#wet sad manhwa
megumismom · 1 year
honestly this plague of the absolutely hugest dicks in bl manhwas is kinda funny. like yeah this dude routinely has a dick that's the size of a leg up to the knee inside his ass and he's totally fine and enjoying it
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
So there’s this manhwa called Match Made in Bed (no happy ending for the main couple I’m afraid but the premise is very dreamling-coded) where basically this woman is recently dumped because of how stiff she is during sex so her friends decide to hire some hosts to cheer her up. Among the hosts is this one guy who’s actually a swim instructor doing a favor for his friend but he’s actually really reserved and haughty (sound familiar?) and kind of looks down on the whole practice of escorting. Eventually the woman gets hammered and he ends up taking her to a hotel room where she entices him into sleeping with her to prove she can be a good lay and surprise surprise, their sexual compatibility is off the charts and they have sex nine times. But afterwards they don’t know how to move forward because she can’t imagine dating a host (even tho he’s not) and he can’t stand rich women who go around flaunting their money and hiring escorts (she was lying about her job as a stewardess too). But at the same time, they can’t keep their hands off each other. And so, shenanigans and misunderstandings ensue. I can totally imagine Hob and Dream in this scenario where they keep saying tonight will be the last night but then in a turn of events they keep running into each other like it’s fate, like Hob unknowingly signing up for Dream’s swim class, and who can resist a good fuck? Hob has literally never met someone who can make him cum so many times before and Dream has never had so many wet dreams. And it’s good for both of them. They’re both getting better sleep and relieving so much stress. I imagine eventually one of them will get their act together and come clean about their true job so they can finally be happy and fuck without anything holding them back.
I am now extremely obsessed with the concept of host!Dream. Or how about, Desire is actually the host, but for some reason they've persuaded Dream to fill in for them! Probably so they can have a vacation, lol. Anyway: host!Dream.
Hob is super intimidated by the gorgeous hosts that Jo organised for him, and he ends up drinking waaayy too much. He's pretty sure that the gorgeous guy with the blue eyes is actually disgusted by him (Dream is just struggling to keep smiling for hours and hours 😭) and it makes Hob feel so discouraged. When the pretty guy escorts him to the hotel room, Hob doesn't even mean to seduce him - he literally stumbled and fell into Dream’s arms. The kiss that followed just felt natural. And after that... Well. Hob usually hates drunk sex but with Dream, he feels... incredible. He doesn't even feel intoxicated. He just feels like he's floating, encased in a shroud of total pleasure.
Dream doesn't even know why he slept with the sad drunk guy, but. Even he has to admit that it was amazing. Hob might be awkward and dumb, but his body is everything Dream has ever wanted. He can hardly believe that it wasn't all just an amazing fantasy, but sure enough he wakes up with Hob the next day. And Dream IMMEDIATELY leaves. He doesn't like rich finance guys (Hob lied about his job, he's actually a teacher) and it's not like this host gig is even HIS job.
Hob wakes up alone, feeling physically amazing but emotionally devastated. Even though he's probably too jealous to handle dating a host, he can't help wishing that Dream stayed. At least for a morning blow job...
Of course the universe brings them right back together. Hob promised that he would finally learn to swim this year; Dream turns out to be his instructor. They fuck down in the shallow end of the pool after Hob learns to float (who needs to swim when you can cling onto a sexy man while he fucks you?), Dream shows up to pick his nephew up from school and runs in to Hob as he comes out from teaching a class. They don't have time to do anything but make out messily in a supply cupboard, but it's still incredible...
They still refuse to talk about their obvious perfect physical compatability. Hob still believes that Dream isn't really into him. Dream still can't pluck up the courage to actually speak to him. Every other week they end up in some kind of compromising position - Dream has memorised all the little scars on Hob’s body, and he's kissed every single one of them. Hob can't get off by himself anymore, not without Dream inside him.
The only consolation: Desire is back from vacation, soon. If anyone can get the idiots together, they can. But Desire isn't always inclined to be helpful... and they might just make everything worse!
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lloydfrontera · 2 months
my biggest gripe with the manhwa rn is that they made javier more of an asshole than he is in the novel and then took away most of the scenes where we see him being kind and soft with others.
javier can be an ass, he is a brat and he's especially annoying when he's with lloyd, but above anything else he is kind and loyal and selfless and good. i cannot emphasize enough how good javier is. he's the kind of person who cannot see someone in trouble or danger and do nothing about it. he's the kind of person who would sacrifice his life for total strangers and no hope of any reward. he's the kind of person who can't even enjoy a lavish party without feeling guilty because he'd much rather help people in need with that money.
he's so fucking good, lloyd is a little annoyed by it because he keeps getting dragged into life-threatening situations because javier just won't stop helping people they don't even know. mind you, lloyd is also endeared by this and would not want him to change but god can it be frustrating in his endeavor to keep them both alive.
there's this particular scene that i just. i'm so sad it was cut. where javier is helping around the refugee camp, going without sleeping and eating so he can focus on helping as many people as possible and then he spots a little kid that got lost on his way back. so he decides to help him.
and he's so gentle with this kid.
Javier walked over to the kid and called him. The flustered boy looked up. Javier strove to put on a warm smile on his face. "Are you lost?" “...” The boy nodded, his eyes all wet. Javier carefully stroked the boy's head. "I think I can help you with that. Why don't you let me help find your tent?" suggested Javier. “...” The boy nodded again. "But why didn't you eat the food? It's going to get cold. Are you not hungry?" "I am… hungry," the boy finally said. But what he said next caught Javier by surprise. "But I won't eat it," said the boy. "Why not?" "My mother is hungrier." "Is that so?" "Yes." “...” Javier wondered why this kid came out to take the food when he had a mother. There must be a reason, he thought to himself. He held out his hand. "I will hold the tray for you." "..." "I won't spill it. I promise." "Okay..." Javier took the tray and wrapped the boy’s hand with his own.
like. god. javier is not a naturally warm person. he's very reserved and stoic and sometimes outright cold, but he still tries so hard with this kid. because he knows what it's like to be him. he knows what it's like to be a child and be scared and hungry and without a home. and he remembers how much it meant for a kind adult to reach out a hand to him and help. and he wants to be that to others too.
everything he does, he does because he genuinely believes it's the right thing to do and therefore his obligation. and even when it doesn't come naturally to him, like being warm and gentle to a child, he still tries his best to do so.
and like that wasn't enough, when they finally find the kid's mom, javier finds out she's blind. recently blinded actually. that she used all her strength to get her child to safety and now she has to depend on him to take care of them because she can't do it anymore. her blouse is smudged with porridge.
so javier kneels down and explains who he is, why he's there and that he wants to help. he lifts up a spoonful of food and slowly and carefully starts to feed her himself. she's a complete stranger and javier doesn't hesitate one second to do this for her.
this is who javier is!! this is who he is at his core!! he's kind and he's selfless and he's above all else good!!
if your audience can't imagine javier comforting a child, then you failed your audience. you missed the point of his character.
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bearbearbon · 1 year
I get hit by Truck-kun, Now I'm screwed!: I don't like it here. It's cold, and wet, and in Historical Europe, and there's Yanderes everywhere.
You are, well technically, were a typical 21st century girl that fell into the rabbit hole of otome isekai manhwa while bored on a rainy Sunday afternoon—And you got hooked. You have read through anything you could get your sleep-deprived hands on, yes even the downright illiterate incoherent translations on some website that shall not be named because you were desperate to see what happens next. You were walking down the street just reading the latest chapter of your latest interest, really, just walking down some normal sidewalk to your nearest grocery store for an errand for your mother.
Then you heard someone scream, you turned to see that a truck speeding down the highway out of control—And problem is, it was headed straight towards you.
You should’ve moved or something. But you just stood there like a deer in headlights.
“Hey kid, get out of the way—!” Then it went dark.
.. … ….
You woke up. With a splitting headache but woke up and alive regardless. “I did just get hit by a truck..” you murmured, looking around your surroundings. Well this is odd. you thought to yourself getting up. ‘The hospital room is looking raaaather grand today...’ you realized, looking at the room you found yourself in. The large ceiling tall windows let in the sunlight, with velvet curtains as the stray rays reflected off the intricate furniture. All of it was screaming luxury, and expensive and then you started to fear for you and your wallet.
“Dang, I suuure hope the hospital bill won’t cost me returning my arms and legs.” you joked, laughing to yourself. Like an insane person. “Yeah, maybe the truck did help let some screws loose.” you admit to no one in particular as you wiggle your fingers and toes. Yep, perfect condition. Maybe you were better off crippled or dead—
You look around the room to find a mirror to inspect yourself in—to check if you really had to work till old age to pay back your debt. Ignoring the fact your head felt like it was gonna explode, you force yourself out of the soft covers on the cold floor. Strange… you felt a lot shorter than you remember. “Maybe the doctors really had to work on me.” you rationalized, dreading how much that’d cost you.
You carefully walk around the extravagant room, tip toe-ing lest you break any of the expensive looking decor, which could send you literal years into debt…. You better watch out for that aquamarine vase then. “Oof..!” you made a head dive barely catching it before it could shatter to a million sad little pieces on the ground. Along with your life savings. “Whew…”
You carefully put it back, making sure it won’t tumble and fall before sighing in relief—That is until you saw a big mirror mounted on the wall, perfectly mounted to flatter the room and make it look more spacious than it already is. The frame was intricate, warm golden and had designs that reminded you of rococo when you went down a rabbit hole of historical desig—you’re getting off topic...!
That being said, The problem wasn’t the mirror itself, no! Course not. The problem is what you saw in the mirror… You. “Is.. that me..?” you mumbled to yourself, startled and absolutely shell-shocked, oh I mean shell-shocked! When the girl mimicked your movements.
Oh no.
You immediately paced around the room, pinching yourself, slapping yourself, looking around the room to see if things would get distorted if you looked hard enough. “Oh, no, no,no,nonononono—”
You were screwed, doomed even. To damnation.
Now you’ve read your fair share of manhwa, you even consider yourself an expert in the field. But you see… That's also the reason for your demise. You’ve read so many so many of them all the plots started to fuse together into one big amalgamation that you still eat up every time. You forget plot points, male love interests, you even forget the main characters’ own names! Defaulting to nicknames like ,the mc, black haired one, the prince etc. Ah.. to reap the consequences of your own hubris—You slap yourself back into focus mode.
So you currently have two cards against you:
A ) You were chucked into this world with no warning whatsoever at the hands of truck-kun B ) You don’t even know which story you are in, which plot, and what even happens to you because your brain cells just ate everything they could find their hands on.
“Well, technically I have another weakness… since I barely have ¼ of the average isekai mc’s IQ” Wow. way to go you are such an optimist.
Unfortunately for you, your little existential crisis was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. “My lady?” a voice calls out, noticeably female. And old. Probably a maid.
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smushedmuffin · 4 months
some thoughts going through my head at, uh, 11 pm. hopefully writing this down will calm me down enough to sleep:
the fact that the orv text wall isnt public anymore is so sad. i love that wall bro, it made me cry the first time i read through it
my shoulder hURTS. i probably strained it by swimming too much yesterday.
yayayayyayay i have a swim meet in two days (lowkey stressed about my relays though because one of my teammates isnt going to be there and she was put on two of the races)
DID YOU GUYS KNOW HOW PRETTY IT IS AT LIKE 5AM. THE BIRDS. THE SUNRISE. THE LACK OF PEOPLE. (the only good thing about 6am practice is that i get to see this everyday now)
i had to alter one of my dresses and i finally did that after putting it off for 7 months. it took 30 minutes, and it looks fabulous now. why do i procrastinate so much.
i found a really good smut manhwa yesterday. i should reread that.
i need to go to sleep.
i cant believe that they took off the tinnitus demo vers. from the producer's channel. i loved that song so much. it was more my type than the official vers of the song :(
ahhhh why is my cactus still wrinkley???? is it too wet? too dry (<- prob not)??
i wonder if my orchid will survive this time. i didnt pot her in orchid bark, but she isnt losing leaves, so i trust in her. i think she'll be fine.
augh i still havent finished doing the laundry or changing my bedsheets. need to do that before this weekend.
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mex-sickos · 1 year
Decided to indulge in my virtual ketamine (another villainess manhwa) and this shit is so sad she’s just a sopping wet little bingle who has to literally beg for her life anytime anything happens I think this is the fastest a piece of literature has genuinely made me cry
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maccadeau · 2 years
reading omniscient reader’s viewpoint (manhwa)
it’s… okay. honestly i can see why people like it but it hasn’t impressed me yet. it’s a decently solid mid-tier series which gets brownie points for being original. (like tog)
maybe i should read the webnovel.. the art’s not that good and i have a suspicion it would be read better in that format.
honestly i’m here for cool smart based people being sad wet and pathetic and killing things! the supercosmic horror means very little to me
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rkbyunbaek · 5 years
·   ·   ·   ·   ·   ·   ·   ·   ·      ROYAL BOYS GOING DE:CODE ,       ✧ ┊   news 、    de:code’s main vocal and leader
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it’s been quite the day. 
yeah. quite the day. that’s all baekhyun’s brain is able to come up with while he’s still processing all the information he has been given today. everything that has happened from being told that he’s going to be part of royal’s new boy group to his position in said group; decode’s main vocal. decode’s leader. the day has been filled with smiles and screams of joy and several attempts to believe that this is actually happening for real. with a kind of shock that is still stubbornly sitting in baekhyun’s neck as he enters his home. it only gets worse, makes him feel weird as he slips out of his shoes and wanders through the hall as quietly as possible.
there’s soft light coming from the living room, his mother possibly still awake and he should check. should greet her if she is and tell her about the news he’s gotten today, but he doesn’t. he disappears in his room instead, closing the door behind him carefully and drops his bag on the ground, sits down on his bed. that’s all baekhyun does. he sits there and stares, gaze wandering across his room. taking everything in -- from the mess on his desk, countless burned down scented candles. pictures hanging on the wall above it. manhwa and clothes and other things thrown everywhere, video game cases all over the floor -- and wets his lips.
why isn’t he happy?
those news are everything he’s ever dreamed of. what he has been working towards for over three years, the reason he went to practice every day. why he joined the mgas back then, why he went to that music camp, joined competitions. it’s been his motivation all these years. this is his dream. and it’s finally happening and baekhyun neither feels overjoyed nor happy. 
instead, he feels… scared. overwhelmed.
they’re starting with their individual training schedule already, making it all seem much more real. the first preparations happening when they only just finished filming dream knight and returned to regular training for, like, two weeks. no more trainee evaluations, only challenges to prepare them for their debut. it’s getting more serious than ever and baekhyun knows that it won’t take long until he won’t be able to sit in this room anymore. he will have to move out, leave his mother alone and johnny as well. 
and baekhyun will miss it. so much. those quick drives home after practice, stopping somewhere for ddeokbokki and some soju. meeting up with someone spontaneously. he will miss being out just like that. getting home. aware that he won’t see his mom anymore in the evenings or the mornings, no more breakfast from her before he leaves. there is too much to miss and baekhyun can’t focus on anything else. he looks down at his lap, palms rubbing over his thighs restlessly. almost nervously.
he should speak to his mom. he should tell her, right?
a sigh escapes him and baekhyun gets up, somehow hoping that his mother fell asleep in the living room again, on the couch while waiting up for him and watching television so he can simply get her to go bed and do the same. but when he enters the living room he sees her sitting on the floor, at the coffee table with a couple of papers. 
his voice is quiet but, of course, she hears him. pen still in her hand, his mother turns and there’s surprise crossing all over her features, “oh?” before her lips curl into a smile. “when did you get home, dear? i didn’t notice you.” 
“not long ago, i just brought my stuff into my room. why are you still up? it’s so late.”
his mother turns to throw a quick glance at the mess on the coffee table before her eyes are back on baekhyun again. “i still had some papers to grade. my students are waiting for them.” he watches her get up and it makes his chest all tight. “are you hungry?” she asks but already walks to the kitchen without waiting for an answer. usually, that would be enough to make baekhyun smile but he only follows her silently and takes a seat at the counter, feeling like resting his head on it. he’s so exhausted, drained from everything else but practice. his mother is already preparing something for him to eat and he should tell her that he feels nauseous rather than hungry, so she won’t do all that work for nothing. 
but baekhyun feels unable to speak. no words are coming from him.
wetting his lips again, baekhyun takes a deep breath. “mom?”
“i have to tell you something.” that gets her to stop, probably how shaky his voice is. how it’s audible that something’s wrong with him. she turns and there’s concern in her eyes. baekhyun wants to look away but he doesn’t. “i’m debuting.”
his mother only frowns. “what?”
and he gets it, that she can’t believe it because baekhyun didn’t either when they were told. “i’m debuting. it’s happening.” his teeth sink into his lip. “i got the news today that i’m going to be in royal’s new boy group.” 
he watches as his mother’s eyes grow wide. she gasps, hands coming up to cover her mouth and baekhyun thinks he can see tears in her eyes. tears of joy, he guesses. those he should have.
baekhyun nods. then, she’s already rushing over to him to pull him into a hug, baekhyun feeling even more sad as he’s pressed against her. “our baekhyunnie… debuting,” she says, voice shaking like his did before, “i’m so happy for you. you worked so hard.” she lets go of him only to have her hands run through his hair, patting his cheek with this proud look on her face. 
she’s so proud of him and baekhyun wishes he could be proud of himself too. he went through a lot, he worked hard, she’s right. but he can’t. not when he knows what he has to give up for it. for this dream -- never has he realized it before. or, maybe, he didn’t care about it. 
now, he does.
“did they give you any more information about it?”
“we know the name — decode — and we were told our positions in the group.” his mother looks excited, her gaze alone urging him to spill everything he knows. “i’m going to be the group’s main vocal and—“ he hesitates, swallowing thickly, “—leader.” the title alone weighing down his shoulders, a pressure he’s never felt before. he wanted this, saw himself a little as a leader for the royal boys after kibum left. after yien did the same but now that he actually holds the position he feels the weight of it. the pressure and responsibility that comes with it. 
now, it’s not him seeing himself as something like a leader. now, baekhyun is the leader. it’s official and it’s something else he already struggles with. unsure if he will be able to do a good job.
“what’s wrong?”
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baekhyun snaps out of his circling thoughts, his mother looking at him with the same worry from before. all traces of her excitement gone. “i—i don’t know. mom —” he gasps for air, fingers curling into fists. his nails dig into his palms. “i want to be happy so bad. i was! at first…. but now.. i don’t know — i’ll have to move out and you will be all alone —”
his mother’s hands are on his shoulders, thumbs rubbing circles into them and it’s soothing him. a little, at least.
“that’s not true, dear. hammie is always around.” she gives the cat that’s curled up on the couch a glance, baekhyun doing the same. “and our johnny is here on the weekends as well. i won’t be alone, there’s no need to speak like we’re never going to see each other again only because you will be moving out.”
a sob sits in baekhyun’s throat. “thinking about not seeing you everyday anymore is just so hard, mom.” it was so difficult to let her go back to korea after the divorce, he doesn’t want to be the one who leaves this time. “it’s — it’s everything, mom. it’s just so much, there’s still so much i wanted to do but now i can’t anymore.” he wanted this so much. he wanted nothing more but, all of a sudden, he wants everything else. “it’s too soon —”
the grip on his shoulders tighten a little. “baekhyun,” his mother says, voice weirdly stern, “it’s not. i know it’s a lot… it’s a lot of changes. it’s overwhelming. but you are ready, dear. you have been ready for so long and you worked hard to come this far, so don’t give up because it’s scary and new. you can do this and you will be great at it, it’s your dream.” she pulls him into a hug. “and if you don’t take this chance you will regret it for the rest of your life.” 
it hits him, unsure if it’s the right places but her words hit him and baekhyun wraps his arms around her, feeling this comfort that only his mother can give him. 
“thank you, mom.”
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