wind-tied · 9 months
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A bunch of recent world building. I've been doodling on regional differences, and revamping the anatomy of some species. Such as Fayons, Camsabi, and Loruz.
Group drawing is individuals of sophont species in eastern Hantorn. Comprised of a Meenki, a Fayon, two Werins, a Biehtim, a Loruz and a Minfil.
Other images consist of Meenki and Camsabi regional differences. Revisited design of Loruz (jackalopes) and doodles of Gorunes.
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synthwife · 2 years
have u ever played nier automata, i think you'd like the girl from there
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hashtagmes · 4 months
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nxt ting shez werin ma rolex x
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sidaramed00 · 17 days
Bilîlînin, xêlîno!
Xelkîno werin şahiyê!
Def e
û zirne “Zozan” dibêje:
Azadî bû ma ne, ya em li hêviyê?
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birinasiyabend · 10 months
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Gul bi kul e di nefsa min, çi bar e
Evîn bi xwîn e di dilê min, çi zar e
Jîn bi jan e di hefsa min, çi hewar e
Dûr bi dûr e kilên min, çi jar e
Çi hêjar e ew hêviyên axîn
Bisekine carek bisekine
Bes e bibînim careka din
Çend payiz e çav li min dûr e
Belê em ê rojek di nav bajêr
Werin rûyên hev û ez ê binêrim
Tu yê serê xwe li ber min vegerînî
Qey bila vegerînî
Ez te bibînim jî besê min e
-Birîna Siyabend-
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auggiestardust · 11 months
Hi it's auggie👋🏼
Let's have a yarn about the hidden disability sunflower lanyard 🌻
The hidden disability sunflower symbol is an accessibility tool for those with, a hidden disability.
It's most common form is a lanyard but you can also purchase badges and bracelets.
The sunflower is used to let staff and other members of the public know that you might need a helping hand, easy bathroom access, a quiet space or anything else.
I love my lanyard, it's covered in funky badges.
Wearing it in public makes me feel confident and more secure. Unfortunately very few people in my area know what it means so I often am educating.
Remember if you see some else werining one to be respectful and limit your questions. That goes both ways, if someone asks you a question that you don't feel comfortable answering, you don't need to answer.
I'd love to hear if you wear a sunflower lanyard and what your experiences have been like.
Have a lovely day!🪩🧼🏳️‍🌈🦃🌻🍊🧽🚢
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bimboalexisloves · 5 days
✵ 0124 🩷
0124 - ur gorgeous
hehehe thanks babe <3
weel decides: teel us a kink/fantasy in setail
thers a story i red recently thats been drivin me feral. the jist iz that id b scrollin through tumblr or jus lookin aroun the internet and id keep seein ads from this company or 'company' and evrytime i see it, i cant help but watc h the ad fully, nevr remembrin what ithe ad iz but always findin myself watchin it. Bit by bit the ad strts hypnoing me to break my mind an make me mor slutty an horny an i ne,ver relize it. ill dress sluttir an show hella skin an not even no why im werin skimpier cloths or even wher i got the cloths frum and unable tu even thnk about it at all until one day, the compny that ran the ad cums to collct me. they sya a few words an my brayn shuts off, an i happily go along w em and am cumpltly unable to resist. i no longr wanna resist.
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mi-rae07 · 2 years
Jung Woo-Young : Back To Me
Pairing : Jung Wooyoung (Ateez) and named character (Shin Werin)
A/n : Mentions of blood, as you might notice from the banner :)
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Werin : Woo, do I look okay?
Wooyoung who was trying desperately to button his white shirt smiled at werin and said
Wooyoung : you look beautiful every single day, bub.
Werin : we're going to meet your parents for the first time, don't you think I should look extra prettier just in case?
Wooyoung : the first time I saw you was when you were drenched in water, looking like a peeled banana-
Werin groaned and smacked wooyoung in the arm as he giggled and grabbed her by the waist before pulling her towards him. Werin smiled as wooyoung kissed her forehead and said
Wooyoung : my parents should love you for who you are inside, because you're an amazing woman.
Werin : what if…they don't?
Wooyoung : if they don't, they don't. they'll just have to learn to deal with you and I in that case.
Werin : what if they forbid us?
Wooyoung : then we'll go full Love Story by Taylor Swift.
Werin : aish. Get ready you idiot.
Wooyoung : help me button my shirt then.
Werin : such a baby.
Werin started buttoning wooyoung's shirt as he played with her orange curled locks. She whined and tried shooing his hands away
Werin : ah woo~, I just set it properly a few minutes ago, don't mess it up.
Wooyoung chuckled and whispered
Wooyoung : I like your hair messy.
Werin : well not everyone shares your same thoughts so let go, lemme go put some shoes on.
Werin buttoned the last of wooyoung's shirt before kissing him on the cheeks and walking towards their shoe rack. Wooyoung giggled and whispered
Wooyoung : cute.
Werin bowed at wooyoung's parents who were standing in front of her, already judging her.
Werin : hello, I'm Shin Werin, wooyoung's-
Wooyoung : soon to be wife.
Werin's eyes widened as she looked at wooyoung, who gave her a small smile as he said to his parents
Wooyoung : eomma, appa, are you just gonna let us stand outside or take us inside the house?
His parents sighed and nodded before guiding both wooyoung and werin inside, her eyes widening at how huge his parent's house was. Wooyoung leaned towards her ear and whispered
Wooyoung : yeah, I built it for them.
Werin looked at wooyoung with widened eyes as she whispered
Werin : what, really? Oh wow, this place is beautiful.
Wooyoung : you're more beautiful.
Werin : aish, stop flirting you idiot.
Wooyoung : your idiot.
Wooyoung stood straight as his parents turned around, motioning both of them to sit on the sofa. Wooyoung just plopped down on the sofa as werin politely sat down a bit away from wooyoung.
Wooyoung : eomma, do you still have the orange juice-
Mrs jung : leave the orange juice, son. Let's talk about werin-shi here.
Wooyoung sighed as his dad shot his first question at werin
Mr jung : where do you work?
Werin : at my own company, I'm the CEO.
His parents seemed amused at that.
Mr jung : did your father pass it down to you?
Werin : no it’s a start-up company that I made just a few years ago after my masters.
Mr jung : and is it successful?
Werin pressed her lips together and said
Werin : not yet-
Wooyoung : but it will be.
Mrs jung : will, isn't predictable, son. How much money do you make annually, werin-shi?
Werin : uh, about a 100,000 dollars.
Mrs jung : wooyoung makes that money in a month.
Wooyoung : eomma!
Mr jung : do you ask my son for financial support?
Wooyoung : appa what-
Mr jung : do you, werin-shi?
Werin : uh, just…just a few times?
Mr jung : are you keeping a count of that, son? So she can pay you back?
Wooyoung frowned, feeling annoyed. Werin felt her confidence fall back down at every word that came from their mouths as she shifted in her seat uncomfortably.
Wooyoung : no I don't, because I do not need paying back. Appa, she is the woman I love. I don't need-
Mrs jung : what if she's just leeching off of you?
Wooyoung : eomma, don't say things like that!
Mr jung : where are your parents then, werin-shi?
Werin : they're…not here anymore. They passed away when I was 16.
Mrs jung : so you're an orphan.
Wooyoung : eomma, stop. I did not bring her here so the both of you could say things like this.
Werin : it's okay, wooyoung-ah. They're your parents, they have the right.
Wooyoung frowned at werin who just smiled and nodded at him. She didn't mind any of this, it was understandable.
Werin : I know I don’t make as much money as your son does and I know how you might be concerned about his welfare and whether I would be good enough for him but trust me, I do really love wooyoung. He means the world to me and I wouldn't do anything to harm him. The money I have borrowed from him, I keep a track of it. And I will pay him back when I get enough money, I promise.
Wooyoung : werin-ah!
Werin : I might be unstable right now but within a few years I know I would get better financially. Until then, please give me some time.
Mr jung : why should we trust you?
Wooyoung : because I love her and I won't be leaving her. I am leaving you no choice here, appa. Either you accept her or you let me go.
Mrs jung : see what she has done to you? She's breaking you apart from us, your love for her matters more than your love for us now?
Wooyoung : why are you comparing that, eomma-
Mrs jung : because we've been raising you for years and have loved you since you were born! She only came into your life yesterday. She has no money, no parents, no house also, I'm sure and definitely no assets. What does she even have other than "love", at this point? We want someone who can match up to you, your beauty and your standards, not someone like…her.
Wooyoung : do not forget where we came from, eomma. We weren't born filthy rich.
Mrs jung : at least you weren't born in an orphanage.
Wooyoung stood up, anger filling him.
Werin : woo-
Mr jung : wooyoung, come with me to the study. Let us both talk for a while.
Wooyoung : I am not letting her be alone with eomma.
Werin : wooyoung-ah, it's alright, I can manage.
Wooyoung : bub.
Werin smiled at wooyoung and patted his hand softly
Werin : it’s okay, I promise.
Wooyoung let out a breath and whispered
Wooyoung : I'll be right back.
Werin nodded as he looked at his mom one last time before following his dad to another room, leaving werin and Mrs jung alone.
Mrs jung : do you know how to cook?
Werin : uh, I can learn-
Mrs jung : spectacular. You don’t have a proper job, and you don’t know how to cook either.
Werin sighed, her eyes wandering around the floor as she played with her hands.
Mrs jung : were you the one who asked my son out first?
Werin : I was.
Mrs jung : no wonder. He must have just pitied you at the time.
Werin nodded and just continued staring at the floor, not having much to say at this point.
Mrs jung : I have always dreamed of the girl wooyoung would love. That girl was pretty, she had a good well-paid job and was stable in life. She could cook as well as my son can, take care of him when we were gone, have parents who could show him the love we would show our daughter-in-law and would have beautiful children together.
Werin pressed her lips together, feeling terrible. It wasn't that she hadn't expected this, it was that now she was actually facing this and she felt more useless than she should have felt.
Werin : I'm sorry.
Mrs jung : don't you think you should leave him so wooyoung could get someone better? If you love him, isn't that what you should be doing?
Werin : if you love someone, aren't you supposed to stay with them and become better?
Mrs jung paused, just looking at werin. She sighed and shook her head before saying
Werin : I can't see wooyoung with someone better, so I'll just become better. Both for him, and you. I may not have parents right now, but I did have them for 16 years and they've shown me enough love for me to be able to give wooyoung love. And they have taught me enough and given me good education and an amazing childhood. If anything, I have only been thankful for this life I have received. I know I do not match up to you expectations and I am sincerely sorry for that but I…I love your son too much to leave him.
Mrs jung opened her mouth to say something but paused as she saw wooyoung storm down the stairs, anger visible in his eyes. He walked up to werin and took her arm causing her to stand up with wide eyes.
Wooyoung : we're leaving.
Werin : what? Wooyoung-
Mrs jung : wooyoung, seriously?
Wooyoung : no, I am done with your nonsense eomma. I love werin, and she loves me. If you cannot accept her, then I will not accept you anymore either. You may have loved me longer than her, but those things are useless when you say the things you just said and probably asked appa to tell me.
Mrs jung : wooyoung, I-
Wooyoung held his hand up and said
Wooyoung : no. I do not wish to hear from you again until you learn to accept werin and I. and if you never do, then don’t ever call me.
Wooyoung turned and left, dragging werin along with him. Werin turned and saw small tears in his mother's eyes as she felt her heart break. She looked at wooyoung who was now walking towards his car, his hand still holding werin's.
Werin : woo, woo. You shouldn't do this, they're your parents.
Wooyoung : and you're the woman I love. Your dignity is my respect, I will not stand anyone, not even my own parents, putting you down like that.
Werin : woo.
Wooyoung : just get in the car.
Wooyoung walked to the driver's side and got in, closing the door behind him. Werin let out a breath and got in the car as well, closing the door behind her as she looked at wooyoung who started his sports car and sped out of his parent's mansion.
Werin : I'm sorry.
Wooyoung : there's no need for you to be sorry, werin.
Werin : you fought with your parents because of me.
Wooyoung : no, I fought with them because they disvalued my choice, because they refused to accept you and put you down in ways I couldn't even think of.
Werin : but that-
Wooyoung : do you know what my appa told me in the study? He asked me to break up with you, to throw you away from my life. How could he ask that of me? How could he ever say that knowing how much I love you?
Werin just sighed, looking at her lap.
Wooyoung : do you feel nothing, werin?
Werin : this isn't the first time, woo. People have said things like this to me ever since the beginning, I've sort of gotten accustomed to it by now. Sure, it hurts when your parents say the same things but I get their point of view.
Wooyoung : no you don't, you shouldn't.
Werin : it's all true wooyoung, if I had a son, I would want him to get married to someone who can match up to him as well. It's what all parents would want for their children.
Wooyoung : and who says you don't match up to me? Shin werin, you're so much more better than me. And this? What we have? This is not a fucking competition, we need not be put against each other and we shouldn't have to count our assets and level it up with each other in order to be good for each other. You love me, and I love you, that's all that fucking matters. And if my parents don't get it, let them be.
Werin : are you saying you'll just let your parents go?
Wooyoung : I'm saying they'll learn to accept it some day. Until then we'll wait, that's all.
Werin sighed and nodded, leaning her head against the window as she looked outside, the sky cloudy above them. Wooyoung held one of werin's hand with his and said, looking at her
Wooyoung : I love you, werin.
Werin smiled at wooyoung and whispered
Werin : I love-
Wooyoung saw werin's eyes widen as she looked in front of them.
Werin : wooyoung!
Wooyoung's eyes widened as well as he saw the huge truck coming fast towards them, the truck driver clearly drunk. The last thing wooyoung felt was werin taking hold of the steering wheel and turning the car around, making werin's side face the truck as she removed her seatbelt and shielded wooyoung from the hit with her own body. Wooyoung could only scream as the truck hit their car, the impact making the car flip around at least 3 times before wooyoung lost consciousness.
Wooyoung opened his eyes, groaning as he felt immediate pain engulf his body. He looked around, realizing that the world was upside down for him, which meant that he was still hanging in his car, which also meant that no one had come to their help. Which made sense, because his parent's house were located far away from civilization and there were very few cars that would use this kind of road. And they had left in the near evening, now it was night. And even worse, it was raining like hell.
Wooyoung looked around, still being able to see due to the street lights. His eyes widened as he saw werin lying limp below him, blood covering her entire body as it flowed from her nose and mouth. Tears filled his eyes as he screamed
Wooyoung : werin. Werin, please!
But she did not move an inch. Wooyoung slowly tried unbuckling his seat belt, wincing at the pain. He finally managed to get out of the loop as he fell right next to werin, her blood staining his blue jeans. The roof of the car was protecting them against the rain but as wooyoung crawled out of the car and leaned down to pull werin out of the car as well, the rain drenched them both.
Wooyoung laid werin in his lap and desperately looked around, trying to find someone to help them, help her. Wooyoung could only sob as he realized there wasn't anyone around. He looked at werin, her pale face coming into his sigh as she held her cheeks and sobbed
Wooyoung : wake up, wake up, wake up! Werin-ah, don’t do this to me, please!
But even then, she did not move. Wooyoung's eyes widened as he realized that werin's phone was still tucked safe inside her pocket, although covered in her blood. He pulled it out and quickly called the ambulance, breathing heavily as he tried not to cry.
??? : hello, this is 911.
Wooyoung : w-we need help. There-there's been a car accident.
??? : please tell us your location, sir.
Wooyoung : XXX.
??? : alright, can you tell us how many people are with you, sir?
Wooyoung : there's just me and my girlfriend. She's…she's not opening her eyes and she's lost too much blood please-please come fast.
??? : we will be there within a few minutes sir, please make sure to apply pressure on her wounds so as to control the bleeding in the slightest.
Wooyoung : thank you.
Wooyoung cut the call and kept the phone away as his shaky hands tried finding her wounds, realizing with a sob that there were too many for just his two hands to hold on to. He felt like his heart was being torn apart, remembering that this had happened because she shielded him against the impact, instead of having saved herself. Wooyoung just continued sobbing while holding werin in his arms, the rain falling hard on them both as it drowned out his sounds.
Everything happened too fast after that. One second wooyoung was sitting next to werin in the ambulance, fighting off workers who had told him that he needed medical attention too and forced them to just pay attention to werin. He cried by her side, holding her hand and mumbling a thousand sorry's because he felt like it was all his fault.
The next second wooyoung was running with the workers, wheeling werin to the ICU while the other patients in the hospital looked at wooyoung like he had gone crazy. Maybe he must have, from how much he's been crying and cursing at himself for not being careful. If he lost her, he'd end himself.
Wooyoung fell on the ground as the nurses restricted him from entering the ICU, a few others rushing up to him and asking him whether he felt okay. He did not, his entire body hurt, he was pretty sure his stomach was stabbed by something or the other and that he had scratches all over his body. Plus, he was drenched in rain. But he still wanted to sit there and wait until he heard something about werin. But his body didn't let him as his vision slowly started blurring, his head going light as he fell on the ground unconscious.
Wooyoung opened his eyes, groaning as direct light fell upon it. He squinted and took in his surroundings, realizing that he was in a hospital room…no, a hospital suite, wrapped in bandages and a needle injected into his vein. He sat up straight as everything hit him, groaning in pain as he felt it shoot up his stomach region. Yep, he was stabbed by something.
The doors opened as wooyoung's parents stepped in, worry filling their faces. His mother seemed relieved at seeing her son awake, a small smile spreading on her lips as she hugged him, mumbling a thousand thank you's. his father just stood next to him, keeping his hand on wooyoung's shoulder gently. Wooyoung held his mother's arm that was wrapped around his shoulder and whispered, his voice broken
Wooyoung : where is werin?
His mother just pulled back, looking at him with gloomy eyes. Wooyoung felt panic fill him
Wooyoung : eomma. Eomma, tell me she's fine.
His mother didn't say anything, making his heart crash. Tears filled his eyes as he looked at his father desperately and asked again, his voice breaking as sobs threatened to come out
Wooyoung : appa? Did the doctors say anything? Where is werin!
Mr jung : wooyoung-ah, she's…she still hasn't woken up.
Wooyoung sobbed, his palms covering his face as his mom hugged him tighter, tears in her eyes.
Wooyoung : no, no no no no, please.
Mrs jung : she can still wake up, wooyoung-ah. She will, just give her time.
Wooyoung cried harder, thinking of the worst that could happen to werin.
Wooyoung : this is all because of-of me. I should ha-have-
Mr jung : none of this is your fault, son. It was just an accident, neither of you could have done anything.
His mother flinched, pulling away from him as his father looked gravely at him. Wooyoung cried and shook his head
Wooyoung : that was supposed to be me, I was supposed to be in her position.
Mrs jung : wooyoung, what are you saying-
Wooyoung : she covered me with her body so that the impact would hit mostly her and not me.
Their eyes widened, realization dawning upon them. Wooyoung gripped his hair as he whispered
Wooyoung : she removed her seatbelt in order to protect me so when the-the car flipped it…it's all my fault.
Wooyoung cried into his hands as tears fell from his mom's eyes, both his parents filled with guilt as everything they had told werin ran back through their minds. This woman had sacrificed her life for their son and they couldn't do anything to bring her back anymore.
His mom looked at wooyoung, his body trembling in pain as he cried.
Mrs jung : we're so sorry, wooyoung-ah. Eomma is so sorry for everything she said today, I hadn't known…
Wooyoung : I w-wanna see her. Where is she?
Wooyoung walked inside the room, looking at werin who was lying on the hospital bed covered in wires and bandages. Small tears filled his eyes as he walked up to his girlfriend, holding her hand with his trembling ones. Wooyoung looked at werin's pale face, her cheek having small cuts on them as her head was wrapped in a bandage.
Wooyoung : werin-ah…
Wooyoung felt his tears fall on werin's hand as he gripped her hand tighter in pain.
Wooyoung : why would you do that? Why in the world would you do this to yourself just to save me? You're s-so stupid.
Wooyoung tried wiping his tears but it kept falling down on the bedsheet, staining it. Wooyoung kneeled on the ground and held her hand against his head, sobbing in pain as he kissed her hand with wobbling lips
Wooyoung : I don't wa-wanna lose you. I don't want you gone werin please, please open your ey-eyes and come back to me baby. Please, please.
Wooyoung's parents stood outside the room, watching their son cry in pain. They blamed themselves, they regretted not accepting werin when she had come. This woman had sacrificed her life for their son, and now all they could do was pray for her to be okay while watching their son wail in silence.
3 weeks later :
Wooyoung : why isn't she waking up then! You told me she'd be fine within a few days but it's been weeks, doctor! Why am I getting better and she isn't?!
The doctor closed her eyes and said
Doctor : I'm sorry mr jung but it takes time to recover from a coma-
Wooyoung : stop giving me that bullshit and tell me the fucking truth. Is my werin going to wake up, doctor?
The doctor looked at wooyoung's parents who were sitting behind them, mrs jung having a helpless look in her eyes.
Wooyoung : don't look at my parents, doctor. Look at me, and tell me only the truth.
The doctor looked at wooyoung and said, her voice firm
Doctor : we do not know. Truth is, we do not know whether miss shin would wake up or not. The trauma was quite severe, mr jung.
Wooyoung pressed his lips together, trying not to cry as he asked, his voice strained
Wooyoung : what are the chances?
Doctor : waking up, 20. not waking up, 80. it's an 20:80 percent chance, mr jung, we're sorry.
Wooyoung sobbed and fell on the ground, his palms covering his face as tears streamed down. The doctor bowed and left as wooyoung's mother knelt next to him, holding her son close to her as tears filled her eye.
Mrs jung : I'm sorry, son.
Wooyoung : she's not waking up eomma, why won't she come back to me.
Mrs jung : she will, just give her a bit more time.
Wooyoung : how much more, how much more time. I'm…I'm tired eomma.
His mother held wooyoung close to her as he cried in her arms. Mrs jung looked at her husband with helpless eyes as he shook his head and sighed. They were worried for wooyoung, he refused to even eat his meals properly and would hardly go away from werin's side. Today were one of the few days where he had allowed his parents to persuade him to eat and take care of himself as well.
But he was losing hope, hope on whether werin would ever wake up.
Wooyoung was now sitting next to werin who was still lying on her bed, less bandages now wrapped around her as she had healed. Healed physically, she still had not moved an inch since that day 3 weeks ago. Wooyoung had healed too, again, only physically. He still remembered werin's scream before the truck had hit their car, her body shielding his and wooyoung not being able to do a thing since his seatbelt had gotten stuck. It haunted him, gave him nightmares. Only his parents knew the amount of times wooyoung had woken up in the night, screaming and crying.
He needed werin, and she was still in a coma.
Wooyoung sighed and was about to get up to grab a bottle of water when he felt werin's hand gripping onto him, making his eyes widen. Wooyoung quickly looked at werin, hope filling his body as he said
Wooyoung : werin?
He heard werin lightly groan as wooyoung gasped, tears filling his eyes as he called her again
Wooyoung : werin!
Werin slowly fluttered her eyes open, squinting it as she adjusted to the light above her. As her vision finally got to normal, she noticed wooyoung standing next to her, tears in his eyes.
Werin : woo?
Wooyoung let out a sob and hugged werin, a small smile on his face as he said
Wooyoung : oh god, you're awake. Shit, you're awake lord.
Wooyoung basked in the feeling of having his love back in his arms again, alive and healthy now. Werin just frowned, worry filling her as she said
Werin : wooyoung.
Wooyoung : yeah, yeah I'm right here. It's going to be all okay.
Werin : no! wooyoung, our baby.
Wooyoung paused, his body tensing as he pulled back and looked at werin. She quickly brought on her palm to her belly, looking at wooyoung with wide eyes
Werin : wooyoung I was two weeks pregnant when the accident happened. How long…how long has it been.
More tears fell down wooyoung's eyes as he whispered breathlessly, shocked to the core now
Wooyoung : you…you were pr-pregnant?
Werin : yes! I had ju-just known it that morning and I was planning to tell you once we came back from your parents but it-
Wooyoung : oh my god.
Werin : woo. Woo, is our baby okay?
Wooyoung quickly rushed out of the room, coming back in with doctors a second later. Wooyoung told the doctors everything, his voice weak.
Doctor : please step outside, mr jung. Allow us to check the baby's status.
Wooyoung nodded and was about to step outside when werin said
Werin : no wa-wait. Can't he…stay? Woo?
Wooyoung looked at the doctors, hoping they'd allow him to stay. The doctors nodded as wooyoung ran up to werin's side, holding her hands as she leaned on him. The doctors soon started doing their work, checking whether the baby was fine. Wooyoung prayed the whole time, holding his girlfriend as he whispered
Wooyoung : it's going to be okay, love. Our baby is going to be fine.
Werin just nodded, small tears in her eyes. The doctors soon turned towards them and said
Doctor : your baby is healthy and unharmed.
Wooyoung smiled and hugged werin as she cried in relief, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. Wooyoung nodded at the doctors with a smile as they bowed and left. Wooyoung felt excitement and happiness fill him to the core at the thought of their little baby.
Wooyoung : oh my god we're going to be parents.
Werin : I know, I know.
Wooyoung kissed werin's forehead and whispered
Wooyoung : I'm so glad the both of you are safe. I'm never letting you go again.
Werin smiled and whispered
Werin : we love you.
Wooyoung smiled and cupped werin's cheek before saying
Wooyoung : I love the both of you too, more than you could ever imagine.
5 years later :
Mrs jung : woojin-ah! Come to grandma!
The four year old ran up to his grandmother, trying not to trip over the grass under him as he giggled. Mrs jung lifted woojin as he smiled at his grandmother
Mrs jung : your eomma and appa has made carrot cake for you apparently, shall we go inside?
Woojin nodded excitedly as mrs jung smiled and went inside the house, walking up to the kitchen where werin and wooyoung were desperately trying to cut the carrot cake properly. Werin hit wooyoung's head as he glared at her playfully
Werin : you're so stupid jung wooyoung. Don’t cut the cake into rectangles, what nonsense.
Wooyoung : yah! It's not my fault the knife is like this. You bought the knife!
Werin frowned and was about to say something when mrs jung said
Mrs jung : yah yah! Don't blame my daughter for your mistakes jung wooyoung.
Wooyoung gasped in betrayal, looking at his mother as werin giggled
Wooyoung : eomma! I'm your son.
Mrs jung chuckled as werin ran up to woojin, holding her arm out for him
Werin : jinnie, come to eomma.
Woojin smiled and jumped from his grandmom's arms to werin's, giggling and wrapping his arms around his mother. Werin carried her son to wooyoung's side as he chuckled and ruffled his son's hair
Wooyoung : wah, my son's just like me. Such a handsome boy.
Werin : he's definitely more like me, look at those eyes.
Wooyoung rolled his eyes and looked at his son before asking
Wooyoung : woojin-ah, who do you think you look like?
Woojin looked at his parents, his nose scrunching as he tried to choose. Werin looked at her son and blinked her eyes twice, wanting to annoy her husband. Woojin seemed to understand as he smiled and said
Woojin : I think I look more like eomma.
Wooyoung threw his hands up in the air and exclaimed
Wooyoung : the entire world is against me!
Werin giggled and shook her head before kissing wooyoung's cheek as he smiled at his wife lovingly. Mrs jung just looked at the happy family, feeling happiness fill her heart at how adorable the three of them looked together.
Werin looked at her son and said
Werin : shall we eat your cake now?
Woojin : yes, yes!
Werin chuckled and set woojin down before saying
Werin : go call your grandpa then.
Woojin nodded and took his grandmom's hand before dragging her along with him to call mr jung from his polo field. Werin smiled and turned towards wooyoung as he wrapped his arms around her and whispered
Wooyoung : you look beautiful as ever, my wife.
Werin chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck before whispering
Werin : I love you, woo-woo.
Wooyoung chuckled and kissed werin before whispering
Wooyoung : I love you more.
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akca · 1 year
Ezik sürüsü müyüz fazla özgüvenli miyiz karar werin..
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anny-chovy · 6 months
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Rest area, Trawsfynydd nuclear power station, landscape designed by Sylvia Crowe. Photo courtesy of People's Collection Wales / Casgliad y Werin Cymru
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wind-tied · 8 months
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doodles from a prompt to draw your characters with their parents :)
Picture one is Asmund as a calf and their unnamed mother and sibling. Second is Nez after his story when he gets to see his reincarnated mother. He doesn’t ever realize who it is. The third is Malum with his adoptive father Argos. :) Last is baby Vitus with his moms, Aitana, and Calantha.
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john-macnamara · 7 months
i don truss the drivr
shes werin yellwo pans
Is that some eighth deadly sin I don’t know about? Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, sloth, envy, and horrible fashion sense?
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elirerahael · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Werin! <3
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chuuyanaurkahara · 1 year
hehehe murderkitty snippet go brrrr
could be canon, could be not canon, see and decide for yourself<3 oh yeah dani is still at their mother's place btw
uhhhhhh suggestive i guess?
After hearing their phone buzz again, Dani turned it on and checked their notifications. One new message from Azrael.
Did you take my shirt with you?
The teenager chuckled. Took him long enough to notice. They replied. werin it rn. And after a short pause; wanna c?
Of course Azrael replied right away, he always did. He replied something along the lines of 'yes' and that's all the confirmation Dani needed. They got up and slowly walked into the bathroom.
Once they were inside, they locked the door and slowly removed their shorts and underwear. To be fair, it was more like a dress on them, so they probably didn't need the shorts in the first place. As for the latter... they didn't really have an excuse besides just wanting to send a spicy pic.
Dani lifted the side of the shirt, revealing their naked hip and thigh, leaving everything else to the imagination. Now they just needed the right angle- perfect. They sent Azrael the picture without allowing themselves to think about it too much.
Oh and his response- The teenager quickly turned off their phone, blushing furiously.
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heyvasorakurdistane · 2 years
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Welatiyên hêja,
Bi hatine meha pîroz a Remezanê, ferze li ser her kesê bawermend ku mirovên mexdûr û xizan bîne bîra xwe.
Lewma dirêjkirina destê alîkariyê ji bo wan, erka me a mirovî, wijdanî û exlaqî ye.
Weke tê zanîn;
Erdheja ku 6ê Sibatê li Kurdistan, Tirkiyê û Sûriyê pêk hat  pey xwe malwêranîyek mezin hîşt. Li gorî daneyên fermi bêtirî 50 hezar kesî jiyana xwe dest dan, bi sed hezaran kes birîndar bun û bi mîlyonan kes jî bê xanê û mal man. Mexdûrên erdhejê di nava şertên giran de hewl didin debara xwe a jiyanî bikin.
Ji bo em hêvî û bendewariya mirovên mexdûr û xizan bicih bînin,
Birînên malwêraniyê derman bikin,
Û nehêlin mirovên me bibin mehkûme vê rewşa kambax.
Werin em dest bidin hev û bi rêya Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê, fitre û zikatên xwe bighînin mexdurên erdhejê.
Send your fitra and zakat to the earthquake victims!
Dear all,
With the beginning of the month of Ramadan, it is especially important to think of those in need. Therefore it’s our humanitarian and moral duty to extend a helping hand to them.
Due to the earthquake that occurred on February 6 in Kurdistan, Turkey and Syria, there is great destruction and suffering. According to official figures, more than 50,000 people lost their lives, hundreds of thousands were injured and millions were left homeless. Earthquake victims are struggling to survive under difficult conditions.
Let us fulfil the hopes and expectations of the needy and injured people, heal their wounds together and not leave them alone.
Let us go hand in hand and lend a helping hand to those in need to fulfill our duties during the month of Ramadan.
Let us hand over our fitre, zakat and alms to the people who were victims of the earthquake.
Lassen Sie Ihre Fitra und Zakat den Erdbebenopfern zukommen!
Liebe Alle,
mit Beginn des Ramadan-Monats gilt es besonders, an die Bedürftigen zu denken.
Deshalb ist es unsere humanitäre und moralische Pflicht, ihnen eine helfende Hand zu reichen.
Aufgrund des Erdbebens, das sich am 6. Februar in Kurdistan, der Türkei und Syrien ereignete, herrscht große Zerstörung und Leid. Nach offiziellen Angaben verloren mehr als 50.000 Menschen ihr Leben, Hunderttausende wurden verletzt und Millionen wurden obdachlos. Erdbebenopfer kämpfen unter schwierigen Bedingungen ums Überleben.
Lassen Sie uns die Hoffnungen und Erwartungen der Bedürftigen und Geschädigten Menschen erfüllen, ihre Wunden gemeinsam heilen und sie nicht allein lassen.
Lassen Sie uns Hand in Hand gehen und unseren bedürftigen Mitmenschen eine helfende Hand reichen, um unsere Pflichten im Ramadan-Monat zu erfüllen.
Lasst Sie uns unsere Fitra, Zakat und Almosen an die Menschen übergeben, die Opfer des Erdbebens wurden.
Değerli halkımız,
Mübarek Ramazan ayının gelişiyle birlikte, muhtaç insanları hatırlamak her inanan üzerine farzdır.
Bu nedenle onlara yardım elini uzatmak bizim insani, vicdani ve ahlaki görevimizdir.
Bilindiği üzere; 6 Şubat tarihinde Kürdistan, Türkiye ve Süriye meydana gelen depremden dolayı büyük bir yıkım ve mağduriyet yaşanmaktadır. Resmi verilere göre 50 binden fazla insan yaşamını yitirdi, yüzbinlerce insan yaralandı ve milyanlarca insan evsiz barksız kaldı. Deprem mağdurları zor koşullar altında yaşam mücadelesi veriyorlar.
Muhtaç ve mağdur insanların umut ve beklentilerini yerine getirelim, yaralarını saralım ve onları bu içler acısı duruma mahkum etmeyelim.
Ramazan ayındaki görevlerimizi getirmek için gelin elele verilim ve muhtaç insanlarımıza yardım elimizi uzatalım.
Fitre, zekat ve sadakalarımızı Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê aracılığıyla deprem mağduru halkımıza ulaştıralım.
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birinasiyabend · 1 year
Nemeyzênin hûn dinyayê
Bi berçavên reş û tarî
Zaroyên xweşik û sar
Veşartine li paşiya xanî
Berpirsyarî wê çawa be
Carek çêbû cardin nabe
Di dadgeha mirovatiyê
Cilên qirêj wê xwiya be
Werin xortno em peykerekê çêkin ji heriyê
Axa wê ji evînê, ava wê ji azadiyê
Deynin li navenda paytexta mirovatiyê
Bila bibe hêviya qirnên dawiyê
Êdî bes
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