lovely-geek @winterslove1917
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After talking with Steve, you and Bucky headed to his room. You had decided to stay at the tower for the night instead of having him take you all the way back to your apartment.
            “You should move in,” Bucky suggested. “It’d be safer for you here.”
            You shrugged. “I like having my own space.”
“Well, you could have your own room on this floor,” he told you. “You’d have me and Steve right here if you needed anything.” As if it were second nature, Bucky began to change into his sweats and a t-shirt. He pulled his shirt off over his head with his back facing you. His back muscles were something else. You thought Steve had been ripped and fit, but just based off Bucky’s back, you could tell he was a bit bigger. He turned around to face you and started to speak, but his words were cut off when he noticed you were practically drooling over him. He had a perfect six pack, his chest broad, and his waist making a v-shape at the top of his pants. “Sweetheart?” he chuckled, causing you to come back to reality.
“I’m so sorry,” you quickly apologized. “I just—”
“You were staring,” he chuckled and walked closer to you. “See something you like?”
You blushed hard and giggled. “I see about a hundred things I like.”
Bucky stalked towards you like you were his prey. “Listen to me,” he spoke softly – his hands cupping your face carefully. “You and me…whatever happens between us…I want you to be comfortable.”
You nuzzled into his large hands and kissed his metal palm. “I am comfortable, Buck.” He smiled widely at you. “I want you to be comfortable too.”
His thumbs stroked your cheeks. “I am, sweetheart,” he started, “but you’re pregnant…there’s a lot of emotions and hormones that might affect how you’re feeling.”
“Buck,” you started to argue back, “can I confess something to you?” He nodded. “Before I got with Steve, I wanted you…I was too scared to say anything to you, and then you were with what’s-her-face for those few months, and I was with Steve, and well…here we are.”
His eyes were filled with adoration. He hadn’t been expecting those words to come from you, but they did. They pierced his heart, and acting almost on instinct, he gently pulled your lips to his – capturing them in a deep and passionate kiss. Your hands trailed up to his hair – tangling the dark brown strands around your fingers. You tugged on them gently – wanting to get some sort of reaction out of the man you had fantasized about many time while Steve was inside you, though you’d never let him know that. God, it’d break his heart to know he was your second choice. None of that mattered now, however. Bucky slipped his tongue into your mouth and guided you over to his bed – laying you down gently and hovering above you. The kiss deepened, and the two of you explored the other’s mouth – never wanting to break apart.
“Fuck,” you moaned against his lips.
“You okay?” Bucky asked – his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort.
You nodded. “I just…don’t want to go too far.”
Bucky flipped you over so that you were on top of him, your hands rubbing his chest. “What’s too far?”
“Whatever you think is too far,” you told him.
His hands gently held your face to look at him. “Baby,” he began softly. “I asked you what’s too far…that means I wanna know your limits.”
You gulped, nervous about pushing him too far. “I don’t have any,” you confessed, “but…if you do—”
He cut you off with a deep kiss, his hands resting on your hips. You could feel him growing hard beneath you even through his jeans. He felt huge…much bigger than Steve. Steve was big, and he knew how to pleasure you, but you couldn’t deny that you had always wondered what Bucky would be like.
“Does it make me a bad person?” you managed to say through panted breaths.
“Does what?”
You leaned down to kiss his chest. “That I thought about you while Steve was inside me most times.”
Bucky chuckled. “Makes you human, baby girl.” That pet name did something to you – sent shivers through your body. You felt yourself soak through your panties, and this didn’t go unnoticed by the super solider underneath you. “Can I?” he asked, his flesh hand making its way to the hem of your leggings.
“Yes, Sergeant,” you moaned out, not realizing that you called him the name you had reserved for your fantasies when you were alone.
“Ooo,” he hummed – making you realize that you had called him what you did. “I like that, baby girl.”
You blushed harder than you ever had before and hid your face in his hair. “Oh my God, that’s so embarrassing!”
He chuckled and pulled your head back to look at him. “It’s hot, baby.” His lips were back on yours before you could say anything – his hand sliding into your leggings and petting your clothed pussy. “Goddamn, babydoll…you’re soaked.”
“All for you, Sarge,” you moaned – taking your shirt off and throwing it to the floor followed by your bra.
Your breasts were beautiful – something he’d never thought he’d get to see. His metal hand gentle grabbed one of them. “They sensitive?”
“A little,” you told him. “Just don’t be too rough.”
“You got it, doll,” he assured you – capturing one of your nipples in his mouth. His hands began sliding your leggings off. He made sure to move slowly so that you always had time to stop him if you needed to. You didn’t, however, and you lifted your hips up so he could take them all the way off – taking your panties with them. “Can your Sergeant have a taste of your beautiful pussy?”
You bit your bottom lip. His words were dirty…much dirtier than Steve’s ever were. You had begged for Steve to be dirtier with you in bed, but he never seemed to try. With Bucky, though, you were scared about what he would do if you did start to beg him to be dirtier. “Go for it, Sarge.”
Bucky leaned you back on the bed and hovered over you – making sure he didn’t put his weight on you. His flesh hand rested on your lower belly as he looked you in the eyes. “If you start to feel uncomfortable…physically or not…just tell me to stop, and I’ll stop immediately.” You nodded in understanding. The last thing Bucky wanted to do was somehow hurt you or the little life growing inside you. He kissed down your body softly – making love to every inch of your skin. Before he dove in, he took in your scent – wanting to memorize the delectable smell. “Smell so damn sweet, baby girl,” he praised you before gently wrapping his lips around your swollen and throbbing clit. You gasped at the sensation – your hand immediately going for his hair to pull him closer to your aching core. The soldier licked up your folds – dipping his tongue inside before holding them apart so he could properly feast. The sound of Bucky’s voice moaning into you send vibrations through your entire body, and your hips began to instinctually grind against his face for more friction. “Ride my face, doll,” he ordered you through his panting breaths. “That’s it.”
The sound of his eating out of your soaked pussy were sinful, to say the least. It was a sound that filled the air, and you could only imagine what it would sound like once his cock was inside you. Could Steve hear what was going on? He was only next door, after all. You knew that if he did hear, he’d be heartbroken, but you didn’t want to hide how amazing Bucky was making you feel. You bit your hand to keep your sounds from escaping your mouth, and this caught Bucky’s attention.
“Babydoll,” he said – looking up at you. “Let me hear your sounds.”
You almost had tears in your eyes. You wanted to scream out his name…God knows you did…but you couldn’t help but still feel bad about what you were doing. Was it considered cheating?
“What if he hears?” you managed to whisper to the man in between your legs.
“Then he should’ve thought about that before he broke your heart.”
Bucky was right. You knew he was. But Steve was still a person with a heart, and you never wanted to be the reason someone’s heart was broken.
“I can’t…,” was all you managed to whisper out before tears came flooding.
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tiredistic · 2 months
"Sweet Evening"
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pairing: Cady Heron x Regina George x Janis Imi'ike
words: 2k words! (2,006)
content warning: Smut, Strap, Language,sex, smut, porn with no plot, Eating out, Poly relationship, Sex tape .. Fluff to follow
summary: This is just smut paired with a smudge of fluff.
a/n: Hiii guys, the long awaited 1K special is here. Uhm first time writing smut for a audience so like.. I apologise. I also don't know what content warnings would specifically apply but basically everything in there is in the fic. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading, it was taking me soo long, any feedback is appreciated. If you like this sorta fic, lmk if I should write more. >.<
Regina was laying in bed, as one does on a Saturday morning. Just in a white tank top and Janis's underwear. Her loves were up and about doing whatever queers do so early. She didn't really care at the moment. Her phone was so much more interesting, how else was she going to shop online, cyber bully, or post to her socials?
Cady and Janis were in the living room, they were chatting about lunch or something. The blonde stopped paying attention when they started geeking about some school club.
Regina was so drowned in her device, that she didn't even notice when they snuck into the room.
Then Regina heard a faint countdown, before she was tackled, her phone snatched- she was buried under her girlfriends.
"What are you two doing?" The blonde asked, suspicion evident in her voice. She wasn't used to this situation, she felt the intimacy and tension in the air yet she was being covered- essentially being pushed to the bottom.
"Let us please you baby.." Cady whispered, lust laced in her voice, just enough to get Regina going. She crawled on top of Regina's chest, smiling down at her.
Regina enjoyed the tag team foreplay, Cady whispering in her ear, kisses on her face, while Janis massaged her lower abdomen. It felt so good gosh she was getting lost in their world.. their trap.
Cady lifted up the hoodie she was wearing (Janis's hoodie), to reveal she was naked under, she threw it to the side, landing somewhere.
Cady's body radiating in the light was so captivating, Lord she could just stare at it all day. Regina didn't even notice the absence of the brunette until she saw her re-enter the room.
"Like what you see?" Janis was standing in the doorway. She was wearing the purple strap-on, it was 8 inches with a slight curve. perfectly adjusted, lubed up and ready to go.
Regina thought she was going to watch as Janis fucked Cady with the strap-on, yeah, that would have been her ideal evening. Safe to say she was quite off. Still, she was smiling ear to ear in eagerness. She couldn't wait.
"You're smiling a awful lot for somebody who's about to get pounded" Janis giggled, strolling up to the bed.
" huh." Cady and Janis internally laughed at how fast Regina's face changed. Since Regina was the one who was using the strap all the time, she never got to really feel it inside her. This was probably what they were talking about in the living room.
"It's okay Gina, we're gonna take care of our princess.. of course if you're okay with it." Cady caressed Regina's cheek, using her favourite pet name. Regina couldn't resist, they were touching her in all the right ways.
"yeah, yeah go ahead." Regina, her face red, dang how'd she get so lucky. She felt as the boxers and the tank were taken off of her, slowly, making her whine. Cady moved to Regina's stomach, starting to grind on it slowly, her sex easily sliding along since she was so aroused.
"So freaking cute.." Cady breathed, her hips rutting on Regina's stomach. Cady was holding onto her shoulders for support as she pleased herself.
The blonde felt the tip rub along her hole, gosh it looked smaller than it was. Her hips bucked up at the feeling, she needed more.
"More." It sounded like a plea, but she meant it as a demand, she wanted more attention.
Cady sliding on her tummy was already turning her on so much, she was just painting Regina's stomach with arousal. Her moans fill the room.
"Just give it to me.." the blonde moaned, her arms trailed up Cady's body.
Janis chuckled before slowly sliding it in, letting Regina adjust to it's size. It felt so different, it was stretching her hole and she liked it. She moaned at the feeling, her back arched and her eyes rolled back.
Just that was enough for Cady to speed up grinding on Regina faster, her nails digging into her shoulders as her eyes shut as her moans radiated off the walls.
"such good girls.." Janis praised them, she started to slowly move inside Regina, making the blonde curse loudly.
"Oh my shhitttt!" Regina screamed. Despite dating many frat boys back in her straight era, she never let them touch her pussy. I guess it was queer foreshadowing. So that made this her first time of penetration, and it felt so fucking good.
"fuck- holy fuck, i'm coming." Cady whispered her breath hitching as she came, her body twitching after she released. She slid off of Regina to catch her breath temporarily.
Janis pulled Regina's ass to the edge so she could get a better position, she put her legs up and held her still.
Janis started to thrust faster, she felt the harness rub along her it felt amazing. The sounds filling the room were adding to the tension, the moans, the scattered breaths. It was all so much, she closed her eyes in pleasure, her head leaning back as she slammed the strap into Regina.
Regina's eyes were fluttering, her hands gripping the sheets, pleas and moans falling out of her mouth. Her cunt clenching down on the silicone. She was going insane, her mind going blank because of the pleasure.
Cady enjoyed the scene in front of her, her loves were so passionate. She whipped out their secret personal camera, which was full of their best moments.
She hit record, watching as Regina bottom out for Janis. She pet Regina's hair, admiring her face filled with lust. She crawled around on their bed, capturing every angle. "so fucking hot..." She whispered, rubbing Regina's stomach, her wetness still present from earlier. She captured the strap exiting and entering her hole, fuck it looked so cute. She stroked Regina's clit in a fast circle, making the blonde gasp and arch her back.
"Holy- holy shit i'm coming!" Regina squealed, the sheets were being gripped for her life. She squirted all over the sheets and the purple cock. Janis slowed her thrusts so she could ride out her orgasm. The wet sounds filled the room as her voice hitched, her eyes shutting in bliss.
Cady loved the way Regina was twitching from the orgasm, it had to be the hardest one she ever had. She was in awe, the girl somehow found a way to be effortlessly hot in every situation.
They all caught their breath for a while before deciding it was time for round two.
"Ok baby.. put that mouth to good use yeah?" Cady said, mounting Regina's face. One thing Regina was good at was using her mouth, especially for talking shit and eating out her girls.
She started by kissing Cady's inner thighs, trailing her way up to the sweet spot. When she got there, she gave it a nice long lick, making Cady shiver, grabbing onto Janis's hand for support. Janis took hold of the camera so Cady could focus on the pleasure.
"So good Cady, your taking her so well.." Janis praised, interlocking their fingers. kissing her face, gently.
Janis started to move the strap again, making Regina grip Cady's waist as she moaned into her cunt.
The blonde was eating, and eating with passion. She teased the hole, as her chin softly bumped her clit.
Cady's voice hitched in her throat before a lengthy moan slipped from her lips. She felt Regina's tongue enter her, it felt so filling.
Regina felt Cady's hole clenching on her, it was getting so tight it was harder to move, but she persisted. She was licking and eating it like a dog, lapping her up.
Janis started to grind on Regina's hips, the strap barely leaving her, hitting her perfectly every time.
"Oh fuck- oh fuck-" Regina broke from Cady's hole to moan at the feeling, it was taking over her again.
"'Gina.." Cady moaned, sitting further on Regina's face, "Don't stop," she gasped, "Eat my pussy. Make me cum.." Cady was grinding slowly on Regina's face, she felt as the tongue entered her again. She felt as Regina's hand crept up to rub her clit and holy shit did it feel good.
Janis grabbed Cady's face with her free hand, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Janis was getting close, the harness sliding on her clit, making her release come much sooner.
Janis broke the kiss, The lustful look in Cady's lidded eyes did something to her. She put the camera down, and gripped the sheets to further pay attention to the harness giving her pleasure. The faster she went the better, so she was really hammering into Regina.
Regina felt the tip hit her G-spot rapidly, her eyes shut, she felt herself gripping the toy. She was lazily licking at the redhead, her mind starting to fog. Her release is just around the corner.
Cady felt just as close, she was fucking herself on Regina's face. Her body was sweaty as she held onto Regina's waist for her dear life. Her mouth was agape as whines and moans slipped from it with ease.
"Come with me." Janis moaned, detected their upcoming orgasm. She was hammering that cock into Regina, she felt as her legs started to twitch.
"I- i'm gonna come! I'm gonna fucking come!" Cady squealed.
"Come for me."
Janis watched as Regina's back arched, her nails digging into Cady's skin. She saw as Cady's head slumped as she froze on Regina, her hips slowing to a slow grind, The blonde felt her clench down on her tongue. Then one final thrust, Janis slammed the strap as deep as it would go. The harness's friction makes her also release. The room was filled with long cries of pleasure.
Janis chuckled when she saw Regina soak the strap in her honey. Regina was licking up Cady, who was still twitching and catching her breath.
"Such good girls." Janis praised,
"All you baby." Cady kissed Janis's cheek, crawling off of Regina.
"That.. that was amazing." Regina dazed, her face covered in come.
"You were such a good girl.. took Jans so well.." The red head whispered, placing a kiss on Regina's forehead, brushing her blonde hair out of her face.
Janis took off the strap, placing it off to the side while she went to set up a bath. Janis first carried Cady to the bath, giggling coming from the bathroom. While Regina was dozing off already, to no surprise since she was really sleepy after sex.
After Janis carried Cady to their second (more clean at the moment) bedroom, she went to put Regina in the bath. Regina was so sleepy, Janis could only watch as she struggled to stay awake for her bath. 
Then Janis carried Regina to the extra room, placing the sleepy girl in Cady’s arms. The brunette went to take a shower and clean up the other room before deciding to come back. She cleaned with speed and precision, taking just a while to relax in her shower. She felt the soreness already setting in, something she decided she’ll deal with in the morning.
It was maybe an hour later when she finished cleaning up, showering, throwing on a silk robe, grabbing some water, she finally made her way back to the room. She smiled warmly at the scene, Cady up reading a novel while Regina layed on her tummy. Gosh she was so fucking lucky.
“Thank you baby, this was great. I love you” Cady kissed her on the cheek, taking a sip of water. “Come lie down, you deserve it.” She added, patting the empty space next to her. Janis snuggled up close, she felt loved.
Regina was knocked out, dead asleep. She was even snoring, which wasn't a thing she did often. Janis listened to it like a melody, a sweet melody. Cady was playing with Janis's hair, holding both of her girls in her arms as they all cuddled.
It was such a nice evening.
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dozing-marshmallow · 10 months
Okey, hear me out.
Chris Mclean with a wife that is just THICC. Like she Has a bit of a chubby tummy with big thights, chest, behind etc.
She Has them amazing curves AND also is really sweet and caring towards everyone. You just look at her and you think "How the hell did Chris git with her?" And when you meet her you'r even more confused. Idk I just Imagine Chris be the kind of dude to find any excuse to ley his head on you cuz you just so comfortable and soft <33 and when you fell backpains cuz of you'r breasts he hires the best massagers[or just does it himself ;)]
If you'r uncomfortable its ok. But just let me know then so I don't wait like an idiot.
I hope you'll have a lovely day!
(sorry for aby gramer or spelling errors, English is not my first lenguage)
👀 pixar mom reader confirmed?? I’ll be for real, this was a lot of fun to write, and don’t worry about grammar mistakes! Thank you for the request and may you all enjoy and have a lovely day too~
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No one could deny how attractive you were.
Your own husband couldn’t resist you for more than half a day.
“Chriiis, what are you doing?” a question that often left your mouth imbued a different answer each time from Chris.
“You’re comfy, (Y/N).” his usually loud voice blocked by his face sinking as far as he could into your covered cleavage.
"Aren’t you honest!" you gently nudge his head,"But we have an episode to get to in two minutes, so if you just wanna...” you step back, forcing Chris into solitary.
He huffs, before getting an amazing idea- he puts his hand over his eyes,“Oh no! I can’t see where I’m going! Is this...” he zombie walks towards you and readjusts his head back on the natural pillow of your chest before you could properly make a run for it,“I made it to bed! Alright, I’m gonna stay right here until I regain my sight!”
“Chris!” you squall, finding displeasure that he wasn't taking you seriously and wasn't getting off so easily this time, with the hand he used to blind himself now tightened around you,“Come onn, there’ll be plenty of time to do this after we shoot the episode!”
“Just five more minutes, please (Y/N)!”
Not on days like that, albeit you do dress up in a bunny fit for him.
“You know I’m very fertile, Chris.” you press yourself up against him enticingly on his lap,“As fertile as a bunny rabbit can be.”
“I can tell.” his voice sounded composed, but his face was crazy red,“Can never get enough of your legs though. You know that you could choke someone with just one thigh, right?”
My, that sounds dangerous!,“Oh dear... I’m not that heavy, am I?”
“Never! It’s like I always say... Everything about you is awesome. Everything. From the top of your head to the core of your skeleton.”
“Well, that’s relieving...” You feel his hand exploring about on your round back,“How do you like these fishnets? Wore them just for you.”
His hands then squeeze through the space between under your thighs and the top of his lap, masking his extreme prurience with his dismissive,“Duh. Who else would you wear them for?”
With the contestants, you’re very friendly to them.
Like once beginning with brushing Lindsay’s hair,“Lindsay, you have such beautiful hair."
The “dumb princess” giggles,“I knoww! It’s the prettiest bare here!”
From the wide distance in which Chris stood from, he snaps a photo of you tending to Lindsay with his camera,“Aww!”
Seeing that strengthened Cody’s confidence to approach the hot host,“Hey Chris... I need to ask you advice on something.”
“Sure thing dude, what’s up?” Chris grinned, not taking his eyes off his camera.
“It’s..." the geek takes a breath,"How do you get girls?”
“You say exactly what’s on your mind.”
“Well, I do...” his voice quiet,“But every time I speak, Gwen looks at me like I’m a donkey carcass!”
"Sucks to be you, can’t relate one bit.”
Cody was about to whine his way into defending himself had he not fully noticed Chris’ lack of presence in the conversation. He was...taking pictures?
“Uh...why are you taking photos of (Y/N) when you get to see her everyday? If anyone should be taking pictures, it should be me!” He really didn’t think with that one.
“I know dude, but she’s into photography and she reaaaaaally likes having her pictures taken. It’s a favour for her and I.” he suddenly turns to Cody, washing a scowl on his face,“Save your photo taking skills for someone else, okay? Not on my someone who’s like old enough to be your mom. That’s just gross.”
Meanwhile with the girls:
“(Y/NNN), you should really reconsider your marriage.” Beth advises with a glum glaze reflecting off her glasses.
Confusion bubbles your mind,“What do you mean?” you ask, placing Lindsay’s brush down as you began dividing her hair into smaller sections.
“What does Beth mean?“ Sadie repeated like you were crazy,“(Y/N), you’re like a super goddess compared to Chris! He doesn’t deserve you.”
“Yeah, what Sadie said! I was thinking that too!” After Katie spends a minute gushing with Sadie about their unbreakable friendship, she turns back to you with concern,“But for real, you’re WOAH and there, Chris is...” she doesn’t feel the need to finish it, which takes you by surprise.
“Aww, what? He’s way more WOAH than I am!”
“That’s not true...” Bridgette curiously comments,“What do you see in that guy?”
“He makes me laugh.”
Courtney’s the first to boom,“Seriously? There’s about ten thousand other men that can do that and not be as horrible as Chris is!”
“Ohh, but Chris isn’t horrible!” you exclaim, dropping Lindsay’s hair to clasp your hands for the moment,“He’s a wonderful guy! The most wonderful man I’ve met in my entire life!” 
“(Y/N)... You’re too nice.” Gwen breathes out exasperated, gothic view floats to your symmetrically defined waist,“Have you tried modelling before?”
“I have, yes, but I was rejected for not fitting the standards.”
“Impossible!” Lindsay flips her head around on impulsive shock. Thanks to her extensive hair length, it barely made a difference to the styling process.
“Possible. They said I wasn’t what they were looking for and told me to surgically change myself before reaching out to them again. As if!” you do the next batch of golden dyed hair,“While the experience wasn’t ideal, it reminded me of something that even as a grown woman I need to be careful of. At the time, I was actually willing to lose a part of me that I was perfectly fine with for the sake of a runaway platform. Doesn’t that sound ridiculous? To do all that for one place? Let this resonate that you as young girls should never feel that you need to ruin what you were naturally given to feel loved or pretty. If something or someone doesn’t accept you for who you are naturally, the relationship was not meant to be and you mustn’t dwell on them. Don’t do things to yourself that aren’t for yourself.”
You had done the final twist in the band of Lindsay’s hair.
All they could think by the end of it was
How the hell did Chris get with her.
Back to some private examples with lover man.
“I’m so exhausted!” you fall down in your armchair, groaning to Chris,“I could do with a new bra...”
He smirked,“That one you’re wearing too small?”
“Or I’m too big.” your hands shoot up through your shirt to unclip it, freedom freezing off the tension around your shoulders,“It’s hard to breathe sometimes, you know? These balls of feminine fat hang on my chest doing nothing all day, but weigh me down and kill my back! Sometimes I envy women with smaller boobs, they can move as much as they please and don’t need to spend hours on hours searching for clothes!”
“Yeah uh, I don’t think comparing yourself in this case is gonna help you feel better.” a cheeky glint fires across his pupils, his voice rasping gingerly,“How about a nice massage instead? All it costs is your love!” 
A tease of your own climbs up on your lips,“And by love, you mean a week’s worth of getting to sleep on me?”
“Huh? Oh no, of course not!” Liar. Look at how happy he was to do something for someone else. It was exactly what he wanted.
“Okay, okay.” you laugh and trudge to the bed, preparing to undress yourself.
Like Chris was gonna allow any masseuse, no matter how good they were, to see your body the way he could.
Especially if he could get a personal reward out of it.
You intentionally moaned when his fingers dug deep into your rhomboids.
“Better?” his tone still mischievous and salient.
You nod, sitting up and sighing in relief,“Much better... You’ve improved your technique, haven’t you?”
He scratches the back of his head, smiling sincerely,“You noticed? Well, of course, only the best for you.”
“Aw, aren’t you the best husband anyone can ask for?” you push yourself off the bed and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing his flustered cheek,“Thank you. Now who’s ready for a good night sleep?”
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