judi-daily · 7 months
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Wetnose Animal Rescue Awards, 2012 Photographer: Zed Jameson
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fatedheavylion · 1 year
Insane takes in the warriors community this week good thing I'm ignoring them to share my new kitty cat Wetnose
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Design is by @SoftAwkward on Twitter
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talonslockau · 9 months
Fire and Ice - Chapter 43
Chapter 42 || Index || Chapter 44
It wasn't long until they heard rustling in the undergrowth nearby. "This way! I smell blood!" It was Sandstorm. Firepaw grit his teeth at the yowl. Sandstorm wasn't the most understanding cat in the Clan, as his first encounter with her had proved. Still, he patiently waited. 
Soon the patrol emerged, headed first by Sandstorm and then shortly after by Whitestorm. Whitestorm! He was easily the most level-headed cat in the Clan. If there was any cat that would listen to reason, it would be him. Behind him was Tinyfrost, Peppermask, and Lionheart; those that were the least injured in battle, he assumed. They were good for him, though. All would listen to reason, except Sandstorm, and even she could be convinced by her former mentor.
She studied the ground carefully. "There's a little here. Not much, though. No more than a cut." She paused and sniffed at the air. "Then…" She frowned and sniffed again. "That's strange. I smell-"
""Thunderclan." Firepaw chose that moment to step out, the Thunderclan patrol bristling angrily as he did so. He gestured for Graypaw to join him. "You smelled us."
"Firepaw? Graypaw?" Whitestorm stepped forward protectively. "What in Starclan's name are you doing here?"
"Bluestar sent us!" He spoke quickly, glancing at his friend. "She sent us to get help from the Shadowclan elders. Yellowfang was already there, making sure they were okay."
"I see!" The large white warrior mewed, his yellow eyes shining brightly. "Now I understand why Bluestar told us we might find a friend out here. So they're nearby?" 
"They are." The apprentice purred with a dip of his head. "They've promised to help us get Goldenflower's kits back at any cost."
"That's good to hear." The lead warrior looked around curiously. "I don't see where they could be hiding, though. Can they hear us?"
"Of course we can." Yellowfang rasped as she emerged from the peat they had been hiding in. "We're Shadowclan, you know. You're not supposed to see us… until it's too late." She gave the Thunderclanners a toothy grin as she spoke, exposing her broken fangs. As she did so, the other Shadowclan elders descended from the trees.
"I should have guessed." Whitestorm admitted with a dip of his head. "Very well, then. What do you know? How should we attack?" 
Nightpelt stepped forward, his dark fur largely untouched by the rain. "Brokenstar will know you are coming. He'll be expecting it. Likely, he's fortified his position within our camp."
"And the kits?"
"That we're unsure of." He admitted, glancing off over the marshy territory. "We think it most likely several of the queens and warriors have been assigned to watch over them. There will be no sneaking them away."
"And the queens allow this?" Whitestorm narrowed his eyes. "Surely they know how Goldenflower and Frostfur are suffering without their kits by their side."
The Shadowclanners shifted uncomfortably. "They do as Brokenstar orders. They have to, if they want to protect their own kits."
Peppermask snarled behind them. "That's sick. What kind of leader threatens kits to get his way?"
"A tyrant." Whitestorm replied, returning his gaze to Nightpelt. "So, sneaking in won't be an option. Neither will a full-out assault, from the sound of it." He considered their options thoughtfully. "What are your thoughts, then?"
"Brokenstar did not technically exile all of us." Cinderscar spoke up from behind his brother. "Only Yellowfang, Archtail, and Crowtalon. The rest of us were merely banished from camp, sent to catch our own prey and take care of ourselves rather than waste valuable resources."
"I see." Firepaw perked his ears forward curiously as the older toms spoke. "I sense you plan to use this somehow."
"We will pretend that we have captured Yellowfang." They all looked to the grumpy old healer, who looked less than amused with this plan. Still, she nodded, giving her approval to it. "We will announce that we have done so to prove that we are still loyal to Brokenstar, and that we can still be a part of his new, stronger Shadowclan."
"His ego knows no limits." Nightpelt added quickly. "He may even believe us. At the very least, he will come to claim his prize. Then we will strike and trap him. His warriors will defend him, but that is where you all come in."
"And what of his warriors?" Whitestorm asked with a frown. "We are strong, especially with these apprentices, but Shadowclan is stronger. How can we hope to beat them?"
"You will not meet as much resistance as you think." Yellowfang growled. "Many are still loyal to the code, and despise what Brokenstar is doing. They miss the old days of Raggedstar. Back when Shadowclan was feared for its cunning, not its depravity."
The large tom nodded sadly. "Those days were not so long ago. There is still a chance for them to return."
"That is why we seek your help." Nightpelt replied. "You will get your kits back, and we will get our Clan - our lives - back."
"Let's get going then." Sandstorm snapped impatiently. "The longer we wait, the more time they get to recover."
"Hmm. Impatient. I like her." Yellowfang grunted. "Come. We will take you to the Shadowclan camp."
The patrol traveled quickly, especially with the Shadowclanners leading the way. Firepaw was glad he didn't have to guess his way across the territory; it was obvious each Shadowclanner knew the land as well as their own paws. It wasn't long before they slowed to a walk in a purely pine forested region.
"Our camp is there." Yellowfang hissed at them, pointing out a cluster of fallen trees surrounded by a messy thorn thicket. "Hide in the peat patch over there until you hear battle cries. It will disguise your scent."
They all crowded in and waited. It was a little small, especially when all but Tinyfrost were warrior sized, but they did their best to hide despite it. 
"What if this is a trap?" Sandstorm hissed to her mentor. "They could be telling Brokenstar about the seven Thunderclanners just waiting to be attacked right outside their camp. What if they've been spying on us all along?"
"Spying on what? Tallpines?" Firepaw retorted, keeping his voice soft and quiet so it wouldn't carry into camp. "Only Yellowfang has seen any of our camp, and it wasn't by her choice."
"Hush." Whitestorm growled at both of them, keeping his eyes on the hollow entrance. The two ginger cats glared at each other, their eyes burning green, but they did as he asked.
Then wails erupted in camp, and they all sprang out of the bushes. They all scrambled through the tree hollow entrance, emerging in a clearing surrounded by thorn bushes not unlike Thunderclan's own camp. In the center were the elders, being pulled off of Brokenstar by large, vicious warriors that he recognized. All of them had been involved in both assaults on the Thunderclan camp.
Yet around the edges he also saw scrawny toms and several queens huddled against the thorns, eyes wide as they stared at the sudden intruders to their camp. He recognized a couple of them as having been part of the hunting patrol on Thunderclan territory, the ones that had vanished into thin air. All of them were unmoving as they watched, as though hoping they would be ignored if they sat still enough. 
 He would never have imagined such a pathetic-looking Clan, from Shadowclan's recent displays of strength. It seemed as though the Clan was separated into two halves; those loyal to Brokenstar, that did whatever he asked and got whatever they wanted, and those that suffered under the cold, unyielding might of the tabby tyrant.
Firepaw leaped at a thick-furred dark tom that was wrestling with Poolcloud, digging his claws into the tangled and matted fur. It wasn't until he bit down that he tore into the flesh, causing the rogue below him to screech in pain. He dragged his head back and forth, relishing the taste of blood before he finally let go. 
The tom whirled around, fur bristling angrily. He leaped towards Firepaw. He didn't get the chance to retaliate, however, as Graypaw slammed into him from another side. "Get out!" The other apprentice spat, digging in with his claws and chomping into the tom's shoulder. He yowled in agony, taking off for the entrance before either apprentice could stop him. 
Graypaw nodded quickly to Firepaw before leaping back into the fray to help his sister tangling with a brown tabby. Just as he was about to follow, he felt something small slam into his side.
It was a kitten, about four months old and easily half his size. The dappled gray kit was puffed out, spitting angrily at him as it lashed out with claws that were far too small to do any real damage to his thick fur. "I'm sorry, little one." He murmured, sheathing his claws and batting it away gently. "Try again at the Gathering in a few moons."
The kitten stumbled back, evidently shocked by the strength behind his relatively gentle swing. It glanced around, and after a moment backed away into a group of mollies - queens, if he had to guess.
He looked around. Whitestorm was wrestling with Spiderfoot, the two toms nearly an even match in size and strength. Lionheart and Sandstorm were teaming up against a brown tabby that was missing his tail. 
His eyes narrowed as he spotted Tinyfrost facing off against a large, brown tom covered in scars. Clawface, he remembered, from the first Shadowclan attack. He had nearly killed Firepaw and Sandstorm then. If what Yellowfang said was true, he had attacked Dewpaw and killed Spottedleaf. His ears flattened as he watched his mentor dodge out of the way of a heavy paw-slam. Now was his chance to get revenge.
Blood pounded in his ears as he leaped onto the tom's back. He dug his claws in as far as he could, his lip curling in a smile as the rogue below him screeched in pain. He reached out to bite into his spine, fangs bared, but before he could do so Tinyfrost slammed into the killer's side, knocking Firepaw off.
When he got up, Clawface had fled into the bushes and his mentor was watching him. "Warriors do not need to kill." The black tom warned his apprentice before darting off into the fray once more.
An angry scream rang out over camp. On the far side, Yellowfang had pinned Brokenstar down. This time, however, there were no loyal rogues to pull her off. Her broken fangs were bared in a snarl as she glared down at her former leader. Thunderclanners and Shadowclanners alike began to circle her as Brokenstar tried to free himself from her powerful grasp.
"I never thought you would be harder to kill than my father!" The dark, matted tom growled up at the healer with a vicious grin.
She recoiled as though a snake had bitten her. "You killed Raggedstar?" She yowled in shock.
"You found his body. Didn't you recognize my fur between his claws?" Brokenstar rolled onto his side and stood up, starting to circle her. She stared in horror as he did. "He was soft and weak. A foolish leader. He needed to die."
"You!" Yellowfang cried, backing up as he spoke. Then, regaining her senses, she arched her back and bristled her dark gray fur. "And what of Dawncloud's kits? Did they deserve to die too?"
"Those kits were weak." Brokenstar spat at her. "They would have died anyway. They were of no use to Shadowclan."
A light tabby queen wailed as he spoke, and Firepaw's heart lurched. How could any cat say that, let alone about kits? No wonder he had discarded Volepaw so easily.
"I should have killed you when I had the chance." He snarled at Yellowfang. "I must have some of my father's softness after all. I was a fool to let you leave Shadowclan alive!" He lunged with his teeth bared towards her, ready to sink his claws into the healer.
The dark gray molly was frozen in place. Gone was her desire to fight, taken by the horrible revelations of the depths of depravity her former leader was willing to go to. She didn't even blink as the matted tabby closed the distance between them. Someone had to help her.
Firepaw moved first, leaping forward to slam into the leader. The tabby landed heavily on his side, not expecting the intervention of another cat. As he scrambled to stand, he growled at the ginger apprentice. "Don't waste my time, apprentice. I have nine lives! Do you really think you can take all of them from me?" 
He shook his head in disbelief. He knew some older cats liked to use that saying, but surely this mangy rogue didn't believe in it? "I'm willing to bet you've already wasted eight of them." He snarled back, bushing up and staring him down.
For a moment, it seemed like Brokenstar was actually going to fight him, but then he took in his surroundings. His loyal code-breaking warriors had broken ranks and fled. Now all that remained were furious Thunderclanners and mistreated Shadowclanners, bent on getting revenge. "This isn't over." He spat at all of them, before finally backing away and vanishing into the bushes.
There was silence for several long moments. "What now? Do we go after them?" Firepaw asked, looking to Yellowfang or Whitestorm for answers.
"Let them run." Nightpelt stepped forward, his eyes dark as he gazed across his old camp, ruined by the battle. "They know they are not welcome here. And if they dare to come back, Shadowclan will be ready to face them."
He looked over the Shadowclanners. They were almost skeletal, as though they hadn't eaten in moons. Around camp, the stench of crowfood hit him. He remembered what Featherstorm had said; Spiderfoot hadn't bothered to teach his apprentice any hunting techniques. The Clan had always been at war, with no time for hunting or caring for each other. Perhaps they really hadn't eaten in moons, a thought that made his own stomach churn.
"The kits!" His head snapped up as he heard Graypaw's cry. From what he gathered was the nursery, five kits rushed out, crowding around the dark gray tabby. All of the Thunderclanners padded over to look at them.
"Thank Starclan they're alright." Peppermask purred, nosing over each of them. They gazed up at the Thunderclan patrol with wide eyes that were beginning to change color.  "But Cedarkit has a bad scratch on his shoulder. That must have been what Sandstorm smelled when we were coming here. It's not been treated, either." 
He sniffed at the group, finding the tom she was talking about, a small dark ginger kit that was colored a bit similarly to him. "Do you think he can wait until we get to Dewpaw, or-"
"Let me see." Firepaw moved back as Yellowfang shouldered her way through. She peered at it for a few moments before looking over her shoulder. "Wetnose! Marigold and cobwebs!"
As if on cue, a small gray tom limped up, his white paw covered in cobwebs and several golden flowers dangling from his mouth. He dropped them respectfully in front of her, allowing her to apply them before smoothing over the wound with several layers of cobwebs.
"He'll be alright for the return journey. I'll treat him better when we're back at camp." Yellowfang's voice was hollow. Even though she was talking to them, he could tell her mind was still focused on what Brokenstar had said.
"Back at camp?" Firepaw questioned. "You're not staying here?"
The healer gazed out over her birthplace. "A season ago, I would have." She admitted. "But I cannot stay. Not after everything that has happened." She let out a bitter sigh as she turned her attention back to the kits. "Besides, Thunderclan has no healer now. Someone will need to train Dewpaw."
Whitestorm nodded. "Thunderclan will be glad to have you." He purred to the old molly. "I'm sure Bluestar will have no problem with it."
Nightpelt approached the Thunderclan crowd. "You have helped Shadowclan in their darkest time, and for that we are grateful. Brokentail and his rogues will never darken the territories of the other Clans again." He dipped his head respectfully to each of them, even the apprentices. "But it is time you returned your kits home. I promise that your hunting grounds will be free of Shadowclan, so long as we can find food in our own territory."
"Thank you, Nightpelt." Whitestorm stepped forward, his voice warm as he spoke. "Hunt in peace for one moon. Thunderclan knows you need time to rebuild after Brokentail's savage attacks."
Firepaw didn't miss the significance of the exchange. It seemed they had rejected the leader and his connection with Starclan. He couldn't blame them, after all Brokentail had done.
With a sweep of his tail, Whitestorm signaled the patrol to leave. Each picked up a kit, except for Firepaw, Yellowfang and Whitestorm, and began the long journey back to camp. At last, it seemed there would be peace in the forest, at least for a short while.
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pathum-xehara · 8 months
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echandchoco · 2 years
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poolstoy · 6 months
List of inflatable makers (WIP, will add more if found)
Beile Inflatables Co. (website)
Fluffpuff (twitter)
Imaginary Creature Factory (twitter)
MythAnimalCreation(?) (twitter)
PuffyPaws (website)
PhenodToy (website)
Inflatable World (website)
Horseplay toys (website)
SoftCandyToys (website)
WetNose Squeak (twitter)
WingMoon HKToy (website)
Inflate and Ride (website) - not a maker, but a collection site
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sealiiowc · 10 months
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Left to Right: Ripplestar, Lilydawn (deputy), Speckleface (medcat) Butterflypaw (medcat apprentice), Bearclaw, Beaverfur Echosong, Flintstripe, Frogleg Mossthroat, Nightstreak, Pigeonash Sunstrike, Swiftstream, Reedtail Rosewater, Duckpaw, Frostpaw Splashpaw, Stormpaw, Honeyheart Rainwish, Featherkit, Puddlekit Willowkit, Fogface, Wetnose
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wc-confessions · 1 year
So sorry for another language submission😥 I am Hungarian and we only have 3 books transtaled. I never actually read them, but did peek into the pdfs found online. They did a very lazy job with it, most noticeably in the allegiances, they didn't bother changing them at all, just copy-pasted the into the wild allegiances to the rest of the books
I could talk about the translation and how I would've written it myself all day... I actually think of starting to transtale/continue translating it (I actually kind of do that on here).
Now to the weird translations:
Cats with the suffix stripe/tail/eye/nose/pelt/fur/face/etc. Aren't normally transtaled. For example:
-Darkstripe is Sötétcsíkos, which transtales to dark striped.
-Willowpelt is Fűzfakéreg, which means Willowbark
-Longtail is Hosszúfarkú, meaning Long tailed
-Mousefur is Egérbundás, meaning Mouse pelted (for some reason they randomly use pelt for fur and vice versa sometimes)
-Apprentice names end with mancs - paw, but they also give it to cats with the suffix foot apparently. When I first read into it I didnt know who "Ködösmancs" was and why she was called a warrior, turns out, it's mistyfoot. But for some reason they call Ashfoot "Hamutalp" which transtales to Ashsole.
-this one isn't much of a complain as the others, they call Runningnose wetnosed, I find this one adorable.
-Wetfoot is Wetsole, Nedvestalp
-Leopardfur is Panther pelted🤨(Párducbundás)
-Nightpelt/star is Night Striped (Éjcsíkos)
-Deadfoot is now also Deadpaw
-Thunderpaths are Thundering paths, love that
-They call Clans Tribes. So we have Thunder Tribe, Wind Tribe and River Tribe, then idk why, but they made ShadowClan fancy; Tribe Of The Shadows (Árnyak Törzse).
I apologize if this whole thing is very rambly, I didn't plan on writing this. I wrote whatever weird thing I found while reading the first few chapters on Fire And Ice😭
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confetti-critter · 1 year
My babyboy likes to look out the window and watch the bees which 1. If we let you out you'd get SO STUNG and 2. I like to lean down and gently say "bumble bees for boo-boo? C:" and he purrs and sniffts my cheek wetnose style
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#wetnoses (at Belfast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSnLCTbj_1J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fatedheavylion · 1 year
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talonslockau · 11 months
Fire and Ice - Allegiances
Index || Prologue
Fire and Ice Allegiances! Set in the first chapter of Fire and Ice. Characters with name changes have their old names listed in parentheses beside their name.
FAMILY TREES DO NOT REMAIN THE SAME! This means that many cats have had their ages changed. All changes will be made explicitly clear by the story where necessary.
LEADER: Bluestar - A blue-furred molly with a scar on her shoulder and icy blue eyes.
DEPUTY: Redtail - A tortoiseshell tom with a large, fluffy red tail and golden eyes.
HEALER: Spottedleaf - A spotted tortoiseshell molly with brilliant green eyes.
Patchpelt - An elderly black-and-white tom with yellow eyes.
-- Apprentice: Dewpaw
Dappleshine (Dappletail) - A green-eyed tortoiseshell molly covered in many scars, betraying her once-youthful beauty.
-- Apprentice: Pepperpaw
Whitestorm - A long-furred white tom with piercing yellow eyes.
Tigerclaw - A scarred dark brown tabby tom with sharp claws and amber eyes.
Tinyfrost (Scourge) - A small black tom with one white paw and icy blue eyes.
Lionheart - A strong, long-furred golden tom with green eyes.
-- Apprentice: Graypaw
Darkstripe - A dark tom with faint stripes and sickly yellow eyes.
-- Apprentice: Ravenpaw
Longtail - A white tom with thick black tabby stripes and yellow eyes.
Quickflash (Runningwind) - An unusually lithe pale tabby tom with a bright gaze.
Mousefur - A thin, wiry brown molly with bright yellow eyes.
Mistspring (Mistkit) - A light molly with silver feet and light blue eyes.
-- Apprentice: Cinderpaw
Willowbranch (Willowpelt) - A silky silver tabby molly with green eyes.
Dustleap (Dustpelt) - A brown tabby tom with a fiery gaze.
Sandstorm - A tawny molly with sharp green eyes.
Ravenpaw - A black tom with a small white tail-tip and green eyes.
Graypaw - A large gray tomcat with a dark back and bright yellow eyes.
Dewpaw (Mistlekit) - A silvery tabby molly with a white muzzle and mismatched eyes.
Pepperpaw (Brindleface) - A mottled gray molly with white paws and green eyes.
Cinderpaw - A dark gray molly with a white locket and bright blue eyes.
Speckleflight (Speckletail) - A mottled pale ginger molly with several battle scars and golden eyes.
-- Kits: Snowkit
Frostfur - A white molly with dazzling blue eyes.
Goldenflower - A marbled tawny molly with brilliant green eyes.
Halftail - A large brown tabby tom missing most of his tail with pale yellow eyes.
Smallear - A small white tom with folded ears and pale blue eyes.
One-eye - A small white molly missing an eye.
Rosetail - A silver striped molly with a fluffy red tail and warm green eyes.
LEADER:    Brokenstar - A broad-shouldered tabby tom covered in matted fur, with an oddly kinked tail.
DEPUTY:    Spiderfoot (Blackfoot) - A large white tom with dark feet and yellow eyes.
-- Apprentice: Badgerpaw
HEALERS:    Yellowfang - A flat-faced gray molly with broken, yellow teeth.
Wetnose (Runningnose) - A small gray and white tom with a chronic illness.
Blizzardwing - A white tom with blue eyes and a long scar on his face.
Brackenfoot - A light brown tabby tom with darker striped feet.
Flintspark (Flintfang) - A dark gray tom with thick fur and bright orange eyes.
Nightpelt - A black tom with glossy fur.
Wolfstep - A dark gray tom with thick fur and a torn ear.
Scorchflash (Scorchwind) - A large ginger tabby tom with thick fur.
Acornwhisper (Nutwhisker) - A light ginger tom with pale yellow eyes.
Rowanberry - A dappled brown molly with streaks of bright red.
Mousefang (Mousewing) - A thick-furred black tom with dark eyes.
Fernshade - A dappled tortoiseshell molly.
Deerstrike (deerfoot) - A brown tom covered in white spots.
Clawface - A sturdy brown tabby tom covered in battle scars.
Stumpytail - A brown tabby tom missing most of his tail, covered in battle scars.
Tangleburr - A long-furred brown and white molly.
Redfern (Russetfur) - A dark ginger molly with long, silky fur.
Boulderheart (Boulder) - A scrawny silver tom with a nervous disposition.
Whitetuft (Whitethroat) - A small black tom with a white belly.
Frogtail - A dark black tom with faint stripes.
Ratscar - A skinny dark brown tom with a shredded tail. 
Snowbird - A fluffy white molly with bright green eyes.
Badgerpaw – A black tom with a white mask and muzzle.
Brightflower - A flat-faced ginger molly with a graying muzzle.
-- Kits: Marigoldkit, Mintkit
Featherstorm - A dappled dark molly with long fur.
-- Kits: Mosskit, Volekit
Newtspeck - A speckled tortoiseshell molly. 
-- Kits: Littlekit, Marshkit, Brownkit, Applekit
Tallpoppy - A lithe pale tabby molly.
Darkflower - A dark black molly with faint stripes.
Dawncloud - A beautiful dappled cream molly.
-- Kits: Blossomkit, Swampkit
Archtail (Archeye) - A gray tabby tom with a curiously curled tail.
Crowtalon (Crowtail) - A small but cunning black molly with a flat face.
Cinderscar (Cinderfur/Ashfur) - A flat-faced old gray tom with ragged fur.
Poolcloud - A small gray and white molly.
LEADER: Crookedstar - A sturdy brown tabby tom with a lopsided jaw.
DEPUTY: Oakheart - A handsome dark brown tabby tom.
HEALERS: Mudwish (Mudfur) - An old brown tabby tom with ragged fur.
Mosspatch (Mosskit) - A white cat with silver patches and bright blue eyes.
Graypool - A dark gray molly with white-tipped fur.
Beetlenose - A broad-shouldered black tom.
Petaldust - A dappled tortoiseshell molly.
Frogleap - A sturdily built gray tom with a striped tail and paws.
Loudbelly - A solid brown tom with a hanging belly.
-- Apprentice: Creekpaw
Sedgecreek - A brown tabby molly with long, fluffy fur.
Reedtail - A dappled tabby tom with a thin, reed-like tail.
Emberdawn - A dappled brown molly with a white chin.
Mallowshimmer - A dappled tortoiseshell molly of many colors.
Dawnbright - A bright ginger molly with white paws.
Stonestep (Stonefur) - A strong silver tom with green eyes.
-- Apprentice: Shadepaw
Mistyskip (Mistyfoot) - A graceful silver molly with pale blue eyes.
Morningwhisper (Morningkit) - A pale molly with a light gray tail.
Swanfeather (Swankit) - A white molly with black stripes.
Splashpebble (Splashkit) - A dark gray tom with white-tipped fur.
Leopardflame (Leopardfur) - A graceful tabby molly with a spotted coat.
Blackclaw - A pitch-black tom with a torn ear-tip. 
-- Apprentice: Heavypaw
Shineheart (Skyheart) - A lightly striped molly with a dark striped tail.
Ripplestrike (Rippleclaw) - A white tom with short black stripes.
Whiteflame (Whiteclaw) - A dark tabby tom with bright white paws.
Grasswhisker - A light brown molly with faint darker stripes.
Vixenleap - A small black molly.
Silverstream - A graceful silver molly with darker gray stripes.
Willowbrook (Willowkit) - A black molly with faint lighter stripes.
Minnowsong (Minnowkit) - A dark gray molly with a white muzzle.
Heavypaw - A large brown tabby tom with a white muzzle.
Shadepaw - A small, almost black molly.
Creekpaw - A light gray tom with white feet.
Cloverflower (Greenflower) - A brown tabby molly with a white splash on her chin.
Ivyskip (Mosspelt) - A tortoiseshell molly with a white chest.
Lilystem - A pale gray tabby molly with green eyes.
Piketooth - An angular brown tabby tom with large canine teeth.
Echomist - A silky, pale gray molly with white-tipped fur.
Fallowtail - A light brown molly with soft, silky fur.
Cedarpelt - A large mottled brown tabby with a stunted tail.
LEADER: Tallstar - A long-legged black and white tom
DEPUTY: Deadfoot - A pure black tom with a twisted front leg.
HEALER: Birchbark (Barkface) - A light brown tom with a graying muzzle.
Stagleap - A giant brown tom with strong legs.
Cloudjump (Cloudrunner) - A light gray tom with white-tipped fur.
-- Apprentice: Pebblepaw
Darkstep (Darkfoot) - A brown tom with darker feet and tail.
Tornear - A white tom with short dark stripes.
-- Apprentice: Quickpaw
Mudclaw - A broad-faced dark brown tom with many scars.
-- Apprentice: Webpaw
Sorrelshine - A dark brown molly with faint white stripes.
-- Apprentice: Thrushpaw
Pigeonflight - A white tom with thick dark gray stripes.
Rabbitstep (Rabbitear) - A pale brown molly with a fluffy white belly.
-- Apprentice: Robinpaw
Bristlethorn (Bristlebark) - A black tom with long, spiky fur.
Wrenfeather (Wrenflight) - A dusky brown molly with green eyes.
Hazewhisper (Flytail) - A white tom with ragged fur and bright yellow eyes.
Oatskip (Oatwhisker) - A pale ginger tom with dark ginger feet.
Rushtail - A pale cream tom with a thin, reedy tail.
Smallwhisker (Onewhisker) - A light brown tabby tom with a small head.
-- Apprentice: Whitepaw
Tawnycloud (Tawnyfur) - A pale brown molly with golden eyes.
Thrushpaw - A small gray molly with cream speckles.
Pebblepaw (Stoneclaw) - A dappled light gray tom with a short tail.
Webpaw - A wiry dark gray tabby tom.
Quickpaw - A white molly with thick gray stripes.
Whitepaw - A small and scrawny white molly.
Robinpaw - A ruddy tortoiseshell molly.
Larksplash - An older tortoiseshell molly of many colors.
Ashfoot - A light gray molly with darker gray paws.
Morningflower - A tortoiseshell molly with an unusually light pelt.
Crowskip (Crowfur) - A black tom with ragged, graying fur.
Barley - A long-furred white tom with black patches.
Smudge - A plump black and white tom with a cute black nose.
Princess - A light brown molly with white paws and a pink nose.
Rusty - A flame-coloured tom with brilliant green eyes. Diesel - A lanky laidback tabby tom with warm eyes.
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Hey all you dog lovers 🐾 Check out this ruffolicious pillow 🐾 Design by EweNMe Designs. All the things we love about our four legged children has been hand stitched on this canvas pillow.🐾You can find this listed in my Etsy shop, link in bio. #dogs #dogsofinstagram #doglovers #wetnoses #waggingtails #slobberynoses #doglife #giftsfordoglovers #canvaspillow #handstitched #stitchezfromtheheart #ofgteam #igfapm #etsyseller #etsyshop #supportsmallbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CKw6FNBAlQN/?igshid=18nmzt3307kl7
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poolstoy · 2 months
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kohana collie from wetnose squeak
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heartlandhoundlife · 5 years
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Things other hoomans give our mom - Blaster & Ally #dogmom #doggydecor #homesweethome #dogquotes #wetnoses #waggingtails #happydoghappyhome #heartlandhoundlife (at Manhattan, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6OwA8tnvTH/?igshid=uky2bggb9h7b
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inspireuplift · 5 years
For just $19.97 These Adorable, Custom Made Machiko Dog Hats ship direct to your door! Who says dogs can't make a fashion statement? These stylish, canvas doggie-hats are durable and specially designed to ensure that those adorable, puppy dog eyes and sensitive, wet noses stay protected from the sun's harmful rays! Brand New and High Quality! Large ear holes ensure that they're comfortable to wear! Visor design is fashionable and protects pet's eyes from the sun's harmful rays! Ensure correct diameter and head size before ordering Custom Made Machiko Dog Hats come in such a large assortment of ADORABLE colors and patterns that it's hard to choose just one! Size Diameter (Inches) Head Size (Inches) S 3.5 12 M 4.5 13.5 L 5.5 20 XL 6.5 21.5
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