#west 24
odinsblog · 8 months
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I know he finally gave the money back (somebody slapped some sense into him), but Cornel West is still defending his “brother,” Harlan Crow, the Nazi. So West is either a sellout or a useful idiot. Sorry, those are your only two choices
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areyouscaredyet · 3 months
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stupid bit i thought of where herbert just acts like a cunt
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queen-of-reptiles · 4 months
description: during kristie's first game at west ham against tottenham no less, her girlfriend is pushing as hard as she can against the wind. so hard she knocks herself out.
kristie mewis x female reader
disclaimer: this is all just fiction - have fun!
warnings: t*ttenh*m, concussion, mentions of blood and injury, swearing, cute fluff
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y/n just posted on her story
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liked by samanthakerr20, mackenziearnold and 309, 824 others
tagged kmewis19, kyracooneyx, and 8 others
y/n Beginning of Jan dump 😝
view 14, 999 comments
username1: cuteeeee 😭
username2: I love how Kristie is here now!!! 😍
viv_asseyi: We look so good!
y/n: Oh yeah we do!
username3: They sound like the beginning of a joke lmao - An American and an Australian play for West Ham
username4: 🤣🤣
mackenziearnold: LOVE YOUUU 💕
caitlinfoord: I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard ! 😂
y/n: don't - I giggle when I think about it 😂😂
kyracooneyx: A KNIFE! 😌
y/n: NO! 😶
username5: 😭
kmewis19: My baby <3
y/n: So glad you're finally here !
hawacissoko23: She really is, she wouldn't stop crying without you.
y/n: bro... 😔
westhamwomen: JUST SOLD MY CAR
lucaspaqueta: 💙💙
username6: 🤣
samanthakerr20: 💕💕
y/n: 💕💕
y/n and Kristie had met years ago, by complete chance. They had never played against each other, but while y/n was on holiday in America happened to run into each other and the rest was history.
Long time phone calls and late night face times became a regular thing for them as they navigated their relationship with a bright smile on their faces.
However, ever since Kristie's big move to y/n's team of six years, the couple had been hardly spotted apart. Not that anyone could blame the two lovers.
They were simply making up for lost time, and months spent without one another by their side. Therefore, they were attached all the time, some part of their bodies always touching.
The west ham girls found it almost hilarious, y/n had come to earn the nickname of the Aussie Storm, from how dangerous she was on the wing, how formidable she was as a player.
Yet, the second Kristie was in her eyeline the once fierce storm turned into a sunny day, the woman's attitude and scary demeanour 180' ing completely.
Currently, the group were stood around Rehanne, listening to her pep talk for the game ahead, the wind was incredibly wild and y/n was grateful that her girlfriend had helped her pin her braids stiffly in place.
The group were huddled in the changing room, Kristie in front of y/n, her back pressed against y/n's chest as the taller woman ran her arms up and down Kristie's sides soothingly.
The wind howled as the group cheered, Kristie pecking her lover's lips in good luck as they ran out onto the pitch. Kristie was on the bench for the start of the game and watched as the game got underway.
It was clear very early into the game, that today's battle was not just a London Derby, but also a derby against the earth's elements. The storm filled wind pushing even the lowest passes off course.
Kristie watched as her girlfriend stood strong, battling with Grace Clinton for the umpteenth time in the first twenty minutes, the blonde Tottenham player being dispossessed by y/n.
By half time, even in the cold wind and even colder air, West Ham managed to be 2-0 up. y/n had hardly stopped, and even in the cold she was covered with sweat.
Kristie moved over to her as she panted, handed her a water bottle as they listened to Rehanne's critics for the second half, before they finally had a moment to breathe.
y/n felt light, as if she wasn't fully in focus with what was going on around her. y/n ignored it, instead taking small sips of her water as Katrina sat next to her, the two national teammates clasping hands.
"You're doing so well babe. Never seen you like this." Kristie says softly after Katrina gets up.
"Ah well." y/n says panting. "London Derby baby." She tells Kristie who grins, pecking her lips as they are called back out. y/n groans but stands up, crouching to get Kristie on her back who chuckles.
"Weee." Kristie says as y/n runs down the corridor and onto the pitch, the two holding their arms out like aeroplanes.
One of their social media crew runs at them camera in hand as they get closer, Vivi in front of them pretending to roll her eyes in annoyance as she shakes her head at the camera.
"Children." Vivi jokes at the camera as y/n races close to the lens.
"Come on you irons!" She grins, laughing as Kristie kisses the lens as she jogs off, putting her down as they warm up.
username1: Kristie and y/n! I'm crying they're so cute! 😭😭
username2: Vivi pretending to be annoyed at them! The little 'come on you irons', Kristie's kiss. UGH CUTE. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
username4: It is SOOO clear how much happier y/n is with Kristie here and I am SO happy for her ! 🥺
username5: YESSSSS
username6: I love y/n and Kristie sm 😭
BarclaysWSL: We NEED a relationship like West Ham's Kristie and y/n NOW PLEASE 💳💳
username7: 💕💕
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Kristie had made her debut on the 63rd minute, the blonde pushing against the wind as best she could as she tried her best to hold the ball as she went for a corner kick.
y/n watched proudly as Kristie tried to stop the ball from rolling away with little success, her jaw twitching from it's clenched position which she always did when aggravated.
West Ham were 2-1 up, Tottenham having snuck a goal past them ten minutes ago, in which y/n ended up rolling against the floor making her wince, but stood up quick enough to not be brought off, she just ignored the dizziness she felt.
Kristie kicked the ball finally, the wind pushing it around the air and almost into the net where Becky Spencer managed to bat it away, straight at y/n who pushed forward, trying to beat the wind.
y/n stuck her leg out, hoping to catch the ball and swoop it into the back of the next. Charli Grant, of Tottenham had the same idea but to defend.
y/n pushed her leg, swopping the ball past Becky and into the net, however her leg catches Charli's and with the speed y/n was running at, the girl falls and her head pushes against the goal post.
Kristie - who had ran toward the box in excitement - paused as she saw y/n's body fall lifeless to the ground, blood dripping down on face and onto her kit below as Charli held her national teammates head, crying in fear.
"Medics!" Kristie shouts, racing to her girlfriend, stripping Kristie's shirt off herself, leaving her in her sports bra.
Kristie's hands were shaking as Katrina hugged Charli, trying to calm her crying as Mackenzie held the other side of y/n, whispering begging words for her to wake up as the medics arrived.
Kristie could feel herself being pulled away but she tried to shake her head, tears shrouding her vision as Mackenzie finally got her away, her shirt being left against y/n's head, now dripping with blood.
The stadium was silent as the group crowded around y/n's body, the blood now stopping with the medics working hard and whispering to each other.
Kristie was in Mackenzie's arms, crying into her shoulder as she tried to keep herself calm, Hawa and Vivi were gripping each other tightly, Bethany England by their side as they all paled in worry.
Charli was slowly stopping her tears, staying clung to Katrina who was calming her down with soothing words as they watched y/n be stretchered off.
"Can you continue?" Mackenzie asked Kristie kindly, understanding if she would rather be with her lover.
"She'd want me too." Kristie nods, taking a wipe to scrub the blood off her hands as they went into a five minute water break.
Kristie pulled on her top, listening to Rehanne's talk about how they now played the rest of this game for y/n and the second she knew anything she would let them know.
The game continued, but it was clear everyone was shaken up, passes had become sloppy and shots were off completely, even the crowd was hardly paying attention.
During the 80th minute, Grace Clinton scored, narrowing the gap to 3-2 to West Ham, but no one celebrated, and then Kristie shot her corner on the 88th. The ball flying in due to the wind. No one celebrated.
The ref called the game at 98 minutes, no one complaining about the few minutes shaved off as the West Ham team tore down the tunnel and to the medics room.
The medics explained y/n had already been taken to hospital, the injury not looking past a major concussion and some blood loss, which had been hopefully rectified now they had stitched her up.
Kristie's hands were still stained red and shaking as she sighed out in relief, Charli burst into tears again, having followed the West Ham team.
Kristie's next hour of taking photos and showering was blurry as she drove to the hospital, finding the look of it so different to her home country as she walked into y/n's room, the girl sat up somewhat and wired up.
"Hey my love." y/n smiled weakly, her skin pale and sweaty as Kristie blinked away tears.
"I can't believe you're okay." Kristie sighed out in relief. "I was so worried." She adds and y/n nods, as she shuffles over, letting Kristie slide off her trainers and slide into the bed with her.
"Welcome to London love." y/n chuckled and Kristie sighs out. "It's a rough concussion, but no lasting damage, need to get the stitched taken out in a week, and then ease back into training over the next few weeks." y/n tells her.
"Looks like I'm gonna be playing nurse." Kristie sighs, pressing a relieved kiss to y/n's head.
"Hmm. Only if you wear the outfit we bought at Christmas." y/n jokes and Kristie snorts.
"Dude, gross!" Mackenzie says as she leans against the door way. "Entire teams are here, Spurs girlies too. You feel up to visitors?" Mackenzie asked her.
"Yeah, alright." y/n nods. "We won yeah?" She then asks and Mackenzie chuckles.
"Yeah, your mrs scored a goal." Mackenzie says and y/n grins.
"Had to do it while I wasn't there, huh?" y/n asks Kristie who chuckles and pecks her lips carefully.
"Well, I guess I will have to score one next week." Kristie says and y/n smiles.
"Okay my love." y/n smiles before the rest of the teams trudge in.
kmewis19 just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on her story
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my cutie girl <3
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richarlisonny · 10 months
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Canonically, Barry @ Wally:
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crypto-keeper · 4 months
Horror Husband Hoedown 2024 - Round 3: Match 2
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These two are the winners of last year's tournament, and I'm eager to see if things shake out the same way! Two very smart boys here, but which one do you think would be the better husband??
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astraystayyh · 6 months
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ghostcond · 7 months
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i love you all!
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brooklynbadboys · 7 months
how’s no one mentioned this line yet
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sashmarie1111 · 1 year
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Candice Patton instagram Story 5/24/23
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odinsblog · 8 months
🤡🤡🤡 clown alert
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Nazi lover Harlan Crow out here collecting weak minded, “educated” negroes like Pokémon. He’s already got Clarence Thomas, and now he’s going for “brother” Cornel West because he’s gotta catch ‘em all, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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It’s funny because I’ve seen some dejected Cornel West followers who can’t believe he sold out for $3,300 dollars, less than the price of a crappy used car.
My thoughts are 1) Either West is hard up for cash so he sold out to a Nazi for dirt cheap, or 2) the $3,300 is only the beginning of a very long payoff like Clarence Thomas has been receiving, and therefore he really didn’t sell out for cheap, or 3) Cornel West is simply thee dumbest retail politician ever, because if 1) and 2) aren’t true, then you must ask yourself why Mr. West didn’t simply say, “Oopsies, my bad. That was a clerical oversight and my campaign has already returned the donation.” Easy peasy, problem solved.
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BUT INSTEAD, what West is doing is, he is defending his long “friendship” with Harlan Crow, the Nazi lover. Which, of course, begs several other questions: How long have you known this racist billionaire? What, precisely, has been the nature of this long term “friendship”? Has he ever given money to you or your family or any of your projects before?
Sorry, but those are your only three options, and the longer & harder West continues to stand up for Crow, the more it looks very bad and very suspect for Mr. West.
And you know Black twitter, they hopped into the way back machine and are pulling up all the old receipts, like Cornel West praising Ronald fucking Reagan, for example.
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Good riddance to Cornel West. He’s in the sunken place, sunk into the floor. He’s a clown.
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desertpups · 1 month
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West Palm Beach, thank you! 🖤
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museszm · 4 months
First loss to Tottenham
First loss to West Ham
Arsenal babes ur breaking all the wrong records
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pernillecfcw · 3 months
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Match day -1 💙💙
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citroensap · 2 months
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I've seen what I've seen. And I've been told what I've been told. And I have an audience with the person who can do something about it. To smile for a photo op and recite 64 couplets on the American experience? That's treasonous.
The West Wing 03.16 | The U.S. Poet Laureate with Laura Dern as Tabatha Fortis
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kundayy · 21 days
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